Coupled Electromagneti GabrielMendes
Coupled Electromagneti GabrielMendes
Coupled Electromagneti GabrielMendes
Supervised by:
Prof. Dr. Ângela Paula Barbosa de Silva Ferreira
Prof. Dr. Ednei Luiz Miotto
2019 - 2020
Coupled Electromagnetic and Thermal
Analysis of Electric Machines
Supervised by:
Prof. Dr. Ângela Paula Barbosa de Silva Ferreira
Prof. Dr. Ednei Luiz Miotto
2019 - 2020
The actual trend of the design process of electric machines is oriented to specific
requirements of the application and is no longer based in a standard structure. From this
point of view, the design procedure of electric machines became a multidisciplinary
process, involving electromagnetic, thermal, and mechanical modelling in a highly
iterative process between the different physics fields.
This dissertation deals with the design process of electric machines, proposing a
coupling methodology for the electromagnetic and thermal models which are
interrelated. The electromagnetic model establishes the main losses in electric machines:
iron and resistive losses. These losses are, in turn, the main heat sources, responsible for
heating and temperature distribution, i.e., the object of the thermal analysis, which affects
recursively the losses, due to parameter’ dependency on temperature. Also, the machine
temperature is crucial to maintain the lifetime of the machine. So, the coupled analysis is
mandatory to achieve the nowadays requirements of higher energy efficiency and power
density and cost reduction. Also, the coupled analysis enables optimization without the
need to build several prototypes, making this process more time and cost-efficiency.
Despite the temperature importance in electric machines, the thermal model was
overlooked over the years. However, it has been receiving more attention in the past
In this work, the thermal modelling process is handled analytically and
numerically through finite element analysis (FEA), which is also used to obtain the
electromagnetic model. The modelling processes detailed during this work are applied
into a case study of a single-phase transformer with the rated power of 1 kW. The
numerical models were developed in the Ansys software suite, being the electromagnetic
model developed in Ansys Maxwell while the thermal model has developed in Ansys
Mechanical. At last, the coupling between the electromagnetic and thermal models was
accomplished in Ansys Workbench.
The results obtained from the models are compared and validated with the
experimental measurements of the losses and temperatures.
A tendência atual do processo de projeto de máquinas elétricas é orientada para
requisitos específicos de sua aplicação e não é mais baseada em uma estrutura padrão.
Deste ponto de vista, o procedimento de projeto de máquinas elétricas tornou-se um
processo multidisciplinar, envolvendo modelagem eletromagnética, térmica e mecânica
em um processo altamente iterativo entre os diferentes campos da física.
Esta dissertação trata do processo de projeto de máquinas elétricas, propondo uma
metodologia de acoplamento dos modelos eletromagnético e térmico que se inter-
relacionam. O modelo eletromagnético estabelece as principais perdas em máquinas
elétricas: perdas de ferro e resistivas. Essas perdas são, por sua vez, as principais fontes
de calor, responsáveis pelo aquecimento e distribuição de temperatura, ou seja, o objeto
da análise térmica, que afeta recursivamente as perdas, pois os parâmetros são
dependentes da temperatura. Além disso, a temperatura da máquina é crucial para
manter a vida útil da máquina. Assim, a análise acoplada é obrigatória para atender aos
requisitos atuais de maior eficiência energética e densidade de potência e redução de
custos.Além disso, a análise acoplada possibilita a otimização sem a necessidade de
construção de vários protótipos, tornando este processo mais eficiente em termos de
tempo e custos. Apesar da importância da temperatura nas máquinas elétricas, o modelo
térmico foi negligenciado ao longo dos anos. No entanto, tem recebido mais atenção nos
últimos anos.
Neste trabalho, o processo de modelagem térmica é tratado analiticamente e
numericamente por meio da análise de elementos finitos (FEA), que também é utilizada
para obter o modelo eletromagnético. Os processos de modelagem detalhados durante
este trabalho são aplicados em um estudo de caso de um transformador monofásico com
potência nominal de 1 kW. Os modelos numéricos foram desenvolvidos no pacote de
software Ansys, sendo o modelo eletromagnético desenvolvido no Ansys Maxwell
enquanto o modelo térmico foi desenvolvido no Ansys Mechanical. Por fim, o acoplamento
entre os modelos eletromagnético e térmico foi realizado no Ansys Workbench.
Os resultados obtidos com os modelos são comparados e validados com as
medições experimentais das perdas e temperaturas.
Firstly I want to thank God for the gift of life and salvation, enabling me to
accomplish this stage of my life. Without his grace and mercy, this work would not be
Secondly, my endless gratitude for my parents, Lourival and Lourdes, and my
brother, Lucas, that helped in all stages of my life, and also believed in my potential.
This work is the result of the partnership of the Federal University of Technology
- Paraná (UTFPR) and the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, therefore I’m thankful to be
part of two amazing institutions, that promoted my scientific development.
I want to acknowledge my supervisors PhD. Ângela Ferreira and PhD Ednei Miotto
for their support, mentoring, patience, comprehension and honest feedback. Without
their guidance, this work would not be accomplished.
Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends that supported me during this
stage of my life. In especial, my double degree colleagues, Victor, João, and Henrique, who
helped me during the period at Bragança.
Table of Contents
3.4.5 Results..................................................................................................................................................... 32
3.5 Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 33
4 Numerical Modelling ...................................................................................... 37
4.1 Finite Element Method .............................................................................................................................. 38
4.2 Electromagnetic Finite Element Analysis .......................................................................................... 39
4.2.1 Numerical Electromagnetic Modelling of a Low Power Transformer.......................... 41
4.3 Thermal Finite Element Analysis .......................................................................................................... 46
4.3.1 Numerical Thermal Modelling of a Low Power Transformer .......................................... 47
4.4 Coupled Electromagnetic and Thermal Finite Element Analysis ............................................. 50
4.4.1 Numerical Coupled Modelling of a Low Power Transformer .......................................... 52
4.5 Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 54
5 Results and Discussion .................................................................................. 57
5.1 Experimental Results ................................................................................................................................. 57
5.2 Summary of the Models Results and Discussion............................................................................. 59
5.2.1 Losses Results ...................................................................................................................................... 59
5.2.2 Temperature Results ........................................................................................................................ 59
5.3 Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 63
6 Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 67
6.1 Future Work ................................................................................................................................................... 68
A. Transformer Characterization ................................................................... 81
B. Thermal Parameters and Formulation.................................................... 87
List of Figures
Figure 2.1 One-dimensional heat transfer by conduction (Adapted from [47]) .................................. 14
Figure 2.2 Convection between surface and air (Adapted from [48]). ..................................................... 15
Figure 2.3 Convection heat transfer types. (a) Forced convection. (b) Natural convection.
(Adapted from [47]). ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2.4 Radiation heat transfer (Adapted from [48]). ............................................................................... 17
Figure 2.5 Directional distribution of emissivity (Adapted from [48]). ................................................... 18
Figure 3.1 Rectangle bar .............................................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 3.2 Hollow cylinder.......................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 3.3 Convection surface ................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 3.4 Volume element (Adapted from [57]) .............................................................................................. 26
Figure 3.5 Transformer geometry: (a) Symmetry characteristic (b) Modelled geometry ............... 27
Figure 3.6 Transformer volume elements: (a) core and (b) windings. .................................................... 29
Figure 3.7 Convection coefficients ........................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 3.8 Vc4 thermal resistances ........................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 3.9 Winding structure ..................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 3.10 Transformer temperature spots ...................................................................................................... 33
Figure 4.1 Typical finite elements: (a) One-dimensional, (b) two-dimensional, (c) three-
dimensional. (Adapted from [61]). .......................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 4.2 Electromagnetic FEA flowchart. ......................................................................................................... 40
Figure 4.3 Transformer geometry. .......................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 4.4 Laminated steel properties: specific loss (a), B-H curve (b). .................................................. 42
Figure 4.5 Magnetization curve of a soft ferromagnetic material (Adapted from [71]) ................... 43
Figure 4.6 Transformer electromagnetic FEA: mesh. ...................................................................................... 44
Figure 4.7 Transformer electromagnetic FEA: magnetic flux density. ..................................................... 45
Figure 4.8 Transformer electromagnetic FEA: iron losses. ........................................................................... 45
Figure 4.9 Thermal FEA flowchart........................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 4.10 Transformer thermal FEA: Convection and radiation surfaces. ......................................... 48
Figure 4.11 Transformer thermal FEA: convection coefficient hc1. ........................................................... 48
Figure 4.12 Transformer thermal FEA: temperature distribution............................................................. 49
Figure 4.13 Transformer thermal FEA: heat flux. ............................................................................................. 50
Figure 4.14 Electromagnetic and thermal coupled analysis flowchart. ................................................... 52
Figure 4.15 Transformer coupled FEA: loss evolution.................................................................................... 53
Figure 4.16 Transformer coupled FEA: temperature evolution.................................................................. 53
Figure 5.1 Thermal image of the transformer after 200 minutes............................................................... 58
Figure 5.2 Transformer temperature spots ......................................................................................................... 60
Figure A.1 Single-phase transformer (a) and its nameplate (b).................................................................. 81
Figure A.2 Windings configuration.......................................................................................................................... 81
Figure A.3 Low voltage winding cross-section. .................................................................................................. 82
Figure A.4 Transformer core geometry parameters. ....................................................................................... 83
Figure B.1 Developed TRN considering the transformer's losses at ambient temperature ............ 90
Figure B.2 Developed TRN considering the transformer's losses at the steady-state temperature
................................................................................................................................................................................................ 92
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Skin depth in copper. Adapted from [31] ......................................................................................... 10
Table 2.1 Typical values of the convection heat transfer [47] ..................................................................... 16
Table 3.1 Transformer losses .................................................................................................................................... 28
Table 3.2 TRN temperature results ......................................................................................................................... 33
Table 4.1 Power density distribution ..................................................................................................................... 47
Table 4.2 Thermal conductivities............................................................................................................................. 49
Table 5.1 Windings temperature measurement (IEC 60034). ..................................................................... 58
Table 5.2 Transformer losses: experimental and FEA. ................................................................................... 59
Table 5.3 Temperature results from the transformer thermal models ................................................... 60
Table 5.4 Temperature of the windings at steady-state ................................................................................. 61
Table 5.3 Trasformer temperature results: TRN, FEA, and coupled FEA ................................................ 62
Table A.1 Transformer tests data at room temperature. ............................................................................... 82
Table A.2 Transformer geometry parameters. ................................................................................................... 83
Table B.1 Materials thermal and physical properties. [4].............................................................................. 87
Table B.2 Windings thermal conductivities parameters. ............................................................................... 87
Table B.3 Convection coefficients relations. (Adapted from [48].) ............................................................ 88
Table B.4 Convection coefficients equations. ...................................................................................................... 89
Table B.5 TRN temperature results considering the transformer's losses at ambient temperature
................................................................................................................................................................................................ 91
Table B.6 TRN temperature results considering the transformer's losses at the steady-state
temperature ...................................................................................................................................................................... 93
List of Abbreviations
2D Two-dimensions
3D Three-dimensions
AC Alternating Current
CFD Computation Fluid Dynamics
DC Direct Current
FEA Finite Element Analysis
FEM Finite Element Method
LPTN Lumped Parameters Thermal Network
PMM Permanent Magnet Machine
PMSM Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
TRN Thermal Resistance Network
List of Symbols
Temperature delta, °C or K
A Surface area, m2
B Magnetic flux density, T
C0 Bertotti hysteresis loss coefficient
C1 Bertotti eddy current loss coefficient
C2 Bertotti excess eddy current loss coefficient
Cm Empirical parameter of Steinmetz’s equation
D Conductor diameter, m
F Frequency, Hz
h Convection heat transfer coefficient, W/m2/°C or W/m2/K
H Magnetic field strength, A/m
hrad Radiation heat transfer coefficient, W/m2/°C or W/m2/K
I Current, A
k Thermal conductivity, W/m/°C or W/m/K
kR Skin effect factor
L Length, m
nl Winding conductor layers
PBertotti Bertortti iron loss, W
PR Resistive loss, W
PSteinmetz Steinmetz iron loss, W
q Heat transfer rate, W
q’’ Heat flux, W/m2
R DC resistance, Ω
R0 DC resistance at temperature T0, Ω
RAC AC resistance, Ω
Rc Transformer’s core conduction thermal resistance, °C/W or K/W
Rch Transformer’s core convection thermal resistance, °C/W or K/W
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivations
Electric machines are devices that are present in our daily activities, for instance,
refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioning systems, and also in industrial and
transportation applications. The aim to reduce the pollution caused by fossil fuel
increased the demand for more efficient devices and energy conversion systems.
According to the International Energy Agency [1], in 2018, the industry was the sector
responsible for consuming 41.95% of the world electricity. So, it is clear that there is a
global demand for electric machines to satisfy new applications requirements, namely
power density and energy efficiency, requiring a design methodology to support this
demand [2].
Electric machines are designed to fulfil the application’s requirements, e.g. torque,
power, speed, size. The classic design procedure is based on analytical methods to achieve
the electromagnetic requirements, while the other physics domains are handled with
empirical knowledge or even neglected [3]. As a consequence of the constraints and
requirements of the modern application, the design procedure became a multidisciplinary
process involving the relationship between different physics fields, e.g. electromagnetic,
thermodynamics, acoustics, structural mechanics. Thus, this work is motivated by the
necessity of handling the multiphysics nature of the electric machines in order to fulfil the
requirements of modern applications.
This work is focused on the thermal modelling of electric machines and its coupling
to the electromagnetic model. The thermal modelling of electric machines is crucial since
the device temperature is related to its performance and lifetime. For instance, if the
machine uses permanent magnets in its excitation system, for an operating temperature
of 100 °C, the magnetic flux may be reduced till 20% when compared with the magnetic
flux at room temperature [2], which impacts directly on the machine performance.
Besides that, the temperature rise increases the resistive loss of the machine reducing the
device efficiency. Additionally, there is the risk of demagnetization of permanent magnets
due to the temperature rise, and if a machine surpasses its insulation limit temperature
by 10 °C the insulation lifetime is cut by half [4]. Despite this strong relationship the
thermal modelling of electric machines has been neglected over the years especially for
small and medium-sized machines [5] but has received more attention in the past years,
4 | Introduction
in reference [6] it is possible to see the past years development to achieve better cooling
solutions of power traction machines.
Moreover, the numerical electromagnetic modelling is mostly conducted by FEA [4] which
has been used to explore design optimizations, estimate the losses in ferromagnetic
materials considering the non-uniform magnetic flux density distribution, and simulating
different working conditions [3], [14]–[17].
Concerning the thermal model, it can be achieved analytically through thermal
resistance network (TRN), which is also known as lumped parameters thermal network
(LPTN), and numerically by using FEA or computational fluid dynamics (CFD) [18]. TRN
is widely used [19]–[21] due to its simplicity along with a reasonable error since it is
basically analysed trough a dual electric circuit, allowing to use tools such as circuit
simulators to obtain the temperature results of the model. Therefore the method’s
challenge is to calculate the thermal resistances correctly, putting significant effort to
model the main heat paths [18]. However, the modelling of the thermal resistances of
complex parts can be very difficult and complicated to predict hot spots with enough
accuracy [22].
FEA is commonly used in thermal models [23]–[25] since it allows a massive
discretization of the geometry resulting in the precise temperature distribution of the
device, depending essentially on the accuracy of the thermal parameters used in the
model. The drawback of the FEA is that it relies on empirical relations to obtain the
convections coefficients, that it is also present in the TRN approach, so when the cooling
system of the machine involves complex fluid flow systems, the CFD takes place, being
used to simulate the fluid flow of the system and calculate its convection coefficient, which
was successfully used in [26]–[28]. Nonetheless, the CFD has the drawback of being
demanding on massive time and computational resources. Therefore hybrid approaches
combining CFD with FEA and TRN are usually used, like the one proposed in [22] to model
railway traction motors.
1.3 Objectives
Within the context set by the previous sections, the objectives of this work are
summarized in:
• Establish the main aspects of the heat generation and transfer on electric
machines that are necessary to understand the thermal model and its
characteristics, highlighting the relationship between the thermal and
electromagnetic analysis.
6 | Introduction
• Discuss the main analytical and numerical methods to achieve the thermal
model of electric machines, guiding through each modelling step.
• Develop a coupled electromagnetic and thermal analysis, to aid in the
design and derating process of electric machines.
• Apply the modelling methods discussed in this work in a case study, for
comparison and validation purposes.
where I is the rms value of the current flowing through the conductor, and R is the direct
current (DC) resistance of the conductor.
Conductors under alternating current (AC) excitation can suffer from the skin
effect phenomenon, which increases the resistance and consequently the resistive loss.
This phenomenon occur due to the limitation of how much an electromagnetic wave can
10 | Heat Generation and Transfer
penetrate in a conductor, limiting the current flow surface area. The skin depth, δ,
determines how much the wave can penetrate the conductor and it is given by
being f the frequency of the current, µ the permeability and σ the conductivity of the
conductor. As δ is frequency dependent, it is necessary to evaluate in the frequency range
of the machine and for the significant harmonic components of the current. Table 2.1
shows the frequency influence on skin depth of the copper with S/m, and
permeability equal to the free space. It is possible to see the impact of this phenomenon
at high frequencies.
Table 2.1 Skin depth in copper. Adapted from [30]
where RAC is the AC resistance of the conductor, which is obtained by multiplying the DC
resistance by the skin effect factor kR [4], being dependent of the geometry and material
of the winding. For a round wire it can be approximated by
being nl the number of conductors layers, and D the diameter of the conductor. For
frequencies of the fundamental component and significant harmonic components where
δ is equal or higher than the conductor width, the skin effect factor, kR, can be considered
equal to 1.
The resistive loss has a strong relationship with the temperature, as the
temperature increases the resistance also increases. This dependence is expressed by
where R0 is the value of the resistance at the temperature T0, α is the temperature
coefficient of resistivity, that for materials typically used in windings such as the copper
and aluminium is respectively and [4], and T is the
actual temperature of the conductor. Using equation (2.5) it is possible to see that a
Heat Generation | 11
where Bmax is the maximum value of the magnetic flux density, C0 and C2 are the
coefficients related to the hysteresis and excess eddy current losses, being obtained from
experimental measures, C1 is the eddy current loss coefficient that is obtained by
being σ the electric conductivity and d the thickness of the electrical steel sheet. From the
equation above, it is possible to see the relation between the eddy current loss and the
thickness of the iron sheet, enlighten the reason why eddy current loss is massive on solid
Bertotti model has the drawback of being suitable only for applications under
sinusoidal magnetization at a limited frequency range, which is not the case for most
12 | Heat Generation and Transfer
electric machines. To cover this drawback, models considering the effect of typical non-
sinusoidal waveforms were developed, for instance [36], where the average and rms
characteristics of the supply voltage are used to consider different waveforms, obtaining
errors of 5% to 6% of the loss prediction on the transformers used, and for induction
motors the errors were between 10%-20% In [37] are used the peak voltage and duty
cycle of the waveform, which resulted in a very good agreement with the experimental
data available for low and high frequency applications.
Many material sciences specialist contradicted the loss separation approach [38].
Graham in [31] establishes that there is no physical distinction between the hysteresis
loss and eddy current loss, the iron loss occurs whenever the magnetization changes,
which is done by domain wall motion, generating eddy currents and consequently loss.
The Steinmetz model is a well-known empirical equation that does not separate the iron
loss into different components,
where Cm, γ and β are empirical parameters obtained by fitting experimental curves [39],
and f is the frequency of the magnetization. Since this model was developed more than a
century ago, it is applicable only for sinusoidal magnetization. To apply this model in
applications with non-sinusoidal magnetization, researchers developed modified
versions to obtain an accurate prediction for arbitrary waveform, as the ones proposed in
[38] and [39], where it is used an equivalent frequency to model the waveform impact on
the iron loss.
One of the difficulties of calculating the iron loss is the fact that magnetization is
not uniformly distributed and, consequently, neither the losses are. This characteristic
sheds light to the FEA approach [14], [15], [17], since the FEA computes the flux density
for all elements of the geometry, enabling to calculate the loss for each element, therefore
getting the loss distribution on the geometry.
The iron loss is strongly dependent on the material properties, their characteristics
can vary about 30 % between different batches, and even in the same batch [40], bringing
a level of uncertainty between the specification sheet of the manufacturer and the actual
material used to build the electric machine. Mechanical stress caused by the
manufacturing process of shrink fitting and operating conditions of the machine also
affects the iron losses, studies were developed aiming the prediction and mitigation of
this factor [41]–[43].
Heat Transfer | 13
Differently from the resistive loss, the iron loss decreases with the temperature
increase. As the resistivity of the material increases with the temperature rise the eddy
currents are reduced, and consequently the heat dissipation. Several models considering
the temperature influence in iron loss have been developed. For instance, in [39] the
temperature influence is added to the Steinmetz model and in [16], [44], [45] the
temperature dependency is included to the separation loss model. The experimental data
of the iron loss in [16] reported that for a variety of frequencies and current loads the
temperature rise from 69°C to 100°C resulted in a maximum reduction of 12% of the iron
loss. Although, the temperature can have more impact on the iron loss for situations
where the machine operates at high temperature levels. Thus, the loss prediction without
the temperature dependency will result in a slight overestimation of the loss value.
2.2.1 Conduction
Heat transfer by conduction is related to the interaction between particles of a substance.
The particles with more energy, that also have higher temperatures, will transfer energy
to the surrounding particles with less energy. By this way, the heat flow by conduction
will occur from the higher temperature parts to the lower temperature spots. Conduction
occurs in the three states of matter, but within the electric machine context the conduction
is restrained to the solid-state, where the energy transport occurs by free electrons and
lattice vibrations[47].
The heat transfer rate is given by the Fourier’s law of heat conduction
expressing that the heat flow q is given by three parameters: thermal conductivity k of the
material, area A normal to the heat flow, and temperature gradient of the geometry.
The thermal conductivity parameter shows how much the material allows the heat flow.
The heat flux can be obtained from the equation (2.9):
14 | Heat Generation and Transfer
The minus sign means that the heat is transferred from the higher temperature to
the lower temperature. Using a 3D cartesian coordinated system (x, y, z) and considering
an isotropic material, whereas k is constant for all directions, the heat flux assumes the
following form:
For anisotropic materials that have different thermal conductivities for each
direction, equation (2.11) can be written as
The heat flux in the x-direction, illustrated in Figure 2.1, under steady-state
condition is
where Lx is the path length that separates the temperatures T1 and T2. This steady-state
equation applies to the other directions as well.
Since the conduction is dependent on the material medium, it is necessary to
determine the thermal conductivity of the material used in the devices. Generally
speaking, good electric conductors are also good thermal conductors, e.g. copper thermal
Heat Transfer | 15
conductivity is 394 W/m/°C, and electric insulators are also thermal insulators, e.g. k for
a typical insulation system of an electric machine is 0.2 W/m/°C. It should be mentioned
that the thermal conductivity is temperature dependent: thermal conductivity decreases
with increasing temperature for thermal conductors and increases it for thermal
insulators [4].
2.2.2 Convection
Convection is the heat transfer between a higher temperature region and a region of
cooler temperature [47], that is based on the energy transfer due to diffusion and motion
of the fluid. In this section will be developed to the heat convection between a surface.
In Figure 2.2, a surface (hot block) is in contact with a fluid (air), the temperature
of the surface is higher than the fluid temperature , so the heat of the hot block will
be transferred to the fluid. First, the heat transfer will occur by conduction from the
surface to the air layer adjacent to the surface, then the convection will be removing the
heated air and replacing it with cooler air.
Figure 2.2 Convection between surface and air (Adapted from [47]).
The velocity of the air on the surface is 0 m/s, but as soon the air takes distance
from the surface the velocity of the air will increase, implying a velocity gradient.
Similarly, the air will have a temperature gradient, the air temperature will be higher near
the surface, a value close to , and it will decrease with the distancing of the surface.
There are two types of convection, natural and forced convection, being the
difference between them the origin of the fluid motion. Regarding natural convection, the
fluid motion is caused by buoyancy forces due to the density difference caused by
temperature difference. Forced convection is based on the fluid motion induced by
external forces, such as a fan and a pump. Figure 2.3 illustrates both types of convection.
16 | Heat Generation and Transfer
Figure 2.3 Convection heat transfer types. (a) Forced convection. (b) Natural convection. (Adapted from
where h is the convection heat transfer coefficient, As is the surface area, Ts the surface
temperature, and T∞ the fluid temperature. This is a simple equation, but the challenge of
convection is on determining h. This coefficient is dependent on many factors, such as the
surface geometry and roughness, the fluid properties e.g. density, dynamic viscosity,
specific heat, etc., and the type of fluid flow [47].
The convection heat transfer coefficient, h, is typically defined through empirical
relations or computational fluid dynamics simulations [48]. Table 2.1 presents the value
range of h for some convection processes, highlighting the difference of the cooling
performance between the forced and natural convection, and also between the gases and
Table 2.1 Typical values of the convection heat transfer [46]
2.2.3 Radiation
Radiation is the energy emitted by matter in the form of electromagnetic waves [47], due
to changes in the electron configurations of the atoms or molecules, the wavelength of
which lies in the range from 0.1 to 100 µm [4]. One of the most important properties of
the radiation is that it does not require a material medium. The radiation can occur from
Heat Transfer | 17
gases, liquids, and solids, but for electric machines, the focus is on the radiation from
solids surfaces.
The thermal radiation is the radiation emitted by a surface due to its temperature,
and the maximum emissive power of a surface is given by the Stefan-Boltzmann law
the surface area, and Ts is the surface temperature. This equation considers an ideal
surface emitting at the maximum rate, i.e., a blackbody.
Real surfaces cannot emit at the maximum rate, so the equation (2.15) becomes
where ε is the emissivity of the surface that is dependent on the material, which varies
from 0 to 1. It should be noted that, when ε = 1, the surface is a blackbody.
Figure 2.4 shows a typical situation, where larger surfaces surround a smaller
surface, e.g. a room surrounding a motor frame. For such cases, the net rate of radiation
heat transfer between the surface and its surrounding is
The emissivity of a black body surface is constant for all directions, this means that
it is a diffuse emitter. For real surfaces, the emissivity is not constant for all directions as
illustrated in Figure 2.5. Since the ratio between the emissivity in the normal direction
and in different directions is at maximum 30% for conductors and 5% for non-conductors,
it is reasonable to considerate the surface emissivity for all directions as the emissivity in
the normal direction [46].
18 | Heat Generation and Transfer
2.3 Summary
This chapter discussed the main aspects of heat generation and heat transfer regarding
electric machines, detailing the physics phenomena and formulation of the main losses
found in electric machines. Also, the fundamentals of heat transfer necessary to
understand the thermal modelling process were briefly introduced. All three modes of
heat transfer are important in the thermal management of electric machines. Still,
convection is the primary mechanism to remove the heat from the device to the ambient,
along with the radiation, which has the performance similar to the natural convection.
Conduction is important to provide an efficient thermal flow, granting that inner heat
flows to the surfaces performing convection and radiation.
Chapter 3
Analytical Thermal Modelling
Thermal Resistance Network | 21
which establishes the current I as the ratio of the potential difference V, or voltage, and
the electric resistance R. Comparing the analysis of electric circuits to the heat transfer
problem, it is possible to establish the followings analogies. The electric current occurs
due to a potential difference applied to electric resistance, in a similar way the heat flow
occurs due to a temperature difference. The electric current follows the path defined by
the electric resistance, so the thermal resistance defines the path of the heat flow as well.
With this analogy, it is possible to solve a heat transfer problem by solving its dual
electric circuit, where the current is replaced by the heat transfer rate q, the voltage by
the temperature difference, and the electric resistance by the thermal resistance. As the
thermal circuit is replaced by its dual electric circuit, the well-consolidated tools to solve
electric circuits can be exploited to solve the thermal circuit.
The temperature output of a TRN can be expressed as a matrix
which is equal to the thermal resistances matrix multiplied by the heat transfer rate
matrix. Each node presents a temperature output, therefore, if more temperature outputs
are wanted, more resistances are necessary, resulting in more discretization of the
22 | Analytical Thermal Modelling
between the TRN and the measured temperatures of the tested motor. The authors of [19]
also exploit the entropy generation to develop a thermal network of an induction motor
used to drive an electronic submersible pump.
The work developed in [49] exploits a TRN of a vehicle claw-pole alternator, and
investigates the improvement given by calibrating the convection coefficients used in the
model. A TRN of a 10 MW wind turbine is modelled in [50] and the results are compared
to 2D and 3D finite-element analysis, presenting temperature difference around 10%.
Despite of its simplicity the TRN is being widely used, receiving improvements
according to the needs of the project. It presents the flexibility of making a simple network
to obtain a quick temperature output with a certain error, or to make a detailed and
precise network without the need of a high computational power. Its usage on modern
applications shows that this method is relevant even with nowadays powerful computers
and software.
current source, or they can be split in the TRN in a way that is more suitable to the heat
generation that occurs in the machine.
A precise heat generation distribution is not easy, since the losses are not uniformly
distributed and is difficult to have the losses distribution within the geometry. However,
it is recommended to put some effort in the allocation process of the heat sources,
according to the available information about the losses distribution.
3.3.1 Conduction
Heat transfer by conduction is responsible for the main heat flow within the machine
material medium. Its correct modelling is crucial because it models the heat transfer paths
of the machine, as stated by [18], which emphasizes the importance of the effort to model
accurately the heat-transfer paths.
where L is the length of the heat transfer path, k the thermal conductivity, and A the cross-
section area. So, the thermal resistance of the Figure 3.1 bar for the x-direction conduction
Having one resistance on the x-direction gives the temperature information of the
two-ends of the bar, so to obtain more temperature outputs, it is necessary to divide the
path length according to the desired number of outputs and the desired temperature spot.
The same logic is applied to the other directions.
As several electric machines have a hollow cylindrical shape, for instance their
stator core, the thermal resistance for conduction in the radial direction is estimated
being the outer radius, the inner radius, and L is the length of the cylinder.
3.3.2 Convection
From equation the thermal resistance for convection, or convection resistance, is
Thermal Resistances | 25
where h is the convection heat transfer, and A is the surface area in contact with the fluid.
The challenge of the convection resistance is to obtain h, since it is dependent on many
factors, such as the type of fluid motion, the fluid used to cool the system.
By dividing the machine geometry into basic geometries it is possible to use the
convection relations available in heat transfer references, e.g. [46], [47], [56]. The
expressing h for a vertical plane with free air convection, where is the temperature
difference, in Celsius, between the surface and the air, and L is the length of the plate.
So the convection resistance of the surface in Figure 3.3 is
3.3.3 Radiation
Similarly to the convection resistance, the thermal resistance for radiation, or radiation
resistance is
where A is the surface area in contact with the surrounding and hrad is the radiation heat
transfer coefficient, which is given by
Figure 3.5 Transformer geometry: (a) Symmetry characteristic (b) Modelled geometry
Figure 3.5 shows the transformer geometry and exploits its symmetry
characteristics, so it is possible to see the existence of two symmetry planes, meaning that
it is only necessary to model ¼ of the transformer.
28 | Analytical Thermal Modelling
The following step consists in this geometry modelling into volume elements, such
as the one proposed in Figure 3.4, and connecting the volumes according to the direction
or directions that the volumes have contact. Each volume will have the number of thermal
resistances according to the contact that they make with other volumes, and with the
Source Full Loss (W) ¼ Loss (W) Elements Element Loss (W)
Core 13 3.25 18 0.1806
Low Voltage Winding 29.26 7.32 4 1.8290
High Voltage Winding 20.34 5.09 4 1.2713
Table 3.1 details the modelled heat distribution. As the TRN represents only a ¼ of
the transformer, the losses in the TRN corresponds to ¼ of the total losses. At last, the loss
value is divided by the number of elements, according to the geometry discretization
Figure 3.6 (a) shows the volume elements of the core. In order to allow a better
visualization, labels of the volumes behind the ones numbered were omitted, being 9 plus
the volume number in the front. For example, the volume behind Vc1 is Vc10. And Figure
3.6 (b) shows the windings volume elements, the element Vw6 and Vw8 are below Vw5 and
Vw7, respectively, therefore it is not possible to visualize these two elements.
An important aspect to point out about this model is the fact that it considers there
is no heat transfer between the modelled portion of the transformer and its symmetry
counterpart. For example, it is not considered the heat transfer between Vc2 and the
neighbour from the other side of the symmetry plan. The model assumes a symmetry
boundary condition, i.e., the temperature of Vc2 is equal to the one of neighbour volume,
which in fact translates in neglecting the conduction resistance between them. Due to the
small temperature difference between the volumes near the boundary regions this
simplification is admissible. The results obtained from the thermal FEA (chapter 4)
corroborates with this simplification applied to the analytical model.
Figure 3.6 Transformer volume elements: (a) core and (b) windings.
Figure 3.7 shows the surfaces that perform convection and its corresponding
convection heat transfer coefficient, for aesthetic reasons, the winding surface facing
down (plane xz) is omitted, its corresponding coefficient is hw3. As the surfaces for
radiation and convection are the same, the label pattern of the radiation heat transfer
coefficient follows the same numbering of the convection coefficient of Figure 3.7, only
adding the subscript r, e.g. , , whereas subscripts c and w correspond to core and
The volume element chosen to explain the process is Vc4 because it is in contact
with other volumes and air. So, it is necessary to model the thermal resistances of the
volume in all three directions, and the resistances related to the convection and radiation.
First, the focus will be in the heat flow through Vc4 occurring in the x-direction. The
heat transfer occurs from Vc3 to Vc4, and from Vc4 to the ambient. So, one conduction
resistance connects Vc3 to the middle point of Vc4, and a similar resistance connects Vc4 to
the convection and radiation resistances, which are connected to the temperature
ambient. Since the heat is flowing in the x-direction the surface plane related to the
radiation and convection is the plane yz. For the y and z-directions this same logic is
applied, resulting in the TRN displayed in Figure 3.8.
Using the generic dimensions of Figure 3.4, the conduction thermal resistances of
Vc4 are
being the element dimensions for each direction, and the thermal
The subscript of each resistance specifies the heat transfer mode, r and h for radiation,
and convection, respectively, and the surface plane involved. The coefficients of heat
transfer are according to Figure 3.7.
Figure 3.8 shows the TRN of the Vc4, which involves a considerable number of
elements, indicating a complex and hard to handle TRN of the modelled geometry, due to
the massive number of resistances and connections. The heat source is connected to the
middle point of the element, that for Vc4 corresponds to iron loss (Piron) divided by the 18
core’s elements.
32 | Analytical Thermal Modelling
where ki is the thermal conductivity of the insulator material and the other parameters
are introduced in Figure 3.9.
3.4.5 Results
With the thermal resistances and heat sources properly determined, the complete TRN
can be solved by finding the equations related to temperature and solving it or using
modern tools to solve electric circuits. In this work, the TRN solution was accomplished
by using a circuit simulator, Multisim [58]. The thermal resistances of each volume
element were calculated and connected accordingly to the contact of each element with
the ambient and other elements, and the heat current related to the loss of each element
was connected on the middle point of the volume element, as shown in Figure 3.8. The
temperature results were obtained by placing voltage probes in the nodes of interest.
Figure 3.10 shows the temperature spots presented in Table 3.2. Appendix B shows the
TRN implemented in Multisim and its results for each element.
Summary | 33
The higher temperature is spotted in the windings, as would be expected since they
are the main heat source of the transformer. T2 is higher than T4 because it is closer to the
windings than T4. Regarding T3 value, when compared with T2 its higher value may be
explained by the thermal conductivity of the core laminated steel since it is significantly
lower in the z-direction, than the conductivity in x and y-direction. Making it difficult the
heat flow in the direction normal to the lamination, thus the heat flow in the core occurs
majority on the x and y-direction. Along with, the core surface on plane xz is smaller than
the core surface on plane xy, implying a lower heat transfer rate at plane xz.
3.5 Summary
In this chapter was discussed the main aspects of the thermal modelling by using thermal
resistances network. This method is widely used due to its simplicity and fast solution,
whereas the precision of the model relies on the effort spent into modelling details,
discretization, and acquisition of thermal coefficients.
It was developed a TRN of a single-phase transformer, and its modelling process
was detailed and explained. The results obtained from the TRN were presented and
Chapter 4
Numerical Modelling
Summary | 37
4 Numerical Modelling
Numerical methods require high levels of computational power that was not easily
available decades ago. With the advance of the digital computation, numerical methods
became more feasible and popular. One of the most popular numerical methods is the
finite element method (FEM), which was introduced in the early 1940s on the structural
analysis field, and now it is established for all different analysis fields.
In this chapter it will be discussed the use of FEM in electric machines modelling,
with focus in the electromagnetic and thermal fields. First, the concepts of FEM are
introduced, and afterwards, the electromagnetic and thermal analyses are presented, and
finally the electromagnetic and thermal coupled analysis is addressed.
The electromagnetic model is needed to provide the solution of the
electromagnetic fields of the machine, which will determine its rated power, losses and
other crucial aspects of the device. In the context of this work, the electromagnetic model
is responsible to obtain the losses of the machine, that are determined by the magnetic
flux density in soft ferromagnetic materials, i.e. the iron loss, and through the density
current in the conductors, the resistive loss.
The thermal model provides the temperature output of the machine due to its
losses, being those the main input to its thermal model. Both the analytical and numerical
thermal model considers the uniform heat generation within each part of the machine, by
using a constant loss density. This assumption is a simplification since in practice, iron
loss varies with the magnetic flux density along the iron volume. The electromagnetic and
thermal coupled analysis overcome this limitation by using the electromagnetic model
losses output as an input to the thermal model, that corresponds to a non-uniform heat
generation accordingly to the magnetic flux density and current density distribution in
the machine parts. Besides that, the coupled analysis uses the temperature output of the
thermal model as input to the electromagnetic model, therefore considering the
temperature dependency of the electromagnetic parameters.
The numerical modelling approach discussed during this chapter will be applied
to the case study of a low power single-phase transformer, that is detailed and
characterized in Appendix A. Also, its analytical thermal model was developed in section
38 | Numerical Modelling
Figure 4.1 Typical finite elements: (a) One-dimensional, (b) two-dimensional, (c) three-dimensional. (Adapted
from [60]).
direction, for instance, the magnetic flux density variation can be ignored on the direction
normal to the lamination of a laminated electric steel. Also in situations where the heat
conduction in one direction can be ignored, and the convection and radiation of the
surfaces on that direction can be neglected, 2D analysis may be conducted. Thus, the 3D
geometry should be used in situations where all directions must be considered, which
increases the computational weight of the solution, but corresponds to a more precise
solution since the modelled electric machine corresponds to a 3D geometry.
FEM is implemented on a variety of software, allowing the exploitation of the tool
without diving into the mathematical formulation of the method, but rather focusing on
the knowledge of the physics phenomena, and being able to analyse correctly the FEM
solution outputs. Therefore, the objective of this work is not to develop a FEM but use the
FEM tools available on the market. Using FEM to study or analyse a phenomenon is called
Finite Element Analysis (FEA), this is a powerful tool to quickly solve physic phenomena
problems, helping engineers in several areas, such as the design process of a machine
without having the requirement of building various prototypes.
on the electromagnetic field in the machine, allowing the user to explore a variety of
The meshing step is where the geometry is divided into finite elements, and it is
necessary to pay attention to this step, a more refined mesh will have more elements,
hence more calculations and more time to obtain the solution. FEA software assists this
process by informing mesh metrics, allowing the user to evaluate if the mesh gives the
desired level of discretization.
Excitations are chosen according to the solver type and application, they can be DC
sources, permanent magnets or time-dependent sources. In more advanced software
packages it is possible to use power electronics allowing to simulate complex working
The boundary conditions are defined accordingly to the physics phenomena, and
the characteristics of the device, the appropriate use of the boundary conditions is
necessary to model the physics phenomena along the domain boundary correctly. Thus,
each solver type make available the boundary conditions accordingly to the physics
phenomena. Commonly, are used two boundaries conditions, the Neumann conditions
where it defines the value of the solution derivative on the domain boundary, and the
Dirichlet conditions, which specifies the solution value along the domain boundary.
If the steps above were properly done, now it is possible to run the FEM and
analyse its solution. Now begins the analysis step, where the user needs to use his
phenomena knowledge to evaluate the FEM results. Without the proper knowledge of the
physical phenomena, the FEM solution is just a set of numbers, thus the final task of the
user is to transform this set of numbers into tangible information.
obtain the distribution of the iron loss on the core’s volume and the resistive loss in the
windings’ volume.
The material data required to model the transformer are the core’s B-H curve and
specific loss, and the electric conductivity of the windings. Figure 4.4 presents the core’s
material data, that was adapted from one manufacturer [68]. The windings are made of
round wire impregnated copper, which has the conductivity of S/m [4].
Figure 4.4 Laminated steel properties: specific loss (a), B-H curve (b).
Next step is to choose the solver type: the magnetostatic solver is capable to
calculate only the resistive loss; to obtain both losses, resistive and iron losses, the
transient solver is required in order to simulate the magnetic flux variation[69]. Since it
is a transient simulation, it is necessary to specify the time step and time of the simulation.
The desired output is the losses, so the simulation needs to represent at least one
complete period of the excitation cycle, which, according with the rated characteristics of
the transformer, is 50 Hz or 20 ms.
The iron loss is obtained by the Ansys Maxwell built-in iron loss calculator that is
based on the Bertotti model [35], that was addressed in section 2.1.2. The coefficients
used in the iron loss model are automatically determined by the software, after providing
Electromagnetic Finite Element Analysis | 43
the specific loss curve (Figure 4.4 (a)), the electric conductivity of the electrical steel sheet,
and its thickness, that was defined as S m and 0.5 mm, respectively.
Figure 4.5 shows the magnetization curve of a soft ferromagnetic material, that
expresses the relation between B and H. In the point a the magnetic domains are randomly
oriented which results in a zero magnetization. As the external magnetic field increases
the magnetic domains will follow the orientation of the field, increasing magnetic flux
density. The path a – b is called the initial magnetization curve. As H decreases B will also
decrease, but it will not follow the initial curve (b – a), it will follow the path b – c. This
characteristic of not following the initial path of the magnetization is called hysteresis,
and the magnetization path of the ferromagnetic material after the first magnetization
(b – c – d – e – b), is called hysteresis loop.
Figure 4.5 Magnetization curve of a soft ferromagnetic material (Adapted from [70])
As the hysteresis loop is only established after the initial magnetization curve, the
iron loss must be considered after the initial magnetization curve, which occurs in the first
half period of the excitation. For the excitation applied to the transformer the time taken
to occur the first magnetization is 10 ms, thus the simulation must cover at least 10 ms
plus one complete period of the excitation. So, the time defined for the solver is 30 ms
with a time step of 0.5 ms.
44 | Numerical Modelling
Figure 4.6 shows the transformer’s mesh, since the 3D transients simulation is
demanding on computational resources the mesh size was adjusted by the software
parameters, conciliating the solution precision and computational cost.
The excitations of the transformer were done by firstly setting up the number of
turns of each winding and its current flowing direction since it is a shell type transformer,
the directions of the windings are opposite. The electromagnetic models the rated
working conditions of the transformer, because in these conditions the nominal current
is flowing through the windings and the magnetic flux density on the core corresponds to
the rated voltage, granting that both losses are addressed in their rated values. To
simulate the rated working conditions, an external circuit excites the high voltage winding
with its rated voltage and connects a resistive load to the low voltage winding which
imposes the rated currents to the windings.
It was applied an insulating boundary condition between the windings, which
models the insulation material between them, this condition defines that the current
cannot cross the boundary, H is tangential to the boundary and the flux cannot cross it
[69]. Since the interest of the analysis is in the electromagnetic field of the transformer, it
was applied a Naumann boundary condition on the transformer’s external boundaries,
where it defines the H is tangential and the flux cannot cross the boundary. Thus, it does
not calculate the magnetic field on the ambient around the transformer, isolating the
transformer from the ambient.
Electromagnetic Finite Element Analysis | 45
With all the setup properly done it is possible to run the solver and analyse the
solution. Figure 4.7 shows the magnetic field flux density in the transformer core at 15 ms,
the maximum value is 1.30 T, which is far from the saturation level of the ferromagnetic
material, and the high values occurs only in the edges close to windings.
Figure 4.8 displays the iron loss of the core during the simulation, is possible to see
the difference on the iron loss during the first magnetization curve, and after the
hysteresis loop establishment, the average iron loss between 10 ms and 30 ms is 13.78 W.
Since, ANSYS Maxwell iron loss calculation is based on the loss separation approach, is
possible to observe the contribution of each portion of iron losses (hysteresis, eddy-
current, excess eddy-current) to the total iron loss. And the average resistive loss of the
windings at ambient temperature is 44.12 W.
46 | Numerical Modelling
Typically the thermal steady-state of the machine is the required state, because it
reflects the stable temperatures on working conditions, though, the transient solution is
important to see how long the machine takes to heat up and cools down, which can be
crucial for applications that require several starts. Reference [25] is an example where
the thermal transient solution is used to investigate the temperatures of an induction
motor during the starting process.
Thermal Finite Element Analysis | 47
Since the losses are generated inside of the machines they are treated as internal
heat generation, which are modelled by a power density (W/m3) that can be distributed
uniformly within the geometry, or in a way that better resembles the real heat generation.
Next step is to determine which surfaces will perform convection and their respective
convection coefficients. For the radiation is the same process as the convection, with the
difference that instead of convection coefficients, is necessary to input the emissivity of
the surface. The thermal conductivity of the machine materials will define the heat
conduction, for a anisotropic material is necessary to input the thermal conductivity of
each direction. Finally, with the heat distribution defined and the heat transfer
mechanisms characterized, it is possible to run the thermal FEM solution and procedure
its analysis.
Figure 4.10 shows the surfaces that will perform convection and radiation heat
transfer with the corresponding coefficient. As the surfaces for radiation and convection
are the same, the label pattern of the radiation heat transfer coefficient follows the same
numbering of the convection coefficient, only the subscript r is added, e.g. hrc1, hrw2,
whereas subscripts c and w correspond to core and winding surfaces, respectively. For
aesthetic reasons, the winding surface facing down (plane xz) is omitted, its
corresponding coefficient is hw3.
48 | Numerical Modelling
The windings surfaces that are wrapped in a black electrical tape has the emissivity
value of 0.9, and the other surfaces emissivity value is 0.3, and the thermal conductivity
of the materials is summarized in Table 4.2 [4].
Thermal Finite Element Analysis | 49
Figure 4.12 shows the temperature distribution output, it is possible to see that the
higher temperature spots are on the windings, and the surfaces closer to the windings. It
is interest to analyse the temperature gradient on z-direction due to the low thermal
conductivity of the laminated steel, if the thermal conductivity in z-direction was higher
the heat flow in this direction would increase, and consequently the temperature values
on plane xz would be smaller. Additionally, it is possible to observe that the temperature
distribution is symmetric on the planes illustrated in Figure 3.5, which supports the
boundary condition applied to the TRN model (section 3.4.3), where it was considered
that there is no heat transfer between the modelled portion of the transformer and its
symmetry counterpart, due to the minimal temperature difference and small heat path
between the modelled portion and its symmetry counterpart.
The total heat flux presented in Figure 4.13, shows the paths of the heat exchange
occurring from the surfaces to the ambient and also the heat flowing from the windings
to the core, and from the core to the ambient. Thus, the core operates as a heat sink for
the heat generated in the windings.
50 | Numerical Modelling
can be crucial to evaluate the electromagnetic performance of the electric machines. The
temperature rise increases the resistive loss and also brings the risk of demagnetization
For instance, if the machine uses permanent magnets in its excitation system, for an
operating temperature of 100°C, the magnetic flux may be reduced till 20% when
compared with the magnetic flux at room temperature [2], which impacts directly on the
machine performance.
This approach is a handful in the machine design process, allowing the engineers
to evaluate the design choices impact in a wider view. Such as in [73], where the design
process of a medium frequency power transformer is done by utilizing FEA and the
validation was achieved by building the prototype based on the FEA project. Similarly,
[74] uses the FEA coupling to investigate different rotor structures of a synchronous
generator, observing that a claw pole rotor is more thermally efficient than a salient pole
The coupled methodology proposed in this work is intended to be used as part of
the design process of an electric machine, or it can be useful to evaluate the machine
performance in operating conditions that differ from the rated ones. An example is the
derating of the machine in ambient temperature or altitude different from the ones
specified for the rated quantities may be more precise, if assisted with an electromagnetic
and thermal coupled approach.
Figure 4.14 summarizes the proposed coupled methodology. Most of the flowchart
elements were explained on the previous sections, thus this flowchart establishes the link
between the electromagnetic and thermal analysis. A magnetostatic solution is present in
this flowchart, since it is a simple and quick solution that allows the evaluation of some
features, such as iron saturation, hence guiding to some model changes e.g. geometries,
ferromagnetic material requirements, excitations sources. The generated losses resulted
from the electromagnetic FEA solution are used as heat generation in the thermal FEA.
This interaction between the solutions, grants the heat generation be closer as possible to
the real loss distribution. Due to the temperature change, material properties such as
electric conductivity will change, thus the electromagnetic solution needs to be updated
considering the components new temperatures. This iterative process runs until the
temperature difference between the current interaction and the previous minor than δ,
meaning that the temperatures and losses are stable.
52 | Numerical Modelling
Where is the conductivity of the copper at 20 °C, that is equal to S/m, and α
The electromagnetic and thermal FEA used are the models developed in section
4.2.1 and 4.3.1, respectively, with the difference that the internal heat generation is now
obtained from the Ansys Maxwell solution. Therefore, this simulation corresponds to the
transformer on its rated working conditions. In Figure 4.15 is possible to see the evolution
of the transformer losses along with the iterations. The resistive losses increased 32.82%
between the first iteration and the last, is possible to see that in the last three iterations
the losses increase were minimal.
The temperature rise is shown in Figure 4.16, which follows the same aspect of the
losses, in the initial iterations there is significant increase and in the last iterations, the
temperature rise is minimal. The average temperature of the model increased in 12.48°C
between the first and the last iteration, which is a significant temperature difference that
would be ignored if the coupled analysis was not applied.
It is possible to see that for this case, was not needed to run several iterations, with
three iterations the simulation results were already stable. Were expected this low
number of iterations since only the resistive loss was considered temperature-dependent.
This analysis was done to simulate the transformer behaviour at electric rated
conditions, and under normal conditions of temperature and pressure. However, it is
possible to adjust the coupled FEA project to simulate different electric and ambient
conditions e.g. underload, overload, high ambient temperature, thin air. Thus, the coupled
analysis can assist the optimization and derating of the transformer design for
applications with such conditions.
4.5 Summary
In this chapter was discussed the numerical modelling of electric machines using the FEA,
which is a tool that was introduced decades ago in the structural analysis field, and
nowadays is developed for a variety of physics fields. FEA is a powerful tool that facilitates
the coupling of different physics fields, which can be crucial for the design process of
modern applications. Within the electric machine context, the electromagnetic and
thermal FEA and their coupling were addressed. And to demonstrate the methodology
presented for the numerical modelling, it was developed the numerical model for a single-
phase transformer.
Chapter 5
Results and Discussion
Experimental Results | 57
useful to evaluate the temperature gradient and the thermal steady state condition, not
being able to evaluate absolute temperatures of the surfaces.
As the thermal images are not reliable to obtain absolute temperatures, the
temperature of the windings was measured by using the procedure recommended by the
IEC 60034 [77]. Which consists in measuring the winding resistance at the known initial
temperature and measuring the winding resistance after the temperature rise, after these
measurements, the temperature of the winding is determined by
where Rf is the winding resistance at the final temperature, Ri the winding resistance at
the initial temperature Ti, and λ is the reciprocal of the temperature coefficient of
resistance at 0 °C of the conductor material, that for copper is 235 and 225 for aluminium.
Table 5.1 shows the results obtained from the IEC method, with the values of the
resistances of the windings at steady-state temperature, the resistive loss can be
calculated considering the temperature rise in the windings, the skin-effect is ignored in
this case since the skin depth of the copper is higher than the diameter of the winding’s
Table 5.1 Windings temperature measurement (IEC 60034).
The results obtained from the model are in agreement with the experimental
measures. The errors presented by the model may be related to some uncertainty in data
of the active materials and dimensions of the physical transformer, e.g., number of turns
of each winding, specifications of the ferromagnetic material used on the core. As
explained in section 2.1.2 the prediction of the iron loss is very difficult due to the
complexity of the phenomena involved. The advantage of using an FEA model is that the
iron loss is calculated for each element, considering the non-uniform flux density on the
core. Given these aspects, the results presented by the model are acceptable.
Table 5.3 shows the results from both models and their difference. The
temperature spots T2 and T3 presented a small difference between the models, whereas
the spots T1 and T4 presented a temperature difference of about 10%. The discretization
levels between the models are very different, which can be related to the temperature
difference between the models. The TRN approach used a total of 26 volume elements to
model ¼ of the transformer, whereas the FEA used 15821 elements to model it entirely.
Even with this discrepancy between the discretization level, the results are similar,
although this may not be the case for machines with complex geometries. Another factor
that impacts the results difference is related to the convection coefficients. The model
used in TRN considered the convection coefficient constant. In contrast, the numerical
approach considered its variation with the surface temperature, which leads to a more
precise convection heat transfer calculation in the FEA method.
Table 5.3 Temperature results from the transformer thermal models
temperatures measured through the IEC 60034 method after the transformer reached a
steady-state condition.
The results of the analytical and numerical thermal model previously shown, are
obtained considering the losses of the transformer at ambient temperature. Thus, they
can not be compared to the temperature measured on steady-state conditions. So, the
resistive loss of the models was calculated and updated considering the windings’
resistance at steady-state temperature. Table 5.1 shows the resistive loss at the steady-
state temperature.
Table 5.4 shows the steady-state temperature of the windings, that was obtained
experimentally through the IEC 60034 method, and the temperature of the models
corresponds to the average temperature of the windings. The TRN model presented an
error of about 20% in relation to the experimental value, whereas the FEA and coupled
FEA models presented errors of around 7%.
Table 5.4 Temperature of the windings at steady-state
Table 5.5 shows the temperature results of the models at the steady-state
condition regarding the temperature spots indicated by Figure 5.2, and the temperature
difference between the models. Reiterating, that there is no experimental value for these
temperature spots, because the infrared camera does not provide reliable measurements
of the absolute temperature on the spots.
62 | Results and Discussion
Table 5.5 Transformer temperature results: TRN, FEA, and coupled FEA
The results show that the FEA and coupled FEA models presented results very
similar results, the highest temperature difference between them occurs on spot T3 where
the FEA model resulted on a temperature 3.77% cooler than the coupled FEA. This small
difference between the models is related to the losses used on the models. The thermal
FEA uses the losses obtained experimentally, and the use of resistive loss at steady-state
temperature was only possible due to the measurement of the windings’ resistance at the
steady-state temperature. While, the coupled model uses the losses obtained by the
electromagnetic model, which are calculated automatically considering the non-uniform
loss distribution and the temperature dependency of the materials. Thus, the coupled FEA
model does not require the physical prototype to obtain the losses of the machine for
different temperatures. And this is why the coupled model facilitates the design process
of electric machines, without the need of a physical prototype is possible to simulate the
multiphysics behaviour of the device, allowing to study design choices without the time
and cost of building numerous prototypes.
The results from the TRN are very similar to the numerical methods on the
temperature spots T2 and T3, while presented significant difference on spots T1 and T4.
These results indicate that the higher level of discretization present on the numerical
methods allowed better modelling of the heat paths on the windings. Indicating that the
thermal resistances of the windings were overestimated. Besides that, the convection heat
transfer is calculated more precisely on the numerical methods, considering the
temperature of the surface on the value of the convection heat transfer coefficient.
With the results presented by Table 5.4 and Table 5.5, it is possible to draw some
conclusions regarding the performance and improvements of the models. All models
predicted a higher temperature on the windings than the ones obtained experimentally.
Thus, it should be considered the use of experimental thermal coefficients of the actual
Summary | 63
materials and fluid flow of the transformer, which would allow the models to better
resemble the physical transformer.
5.3 Summary
The modelling approaches of electric machines discussed during this work were applied
to a low power single-phase transformer, due to its simplicity and availability on the
laboratory. This chapter summarized the results obtained from the developed models and
confronted the theoretical results with experimental results obtained on the laboratory.
The numerical models presented good performance, but the analytical thermal model
presented significant error when compared to the experimental measurements. With the
results presented allows identifying future improvements for the models, such as the
characterization of the electromagnetic and thermal parameters of the actual materials
present on the transformer. Also, the TRN results suggest an overestimation of the
thermal resistance, especially on the windings, and should be considered a more refined
calculation of the convection heat transfer.
Chapter 6
Summary | 67
6 Conclusion
This work aimed at discussing the modelling process of electric machines focusing on the
electromagnetic and thermal modelling. The classic design process of electric machines is
focused on the electromagnetic design and overlooks the thermal design, relying on the
use of empirical experience, especially for medium and small-sized machines. As a
reaction to the modern requirements of electric machines applications, the thermal
modelling of the electric machine has been receiving more attention in the past years.
The thermal model is achieved by an analytical and numerical approach. The
analytical approach, TRN, discretizes the heat transfer phenomena into thermal
resistances, similar to an electric circuit. Regarding the numerical model, it is obtained by
FEA that is commonly used due to its high level of discretization granting a precise
temperature distribution. Both methods were applied to model a low power transformer,
where the FEA model presented better results on the prediction of the temperature of the
windings when compared to experimental measurements. Results showed that the higher
level of discretization present in the FEA model has a significant impact on the
determination of the hot spots. Also, the FEA model has a straightforward implementation
of the temperature dependency of the convection heat transfer coefficient, allowing to
model more accurately the heat transfer through convection. The TRN model shows that
despite being a simple analytical method, it can produce satisfactory results.
Electric machines temperature rise is caused by the device’s losses, which are
mainly electromagnetic losses, being divided into resistive loss and iron loss. The resistive
loss is usually the principal heat source in electric machines, the electric resistance of the
conductor is strongly dependent on its temperature, this relation is expressed by a simple
equation, allowing a direct temperature dependency of the resistive loss. Whereas the
iron loss modelling is a difficult challenge itself, having different approaches and
formulations, therefore its thermal dependency it is not straightforward, though, is
known that the iron loss reduces with the temperature rise. Also, the fundamentals of heat
transfer were established, which allowed the understanding of the main aspects related
to heat removal mechanisms.
A methodology for coupling the electromagnetic and thermal analyses was
proposed to handle the multiphysics characteristics of electric machines. By applying the
coupled analysis approach to the low power transformer, it is possible to observe the
68 | Conclusion
temperature rise due to the losses generation and the increase of the resistive loss due to
the temperature rise in the windings. Besides that, the losses obtained by the
electromagnetic model corresponds to a non-uniform heat generation accordingly to the
magnetic flux density in the core and current density distribution in the windings This
coupled methodology was developed to assist in the design process and optimization of
electric machines, and also in the derating process for conditions different from the rated
ones, for instance, higher ambient temperature, different levels of altitude and other
factors that may affect the device performance and lifetime. Therefore, with this analysis
methodology, it is possible to obtain a wider view of the machine performance without
the time and financial resources of building various prototypes.
By using a case study of a simple electric machine, it was possible to understand
the methods’ main advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, from the results obtained
the models presented satisfactory results when compared to the experimental data.
This work dealt with the thermal model of electric machines that has been
receiving more attention in the past years, also presented a coupled analysis
methodology, that is a trending method due to the advances in the computer-aided
engineer software.
life of a physical entity, a digital twin is the virtual counterpart of a physical object [78].
That in the context of this work would be the electric machine modelled. Helping in the
monitoring of the device in its application, enabling to keep track on the ageing factor of
the materials, such as the insulation materials, also allowing to manage the predictive
maintenance better and predict faults [79]–[81], which can be crucial for applications
where the maintenance programs are of difficult implementation [82], [83].
Furthermore, future work should apply the electromagnetic and thermal coupled
analysis to other electric machines, e.g., permanent magnet synchronous machines,
induction motors, high power transformers. In addition, a more significant study on the
iron loss modelling should consider its temperature dependency.
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Appendix A
Transformer Characterization
Transformer Characterization | 81
A. Transformer Characterization
In this appendix the low power shell-type single-phase transformer used during this work
as case study will be detailed. This transformer was chosen as the object of study due to
its simplicity, not having moving parts and its availability on the laboratory. Figure A.1
shows the device used and its nameplate.
Figure A.2 shows the configuration of the windings, that was determined by
analysing the windings’ wire diameter since the rated current of the low voltage winding
is higher than the rated current of the high voltage winding, the wire with a larger
diameter will correspond to the low voltage winding, which was present on the outer
winding, thus the high voltage winding is inner winding. It was possible to measure only
the diameter of the low voltage winding that is 2 mm. In the device’s nameplate was
identified the rated electric specifications, the rated power is 1 kW, and the rated voltage
of 220 V for the primary winding and 110 V to the secondary winding, hence the rated
transformation ratio is 2:1.
To obtain the device’s resistive and iron losses at room temperature (20 °C) a
short-circuit and a no-load test were performed. Table A.1 summarizes the experimental
data measured. The short-circuit test was accomplished by supplying the primary
winding with its rated current and the short-circuiting the secondary winding, with this
configuration the voltage applied in the primary winding is minimal, therefore the iron
loss can be ignored and the power measured corresponds to the resistive loss at nominal
load. In the no-load test, the primary winding was excited by its rated voltage (220 V) and
the secondary winding was in open-circuit configuration, since the current flowing
through the winding is small the resistive loss is minimal, therefore the power measured
in this test corresponds to the transformer’s iron loss. Also, in the no-load test, it is
measured the real transformation ratio that is 220:116.
Table A.1 Transformer tests data at room temperature.
The number of turns of each winding was not specified by the manufacturer,
therefore it is necessary to estimate it. It is known the wire’s diameter of the low voltage
winding, assuming that the number of turns fills the low voltage winding cross-sectional
area, as shown in Figure A.3, the number of turns for the low voltage winding is given by,
where r2 is the wire radius of the winding, which results in , and is
obtained by using the real transformation ratio.
Transformer Characterization | 83
Figure A.4 shows the geometry parameters used to model the transformer along
with the windings parameters (Figure A.2), and Table A.2 presents its respective values.
H 125.33
h’ 25.07
h’’ 25.40
D 62.00
WH 70.00
DL 8.00
DH 10.00
Appendix B
Thermal Parameters and Formulation
Thermal Parameters and Formulation | 87
The model used to calculate the thermal conductivity of the windings was shown
in section 3.4.4, Table B.2 shows the parameters values used to obtain the thermal
conductivity for each winding, the insulation thermal conductivity corresponds to a
treating varnish typically used in electric machines [4].
Table B.2 Windings thermal conductivities parameters.
The convection coefficients were formulated by the relations found in [47] for free
air convection, the relations used are presented in Table B.3.
88 | Thermal Parameters and Formulation
By using the presented convection relations and the geometry parameters of the
transformer presented in Figure A.4 and Figure A.2, the convection coefficients are
formulated and shown in Table B.4.
Thermal Parameters and Formulation | 89
Figure B.1 Developed TRN considering the transformer's losses at ambient temperature
Thermal Parameters and Formulation | 91
Table B.5 TRN temperature results considering the transformer's losses at ambient temperature
Figure B.2 shows the implemented TRN considering the transformer’s losses at the
steady-state temperature, and Table B.6 shows the temperature results on the middle
point of each element, and the temperature result for the surfaces in contact with the
92 | Thermal Parameters and Formulation
Figure B.2 Developed TRN considering the transformer's losses at the steady-state temperature
Thermal Parameters and Formulation | 93
Table B.6 TRN temperature results considering the transformer's losses at the steady-state temperature