FORM - 1 - EIA, Virat Cement

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Viraat Bond (Gujarat) Cement (P) Ltd.

FORM – 1

(I) Basic Information

Name of Project : M/s. Viraat Bond (Gujarat) Cement (P) Ltd.

Location / Site alternatives : Plot No. 683, Manjusar, Tal. Savli, Dist. Baroda,

Size of the Project : Manufacturing of ordinary Portland cement

Proposed Production Capacity : 4500

We have already applied for obtained consent to

establish (NOC) to GPCB on dated 22/05/2007.

Expected cost of the : 76.50 Lacs


Contact Information : Mr. Pravinbhai T. Patel

Plot No. 683, Manjusar, Tal. Savli,
Dist. Baroda, (Gujarat)

Screening Category : 3 (b) : B

* Capacity corresponding to sectoral activity (such as production capacity for manufacturing, mining
lease area and production capacity for mineral production, area for mineral exploration, length for
linear transport infrastructure, generation capacity for power generation etc.,)

(II) Activity

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Viraat Bond (Gujarat) Cement (P) Ltd.

1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will

physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.)

Details thereof (with approximate

Sr. Yes /
Information Checklist confirmation quantities / rates, wherever possible) with
No. No
source of information data.
Permanent or temporary change in
land use, land cover or topography
As the proposed plant site will locate within
1.1 including increase in intensity of land NO
industrial area.
use (with respect to local land use
Clearance of existing land, vegetation As the proposed plant site will locate within
1.2 NO
and buildings? industrial area.
As the proposed plant site will locate within
1.3 Creation of new land uses? NO
industrial area.
Pre-construction, investigations e.g. As the proposed plant site will locate within
1.4 NO
bore houses, soil testing? industrial area.
As the proposed plant site will locate within
1.5 Constructive works? NO
industrial area.
As the proposed plant site will locate within
industrial area having more or less level
1.6 Demolition works? NO
terrain with no existing structure for
Temporary sites used for construction As the proposed plant site will locate within
1.7 works or housing of constructive NO industrial area and all the required workers
workers? will be employed from near by area.
Above ground buildings, structures or
As the proposed plant site will locate within
1.8 earthworks including linear structures, NO
industrial area.
cut and fill or excavations
Underground works including mining
1.9 NO Not Applicable
1.10 Reclamation works? NO Not Applicable
1.11 Dredging? NO Not Applicable
1.12 Offshore structures? NO Not Applicable
As the proposed plant site will locate within
industrial area.
Production and manufacturing
1.13 NO Moreover there will no mining activity
involve in the project so no change is
Facilities for storage of goods or
1.14 NO Not Envisaged
No solid waste and industrial effluent will be
Facilities for treatment or disposal of generated so no treatment will be required.
1.15 NO
solid waste or liquid effluents? However, domestic wastewater will be
disposed in septic tank through soak pit.
Facilities for long term housing of
1.16 NO Not Applicable
operational workers?
1.17 New road rail, air waterborne or other NO There will be very minor traffic increase due

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Viraat Bond (Gujarat) Cement (P) Ltd.

transport infrastructure including new

to proposed project and will not cause any
or altered routes and stations, ports,
change in locality.
airports etc.
The proposed plant will be established within
New road, rail, air waterborne or
industrial area having very well developed
other transport infrastructure
1.18 NO infrastructure facilities and therefore there
including new altered routes and
will not be any need of new/altered
stations, ports, aircrafts etc?
transportation route/station.
Closure or diversion of existing
There will not be any closure or diversion of
transport routes or infrastructure
1.19 NO existing transport routes or infrastructure
leading to changes in traffic
changes due to proposed project.
Industrial area having very well developed
transmission lines or pipelines for resources
New or diverted transmission lines or and effluent handling.
1.20 NO
Therefore, there will not be any need of
new/diverted transmission lines/pipelines.
For the proposed project the water
Impoundment, damming, culverting
requirement will be 8500 Lit/day which will
1.21 realignment or other changes to the YES
be procured through ground water or from
hydroxyl of watercourses or aquifers?
own borewell.
1.22 Stream crossings? NO Not applicable
For the proposed project the water
Abstraction or transfers of water form requirement will be 8500 Lit/day which will
1.23 YES
ground or surface waters? be procured through ground water or from
own borewell.
Not concerned
Changes in water bodies or the land
1.24 NO As the proposed plant will locate within
surface affecting drainage or run-off?
industrial area.
Existing infrastructure facilities will be
Transport of personnel or materials
utilized for the transport of
1.25 for construction, operation or NO
personnel/materials so there will not be nay
physical change in the locality.
Long-term dismantling or
1.26 decommissioning or restoration NO Not Applicable
Ongoing activity during
1.27 decommissioning which could have NO Not applicable
an impact on the environment?
The manpower required for the proposed
Influx of people to an area in either
1.28 NO project will be procured from near by
temporarily or permanently?
hebetated area.
1.29 Introduction of alien species? NO Not connected
Loss of native species or genetic
1.30 NO Not connected
1.31 Any other actions? NO None

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Viraat Bond (Gujarat) Cement (P) Ltd.

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the project (such as land,
water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in
short supply) :

Details thereof (with approximate

Sr. Information / checklist Yes /
quantities / rates, wherever possible) with
No. confirmation No
source of information data.
Land especially undeveloped or The proposed plant will be situated within
2.1 NO
agricultural land (ha) industrial area.
For the proposed project the water
Water (expected source & competing requirement will be 8500Lit/day which will
2.2 YES
users) unit: KLD be procured through ground water or from
own borewell.
Major raw material requirement for the
proposed will be as follows.
Lime Stone = 6300 Tonne.Month
2.3 Minerals (MT) YES
Coal = 450 Tonne/Month
Clay = 225 Tonne/Month
Gypsum = 405 Tonne/Month
Construction matrail – stone, Various construction materials like stone,
2.4 aggregates, sand / soil (Expected YES aggregates, sand / soil etc. will be required for
source – MT) the proposed project.
Wood will be required in small quantity for
2.5 Forests and timber (Sources – MT) YES
scaffolding, doors, windows, furniture etc.
It is estimated that the power requirement for
Energy including electricity and fuels the proposed project will be 400 KVA.
2.6 (source, competing users) YES
Unit: Fuel (MT), Energy (MW) Coal shall be utilized as fuel in VSK at a rate
of @ 675 Tonne/Month.
Any other natural resources (use
2.7 NO None
appropriate standard units)

3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or material, which could

be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns actual or perceived
risks to human health.

Details thereof (with approximate

Sr. Information / checklist Yes /
quantities / rates, wherever possible) with
No. confirmation No
source of information data.
Use of substances of materials, which
are hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) to
3.1 NO None
human health or the environment
(flora, fauna and water supplies)
3.2 Changes in occurrences of disease or NO Not envisaged

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Viraat Bond (Gujarat) Cement (P) Ltd.

affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or

water borne diseases)
The project will bring direct and indirect
Affect the welfare of people e.g. by
3.3 YES employment opportunity which will enhance
changing living conditions?
the socio-economic upliftment of the area.
Vulnerable groups of people who
could be affected by the project e.g. As the proposed plant site will locate within
3.4 NO
hospital patients, children, the elderly industrial area.
3.5 Any other causes NO None

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning


Details thereof (with approximate

Sr. Information / checklist Yes /
quantities / rates, wherever possible) with
No. confirmation No
source of information data.
No captive mining involved during operation
4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine wastes NO
Municipal waste (domestic and or There will not be generation of municipal
4.2 NO
commercial wastes) construction or operation.
There will no generation of any hazardous
waste during construction work.

Hazardous wastes (as per Hazardous During operation phase, there will be
4.3 YES
Waste Management Rules) generation of used oil / spent oil of 0.24
KL/Year which will be treated as per
hazardous waste management rules’ 89
amended in 2002 & 2003

No hazardous waste generation except used

4.4 Other industrial process wastes NO
oil/spent oil.
4.5 Surplus product NO There will not be nay surplus product.
There will not be generation of sewage sludge
Sewage sludge or other sludge from
4.6 NO as the entire quantity of sewage will be
effluent treatment
disposed in to soak pit through septic tank.
4.7 Construction or demolition wastes NO Not applicable
Machinery / equipment will be installed as per
4.8 Redundant machinery or equipment NO requirement, the items not required to be used
will be returned to the supplier.
4.9 Contaminated soils or other materials NO Not Applicable
4.10 Agriculture wastes NO Not Applicable
4.11 Other solid wastes NO Not Applicable

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Viraat Bond (Gujarat) Cement (P) Ltd.

5. Release of pollutants or nay hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (Kg/hr):

Details thereof (with approximate

Sr. Yes /
Information / checklist confirmation quantities / rates, wherever possible) with
No. No
source of information data.

Proposed unit shall utilized coal as fuel in

vertical shaft kiln at a rate of 450 MT/Month
Emission from combustion of fossil coal burning in Kiln would be the source of
5.1 fuels from stationary or mobile YES flue gas emission.
No DG Set will be utilized for the proposed

The expected air pollutant likely to be

generated and liberated in to air during
5.2 Emissions from production processes YES
cement manufacture will be particulate matter,
sulfer dioxide and oxides of nitrogen.

There will be chances of fugitive emission

Emissions from materials handling
5.3 YES during the raw material transport, handling
including storage or transport
and packing of product.

Temporary in nature, which may originate

Emissions from construction activities during construction of building or roads,
5.4 NO
plant and equipment. which will be taken care by proper dust
suppression by sprinkling of water.

There will be formation of dust due to

construction and operation activity.
Dust of odours from handling of
There will not be formation of odour during
5.5 materials including construction YES
construction or operation activity.
materials, sewage and waste.
However, adequate measures will be taken for
dust control.

5.6 Emission from incineration of waste NO Not Applicable

Emission from burning of waste in
5.7 open air (e.g. slash materials. NO Not Applicable
Construction debris)
5.8 Emissions from any other sources NO Not Applicable

6. Generation of Noise and Vibration and Emissions of Light and Heat:

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Viraat Bond (Gujarat) Cement (P) Ltd.

Details thereof (with approximate

Sr. Information / checklist Yes /
quantities / rates, wherever possible) with
No. confirmation No
source of information data.
Noise and vibration will be occurred due to
operation of raw mills, crusher, cement mill
etc. Adequate Noise and vibration control
systems will be provided.
From operation of equipment e.g.
6.1 YES Heat emission is likely to occur from vertical
Engines, ventilation plant, crushers
shaft kiln to control hat emission adequate
measures will be provided.

There will not be nay source of light emission

from the proposed project.
6.2 Form industrial or similar processes NO Not Applicable
6.3 From construction or demolition NO Not Applicable
No blasting or piling will be carried out
6.4 From blasting or pilling NO
during proposed project.
There will not be any major impact of
Noise/Vibration due to proposed project.
From construction or operational
6.5 NO
However slight noise will be generated during
construction phase which will be temporary.
6.6 Form lighting or cooling systems NO Not Applicable
6.7 From any other sources NO Not Applicable

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or
into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea:
Details thereof (with approximate
Sr. Yes /
Information / checklist confirmation quantities / rates, wherever possible) with
No. No
source of information data.
From handling, storage, use or spillage
7.1 NO Not Applicable
of hazardous materials
There will not be any effluent generation.
Hence contamination risk is not envisaged.
From discharge of sewage or other
effluents to water or the land There will be chances of Land/Water
7.2 NO
(expected mode and place of contamination due to sewage discharge.
discharge) However, adequate measures will be taken to
avoid the same like sewage will be discharged
into soakpit through septic tank.
By deposition of pollutants emitted to
7.3 NO Not Envisaged
air into the land or into water
7.4 From any other sources NO Not Envisaged
Is there a risk of ling term build up of
7.5 pollutants in the environment from NO Not Envisaged
there sources?

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Viraat Bond (Gujarat) Cement (P) Ltd.

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect
human health or the environment:

Details thereof (with approximate

Sr. Yes /
Information / checklist confirmation quantities / rates, wherever possible) with
No. No
source of information data.
From explosions, spillages, fires etc
8.1 from storage, handling, use or NO Not Applicable
production of hazardous substances.
8.2 From any other causes NO Not Applicable
Could the project be affected by
natural disasters causing The unit will be designed and constructed
8.3 environmental damages (e.g. Floods, NO considering the impact of Floods, Earthquakes
earthquakes, landslides, cloudburst etc.

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could

lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing
or planned activities in the locality.

Details thereof (with approximate

Sr. Yes /
Information / checklist confirmation quantities / rates, wherever possible) with
No. No
source of information data

Lead to development of supporting

facilities, ancillary development
stimulated by the project which could
have impact on the environment e.g.:
 Supporting infrastructure
(roads, power supply, waste or As the proposed plant site will locate within
9.1 NO
waste water treatment etc.) industrial area
 Housing development
 Extractive industries
 Supply industries
 Others

Lead to after – use of the site, which

9.2 could have an impact on the NO Not concerned
9.3 Set a presedent for later developments NO Not Concerned
Have cumulative effects due to
9.4 proximity to other existing or planned No Adverse Impact
projects with similar effects

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Viraat Bond (Gujarat) Cement (P) Ltd.

(III) Environmental Sensitivity

Sr. Name / Aerial distance (within 15 km.)

No. Identity Proposed project location boundary

Areas protected under international

conventions, national / local legislation
1. NO Not Concerned
for their ecological, landscape, cultural
or other related value.

Areas which are important or sensitive

for ecological reasons- wetlands,
2. watercourses or other water bodies, NO Not Concerned
coastal zone, biospheres, mountains,

Areas used by protected important or

sensitive species of flora or fauna for
3. NO Not Concerned
breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, over
wintering, migration
Inland, coastal, marine or underground
4. NO Not Concerned
No state or national boundary falls
5. Stat, National boundaries NO within 10 KM from proposed project

Routes or facilities used by the public

6. for access to recreation or other tourist, NO Not Concerned
pilgrim areas

7. Defense installations NO Not Concerned

As the proposed plant site will locate

within industrial area
8. Defense populated or built – up area YES

Areas occupied by sensitive manmade

Further details can be furnished on
9. land uses (hospitals, schools, places of YES
demand if necessary.
worship. Community facilities)

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Viraat Bond (Gujarat) Cement (P) Ltd.

Areas occupied important, high quality

or scarce resources (ground water
10. NO Not Concerned
resources, surface resources, forestry,
agriculture, fisheries, tourism, minerals)

Areas already subjected to pollution or

environmental damage. (Those where
11. NO Not Concerned
existing legal environment standards are

Areas susceptible to natural hazard

As per the earth quakes sensitivity index
which could cause the project to present
the unit is situated in Zone – III category
environmental problems (earthquakes,
12. NO and considering the same unit will be
subsidence, landslides, erosion, flooding
designed. There is no other threat for the
or extreme, erosion, flooding or extreme
natural Hazard.
or adverse climate conditions)

Date : Signature :

Place : Name of Applicant :

Designation :

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