Anti Racism Stance

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Hello All,

My name is Binu Tennakoon and I would like to express the word racism and tell you
the effects and how to handle this disgusting discrimination.

Firstly, what does the word racism mean, what does it mean to you. Well, racism is the
unequal treatment of the human beings on the basis of their skin colour. Racism is
believed to have existed as long as human beings have been in the world. It is usually
associated with the skin colour of a person, which makes one be distinguished from a
certain race or community. The word racism happened to be common in 1600s due to the
enslavement of the Africans by the Americans and Europeans. One of the common
examples of racism was Americans’ discrimination against the Africans during the early
1600s. Many events of racism have happened not just to local people who may have a
different ethic but celebrities such as Barack Obama, Meghan Markle also face racism.

Racism is taught to people by sometimes their surroundings, watching other people

shame other races encourages and motivates people from young ages to be racist. People
are not born to have racist ideas, they gradually learn. However, not all racism comes from
hatred- some of it can come from fear and anxiety. People may worry that some groups pose
a threat, for example for the safety of the community. On the other hand, it will still count as
racism because the person who is discriminating someone does not feel the shameful feeling
a diverse person might experience. Innocent people should not be targeted just because of
their skin colour. They feel like they do not even deserve to be in this world (which they do)
and this feeling can cause to many things like depression, self-harming, committing suicide.

Being an ethnic minority, I have experienced racism from a young age, my family experience
it more than I do. This is disgusting and unacceptable, people verbally abusing someone is
not right. People also get to a stage when they do not feel comfortable walking around their
community. A community is meant to be a group of people who make you feel comfortable,
who are meant to take care of you as I they are your second family.

As I have expressed the feeling of racism many times we can all say it is terrible. Victims
have to remember that they have a voice and they need to use it to raise awareness. For
example, if you wear a hijab or some traditional items, you should not be embarrassed. That
is your special power that stands you out from anyone else, it makes you different. You
should wear it with pride and honour thinking that your cultural is one and truly amazing-
you are unique! No matter you are beautiful and you should love yourself whether if your
skin colour is different or your gender is different.

Racism causes harm to those who are on the receiving end. It hurts individuals, communities
and our society at large. Studies show that experiencing racism has thoughtful effects on
people’s health in particular. The effects can include feelings of sadness and anger, even
anxiety and depression. The regular experience of racism can lead to people withdrawing
from work or study, and diminish their quality of life. It can also hurt people’s freedom and
dignity. Those who suffer racism can be made to feel they have less liberty. It has the
potential to affect all of us. Racial unfriendliness creates a society where people don’t trust
and respect each other. It challenges our society’s values of equality and fairness. Everyone,
no matter what their nationality or race is, has a right to live happily and free from
BAME stands for Black, Asian, minority ethnic. Together we can defeat racism and make an
end to it. There are many ways to stop racism by inspiring others from youn ages
to stand up for themselves, write letters to your local MP and much more. Together we can
do so much so lets stop this.

‘To bring about change, you must not be afraid to take the first step. We will fail when we
fail to try.’- Rosa Parks

Thanks you

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