Setmana 1 Article 1
Setmana 1 Article 1
Setmana 1 Article 1
ircadian rhythms are en- Prokaryotic cyanobacteria express robust modeled assuming only two es-
dogenous biological pro- circadian (daily) rhythms, even when sential components: (1) a circa-
grams with the follow- growing with doubling times that are dian rhythm of psbAI promoter
ing three characteristics: (1) in considerably faster than once every 24 h. activity in every cell and (2) an
constant conditions, they ‘free- This biological clock orchestrates cellular exponential increase in the num-
run’ with a period that is close events to occur in an optimal temporal ber of cells in the culture5. After
to, but not exactly, 24 h in du- program. Competition experiments the growth rate of the culture
ration, (2) their free-running demonstrate that fitness is enhanced when slows, the luminescence pattern
rhythm is temperature compen- the circadian period resonates with the stabilizes into a circadian pat-
sated and (3) the rhythm will period of the environmental cycle. tern of consistent amplitude
entrain to an appropriate envi- (‘sustained phase’). It is in this
ronmental cycle1. Before 1985, C.H. Johnson* is in the Dept of Biology, Vanderbilt growth phase that the circadian
it was believed that circadian University, Nashville, TN 37235, USA; S.S. Golden oscillator can most easily be as-
is in the Dept of Biology, Texas A&M University,
programs were exclusively a College Station, TX 77843, USA; T. Kondo is in the sayed. As the culture ages, the
property of the eukaryotic do- Divn of Biological Science, Graduate School of rhythm slowly damps (‘senesc-
main2. The few dissenting re- Science, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-01, Japan. ent phase’). The damping ob-
ports suggesting that Escherichia *tel: 11 615 322 2961, served in the senescent phase
fax: 11 615 343 0336,
coli and Klebsiella have circa- e-mail: [email protected] probably results from nutrient
dian clocks were not convinc- depletion, including diminution
ing2. The conclusion that only eukaryotes have circadian of light intensity by high cell densities, which is very
oscillators seemed reasonable, because it was assumed important to the photosynthetic cyanobacteria.
that an endogenous timekeeper with a period close to When we maintained cultures in the actively growing
24 h would not be useful to organisms that divide more state indefinitely by continuously diluting liquid cul-
rapidly than once every 24 h, as do many prokaryotes. tures to keep the average cell density constant, we ob-
Based on data from eukaryotic unicellular organisms, served an interesting pattern in the cell growth profile
this assumption became known as the ‘circadian/ (Fig. 1b). In light/dark (LD) cycles, the cells divided in the
infradian rule’: organisms that divide more rapidly light and did not divide in the dark, as expected, but
than once every 24 h do not express circadian programs3. under constant illumination, a circadian pattern of divi-
sion continued, even though the doubling time of the
Cell division patterns culture was once every 10.5 h (Fig. 1b). In other words,
We and others subsequently found that at least one even though cells are dividing on average more than
group of prokaryotes, the cyanobacteria, has evolved twice every 24 h, when they divide is still ‘gated’ by a cir-
circadian programming of gene expression2,4. We there- cadian oscillator3. The phase of the ‘slowdown’ of divi-
fore set out to test whether the circadian/infradian sion rate coincides with the early subjective night. Using
rule holds for the rapidly growing unicellular cyano- flow cytometry, we have determined that the DNA
bacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942. We replication rate and the growth in size of each individual
have transformed Synechococcus with a luciferase cell are not rhythmic over the circadian cycle, but it is the
reporter construct that allows the assay of the pro- timing of division that is controlled by a circadian pro-
moter activity of the psbAI gene, which encodes the gram3. Therefore, in Synechococcus, a circadian clock
D1 protein of the photosystem II reaction center4. We regulates cell division and gene expression even when
found that, in contrast to eukaryotic unicells, cultures cells are dividing more rapidly than once a day.
of Synechococcus growing with doubling times as Based on the earlier work with eukaryotic unicells,
rapid as one division every 10 h continue to exhibit selection for circadian organization had seemed rea-
circadian rhythms of psbAI gene expression3,5. sonable only if the generation time of the cell is as
The amplitude of the luminescence patterns re- long or longer than a day1. To us, however, it seems
flecting psbAI promoter rhythms is a function of the equally plausible that the advantages of anticipating,
stage of the growth cycle for colonies on agar or for for example, the onset of solar illumination, with its
batch liquid cultures. For example, in early log phase, concurrent benefits and deficits, would accrue to all
the luminescence patterns display a clear circadian light-sensitive organisms, even if they divide more
rhythm that grows in amplitude exponentially (Fig. 1a). rapidly than the daily cycle. It is important to recognize
This ‘exponential phase’ pattern can be precisely that unicells that divide asexually are not ‘organisms’
Copyright © 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 0966 842X/98/$19.00 PII: S0966-842X(98)01356-0
(a) (a)
Class 1 SP22
Class 2
1 2 3 4
Days in constant light
purF purD
Class 2 Class 2?
0 24 48 72 96
Hours in constant light
Fig. 3. Circadian phenotypes of (a) SP22 (period Å 23 h),
AMP and GMP FGAM FGAR (b) wild-type (period Å 25 h) and (c) P28 (period Å 30 h)
Class 1
strains. The y-axis represents the luminescence level, which
Fig. 2. Regulation of the purine biosynthetic pathway by the acts as an indicator of psbAI promoter activity.
circadian clock. (a) Rhythms of luminescence of two reporter
strains under constant illumination. The psbAI (Class 1; day-
active) reporter is depicted by open circles, whereas the purF
(Class 2; night-active) reporter is depicted by filled circles. with SP22, the wild-type cells grew better during
The gray areas represent the extrapolated times of night. 27 days of competition in the 30-h cycle, but the short-
(b) The purine biosynthesis pathway. PurF is an oxygen- period SP22 outgrew the wild-type strain in the 22-h
sensitive enzyme. PRA is very unstable, whereas GAR is cycle. When competed against wild-type, the long-
stable. Abbreviations: FGAM, phosphoribosylformylglycinami-
dine; FGAR, phosphoribosylformylglycinamide; GAR, phospho- period P28 took over the culture in the 30-h cycle, but
ribosylglycinamide; PRA, phosphoribosylamine; P-Rib-PP, was overgrown in the 22-h cycle (Fig. 4c). When P28
5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate. was competed against SP22, the results were clear –
the strain whose period most closely matched that of
the LD cycle eliminated the competitor16 (Fig. 4d). The
The circadian phenotypes of the strains we used results illustrated in Fig. 4 are from batch liquid cul-
[SP22 (period Å 23 h), wild-type (period Å 25 h) and tures, but the same result was obtained from cultures
P28 (period Å 30 h)] are illustrated in Fig. 3. These maintained at constant cell density in a turbidostat.
strains grow in pure culture at the same rate in con- Estimation of the selective pressure, by taking meas-
stant light and in LD cycles, so there does not appear urements at more time points, suggests that the
to be a significant advantage or disadvantage to selective coefficient is surprisingly strong. To a first
having different circadian periods when the strains approximation, the relative fitness of the less success-
are grown in single-strain cultures16. As depicted in ful strain could be as low as 0.7–0.8 (Ref. 16). Be-
Fig. 4a, the concept of the fitness test is to mix differ- cause the growth rates of the strains in pure culture
ent strains together and to grow them in competition are not different by a factor of 20–30%, this is a case
to determine if the composition of the population of ‘soft selection’, where the poorer fitness of inferior
changes as a function of time. genotypes becomes obvious during competition17.
The results of this competition test were remark- Figure 4 indicates that the strain whose period is nearest
able. When each of the strains was mixed with another to the period of the environmental cycle is the most fit
strain and grown in competition, a pattern emerged in these competition experiments. Because the mu-
that depended upon the nature of the LD cycle. We tants P28 and SP22 can defeat the wild-type strain in
tested two different LD regimens that had equal LD cycles in which the periods are similar to their en-
amounts of light and darkness but in which the fre- dogenous periods, the differential effects we observed
quency of the LD cycle differed: a 22-h cycle (LD are likely to result from differences in the circadian
11:11) and a 30-h cycle (LD 15:15). As illustrated in clock rather than an unrelated mutation that is deleteri-
Fig. 4b, when the wild-type strain was in competition ous for growth. We have confirmed this conclusion