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a^o aiiaai'S! fta (af^ aftft ^) ailftaia aft ailftaia <ft ft ici' 1 ift'aPiai
ato oijfftei /'^aftt aa afta ana-a^a aaat (ftaj/aiafta
aiasfta^aeiT atf/aiff el ^iaci/aa5a)
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* /ara^ ■^aiar ^ara a5t aar ^f, w la? ar ta^ ^ war aa ara f^ia aa ^/aia^a
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7 aR atl^iapJt wft t eft aar aanfr sff^rf^ 1950 (1950 w 1) aft aiat 2
3tt§taif^ aieff aa st^cH i^ aai I (aat^ ^ ^iteiar ^ sttaia ^ aaiaaa ft
aft afpft ailla) I
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aaafft^ ft fw a^ f, ff ftft aafaa atiaaaft afta tftaam f 3T^ ?ai o
amrn?^ ^ 1 10 001
Election Commission ofIndia
I he Picsidcnt,
lanta Samta Partj,
Villagc-Dumn 1 khalas
P O -I Ictimpui 1 hana-R inipui Karkhana,
lehsil & Disliicl-Dcona,
Uttar Pradesh- 274206
Subject - "lanta Samla Party" Rcgistiation undci Section 29A of the Rcpicscnlation
o! the People Acl 1951 as a political pail> Regaioing
I am diiceted to state that the 1 lection C oiiimission ol India altei having eonsideied
yoLii application dated 14 11 2019 foi registiation ol "Janta Sarata Party" as a political
pait> and the documents piodueed in suppoit of the statcments/dverments made/contained in
the said application and the submissions made by authon/ed rcprescntativc(s) of the paity on
20 04 2021 in respect ol the said application and having noted that no objection has been
filed by anvone to the registration ol the Party under the said name in lesponse to tne Puoiie
Notice published by <h~ ..ppti«ariT-MA4ttMTCWTpiaj7cr5~haS icgistereu thcr"janfa Samt i Party"
as a political party undei Section 29A of the Repicsentation of the People Act, 1951 on and
with effect fiom 20 04 2021
4 11 iTid> be noted that the registration will not entitle the party to the leservation
of any exelusive symbol for it 1 he candidates duly set up b\ the party at an election will be
entitled to benefits ol prcfcrenee in allotment of free symbols over independent candidates
under paragraph 12 ol the 1 lection Symbols (Reservation & Allotment) Order, 1968
1 lowever, under the provisions of paiagraph lOB of the Symbols Order, the candidates set up
by a registered un-reeogm/ed political party contesting from a minimum of 5% of the seats,
at a general election to the 1 cgislativc Assembly of a State oi to the House of the People,
may be allotted a common symbol from the list of free symbols, provided the Party lulfills
each ol conditions mentioned m the said PaiadOB -
5 As per the provisions ol Section 29B and 29C ol the Representation of the
People Act, 1951 (dealing with contribution to political parties) the party is required to
submit to the Commission a leport ol contribution received in excess of Rs 20,000/- in a
fmaiieiai yea- in u e loi.nai m i onn 2'4A appenued to ifie Conaucl ol 1 lections Rules, I96i
In such report, the party has to mention the Permanent Account Number(PAN)of the party
1 hereforc, you are advised to obtain Permanent Account Number (PAN) in respect of the
party and inform the details of the same to the Commission within six months of the
Yours faithfully,
h 56/304/2019/PPS-I Dated 26'" April, 2021
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