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Zone Technologies

Presenting our Products and Services

MAXAM: the Hybrid IP telephone switch for small to

medium companies
Zone Voice Services: local and mobile calls to Palestine and
worldwide at very competitive pricing Local
DID Numbers
Cloud Hosting and colocation: VPS (Virtual Private Server) connected to all
local service providers
Domain and Hosting service: all what you need to make your company
and organization present on the Internet
Business Bulk SMS: SMS services for Marketing and notification
Mirsal Service: Push to talk devices and services for
communications between employees
AutoMirsal vehicle tracking system: Fleet management system to manage and
track your cars, motorcycle and trucks
Corporate internet: Fiber and Business ADSL services
(Powerful phone switch with Unlimited extensions)

The MAXAM hybrid Telephone system has the ability to accommodate your current needs and future migration
with future trends in the IP telephony. The MAXAM switch comes with different options that will help you
capitalize on the existing infrastructure and allow the maximum depreciation of the current equipment while at
the same time allow you to add new IP based equipment to accommodate your future migration needs.

MAXAM comes in 3 Different models:

MAXAM 206 it consists of Two FXO inputs (telecom lines) and Six FXS extensions. (Internal
phone lines) known as analog phones.

MAXAM 602 it consists of Six FXO inputs (telecom lines) and Two FXS extensions. (Internal
phone lines) known as analog phones

MAXAM 800 Comes with 8 FXO lines to connect directly with the telephone lines and with
the SIP Trucks, while at the same time use IP telephones

MAXAM telephone switch will provide you with a migration path to full VoIP Telephony for your organization at
the minimum cost possible. MAXAM is built with high quality chipset for Analog hybrid components that
guarantees the adherence to the top standards internationally and locally.

1. Up to 100 IP telephone extensions

2. A choice of options for analog interfaces (FXO and FXS) to connect with traditional telephony equipment
and lines (this model with 2 external lines and 6 analog extensions)
3. All of the major features of the top switches are FREE with No license
4. Ability to connect with ZONE ICR for lower cost communications and call prices
5. Ability to establish a connection between two or more MAXAM switches around the world.
MAXAM Main Features

User friendly Web Interface Standard

Interface in Different Languages Standard
CDR (Call Details Record) via Web access Standard
TDM/SIP/IAX Trunks Standard
Remote Extensions Standard
Voicemail (Feature) with No license

Fax Support Standard

Voicemail to Email (Feature) with No license

IVR Menu System (Feature) with No license

Ring Groups Standard

Call Queues Standard
Conference Rooms Standard
Follow-Me Standard
Time-Based Routing Standard
Advanced Dialing Rules Standard
Music-On-Hold Standard
Paging and Intercom Standard
Web Access to Voicemail Standard
Admin Status Screen Standard
Package Manager (for easy updates) Standard
Network Settings Tool Standard
Phone Provisioning Tool Standard
Echo Cancellation - OSLEC (Open-Source Line Echo Cancelation) Standard
Zone Voice Service

Zone Provides large corporation and call centers with competitive call prices to local, Mobile and international
destinations. This High-quality service is provided in Partnership with Ooredoo to address the need for companies
and other organization to make high quantities of phone calls at the same time at a very competitive price.


 Lowest prices on mobile, national and international calling that suits all sectors.

 Easy to install for both current and new companies.

 No change in the dialing habits: no need to change the way that you are used to in making calls.
No special dialing codes or different phone sets or new numbering plans.
 Free installation.
 Security of your data.
 Zone has many providers to make sure that the best quality of voice call is made, Zone will route
your calls to the best destination possible.

 Unlimited incoming and outgoing calls on the same number at the same time.

 Fully reliable: if loss of internet connection or failure at Zone NOC. Your system will fall back to
the regular phone (Paltel landline) service guaranteeing the continuation of service.

 Ability to connect to your employees and other Zone member through VoIP enabled mobiles free
of charge saving you the mobile communication cost and roaming cost.

 This system can provide a detailed information for all the calls including duration and destination.

 Client will get username and password on Zone interface system, so client can check the call duration
and price of each and single call.

 User will be charged by seconds not units for each phone call.

 Your caller ID will be Ooredoo number if you call Jawwal or Ooredoo Mobile and will be Paltel
landline number if you made an international call and Israeli number.

 You can find the price of international calling for each destination in a document.
Virtual Private Server (VPS)

Virtual Private Servers: Zone has invested greatly in server infrastructure to provide high end corporate
solutions. Part of this infrastructure is the Virtual Private servers provisioning based on Blade
architecture. The service is provided to corporate clients who wish to host their services outside their
premises or wish to save on CAP EX and internet bandwidth. The service is currently being offered to
international companies who want to have local presence in Palestine as well as local companies and
organizations who want fast connections to their customers in the region

Benefits of Virtual Private Services:

a. This service provides flexibility, expandability and ease of management and use.

b. Major saving on CAP EX and internet bandwidth cost

c. Ability to choose the processing capabilities, memory size, storage capacity, and total
bandwidth required per server.

d. No need to maintain servers and server rooms, saves on air-conditioning and UPS service.

e. Connected to all the local ISPs and service providers in Palestine as well as Israel and Jordan.

f. Provision on both IPV4 and IPV6

Domain Registration and Hosting

Domain Registration and Hosting: Zone has been Providing Domain Registration and Hosting services
since its creation in 2008. We have the ability to register all types of Top-Level Domains including .com,
.edu, .org, .PS, .net and many other top-level domains. We have also all the facilities needed to host these
domains with all the different features and tools that are required by the owner of the domain .. including
content management, emails, databases. The servers are hosted in a well-established in-house Data
center with highest standard requirements for backup redundancies, virus protection around the clock


g. Different operating systems like windows and Linux (all versions)

h. Registration of all types of Top-Level Domains.

i. Email services for the organization including aliases

j. Web content management and email management (add, edit and delete)

k. High level security

l. Daily Backup (local and remote) outside country.

m. C-Panel

n. Different programming platforms

o. Hosted locally in our data center in Palestine

p. Direct connections to many large ISP and PIX for faster reach to clients in Palestine.
‫عرض سعر خدمات الرسائل ) ‪( SMS Bulk‬‬

‫للتواصل مع زبائنكم وعمالئكم عبر خدمات الرسائل النصية تقدم لكم شركة زون تكنولوجيز نظام ارسال الرسائل النصية عبر منصة الشركة‬
‫المتصلة مع الشركات الخليوية المحلية والعالمية ‪.‬‬

‫ميزات االشتراك ‪:‬‬

‫‪ ‬تمكن الخدمة المشترك من اإلرسال ألكثر من شركة هواتف خلوية سواء (جوال أو الوطنية) أو الهواتف الخلوية على الشبكة اإلسرائيلية‬
‫(سيلكوم‪ ،‬أورانج‪ ،‬بيليفون) إضافة إلى الشبكات الخلوية الدولية ‪.‬‬

‫‪ ‬يتم ارسال الرسائل النصية حسب المناطق وحسب حاجة المشترك ‪.‬‬

‫سرعة وصول الرسائل ‪ ،‬وألي عدد من األرقام‪ ،‬وعلى مدار ‪ 24‬ساعة طيلة أيام األسبوع‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ ‬توفير جميع خدمات اإلرسال عبر الموقع‬

‫‪ ‬ضمان السرية الكاملة في أرقام الجوال المرسل إليها‪ ،‬وكذلك نص الرسائل المرسلة‬

‫دعم فني متواصل ‪ 24‬ساعة وفي جميع أيام األسبوع وذلك إما من خالل الهاتف الخلوي أو الخط األرضي الثابت‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ ‬ال يوجد انتهاء لصالحية الرسائل القصيرة‬

‫‪ name Sender‬لشركتكم أو مؤسستكم ‪ .‬لتصل الرسائل النصية لزبائنكم باسم المؤسسة وليس برقم هاتف جوال‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬تسجيل "إسم المرسل"‬
‫عرض خدمة مرسال‬

‫مرسال هو خدمة اتصاالت صوتية السلكية فورية بين أفراد أو داخل مجموعات من المشاركين في مكالمة واحدة أو عبر ضغطة زر واحدة ( ‪ To) Push Talk‬يمكن‬
‫للمستخدمين إجراء مكالمات من شخص إلى شخص أو البث إلى مجموعة كبيرة بضغطة زر واحدة‪ .‬تتمتع محادثات مرسال‬
‫بتغطية عالمية عبر الشبكات الخلوية و ال ‪. Wi-Fi‬‬

‫يتميز نظام مرسال باستهالك منخفض جدا من حزم البيانات خالل االتصال عبر الشبكات الخلوية حيث يوفر معدل االستخدام المنخفض هذا مبلغًا ًرا من األموال للمؤسسة أو‬
‫الشركة من خالل شراء حزم بيانات صغيرة أقل تكلفة‪ .‬كما وتشمل ميزات مرسال آليات تشفير خاصة لضمان كبي‬
‫اتصاالت آمنة‪.‬‬

‫ميزات برنامج مرسال‬

‫‪ o‬الضغط المشفر للتحدث من نقطة الى نقطة ‪.‬‬

‫‪ o‬دعم أنواع شبكات إتصال متعددة مع تسليم سلس بين الشبكات ‪Wi-Fi) / 4G / 3G / (2G‬‬
‫‪ o‬خاصية تتبع الموقع عن طريق الخارطة ‪o‬‬
‫التواصل بين مجموعة‪ ،‬مجموعات‪ ،‬أفراد ‪o‬‬
‫مجموعات متعددة لكل الشركات ‪ o‬اجهزة‬
‫صلبة لتحمل الصدمات‬
‫‪ o‬ضمان الجهاز لمدة عام‬
‫‪ o‬يعمل مع كل من مشغلي شبكات الهاتف النقال ‪ :‬اوريدو و جوال وشبكات التجوال‬
‫‪ o‬يغطي جميع االراضي الفلسطينية‬
‫‪ o‬خدمة التجوال االختيارية لتغطية فلسطين التاريخية ‪.‬‬
‫‪ o‬توفر الحماية الكاملة للجهاز والشبكة‪.‬‬
‫‪ o‬شاشة إرسال مركزية إلدارة ومراقبة أماكن الموظفين‪.‬‬

‫طرق إستخدام خدمة مرسال‬

‫يمكن إستخدام مرسال مع مجموعة واسعة من األجهزة المحمولة أللفراد أو األجهزة التي يتم تركيبها كنظام خاص للسيارات الدارة ومتابعة المركبات‬
‫مثل شركات التاكسي و الشاحنات ‪.‬‬

‫االجهزة المعتمدة‬
‫يمكن للمستخدم اإلختيار من بين مجموعة من األجهزة المعتمدة الستخدام مرسال التي تلبي إحتياجاته أو إحتياجات الشركة أو المؤسسة كما ويمكن‬
‫للمشترك تحديد خيارات شراء األجهزة حيث تعرض الشركة خيارات متعددة لشراء االجهزة وخيارات أخرى إلستئجارها مع اإللتزام لمدة ‪ 24‬شهرا‪.‬‬
‫اسعار الخدمة شهريا ‪:‬‬
Auto Mirsal

Auto Mirsal: fleet management system is a business solution designed for companies to track their Fleet of
Vehicles and People and get necessary reports to increase efficiency of both the vehicle and the driver.

How does Auto Mirsal work

Auto Mirsal is a system that tracks and monitors vehicles via embedded telematic devices that send
information about vehicles locations and conditions to the control center. The data received from these
Tracking devices are then analyzed and displayed in an informative manner both graphically and via
comprehensive reports.

Technical Features

 location updates every 10 to 30 seconds (programmable)

 Monitoring vehicle fuel consumption, direction, temperature, and many other indicators based on the
requested sensor required.
 Vital Site of the system
 Live tracking
 Geofences
 Works on 2G|3G Data networks likes Jawwal and Ooredoo
 Programmable SMS Alerts on events (like speeding, leaving geolocation, etc.)
 Recording Data up to 6 months
 Available on web and mobile applications (Android and IOS)

Practical Features

 Comprehensive maps
 Playback (chronological video playback of the trips and routes)
 Enhancing employee performance
 Reducing maintenance costs
 Monitoring vehicle 24/7
 Alert messages when needed
Corporate Internet Services

Internet Connection via Fiber Optics: Zone internet connectivity via Fiber connection Based on 100 %
symmetrical services to guarantee symmetric connectivity with the internet backbone.

Zone Fiber Connectivity specifications:

• Dedicated, symmetric Access Connectivity over Fiber Optics

• Routing and configuration within JDECCO Fiber Network
• Applicable for all connectivity and access applications
• IPV4, IPV6, end to end, No Tunneling. IP BGPv4
• Bandwidth stable with no alterations
• Bandwidth: fully dedicated and symmetric access service
• Local Google and Facebook CDNs for better customer experience
• No Sharing

ADSL Internet Connectivity: Zone Technologies also licensed to provided internet services via ADSL. This service
is only provided to companies and small enterprises with guaranteed quality uninterrupted, highspeed
connectivity with full unshared bandwidth.

Our internet Service connectivity adhere to the following specifications:

• Internet protected from hacking and viruses
• High speeds
• No Sharing
• Local Google and Facebook CDNs for better customer experience

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