Biochemistry of The Cell Cycle
Biochemistry of The Cell Cycle
Biochemistry of The Cell Cycle
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1 author:
David Lloyd
Cardiff University
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Biochemistry of the cell cycle
Department of Microbiology, University College, Newport Road, Cardiff CF2 ITA, Wales, U.K.
Cellular organization: temporal aspects tives of sub-molecular motions (Williams, 1981), metab-
Those processes that constitute the cell cycle include all olism (Reich & Sel'kov, 1981), and growth processes
the biosynthetic mechanisms involved in growth, the (Lloyd et al., 1982b) are now becoming clear. Functions
provision of energy, the development of extending and structures differ only in the time constants of their
membranes and surface structures, the genesis of new component reactions. To study the rich complexities of
organelles, and the mechanics of segregation of compo- function and formation that occur during cellular growth
nents at cell division. As well as elucidating the stages of and division, it is necessary to examine the processes
the processes themselves, the spatial and temporal either in single cells or in a population composed of
control of this developmental cycle needs to be individuals all at the same stage of cell cycle progression.
understood. Were the synthesis of new constituents to The former approach is constrained by current limita-
occur continuously from one cell division to the next, tions of sensitivity and applicability of non-invasive
then the cell would be biochemically identical at all times methods to single cells. Even so, many of the most
in its life time: individual molecular components would fundamental questions must eventually be tackled at this
be always at a fixed stoichiometry. Classically, biochem- level, and rapid advances (e.g. in digital scanning
istry has been studied as if this were the case. Thus most fluorescence microscopy techniques; Taylor et al., 1986)
studies of growth, even those performed with micro- suggest the imminent flourishing of single-cell research.
organisms, neglect entirely the concept of discontinuity: The great attraction of this avenue is the emphasis that
the growth of individual cells and increase in cell it will place on the differences between individual cells,
numbers are lumped together in a measurement of and on the heterogeneity in a population even when
increased optical density or dry weight ('biomass'). Such cohorts of identical ages are taken. The extent of this
global measurements ignore the differences between natural variation in individual cells during their normal
individuals: information obtained from the population development merits investigation. In contrast, most
gives only time-averaged values over an interval equal to current biochemical measurements made on a sampled
the cell division time. The fine details of sequenced events population assume homogeneity; the expression of such
are blurred and lost (Edwards, 1981; Lloyd et al., 1982b). measurements as a specific activity based on cell
numbers implies a touching faith that an equivalent
contribution is derived from each individual.
Methods for study of the cell cycle Apart from microscopy-based measurements there are
The time span of the cell division cycle may be as short other methods for examining the heterogeneity of cell
as 9.8 min in the marine bacterium Vibrio natriegens populations. Thus, the use of flow cytometry and flow
(Eagon, 1962). It may be about 24 h in proliferating cytofluorimetry in biochemistry has become routine,
animal or plant tissues or in micro-organisms in natural especially in laboratories working with cultured mam-
ecosystems. In some cases, a quiescent stage lasting years malian cell lines (Bohmer, 1982). Most often used for
may eventually lead to a normal cycling state or a cell cycle analysis by fluorimetric DNA measurement,
malignant tumour growth (Baserga, 1985; Epifanova & these techniques now find varied application, especially
Polunovs, 1986). The importance of polypeptide growth where cellular heterogeneity can be resolved by using
factors and their receptors in growth control has been fluorescent monoclonal antibody staining.
reviewed recently (James & Bradshaw, 1984). Thus, even The second more conventional approach to the study
in the shortest of cell cycle times, metabolic events will of the cell cycle is to prepare a synchronous culture, in
have occurred by their thousands, those membrane- which all the cells are in phase; the whole culture then
associated phenomena not limited by diffusion may be behaves as a coherent population. Several practical
counted in millions, and vibrational events within solutions to the difficulty of synchronizing populations
proteins in hundreds of millions (Fig. 1). Although strict are available, and these methods yield sufficient amplifi-
ordering of processes and events on a nanosecond time cation to allow conventional biochemical analyses.
scale may not directly determine the course of the cell However, caution must be exercised, and it must be
cycle, all these subsystems contribute in the hierarchy of admitted that many of the published observations
temporal controls necessary for progression from one obtained by the use of synchronous cultures are
cell division to the next. controversial (Lloyd et al., 1982b). This is because many
On a longer time scale, the cell division cycle is itself investigators have failed to take adequate precautions to
often dominated by physiological adaptation to tidal or enable distinction between those phenomena which are
circadian controls (Sweeney, 1982), just two examples of real cell cycle events from those artifacts which result
evolutionary matching to geophysical cycles. Until from the experimental procedures necessary to obtain
recently the biochemist's preoccupation with the struc- synchrony. This problem is not confined to the data in
tural hierarchy of living systems had sometimes led to a the older literature which relied on induction synchrony.
neglect of temporal relationships. The dynamic perspec- It is now realized that it is difficult (and perhaps not
Vol. 242
314 D. Lloyd
mammalian cells
of Na+ channel Tetrahymena
Events and processes Saccharomyces
within proteins
Rotation of Vibrio
rhodopsin in rod
membrane Complete cycle of Wall and
muscle crossbridging membrane
assembly __
local motions Transcription,
Fastest enzyme Complete cycle of Na' K+ translation
!.Ridlp ihain I reaction pump t
local motion4
j l Intermediary metabolism 0 0 ...
possible) to avoid perturbative influences completely; value of F would be unity, whereas for an exponentially
rather few methods for the preparation of synchronous growing culture its value would be zero. Values greater
cultures can claim to be minimally perturbing, and even than 0.85 suggest that induction plays a role in
for these it is always necessary to present as controls data synchronization; those between 0.6 and 0.85 are
from identically treated asynchronous cultures. The regarded as satisfactory for selection synchrony.
methods of choice involve selection of similarly-sized (ii) The cell cycle time of the synchronous culture
organisms by a short, low-speed centrifugation (e.g. should be similar to the mean generation time of the
12 ga., 1 min) of the culture in tubes (Chagla & exponentially growing culture from which it was derived.
Griffiths, 1978) or in a continuous-flow rotor (Lloyd Deviation indicates perturbation.
et al., 1975; Edwards & Jones, 1977; Lloyd, 1983). These (iii) Events should be repeated in successive cycles.
simple methods use minimal physical disturbance, are Often the first cell cycle is distorted by the experimental
faster and simpler than others currently employed (see procedure, especially over the first hour or so. Synchrony
Lloyd et al., 1982b, for experimental details), and have in successive cycles decays, mainly because of the natural
the other great advantage that organisms never lose sight dispersion of cell cycle times. Thus, even when
of their growth medium. They thus never become population growth rate is constant, individual cells have
transiently deprived of nutrients or 02 widely differing cycle times, the coefficient of variation
Criteria for assessment of the success of a cell frequently being of the order of 15-20% (Brooks, 1985).
synchrony procedure include the following. Where feasible, it is an excellent practice to compare
(i) Measurement of a synchrony index, e.g. that of results from different synchronizing techniques (e.g.
Blumenthal & Zahler (1962) given by: Knacker et al., 1985). In those few cases where this has
been done, large discrepancies due to perturbation effects
F = (Nt/NO-20L/fl) are usually revealed when induction methods have been
employed. Even light-dark synchronized cell division
where Nt is the number of organisms after division is commonly used for studies of the cell cycles of
completed, No the number of organisms before division, phototrophs (Adams et al., 1984) must be regarded as
a is the time taken for the organisms to divide and , is an induction method, and separation of the events of the
the generation time (Fig. 2). For a culture showing cell cycle from those of light-dark adaptation processes
instantaneous and exact doubling in cell numbers, the is not straightforward.
Biochemistry of the cell cycle 315
Table 1. Constituents and processes during the cell cycle: some recent (1986) studies
Chinese hamster WglA K18, K27, Late G1; entry Melero (1979)
K33, 4/3, into S
4/2, 3/1
WgIA tsK/34C G, Tenner et al. (1977),
Otsuka & Scheffier (1978),
Landy-Otsuka & Scheffler (1978)
WglA H3.5 G, Landy-Otsuka & Scheffler (1980)
CCL39 BF113 G1 after one cycle Scheffler & Buttin (1973)
CHO MSl-l Cytokinesis Thompson & Lindl (1976)
CHO tsC8 DNA synthesis McCracken (1982)
CHO tsD, ts224 Various Okinaka & Barnhart (1978)
and others
CHO* cs4-D3 GO/Gl Crane & Thomas (1976),
(reversible) Crane et al. (1977),
Berger et al. (1979),
Lomniczi et al. (1977)
CHO* CRRE5 G1 Ling (1977)
GM75 TSl Cytokinesis Hatzfeld & Buttin (1975)
D6 (pseudo-diploid) ts-l GI Hori (1977)
CCL61 1129 and 1132 Reversibly in G, Ohlsson-Wilhelm et al.
and less (1976 1979)
reversibly in G2
CHO-K1 1 C3 Late S/G2 Marunouchi & Nakano (1980)
CHL-V79 Gl+-4, G, Liskay & Prescott (1978)
CHO tsAMAR-1 G, Ingles (1978)
Syrian hamster BHK NW1 Cytokinesis Smith & Wigglesworth (1972)
BHK dna-tsBN2 DNA synthesis Eilen et al. (1980)
BHK tsBN75 G2 and S Nishimoto et al. (1980)
BHK ts422E G2 and mitosis Mora et al. (1980)
BHK21/13 tsAf8, Early to mid Meiss & Basilico (1972),
tsll, tsl3 G1 Burstin et al. (1974),
Burstin & Basilico (1975),
Kane et al. (1976),
Ming et al. (1976),
Talavera et al. (1976),
Liskay & Meiss (1977),
Talavera & Basilico (1977),
Chang & Baserga (1977),
Moser & Meiss (1975, 1977)
Floros et al. (1978),
Rossini & Baserga (1978),
Jonak & Baserga (1979),
Rossini et al. (1979, 1980)
BHK211 tsHJ4 Late G1, early Talavera & Basilico (1977)
S function
BHK21 tsBTN-1 S? Nishimoto & Basilico (1978),
tsBN-2 G, and S Yanagi et al. (1978),
tsBN75 S Nishimoto et al. (1980)
BHK21 ts422E Prior to division Toniolo et al. (1973),
cells have 4n Mora et al. (1980)
amount of DNA
and very large
Hamster HM-1 ts-546 Mitosis Wang (1974),
(metaphase) Wang & Yin (1976)
HM-1 ts-655 Mitosis Wang (1976)
HM-1 ts694, ts559 GI Chen & Wang (1977)
HM-1 ts-550c G1 and G2 Chen & Wang (1977, 1982)
HM-1 ts687 Mitosis Wissinger & Wang (1978)
Mouse CAK B54 Late G, Liskay & Meiss (1977),
Liskay (1974),
Farber & Liskay (1974)
L tsA lS9 S Thompson et al. (1970, 1971),
Sheinin (1976a,b),
Setterfield et al. (1978),
Sheinin & Gutman (1977),
Biochemistry of the cell cycle 317
Table 2. (continued)
described: these provide fundamental insights into theory (Goodwin, 1980) and the participating of the ion
mechanisms of chromosome replication, growth and cell currents observed by Jaffe (1981). Further information on
division (e.g. in Escherichia coli; Donachie, 1981) and of methods of isolation and characteristics of cell division
morphological differentiation (e.g. in Caulobacter cres- cycle mutants is to be found in Lloyd et al. (1982b).
centus; Shapiro, 1976). Amongst eukaryotic cells other
than yeasts (and those of mammalian origins) special The control of cell division
mention must be made of three systems. In Aspergillus In rapidly growing populations, cells progress from
nidulans the mitotic mutants isolated by Morris (1980) mitosis to S-phase and on to mitosis again with a
and coworkers identify the time structure of nuclear regularity that has encouraged the idea of a cycle of
events and the interactions of nuclear envelope, spindle events. Close to this idea is that of a biochemical
pole bodies, kinetochore and microtubules during oscillator mechanism, and it is not surprising that many
chromosome segregation. In Chlamydomonas reinhardii proposals for cell cycle control are based on limit cycle
genetic dissection of the stages of organelle development models. Sel'kov (1970) suggested synthesis and degrada-
was pioneered by Howell (1974). Finally, the production tion of thiols and disulphides, oxidation and reduction
of a wide variety of morphologically aberrant mutants of providing the control variables. Gilbert (1981) developed
the ciliate protozoon Tetrahymena pyriformis (Frankel a theory based on this type of control system, and indeed
et al., 1980) provides a system suitable for the as explained by Kauffman & Wille (1975), a limit cycle
investigation of the basic mechanisms of the generation mechanism, in which mitosis is triggered when an active
of form. The mutant protozoa provide systems suitable substance reaches a critical threshold concentration, can
for testing new hypotheses, e.g. the morphogenetic field mimic many experimental observations. For instance the
(Perturbative influences) (Overt ultradian rhythms)
Table 4. Some recent (1986) cell cycle studies with medical implications
Subject Reference
with the idea that initiation of the cell cycle at 'start' is Burstin, S. J. & Basilico, C. (1975) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
followed by a constant time period before attainment of U.S.A. 72, 2540-2544
a critical size (mandatory for initiation of budding). Sizer Burstin, S. J., Meiss, H. K. & Basilico, C. (1974) J. Gen.
and timer controls may involve genes (e.g. weel and cdc2) Physiol. 84, 397-408
in Schiz. pombe in controls that monitor cell mass and Campbell, J. L. (1986) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 55, 733-771
Carrino, J. J. & Laffler, T. G. (1986) J. Cell Biol. 102,
determine mitotic timing (Nurse, 1981). 1666-1670
Attempts to reconcile these disparate models (Ed- Carter, B. L. A., Lorincz, A. & Johnston, G. C. (1978) J. Gen.
munds, 1984) of cell cycle controls may combine timing Microbiol. 106, 221-225
by a limit cycle oscillator with a size threshold (Shymko Castor, L. N. (1980) Nature (London) 287, 857-859
et al., 1984). The weakness of many of the suggested Cattaneo, S. M., Quastler, H. & Sherman, F. G. (1961) Nature
mechanisms is that no definite molecular candidates are (London) 190, 923-924
available (e.g. for the active 'mitogen'). Moreover, an Chagla, A. H. & Griffiths, A. J. (1978) J. Gen. Microbiol. 108,
oscillator is not necessarily a timer, e.g. if the period of 39-43
the oscillator corresponds to the cell cycle time it will be Chang, H. L. & Baserga, R. (1977) J. Gen. Physiol. 92, 333-344
temperature-dependent. All known timekeepers have Chen, D. J. & Wang, R. J. (1977) J. Cell Biol. 75, 199
Chen, D. J. & Wang, R. J. (1982) Som. Cell Genet. 8, 653-666
built-in devices for temperature compensation of period. Colwill, R. W. & Sheinin, R. (1982) Can. J. Biochem. 60,
Outputs of the ultradian clock, the timer essential for 195-203
internal synchronization of rapidly dividing organisms, Colwill, R. W. & Sheinin, R. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
and possibly the timing of cell division, have been U.S.A. 80, 4644 4648
observed as oscillating variables in lower eukaryotes Crane, M. St. J., Clarke, J. B. & Thomas, D. B. (1977) Exp.
(Edwards & Lloyd, 1978, 1980; Lloyd et al., 1982a,b; Cell Res. 107, 89-97
Lloyd & Edwards, 1984, 1987). When combined with a Crane, M. St. J. & Thomas, D. B. (1976) Nature (London) 261,
temperature-independent threshold (Fig. 3), cell division 205-208
timed by this clock predicts quantized cell cycle times Davis, L. & Lipsky, P. E. (1986) J. Immunol. 136, 3588-3596
Debraban, M., Geuens, G., Nuydens, R., Willebro, R., Aerts,
experimentally observed in Paramecium tetraurelia F., Demey, J. & Mcintosh, J. R. (1986) Int. Rev. Cytol.
(Lloyd & Kippert, 1987) The threshold in this model 101, 215-274
represents a critical concentration of a component Dickinson, J. R. (1985) Eur. J. Biochem. 119, 341-345
necessary for the triggering of a specific cell cycle process Dickinson, J. R. & Williams, A. S. (1987) J. Gen. Microbiol.
(e.g. DNA replication, nuclear division or cell division). 133, 135-140
Many functions are coupled to the ultradian clock (Fig. Donachie, W. D. (1981) in The Cell Cycle (John, P. C. L., ed.),
4); oscillating enzyme protein levels (Edwards et al., pp. 63-83, Cambridge University Press, London
1982) lead to the conclusion that rates of protein Eagon, R. G. (1962) J. Bacteriol. 83, 736-737
turnover in rapidly growing cells have been consistently Edmunds, L. N. (ed.) (1984) Cell Cycle Clocks, pp. 616, Marcel
underestimated (Lloyd & Edwards, 1986). Dekker, New York
Edwards, C. (1981) The Microbial Cell Cycle, Nelson, Surrey
Edwards, C. & Jones, C. W. (1977) J. Gen. Microbiol. 99,
Applications 383-388
The applied biology of the cell cycle, although outside Edwards, S. W. & Lloyd, D. (1978) J. Gen. Microbiol. 108,
the scope of this short Review, now sustains an extensive 197-204
literature on account. of its major significance in cancer Edwards, S. W. & Lloyd, D. (1980) FEBS Lett. 109, 21-26
Edwards, S. W., Evans, J. B., Williams, J. L. & Lloyd, D.
chemotherapy, radiation therapy and hyperthermia. (1982) Biochem. J. 202, 453-458
Fundamental biochemical discoveries both arise from Eilen, E., Hand, R. & Basilico, C. (1980) J. Cell Physiol. 105,
these endeavours and contribute to them. A few 259-266
representative examples taken from the many papers of Epifanova, 0. I. & Polunovs, V. A. (1986) J. Theor. Biol.
the last year are given in Table 4. 120, 467-477
Fanger, B. O., Currie, R. A. & Cidlowski, J. A. (1986) Arch.
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