Sampling Distribution

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Poblacion, Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay

SY 2023 – 2024


Sampling and Sampling Distribution

Prepared by:


Teacher III
Topic: Sampling and Random Sampling
Lesson 1: Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
Lesson 2: Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Mean
Lesson 3: Solving Problems Involving Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean

Most Essential Learning Competencies

1. Illustrates random sampling. M11/12SP-IIId2, distinguishes between parameter
and statistic. M11/12SP-IIId -2, and identifies sampling distributions of statistics.
(sample mean) M11/12SP-IIId-4
2. Finds the mean and variance of the sampling distribution of the sample mean.
3. Defines the sampling distribution of the sample mean for normal population
when the variance is a) known; (b) unknown. M11/12SP-IIIe-1.
4. Illustrates the Central Limit Theorem. M11/12SP-IIIe-2

Lesson 1: Sampling Distribution of Sample Means

I. Definition of Term

Sampling Distribution of Sampling Means = is a frequency distribution using

the means computed from all possible random samples of a specific size taken
from a population.

The number of samples of size n can be drawn from a population of size N is

given by NCn. = N!__ , where: N = total population, n = number of sample

Formula for Mean (µ ; Ⴟ)

or µ = Ʃ x

II. Getting Ready

A. Explore: Find the mean of the following sets of number

Given Mean
2, 3, 8, 10, 4

6, 10, 9, 12, 4, 5
12, 2, 5, 7, 11, 8, 4
14, 10, 15, 13, 17, 19, 20
20, 22, 24, 18, 14, 25, 26, 28

B. Engage: Sampling Distribution of Sample Means

A population consist of the numbers 2, 4, 9, 10, and 5. Let us list all
possible samples of size 3 from this population and compute the
mean of each sample.
Step 1: Determine the possible combination/ sample space. Use the
NCn. = N!__ , where: N = 5 , n = 3
= ____5!____ = = 5.4 = 20 = 10
3! (5 – 3)! 3.2.1 (2.1) 2.1 2

Step 2. List the 10 samples.

Sample Mean
2, 4, 9 5.00
2, 4, 10 5.33
2, 4, 5 3.67
2, 9, 10 7.00
2, 9, 5 5.33
2, 10, 5 6.67
4, 9, 10 7.67
4, 9, 5 6.00
4, 10, 5 6.33
9, 10, 5 8.00
There are 10 possible samples of size 3 that can be drawn from the given
Step 3. Make frequency distribution of the sample means, the sampling
distribution of the sample means.

Sample Mean Frequency

3.67 1
5.00 1
5.33 2
5.67 1
6.00 1
6.33 1
7.00 1
7.67 1
8.00 1
Total n = 10
Observe that the mean vary from sample to sample. Thus, any mean
based on the sample drawn from a [population is expected to assume different
values for the samples. So, this leads us to a conclusion that sample mean is a
random variable, which depends on particular sample. Being a random variable, it
has a probability distribution. The probability distribution of the sample means is
also called the sampling distribution of the sample means.

Step 4. Construct probability distribution.

Sample Mean (Ⴟ) Frequency Probability P(Ⴟ)
3.67 1 1/10
5.00 1 1/10
5.33 2 2/10
5.67 1 1/10
6.00 1 1/10
6.33 1 1/10
7.00 1 1/10
7.67 1 1/10
8.00 1 1/10
Total n = 10 Summation of P(Ⴟ) = 1.00

Step 5. Construct a Histogram of the sampling distribution of the means.

C. Enlighten:
In this lesson, you learned how to construct the sampling distribution
of the sample means of size n drawn a population. In summary the steps in
constructing the sampling distribution of means:
1. Determine the number of possible samples that can be drawn from the
population using the formula NCn. = N!__ , where: N = total population,
n!(N-n)! n = number of sample
2. List all the possible samples and compute the mean of each sample.
3. Construct a frequency distribution of the sample means obtained in Step 2.

D. Exercises
1. How many different samples of size n = 3 can be selected from a population
with the following sizes?
a. N = 4
b. N = 8
c. N = 20
d. N = 40
e. N = 49
2. A population consist of the five numbers 2, 3, 6, 8 and 11. Consider sample size
of 2 that can be drawn from this population.
a. List all possible samples and the corresponding mean.
b. Construct sampling distribution of the sample means.
c. Draw a histogram of the sampling of the means.
3. A group of students got the following scores in a test: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 21.
Consider samples of size 3 that can v=be drawn from this population.
a. List all possible samples and the corresponding mean.
b. Construct sampling distribution of the sample means.
c. Draw a histogram of the sampling of the means.

E. Looking back and Reflect

Think about the answer to these questions. Discuss your answers with your
* What is the shape of the histogram of the sampling distribution of the
sample means?
* why do you think so?

F. Extension
From a group of six students. Get the weight of each member of the
group. Consider sample size 4 that can be drawn from this population.
1. How many possible samples can be drawn?
2. List all possible samples and the corresponding means.
3. Construct a sampling distribution of the sample means.
4. Draw a histogram for the sampling distribution of the sample means.

Lesson 2: Finding the Mean and Variance of the

Sampling Distribution of Mean
I. Definition of Term

Central Limit Theorem = If random samples size n drawn from a

population, then as n becomes larger, the sampling distribution of the mean
approaches the normal distribution, regardless of the shape of the population.

Properties of the Sampling Distribution of Sample Mean:

If all possible samples of size n are drawn from a population of size N with mean µ
and a variance α2, then the sampling distribution of the sample means has the
following properties:
1. the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is equal to
the population mean µ. That is µႿ = µ
2. The variance of the sampling distribution of the sample means α is
given by:
* α2Ⴟ = α2 . N – n for finite population; and
n N–1
* α2Ⴟ = α2 for infinite population
3. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample
means is given by:
* αႿ = α . √N – n for finite population; and
√n √ N – 1
σX̄ = σ/√n for infinite population

* simplify the formula for the variance for finite population by extracting
the square root.

Finite Population = is one that consist of a finite or fixed number of elements,

measurements or observations.

Infinite Population = contains, hypothetically at least, infinite elements.

II. Getting Ready
A. Explore:
In this lesson, you will learn how to find the mean and variance of a
sampling distribution of the sample means. Find out if you are ready to learn the
present lesson by doing the next activity.

B. Engage:
Consider a population consisting of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Suppose sample size 2
are drawn from this population. Describe the sampling distribution of the sample

Step Solution
1. Compute the mean of the µ = Ʃ x = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15 = 3.00
population N 5 5
So, the population mean is 3.
2. Compute the variance of x X-µ (X - µ)2
the population 1 1 – 3 = -2 4
2 2 – 3 = -1 1
3 3 – 3 =0 0
4 4–3=1 1
5 5–3=2 4
Ʃ(x - µ)2 = 10
3. Determine the number of Use the formula NCn. = N!__ , N = 5
the possible samples of size n!(N-n)! n=2
n=2 C
5 2 = __5!___ = 20 = 10
2!(5-2)! 2
So, there are 10 possible samples of size 2 that
can be drawn.
4. List all possible sample Samples Mean
and their corresponding 1,2 1.50
means 1,3 2.00
1,4 2.50
1,5 3.00
2,3 2.50
2,4 3.00
2,5 3.50
3,4 3.50
3,5 4.00
4,5 4.50
5. Construct the sampling Sample Frequency Probability
distribution of the sample Mean (Ⴟ) P(Ⴟ)
means. 1.50 1 1/10
2.00 1 1/10
2.50 2 2/10
3.00 2 2/10
3.50 2 2/10
4.00 1 1/10
4.50 1 1/10
Total 10 1.00
Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
6. Compute the mean of the Sample Probabilit Ⴟ . P(Ⴟ)
sampling distribution of the Mean (Ⴟ) y
sample means (µႿ). Follow P(Ⴟ)
the steps: 1.50 1/10 0.15
a. Multiply the sample mean 2.00 1/10 0.20
by the corresponding 2.50 2/10 0.50
probability 3.00 2/10 0.60
b. add all the results 3.50 2/10 0.70
4.00 1/10 0.40
4.50 1/10 0.45
Total 1.00 3.00

So, the mean of the sampling distribution of the

sample means is 3.00.
7. Compute the variance (Ⴟ)
(α2Ⴟ) of the sampling P(Ⴟ) Ⴟ - (Ⴟ - (Ⴟ - µ)2 . P(Ⴟ)
distribution of the sample µ µ) 2

means. Follow these steps 1.50 1/1 - 1.5 2.25 0.225

a. Subtract the population 0
mean (µ) from each sample 2.00 1/1 -1 1.00 0.100
mean (Ⴟ). Label this as Ⴟ - µ. 0
b. Square the difference. 2.50 2/1 -0.5 0.25 0.050
Label this (Ⴟ - µ)2 0
c. Multiply the result of the
corresponding probability. 3.00 2/1 0 0.00 0.000
Label this as (Ⴟ - µ)2 . P(Ⴟ) 0
d. Add all the result. 3.50 2/1 0.5 0.25 0.050
4.00 1/1 1 1.00 0.100
4.50 1/1 1.5 2.25 0.225
Total 1.00 0.750
So, the variance of the sampling distribution is

Describing the Sample Distribution of the Sample Means from the Infinite
2. A population has a means of 60 and a standard deviation of 5. A random
sample of 16 measurements is drawn from this population. Describe the sampling
distribution of the sample means by computing its mean and standard deviation.
We shall assume that a population is infinite.

Step Solution
1. Identify the given information. µ = 60, α = 5, and n = 16

2. Find the mean of sampling distribution. µႿ = µ = 60

Use the property that µႿ = µ
3. Find the standard deviation of the αႿ = α = 5__ = 5 = 1.25
sampling distribution. Use the property that √n √16 4
αႿ = α

C. Enlighten:
The standard deviation (αႿ) of the sampling distribution of the sample means is
also known as the standard error of the mean. It measures the degree of the accuracy of
the sample mean (µႿ) as estimate of the population mean µ.
A good estimate of the mean is obtained if the standard error of the
mean (αႿ) is small or close to zero, while a poor estimate, if the standard error of the (αႿ)
is large. Observe that the value of (αႿ) depend on the size of the sample n. What happen
to (αႿ) when n increase? Thus, if we want to get a good estimate of the population mean
µ, we have to make n sufficiently large. This fact is stated as a theorem, which is known as
The Central Limit Theorem (CLT).

D. Exercises

1. For finite population:

a. Consider a population of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Suppose sample size 3 are
drawn from this population. Describe the sampling distribution of the sample
means. What is the mean and variance of the sampling distribution of the sample
means? Compare these values to the means and variance of the population.

b. Consider all samples of the size 5 from this population.

2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13
b.1. Compute the mean µ and standard deviation α of the
b.2. list all samples of size 5 and compute the mean (Ⴟ) for each
b.3. Construct the sampling distribution of the sample means.
b.4. Calculate the (µႿ) of the sampling distribution of the sample
means. Compare this to population mean.
b.5. Calculate the standard deviation (αႿ) of the sampling
distribution of the sample means. Compute this to the
standard deviation of the population.
2. For infinite population:
a. The heights of male college students are normally distributed with
mean of 68 inches and standard deviation of 3 inches. If 80 samples consisting of
25 students each drawn from the population, what would be the expected mean
and standard deviation of the resulting sampling distribution of the means?

b. The scores of individual students on a national test have a normal

distribution with mean 18.6 and standard deviation 5.9. At Kipit National High
School, 76 students took the test. If the scores at this scores at this school have
the same distribution as national scores, what are the mean and standard
deviation of the sample mean for 76 students?

10 | P a g e
E. Looking back and Reflect
a. What happen to the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample
mean when the sample size increases?
b. What happen to the variance of the sampling of the sampling
distribution of the sample means when sample size increases?

F. Extension
Form a group of eight students in your class. Determine the general
weighted average of the members of the group. List them.
1. List the possible samples of size 2 and their corresponding means.
2. Construct the sampling distribution of the sample means.
3. Calculate the mean (µႿ) of the sampling distribution of the sample
4. Calculate the standard deviation (αႿ) of the sampling distribution of the
sample means. Compare this to the standard deviation of the

Lesson 3: Solving Problems Involving Sampling

Distribution of the Sample Means
I. Definition of Term
Useful Formula:
1. Z = X - µ
2. X = µ + zα for computing a raw score above the mean.
3. X = µ + (-z)α for computing a raw score below the mean.

4. Z = X - µ

II. Getting Ready

A. Explore:
1. Revisiting the Z-score
The National Achievement Test was given by a group of high school
graduating students. The results shows that mean score is 95 with a standard

11 | P a g e
deviation of 15. Determine the standard scores corresponding to the following
a. X = 110
b. X = 100
c. X = 95
d. X = 85
e. X = 70
2. Area Under Normal Curve
Find the area under the normal curve given the following conditions:
a. between Z = 0.5 and Z = 1.5
b. between Z = -1.5 and z = -0.25
c. between z = -0.75 and Z = 0.75
d. to the left of Z = 1.5
e. to the right of Z = 0.75

B. Engage:
Example 1. The average time it takes a group of college students to
complete a certain examination is 46.2 minutes. The standard deviation is 8
minutes. Assume the variable is normally distributed.
a. What is the probability that a randomly selected college students will
complete the examination in less than 43 minutes?
Steps Solution
1. Identify the given information µ = 46.2, α = 8, X = 43
2. Identify what is asked for. P(X<43)
3. Identify the formula to be used Here we are dealing with an individual data
obtained from the population. So, we will
use the formula Z = X - µ
4. Solve the problem Z = X - µ = 43 – 46.2 = -0.40
α 8
We shall find P(X < 43) by getting the area
under the normal curve.

P( X < 43) = P( Z < -0.40)

A1 = 0.5000
A2 = 0.1554 (Z = -0.40)
AD = A1 - A2 = 0.5000 – 0.1554

12 | P a g e
= 0.3446

5. State the final answer. So, the probability that a randomly

selected college student will complete the
examination in less than 43 minutes is
0.3446 or 34.46%.

b. If 50 randomly selected college students take the examination, what is

the probability that the mean time it takes the group to complete the test will be
less than 43 minutes?
Steps Solution
1. Identify the given information µ = 46.2, α = 8, Ⴟ = 43, n = 50
2. Identify what is asked for. P(<43)
3. Identify the formula to be used Here we are dealing with data with sample
means. So, we will use the formula

4. Solve the problem Z=Ⴟ-µ

= 43 – 46.2 = - 2.83
We shall find P( Ⴟ< 43) by getting the area
under the normal curve.

P( Ⴟ< 43) = P( Z < -2.83)

A1 = 0.5000
A2 = 0.4977 (Z = -2.83)
AD = A1 - A2 = 0.5000 – 0.4977
= 0.0023

5. State the final answer. So, the probability that 50 randomly

selected college student will complete the
examination in less than 43 minutes is

13 | P a g e
0.0023 or 0.23%.

C. Enlighten: When do you use these formula?

1. Z = X - µ

2. Z = Ⴟ - µ

D. Exercises
1. Cholesterol Content:
The average number of milligrams (mg) of cholesterol in a cup of a certain
brand of ice cream is 660 mg, and the standard deviation is 35 mg. assume the
variable is normally distributed.
a. If a cup of ice cream is selected, what is the probability that the
cholesterol content will be more than 660 mg?

b. If a sample of 10 cups of ice cream is selected, what is the probability

that the mean of the sample will be larger that of 660 mg?

2. Public High School

The average public high school has 468 students with a standard deviation
of 87.
a. If a public school is selected, what is the probability that the number of
students enrolled is greater than 400?

b. I a random sample of 38 public elementary schools is selected, what is

the probability that the number of the students enrolled is between 445 and 485?

3. Number of Driving Miles

The number of driving miles before a certain kind of tire begins to show
wear is on the average, 16,800 miles with standard deviation of 3,300 miles. A car
rental agency buys 36 of these tires for replacement purposes and puts each one
on a different car.

14 | P a g e
a. What is the probability that the 36 tires will average less than 16,000
miles until they begin to show wear?

b. What is the probability that the 36 tires will average more than 18,000
miles until they begin to show wear?

E. Looking Back and Reflect:

* Explain the usefulness of the Central Limit Theorem in solving problems
involving sampling.
* Why are individual data from population is more important than sample

F. Extension:

Determine the mean and standard deviation of the heights of the

students in your school. You may find these data from the school clinic. Create a
problem utilizing the Central Limit Theorem for the solution

 Descriptive measures computed from a population are called
parameters while descriptive measures computed from a sample are
called statistics.
 The number of sample of size n that can be drawn from a population
of size n given by the NCn = ___N!__
n! (N-n)!
 A sampling distribution of sample means is a frequency distribution
using the means computed from all possible random samples of a
specific size taken from a population.
 The probability distribution of the sample means is also called the
sampling distribution of the sampling means.
 The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample is
also known as the standard error of the mean. It measures the
degree of accuracy of the sample mean (Ⴟ) as an estimate of the
population mean (µ).
 Steps on Constructing the Sample Distribution of the Means:
1. Determine the number of possible samples of that can bes that
can be drawn from the population using formula:
15 | P a g e
N n C = ___N!__
n! (N-n)!
where, N = size of the population
n = size of the sample
2. List all possible samples and compute the mean of each sample.
3. Construct frequency distribution of the sample means obtained in
Step 2.
 Properties of the Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean
If all possible samples of size n are drawn from of a population of
size N with mean µ and variance α2, then the sampling distribution of the sample
means has the following properties:

1. the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is equal to

the population mean µ. That is µႿ = µ
2. The variance of the sampling distribution of the sample means α is
given by:
* α2Ⴟ = α2 . N – n for finite population; and
n N–1
* α Ⴟ = α2 for infinite population

3. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample
means is given by:
* αႿ = α . √N – n for finite population; and
√n √ N – 1
* σX̄ = _σ_ for infinite population

 The Central Limit Theorem

If random samples of size n drawn a population, then as n become
larger, the sampling distribution of the means approaches the
normal distribution, regardless of the shape of the population

Chapter Test

A. Directions: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. Which of the following statement is correct.

16 | P a g e
A. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means is less than
the population mean.
B. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means is greater
than the population mean.
C. The means of the sample drawn from a population is always equal to
the population mean.
D. The means of the samples drawn from a population may be equal,
greater than or less than the population mean.
2. A certain population has a mean of 15.4 and standard deviation of 5.6. If
random samples of size 5 is taken from this population, which of the following
statements is correct?
A. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means is equal to
B. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means is eless
than to 15.4.
C. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample
means is 5.6.
D. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample
means is 15.4.

3. How many possible size n = 3 can be drawn from a population of size 12?
A. 36 B. 144 C. 220 D. 1728

4. What is the shape of the sampling distribution of the means of random the
random sample size of n become larger?
A. left skewed B. right skewed C. normal D. rectangular

5. If the variance of the population is 10, what is the variance of the sample
distribution of the means of size 5 drawn from this population?
A. 1.41 B. 2 C. 4.47 D. 10

6. Which of the sample size will give a smaller standard error of the mean?
A. 12 b. 20 C. 25 D. 35

7. What is the finite population correction factor if the size of the population is
200 and the sample size is 25?
A. 0.979 0.938 C. 0.879 D. 0.856

17 | P a g e
For numbers 8-10, refer to the problem below.

The Average precipitation for the first 7 months of the year is 19.32 inches
with standard deviation of 2.4 inches. Assume that the average precipitation
is normally distributed.

8. What is the probability that a randomly selected year will have precipitation
greater than 18 inches for the first 7 months?
A. 0.8523 B. 0.7088 C. 0.4562 D. 0.1256

9. What is the average precipitation of 5 randomly selected years for the first 7
A. 22.4 inches B. 20.52 inches
C. 19.32 inches D. 15.56 inches

10. What is the probability of 5 randomly selected years will have an average
precipitation greater than 18 inches for the first 7 months?
A. 0.8907 B. 0.4156 C. 0.2879 D. 0.2587

B. Solve the following problems. Show your solution.

1. A manufacturer of a light bulbs produces bulbs that last a mean of 950 hours
with a standard deviation of 120 hours. What is the probability that the mean
lifetime of a random sample of 10 of these bulbs is less than 900 hours?

2. In a study of the life expectancy of 400 people in a certain geographic region,

the mean of the age at death was 70 years, and the standard deviation was 5.1
years. If a sample of 50 people from this region is selected, what is the probability
that the mean life expectancy will be less than 68 years?

3. Manufacturer of ball bearings claims that this product has a mean weight of
5.02 g and a standard deviation of 0.30 g. What is the probability that a random
sample of 100 ball bearing will have a combine weight:
a. between 496 g and 500 g?

18 | P a g e
b. more than 510 g?

19 | P a g e

20 | P a g e

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