CPS Final-1
CPS Final-1
CPS Final-1
respond differently to the same dose of a toxicant. - These - Toxicants enter biological organisms by the following
differences are a result of age, sex, weight, diet, general routes: - • ingestion: through the mouth into the stomach,
health, and other factors. - For example, consider the • inhalation: through the mouth or nose into the lungs, •
effects of an irritant vapor on human eyes. Given the same injection: through cuts into the skin, • dermal absorption:
dose of vapours, some individuals will barely notice any through skin membrane.
irritation (weak or low response), whereas other
individuals will be severely irritated (high response). -
Consider a toxicological test run on many individuals. -
Everyone is exposed to the same dose and the response is
recorded. - Gaussian distribution, given by the equation