A G T F C B D: Uidance OOL OR Ircular Uilding Esign
A G T F C B D: Uidance OOL OR Ircular Uilding Esign
A G T F C B D: Uidance OOL OR Ircular Uilding Esign
Jelmer Amory
Faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology
Julianalaan 134, 2628BL Delft
[email protected]
Circularity and the Circular Economy (CE) are gaining ground across different industries, including the building
sector. However, these terms are not clearly defined and there is a lack of proper guidance for architects to
effectively implement these concepts into their designs. In this paper, the research question: “How can architects,
non-expert to the CE, be stimulated and systematically guided towards circular design?” is answered through the
development of a guidance tool for circular buildings. Firstly, the key principles of circularity are identified.
Second, a list of ‘circular design’ and ‘circular material usage’ strategies, appearing in literature, is compiled
and structured. These strategies, accompanied by relevant reference projects, are comprised into a framework
(guidance tool). Last, this framework is reflected on, in terms of its capability to answer the research question.
KEYWORDS: Circular Economy, CE, circularity, architecture, building design, design for circularity,
guidance tool, framework, circular design strategies, circular material usage strategies
Ever since the Industrial Revolution, a Linear Economy (LE) model was adopted, supported by an
abundance of resources. Considering the earth as a closed system, it becomes apparent that this model
is restricted (Braungart & McDonough, 2002, p.103-105). Due to an increase in population and global
prosperity, a turning point was reached around the year 2000. From this moment on, resource prices
started increasing rather than decreasing as we came to face the limitations of our planet (EMF, n.d. c).
Since the 1950’s, conceptual frameworks have been developed to try to limit the destruction of the
earth, such as: Regenerative Design, Performance Economy, Cradle-to-Cradle, Industrial Ecology,
Biomimicry, Green Economy, Blue Economy and Bio-Based Economy. Many of these ideas are included
in the Circular Economy (CE), a new economy model based on circular principles relating to
environmental, social and financial assets (Verberne, 2016, p.12). There is both a moral obligation
(towards future generations) and an economic incentive for the adoption of a CE model, as businesses
that implement the CE can profit from efficiency gains and reputation gains (Reike et al., 2017, p.4).
In the building industry, historically, the reuse of materials has been high. However, in the past decades,
the amount of demolition waste has increased significantly (Hobbs & Adams, 2017, p.109). In recent
years, the concept of circularity has been gaining traction. However, as the building industry is relatively
complex and generally conservative, the transition towards a CE has been slow (BIS, 2013, p.81).
Recently, the focus of sustainable building design has been more on energy consumption than on
materials. As the building industry remains a key contributor to resource depletion, climate change,
pollution, and related problems, there is an opportunity for a better integration of the CE in the building
industry (Leising et al., 2017, p.976-977).
The CE is complex and not unanimously defined. As the term ‘circularity’ grows in popularity, without
proper backing of a clear definition or metric, its meaning becomes vague, like ‘sustainable’ and
‘green’. Moreover, the way to achieve circularity in a building or product is subject of debate. There is
an increasing amount of examples of buildings that have been labelled ‘circular’, but the quantity of
restoration of material flows is not maximised, so the term ‘circular’ only applies to an (unspecified)
extent. The aim of this research is to provide insight in the different aspects of circularity and the CE in
architecture, and to provide a guidance tool for architects who wish to improve the circularity, as a
specific attribute of quality of the building design.
1.1. Definitions
1.1.1. Circular Economy
There is no standard definition for the CE model, but major organisations share the same ideas on the
concept. All definitions have in common that the CE is opposed to the LE model: “make-take-waste”
(Saidani et al, 2017, p.3). The strength of the CE is the compatibility of sustainable development and
economic benefits (value creation and savings by resource input reduction), environmental benefits
(impact reduction) and even social benefits (job creation) (Saidani et al, 2017, p.1-2). The ultimate goal
is sustainable development, achieved through the improvement of resource efficiency by circularity
(Linder et al., 2017, p.546).
1.1.2. Circularity
Circularity is the quantity of restauration of resource flows (EMF et al., 2015b, p.5). It can be considered
at different systemic levels. There generally are four levels of circularity: macro level (city, province,
region, nation), meso level (eco-industrial parks), micro level (single company or consumer) and nano
level (buildings, products, components and materials) (Saidani et al, 2017, p.4-5). The levels influence
and interact with each other: the higher levels are based on the lower levels. The shift towards a CE
requires changes at each of these levels (Linder et al., 2017, p.546). Circularity at nano level consists
of two aspects: circular material usage and circular design (Geldermans, 2016, p.301; Loppies, 2015,
• Circular material usage: Materials are selected based on circularity: materials that are
renewable (biological cycles) or reusable after usage (technical cycles);
• Circular design: Products and components are designed and manufactured to easily be
disassembled at the end of their use and can be applied in a new situation again.
For buildings, circularity can be perceived and measured on a scale of 100% linear to 100% circular, as
a single attribute of building quality (Linder et al., 2017, p.546-547).
1.1.3. Circular Building Design
There are various circular design strategies at nano level, focusing on products, components and
materials. Circular building design is a Design for Circularity (DfC) strategy that is specific to, or
compatible with buildings. In the field of architecture, circular design can be described as: “a building
that is designed, planned, built, operated, maintained, and deconstructed in a manner consistent with
CE principles” (Pomponi & Moncaster, 2017, p.711). This includes optimising the buildings’ useful
lifetime and integrating the end-of-life phase in the design (Leising et al., 2017, p.977).
1.2. Relevance of Research
In its long tradition, the CE has only recently gained traction, as the urgency has become more apparent
due to population growth and global wealth increase (Reike et al., 2017, p.4). In addition, regulation
and certification for circular performance in buildings is under development by the European
Commission, increasing the incentive to develop circular design methods and business models (Hobbs
& Adams, 2017, p.111). As such, the CE presents risks and opportunities for businesses. According to
the EMF, one of the main transitions that should take place for a successful implementation of circular
models is rethinking product design in order to facilitate the recovery of components and materials
(EMF et al., 2015a, p.7). As circularity is complex, effective circular design strategies should be
suggested to designers, non-expert to the CE (Saidani et al, 2017, p.13). The guidance tool proposed in
this research aims to provide architects with design strategies, material selection criteria and relevant
reference projects.
1.3. Scope of Research
This research aims to stimulate the transition towards a CE in architecture. In this research, building
circularity is considered with the following focus and limitations:
• System boundaries: In this research the focus is on the building (nano) level and its sub-levels:
building systems (Brand, 1994, p.13), products/components and materials. Circularity is
considered as closed loop or potential for connected open-loop cycles at a higher systemic level;
• Focus on circularity: As explained, the transition towards a CE has technical, environmental,
economic and social motivations (Saidani et al, 2017, p.1-2). However, in this research, only
circularity as a combination of circular design and circular material usage (Geldermans, 2016,
p.301; Loppies, 2015, p.44) is considered. Other aspects of circularity in buildings require
additional research.
1.4. Research Questions and Methods
This research aims to answer the question: “How can architects, non-expert to the CE, be stimulated
and systematically guided towards circular design?” Systematic guidance requires the framing of the
key principles of circularity, using a ‘logical argumentation’ method (Groat & Wang, 2013, p.379). The
research seeks to give logical order to the concept of circular building design, by the development of a
framework for a usable guidance tool for architects, non-expert to the CE, who wish to develop a
circular building design. This is done in four steps:
• Step 1: Identification of key principles of the CE and circularity. This is done through (academic
and non-academic) literature on the fundamentals of the CE and circularity and on assessment
methods for circular performance;
• Step 2: Exploration of existing design and material usage strategies of the CE and circularity.
This is done through (academic and non-academic) literature on design methods for the CE and
circularity and through architectural and non-architectural case studies of circular design;
• Step 3: Development of a framework. This is done using the knowledge gained in the literature
and case study research into a usable guidance tool for the targeted users, by combining
theoretical principles with practical strategies and reference projects;
• Step 4: Conclusions are drawn and recommendations for future research are made.
Figure 2. Framework for the circular building guidance tool (own image)
4.1.1. Development of the Framework
In the preliminary research, the appropriate format for the guidance tool was developed. In order to
systematically guide architects towards circular design, a ‘logical argumentation’ method was chosen.
The spectrum of logical argumentation spans from ‘formal/mathematical’ (using equations and software
programs) to ‘cultural/discursive’ frameworks (using treatises), with ‘mathematical/cultural’
frameworks (using models and analytical tools) in between (Groat & Wang, 2013, p.379-411). As
architects are visual people (Groat & Wang, 2013, p.25), the proposed framework is positioned at the
‘cultural/discursive’ side of the scale and makes use of visual traits.
The key principles of circularity in buildings, as discussed in Chapter 2, dictate the lay-out of the
framework. First of all, a division was made between a circular material usage part and a circular
design part, in line with the concept of material value and added value. Secondly, for both parts a matrix
was comprised combining system thinking (rows) with lifecycle thinking (columns). Represented in the
rows, the hierarchical systemic levels of circular building design are: building, building systems,
products/components, while the lowest systemic level: materials is part of the circular material usage
part. Lifecycle phases with their general circular strategies: development (refuse/reduce), utility
(maintain/prolong, reuse/redistribute and refurbish/remanufacture) and end-of-life (recover) are
included in the columns. These categorisations are based on the cascading cycles of the butterfly (EMF
et al., 2015b, p.3), and on the work of Reike et al. (2017, p.13).
4.1.2. Selection of the Circularity Strategies
The circular building guidance tool includes circular design strategies and circular material usage
strategies, appearing in literature by Braungart & McDonough (2002), Hobbs & Adams (2017), Reike
et al. (2017), Leising et al. (2017), Luscuere (2016a, 2016b), Moreno et al. (2016), Saidani et al. (2017),
Verberne (2016) and Köhler et al. (2013). A selection of strategies was made, based on relevance to
building design and by reduction of similarities/duplications (tables of strategies appearing in literature
are included in Appendix A and C). These strategies were structured into the framework, as is shown
in Figure 2 (larger images are included in Appendix E and F). They are represented by functional
colouring and contain inspiring images of precedents in order to stimulate architects.
4.1.3. Future Developments of the Tool
The framework proposed in this paper is the bases for a guidance tool for circular buildings. For it to
be operational, it needs a user-friendly interface, easy accessibility and it should contain (at least) one
relevant reference project in every cell. As one of the requirements, the guidance tool proposed is non-
static and can be improved and expanded in the future. For these reasons, a dynamic webpage seems to
be the suitable format for the final version of the guidance tool. This way, its accessibility is guaranteed
and an easy interface can help users (architects) find relevant circular strategies and precedents. The
content of the guide (Appendix B and D) can be updated and expanded by moderators. Additional
functions, such as circular energy usage strategies, circular business model strategies and strategies to
eliminate negative externalities (such as pollution, depletion, toxicity and human and animal
mistreatment) can be added to the tool in the future. Further stimulation for architects can be achieved
through additional visual traits such as icons and schematic images of circular solutions.
4.2. Guide To Use the Tool
The tool can be used by architects at different stages of the design process and for different purposes.
It can serve as an exploratory guide to circular building strategies, by browsing through the different
categories and learning about the different design strategies, supported by inspirational precedents. It
can also serve as a tool to help make a specific design decision or to a come up with a specific design
strategy, based on the object of design's hierarchical level and the targeted phase of the lifecycle.