Lab 3 Graphing Processes Modeled by Exponential Functions
Lab 3 Graphing Processes Modeled by Exponential Functions
Lab 3 Graphing Processes Modeled by Exponential Functions
Save this document to your own computer. As you work through the lab, fill in tables and
copy and paste results from MATLAB as needed.
Many physical processes can be modeled using the exponential function. Some examples
include charging or discharging a capacitor, population growth or decay, heating and cooling,
radioactive decay, and chemical reaction rates.
First order chemical reactions can be modeled using exponential functions. Hydrogen Peroxide
(H2O2) decomposes as a 1st order reaction into water and oxygen gas:
2 H 2 O2 →2 H 2 O+O2
The reaction rate, k, depends on the temperature according to Arrhenius’ Equation (also
k = A e−E / (RT)
1. Assume Ea = 7.5*104 J/mol and A = 1011 s-1. Complete the following table to calculate the
reaction rate for each of the given temperatures. When completed, check your values with
your T.A. The value of k should be calculated to five places behind the decimal point – use
the command format long in MATLAB. Remember e-3t is exp(-3*t) in MATLAB.
Temperature (oF) Temperature (oC) Absolute Temperature (K) Reaction Rate, k (s-1)
50 10 283.15 0.0015
77 25 298.15 0.0072
104 40 313.15 0.0308
Remember in MATLAB, e-3t is entered as exp(-3*t)
You will need to think about a good time range for your plot. A good rule of thumb
is to remember that e-5 is reasonably close to zero.
3. Add the following to your plot then copy and paste your plot into this document.
Label the x-axis as time (s)
Label the y-axis as Concentration (M)
Add a title: Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide
Add a legend that shows the three temperatures in oF
4. Use your plot and the Data Cursor Tool to complete the following table.
B. RC Circuits
The figure below shows a simple RC (Resistor Capacitor) circuit. When the switch is in position
P1, the capacitor will charge at an exponential rate to a voltage equal to the battery voltage (5 V
in this circuit). When the switch is in position P2, the capacitor will discharge at an exponential
rate to 0 V. While the capacitor is discharging, it will act as a temporary battery to light up the
LED (light emitting diode). The time it takes for the capacitor to charge or discharge depends on
the size of the resistors and the capacitor, specifically on the product, RC, referred to as a time
Capacitor Charging
The equation that describes how a capacitor charges over time in an RC circuit is:
−t /τ
V c (t)=E(1−e )
The time constant, τ, is simply the product of the resistance and the capacitance:
τ =R ∙C
τ = RC time constant (s)
R = Resistance in ohms (Ω)
C = Capacitance in farads (F)
1. Calculate the time constant for each of the resistances shown in the table below.
Note: To calculate τ in seconds, capacitance must be in farads (F) and resistance must be in
ohms (Ω). 1 µF = 10-6 F and 1 kΩ = 103 Ω.
Hint: In MATLAB, you can enter the value 4.7*10-6 as 4.7*10^-6 or as 4.7e-6
2. Assume the battery voltage is 5V. On the same graph in MATLAB, plot the capacitor
voltage for all three resistance values. Determine a good time range.
3. Add the following to your plot then copy and paste your plot into this document.
Label the x-axis as time (s)
Label the y-axis as Capacitor Voltage (V)
Add a title: Capacitor Charging in RC Circuit
Add a legend that shows the three resistance values
4. Using the data cursor tool, determine how long it takes the capacitor voltage to reach 63.2%
and 98.2% of its final value (final value is battery voltage). Enter results in the table below:
1. How is the time required to reach 63.2% of the final voltage related to the time constant,
A: the time required to reach 63.2% of the final voltage is equivalent to the time
2. Approximately how many time constants does it take the capacitor to reach 98.2% of its
final voltage?
A: it takes 4.0425 seconds of time constants for the capacitor to reach 98.2% of its final