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PB EG SA VH - Acsomega21
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Figure 1. Representative snapshots of assembled stars. Top row: side view; bottom row: front view. The atoms belonging to the PEO arms are painted
in red and to the PS arms are painted in blue. The o-PEO matrix is omitted for clarity. The numbers at the bottom indicate the average cubic box size for
each system.
simulation method to develop a bottom-up modeling approach driving the self-assembly process, affects the properties of the
to design nanostructured materials, which integrates the features final nanostructured material. Keeping in mind that the number
of mikto-arm stars consisting of structurally and dynamically of arms (functionality f = 2n) and the local environment govern
contrasting polymers. More specifically, we turned our attention the internal nanosegregation,25 functionality is the only tuning
on mikto-arm stars with an equal number of immiscible parameter in the current work. The length of the arms m, the star
polystyrene (PS) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) arms. weight fraction in the oligomeric PEO matrix, and the
Considering the single-star properties, we showed that by temperature are kept constant. In order to partially rule out
attaching immiscible PS and PEO arms into a star-like the effect of the functionality and to consider the self-assembly
architecture, the mikto-arm stars nanosegregate intramolecu- behavior of these systems closely, we also use data from single-
larly into particles with Janus-like, patchy-like, or octopus-like star simulations of analogous stars, introduced in ref 25, as
patterns.25 The rich internal morphology, imposed by the reference systems. In addition, when the piece of information
number of star arms (i.e., functionality f) and/or the given contributes to a better understanding of the problem and helps
environment, earns them a special place in the family of to create a compact picture, we confront the results with our
nanosegregated particles, with a potential to be used as versatile former study on star systems with longer arms in the same
soft building blocks.25 Because of the large difference in the glass selective oligomeric matrix.24 We discuss the self-assembly of the
transition temperatures of the PEO and PS arms (more than 150 stars in a selective medium, their individual conformations in the
K43), nanosegregated domains rich in one of these two self-assembled object, and the dynamical heterogeneities
components exhibit different dynamical behaviors.44 As the stemming from the star-like architecture and the local
arrangement of the domains is constrained by a star-like environment.
architecture, the segmental dynamics of the different compo-
nents, in such a heterogeneous environment, is strongly 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
correlated.44 Highlighting the role of star-like architecture in 2.1. Static Properties. 2.1.1. Self-Assembly Behavior. We
self-assembly processes, we compared (PEO80)8(PS80)8 stars simulated four blends of mikto-arm stars with different
and their linear (PEO80)(PS80) block copolymer analogues, functionalities, f, within a selective homopolymer matrix. More
both blended at the weight fraction 33% with an oligomeric PEO specifically, the blends consisted of 10 (PSm)n(PEOm)n stars,
matrix.24 (PEO80)8(PS80)8 stars with 16 arms and 80 mers per each having n arms of PS and n arms of PEO, where f = 2n. The
arm formed percolated networks, in a qualitative agreement with arms are attached alternately to a dendritic core (see the scheme
an experimental study of similar systems of mikto-arm stars.26 in Figure 9 in Section 4). The length of each arm is m = 40
Following and building up on the abovementioned observa- monomeric units, and we modeled stars with f = 4, 8, 16, and 32.
tions, we focus, in this work, on one complex missing piece of the We use a notation f/m to distinguish the systems, that is, the
puzzle: how the functionality (i.e., the number of arms), in notation 32/40 means a blend of (PS40)16(PEO40)16 stars in an
combination with chemistry-specific interactions, which are oligomeric PEO (o-PEO) host. The oligomeric PEO chains
1139 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c04167
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Figure 2. (a) Schematic illustration of the projection of positions of the atoms on PS arms (blue) in the assembly (front view) in the 8/40 system into
the radial profile. The black dot represents the main axis and the arrow one of the selected distances ra of an atom from the axis. (b) Probability N(ra/
Re(PS)) of finding an atom in the distance ra/Re(PS) from the center of assembly, defined by the main axis of the radius of gyration tensor. Re(PS)
corresponds to the root mean square value of the center-to-end vector of PS arms. The error bars were estimated from the standard block averaging
method analysis.
Table 1. Radii of Gyration of the Stars (Rg), the Root Mean-Squared Values of the Center-to-End Vectors (Re) of the Star Arms,
and Values of the Shape Parameters, Asphericity a and Prolateness p
system Rg (nm) Re(PEO) (nm) Re(PS) (nm) a p
4/40 2.51 ± 0.07 4.2 ± 0.2 3.60 ± 0.06 0.24 ± 0.01 0.4 ± 0.1
8/40 2.71 ± 0.01 4.3 ± 0.1 3.55 ± 0.08 0.105 ± 0.005 0.23 ± 0.02
16/40 2.85 ± 0.02 4.38 ± 0.08 3.49 ± 0.02 0.068 ± 0.006 0.39 ± 0.06
32/40 3.29 ± 0.01 4.91 ± 0.05 3.68 ± 0.04 0.026 ± 0.001 0.14 ± 0.05
consist of 10 monomeric units, and the number of chains in the units. The PEO arms, as expected, are oriented toward the
homopolymer matrix was adjusted in order to have 33% weight polymer matrix, forming “hairs” around the central part of the
fraction of the mikto-arm stars in the blend, for all systems. assembly. Noticeably, the shape of the assembled object
In pursuit of a bottom-up computational design, we use depends on the functionality of mikto-arm stars. Although the
systems consisting of a single star with the same characteristics stars with low functionality (f ≤ 16) form cylindrical objects, the
(i.e., the same f and m) in a box with the PEO matrix as reference mikto-arm stars with f = 32 segregate into a percolated network.
systems. The details about these single-star simulations can be In order to characterize the morphology of the assemblies, we
found elsewhere.25 To avoid confusion, we refer to these systems generate a radial profile of the atoms of PS arms via the following
as “single-star” simulations and to those with 10 stars in a box as procedure: we first calculate the radius of gyration tensor of the
“multiple-star” simulations. In order to get a hint on a possible entire self-assembled object, and then, we define the main axis of
effect of the arm length, we refer, in some occasions, to our the object as the axis corresponding to the vector with the largest
former study on (PEO80)8(PS80)8 stars in the o-PEO host.24 In eigenvalue of the radius of gyration tensor (see the Supporting
such a case, we use the same notation ( f/m) with the Information for details about the radius of gyration tensor).
corresponding reference, that is, 16/80,24 in order to refer the Afterward, we measure all atom distances, ra, for the atoms of PS
reader for further information about properties not presented arms from the main axis of the assembly and analyze their
here. The comparison is always made at the temperature 400 K distribution in radial shells, as it is illustrated in Figure 2a. This
and the same weight fraction of stars of 33%. Moreover, the allows us to project the positions of atoms in the assembly into a
preparation and the used force field in ref 24 are identical with radial 2D profile with the main axis being the central point. The
the present work, ruling out technical details as a source of probability distributions of the rescaled distances N(ra/Re(PS)),
discrepancies. where Re(PS) denotes the (average) magnitude of the center-to-
Representative snapshots from the simulations are displayed end vector of the PS arm, measured from the arm attachment
in Figure 1, where the PS arms are shown in blue and PEO arms point to the arm tip (its values are listed in Table 1), are shown in
are shown in red. For a better visibility, the o-PEO host Figure 2b. The shape of the distributions for the 4/40 and 8/40
molecules were removed. The final morphology of the studied systems, with a final sudden drop, is characteristic for a
polymer material is governed by the mutual interactions among cylindrical-like object, where the atoms are mostly located
the system components. The PS arms in the amphiphilic stars around the main axis and after a certain distance, which would
tend to minimize the number of contacts with the selective (bad correspond to the radius of the cylinder, the probability of
“solvent”) environment, that is, with the PEO arms and the finding an atom drops significantly for larger distances. For both
oligomeric matrix. This tendency leads to the formation of self- 4/40 and 8/40 systems, the sudden decrease in N(ra/Re(PS))
assembled objects, with a central part consisting of PS monomer occurs at around ra ≈ Re(PS); however, the packing of PS arms
1140 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c04167
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Figure 3. Angle distribution for (a) ϕPEO and (b) ϕPS in the simulated systems: 4/40 (red squares), 8/40 (cyan circles), 16/40 (blue triangles), and 32/
40 (magenta diamonds). ϕPEO and ϕPS are angles between the vectors in the nearest neighbor stars; the vectors connect the middle carbon of the star
core and the center-of-mass of the PEO and of the PS component, respectively, as illustrated in the inset. The error bars estimated from the standard
block averaging method analysis are shown as the shaded area.
Figure 4. Local number density ρn(r) for all PEO monomers in the system (i.e., the PEO monomers of the star arms and o-PEO) as a function of the
distance r from (a) the PEO and (b) the PS monomers on the star arms. The symbols correspond to the multiple-star simulations, and the lines
correspond to the single-star simulations. The biggest error bar estimated from the standard block averaging method analysis is shown for 4/40 single-
star simulations. The error bars of the remaining systems are of the order of the symbol size or of the line thickness.
in the cylindrical assembly seems to be more efficient in systems the segregated stars, determine the final morphology of the self-
with f = 8, where the constant value of N(ra/Re(PS)) at distances assembled objects.
ra < 0.7Re(PS) points out to a homogeneous radial profile within To investigate the spatial arrangement of the stars in the
the assembly. The tail in the probability distribution function for assembly, we measure the angle between the vectors connecting
4/40 is caused by a small protrusion in the assembled object, the star centers and the center-of-mass of the given polymer star
which can be spotted by a closer inspection of Figure 1. The component in the nearest neighbor stars. Namely, for each star,
distribution for 16/40 is wider, with a smoother decay, we define a vector Rs = rcm,s − r0, where r0 is the position of the
identifying a cylindrical-like object with either fuzzier borders central carbon atom in the core (black square in Figure 9) and
rcm,s is the position of the center-of-mass of the polymer type s
or with a varying radius. The much more isotropic percolated
(i.e., either PEO or PS). The center-of-mass for each s was found
network formed by the PS arms of mikto-arm stars with f = 32
by including all atoms of the given type in the star, that is, all
gives rise to a stretched distribution, with a nonzero probability atoms of the PEO or PS arms. Then, the angle between the
of finding an atom at distances much larger than the star size (the vectors corresponding to the same polymer type, but lying on
root mean square values of the star radius of gyration are listed in the nearest neighbor stars, was measured, see the inset of Figures
Table 1). When rescaled with the corresponding Re(PS), N(ra/ 3a,b and S1 in the Supporting Information. The normalized
Re(PS)) reported for 16/80 mikto-arm stars24 (not shown here) distributions of the intermolecular angles ϕPEO plotted in Figure
closely matches the distribution for 32/40 stars studied in this 3a for mikto-arm stars with f = 4 and f = 8 are broad, with no
work. Note that both 16/80 and 32/40 systems self-assemble preferential mutual orientation of the PEO domains. As the
into a network-like structure in the o-PEO matrix at 400 K. functionality f increases, the distributions exhibit clear maxima,
Seemingly, both factors, the functionality and the arm length of indicating that the “hair” coverage (i.e., the way the PEO arms
1141 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c04167
ACS Omega 2021, 6, 1138−1148
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Figure 5. (a) Distributions of the asphericity parameter of individual stars in the assembly. The snapshots represent a characteristic configuration of an
individual star of the multiple-star system. (b) Normalized distributions of intramolecular angles θ (see the inset) for the simulated systems: 4/40 (red
squares), 8/40 (cyan circles), 16/40 (blue triangles), and 32/40 (magenta diamonds). The error bars estimated from the standard block averaging
method analysis are shown as the shaded area.
arrange around the PS assembly) is not random. The around the PS monomers in the multiple-star simulations are
distributions of ϕPS angles elucidate the packing of the PS always below the data for the single-star simulations because PS/
domains with respect to their closest neighbors inside of the PEO contacts can be further reduced by forming rich PS regimes
assembly. In cylindrical-like assemblies, that is, systems 4/40, involving more than one mikto-arm star. This observation
8/40, and 16/40, most of the stars are aligned next to each other, suggests a more “homogeneous” environment for the PS arms
with a preferential angle ϕPS < 90°. The main maximum in these segregated into an assembly, that is, the PS monomers are
distributions moves to higher values of angles ϕPS as the mostly surrounded by the monomers of the same type in the
functionality increases. The mikto-arm stars 32/40 forming the given self-assembled object. The data for multiple-star systems
percolated network exhibit a distribution of ϕPS with multiple with f > 4 overlap, only the local number density of 4/40 stars
maxima. Interestingly, the ϕPEO distribution for 16/80 stars24 deviates, which may be attributed to the higher penetrability of
resembles the shape of the distribution corresponding to 16/40 4/40 stars together with the slightly asymmetrical character of
in the current study (compare the yellow dashed line with blue the assembly (see Figure 2b).
up-pointing triangles in Figure 3a), while the ϕPS distribution 2.1.2. Properties of Individual Stars within the Self-
has almost identical positions of the peaks with 32/40 (compare Assembled Structures. We proceed with the analysis of
the yellow dashed line with magenta diamonds in Figure 3b). conformational properties of individual stars within the self-
However, the two network-like assemblies (i.e., the assemblies assembled structure. We calculated two shape parameters:
formed by 16/80 and 32/40 stars) are characterized by asphericity a and prolateness p, and their definitions can be
distributions of ϕPS which differ in the amplitudes of the given found in the Supporting Information. Their mean values for
maxima. each mikto-arm star are listed in Table 1. The probability
The interplay between intermolecular attraction of PS arms, distribution functions of a are shown in Figure 5a together with a
which promotes aggregation, and the athermal interactions of snapshot of the corresponding star. The higher the star
PEO arms with the o-PEO host in the self-assembled structures functionality, the more spherical is the shape of the mikto-arm
can also be examined by the local number density, ρn(r), around star within the assembly (i.e., the lower the values of the
the specific type of monomers. In Figure 4, the ρn(r) centered in asphericity parameter). Interestingly, the mean value of
the PEO and PS arm monomers is plotted. Figure 4a shows that asphericity for the star with the functionality 8 (a = 0.105 ±
the local environment around the PEO star monomers is very 0.005) is in a range of values obtained for a coarse-grained model
similar for all studied systems, except for the single-star 4/40 of an amphiphilic star with eight arms of equal length.42
simulations, because of the fully penetrable character of the Concerning the shape changes of stars when self-assembling, no
mikto-arm star with four arms. For the stars with the differences in shape for mikto-arm stars with f = 4 and 8 are
functionality f = 32, the probability of finding a PEO monomer observed when comparing single-star and multiple-star simu-
fully surrounded by the monomers of the same type is slightly lations (the shape parameters for single-star simulations25 are
lower because of the associated geometric constraints (notice listed in Table S1 in the Supporting Information). Stars with f =
the systematically lower values of ρn(r) for 32/40 in Figure 4a). 16 and f = 32 appear to be more spherical in single-star
The local environment around the PS monomers, shown in simulations (resembling octopus-like objects) than when
Figure 4b, differs for the single-star and multiple-star incorporated into a self-assembled object in multiple-star
simulations, as expected, because the only way to avoid systems. In other words, the intermolecular nanosegregation
unfavorable PS/PEO interactions in the single-star simulations and the packing of stars in the assembly lead to a more prolate
is to segregate intramolecularly, and thus, the higher the number shape in the case of mikto-arm stars with f = 16 and f = 32
of arms, the lower the probability of finding a PEO monomer (compare the values of a and p for these systems in both types of
around the PS arms. Again, the fully penetrable character of the simulations in Tables 1 and S1 of the Supporting Information).
4/40 single-star system is evident. All different ρn(r) curves The arm length does not seem to have a significant effect on the
1142 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c04167
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Figure 6. (a) Segmental relaxation times plotted with respect to the position along the arm. The inset shows a schematic illustration of an arm division
into five regions. The dashed lines are a guide to the eye and are drawn in line with the plateau in the middle region. (b) Ratio of the segmental times,
τ5/τ1, in the fifth and first region with respect to the star functionality. The error bars were obtained by the standard block averaging method, and for
simplicity, only the error bars for the first, third, and fifth region are shown. The rest are of the order of the symbol size.
shape of the individual mikto-arm star in the assembly, and the the average values of the relaxation times, which combine both
distribution of asphericities for 16/80 stars reported in ref 24 is
very similar to the one presented here for 16/40 stars; however, fitting parameters τKWWi and βi in the relation τi =
Γ ( ),
16/40 stars are slightly more prolate than 16/80. where Γ stands for the gamma function. This relation allows us
A closer inspection of the mikto-arm star configurations in to account for the broadness of the distribution of relaxation
Figure 5a reveals that each star is internally nanosegregated and times, for each regime i, through the stretching exponent βi. The
it consists of segregated PEO and PS regions. In the case of an average relaxation times for the PEO and the PS segments as a
ideal Janus-like segregation, that is, with each polymer type function of the position along the arm (i.e., label i of the region, i
occupying different “hemispheres” of the molecule, the vectors = 1, 2, ..., 5) are shown in Figure 6a. The segmental dynamics of
RPEO and RPS connecting the center of the star with the the PEO component is faster than that of the PS component
segregated domains (see Figure S2a in the Supporting (the gap between the two dashed lines in Figure 6a would
Information and the inset of Figure 5b) would point to opposite correspond to the difference in the dynamics of the middle
directions, forming an angle θ of 180°. The normalized segments) because of very different glass transition temper-
distributions of intramolecular angles θ for our star systems atures, Tg, of PEO and PS, i.e., Tg(PS) is more than 150 K higher
are plotted in Figure 5b. For f ≤ 16, the maximum of the than Tg(PEO).43 Concerning the dependence of τi on the
distribution is shifting to larger values of θ as the number of arms position along the arm, the data for both components show a
increases, a sign of a more efficient separation of the domains in trend very similar to the one observed in other star-like
these nanosegregated molecules. Interestingly, systems which systems:44,45 slow segmental dynamics close to the core (region
intermolecularly assemble into percolated networks, namely, the 1), a dynamically homogeneous middle part that is faster than
32/40 stars studied in this work and the 16/80 stars from ref 24, the core region (regions 2, 3, and 4), and an acceleration of the
share similar, broader distributions with a maximum positioned dynamics when approaching the arm end (region 5). The faster
at lower values of θ than the 16/40 stars (see the magenta dynamics close to the arm end with respect to the middle
diamonds and the yellow dashed line in Figure 5b). segments can be explained by a higher configurational freedom
The mutual arrangement of RPEO and RPS vectors in single- and consequent stronger fluctuations of the end monomers. The
star simulations seems to follow the same trend as the one relaxation time τ5 in this region is almost identical to the average
described for multiple-star simulations above (see Figure S2b in relaxation time found for the oligomeric PEO (o-PEO) chains of
the Supporting Information), except for the mikto-arm star with the matrix, namely, τ(o-PEO) = 224 ps and τ5(PEO) of the 4/40
32 arms, which has two preferable positions of the domains (i.e., star is 246 ps. The relaxation of the segments in region 1 is
bimodal distribution of θ), representing two mutual arrange- restrained because of arm attachment to the core. Moreover,
ments of the “head” and “tentacles” in its octopus-like their dynamics is also affected by the heterogeneous environ-
structure.25 ment originating from the vicinity of the dissimilar arms
2.2. Dynamic Properties. To examine the internal local connected to the core in the alternating way (Figure 9). This
dynamical heterogeneities in the mikto-arm stars, we divide each local mixing of the arms close to the core, enforced by the
arm of the star into five regions of eight monomers (see the inset connectivity, led to a coupled dynamics of PEO and PS segments
in Figure 6a). In order to study rotational dynamics, we define a in this region in mikto-arm stars in the polybutadiene matrix.44
backbone vector for PEO and PS components, along each The actual magnitude of the dynamical retardation in the
monomer (see Figure S3 in the Supporting Information) and vicinity of the star core depends both on the star functionality
calculate the autocorrelation functions corresponding to those and the monomer type. More specifically, the higher the
vectors. An example of the fitting procedure of the functionality, the slower is the dynamics in the first region. This
autocorrelation function together with a detailed description phenomenon is attributed to the increase in monomer density
of the procedure for obtaining the relaxation times τi for each close to the core with increasing number of star arms.45,46
region can be found in the Supporting Information. We report Concerning the comparison of the two types of arms, the
1143 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c04167
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Figure 7. Monomer MSD as a function of time for segments at different regions along the arms for 4/40 (points) and 32/40 stars (lines) at 400 K. (a)
Data for PEO arms. (b) Data for PS arms.
internal dynamical heterogeneities are more pronounced in the monomers is observed, depends on the location of the monomer
case of the PEO arms than the PS arms. This is reflected in the along the arm, namely, it is t < 102 ps for the second region, t ≈
plot of the τ5/τ1 ratio in Figure 6b, where the values 103 ps for the third region, and t ≈ 104 ps for the fourth region
corresponding to the PEO segments are smaller than those for (compare symbols and lines for the given region in Figure 7a).
the PS ones, for all studied functionalities. Moreover, in contrast The MSD data for the end monomers, fifth region, overlap, and
to the results reported from more qualitative, bead-spring only small deviations between 4/40 and 32/40 stars are
models in ref 45, the data do not seem to follow a specific power observed in the end of the simulated time window, where the
law τ5/τ1 ∼ f x in the range of studied functionalities (notice that data are very noisy.
both axes in Figure 6b are in a logarithmic scale). The situation is different for the PS monomers (see Figure
The segmental dynamics along the arm in mikto-arm stars 7b): the monomers in all regions along the arm are slower in the
which are not self-assembled, that is, in single-star simulations, 32/40 mikto-arm stars in comparison to the 4/40 stars
exhibits the same features qualitatively (Figure S4 in the (compare lines with symbols in Figure 7b). We would like to
Supporting Information). However, the τi of all five PS segments point out that such mobility gradients along the arm have been
(i = 1, ..., 5) in the single-star simulations is approximately a also observed in atomistic model systems of self-assembled
factor of 2 faster (compare the filled symbols in Figures 6a and 16/80 mikto-arm stars,24 as well as in bead-spring simulations of
S4 in the Supporting Information). The reason of such homopolymer star melts with low functionality (f < 6),47,48 and
differences in the segmental dynamics should be found in the they were attributed to the star-like architecture.
different local environments: in multiple-star systems, PS In Figure S5 of the Supporting Information, we compare the
segments have less (low Tg) PEO monomers around them, MSD data for 32/40 mikto-arm stars studied here (multiple-star
compared to those of single-star ones (see Figure 4b), and thus, simulations, points) with the data obtained for simulations of a
they exhibit slower dynamics. Despite the difference in the actual single 32/40 star in the o-PEO matrix (single-star simulations,
magnitude of the average PS relaxation time, the degree of the lines). The curves for PEO monomers (Figure S5a) in all arm
intramolecular dynamical heterogeneity (i.e., how much the regions in both types of simulations overlap, and the monomers
region close to the star core differs from the arm end) seems to in the self-assembled stars move slower only after the time scales
be the same (notice the matching between the gray and orange t > 4 ns. The time evolutions of MSDs belonging to the PS arms
symbols in Figure 6b). (Figure S5b) diverge in the whole simulated time window, and
To study the translational motion, we calculate the monomer the dynamics of the PS component in the single-star surrounded
mean square displacement (MSD) and average it over the by o-PEO chains is faster than the dynamics of PS monomers
monomers in the given region i. The time evolution of the MSDs assembled into the percolated network. This observation
for the five regions along the arm is shown in Figure 7. In Figure highlights the importance of the local environment in the
7, we compare the data for the mikto-arm stars with dynamical response of the material, that is, the fact that the PS
functionalities f = 4 and f = 32. Focusing first on the PEO monomers of self-assembled stars are able to avoid the PEO/PS
arms (Figure 7a), there is an apparent gradient in the mobility of interactions by forming intermolecular assemblies, while the
the arm monomers, with the slowest monomers being placed only way to avoid unfavorable interactions in a single-star system
close to the star core. In agreement with the previously described is internal nanosegregation of the PS arms within the star (see
rotational dynamics, the monomers in the first region of 32/40 Figure 4 and the related discussion). In the latter case, the PS
stars are much slower than those of 4/40 stars, confirming the arms are more “exposed”, which make them more “vulnerable”
strong impact of the functionality on the dynamics in this region. to the dynamical coupling with the faster o-PEO matrix. This
In contrast to the common “plateau-like” region for all f explains also the lower values of τi(PS) in the single-star
observed for τi(PEO) of the middle segments (i = 2, ..., 4), the simulations in all regions (i = 1, ..., 5) discussed above.
translational motion of the monomers in the middle part of the To further quantify the magnitude of the internal hetero-
arm (second, third, and fourth regions) of 32/40 stars is much geneities, related to the monomer translational mobility, we
slower than those in the middle arm regions of 4/40 stars. The compute a ratio of characteristic relaxation times, a quantity
particular time, where the deviation in the dynamics of these analogous to the ratio τ5/τ1 presented in the analysis of the
1144 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c04167
ACS Omega 2021, 6, 1138−1148
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Figure 8. (a) Incoherent dynamical structure factor I(q, t) for the atoms in the first and in fifth region placed on the arms of 16/40 mikto-arm stars for
wavevectors that correspond to the end-to-end distance of an 8-mer of PEO or PS units, respectively. The solid lines represent the fits to the stretched
exponential functions. (b) Ratio of the average characteristic times, τ5q/τ1q, obtained from the fitting procedure in (a) with respect to the star
functionality. The error bars were obtained by the standard block averaging method.
rotational dynamics. To achieve this, we first calculated the direct comparison of these two measured quantities, one should
incoherent dynamical structure factor for each region, i (i.e., consider their different natures. More specifically, the decay of
from 1 to 5) on the PEO and PS arms, via the following equation the autocorrelation function of the backbone vector (defined
Mi and shown in the Supporting Information) is dominated by the
1 slow elements, whereas the displacement (rk(t + t0) − rk(t0)) in
I (q , t ) = ∑ exp(iq·(rk(t + t0) − rk(t0)) eq 1 is dictated by the motion of the fast particles, especially at
Mi k
early times. Moreover, the actual values of τ1q and τ5q depend on
sin q|rk(t + t0) − rk(t0)| the chosen q, in other words, on the chosen length scale under
= ∑ study.
k q|rk(t + t0) − rk(t0)| (1)
where Mi denotes the number of united atoms in the given 3. CONCLUSIONS
region i, rk is the position vector of the atom at the given time, q In this work, we have used atomistic molecular dynamics
is the wavevector and q its magnitude. I(q, t) provides simulations to study symmetric amphiphilic mikto-arm stars,
information on different length scales, depending on the value
consisting of varying number of PS and PEO arms, in a selective
of q. In order to study the translational dynamics on length scales
polymer matrix. The internal nanosegregation of the immiscible
relevant to the size of the selected arm region, we calculated I(q,
star arms together with the selective character of the polymer
t) for two values of q, which were obtained as: q = 2π/rei, where
matrix determines the structural and dynamical behavior of the
rei is the average distance from the first to the last atom in the
given region. As each studied region on an arm is eight studied systems.
monomers long, rei would approximately correspond to the The stars with the functionality f ≤ 16 resemble prolate Janus-
“end-to-end” distance of the eight monomeric units of the like particles and self-assemble into cylindrical objects. The
specific polymer type, that is, either PEO or PS. Then, we fitted mikto-arm stars with f = 32 are the most spherical and the ones
the obtained I(q, t) for each region and for the given q (i.e., 3.14 mostly affected by the geometric constrains related to the higher
nm−1 for PEO and 4.13 nm−1 for the PS arms) with the stretched number of arms. More specifically, because of the high
exponential function, in the same way as described above for the functionality, these star-like systems are not able to efficiently
rotational dynamics. One example of the I(q, t) data for the first reduce the unfavorable PEO/PS contacts, and consequently,
and fifth region in 16/40 stars is presented in Figure 8a together they self-assemble into a percolated network. Moreover, the
with the corresponding fits. The ratio τ5q/τ1q of the so-obtained local density profile analysis shows a more homogeneous
characteristic times for the fifth and first region is plotted as a environment for the PS arms segregated into a multiple-star self-
function of f in Figure 8b. Similarly to τ5/τ1 obtained from the assembled structure (i.e., the unfavorable PEO/PS contacts are
backbone vector correlation function, this quantity decays with reduced) compared to the single-star systems.
increasing functionality and the differences in dynamics along The internal dynamical heterogeneities in the translational
the arm are more pronounced for the PEO than for the PS arms. motion of the monomers induced by the star-like architecture
The data from the single-star simulations copy the tendency of are amplified with increasing star functionality and are more
those from the multiple-star simulations closely, confirming that pronounced in the PEO than in the PS arms. A similar trend is
the degree of internal heterogeneity along the arm is mostly observed for rotational dynamics; however, the dynamics is
determined by the star-like architecture and less by the local affected only in the region in the vicinity of the core. The
environment in the self-assembling process. Comparing the differences in dynamics of the two extremes of the star arm (i.e.,
actual values, the differences in dynamics of the two extremes of the one in the center of the star and the other on the arm end)
the star arm seem to be more pronounced in rotational than in seem to be mostly governed by the star-like architecture and less
translational motion (compare the values in Figure 8b with those affected by the changing local environment in the self-
in Figure 6b). However, we would like to stress that for such a assembling process.
1145 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c04167
ACS Omega 2021, 6, 1138−1148
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Each star consists of a central core and f arms attached to it: f/
2 arms consist of united atoms belonging to the PEO polymer
type and f/2 arms consist of united atoms belonging to the PS ASSOCIATED CONTENT
polymer type. The star cores have a dendritic architecture and * Supporting Information
are built by carbon units (i.e., by united atoms representing C, The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
CH, or CH2 groups of atoms). The number of the core units https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.0c04167.
varies from 5 (f = 4) to 61 (f = 32). The PEO and PS arms are Equations for the radius of gyration tensor and shape
attached alternately to the core (see Figure 9), and the initial parameters, table with the shape properties of stars in
single-star simulations, definitions of intermolecular and
intramolecular angles, procedure for obtaining segmental
relaxation times, and additional results from the single-
star simulations (PDF)
Corresponding Authors
Petra Bačová − Institute of Applied and Computational
Mathematics (IACM), Foundation for Research and
Technology Hellas (FORTH), GR-70013 Heraklion, Crete,
Greece; Email: [email protected]
Vagelis Harmandaris − Institute of Applied and Computational
Mathematics (IACM), Foundation for Research and
Technology Hellas (FORTH), GR-70013 Heraklion, Crete,
Greece; Department of Mathematics and Applied
Mathematics, University of Crete, GR-70013 Heraklion, Crete,
Figure 9. Scheme of the alternating attachment of the arms to the core Greece; Computation-Based Science and Technology Research
of a 32/40 star; the blue dashed lines represent the connected PS arms, Center, The Cyprus Institute, 2121 Nicosia, Cyprus;
and the red solid lines represent the PEO arms. The filled gray circles orcid.org/0000-0002-9613-7639; Email: harman@
represent CH carbon units, the empty orange ones represent CH2 units, uoc.gr
and the black square is the middle carbon.
configuration was prepared with the arms fully stretched. An Emmanouil Glynos − Institute of Electronic Structure and
energy minimization and series of short runs with reduced time Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas
step (0.1 fs) with bonds constrained by the LINCS algorithm53 (FORTH), GR-70013 Heraklion, Crete, Greece;
were performed to reduce the number of possible overlaps in the orcid.org/0000-0002-0623-8402
initial star configuration without causing stretching of the bonds. Spiros H. Anastasiadis − Institute of Electronic Structure and
Once the single-star configuration was free of overlaps, 10 stars Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas
and the corresponding number of linear o-PEO chains were (FORTH), GR-70013 Heraklion, Crete, Greece; Department
placed randomly into a box with a size much bigger than the of Chemistry, University of Crete, GR-70013 Heraklion, Crete,
actual size at the desired density. Then, we run an NPT Greece; orcid.org/0000-0003-0936-1614
simulation under a pressure of 1 atm maintained by a Berendsen Complete contact information is available at:
barostat and with the cutoff method for the Coulomb https://pubs.acs.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c04167
interactions. Once we achieved the desired density, we
continued the equilibration for another 70−100 ns. After the Notes
first equilibration, we constrained the bonds by the LINCS The authors declare no competing financial interest.
1146 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c04167
ACS Omega 2021, 6, 1138−1148
ACS Omega
http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acsodf Article
Linking Fluorescence Experiments and Molecular Monte Carlo
Simulations. Macromolecules 2016, 49, 8748−8757.
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