Valve Standards
Valve Standards
Valve Standards
Valve Standards
Označení Datum
Anglický název
normy vydání
EN 19 2002-04-00 Industrial valves - Marking of metallic valves
EN 558 2008-01-00 Industrial valves - Face-to-face and centre-to-face
dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems -
PN and Class designated valves
EN 593 2004-02-00 Industrial valves - Metallic butterfly valves
EN 736-1 1995-02-00 Valves - Terminology - Part 1: Definition of types of valves
EN 736-2 1997-08-00 Valves - Terminology - Part 2: Definition of components of
EN 736-3 2008-01-00 Valves - Terminology - Part 3: Definition of terms
EN 1074-1 2000-04-00 Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements
and appropriate verification tests - Part 1: General
EN 1074-2 2000-04-00 Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements
and appropriate verification tests - Part 2: Isolating valves /
Note: To be amended by EN 1074-2/prA1 (2003-09).
EN 1074-2/A1 2004-04-00 Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements
and appropriate verification tests - Part 2: Isolating valves
EN 1074-3 2000-04-00 Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements
and appropriate verification tests - Part 3: Check valves
EN 1074-4 2000-07-00 Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements
and appropriate verification tests - Part 4: Air valves
EN 1074-5 2001-01-00 Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements
and appropriate verification tests - Part 5: Control valves
prEN 1074-6 2008-06-00 Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements
and appropriate verification tests - Part 6: Hydrants / Note:
Intended as replacement for EN 1074-6 (2004-01).
EN 1074-6 2004-01-00 Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements
and appropriate verification tests - Part 6: Hydrants / Note:
To be replaced by prEN 1074-6 (2007-06), prEN 1074-6
EN 1171 2002-10-00 Industrial valves - Cast iron gate valves
EN 1267 1999-09-00 Valves - Test of flow resistance using water as test fluid
prEN 1349 2008-05-00 Industrial process control valves / Note: Intended as
replacement for EN 1349 (2000-01).
EN 1349 2000-01-00 Industrial process control valves / Note: To be replaced by
prEN 1349 (2008-05).
EN 1349/AC 2001-10-00 Industrial process control valves; Amendment AC
EN 1503-1 2000-10-00 Valves - Materials for bodies, bonnets and covers - Part 1:
Steels specified in European Standards
EN 1503-2 2000-10-00 Valves - Materials for bodies, bonnets and covers - Part 2:
Steels other than those specified in European Standards
Valve Standards
Označení Datum
Anglický název
normy vydání
EN 1503-3 2000-10-00 Valves - Materials for bodies, bonnets and covers - Part 3:
Cast irons specified in European Standards
EN 1503-3/AC 2001-03-00 Valves - Materials for bodies, bonnets and covers - Part 3:
Cast irons specified in European Standards; Amendment AC
EN 1503-4 2002-12-00 Valves - Materials for bodies, bonnets and covers - Part 4:
Copper alloys specified in European Standards
EN 1983 2006-05-00 Industrial valves - Steel ball valves
EN 1984 2000-01-00 Industrial valves - Steel gate valves
EN 12266-1 2003-03-00 Industrial valves - Testing of valves - Part 1: Pressure tests,
test procedures and acceptance criteria; Mandatory
EN 12266-2 2002-11-00 Industrial valves - Testing of valves - Part 2: Tests, test
procedures and acceptance criteria; Supplementary
prEN 12266-3 1995-12-00 Industrial valves - Technical conditions of delivery - Part 3:
Test procedures and acceptance criteria
EN 12288 2003-07-00 Industrial valves - Copper alloy gate valves
prEN 12304 2004-08-00 Industrial valves - Steel plug valves
EN 12334 2001-01-00 Industrial valves - Cast iron check valves / Note: To be
amended by EN 12334/prA1 (2004-02).
EN 12334/AC 2002-07-00 Industrial valves - Cast iron check valves; Amendment AC
EN 12334/A1 2004-08-00 Industrial valves - Cast iron check valves
EN 12351 1999-09-00 Industrial valves - Protective caps for valves with flanged
EN 12516-1 2005-04-00 Industrial valves - Shell design strength - Part 1: Tabulation
method for steel valve shells
EN 2007-02-00 Industrial valves - Shell design strength - Part 1: Tabulation
12516-1/AC method for steel valve shells
EN 12516-2 2004-07-00 Industrial valves - Shell design strength - Part 2: Calculation
method for steel valve shells
EN 12516-3 2002-10-00 Valves - Shell design strength - Part 3: Experimental method
EN 2003-09-00 Valves - Shell design strength - Part 3: Experimental method;
12516-3/AC Amendment AC
EN 12516-4 2008-01-00 Industrial valves - Shell design strength - Part 4: Calculation
method for valve shells manufactured in metallic materials
other than steel
EN 12567 2000-07-00 Industrial valves - Isolating valves for LNG - Specification for
suitability and appropriate verification tests
EN 12569 1999-09-00 Industrial valves - Valves for chemical and petrochemical
process industry - Requirements and tests
EN 12569/AC 2000-11-00 Industrial valves - Valves for chemical and petrochemical
process industry - Requirements and tests; Amendment AC
Valve Standards
Označení Datum
Anglický název
normy vydání
EN 12570 2000-05-00 Industrial valves - Method for sizing the operating element
EN 12627 1999-05-00 Industrial valves - Butt welding ends for steels valves
EN 12760 1999-09-00 Valves - Socket welding ends for steel valves
prEN 12982 2007-08-00 Industrial valves - End-to-end and centre-to-end dimensions
for butt welding end valves / Note: Intended as replacement
for EN 12982 (2000-01).
EN 12982 2000-01-00 Industrial valves - End-to-end and centre-to-end dimensions
for butt welding end valves / Note: To be replaced by prEN
12982 (2005-04), prEN 12982 (2007-08).
prEN 13327 1998-08-00 Industrial valves - Check valves of thermoplastics materials
EN 13397 2001-11-00 Industrial valves - Diaphragm valves made of metallic
CEN/TS 2006-11-00 Industrial valves - Copper alloy ball valves
EN 13709 2002-10-00 Industrial valves - Steel globe and globe stop and check
EN 13774 2003-04-00 Valves for gas distribution systems with maximum operating
pressure less than or equal to 16 bar - Performance
EN 13789 2002-10-00 Industrial valves - Cast iron globe valves
EN 14141 2003-12-00 Valves for natural gas transportation in pipelines -
Performance requirements and tests
EN 14341 2006-07-00 Industrial valves - Steel check valves
EN 15081 2007-10-00 Industrial valves - Mounting kits for part-turn valve actuator
EN 15389 2008-05-00 Industrial valves - Performance characteristics of
thermoplastic valves when used as construction products
prEN 15714-1 2007-08-00 Industrial valves - Actuators - Part 1: Terminology and
prEN 15714-2 2007-08-00 Industrial valves - Actuators - Part 2: Electric actuators for
industrial valves - Basic requirements
prEN 15714-3 2007-08-00 Industrial valves - Actuators - Part 3: Pneumatic part-turn
actuators for industrial valves - Basic requirements
prEN 15714-4 2007-08-00 Industrial valves - Actuators - Part 4: Hydraulic part-turn
actuators for industrial valves - Basic requirements
EN 26553 1991-09-00 Automatic steam traps; marking (ISO 6553:1980)
EN 26554 1991-09-00 Flanged automatic steam traps; face-to-face dimensions
(ISO 6554:1980)
EN 26704 1991-09-00 Automatic steam traps; classification (ISO 6704:1982)
EN 26948 1991-09-00 Automatic steam traps; production and performance
characteristic tests (ISO 6948:1981)
Valve Standards
Označení Datum
Anglický název
normy vydání
EN 27841 1991-10-00 Automatic steam traps; determination of steam loss; test
methods (ISO 7841:1988)
EN 27842 1991-10-00 Automatic steam traps; determination of discharge capacity;
test methods (ISO 7842:1988)
EN ISO 4126- 2004-02-00 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure -
1 Part 1: Safety valves (ISO 4126-1:2004)
EN ISO 4126- 2006-08-00 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure -
1/AC Part 1: Safety valves (ISO 4126-1:2004)
EN ISO 4126- 2003-01-00 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure -
2 Part 2: Bursting disc safety devices (ISO 4126-2:2003)
EN ISO 4126- 2006-07-00 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure -
2/AC Part 2: Bursting disc safety devices (ISO 4126-2:2003)
EN ISO 4126- 2006-03-00 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure -
3 Part 3: Safety valves and bursting disc safety devices in
combination (ISO 4126-3:2006)
EN ISO 4126- 2004-02-00 Safety devices for the protection against excessive pressure
4 - Part 4: Pilot operated safety valves (ISO 4126-4:2004)
EN ISO 4126- 2004-03-00 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure -
5 Part 5: Controlled safety pressure relief systems (CSPRS)
(ISO 4126-5:2004)
EN ISO 4126- 2003-12-00 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure -
6 Part 6: Application, selection and installation of bursting disc
safety devices (ISO 4126-6:2003)
EN ISO 4126- 2006-08-00 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure -
6/AC Part 6: Application, selection and installation of bursting disc
safety devices (ISO 4126-6:2003)
EN ISO 4126- 2004-02-00 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure -
7 Part 7: Common data (ISO 4126-7:2004)
EN ISO 5210 1996-03-00 Industrial valves - Multi-turn valve actuator attachments (ISO
EN ISO 5211 2001-02-00 Industrial valves - Part-turn actuator attachments (ISO
EN ISO 10434 2004-07-00 Bolted bonnet steel gate valves for petroleum, petrochemical
and allied industries (ISO 10434:2004)
prEN ISO 2008-04-00 Testing of valves - Fire type-testing requirements (ISO/DIS
10497 10497:2008) / Note: Intended as replacement for EN ISO
10497 (2004-08).
EN ISO 10497 2004-08-00 Testing of valves - Fire type-testing requirements (ISO
10497:2004) / Note: To be replaced by prEN ISO 10497
Valve Standards
Označení Datum
Anglický název
normy vydání
EN ISO 2006-01-00 Industrial valves - Measurement, test and qualification
15848-1 procedures for fugitive emissions - Part 1: Classification
system and qualification procedures for type testing of valves
(ISO 15848-1:2006)
EN ISO 2006-08-00 Industrial valves - Measurement, test and qualification
15848-2 procedures for fugitive emissions - Part 2: Production
acceptance test of valves (ISO 15848-2:2006)
EN ISO 16135 2006-03-00 Industrial valves - Ball valves of thermoplastics materials
(ISO 16135:2006)
EN ISO 16136 2006-03-00 Industrial valves - Butterfly valves of thermoplastics materials
(ISO 16136:2006)
EN ISO 16137 2006-03-00 Industrial valves - Check valves of thermoplastics materials
(ISO 16137:2006)
EN ISO 16138 2006-03-00 Industrial valves - Diaphragm valves of thermoplastics
materials (ISO 16138:2006)
EN ISO 16139 2006-03-00 Industrial valves - Gate valves of thermoplastics materials
(ISO 16139:2006)
EN ISO 17292 2004-08-00 Metal ball valves for petroleum, petrochemical and allied
industries (ISO 17292:2004)
EN ISO 21787 2006-03-00 Industrial valves - Globe valves of thermoplastics materials
(ISO 21787:2006)