Installer Manual-0

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Installation, use and maintenance instructions

GB Dual fuel heavy oil/ gas burners

Two stage progressive or modulating operation


20169213 ENNE/EMME 1400 618 M

20169214 ENNE/EMME 2000 619 M
20169215 ENNE/EMME 2000 619 M
20169216 ENNE/EMME 3000 620 M
20169217 ENNE/EMME 4500 621 M

20176605 (5) - 12/2021

Translation of the original instructions

1 Declarations................................................................................................................................................................................ 3

2 Information and general warnings............................................................................................................................................ 4

2.1 Information about the instruction manual .................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.2 General dangers.......................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.3 Other symbols ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.4 Delivery of the system and the instruction manual...................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Guarantee and responsibility....................................................................................................................................... 5

3 Safety and prevention................................................................................................................................................................ 6

3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Personnel training ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

4 Technical description of the burner ......................................................................................................................................... 7

4.1 Burner designation ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Models available.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Burner categories - Countries of destination ............................................................................................................... 8
4.4 Technical data ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
4.5 Electrical data.............................................................................................................................................................. 9
4.6 Maximum dimensions.................................................................................................................................................. 9
4.7 Firing rates ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
4.8 Test boiler.................................................................................................................................................................. 10
4.9 Burner description ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.10 Electrical panel description........................................................................................................................................ 12
4.11 Burner equipment...................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.12 Control box RFGO-A22 ............................................................................................................................................. 13
4.13 Servomotor SQM40 .................................................................................................................................................. 14

5 Installation ................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
5.1 Notes on safety for the installation ............................................................................................................................ 15
5.2 Handling .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Preliminary checks .................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.4 Operating position ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.5 Preparing the boiler ................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.5.1 Boring the boiler plate ............................................................................................................................................... 16
5.6 Mounting the burner on the boiler ............................................................................................................................. 17
5.7 Positioning the electrode ........................................................................................................................................... 17
5.8 Air damper setting ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.8.1 Modifying air damper tie-rod length........................................................................................................................... 18
5.9 Nozzle installation ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.9.1 Recommended nozzle............................................................................................................................................... 18
5.9.2 Adjusting the nozzle pin opening rod ........................................................................................................................ 18
5.9.3 Relationship between: nozzle type and delivery-return pressure.............................................................................. 19
5.10 Combustion head adjustment.................................................................................................................................... 20
5.11 Heavy oil supply ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
5.11.1 Hydraulic system ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.12 Hydraulic operation diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 22
5.12.1 Oil pressure switch .................................................................................................................................................... 22
5.13 Pressure variator ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
5.14 Pump ......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.14.1 Technical data ........................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.14.2 Priming pump ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
5.15 Gas supply ................................................................................................................................................................ 24
5.15.1 Gas feeding line ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
5.15.2 Gas train.................................................................................................................................................................... 25
5.15.3 Gas train installation.................................................................................................................................................. 25

1 GB 20176605

5.15.4 Gas pressure .............................................................................................................................................................25

5.16 Electrical connections ................................................................................................................................................27
5.17 Calibration of the thermal relay ..................................................................................................................................28
5.18 Motor rotation .............................................................................................................................................................28

6 Start-up, calibration and operation of the burner ..................................................................................................................29

6.1 Notes on safety for the first start-up ...........................................................................................................................29
6.2 Adjustments prior to ignition (heavy oil) .....................................................................................................................29
6.2.1 Nozzle ........................................................................................................................................................................29
6.2.2 Combustion head .......................................................................................................................................................29
6.2.3 Pump pressure...........................................................................................................................................................29
6.2.4 Air damper .................................................................................................................................................................29
6.2.5 Timer ..........................................................................................................................................................................29
6.2.6 Servomotor ................................................................................................................................................................29
6.3 Burner ignition (oil fuel) ..............................................................................................................................................29
6.4 Adjustments prior to ignition (gas) .............................................................................................................................30
6.5 Burner start-up (gas) ..................................................................................................................................................30
6.6 Burner ignition ............................................................................................................................................................30
6.7 Servomotor adjustment ..............................................................................................................................................31
6.8 Pressure switch adjustment .......................................................................................................................................32
6.8.1 Air pressure switch.....................................................................................................................................................32
6.8.2 Maximum gas pressure switch...................................................................................................................................32
6.8.3 Minimum gas pressure switch....................................................................................................................................32
6.8.4 Maximum oil pressure switch .....................................................................................................................................33
6.8.5 Air bleeding ................................................................................................................................................................33
6.8.6 Gas butterfly valve .....................................................................................................................................................33
6.9 Spray temperature adjustment...................................................................................................................................34
6.9.1 Electronic adjustment thermostat...............................................................................................................................34
6.10 Burner operation ........................................................................................................................................................35
6.11 Final checks (with burner operating) ..........................................................................................................................36

7 Maintenance ..............................................................................................................................................................................37
7.1 Notes on safety for the maintenance .........................................................................................................................37
7.2 Maintenance programme ...........................................................................................................................................37
7.2.1 Maintenance frequency..............................................................................................................................................37
7.2.2 Safety test - with no gas supply .................................................................................................................................37
7.2.3 Checking and cleaning...............................................................................................................................................37
7.2.4 Safety components ....................................................................................................................................................38
7.3 Opening the burner ....................................................................................................................................................40
7.4 Closing the burner......................................................................................................................................................40

8 LED indicator and special function .........................................................................................................................................41

8.1 Description of LED lamps ..........................................................................................................................................41
8.2 Check mode function .................................................................................................................................................41
8.3 Flame control lock-out or emergency stop condition .................................................................................................41
8.4 LED lamps: burner operating status ..........................................................................................................................42

9 Problems - Causes - Remedies signalled by LED indicators ...............................................................................................43

A Appendix - Accessories ...........................................................................................................................................................48

B Appendix - Electrical panel layout...........................................................................................................................................50

2 GB

1 Declarations

Declaration of Conformity in accordance with ISO / IEC 17050-1

Manufacturer: RIELLO S.p.A.
Address: Via Pilade Riello, 7
37045 Legnago (VR)
Product: Dual fuel heavy oil/gas burners
Model and type: ENNE/EMME 1400 618 M
ENNE/EMME 2000 619 M
ENNE/EMME 3000 620 M
ENNE/EMME 4500 621 M
These products are in compliance with the following Technical Standards:
EN 676
EN 267
EN 12100
and according to the European Directives:
MD 2006/42/EC Machine Directive
LVD 2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive
EMC 2014/30/EU Electromagnetic Compatibility
The quality is guaranteed by a quality and management system certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015.
Legnago, 03.05.2021 Research & Development Director
RIELLO S.p.A. - Burner Department
Mr. F. Maltempi

3 GB 20176605
Information and general warnings

2 Information and general warnings

2.1 Information about the instruction manual

2.1.1 Introduction WARNING: MOVING PARTS

The instruction manual supplied with the burner: This symbol indicates that you must keep limbs
 is an integral and essential part of the product and must not away from moving mechanical parts; danger of
be separated from it; it must therefore be kept carefully for crushing.
any necessary consultation and must accompany the burner
even if it is transferred to another owner or user, or to DANGER: EXPLOSION
another system. If the manual is lost or damaged, another This symbol signals places where an explosive
copy must be requested from the Technical Assistance atmosphere may be present. An explosive
Centre of the area; atmosphere is defined as a mixture - under
 is designed for use by qualified personnel; atmospheric conditions - of air and flammable
 offers important indications and instructions relating to the substances in the form of gases, vapours, mist or
installation safety, start-up, use and maintenance of the dust in which, after ignition has occurred,
burner. combustion spreads to the entire unburned
Symbols used in the manual
In some parts of the manual you will see triangular DANGER
signs. Pay great attention to these, as they indicate a situation of These symbols indicate the equipment that must
potential danger. be worn and kept by the operator for protection
against threats against safety and/or health while
at work.
2.1.2 General dangers
The dangers can be of 3 levels, as indicated below.
Maximum danger level!
This symbol indicates operations which, if not
carried out correctly, cause serious injury, death OBLIGATION TO ASSEMBLE THE COVER
This symbol indicates operations which, if not This symbol signals the obligation to reassemble
carried out correctly, may cause serious injury, the cover and all the safety and protection devices
death or long-term health risks. of the burner after any maintenance, cleaning or
checking operations.
This symbol indicates operations which, if not
carried out correctly, may cause damage to the
machine and/or injury to people. This symbol gives indications for the use of the
CAUTION machine with respect for the environment.

2.1.3 Other symbols
This symbol indicates important information that
DANGER: LIVE COMPONENTS you must bear in mind.
This symbol indicates operations which, if not
carried out correctly, lead to electric shocks with  This symbol indicates a list.
lethal consequences.
This symbol indicates the presence of flammable Abbreviations used
materials. Ch. Chapter
Fig. Figure
Page Page
Sec. Section
This symbol indicates the risks of burns due to Tab. Table
high temperatures.


This symbol indicates the presence of moving
parts: danger of crushing of limbs.

4 GB
Information and general warnings

2.1.4 Delivery of the system and the instruction  The system supplier must carefully inform the user about:
manual – the use of the system;
– any further tests that may be required before activating the
When the system is delivered, it is important that:
 the instruction manual is delivered to the user by the system
– maintenance, and the need to have the system checked at
manufacturer, with the recommendation to keep it in the
least once a year by a representative of the manufacturer
room where the heat generator is to be installed.
or another specialised technician.
 The instruction manual shows:
To ensure a periodic check, the manufacturer
– the serial number of the burner;
recommends the drawing up of a Maintenance Contract.

– the address and telephone number of the nearest

Assistance Centre;


2.2 Guarantee and responsibility

The manufacturer guarantees its new products from the date of

installation, in accordance with the regulations in force and/or the
sales contract. At the moment of the first start-up, check that the
burner is integral and complete.
Failure to observe the information given in this
manual, operating negligence, incorrect
installation and carrying out of non authorised
ATTENTION modifications will result in the annulment by the
manufacturer of the guarantee that it supplies with
the burner.
In particular, the rights to the guarantee and the responsibility will
no longer be valid, in the event of damage to things or injury to
people, if such damage/injury was due to any of the following
 incorrect installation, start-up, use and maintenance of the
 improper, incorrect or unreasonable use of the burner;
 intervention of unqualified personnel;
 carrying out of unauthorised modifications on the equipment;
 use of the burner with safety devices that are faulty,
incorrectly applied and/or not working;
 installation of untested supplementary components on the
 powering of the burner with unsuitable fuels;
 faults in the fuel supply system;
 continuation of use of the burner when a fault has occurred;
 repairs and/or overhauls incorrectly carried out;
 modification of the combustion chamber with inserts that
prevent the regular development of the structurally
established flame;
 insufficient and inappropriate surveillance and care of those
burner components most likely to be subject to wear and
 use of non-original components, including spare parts, kits,
accessories and optional;
 force majeure.

The manufacturer furthermore declines any and every

responsibility for the failure to observe the contents of this

5 GB 20176605
Safety and prevention

3 Safety and prevention

3.1 Introduction

The burners have been designed and built in compliance with the type and pressure of the fuel, the voltage and frequency of the
current regulations and directives, applying the known technical electrical power supply, the minimum and maximum deliveries for
safety rules and envisaging all the potential danger situations. which the burner has been regulated, the pressurisation of the
It is necessary, however, to bear in mind that the imprudent and combustion chamber, the dimensions of the combustion
clumsy use of the equipment may lead to situations of death risk chamber and the ambient temperature must all be within the
for the user or third parties, as well as the damaging of the burner values indicated in the instruction manual.
or other items. Inattention, thoughtlessness and excessive  Modification of the burner to alter its performance and
confidence often cause accidents; the same applies to tiredness destinations is not allowed.
and sleepiness.  The burner must be used in exemplary technical safety
conditions. Any disturbances that could compromise safety
It is a good idea to remember the following:
must be quickly eliminated.
 The burner must only be used as expressly described. Any
 Opening or tampering with the burner components is not
other use should be considered improper and therefore
allowed, apart from the parts requiring maintenance.
 Only those parts envisaged by the manufacturer can be
Specifically: The manufacturer guarantees safety and proper
it can be applied to boilers operating with water, steam, operation only if all burner components are intact
diathermic oil, and to other uses expressly named by the and correctly positioned.
manufacturer; ATTENTION

3.2 Personnel training

The user is the person, body or company that has acquired the In addition:
machine and intends to use it for the specific purpose. He is
 must take all the measures necessary to
responsible for the machine and for the training of the people
prevent unauthorised people gaining access
working around it.
to the machine;
The user:  the user must inform the manufacturer if
 undertakes to entrust the machine exclusively to suitably faults or malfunctioning of the accident
trained and qualified personnel; prevention systems are noticed, along with
 undertakes to inform his personnel in a suitable way about any presumed danger situation;
the application and observance of the safety instructions.  personnel must always use the personal
With that aim, he undertakes to ensure that everyone knows protective equipment envisaged by legislation
the use and safety instructions for his own duties; and follow the indications given in this
 Personnel must observe all the danger and caution manual.
indications shown on the machine.
 Personnel must not carry out, on their own initiative,
operations or interventions that are not within their province.
 Personnel must inform their superiors of every problem or
dangerous situation that may arise.
 The assembly of parts of other makes, or any modifications,
can alter the characteristics of the machine and hence
compromise operating safety. The manufacturer therefore
declines any and every responsibility for any damage that
may be caused by the use of non-original parts.

6 GB
Technical description of the burner

4 Technical description of the burner

4.1 Burner designation


Fuel: G Light oil

M Natural gas
N Heavy oil


Adjustment: BP Two stage (light oil) / Proportional valve (gas)

E Electronic cam
EV Electronic cam and variable speed (with Inverter)
P Proportional air/gas valve
M Mechanical cam

Emission: C11 or... Class 1 EN267 - EN676

C22 or MZ Class 2 EN267 - EN676
C33 or BLU Class 3 EN267 - EN676
C23 or MX Class 2 EN267 - Class 3 EN676
C13 Class 1 EN267 - Class 3 EN676

Head: TC Standard head

TL Extended head

Flame control system:

FS1 Standard (1 stop every 24 h)
FS2 Continuous operation only with the use of a flame detection
electrode (ionisation)

Electrical supply of the system:

3/400/50 3N / 400V / 50Hz
3/230/50 3N / 230V / 50Hz

Voltage of auxiliaries:
230/50 230V / 50Hz
110/50/60 110V / 50-60Hz

ENNE/EMME 4500 TC FS1 3N/400/50 230/50/60


4.2 Models available

Designation Voltage Start-up Code

ENNE/EMME 1400 TC FS1 3N ~ 230/400V 50 Hz Direct 20169213
ENNE/EMME 2000 TC FS1 3N ~ 230/400V 50 Hz Direct 20169214
ENNE/EMME 2000 TL FS1 3N ~ 230/400V 50 Hz Direct 20169215
ENNE/EMME 3000 TC FS1 3N ~ 230/400V 50 Hz Direct 20169216
ENNE/EMME 4500 TC FS1 3N ~ 400V - 50 Hz Star-Triangle 20169217
Tab. A

7 GB 20176605
Technical description of the burner

4.3 Burner categories - Countries of destination

Country of destination Gas category

SE - FI - AT - GR - DK - ES - GB - IT - IE - PT - IS - CH - NO I2H
NL I2L - I2E - I2 (43.46 ÷ 45.3 MJ/m3 (0°C))
Tab. B

4.4 Technical data


1400 2000 3000 4500
Type 618 M 619 M 620 M 621 M
Minimum Modulation Kcal/h 350,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000
Output kW 407 581 872 1,163
Minimum operating Kcal/h 700,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000
output kW 814 1,163 1,744 2,325
Maximum operating Kcal/h 1,400,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,300,000
output kW 1,628 2,325 3,488 5,000
Fuel Methane gas: 8 - 10 kWh/Nm3
Heavy oil: max. viscosity at 20 °C 6 cSt (1.5°E)
Maximum gas pressure mbar 200 360 360 360
Minimum gas pressure (1) mbar 20 26 30 39
Operation – Intermittent (min. 1 stop in 24 hours)
– Progressive two-stage or modulating by kit (see accessories)
Pump: type E7NC1069-5P TA2C4010-5 TA3C4010-5 TA4C4010-7
- Output kg/h 235 350 540 730
- Pressure range bar 14 - 30 7 - 40 7 - 40 7 - 40
Standard applications Boilers: water, steam, diathermic oil
Ambient temperature °C 0 - 50
Combustion air temperature °C max 60
Noise levels (2) Sound pressure dB(A) 75 78 82 84
Sound power 85 88 92 94
Weight Kg 265 265 280 500
Tab. C
(1) Reference conditions: Ambient temperature 20°C - Gas temperature 15°C - Barometric pressure 1013 mbar - Altitude 0 m a.s.l.
(3) Sound pressure measured in manufacturer's combustion laboratory, with burner operating on test boiler and at maximum output. The sound power
is measured using the "Free Field" method, required by EN 15036 standard, and according to an “Accuracy: Category 3” measurement, as
described in EN ISO 3746.

8 GB
Technical description of the burner

4.5 Electrical data


1400 2000 3000 4500
Code 618 M 619 M 620 M 621 M
Electrical power supply 3N ~ 230/400V +/-10% 50 Hz 3N ~ 400V 50 Hz
Fan motor IE3 rpm 2900 2900 2930 2915
kW 3 4 9.2 15
V 230/400 230/400 230/400 400/690
A 9.7/5.6 13.3/7 28.6/16.5 26.8/15.5
Pump motor IE3 rpm 1440 1458
kW 1,1 2,2
V 230/400 220/380
A 4/2,4 9,3/5,4
Heater kW 14 19,6
Ignition transformer V1 - V2 230 V - 2 x 6 kV
I1 - I2 2.3 A - 35 mA
Absorbed electric power (Heavy oil) kW max 19.2 20.1 32.9 39.1
Absorbed electric power (Gas) kW max 3.8 4.8 10.9 17
Protection level IP 40
Tab. D

4.6 Maximum dimensions

The dimensions of the burner are given in Fig. 1. L2 Short head blast tube length + spacer
Bear in mind that inspection of the combustion head requires the L2* Short head blast tube length
burner to be opened and the rear part drawn back (see "Mounting L2** Long head blast tube length
the burner on the boiler” on page 17).

Fig. 1

TYPE A1 A2 L1 L2 L2* L2** H1 H2 F1 F2-F3 F4

ENNE/EMME 1400 516 376 1090 275 385 495 250 467 255 260 M 16
ENNE/EMME 2000 516 396 1090 275 385 495 260 467 265 260 M 16
ENNE/EMME 3000 553 447 1320 346 476 606 336 525 340 310 M 20
ENNE/EMME 4500 553 508 1320 346 476 606 336 525 340 310 M 20
Tab. E

9 GB 20176605
Technical description of the burner

4.7 Firing rates

The MAXIMUM OUTPUT is chosen from within the continuous

The firing rate value (Fig. 2) has been obtained
diagram area (Fig. 2).
considering an ambient temperature of 20 °C, an
The MINIMUM OUTPUT must not be lower than the minimum atmospheric pressure of 1013 mbar (approx. 0 m
limit of the diagram: ATTENTION a.s.l.), and with the combustion head adjusted as
GI/EMME 1400 = 407 kW shown on page 20.
GI/EMME 2000 = 581 kW
GI/EMME 3000 = 872 kW
GI/EMME 4500 = 1163 kW
Pressure in the chamber
pressure - mbar


Thermal power
Fig. 2

4.8 Test boiler

The burner/boiler combination does not pose any problems if the In Fig. 3 you can see the diameter and length of the test
boiler is EC approved and its combustion chamber dimensions combustion chamber.
are similar to those indicated in the diagram (Fig. 3). Example:
If the burner must be combined with a boiler that has not been EC Output 7000 kW - diameter 120 cm - length 6 m
approved and/or its combustion chamber dimensions are clearly
smaller than those indicated in the diagram, consult the MODULATING RATIO
manufacturer. The modulating ratio, obtained in test boilers, according to
The firing rates were obtained in special test boilers, according to standard (EN 676 for gas, EN 267 for heavy oil), is of 4:1 for
EN 676 standard. heavy oil and 7:1 for gas.
Combustion chamber

Fig. 3

10 GB
Technical description of the burner

4.9 Burner description

5 1 10 14 22 15 16 19 17 2 4


7 8 20 9 21 18-6 12 3 11 13
Fig. 4
1 Power modulation unit (only on modulating version)
2 Air pressure switch
3 Gas butterfly control rod
4 Nozzle pin aperture magnet
5 Oil control thermostat
6 High limit thermostat
7 Control box release push-button with lock signal
8 Head drive rod
9 Servomotor
10 Air adjustment cam
11 Max. gas pressure switch
12 Gas pressure socket to sleeve
13 Gas regulator
14 Return pressure adjustment cam
15 Oil pressure switch
16 Pressure gauge on return
17 Pressure gauge on delivery
18 Low limit thermostat
19 Filter
20 Pump unit
21 Gas adjustment cam
22 Fan motor

11 GB 20176605
Technical description of the burner

4.10 Electrical panel description


12 15 9 3 4

13 16

1 6


20181970 8 2

5 14 17
Fig. 5
1 Contactor and thermal relay for fan motor (only for direct
2 Contactor and thermal relay for pump motor
3 Plug-socket on servomotor cable
4 Resistors contactor
5 Terminal board
6 Relay
7 Time relay
8 Relay
9 Electronic thermostat
10 Control box base
11 Flame sensor
12 Coils for oil valves
13 Suppressor (only for ENNE/EMME 3000-4500 models)
14 Cable grommets for external wirings (to be carried out by
the installer)
15 Ignition transformer
16 Selector switch OIL-0-GAS
17 Terminal board

4.11 Burner equipment

Seal for gas train . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 1

Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 2
Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 12
Insulating flange gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 1
Flexible hoses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 2
Nipples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 2
Cable grommets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 4
Washers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 8
Instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 1
Spare parts list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 1

12 GB
Technical description of the burner

4.12 Control box RFGO-A22

Important notes
To avoid accidents, material or environmental
damage, observe the following instructions!
The control box is a safety device! Avoid opening
or modifying it, or forcing its operation. The
Manufacturer cannot assume any responsibility
for damage resulting from unauthorised work!

 All interventions (assembly and installation operations,

assistance, etc.) must be carried out by qualified personnel.
 Before modifying the wiring in the control box connection
area, fully disconnect the system from the power supply
(omnipolar separation).
 Protection against electrocution from the control box and all
connected electric components is obtained with the correct
 Before any intervention (assembly and installation
operations, assistance, etc.), ensure the wiring is in order 20152163

and that the parameters are correctly set, then make the
safety checks.
 Falls and collisions can negatively affect the safety Fig. 6
functions. In this case, the control box must not be operated,
even if it displays no evident damage. Technical data
For safety and reliability, comply with the following Mains voltage AC 230 V -15 % / +10%
– avoid conditions that can favour the development of Mains frequency 50 / 60 Hz
condensate and humidity. Otherwise, before switching on Primary fuse (external) Refer to the electric
again, make sure that the entire control box is perfectly dry! system
– Static charges must be avoided since they can damage the Weight approx. 1.1 kg
control box’s electronic components when touched.
Power absorption approx. AC 7 VA
Use Protection level IP40
The control box is a control and supervision system of medium Safety class II
and large capacity forced draught burners. Environmental conditions
If used with the flame detection electrode the system can operate
Operation DIN EN 60721-3-1
continuously whereas, with the use of UV sensors it operates
Climatic conditions Class 1K2
intermittently with stop and restart request at least once every
Mechanical conditions Class 1M2
Temperature range -40...+60°C
Humidity < 90% RH (non-condensing)
Installation notes
• Make sure that the electrical wiring inside the boiler complies Tab. F
with national and local safety regulations.
• Do not confuse the powered conductors with the neutral Electrical wiring of the flame detector
ones. It is important for signal transmission to be almost totally free of
• Ensure that spliced wires cannot get into contact with any disturbances or loss:
neighbouring terminals. Use adequate ferrules. • Always separate the detector cables from the other cables:
• Arrange the H.V. ignition cables separately, as far as – The capacitive reactance of the line reduces the size of the
possible from the control box and the other cables. flame signal.
• When wiring the unit, make sure that AC 230 V mains voltage – Use a separate cable.
cables are run strictly separate from extra low-voltage cables • Respect the allowed cable lengths.
to avoid risks of electrical shock hazard. • The ionisation probe is not protected against the risk of
electrocution. When connected to the electricity supply, the
ionisation probe must be protected against any accidental
• Position the ignition electrode and the ionisation probe so
that the ignition spark cannot form an arc on the probe (risk
of electric overcharge).

13 GB 20176605
Technical description of the burner

4.13 Servomotor SQM40 ...

Important notes
To avoid accidents, material or environmental
damage, observe the following instructions!
Avoid opening, modifying or forcing the

 All interventions (assembly and installation operations,

assistance, etc.) must be carried out by qualified personnel.
 Falls and collisions can negatively affect the safety
functions. In this case, the servomotor must not be operated,
even if it displays no evident damage.
 Fully disconnect the burner from the mains when working
near terminals and servomotor connections.
 Condensation and exposure to water are not allowed.
 For safety reasons, the servomotor must be checked after
long periods of non-use.

Fig. 7


Technical data
Mains voltage 230 V -15% +10%
Mains frequency 50 / 60 Hz
Power absorption 10 VA
Motor Synchronous
Drive angle Varying between 0° and 135°

Protection level Max. IP 66, with appropriate cable

Cable entry 2 x M20
Cable connection terminal board for 0.5mm2 (min.)
and 2.5mm2 (max.)
Rotation direction Anticlockwise
Rated torque (max.) 10 Nm
Holding torque 5 Nm
Operation time 30 s. at 90°
Weight approx. 2 kg
Environmental conditions:
Operation -20....+60° C
Transport and storage -20...+60°C

14 GB

5 Installation

5.1 Notes on safety for the installation

After carefully cleaning all around the area where the burner is to
The installation of the burner must be carried out
be installed, and arranging for the environment to be illuminated
by qualified personnel, as indicated in this manual
correctly, proceed with the installation operations.
and in compliance with the standards and
ATTENTION regulations of the laws in force.
All the installation, maintenance and disassembly
operations must be carried out with the electricity The combustion air inside the boiler must be free
supply disconnected. from hazardous mixes (e.g.: chloride, fluoride,
halogen); if present, it is highly recommended to
DANGER carry out cleaning and maintenance more

5.2 Handling

The burner packaging includes a wooden platform, it is therefore

possible to handle the burner (still packaged) with a pallet truck After positioning the burner near the installation
or fork lift truck. point, correctly dispose of all residual packaging,
separating the various types of material.
Burner handling operations can be highly
dangerous if not carried out with the greatest
attention: distance unauthorised personnel, check Before proceeding with the installation operations,
ATTENTION integrity and suitability of the means available. carefully clean all around the area where the
Check also that the area in which you are working burner will be installed.
is empty and that there is an adequate escape
area (i.e. a free, safe area to which you can
quickly move if the burner should fall).
During handling, keep the load at no more than
20-25 cm from the ground.

5.3 Preliminary checks

Checking the consignment

After removing all the packaging, check the R.B.L. A B C
integrity of the contents. In the event of doubt, do D E F
not use the burner; contact the supplier. GAS-KAASU G H
The packaging elements (wooden cage or
cardboard box, nails, clips, plastic bags, etc.) HEIZÖLFUEL L
must not be abandoned as they are potential RIELLOS.p.A.
I-37045Legnago(VR) CE 0085
sources of danger and pollution; they should be D9243
collected and disposed of in the appropriate Fig. 8
A burner label that has been tampered with,
removed or is missing, along with anything else
Checking the characteristics of the burner
that prevents the definite identification of the
Check the identification label of the burner, showing: ATTENTION burner makes any installation or maintenance
 the model (A)(Fig. 8) and type of burner (B); work difficult.
 the year of manufacture, in cryptographic form (C);
 the serial number (D);
 the data for electrical supply and the protection level (E);
 the absorbed electrical power (F);
 the types of gas used and the relative supply pressures (G);
 the data of the burner's minimum and maximum output
possibilities (H) (see Firing rate).
Warning. The burner output must be within the firing rate of
the boiler;
 the category of the appliance/countries of destination (I);
 heavy oil maximum viscosity (L).

15 GB 20176605

5.4 Operating position

 The burner is designed to operate only in 1 2 3 4 5

positions 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Fig. 9).
 Installation 1 is preferable, as it is the only
ATTENTION one that allows the maintenance operations
as described in this manual.
 Installations 2, 3 and 4 allow operation but
make maintenance and inspection of the
combustion head more difficult. 20161988

 Any other position could compromise the

Fig. 9
correct operation of the appliance.
 The installation 5 is prohibited for safety
DANGER reasons.

5.5 Preparing the boiler

5.5.1 Boring the boiler plate D1366

Pierce the closing plate of the combustion chamber, as in Fig. 10.

The position of the threaded holes can be marked using the
thermal insulation screen supplied with the burner.

Fig. 10

mm A B C
ENNE/EMME 1400 255 368 M16
ENNE/EMME 2000 265 368 M16
ENNE/EMME 3000 340 438 M20
ENNE/EMME 4500 340 438 M20
Tab. G

16 GB

5.6 Mounting the burner on the boiler

 secure the tube to the boiler, inserting the insulating

Provide an adequate lifting system (Fig. 11).
screen 9);
Lift the burner by means of the hooks to fix it to the  Slide the burner in on pins 5), leaving it open by about 100-
boiler without separating it from the combustion 120 mm;
head.  refit the two electrical wires into the terminal strip 18);
 refit fork 7), securing it with screws 10);
 completely close the burner, securing it with screws 3), fit
Be careful as some drops of fuel may leak out stops 4), pin with cotter 2), gas butterfly tie-rod 11) and
during this phase. hoses 6);
 slide in lever 15), securing it to tie-rod 16), replace pins 13)
and 14) and re-close the hole with plate and screw 12);
To detach the burner from the combustion head, proceed as
 when the burner is open, it is possible to detach gas sleeve
8) from the tube.
 remove the cover from bracket 1)(Fig. 11), pin 2), stops 4)
and screws 3);
 detach hoses 6); Before fitting the burner on the boiler it is advised
 release the tie-rod on the gas butterfly, removing screw 11); to fit the nozzle as specified later.
 remove screw and plate 12), pins 13) and 14) and slide out ATTENTION
lever 15);
 slide the burner out of the combustion head by about 100-
The seal between burner and boiler must be
120 mm, and release the drive fork 7) by removing
screws 10);
 remove the two electrical wires from the terminal strip 18);
 it’s now possible to slide the burner fully out on pins 5);

S7963 100 ÷ 120 mm

Fig. 11

5.7 Positioning the electrode

5 ± 0,2 mm
Position the electrode according to the
dimensions shown in Fig. 12.

5 ± 0,2 mm

Fig. 12

17 GB 20176605

5.8 Air damper setting

Air damper adjustment is performed by acting on the variable

profile cam. This operation is performed after having adjusted the
pressure variator and the combustion head.
With the burner on, remove voltage from the servomotor,
detaching the fast-on pin located on the electrical control panel,
and release movement by pressing on release.
Calibrate maximum output, minimum output and intermediate
outputs in this order.
Having completed the adjustment, re-check all calibrations, reset
the electrical connections of the servomotor and secure the
adjustment screws with the crossways screws.
Fig. 13
5.8.1 Modifying air damper tie-rod length Key
It is recommended to extend the tie-rod when the air gate valve 1 Lever
moves within a reduced angle (air damper at about half travel of 2 Articulated coupling
maximum output); this helps avoid giving the cam too curved a 3 Extension
profile. 4 Tie-rod
With the burner off, proceed as follows:
 detach ball-joint 2) from lever 1);
 unscrew extension 3) a few turns from tie-rod 4);
 reconnect the ball-joint to the lever and raise the cam profile
until the air damper index returns to 0 with the servomotor
at 0°.

5.9 Nozzle installation

The burner complies with the emission requirements of the EN 5.9.1 Recommended nozzle
267 standard. In order to guarantee that emissions do not vary, Select the nozzle, with nominal output slightly higher than the one
recommended and/or alternative nozzles specified by Riello in actually required, among the following types:
the Instruction and warning booklet should be used.
Model Nozzle
It is advisable to replace the nozzle once a year Fluidics type W2
during periodical maintenance. Bergonzo type B3 or B5
ATTENTION Angles of 45° - 50° are normally recommended. For narrow
combustion chambers, use nozzles with angles of 30° - 35°.
The use of nozzles other than those specified by
Riello S.p.A. and inadequate regular maintenance
may result into emission limits non-conforming to 5.9.2 Adjusting the nozzle pin opening rod
the values set forth by the regulations in force, and When installing for the first time and after performing any mainte-
in extremely serious cases, into potential hazards nance work or changing the nozzle, reset lever as specified be-
to people and objects. low:
CAUTION The manufacturing Company shall not be liable  with the nozzle fitted, loosen the nut with extension
for any such damage arising from non-  screw in extension by hand until you have eliminated all play
observance of the requirements contained in this on lever;
manual.  unscrew by a half turn (lever with approx. 0.5 mm of play).

 Do not use any sealing products such as:
gaskets, tape or sealants. The nozzle pin’s stroke varies depending on the size and
 Be careful to avoid damaging the nozzle make of the nozzle (Bergonzo o Fluidics).
ATTENTION sealing seat. We advise you to use maximum stroke, as
 The nozzle must be screwed into place tightly described above, to ensure the nozzle pin opens
but not to the maximum torque value fully; incomplete opening results in poor
provided by the wrench. ATTENTION atomisation.

18 GB

5.9.3 Relationship between: nozzle type and

delivery-return pressure
To set the delivery range within which the nozzle must operate,
adjust the maximum and minimum fuel pressure on the nozzle re-
turn, according to the diagrams shown.

Return pressure - bar

Delivery pressure
25 bar

Return pressure - bar

Delivery pressure
25 bar


Fig. 14

19 GB 20176605

5.10 Combustion head adjustment

The combustion head moves simultaneously with cam If a larger reduction is required, proceed as follows:
8)(Fig. 19), the variable profile cams and the gas butterfly. Head  With the servo-motor at 0°, slacken screws 5) and push ring
position can be seen on cylinder 2)(Fig. 15). 6) under the variable - profile cam in the direction of the
The head control lever systems are factory-calibrated for maxi- arrow. This reduces eccentricity and thus decreases travel.
mum travel.  Having established the required travel, fully secure screws
If a different modulation range is required, these levers must be
recalibrated so that head travel takes place as illustrated in the In the previous example (travel of 5.5 notches), travel start-end
following graph (Fig. 16). must coincide with the required values of 1 and 6.5.
To obtain this, turn hex. sleeve 3) one way or the other after hav-
For ignition difficulty proceed as follows:
ing slackened nuts 4).
 Adjust the fuel pressure on the return line
between 5 ÷ 8 bar and regulate the air for a With the servo-motor positioned at 0°, notch 1) must coincide with
ATTENTION correct combustion. reference surface 10); when the servo-motor is positioned at
 If difficulties persist, set the combustion head 130°, it must coincide with notch 6.5.
to the minimum on notch 2 ÷ 3, keeping the Having completed the adjustment, fully secure nuts 4) with ball-
adjustment of the maximum delivery as in the joint 8) positioned as shown in the Fig. 15.
diagram. Head calibrations are performed with the burner closed and not
Example: operating and with the servo-motor released.
Having completed the adjustment, manually check cam 7) travel
With burner 4500, for modulation from 1.400.000 to 3.400.000
to ensure there is no knocking between 0° and 130°.
kcal/h you see from the graph: notch l for 1.400.000 kcal/h. notch
6,5 for 3.400.000 kcal/h, with a travel of a 5.5 notches.

To avoid causing knocking, never exceed maximum and
minimum aperture positions corresponding, respectively,
on cylinder 2)(Fig. 15), to notch 9 with the servomotor at 130°
and notch 0 with the servomotor at 0°.
To modify combustion head travel, proceed as follows:
 Con-rod 1), which controls drive rod of the combustion head,
is fitted with a slot; when tie-rod 9) is moved towards the
outside of the slot, head travel decreases by about 20 mm
(approx. 4 notches).

Fig. 15
Combustion head stroke - notches


Fig. 16

20 GB

5.11 Heavy oil supply

Explosion danger due to fuel leaks in the

presence of a flammable source. Before starting the burner make sure that the
return pipe line is not clogged. Any obstruction
Precautions: avoid knocking, attrition, sparks and would cause the pump seals to break.

Make sure the fuel shut-off valve is closed before  To facilitate fuel flow, all hoses must be of appropriate
performing any operation on the burner. dimensions, insulated and heated (electrically or by means
of steam or hot water).
The fuel supply line must be installed by qualified  To limit the formation of gas or vapours, the fuel pressure in
personnel, in compliance with current standards degassing unit 10)(Fig. 17) must be regulated in relation to
and laws. the feed temperature, as shown in the table opposite.
 The transfer pump must have a delivery at least twice that of
the burner. When more than one burner is fed by the same
5.11.1 Hydraulic system loop, the pump must provide a delivery of at least 50% more
than the total delivery of the combined burners.
 For start-up: circulate fuel in the feed loop, having first cut-
 Make sure that the hoses to the pump supply
out the burner using gate valves 5). Once operating level cir-
and return line are installed correctly.
culation is achieved, open the gate valves and feed the
burner as normal.
Follow the instructions below:
 Tighten the flexible hoses with the supplied
gaskets. Oil pipes must be completely airtight.
ATTENTION  During the installation, hoses must not be ATTENTION
stressed with twisting.
 Position hoses so that they cannot be
stepped on or get into contact with hot parts
of the boiler and so that they allow burner
 Finally, connect the other end of the flexible
hoses to the suction and return line ducts.


Fig. 17

Key (Fig. 17)

Heavy oil temperature Pressure
1 Tank (heated for heavy oil)
°C bar
2 Filter (with resistor for oil viscosity > 7°E/50°C)
Up to 80 1.0
3 Transfer pump
90 1.5
4 Control pressure gauge
100 2.0
5 Gate valves for burner cut-out (coupled)
110 2.5
6 Burner (with kit for heavy oil)
120 3.0
7 Pressure regulator (calibrated as table below)
Tab. H
8 Filter (with resistor for oil viscosity > 7°E/50°C)
9 Burner pump
10 Degassing unit

21 GB 20176605

5.12 Hydraulic operation diagram

5.12.1 Oil pressure switch S7980

Burner halt condition

Can be adjusted between 2 and 15 bar; in the event of
excessive counter-pressure on the fuel return line, it brings the
burner to a halt, (recommended calibration: 5 bar).

Fig. 18

Key (Fig. 18)

Cn - Control cams
FO - Oil filter
MM - Delivery pressure gauge
MR - Return pressure gauge
MV - Fan motor
P - Pump with pressure adjuster
POM - Maximum oil pressure switch
RO - Pressure adjuster on return line
Vn - Valves

5.13 Pressure variator

To calibrate cam 8)(Fig. 19):

 remove gear-case 9), slacken screws 7), and act on screw
4) until required eccentricity is obtained.
 Turning screw 4) to the right (+ sign), eccentricity is
increased, thus increasing the difference between nozzle
maximum and minimum delivery.
 Turning screw 4) to the left (- sign), eccentricity is reduced,
thereby reducing the difference between nozzle maximum
and minimum delivery.
 Every variation of eccentricity may require a travel offset
using nut and locknut 6).
• To obtain correct calibration, cam 8) must operate over the Fig. 19
full travel range of the servomotor (20° - 130°): every
variation of the servomotor must be matched by a variation in Key
pressure. 1 Pressure switch fitting
• Never give the variator piston a snug fit: stop ring 5) sets 2 Delivery pressure gauge
maximum travel. 3 Return pressure gauge
4 Cam adjustment screw
• When the adjustment has been made, manually check that
5 Piston halt ring
there is no Knocking between 20° and 130° and that
6 Piston calibration nut and locknut
maximum and minimum pressures match pre-selected
7 Cam locking screws
values as indicated on the graph (Fig. 14 on page 19).
8 Variable cam
• If, at maximum nozzle delivery (maximum return pressure), 9 Cover
pressure oscillations are seen on pressure gauge 3), slightly
reduce pressure until the oscillations are eliminated.

22 GB

5.14 Pump

5.14.1 Technical data


1400 2000 3000 4500
Min. delivery rate at 30 bar pressure (1400)
Min. delivery rate at 40 bar pressure (2000- kg/h 540 730 1000 1500
Delivery pressure range bar 7 - 40 7 - 40 15 - 40 15 - 40
Max. suction depression cm Hg 30 30 - -
Viscosity range cSt 4 - 800 4 - 75 4 - 500 4 - 500
Maximum heavy oil temperature °C 140 140 140 140
Max. suction and return pressure bar 5 5 9 9
Pressure calibration in the factory bar 25 25 25 25

Tab. I

5.14.2 Priming pump

Before starting the burner, make sure that the tank 1 3 4 5 3 1 2 4
return line is not clogged.
Obstructions in the line could cause the sealing
organ located on the pump shaft to break.
 In order for self-priming to take place, the cap 4) on the
pump (Fig. 20) must be loosened to bleed off the air
contained in the suction line.
 Start the burner by closing the remote controls. As soon as
the burner starts, check the direction of rotation of the fan
 The pump can be considered to be primed when the heavy
oil starts coming out of the cap 4).
 Close the burner and tighten the cap 4).
5 2
The time required for this operation depends upon the diameter
and length of the suction tubing. Fig. 20
If the pump fails to prime at first start-up and the burner locks out, Key (Fig. 20)
wait approx. 15 seconds, reset the burner, and then repeat the 1 Suction line
start-up operation. And so on. 2 Return line
3 Vacuometer connection
After 5 or 6 starting operations allow 2 or 3 minutes for the
4 Pressure gauge connection
transformer to cool. 5 Pressure adjustment
Do not light the flame sensor in order to prevent the burner
lockout; the burner locks out in any case about ten seconds after
its start.
The above-mentioned operation is possible
because the pump is already full of fuel when it
leaves the factory.
If the pump has been drained, fill it with fuel
through the opening on the vacuometer
3)(Fig. 20) prior to starting; otherwise, the pump
will seize.
Whenever the length of the suction piping
exceeds 20-30 meters, the supply line must be
filled using a separate pump.

23 GB 20176605

5.15 Gas supply

Explosion danger due to fuel leaks in the MBC “threaded”

presence of a flammable source. 7 8
Precautions: avoid knocking, attrition, sparks and
heat. 4
Make sure the fuel shut-off valve is closed before
performing any operation on the burner.
The fuel supply line must be installed by qualified
personnel, in compliance with current standards
and laws. 1 2 3 P2 6A
L1 L
5.15.1 Gas feeding line D11854
Key (Fig. 21 - Fig. 22 - Fig. 23 - Fig. 24) Fig. 21
1 Gas input pipe
2 Manual valve MBC “flanged”-VGD
3 Vibration damping joint 7 8
4 Pressure gauge with button cock 11
5 Filter 4 9
6A Includes:
– filter
– working valve
– safety valve
– pressure adjuster
1 2 3 5 P2 6B
6B Includes:
– working valve P3
– safety valve L1 L
– pressure adjuster D11855

6C Includes: Fig. 22
– safety valve
– working valve DMV “flanged or threaded”
6D Includes: 7 8 6C
– safety valve
– working valve 9
7 Minimum gas pressure switch
8 Leak detection control, supplied as an accessory or built-in,
based on the gas train code. In compliance with the EN 676
standard, gas valve leak detection control devices are
compulsory for burners with maximum outputs over 1200
kW. 1 2 3 5 10 P2
9 Gasket, for “flanged” versions only
10 Pressure adjuster L1 L
11 Train-burner adaptor, supplied separately
Fig. 23
P2 Pressure upstream of valves/adjuster
P3 Pressure upstream of the filter CB “flanged or threaded”
L Gas train, supplied separately 6D
7 8
L1 Responsibility of the installer

1 2 3 5 10 P2

L1 L

Fig. 24

24 GB

5.15.2 Gas train 5.15.4 Gas pressure

Type-approved in accordance with EN 676 and supplied Tab. J indicates the pressure drops of the combustion head and
separately from the burner. gas butterfly valve depending on the burner operating output.
1 p (mbar)
5.15.3 Gas train installation G 20 G 25
800 10 14.9
Disconnect the power supply using the system 889 11.1 16.5
main switch.
978 12.2 18.2

1067 13.3 19.8
1156 14.4 21.5
Check that there are no gas leaks.
1244 15.6 23.2
1333 16.7 24.9
1422 17.8 26.5
Pay attention when handling the train: danger of
crushing of limbs. 1511 18.9 28.2
1600 20 29.8
1150 9.8 14.6
Make sure that the gas train is properly installed 1258 11.7 17.4
by checking for any fuel leaks.
1366 13.3 19.8

The operator must use the required equipment ENNE/EMME 2000 1473 14.6 21.8
during installation. 1581 15.9 23.7
1689 17.2 25.6
1797 18.7 27.9
1904 20.6 30.7
2012 22.9 34.1
2120 25.8 38.4
1750 17 25.3
The gas train is prearranged to be connected to the burner by the
flange 1)(Fig. 25). 1956 18.2 27.1
2161 19.8 29.5

2367 21.6 32.2
2572 23.6 35.2
2778 25.7 38.3
2983 27.9 41.6
3189 30 44.7
3394 32.1 47.8
3600 34 50.7
2350 18 26.8
Fig. 25
2606 20.8 31
2861 23.6 35.2

3117 26.5 39.5

3372 29.4 43.8
3628 32.3 48.1
3883 35.1 52.3
4139 37.8 56.3
4394 40.5 60.3
4650 43 64.1
Tab. J

Data of head thermal power and gas pressure

refer to operation with gas butterfly valve fully
open (90°).

25 GB 20176605

The values shown in Tab. J refer to:


– Natural gas G 20 NCV 9.45 kWh/Sm3 (8.2 Mcal/Sm3)


– Natural gas G 25 NCV 8.13 kWh/Sm3 (7.0 Mcal/Sm3)

Column 1
Combustion head pressure drop.
Gas pressure measured at test point 2)(Fig. 26), with:
• combustion chamber at 0 mbar;
• burner working at maximum modulating output;
• combustion head adjusted as in page 20.
Column 2 1
Pressure drop at gas butterfly valve 1)(Fig. 26) with maximum
opening: 90°. Fig. 26
To calculate the approximate output at which the burner
– subtract the combustion chamber pressure from the gas
pressure measured at test point 2)(Fig. 26).
– Find in Tab. J related to the burner concerned, the pressure
value closest to the result of the subtraction.
– Read the corresponding output on the left.

Example N/M 3000 with natural gas G20:

Operation at maximum modulating output
Gas pressure at test point 2)(Fig. 26) = 32.9 mbar
Pressure in combustion chamber = 5 mbar
32.9 - 5 = 27.9 mbar
A pressure of 27.9 mbar, column 1, corresponds in Tab. J to an
output of 2983 kW.
This value serves as a rough guide; the effective output must be
measured at the gas meter.
To calculate the required gas pressure at test point 2)(Fig. 26),
set the maximum modulating output required from the burner
– find the nearest output value in the table Tab. J for the burner
in question.
– Read, on the right (column 1), the pressure at the test point
2)(Fig. 26).
– Add this value to the estimated pressure in combustion

Example N/M 3000 with natural gas G20:

Operation at maximum modulating output
Gas pressure at an output of 8000 kW = 27.9 mbar
Pressure in combustion chamber = 5 mbar
27.9 + 5 = 32.9 mbar
pressure required at test point 2)(Fig. 26).

26 GB

5.16 Electrical connections

Notes on safety for the electrical wiring

 The electrical wiring must be carried out with the electrical supply disconnected.
 Electrical wiring must be made in accordance with the regulations currently in force in the country of destination
and by qualified personnel. Refer to the wiring diagrams.
DANGER  The manufacturer declines all responsibility for modifications or connections different from those shown in the
wiring diagrams.
 Check that the electrical supply of the burner corresponds to that shown on the identification label and in this
 The burners have been set for intermittent operation (FS1).
 The RFGO safety device features two built-in flame amplifiers which allow using it for applications with UV sensor
only, FR sensor only or with both sensors (UV+FR). The FR amplifier circuit is subject to constant auto-control,
which allows to use it for applications requiring a burner operating cycle longer than 24 hours. When it is used as
a UV control, the system is considered as non-permanent, requiring one burner recycle every 24 hours.
Normally, burner stopping is guaranteed by the boiler's thermostat/pressure switch.
If this is not the case, a time switch must be applied to L-N in series, to stop the burner at least once every 24
hours. Refer to the wiring diagrams.
 The electrical safety of the device is obtained only when it is correctly connected to an efficient earthing system,
made according to current standards. It is necessary to check this fundamental safety requirement. In the event
of doubt, have the electrical system checked by qualified personnel. Do not use the gas tubes as an earthing
system for electrical devices.
 The electrical system must be suitable for the maximum input power of the device, as indicated on the label and in
the manual, checking in particular that the section of the cables is suitable for the input power of the device.
 For the main power supply of the device from the electricity mains:
- do not use adapters, multiple sockets or extensions;
- use an omnipolar switch, in compliance with the current safety standards.
 Do not touch the device with wet or damp body parts and/or in bare feet.
 Do not pull the electric cables.
Before carrying out any maintenance, cleaning or checking

Disconnect the electrical supply from the burner

by means of the system main switch.

Close the fuel shut-off valve.


Avoid condensate, ice and water leaks from


If the cover is still present, remove it and proceed with the

electrical wiring according to the wiring diagrams.
Use flexible cables according to EN 60 335-1 standard.

27 GB 20176605

5.17 Calibration of the thermal relay

The thermal relay (Fig. 27) serves to avoid damage to the motor
due to an excessive absorption increase or if a phase is missing.
For calibration 2), refer to the table indicated in the electrical
layout (electrical wiring by the installer).
To reset, in case of thermal relay activation, press the "RESET"
button 1).
The button “STOP” 3) opens the NC contact (95-96) and stops
the motor.

Insert a screwdriver in the window “TEST/TRIP” 4) and move it in TE
the arrow direction (to the right) to carry out the thermal relay test. 95

The automatic reset can be dangerous. 97

This operation is not foreseen in the burner 98

Fig. 27

5.18 Motor rotation

As soon as the burner starts, place yourself in front of the cooling

fan of the fan motor and check that it turns anticlockwise
(Fig. 28).
If this is not the case:
 put the switch of the burner to “0” (off) and wait until the
control box carries out the switching off phase.

Disconnect the electrical supply from the burner

by means of the system main switch.

 Invert the phases on the three-phase motor power supply.


Fig. 28

28 GB
Start-up, calibration and operation of the burner

6 Start-up, calibration and operation of the burner

6.1 Notes on safety for the first start-up

The first start-up of the burner must be carried out Check the correct working of the adjustment,
by qualified personnel, as indicated in this manual command and safety devices.
and in compliance with the standards and
ATTENTION regulations of the laws in force. ATTENTION

Before starting up the burner, refer to section

"Safety test - with no gas supply” on page 37.

6.2 Adjustments prior to ignition (heavy oil)

It is recommended to adjust first the heavy oil 6.2.3 Pump pressure

burner and then the gas burner. Factory-set at 25 bar. See information on page 23.
Carry out the fuel change with burner off.
6.2.4 Air damper
The optimum calibration of the burner requires an analysis of the
Refer to the adjustment of the air damper on page 18.
flue gases at the boiler outlet and interventions on the following
6.2.5 Timer
6.2.1 Nozzle Sets pre-wash stage duration and is factory-set between 15 and
20 seconds (For heavy oil, see conversion kit).
See information on page 18.

6.2.6 Servomotor
6.2.2 Combustion head
Refer to the adjustment of the servomotor on page 31.
The adjustment of the combustion head already carried out on
page 20 need not to be altered unless the 2nd stage output of
the burner is changed.

6.3 Burner ignition (oil fuel)

Position the selector 16)(Fig. 5 on page 12) on “OIL”.

When the limit thermostat (TL) is closed, the request is sent and
the burner begins the starting cycle.
At first ignition, there is a momentary drop in fuel pressure due to
the filling of the nozzle piping. This lowering of the fuel pressure
can cause the burner to lockout and can sometimes give rise to
If the burner locks out again, refer to chapter "Problems - Causes
- Remedies signalled by LED indicators” on page 43.
Once the following adjustments have been made, the ignition of
the burner must generate a noise similar to the noise generated
during operation.

29 GB 20176605
Start-up, calibration and operation of the burner

6.4 Adjustments prior to ignition (gas)

In addition, the following adjustments must also be made:

Before starting up the burner, it is good practice to
 Slowly open the manual valves situated upstream of the gas
adjust the gas train so that ignition takes place in
conditions of maximum safety, i.e. with gas
 Adjust the minimum gas pressure switch (Fig. 33 on CAUTION delivery at the minimum.
page 32) to the start of the scale.
 Adjust the maximum gas pressure switch (Fig. 32 on 20167884
page 32) to the end of the scale.
 Adjust the air pressure switch (Fig. 31 on page 32) to the
start of the scale.
 Purge the air from the gas line.
We recommend using a plastic tube routed outside the
building and to purge air until gas is smelt.
 Fit a U-type pressure gauge or a differential pressure gauge
(Fig. 29), with socket (+) on the gas pressure of the pipe
coupling and (-) in the combustion chamber.
Used to approximately calculate the MAX burner output.
 Connect two lamps or testers to the two gas line solenoid
valves to check the exact moment in which voltage is
This operation is not required if each of the two solenoid
valves is equipped with a pilot light that signals voltage
Fig. 29
passing through.

6.5 Burner start-up (gas)

Close the remote controls and set the switch 16)(Fig. 5 on

page 12) to “GAS”.
Check that the lamps or testers connected to the solenoid valves,
or the pilot lights on the solenoid valves, indicate that no voltage
is present. If they indicate the presence of voltage, stop the
burner immediately and check the electric connections.
When the limit thermostat (TL) closes, the heat request is sent
and the burner begins the starting cycle.

6.6 Burner ignition

If the motor starts but the flame does not appear and the control
In the event the burner stops, in order to prevent
box goes into lockout, reset and wait for a new ignition attempt.
any damage to the installation, do not unblock the
If ignition does not occur, it is possible that gas is not reaching the burner more than twice in a row. If the burner
combustion head within the safety time period of 3 seconds. ATTENTION locks out for a third time, contact the customer
Therefore, it is necessary to increase gas ignition delivery. service.
The arrival of gas to the sleeve is indicated by the U-type
In the event there are further lockouts or faults
pressure gauge (Fig. 29).
with the burner, the maintenance interventions
If the burner locks out again, refer to chapter "Problems - Causes must only be carried out by qualified, authorised
- Remedies signalled by LED indicators” on page 43. DANGER personnel, in accordance with the contents of this
manual and in compliance with the standards and
regulations of current laws.
Once ignition has taken place, proceed with burner global
calibration operations.

30 GB
Start-up, calibration and operation of the burner

6.7 Servomotor adjustment

The servomotor adjusts simultaneously, through driving gears,

the output and pressure of the air and the delivery of the fuel in
use. It performs a 130° rotation in 45s. After the adjustment made
in the factory to its 6 cams to allow an initial ignition.
Check that they are as shown below.
13 5
0 3 0 90 R0

In the event of a modification, follow what is described below for

60 9 0
each cam:

13 0 L
0 M40

Cam I (RED): 130° (The same for all models).


Limits rotation toward

maximum position.

Do not make any adjustments. Fig. 30


Cam II (BLUE): 0° (The same for all models).

Limits rotation toward
minimum position. With the
burner off, the air damper is
completely closed: 0°

It is recommended that no adjustments are made.


Cam III (ORANGE): Not used.

Cam IV (YELLOW): 20° (The same for all models).
Adjusts the position of the
minimum output.
Cam V (BLACK): Not used.
Cam VI (GREEN): Not used.

31 GB 20176605
Start-up, calibration and operation of the burner

6.8 Pressure switch adjustment

6.8.1 Air pressure switch

The air pressure switch is set after all other adjustments have
been made. Begin with the switch at the start of the scale. With
the burner operating, increase adjustment pressure by slowly
turning the relevant knob clockwise until the burner stops. Then
turn the knob anticlockwise by 0.1 kPa (1 mbar) and repeat
burner start-up to ensure it is operating regularly.
If the burner locks out again, turn the knob again anti-clockwise
by 0.5 mbar. D3854

In conformity with the standard, the air pressure

switch must prevent the air pressure falling below
80% of the adjusted value and the CO in the flue Fig. 31
ATTENTION gases exceeding 1% (10,000 ppm).
To check this, insert a combustion analyser in the
flue, slowly reduce the burner air setting (for
example with a piece of cardboard) and verify that
the burner locks out before the CO value in the
flue gases exceeds 1%.

6.8.2 Maximum gas pressure switch

Adjust the maximum gas pressure switch (Fig. 32) after making
all other burner adjustments with the maximum gas pressure
switch set to the end of the scale. 20181543

To calibrate the maximum gas pressure switch, open the tap and
then connect a pressure gauge to its pressure test point.
The maximum gas pressure switch must be regulated to a value
no higher than 30% of the measurement read on the gauge when
the burner is working at maximum output.
After making the adjustment, remove the pressure gauge and
close the tap.

6.8.3 Minimum gas pressure switch PGM

The purpose of the minimum gas pressure switch is to prevent
the burner from operating in an unsuitable way due to too low gas
Adjust the minimum gas pressure switch (Fig. 33) after having
adjusted the burner, the gas valves and the gas train stabiliser.
With the burner operating at maximum output:
– install a pressure gauge downstream of the gas train stabili-
Fig. 32
ser (for example at the gas pressure test point on the burner
combustion head);
– choke slowly the manual gas cock until the pressure gauge
detects a decrease in the pressure read of about 0.1 kPa
(1 mbar). In this phase, verify the CO value which must
always be less than 100 mg/kWh (93 ppm).
– Increase the adjustment of the gas pressure switch until it in-
tervenes, causing the burner shutdown;
– remove the pressure gauge and close the cock of the gas
pressure test point used for the measurement;
– open completely the manual gas cock. D3855

Fig. 33
1 kPa = 10 mbar

32 GB
Start-up, calibration and operation of the burner

6.8.4 Maximum oil pressure switch

The maximum oil pressure switch is calibrated in the factory at 4-
5 bar. If the oil pressure in the return line goes above this value,
the pressure switch stops the burner in a lockout.
To adjust the pressure switches, use a tool to operate the
adjustment screw (Fig. 34).

6.8.5 Air bleeding
It is carried out by opening the relevant screw placed on the
minimum gas pressure switch fitted on the gas train.

6.8.6 Gas butterfly valve

The gas butterfly valve is equipped with an external adjustment,
see Fig. 36, that can facilitate the following calibration of the cam
in case of low pressure values available in the network. By means
of ring nut B it is possible to modify the passage section to the Fig. 34
minimum setting.
– 0 minimum opening
– 2 maximum opening D1391

At the end of the adjustment lock with dowel A.

AIR / GAS ratio adjustment

The adjustment of the gas delivery to that of the air must be
carried out after defining the heavy oil operation conditions, and
can be obtained by varying the cam profile.

Fig. 35

Key (Fig. 35)

1 - Screw
2 - Connection for pressure measurement
3 - Pressure switch

Fig. 36

33 GB 20176605
Start-up, calibration and operation of the burner

6.9 Spray temperature adjustment

6.9.1 Electronic adjustment thermostat a “high temperature” alarm output is provided on the burner ter-
By means of information relayed from a PT 100 probe immersed minal strip. (Factory set is approximately 180°C).
in the oil in the delivery manifold, the thermostat adjusts spray Adjustment thermostat probe
temperature. (The correct conditions for fuel spray are shown in
the temperature/viscosity graph below). Thermometer

Min. temperature thermostat

Viscosity at 50°C

Atomisation temperature


Max. temperature thermostat

Purge Fig. 38
Renewing the minimum and maximum temperature thermo-
Reposition the probe of the new thermostat, after having first
loosened the plate pack securing screws. Make sure that the
probe is touching the resistance and the plate pack as shown in
the adjacent figure.
The same precautions should be taken when renewing the resist-
t Pre-heater - Delivery ances in contact with the thermostat probes.
If the pre-heater should malfunction, use an ohmmeter to check
Fig. 37 that the resistances located in contact with the temperature
Example: fuel oil with 7° E viscosity at 50° C is pre-heated to ap- probes are not burnt out (reading of approximately 35 Ohm).
proximately 110° C.
Tubes into aluminium plate

Although the temperature set on the thermostat

should correspond to the temperature of the fluid,
it is good practice to check that the thermometer
ATTENTION shows the correct reading once the unit has been
in operation for a few minutes. The led will illumi- Aluminium plate
nate to indicate that the heating resistances are
working properly. Resistance
Important, only for N/M 4500.
The pre-heater fitted to the burner supplies a t of
75°C at 450 kg/h (right-hand graph).
If there is a t shortfall, this can be made up by an
auxiliary pre-heater.
Minimum temperature thermostat, in addition to shutting down S7977
the burner if the fuel temperature should fall below the critical val- Thermostat probe
ue for correct combustion, this thermostat also provides a permis- Fig. 39
sive signal at the time of burner start-up. (Factory set at
approximately 80°C, adjustable by removing the pre-heater cover Changing the PT 100 probe in the oil delivery manifold
and relative plate). Fit the supplied nut and biconical collar on the new probe, insert
Maximum temperature thermostat, this switches off the resist- a length of approximately 40 mm in the manifold, and secure firm-
ances when, because of failure of the adjustment thermostat, the ly into place.
temperature of the pre-heater increases to unacceptable levels; At this point, the section remaining outside the manifold can be
bent as required (with no risk of damaging the resistance).

34 GB
Start-up, calibration and operation of the burner

6.10 Burner operation

Normal Lock for start-up failure
Control system

Pump motor

Fan motor


(*) Pre-wash valve

Start-up valve



6s 45 s 31 s 38 s 6s 45 s 31 s 38 s

** 3 s ** 3s

Fig. 40

(*) oil only

(**) Adjusted by timer 6) for oil (6s for gas operations)
MOTOR LOCK: this is brought about by the overload cut-out
thermal relay when a phase is missing.

35 GB 20176605
Start-up, calibration and operation of the burner

6.11 Final checks (with burner operating)

 Open the thermostat/pressure switch TL

 Open the thermostat/pressure switch TS  The burner must stop

 Turn the knob of the gas maximum pressure switch to the

minimum end of scale position
 Turn the air pressure switch knob to the maximum end of  The burner must stop in lockout
scale position
 Turn off the burner and cut off the power
 Disconnect the minimum gas pressure switch connector  The burner must not start

 Darken the flame sensor  The burner must stop in lockout due to
ignition failure
Tab. K

Make sure that the mechanical locking systems

on the adjustment devices are fully tightened.

36 GB

7 Maintenance

7.1 Notes on safety for the maintenance

The periodic maintenance is essential for the good operation, Before carrying out any maintenance, cleaning or checking
safety, yield and duration of the burner. operations:
It allows you to reduce consumption and polluting emissions and
to keep the product in a reliable state over time. Disconnect the electrical supply from the burner
The maintenance interventions and the calibration by means of the system main switch.
of the burner must only be carried out by qualified,
authorised personnel, in accordance with the
DANGER contents of this manual and in compliance with the
Close the fuel shut-off valve.
standards and regulations of current laws.

Wait for the components in contact with heat

sources to cool down completely.

7.2 Maintenance programme

7.2.1 Maintenance frequency 7.2.3 Checking and cleaning

The gas combustion system should be checked at The operator must use the required equipment
least once a year by a representative of the during maintenance.
manufacturer or another specialised technician.

7.2.2 Safety test - with no gas supply

To perform commissioning in safety conditions, it is very
important to check correct wiring between gas valves and burner.
For this purpose, after checking that connections comply with the
burner wiring diagrams, it is necessary to carry out a start-up Combustion
cycle with gas cock closed (dry test). Carry out an analysis of the combustion flue gases.
Significant differences with respect to the previous
1 The manual gas valve must be closed using the locking/ measurements indicate the points where most care should be
unlocking device (“Lock-out / tag out” procedure). exercised during maintenance.
2 Ensure that burner limit electrical contacts are closed
3 Ensure that minimum gas pressure switch contact is closed Combustion head
4 Try to start the burner Open the burner and make sure that all components of the
combustion head are in good condition, not deformed by the
The start-up cycle must occur according to the following steps:
high temperatures, free of impurities from the surroundings
and correctly positioned.
– Fan motor start-up for pre-purging
Combustion head maintenance
– Gas valve leak detection control, if applicable
– Pre-purging completion During burner opening, it is recommended to
– Achievement of the ignition point support its weight with suitable means or through
– Power supply of the ignition transformer the relevant wheeled support supplied upon
– Supply of gas valves request.
As gas is closed, the burner cannot ignite and its control box will Repeat the operations described in paragraph "Mounting the
switch to stop or safety lockout condition. burner on the boiler” on page 17 using the relevant extensions,
The actual supply of gas valves can be checked by inserting a for pins 5), supplied as standard.
tester; some valves are equipped with lights (or closing/opening
position indicators) that activate as soon as they are powered.

37 GB 20176605

Burner 7.2.4 Safety components

Check that there is no excess wear or loosen screws, especially The safety components should be replaced at the end of their life
on cams III (Fig. 30 on page 31). cycle indicated in the following table.
Clean the outside of the burner.
Clean and grease the adjustable profile of the cams. The specified life cycles do not refer to the
warranty terms indicated in the delivery or
Fan payment conditions.
Check to make sure that no dust has accumulated inside the fan ATTENTION
or on its impellers, as this condition will cause a reduction in the Safety component Life cycle
air flow rate and provoke polluting combustion.
10 years or 250,000
Flame control
Boiler operation cycles
Clean the boiler as indicated in its accompanying instructions in 10 years or 250,000
order to maintain all the original combustion characteristics Flame sensor
operation cycles
intact, especially: the flue gas temperature and combustion
chamber pressure. 10 years or 250,000
Gas valves (solenoid)
operation cycles
Check Mode
10 years or 250,000
With burner flame on: Pressure switches
operation cycles
 hold the reset button on the flame control pressed for at
least 3 sec.; Pressure adjuster 15 years
 the button colour will change from green to yellow; Servomotor (electronic 10 years or 250,000
 each operating status signalling LED will be compared to cam)(if any) operation cycles
20% of the maximum brightness;
10 years or 250,000
 press the reset button again (<0.5sec) to reset the standard Oil valve (solenoid) (if any)
operation of the signalling LEDs. operation cycles
10 years or 250,000
Oil regulator (if present)
operation cycles
Oil pipes/ couplings
10 years
(metallic) (if present)
5 years or 30,000 pressurised
Flexible hoses (if present)
Fan impeller 10 years or 500,000 start-ups
Tab. L

38 GB


Pump Gas leaks

The delivery pressure must comply with the graph on page 18. Make sure that there are no gas leaks on the pipe between the
The depression must be less than 0.45 bar. gas meter and the burner.
Unusual noise must not be evident during pump operation.
If the pressure is unstable, or the pump runs noisily, the flexible Gas filter
hose must be detached from the line filter and the fuel must be Change the gas filter when it is dirty.
sucked from a tank located near the burner. This measure
permits the cause of the anomaly to be traced to either the Combustion
suction piping or the pump. If the problem lies in the suction line, If the combustion values measured before starting maintenance
check the filter is clean and that air is not entering the piping. do not comply with applicable Standards or do not indicate
efficient combustion, consult the table below or contact our
Filters Technical Support Service to implement the necessary
Check the filtering baskets on line and at nozzle present in the adjustments.
system. Air excess
Clean or replace if necessary.
EN 676 Max. output Max. output CO
If rust or other impurities are observed inside the pump, use a
  1.2   1.3
separate pump to lift any water and other impurities that may
have deposited on the bottom of the tank. Theoretical max CO2 % Calibration
GAS CO2 mg/kWh
0 % O2  = 1.2  = 1.3
It is advisable to replace nozzles once a year during periodical G 20 11.7 9.7 9.0  100 G 20
maintenance. G 25 11.5 9.5 8.8  100 G 25
Do not clean the nozzle openings.
G 30 14.0 11.6 10.7  100 G 30
Flexible hoses G 31 13.7 11.4 10.5  100 G 31
Check to make sure that the hoses are still in good condition.
Tab. N
Fuel tank
Approximately every 5 years, suck any water on the bottom of the
tank using a separate pump.

If the combustion values measured before starting maintenance
do not comply with applicable Standards or do not indicate
efficient combustion, consult the table below or contact our
Technical Support Service to implement the necessary
Air excess
EN 267 Max. output Min. output CO
  1.2   1.3

Theoretical max CO2 CO2 % Calibration CO

0 % O2 mg/kWh
 = 1,2  = 1,3  = 1,2
15.2 12.6 11.5 12.6  100

Tab. M

39 GB 20176605

7.3 Opening the burner

Disconnect the electrical supply from the burner Wait for the components in contact with heat
by means of the system main switch. sources to cool down completely.

Close the fuel shut-off valve.


7.4 Closing the burner

After carrying out maintenance, cleaning or

checking operations, reassemble the cover and
all the safety and protection devices of the burner.

40 GB
LED indicator and special function

8 LED indicator and special function

8.1 Description of LED lamps

It turns on when the fan motor is powered (T6) and blinks when RUN/CHECK switch is set to
“CHECK” during damper movement phases, PTFI AND MTFI.

It blinks when the air damper is moving towards the maximum opening position until the
position-reached feedback sent by the servomotor is received, then it stays steadily on for the
S9741 time set by the flame control.
If blinks when the air damper is moving towards the minimum opening position until the
position-reached feedback sent by the servomotor is received, then it stays steadily on until the
S9742 end of the pre-purging time.

Auto It indicates that the burner is ready for the output modulation.

Ignition It blinks during the ignition phase (1st safety time) and stays steadily on during the MTFI.

It blinks during the first safety time and stays steadily on if the flame detection has been
correctly performed.

It turns on in red when a lock-out condition occurs.

Alarm Together with the other indicators, it indicates the type of fault during the lock-out phase.
S9746 Together with the other LEDs, it indicates the operating status during the normal cycle.
Tab. O
T = Terminal
PTFI = Pilot ignition attempt
MTFI = Ignition attempt with main fuel valve

8.2 Check mode function

By means of the reset button on-board the flame control, it is • check mode has a 2 minute timeout during the 2nd safety
possible to use a control function during start-up phases. (pre- time. When it ends, the flame control goes back to the normal
purging, ignition, 1st safety time and 2nd safety time). operating status;
This function, indicated as CHECK MODE, is designed to • check mode has a 2 minute timeout during the MTFI status.
facilitate checking the phases of the burner and of the safety When it ends, the flame control goes back to the normal
devices monitored by the flame control. operating status;
This function is particularly useful during the burner first
• during the check mode 1st or 2nd safety time, the flame
commissioning or during maintenance.
signal level can be indicated by the 5 central LEDS on the
To enable the check mode function: flame control central panel, which turn on proportionally.
• keep the reset button pressed, see “LED lamps: burner Each lit LED (starting from the flame LED) represents 20% of
operating status” on page 42, for more details, for at least 3 the signal power.
seconds, the status LED changes from green to yellow to To exit the check mode function, press the reset button; the
signal that the control device is in check mode; flame control will go back to the normal operating mode.
• the control device locks out during pre-purging, after a time-
out of max 30 minutes the flame control will automatically exit
the check mode function;

8.3 Flame control lock-out or emergency stop condition

The RFGO control device can be locked out (emergency stop) at

any time during the operating cycle and unlocked when already
locked (lock-out) by simply pressing the key on the front panel or
by means of the terminal T21 on the support base.

41 GB 20176605
LED indicator and special function

8.4 LED lamps: burner operating status

Operation Damper Damper
Fan Modulation Ignition Flame Status
LED ● = ON open closed

S9740 S9741 S9742 S9743 S9744 S9745 S9746


Not ready/ Green
Standby ● Green
Servomotor OFF ●
movement ● Flashing Flashing Green
(Note 3) ● OFF
Waiting for closing Green Green
OPEN ● ● Green
(before ignition)
Minimum ● ● Green
(before ignition)
Ignition ● ● ● Green
PTFI Green
● ● ● blinking Green
MTFI ● ● ● Green
Active modulation ● ● ● Green
Minimum output ● ● ● Green
With flame present ● ● ● Green
Economy mode ● ● Green
Check during
maximum opening Flashing ● Yellow
Check during
minimum closing Flashing ● Yellow
Check during
ignition phase with Flashing ● Note 1 ● Note 1 ● Note 1 ● Note 1 ● Note 1 Yellow
pilot PTFI
Check during
ignition phase with Flashing ● Note 1 ● Note 1 ● Note 1 ● Note 1 ● Note 1 Yellow
main fuel valve
Fault/lock-out ● Note 2 ● Note 2 ● Note 2 ● Note 2 ● Note 2 ● Note 2 Red
End of the cycle ● ● ● Green
Tab. P
1. LEDs form a progress bar which indicates the Flame Signal
Power in order to orientate the sensors during commissioning
(LEDs “Grow” upwards, moving away from the Status at 20%
intervals of flame power.)
2. LEDs indicate the error or lock-out code for troubleshooting.
3. LEDs change from ON to BLINKING to OFF showing the
servomotor movement control until the position-reached
feedback is received see “Problems - Causes - Remedies
signalled by LED indicators” on page 43“.

42 GB
Problems - Causes - Remedies signalled by LED indicators

9 Problems - Causes - Remedies signalled by LED indicators

When an emergency stop occurs, the control device LEDs

Thermal unit’s operation, maintenance and
indicate the cause of the stop.
troubleshooting interventions must be carried out
The terminal T3 is not powered.
by trained personnel.
The device operating status is internally memorised in case of ATTENTION The persons who solve lock-out problems or reset
any lack of power supply.
the control device must observe the error codes to
The device lock-out condition can be caused by pressing solve the problems described in this product
(<1sec.) the reset button on the flame control front side or technical data sheet.
through the remote reset - terminal T21 on the base. It is not admitted to tamper with or act on the
Since the reset button is very sensitive, do not press it strongly system or control in a way that could compromise
during the reset operation. the product safety or warranty.
Any tests on safety devices or on loads, such as
Unlocking the control device
fan motor, valves, igniter, flame sensors, must be
The RFGO control device can be reset in two ways: reset button performed with the shut-off valves closed and by
and remote reset terminal. qualified personnel.
The remote reset must be a normally open connected button
Do not by-pass nor exclude the safety devices
between T21 and flame control power supply voltage (see
connected to the flame control.
illustrative diagrams):
Failure to observe these guidelines will exclude
• the reset is performed when a faulty condition is detected by any liability.
the flame control.
The regulation prohibits the system from allowing
• Press the reset button to reset the system after a lock-out.
more than 5 remote reset attempts within a 15
• Pressing the reset button during operation will cause an minute time window.
emergency stop. ATTENTION If more than 5 attempts are performed without
• The reset or emergency stop condition can be obtained also solving the lock-out, the system will prevent the
by using the remote reset with the same modalities. user to perform further remote resets and force
• The number of reset attempts is limited to a maximum of 5 him/her to wait for the 15 minutes to elapse.
within 15 minutes. The remote reset operation will be restored at the
end of the waiting time.
Error / RFGO LED lock-out Codes It is recommended that qualified personnel
evaluate the lock-out condition and implement the
During an alarm condition, the status LED becomes steady red.
solution which is suitable for the fault to be solved.
The remaining LEDs turn on according to a coded sequence
which identifies the lock-out cause.
The following table shows the different LED Lock-out codes.
The device described in this manual can cause
material problems, severe injuries or death.
It is the owner or user’s responsibility to make
ATTENTION sure that the equipment described is installed,
used and commissioned in compliance with the
requirements provided both by national and local
law. The lock-out condition indicates the presence
of a fault which occurred during the operating
cycle or during stand-by mode.
Before performing an unlock attempt, it is
necessary to restore the original optimal operating

43 GB 20176605
Problems - Causes - Remedies signalled by LED indicators

Error / RFGO LED lock-out codes

No. Faults LED 1 LED 2 LED 3 LED 4 LED 5 LED 6 LED 7

Operation Open Closed
Fan Auto Ignition Flame Status
LED ● = ON damper damper

S9740 S9741 S9742 S9743 S9744 S9745 S9746

1 Post-diagnostics fault ● Red

2 Local reset ● Red
3 Combustion air fan fault ● ● Red
4 Supervisor processor diagnostics fault ● Red
5 FR- NO Flame at the end of the 2nd ● ● Red
safety time (MTFI)
6 FR: internal circuit fault ● ● Red
7 Internal communication fault ● ● ● Red
8 Remote reset ● Red
9 FR: internal fault ● ● Red
10 Main processor fault ● ● Red
11 Data memory test fault ● ● ● Red
12 Data memory test fault ● ● Red
13 Mains voltage or frequent fault ● ● ● Red
14 Internal processor fault ● ● ● Red
15 Internal processor fault ● ● ● ● Red
16 No flame: 1st safety time (PTFI) ● ● Red
17 Wiring fault ● ● Red
18 Safety relay fault ● ● ● Red
19 Combustion airflow switch fault in the
● ● Red
rest position
20 UV: no flame at the end of the 2nd ● ● ● Red
safety time (MTFI)
21 Safety relay fault ● ● ● Red
22 Supervisor processor fault ● ● ● ● Red
23 Supervisor memory test fault ● ● Red
24 Flame loss during the operation
● ● ● Red
25 Supervisor processor data memory
● ● ● Red
26 Supervisor processor internal fault ● ● ● ● Red
27 Not used
28 Not used
29 Operating temperature out of range ● ● ● ● Red
30 Code memory fault ● ● ● ● ● Red
31 FR: external short circuit ● Red
32 Check mode timeout (manual) ● ● Red
33 False flame in stand-by mode ● ● Red
34 Not used
35 Internal processor timeout ● ● Red
36 Internal processor timeout ● ● ● Red
37 Combustion air check timeout ● ● ● Red
38 Internal processor timeout ● ● ● ● Red
39 Internal processor timeout ● ● Red
40 Internal hardware fault ● ● ● Red
41 Internal hardware fault ● ● ● Red
42 Main processor fault ● ● ● ● Red
43 Supervisor processor fault ● ● ● Red
44 Supervisor processor timeout ● ● ● ● Red
45 Off-specification mains voltage ● ● ● ● Red

44 GB
Problems - Causes - Remedies signalled by LED indicators

No. Faults LED 1 LED 2 LED 3 LED 4 LED 5 LED 6 LED 7

46 Off-specification mains voltage ● ● ● ● ● Red
47 UV: Internal fault ● ● Red
48 Supervisor processor fault ● ● ● Red
49 Main processor fault ● ● ● Red
50 Ignition feedback fault ● ● ● ● Red
51 Pilot feedback fault ● ● ● Red
52 Piloted valve feedback fault ● ● ● ● Red
53 Actuator feedback waiting time
● ● ● ● Red
54 Direct ignition valve feedback fault ● ● ● ● ● Red
55 Internal processor fault ● ● ● Red
56 UV: false flame during operation ● ● ● ● Red
57 FR: false flame during operation ● ● ● ● ● Red
58 T8 inlet fault ● ● ● ● ● Red
59 Internal hardware fault ● ● ● ● Red
60 Local reset fault ● ● ● ● ● ● Red
61 Open POC fault ● ● ● ● Red
62 UV: strong UV flame fault ● ● ● ● ● Red
63 Internal hardware fault ● Red
Tab. Q

45 GB 20176605
Problems - Causes - Remedies signalled by LED indicators

Fault explanation
No. Faults Cause Solution
1 Post-diagnostics fault Initial power diagnostics fault Check T12, T13 and T14
Make sure that the status of inlets and
outlets is correct upon ignition
2 Local reset The user started the manual reset or the Check T21 inlet or reset for normal
reset switch is faulty operation
3 Combustion air fan fault No Air Check signal (T14) during the bleed Check the fan or the air pressure switch
cycle or Air Check signal loss during the
burner operation
4 Supervisor processor The system detected the presence of Check the wiring and make sure that the
diagnostics fault voltage on T16, T17, T18 or T19 at the system is operating on a single-phase line
wrong moment or there is no voltage when (50/60Hz)
5 FR- No flame at the end of the No flame at the end of the second safety Inspect the system, check the gas pressure,
2nd safety time (MTFI) time inspect the flame detection electrode, check
the wiring, etc.
6 FR: internal circuit fault Internal fault Replace the control device
7 Internal communication fault Internal fault Replace the control device
8 Remote reset The user pressed the remote reset button or Check the remote switch
the reset switch is discontinuous/dynamic
9 FR: internal fault Internal fault Replace the control device
10 Main processor fault Internal fault Replace the control device
11 Data memory test fault Internal fault Replace the control device
12 Data memory test fault Internal fault Replace the control device
13 Mains voltage or frequent fault Off-specification power supply voltage and/ Check the input power supply
or frequency
14 Internal processor fault Internal fault Replace the control device
15 Internal processor fault Internal fault Replace the control device
16 st
No flame: 1 safety time (PTFI) No flame at the end of the first safety time Inspect the system, check the gas pressure,
check the UV scanner, check the wiring,
17 Wiring fault The system detected the presence of Inspect the wiring and make sure that the
voltage on critical terminals (T16, T17, T18 system is operating on a single-phase line
or T19) at the wrong moment or there is no (50/60Hz)
voltage when necessary
18 Safety relay fault Internal fault Replace the control device
19 Combustion airflow switch fault Open the circuit upon T13 start-up Check the wiring for the air pressure switch
in the rest position
20 UV: no flame at the end of the No flame at the end of the 2nd safety time Inspect the system, check the gas pressure,
2 nd safety time (MTFI) check the UV scanner, check the wiring,
21 Safety relay fault Internal fault Replace the control device
22 Supervisor processor fault Internal fault Replace the control device
23 Supervisor memory test fault Internal fault Replace the control device
24 Flame loss during the operation Loss of flame Check the scanner or the fuel flow line
25 Supervisor processor data Internal fault Replace the control device
memory fault
26 Supervisor processor internal Internal fault Replace the control device
27 Not used
28 Not used
29 Operating temperature out of Operating temperature below -40°C or Bring the control device within the specified
range temperature nominal values
above 70°C
30 Code memory fault Internal fault Replace the control device
31 FR: external short circuit External short circuit between T24 and Inspect the flame detection electrode
32 Check mode timeout (manual) The interval for the manual mode (30 Exit the manual mode correctly to avoid
minutes) to end has elapsed timeout
33 False flame in stand-by mode Unexpected flame (false or parasitic flame) Check scanner or interference
detected during the Stand-by status

46 GB
Problems - Causes - Remedies signalled by LED indicators

No. Faults Cause Solution

34 Not used
35 Internal processor timeout Internal fault Replace the control device
36 Internal processor timeout Internal fault Replace the control device
37 Combustion air check timeout The system could not perform verification Check the wiring or the air pressure switch
tests of the combustion air during the burner
38 Internal processor timeout Internal fault Replace the control device
39 Internal processor timeout Internal fault Replace the control device
40 Internal hardware fault Internal fault Replace the control device
41 Internal hardware fault Internal fault Replace the control device
42 Main processor fault Internal fault Replace the control device
43 Supervisor processor fault Internal fault Replace the control device
44 Supervisor processor timeout Internal fault Replace the control device
45 Off-specification mains voltage Off-specification mains voltage/frequency Check the mains voltage level or the
frequency. Contact the factory if the
problem persists
46 Off-specification mains voltage Off-specification mains voltage/frequency Check the mains voltage level or the
Contact the factory if the problem persists
47 UV: Internal fault Internal fault Replace the control device
48 Supervisor processor fault Internal fault Replace the control device
49 Main processor fault Internal fault Replace the control device
50 Ignition feedback fault The system detected the presence of Check the wiring and make sure that the
voltage on T16 at the wrong moment or earthing is appropriate
there is no voltage when necessary If the problem persists, contact the
51 Pilot feedback fault The system detected the presence of Check the wiring and make sure that the
voltage on T17 at the wrong moment or earthing is appropriate. If the problem
there is no voltage when necessary persists, contact the distributor/factory
52 Piloted valve feedback fault The system detected the presence of Check the wiring and make sure that the
voltage on T19 at the wrong moment or earthing is appropriate
there is no voltage when necessary If the problem persists, contact the
53 Actuator feedback waiting time No actuator feedback on T8 for more than Check the wiring
expired 10 minutes Check the modulation equipment
54 Direct ignition valve feedback The system detected the presence of Check the wiring and make sure that the
fault voltage on T18 at the wrong moment or earthing is appropriate. If the problem
there is no voltage when necessary persists, contact the distributor/factory
55 Internal processor fault Internal fault Replace the control device
56 UV: false flame during operation False flame detected before ignition Check the scanner
57 FR: false flame during operation False flame detected before ignition Check the wiring
Check the scanner
Make sure that earthing is appropriate
58 T8 inlet fault The system detected the presence of Check the wiring
voltage on T8 at the wrong moment or there Check the actuator
is no voltage when necessary
59 Internal hardware fault Internal fault Replace the control device
60 Local reset fault Local reset button pressed for more than 10 If the problem persists, replace the control
seconds or reset button locked device
61 Open POC fault The fuel valve is open at the wrong moment Check the wiring
62 UV: strong UV flame fault The scanner is too close to the flame Increase the distance between the scanner
and the flame OR use an orifice to reduce
the view field
63 Internal hardware fault Internal fault Replace the control device
Tab. R

47 GB 20176605
Appendix - Accessories

A Appendix - Accessories

Output regulator kit for modulating operation

With modulating operation, the burner continuously adjusts its The parts to be ordered are two:
output to the heat request, thereby ensuring a great stability of • output regulator to be installed to the burner;
the controlled parameter: temperature or pressure.
• probe to be installed to heat generator.

Parameter to be controlled Probe Output regulator

Adjustment field Type Code Type Code
Temperature - 100...+ 500°C PT 100 3010110
0...2.5 bar 3010213 RWF50.2 20100018
Output probe
Pressure 0...16 bar 3010214 RWF55.5 20101965
4...20 mA
0...25 bar 3090873

Potentiometer kit

Burner Code
ENNE/EMME 1400 - 2000
ENNE/EMME 3000 - 4500

Spacer kit

Burner Code
ENNE/EMME 1400 - 2000 102 3000722
ENNE/EMME 3000 - 4500 130 3000751

Soundproofing box kit

Burner Type dB(A) Code

ENNE/EMME 1400 - 2000
C7 10 3010376
ENNE/EMME 3000 - 4500

LPG kit

Burner Code
ENNE/EMME 1400 - 2000 3010063
ENNE/EMME 3000 3090223
ENNE/EMME 4500 3090937

Burner support kit

Burner Code
ENNE/EMME 1400 - 2000
ENNE/EMME 3000 - 4500

Degasing unit kit

Bruciatore Code
ENNE/EMME 1400 - 2000 3000748
ENNE/EMME 3000 - 4500 3010012

48 GB
Appendix - Accessories

Thermal relay kit

Bruciatore Code
ENNE/EMME 3000 20163347

Gas trains in compliance with EN 676

Please refer to manual.

The installer is responsible for the addition of any

safety device not foreseen in this manual.

49 GB 20176605
Appendix - Electrical panel layout

B Appendix - Electrical panel layout

1 Index of layouts

2 Indication of references

3 Functional layout

4 Functional layout RFGO-A22

5 Functional layout RFGO-A22

6 Functional layout RFGO-A22

7 Functional layout RFGO-A22

8 Electrical wiring that is the responsibility of the installer

9 Electrical wiring that is the responsibility of the installer

10 Electrical wiring that is the responsibility of the installer

11 Electrical wiring kit RWF50 external

2 Indication of references

Sheet no.


50 GB

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Appendix - Electrical panel layout



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Appendix - Electrical panel layout

Wiring layout key

A1 Electrical control box SM Servomotor
AL Oil high temperature alarm TA Ignition transformer
B1 RWF50 output power regulator TE Electronic thermostat
BA Current input DC 4...20mA TL Limit thermostat/pressure switch
BA1 Current input DC 4...20mA for remote setpoint change TM Maximum thermostat
BP Pressure probe Tm Minimum thermostat
BP1 Pressure probe TR Adjustment thermostat/pressure switch
BR Remote setpoint potentiometer TS Safety thermostat/pressure switch
BT1 Thermocouple probe UV Flame sensor
BT2 Probe Pt100, 2 wires VF Oil operation valve
BT3 Probe Pt100, 3 wires VS1-VS2 Safety oil valve
BT4 Probe for heavy oil temperature XBT4 Probe connector PT100 with 3 wires
BTEXT External probe for climatic compensation of the XPE Control box earth
setpoint XPGM Maximum gas pressure switch connector
BV Voltage input DC 0...10V XPO Connector for maximum oil pressure switch
BV1 Voltage input DC 0...10V for remote setpoint change XRWF RWF50 terminal board
C Suppressor X1 Burner terminal strip
CN Servomotor connector XA Starter terminal strip
CN1 Connector XM Terminal board
F1 Thermal relay for fan motor - three phase line XTB Burner earth
F2 Thermal relay for pump motor - single phase line fuses YVPS Leak test
F3 Thermal relay for fan motor Y Gas adjustment valve + gas safety valve
FU Three-phase line fuses
FU1 Three-phase line fuses
FU2 Three-phase line fuses
H Remote lockout signal
H1 Remote lockout signal due to leak detection control
IN Burner manual stop switch
K1 Relay
K2 Relay
KM Fan motor contactor
KMP Pump motor contactor
KT Time relay
KT1 Triangle contactor
KS1 Star contactor
KL1 Line contactor
KST1 Timing relay for switching from star to triangle
KR Contactor for oil resistors
MP Pump motor
MV Fan motor
PA Air pressure switch
PO Maximum oil pressure switch
PGM Maximum gas pressure switch
PGMin Minimum gas pressure switch
Q1 Switch/breaker
Q2 Switch/breaker
Q3 Switch/breaker
Q4 Switch/breaker
Q5 Switch/breaker
RE Pre-heater resistors
S Resistor for oil tank
S1 OIL/0/GAS selector

77 GB 20176605
I-37045 Legnago (VR)
Tel.: +39.0442.630111

Subject to modifications

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