Gender Discrimination

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For many people, discrimination is an everyday reality. Discrimination is the unfair or

prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, age
or sexual orientation. There are many types of discrimination that prevailed in ancient
India....... Nd many of the prejudices are still continuing in present India..... And even in the
whole world. Throughout the globe, people face rejection by the society due to their colour,
gender, physical appearance, social status, economical status, caste, religion etc. And these
prejudices are at their peak level in our Country.

Here, we have presented our views on three of the main discriminations prevailing in India
and the world.

1. Gender Discrimination
2. Racial discrimination
3. Body shaming

What is Gender Discrimination?

Gender discrimination is the unequal or disadvantageous treatment inflicted on someone

because they belong to a specific gender.

Causes of gender discrimination:

✶ Illiteracy
✶ Poverty
✶ Patriarchal setup in our Indian society
✶ Social Customs, Beliefs and Practices
✶ Lack of Awareness among Women

The discrimination is broadly classified as:

1.Women discrimination

From the 19th century onwards, women have been fighting for equality and justice, forced
into becoming objects of atrocities imposed by a patriarchal society. From domestic violence
to facing discrimination at the workplace as well as mental harassment – justice and equality
still seem a far-fetched goal.

A woman faces various forms of abuse at the workplace and all too often they are hesitant to
report the same due to the fear of losing their jobs. Sometimes, even if they do express their
plight, they are ignored and blamed instead.

Parents are unwilling to spend on girls’ education because educating women is of no value as
they will only serve their husbands and the in-laws in the future. when woman is working,
she need to take care of the family as well as her job. She was forced to do the household
chores first and then the job. She needs to manage both while the male did not have to take
care for all this. He was only required to do his job and also in return the female need to
serve him, cook for him even if she is tired.

2.Male discrimination

When you think of gender discrimination, you most likely imagine a powerful man in a
three-piece suit looking down on his female secretary. Or maybe you think of the hostile
work environment created when pornography is found on the factory floor. But what if the
victim is a man?

Gender discrimination against men can be as serious, and as varied, as it is against women.
Any biased employment decisions or sexually hostile work environment can be the basis for
a male gender discrimination complaint. But because men are as a whole less likely to
discuss their experiences, it can be difficult to know if what you are facing at work counts as
male gender discrimination.

Is Man always guilty?

This is also a type of discrimination a male faces even if he is innocent. Many females take
the advantages of the rights given to her. False abuse the rights given to them and register
false cases against the husband and his relatives. When the female blames the male for
harassing her even if the male is innocent the society treats him as guilty. Without proving
him guilty he is accused as it is a mind set that always he is wrong without knowing the
actual situation. Males are sexually abused at work places. The number is increasing day by
day. Men cannot be abused is the assumption of the society and that is why they are not
ready to accept it. The society and law are doing injustice to the male society. We live in a
country where everybody is treated equally and should have a dignified means of life.
Therefore, doing injustice to one section of society and justice to other is not acceptable in
the country like India. Hence, a voice should be raised against the sexual abuse.

3.Transgender discrimination

Transgender people are individuals of any age or sex whose appearance, personal
characteristics or behavior differs from stereotypes about how men and women are
‘supposed’ to be.

Transgender people have existed in every culture, race and class since the story of human
life has been recorded.

Transgender people have been discriminated for long enough. They are still looked at as
people of an alien-like nature as if they are some non-human species. The third community
(transgender) continues to be ostracized. The Constitution affirms equality in all spheres but
the moot question is whether it is being applied. The transgender community is in a constant
battle as they have to fight oppression, abuse and discrimination from every part of the
society, whether it’s their own family and friends or society at large.

The transgender community faces stigma and discrimination and therefore has fewer
opportunities as compared to others. They are hardly educated as they are not accepted by
the society. Even if they are enrolled in an educational institute, they face harassment and are
bullied every day and are asked to leave the school or they drop out on their own. It is
because of this that they take up begging and sex work. Very rarely does a skilled individual
from this community get into formal employment due to the policy of hiring only from either
the male or female gender. Even if they do, they are ridiculed and ostracized and hence
forced to leave their jobs.

 REFERENCE WITH POEM: The poem Aunt Jennifer’s tigers written by

Adrienne Rich addresses the constraints of married life a women
experiences. It is based on the theme of male chauvinism. This became the
motive of choosing our topic as gender discrimination.


We have seen , read and also have experienced many instances of Racial Discrimination but,
do we actually know what racism is ?Let me tell you .

Racial discrimination is any discrimination against any individual on the basis of their skin
colour, or racial or ethnic origin. Individuals can discriminate by refusing to do business
with, socialize with, or share resources with people of a certain group

 It includes different treatment on the basis of colour , nationality etc.

 It also includes your ethnic or national origins which may not be your current nationality.

For example your current nationality is British but your parents had Jamaican national

We also have read references in our books about it. Some of which i would like to share

 1.Nelson Mandela :Long Walk to Freedom :Among these the most common and
crucial form of discrimination which is was brutally imposed upon the dark skinned people
of Africa under the country's apartheid system of racial segregation was treating the dark
skinned people as inferior .Later on Nelson Mandela's resistance to the policy and turned
thing around in South Africa now , the people whom he was being prisoned and beaten were
the one who were there to salute him as he was now the president of south Africa

2.The Last Lesson :In this chapter as the districts of Alsace and Lorraine has passed into
the Prussian hands. As the Prussians came into power they started suppressing the freedom
of the people of France by making it compulsory to teach only Germany in schools.For any
country as far as they hold on to their mother tongue they can resist and rise again for their
freedom which they deserve. They were discriminated by not being able to learn their own
mother tongue.

3.The Enemy :During Sadao's stay in America he had a hard time finding a place to live
because he was Japanese.Even the when he saw the American solider dying instead of caring
for the prejudices of race and country he rose above to save the solider and that was the act
of humanity which is above all the walls of discrimination



What is it?
Body shaming is defined as the act of making inappropriate and negative comments
about another person's weight or size.  Body shaming is done by parents, siblings, friends,
enemies, and schoolmates and is often portrayed in the media. “Why is she wearing that? It
is not flattering at all.”. Negatively commenting about the size or shape of anyone’s body can
be extremely damaging to them potentially leading to low-self esteem, anger, self-harm and
even mental health disorders.
Body shaming manifests in many ways:
1) Criticizing yourself ,your own appearance, through a judgment or comparison to another
person. (i.e.: “I’m so ugly compared to her.” “Look at how broad my shoulders are.”)
2) Criticizing another’s appearance in front of them, (i.e.: “With those thighs, you’re never
going to find a date.”)
3) Criticizing another’s appearance without their knowledge. (i.e.: “Did you see what she’s
wearing today? Not flattering.” “At least you don’t look like her!”).
Sadly, body shaming occurs among both men and women of all different shapes and body
sizes. Body shaming has included both criticisms of being “too fat”, or “too skinny”, often
picking on flaws that completely irrelevant. Many magazines, social media platforms, and
advertisements contribute to body shaming in ways that have started to normalize these
damaging behaviors. Many TV shows and movies have fallen into this pattern as well, where
the “fat” character is often the subject of criticism and comic relief. With the trending
behaviors of celebrity fat shaming on social media, it is important to understand the potential
consequences that may arise.
Why we do all this ?
Their can be many reasons but what we have learn from our small research we is that often
do mocking when we are very upset or unhappy with something or someone instead of
clearing things out we mock others and sometime even ourselves . we also mock other when
we are jealous of them we think that by doing this we can become happy or get releif from
our small problems but later we realise that by mocking others their aint gonna be any
change its just a small releif but outcome can be disasterous .
We have also seen few incidents regarding this in our chapters , like in Deep Water the boy
calls author 'Skinny!' and also in the chapter On the face of it we have read that how the boy
use to critisize himself more than other and if the gardner had not helped him he might not
be able to live happily without caring about others thougth.
So what can be do ?
What best we can do is stay happy with our life , with ourselves and accept what we are , if
something or someone bothering u go sort it out ,think of a some more productive way
instead of mocking . if we are not able to think ourselves then we should discuss things with
someone close to us as sharing always lighten up one’s mind and we can find some much
better solutions.
If someone close to u does it make them realize how u feel at that moment or teach them
about the impact their teasing creates in ones mind .

"I definitely have body issues, but everybody does. When you come to the
realization that everybody does that — even the people that I consider flawless
— then you can start to live with the way you are." —Taylor Swift

The governments of different countries have tried their best to bring a full stop to this
discrimination. The following Laws are in place to protect people from discrimination in
housing and employment.
1.The Fair Housing Act
2.The Civil Rights Act
3. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act
4. The Americans with Disabilities Act

Though these acts are not as useful as they should have been. These discriminations can
never come to an end until and unless people of certain groups stop considering themselves

Nevertheless, government had done its part to reduce these discriminations to some extent.
So we should also do our small part and try eradicating this discrimination from its roots. No
country can attain uttermost progress until the differences between its people comes to a
complete end



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