PROJECT:Commercial Building OWNER-Abebech Mamo

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PROJECT :Commercial Building

OWNER-Abebech Mamo

A. Substructure
1 Excavation and earth work 296,240.46

2 Masonry work -
Concrete Work
3 150,023.05
Form Work
4 70,776.00
5 Steel Reinforcement 79,384.93
TOTAL A 596,424.44
B. Superstructure

1 Concrete Work 163,818.00

Form Work
2 222,665.40
3 Steel Reinforcement 113,591.57
Block Work
4 117,000.00
5 Roofing 126,904.00
Carpentry and joinery
6 -
7 Metal Work -
8 355,382.40
9 Glazing -
10 164,913.00
11 Sanitary Installation 28,800.00
Electrical installation
12 62,500.00
TOTAL B 1,355,574.37
GRAND TOTAL A+B 1,951,998.80
Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

\ A. Substructure
M2 584.22 20.00 11,684.40
1.1 Clearing of the building area and removal of all dirt and
expansive soil to an average depth of 20cm.
M3 292.11 120.00 35,053.20
1.2 Bulk excavationof ordinary soil from reduced levevl to a
depth not exceeding 40cm.
M3 95.59 155.00 14,816.76
1.3 Trench excavation for masonary workfoundation in
ordinary soil to a depth of 100cm.
M3 636.40 160.00 101,824.00
1.4 Pit excavation for foundation in ordinary soil to a depth
of 250cm.
Fill around masonary, foundation, under hard core with M3 355.81 150.00 53,371.80
1.5 non expansive soil and compact by layer to depth 65cm

M3 1,540.28 22.00 33,886.10

1.6 Cartaway and spread surplus excavated material and
deposit to an appropriate tip but away from the site.
M2 536.52 85.00 45,604.20
1.7 25cm thick basaltic or equivalent stone hardcore well
rolled consolidated and blinded with crushed stone.
Total carried to summary 296,240.46
2. Masonry wall work
M3 - 1,025.00 -
Stone masonry wall below ground level 120cm according
2.1 to the drawing bedded in cement sand mortar mix ration
M3 - 1,151.00 -
Stone masonry wall above ground level 50cm according to
2.2 the drawing bedded in cement sand mortar mix ration
(1:3) both sides left for pointing.
Total carried to summary -
3.Concrete Work

3.1 5cm lean concrete quality C-5 with minimum cement

content of 150Kg/m3 of concrete
a/ under Footing M2 102.96 55.00 5,662.80
b/ under Shear wall M 56.90 55.00 3,129.50
c/ under Gread beam M 75.05 55.00 4,127.75

Reinforced concrete in class C-25 with minimum cement

content of 382Kg/m3 filled in to formwork and vibrated
around rod reinforcement.(steel and formwork measuered
3.2 In Isolated footing pads M3 51.48 950.00 48,906.00

3.2 In Foundation columns M3 6.12 950.00 5,814.00

3.3 In Shear wall M3 27.31 950.00 25,946.40

3.4 In grade beams M3 15.01 950.00 14,259.50

3.5 M3 53.65 950.00 50,969.40

In 10 cm thick ground floor slab
Total carried to summary 150,023.05
4. Form work

Provide, cut and fix in position sawn zigba wood form

4.1 To Isolated footing pads M2 117.60 180.00 21,168.00

4.1 To Foundation columns M2 71.40 180.00 12,852.00

4.1 To grade beams M 120.08 180.00 21,614.40

4.1 To Shear wall beams M2 273.12 180.00 49,161.60

Total carried to summary 70,776.00

5.Steel Reinforcement
Steel reinforcement according to structural drawing price
shall include cutting, bending placing in position and tying

5.1 Dia. 8mm deformed bars Kg 4,015.9 7.00 28,111.54

5.2 Dia. 12mm deformed bars Kg 3,039.5 7.00 21,276.72
5.3 Dia. 14mm deformed bars Kg 2,073.4 7.00 14,513.62
5.4 Dia. 16mm deformed bars Kg 2,211.86 7.00 15,483.04
Total carried to summary 79,384.93

B. Superstructure
1. Concrete Work
Reinforced concrete in C-25 with minimum cement
content of 360kg/m3 filled into formwork and vibrated
around reinforcement.

1.1 M3 17.54 950.00 16,666.80

In elevation columns
1.2 In FFB M 31.67 950.00 30,084.60
1.3 In TTB M 15.92 950.00 15,127.80
1.4 In First floor slab M 107.30 950.00 101,938.80
Total carried to summary 163,818.00

2.Form Work
Provide, cut and fix sawn zigba wood form work:
2.1 M2 204.68 180.00 36,842.40
To elevation column
2.2 M 279.29 180.00 50,272.20
2.3 M 536.52 220.00 118,034.40
2.4 M 79.62 220.00 17,516.40
Total carried to summary 222,665.40
3.Steel Reinforcement

Steel reinforcement according to structural drawing. Price

shall include cutting, bending placing position and tying
3.1 Dia. 8 mm deformed bars Kg 4,810.4 7.00 33,672.45
3.2 Dia. 10 mm deformed bars Kg 3,416.1 7.00 23,912.84
3.3 Dia. 12 mm deformed bars Kg 468.3 7.00 3,278.07
3.4 Dia. 14 mm deformed bars Kg 1830.5469 7.00 12,813.83
3.5 Dia. 16mm deformed bars Kg 5,702.05 7.00 39,914.37
Total carried to summary 113,591.57
4. Block Work
4.1 20cm thick HCB wall bedded in cement M2 - 323.00 -
4.2 Ditto but 15cm thick HCB wall M 900.00 130.00 117,000.00
Total carried to summary 117,000.00

5. Roofing
Roof cover in G-30(t=0.6mm) CIS sheet fixed to wood M2 536.52 200.00 107,304.00
truss and purlin as per the detail drawing. Price shall
5.1 include roof ridged cover and roof cover measured in a
horizontal projection.

Ml 85.00 160.00 13,600.00

5.2 G-28 galvanized flat metal sheet gutter with development
length 60 cm also apply 2 coats of oil paint
5.3 Down pipe made of PVC size 110mm Ml 20.00 300.00 6,000.00
Total carried to summary 126,904.00

6. Carpentary and Joinery Work

6.1 Wood truss and Purlin
Dia. 10cm. ML - -
Dia. 5cm. ML - -
Window and doors made of aluminium profiles as per the
detail drawing and architect’s approval,. Cut and assemble
to size and shape shown on the drawing. Price shall
include all the necessary iron mongary and accessories
6.2 including approved type of lock

Door -

Total carried to summary -

7. Metal work
Window and doors made of aluminium profiles as per the
detail drawing and architect’s approval,. Cut and assemble
to size and shape shown on the drawing. Price shall
include all the necessary iron mongary and accessories
including approved type of lock

7.1 Door

7.2 Window
Total carried to summary -

8. Finishing
Finishing work shall include all surfaces cleaning
preparation, chiseling, application of finishing, polishing
and cleaning at the end of finishing work.
M2 900.00 90.00 81,000.00
8.1 Apply three coats of plaster in cement mortar (1:3) to
internal wall surface
8.2 M2 900.00 90.00 81,000.00
Ditto but to external wall surface
M 107.30 150.00 16,095.60
8.3 ceramic tile flooring bedded in 3 cm thick cement sand
M3 900.00 90.00 81,000.00
8.4 concrete Egde work m 1,200.00 40.00 48,000.00
8.5 gypsum ceiling M 536.52 90.00 48,286.80
Total carried to summary 355,382.40

9. Glazing
M2 - 350.00 -
9.1 Supply and fix 4 mm thick clearing glazing as per the
detail drawing. Price shall include putty
Total carried to summary -
10. Painting
Apply three coats of approved type plastic emulsion paint M2 900.00 25.00 22,500.00
10.1 to internal wall beams and columns.
10.2 M2 900.00 140.00 126,000.00
Ditto but to external wall, beams and columns gybsum
10.3 M 656.52 25.00 16,413.00
Ditto but to gypsum ceiling
Total carried to summary 164,913.00

11. Sanitary Installation

Supply and fix hand wash basin made of white vitreous No. 24.00 1,200.00 28,800.00
china equipped with concealed bracket mad of grey
11.1 malleable cast iron white painted compete with plug.
Chains and traps. Size 500x405
Supply and fix wash down water closet made of white No. - - -
vitreous china with plastic seat and cover including low
flush cistern and stop cock on the water supply line
complete with all accessories. Supply and fix toilet paper
11.2 holder with metal roller 150x150x25mm complete with
fastening screws.

Total carried to summary 28,800.00

Electrical wiring should be color coded and labeled
Supply and install flush mounted distribution board No. - 10,000.00 -
consisting of:- -1pc of 25A
main breaker -1pc of 10A
breaker -2pcs of 16A

Supply and install light point fed through PVC insulated No. 250.00 250.00 62,500.00
conductor of2x2.5mm2 in PVC conduits including ,
junction boxes, with screw, cups and complete all

Supply and install socket point fed through PVC insulated No. - 540.00 -
conductor 3x2.5mm2 in PVC hard conduit including
12.3 junction boxes with screw caps and complete accessories

Supply telephone point only conduit diam21 mm No. - 1,200.00 -
including Supply telephone point only conduit diam21
mm including

Flush mounted through wiring TV-FM_SAT socket outlet No. - 1,200.00 -
point with conduit diam21 mm including junction box
12.5 with cover , pooling wireand TV outlet including all
accessories for complet installation.

12.6 Best fittings on market No. - 69.00 -
Supply flush switch type legrand or equivalent
Single switch No. - 120.00 -
Double switch No. - 220.00 -
Telephon terminal box No. - 55.00 -
T.v terminal socket outlet No. - 55.00 -
12.7 Best and modern cables now on market M - 20.00 -
8.Conduits and Pipes
12.8 PVC pipes of 75mm in diameter M - 50.00 -
Total carried to summary 62,500.00

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