Cis Report

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Mental health is one of the most important topics which has been quite neglected in our country. The
aim of this study was to find out what people suffer from the most and why, and as a secondary aim, I
also wanted to help people by coming up with the healthiest and most effective way to overcome such
problems. I conducted a survey and the result showed that most of the people, no matter what the age
is, suffers from anxiety, depression and panic attacks, and a lot of them are trying to figure out how to
overcome this. I am writing this paper hoping it reaches whoever needs it.

Whether it is anxiety, depression, or anything similar, mental health is not something for us to take
lightly. It is very important for us to take good care of our mental health just as important as taking care
of our physical health. In our country, it is a very difficult subject to talk about as it is being labeled as
“made up”, which is one of the main reasons why it makes it harder for many to speak up. Not doing
anything about it can cause it to interfere with your daily life. From the research, 41/91 of them has said
that anxiety interferes with their daily life, while 35/91 said they know how to balance life and anxiety,
meaning they still have to deal with it. The purpose of this paper is to serve as a helping hand for those
in need.

Study Design:
A multiple choice questionnaire was made and was forwarded to people from all age range from
Bangladesh. I managed to get responses from pre-teens to adults, giving us a wider view, from different
perspectives, on this topic. The questions were straight to the point, it was regarding whether they feel
anxious often or not, asked if they suffer from anything else, and what helps them overcome the
problems they face. Not a shocking factor but the majority of them had similar answers.

There were 91 participants and most of them happened to be students. Also, the majority of the
participants were male.

And as mentioned earlier, I got responses from a wide age range. However, the maximum of them were
from age 18 to 22.
91 people of all ages participated in this survey, 90.11% of them were students. The mean age was
21.48. Of the participants, 61.53% of them were males while the rest of the 38.46% were females.

The results showed us that the majority of the people (78%) suffer from anxiety and that it has been an
interfering factor in their lives.
[41% of them deals with it most of the time, 16% deals with it rarely and 38% knows how to balance life
and anxiety, meaning it still interferes]

Next up, I also got to know that anxiety is not the only thing they deal with.

From the 2nd bar chart, we can conclude that men suffer from depression more than women do, while
women suffer from anxiety more than men.
Apart from the graphical results, there was a question about when they feel the heaviest and only 4.31%
(4/91) said they never feel heavy. Meanwhile, the majority of them feel the heaviest when they are at
work/school/university, and also when they are alone.
There was another question, “What emotion do you feel the most?” and not to my surprise, the most
common words I found there were sadness, anxiousness, depression and loneliness.

Mental health is known to be very insignificant in this country, it is often disregarded as. Especially for
men, as they are always said to be “manly” and to “be strong”, with such comments being passed, toxic
masculinity is rising. However, that is not the point I’m trying to make here.
Through the results, we got to know that a lot of people are having to deal with anxiety on a daily basis
and many of them have no one to talk to. In other articles about mental health, they often mention
ways like eating better, exercising, going to bed early when it comes to healthy measures to take.
Although they are healthy, it is not very applicable for a lot of people as they might suffer from eating
disorders, no motivation, depression. When one has depression, they have difficulty in carrying out daily
activities, and most of the time they are low on energy, even when rested. Given that a lot of them are
also going through depression, the healthiest way to feel better is by having someone to talk to,
concluding from the responses I got from the question “What is the healthiest way to make you feel
better?”, where over 50% of them said that having someone to talk to makes them feel better, they also
said praying helps them. If you prefer being alone, then it is also suggestable that you can write notes,
maybe on your notebook or even your phone, for your own convenience. I, the writer of this report,
suffer from anxiety too, and I do not talk to people often. Rather, I like to write notes on my phone, with
dates. I write there on my good days too. So, when I go back there to write on my bad days, I realize that
bad days aren’t permanent. I get to see my growth and it really helps me deal with this problem.
Future Aim
With these problems arising, mainly within students, it is important to take necessary steps to make it a
better place for all the people.
As it is mainly the students suffering, the first step we can take is to educate the teachers regarding
mental health issues. They often tend to demotivate students as their way of motivating them, like
comparing students, always pointing out faults instead of helping, correcting, and so on. It is necessary
that they know how to deal with students as that is what drains them the most. The next step we can
take is by encouraging everyone to speak up. In order to do that, we need to create awareness about
mental health, so that those who aren’t aware will be gaining knowledge about it and those who are
aware and suffering, will know that they are not alone. With these two steps being taken, we are aiming
for our country, even the world, to be a safer space for everyone so they can speak up and get help.

In this study, we observed that the majority of the people are having to deal with mental health issues,
and many of them feel lonely and feel heavy when they are alone. To conclude, I think it is always
important to have someone trustworthy beside you, someone you can rely on. You can talk to your
friends, family, or even get professional help. Whoever is reading this, I want you to know that you are
not alone. You will always have someone to rely on, someone will always hear you out, whether it is
someone known, or unknown, or someone professional. If not, God will always hear you out. Everything
depends on you. It is up to you to take care of yourself, because you are important.



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