MYP Unit Planner - 3, G8

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Teacher(s) Likisha Raffy Subject group and discipline Science-Physics

Unit title Fluids MYP year 2 Unit duration (hrs) 18

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Change Conditions Scientific and Technical Innovation
Change is a conversion, transformation or movement
from one form, state or value to another.Inquiry into
the concept of change involves understanding and
evaluating causes, processes and consequences

Statement of Inquiry
Humans can manipulate the conditions impacting upon fluid particles, thereby determining their movement

Inquiry questions

What are fluids: what are they made of and how do we use them?
What factors affect the flow rate of a fluid?
How are viscosity and flow rate connected?
How does the flow of fluids affect our lives?

Objectives Summative assessment

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Relationship between summative assessment task(s)
and statement of inquiry:

Approaches to Learning (ATL)

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Assess selected technologies' social,
economic, and environmental impacts 1. Provocation- Jar Car Race Challenge- Students will roll jars containing different contents (jam, oil,
based on fluids’ properties. water, flour).Using a stopwatch record the time each jar took to roll down. Record the time taken by
each jar and investigate the reasons for the change in speed.
Follow established safety procedures for
working with apparatus, tools, and 2. Prior Knowledge check- In a Venn diagram compare the similarities and differences between solid,
materials. and liquid theory .Along with the theory of an arrangement of particles in each.(revisit particle theory

Investigate applications of the principles of fluid 3. Frayer Model on Fluids-What, Where, how used, environment and societal impacts
mechanics. 4. Case Study- Discussion on a river adventure, snowstorm, Tornado, and Floods.
Use technological problem-solving skills to 5. Fluids for Life- Discussion on body fluids and their function.
design, build, and test devices that use
pneumatic or hydraulic systems. 6. T Chart –Real-life examples of Laminar and Turbulent flow of fluids.

Explain the difference between solids, liquids, 7. Ramp Test Experiment on Viscosity-Explore and compare the viscosity of various liquids. After the
and gases in terms of density, using the experiment students will submit their lab report.
particle theory of matter. 8. Think Pair Share-“Why viscosity of fluids is important?”
9. Achor Chart –Cohesion, adhesion, and surface tension.
10. .Comparing the Flow rate Graph: Using the lab report inferences, Create a graph showing the flow
rates of fluids from slowest to fastest.
11. Warming up Fluids- “Explain the following statement using the term viscosity: It is better to store
molasses in the cupboard rather than the refrigerator when we are using it for pancakes.” Discuss.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

12. Think, connect, extent -Explain how the viscosity of Purity Syrup (concentrated) changes when you
mix it with water ( aeronautic and fluid, food industry and fluid, blood thinners)
13. Fluid Mechanics Application- Use a RAFT strategy to jot down the applications of fluid mechanics
around us. (include careers, industry, and day-to-day uses).
14. Float and Sink- Revisiting the concept of density of solid using a float and sink experiment
15. Density Tower- Students will create a density tower with liquids given to them.
16. Buoyancy Experiment – Students compare the weight of an object completely or partially immersed
in liquid using a spring balance and understand the concept of the buoyant force and how it varies in
different liquids.
17. Archimedes Principle: Demonstration of Archimedes’ principle using a wood block and water.
18. Density and Buoyancy into action: Think puzzle explore” An iron nail sink in water , but a ship
19. Calculating density –Determine the density of substances with given value of mass and
volume ( word problems)
20. Hydrometers and LactometersUnderstand the use of

Formative assessment
1. Density tower
2. Liquid viscosity race activity-lab report
3. Venn diagram –pneumatics and hydraulics
4. Laminar vs. Turbulent – t chart
5. Research - Archimedes principle
6. Buoyancy Experiment

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

 Content: Use a demo to show the content as you offer verbal descriptions.
 Process: Have students work in pairs and support each other if physical impediments
 Product: Students may submit their final product in pairs, and communicate their findings
either verbally, visually, or through written means.


1. Different types of liquids , drops activity

2. Food color, Oven –Convection activity

4. Online Simulation -

5. Teacherpayteacher worksheets
7. PZ’s Visible thinking routine

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

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