This document lists 15 standards related to piping, fittings, and sealing for industrial projects in Germany. It identifies standards for piping systems (DIN EN 13480), seamless steel tubes (DIN 2413), thermoplastic pipes (DIN EN ISO 2505), fuel nozzles (DIN 2697), shut-off devices (DIN 3230-5), paints and varnishes (DIN EN 3840), screws (DIN EN 3381), nuts (DIN EN 3537), gas pressure regulators (DIN EN 334), water treatment chemicals (DIN EN 937), flanges and gaskets (DIN EN 1514-1 to 4), gas pressure regulating stations
This document lists 15 standards related to piping, fittings, and sealing for industrial projects in Germany. It identifies standards for piping systems (DIN EN 13480), seamless steel tubes (DIN 2413), thermoplastic pipes (DIN EN ISO 2505), fuel nozzles (DIN 2697), shut-off devices (DIN 3230-5), paints and varnishes (DIN EN 3840), screws (DIN EN 3381), nuts (DIN EN 3537), gas pressure regulators (DIN EN 334), water treatment chemicals (DIN EN 937), flanges and gaskets (DIN EN 1514-1 to 4), gas pressure regulating stations
This document lists 15 standards related to piping, fittings, and sealing for industrial projects in Germany. It identifies standards for piping systems (DIN EN 13480), seamless steel tubes (DIN 2413), thermoplastic pipes (DIN EN ISO 2505), fuel nozzles (DIN 2697), shut-off devices (DIN 3230-5), paints and varnishes (DIN EN 3840), screws (DIN EN 3381), nuts (DIN EN 3537), gas pressure regulators (DIN EN 334), water treatment chemicals (DIN EN 937), flanges and gaskets (DIN EN 1514-1 to 4), gas pressure regulating stations
This document lists 15 standards related to piping, fittings, and sealing for industrial projects in Germany. It identifies standards for piping systems (DIN EN 13480), seamless steel tubes (DIN 2413), thermoplastic pipes (DIN EN ISO 2505), fuel nozzles (DIN 2697), shut-off devices (DIN 3230-5), paints and varnishes (DIN EN 3840), screws (DIN EN 3381), nuts (DIN EN 3537), gas pressure regulators (DIN EN 334), water treatment chemicals (DIN EN 937), flanges and gaskets (DIN EN 1514-1 to 4), gas pressure regulating stations
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|p|ng, f|tt|ngs and sea||ng: Ior German pro[ect
L|st of standards need to be fo||owed:
1. DIN EN 13480: Specifies the requirements for industrial piping systems and supports, including safety systems, made of metallic materials (but initially restricted to steel) with a view to ensure safe operation. Is applicable to metallic piping above ground, ducted or buried, irrespective of pressure. Part 1: General. Part 2: Materials. Part 3: Design and calculation. Part 4: Fabrication and installation Part 5: Inspection and testing. Among these part 3 is very important. 2. DIN 2413:2011-06 : Only in german language. Nahtlose Stahlrohre fr l- und wasserhydraulische Anlagen - Berechnungsgrundlage fr Rohre und Rohrbgen bei schwellender Beanspruchung. Seamless steel tubes for oil- and water-hydraulic systems - Calculation rules for pipes and elbows for dynamic loads. 3. DIN EN ISO 2505:2005 : Thermoplastics pipes - Longitudinal reversion - Test methods and parameters - Not applicable 4. DIN 2697: Diesel engines - Fuel nozzles - Size "S" (ISO 2697:1999) Not applicable 5. DIN 3230-5 Technical delivery conditions for shut-off devices - shut-off devices for gas installations and for gas pipelines - requirements and tests. Publication date: 2008-04. Only in German language 6. DIN 3230-5 Technical delivery conditions; valves for gas installations and gas pipelines; requirements and testing Publication date: 1984-08. Avialbale in English 7. DIN EN 3840 : Aerospace series - Paints and varnishes - Technical specification; German and English version EN 3840:2007 Is it applicable or not?? 8. DIN EN 3381: Aerospace series - Screws, 100countersunk normal head, offset cruciform recess, close tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium, anodized, MoS2 lubricated - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 C; German version EN 3381:1996 I think Not applicable 9. DIN EN 3537 : Aerospace series - Nuts, anchor, self-locking, fixed, two lug, with counterbore, in heat resisting steel, MoS2 lubricated - Classification: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 C; German and English version EN 3537:2010 I think Not applicable 10. DIN EN 334 :Gas pressure regulators for inlet pressures up to 100 bar; German version EN 334:2005+A1:2009 Not applicable 11. DIN EN 937:Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Chlorine; German version EN 937:2009 Not applicable 12. DIN EN 1514-1 to 4 Flanges and their joints - Dimensions of gaskets for PN-designated flanges - Part 1: Non-metallic flat gaskets with or without inserts; German version EN 1514-1:1997. If OPRA use any gaskets , then it according to DIN EN 1514. 13. DIN EN 12186 :Gas supply systems - Gas pressure regulating stations for transmission and distribution - Functional requirements; German version EN 12186:2000 + A1:2005 Not applicable 14. DIN EN 12732 :Gas supply systems - Welding steel pipework - Functional requirements; German version EN 12732:2000. Applicable , ask our supplier to follow this standard 15. DIN EN 14382Safety devices for gas pressure regulating stations and installations - Gas safety shut-off devices for inlet pressures up to 100 bar; German version EN 14382:2005+A1:2009+AC:2009. Not applicable