Sa206 - Biedaalt1

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HW09D005 HW09D011 HW09D025 HW09D034 HW09D319 HW10D011 HW10D037 HW10D114 HW10D124 HW10D217 HW10D221 HW10D226 HW10D232 HW10D241 HW10D313

HW10D332 PT10D001 SW08D032 SW08D218 SW08D415 SW09D098 SW09D213 HW07D063 HW08D325 HW09D142 HW09D244 HW09D406 HW10D148 HW10D207 HW10D227 SW08D069 SW09D017 SW09D028 SW09D031 SW09D036 SW09D045 SW09D046 SW09D068 SW09D101 SW09D102 SW09D104 SW09D106 SW09D228 SW06D326

Khatanbaatar Tuvshintugs Erdenebileg Tseveenravdan Chimed-Ochir Khurelsukh Otgonbayar Munkhbayar Dashnyam Namsraikhuu Dashlkhagva Davaajav Nyamsuren Khulan Zoriglon Ankhbayar Ganhuyag Khanddorj Anudari Barkhas Narmandakh Shinebayar Byambatsogt Tserentogtokh Bilguun Turbold Munkh-Erdene Tsend-Ayush Bilguun Munkhtuwshin Tegshbayar Munkhdemberel Adiyakhuu Namjilvaanchig Narankhuu Naranzana Erdenebayar Erdenebold Bat-Erdene Battulga Munkhjargal Bayarsaikhan Ankhtsetseg Bilguun

Batkhuyag Batjargal Baasantogtokh Bat-Ochir Bayarbat Oyungerel Dagvasuren Tuvdendorj Narangerel Lkhagvasuren Baatar Erdenetogtokh Tsogzol Tsogoo Ganbaatar Bilegsaikhan Ganbat Gantugs Enkhbold Enkhbat Maamkhuu Dumaa E B Gantulga Batchuluun Bayarsaikhan Gansukh Enkhbaatar Agwaandorj Munkhbat lhaijav Munkhnast Tsenddogsom Natsagdorj Munkhbaatar Batzorig Ulziidelger Battulga Enkhbaatar Batsaikhan Lkhagvasuren Battulga Jargalsaikhan




HW09D006 HW09D015 HW09D019 HW09D020 HW09D022 HW09D030 HW09D105 HW09D130 HW10D029 HW10D047 HW10D120 HW10D133 HW10D213 HW10D229 HW10D231 HW10D233 HW10D235 SW08D035 SW08D062 SW08D411 SW09D043 SW09D112 SW09D247 SW10D049 SW10D055 HW09D041 HW09D077 HW09D219 HW09D239 HW10D018 HW10D040 HW10D206 HW10D208 HW10D219 HW10D225 HW10D228 HW10D238 HW10D308 HW10D311 PT06D111 PT08D110 SW07D171 SW08D109 SW09D063 SW09D224 SW09D227 SW10D219 HW09D116 HW09D139 HW09D201 HW09D238 HW09D247

Mungunbayar Janibyek Batnasan Sainkhishig Gonchigsuren Munkh-Erdene Janchivlan Demberel Ganchimeg Davaadorj Tsedevsuren Enkhsaikhan Byambajargal Undraa Tumentsetseg Davaanyam Monkhzul Ganzorig Munkhnaran Bolat Munkhbayar Dulguun Baljinnyam Chantsalnorov Tomorbat Orolzod Bat-Amgalan Khishigbat Enkhee Monkh-Erdene Altanshagai Munkhbileg Baynmunkh Dalaihuu Munkhtur Myanganbayar Mendsaihan Nyamsuren Khadbaatar Nomin Ankhbayar Bilguun Bileg-Ochir Enkhtuvshin Battsetseg Mungunchimeg Orgilsuren Mungunshagai Uuganjargal Namuun Dulguun Badam-Ochir

Chinbat Manakhmyet Naidansuren Shirnen Zenemeder Buyantogtokh Batbyamba Byambasuren Davaabayar Batsaikhan Enkhbold Enkhbat Bat-Erdene Ganbaatar Batmunkh Ganbagana Sereeter Batbaatar Chuluunbat Badalkhan Nergui Munkhgerel Otgonsuren Chimeddorj Nasantogtoh Myagmarjav Baatarsuren Munkhtur Batdorj Ayushjav Tsagaanbaatar Ariunbold Battulga Otgon-Erdene Huuhee Byambatsogt Amarjargal Baatar Gansukh Tuul Otgonjargal Bayaraa Ganzorig Ganbold Batbayar Bayanmunkh Otgon Baatar Tserenkhuu Enkhtur Munkhbat Byambasuren

HW10D105 HW10D112 HW10D119 HW10D132 HW10D209 HW10D224 HW10D242 HW10D307 PT07D125 PT08D129 PT09D021 PT10D004 SW08D232 SW09D008 SW09D410 SW10D004 SW10D056 SW10D153 SW10D406 HW08D027 HW09D103 HW10D027 HW10D218 HW10D302 HW10D305 HW10D322 SW09D074 SW09D098 SW09D114 SW09D118 SW09D208 SW09D220 SW09D235 SW09D237 SW09D245 SW09D408 SW09D412 SW10D102 SW10D131 HW09D075 HW09D119 HW09D131 HW09D145 HW10D203 SW09D035 SW09D039 SW09D071 SW09D096 SW09D201 SW09D205 SW09D217 SW09D219

Bayartsogt Delgerbayar Altantogos Tsasanshirheg Sainbileg Bayartsetseg Odgerel Bilguun Tserenkhand Khiimori Sanjaa Bat-Erdene Ganbat Erdene-Ochir Turtulga Batbold Khankhuu Batbyamba Uuriintuya Myagmarsuren Adiya Bold-Erdene Gansuld Choimaa Dorjpurew Enkhtungalag Namsrai Amar Odkhuu Naranbaatar Munkh-Erdene Saranzaya Shijirmaa Chantsalnyamaa Shinekhuu Miyegombo Erdenesukh Munkhdelger Uguumur Munkh-Od Ariunbold Enkhchimeg Gantugs Bilguun Nyambayar Bolortuya Tuvshintur Munkhjargal Undrakh Urangoo Munkhjin Oyunjargal

Byambadorj Lochin Khurelbaatar Jargalsaikhan Munkhnyam Otgonbayar Sainkhuu Tuya Tsogtsaikhan Enkhbold Tsendsuren Batnyam Enkhee Enkhbold Gombosuren Erdenebileg Adiya Batnasan Selenge Tsogtbaatar Battogtokh Altanhuyag Chinzorig Ganbold Basbish Saran Mijiddorj Ganbold Erdenebileg Tsetsgee Ochirkhuree Sharkhuu Tsewgee Munkhzaya Sanjrenchin Battuvshin Otgonbayar Chimedbaljir Oldokh Batdorj Enkhbayar Munkhnasan Battulga Lutbat Dalantai Purevjav Zorigt Dugersuren Bayarsaikhan Erkhembaatar Erdene Davaadorj

SW09D225 Sw09D226 SW09D226 SW09D231 SW09D234 SW09D242 SW09D246 SW10D053 SW10D151 SW09D202 SW09D221 HW08D043 HW08D302 HW08D309 HW10D143 SW10D045 HW10D134 HW10D239 HW10D211 HW10D321 HW09D064 HW10D155 SW09D103 bilguun SW09D100 HW08D103 hw02d079 HW04D078 hw10d009 HW10D244 HW10D400 PT09D004 PT09D005 PT09D006 PT09D008 PT09D009 PT09D011 PT09D015 PT09D019 PT09D020 PT09D022 SW07D073 SW08D050 SW08D243 SW08D402 SW09D047 SW09D069 SW09D222 SW09D229 SW09D244 SW09D404 SW10D129

Sodbileg Tuguldur Ulzii-Erdene Byambatsend Odbayar Urangoo Baasansuren Erkebulan Ankhbayar Ulambayar Gantuya Turbold BATZAN ARIUNJARGAL Gendenjamts Amarsaihan Ganchuluun Munhbileg Altanhuyag Sanchir Zuchi Dolgorsuren Dashdemberel khasbaatar banzragch Dulguun tumenbayar Ariunbold bayasgalan Battur Orgil Ariunzaya Zolzaya Belgutei Tuguldur Naranbaatar Lkhagvadolgor Zoljargal Bilguun Delgermaa Namuuntsetseg Dulguun Adiya Khatanbaatar Ulemj Bazarragchaa Davaasuren Bayarjargal Uugantsetseg Bolortsetseg Batbaatar Altangerel

Erkhembayar Galtbaatar Gombosuren Myagmarjav Bayaraa Dashdavaa Gankhuyag Albi Tsogtbaatar Munkhbayar Ganbaatar Byambaa TUMUR ERDENETSOGT Batbayar Bold Zorigt Bayarmunh Banzragch Purvee Nergui Baljin Enhtogtoh HW10D019 ganhuyag Otgonbaatar battulga Bayarsaikhan oyunbileg Erdenebaatar Ganchimeg Tsendsuren Rentsensambuu Zorigtkhuu Badrakh Avirmed Batchuluun Amgalan Gombosuren Enkhtsogt Otgondavaa Otgon Buyantogtokh Munkh-Ochir Battulga Batjargal Jargalantuul Erdenebat Ganbold Bat-Ochir Burentogtokh Ganbaatar

SW08D042 SW07D114 HW09D040 SW09D105 SW10D123 SW10D405 D.SW10D242 SW07D138 HW09D109 sw10d404 sw05d432 sw10d401 hw10d131 PT01D127 HW09D135 SW10D152 HW10D402 hw09d358 hw10d163 SW10D136 sw10d003 sw10d157 sw10d403 hw10d039 d.pt08d117 HW07D104

ULZIIBAYAR UUGANTSATSRAL Batbileg Munh-Ochir Batgerel Nanjid ariunjargal temuujin Ganbileg Teemuulen Zolbaysgalan amarjargal odbayar ZOLZAYA BAT-ORGIL Gunbileg Buyanbaatar gan-erdene Lkhagvasuren Shinebayar Sanchir nyamdorj ulziiburen nyam-ochir bauirjan Azjargal

BADAMDORJ BUURAL Lkhamsuren Enhbold Altangerel Anhzaya oyunchimeg enhbayar Gantugs Unur-Erdene tserenjav bold bathuu ODKHUU BATBEKH Batbekh Tsolmon ganbold Ganbayar Boldhuyag Davaanym g Dorjpurev b bolat Bilgee

Ack, Acknowledgment Address pool ARP, ARP Table, ARP Cache, Administratively Scoped Address, Limited Scoped Address American National Standart Institude AND, digital logic Applications Asynchronous Transmission Mode, Synchronous Transmission Mode Attenuation Authentication Authoritative Aux port Backoff, Backoff Algorithm Bandwidth, Throughput, Goodput Benchmarks Binary, Binary Values Bit Time, Bits Blog Bridge, Bridge Table, Bridging Broadcast, Broadcast Address, Broadcast Domain, Limited Broadcast Burned-in-address, MAC address, Physical Address, OUI Collision, Collision Avoidance, Collision Domain, Collision Fragment Cache Carrier, Carrier Sense Multiple Access, CSMS/CA, CSMA/CD CCNA, CCNP, CCIE Channel Checksum, CRC Classful Addressing, Classless Addressing Client, Server, Client Server Model Cloud Coxial Code, Code Groups Collaboration tool, Collaborative Command Line Interface Computer Virus, Virus Types Conduit (Cabling) Congestion Console Password, Console Port, Control Data Converge, Converged Network Crosstalk CSU/DSU Daemon Data Collision Data Communication Equipment, Data Terminal Equipment

Data Networks Datagrams Decapsulation, Encapsulation Decoding, Encoding Default Gateway Default Route Denial of Service Destination Address, Destination Deterministic Digital Signatures Directed Broadcast Directly Connected Distributed Information System DNS resolver, Domain name Dotted Decimal, Hexadecimal, Nibble, Octet Download, Upload Dynamic and/or Private Ports, Well-known Ports, Registered Ports DHCP E-mail Client Enable Secret Password, Enable Password Enable Mode Encrypted End Devices, Intermediary Devices End to End, P2P Error recovery EMI Ethernet Crossover, Straight, Rollover Ethernet PHY Expansion Slot Intranet, Extranets FCC Fiber-optics Filtering FIN Firewall Flooding Flow, Flow Control Fragmentation, Fragment Offset Frame Full Duplex, Half Duplex Gbps, Mbps, Kbps Global Configuration Mode Hardware, Hardware Interface Header, Trailer Hierarchical, Hierarchical Addressing Hop, Router Connections, Next Hop Host, Client, Server Host Address, Host Group HTML, HTTP, HTTPS Hashing Algorithm Hub, Switch, Repeater, Bridge Hybrid Fiber Coax

Instant Messagine IEEE Intelligent Devices Interframe Gap International Organization for Standartization ITU Internet, Internetwork IANA Internet Backbone ICMP, PING, TRACERT IETF IP, Packet ISP, Mongolian ISPs IOS, OS Interpret as Command IP address, IPv4, IPv6, Logic Address Latency Layered Model Link-Local Address, Reserved LLC Linux LLC, Data Link Layer, Media Access Layer LAN, MAN, WAN, WLAN, WWAN Logical Topology, Physical Topology Loop Back MAC Table MUA, MTA, MDA, SMTP, POP Manageable Device Manchester Encoding MTU MDI, MDIx Media, Medium Modal Dispersion msb, lsb, MSB, LSB Multicast, Multicast Group, Multicast Client, Unicast, Broadcast, Podcasting Multiplexing, Load Balancing NDP, DTP, STP Network, Network Address NAT Network Baseline, SNMP NIC Network Segment NTP Node, Peer, Port, Interface, Pinouts NRZ NSLOOKUP NVRAM OSI Packet Tracer, Wireshark Pad PAM PDA PDU, Protocol, Protocol Suite

Plug-in Points of Failure Positional Notation POE Prefix Length, Subnet Mask Private Address, Public Address Privileged Executive mode Process Proxy server, Proxy ARP QoS, ToS Query, Request Raceway Redundunt Network Architecture AES Globally Scoped Address MD5 SHA1 Rogue Process DES Round Trip Time Routing Routing Loop Requests for Comments 3DES DSA Resource Record Radix Routing Protocol RAM Transparent bridging Circular Curve Microprocessor Microcontroller Routing Table, Static Route Embedded System Dedicated System Runt Frame Jam Signal Collision Detect IDS SMB Session Signaling Speed Slot Time Frame Gap Electro Magnetic Equipment Raceway (Cabling) Smart Serial Connector Log Server SMTP mail relaying Spam Thicknet, Thinnet

Standard Start of Frame Store and Forward TCP Flags Public Key Encription Stream, Streaming Media Strong Password Protocol Suite Shared Key Encryption TCP-SYN, ACK, FIN Debugging Syntax Source, Source Address, Source Device TCP/IP Breakpoint Teletype Network Service, Telnet Client Application Three Way Handshake Winchester Connector Time to Live Software Token Passing ipconfig, ping, tracert Window Size netstat -a, -s, -e, -n, -r; route print TCP, UDP ARP Poisoning, ARP Spoofing, UTP ARP Request, ARP Reply RTSP, RTTC, RTP RFI URI URL Wireless Technology VLAN Virtual Circuit WWW VTY, VTY Password RIRS Variable Length Subnet Masking VOIP Realtime Web Browser, Web Server Weblog Unix User Executive Mode

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