Exploring Values in Literature

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Here's a detailed lesson plan that aligns with the learning competency "EN7LIT-II-1:
Analyze literary texts as expressions of individual or communal values within:"

**Title:** Exploring Values in Literature

**Grade Level:** Grade 7

**Duration:** Four 45-minute class periods

**I. Objectives:**
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
- Understand the concept of values in literature.
- Analyze literary texts to identify and discuss the values expressed by characters and
- Connect the values depicted in literature to real-life situations.

**II. Materials:**
- Whiteboard and markers
- Projector for displaying text on the board (if available)
- Copies of literary texts (short stories, poems, or excerpts from novels)
- Handouts with discussion questions
- Writing materials for students (notebooks, pens, or laptops)

**III. Procedure:**

**Day 1:**

**A. Introduction to Values in Literature (15 minutes):**

1. Begin the lesson by defining the term "values" and explaining that values are the beliefs,
principles, and moral standards that guide individuals and communities.
2. Discuss the importance of values in shaping characters and communities in literature.

**B. Literary Text Selection (20 minutes):**

1. Present students with a short literary text (e.g., a short story or poem) that contains elements
related to values.
2. Read and discuss the text as a class, focusing on the characters' actions, decisions, and the
values they demonstrate.

**C. Group Discussion (15 minutes):**

1. Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with discussion questions related
to the text.
2. Encourage groups to analyze the characters' values and discuss how they influence the
story's outcome.
**Day 2:**

**D. Identifying Values (30 minutes):**

1. Present another literary text to the class, different from the one used on Day 1.
2. In pairs, have students identify and list the values demonstrated by the characters in the new
3. Discuss their findings as a class, emphasizing the diversity of values that can exist within a

**E. Values vs. Actions (20 minutes):**

1. Facilitate a discussion on the dissonance between the values characters express and their
actions in literature.
2. Encourage students to consider why characters might act against their stated values.

**Day 3:**

**F. Connecting Values to Real Life (30 minutes):**

1. Discuss with students how the values depicted in literature relate to real-life situations and the
choices people make.
2. Present examples of real-life situations where individuals or communities must make value-
based decisions.

**G. Personal Reflection (15 minutes):**

1. Assign students to write a brief reflection on a time when they had to make a decision based
on their values.
2. Encourage them to share their reflections (anonymously if preferred) with the class.

**Day 4:**

**H. Analyzing a Longer Text (40 minutes):**

1. Provide students with a longer literary text (e.g., a chapter from a novel or a longer short
2. In small groups, have students read and analyze the text, identifying the values expressed by
characters and discussing their impact on the story.
3. Each group presents their analysis to the class.

**I. Wrap-Up and Discussion (20 minutes):**

1. Lead a class discussion on the role of values in literature and the insights gained through the
analysis of literary texts.
2. Encourage students to reflect on how understanding values in literature can help them better
understand people and communities in the real world.

**IV. Assessment:**
- Assess students based on their participation in class discussions, group activities, and the
quality of their reflections.

**V. Homework:**
- Assign students to select a literary text of their choice and write a short analysis of the values
expressed by characters or communities in that text.

**VI. Extension Activity:**

- Encourage advanced students to explore different genres of literature, such as plays or non-
fiction essays, and analyze the values conveyed in those texts.

**VII. Additional Notes:**

- Ensure a respectful and open-minded classroom environment where students can discuss
diverse values and perspectives.

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