Capital Project Planning For A Circular Economy
Capital Project Planning For A Circular Economy
Capital Project Planning For A Circular Economy
To cite this article: Benjamin Sanchez & Carl Haas (2018): Capital project planning for a circular
economy, Construction Management and Economics, DOI: 10.1080/01446193.2018.1435895
Article views: 22
diverse industries have implemented practical solutions in research in the last three decades. They concluded that
the field of front-end project management showing their green supply chains and waste reduction have been the
value to the planning process (Cho 2000). For the build- main drivers of research due to the evident opportunities,
ing industry in North America, one of the most important such as reductions in energy use, environmental impacts
referents in this matter is the Project Definition Rating and waste production.
Index (PDRI) for buildings, which was developed by the By definition, the strategies for engaging a circular
Construction Industry Institute (CII) (Bingham and Gibson economy in the construction industry are: long-lasting
2017). While the PDRI and the early project processes it design, maintenance, repair, reuse, remanufacturing,
supports (such as need identification, project definition refurbishing and recycling (World Economic Forum 2016,
and basis of design) have been effective for conventional Geissdoerfer et al. 2017), and the mechanisms to afford it
capital project planning, they are insufficient in a circular are: design for deconstruction, durability, adaptability, the
economy approach. environment, closed materials loops and dematerialization
Thus, the purpose of this article is to develop an argu- (Kibert 2007).
ment that starts with the main tenets of the circular econ- Therefore, construction as an industry is implementing
omy in the construction industry and the built environment, designs and systems with improved long-term life cycle
as defined and understood in a selection of academic lit- performance. The main objective is to consider closed-
erature. This creates a framework of circular building fea- loop design principles. These principles can be defined as
tures and principles that we use to analyse the content of a construction involving materials and building elements
a pre-project planning tool for buildings. The comparison from old buildings that can infinitely be recycled or reused
between the features associated with circular buildings and through natural or industrial processes (Sassi 2008).
conventional ones enables us to identify dissonances or In 2008, Sassi defined criteria by which building mate-
gaps between the different scenarios for the pre-project rials can be assessed in terms of forming part of a closed
planning stage. The empirical contribution of our argu- loop. Jaillon and Poon (2014) demonstrated that the pro-
ment resides in the integration of the lessons learned and motion of a closed-loop material cycle is critical to con-
findings related to circular building principles and green tribute to sustainability thus minimizing carbon emissions
design methods applied in an adaptive reuse case study. and natural resources consumption. Silvestre et al. (2014)
The theoretical contribution underlines a contextual and proved that assessment of waste flows is an important
process-based understanding of capital project planning source of data for decision-making at the EoL of build-
for a circular economy. As well, this article contributes to the ing materials. Schultmann and Sunke (2007) delved into
theoretical foundations of pre-project planning and a step- research on the energy savings that could be afforded
ping stone to shape future research initiatives on the topic. through using different recovery techniques on decon-
struction projects. All these studies support the idea that
there are areas of opportunity to maximize the benefits of
2. Background
the resources on the EoL stage of buildings.
This section provides a short introduction to the main In a similar way, recognition of the potential of reusable
concepts addressed in this paper, the circular economy in building materials towards a circular economy in construc-
construction, circular economy for the built environment tion has driven diverse research in this field. A growing
and the implications of circular building principles in cap- trend in the building industry is to reduce greenhouse
ital project delivery. In the next three sections, we expand gas emissions from steel production re-using steel instead
on those ideas. (Gorgolewski 2006). In his work, Gorgolewski (2006, 2008)
discusses the issues relevant to design for future reuse and
the impacts on stakeholders such as the owner, designer,
2.1. Designing for a circular economy in
builder and others. Ness et al. (2015) proposed digital
tracking of structural steel members to facilitate reuse in
The conceptualization of circular economy has evolved new buildings. Yeung et al. (2015) explored the geometric
through the years and it has been gaining momentum characterization of structural steel of in situ members, as a
since the late 1970s (Geissdoerfer et al. 2017). The shared key role in the decision process for potential steel reuse. In
founding principles lie in the better management of his work, Yeung (2016) contributed to the understanding
resources and waste by minimizing (or closing) material of life cycle impacts of steel reuse as an alternative to recy-
and energy loops (Lacy and Rutqvist 2015, Geissdoerfer cling. However, much of the potential for reuse depends
et al. 2017, Pomponi and Moncaster 2017). In their work, on the state of the existing building stock as a raw material
Pomponi and Moncaster (2017) developed an exhaustive bank for new buildings (Ortlepp et al. 2016, Stephan and
critical literature review to categorize circular economy Athanassiadis 2017).
In essence, the most eco-effective sustainable strate- effective to recover the components through Product
gies in a circular economy, are those that are conceptu- Recovery Management (PRM) than to produce or extract
alized from the beginning to create positive impacts and the raw materials for new ones (Schultmann and Sunke
beneficial footprints, rather than focusing just on doing as 2007, Langston et al. 2008). In fact, Conejos et al. (2014)
little damage to the environment as possible (Lyngsgaard claims that demolition and equivalent new construction of
and Guldager Jorgensen 2013, Guldager Jorgensen and energy-efficient buildings would require decades to equal
Somme 2016). Adaptive reuse of buildings is often superior the energy savings of rehabilitating and reusing existing
to new construction in terms of sustainability (Douglas buildings. Hence, the largest portion of natural resources
2006, Conejos et al. 2015). It has the potential of improv- savings as well as the minimization of the environmental
ing the financial, environmental and social performance impacts are in retrofitting and redeveloping existing build-
of buildings, in a life cycle perspective. It takes existing ings rather than producing new energy-efficient build-
buildings that are obsolete, restores them and changes ings (IPCC 2007, Conejos et al. 2014), in essence “re-using”
their use (Bullen 2007, Langston et al. 2008). As part of its existing buildings. Thus, adaptive reuse for buildings has
life cycle, a building’s operational and commercial perfor- emerged as a broadly growing practice. However, there
mance decreases over the years, until it falls below the can be a resistance from builders and owners when they
expectations of its owner, or until a third party perceives have the alternative of reusing materials. Part of this is
a higher potential value in repurposing it. In the past, the due to the knowledge gaps about reused materials’ reli-
owner options at EoL for a building and its materials would ability (Yeung 2016), lack of science-based user-friendly
be direct reuse, repairing, refurbishing, remanufacturing, methodologies in the field (Conejos et al. 2014, 2015) and
cannibalization, recycling, combustion with heat recovery, the underestimation of the embedded resources in the
composting, incineration and landfilling (Schultmann and building components and materials (Teo and Loosemore
Sunke 2007). However, choosing any of these EoL options 2001, Schultmann and Sunke 2007, Langston et al. 2008).
may be premature if the residual utility and value that
could be optimized by “giving them new life” through
2.3. The importance of pre-project planning
adaptive reuse are ignored. Because of the great impact
and circular building principles in capital project
that the building industry has on the environment, failing
to optimize a building’s useful life can result in its residual
life cycle value not being fully exploited, and with it, wast- The capital project delivery system is a complete series of
ing the embedded resources. Adaptive reuse addresses operations leading to the occupancy of a finished building.
this potential and optimizes the use of new and reused It is well known that a total project delivery system encom-
resources, when it is applied properly. passes the pre-project planning, design, and construction
phases of the project life cycle. It can be argued that the
pre-project planning phase is the most important in a pro-
2.2. Analysis of the existing building stock
ject life cycle in terms of determining the success of its
An accurate inventory analysis of the building stock must outcomes (Smith 1983, CII 1994, Cho 2000, Johansen and
be a fundamental part of strategic planning for a circular Wilson 2006). Pre-project planning is focused on setting
economy in construction and of planning for particular the major decisions of a project scope that will affect the
capital projects. It will provide decision-makers with the cost and schedule performance, operating characteristics,
necessary financial, social and environmental information as well as the overall financial success of the project.
to maximize project performance in terms of sustainabil- For three decades, a number of research studies have
ity. Advances in Building Information Modeling (BIM), City investigated and demonstrated the importance of the
Information Modeling (CIM) and the Internet of Things pre-project planning phase in different industries and
(IoT), as well as the enormous amount of data already sectors (Cho 2000, Ballard 2000a, Johansen and Wilson
available in virtual platforms such as Google Earth, real 2006, Morris 2011, Edkins et al. 2013, Bingham and Gibson
estate databases and public Geographical Information 2017). In the early 1990s, Morris (2013) proposed an alter-
Systems (GIS), are enabling a realistic, dynamic and up-to- native project management model named Management
date inventory analysis of buildings stocks. It is still a chal- of Projects (MoP). In this model, Morris settled the frame-
lenge, however, to perform this kind of analysis, because work for managing the preconstruction planning as well
the information is dispersed and non-unified. For example, as downstream execution. The MoP model focuses on the
it is difficult to know which buildings in a region are at the project in its context, particularly on early definition of
end of their lifespan. the project success factors, rather than the execution and
Existing buildings approaching the end of their lifespan delivery stages, as is the case in traditional project man-
could become a “mine” of materials, since it is often more agement (Morris and Edkins 2013). In 2000, Ballard termed
the preconstruction planning process as “front-end” plan- and distant stocks of ores and other resources (Kibert
ning, and he identified this process as a fundamental part 2007). Understanding the real value of the built envi-
of the project definition and design phases of the Lean ronment in terms of sustainability through merging cut-
Construction Institute’s Lean Project Delivery System. In his ting-edge technology with the most updated and realistic
work, Ballard (2000b) developed and tested an approach buildings’ databases (Langston 2013, Ortlepp et al. 2016,
to increase plan reliability during design processes, named Stephan and Athanassiadis 2017) and the improvement
the Last Planner System. Similarly, due to concerns of poor on the monetization of environmental impacts through
prediction of client cost and construction duration, the technological development and research in the field
Egan Report (1998) Rethinking Construction proposed a (Viscusi 2005, Shindell 2015, Yeung 2016) could well be
specific set of performance measures of time and cost pre- improved. It is clear that while useful to date, the current
dictability. This set of performance measures is well known implementation of pre-project planning is insufficient for
as the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and they have capital project planning for a circular economy.
been studied, implemented and extended by numerous Central to this paper, is the recognition of inadequate
organizations. The Construction Best Practices Program development of capital project planning tools for achiev-
(CBPP) is recognized as the leading organization involved ing sustainability and circular economy objectives. As pre-
in the production of KPIs (Beatham et al. 2004). In North viously described, above, pre-project planning is the most
America, for over three decades the Construction Industry important stage for construction success. Pre-project plan-
Institute (CII) studied the pre-project planning phase for ning has been defined as, “the process of developing suffi-
new buildings. In 1998, CII developed a pre-project plan- cient strategic information for owners to address risk and
ning tool called the Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI) decide to commit resources to maximize the chance for a
for buildings, as part of a series of PDRI’s for different con- successful project” (CII 1994). Pre-project planning is analo-
struction industry sectors. For the purposes of this article, gous to processes in other sectors and geographic regions
we consider the PDRI and its derivatives an important of the construction and capital projects delivery industry
and representative applied tool set for this domain, as its such as front-end loading (FEL), project programming,
use on hundreds of building projects has been well doc- schematic design, conceptual planning, feasibility analysis
umented by the CII. and early project planning. In spite of its importance, early
Despite its efficacy, a linear project life-cycle paradigm planning in most cases could be performed much better in
still dominates the pre-project planning for capital project the building industry. Some authors attribute this problem
delivery. Linear project life cycle stages include extraction, to the lack of studies that demonstrate quantitatively the
construction, operation and EoL. An unlimited amount effectiveness of the pre-project definition for buildings
of natural resources is assumed, and their restoration or (Xia et al. 2016). Other authors claim that it is due to the
preservation, as a part of a sustainable cycle, is neglected. lack of development of science-based user-friendly tools
The evidence shows that when having strictly commer- to assist in developing a clear project definition for build-
cial objectives, externalities as well as environmental and ings (Dumont et al. 1997, Cho and Gibson 2001).
social impacts, are neglected (Mokhlesian and Holmén Some of the most important tools available in this
2012). domain are the PDRI, Alignment Thermometer, Front End
Under a linear project life cycle approach, even the Planning Toolkit and Shutdown/Turnaround Alignment
conceptualization of a green building could result in a Review (STAR). All these tools have been developed to
paradox. This approach is focused on the construction be functional under the traditional conditions of a linear
of new high-efficient eco-friendly buildings. However, economy approach. There is little or no evidence, however,
according to circular building principles, a shift of thinking in their fundamental development about the incorpora-
in the perception of sustainability in construction is nec- tion of a circular economy approach. We argue in the fol-
essary; switching from the traditional creative and innova- lowing that the early capital projects delivery phases for
tive approach to a restorative and regenerative one. This a circular economy should have distinct stages, decision
change of perception is founded on the facts that: (1) an gates and more appropriate planning methods, such as
enormous proportion of all the materials ever extracted selective disassembly, LCA monetization protocols and
are in today’s built environment (Kibert 2007) and (2) the optimization methods.
turn-over rate of buildings is considered relatively low The PDRI was developed to assess projects from fea-
(Wilkinson et al. 2009, Beccali et al. 2013, Sandin et al. sibility through the end of detailed scope and up to the
2014, Conejos et al. 2014). As well, the price of materials project execution stage. During scope definition, the most
extraction is increasing, as are the negative environmental relevant information for the project, such as general pro-
impacts, due to the natural constraints of the more dilute ject requirements, necessary equipment and materials
and construction methods or procedures, is identified and 3. The advantages of adaptive reuse over
compiled to permit effective and efficient detailed design green-field construction
to proceed (Cho 2000). The PDRI allows project teams to
Choosing adaptive reuse for a building project is a com-
assess and measure the gaps in scope definition, provid-
plex process. Figure 1 shows the role of adaptive reuse in
ing a basis to manage the process. According to Bingham
the construction value chain in a circular economy, and
and Gibson (2017), the PDRI estimates an index that meas-
it illustrates the capital project planning framework pro-
ures the relative level of definition for the project, where
posed in this article. Most of the processes identified as
a lower score indicates a more complete scope definition.
part of the adaptive reuse cycle in Figure 1 require fur-
It is completed collaboratively and often more than once
in the pre-project planning phase. Over the past decades, ther research and development. Many aspects have to
the PDRI tools have been updated and revised, and data be taken into account, such as the physical integrity of
on their efficacy have continued to be captured (Bingham the building, economic issues, functionality, technologi-
and Gibson 2017). cal retrofits, social impact and legal and political issues.
While the PDRI and the early project processes it sup- For this reason, limited research has been done regarding
ports (such as need identification, project definition and establishing feasible methodologies for the assessment
basis of design) have been effective for conventional capi- of adaptive reuse of buildings. Some authors stress that
tal project planning, they are insufficient in a circular econ- intuition and experience are the only guides in making
omy approach. For example, in a linear construction life decisions about adaptive reuse (Highfield and Gorse 2009).
cycle approach, no constraints are recognized for material We strongly disagree. Some processes and tools have been
resources or their final disposal. In contrast, a circular life developed, such as the Adaptive Reuse Potential (ARP)
cycle approach aims to preserve products, components model (Conejos et al. 2015), the adaptSTAR model (Conejos
and materials at their highest possible utility and value in et al. 2014) and “smart growth codes” (DHUD 2001, Cantell
order to create more sustainable cycles. Tools such as the 2005). However, substantially more research to enable the
PDRI have focused principally on the market performance processes described in Figure 1 is required.
of building projects. Externalities such as social and envi- As discussed earlier, undervaluing and thus not including
ronmental impacts are not included. While this perspec- social and environmental impacts in existing planning tools
tive predominates in North America, it persists worldwide, is misleading. For example, the lower budget segment of
and it has led to underestimating the real value of reusing Figure 1 summarizes part of the findings in a case study for
existing building stock for an efficient circular economy. developing an LCA-based decision-making methodology
Values must change and a better understanding of capital for evaluating adaptive reuse of buildings. The situation is
project planning for a circular economy is needed to move typical. Despite the fact that the contract value of the adap-
forward. We pose questions and propose a framework for tive reuse building project did not report a reduction in the
that purpose in the next section. final budget in comparison to green-field construction, the
distribution of the construction budget was completely dif-
ferent. Construction materials costs were substantially lower
2.4. The knowledge gap – pre-project planning for the adaptive reuse project than the green-field alter-
tools for adaptive reuse native. In contrast, the skilled labour expenses increased
Adaptive reuse synthesizes many of the principles and considerably. The increment of employment represents a
methods described in the preceding paragraphs in order completely unrecognized social benefit, and the reduction
to restore, reconfigure and repurpose existing buildings. of the demand for raw materials promotes an intelligent
An urgent need exists to develop and validate effective economy instead of a resource-based one.
planning principles, methods and tools for adaptive reuse Most sustainable development arguments seem to miss
building projects. In particular, while the PDRI for buildings this point and thus lose effectiveness in motivating local
is known to be an effective planning tool for green-field change. While the impact of the sheer size of the existing
building projects, it has limited applicability to the circu- built environment from an energy efficiency and retrofit-
lar model. Complimentary tools are also required such as ting perspective has not been neglected, appreciation of
selective disassembly planning methods, LCA analysis pro- the potential for adaptive reuse as opposed to recycling
cedures, and methods to justify development incentives and reconstruction has been missing. That said, adaptive
offered by government. Thus, we propose a capital pro- reuse can be expensive. It has a high impact on the EoL
ject planning framework and related research that must value for a building. If a building is technically difficult to
be accomplished to enable a more circular economy in the recover, it might actually increase its environmental and
capital projects sector. economic cost in comparison to a new building. Therefore,
Circular Economy
Construction Value Chain
Building Inventory
Basis of Design - GC Green Space Basis of Design - AR
Reuse/ Greenfield Construction (GC) Adaptive Reuse (AR) Reuse/
Redistribute Redistribute
Service Service
Maintain Maintain
Repair Repair
Operation Operation
Construction Budget
Distribution & Comparison
Figure 1. Circular economy principles in the construction value chain – Greenfield Construction (GC) vs. Adaptive Reuse (AR).
it is necessary to develop methods to predict the financial, 4. Developing a project definition rating index
social and environmental performance for adaptive reuse for adaptive reuse
building projects. This makes it possible to understand and
The existing PDRI for buildings consists of 64 scope defi-
justify objectively when a building asset should be rede-
nition elements grouped into 11 categories in a weighted
veloped using adaptive reuse.
checklist format. Substantial revisions are required for adap-
This last point is important, because the methods and
tive reuse projects. For example, the basis of design is more
regulations needed rely on conventional intuitive planning
focused on retrieval of existing information and the evalu-
procedures by experienced professionals in the construc-
ation of the constraints that this process imposes. Also, the
tion industry to determine the scope and convenience
basis of design should assist in mitigating the risk stemming
of adaptive reuse projects. Intuitive planning procedures
from issues such as technical feasibility, cost-effectiveness,
are easy to apply but can lead to suboptimal plans, and
environmental impact justification, logistics problems and
expertise is in short supply (Lin and Haas 1996). Many
permitting requirements. Therefore, we suggest some mod-
quantitative planning tools for adaptive reuse need to be
ifications to the PDRI for buildings, so that it could be used
developed (Figure 1), such as selective disassembly plan-
as a starting point for creating a PDRI for adaptive reuse
ning, and, among them a PDRI for reuse is perhaps the
projects. The modifications are organized into four groups
most important.
according to planning objectives, as follows.
4.1. Basis of project decision recovery EoL methods include design for disassembly,
design for maintainability/serviceability, design for reuse,
For the first group, the main objective is to develop the
design for remanufacturing and design for recyclability
basis of project decision. It involves retrieval of the infor-
(Smith and Hung 2015). For existing assets, complete
mation necessary for understanding the project objectives
design for disassembly is not possible, and the process is
according to circular building principles. Though the cur-
reduced to planning for disassembly. Planning for disas-
rent PDRI includes an option for the evaluation of existing
sembly must play a key role in the adaptive reuse process,
buildings, it does not include any requirement for the jus-
where the disassembly planning sequence (as well as the
tification of the business strategy, owner philosophies and
disassembly methods used to recover target components)
project requirements in terms of a circular economy. While
has to be performed in an efficient way. The target compo-
a single building project would not justify developing an
nents can be architectural, structural, mechanical or elec-
exhaustive macroeconomic analysis on these topics, we trical, among others. The objectives should be to reduce
believe that a certain level of analysis is necessary in order building costs and to increase the building components’
to understand better the role of each particular project life cycle persistence. If the design for disassembly is too
inside the built environment. This information is crucial in complex or time-consuming, the associated economic and
setting up the conditions for making strategic decisions environmental costs could be higher than installing new
aligned to circular economy principles, such as in the case components. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate a
of adaptive reuse of existing buildings instead of green- cost–benefit analysis for selective disassembly and dem-
field building. This approach will be necessary when as a olition planning.
society we decide that all project objectives are not strictly
commercial, and when social and environmental factors
become monetized. 4.4. Execution approach
The execution approach definition must have the objec-
4.2. Basis of design tive of evaluating the project scope elements that are nec-
essary to fully understand the requirements of the owner’s
The second group of modifications has the objective of execution strategy, aligned to closed-loop cycle building
retrieving existing information for developing the project’s methods. Groups of elements in the PDRI Execution Plan
basis of design, according to the imposed constraints. section include: (1) procurement strategy, (2) delivera-
Once the basis of project decision has been completed, bles, (3) project control and (4) project execution plan.
and the conditions for an adaptive reuse building project For the “project execution plan” group, the description of
have been established, it is possible to develop the basis the scope elements in the PDRI has been delineated and
of design. Typically, for an existing building, most of the weighted according to the most common and effective
information in this matter is already documented. For practices for green-field building. In a circular economy,
adaptive reuse projects, the definition elements should be the project execution plan faces different challenges
more focused on the affordability of retrieving the existing due to the inclusion of new techniques for construction
design documentation, verification of the existing condi- (green design methods), more stakeholders in sustainable
tion’s compliance according to the updated construction development (environmental and social stakeholders) and
codes and analysis of the current physical conditions. This new ways for trading building resources, such as materials,
point is important, because a change in the scope and machinery use and labour, due to the increase in the valu-
approach of the scope definition elements should change ation of the net environmental impacts that they produce
their weights in the overall PDRI score table. A comprehen- from a lifecycle perspective.
sive study is necessary to determine the element weights In summary, redefining, re-weighting and selectively
for the PDRI for adaptive reuse projects. adding to, as well as deleting from, the current group of
64 scope definition elements of the PDRI tool would make
it applicable for planning closed-loop building projects,
4.3. Recovery of economic and ecological value
such as adaptive reuse projects.
The third group of modifications required has the objective
of recovering as much of the economic, social and ecolog-
5. Concluding discussion
ical value of a building as possible during the process of
adaptive reuse. The potential benefits of adaptive reuse This article argues that project planning for capital projects
rely on the fact that it is possible to take away components must change as we shift from a linear to a circular econ-
from an obsolete building and then repair, reuse, reman- omy. While understanding of the real value of the built
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