A213070490 - 27749 - 19 - 2024 - Eco113 Ca2

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Academic Task Number: 2 Course code: ECO113

Date of allotment: 19/03/2024 Course title: Business Economics

Date of submission: 06/04/2024 Maximum Marks: 30
Academic Task Type: Group Assignment Section:

Question Question Statement Course Outcome Bloom’s level Marks per

Number Question

Q1 In this assignment you are given a caselet or case

regarding the topics. You will analyze the case from CO1, CO2, CO3 L2, L3, L4, L5 30
various dimensions and provide a solution. The solution
doesn’t need invariably to the most appropriate as it
could be attach open-ended dimensions as well. In the
analysis mention the concept of Economics that you
have studied and are using to solve the case. Kindly go
through the caselet/case thoroughly and identify the
problem first. Once you have identified the problem, you
have to identify the economic concept based on which
the analysis will be done and you will get the solution
for the case.
Peer rating is compulsory for the assignment. In this,
each group member will rate his/her peer out of a
maximum mark of 10. There should be one peer rating
for the entire group and the peer rating is only for the
report. The presentation will be evaluated on the

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individual performance. The report must have a
conclusion which must be related to the case and as per
your understanding.
You will be analysed on the following parameters
I. Report Writing (15 marks)
II. Presentation (15 marks)

Introduction (5 marks)
Context (Background)
Purpose - what is the case study trying to achieve?
Approach - are you using any particular theoretical tools
or research approaches?
Discussion/Analysis (5 marks)
Identification of issues and problems
Links to theories that help you explain the case
Explanation of causes or implications of the issues
Possible solutions (if required, check your instructions)
Conclusion (5 marks)
This depends on what you were asked to do but could
Main lessons learned
Best solutions and reasons why
Recommendations (may have their own section)
Action plan (may have its own section)

The Presentation will be evaluated on the basis of

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Content (5 marks)
Communication (5 marks)
Q & A session (5 marks)
Important Note
Before you attempt to analyse the case, read it
thoroughly to understand what the case is trying to tell.
Ask the questions like
What is it talking about?
What are the data sets used?
Who are the parties involved in the case?
It is very important to link the theory with the case. The
case will not exactly match a theory as the real world is
more complex but there is some link to the theory that is
the reason the case is given to you.

*Plagiarism will be checked (20 per cent of plagiarism is


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Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

Introduction (5 marks)

Limited &
- Context (Background) Thorough & Relevant Good Background Some Context Relevant No Background

Effective but lacks some Vague & Room for Unclear or Not
- Purpose Clear & Specific specificity interpretation well-defined No Purpose

- Approach Clearly Describes Describes Approach Basic Description Lack Clarity or No Mention of
Theoretical Effectively but May Lack
Tools/Approaches Some Detail

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Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

Relevance Approach

Discussion/Analysis (5 marks)

- Identification of Issues Comprehensive Identifies Most Relevant Few Issues & Lack Some Issues Not
and Problems Discussion Issues but May Miss Some Depth Clearly Related Fails to Identify

Draws Clear and Effective Links, Some Lack Basic Links with Lack Attempts, Not
- Links to Theories Insightful Connections Depth of Insight Clear or Relevant Fails to Link

- Explanation of Causes Comprehensive & Well- Effective with Some Depth Basic Explanations Limited or Fails to Explain

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Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

or Implications Supported Unclear

- Possible Solutions (if Well-Reasoned & Reasonable but Lacks Some Basic Solutions with Limited or No Solutions
required) Practical with Evidence Detail Lack of Depth Unclear Provided

Conclusion (5 marks)

Summarizes Main Good Summary, May Lack Lack Clarity and

- Main Lessons Learned Lessons Effectively Depth Basic Summary Insight Fails to Mention

- Best Solutions and Identifies Best Solutions Good Solutions with Solid Reasonable Solutions Limited or No Solutions or

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Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

Reasoning, May Lack Unclear Solutions

Reasons Why with Strong Reasoning Depth with Basic Reasoning and Reasons Reasons

- Recommendations Practical & Well- Good Recommendations, Basic Limited or No

(may have own section) Supported Some Lack Detail Recommendations Unclear Recommendations

Reasonably Structured, Limited or

- Action Plan (may have Some Elements May Be Basic Action Plan, Lack Unclear Action
own section) Clear & Well-Structured Lacking of Structure Plan No Action Plan

The rubric for part II which is presentation is given under

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Category 5 marks 4 marks 3 marks 2 marks 1 marks

Good Degree of Moderate Degree of Low Degree of Fluency, No Fluency, Speech

High Fluency, Speech flowed well.
Communication Fluency, Speech was Fluency, Speech was Speech appeared to have appeared to have no
Transitions were used.
organized. somewhat organized. little organization organization

Good Quality
Moderate Quality
High Quality Every major point was Some points were
Low Quality and lack of
supported with facts, supported with facts Poor Quality, Points
Content Every major point was well supported with supporter examples were
statistics and or and statistics of were not supported.
several relevant facts, statistics and or provided.
examples, but the questionable
relevance of some was relevance.

Q&A The candidate's performance during the The candidate's The candidate's The candidate's : The candidate's
Q&A session was exceptional, performance was above performance was performance was below performance was
demonstrating deep knowledge, clear average, showcasing satisfactory, meeting average, showing some unsatisfactory,
communication, and strong engagement with solid understanding and basic expectations weaknesses in exhibiting
the audience. effective communication but lacking standout understanding, significant
skills, though perhaps qualities or communication, or deficiencies in
with minor areas for particularly engagement, requiring knowledge,
improvement. memorable notable improvement communication, or
moments. engagement,

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substantial need for

Important Note:
1. The assignment is to be done in a group as allocated to you.
2. Every group member has to submit the file online.
3. Only online submissions will be considered which are made within the stipulated time.
4. While submitting your assignment ensure that it has a cover page mentioning your name, student id, and section code.
5. Peer rating is compulsory for the assignment. In this, each group member will rate his/her peer out of a maximum
mark of 10. There should be one peer rating for the entire group.
6. Plagiarism will be checked with the help of Turnitin software and the limit is 20 per cent.
7. If two groups are submitting the same assignment then both groups will be awarded zero.
8. Every student will upload the assignment from his/her UMS account.
9. Assignment should be made in MS-Word Format and submitted in PDF format only.
10. In case of any query feel free to contact your teacher but not question/query will be entertained on the day of submission.

Note: The group wise case study allotment list given as (the group list is already shared on LPUlive)

Group Name Case Study (Managerial Economics Third Edition by Geetika, Piyali Ghosh and Purba Roy Choudhury)
A Maggi Noodles: Trouble in Oodles
B Making Magic: The Multiplex Way

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C The Rough Ride from Feature Phones to Smartphones
D Power for All: Myth or Reality?
E Lifestyle Inflation goes unnoticed
F Cement Industry in India
G Disrupting FMCG the Swadeshi Way
H Expanding the Volvo Way
I 3D Printing: the Future of Technology
J The Fantastic Plastic
K Indian Stock Market: Does it Explain Perfect Competition?
L Discriminating all the Way: Indian Railways
M Walmart: Monopsony Power
N The Jewel in the Crown
O From Wages to Packages: the Journey of Software
P Cement Industry in India
Q India’s External Sector
R Volatility in World Economy

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