App 159081699 22394635 6070578 ALL
App 159081699 22394635 6070578 ALL
App 159081699 22394635 6070578 ALL
Application for: LED Elderly Medicine (FY2 Equivalent) Job ref: 421-MS-0975C
Closing date: 6-Mar-2024 Application submitted: 22-Feb-2024 12:18
Application ID: 159081699 Applicant: Nurul Asyiqin Mohamed Haniffa
Personal details
Answers given in this part of the form are to help the Recruitment Centre to manage your application.
If you have any difficulty completing this form please ask someone to help you.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for applying.
Personal details
Title Dr
Forename Nurul Asyiqin
Middle name(s)
Surname Mohamed Haniffa
Address Apartment 513
Marco Island
Huntingdon Street
City / town Nottingham
Country United Kingdom
Postcode NG1 1AR
Email [email protected]
Work telephone
Mobile telephone 07818949522
Home telephone
UK National
Insurance number
employment type
Full time
If you are related to a director, or have a relationship with a director or employee of an appointing organisation, please state the relationship:
The role you have applied for is exempt from the provisions normally afforded to individuals under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. This means that the employer can
obtain a standard or enhanced disclosure through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (as
amended) and, in certain circumstances, the Police Act 1997.
Enhanced disclosures may include other relevant non-conviction information held on police databases, at the discretion of the police or Chief Constable of the relevant police
Before you complete this form, it is important for you to read the highlighted note in the section below.
If you have a criminal record and are unsure about what might be revealed about you as part of a DBS check, or the type of information you should consider declaring when
completing this form, the following links to guidance will help provide more clarity:
Have you got any criminal convictions and/or cautions that are not protected?
This means they are not eligible for filtering under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order (as amended).
This is regardless of whether the conviction or caution has been issued in the UK or, in any other country where it would be considered an equivalent (or similar)
offence in England and Wales and it is not protected.
It also includes criminal convictions or relevant service discipline convictions received within the Armed Forces Justice System (e.g. through Summary Hearing or
Court Martial) where it would be considered an equivalent offence in England and Wales and is not protected.
It does not include parking offences. In such cases, you can select no.
You have two options
on how to disclose
this information.
Please provide details of the conviction, caution or Summary Hearing including the date and sentence administered in the space below
You can disclose your record separately together with any statement detailing your conviction,
caution or Summary Hearing. A member of the recruitment team will contact you and advise what
steps you need to take to submit your details separately.
Pre-screening: Internal/external
Before being given access to the online application form, the applicant was asked the following.
Are you currently an employee of Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust?
Are you currently an employee of any other NHS organisation?
Pre-screening: Immigration
Before being given access to the online application form, the applicant was asked the following.
Application for: LED Elderly Medicine (FY2 Equivalent) Job ref: 421-MS-0975C
Closing date: 6-Mar-2024 Application submitted: 22-Feb-2024 12:18
Application ID: 159081699 Applicant: Nurul Asyiqin Mohamed Haniffa
Application questions
Details entered in this part of the form will be made available to the shortlisting panel. Please make sure that you have read the job description and person specification before
completing the application form, and ensure that your answers clearly and honestly demonstrate how your skills and experience are relevant to the post for which you are applying.
Education & professional qualifications
All the relevant qualifications. Please also indicate subjects currently being studied. All qualifications disclosed will be subject to a satisfactory check. Up
to 11 qualifications can be entered here.
Please provide details regarding training courses that you have attended or currently undertaking together with the date completed or to be completed by.
Up to 7 training course can be entered here.
Course title Training provider Duration completed
Conversations in End of Life and Palliative Care Health Education England 6 hours 2023
Please provide details regarding any relevant professional registrations or memberships. This information will be subject to a satisfactory check.
NHS Service
Employer/activity history
Please record below the details of your full employment history beginning with your current or most recent first. Up to 10 previous employments can be
entered here. If required, please provide additional information regarding your employment history within the 'Supporting Information' section.
Gaps in employment
If you have any gaps within your employment history, please state the reasons for the gaps below.
May 2022-August 2022: period after resignation as a house officer in Malaysian hospital to prepare for moving to the UK to start FY1 job in
Chesterfield in 2022 - necessary for visa sorting purposes and settling into accommodation in UK.
Supporting information
In this section you need to demonstrate that you have read the published person specification and how you meet the essential and (where relevant) desirable criteria for this particular
post, if this has not been fully covered in the previous sections.
Please include your reasons for applying and take the opportunity to highlight your particular talents and strengths, (what you feel you can personally offer - what is unique to you -
what sets you apart from your peers).
Please DO NOT include personal details or duplicate information already provided elsewhere in your application.
Supporting information
I have worked in the NHS since 2022 now due to finish my F2 year in August. I have had experience working in medical field and in geriatrics ward in
my F1 and F2 year. I have previous experience working in acute medicine where it involves me working with various age range of patients and doing
oncalls on geriatric ward. While I have been working in Trauma and Orthopaedic, I work closely with an orthogeriatrician to co-manage patient from
both ortho and medical point of view to best optimize patients for surgery and help facilitate safe discharge (as a lot of the patients that get admitted
to the wards are elderly and frail with neck of femur fracture.)
I believe this post is suitable for me as I like managing patients as a whole especially in elderly populations where the issues when coming into
hospital aren't usually the only ones that needs optimizing. I believe I can offer support to the ward with guide from more senior colleague to better
manage patients acutely and safely.
This would be a good opportunity for me to expand my experience in participating in research, audits and teaching opportunities in the post as this
would be a good way for me to expand my knowledge and strengthen them by applying what have I learnt.
I am strongly passionate on building good rapport with my patients and believe having the necessary skills to work with patients in the age range from
my previous experience working in Derby A&E for example, elderly patients will not always able to express their concerns (due to dementia/frailty)
thus requiring a more extensive examination and workup to not miss any probably diagnosis.
Pre-screening questions
I understand that I will need to provide evidence either at interview or before commencement of the role that I possess the qualifications (or a higher relevant
qualification) that are designated as essential requirements for the position applied for.
Application for: LED Elderly Medicine (FY2 Equivalent) Job ref: 421-MS-0975C
Closing date: 6-Mar-2024 Application submitted: 22-Feb-2024 12:18
Application ID: 159081699 Applicant: Nurul Asyiqin Mohamed Haniffa
If you are successful, prior to appointment, we will take up as many references as needed to cover all activities, including periods of employment and full time education,
that you have undertaken over the past three years. Any offer will be subject to these being satisfactory. Please ensure that you provide full contact details for your Employer/Line
Managers or Course Tutors for each activity. Please include their work email address where possible to avoid any unnecessary delays.
If during the last three years you have any periods in which you have not been in either employment or full-time education please provide details of someone who can provide a
character reference for you to cover this period. Character references should be provided by a person of standing in the community such as a Teacher, Health Care Professional (i.e.
Doctor, Physiotherapist, Registered Nurse), Minister of Religion, Police Officer or Solicitor. Character references should only be used in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances to cover
periods of time when you have not been in either employment or education.
Please use the "Add another" button below to add as many referees as required to meet the above requirements. Periods that referees cover may overlap but there should
not be any gaps over the past three years.
Referee's title Dr
Referee's first Richard
Referee's surname Hopkins
Referee's Chesterfield Royal Hospital
organisation name
Job title Consultant Acute Physician
How do they know Employer / Line Manager
Address 1 Chesterfield & North Derbyshire Royal Hospital
Address 2 Chesterfield Road
Address 3 Calow
City / Town Chesterfield
County / State
Postcode S44 5BL
Country United Kingdom
Telephone no.
Mobile no.
Email address [email protected]
Can the referee be Yes
approached prior
to the interview?
Period this August 2022
reference covers
Period this December 2023
reference covers
What name will the
referee know you
by if different from
your current
Why has your
name changed?
Referee's title Dr
Referee's first Lindsay
Referee's surname Lewis
Referee's Chesterfield Royal Hospital
organisation name
Job title Consultant Paediatrician
How do they know Employer / Line Manager
Referee's title Dr
Referee's first Gauri
Referee's surname Sankhe
Referee's Royal Derby Hospital
organisation name
Job title Consultant Anaesthesist
How do they know Employer / Line Manager
Address 1 Royal Derby Hospital
Address 2 Uttoxeter Road
Address 3
City / Town Derby
County / State
Postcode DE22 3NE
Country United Kingdom
Telephone no.
Mobile no.
Email address [email protected]
Can the referee be Yes
approached prior
to the interview?
Period this August 2023
reference covers
Period this August 2024
reference covers
What name will the
referee know you
by if different from
your current
Why has your
name changed?
Application for: LED Elderly Medicine (FY2 Equivalent) Job ref: 421-MS-0975C
Closing date: 6-Mar-2024 Application submitted: 22-Feb-2024 12:18
Application ID: 159081699 Applicant: Nurul Asyiqin Mohamed Haniffa
Equal opportunities
Equal opportunities
NHS organisations recognise the benefits of having a diverse workforce and therefore welcome applications from all sections of the community. In addition to this, under the
provisions of the Equality Act 2010, all NHS organisations are required to demonstrate that their recruitment processes are fair and that they are not discriminating against or
disadvantaging anyone because of their age, disability, gender reassignment status, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or
sexual orientation. Therefore a series of questions need to be raised in order to ascertain who is applying for each position and to ensure that no one is being unfairly
discriminated against or disadvantaged.
This section of the application form will be detached from your application form and will not be used as part of the selection process nor will it be seen by anybody who is
interviewing you. The information collected is only used for monitoring purposes in an anonymised format to assist the organisation in analysing the profile and make up of
individuals who apply, are shortlisted for and appointed to each vacancy. In this way, they can check that they are complying with the Equality Act 2010.
The Equality Act 2010 protects people against discrimination on the grounds of:
The Equality Act 2010 also protects people who are married or in a civil partnership.
The Equality Act 2010 protects disabled people - including those with long term health conditions, learning disabilities and so called "hidden" disabilities
such as dyslexia. If you tell us that you have a disability we can make reasonable adjustments to ensure that any selection processes - including the
interview - are fair and equitable.
The information in this application form is true and complete. I agree that any deliberate omission, falsification or misrepresentation in the application form will be grounds for rejecting
this application or subsequent dismissal if employed by the organisation. Where applicable, I consent that the organisation can seek clarification regarding professional registration
Next Steps
Once you submit the form your application will be available to the Employer. However, you will be able to update your "Personal Information" should any of your contact details
All your application forms (submitted or not) can be viewed under "Applications" when you are signed in.
Privacy notice
Application for: LED Elderly Medicine (FY2 Equivalent) Job ref: 421-MS-0975C
Closing date: 6-Mar-2024 Application submitted: 22-Feb-2024 12:18
Application ID: 159081699 Applicant: Nurul Asyiqin Mohamed Haniffa
Privacy notice
Your data is being collected by Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, whose privacy notice can be found here.
The data controller for this information is Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust. This application tracking system is provided by Civica UK Ltd
( as a data processor.
To make an enquiry, a request for your personal information held as part of this process, or to arrange for any mistakes to be corrected, you may
contact either the team who are handling your application or the Data Protection Officer ([email protected]).
Your data is being collected by Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, whose privacy notice can be found here:
The data controller for this information is Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust. This application tracking system is provided by Civica UK Ltd ( as a data processor.
To make an enquiry, a request for your personal information held as part of this process, or to arrange for any mistakes to be corrected, you may contact the team who are
handling your application via email at [email protected]