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Cite This: Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 12913−12926 pubs.acs.org/IECR

Synthesis and Properties of a Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer with

a Jellyfish-Like Structure Comprising Hyperbranched Polyglycerols
Manuel Ilg and Johann Plank*
Chair for Construction Chemistry, Technische Universität München, Lichtenbergstraße 4, Garching 85748, Germany
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Polycarboxylate superplasticizers (PCEs) are

comb-shaped polymers with an anionic backbone and several
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nonionic pendant chains, which typically are comprised of

polyethylene glycols. In this study, the synthesis of a new type
of superplasticizer is presented, which does not exhibit the
typical comb-shaped form of PCEs but is built up from a
linear polyetheramine and a hyperbranched polyglycerol
Downloaded via on August 2, 2019 at 09:31:57 (UTC).

scaffold, which was carboxymethylated in the periphery.

H/13C NMR and FT-IR spectroscopy and size exclusion
chromatography were employed for the characterization of the
polymers. Furthermore, their dispersing performance and
“slump retention” capability were investigated in cement
pastes. Adsorption and zeta potential measurements as well as
heat flow calorimetry were conducted to gain more insight into the interaction of the polymers with cement. It was found that
such non-comb-shaped polymers are highly effective cement dispersants. Moreover, the hyperbranched superplasticizers
exhibited high robustness toward alkali sulfates and maintained the fluidity much longer, compared to a conventional comb-
shaped PCE.

1. INTRODUCTION acrylic acid, polyethylene glycol methallyl ether (HPEG),

Polycarboxylate superplasticizers (PCEs) emerged as one of and a branched monomer, which was prepared in a two-step
the most important superplasticizers for concrete due to their synthesis from diallylamine, methyl acrylate, and trimethylol-
superior performance.1,2 Compared to other products like propane.13 Even the incorporation of branched lateral chains
polycondensates, they fluidize cement even at low water to into comb-shaped PCEs can effectuate a higher steric
cement ratios, require relatively low dosages, and exhibit a long hindrance effect as was demonstrated by Li and co-workers.14
slump retention capability.3−5 The high dispersing efficacy of They found that the dispersing performance of IPEG-PCEs
PCEs can be ascribed to the nonionic side chains, which was considerably improved after the introduction of hyper-
stretch out into the pore solution and act as a steric barrier to branched polyamidoamine side chains synthesized from
keep the cement particles apart.6 Moreover, due to the ethylene diamine and methyl acrylate. All these previous
adsorption of the PCEs, a negative surface charge is induced, findings suggest that branched structures seem to be very
which also provokes electrostatic repulsion between cement beneficial for the steric stabilization, which is why such motifs
particles.7 However, a key parameter for effective dispersion are attractive elements for the development of new super-
represents the adsorbed layer thickness of the PCEs on the plasticizers. Unfortunately, their preparation often involves
cement surface.8−10 According to the Ottewill Walker multiple synthesis steps being tedious and time-consum-
equation, a high steric stabilization of particulate suspensions ing.15−17 Hence, branched polymer structures are needed,
especially can be achieved by polymers which adsorb by which can be formed in just a few reaction steps.
forming a particularly thick layer.11 Therefore, it is assumed In light of this, hyperbranched polyglycerols represent a
that bulky, outstretched, and sterically demanding polymers promising candidate as they can be obtained in one single
might produce an even stronger steric effect than comb-shaped step.18 They are synthesized by anionic ring opening
PCEs. This hypothesis was confirmed by Liu et al., who multibranching polymerization (ROMP) of glycidol yielding
showed that star-shaped PCEs are superior over comb-shaped branched polyether polyols with a globular structure and
analogues due to their multi-arm structure composed of acrylic numerous hydroxyl functionalities in the inner and outer
acid-co-isoprenyloxy polyethylene glycol ether (IPEG), which
allows the polymer to reach out far more into the pore Received: April 16, 2019
solution, thus creating a higher layer thickness.12 Similar results Revised: June 17, 2019
were also reported for PCEs with a branched topological Accepted: June 22, 2019
structure synthesized by free radical copolymerization of Published: June 23, 2019

© 2019 American Chemical Society 12913 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02077

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 12913−12926
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

sphere.19 Hyperbranched polyglycerols have gained much Table 1. Phase Composition of the Cement Sample As
attention over the last years due to their outstanding Determined by Q-XRD
properties. They are nontoxic and highly water-soluble and
phase wt %
exhibit a high chemical stability and low intrinsic viscosity, and
their molecular weight can be tuned over a broad range.18,20 C3S 53.3
From a chemical perspective, they are highly interesting C2S 25.7
because the hydroxyl groups in the periphery can be C3A 8.8
derivatized by various functional groups.21 Owing to their C4AF 2.6
excellent biocompatibility, hyperbranched polyglycerols are free lime (Franke) 0.1
widely used in biomedical and pharmaceutical applications anhydritea 3.3
hemihydratea 0.7
such as in polymer therapeutics, for controlled drug release, in
dihydrate 0.1
the fabrication of antifouling surfaces, in tissue engineering, or
calcite 3.9
as imaging agent.20,22 Meanwhile, they were also applied for
quartz 1.0
other purposes such as for the biomimetic crystallization of
arcanite 0.5
calcium carbonate23 or as an additive in aqueous printing inks
total 100
to improve the color fastness.24 Hitherto, hyperbranched a
polyglycerols have not been considered as a structural motif for Determined by thermogravimetry.
superplasticizers. Therefore, this study aims to present the
synthesis of a new type of superplasticizer, which contains a hydroxide (≥98%) were obtained from Merck (Darmstadt,
hyperbranched polyglycerol scaffold, and to evaluate the Germany).
dispersing properties of such moieties in cement. On the Jeffamine M-1000, which represents a ω-methoxy termi-
basis of previous work from Frey and co-workers, the nated polyether monoamine with an average molar mass of
hyperbranched polymer was synthesized from a polyether ∼1000 g/mol, was provided by Huntsman (Everberg,
monoamine (Jeffamine) and glycidol using the slow monomer Belgium). The Jeffamine contains ethylene (EO) and
addition approach.25 Thereafter, some of the hydroxyl groups propylene oxide (PO) units at a molar ratio of 19:3.
in the periphery of the polyglycerol scaffold were carbox- Tetrahydrofuran (THF) and methanol were purified via
ymethylated to facilitate the adsorption of the polymer on vacuum distillation and stored over a molecular sieve with a
cement. In this way, a polymer was obtained whose structure pore size of 4 Å. Pyridine (≥99%) was obtained from VWR
resembles a jellyfish made up from a linear polyetheramine side Chemicals (Darmstadt, Germany) and used as is. The
chain and a hyperbranched polyglycerol unit. To ascertain the deionized (DI) water was additionally purified by a Diamond
steric effect of this superplasticizer, additionally, a carbox- water filtration system.
ymethylated hyperbranched polyglycerol without any side For the synthesis of the reference PCE superplasticizer,
chain as well as a linear non-hyperbranched molecule with two sodium persulfate (≥99%) from Merck and 3-mercaptopro-
carboxylate groups were synthesized as reference compounds. pionic acid (≥99%) from Sigma-Aldrich were utilized. The
The dispersing performance and slump retention ability of all MPEG macromonomer (Polyglykol MA 2000) was supplied
synthesized polymers were investigated via mini-slump tests by Clariant (Burgkirchen, Germany).
and compared with the results obtained for a conventional 2.3. Synthesis of the Hyperbranched Superplasticizer
comb-shaped PCE. Isothermal heat flow calorimetry as well as Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n. The hyperbranched superplasticizer
adsorption and zeta potential measurements were performed (denoted as Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n) was synthesized in a
to elucidate the working mechanism of the novel hyper- three step synthesis starting from Jeffamine M-1000 (see
branched superplasticizer. The overall goal of this study was to Scheme 1).
find out whether hyperbranched polyglycerols can provoke a The synthesis was performed in flame-dried glass equipment
sufficient steric hindrance effect. under argon using a standard Schlenk technique. First,
Jeffamine M-1000 was reacted with two equivalents of glycidol
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS to obtain a bis-glycidolized intermediate that contains four
hydroxyl groups per molecule.25 For this purpose, 30 g (30
2.1. Cement. An ordinary Portland cement CEM I 52.5 N mmol) of Jeffamine M-1000 was added under argon into a
(“Milke classic” from HeidelbergCement, plant Geseke, Schlenk flask and heated to 120 °C in an oil bath. Within 30
Germany) was used in the study. Its phase composition as min, 4 mL (60 mmol, 4.44 g) of glycidol was injected using a
obtained by quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis (Q-XRD) syringe over a septum and stirred overnight. The mixture was
using the Rietveld method is shown in Table 1. cooled down from 120 °C to ambient temperature to obtain
The amount of anhydrite (CaSO4) and calcium sulfate the bis-glycidolized Jeffamine.
hemihydrate (CaSO4·1/2H2O) was determined by thermog- Next, 10% of the hydroxyl groups of the adduct was
ravimetry, and the free lime content was assessed according to deprotonated by adding 1.41 mL (5.2 mmol, 0.4 equiv) of a
the method of Franke. The cement exhibited a d50 value of 3.7 M potassium methoxide solution in methanol to 15 g (13.1
13.45 μm (determined by laser granulometry) and a specific mmol, 1 equiv) of the bis-glycidolized Jeffamine and then
surface area (Blaine value) of 3479 cm2/g. The density of the stirred for 2 h at 70 °C. Thereafter, methanol was completely
cement was 3.19 g/cm3 (helium pycnometry). removed under high vacuum, and the partially deprotonated
2.2. Chemicals. Glycidol (purity ≥96%) was received from Jeffamine based intermediate was transferred into a three
Arcos Organics, and potassium methoxide (KOMe; ≥90%) necked round-bottom flask equipped with a stirrer and a
was from Alfa Aesar, while trimethylolpropane (TMP; ≥99%), Dean−Stark apparatus using 50 mL of anhydrous THF. The
sodium chloroacetate (≥98%), methyl acrylate (≥99%), solution was heated up to 120 °C, and THF was evaporated to
imidazole (≥99%), phthalic anhydride (≥98%), and sodium yield a rather pure deprotonated intermediate. Next, a solution
12914 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02077
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 12913−12926
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Scheme 1. Synthesis of the Jellyfish-Like Superplasticizer Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n

of 35 mL (38.9 g, 525 mmol, 40 equiv) of glycidol in 120 mL (MWCO) of 1 kDa. Dialysis was performed in 2 L of DI water
of THF was slowly added over 15 h using a peristaltic pump. that was exchanged every 2 h over a period of 12 h. The
After addition was complete, 60 mL of THF was added, and aqueous solution of the purified Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n was
the solution was stirred for another 2 h at 100 °C. THF was concentrated under vacuum to a solid content of 30 wt %. The
finally evaporated under reduced pressure to obtain brownish, hyperbranched superplasticizer was obtained as a yellowish,
highly viscous Jeff(hyp.PG) polymer as the intermediate. slightly viscous polymer solution with a pH of 5.1.
The hydroxyl groups of the polyglycerol scaffold were then 2.4. Synthesis of TMP(hyp.PG)(COOH)n. Moreover, a
carboxymethylated as a final step. At first, 37 g (corr. to 373 carboxymethylated hyperbranched polyglycerol was synthe-
mmol of OH groups) of Jeff(hyp.PG) was dissolved in aqueous sized that does not comprise a linear EO/PO side chain. This
NaOH solution prepared from 25.4 g of NaOH and 80 mL of polymer was denoted as TMP(hyp.PG)(COOH)n and
DI water. Subsequently, a solution of 73.9 g (634 mmol) of prepared in a two-step synthesis from trimethylol propane
sodium chloroacetate in 95 mL of DI water was added within (TMP) and glycidol (see Scheme 2).
30 min at ambient and heated to 80 °C for 20 h. The solution Synthesis was performed following the general procedure
was cooled to ambient temperature, and the pH was adjusted presented for the hyperbranched Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n, and
from 11.7 to 6.0 using 37 wt % HCl. The product was purified a detailed description can be found in refs 19 and 23. The
via dialysis using dialysis membranes (Spectra/Por7 from anionic ring opening polymerization of glycidol was initiated
Spectrum Laboratories) with a molecular weight cut off by the partially deprotonated (10%) TMP and carried out in
12915 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02077
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 12913−12926
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Scheme 2. Synthesis Route for TMP(hyp.PG)(COOH)n Starting from Trimethylol Propane

Scheme 3. Synthesis of the Linear, Non-hyperbranched Jeff(Et-COOH)2

bulk. The molar ratio of glycidol to TMP was 40:1. For the water, 1.09 mol) was added dropwise over 2 h at ambient
carboxymethylation, 45 g (corr. to 641 mmol of OH groups) temperature. After a reaction time of 20 h at 80 °C and
of TMP(hyp.PG) was used, dissolved in a NaOH solution purification of the product via dialysis, TMP(hyp.PG)-
prepared from 43.6 g of NaOH in 125 mL of DI water, and (COOH)n was obtained as a pale yellowish, slightly viscous
then, a sodium cloroacetate solution (127 g in 160 g of DI solution with a solid content of 27 wt % and a pH of 5.8.
12916 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02077
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 12913−12926
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Scheme 4. Synthesis of the Comb-Shaped PCE 45PC2

2.5. Synthesis of the linear Jeff(Et-COOH)2. As 2.7. Characterization of the Polymers. 2.7.1. Titration
reference, also a linear, non-hyperbranched molecule was According to Elder and Co-Workers.26 The number of
synthesized via a Michael-type reaction of Jeffamine M-1000 hydroxyl groups in the polyglycerol scaffold of TMP/
and methylacrylate (see Scheme 3). Jeff(hyp.PG) was determined by the titration method
At first, 100 g (100 mmol, 1 equiv) of Jeffamine M-1000 and established by Elder and co-workers.26 On the basis of this
300 mg (7 mmol) of LiCl were dissolved in 80 mL of MeOH value, the amount of sodium chloroacetate was calculated. A
and cooled to 0 °C in an ice−water bath. Thereafter, 30.1 g detailed description of the procedure can be found in the
(350 mmol, 3.5 equiv) of methyl acrylate was added over 10 Supporting Information.
min and stirred for 1 day at ambient. After MeOH was 2.7.2. NMR and FT-IR Analysis. 1H and 13C NMR spectra
removed under reduced pressure, alkaline hydrolysis of the were recorded on an AVANCE-III 400 MHz NMR
ester functionalities was carried out. First, the residue was spectrometer (Bruker BioSpin GmBH, Karlsruhe, Germany).
dissolved in 70 g of DI water; then, 55 g of a 30 wt % NaOH The chemical shifts were referenced to the residual non-
solution was added, and the aqueous solution was stirred for deuterated solvent signal (D2O: 1H NMR δ = 4.79 ppm).
another day at ambient. Purification was carried out via dialysis Infrared spectra were measured on a Vertex 70 FT-IR
according to the procedure presented above. Finally, the spectrometer (Bruker) using a diamond ATR unit.
aqueous purified Jeff(Et-COOH)2 solution was concentrated 2.7.3. Size Exclusion Chromatography. The molar masses
under vacuum, and a cationic exchange resin (Dowex 50WX8 (Mw, Mn) and the polydispersity (PDI) of the polymer samples
hydrogen form, 200−400 mesh) was added to adjust to a were determined by size exclusion chromatography (SEC)
slightly acidic pH of 6. The solution was stirred overnight, and using a Waters separation module equipped with a refractive
the exchange resin was removed by vacuum filtration. After index detector (2414 module from Waters, Eschborn,
evaporation of the solvent under reduced pressure, Jeff(Et- Germany) and a Dawn EOS 3 angle static light scattering
detector (Wyatt Technology, Clinton, IA). Solutions of the
COOH)2 remained as a white, wax-like solid.
polymers with a concentration of 10 g/L were prepared using
2.6. Synthesis of the Comb-Shaped PCE Super-
0.1 M NaNO3 as solvent (adjusted with NaOH to pH = 12),
plasticizer. The comb-shaped superplasticizer was synthe-
which was also applied as eluent for the SEC instrument. The
sized by aqueous free radical copolymerization of methacrylic
solutions were filtered through a 0.2 μm syringe filter and
acid and ω-methoxypolyethylene glycol methacrylate (MPEG
separated on a precolumn and three Ultrahydrogel columns
macromonomer comprising 45 ethylene oxide units) (see
(150, 250, 500) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. For the
Scheme 4). calculation of Mw and Mn, a dn/dc of 0.12 mL/g (value for
The PCE was prepared at a molar ratio of methacrylic acid polyglycerol) was adopted,27 whereas for the comb-shaped and
to MPEG macromonomer of 2:1; thus, it was designated as linear polymer, a dn/dc of 0.135 mL/g (value of poly(ethylene
45PC2. Synthesis was carried out as follows: 45 g of DI water oxide)) was utilized.28
was added into a five necked round-bottom flask equipped 2.7.4. Anionic Charge Amount. For the quantitative
with a stirrer, inlet for N2 gas, reflux condenser, and determination of the anionic charge amount, a polyelectrolyte
thermometer, purged with N2 for 1 h, and subsequently titration was conducted using a particle charge titrator (PCD
heated to 80 °C. Next, two solutions were prepared. Solution I 03 pH from BTG Instruments, Herrsching, Germany). The
presented a mixture of 19 g (221 mmol, 2 equiv) of streaming potential of the anionic polymers was captured
methacrylic acid, 402 g (111 mmol, 1 equiv) of MPEG through titration of a cationic polyelectrolyte (polyDADMAC)
macromonomer (55 wt % solution) and 2.34 g (22 mmol, 0.2 until charge neutralization was achieved. At first, aqueous
equiv) of 3-mercaptopropionic acid (= chain transfer agent) in solutions of the superplasticizer samples (conc. 0.1 g/L) were
20 g of DI water, while solution II consisted of 2.63 g (11 prepared using a synthetic cement pore solution (SCPS; pH =
mmol, 0.1 equiv) of sodium persulfate (= initiator) in 80 g of 12.8) and 0.1 M NaOH (pH = 13) as solvent. The SCPS was
water. Both solutions were fed continuously over 4 h (solution prepared from 1.720 g of CaSO4·2H2O, 6.959 g of Na2SO4,
I) or 5 h (solution II) into the reaction vessel using two 4.757 g of K2SO4, and 7.120 g of KOH in 1 L of DI water,
peristaltic pumps. After addition was complete, the polymer whose ion content represents the typical composition of the
solution was stirred for one more hour at 80 °C and cooled to pore solution of an ordinary Portland cement. For the
ambient. Finally, a pH of 7 was adjusted by using 30 wt % measurement, 10 mL of the polymer solution was pipetted
NaOH to obtain a yellowish, slightly viscous polymer solution into the measuring cell of the instrument, and a 0.001 M
with a solid content of 31.9 wt % as final product. polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride (polyDADMAC) sol-
12917 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02077
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 12913−12926
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

ution was titrated to the sample until the isoelectric point (= 0 vortex mixer, and centrifuged for 10 min at 8500 rpm
mV) was reached. Every sample was measured three times, and (BioFuge, Haereus). Afterward, the supernatant was filtered
the values obtained were averaged. The anionic charge amount through a 0.2 μm syringe filter and diluted with 0.1 M HCl to
of the polymers was calculated from the amount of consumed avoid any carbonation of the sample. The carbon content of
polyDADMAC as described in ref 29. the supernatant was quantified using a LiquiTOC-II apparatus
2.7.5. Hydrodynamic Radius. The hydrodynamic radius from Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH (Hanau, Germany).
(Rh) of the polymers was measured via dynamic light scattering The measurement was repeated twice for every sample, and the
(DLS) using a Zetasizer Nano instrument (Malvern Instru- obtained values were averaged and corrected by the blank
ments, Worchestershire, UK). Aqueous solutions of the TOC value found for the neat cement to consider the organic
polymers with a concentration of 10 g/L were prepared in carbon content stemming, e.g., from grinding agents. The
SCPS and filtered through a 0.2 μm syringe filter into a cuvette adsorbed amount of the polymer was calculated from the
to remove dust particles, which could impair the measurement difference of the TOC content in the supernatant and the
due to their high light scattering intensity. The cuvette was initial polymer solution.
placed into the instrument and equilibrated for 120 s at 25 °C 2.8.3. Zeta Potential Measurements. The zeta potential of
before the measurement was started. The hydrodynamic radius cement slurries admixed with different amounts of the
was captured five times for every sample, and the average was superplasticizers was determined on a model DT 1200
reported. electroacoustic spectrometer from Dispersion Technology
2.8. Test Methods. 2.8.1. Dispersing Efficacy. The (Bedford Hills, NY, USA). For the measurement, a cement
dispersing performance of the polymers was ascertained via paste was prepared at a w/c ratio of 0.50. Increasing dosages of
mini slump tests, which were performed according to DIN EN the polymers (0.01−1.0% bwoc) were added to the slurry
1015. First, the water-to-cement ratio (w/c) of the neat under constant stirring in 60 incremental steps via a dosing
cement paste for a spread flow of 18 ± 0.5 cm was established. pump.
This value was used for all consecutive experiments. The mini 2.8.4. Isothermal Heat Flow Calorimetry. To investigate
slump tests were conducted as follows: At first, the the effect of the polymers on the hydration of cement, heat
superplasticizer was predissolved at a respective dosage flow calorimetric measurements were carried out using a TAM
(0.1−1.2% bwoc) in the mixing water contained in a porcelain Air Thermostat (TA Instruments, Järfälla, Sweden). Four
cup. The water content of the superplasticizer solution was grams of cement was filled into 20 mL glass ampules and
subtracted from the total amount of mixing water to perform mixed with aqueous solutions of the polymer samples to attain
all experiments at the same w/c ratio. Then, 300 g of cement a w/c ratio of 0.50. After the addition, the glass ampules were
was added over 1 min to the mixing water, soaked for 1 min, sealed with an aluminum lid, homogenized for 2 min with a
and subsequently agitated manually for 2 min with a spoon. vortex mixer, and placed into the calorimeter that was
Next, the cement slurry was transferred into a Vicat cone precalibrated at 20 °C. The heat released from cement
(height of 40 mm, top diameter of 70 mm, bottom diameter of hydration was captured until the heat evolution subsided
80 mm) placed on a glass plate and filled to the brim. The cone completely.
was immediately lifted upward and kept for 5 s over the
spreading cement paste. The diameter of the cement slurry was 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
measured twice with a caliper, the first measurement being 3.1. Structural Analysis of the Polymers. The hyper-
vertically to the second one, and averaged to obtain the spread branched structure of the jellyfish-like superplasticizer was
flow value. The mini slump tests were carried out at a achieved by anionic ring opening polymerization of glycidol
temperature of 20 ± 1 °C. using a partially deprotonated bis-glycidolized Jeffamine as
Additionally, time-dependent mini slump tests were initiator. Thus, a diblock copolymer was obtained, composed
performed to ascertain the evolution of the paste fluidity of one linear polyetheramine side chain and a hyperbranched
over time. For these experiments, 500 g of cement was used polyglycerol moiety. The initiator for the ring opening
and admixed at a w/c ratio of 0.50 with the corresponding polymerization was synthesized from Jeffamine and two
dosage of the superplasticizers for a spread flow of 26 ± 0.5 equivalents of glycidol, yielding a bis(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)
cm. The cement slurry was prepared according to the adduct with four terminal hydroxyl groups.25 This reaction was
procedure presented above and, after each measurement, was quantitative, and the formation of the product was confirmed
transferred back into the porcelain cup. The porcelain cup was by 1H/13C NMR spectroscopy (see Figures S6 and S7).
covered with a wet towel to avoid any desiccation of the The key step of the synthesis comprised an anionic ring
cement paste. Prior to each mini slump test, the cement paste opening multibranching polymerization of glycidol. The
was vigorously stirred for 2 min with a spoon. The slump (= hydroxyl groups of the bis-glycidolized Jeffamine were partially
fluidity) retaining capability of the polymers was investigated deprotonated by potassium methoxide to create nucleophilic
over a total period of 8 h. initiating sites for the polymerization. After the addition of
2.8.2. Adsorption Measurements. Adsorbed amounts of the glycidol, the initiator attacks the unsubstituted end of the
polymers on cement were determined via the depletion epoxide ring causing the ring to open and the formation of a
method. Here, the amount of polymer remaining in the secondary alkoxide and primary hydroxyl group. The fast
interstitial pore solution at the equilibrium condition after the cation exchange equilibrium between the primary and
contact with the cement was quantified by measuring the total secondary alcohol group ensures that chain propagation also
organic carbon (TOC) content of cement pastes admixed with proceeds from the primary hydroxyl functionalities. The
different dosages of the superplasticizers (i.e., 0.1−1.0% bwoc). consecutive reaction of the terminal alkoxide groups with
In a typical experiment, 15 g of cement was added to 7.5 mL of glycidol results in the successive formation of the polyglycerol
DI water (w/c = 0.50) and the respective amount of polymer, scaffold. To synthesize hyperbranched polyglycerols with
placed in a centrifuge tube, homogenized for 2 min with a controlled molecular weight, low polydispersity, and a high
12918 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02077
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 12913−12926
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 1. FT-IR spectra of Jeffamine M-1000, the intermediate products, and Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n.

degree of branching, the simultaneous growth of all chain ends and methyl acrylate using catalytic amounts of LiCl to enhance
has to be ensured. This was achieved by partial deprotonation the electrophilic character of the carbonyl carbon atom.
of the initiator as well as slow monomer addition of glycidol.19 Carboxylate groups were then introduced by the alkaline
Contrary to other works in which diglyme or dixoane was used hydrolysis of the methyl ester groups. As a result, the
as reaction solvent, the polymerization was carried out here in absorption band of the CO stretching vibration of the
bulk.19,25,27 When applying diglyme, we observed a multimodal ester disappeared at 1736 cm−1 and a new band emerged in the
molecular weight distribution of the polyglycerol with almost FT-IR spectrum at 1595 cm−1, originating from the CO
no incorporation of the Jeffamine due to solubility problems of stretching vibration of the carboxylate group. The 1H/13C
this rather polar core unit in the aprotic solvent. NMR and FT-IR spectra of the synthesized Jeff(Et-COOH)2
Finally, the hydroxyl groups in the periphery of the are provided in the Supporting Information.
polyglycerol scaffold were carboxymethylated. This derivatiza- Thus, analysis confirmed that the targeted compounds
tion was performed under highly alkaline conditions using an Jeff(bis-glycidolized), Jeff(hyp.PG), Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n,
excess of sodium chloroacetate (1.7-fold relative to the TMP(hyp.PG)(COOH)n, and Jeff(Et-COOH)2 were success-
hydroxyl groups) to ensure a high degree of substitution. fully achieved.
Successful introduction of the carboxymethyl functionalities 3.2. Molecular Characteristics of the Polymers.
was evidenced by 13C NMR spectroscopy via the signals for Molecular properties of the synthesized polymers were
the carboxylate group at δ = 177.7 ppm and the carbon atom ascertained by SEC. The weight and number-average
next to it at δ = 76.9 ppm (see Figure S12). Additionally, the molecular weights as well as the polydispersity (PDI) of the
FT-IR spectrum of Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n showed character- polymer samples are summarized in Table 2.
istic absorption bands at 1597 and 1413 cm−1, which can be
attributed to the asymmetric and symmetric CO stretching Table 2. Molar Masses, Polydispersity (PDI), and
vibration of the carboxylate group, respectively (Figure 1). Hydrodynamic Radii (Rh) of the Polymers
Besides, the absorption band at 2870 cm−1 derives from the Mw Mn
C−H stretching vibration, and the peak at 1100 cm−1 is owed polymer sample [g/mol] [g/mol] PDI Rh [nm]
to the asymmetric stretching vibration of the ether linkages Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n 5250 3790 1.4 6.7 ± 0.2
(C−O−C) present in the polyetheramine side chain and the TMP(hyp.PG)(COOH)n 6840 4720 1.4 5.5 ± 0.5
polyglycerol moiety. A comparison of the FT-IR spectra of all Jeff(Et-COOH)2 1360 1330 1.0 1.0 ± 0.1
intermediates and the final product revealed that the intensity 45PC2 39 780 16 460 2.4 6.5 ± 0.1
of the absorption band of the stretching vibration of the
hydroxyl group at ∼3400 cm−1 increased from Jeff(bis- The SEC spectra (Figure S1) confirm that the anionic ring
glycidolized) to Jeff(hyp.PG) and then decreased and opening polymerization of glycidol had indeed produced rather
broadened for Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n, thus indicating that uniform products. Both hyperbranched polymers show an
some of the hydroxyl groups were indeed consumed and almost monodisperse molecular weight distribution indicated
converted into carboxymethyl functionalities. by a narrow polydispersity index of 1.4. In comparison, the free
The carboxymethylated hyperbranched polyglycerol TMP- radical copolymerization in the PCE synthesis also produced a
(hyp.PG)(COOH)n that exhibits an ethyl group as the “side homogeneous product (macromonomer conversion of 93%)
chain” at the main branching point was synthesized from the but with a higher PDI of 2.4. Generally, the hyperbranched
trifunctional TMP. The results obtained from FT-IR and NMR polymers exhibit relatively low molar masses compared to the
analysis (spectra in the Supporting Information) confirmed its comb-shaped PCE. For instance, the Mw of the jellyfish-like
formation and are in compliance with data from other superplasticizer lies at 5250 g/mol, whereas for 45PC2, a value
studies.23,30 of 39 780 g/mol was found. The dynamic light scattering signal
The non-hypyerbranched, linear molecule Jeff(Et-COOH)2 in the SEC spectrum of TMP(hyp.PG)(COOH)n revealed that
was prepared by a Michael-type reaction of Jeffamine M-1000 the polymer contains a small fraction (<0.1%) of a high
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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 12913−12926
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Figure 2. Anionic charge amounts of the synthesized polymers in SCPS and 0.1 M NaOH.

Figure 3. Dosage-dependent effect of the synthesized polymers on cement paste fluidity.

molecular weight compound, which presents a homopoly- Anionicity of the polymers was quantified via charge
merized hyperbranched polyglycerol that was presumably titration. As can be seen from Figure 2, all polymers tested
formed due to the relatively high viscosity of the reaction showed the highest anionic charge amount in 0.1 M NaOH
mixture. Considering the molar masses of the polymers, it because there the carboxylate groups are fully deprotonated.
became apparent that TMP(hyp.PG)(COOH)n holds a higher Much lower values were obtained in SCPS, due to the
proportion of the carboxymethylated hyperbranched poly- complexation of Ca2+ ions by the carboxylate functionalities.
glycerol skeleton than the jellyfish-like superplasticizer. The anionic charge amounts of the jellyfish-like super-
The hydrodynamic radii of the synthesized polymers are plasticizer and the comb-shaped PCE were comparable in
presented in Table 2. According to these results, Jeff(hyp.PG)- 0.1 M NaOH, lying at ∼1500 μeq/g. However, the highest
(COOH)n exhibits a higher Rh than TMP(hyp.PG)(COOH)n anionic charge amount was found for TMP(hyp.PG)-
and Jeff(Et-COOH)2 as it combines the structural features of (COOH)n (i.e., 2700 μeq/g in 0.1 M NaOH), implying that
both polymers (i.e., hyperbranched polyglycerol scaffold + there is a large number of carboxylate groups present in the
linear polyetheramine side chain). Surprisingly, the hydro- hyperbranched polyglycerol skeleton. Contrary to this, the
dynamic radius of the comb-shaped PCE 45PC2 was similar to linear non-hyperbranched Jeff(Et-COOH)2 exhibited a low
that of the jellyfish-like superplasticizer, in spite of its anionicity because of only two carboxylate groups per
considerably higher molecular weight. These findings indicate molecule. Moreover, the experiments disclosed that both
that the comb-shaped PCE has a rather coiled solution hyperbranched polymers have a high affinity to chelate calcium
conformation, whereas the hyperbranched polymers are more ions, since a significant decrease of the anionic charge amount
stretched due to the globular structure of the hyperbranched was observed in SCPS.
polyglycerol. Also, the propylene oxide units in the Jeffamine 3.3. Dispersing Performance in Cement. The dispersing
slightly contribute to a certain stiffness of the polyetheramine efficacy of the synthesized polymers was investigated by mini
side chain. slump tests. Here, different dosages of the polymers (i.e.,
12920 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02077
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 12913−12926
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 4. Time-dependent evolution of the spread flow of cement pastes admixed with the synthesized polymers (w/c = 0.50).

Figure 5. Impact of sodium sulfate additions on the dispersing performance of the polymers.

0.02−1.2% by weight of cement, bwoc) were probed, and their 3.4. Slump Retention Capability. In the following, the
effect on the paste fluidity was ascertained at a w/c ratio of time-dependent fluidity retention of the polymers, which
0.50 (Figure 3). In this way, it was hoped to achieve a better presents an important aspect in actual application, was tested.
understanding of the relationship between the topological For this purpose, cement pastes were fluidized with the
structure of the polymers and their dispersing performance. As respective dosages of the polymers to achieve a spread flow of
is evident from Figure 3, the dispersing ability of the linear, 26 cm, and the evolution of paste fluidity was measured over
non-hyperbranched molecule Jeff(Et-COOH)2 was rather time.
limited. High dosages were necessary to achieve at least a According to Figure 4, the linear, non-hyperbranched
slight increase of the fluidity (e.g., from 18 to 21 cm at 1.0%). Jeff(Et-COOH)2 showed a very poor slump retention ability
Clearly, the hyperbranched polymers were superior over the even at a dosage as high as 1.0%. Opposite to this,
Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n maintained the initial fluidity over
linear, non-hyperbranched Jeff(Et-COOH)2. For instance, a
two hours before paste fluidity declined very slowly. Most
dosage of only 0.20% was required for TMP(hyp.PG)-
remarkably, even six hours after the preparation, the cement
(COOH)n to achieve a spread flow of 26 cm, while
slurry still exhibited a spread flow of 23.8 cm. A similar
Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n attained this value already at 0.13%. behavior was observed for the other hyperbranched polymer
The higher efficiency of the jellyfish-like superplasticizer can be TMP(hyp.PG)(COOH)n. However, fluidity of the cement
attributed to the additional steric effect imparted by the linear paste admixed with 45PC2, which represents a PCE which is
polyetheramine side chain (see also the higher Rh value in designed to provide particularly long fluidity retention, already
Table 2). The comb-shaped PCE was even more effective and within the first 4 h decreased from 26 to 22.5 cm and then
required only 0.06% dosage to achieve a 26 cm spread flow. declined rapidly, while the hyperbranched polymers still were
The higher dispersing efficacy of this polymer can be attributed able to maintain high cement fluidity.
to its significantly higher side chain density and thus its 3.5. Dispersing Performance in the Presence of
enhanced steric hindrance effect, compared to the jellyfish Sulfate. It has been established that the dispersing perform-
dispersant. ance of PCEs often is much lower in cement samples with a
12921 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02077
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 12913−12926
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 6. Schematic representation of the tail-like adsorption mode of Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n and the hindered access of sulfate ions to the surface
of the cement.

high content of immediately soluble sulfates (e.g., α-, β- their chain end on the cement surface, while the rest of the
hemihydrate, alkali sulfates).31 It was found that this behavior structure stretches out into the pore solution. In this way, a
primarily derives from competitive adsorption between the more dense surface coverage is obtained, and a barrier for the
PCEs and the sulfate ions for adsorption sites.32 Therefore, in access of hydrated sulfate ions forms, which prevents the
recent years, several attempts were made to develop super- desorption of the adsorbed polymers from the cement surface
plasticizers that exhibit higher robustness in the presence of (see the illustration in Figure 6).
sulfates.33,34 To investigate the sulfate tolerance of the A similar mechanism was reported earlier for linear
polymers synthesized here, different amounts of sodium sulfate polyoxyethylene diphosphonate dispersants that also adsorb
(i.e., 0.5−2.0% bwoc) were dissolved in the mixing water via their phosphonate groups in a tail-like conformation and
together with the polymers and mini slump tests were carried exhibit high robustness toward soluble sulfates.35 However, the
out (w/c = 0.50).
comb-shaped structure of the PCE from our study apparently
According to Figure 5, the dispersing performances of the
favors a loop-shaped conformation, whereby only some
hyperbranched polymers as well as of the linear, non-
hyperbranched Jeff(Et-COOH)2 are not impaired by sulfate segments of the polymer chain are attached to the cement
ions. Contrary, the comb-shaped PCE 45PC2 showed a surface. As a result of this adsorption mode, the surface is not
remarkably low sulfate tolerance (e.g., decrease of the spread so densely covered by the polymer and is more accessible to
flow from 26 to 20.6 cm at Na2SO4 addition of 2%). The high sulfate ions. Interestingly, the highest sulfate robustness was
robustness of the hyperbranched polymers and of Jeff(Et- found for TMP(hyp.PG)(COOH)n even though it does not
COOH)2 can be attributed to their specific molecular comprise a linear polyether side chain. This can be attributed
architecture. Since all these polymers exhibit terminal to its high anionicity (i.e., 2700 μeq/g in 0.1 M NaOH), which
carboxylate groups, they presumably adsorb in a tail (= provokes a strong anchoring on the cement surface, thus
brush)-like conformation. This means that they anchor via impeding the desorption of the polymer by soluble sulfates.
12922 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02077
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 12913−12926
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 7. Adsorption isotherms on cement developed for the individual polymers at w/c = 0.50.

Figure 8. Zeta potential of cement slurries (w/c = 0.50) admixed with increasing polymer dosages.

3.6. Adsorption Measurements. To gain information mg/g cement into carboxylate groups (COO−) available for
about the adsorption of the polymers on cement, individual adsorption per m2 and plotting it against the applied polymer
adsorption isotherms were developed at a w/c ratio of 0.50. As dosage (see Figure S19). From there, it can be seen that for the
can be seen from Figure 7, all polymers except for Jeff(Et- comb-shaped PCE only 2.6 μmol of COO− is anchored per m2
COOH)2 showed a Langmuir-type adsorption isotherm at saturated adsorption, while significantly higher values were
characterized by a steep increase of the adsorbed amount at obtained for Jeff(hpy.PG)(COOH)n and TMP(hyp.PG)-
low dosages until it gradually levels off at the saturation point (COOH)n (11.6 and 22 μmol/m2, respectively). For the
where all surface sites are completely covered by a monolayer linear non-hyperbranched Jeff(Et-COOH)2, only low adsorbed
of the polymer. amounts were found (e.g., 0.1 mg/g cement and 0.12 μmol/m2
Generally, significantly higher adsorbed amounts were found at 1.0%, respectively), which provide only partial surface
for the hyperbranched polymers compared to the PCE. To be coverage. This is the reason for the poor dispersing
more specific, Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n and TMP(hyp.PG)- performance of this molecule.
(COOH)n reached the saturated adsorption at 1.7 and 2.3 mg/ 3.7. Impact of the Polymers on Zeta Potential. The
g cement, respectively, while 45PC2 attained the plateau at interaction of the polymers with cement was investigated by
0.84 mg/g cement only. These findings suggest that the zeta potential measurements. Here, cement slurries (w/c =
hyperbranched polymers indeed adsorb in a tail-like con- 0.50) were admixed with increasing dosages of the polymers,
formation, which allows a more dense packing of the polymer and the zeta potential of the cement particles was captured
and a higher loading of the surface. This result further supports using the electroacoustic method.
the previous observation of a higher sulfate tolerance for these As is obvious from Figure 8, the polymers, which comprise
polymers. In comparison, the comb-shaped PCE occupies a linear polyether side chains, showed an increase of the zeta
much higher surface area per molecule, with its main chain potential at ascending dosages until they reached a plateau. It is
spread out on the surface (loop-shaped conformation) and well established for PCE superplasticizers that this increase
therefore achieves saturated adsorption already at low addition. stems from the steric effect of the polyether side chains, which
This was confirmed by converting the adsorbed amounts in shift the shear plane of the zeta potential toward the isoelectric
12923 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02077
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 12913−12926
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 9. Time-dependent evolution of the hydration heat released from cement slurries (w/c = 0.50) admixed with different polymers.

Figure 10. Time-dependent evolution of the hydration heat released from cement slurries (w/c = 0.50) admixed with different intermediates from
the polymer syntheses.

point.36 Since 45PC2 possesses a longer side chain than 3.8. Heat Flow Calorimetry. Finally, the impact of the
Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n (45 EO units vs 19 EO + 3 PO units), synthesized polymers on cement hydration was investigated via
more positive zeta potential values were obtained for the isothermal heat flow calorimetry. The time-dependent heat
comb-shaped PCE. Furthermore, it can be seen from the figure release from cement pastes (w/c = 0.5) admixed with the
that 45PC2 approached the plateau level at a much lower respective dosages of the polymers required for a spread flow
dosage than Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n, while for Jeff(Et- of 26 cm is illustrated in Figure 9.
According to this, the linear non-hyperbranched Jeff(Et-
COOH)2, no plateau value was found at all. However,
COOH)2 and the comb-shaped PCE delay the main peak of
TMP(hyp.PG)(COOH)n slightly decreased the zeta potential
cement hydration only slightly compared to the blank cement
from −6.2 to −8.8 mV, signifying that the individual (e.g., 3 h for 45PC2). For both hyperbranched polymers, a
hyperbranched polyglycerol scaffold imparts a lower steric much stronger retardation was found. The addition of 0.13%
hindrance effect compared to 45PC2 or Jeff(hyp.PG)- Jeff(hyp.PG)(COOH)n resulted in a retardation of 21 h, while
(COOH)n. On the basis of the zeta potential measurements, 0.20% TMP(hyp.PG)(COOH)n delayed the cement hydration
it also can be concluded that all synthesized polymers interact even for 78 h, which explains the exceptional fluidity retention
with the cement surface via physisorption. of the cement pastes containing these polymers (see Figure 4).
12924 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02077
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 12913−12926
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

To further elucidate the retarding properties of the polymers, hyperbranched polyglycerols as side chains into comb-shaped
heat flow calorimetry was also conducted for the intermediate PCEs and studying whether such branched lateral chains are
products occurring in the syntheses. more effective than the linear ones present in conventional
Figure 10 confirms that the bis-glycidolized Jeffamine does PCEs.
not affect the cement hydration, whereas for Jeff(hyp.PG) and
TMP(hyp.PG), strong retardation was evidenced (e.g., 36 h for
TMP(hyp.PG)). However, their retarding effect was less severe

S Supporting Information
than for the carboxymethylated products. These findings The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the
suggest that the retardation of the hyperbranched polymers ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02077.
stems not only from the carboxylate groups but also from the Titration according to Elder and co-workers,26 SEC
hyperbranched polyglycerol skeleton. Generally, retardation spectra, FT-IR spectra, 1H and 13C NMR data, and the
can be ascribed to different mechanisms:37 (a) adsorption of adsorption measurement (PDF)

the polymer on the surface of cement, which reduces the access
of water to facilitate hydration; (b) adsorption on initial
hydration products, which blocks their further growth; (c) AUTHOR INFORMATION
complexation of Ca2+ ions by the polymer and consequently Corresponding Author
reduced formation of the hydrate phases; (d) precipitation of *E-mail: [email protected].
the polymer, which acts as a diffusion barrier on the cement ORCID
surface. The retarding effect of the hyperbranched polymers Johann Plank: 0000-0002-4129-4784
can be explained as follows: Through adsorption of the Notes
polymers on cement and the initial hydration products, a The authors declare no competing financial interest.

densely packed polymer layer is formed. As a result, the
dissolution of the clinker phases and the ion transport at the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
solid−liquid interface as well as the growth of the initial
hydrate phases are inhibited. Moreover, Jeff(hyp.PG)- The authors would like to thank Huntsman for generously
(COOH)n and TMP(hyp.PG)(COOH)n exhibit a high ability providing the Jeffamine sample and HeidelbergCement for
supplying the cement.

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