The cell cycle, including the mitotic cycle and organelle division cycles, as
revealed by cytological observations
37 796
5 authors, including:
Haruko Kuroiwa
Rikkyo University
All content following this page was uploaded by Yuuta Imoto on 05 October 2015.
Abstract It is generally believed that the cell cycle consists essentially of the
mitotic cycle, which involves mitosis and cytokinesis. These processes
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S118 J O U R N A L O F E L E C T R O N M I C R O S C O P Y , Vol. 60, Supplement 1, 2011
as S-phase. The S phase is followed by a gap (G2 cytological techniques. The plastid DNA synthesis
phase), nuclear and cell division (M phase) and a phase ( pt-S) during the cell cycle of cultured BY-2
second gap (G1 phase) before the next S phase. cells was examined by 3H-thymidine autoradiog-
The functions of these phases have been identified raphy following medium renewal. The timing of the
in many cells, including human and yeast cells [2,3]. pt-S phase differed from that of the mitotic S phase.
It is generally believed that the structural and func- These observations suggest that the PD cycle pro-
tional aspects of the cell cycle are primarily associ- ceeded independently from the mitotic cycle [7].
ated with the cell nucleus. However, the cell also Plastid and mitochondrial DNA syntheses were also
contains organelles enclosed by double membranes observed in root meristem and cultured BY-2 cells
(mitochondria and plastids) and by a single mem- by immunofluorescence microscopy of Technovit
brane (endoplasmic reticulum (ER), dictyosomes of sections using an antibody against 5-bromodeoxy
the Golgi apparatus and lysosomes or vacuoles). uridine (BrdU) and co-fluorescent staining with
Clearly, successful cell reproduction requires faith- DAPI and quantitative Southern hybridization [8]. It
ful duplication and segregation of all of the cellular was shown that large quantities of both mitochon-
contents, which includes the intracellular organelles drial and plastid DNA were preferentially syn-
Fig. 2 Summary of the division cycles and the temporal relationships of the three double-membrane-bounded organelles (cell nucleus,
mitochondrion and chloroplast ( plastid)) and the four single-membrane-bounded organelles (ER, Golgi apparatus, lysosome and microbody)
and centrosome in Cyanidioschyzon merolae cells. Each C. merolae cell has a minimum set of organelles comprising one cell nucleus, one
mitochondrion and one chloroplast, simple ER, one Golgi apparatus, one microbody and a few lysosomes. The organelle divisions can be
highly synchronized by the light/dark cycle. Chloroplast, mitochondrion and cell nucleus divisions occur in that order. Mitotic chromosomes
are not organized at M phase. Chloroplast and mitochondrion divide using the chloroplast (PD ring) and MD machineries (MD ring),
respectively. Microbody and lysosome are inherited using the mitochondrion as a carrier. Tubulins are absent in G1 phase, synthesized as a
monomer in S and organized into mitochondrial spindle and mitotic spindles in M phase. Mitotic cycle: G1, S, G2, M; MD cycle:
mitochondrial G1 phase (mt-G1), mitochondrial S phase (mt-S), mitochondrial mitotic phase (mt-M); and plastid cell cycle: plastidG1 phase
(pt-G1), plastid S phase ( pt-S), plastid division phase ( pt-M), the division cycles of the ER, Golgi apparatus, lysosome, microbody, and the
non-membrane-bounded organelle (centrosome). Double arrowheads indicate the time point of the organelle replication and single
arrowheads indicate the time point of the organelle division. Time shows hours after the second cell cycle.
Y. Imoto et al. Cell cycle and organelle division cycles S121
of the mitotic spindle form inside the nucleus and with DAPI. The results were consistent with the
are attached to the spindle pole bodies at its previous data. The pt-S phase of the PD cycle and
periphery. the mt-S phase of the MD cycle always preceded
Currently, it appears that the cell cycle is com- the S phase of the mitotic cycle by approximately
posed of a mitotic cycle, a MD cycle, a PD cycle, a 1 h. The division of the plastid was completed first,
microbody division cycle, a lysosome (vacuole) div- followed by the mitochondria, and then, finally, by
ision cycle, a Golgi apparatus division cycle and an the cell nuclei. The durations of each phase of the
ER division cycle. Organelle division in C. merolae MD (mt-G1, 12 h; mt-S 1 h; mt-G2, 4 h; mt-M, 2 h)
can be highly synchronized by a light/dark cycle and PD cycles ( pt-G1, 14 h; pt-S, 1 h; pt-G2, 2 h;
and, under those conditions, the divisions of Golgi pt-M, 2 h) could be estimated. These observations
apparatus, chloroplast, mitochondria, microbody, clearly demonstrated that the cell cycle should be
lysosomes, cell-nucleus, ER and finally cytokinesis understood not only in terms of the mitotic cycle,
occur in that order. Based on studies of slime but also in terms of MD and PD cycles.
molds and higher plants, it has been suggested that These data indicate that the cell cycle is com-
the cell cycle is composed of a mitotic cycle, a MD posed of mitotic, MD and PD cycles, which appear
cytoplasm near the peripheral end of the mitochon- condensin family are present; (d) Cytokinesis
drion during early S phase and it was replicated occurs in the absence of a contractile rings of actin.
and divided into two daughter centrosome cores In preliminary experiments, EF1α has been located
during late S phase (unpublished data). For 1 h in the contractile ring region, and it is likely that
during the G2 phase, the cell nucleus became this protein controls cytokinesis in many eukaryotic
football-shaped. Microtubules were focused on two cells (Imoto Y, Nishida K, Yagisawa F, Yoshida M,
daughter centrosome cores and formed centro- Yoshida Y, Ohnuma M, Fujiwara T, Kuroiwa H and
somes. For 2 h during the early M phase, the Kuroiwa T. unpublished data) (Fig. 3b).
nucleus changed from a football-like structure into
a Napoleon hat-like configuration (inverted cup) of
which the two ends were associated with the cen- Mitochondrial behavior
trosomes. Several microtubules extended from the As described above, the concept of the organelle
centrosomes and were positioned on the mitochon- division cycle has been evoked by the MD cycle of
drion to form a mitochondrial spindle. The nucleo- P. polycephalum. Mitochondria have their own
lus began to move from the central region of the DNA which is organized using basic proteins to
time course has been deduced from fluorescence machinery. The microbody then moved from the
images using the VIMPCS system [20], and from end to the central region of mitochondrion and
living cells [21]. The morphological changes of the attached to the outer ring of the MD machinery.
organelles were as follows. For 9 h during early and The centrosomes of the mitochondrial spindle were
middle mitotic G1 phase (mitochondrial G1 phase), formed at the each end of mitochondrion. For 2 h
the mitochondrion exhibited a discoidal shape, during prophase (late mt-G2), the microbody began
dented at the center because the cell nucleus pro- elongating along the MD machinery of the cup-
truded into the mitochondrion. During late G1 shaped mitochondrion and surrounded the outer
phase (mt-S phase), as the hollow center of the ring of the MD machinery. The MD machinery then
mitochondrion became flat again, the nucleus began to contract at the division site. Nishida et al.
became disc-shaped, and then quickly elongated. [40–43] examined the structure and function of the
The mitochondrion synthesized its own DNA for MD ring in detail. The MD machinery was com-
about 1.5 h. During S (early mt-G2) phase for 2 h, posed of the outer machinery (outer MD ring,
the mitochondrion extended into an elongated dynamin ring, Mda1 ring) and the inner machinery
disc-shaped structure and the microbody attached (inner MD ring, FtsZ ring). By the contraction of
to the peripheral end of mitochondrion. For 1 h MD machinery, the mother mitochondrion divided
during G2 phase (middle mt-M), the MD machinery, into two daughter mitochondria. For 2 h during
composed of an inner matrix ring and an outer metaphase (mt-M phase), the dumbbell-shaped
cytoplasmic ring, was formed at the division site, mother microbody divided and separated into
immediately after formation of plastid-dividing (PD) spherical daughter microbodies by the activities of
S124 J O U R N A L O F E L E C T R O N M I C R O S C O P Y , Vol. 60, Supplement 1, 2011
electron-dense patches (50 nm in diameter) at each to colocalize with FtsZ. ZED proteins are expressed
side of the microbody, and microtubules of the just before MD. ZED interacted with FtsZ1 to form
mitochondrial spindle. During anaphase (mt-M the basic structure of the MD machinery and was
phase), each microbody detached from the daugh- required for the MD. Bacterial ZapA and mitochon-
ter mitochondria and mitosis and cytokinesis then drial ZED were also functionally very similar, which
occurred [37,40–43]. Recent interesting progress in implies that the bacterial cell division system was
the field is that MD machineries have now been iso- incorporated into the MD machinery during evol-
lated from C. merolae cells [16]. A novel ZapA-like ution with subsequent loss of most of the bacterial
bacterial protein, ZED, has provided new insights dividing genes.
into MD and the birth of eukaryotic cells.
Bacterial cell division systems that include FtsZ
have been found throughout prokaryotes. Mitochon-
dria arose from an endosymbiotic α-proteobacterial Plastid (chloroplast)behavior
ancestor and proliferate by division. However, it was The division of plastids (chloroplasts) is universally
previously unclear how the MD system was estab- present in Biokonta. As mitochondria, plastids
C. merolae was also employed to study the mor- period of 1 h during G2 phase ( pt-M), the plastid
phological changes during plastid division, and to nucleus elongated further and both ends of the
estimate its time course, using fluorescence imaging pt-nucleus were attached to the upper wall at oppo-
and the VIMPCS system [20], in live cells [21]. For site ends of the mother plastid. The inner com-
9 h during the early and middle G1 phase ( pt-G1), ponents of the plastid division machinery (FtsZ ring
the cup-shaped plastid with its central plastid and PD ring) were formed first, followed by the
nucleus became enlarged and, for about 1.5 h during outer components (outer PD ring and dynamin ring)
late G1 ( pt-S), it synthesized DNA. Over 2 h during S [38]. For 2 h during early M phase ( pt-M), the inner
phase ( pt-G2), the plastid enlarged further and and outer plastid division machinery contracted,
became peanut-shaped. The chloroplast nucleus pinching off the plastid at the division site and divid-
then elongated at one end and attached itself to the ing the mother plastid into two daughter plastids.
upper wall at one end of the chloroplast. Over a Plastid division was completed just before mitotic
S126 J O U R N A L O F E L E C T R O N M I C R O S C O P Y , Vol. 60, Supplement 1, 2011
metaphase. The plastid division machinery associ- clearly a key to solving the molecular mechanism
ated with the daughter plastids was released and of plastid division.
finally broken down. MD, microbody division,
mitosis and cytokinesis then follow in that order.
Division cycles and inheritance of
The mechanism of chloroplast division by the PD
single-membrane-bounded organelles
machinery has been reviewed by Kuroiwa et al.
(ER, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes and
Recently, our understanding of the process of
The inheritance of single-membrane-bounded, and
plastid division machinery has been advanced by
DNA-less organelles such as ER, Golgi bodies,
isolation of the PD machinery and by identification
vacuoles/lysosomes and microbodies, as well as of
of proteins and other components using MALDI–
double-membrane-bound organelles such as mito-
TOF–MS [14,15]. During chloroplast division, the
chondria and plastids, is an essential feature of
FtsZ ring (localized in the stroma), the PD ring
eukaryotic cell division.
(in the cytoplasm) and the dynamin ring (in the
cytoplasm) were formed in that order. The PD ring
these organelles, it is possible to determine the formation, but during the binary division of the cell
approximate timing of these phases. nucleus [50]. The numerous Golgi apparatuses in
The ER and Golgi apparatus are directly con- the large unicellular green algae Micrasterias sp.
cerned with the functions of cell nucleus, their were located not only around cell nuclei, but also
behavior and their inheritance during cell cycle are, throughout the cytoplasm [51]. During the mitotic
therefore, intimately connected with those of the phase, their numbers increased from about 70 to
cell nucleus. Sheahan et al. [48] reported that 150 in Micrasterias pinnatifida, and from 200 to
during the division of the protoplasts of higher 400 in M. crux-melitensis. These additional Golgi
plants, the act in cytoskeleton was required for apparatuses, which were distributed throughout the
balanced inheritance of chloroplasts, mitochondria entire cytoplasm in M. pinnatifida [52] and
and ER. However, the genetic mechanism for the Closterium ehrenbergii [53], appeared synchro-
inheritance of the ER is unclear. nously at the premitotic stage. Noguchi [50] con-
By contrast, the division and inheritance of the cluded that Golgi apparatuses in plant and animal
Golgi apparatus (dictyosome) was cytologically cells divided during the M phase. The mother
examined in algae. The function of the Golgi appar- Golgi apparatus divided at the center from the cis
atus is to process and package proteins and lipids, side to the trans side to form daughter Golgi
particularly in the processing of proteins for apparatuses [54]. However, no special structure or
secretion. Noguchi [49] reviewed Golgi apparatus gene for this division has been identified. The
division cycles. In the alga Chlorococcum infusio- study with tobacco BY-2 cells showed that Golgi
num, the Golgi apparatus was localized close to the stacks, mitochondria and plastids sorted them-
cell nucleus. It was not duplicated during cell wall selves to distinct subcellular domains during
S128 J O U R N A L O F E L E C T R O N M I C R O S C O P Y , Vol. 60, Supplement 1, 2011
mitosis, but in an apparently cytoskeleton- organelles is large, their divisions are synchronized
independent manner [55,56]. as shown in Micrasterias [51].
The ER of C. merolae is much simpler than that Although there must be a molecular mechanism
of C. caldarium. It forms part of the nuclear envel- to control the relationship between these organelle
ope with attached ribosomes and did not disappear divisions and the cell nucleus, it is unknown.
during mitosis. This behavior is similar to that of
Saccharyomyces cerevisiae and Schizosacharo-
myces pombe [3]. Yagisawa et al. will report the be- Division behavior of lysosomes (vacuoles) and
havior of ER in detail during cell cycle in C. microbodies ( peroxisomes)
merolae using antibodies of DD genes. The mother As lysosomes and microbodies function more or
ER grows and develops during G1, S and G2 less independently from the synthetic function of
phases, divides with cell-nuclear division and is the cell nucleus, the division (inheritance) of these
inherited by the daughter cell-nuclear envelopes organelles is not directly related to the division of
during anaphase. A bridge between the inner and cell nuclei but to the division of mitochondria. The
outer membranes of the nuclear envelope occurs at functions of lysosomes and microbodies suggest
stably expressing GFP-AtVam3p. TVMs, which were (Fig. 6a). VIG1 appeared on the surface of free
initially organized from large vacuoles, elongated to vacuoles in the cytosol, and then tethered the vacu-
encircle the spindle at metaphase. Subsequently, the oles to the mitochondria by constructing net-like
TVMs invaded the equatorial region during anaphase structures. The vacuoles were released from the
to telophase, and were divided between the two mitochondrion in the daughter cells following VIG1
daughter cells by the cell plate at cytokinesis. digestion. Inhibition of VIG1 by cycloheximide or
Furthermore, actin filaments were indispensable for antisense RNA disturbed the migration of the vacu-
the development and maintenance of TVMs [62]. oles and they were unequally inherited by the
However, the molecular mechanisms of lysosome daughter cells. VIG1 is essential for vacuole inheri-
inheritance were not revealed. During vacuole tance in C. merolae. Since VIG1 is conserved
inheritance in S. cerevisiae, the vacuole formed ves- among eukaryotes, VIG1 may regulate the inheri-
icular–tubular projections known as segregation tance of eukaryote lysosome and vacuoles. The
structures. The segregation structures originated growth and division of the vacuoles occurred
from the vacuole membrane and extended to the during G1 and S phases. Separation of the (approxi-
daughter bud. This inheritance was based on an mately) six daughter lysosomes occurred during G2
bacterial ancestor entered the eukaryote cell, it There have been many investigations into the
lost its DNA and the bacterial cell membrane, and mechanism of division (inheritance) of microbodies.
eventually the bacterial matrix and the interspace A relationship has been reported between microbo-
between the outer and inner envelopes became dies in animal cells and division genes [38].
mixed into the putative pre-microbody [38]. Generally, microbody divisions in mammalian cells,
Y. Imoto et al. Cell cycle and organelle division cycles S131
trypanosomes, yeasts and algae progress in the mitochondrion throughout its proliferation cycle,
order of elongation, constriction and fission. The except in G1 phase cells, and was entwined around
combined efforts of several research groups have the divisional plane of the mitochondrion during
identified 32PEX genes that contribute to the biogen- the MD. Immunocytochemical labeling of catalase
esis or maintenance of microbodies. Microbody div- as a marker of matrix proteins of the microbody
ision involved the conserved PEX 11 membrane revealed that the duplication of catalase occurred
proteins and, in yeast, was shown to require a in tandem with the volume increase. The growth
dynamin-like protein. PEX11 and two PEX11-related phase of the microbody occurred over about 50 min
proteins were the predominant membrane proteins during G2 and early prophase. The microbody div-
of the microbodies of Trypanosoma brucei and it ision phase occurred over a period of about 130
was concluded that the PEX11 family of proteins min from the M phase after completion of MD to
played important roles in determining microbody cytokinesis. Thus, microbody was spherical for
membrane structure [68]. Higher level expression of about 16 h in G1 phase.
Pex11pb promotedmicrobody division in mamma- The PEX11 and Fis1p genes were not encoded in
lian cells [69]. Dynamin-like protein 1 (DLP1), which the C. merolae genome and thus these proteins
two actin genes are not expressed [9,40], the spindle poles for about 1 h during the G2 phase.
myosin gene is absent from the genome [9,12], only Mitochondrial spindles appeared during M phase
five kinesin motor proteins are expressed [9], and ( prophase) taking about 200 min. Mitotic spindles
microtubules are only present when they are orga- were formed over a period of about 2 h from meta-
nized to form spindles during mitosis [40]. These phase to the completion of cytokinesis.
unique systems in primitive eukaryotes suggest that
microtubule systems first evolved in association
with the mitotic apparatus and that the cytoskeletal Reciprocal relationships among
or transport systems seen in higher eukaryotes the organelles
were acquired later. Microtubules are fundamentally The origin of eukaryotic host cells is still unclear,
important cytoskeletal elements for nuclear and but it is now generally accepted that mitochondria
organelle division. and plastids arose from endosymbiosis of
C. merolae serves as a model system for the α-proteobacteria and cyanobacteria-like photosyn-
study of general mechanisms of proliferation of the thetic bacteria, respectively. Many of the genes of
cell nucleus and of organelles. Imoto et al. [20] these endosymbionts, including those for DNA
[73] showed that, in plant cells, NDR was regulated ODR. These observations thus show that tetrapyr-
by a tetrapyrrolesignal, which has been suggested to role-mediated organelle–nucleus replicational coup-
be an organelle-to-nucleus retrograde signal. In ling was an evolutionary conserved process among
synchronized cultures of C. merolae, specific inhi- plant cells.
bition of A-type cyclin-dependent kinase (CDKA) Single-membrane-bounded organelles (ER, Golgi
prevented NDR but not ODR after onset of the cell apparatus, vacuoles/lysosomes microbodies) must
cycle [73]. In contrast, inhibition of ODR by nalidixic originally have had their own division cycles, as
acid also resulted in inhibition of NDR, indicating a implied by current cytological and morphological
strict dependence of NDR on ODR. The requirement knowledge. Physical attachment and metabolic con-
for ODR to precede NDR was circumvented by nection between organelles are now achieved
addition of the tetrapyrrole intermediates protopor- through interactions between them, such as a mito-
phyrin IX (ProtoIX) or Mg-ProtoIX, both of which chondrion–vacuole interaction mediated by the
activated CDKA without inducing ODR. This scheme coiled-coil protein VIG1 [17], and a fatty
was also observed in cultured tobacco BY-2 cells, acidβ-oxidation system which coexists within and
where inhibition of ODR by nalidixic acid prevented cooperates between mitochondria and microbodies
CDKA activation and NDR, and these inhibitions [74,75]. These physical and metabolic connections
were circumvented by Mg-ProtoIX without inducing may have developed into the tight reciprocal nets
S134 J O U R N A L O F E L E C T R O N M I C R O S C O P Y , Vol. 60, Supplement 1, 2011
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