St. Mary'S School of Novaliches, Inc. Third Quarterly Exam Statistic and Probability 11 S.Y. 2022-2023

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S.Y. 2022–2023
Name: ___________________________________ Score: _____________________
Grade & Section: ________________ Parent’s Signature: ____________________

I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the shape of a normal probability distribution?
a. curve c. bell
b. circle d. triangle
2. Which part of a normal curve is extended indefinitely both directions along the
horizontal axis approaching but never touching it?
a. enter c. top
b. tail d. spread
3. The measurement or quantity that describes the sample?
a. statistics c. populations
b. probability d. parameter
4. Where can we find the area of specific region under the curve?
a. table of contents c. table of areas under normal curve
b. periodic table d. table of areas of geometric figure
5. What do you call the weighted average of the possible values that the random
variable can take?
a. mean c. standard deviation
b. median d. variance
6. What is a numerical quantity that assigned to the outcome of an experiment?
a. variable c. random variables
b. discrete d. continuous
7. What is a variable that can assume only a countable number of values?
a. variable c. random variables
b. discrete d. continuous
8. What is a variable that can assume infinite number of values?
a. variable c. random variables
b. discrete d. continuous
9. What is the total area under the standard normal curve?
a. -1 c. 0
b. 1 d. 1/2
10. Which of the following is not term expressed the area under normal curve?
a. Probability c. Percentage
b. Proportion d. Profit
11. Which of the following is discrete random variables?
a. length of wire ropes c. number of pencils in the box
b. voltage of radio battery d. lifetime of light bulbs
12. Which of the following is continuous random variables?
a. length of wire ropes c. number of pencils in the box
b. number of boys in class d. number of soldiers in the troop
13. Normal probability distribution is also known as _______.
a. Gussion distribution c. Gausian distribution
b. Gassian istribution d. Gaussian distribution
14. What is the measurement or quantity that describes the population?
a. Sample c. Statistics
b. Parameters d. Variable
15. What is mean?
a. variables c. distribution
b. average d. sample
16. A small cube marked on each face with from one to six spots.
a. die c. coins
b. cubes d. marbles
17. Having limits or having limited nature.
a. random c. finite
b. notation d. infinite
18. Extremely large or having no limits.
a. random c. finite
b. notation d. infinite
19. The process of getting the amount or degree of something
a. notation c. random
b. measurement d. mean
20. The system of marks, signs, figures, or characteristics that is used to represent
a. notation c. random
b. measurement d. mean

II. Matching Type. Determine the following symbol. Write the letter of your answer

_k_1. f a. sample population

_a_2. n b. standard deviation
_d_3. N c. Probability of random variable
_e_4. X d. Population or total frequency
_h_5. X̅ e. random variable or scores
_j_6. µ f. median
_i_7. Σ g. variance
_b_8. σ h. mean
_g_9. σ
i. summation
_c_10. P(X) j. mean stands for myu
k. frequency

III. Classify the following as discrete or continuous. Write your answer before the

discrete 1. The number of senators present in the meeting.

discrete 2. The number of ballpen in a box.
continuous 3. The weight of newborn babies for the month.
discrete 4. The number of households with television.
continuous 5. The capacity of the electrical resistors.
continuous 6. The area of lots in a subdivision.
discrete 7. The grade point average of students.
discrete 8. The weight of professional boxers.
discrete 9. The number of winners in lotto for each month.
continuous 10. The height of mango trees in a farm.
IV. Complete the table below.

Table 1. Normal distribution. Ages of Grade 11 Mathematics Teachers. (10pts)

X f fX fX2
21 2 42 1,764
25 4 100 10,000
36 6 216 4,656
43 2 86 7,396
50 1 50 2,500

1. What is the value of N? 15

2. What is the value of Σ fx? 494
3. What is the value of the mean X̅? 33

Table 2. Sampling Distribution. A population consist of the numbers 2,4,9, 10 and 5.

List all possible sample size of 3. (20 pts)

Sample 2,4,9 2,4,10 2,4,5 2,9,5 2,9,10 2,10,5 4,9,10 ,4,9,5 4,10, 9,10,5
Mean 5 5.33 3.67 7 5.33 5.67 7.67 6 6.33 8

Sample mean Frequency P(x)

3.67 1 1/10
5 1 1/10
5.33 2 2/10
5.67 1 1/10
6 1 1/10
6.33 1 1/10
7 1 1/10
7.67 1 1/10
8 1 1/10
Total 10 1.00

1. What is NCn? NCn= N!/n!(N-n)! N=5, n=3, NCn=10

Table 3. Parameters and Statistic Distribution. Scores of students in their quiz: 1, 2,

3,4,5. (15 pts)
µ σ2 σ
3 2 1.41
1. Compute the population mean (µ). =3
2. Compute the population variance (σ2). =2
3. Compute the population standard deviation (σ). =1.41

Table 4. Parameters and Statistic Distribution. Scores of students above that are
randomly selected: 2,4 and 5. (15 pts)

X̅ s2 s
3.67 2.33 1.53

1. Compute the sample mean (µ). =3.67

2. Compute the sample variance (s2). =2.33
3. Compute the sample standard deviation (s). =1.53

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