Toxicology is the scientific study of poisons and their adverse effects on living organisms. While
virtually any substance can be toxic in high enough quantities (including water), toxicology
primarily investigates substances that can cause harm at relatively low doses. Understanding the
relative toxicity of various substances is crucial for multiple applications, including drug
development and environmental risk assessment. This chapter outlines the methods toxicologists
use to measure toxicity, focusing on the dose-response relationship, laboratory animal testing,
statistical analyses for quantifying toxicity, and the application of toxicity data in risk assessment.
Chemistry of Toxicants
A thorough understanding of the chemistry of toxicants is essential, as it significantly influences
their solubility, reactivity, and overall behavior in biological systems. Key aspects include:
1. Structural Analysis
> Chemical Structure Observation: Analyzing the chemical structure of a compound can
provide insights into its potential behavior within biological systems.
> Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR): This concept involves comparing the chemical
structure of a compound to similar compounds with known toxicity. By understanding the
relationship between chemical structure and toxicity, researchers can predict potential toxic
effects and prioritize chemicals for further testing.
2. In Vitro Testing
> Definition: "In vitro" means "in glass," referring to experiments conducted outside of a
living organism, typically in controlled laboratory settings such as test tubes or petri dishes.
> Applications:
> Limitations: While in vitro methods provide valuable insights into mechanisms of toxicity,
they are inherently limited in their ability to replicate the complexities of whole living
3. Animal Bioassays
> Most Effective Model: Animal bioassays are currently the most effective method for
gaining comprehensive insights into the potential effects of chemicals on human health and
ecological systems.
o The choice of animal species depends on the desired endpoints of the study. For
research focused on human health, species that share physiological similarities with
humans are preferred.
o For ecological health studies, key species within ecosystems are selected to
understand broader environmental impacts.
o Smaller and simpler model organisms (e.g., rodents) are often chosen for their ease
of handling and lower costs in laboratory settings.
Testing in Animals
> Purpose and Importance:
o Animal testing provides valuable data on the mode of action of substances and
identifies affected physiological systems, organs, and tissues.
o Housing conditions must be clean, comfortable, and provide adequate food and
o Animals are typically housed in conventional box-type cages, but specialized cages
(e.g., metabolism cages) may be used to collect and measure urine and feces
Post-Exposure Procedures:
o Necropsy: After the exposure period, animals are sacrificed for necropsy, where
treated and control animals are dissected.
o Organ Examination: Organs are weighed and examined for gross morphological
and physiological toxic effects.
Through what physiological route does exposure occur (in other words,
how does the substance enter the body)?
How much of the substance is necessary to produce toxicity?
Over what period of time does exposure occur?
1. Routes of Exposure in Toxicity Testing
Oral Toxicity:
Primary concern for substances that may be ingested, such as pesticides, food
additives, or oral drugs.
Dosing methods:
. Peroral/Per Os: Administered through the mouth.
Respiratory Administration:
Important for testing industrial solvents or cosmetics in aerosol sprays.
Involves exposure through the respiratory system.
Injection Methods:
Direct injection of substances using a syringe and needle.
Types of injections:
. Intraperitoneal (IP): Injected into the body cavity.
. Intramuscular (IM): Injected into a large muscle of the hind leg.
. Subcutaneous (SC): Injected just beneath the skin.
. Intravenous (IV): Injected directly into a large vein.
Dosage: Refers to the amount of a chemical administered per unit body weight (e.g.,
milligrams per kilogram).
Dosages allow for better standardization and comparison of effects across individuals and
species with varying body sizes.
Exposure Measurement:
> In respiratory exposures, levels are typically measured by the concentration of the
substance in the air (e.g., parts per million).
Quantitative Toxicology:
> Involves administering the substance in an ordered series of doses to test animals.
Independent Variable: The dose is controlled by the toxicologist.
Dependent Variable: The response of the animals, which is influenced by the dose applied.
Response Measurement:
> Responses can be scored and related to the dose to establish a dose-response relationship.
o Typically involves administering a single dose to animals and observing them for
up to 14 days.
o Such effects may not accurately predict toxicity at lower doses, highlighting the
importance of dose selection in toxicity testing.
Test Subjects:
White Norway rats (Rattus norwegicus) are the standard laboratory
animals used.
Dosage Units:
Expressed in milligrams of active ingredient per kilogram of body
weight (mg/kg).
Dose Selection:
The highest dose is chosen to ensure that 90% or more of the animals in that group
will be killed.
Determined from:
. Previous results with chemically similar substances.
. Pilot range-finding experiments with a smaller number of animals.
Dose Administration:
Serial dilutions create a gradient of responses over four or five doses.
> At least 10 animals (ideally 5 males and 5 females) are exposed to each of the six
> Always includes a negative control group exposed only to the vehicle.
> Doses are applied starting with the negative control (vehicle only) and then
increasing doses of the test substance.
A sigmoid curve typically describes the accumulated percentage mortality plotted against the
logarithm of the dose, indicating increasing mortality with higher doses.
Slope of Response:
A slope of 2.0 suggests that about 68% of the population responds to a 10-fold range in doses
centered around the median lethal dose.
A slope of 6.0 indicates that over 99.6% of the population would respond to a 10-fold increase in
doses around the median lethal dose.
Up-and-Down Method:
> A substitute method that requires fewer animals and provides a less precise estimate
of LD50.
> Originally developed for optimizing mixtures of explosive materials with fewer
trials and reduced waste and hazard.
Procedure of the Up-and-Down Method:
> One animal is exposed to a specific dose of the substance.
> If the animal survives, the next animal is exposed to a higher dose.
> This process continues with increasing doses until mortality is observed.
> After mortality, the next animal is given a lower dose, and the pattern continues
until an equilibrium is established.
> Can estimate the population median lethal dose with accuracy similar to full-scale
LD50 experiments using more than 60 animals, but with fewer than 10 animals.
> Variability of response cannot be estimated using this method.
> Requires additional time to wait for the outcome of one animal before determining
the dose for the next, although this can be mitigated by reducing the observation
Overall Utility:
> Despite its limitations, the up-and-down method is sufficient for routine
comparisons of the toxicity of poisons while significantly reducing the number of
animals used in testing.
Categories of Toxicity
> A ranking system based on median lethal dose (LD50) has been established:
> Extremely Toxic: Median lethal dose (LD50) < 1 mg/kg.
> Highly Toxic: LD50 < 50 mg/kg.
> Moderately Toxic: LD50 < 500 mg/kg.
> Slightly Toxic: LD50 > 500 mg/kg and up to approximately 5 g/kg (approaching
practical dosing limits).
• Reducing Hazard:
Although intrinsic toxicity is an unchangeable property of a substance, the hazard
can be minimized by reducing exposure risk.
• Examples of Hazard Reduction:
• Childproof Packaging:
> Nonprescription drugs are packaged in childproof containers to limit access
and reduce poisoning risks.
• Pesticide Application:
> Pesticides are prepared in dissolvable polymer bags with pre-measured
quantities, allowing applicators to add them to sprayer tanks without
opening the bags.
> This innovation reduces the risk of exposure to concentrated pesticides by
eliminating the need for measuring and mixing.
Descriptive Statistics:
> Useful for summarizing large toxicological data sets.
> Examples include:
> Mean.
> Standard deviation (SD).
> Standard error of the mean (SEM), calculated as: [ SEM = \frac{SD}{\sqrt{N}} ] (where
N is the number of data points).
Tests include:
> Student's t-test (parametric).
> Mann-Whitney U-test (nonparametric).
> p-values indicate the probability that observed differences are due to random chance:
> Ap-value ≤ 0.05 is considered statistically significant.
Comparing Multiple Groups:
> Analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests can compare multiple groups, available in both
parametric and nonparametric forms.
> If ANOVA indicates significant differences, post hoc tests can identify specific differences
between groups.
Trend Analysis:
> Linear regression analysis determines relationships between variables (e.g., dose and
> The correlation coefficient (r²) measures how well data fit the hypothesized linear
Challenges in Extrapolation:
> Extrapolating from laboratory studies to real-world situations is complex and often
> Species differences exist between laboratory animals and humans.
> High doses used in laboratory tests may not reflect actual low human exposure levels.
Data interpretation must be approached with caution.
> A technique that combines results from different studies to enhance statistical power.
> Helps determine differences between exposed and control groups regarding disease
> Quality of meta-analysis depends on the quality of the underlying data.
> Disagreements exist on the selection of studies for inclusion.
> Published data maybe incomplete; bias may exist as negative results are less likely to be
Important Considerations:
> Correlation does not imply causation.
> A positive association between a risk factor and disease does not confirm that the risk factor
causes the disease.
1. Hazard Identification:
• This step involves determining whether a substance poses a potential health hazard.
It includes reviewing scientific literature, conducting studies, and evaluating data
on the substance's toxicological effects.
2. Dose-Response Evaluation:
• This component quantifies the relationship between the dose of a substance and the
magnitude of its toxic effect. It helps establish the threshold levels at which adverse
effects may occur and is essential for understanding how different doses affect
health outcomes.
3. Exposure Assessment:
• In this phase, potential exposure levels to the substance are estimated. This includes
assessing the routes of exposure (e.g., inhalation, ingestion, dermal contact),
duration, frequency, and the population that may be exposed. It aims to estimate
how much of the substance individuals or populations are likely to encounter.
4. Risk Characterization:
• This final step integrates the information from the previous three components to
estimate the effects on the exposed population. Risk characterization often presents
the likelihood of adverse health outcomes, such as the probability of developing a
specific disease over a lifetime of exposure at a given level.
Risk Management
Following risk assessment, the process of risk management takes place. This involves making
regulatory decisions regarding health risks associated with toxic substances. Key aspects of risk
management include:
• Integration of Multiple Factors:
• Risk management considers not only the results of the risk assessment but also
political, social, and economic factors. This holistic approach ensures that decisions
are well-rounded and take into account various stakeholder perspectives.
• Regulatory Agencies: