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4020 Week 1

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Internet Client-Server


ITEC 4020
Instructor: Jimmy Huang
[email protected]
Meeting ID: 943 1021 3415 Passcode: 956408

◆ Web-based Knowledge & Data Management
➢ A huge amount of Web data
➢ how to organize, retrieve them, how to discover interesting
patterns and how to make a recommend from them
 Web Search Engine
 Uber Taxi and Didi Chuxing
 Amazon, Alibaba, Tencent, JD.com
 Web Blog Analysis
 Spam Email Detection
 Online Electronic Medical Data Analysis
 Electronic Health Care and eHealth
 Social Network Analysis
Amazon Business Model

Examples of Web Search

Examples of Web

Some Internet Related Research
Projects for Students
◆ “Searching and Analyzing Big Data: Context-sensitive and
Task-aware Approaches”. This project is supported by
NSERC Individual Discovery Grant (2020 - 2026)
◆ “Analyzing and Searching Medical Data for Cost Effective
Health Care”. This project is supported by Early Researcher
Award/Premier’s Research Excellence Award
◆ “Finding Best Evidence for Evidence-based Best Practice
Recommendations in Health Care”. This project is supported
by NSERC Collaborative R&D Grant
◆ Other research projects will also be available such as IBM
SUR and OCE projects etc.
◆ Advanced Data Mining and Machine Learning Technologies
for Next Generation eHealth Decision Support Systems
Course Objectives
◆ This course will cover both programming aspects of
internet applications and advanced topics of Web
technology, such as information retrieval, Web search
and Web mining.

◆ The major objective of this course is for the students to

learn how to analyze, design and implement internet
applications and obtain a solid grasp of how
techniques in Web technology can be applied to solve
Course Content
◆ Introduction to client-server systems, WWW and
Web technology
◆ Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP)
◆ JDBC and Java Script
◆ E-business and E-commerce
◆ Web mining, Web server logs and Web session
◆ Information Retrieval (indexing, search and ranking)
◆ Web search and Web crawler
Recommended Reading
◆ Internet and World Wide Web: How to Program (2nd edition)
➢ Deitel M., Deitel J., Nieto T. R.
➢ Prentice Hall, 2002
◆ Advanced Java 2 Platform: How to Program
➢ Deitel M., Deitel J., Santry S. E.
➢ Prentice Hall, 2002
◆ Foundations of Web Technology
➢ Sarukkai R.
➢ Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003
◆ Mining the World Wide Web: An Information Search Approach
➢ Chang G., Healey M. J. et al.

➢ Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003

Evaluation and Grading
◆ 3 assignments (due through the term)
➢ Assignment 1: will be announced soon (25%)
➢ Assignment 2: TBA (25%)
➢ Assignment 3: TBA (20%)

◆ Final Exam (30%) Dec

Group Assignments
◆ Each group consists of 4 or 5 members.
◆ There is a team leader in each group.
◆ The team leader should send me an email telling
me how many people are in the group, their
names, student Ids, email addresses and course
section ID as soon as possible (before Sept 17).
◆ Your group assignments will be evaluated in
terms of your programs, assignment reports and
class presentations.
Class Time and Office Hours
◆ Class time:
➢ Wednesday 19:00pm – 22:00pm

◆ Class location: Virtual Zoom Room

◆ Office hours (in Virtual Zoom Room)
➢ By appointment
◆ TA name: a PhD candidate

◆ TA office hours: to be arranged

Introduction to Client-Server Systems,
WWW and Web Technology

Week 1
◆ The Internet
◆ The Web
◆ What makes the Web work?
◆ Example of a Web page
◆ Summary
The Internet

IP Address:

The Internet

Worldwide collection of interconnected networks.

◆ Began in late ‘60s in ARPANET, a US project,

investigating how to build networks that could
withstand partial outages.
◆ Starting with a few nodes, Internet estimated to
have over 100 million users in 1997, and over 270
million users in over 100 countries in 1998, with
one million new users joining each month.

Historical View: Internet
◆ 1969 - Telnet
◆ 1970 - 4 computers
➢ Stanford, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, U Utah
◆ 1971 - FTP
◆ 1983 - 562 computers on the internet
◆ 1993 - 1.2 million computers on the internet
◆ 1999 - ssh, sftp, ……
◆ 2010 - Amazon, Alibaba, ……
◆ 2020 - Smart-based devices, …….
◆ The Internet
◆ The Web
◆ What makes the Web work?
◆ Example of a Web page
◆ Summary
The Web
◆ World-Wide Web (Web, WWW)
➢ networked information system that provides a simple
way of browsing different types (text, pictures, video,
audio, etc.) of information on the Internet using
◆ Web pages
➢ electronic documents that typically contains several
types of information accessible via the World Wide Web
◆ Web sites
➢ a collection of related Web pages of a certain individual,
group, or organization.
◆ The Web uses a client/server model
Client-Server Model
Browser - software to interact
machine that services internet request
with internet data at the client

machine that initiates internet request

Client/Server Interaction

Request File
Display File

Send File

What is a Web Server?

Web server
◆ computer running application software that listens and
responds to a client computer’s request made through a
web browser
◆ machine that hosts web pages and other web
◆ provides web documents and other online services
using HTTP
What is a Web Browser?

Web browser
◆ application software that is used to locate and issue a
request for the page on the web server that hosts the
◆ It also interpret the page sent back by the web server
and display it on the monitor of the client computer
◆ computer program that lets you view and explore
information on the World Wide Web
Web Browsers

◆ Microsoft Internet Explorer – browser integrated with

the Windows operating system. Mac versions are
◆ Netscape Navigator - available for Windows, Mac, and
Unix platforms.
◆ Opera – one of the alternatives to the two most popular
browser mentioned above
◆ Mozilla – open source web browser software
◆ Lynx - popular Unix text-based browser
◆ Google Chrome is a Google browser that combines a
minimal design with sophisticated technology.
◆ The Internet
◆ The Web
◆ What makes the Web work?
➢ CGI ……
◆ Example of a Web page
◆ Summary
What Makes the Web Work?
The Web relies on these mechanisms:
◆ Protocols - set of standards used to access resources
via the Web
◆ Universal Resource Locator (URL) - uniform
naming scheme for Internet resources
◆ HTML - Document formatting language used to
design most Web pages
◆ CGI - Common Gateway Interface
◆ Servlet - Application run by a server connected to the
WWW. It is one of the most popular avenues for Java
development today.
◆ Standard set of rules that governs how computers
communicate with each other, i.e. HTTP, FTP and
◆ HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is the underlying
protocol used to transmit information over the Web.
◆ HTTP is based on request-response paradigm:
➢ Connection: Client establishes connection with Web server.
➢ Request: Client sends request to Web server.
➢ Response: Web server sends response (HTML document)
to client.
➢ Close: Connection closed by Web server.
◆ 1. Client
➢ makes an HTTP request for a web page
➢ makes a TCP/IP connection
◆ 2. Server accepts request
➢ sends page as HTTP
◆ 3. Client downloads page
◆ 4. Server breaks the connection
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
◆ Identifies the file to request
➢ Specifies server and file
➢ Defaults used for missing values

protocol host computer directory path file name

Note: Not all URLs will have the directory and filename
HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
◆ Hypertext
➢ presents and relates information as hyperlinked
documents that point to other documents or resources.
➢ A standard markup language that defines a hypertext
➢ A simple, powerful, platform-independent document
➢ Specifies what displays should look like
➢ Browser interprets HTML
➢ Same HTML file often looks different across browsers
➢ HTML files are the source files of Web pages
HTML File Structure
<TITLE>Page Title</TITLE>
What About Graphics?
◆ An HTML file can refer to an image file

Here is a nice picture:

<IMG SRC=“stars.gif”>
What About Hyperlinks?
◆ An HTML file can refer to another HTML file

<p><a href=”http://ai.uwaterloo.ca/3421.html">
COSC 3421 Fall 2002</a></p>
<p><a href=”http://ai.uwaterloo.ca/3221.html">
COSC 3221 Winter 2003</a></p>
Simple Formatting
<H1><FONT COLOR="#b80000">
Heading level 1</FONT></H1>
<H2><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">
Heading level 2 </FONT> </H2>
<P>Paragraph with <B>bold</B> and
<I>italic</I> text.</P>
Creating HTML Files

◆ Text editor (Notepad, Pico)

◆ HTML Editor (FrontPage, Netscape

Gold and HoTMetaL)
Moving Files to Servers

Browser Server

User views Author

files in sends
browser files to
creates Author
Client-Server Systems Architecture

Web Server
Retrieving Hosting web pages
web pages
using HTTP
Internet Web Authoring System
Web Client create web pages
Browser Publish Scanner
web pages
Video capture
Sound card
Web page: document written in HTML,JSP and ASP.
Internet Client-Server Systems
Internet Client-Server Systems
Internet Client-Server Systems

40 Internet Banking
Internet Client-Server Systems

Uber is an app and taxi service that

connects riders and drivers with the tap
of a button by using their phone’s GPS
Internet Client-Server Systems

Uber is an app and taxi service that

connects riders and drivers with the tap
of a button by using their phone’s GPS
Internet Client-Server Systems

Uber is an app and taxi service that

connects riders and drivers with the tap
of a button by using their phone’s GPS
Internet Client-Server Systems

Uber is an app and taxi service that

connects riders and drivers with the tap
of a button by using their phone’s GPS

China’s E-commerce Empire: Alibaba Group

Internet Client-Server Systems

Uber is an app and taxi service that

connects riders and drivers with the tap
of a button by using their phone’s GPS
Wechat Functions

Wechat Business Model

Amazon Business Model

Static and Dynamic Web Pages

◆ A static Web page is ready before it is


◆ The content of a dynamic Web page is

generated each time it is accessed.

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

◆ CGI programming techniques were introduced

to provide dynamic Web pages via server-side

◆ A standard method to extend the functionality

of the web server.

◆ Any programming language can be used.

Common ones include: Perl, C++, Visual Basic.

CGI-based Web Application

 HTTP Request

 HTTP Document
Web Browser Web Server

 Output  HTML forms to

(HTML) invoke CGI scripts

 Get Data
CGI Scripts/
Applications Database
 Return data
How Web Page Works

Sample web page and its source.

◆ The source contains the
instructions that define the
contents, layout, and structure of a
web page.
◆ The instructions are written in
HTML or another web authoring
tool used in creating the page.
◆ The browser uses these
instructions to interpret and
display the web page on the screen.
How Web Page Works


Navigational tools

Graphics /

◆ A piece of information generated by the web-server
and stored in the client side ready for future access.
◆ Cookies can make CGI scripts more interactive.
◆ Cookies are text files stored on Web client.
◆ CGI script creates cookie and has a Web server sent
it to client’s browser to store on hard disk.
◆ Later, when client revisits Web site and uses a CGI
script that requests this cookie, client’s browser
sends information stored in the cookie.

◆ How do cookies work?
Request Origin
Server A

Response Origin
Set-Cookie: XYZ Server A

Request Origin
Client Cookie: XYZ Server A

◆ Where are cookies used?

✓ Shopping applications
✓ Storing login information
✓ Tracking pages visited by a user
◆ The Web is a networked information system that
contains a huge collection of files
◆ The Web relies on clients and servers
◆ HTML and other files are sent from servers to
◆ Files are identified by URLs
◆ Servers send files to browsers
◆ Browsers interpret HTML
◆ Cookies is a piece of information generated by
the web-server and stored in the client side.

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