Clerk - Puducherry Judicial Recruitment

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NOTIFICATION No. 50/2024 DATED: 24.03.2024

Date of Notification 24.03.2024

Last date for submission of Application Form through offline 23.04.2024

mode and for remittance of Examination Fee.

[Payments to be made only through Demand Draft (D.D.)

The D.D. should be drawn in favour of Registrar General,
High Court, Madras, payable at Chennai and should not
be taken before the Date of publication of Notification]

Applications are invited from the eligible Indian Citizens, who are natives of
the Union Territory of Puducherry, (ONLY THROUGH OFFLINE MODE) for
direct recruitment to Group-B (Non-Gazetted) post of Senior Grade Stenographer
and Group-C posts of (1) Junior Grade Stenographer (2) Translator/Interpreter
(3) Junior Clerk (4) Typist (5) Driver and (6) Multi Tasking Staff (General) in the
Puducherry Judicial Subordinate Service covered under Puducherry Judicial
Subordinate Service Rules, 1979 [as amended].
The filled in application form along with requisite self-attested enclosures
CHENNAI – 600104, by clearly superscribing on the envelope cover:
5.45 p.m. on or before 23.04.2024, through registered post/courier. The applications
received after 5.45 p.m. on 23.04.2024 will be rejected.

 (a) All Recruitments by the Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court,
Madras are made purely on merit basis.
 (b) The candidates, in their own interest, are cautioned against touts and
agents who may indulge in cheating by making false promises of
securing appointment through unfair means.
 (c) The Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras, will not be
responsible or liable, in any way, for any loss that may be occasioned to
any applicant, on account of indulging in such activity with such
unscrupulous elements.
 (d) Candidates indulging in unfair means like approaching the
Recruitment body either in person or through anyone for undue favours
will be disqualified from appointment.
 (e) Applicants are solely responsible for sending the filled in application
form. The applicants should exercise due care while sending the filled in
application form to High Court, Madras before the last date. The High
Court, Madras will not be held responsible in the event of non-receipt of
filled in application forms to the High Court, Madras within the
stipulated date and time i.e., 23.04.2024 by 5.45 p.m. Applications
received after the due date and time will not receive any attention and
applications sent through email and given in person will not be
entertained and will be summarily rejected by the Judicial Recruitment
Cell, High Court, Madras. [Therefore, the applicants should exercise due
care while sending the application form]
 (f) The applicants are advised to go through the Notification and
Common Instructions to the Candidates and to check the eligibility
prescribed for each post and on satisfying the eligibility criterion, apply
accordingly. Ineligible candidates/ applicants will be summarily
rejected if he/she does not possess the requisite proof for native of
Puducherry/age/qualifications/claims for exemptions, etc. Admission
to stage(s) of selection is only provisional and subject to the fulfilment of
eligibility criteria as may be decided by the Judicial Recruitment Cell,
High Court, Madras.
Pursuant to the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Renu and others vs.
District and Sessions Judge, Tis Hazari [(2014) 14 SCC 50], the Government of
a Puducherry have issued consent / No objection for creation of the Judicial
Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras for recruitment of staff members to the
Subordinate Judiciary in the Union Territory of Puducherry, vide Letter bearing
No.A.34016/15/2016/DP&AR(Exam)/260, dated 23.01.2019.
The candidates have to download the prescribed Application Form from The duly filled in application shall be submitted with all
the copies of required certificates (self-attested) by REGISTERED
b POST/COURIER on or before 23.04.2024 by 05:45 p.m. to:-
“The Registrar General,
High Court of Madras,

Incomplete and/or defective applications, applications not accompanied by attested

copies of certificates, applications received without demand draft and the
applications received after due date and time will not be considered on any ground,
including postal delay.
The ‘Common Instructions to the Candidates applying for the posts of Senior
Grade Stenographer, Junior Grade Stenographer, Translator/Interpreter,
Junior Clerk, Typist, Driver and Multi Tasking Staff (General) in the
Puducherry Judicial Subordinate Service’ (hereinafter referred to as the
c ‘Instructions to the Candidates’) available in the website shall form part of this
Notification. Before filling the Application Form (offline), the applicants are
advised to go through the ‘Notification’ and the above said ‘Common
Instructions to the Candidates’ available in the website thoroughly and carefully
and shall ensure that they fulfill all the required qualifications and not disqualified
from appointment.
If the candidate had applied for the posts by suppressing / providing wrong
information, he/she will be disqualified from participating in the selection process
d at any stage and after selection, if the same is found, his / her
participation/continuation in selection process/appointment/employment is subject
to the decision to be taken by the Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras.
In the case of candidates who have applied for all the posts notified/more than one
e post notified, and if they are selected for all/more than one post (as per merit and
communal roster), their candidature will be considered in the order of posts
notified above. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
After such final selection of the candidates as per merit and communal roster for
the posts notified, the Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras will send
f such list of selected candidates to the Selection Committee constituted under
Rule 13 of the Puducherry Judicial Subordinate Service Rules, 1979 for issuing
necessary orders of appointment.
Persons with Benchmark Disability, on their selection, should submit a Certificate
from the Medical Officer of a Government Hospital, specifying the nature of
physical disability and further certifying that the physical disability is not one
g which would render the applicant incapable of efficiently discharging his / her
duties. He/ she should also satisfy the Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court,
Madras that his/ her disability will not affect the effective discharge of his/ her
Applicants i.e. Persons with Benchmark Disability, who are desirous to have scribe
h (either on their own or through Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras),
should clearly indicate about the choice of scribe in the application itself.
Persons with Benchmark Disability, who are availing the services of the scribe are
advised to fill in the Annexure V (while sending the filled in application form) and
i Annexure VI (to be produced at the time of examination) of the Instructions to the
The candidates who have opted for scribe facility from the Recruitment Cell, High
Court, Madras need not fill the Annexure –VI.


Sl. Name of the Post Scale of Pay No. of Vertical Reservation
No. (in Rs.) and Posts
Level in the




Pay Matrix



1. Senior Grade 35400 6 3 1 1* 1 - - - - -
Stenographer (Level 6)
(Group-B post)
(Non-Gazetted post)
2. Junior Grade 25500 (Level 9 4 2 1 1 - - - - 1
Stenographer 4)
(Group-C post)
3. Translator/Interpreter 25500 2& 2 - - - - - - - -
(Group-C post) (Level 4)

4. Junior Clerk 19900 23**#$ 10 4 2 3 1 1 - - 2

(Group-C post) (Level 2)
5. Typist 19900 13@ 6 2 2 2 - - - - 1
(Group-C post) (Level 2)
6. Driver 19900 1 - - - 1 - - - - -
(Group-C post) (Level 2)
7. MTS (General) 18000 20 8 3 2 2 1 1 1 - 2
(Group-C post) (Level 1)
TOTAL 74 33 12 8 10 2 2 1 - 6

*Candidates applying for the post of Senior Grade Stenographer (Group – B
post) under MBC/EBC/BCM/BT category will be considered under OBC
[As per G.O.Ms.No.47/2005/Wel(SW II) Chief Secretariat (Welfare), Puducherry,
dated 17.10.2005 issued by the Government of Puducherry]
1 post is reserved for Meritorious Sports Person
1 post is reserved for Persons with Disability
2 posts are reserved for Ex-servicemen
1 post is reserved for Ex-servicemen
2 posts are reserved for Yanam and Mahe
UR-Un-reserved; SC-Scheduled Castes; ST-Scheduled Tribes; BT-Backward Tribes;
MBC- Most Backward Classes; OBC-Other Backward Classes; BCM-Backward
Class Muslims; EBC-Extreme Backward Classes; EWS-Economically Weaker
Sections; PwD- Persons with Disability; XSM- Ex-Servicemen; MSP- Meritorious
Sports Person.

The number of vacancies advertised for all the posts are only approximate
and are liable to be increased or decreased with reference to vacancy position at
any time before finalisation of selection.

3. AGE (As on 01.01.2024):

Minimum Age Maximum Age

Category of Applicant (should have (should not have
completed) completed)
1. For Scheduled Castes / 35 + 2* years
Scheduled Tribes
18 years
2 For MBC/ OBC / EBC / BT/ BCM 33 + 2* years

3 For Others [i.e., Applicants not 30 + 2* years

belonging to SC / ST / MBC/ OBC /

*As per G.O.Ms. No.50, Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms
(Personnel Wing), Puducherry, dated 29.07.2022, two years age relaxation to Upper
Age Limit is given as a onetime measure.
Applicants should not have born after 01.01.2006 and should not have born
(a) 01.01.1987 In case of applicants belonging to SC / ST
(b) 01.01.1989 In case of applicants belonging to MBC/ OBC / EBC /
(c) 01.01.1992 In case of ‘Others’ (Unreserved applicants/EWS) i.e.,
applicants not belonging to SC/ST/ BT /MBC/ OBC /

“Age relaxation will be allowed only to the candidates belonging to the
category for which vacancy has been notified under vertical reservation for the
respective post. Candidates belonging to the category for which vertical
reservation is not allowed will be considered only under UR category and they
could not avail any age relaxation”.

However, the upper age limit, mentioned above, is further relaxable for the
following category of applicants:

Permissible Age-relaxation
(Refer: OM No.15012/2/2010-
Estt.(D), Government of India,
Sl. Category of Applicant Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel &
Training), dated 27.3.2012)
10 years (In respect of reserved
applicants, over and above the
admissible relaxation of 5 years for
SC/ST and 3 years for

Further, in case of a PwD, by virtue

1 Persons with Disabilities
of being an employee of Government/
PSU/Autonomous body under the
Government, concession to him/her
will be admissible either as a ‘Person
with Disability’ or as a Government
Employee, whichever may be more
beneficial to him/her.

3 years for

Defence Personnel disabled in 8[3+5] years for SC/ST applicants.

operation during hostilities with
any foreign country or in a
disturbed area and released as a [subject to the condition as mentioned in
consequence thereof O.M. No.15012/2/2010-Estt.(D),
Government of India, Ministry of
Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pensions (Department of Personnel &
Training), dated 27.3.2012]
Ex-servicemen who are
Commissioned Officers
including ECOs/SSCOs who
have rendered at least 5 years of
military service and have been 5 years for UR/EWS/
released on completion of MBC/OBC/EBC/BCM/BT/SC/ST
assignment [including the applicants.
persons whose assignment is due
to be completed within 6 months]
otherwise than by way of
dismissal or discharge on account

of physical disability attributable

to military service or on
In-service officials (i) Upto 40 years of age for
(Employees working in UR/EWS/MBC/OBC/EBC/BCM/BT
Govt./PSU/ Autonomous body category applicants.
under the Government who have
4 rendered not less than 3 years (ii) Upto 45 years of age for SC/ST
regular and continuous service applicants.
and who are in the same line or
allied cadres as on the last date for
submission of application

(i) Upto 35 years of age for UR/EWS/

Widows / Divorced Women / MBC/OBC/EBC/BCM/BT category
5 Women Judicially separated from applicants.
their husbands and who are not (ii) Upto 40 years for SC/ST applicants.

6 Ex-Servicemen Period of Military service plus 3

(XSM) Years
(i) Upto 5 years of age for UR/EWS/
7 category applicants.
Meritorious Sportspersons (ii) Upto 10 years for SC/ST applicants.

Note 1:
The permissible age relaxation for the categories of Applicant mentioned above
under Sl.Nos.1,2,3 & 6 are specifically applicable for the posts of Junior Clerk and
Typist only.

Note 2:
The age relaxation for reserved category applicants is admissible only in the
case of vacancies being reserved for such categories. The reserved category
applicants, who apply against unreserved vacancies, will get age relaxation to the
extent it is available to UR category applicants (where no vacancies are reserved for
such reserved categories).


Sl. Name of the Educational Technical Qualification

No. post Qualification
1. Senior Grade Degree of a recognised Pass in the following subjects
Stenographer University conducted by State Board of
Examination/Board of Technical
Examination/Board of Technical
Education and Training recognised by
Government of Puducherry
(i) Stenography Lower/ Junior
Grade (English)
(ii) Typewriting Higher/ Senior
Grade (English)
(iii)Typewriting Lower/ Junior
Grade in Tamil or Malayalam
or Telugu.

2. Junior Grade A pass in Higher Pass in the following subjects

Stenographer Secondary Course conducted by State Board of
(12th class) or equivalent Examination/ Board of Technical
from a recognised Board / Examination/Board of Technical
University Education and Training recognised by
Government of Puducherry:
(i) Stenography Lower/ Junior
Grade (English)
(ii) Typewriting Higher/ Senior
Grade (English)
(iii) Typewriting Lower/ Junior
Grade in Tamil or Malayalam
or Telugu

Sl. Name of the Educational Technical Qualification

No. post Qualification
3. Translator/ A Degree with
Interpreter Telugu/Malayalam NIL
language as the main
subject of a recognised
Note: i) The persons who
Telugu/Malayalam as one
of the subjects in
SSLC/HSC/Degree or
studied in
Medium of Instruction
either upto
SSLC/HSC/Degree can
also apply. In the final
selection, if all other
aspects are equal, the
person who studied
degree with
language as the main
subject of a recognised
University will be given
Note: ii) Must possess
adequate knowledge to
read, write and speak in
English and
4. Junior Clerk A pass in Higher A pass in Typewriting Lower/Junior
Secondary Course Grade Examination in English or
(12th class) or equivalent Tamil or Malayalam or Telugu
from a recognised Board / conducted by the Government/Board
University of Technical Education.

5. Typist A pass in Higher Pass in the following subjects

Secondary Course conducted by State Board of
(12th class) or equivalent Examination/Board of Technical
from a recognised Board /
(i) Typewriting Lower/Junior Grade
(English) and
(ii) Typewriting Lower/Junior Grade
in Tamil/Telugu/Malayalam.

Sl. Name of the Educational Technical Qualification

No. post Qualification
6. Driver A pass in VIII standard (i) Should possess a valid Light Motor
Vehicle Driving Licence.
(ii) A pass in the competency test in
driving and the medical test to be
conducted by the Government.

7. Multi Tasking A pass in SSLC or its

Staff equivalent from a NIL
(General) recognised Board of


Widows/divorced women/women judicially separated from their husbands

and who are not remarried cannot seek exemption/relaxation in Educational


For the
For the posts of Senior
Grade Stenographer,
of Driver &
Junior Grade
Category Stenographer, Junior
No. (General)
& Typist
(i) UR/ EWS/ MBC/ OBC/ BT/ BCM/ Rs.750/- for each post Rs.500/-
EBC applicants for each post

(ii) Women applicants and applicants

belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC),
Scheduled Tribes (ST), Persons with
Disabilities (PwD) [For Differently
Abled Persons, the disability should be Total
not less than 40% (Benchmark Exemption
Disabilities)] and Ex-servicemen


Persons claiming age and fee concession referred to above and other claims
including communal reservation and priority categories made in the offline
application, shall possess valid certificates issued by the Competent Authority on
(a) the date of Notification. The applications of the candidates without such enclosed
certificates (which are mandatory corresponding to their claims) will be summarily
rejected. They shall also submit the originals of such certificates, for verification,
as and when called for, otherwise, their applications will be rejected at any stage
of selection and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
(b) The application of the candidate, who makes false claim for fee concession,
reservation and age relaxation, will be rejected at any stage of selection.
(c) The fees once paid will neither be refunded to the applicants under any
circumstances nor adjusted towards any other selection or to other applicant.
If a candidate fails to upload the required documents within 72 hours of intimation
(d) to produce the requisite certificates, he/ she shall not be entitled for any further
extension of time to produce the same and his / her claim based on such document
shall not be entertained.
Sl. Name of the Categories of suitable Functional Physical
No. Post Physical Disabilities Classification Requirements

1. Senior Grade a) Blindness, Low vision a) B, LV S – Sitting,

Stenographer b) Deaf, Hard of Hearing b) D, HH ST- Standing,
c) One Arm, One Leg, One c) OA, OL, W – Walking,
Arm and One Leg, Both OAL, BL, CP, SE – Seeing,
Legs, Cerebral Palsy, LC, Dw, AAV RW – Reading and
Leprosy cured, Dwarfism, d) ASD, SLD, Writing,
Acid attack victim MI H – Hearing,
d) Autism Specific Disorder, e) MD involving C - Communication
Specific Learning a) to d)
Disability, Mental Illness
e) Multiple Disabilities
involving a) to d) above
2. Junior Grade a) Blindness, Low vision a) B, LV S – Sitting,
Stenographer b) Hard of Hearing b) HH ST- Standing,
c) One Arm, One Leg, One c) OA, OL, W – Walking,
Arm and One Leg, Both OAL, BL, CP, MF – Manipulation of
Legs, Cerebral Palsy, LC, Dw, AAV Fingers,
Leprosy cured, Dwarfism, d) ASD (M), SE – Seeing,
Acid attack victim SLD, MI RW – Reading and
d) Autism Specific Disorder e) MD involving Writing,
(mild), Specific Learning a) to d) above H – Hearing,
Disability, Mental Illness C – Communication
e) Multiple Disabilities
involving a) to d) above

Sl. Name of the Categories of suitable Functional Physical

No. Post Physical Disabilities Classification Requirements

3. Translator/ a) One Arm a) OA S – Sitting,

Interpreter b) One Leg b) OL ST- Standing,
c) One Arm and One Leg c) OAL W- Writing,
d) Both Legs d) BL SE – Seeing,
e) Blind and Low Vision e) B, LV RW – Reading and
f) Hard of Hearing f) HH Writing,
H- Hearing,

4. Junior Clerk a) Blindness, Low vision a) B, LV S – Sitting,

b) One Arm, One Leg, Both b) OA, OL, ST- Standing,
Legs, Cerebral Palsy, OAL, CP, LC, W – Walking,
Leprosy cured, Dwarfism, Dw, AAV, MF – Manipulation of
Acid attack victim, MDy Fingers,
Muscular Dystrophy c) ASD (M), SE – Seeing,
c) Autism Specific Disorder SLD, MI H- Hearing
(mild), Specific Learning d) MD involving
Disability, Mental Illness a) to d) above
d) Multiple Disabilities
involving a) to d) above

5. Typist a) Blindness, Low vision a) B, LV S – Sitting,

b) Deaf, Hard of Hearing b) D, HH ST- Standing,
c) One Arm, Both Arms, One c) OA, BA OL, W – Walking,
Leg, One Arm and One OAL, BL, CP, L- Lifting,
Leg, Both Legs, Cerebral LC, Dw, MF – Manipulation of
Palsy, Leprosy cured, AAV, MDy Fingers,
Dwarfism, Acid attack d) ASD (M, SE – Seeing,
victim, Muscular Dystrophy MoD), ID, RW – Reading and
d) Autism Specific Disorder SLD, MI Writing,
(Mild, Moderate), e) MD involving H – Hearing,
Intellectual Disability, a) to d) above C – Communication
Specific Learning
Disability, Mental Illness
e) Multiple Disabilities
involving a) to d) above

6. Driver a) Deaf, Hard of Hearing a) D, HH S – Sitting,

b) One Leg, Leprosy cured, b) OL, LC, Dw, ST- Standing,
Dwarfism, Acid attack AAV W – Walking,
victim c) ASD (M), MF – Manipulation of
c) Autism Specific Disorder SLD Fingers,
(Mild), Specific Learning d) MD involving BN – Bending,
Disability a) to c) above
d) Multiple Disabilities
involving a) to c) above

Sl. Name of the Categories of suitable Functional Physical

No. Post Physical Disabilities Classification Requirements
7. Multi Tasking a) Blindness, Low vision a) B, LV S – Sitting,
Staff (General) b) Deaf, Hard of Hearing b) D, HH ST- Standing,
c) One Arm, Both Arms, One c) OA, BA OL, BN – Bending,
Leg, One Arm and One OAL, BL, CP, W – Walking,
Leg, Both Legs, Cerebral LC, Dw,, SE – Seeing,
Palsy, Leprosy cured, AAV, MDy
RW – Reading and
Dwarfism, Acid attack d) ASD (M),
victim, Muscular Dystrophy SLD, MI Writing,
d) Autism Specific Disorder e) MD involving H – Hearing,
(Mild), Specific Learning a) to d) above C - Communication
Disability, Mental Illness
e) Multiple Disabilities
involving a) to d) above


The selected candidates will be posted in any Court in the Union Territory of
Puducherry and are liable to be transferred from the office of one Court to the office
of another Court, depending on the administrative needs and exigencies at any time.

a) A Common Written Examination will be conducted for the posts of Senior Grade
Stenographer and Translator/ Interpreter (Degree Standard)
b) A Common Written Examination will be conducted for the posts of Junior Grade
Stenographer, Junior Clerk and Typist (HSC Standard)
c) A Written Examination will be conducted for Multi Tasking Staff (General)
(SSLC Standard)
d) A Written Examination will be conducted for Driver (VIII Standard)
(a) The Common Written Examination will consist of 100 multiple choice
questions (objective type) to be answered in OMR Answer Sheet. Each
question will carry one mark. Duration: 120 Minutes. The question paper will
consist of:

(I) (i) General English Minimum Qualifying Marks:

(ii) General Knowledge 40 marks
(iii) Numerical and Mental Ability
(iv) Analytical and Reasoning Skills
(v) General Intelligence
(vi) Basic knowledge in Computers
(In all, for 100 Marks)
(Degree Standard)

(b) The candidates who are shortlisted in the Common Written

Examination will be called for Skill Test viz.
(Maximum Marks: 100) (Minimum qualifying marks: 38.5):
Method of Skill Test Marks (Total: 100 marks)
Taking down dictation of a passage in 90 Marks
English for 7 minutes @ 80 wpm. (for Transcription)
(Transcription time is 45 minutes for (Minimum pass mark: 35)
typing in computer and submitting the +
printout of the same). 10 Marks
(for shorthand outline)
(Minimum pass mark: 3.5)
(i) Deduction of marks for Mistakes:
(a) Full Mistake - 1 Mark
(b) Half Mistake - 0.5 Mark
Meaning of ‘Full Mistake’:
(1) Wrong transcription of a word or words (each).
(2) Omission of a word other than article (However, in the
case of continuous omission, articles will be treated as
individual word only)
(3) Commission of word (each)
(4) Wrong spelling which conveys different meaning.
Meaning of ‘Half Mistake’:-
(1) Spelling Mistakes
(2) Interchange of article (for ‘a’ if ‘the’ is written)
(3) Singular / Plural mistakes where it ends with ‘is’ or ‘es’
(4) Omission of a full stop.
(5) Placement of a full stop in unwanted place
(6) Capital letters not properly placed (in respect of proper
(7) Tense mistakes (like ‘did’ instead of ‘do’ or ‘doing’,
(8) Omission of articles, addition of articles, inter-change of
(ii) Mistakes which are ignored (for which no marks will be
(1) Failure to make out paragraph.
Punctuation marks other than full stop.


(Maximum Marks: 50 marks ; Duration: 120 Minutes)
(Minimum Qualifying Marks: 20 marks)
An English Language Proficiency Test will be conducted in
Descriptive Type.
Syllabus: (Degree Standard)
(i) Idioms and Phrases
(ii) Essay Writing on general topics
(iii) Letter writing
(iv) Developing the hints

a) The Common Written Examination will consist of 100 multiple choice
questions (objective type) to be answered in OMR Answer Sheet.
Each question will carry one mark. Duration: 120 Minutes. The
question paper will consist of:
(I) (i) General English Minimum Qualifying
(ii) General Knowledge Marks:40 marks
(iii) Numerical and Mental Ability
(iv) Analytical and Reasoning Skills
(v) General Intelligence
(vi) Basic knowledge in Computers
(In all, for 100 Marks)
(Degree Standard)

b) The candidates who are shortlisted in the Common Written

Examination will be called for Skill Test viz.

(Maximum Marks: 100 marks ; Duration: 120 Minutes)
(Minimum Qualifying Marks: 40 marks)
Skill Test for the shortlisted candidates will be set to assess the
ability/ eloquence/ knowledge in translation from English to
Telugu/Malayalam and the candidates have to translate the given
passage from English to Telugu/Malayalam and vice versa.


a) The Common Written Examination will consist of 100 multiple
choice questions (objective type) to be answered in OMR Answer
Sheet. Each question will carry one mark. Duration: 120 Minutes.
The question paper will consist of:
(I) (i) General English Minimum Qualifying
(ii) General Knowledge Marks: 40 marks
(iii) Numerical and Mental Ability
(iv) Analytical and Reasoning Skills
(v) General Intelligence
(vi) Basic knowledge in Computers
(In all, for 100 Marks)
(HSC Standard)
b) The candidates who are shortlisted in the Common Written
Examination will be called for Skill Test viz.
(Maximum Marks: 100) (Minimum qualifying marks: 38.5):
Method of Skill Test Marks (Total: 100 marks)
Taking down dictation of a passage in 90 Marks
English for 7 minutes @ 80 wpm. (for Transcription)
(Transcription time is 45 minutes for (Minimum pass mark: 35)
typing in computer and submitting +
the printout of the same). 10 Marks
(for shorthand outline)
(Minimum pass mark: 3.5)
(i) Deduction of marks for Mistakes:

(b)Full Mistake - 1 Mark

(c) Half Mistake - 0.5 Mark
Meaning of ‘Full Mistake’:
(1) Wrong transcription of a word or words (each).
(2) Omission of word other than article (However, in the case
of continuous omission, articles will be treated as individual
word only)
(3) Commission of word (each)
(4) Wrong spelling which conveys different meaning.

Meaning of ‘Half Mistake’:-

(1) Spelling Mistakes
(2) Interchange of article (for ‘a’ if ‘the’ is written)
(3) Singular / Plural mistakes where it ends with ‘is’ or ‘es’
(4) Omission of a full stop.
(5) Placement of a full stop in unwanted place
(6) Capital letters not properly placed (in respect of proper nouns)
(7) Tense mistakes (like ‘did’ instead of ‘do’ or ‘doing’, etc)
(8) Omission of articles, addition of articles, inter-change of articles.
(ii) Mistakes which are ignored (for which no marks will be deducted):-
(1) Failure to make out paragraph.
Punctuation marks other than full stop.
MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 marks
The Written Examination will consist of 100 multiple choice questions (objective
type) to be answered in OMR Answer Sheet. Each question will carry one mark.
Duration: 120 Minutes. The question paper will consist of:

(I) (i) General English Minimum Qualifying

(ii) General Knowledge Marks: 40 marks
(iii) Numerical and Mental Ability
(iv) Analytical and Reasoning Skills
(v) General Intelligence
(vi) Basic knowledge in Computers
(In all, for 100 Marks)
(HSC Standard)
b) SKILL TEST FOR THE POST OF TYPIST: The candidates who are
shortlisted in the Common Written Examination will be called for Skill
Test viz.
Maximum Marks: 100 marks (Minimum qualifying marks: 40)
Method of Skill Test Marks (Total: 100 marks)
Typing a passage in English for 10 Max Time : 10 mts.
minutes @ 30 wpm. Typing speed will
be assessed in computer and the
candidates will be required to type in
computer and typewriter will not be
Note: There will be no Skill Test for the post of Junior Clerk.


MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 marks
The Written Examination will consist of 100 multiple choice questions
(objective type) to be answered in OMR Answer Sheet. Each question will carry
one mark. Duration: 120 Minutes. The question paper will consist of:

(I) General knowledge, General Awareness, Driving Minimum Qualifying

Marks: 40 marks
theory, pre-driving checks, zone of vision, priority
for certain vehicles, traffic education, vehicle
mechanism and repairs, good qualities of driver,
numerical and reasoning ability, driving skills and
driving sense, first aid, emergency care etc.
(For 100 marks)
(VIII Standard)

b) SKILL TEST: (Maximum 100 Marks)

(Minimum qualifying mark: 40 marks)
The candidates who are shortlisted in the Written Examination,

will be called for Skill Test to test their driving skill knowledge in

driving theory, pre-driving checks, zone of vision, priority for certain

vehicles, traffic education, vehicle mechanism and repairs, good

qualities of driver, driving skills, first aid, emergency care, general

manner and attitude.



(Maximum marks: 100 marks)
The written examination will consist of 100 multiple choice questions
(objective type) to be answered in OMR Answer Sheet. Each question will
carry one Mark. Duration: 120 minutes. The question paper will consist of:
(I) General knowledge including current Minimum
affairs, basic arithmetic abilities and Qualifying Marks:
knowledge in house-keeping, hygiene, 40 marks
food and beverage service, food
production, traffic signs, traffic rules,
office maintenance, office well keeping,
office articles / equipments maintenance
(For 100 marks)
(SSLC Standard)

b) SKILL TEST (70 Marks) (Minimum qualifying mark: 21 marks):

The candidates who are shortlisted in the written examination will

be called for Skill test, to test their knowledge in office maintenance,
house-keeping, hygiene, house-hold articles maintenance, other house-
hold duties including food production, cooking, cleaning, food and
beverage service, gardening skills, water conservation, basic principles of
guarding a house/office etc.
 If the number of vacancies notified for a post are five and above, the
candidates for Skill Test will be shortlisted from among the qualified
candidates in the Written Examination, as per merit, based on the marks
secured by them in the Written Examination, in the ratio of 1:2 or such
number as may be decided by the Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court,
Madras, following the rule of reservation, for each category of post
 If the number of vacancies notified for a post are four and below, the
candidates for Skill Test will be shortlisted from among the qualified
candidates in the Written Examination, as per merit, based on the marks
secured by them in the Written Examination, in the ratio of 1:3 or such
number as may be decided by the Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court,
Madras, following the rule of reservation, for each category of post

 However, in each reservation group (including General Turn), all the
candidates, who secure the same mark as that of the cut-off mark for their
reservation group, will be admitted to the Skill Test. Therefore, mere
securing the minimum qualifying mark in the Written Examination will
not confer any right on the candidate to get qualified for the Skill Test.
 Any representation from candidates for changing the date of Examination/
Selection process, change of examination centre, relaxation of conditions
mentioned in the Notification or exam related direction or guidelines or
minimum marks or qualification/requirement etc. or for revaluation/
re-totalling will not be entertained, under any circumstances.
(i) The questions in Common Written Examination will be set in English
Language for the posts of Senior Grade Stenographer, Junior Grade
Stenographer, Translator/ Interpreter, Junior Clerk and Typist.
(ii) The questions in Written Examination will be set in bilingual (i.e., Tamil and
English Language) for the posts of Driver and Multi Tasking Staff (General).
(iii) Marks secured in Common Written Examination will be considered for
shortlisting the candidates for next phase of selection i.e. Skill Test.
Candidates will be shortlisted based on the marks obtained in the Written
Examination/ Common Written Examination by following rule of reservation
applicable to the Puducherry Judicial Subordinate Service.
(iv) The Skill Test conducted for the posts of Senior Grade Stenographer, Junior
Grade Stenographer, Translator/ Interpreter, Typist, Driver and Multi
Tasking Staff is qualifying in nature only. The candidate has to secure
minimum qualifying marks in the Skill Test. The candidates who do not
qualify in Skill Test will not be included for next phase of selection.
(v) At the time of Skill Test, certificate verification will be done.
(vi) The method of Skill Test and date will be intimated to the eligible candidates
in the Recruitment Portal of Madras High Court. The venue for Skill test will
be at Puducherry or any other place as decided by the Judicial Recruitment
Cell, High Court, Madras.
(vii) The candidates for Skill Test will be shortlisted based on merit in the written
examination, in the ratio as may be decided by the Judicial Recruitment Cell,
High Court, Madras, following the rule of reservation. However, in each
reservation group, all the candidates, who secure the same mark as that of the
cut-off mark for their reservation group, will be admitted to the Skill Test.
Therefore, mere securing the minimum qualifying mark in the written

examination will not confer any right on the candidate to get qualified for the
skill test.


Evaluation of Typing Test papers will be done as per the Scheme of
Valuation for Typewriting issued by the Directorate of Technical Education,
Tamil Nadu or approved by the Government of Puducherry.


For Certificate Verification, the candidates will be shortlisted in the ratio

of 1:2 or such number as may be decided by Judicial Recruitment Cell, High
Court, Madras for the post of Junior Clerk corresponding to the number of
vacancies, following the rule of reservation for each post separately from and
out of the qualified candidates i.e., in Written Examination as per merit.


After completion of Certificate Verification, selection of candidates will
be made on the basis of marks secured by the candidates in the Written
Examination as per merit by following the Rule of Reservation.
The marks obtained in the Skill Test will be only of qualifying
nature and not considered for preparation of Merit list.


(a) The Written/ Common Written Examination will be held at Puducherry
and/or any other place as may be decided by the Judicial Recruitment
Cell, High Court, Madras. Request for change of venue will not be
entertained under any circumstances.
(b) After written examination, the Skill Test will be held at Puducherry
and/or any other place as may be decided by the Judicial Recruitment
Cell, High Court, Madras; and the dates of the Skill Test will be
intimated to the eligible candidates, in due course in the Recruitment
Portal of the High Court, Madras.
(c) No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates to appear for the Written
Examination / Skill Test.


The information regarding the examination will be intimated through

the official website of the Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras in due course besides sending an information in
this regard to the Registered Mobile Number of the candidate and no
personal intimation through post/courier will be sent to the candidates.
Therefore, the candidates are strictly advised to follow the information in
the official website of the Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court, Madras
and they have to download the Call letter or intimation letter as the case may
be, from the official website of the Judicial Recruitment Cell, High Court,
Madras, to appear for the examination.

The results published through website are provisional only. The
Registry is not responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in
the data/ results being published on the website. This is being published on
the website just for immediate information to the candidates. Only, the final
mark should be treated as authentic and final in this regard.

DATE: 24.03.2024

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