ICSE Class 7 Physics Syllabus

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Theme 1: Physical Quantities and Measurement

In the earlier classes, teaching-learning emphasised on the measurement of length, mass,

time and temperature using devices made for such measurements and how a particular unit
and symbol are used to express the result of measurement of each physical quantity. In
continuity, this theme aims at enabling children to develop the ability to measure volume and
determine the density of a regular solid. They will be introduced to the concept of speed,
that contains simple problems to provide an idea of the speed of objects around us and also
to know how fast or slow an object is moving.

Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
define volume;
express volume of an object in a proper unit with proper symbols;
measure volume of a liquid using a graduated cylinder and a graduated beaker;
estimate the area of an object of irregular shape using a graph paper;
measure the volume of an irregular solid using a graduated cylinder /a graduated beaker;
define density and write its formula;
express density in a proper unit and symbol;
measure density of a regular/irregular solids;
express result of measurement in a proper unit with proper symbol;
define speed and write its formula;
express speed in proper units with proper symbol;
solve simple numerical problems based on formulas of density and speed.

Physical Quantities and Measurement

Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes resources
 Measurement of Volume (3D  Demonstration of graduated cylinder  Graduated cylinder
concept): and graduated beaker  graduated beaker in
Concept of unit volume  Explanation of process of activities
 Measurement of Area: measurement of volume  a small piece of stone
Estimate the Area of  Explaining use of graph paper to  a regular object
irregular shape using a measure area of irregular shape  objects of irregular shape
Graph paper  Explanation of process of  use of graph papers
 Measurement of Density of measurement of density of a regular  video on volume
regular solids: solid measuring devices
Basic concept  Explanation of concept of speed with  video on motion and speed
Formula examples from daily life
Simple Numericals (SI  Explaining calculation of speed
units not required)  Engaging children in activities
 Calculation of Speed: involving measurement of volume,
Basic Concept area, and density.
Formula  Engaging children in simple problem
Simple Numericals (SI solving involving the concepts of
units not required). density and speed.
Integration: Chemistry, Technology in daily life
Life Skills: Creative thinking, Problem-solving

Theme 2: Force and Pressure: Motion

An object is said to be in motion if its position changes with time. When walking, running
or cycling or when a bird is flying, there is motion involved. Various objects have different
types of motion. They can be classified into translatory motion, circular motion and
oscillatory motion. Motion of an object can also be classified as periodic and non-periodic.
If an object travels equal distance in equal time, its motion is said to be uniform, if not,
the motion is said to be non-uniform. A physical quantity used to distinguish between
uniform and non-uniform motion is average speed.

Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
define motion;
identify objects in motion and at rest;
describe different types of motion, with examples from daily life;
define uniform and non-uniform motion with examples from daily life;
define the concept of speed (average speed);
calculate average speed of objects based on data provided;
define weight;
relate weight of an object with its mass.

Force and Pressure: Motion

Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Motion as a change in  Demonstrating objects at rest and in  A ball.
position of an object with motion.  A stop watch.
respect to time.  Demonstrating different types of  A bob with hook.
 Types of motion: motion.  Thread.
Translatory  Asking children to work in groups and  Laboratory stand.
Circulatory list objects in different types of motion  Video on motion and
Oscillatory in a table. types of motion.
Repetitive (Periodic and  Demonstrating motion of a  Video on uniform and
Non Periodic) pendulum as case of a periodic non-uniform motion.
Random motion.  Video on speed of objects in
 Uniform and Non Uniform  Demonstrating uniform and non- daily life.
Motion: concept of distance uniform motion using examples from  Videos on ocean currents,
and speed (average speed) daily life cyclones/ anti cyclones,
 Weight:  Explaining the concept of speed; unit atmospheric pressure
Concept of speed. Simple numericals for
Differences between calculating average speed of objects in
Mass and Weight. daily life.
 Explaining the concept of weight.
 Explaining the difference between
mass and weight.

Integration: Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Technology in daily life.

Life Skills: Problem-solving, Cooperation and working together.

Theme 3: Energy

This theme aims at enabling children to know about energy and the different its forms
namely, kinetic energy, potential energy, heat energy and electrical energy. They will also
understand that one form of energy can be converted into another form and that this is
known as transformation of energy. Energy is conserved during transformation. This is
known as the law of Conservation of Energy.

Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
define energy;
express energy in proper units;
discuss about different forms of energy;
describe conversion of energy from one form to another in different situations;
state law of conservation of energy, with examples.

Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Energy:  Explanation of the term Energy and  A simple pendulum.
Energy as capacity to do encouraging children to share their  Charts showing different
work. experiences with examples from daily forms of energy.
Units of energy (joule life.  Video/s showing
and calorie).  Explanation of relation between Work interconversion of different
Different forms of and Energy. forms of energy.
energy.  Discussion with children about the
Inter-conversion of different forms of Energy, with
energy examples.
 Law of Conservation of  Demonstration of inter-conversion of
Energy: Energy, examples from daily life
Real world examples.  Demonstration of the conservation of
 Providing examples of different
applications of conservation of energy
(Roller coaster, production of
hydroelectricity etc.) and encouraging
children to carefully make energy
conversion diagrams and deduce that
energy is conserved.

Integration: Chemistry, Biology, Technology in daily life.

Life Skills: Cooperation and working together, problem-solving.

Theme 4: Light Energy

Light travels in a straight line. Light from an object can move through space and reach
the human eye which enables one to see this page, or a face in a mirror. This process is
known as reflection. It obeys a law known as law of reflection. Light travels in air at a
constant speed of 3 x 108 m/s or 3 lakh kilometre per second. In other mediums, like
glass or water, it slows down. Light from sun is composed of seven colours. The colours
of objects fascinates everybody, Physicists have found that all colours can be explained
as addition of three primary colours. The primary colours are red, green and blue. Colours
that is seen on a TV or computer screen arise due to combination of these primary colours.
Appearance of colour of an object is due to process of absorption and reflection of
different colours by the object.

Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
explain the phenomenon of reflection;
define the terms, plane, normal to the plane, point of incidence, angle of incidence and angle of
state the law of reflection;
describe reflection of light from a plane mirror;
use law of reflection to show formation of image by a plane mirror;
describe the characteristics of image formed by a plane mirror;
state the value of speed of light;
state primary colours;
describe formation of secondary colours by addition of primary colours;
explain the observed colour of an object based on reflection and absorption of light of different
colours from the object.

Light Energy
Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes resources
 Reflection:  Demonstrating on plane mirror and  A plane mirror.
Definition and Examples. reflection of light. Explaining the  Reflecting surfaces.
Terms related to reflection - point of incidence, normal, angle of  A laser pencil
normal, plane, point of incidence, incidence and angle of reflection. pointer.
angle of incidence, angle of  Engaging children in activities to  Pencil, scale, eraser,
reflection. show reflection of light. marker.
 Laws of Reflection.  Helping children to draw a diagram  White paper sheet.
 Plane mirror: to show a reflection by mirror.  A set of primary
Uses.  Demonstrating primary colours and colours.
Ray Diagram (no mention of formation of secondary colours  A set of colour filters.
virtual image). Characteristics of using primary colours and asking  A source of white
the image formed (Lateral children to do the same in light.
Inversion, same size, distance is pairs/groups.  Interactive video on
preserved).  Explaining the colour of an object primary colours and
 Speed of light (3 x 108 m/s). based on absorption and reflection. mixing of primary
 Primary colours (RGB).  Showing children a video on colours.
 Formation of secondary colours by primary colours and mixing of  Picture/ video on
colour addition. primary colours and then rainbow.
 Appearance of colour of an object discussing the same with them.
(based on reflection and absorption)  Explaining to children how rainbow
 Colour subtraction. is formed.
Integration: Art, Mathematics, Technology in daily life.
Life Skills: Cooperation and working together, problem-solving.

Theme 5: Heat

Heat is a form of energy. Sunlight carries heat that gives warmth when exposed to it.
When water is heated, its energy in the form of heat increases and becomes hot. When
heat energy of an object increases, it can result in (i) change of temperature,
(ii) change in size and/or (iii) change in state of an object. Some materials like aluminium
are good conductors of heat and some, like wood are bad conductors of heat. Heat from
a hot object is transferred to a cold object in three different ways- conduction,
convection and radiation. Previous learning included topics on temperature and its
measurement in degree Celsius. Further, two other frequently used temperature scales,
Fahrenheit scale and Kelvin scale have been introduced in this theme for a better
understanding of concepts related to temperature.

Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
define heat as energy;
define units of heat;
describe temperature scales: degree Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin;
describe different effects of heat;
explain different modes of heat transfer;
decide about conductor and insulator of heat in different applications;
describe construction and working of thermos flask.

Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes resources
 Heat as a form of energy and its units,  Demonstration and explanation Thermometer
joule(J) and calorie (cal). of use of Thermometers marked graduated in °C and °F.
 Different units of Temperature (°C, in F. Water in beaker.
°F, K).  Engaging children in activity to A tripod with mesh
 Effects of Heat: measure temperature of water screen.
Change in Temperature. in F. A burner for heating.
Change in Size (Expansion and  Demonstration of heat transfer A set up to show heat
contraction). through different modes, transfer by
Change in State. conduction, convection and conduction.
Good Conductors and Bad radiation. A round flask.
Conductors of Heat and their  Children have to deduce where Potassium
examples. conduction, convection and Permanganate
Choice of conductors and radiation is taking place in some Crystals.
insulators in day to day life (Pan real world applications. Test tube.
handles, metal cooking utensils  Children use thermocol and Test tube holder.
etc.) other materials to make a Thermos flask.
 Methods of Heat Transfer: cooling pack (emphasizing on
Conduction the process of heat transfer).
Convection  Explanation of the construction
Radiation and working of a thermos flask.
 Thermos Flask:
(Application of Heat Transfer)
Integration: Geography, Biology, Technology in daily life.
Life Skills: Cooperation and working together, problem-solving.

Theme 6: Sound

Sound is produced by the vibration of objects and different types of instruments are
used to produce sound. In humans, sound is produced by the voice box or larynx. Sound
needs a medium to propagate hence in vacuum it is not possible to hear one another.
Sound wave is a longitudinal wave. A wave is characterised by an amplitude and a
frequency. Like light, sound is also reflected from a surface. Sound is also absorbed by
a medium. Therefore, walls of a theatre are lined with layers of materials that absorb
sound. Sound travels with different speeds in different mediums and travels fastest in
solids. This theme will enable children to know and understand 'Sound’, different sources
of sound and how it travels.

Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify different sources of sound;
describe sound as a longitudinal wave;
define amplitude and frequency of sound;
demonstrate that sound requires a medium to transmit;
list examples of reflection and absorption of sound;
analyse the relative speed of Sound in different mediums;
design a sound-proof box.

Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes resources
 Sources of sound.  Demonstration of production of  Different sources of sound.
 Sound as a longitudinal wave. sound using simple objects within  A setup to show that sound
 Characteristics of a sound the classroom followed by need a medium to
wave: Amplitude (Relate discussion propagate.
amplitude with loudness) and  Children place their hand on their  Materials for reflecting
Frequency. throats and when they speak they sound.
 Sound needs a medium to feel vibration.  Materials for absorbing
propagate.  Explanation of the characteristics of sound.
 Reflection and Absorption of sound.  Videos on sound, sources,
sound.  Demonstration that sound needs a need of a medium,
 Relative speed of sound in medium to propagate. characteristic, reflection,
different mediums.  Engaging children in design of an absorption.
activity to show that sound need a
medium to propagate, using two
mobiles and a tumbler.
 Demonstration of reflection of
 Demonstration of absorption of
 Explanation of relative speed of
sound in solid, liquid and gas.
 Design of sound proof box.
Life Skills: Cooperation and working together, Problem solving, Critical thinking.
Integration: Music, Mathematics, Technology in daily life.

Theme 7: Electricity and Magnetism

The basic law of electromagnetism states that “Like poles of magnets repel one another
and unlike poles attract”. When an electric current is passed through a coil, the coil
behaves like a magnet. This magnet is called an electromagnet. The strength of this
magnet is increased by inserting a core of suitable material. Many objects around us, like
electric bell, electric motor, loudspeaker, etc. have electromagnets in them. A cell is a
source of electricity and are used in torches, watches, calculators, etc. When connected
to a device like bulb, it sends current through the bulb and the bulb lights up. Flow of
charges constitute current. Materials that allow current to flow through them are called
conductors whereas materials that do not allow passage of current through them are
called insulators. Children will learn how electric components are arranged in simple series
and simple parallel arrangements.

Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
state the Law of Magnetism;
describe test for a magnet;
explain the phenomenon of electromagnetism;
describe an electromagnet and its uses;
explain construction and working of an electric bell;
relate current to flow of charge;
recognize electric cell as a source of electricity;
define resistors as the component that opposes the flow of current;
represent different components like cell, battery, key, bulb, connecting wire, resistor by standard
make simple series circuits and simple parallel circuits;
recognize battery as series combination of cells;
define conductors and insulators of electricity.

Electricity and Magnetism

Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Law of Magnetism  Revisiting previous concepts.  Two bar magnets
 Test for a magnet (by  Building on children’s previous  Laboratory stand
repulsion) learning.  Thread and hook for
 Electromagnetism,  Demonstrating and explaining the law magnet
Electromagnets and their of electromagnetism.  An iron nail
applications- Electric bell  Demonstrating simple electromagnets.  A cell
 Electric current as a flow of  Engaging children to demonstrate  A coil of wires
charges electromagnets.  A compass
 Electric cell as source of  Description of use of electromagnets.  Core for electromagnet
electricity  Demonstrating the construction and  Dry cell
 Resistors as components working of electric bells.  Key
that oppose the flow of  Demonstrating electric cell and  Connecting wires
current. explanation of its working.  Three bulb
 Symbolic representation of  Familiarizing children with symbols for  Banana clips
electrical components (key, electric components.

Electricity and Magnetism
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
battery, bulb, conducting  Explaining the role of key in electric  Video showing
wire, resistor) circuits. electromagnets and electric
 Simple electric circuit-  Explaining the precautions to be taken bells
Series and Parallel before an electric circuit is switched-on.  Video showing series and
 Battery as a collection of  Engaging children in making simple parallel circuits
cells connected in series. electric circuits.  Video on earth’s magnetic
 Good and Bad conductors  Engaging children in practical tasks declination
of electricity involving Series and Parallel
 Engaging children in design of activity
to test whether a given object is good or
bad conductor of electricity.
 Showing video on earth’s magnetic
declination from the true north.

Integration: Chemistry, Geography, Technology in daily life.

Life Skills: Problem-solving, Critical thinking, Cooperation and working together.


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