Persuasion Effect Revision

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Austin Shepherd
What is the problem
Depression and anxiety are becoming much more
prevalent and much more dangerous. More people
than ever are being affected by these problems.
There is not a clear solution yet. However, there
have been many suggestions as to what the solution
may be. Many say that social media is the main
problem, and taking that away/ limiting it may be the
solution that we need.
I chose to add a meme because I
think that even though this is a
darker subject, it is important to
talk about, and humor is a good
way to do that.
Detecting depression in yourself and others
An article on the website, the author gives a list of
a few possible symptoms of depression.
● Sadness, anxiety, or anger that doesn’t go away
● Feeling worthless, helpless, guilty, hopeless, or irritable
● Feeling distant from your baby
● Crying more than usual
● Loss of energy
● Withdrawing from friends and family
● Trouble concentrating or making decisions
● Appetite changes (eating more or less than usual)
● Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
● Constant doubts about your ability to raise your baby
● Thoughts about hurting yourself or your baby
My thought process while adding this
This just shows a few possible ways to detect depression in picture was to show how important
yourself or those around you. helping others is. Even when it looks like
they may not need it, an outstretched
hand can change someone's life.
What can be done to prevent depression
Social media

I think these pictures do a really good job of showing what social media can do to a person. That is
why I decided to focus my project on social media's effects on mental health.

One of the main known causes of modern day depression and anxiety, especially in teens, is the use of social media. In an article on, author Caroline miller stated, “In several recent studies, teenage and young adult users who spend the most time on
Instagram, Facebook and other platforms were shown to have a substantially (from 13 to 66 percent) higher rate of reported
depression than those who spent the least time.” This shows that those who use social media are more likely to have depression than
those who do not. A big problem with this is how early kids start using technology. Many kids nowadays have access to technology
from a very young age. That makes it hard for them to break the habit of using it as often, and have less of a chance to avoid
depression. I believe that if we limit the access of technology to children, they won’t develop habits of needing to be on social media
all of the time, and will be less likely to have depression
Why does social media cause depression

Again, I think that these pictures really show the effect that social media has on people,
especially children.
There are many reasons why social media might cause depression. One of the reasons is that people tend to only post about
the good parts of their life. They will post about a vacation or something good that happened to them that day. Teens, and even
adults tend to compare their lives to those on social media, and don’t get to see what actually happens in their life. This can
cause them to be jealous and even become depressed about their own life. In an article by Nadra Nittle, she stated, “Social
media can also give users a case of FOMO, for example, if they were invited on their friend’s beach vacation but couldn’t go for
some reason. Or if the friend didn’t ask them on the trip at all, users might feel hurt and left out to see that others in their social
circle were. It can lead them to question their friendships or their own self worth.” This shows another way that social media
can cause people to become jealous and even depressed.
What else can be done
I believe that one of the biggest things that we all
can do to help depression is by spreading
awareness. Many people feel like they can’t talk
about their problems, or that they don’t have
anyone to talk about their problems to. If we
create awareness, and make ourselves available to
talk to, I believe that we will have much less
problems with depression in the future. In an
article on the VERTAVA health website, the author
states, “Talking openly about mental health issues,
including mental illness, can help break down
these barriers. Discussions help us understand just I chose this picture to show that talking
how common mental illness is, providing us with about your problems can be a huge help.
opportunities to correct misconceptions and feel Mental health isn’t something that you have
better about asking for help.” to hide or be embarrassed about.
Getting help
Getting help is super important when talking about mental health. There are many
websites that can help you get the help that you need.
This site is very helpful. It shows you how to get started if you need immediate help.
Setting up an appointment with a professional is also a good place to start

A good hotline to receive help is 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

Works cited
Nittle, N. (2020, November 17). Can social media cause depression? Retrieved
April 10, 2021, from
Parenthood, P. (n.d.). Postpartum depression. Retrieved April 10, 2021, from
5 reasons why talking about mental health matters. (2020, August 11). Retrieved
April 10, 2021, from
Caroline Miller is the editorial director of the Child Mind Institute. (2021, March
08). Does social media cause depression? Retrieved April 10, 2021, from

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