Exploring Values in Literature
Exploring Values in Literature
Exploring Values in Literature
Here's a detailed lesson plan that aligns with the learning competency "EN7LIT-II-1:
Analyze literary texts as expressions of individual or communal values within:"
**I. Objectives:**
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
- Understand the concept of values in literature.
- Analyze literary texts to identify and discuss the values expressed by characters and
- Connect the values depicted in literature to real-life situations.
**II. Materials:**
- Whiteboard and markers
- Projector for displaying text on the board (if available)
- Copies of literary texts (short stories, poems, or excerpts from novels)
- Handouts with discussion questions
- Writing materials for students (notebooks, pens, or laptops)
**III. Procedure:**
**Day 1:**
**Day 3:**
**Day 4:**
**IV. Assessment:**
- Assess students based on their participation in class discussions, group activities, and the
quality of their reflections.
**V. Homework:**
- Assign students to select a literary text of their choice and write a short analysis of the values
expressed by characters or communities in that text.