CURRICULUM MAP-5-1st Quarter
CURRICULUM MAP-5-1st Quarter
CURRICULUM MAP-5-1st Quarter
Grade Level: 5
Map Teacher: Jean Rose C. Maghinay Learning Area: HELE
Quarter: 1ST QUARTER
Performance Activities(Offline/ Institutional Core
Unit Topic:Content Content Standards Formation Standards Assessment Resources
Standards Online) Values
DISTRIBUTING The pupils will be The pupils will be The pupils will be Drills (Oral and Enumerate the Learning and Living Awareness
DOCUMENTS able to demonstrate able to able to use the written) behavior guidelines in the 21st Century 5
AND MEDIA understanding on the independently proper guidelines in Enumeration in distributing Integrity
guidelines of distribute documents distributing Essay documents and Internet
distributing and media files and documents and media files. Privacy
JOINING documents and join a discussion media files and
DISCUSSION media file and forums and chat. joining discussion Enumerate the Responsibility
FORUMS AND joining discussion forums and chats. guidelines in
CHATS forums and chats. engaging an online
forum and chat.
USING SEARCH The pupils will be The pupils will be The pupils will be Drills (Oral and Enumerate the Learning and Living Integrity
ENGINES FOR able to demonstrate able to able to utilize the written) things to remember in the 21st Century 5
understanding on independently different search Enumeration in web searching. Privacy
different search identify the engines in gathering Essay Internet
AND engines for appropriate and organizing List examples of Responsibility
ORGANIZING gathering and information to be informations. search engines.
INFORMATION organizing use while using the
informations. search engines.
ANALYZING The pupils will be The pupils will be The pupils will be Drills (Oral and Match column A to Learning and Living Integrity
DATA USING able to demonstrate able to cite the able to apply the written) column B that in the 21st Century 5
understanding on spreadsheet and lesson learned in Essay describes the word Responsibility
using electronic formula of an using electronic correctly. Internet
SPREADSHEET spreadsheet in electronic spreadsheet in daily
analyzing data. spreadsheets. living.
CREATING The pupils will be The pupils will be The pupils will be Drills (Oral and Identify the words Learning and Living Integrity
KNOWLEDGE able to demonstrate able to differentiate able to apply the written) being described in in the 21st Century 5
understanding on the knowledge lesson learned in Essay each sentence. Responsibility
creating knowledge products such as creating knowledge Internet
products such as brochures, flyers, products in day to
brochures, flyers, posters and day living like Let the pupils create
posters or PowerPoint occasions or events. a flyer, a poster and
PowerPoint Presentation. a powerpoint
Presentation. presentation out of
any topic choices.