Mahjong (Scanned)

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1\ N

f. IN lf "lJIT WlfH WI NO ~ A ~~( [J /\00 ~

l' tilllNMlY llt\NOIt- run~wl<nng~ ( Chow allowed)
t & n pair All ONE SUlf, Winds ti/or Dragon OK rem,,,..,,,,,
IMl'l HIAL JAOl J>ungl ,] Dragons & 3 Pungs/t<ongs( \ Chow ok) g. a Pair of GRttr" bamboo fl,J,4,6 Of 9,) r ot.
C•fH lN JAOt Pung/Kong[- ] Dragons &3 Pun gs/ Kongs & a Pair of GAHN Bamboo (2,1,4,6 Of 8s) I. l
LILL\' TH( VALUY Pung/Kong[G:) &t jOragons & 1 Pair & 2 Pungs/ Kongs of GREHJ Bamboo (2,l,•.6 or 8sJ ( Ot.
RURY JAO Pung/Kong(§] & [TI] Dragons 1 Pair Bamboo & aPunglJ(ongs of GREEN & RED Bamboo £l
ROYAL RUBY Pung/Kongo R Dragons 3PungfKongs & a Pair ofR EO Bamboos ( l ,5,7 or 9s) E Ol
RED CORAL Pung/Kong oflli) Dragons 3Pung/Kongs & a Pair Characters El
RED LILLY Pung/Kong of[ID & ~ Dragons 2Pung1Kongs & a Pair of RED Bamboos (1,S,7 or 9s) ( Ol
LILLY PILLY Pungs[9:) Dragons Pair of ~ Dragon, 3 Pungs of Circles E. l
WHITE OPAL Pung IJ(ong ~ Dragons, 3 PungsfKongs Circles & a Pair of Circles El
FOUR BLESSINGS Pung /Kongs of all 4 Winds & a pair of ANYTHING EM
GREAT SCHOLARS Pung /Kong of each Dragon & a Pung/Kong or Chow & a pair of any ONE Sult EM


PURITY Pungs/Kongs & a Pair, ALL ONE SUIT, 1 Chow allowed ( Colculot~J E
GATES OF HEAVAN Pung of 1's & Pung of 9's, Run of 2 to 8 plus 1 Tile paired, ALL ONE SUIT cl
RUN , PUNG & A PAIR Run of 1 to 9, a Pung & a Pair, ALL ONE SUIT cl
MOON BOTTOM WELL 4 Chows & 1 Pair CIRCLES ONLY (Any suit Mumbai) cl
CHINESE ODDS Pungs/Kongs & a Pair of all ODD numnbers, ALL ONE SUIT E Ml


ALL WINDSIDRAGONS 4 Pungs/Kongs & a Pair of Winds & or Dragons El
WINDY DRAGONS A Pair of each Wind & 2 Pungs of any Dragons El ·
THE 4 BLESSINGS Pungs/Kongs of all 4 Winds & a Pair of ANYTHING E Dl
CLEANI ALL PAIR 7 Pairs in any one suit, may include Winds &/or Dragons ( 1/2 L
DRAGONS BREATH 5 Pairs In any one suit JRWGj, plus any Dragon Paired cl
ALL PAIR JADE Pairs of GREEN Bamboo (2,3,4,6 or B's) & at least one Pair[§] Dragons cl
ALL PAIR RUBY JADE 5 Pairs of GREEN & RED Bamboo, a Pair oflli) Dragons & a Pair of(§} Dragons cl
WINDFALL 5 Pairs in any one suit, & NEWS cl
HEAVENLY TWINS 7 Pairs all in one suit ( L
SPARROW SANCTUARY 2 Pairs of number "1" Bamboo & a pair of each GREEN Bamboo (2,3,4,6 or S's) C Ml
DRAGON NET 3 Pairs in one suit, six odd Honours & a pair of Honours cl
BETTY 3 Pairs of any one suit, NEWS,jRWGI &any of the Honours paired cl
ETERNAL TRIANGLE Pair In each suit, NEWS,IRWG I & any of the Honours paired c 112L
KNITTING 7 mixed Pairs, 2 Suits ONLY ( eg.3 circles, 3 bamboos, 5 circles, 5 bamboos) c 112l
ALL PAIR HONOURS 7 pairs of 1's, 9's, Winds & I or Dragons CL
DIRTY PAIRS 7 pairs of anything, FROM THE WALL ( 1/2L
TRIPLE KNITTING 4 Triplets &1Knitting Pair (Triplet-eg. Number 5 of circles, characters & bamboos) ( 1/2L
Triplets of 1's & 9's from all suits, NEWS,IRWG and any tile paired ( DL

YING YANG ANY TWO SUITS: In one suit Jn another suit CL
CIVIL WAR in one suit 1.8.6.S in second suit, a Pung each of N & SWinds E Ml

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1 U l.L '!lJI 1~:. PONfi!; [ff!
MI XrD l'UNGS I\ 1•u110\ P11 n 1•1,fr, 1rny 'llllt, Wlndi; Mor Or.,9on < L
Hr l\l)r p, Tf\I LS P1111u~ or Kong' or 1" & 9·~ In a11y 11ult plu ~ P11lr of I'ior 9's ( L
r>rt/\GONFLY [11 vc,j, Aruno In ,.,, ch•ult p, a Pi1lr In ony r.ult (From tho Wall) f 112t
nr 0 W/\lll\Ttll\ Pung orl(,j&a Pair or l11 lo rauom, Pung or clrd •r. & charnctcrro & HlD Bamboo (1,5,7,9) l I.
AIRO N( WS Pun9/Ko110 In N1cl1 ~ult. NEWS, & any Wind pnlrcd • f 112l
WI NDY ONES Pu no/Kong of ONE'S In "ach suit, NEWS nnd any Wind paired r 112L
wnmv NIN -·s Pung/Konu or NINE'S In ac.h r.ult, NEWS (mt.I any Wind paired r in
BROTHERS P11n9/Kong or SEVEN'S In cl'ch suit, NEWS and any Wind po Ired l 1121,
THREE SISHRS Pung/Kong or TltREE'S In each suit, NEWS and any Wind paired ( 1111,
SUNRISE Pung In each suit (NO 1's or 9's allowed) Pung East Wind & Pair of ~] Dragons E 1/l L
SUNSET Pung In each suit (NO 1's or 9's allowed) Pung East Wind &Pair of [[!Dragons [ 112L
THREE WISE MEN Pung In each suit, filwG]&a Pair of Honours ( 1m
T HR~E !l\JIT!!, CH own ~TC
WINDY CHOW Chow In each suit, NEWS & ono Wind paired c 111l
CHOW MEIN Chow 789 In each suit, NEWS &one Wind paired ( L
CHOP SUEY Chow 123 In each suit, NEWS & one Wind paired CL
PAPA ROBERT Chow In each suit, two with same numbers, 1 mixed Chow & a pair of Honours c 1/2L
DRAGON CHOW Chow 123 In each suit, [RWG] & a pair of Dragons ( l
CRAWLY SNAKE Chow In each suit, Pung of Winds & Pair of Dragons or Pung of Dragons & Pair of Winds ( 1/2L

MIXED DRAGONS Three Mixed Chows, one mixed Pair & [R 'J_GJ CL
POWAi BOMBSHELL Chow In each suit, [Rv1G]& a Pair of Winds . c I.
MIXED WINDS Two mixed Chow~, two mixed Pairs & NEWS cl
CONFUSED WINDS Three mixed Chows, 3 odd winds, plus a pair of Winds ( L
UTILE ARTHUR Chow In each suit, one Pung & a Pair, any suit r 1m
CRAZV CHOWS Four mixed Chows, & one mixed Pair CL
ROBIN One Chow 1st suit, Two Chows 2nd suit, One Chow & a Pair In 3rd suit CL
THREE PHILOSOPHERS AChow In each suit, one mixed Chow & a Pair In any suit ( L
COt~ FUS EDGATES Pungs or l 's inlSl suit. Pungs of 9's In 2nd suit, & a Run or 2 to 8 In 3rd suit ( L
ALL HOf,JOURS HAND 4 Pungs/ Kongs & a pair of 1 's, 9's, Winds or Dragons (ColculotfJ (
HOVERIHG AtlGEL Chow In each suit, Pung or OWN Winds &a Pair of Dragons c 101.
IMRRIOT MIX Pung In 1 suit, Chow In 2nd suit, run of S In 3rd suit, & a Pung of Winds or Dragons FL
BOMBAY MIX 2 Pungs fl Chow in any suit, Pung or Winds tt Pair of Dragons/ Pung of Dragons & Pair or Winds l 112l
V/ESTERtJ COMMAND Three Pungs, One Chow & a Pair, any suits ( 1m
BIG ROBERT Run of four In each suit, (any numbers) & a Pair of Winds or Dragons c 1/2l
GERTIE'S GARTER Run of 1 to 7 in two suits CL
RlJ U, (Ml XU> ~lJITn)
GRETA'S GARDW Runl -7 any one suit, NEWS, [ ~ v12J ( L
GRETA'S DRAGOtl Runl -7 any one suit, NEWS, & a Pung of any Dragon ( L
RED LAtlTERt~ Runl -7 any one suit, + 1 tile paired, Pung /Kong(!_ij Dragon & Pung/Kong of OWN Wind ( l
HACI BAU Run 1-8 or 2..9 any one suit, 3 Pairs of Winds or Dragons ( l co
WRIGGLYS At~ K E Runl -'9 any one suit, NEVIS, & any tile paired cl
Run 1-'9 any one suit, R.'~G] and any Pair of Dragon cl
DRAGOP''S TAIL Run 1-9 any one ~uit, Pung of Yllnd5 & a Pair Dragons or Pung or Dragons & pair of Winds I 1m
FIVE: ODD HOtlOURS Run1 ·9 any one suit, !i odd Honours (NO PAIRS) c 112 L
GRJ lO SEOUfrlCE Runl ~9 any one suit, 2 of th e~• til e ~ Paired & a Pung of Wind ~ or Dragons C. L
GUARDIAll Wit DS Aun 1-9 any on suit, Pung & a Pair or any Winds [ l
GUf,ROIAtl DRAGO ~ S Ru nl -9 any on«: suit, Pung i a Pair or any Oragom rL

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