Pendulum Energy Program Engineering
Pendulum Energy Program Engineering
Pendulum Energy Program Engineering
Pendulum Energy Program Engineering
It was started at 2012 March where I bought a pendulum and learn to do healing, within one year I had done
everything I could about helping the earth and my journey ended due to my limitation and personal reason. I wrote
this manual in Chinese at first, this is the translation of my own. However, in fact I learned pendulum healing in
English at first, and then I was intended to write the Chinese version because of the poor and lack of this type of
material in mandarin.
I would like to say that this material, although it is coming from my own findings, however I would not claim that my
method and information that being given here is accurate. Please understand that pendulum is a personal journey, it
is not uncommon that one can have different information with another about the same question, simply because it
is very personal, so be open about what we are receiving and don’t try to overwrite another’s perspective, if not
then you are not just living in your own illusion but also trying to spread your problem onto others, please do not do
that. It had been causing many degrees of harm over eons and need to be learned.
QQ no.: feihung1986 2579950258
QQ chatroom: 摆能量工程师 256901018
P.S. English is not my mother tongue, forgive me about my bad language please.
P.S. P.S. If you feel headache about reading many stories at chapter 1 and 2, please get directly into chapter 3 to
test your pendulum like a no brainer > Just follow the steps and say the commands to program your pendulum.
After you have a sense of the idea of what this pendulum programming is about, read from beginning later, I know
some people prefer to get to the main point rather than long explanation.
Good luck!
First chapter: Knowing the pendulum
1.1. Pendulum and prediction
1.2. Difference between pendulum, psychic and prayer
1.3. Conflict of psychics
1.4. My own perspective on spiritual beings, higherselves and dimensions
1.5. Question about higher dimensions
1.6. Beings of a pendulum
1.7. Crystalline structure
1.8. Other thought about supernatural
1.8.1. Crystal and water
1.8.2. Carbon and silicone
1.8.3. Organic and inorganic
1.8.4. Mental and emotion
1.9. Where do we get a pendulum?
1.10. How much we can get a pendulum?
1.11. Real and faked crystal
1.12. Shape, size, etc… of a pendulum
1.13. Question about cleaning the pendulum
First chapter: Knowing the pendulum
1.1. Pendulum and prediction
Most of the pendulum-ers are starting from the use for prediction.
My understanding about any form of prediction, through my own experience of dealing with various kind of
problem, that the problems of channeling, sacred geometry and I-ching, where they were being created by
the so called “higher” beings, often relates with soul fragmentation issue where they were used for higher
beings for communicating us, as they shot out their soul fragments that contain the part of the information
and we did not send them back after received, thus causing the traumas of them as well as influenced us,
which need to be resolved. In my opinion, I personally do not work prediction, and when I receive information
through my pendulum, usually it had something that I need to be work with, thus I do not bother at all what
will happen or had happened in the future and past, after all, time is simultaneously changing, past and
future are not really important to me, what important to me is the HERE and NOW.
Another way of using pendulum is working with energy programming that base on manifestation of consciousness
through the amplification of crystalline material by our own thought, including our emotion when we are speaking
with the pendulum beside the mental part of what most had described.
When I first using the pendulum doing energy work, I thought that it was just about our consciousness held in mind
and manifested though own request through pendulum. After that, I started to do mass healing over many beings,
where I started to think that it might not just about manifestation of thought, it might be the request that being
worked by many forces be it higher or lower, in the form of prayer.
There are many spiritual teaching especially in new age that based on mind-thought-light “manifestation”
and intervention of higher beings. However I found many problems with the higher beings and their higher
dimensions, which make feel no distinction of what we can have here happened the same at higher, thus
“divine intervention” for me is considered as double sided, not necessarily from above to below, and this is
very important for us human to know that we can help them instead of thinking they are supreme existences,
which does no good but had harmed them very much If we keep pulling them and demand from them.
It turns out that prediction become meaningless if we can’t let the so called higher force to help us but only locking
us in the mind set of supremacy harms the higher realm. Simply, if you know the answer, why don’t you do it? And
telling us that we need to do this and that? I feel more comfortable if one shut of the external guidance that
demands me to do something from their “help” which is not really helpful but put stress on me.
Metal pendulums
Second chapter: Fundamentals of healing theory
2.1. Love
2.1.1. The beginning of the universe: Love-Light-Darkness
Most of the spiritual teachings I found that describing light as primal creation of universe, however in my own
experience, there are many things that still unanswered of what I had been questioned on myself and through my
pendulum works. In the very first moment, I learned the pendulum healing that focused on love and light, but then it
locked me into some situations that make me push away this limitation by calling up the love and darkness to
resolve the problem I faced.
I questioned myself if the universe is really being created from the light? In quantum physics the light, or known as
photon, can be created from mass, and can we said that mass created this universe? Then there are discoveries that
showing the light can be created from vacuum as well, and can we say that this universe was created from vacuum?
What is the nature of light then? Really?
Most of the spiritual teachings also emphasize on developing psychic and the brain-heart ability. If the light is so
important for these spiritual masters, I would say that light is of the mind of the universe, or not?
If we are talking about the creation of the life force of this universe, then we cannot deny that sexual energy played
the most important rule here, many earth lives were created by intercourse. What really makes the sexual energy
working here as well is the love. Without love, parents would have eaten their own children. I ask myself if mind and
sex are two most fundamental things, if not, then what created this universe?
I would like to bring out the problem of current spirituality that talks very much on hell, higher dimensions,
channeling, karma, spiritual hierarchy, prophesies and many sort of “crazy” stuffs (well, they aren’t that crazy to me).
Then I would question myself like this: If spirituality is really leaning too much of the mental activities, then my
answer is telling me that perhaps this explain very well of these problems. We can create anything with our own
minds, however we do not really understand well of the consequences of abusing the psychic part that being
promoted in the spirituality. This is the root cause of the problem: because we do not understand them well, as what
I had found and solve in many of my works.
Materialism had been long repulsive with spirituality. In some very old religion, the practice of terminating the
sexual activity is still can be found now, in some extend, terminating the “ego” as well, and that sounds like removing
the emotional part of ourselves. In other words, materialism and emotion seems to be acting like the darkness that
the light forces always try to get rid off. Of course, there are spirituality that have practice the sexual part, but going
into the way that sex without baby. Much of these are remained unanswered, I think I should stop here.
The idea about love-light-darkness that creating this universe is the derivation of myself from all these
considerations. I had hard time to prove logically of this idea, honestly, I put it like this way simply because “I feel
good about it”, when I tested this idea in my pendulum programming, it works anyway. Please understand that
energy programming can be done in many fashions that, any kind of your ideas can be tested using pendulum
programming and see how it goes.
2.1.3. Quantum state of love and light, love and darkness, and, light and darkness
There is once that I found love and light had the problem of unable to deal with someone I try to heal, it was then I
started to use the combination of this energy system. All I can say about this is there are things that beyond the love,
light and darkness, not coming from the universe at all. I mentioned earlier that in order to participate this universe,
we need to come in with form, there are those who did not coming in with form but they possess the form of us
here. It is something like they do not want to participate in this universe yet they wanted to interfere, or to say, they
want to experience this universe but they choose a way that preventing them from born in this universe… The
nature of possession of such out of existence is something that I do not really understand. What worked with me
here that is to remove them by commanding removal of the things that are not of love and light, not of love and
darkness and not of light and darkness.
If there is another way to do this I don’t know, one thing I am sure that energy programming is something that need
scientific experimentation (most importantly, the feedback system), or else we will never know what we really did
with our consciousness.
Back to the topic: What is quantum state? The quantum state I refer here is the Pauli Exclusion Principle, stating that
any quantum state cannot have more than two quanta (or something like that if I make some mistake here). If we
use only love, light, and darkness, then it is a singular meta-stable state that tends to be reactive… The point here is
that if we use two quanta together, we can have multiple quantum state working together, e.g. To program the
singular love + light + darkness, compared with love + light, love + darkness and light + darkness are different where
the first cannot create complicated system while the later can.
The fundamental of energy programming that based on energy subtraction and energy addiction, we can have both
energy removal and addition if we use stable quantum state.
There is another energy programming that based on alignment and balancing, how do we define this if we are just
having the singular energy state?
1) Love and light - mental, brain, intelligent and something informational, I believe this is the spiritual.
2) Love and darkness - sex, body, emotion and something materialistic.
3) Light and darkness - Agreement, order, supervision and something like filtration.
Love Love
False/ False/ False/ False/
False/ Clear clear Clear Clear
False/ False/ False/ False/
Clear Clear/ Clear Clear Clear/ Clear
Heal Heal
False/ False/ False/ False/
Clear Flase/ clear Clear False/ Clear
clear Clear
Light Darkness Thank Forgiveness
Uncatagorized theory
9 dimensions 9 timelines
The source
1) The source - From what I know, if you use pendulum to connect with them, they won’t answer your call by
asking their name, it is impossible to define them and they won’t answer certain of your question and it is up
to you to find out. To me, it would be meaningless to ask them question unless they show up to you and
make you ask your answer for them because you know the answer but you deny yourself, something like
2) Zero and infinite - I believe that this is the intermediate state of before and after the universe being created,
to engage with universe you need to be born with it in order to participate about the creator and creation.
3) The 0th and 10th universe - I believe this is the where rules of the universe regulated. However, within the 0th
and 10th universe, they too have their own universes as well like us, something similar to the Mandelbrot Set,
as inner as outer as below as above.
4) Current universe - This is where we experimenting and experiencing the creators and creations, where the
light (and dark) keep exchanging and transforming.
a. 9 dimensions - 1st dimension is the stars, suns and planets; 3rd dimension is what we are currently
located now; 4th dimension is the astral plane; 5th dimension to me is like living with different planets;
7th dimension is something like spiritual plane; 9th dimension is like god like beings.
b. 9 timelines - This is something that I do not understand at all, maybe they are just the 9 dimensions
c. Parallel universes - Something like each dimension can have their own parallel universes, located at
same time but happened at different places.
d. Serial universes - Something like each dimension can have their own serial universes, located at
same space but happened at different times.
e. False dimensions - The causes of false dimensions are:
Creating over-protective shields and fields, often had to do with wars
Creating virtual world, as the consciousness can create whatever they wanted.
Embodiment Ego
Aura Subtle body Chakra Meridian
Construct Relationship
Field Shield Cord Circuit
Device Entity Implant Event
False being (soul fragments) False life (mental and emotional or heart fragments)
Ethereal / Spiritual Virus Robot
False consciousness
Pollution (false crystal) (false programming)
False satellite False electron False portal False channeling
Fundamental structure
Love-light-darkness - which had already explain before
Main structure
1) Soul - like the energy source, well, it depends how you understand it.
a. Ether - like the medium of energy interaction
b. Spirit - like the quantum state of beingness?
2) Heart - like the consciousness part of the soul
a. Emotion - A pattern of the consciousness to facilitate, like the feel of it
b. Mind - A pattern of the consciousness to facilitate, the intelligent part of it
Second structure
1) Gravity - this is deduced from the idea of physic, I give it a go for filling the part that I believe is fit
a. Satellite - What we observed in astronomy, I believe it applies to everything
2) Electron - same as above
a. Electron - same as above
3) Stargate - where the soul going through for incarnation, injured stargate causing one requires soul transfer
technology to facilitate the incarnation process, which also known as reincarnation
a. Portal - that going through the time and space
4) DNA - The programming or memory of the soul, maybe it is where the akashic record located as well
a. Channel - the channeling, that results from reading the DNA (please be aware of DNA injuries)
Third structure
1) Embodiment - Unknown, unidentified
a. Aura - protection of embodiment
b. Subtle body - the function of the embodiment
2) Ego - Unknown, unidentified
a. Chakra - vortex of consciousness
b. Meridian - energy line of consciousness
Forth structure
The forth structure has a major difference of all above that, forth structure tend to be separated from the being,
it is more like the tools and managements of our life that we always working with.
1) Construct - the tools of our creations
a. Field - taken from the idea of quantum mechanics of the field interaction
b. Shield - like the protective layer
c. Device - like a “tool”
d. Entity - unknown / unidentified
2) Relationship - the managements of our creations
a. Cord - the connection of consciousness between chakras
b. Circuit - the connection of consciousness between meridians
c. Implant - like an “enhancement”
d. Event - like an “activity”
These are the most things that we had to deal with, like our big and small things of every life. They can be
personal or grouped, and if you are dealing with the group one, you need to do it all together as what I called as
mass healing.
Almost everything that we named in our existence can be categorized in the four things: Device, entity, implant
and event. Thus this gives a very much simple method to find the things that we need to work with, as energy
work and healing.
I learned about cord and circuit a lot earlier and they need to be checked often. I discovered field and shield a lot
later which I personally do not have much experience on dealing with. I hate to say that working with field and
shield seems to be a lot more difficult than cord and circuit because they tend to disable my pendulum and not
moving at all, which is something that limiting me to have more understanding about them.
2.4. The false being and false life
2.4.1. The origin of false being and false life
This is a rather wide topic, I was not able to resolve all types of the problem here.
The idea about false being was derived from this psychic healer from Germany, this is his website and so far he is the only person that can do this and always reporting something new.
False being, also known as non-existing being, from my own derivation by pendulum programming have a few types:
1) The false emptiness that coming from before the creation of universe
2) The false everythingness that coming from during the creation o universe
3) The false thing that being generated in the universe as life goes on
4) It always had to do with soul and ME fragments
Please understand that all of these are results of theorization model, if you read the report from the psitalent, things
are a lot more different compared the one I make it into pendulum programming.
False being (soul fragments) False life (mental and emotional or heart fragments)
Ethereal/Spiritual Virus Robot
False consciousness
Pollution (false crystal) (false programming)
False satellite False electron False portal False channeling
Primary problem: Soul fragments and ME fragments - As what the word says, our fragmented souls and mind-
emotion (I do not use the word heart fragments because I do not know if they can be different thing) that scattered
all around the time and space. Soul and ME fragments can attached to any beings and suck their energy including us.
One of the strangest phenomena about soul fragments (unclear if ME fragments do that as well) is that they can be
gathered and formed false being, which has false charkas, false meridians and other false stuffs, occurred at any
dimensions and timelines.
I had my psychic friend reported to me that there are disincarnates (dead people) that have no face, no hand, no leg,
no head etc. that these are the typical soul fragments issue due to the traumatic death in previous incarnation
(which he had gotten used to these crazy images, I am not comfortable at all to see beings like that at night, if I can).
There are magic and meditation that cause the soul fragments issue as well; it can be the one that steal the soul
from others (sun, moon, earth, other stars and planets, spiritual beings, humans, animals and so on, usually done
intentionally but unaware of the truth about this method of energy amplification or self “development”, naïve I shall
say), or the one that projected their soul fragments for attacking others (intentionally or unintentionally), or the one
that somehow entered wrong body or playing the wrong spiritual technique that cause the soul fragments to
jammed with wrong person (often had to do with the exploitation of extreme energy, desire and lust).
Massive soul fragments issue usually had to do with wars, cataclysmic events, sacrificial ceremonies, spiritual
teachings and technological abuses. You can guess a lot of these if you are a fan of science fiction.
This is the most important aspects that need to be healed, however, I am unable to find an absolute solution about
our soul and ME fragments, to say, it is impossible for us to have all of our fragments back and it is hard for me to
explain or even I am not sure about the real reason of it. One of it is because we had too much ethereal/spiritual
pollution and false consciousness that blocking us to assess (your pendulum is telling you that you got all your soul
fragments back but you know this is not true, something like this).
Ethereal/spiritual pollution and false consciousness - the two here are almost the same, it is something like a
computer bug that telling you the false signal but the fact is not, if we understand it using our soul and heart
(“because we know it” something like that). Pollution is more like trash. It can be as huge as an satellite around a
planet or as small as dust. False consciousness is more like consciousness realm, such as the false consciousness that
we know about devils that trying to take over the world but the truth can be totally different if one trying to solve it.
Often, if you meet with a new being of a new group of being with your pendulum, they will request you to clear
away this part of the false consciousness. I believe it is just human mistake about them. There are so many stories
about certain creature that being invented by humans but never being investigated scientifically.
Virus (false crystal) - What is virus? I believe that DNA is a type of crystal and virus is about malfunctioned DNA
program that causing the problem. Crystal is something unique that can store information and being programmed.
Virus to me is about the crystal that being programmed without heart and soul but is able to develop itself, and it
turns into disaster. Zombie, undead and the story like Resident Evil might be the science fiction that in fact based on
When I research through other materials, saying that the virus is the pervious form of the life of a cell, this confused
me about if, to say, the virus is considered as a “bad” thing thus need to be eliminated fully. Maybe we need to
differentiate between the good virus and false bad virus?
Robot (false [mental and emotional] programming) - or more accurately, programming that based on mind and
emotion but without heart and soul… The difference between robot and virus is that, crystal (talking about virus) can
develop by its own while mind and emotion (robot) cannot, thus robots can only “upgrade” themselves by external
input and they do not have freewill. I am talking about the spiritual beings that being programmed into robots here,
to resolve this problem you need to know how to deal with seal, where, these spiritual beings can be willing or
unwillingly being sealed into a robot body and they will work as what being programmed to do so. If you are thinking
about story like Cyborg and such kind of science fiction, yes you are getting the point, tales that in fact happened in
reality. There are spiritual teachings that based on feeding the ghost that possessed or being sealed with doll or
object for enhancing spiritual development or increase gain for living. I am not trying to offend these masteries, it is
just something that we are currently trying to learn about, many things.
P.S. You should be glad as being a human, because we can have freewill. There are unfortunate beings whom being
sealed for eons because we thought that they are evil soul.
Both robot and virus are sounded like “bad” things, but there was once I was being not allowed, or to say, being told
that in my pendulum session there are ensouled robots that will continue to live on for some reason, to serve
something or somebody else. As for the virus I believe this might applied for the same reason.
False portal - False portal is the derivation from false beings and false life where this is being created when they
become more complicated. I am not sure how the false portal will be like, because I do not know how would real
portal is differ from this one, maybe it is just like energy surge but stealing our energy while benefit others.
False channeling - If you ever encountered with community that produce media with channeling messages, you
should be able to at least thinking there are the messages that given by these channeler and causing certain degree
of problem. In my opinion the false channeling had to do with DNA, however there was once I tried to help a psychic
but he did not recover much from being channeled with false information, but that person is very attached to his
own psychic ability which I was unable to do anything about it. It seems that this problem had to do with the
believes of the personal of what he/she think is right, the only “solution” for me is to not interrupt with these kind of
False satellite - Not much definition about this, there was a few times I found the false satellite around this solar
system but I do not have much idea about them.
False electron - I never encountered this before, however there was once I found a false electricity that need to be
shut down. For what purpose I don’t know.
False auras, subtle bodies, chakras and meridians - The origin of these problems is not really clear to me, this was
later when I try to theorize them I started to make them with definition. They are what I believe being generated
when the soul and ME fragments snow-balling and become more complex problem, that the false being and false life
started to behave like spiritual beings but the fact that they do not exist. They can be found on any person if the
false being and false life attached or possessed us. I have my speculation of the possibility that human have the
problem of believing in false being and false life that created false awareness, religion or spiritual hierarchy and
causing the problem on earth.
False field, shield, cord, circuit, device, entity, implant and event - this is when the false awareness, religion and
spiritual hierarchy continued and formed even more complex problem. I have nothing much to say here, thinking,
what on earth that human are believing and caused many degree of confusion and never ending arguments here
now, maybe this is something that we never thought of: the problem that created by something non-existed yet
behaved like real existence. If it is so, then we need to find our way back to believe what we had lost, in the mean
time, we repair what we had done in the past. If it is not, to say the prime creator or the creation of this universe
that are in fact illusive in nature and life is all about dumping our ego and accept something above us vs. those who
seek the answer through destruction of mankind and this way of living of their own life, I wonder if there is another
alternative for humanity? Life is just full of surprise…
soul / ME
Pollution/ Virus/
f.awareness robot
Self-creating fb & fl
Pollution/ soul / ME
f.awareness fragments
As you can see, the non-reoccurring false being and false life is plain simple, followed by self-creating one.
At the third stage, the reason why it is called “reanimating” false being and false life is because, if you are only
resolve the soul/ME fragments, pollution / false awareness and virus/robot parts and without having the device,
entity, implant and event removed, those beings (depicted as little men in the diagram) will create the false being
and false life again through the remaining false things there, mainly they are the humans who worshipped and
sacrificed something, they re-create the entire false structure using their own soul and ME.
Knowing that the false being and false life is energy taking in nature due to their traumatic consciousness, why
would somebody re-create this problem after it is being removed? The only reason I can come out with is that the
energy pool that being created by false being and false life, to say in this way, also serves for an energy source for
people who using this energy pool for personal gain, often in group. Or perhaps the mechanism of soul/ME
fragments, since I found a lot of such problem in almost everywhere, is that it is being used as something that being
thought is good, is not well being understood (please refer to 2.4.1 > Primary problem).
First party
False FSCC
Third party
False FSCC
The diagram above is actually illustrating the chakra and cords, just try to think them as “false” and same for fields,
shields and circuits. Cords are our linkage of our relationship with peoples (through chakras), please don’t be
confused them with the false cords of the false being and false life.
Before we continue the explanation of third party re-animating false being and false life, there is something needs to
be added here.
As shown in the diagram above, there are three types of linkage of shields, fields, cords and circuits:
1) First party - this is the linkages from the person him/herself
2) Second party - this is the linkages between first and second person, there are two types:
a. Negative linkage - the negativity here means energy exhaustion
b. Positive but not of highest good linkage - this terminology is something mind boggling, positivity is
not always meaning good, this is the result from one of my friend experienced with energy
amplification (positivity) but caused pain in the otherwise, thus to explain the situation she had, we
can only deduced that the positivity that is not good.
3) Third party - this is the linkage between first, second and third person. Unlike the second party linkage, if we
only, let say remove the linkage of the first and second person, there might be change that the problem
resurfaced due to the third person that playing around with both. Thus in order to completely resolve this
linkage, is to find out the third person and finally be resolved.
2.6. Third party false being and false life, as well as third party false implants, events, devices and entities
Space station
Third party re-
animating fb & fl
If you can read the diagram above then there is not much I need to explain here.
It is just more complex false being and false life that have the third party linkage problem, meaning that in order to
resolve this problem you need to find out the whole bunch of them. Much will be reveal in Chapter 4 of how to make
the actual theory works.
The space station and basement are just the terms to describe that it was located on space or on the ground. This
helps to determine the identification of the problem using pendulum.
2.7. Multiple and third party false being and false life
The only different of this type is that it existed at multiple dimensions and timelines, thus to completely resolve this
type of false thing, you need to go over one by one. Much will be revealed in Chapter 4.
2.8. Blockage
No blockage
You and your pendulum problem
You and your pendulum problem
Field,shield,cord,circuit Device,entity,implant,event
Understand this, we can have false consciousness that scattering around, let say the medium of the consciousness to
act in wrong way, and causing our recognition problem. Same goes to when we are using our pendulum.
There is a way to deal with this problem, by mentioning “to check if anything that is blocking our way” and solve this
kind of situation. There are many times before I can get into the problem, I had to deal with the blockage first.
For example, I often found spiritual beings that do not need healing at the first moment but they got blocked, once I
removed the block I then found out that they need healing. Sometimes it is due to the false consciousness of “I am
healthy and I do not need healing”, sometimes it is from the other consciousness (often as grouped) that does not
want certain spiritual beings to be or can’t be healed, which a very sad story.
Thus it always makes me to think about the stories that being invented by humans in many generations are more
than just stories and caused many degrees of blockages on the earth. All I can say is we really need to be careful with
our thoughts and intensions.
2.9.1. Attachments
Before I derived the definition of devices, entities, implants and events, I used the word “attachments”. It is
something like somebody or yourself put these stuffs on you that need to be removed. The problem of using this
single term is that, if you do not specify what and where this attachment is, you can’t found it. Most of the time, the
attachment is being realized through the sense of our body, or not it remains hidden.
My opinion about attachment is that, it remains hidden until you develop yourself more in spiritual path, or else we
might already be dead because all of us here have many attachments from different life time, if they all showed up
together at once. I had no idea if one can have the entire problem resolved, or when it can be all done. One thing I
learned about spirituality is that you cannot push it going faster, or else your spiritual path will turn against you.
Another point I want to make about here is that, there are many things of the attachments can be, and energy work
has the limitation that if you can’t recognize it you won’t find it. Most of the energy workers are using “naming
method” to recognize attachment, where they get the name of the attachment by spelling or some psychics
indentified the attachment and name the thing, which later using that name to found the same problem on other
person. There is another way to do this: instead of naming the thing, we can try to perceive the idea of the thing
without naming, which will be discussed in chapter 4. There are pros and cons about these two methods here,
naming is useful in finding same problem on different person while idea-ing is very good in handling things that out
of our knowledge.
2.10. Re-elaboration of healing the auras, bodies, as well as chakras and meridians
In my own theory, they are being categorized in the same group.
Embodiment Ego
Aura Subtle body Chakra Meridian
Construct Relationship
Field Shield Cord Circuit
Although they can be easily cleared and healed, but they are very important to check on if the person never do it
before, sometimes it requires a few times or even check from all incarnations including your pendulum. I did not
know if the complex healing method that used in heart, stargate and DNA is applicable or not, never did that before
but I do remove the false of these things.
The lists here existed during the creation of this universe, before that, or at the zero-infinite state, they only existed
as one (I might be wrong with the number here). After the creation of this universe, there are 9 chakras and 9
meridians, however I did not encounter if there are 9 auras and 9 subtle bodies, if I am not mistaken, I did once
asking that it is not 9 auras and 9 subtle bodies, I do not know the real answer, and this had to do with most of our
healing are focused on chakras, meridians are less being attention to.
There are 7 main chakras that being mentioned in most of the spiritual teaching, also there are some taking about
numbers that are more then 7, even more than my result of 9. There are arguments about whether the extra chakras
are real or not.
In Chinese traditional medicine, it about 12 + 8 main meridians there, which differs with my result of 9 as well.
Perhaps one of the weirdest encounter is that I had to remove the 9 chakras and 9 meridians (four times, which sum
up as total of 72), as well as the embodiment of, anything even this universe dealing with the issue of birthing of the
universe. Don’t worry this is not about destroying the universe, this is analogical to the birth of child from mother’s
womb, sorry but I think it is better if you can imagine the dirty liquid that happened in the delivery room, where the
baby need to be broken outside, and then we cut the placenta from the baby; this means that the birth need to be
cleared and healed as well for everything that being created. In this case, “I” created “this” universe that “I” need to
heal “myself” because “I” gift birth to “myself” to create “my own” universe, and so everyone is his/her own creator.
In my earlier healing method, chakras and meridians are different with auras and subtle bodies, where I was more
chakra and meridian biased and developed more in handling with cords and circuits. I never really defined any of the
shields and fields (even the anatomy here might be inaccurate) until I found sealing problems, which is a lot later.
First party
False FS
Third party
False FS
Again I brought up the idea of the first, second and the third party linkage, as this is what I am thinking about field
and shield. It is different with the cord and circuit where field and shied can be interruptive pendulum.
1) First party field and shield - this is easy to be solved, because it do not disable my pendulum however can
create disturbance, causing the pendulum responded in wrong manner.
2) Second party field and shield - this is considered as easy to be resolved, however it might disable my
pendulum and unable to move at all.
3) Third party field and shield - this is something difficult for me, because before you can solve it, you need to
align balance and flip turn until it is it the right position to be removed or released. To me, it is like playing
with rubic cube, until you have all the facets in the right position, you cannot take it away. How many steps
in order to solve the cube? It can take hours! I do not know if there is an alternative for this difficult situation.
There are seal that make by black magicians where they sealed some beings, such as disincarnate onto some object
or human for gaining purpose (turn the beings into robot like state) or attacking people. It is possible that there are
beings that being sealed for hundred thousand years that was done by yourself, which is something very awful to
realize how many mistakes had been done by humans.
There are field and shield that were created for protection or isolation purposes by means of technology (often
related with crystals) or psychic ability, which had related to conflicts and wars, and then disaster happened, many
of these problems remain unresolved inside many people (well I hope not, since humans had been taken care all
along by beings from somewhere else, sort of).
Stargate can be sealed as well that caused certain group of beings are unable to get incarnated or travel back to
other star system.
The illustrations above are trying to describe what I felt about the field and shield that need to be align-balance and
flip-turn. It can happened to first, second and third party.
I do not know if there is any alternative. I had to do it step by step until there is no more. My pendulum was
irresponsive to all questions accept the right command of that need to be done, thus, every steps were being
guessed one by one, it become even more difficult if there are beings and any sort of false things sealed inside .
Let get this straight, I do not like this at all. There was once took me 3 to 4 days to complete. However it become
much easier later, which might be due to the expending consciousness of “able to recognize”. For actual case please
go read psitalent “Network of power”. To add, to code something given from psychic into programming is very
different energy work. I do not know if there is another simpler way to code the program, sometimes it is just can’t
be simplified and need to work in difficult manner.
There are many ways to work with energy, however I see many that being very simple but is not working on
this type of issue, especially regarding the seal and false being and false life problem (in fact psitalent is the
only one I found is able to do this). Most of the simple energy works are talking about psychic development
and spiritual enhancements of living, minority of them are dealing with “negative” spiritual beings, often,
they are exorcism like, within these people who are working in this area, very less had reported about healing
of spiritual beings. What make me wonder is that I often found higher spiritual beings at higher dimensions
that require healing, which I hardly found reports of any kind of this story in major spirituality.
2.13. Distorted and tangled chords and circuits
Theory has its own calculation, where you can derive one part and then find another.
If it applies to field and shield, then it should be done the same with cord and circuit, distorted and tangled.
No much to talk about here, accept we can derive even more complex problem.
…more distortion and entanglement or more things, which becomes even more complex.
2.14. The difference between distorted and entangled of cords and circuits vs. fields and shields
Construct Relationship
Field Shield Cord Circuit
You might question about why (distorted and tangled) cords and circuits are easier to deal with than the fields and
shields. This is what my guess:
1) False cords and circuits cause the informational request to lead to the wrong way, giving the wrong respond
and hiding problem when using the pendulum or psychic to check, meaning that they are blocking one to
track the information correctly. Something like short circuited route where you run into wrong signal when
going along with the energy flow. Thus this is way I do not do any pendulum prediction.
2) Fields and shields cause the information request dimmed and do not give respond at all thus blocking the
problem, just like if we imagine of being sealed and isolated. The route of information broken totally.
3) Thus when you are checking about the “blockage” of false cords and circuits, you are checking about the if
there is any short-circuited system there; while for the possible “blockage” of fields and shields, you are
checking if there is any isolated system there.
I do not know if this definition here is correct, I don’t feel satisfied with this answer, the only thing that matters is
whether the problem can be solved or not, theory has its own limit that it needs to be proven or else it become
mislead. I wish I can be both psychic and scientist to make things easier. (Well if I am psychic I might not able to
write things so that common people can understand, maybe there are pros and cons as well.)
2.15. Duplications of devices, entities, implants and events
Instead of re-animating false being and false life, where if you just solved it without taken care the false devices,
entities, implants and events and you will get re-spawn of false being and false life again, there is another similar
pattern where the devices, entities, implants and events being duplicated.
I am not sure what make them duplicated here, maybe it is the false being and false life did it, maybe it is
undetached real beings that did it (by means of cords and circuits, also with the fields and shields), maybe it is
duplicated by the devices, entities, implants and events themselves.
Most of the times you need to solve them one by one, and it can be frustrating because it can be too many. However
when dealing with the duplication, you really need to specify this particular pattern in your program or you will
never find an end.
You might get confused about the ideas here, let me make this clear:
1) You have normal non-reanimating situation where everything are stayingas what they are.
2) You have self-created manner that the problem grows if you did not care about it.
3) You have third party problem where you need to detached the third-party members or else it cannot be done.
4) You have reanimating false being and false life issue where they are being spammed by devices, entities,
implants and events, and can have third-party parts. Please remember that they can be spammed by
undetached real beings including humans through primarily their cords and circuits as well as their fields and
shields, linked with the devices, entities, implants and events including the third-part parts, or to say, there are
those third-party real beings at both primary devices, entities, implants and events as well as the third-party
5) You can have the hardest part where distortions and entanglements happened primarily with the fields and
shields as well as the cords and circuits. I do not know if this applies to devices, entities, implants and events
including the third-part parts but theory suggests that it can, because they are similar things.
6) You then have the duplication below the false being and false life where, devices, entities, implants and events
can copy and paste themselves including the third-party parts, that would mean there will be many third-party
parts under more than one level, or to say, multiple parties, hence to solve this issue, the programming should
code in such a way that these loops being broken and finally have it done. Of course, the duplication can be
done by false being and false life along with the attached real beings. To me, it is most likely about the false
things below that caused the major problem and my focus is breaking the loop there in my programming,
something like there is a top-down problem solving method and there is another one with bottom-to-top
method. If you are a leader of a country, which strategy do you prefer?
False being (soul fragments) False life (mental and emotional or heart fragments)
Ethereal / Spiritual Virus Robot
False consciousness
Pollution (false crystal) (false programming)
False satellite False electron False portal False channeling
If it is case 1, your pendulum should be ok, check your pendulum again as below:
1) Are you able to receive love, thank and forgiveness? Y
2) Are you able to emit love, thank and forgiveness? Y
3) Are you able to process love, thank and forgiveness? Y
4) Are telling the truth? Y
5) Are you telling lies? N
6) Do you need my love, thank and forgiveness? N
If you pass all tests above, then you can start your own session, please refer to chapter 4. However, I would suggest
you to cover all the iteration and correction part first, understand them at least.
If you get the question 6 with yes, ½ , -½ or NOR, then you should be already lead by your pendulum to check thing
you have to do.
If you get contradictory answers from above, you should go for first iteration and correction.
If you want to end the session, please refer 4.6 Method of ending a session.
3.2.7. Summary
1) Have your pendulum setting setup done
2) This chapter is about active commands to deal with situation where pendulum is being controlled and
3) We do the exchange of love, followed by clearing and healing, false being and false life problem, residue of
false being and false life, finally with the programming part.
4) Seal is something that I have no easy way to solve yet
3.2.8. Summary II: What is the problem?
1) First timer or new “neighbor”: a greet with love by exchanging it
2) The problem: you, your pendulum and real beings around you
3) False being and false life
4) Special case: restriction and ability
5) Programming
6) Seal
In my own experience, usually we will be arranged from easy task to something more and more difficult, as if it is a
learning curve. However, there are those whom will be chased by their guides to do the hard part in very beginning.
I do not have all solution about the pendulum problem, please note that many things here are coded from psychic
report. If you found somebody can solve the problem, you probably can try code it out and share it to all of us.
Hypnotherapy and past-life regression is also a good source of psychic works.
2) I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal of all the possession from this pendulum, which are
include the false being possession of demonic possession, archonic possession, archdemon possession, nests
and eggs and parasites possession, traumatic of soul fragments possession, virus and robot possession, and
any other sort of thought-form being possession, sensual form being possession and any other sort of non-
existent being possession; and also the negative portal and positive portal possession; and also the thought-
form channel and sensual-form channel possession. The clear and free this pendulum from all these
possession, remove and transform the portion of to energy back to the energy of this universe which is pure,
clean and fee; and if there is any tangled soul fragments, please clear and free these soul fragments and I
command that all of these soul fragments to return, go back and reunite with their own owners now.
3) A1) I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and cutting of all the false being cords and false being circuit
from this pendulum, please clear this pendulum from these false cords and false circuits, and remove and
transform the portion of the energy back to the energy of this universe which is pure clean and free; if they
can’t be process please disable, stop and send them back to where they should belonged to; if the portion of
the energy belonged to something else please send them back to where they should belonged to; and if
there is any tangled soul fragments, please clear and free them and I command that these soul fragments to
go back, return and reunite with their own owners now.
A2) I am not requesting for the healing and sealing of this pendulum of all the cut and cleared cords and
B1) I am now hereby requesting for the cutting and clearing of this pendulum from all the negative cords,
not of highest good positive cords, negative circuits and not of highest good positive circuits.
B2) I am now hereby requesting for the cutting and clearing of this pendulum from all the third party
reoccurring cords and circuits due to the third persons and the third embodiments, please remove all the
third person and third embodiment from this pendulum.
B3) I am not requesting for the healing and sealing of this pendulum of all the cut and cleared cords and
circuits, and also please heal and seal away all the removed third persons and third embodiments.
4) I am not requesting for the clearing and freeing of all the tangled soul fragments on this pendulum, please
clear and free the soul fragments here and I command that all the soul fragments to return to their own
owners now.
5) I am now requesting for the retrieval of all the soul fragments of this pendulum which were being stole, lost
or trapped, I am call fort of the soul fragments of this pendulum to gather and reunite back with this
pendulum to become as whole again.
*** *** ***
6) A) I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal of all the false auras from this pendulum, please
clear and remove all the psychic distortion, traumatic distortion, environmental pollution and false
consciousness from the auras of this pendulum, remove and transform the portion of the energy back to the
energy of this universe which is pure clean and free.
B) I am now hereby requesting for the healing and sealing of all the tears, rips and leaks of the auras of this
7) A) I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal of all the false being influences from the subtle
bodies of this pendulum, please clear and remove all the demonic influence, archonic influence, archdemon
influence, nests and eggs and parasites, virus and robots, traumatic influence, and any other sort of thought-
form being influence, sensual being influence and non-existent being influence from this pendulum, remove
and transform the portion of the energy back to the energy of this universe which is pure clean and free.
B) I am now hereby requesting for the healing and sealing of all the tears, rips and leaks of the subtle bodies
of this pendulum.
8) A+B) I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and healing of all the chakras of this pendulum, please
clear away all the clogs and contaminations of all the charkas of this pendulum as well as heal all the
damages, traumas and wounds of all the chakras of this pendulum.
9) A+B) I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and healing of all the meridians of this pendulum, please
clear away all the clogs and contaminations of all the meridians of this pendulum as well as heal all the
damages, traumas and wounds of all the meridians of this pendulum.
10) A0) I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and sealing of all the thought-form and sensual-form
channel from this pendulum, remove and seal the false channel from this pendulum from all the dimensions,
all the timelines, and multi-existent disciplinary.
A1) I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal of all the mental erotication and emotional
conceptualization from this pendulum now.
A2) I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal of all the false energy flows of mental and
emotional activities that bypassing the heart from this pendulum now, remove and transform the portion of
the energy back to the energy of this universe with is pure, clean and free.
B1) I am now requesting for the healing, recover and repair of all the energy flow of mental and emotional
activities that passing through the heart of this pendulum.
B2) I am now hereby requesting for the healing, recovering and repairing of all the protection by mental and
emotional activities of heart of this pendulum.
B3) I am now hereby requesting for the healing, recovering and restoring of all the processing system of
mental and emotional activities by the heart of this pendulum.
*** *** ***
6) C) I am now hereby requesting for the alignment, balancing, correction and integration of all the auras of this
7) C) I am now hereby requesting for the alignment, balancing, correction and integration of all the subtle
bodies of this pendulum.
8) C) I am now hereby requesting for the alignment, balancing, correction and integration of all the chakras of
this pendulum.
9) C) I am now hereby requesting for the alignment, balancing, correction and integration of all the meridians
of this pendulum.
10) C) I am now hereby requesting for the alignment, balancing, correction and integration of all the mind-
emotion-heart activities of this pendulum.
*** *** ***
I am now hereby requesting for the releasing of all the programs of this pendulum which had been done, expired
and do not serve for any purpose anymore.
I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal of all the attachments on this pendulum which are negative,
positive not of highest good and false, please remove and transform the portion of the energy back to the energy of
this universe which is pure, clean and free or send them back to the places where they should belonged to.
L am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal of all the energy, forms, frequencies and vibrations that
are not of the love and light, love and darkness and light and darkness from this pendulum.
I am now requesting for the healing, recovering and repairing all the traumas, damages and wounds of this
pendulum, please fill in all the void with love and light, love and darkness and light and darkness as well.
Archon - derived from the concept of false being, that had to do with false spiritual hierarchy and controlling
from the top. I do not use this anymore because the word can be confusing. In my own definition, this is
something I called false light.
Demon - derived from the concept of false being, that had to do false negative being that control anybody. I
do not use this anymore because I don’t think demon is a bad word. I my own definition, this is what I called
false darkness.
Archdemon - combination of both archon and demon.
Thought-form / thought-form being / thought-form channel - derived from the concept of false being where
this is generated from the mind and thought.
Sensual-form / sensual-form being / sensual-form channel - derived from the concept of false being where
this is generated from emotion or the material sense
Chapter 4: The methodology of using pendulum
4.1. Pendulum’s interference
If you passed the pendulum setting setup checking, you can start your session. However you need to understand
that having interference by something and causing your pendulum giving you wrong information is very frequent,
thus you often need to go for the iteration and correction if it is the case. Once you get used to this situation, you
can find a quicker and more effective way to deal with this problem, it has to be flexible and not something difficult
as the whole thing in chapter 3, I am unable to explain it out because it takes experience to master the faster and
fastest way to do it.
Interference often happens when:
1) You connected with other real being, usually the one that communicate with you is representative of a
group of them.
2) When you do this onto other people, their problems get to you. This often happened in chat room or online
3) When you dive into different dimension or timeline using pendulum.
4) When you found false being and false life, often, the more complex the greater the interference. Many times
I believe your guides will help you with whatever they can.
It can be observe through:
1) Your pendulum does not move when the requested command had spoken. Your pendulum can be controlled
or even possessed.
2) Your pendulum is vibrating and shaking, usually might accompany with unhealed real being that attacking
you or your pendulum. The attack can be coming from another human psychic, if it is the case, you might
need to take away the psychic tools of that person(s).
3) Repeating pattern of:
a. Real beings keep looking for your healing
b. Constant interruption and attacks even when just picking up the pendulum
c. Same thing being done over and over again
Then you need to find out what is the reason behind
4) Your pendulum does not move anymore. This is a hard part, it can be due to:
a. Seal or container - god bless you to solve this problem
b. Wrong programming - I might be wrong with my method here, or you played something funny
c. Fatigue or injury of your pendulum - Please do not overload your pendulum
d. Attacks - You need to have more than one and with big pendulum, something like longer than 5cm.
Crystals serve the best, however I do not know what type of crystal serve for the best, I prefer clear
In my case, calling “higher” spiritual beings do not help me at all. I know there are those who work in this field but I
feel that crystal works more powerful than anything else however it depends how you program it. However, there
are those who can use crystal to sabotage yours as well.
4.3.4. Time
Usually I will just simply ask if it is coming from past or current life time or future. Sometimes I would like to confirm
the thing to ask, let’s say, it happened this time, but it is has to do with another time. This often happen when I go
for All and Any checking method.
The time period I encountered before: Before creation> Beginning of the universe> Jurassic period> Nibiru period>
Atlantis period> Lemuria period> Antarctica period> Reincarnation period> Current life time> Future
4.3.5. Places
If it is on earth asking about the continent is sufficient to me, but famous place such as Egypt is common, because
these famous place had history and usually need to be taken care of.
There are three main questions to ask for checking your request had done properly or not:
1) Is it completed? Confirmation of completeness.
2) Is there still/any blocking/blockage? As I said, blockage is something different although structures are same
as the one we are dealing.
3) I there any other thing that should be done here? Imagine you go to a place and do something, you are not
doing one thing but many where it is hard to remember all, because it is too much. This is same in pendulum
journey where you need and will expand your consciousness throughout your works and this is something
very personal, emotion is very important other than your mental quotient here.
4) Is it the rest will be taken care by real beings? This is an extra question where you will find out how your
request being carried. Sometimes, it is just you the only one who did the job. The pendulum here is like an
intermediate medium of your energy work. No additional work need to be done here.
Like getting permission, feedback checking has strong incident with blockage. To say, if asking permission is about
blockage checking before the program being executed, then feedback checking is the one after the execution. The
programming here can be understood as human working ethnic, before we start a work as group, we need to have
agreement, and therefore we work together, and after the work is finished, we need checkup to make sure the work
is being done appropriately.
(After the program had executed, pendulum moved and stopped)
1) Is [the program] is completed?
a. Y - Jump to 2)
b. N - Is it being blocked? *Please refer to 1)b. of Method of getting the permission / dealing with blockage
i. Y - and so you need to solve the blockage first and then come back recheck again.
ii. N - Most probably you need to redo your request. Confirmed about this and do it again. You can question
about how many times it needs to be done, sometimes the numbers can be something interesting such as
it can be representing the energy cycle like astronomical alignment or mind-sex circulation.
iii. ½ - It is kind of blocking here but it is not, perhaps a simple clearing and healing will do the job.
iv. -½ - Maybe you need to indentify the problem instead of just knowing it as block but real problem that
you wanted to recognized. Remember, our consciousness needs to acknowledge the issue in order to
develop further.
v. NOR - Maybe some real beings is having problem here, help them and then come back here recheck.
c. ½ - Half completed?
Maybe you need to redo your request to complete it fully, else, it is the same problem but you need to use
different function.
Do I have to repeat it?
i. Y - Confirmed about this and do it again. You can question about how many times it needs to be done,
sometimes the numbers can be something interesting such as it can be representing the energy cycle like
astronomical alignment or mind-sex circulation.
ii. N - There is something I need to explain here, since you had your program executed, and then there is
something that is still incomplete, usually this had to do with some minor clearing, removal and healing to
complete fully. The clearing, removal and healing here can mean anything, however because this is minor
clearing, removal and healing, most of the time you do not need to find out the details here anymore
since you had found the major one and acknowledged the problem already. Of course, there is possibility
if this is “sort of another problem”.
There are two ways of handling the minor clearing, removal and healing here: the one just code to clear
and remove or heal, the more complex but simplified way to do the clearing, removal and healing, which I
called as Simplified feedback checking which is specifically used for dealing with false being and false life,
however this method can be used for any situation if one feel like wanted to do it or, it is possible that
this is what is needed at certain situation that I am unaware of, which can be considered as “special case”.
Is it had to do with clearing and healing?
1. Y - Can I just simply clear and heal?
a. Y - I am now hereby requesting clearing and healing of anything that need to be cleared and
healed>Jump back to 1) above.
b. N - Maybe you need to have clearing and healing separated.
Do I have to have clearing and then followed by healing?
i. Y - I am now hereby requesting clearing of anything that need to be cleared>I am now
hereby requesting healing of anything that need to be healed>Jump back to 1) above.
ii. N - Maybe you need to have healing and then followed by clearing, this is rare to me.
iii. ½ - Maybe this is trying to hint you that you are doing a clearing and a healing of different
things, whether this is important to be clarify I don’t feel like I wanted to because I am
most probably feeling tired about asking too many question. If my pendulum does not give
me respond after I execute my command at this point and often I will do active commands
to save my time without asking too much, then I will ask what happened here.
iv. -½ -
v. NOR -
c. ½ -
d. -½ -
e. NOR -
2. N - Maybe it is not clearing and healing but some other function. If it is so, code it yourself, usually
this should fall into “special case” category however it is possible to have “another problem” that
you need to jot a mark and jump fort and then back recheck again. You need to ask one by one here
according to your own experience, which I cannot tell what will it be.
If you are dealing with fb&fl, go recheck with the Simplified feedback checking method, if the
problem still persist, then something you need to figured out yourself here.
3. ½ - Maybe only clearing is needed here
I am now hereby requesting clearing of anything that need to be cleared
4. -½ - Maybe only healing is needed here
I am now hereby requesting healing of anything that need to be healed
5. NOR - Most probably this has something to do with love (as this is the fundamental of clearing and
healing) but it had nothing to do with clearing and healing. Most probably a special case such as
exchanging love or alignment and balancing or activation of some kind.
iii. ½ - Maybe you need to code this program and execute onto others? I never really encountered this
before (I accidentally discovered/did it during that time because my pendulum can’t move), however this
requires you to know how to code the program of crystal programming. You can refer to 3.2.5 Other
ways of correction: Executing the external program. Honestly I do not really understand and hardly to
think a more common theory to do this properly. It would be interesting if some human can come out
with marvelous idea.
iv. -½ - Maybe there is another similar problem coming to you… check for mass healing
v. NOR - Something probably had to do with your program. Most probably you need to use other functions.
For example, after you done the clearing and healing (and we are mostly dealing with this one), you need
alignment and balancing of whatever that thing you are dealing with.
d. -½ - You might miss the thing you marked before somewhere else but you forget it, check your note, else,
maybe there might be another problem related to this one that you have to solve, if so, you need to check it
one by one. If you have much experience you will usually guessed it with no more than two or three questions.
Often, depends on what situation you are in, and if it is being near to end of the session (I can’t tell you
because it can varies, so very much about your own experience), it had to do with simple clearing and healing.
Please refer to 1)b.iii) of the Method if getting the permission / dealing with blockage
e. NOR - Maybe you can end the session.
2) Is there any blockage upon [the program] that was done?
This can depends of what problem you are dealing with.
If it is simple fb&fl (non-reoccurring and self-creating), usually had to do with soul and ME fragments, else,
something that causing the problem onto the soul and ME fragments.
If it is real beings that you had clear and heal, usually had to do with simple fl&fl and thus soul and ME
fragments or cords/circuits/fields/shields//device/entity/implant/event.
If it is complex fb&fl, you should go with Simplified feedback checking.
Others will be special cases, where you need to code it your own because it can be random of addition of other
a. Y -
b. N - Jump to 3), if 1) is confirmed, else jump to 1) again to reconfirm.
c. ½ -
d. -½ -
e. NOR -
*Please refer to 1)b. of Method of getting the permission / dealing with blockage,
*just take note that the step 2)a. here is different program loop now, that you need to progress into next step.
3) Is there further thing that I need to do about [the program] that had been done here?
a. Y -
This can depends of what problem you are dealing with.
If it is simple fb&fl (non-reoccurring and self-creating), usually had to do with soul and ME fragments, else,
something that causing the problem onto the soul and ME fragments.
If it is real beings that you had clear and heal, usually had to do with simple fl&fl and thus soul and ME
fragments or cords/circuits/fields/shields//device/entity/implant/event.
If it is complex fb&fl, you should go with Simplified feedback checking.
Others will be special cases, where you need to code it your own because it can be random of addition of other
Please refer to Method of dealing with problem
Often, depends on what situation you are in, and if it is being near to end of the session (I can’t tell you because
it can varies, so very much about your own experience), it had to do with simple clearing and healing.
Please refer to 1)b.iii) of the Method if getting the permission / dealing with blockage
b. N - If 1) and 2) are confirmed, then you are done with one session. If you wished to end the session, please
refer Method of ending a session. If you are proficient in doing mass healing, you can check with Method of
ALL and ANY checking
c. ½ - There might be remnants of soul and ME fragments, I often get this.
d. -½ - I think there is something here, but I forgot what is it.
e. NOR - I think there is something here, but I forgot what is it.
4) Is the rest of the work is being done by real beings?
a. Y - Most probably your request is still in progress, but it should be done after some time.
b. N - The job is being done by you.
c. ½ -
d. -½ -
e. NOR -
Maybe it is being done by all of you and the assisting real beings.
It is possible that it is being done by part of you but not you, often known as higherself, there are lowerself as
It is possible that there are problems that causing the real beings unable to work properly. Please check if it is
It is possible that the real beings are being forced or controlled to do the works, which mostly had to do with
contracts (device/entity/implant/event). Please check if it is so.
I do not know how the pendulum would give such answer to so I put it in separate.
*Please note that I might be wrong about the answers for ½ , -½ and NOR, I am just giving examples here.
**Don’t memorize the concepts, it is better to throw everything and let the emotion leads you, you will find out that
when you are picking up your pendulum you instantly switch your mood which I can’t explain here.
4.6. Method of ending a session
If you think this is a simple thing then you are wrong, there are still something need to be checked before you put
down your pendulum. Please plan your time instead of getting yourself too tired and you dismissed to check at the
To end a session, you need to exchange the love (thanks and forgiveness). There are a few reasons to do this:
1) When you are too tired and you wanted to end the session, you can make an active request like “I would like
to end this session here now by exchanging our love to all that had involved in all the works that had done
here now, if it is agreed and allowed so”. Don’t try to trick yourself by moving your pendulum with your
2) There is clearing and healing effect here for real beings that assist you.
It is possible that you might ended up not doing this in the end for some reason, like you mom suddenly call you. It is
alright if you are doing small case, but when you are working with mass healing you better not to skip this one.
In usual situation, where everything is done, you ask the permission to end the session.
Can I end this session here now?
1) Y - I am hereby requesting for the exchanging of all and any of us that are involved with all and any energy
works that we had done, of our love, thank and forgiveness, we are accepting, emitting and processing of
our love, thank forgiveness, goodbye and we shall meet again!
2) N - Most probably you have things that still unsolved yet.
3) ½ - You can end the session, but you will need to continue next time.
4) -½ - Maybe you need to end the session “a few times” where you did a lots of complex works and different
groups of real beings were involved, and therefore, to exchange the love (thanks and forgiveness) a few
5) Nor - Maybe you are connected something with your pendulum through third-person communication. If it is
so you need to ask them to leave to have your pendulum get back to normal condition, and then request the
exchanging love.
Please check with five questions below before you put your pendulum down and have a rest:
1) Are all and any of us here now that had involved the works had exchanged of our love, thank and forgiveness?
a. Y - go to 2) below
b. N - check with block, please refer to 1)b. of Method of getting permission / dealing with bloackage
c. ½ - check if it needs exchange again mostly for more than one problems were solved, if so, repeat.
d. -½ - maybe some other real beings appeared, if it is so, please refer to Method of dealing with
e. NOR - Maybe it had to do with the real beings disabled of some kind, such as disincarnates that are
unable to go back to stargates, being sealed souls, lack of emotion or mentality that need to be
activated, defected DNA, etc…
2) Is there anything blocking our exchange of love here now?
a. Y - The real beings should be fine now, but now it is mostly something outside affecting them.
Usually this has to be with minor false being and false life, another possibility is that there are
attacks projected to these real beings that had assisted in the work done. If it is minor problem,
simply code clearing or healing request, if it is attacks, please refer to Method of dealing with
Is it had to do with clearing and healing them? Please refer and change the asking target with 1)b.iii)
of Method of getting the permission / dealing with blockage
b. N - go to 3) below
c. ½ -
d. -½ -
e. NOR -
3) Is there anything that still require clearing and healing?
a. Y - I believe that sometimes the real beings carries tasks that can caused them to be injured, this is
very important to check every time, to make sure they are healthy and function properly.
Is it had to do with clearing and healing them? Please refer and change the asking target with 1)b.iii)
of Method of getting the permission / dealing with blockage
b. N - go to 4) below
c. ½ - Maybe only clearing is needed. Please refer and change the asking target with 1)b.iii) of Method
of getting the permission / dealing with blockage
d. -½ - Maybe only healing is needed. Please refer and change the asking target with 1)b.iii) of Method
of getting the permission / dealing with blockage
e. NOR -
4) Can I leave this session here now?
a. Y - go to 5) below
b. N - It is rare to have something here all over again after you going above questions, but if it is so, you
need to check what it the problem. It should have to do with the work that you had done and this
requires your experience to know what it is.
c. ½ - Maybe it is trying to tell you can leave, but you need to check it next time.
d. -½ -
e. NOR - Maybe it is a problem that not being solved properly but you can leave, as not everything we
can deal with. There is a limitation with pendulum.
5) Dear pendulum, before I put you down, do you need clearing and healing?
a. Y - Check it like you checks the real beings, but since you have done the iterative correction in
chapter 3, it should be simple clearing and healing. Code it yourself here.
b. N - Put down your pendulum, your pen, your note and have a rest.
c. ½ - Maybe only clearing is needed.
d. -½ - Maybe only healing is needed.
e. NOR - Maybe it is you the one who need clearing and healing.
It should be just simple clearing and healing, like you go for a workshop and after finished a whole
session, you need to clean yourself and the workshop before you leave it.
That’s all for now. Remember I am just giving examples here, most probably you will get different answers of the list
of questions shown here. In fact, you should be asking random question after all.
Small remark:
As these are the three main steps of energy programming system that I am using: Getting permission>feedback
checking>ending the session. All of them are going through the similar blocking checking and that is the major
important things and I am stressing about when going through a session all along. If there is any further
development with this system I do not know, but that would probably have to do with somebody formularize the
better system with more experience.
This system is that this is mainly focused on the function of clearing, removal and healing, and also with other major
function of the exchanging (love) and alignment-balancing (which I do not include much here, you need to figure it
out as I do not want to make the already much confusing programming language here to be even more difficult). The
other function such as activation and releasing (deactivation) can be found although not quite often. The part that I
avoided here is the one dealing with “distorted and tangled” problem, which had to do with alignment-balancing and
flip-turn. The one that almost out of my understanding had to do with programming of program, honestly I can’t
think of any other thing beside if this is alien technology of some kind, I had read some material that describing them
but it doesn’t make sense to me how they created such energy system, it sounds like a work of consciousness that
binds together. There are some I only mentioned briefly in chapter 2, the convergence and divergence of the soul or
something like that, I do have a little of my theory about this but I do not include here, because I think this is
immature theory, other than this I do know there are some that reported about soul technology that using crystal. I
give little information piece here so that perhaps somebody could figure out these questions.
Remember that all the programs here are actually derived from psychic works and their reports, thus I would suggest
you to read any materials regarding this. Hypnotherapy or past life regression have great information to count with
as well. Other than that, I personally prefer to read quantum physics and taoism which I made my own extensive
study of them about ten years before, so this would mean I might be impossible to make this far without the
fundamental of how I understand the universe that I had build before.
Finally, I would say that there is possibility of the functions that I do not know of, it would be great to see how far for
a pendulum programming system can goes and this I have a strong feeling that “this is just a beginning”.
4.7. Method of dealing with problem
So what are the problems? There is the list:
Love (colours)
Thank / Forgiveness
Soul Heart
Ether / Spirit Emotion / Mind
Gravity Electricity Stargate DNA
Satellite Electron Portal Channel
Embodiment Ego
Aura Subtle body Chakra Meridian
Construct Relationship
Field Shield Cord Circuit
Device Entity Implant Event
False being (soul fragments) False life (mental and emotional or heart fragments)
Ethereal / Spiritual Virus Robot
False consciousness
Pollution (false crystal) (false programming)
False satellite False electron False portal False channeling
This might seems a lot, however there are only three things that are most important:
1) Soul and ME fragments / fb&fl - many of our soul and ME fragmented all around the space and time, mostly
were developed into fb&fl, thus it becomes difficult, in fact the most complex issue… In order not to
complicated things and, I think it is better to just letting people to deal and learn with simple problem first,
and when they had developed into proficient, they will know what and how to do it eventually.
2) Real beings - continue reading here…
3) Device, entity, implant and events - we clear and remove the false one (false love, thank and forgivesness)
and clear and heal the real one where we identify them as love, thank and forgiveness.
How about the others? Hmmm… I don’t want to complicate things, as writing all the algorithm program will be too
much for me, so how would I simplified them?
4) Cords and circuits - As far as what I deal with, cords and circuits can appear most of the time, but there is
another reason that I didn’t really put them into the list.
5) Fields and shield - I personally do not like to deal with field and shield because they always make my
pendulum unable to move, I don’t really know what the reason is.
Because the device-entity-implant-event is actually derivation from field-shield-cord-circuit, therefore I can say they
are very important as each other because they are interconnected. And when we are talking about distortion and
entanglement of things, we are talking about them, for that this would requires the function of what I call as
alignment-balancing (alignment and balancing is more about harmonization) and flip-turn (flip-turn is more like
correcting erratic twist, in certain special case like false dimension, we don’t need align-balance but only to flip and
turn, unless there are case of to align-balance the dimension, which I have yet to discover).
I would like to make additional explanation here which I do not include in chapter 2, in my earlier method of dealing
with cords and circuits (but then during that time I do not know about field and shield and the distortion and
entanglement issue), I put them and code something like “cut the false cords and false circuits”, “cut the third-party
false cords and false circuits”, but after a while I changed them into “remove the real beings” or “remove the third
party real beings”. I would say this is a “trick”, because knowing that cords and circuits are coming out from our
chakras and meridians, that would be us, as the living real beings, so why don’t I “simplified” the program as remove
the living real beings? And this worked for me.
In correlation to this with device-entity-implant-event, I made it like this: (We are talking about clearing and removal
here) When I found any of device/entity/implant/event, I would ask if I need to remove the real being, if so I remove,
and I asked again if there is any third party real being, if so I removed them, and finally I remove the
device/entity/implant/event I found, and if there is any third party part of them, I removed again, and usually the
whole progress end here (accept I go further for mass healing and ALL and ANY checking method).
In the nutshell: Just clear and heal the whole real being(s) to make thing simple
Therefore, I bring this idea of “real being” (which I did not mentioned in chapter 2 because it is more about my
practical), about all the list of other “problems”, the gravity/electricity/stargate/dna (also their subsection) //
aura/subtle body/chakra/meridian, are in my list of “special case” (where I might briefly mention what and how to
do), in order to simplify the writing of my works here. I will name a few here: false satellite that orbiting a planet
(which contain soul and ME fragments); shut down of false electricity inside some unknown underground basement;
stargate sealed to certain group of beings and causing them unable to be incarnated or travel (this is quite a difficult
situation because there are sealed souls and even the whole being, plus sealed fb&fl that causing interruption to my
pendulum); clearing and healing of DNA for certain group of beings that have their emotion destroyed; having
“attachments” or “trauma” on the subtle bodies (read the Attachments and Theory of traumas at 2.9 My old
healing terms); false or artificial auras, bodies, chakras or meridians that had to do with psychic control and
manipulation or attacks, … etc… All of those I wouldn’t code out the whole program here for simplifying reason: I
would not discussed them in order not to complicated things here (tired to think about all the possible situations and
answers for ½ -½ NOR) and, I think it is better to just letting people to deal with simple problem at first, and when
they had developed into proficient, they will know what and how to do it eventually.
*** *** ***
We go back again from 4.2 Where to start, and have a more detail ideas here.
We start with the pendulum first (where we assume there is no interference, until we found conflict with our
answer), we check something like: “Is there anything blockage me to access fully with this pendulum?”, and then we
check “Is there anything needed for this pendulum?” Supposed that we found nothing or we already solved for this
part (remember by asking pendulum you can ended up healing you or you and your pendulum because the flexibility
of using ½ -½ NOR of the five slots technique), we continue to ask, as if we are ready to start a new session.
How do I know what do I wanted to heal? How will I being guided by pendulum to do thing? There are 4 minus 1
things here:
0) Your pendulum, however, you at this point you need to ask specific question like “Is there any soul or ME
fragments (fragments had to do with fb&fl, which mean you might get rid of the fl&fb block at first, and
going checking you found another fb&fl that not of block but the problem) of this pendulum that need to be
retrieve?”, “Is there anything blocking me access about this?”. Secondly, you go along with device-entity-
implant event. Thirdly you go the rest of the specific details of the list there, but here you might feel endless
because right now earth is not going to have all problems solved, even you deal with each problem with ALL
and ANY checking method, there is always something you feel not complete yet… In fact we can’t keep our
house 100% clean all the time, always having dirt but good enough to not get sick, some people sweep their
house everyday, some every week, it depends on how far you going to get clean. However, you will most
probably being guided by your pendulum and so to tell you “it is ok, stop here and nothing more now, please
go somewhere else”, like there is still problem, but it will not being concern at the moment right now and
thus you wouldn’t be guided to found any problem even it is there.
1) You, after your pendulum is checked, you go for your own. Just like going through your pendulum, you check
if you are fully connect of yourself (whatever it means, soul, consciousness, higherself, lowerself, multiple
existences) and then double confirm about this by checking possible blockage of blocking yourself regarding
this manner. Be it you do not have this problem or you solved the problem, then you start to question
yourself just like the step 0) case of pendulum, ask your soul or ME fragments, ask if this information is being
blocked; be it solved or having no problem at all, you go to device-entity-implant-event, then finally go to
details of the list. Of course, this is kind of ideal step by step checking, first fragments>second the
things>third the details, however most of the time the problems are intertwine where you are bumping all
around with all and any possibilities. In fact, in the end, you will eventually find out that it is not as ordered
as it seems, it is just random and requires experience to get used to it. The baby 123 steps I had put here is
just to let people to get used to from easier part to the harder part, it will eventually had no meaning in the
end because everything is equivalent that, without easiest fundamental and without the hardest
unpredictable learning case, reality does not works in ideal situation but full of surprises.
2) Incoming real beings. I do found even newbie can get into healing of other incoming beings at the first time,
it’s ok if that happened, because you will eventually learn how to deal with any kind of problem anyway and
thus make no difference. Anyway, there is not much difference, all the things here are same, accept for the
part about third-party communication method, if this incoming real being have any issue, itself, or with you,
or with your pendulum, will cause your pendulum interfered or even stopped. At this point you need to
know how to use active command properly. You will do something like “please clear/heal/clear&heal
anything that need to be c/h/c&h for the any/all incoming beings if there is any for this pendulum to
function properly”, “please retrieve any of the soul or ME fragments for any/all the incoming beings if there
is any”, and try different active methods until you get your pendulum right and is able to communicate
properly, which later you need to find what problem they are having now, why they are here for. Same thing
all over again: check if you are connect fully with them> they are fully connect with their selves>is anything
block this if this is information given is true or not>start checking their problem. Usually this will be a bit
harder because the problem that given by incoming beings often can be the “special case”, which you need
to code the program by your own. Don’t worry about this, as long as you start to get used to the simple
c/h/c&h method, you will eventually develop yourself and willing to accept any challenge.
3) Trying to help your friends and families, or you want to get a group of people and start dwell deeper with
your gang, this can be confusing because you can get different answer from different people but this also
shows that we need to be not too attached to what our information had taken from the pendulum or we
ended ourselves in more attachments. To start, same thing all over again: check If you are connected with
them>check if they are fully connect with themselves>check block>start checking their problem. This time, if
you are talking about their present existent as human, you only get information through yourself and your
pendulum, which is like you get their information for them based on your or your pendulum consciousness;
or you might get communicated with their other existence which might communicate with your through
third-party communication, which is based on their consciousness but through you.
4) You are being guided by yourself or your pendulum or by any means (for example through dreams) to look
for the problem around you, or this earth, or somewhere else. At this point, things are very random. But no
matter how random it is, you stick with your own simple rule by your own experience.
I thinks that’s all of what I know about the “how to start” when using pendulum.
4.7.1. Method of dealing with false being and false life
Talking about the blockage, I did not explain in specific detail in previous Method. There are a few:
1) False being and false life - This is the main blockage of all, and it can include all the list of problems and all
possible complexity of reanimating, third-party, distortion and entanglement issues.
2) Unhealed real beings - They can be offensive and attack you and your pendulum, or being sent by somebody
else. They can be just need your help and do not cause any problem at all.
3) Cords and circuits (primary), field and shield - this type of blockage directly causing your pendulum to be
erratic, it is like the linkage of us here have problem and the consciousness kind of short-circuited and give
you wrong answer, often, this can be identify as same as real being blockages, because we are the one who
linked with each other after all. To make things easier you can dismissed this part and considered them as
“real beings” to be removed (the false linkage) and heal-away them. This is kind of like how do you want to
solve the same problem using different manner, I can’t say when I will or will not check and solve with which
manner, they are the same coin of two facet. However, if it has to do with distortion and entanglement issue,
it can be not just blockage but some bigger set of problem to deal here, often with sealed things inside.
4) Device, entity, implant and event - this may or may not interrupt your pendulum however they can get your
pendulum tired and not responsive, which is more like attacks, and if it is so there should be somebody who
is responsible for the attacks.
I put above information here as reminder if you are still rather confused about the blockage.
*** *** ***
Is there any false being and false life here now?
Before you continue to have this done, it is better to check blockage then identify the problem first, please
refer to 4.3 Method of dissociating the question/problem
1) Y - Can I just simply clear and remove them here now?
a. Y - (Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal of any
apparent false being and false life as well as clear and remove anything that need to be cleared and
removed; please retrieve and send back all the associated soul and mind-emotion fragments to their
own owner>simplified feedback checking / feedback checking It is the old fashion of clear first heal later
method and it is very incomplete, thus the rest rely pretty much on the feedback checking or else it is not
done properly. It is not common to have small problem finding another larger problem which eventually
lead you to do mass healing.
b. N - I assumed that you had done the blockage checking right at this point.
Is it because they are re-animating?
i. Y - Are they having third-party parts?
1. Are they having duplications over one another?
a. Y - Are they having distortion and entanglement issue?
i. Y - In my own experience, I don’t even have to ask this question, because if I meet distortion and
entanglement issue my pendulum will simply stop and I need to guess by trial and error:
- Clear anything that needs to be cleared please?
- Heal anything that needs to be healed please?
- Clear and heal anything need clearing and healing please?
0) Clear and remove anything here please? 1) Clear and remove false being and false life? 2)
How about including the false things? 3) How about together with their third-party false things?
4) And duplication? (wait until the pendulum moved and add: if this is so, 1) please retrieve and
sent back any soul and mind-emotion fragments back to their own owners as well; 2) and also
clear and remove anything that need to be cleared and remove as well; 3) and also clear and
remove all of their third-party false things as well; 4) and also clear and remove up to the point
that there is no more duplicating pattern can be found and breake the loop)
- Please align and balance if it is needed here?
- Please flip and turn if it is needed here?
- Please align-balance and flip-turn together here?
Repeat all above steps until there is no more reaction or your pendulum finally get back to normal.
Don’t forget about the feedback checking.
However, this is not the full solution, at some point you might need to add target behind the
command like soul and ME fragments, real beings, false things /+ third party parts. (Tips: You can
take 1)-1), 2)-2), 3)-3) 4)-4) commanding trick as shown above to make it simpler)
There is even more complex problem where the problems mingled with other planets, universes
or dimensions. If this is so, you will need to add “including all of all, all and any and any of any
things of my conscious knowingness able to recognize, up to the zeroth and infinite disciplinary
and including the whatever-is-it-that-cannot-be-defined (the source)”, but this then means after
you finished the problem like this way, you need to use ALL and ANY checking method to all the
dimensions, places and time periods. Please understand that if you have remove many things at
this level, you are most probably going to put alert by black mages and unhealed beings and
attracting them. Depend on your strength of your soul, if you are sensitive people you will really
feel pains, but for me, I am not psychic, I had no idea why the attacks just feel nothing on me but I
get my pendulum disabled by them.
There are false being and false life issue at or before the beginning of the universe which I had
done before but I am not quite sure if I am correct, the only thing I am sure is consciousness can
create anything and this is the problem. It had to do with “false empty thing” (false beliefs or
ideas about the emptiness), “false everything-ness” (false beliefs or ideas about the everything-
ness or supremacy) and “false elements” (this has to do with life creation but I have more
question and confusion than answer).
b. N - reanimating fb&fl with third-party and duplication parts, do this as following:
(Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal
of any apparent reanimating false being and false life including their false space stations and
basements, along with all of their false things including their third party parts, please remove all
of their duplications up to the point that there is not duplication pattern that be found and the
loops are all broken; and also please retrieve and sent back all of the soul and mind-emotion
fragments back to their own owners as well>simplified feedback checking / feedback checking.
c. ½ -
d. -½ -
e. NOR -
2. N - reanimating fb&fl with third-party, do this as following:
(Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal of
any apparent reanimating false being and false life including their false space stations and
basements, along with all of their false things including their third party parts; and also please
retrieve and sent back all of the soul and mind-emotion fragments back to their own owners as
well>simplified feedback checking / feedback checking
3. ½ -
4. -½ -
5. NOR -
ii. N - reanimating fb&fl, do this as following:
(Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal of any
apparent reanimating false being and false life including their false space stations and basements,
along with all of their false things; and also please retrieve and sent back all of the soul and mind-
emotion fragments back to their own owners as well>simplified feedback checking / feedback checking
iii. ½ - Maybe there is something that causing them to be reanimating.
We can have two main causes here, one is real beings (I believe most of the time it had to do with
emotional and belief system that causing them to shoot their fragments to attack other and this
happened long time ago when we are all psychics, if it happens to be this life time or the reincarnation
period, then it most probably had to do with human mage, that something causing them to be able to do
that, sort of “false of given power” and it needs to be taken away), another is some sort of artificial things
(likewise, had to do with our previous advance ancient civilization, but can be mages if it is coming from
current life time or reincarnation period).
If it is real being please jump to Method of dealing with real beings; if it is device/entitiy/implant/event
please jump to Method of dealing with device/entity/implant/event
iv. -½ - Instead of something that causing the fb&fl reanimating, maybe there it is in the other round. The
only case I had so far receive here is false dimension, ensouled robot and distortion and entanglement
issue, all of these requires balancing-alignment and flip-turn functions. Please refer to 1)b.i.1.a.i. but you
need to code properly with full sentences, learn how to code at 4.10. Method of mass healing. For the
case of ensouled robot, it will not turn your pendulum off, the rest can be tricky.
v. NOR - There is a type of case of what I called as “weird false being and false life”, which consist of huge
amounts of soul and ME fragments linked with a lot of real beings including the third party one, but
without much or no device/entity/implant/event. I am getting that this thing is kind of like a computer, or
a giant mind, or death being, that had to do with false belief system and false energy provider to their
Is it a dead false being and false life?
1. Y - (Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal
of any apparent weird false being and false life, please clear and remove away possession of not of
love and light, not of love and darkness and not of light and darkness from all real beings including
the third-party real beings, and also please retrieve and sent all the associated soul and mind-
emotion fragments back to their own owners>feedback checking.
Usually there will be remnants of implants and events including third-party part. Or sometimes there
are certain real beings that are still not yet cleared and healed completely from this attachment.
2. N -
3. ½ -
4. -½ -
5. NOR -
c. ½ - Maybe it is just to clear or to remove some minor thing, such as pollution or false consciousness (you
can say this is a type energy here) and it is various. Another possibility is that it is not clearing and removal
but requires clearing and healing.
Am I only needed a simple clearing here?
i. Y - (Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for clearing of anything that need
to be cleared [of the thing]>feedback checking You can modified program here adding in the [thing], I
feel more comfortable to add a little bit if I had determined the problem “of the [thing]” at the end of the
command here.
ii. N - Is it about clearing and healing?
1. Y - Give me a yes if I can have clearing and healing together or give me a no if I need to clear and then
heal. This is another way of asking question I often used.
a. Y - (Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for clearing and healing of
anything that need to be cleared and healed [of the thing]>feedback checking Usually this kind of
function would be as complicated as clearing and removal, or to say, it is used for solving simple
problem.(In fact clearing and healing is the most fundamental function of all)
b. N - (Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for clearing of anything
that need to be cleared [of the thing]>feedback checking>I am now hereby requesting for healing
of anything that need to be healed [of the thing]>feedback checking or (Dissociate problem>)Get
permission>I am now hereby requesting for clearing of anything that need to be cleared [of the
thing]>I am now hereby requesting for healing of anything that need to be healed [of the
thing]>feedback checking
c. ½ - It had to do with clearing and healing, but something might need to be changed about that.
Maybe this had to do with the Simplified feedback checking about the idea of separated things,
remaining things and intermediate things. But I don’t think this is relevant information because
clearing is clearing and healing is healing and do not necessarily to specify the target. Unless it is to
lead to there and found some other things else (but that can be check with feedback).
d. -½ - Maybe it is about healing first and clearing the next, but this is very rare.
e. NOR -
2. N -
3. ½ -
4. -½ -
5. NOR -
iii. ½ -
iv. -½ -
v. NOR -
d. -½ - Maybe it is just to heal some minor thing, which can be healing of various things.
Am I only needed a healing here?
i. Y - (Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for healing of anything that need
to be healed [of the thing]>feedback checking You can modified program here adding in the “of the
[thing]” at the end of the command here.
ii. N -
iii. ½ -
iv. -½ -
v. NOR -
e. NOR - This should be “special case” which had to do with distortion and entanglement issue such as false
dimension, seal and container problem.
It can be the “weird false being and false life” as well, please refer to 1)b.v. above
2) N - check block, no block, then it is fine. It is not this problem.
3) ½ - Most probably they are just soul or ME fragments that attacking or just to taking energy from people, as
these fragments contain traumatic consciousness; or it had to do with retrieval of the fragments instead.
Additional info about the lost soul and ME fragments: it can be due to your intense energy work, you or your
pendulum do not aware you or your pendulum had fragmented (simply have them back), in the other way
round, it can be the work done by black mage stealing from you and your pendulum. Often, if dealing with
mages, you need to do it at mass healing scale, if so please refer to Method of finding the whole group for
mass healing.
(Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for the retrieval of all of my/my
pendulum’s/somebody’s soul and mind-emotion fragments back to me/my pendulum/somebody which
had been lost or trapped [during the incident]>feedback checking You can add details of [where and when]
the fragments were lost in the command but it is not really necessary.
4) -½ - This should be something that spamming the false being and false life, like the fb&fl act as controller
above and having their false things below causing the trouble around while the fact that the boss in nothing
but non-existing being (does this sounds familiar in science fiction?). Or it is not spammers but being
controlled by fb&fl instead. In this situation, you are most probably needed to check with Method of finding
the whole group for mass healing.
5) NOR - This should be “special case” which had to do with distortion and entanglement issue such as false
dimension, seal and container problem.
There is a possibility where it has nothing to do with false being or false life, nor soul or ME fragments but
love problem here. It is more like human problem, where the problem have nothing to do with energy work
but it is about how we live with each other as grouped beings. It is like we don’t know the answer (and if you
speak to the source they won’t told you how to do it if you questioned the right answer otherwise you might
have wrong answer to your question) and we can only find out when we face with each other and deal with
it. There is however, one simple thing can be done using pendulum, first you find out who and how many
people are involved; Why they have absent of love here? Aren’t they feeling injured because of this absent
of love (*important question)? Confirmed about this for them if what they really want is love… With this, you
will eventually find out that the purpose of our life is no harder and easier than being love. You ask them if
they can exchange love with each other now, or you do this for them, check if they are with the exchange of
love and this is what we can do about it. The rest of the life continues…
4.7.2. Simplified feedback checking of false being and false life
This is for handling the complex fb&fl issue, so that command wouldn’t be too much into one program like the one in
3.2.3 Second iteration and correction and 3.2.4. Third iteration and correction
There are three things to check with:
1) Separated things
2) Intermediate things
3) Remained things
All of three categories here can include anything. One advantage of differentiate them like this is you can have more
definitions and thus create different effects in the programming. One example is once I do not realized I had been
taking care about the sealing problem (such as sealed soul and ME fragments) until I felt something about it and
asked upon the emerged pattern, that I had to clear and healing things and then followed by clear and remove it.
Thus this is something of what believe is that the fundamental of the function of energy programming is still based of
energy addition and energy subtraction. However this kind of function, to “clear and heal” the seal did not work
anymore on the distortion and entanglement issue (the container) for complicated issue.
All of the three categories will be using the function of clear, heal, clear + remove and clear + heal.
? ? Intermediate
things ? Separated
Followed by the execution of clearing and removal of fb&fl…
1) Is there is any separated things that I need to take care of (upon the clearing and removal of false being and
false life just now)?
There are two ways: clear and remove or clear and heal.
a. Y -
Y1) Is it to clear and remove the separates?
i. Y - I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal of the *separated* things of anything
that need to be cleared and removed upon the false being and false life that was being cleared and
removed just now along with their false things /including the third-party parts (if you are dealing with
this) and up to the point of no more duplication can be found and the loop is broken (if you are
dealing with this); also please retrieve and send back all of the soul and mind-emotion fragments back
to their owner as well>feedback checking Let me explain a little bit more here, if you are using feedback
checking without this simplified feedback method, you might ended up checking a lot more stuffs, that is
why this is called “simplified”. One thing to note is that you might need to modify a bit with the feedback
checking like adding the code “separated things” and “upon the false being and false life that was being
cleared and removed just now”. It is alright if you do not add, but that depends with the result that you
got after working with the lesser code. Your experience you tell you how much you are going to add in
order to make things more effective and faster.
ii. N - Next question Y2) below
iii. ½ -
iv. -½ -
v. NOR -
Y2) Is it to clear and heal the separates?
i. Y - Give me a yes if I can clear and heal together or give me a no if I need to do them separately.
1. Y - I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and healing of the *separated* things of anything
that need to be cleared and healed upon the false being and false life that was being cleared and
removed just now along with their false things /including the third-party parts (if you are dealing
with this) and up to the point of no more duplication can be found and the loop is broken (if you
are dealing with this); also please retrieve and send back all of the soul and mind-emotion
fragments back to their owner as well>feedback checking
2. N - I am now hereby requesting for the clearing of the *separated* things of anything that need to
be cleared upon the false being and false life that was being cleared and removed just now along
with their false things /including the third-party parts (if you are dealing with this) and up to the
point of no more duplication can be found and the loop is broken (if you are dealing with this);
also please retrieve and send back all of the soul and mind-emotion fragments back to their owner
as well>feedback checking> or I am now hereby requesting for the healing of the *separated*
things of anything that need to be healed upon the false being and false life that was being cleared
and removed just now along with their false things /including the third-party parts (if you are
dealing with this) and up to the point of no more duplication can be found and the loop is broken
(if you are dealing with this); also please retrieve and send back all of the soul and mind-emotion
fragments back to their owner as well>feedback checking
3. ½ -
4. -½ -
5. NOR -
ii. N -
iii. ½ - Maybe only clearing is needed.
iv. -½ - Maybe only healing is needed.
v. NOR -
b. N - Jump to 2) below
c. ½ -
d. -½ -
e. NOR -
2) Is there is any intermediate things that I need to take care of (upon the clearing and removal of false being
and false life just now)?
a. Y -
Y1) Is it to clear and remove the separates?
i. Y - I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal of the *intermediate* things of anything
that need to be cleared and removed upon the false being and false life that was being cleared and
removed just now along with their false things /including the third-party parts (if you are dealing with
this) and up to the point of no more duplication can be found and the loop is broken (if you are
dealing with this); also please retrieve and send back all of the soul and mind-emotion fragments back
to their owner as well>feedback checking
ii. N - Next question Y2) below
iii. ½ -
iv. -½ -
v. NOR -
Y2) Is it to clear and heal the separates?
i. Y - Give me a yes if I can clear and heal together or give me a no if I need to do them separately.
1. Y - I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and healing of the * intermediate* things of
anything that need to be cleared and healed upon the false being and false life that was being
cleared and removed just now along with their false things /including the third-party parts (if you
are dealing with this) and up to the point of no more duplication can be found and the loop is
broken (if you are dealing with this); also please retrieve and send back all of the soul and mind-
emotion fragments back to their owner as well>feedback checking
2. N - I am now hereby requesting for the clearing of the * intermediate* things of anything that
need to be cleared upon the false being and false life that was being cleared and removed just now
along with their false things /including the third-party parts (if you are dealing with this) and up to
the point of no more duplication can be found and the loop is broken (if you are dealing with this);
also please retrieve and send back all of the soul and mind-emotion fragments back to their owner
as well>feedback checking> or I am now hereby requesting for the healing of the * intermediate*
things of anything that need to be healed upon the false being and false life that was being cleared
and removed just now along with their false things /including the third-party parts (if you are
dealing with this) and up to the point of no more duplication can be found and the loop is broken
(if you are dealing with this); also please retrieve and send back all of the soul and mind-emotion
fragments back to their owner as well>feedback checking
3. ½ -
4. -½ -
5. NOR -
ii. N -
iii. ½ - Maybe only clearing is needed.
iv. -½ - Maybe only healing is needed.
v. NOR -
b. N - Jump to 3) below
c. ½ -
d. -½ -
e. NOR -
3) Is there is any remained things that I need to take care of (upon the clearing and removal of false being and
false life just now)?
a. Y -
Y1) Is it to clear and remove the separates?
i. Y - I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and removal of the *remained* things of anything
that need to be cleared and removed upon the false being and false life that was being cleared and
removed just now along with their false things /including the third-party parts (if you are dealing with
this) and up to the point of no more duplication can be found and the loop is broken (if you are
dealing with this); also please retrieve and send back all of the soul and mind-emotion fragments back
to their owner as well>feedback checking
ii. N - Next question Y2) below
iii. ½ -
iv. -½ -
v. NOR -
Y2) Is it to clear and heal the separates?
i. Y - Give me a yes if I can clear and heal together or give me a no if I need to do them separately.
1. Y - I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and healing of the * remained* things of anything
that need to be cleared and healed upon the false being and false life that was being cleared and
removed just now along with their false things /including the third-party parts (if you are dealing
with this) and up to the point of no more duplication can be found and the loop is broken (if you
are dealing with this); also please retrieve and send back all of the soul and mind-emotion
fragments back to their owner as well>feedback checking
2. N - I am now hereby requesting for the clearing of the * remained* things of anything that need to
be cleared upon the false being and false life that was being cleared and removed just now along
with their false things /including the third-party parts (if you are dealing with this) and up to the
point of no more duplication can be found and the loop is broken (if you are dealing with this);
also please retrieve and send back all of the soul and mind-emotion fragments back to their owner
as well>feedback checking> or I am now hereby requesting for the healing of the * remained*
things of anything that need to be healed upon the false being and false life that was being cleared
and removed just now along with their false things /including the third-party parts (if you are
dealing with this) and up to the point of no more duplication can be found and the loop is broken
(if you are dealing with this); also please retrieve and send back all of the soul and mind-emotion
fragments back to their owner as well>feedback checking
3. ½ -
4. -½ -
5. NOR -
ii. N -
iii. ½ - Maybe only clearing is needed.
iv. -½ - Maybe only healing is needed.
v. NOR -
b. N - Please check all over again about these three categories here, sometimes we can have the remained
things at the first and then followed by the separated things, and so on. One you had check everything is
fine, and then have feedback checking again of the overall solved fb&fl which then finally considered as
c. ½ -
d. -½ -
e. NOR -
4.7.3. Method of dealing with real beings
If you are talking about clearing and removal or clearing and healing of real beings, that is very easy to be
understand. For whatever reason you found real beings, there are always four minus one categories here:
0) Exchange love, or flow of love. Despite the beginning where you done this through the pendulum setup
setting checking, we do this at the end of the session to check if this part is working correctly for each real
beings that you had dealt with.
1) Linkage or connection, where our cords and circuits (primary) and fields and shields are interconnected, it is
like social network. This linkage can have problem of non-reoccurring, self-created, third-party and
distortion-entanglement issue. Accept for the distortion-entanglements, the rest are just clear-remove or
clear-heal, which is very simple to do. Therefore, often when you found real beings as blockage, it is mostly
about the cords/circuits/fields/shields here.
Other than that are the devices/entities/implants/events which have direct association and if the blockage
found are these, it is same function of clear-remove or clear-heal like how we handle real beings, however in
addition, we need to double check with real beings blockage.
However there is a difference between real beings removal and device/entity/implant/event removal, we
are mean to move away the real beings but harming them because we are “destroying” the false
cords/circuits/fields/shield and not the people, but in case of removal of false device/entity/implant/event,
yes we are really mean to destroy them. Just saying a little bit more here, you don’t have to worry too much
about the programming that can cause harms, because the consciousness will do the job and they will
choose the best for you, *by not forcing your psychic movements over the pendulum.
2) General clearing and healing of the whole being, nothing more special, it is just we try to make the
programming easier and have it don’t in this way, we let the consciousness to chose what to clear and heal
of all the list that we already know here. However most of the time after I done the first clearing and healing,
the false being and false life will then appeared and I need to solve it, and then I clear and heal them the
second time to confirm everything is fine.
3) Soul and ME fragments retrieval. This is as important as solving the false being and false life problem
because both are basically the same thing: our fragmented parts that turn against ourselves. We have the
one we lost, and the one that wrongly put onto us as attacks, the fb&fl. (However there are reports of stolen
bodies parts but I never done this before using pendulum, I thought that soul and ME fragments are these
4) Special cases that can be various, random and tend to be complicated and massive. As I only have very few
cases therefore I do not know what and how to put them into nice looking algebra. The only solution is to
keep asking question, confirm the function, execute the program and recheck.
Different type of real beings:
1) Disincarnates - the nature of disincarnates is still puzzling me, one thing I know about disincarnates is that
they tend to be possessive with anything. One major problem of disincarnates is they can go back to their
stargates and be incarnated or they are being sealed.
2) Living spiritual beings - I prefer to call them real beings, sometimes I call them spiritual beings. Treat them
like treat us human, I don’t feel like there is any difference unless our mind tends to be like that. Psychic is
nothing special to me.
3) Lowerself / higherself - Or our past-self / future-self, not sure. Most of the time I would ask which dimension,
place and time where and when they are located. This concept is still puzzling me.
The rest please refer to Method of dissociating problem. I say it again here that my concepts about this
ideas might be wrong, be open mind to any possibility.
Don’t forget to check about the connection and blockage when seeking them. If you are still kind of confused
about this, read again somewhere bottom at 4.7 Method of dealing with problem.
It is about clearing and healing them? There is a part I missed here, which is about counting the numbers of
the real beings presented to you. The simple way is to count them, and just add in the numbers into the
middle of the command like “to clear and heal all [of number] of them”. Please refer to 4.8. Method of
finding the whole group for mass healing and 4.10 Method of mass healing.
1) Y - Can I just simply clear and heal them all together?
a. Y - (Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for the clearing and healing of
anything that need to be cleared and healed for any apparent real beings >feedback checking
b. N - Do I have to have clearing and then followed by healing?
i. Y - (Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for the clearing of anything that
need to be cleared for any apparent real beings>feedback checking>I am now hereby requesting for the
healing of anything that need to be healed for any apparent real beings >feedback checking or
(Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for the clearing of anything that
need to be cleared for any apparent real beings>>I am now hereby requesting for the healing of
anything that need to be healed for any apparent real beings >feedback checking
ii. N - It is about healing and followed by clearing?
1. Y - (Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for the healing of anything that
need to be healed for any apparent real beings>feedback checking>I am now hereby requesting for
the clearing of anything that need to be cleared for any apparent real beings >feedback checking or
(Dissociate problem>)Get permission>I am now hereby requesting for the healing of anything that
need to be healed for any apparent real beings>>I am now hereby requesting for the clearing of
anything that need to be cleared for any apparent real beings >feedback checking
2. N -
3. ½ -
4. -½ -
5. NOR -
iii. ½ -
iv. ½ -
v. NOR -
c. ½ - Maybe only clearing is needed.
d. -½ - Maybe only healing is needed.
e. NOR - Maybe something is behind them instead of to begin with clearing and healing them. Often had to
do with, soul and ME fragments, fb&fl issue then device/entity/implant/event. The rest in the list will need
to find it one by one. I think I had mentioning them quite enough, do your own note and learn it yourself. I
had arranged them as tidy as I could for ease of reading.
2) N - Is it about other type of function?
a. Y - Go and code it yourself, I am not presenting here because it is rare to have this and I do not really have
a generalize algorithm of such question because it has random answers. Just keep questing the correct
Another thing to note is sometimes it is about removing the real beings, which happened often when
solved with device/entity/implant/event, if so, clear and remove them, later often accompanied with
healing and sealing them from the source of the problem after that.
b. N - We go check for fb&fl first, followed by device/entity/implant/event. Please refer to Method of dealing
with false being and false life and Method of dealing with device/entity/implant/event respectively. Of
course, you need to modify, something like adding “… from any/all apparent/of [number] real beings…” in
the middle of the command.
c. ½ -
d. -½ -
e. NOR -
3) ½ - Maybe only clearing is needed.
4) -½ - Maybe only healing is needed.
5) NOR - Maybe something is behind them instead of to begin with clearing and healing them. Often had to do
with, soul and ME fragments, fb&fl issue then device/entity/implant/event. The rest in the list will need to
find it one by one. I think I had mentioning them quite enough, do your own note and learn it yourself. It
should be not difficult as I had arranged them as tidy as I could for ease of reading.
As I said, after you did clearing and healing over the real beings, always check about something else on them. Often I
found fb&fl issue.
If you are heading into mass healing, I have some suggestions here:
Simply, because when my first mass healing happened to me that I don’t even think much for it, I just let my instinct
guide me and do it because nobody tell me I can’t do it. If I keep telling people it is more difficult, then I will seeing
people work like that.
About the function of “clearing and removal” and “healing and sealing”
I do not add this at chapter 2 about the function of pendulum programming. This is what I thought: What is the
difference is you have two electrons or two protons that having the same charge being put together, compared to
one single charge? One gets repulsion while the later just stayed stagnant. I do not know if we are following Pauli
Exclusion Principle that it can be applied to such situation, if you understand what I am trying to say here… As you
can see I my programming language here, sometimes I am just use clearing, sometimes I use clearing + removal,
sometimes I am just using healing, and then there are healing and sealing… Like A and B, and combination of AA, AB
and BB, summing up and there will be 5 set of functions here. I do not know if AA and BB can be different with A and
B. Right now I do not really work with this type of extension of theory because I don’t feel about this kind of logic
derivation have, to say, by means of solid mathematical or algorithm operation even in meta-science or spiritual
teaching, and therefore I do not include is in chapter 2 as part of my main theory.
4.8. Method of finding the whole group for mass healing
It is hard to say when you will need to apply this since it can happen in any possible situation out of nowhere, I will
give some example:
1) Human mages attacks - How many mages can be found if there are two mages that attack one person? Don’t
be surprise that they can have thousands in numbers. In my own experience, to find their highest hierarchy
tends to be very blocking by their false being and false life issue, this is perhaps the hardest part. You can ask
who are their boss, and other details; my own case, I often found things can be very contradictory of the
secret of secret.
2) Aliens and their spaceships or basements - Can be up to ten thousands. Though their numbers are very high,
but I felt that they are not as offensive as the human mages. In fact, dealing with human mages is a lot more
harder where you need to solve for their higherselves problem in many higher dimensions.
3) Disincarnates - Do you ever heard of haunted place? Count them and send all of them back to stargate
instead of the one you found or look for you. If you are checking the problem of their stargates, maybe had
to do with seal.
4) The multiple implants and device - Sometimes there are similar implants and devices that can be found at
different time and place; however they are working as different units. It is possible that you solve one and
found another again… It can be stressful if it is sort of like no ending because the similar problem happened
too many. If this is so, then there is another way to ask, like asking why this is not being able to be solved by
higher force? You can get “not permitted” to do so because you are doing it too fast.
5) Those being implanted - This can happened to both victims and victimizer/maker/s, and therefore you might
need to solve both to solve the problem fully.
6) Those who involved in event - One event can lead to another smaller event, therefore sometimes you need
to confirm about the higher event (main) and lower evens (third party) and also those real beings who
participate in either higher or lower events.
7) Some weird cases: Soul transfers, grouped meditation, spiritual hierarchy, where there is more than one
person that participated, but it often do not have smaller or larger groups.
*** *** ***
We begin with finding the full number of the problem, such as the number of real beings and the thing.
1) Don’t forget to always check blockage…
Is it more than one of [real beings]/[things]? Five? Ten? Fifty? Hundred? Five hundred? Thousand? Fifty
This is my way of counting using multiply of 5, count the number one by one and pendulum tell you yes, until
the pendulum say no.
a. Y - Is it more than [number you had spoken]?
i. Y - Is it between [highest number of pendulum said yes] and [the number pendulum says no]?
1. Y - then count the number between that range until pendulum say yes.
Is it around [the number you are saying]
a. Y - The repeat this process to count the digit of decimal. Usually I will just get
to number of two decimal. If you are satisfied with the numbers, go to 2)
b. N - Recount, or check block then recount, be patient about this.
ii. N - Ask higher multiply of number. If it is higher than hundred thousand then just ask if the
number is very large, it is alright to have large number; it is possible that pendulum can
remove infinite numbers (false everythingness).
iii. ½ - This number is half the number you are currently saying. Go to 2)a.i.
iv. ½ - This number is around the number you are currently saying. Go to 2)a.i.
v. NOR - This number might be double of the number you are currently saying. Go to 2)a.i.
b. N - Check block, else, there should be only one.
c. ½ - Something Is wrong here, most probably a false thing that replicate or being overwritten on the
real one.
d. -½ - There might be two of them. Confirm about this and go to 2).
e. NOR - This is something that, it is one, but it is all, like one thing that resemble the all system there.
For example, all the crystals on earth are somehow connected; there is a problem that there is one
particular program that installed in the crystals on earth that needs to be replaced. How do I know if
the one I replace is a good one? I do not know, I am just following “to clear away that are not of love,
not of thank and not of forgiveness and heal with the love, thank and forgiveness”, the rest is being
done by some other real beings after I clear and healed them, they are the guardians of the crystals.
2) After you get the right number, you go find the highest possible hierarchy.
Is this the highest hierarchy here?
a. Y - Check block, it there is block, solve it and ask 2) here again. If there is no block, then this is the
highest hierarchy of you can currently get now.
b. N - Check block,
i. Is there another group of the real beings here?
Then count the number of the groups of the current hierarchy, please refer to 1) and to
count the number. Then Go back to 2) here again.
ii. Is there another cooperation of the groups here?
Then count the number of the cooperations of the current hierarchy, please refer to 1) and
to count the number. Then Go back to 2) here again.
iii. Is there another council of the groups here?
Then count the number of the councils of the current hierarchy, please refer to 1) and to
count the number. Then Go back to 2) here again.
iv. Is there another federation of the groups here?
Then count the number of the federations of the current hierarchy, please refer to 1) and to
count the number. Then Go back to 2) here again.
Often, to make my counting of hierarchy easier, I use something like this: groups>
cooperations> councils> federations> grand federations> great grand federations> …
c. ½ -
d. -½ -
e. NOR -
3) Once you found the highest hierarchy, then you need to count the whole number of real beings within that
hierarchy. Check block and use step 2) to count.
4) Recheck again: no block, highest hierarchy checked and confirmed the number. Foe example, highest hierarchy
of 7 levels and total of 6700 of members under it.
You can get really handful of blockages that keep trying to control your pendulum! Please be careful about that,
always use active commands to check if your pendulum gets interfered or not!
It is ok if you get trouble a bit, there is no rush for learning.
4.9. Method of ALL and ANY checking for mass healing
Let me begin with the theory about ALL and ANY. Supposed that you have a house and you want to make the house
clean. If you command that to have all the dirt go out from the house, however you are talking about all the dirt in
the house but not any of the dirt. If you command each of the dirt go out from the house, however you are talking
about each of the dirt in the house but not all of them. This is something like, there are many of the all, and there are
all of the many, going over and over again… Commanding all the dirt going out from the house, do not mean each of
the all dirt; commanding each of the dirt going out from the house, do not mean each of the all dirt… Or to say, it is
between individuality and collectives, multiple of both. I hope this make sense to you.
It is better to have this checking technique done after ending a session, because we don’t want to get too much.
*** *** ***
1) Is *all* of the [target] have removed/cleared/healed about [this problem]? We are checking a specific problem,
one of the problem, over a range of a target, such as “all [number] of real beings” or “all human on earth”.
a. Y - Check blockage, else, go to 3) below
- Is any of the blockage is blocking me to access the information about “Is *all* of the [target] have
removed/cleared/healed about [this problem]”?
- Is all of the blockage not blocking me to access the information about “Is *all* of the [target] have
removed/cleared/healed about [this problem]”?
If you found blockage, solve it and go back to 2).
b. N - Find the problem. Please refer to Method of dealing with problem or find dissolve the problem first.
c. ½ -
d. -½ -
e. NOR -
2) Is *all* of the [target] unable to get [this problem] removed/cleared/healed?
a. Y - Find the problem. Please refer to Method of dealing with problem or find dissolve the problem first.
b. N - Check blockage, else, go to 2) below
- Is any of the blockage is blocking me to access the information about “Is *all* of the [target] unable to get
[this problem] removed/cleared/healed”?
- Is all of the blockage not blocking me to access the information about “Is *all* of the [target] unable to get
[this problem] removed/cleared/healed”?
If you found blockage, solve it and go back to 1).
c. ½ -
d. -½ -
e. NOR -
3) Is *any* of the [target] have removed/cleared/healed about [this problem]?
a. Y - Check blockage, else, go to 4) below
- Is any of the blockage is blocking me to access the information about “Is *any* of the [target] have
removed/cleared/healed about [this problem]”?
- Is all of the blockage not blocking me to access the information about “Is *any* of the [target] have
removed/cleared/healed about [this problem]”?
If you found blockage, solve it and go back to 3).
b. N - Find the problem. Please refer to Method of dealing with problem or find dissolve the problem first.
c. ½ -
d. -½ -
e. NOR -
4) Is there *any* of the [target] unable to get [this problem] removed/cleared/healed?
a. Y - Find the problem. Please refer to Method of dealing with problem or find dissolve the problem first.
b. N - Check blockage, then it is finished
- Is any of the blockage is blocking me to access the information about “Is there *any* of the [target] unable to
get [this problem] removed/cleared/healed”?
- Is all of the blockage not blocking me to access the information about “Is there *any* of the [target] unable
to get [this problem] removed/cleared/healed”?
If you found blockage, solve it and go back to 1) and check everything again. Else, then it is done.
c. ½ -
d. -½ -
e. NOR -
Step 2 and 3 should be dismissed because it is not a good question to ask like that, 1 and 4 should be sufficient.
Just modify the question with more appropriate sentences according to your problem statement.
The blockage checking is the key. You can ask two of the questions as listed in each. If you are checking such
blockage here, you might want to know why it is being blocked, mostly had to do with real beings (device/entity
/cords/circuits) or to say it in more human way, the human relationship.
Please note that the problems found using this method can be both contradictory and repeating in different time,
space and dimensions. For example, at one time you are a too bad guy and another again same too bad guy but then
another you are too good guy and another again same too good guy, this kind of pattern always being found and it is
Please check about with dimensions and timeline should be start to solve with, i.e. there are 7th 5th and 3rd dimension
having the problem, you ask if it is to solve from top-down or bottom-top. Usually I found out that I need to work
from highest dimensions to lowest, the furthest in the past to future. Of course it can be randomized.
*** *** ***
So far the most complicated issue is human mage, where they can have things given by their higherselves, and they
are working in groups, with multiple blockages and even trying to interrupt you when you are breaking their
blockages. You need to master the active command method to solve the pendulum manipulation and disturbance
*** *** ***
There are two more ways to check about ALL and ANY system: ALL of ALL and ANY of ANY… but this is too much. You
can try after you feel like you want to explore beyond.
4.10. Method of mass healing
There would be not much codes and programming languages being presented here, it is more like the idea of the
programming and how to code it yourselves, most of the coding had written out at above topics and it is same style
of programming language appeared all over again and again.
I had mentioned somewhere before that in fact consciousness do not have a limit for what, why, how, etc… to be
I had a friend told me that I had written something quite remarkable here, that I had demonstrate a more
“standardized and fundamental programming”. I understand that, because from this point I am able to go into
complexity of, especially had to do with blockage checking and feedback system, and then I went further into to
development of 5+1 slots of pendulum system and ALL and ANY checking system which have lead me to a lot of
places that I never aspect in the beginning one year ago. I believe that it can go further because I do played some
little programming trick of combining energy system which I do not really understand of, I have the limitation here
and I stopped now for the moment unable to stepping into something that I have wondering now, I do found
resources that are talking about complex energy system using crystal that human are currently unable to know of.
Anyway, beside all the above “standardized” version of programming language, you can, and there is no limitation of
what kind of words you are using. Before I wrote this English version, I had done the Chinese version and it works
similar, accept Mandarin language had a much different vocabulary of how I need to code it out to fit my correct
sense of wordings. There are some words English don’t have, and there are some lacks in Mandarin, thus there
would be a bit difference of what kind of word that I choose to fit.
In fact, In my real time when I am using pendulum, there is no sense for me to follow what I had written here, it is
just I felt that I need to add more words, and I add it and see if it is working. For example, I can try something like
this “Please clear away this implant from me if this is created or thrown to me by somebody else”, if it is not moving,
I will change like this “Clear away if it is actually coming from me”… and then with such kind of result I will have more
confident of what my information and pendulum is trying to lead me to.
As this is what I called as active command or pendulum tricks. I do not include this as one separate topic because I
can’t really remember much after what I did, it would be too much and too tired for me to write when I was
pendulum-ing. Often, I would break in the halfway to hold the pendulum after it is starting to react once I finished
the command, I will say something like “ok, stop, I want to test and know something more here…”, for example I
want to know some specific details about device, “please heal if this device that is made of crystal, if I am right about
this, if it is agreed and allowed so”.
Many of my session tend to be more than two hours and make my hand numb, I will stop in the middle and before I
do that I will ask if it is ok I stop around here. Or sometimes if the problem is something huge, for example, remove a
false satellite from some planet, pendulum had been swinging for 10 minutes or more, I will put down the pendulum
and go do something else; and when I come back I will check with something like this “show me it is still under
processing”, if it moves, I will continue doing something else. It is possible that when you restart you will get some
random problem (pendulum or some real beings had hurt, attacks, fb&fl) and need to solve it first and then continue
to the problem, confirming the previous space and time that had recorded in my previous note.
I tend to add longer and longer in my programming, especially repeating the same code again and again, “I am now
hereby …., please… and also… as well as… don’t forget about… not to mention there are those… and so….
therefore…”. To make the writing here easier and simpler, I had removed all such gesture sentences. Try to imagine
that I am a rather talkative person that never runs out the idea of how to elaborate something that interested me
and I keep mentioning it again and again so that you won’t forget and get wrong about what I am trying to tell you.
What would you do to avoid misunderstanding with another people? Then you are most probably going to keep
explaining until you are assuring that person do not get your ideas wrong. Got it?
The reason I am going through these discussion here is to show you that there is no strict rule of a pendulum style
and I believe everyone has their own unique way, like gesture. I am a Chinese and English is not my mother tongue,
but I do not care at all about what my grammatical mistakes but talking about art of programming language of that
algorithm functions.
Back to mass healing
Mass healing is when you are dealing with more than one real beings or problem, and from here it can be extended
to find the whole group of real beings of their full possible highest hierarchy and solve the problem for all, top to
bottom technique; further from this point it is extending to check with all the dimensions and timeline using ALL and
ANY checking method.
Then there is a question: To what level and when I should go massive? I can break the permission and do whatever I
want, so how would I stop? The answer from my own opinion is that it depends how and what your encounter had
been put onto you. For example if certain problem of group of real beings keep looking me and make me feel tired
for doing repetitive job, I would question if there is another hidden problem that causing all these.
There are some ideas saying about we had actually doing a lot of things when we are incarnated on earth, this is
partially true for me, but I don’t think it is fully correct here. From my opinion, we are supposed to live with harmony
with each other, and if this is not happening, there should be something that needs to be check on. Thus, this kind of
question is more appropriate for me to say like this “to what degree that I wanted to devote into spirituality and
keep balance with my material world?” If a person thinks that he or she does not need to be responsible for his/her
spirituality recognition, he/she is not balance in both spirit/matter and this is the main problem on earth.
For much you want to do? It is more appropriate for me to say that you need to find your way to manage your
spiritual side and material side, easy to say hard to accomplish. There are those who abused with spirituality, and
there are those who absorbed too much into materialism; but we are all trying to get along with each other no
matter what.
One thing that had been make me feel weird about the spirituality that talks about supremacy over one another, as
far as I had been concerned, I believe that nobody is perfect because even the so call “god” requires healing as well,
else, we are really abusing our spirituality that had been given from something above, human had been given too
many things and many things are not working due to abuse, then there is no reason to stick with old paradigm but to
keep looking for improvement.
I would add a bit of my spiritual viewpoints about humanity from the programming point of view. Imagine
that there are the spirits that programmed the matters and formed life, the next stage is the spirits entered
life of the matters and thus there are further programming being done here because as spirits they have the
ability to do this. After that, something happened when the spirits want to leave the body, because of what
program that it had being done when they are in that body. If this is true, then there is no mean of
supremacy between the spirits that do not enter the matters or the one that stuck in the materialistic
programming. I believe that the original intension of the life creation had nothing to do with good and evil
but it is about the trial of seeing what can be created at different circumstances. If spirits can get hurt in
material world, then it would be no different for the spirit that resided at other side.
In mass healing, though one might encounter many different obstacle and facing a lot of unknown challenge,
however the basic function of clearing-removal, clearing-healing, clear, heal and healing-sealing is still the main
operation of all.
To code this function, simply you just need to determine the problem and found the targets, other than that
are the dissociated description of the problem and target plus additional content that you feel like wanted to
add. For example, “I am now hereby for the (your intension) clearing and removal (the function) of the
[number of] (dissociated description) false devices (the problem) of spiritual hierarchy on 7D Earth
(dissociated description) from the [number of] (dissociated description) real beings (target), please clear and
remove the false devices here that are not of love, not of thank and not of forgiveness (additional content)
If you are requested to use other kind of function, simply substitute them. For example “I am now hereby for
the (you intension) flip and turn the (the function) of the [number of] (dissociated description) cords and
circuits (the problem) between the [number of] (dissociated description) real beings (target) prior to the
removal of the event just now (additional content), please flip and turn the cords and circuits here to the
state of love, thank and forgiveness (additional content) now.”
For the additional content, just simply add it at the end of the sentence. For example, “I am now hereby
requesting for the clearing and removal of all the false cords and circuits//including the third party
one//including the distorted and entangled one”, “Please heal and seal all the cords and circuits that were
being cut//and also heal and seal away all the removed third party real beings// and also the distorted and
tangled one.”, “please clear and remove all the false being and false life including the self created//third
party//and including false emptiness// and false everythingness”.
You can add different programs into one request. For example, “I am now hereby requesting for the removal
and sealing away of any apparent false being and false life as well as the consciousness and programming of
false love, false thank and false forgiveness together with the false constructs and false relationships,/// and
also please clear and heal anything that need to be cleared and healed as well as retrieve and send back all
the associated soul and mind-emotion fragments to their own owners,/// together with the restoration and
activation of the consciousness and programming as well as retrieval/// and send back the constructs and
relationships that are of the love, thank and forgiveness if the is any” However, please be reminded that no
matter how good is your initiation request, having a good feedback system is also very important.
I think that’s all I have now.
Good luck and happy pendulum-ing!
Pendulum energy program is up to this point now.
If you feel confused about the English that I used, I am sorry for that
because that is not my mother tongue.
The whole works took me about one and half of a year to finish. So, in
comparison to other pendulum user or dowser, I am considering
myself fresh practitioner in energy works, in comparison to others that
had been working for years. Many of my ideas here I do not hold in
strongly in my mind, because I do not know how accurate it will be
since there are not many resources that confirmed for my results.
Finally, I do not “own” the “authority” of this ebook, because most of
the information is “given” instead of being created by me. Sharing is
caring. However, I do alert that if anyone else use any part of the
material here for other purposes, for that I make myself clear here that
they had nothing to do with me. All of my works here are done alone
by me. I learn the basic things all online and never take any physical
Best regards,
Special thanks to
Kalananay for teaching me in my earliest course
Franz Erdl for extraordinary reports that inspiring me with special ideas