HL 36003 04 Exe en Video
HL 36003 04 Exe en Video
HL 36003 04 Exe en Video
# 03
EN 2023
but have you ever wondered
what lies behind each cup?
In this column of Coffee 360°,
we will talk about specialty coffee:
what differentiates it from
‘standard’ coffee?
SANREMO 360° #03 / 2023
The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) is the Primary defects are considered to be the most
main reference point for high-quality coffee. It severe and have the greatest effect on the taste,
establishes the international standards for coffee aroma, and appearance of the roasted and
evaluation. extracted coffee.
These standards mainly concern the evaluation of Secondary defects are considered less severe
the beans’ appearance and the coffee’s properties than primary defects but can still affect the quality
when tasted. of the roasted coffee. These defects can impact
the flavour, aroma and texture of the beverage.
Appearance evaluations are conducted on a 350
grams sample of green coffee to identify primary The second evaluation of tasting properties is
and secondary defects. carried out after roasting. The coffee is ground
A specialty coffee must be free of primary defects and tasted through a standardised cupping
and may have a maximum of 5 secondary defects. protocol, which assigns the ‘cupping score’:
90-100 - Outstanding (Specialty)
85-89.99 - Excellent (Specialty)
80-84.99 - Very good (Specialty)
< 80.0 - Below the Specialty threshold (Non Specialty)
SANREMO 360° #03 / 2023 5
of the Sanremo family, was among the first to
become certified.
“Initially, CQI only provided Q-Grader certification,”
Patrick tells us. “However, the considerable com-
Q-Grader is a certification programme developed mitment of time, resources and prior knowledge
by the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) to train expert made this certification difficult to achieve.”
tasters and help certify coffee quality. Q-Grader “To increase enrolment and spread the coffee
certified experts are highly skilled in the sensory culture more widely, CQI has developed a series of
analysis of coffee and can evaluate its quality in courses with varying levels of difficulty. They are
terms of aroma, taste, body and acidity. more easily accessible and have had much higher
attendance rates. In this way, every profession
The impact of the Q-Grader in the world of (baristas, roasters, tasters, cultivators) now has a
specialty coffee has been significant. Before dedicated course and does not necessarily have
introducing this programme, the quality evaluation to become a Q-Grader.”
of coffee was subjective and mainly based on
personal opinion. The coffee evaluation process Patrick advises all coffee professionals to take
has been standardised with the introduction of at least the sensory analysis course “Sensory
the Q-Grader. Evaluation in Quality Control 200”.
A trend that One might think that the specialty coffee trend
is new.
Actually, the term specialty was first used in the
started in
late 1970s by Erna Knutsen (American coffee
entrepreneur and co-founder of SCA) in an article
published in the ‘Tea and Coffee Trade Journal’
the 1970s
magazine. Knutsen used this term to describe
the best-tasting beans produced in unique
A figure
in the service
of quality
Thanks to the training offered by CQI, SCA and A tangible example is when a roaster with a
others, the sector has evolved in terms of quality: CQI certification can give direct feedback to the
it has put buyers in a position to purchase high- farmer on the quality of the coffee received.
quality coffee more efficiently, thus improving the
quality of the product offered to end consumers. Patrick recounted a recent experience: he had
The figure of the Q-Grader has also contributed received batches of coffee for roasting, but many
to improving the training and competence of beans were broken and had defects.
coffee traders, enabling them to identify the Thanks to the skills he gained from the CQI
sensory characteristics of coffee and assess its courses, he gave precise feedback on the quality
quality independently. of the coffee received so that the producer could
correct some processing steps to deliver a better
quality coffee the next time.
SANREMO 360° #03 / 2023 9
What is Cultivation
hidden As we saw in previous 360° column, where we
talked about the coffee Martin Shabaya brought
to the World Barista Championship finals, taking
care of the soil is the first step.
There are several techniques to monitor the
a cup of
quality of the soil and its properties.
For example, its pH can be corrected using
charcoal obtained by burning the waste from
coffee plants.
The aim at this step is to achieve the best possible
quality, not quantity.
Only the ripest cherries free of defects are picked
during the harvest after quality control.
The selectors are usually given a reference colour,
and the harvested fruits are rechecked at a later
stage to assure maximum quality.
The life cycle of Once the best cherries have been picked, they are
processed by removing the layers surrounding
The supply chain of coffee is very long and The washed method involves removing the pulp
delicate. Therefore, passing the baton among and mucilage from the coffee beans before the
those who produce, transport, roast, and serve drying step. This method produces a cleaner and
the coffee is essential. brighter coffee than the natural method but can
All the actors involved in this process have an also lose some flavours and aromas.
equally important role to play.
The honey method lies somewhere between the
natural and the washed process. In this case, the
pulp is removed from the coffee beans, but some
mucilage is left adhering to the beans during
drying. This gives the coffee a sweet and fruity,
8 honey-like flavour.
SANREMO 360° #03 / 2023 11
and analysing
green coffee
Choosing a reliable and specialised supplier is
essential when buying high-quality green coffee.
Generally, green coffee suppliers can provide
detailed information on the coffee’s origin, variety,
processing method and quality.
SANREMO 360° #03 / 2023 13
SANREMO 360° #03 / 2023 15
Sanremo discovered the specialty coffee com-
Danilo Llopis, Sanremo’s R&D manager, explains
that Sanremo’s mission is to help enhance every
type of coffee. If the machines developed can
enhance the best specialty coffees, they will also
munity at the UK Barista Championships 2013, do so with non-specialty coffees or blends.
an event of which it is a sponsor and at which it
supplied the Verona TCS as an official machine. The latest technological innovation developed by
The first big step was taken shortly afterwards Sanremo from a specialty perspective is the new
with the ambitious project to create a coffee X-One: a grinder that minimises retention and
machine based on the needs of baristas: thus, allows maximum consistency in weighing and,
Opera was born. thus, in extraction.
consumption and
purchasing Take home
Sustainability is increasingly being discussed in
this historical period, and coffee is no exception.
It is essential to choose quality coffee by checking
that it is sourced from sustainable and responsible The world of coffee is vast: one
cultivation, preferably of a single origin. that fascinates and overwhelms.
Knowing where the coffee comes from is Technological development is
essential to determine how it was cultivated, helping to improve the quality of
processed and roasted. This information helps to the raw material and the different
understand the quality of the coffee and its value. processes.
The method of coffee preparation also makes a Another aspect to consider is environmental and Tommaso Meneghin
difference: it should respect the environment and social sustainability. This is where the specialty
produce as little waste as possible. For example, movement is making enormous progress: from
one may prefer mocha or espresso rather than increasing attention to the environment during
methods that use paper or plastic filters. cultivation to improving producers’ living and
Also, from a ‘personal’ point of view, coffee working conditions.
should be enjoyed responsibly. Avoiding sugar
or milk allows to appreciate the nuances of taste Additionally, specialty involves sharing knowl-
and aroma better. edge regarding coffee consumption. In the next
Moreover, coffee should be consumed in episode, we will look at the world of coffee com-
moderation, limiting consumption to one or two petitions, which (similar to the sports industry) is
cups a day and avoiding drinking it during the greatly boosting research and development.
evening to avoid disrupting sleep.