Article 3
Article 3
Article 3
The growing population in large cities is creating traffic management issues. The
metropolis road network management also requires constant monitoring, timely expan-
sion, and modernization. In order to handle road traffic issues, an intelligent traffic
management solution is required. Intelligent monitoring of traffic involves the detec-
tion and tracking of vehicles on roads and highways. There are various sensors for
collecting motion information, such as transport video detectors, microwave radars,
infrared sensors, ultrasonic sensors, passive acoustic sensors, and others. In this paper,
we present an intelligent video surveillance-based vehicle tracking system. The pro-
posed system uses a combination of the neural network, image-based tracking, and
You Only Look Once (YOLOv3) to track vehicles. We train the proposed system with
different datasets. Moreover, we use real video sequences of road traffic to test the per-
formance of the proposed system. The evaluation outcomes showed that the proposed
system can detect, track, and count the vehicles with acceptable results in changing
1 Introduction
Today, mankind has stepped far forward—there are more and more areas where human
work is replaced by artificial intelligence (AI). There are many reasons for this: repet-
itive work, the human factor, the inability to compete in reaction speed, in some cases,
the inability of our body and our senses to work in unusual situations. At present, traffic
is regulated by signs, traffic lights, and so on. However, with the increasing develop-
ment of artificial intelligence, a completely different environment will be required
to control traffic. Statistics on car sales indicate a steady increase in the number of
vehicles worldwide (2016 is considered a record year, as sales increased by almost
50%), which creates some serious problems, such as traffic congestions, safety, pol-
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M. A. A. Al-qaness et al.
lution, and increased need for mobility. Most of these problems are being solved by
constructing new, wider, and safer highways and additional lanes on existing ones, but
it is expensive and often not feasible. Cities are limited with space, and at some point,
growing demand may exceed constructional abilities.
The primary purpose of the Traffic Analysis System (TAS) is to collect data about
the current traffic situation on the roads. The basis of TAS is the processing of the video
stream and its subsequent analysis. The objective is to develop a system that will make
it possible not only to estimate the number of passing vehicles in the lanes but also to
take into account the direction of their movements in the lanes. Also, such a system
should be able to classify the traffic flow into the main categories of vehicles for a
more accurate prediction of traffic while optimizing coordination plans. Based on the
density of vehicles on a particular route, it becomes possible to develop a mechanism
that effectively reduces and predicts traffic congestion [1], taking some actions in
advance. For example, the precise adjustment of traffic lights and signs. The detection
algorithm requires high accuracy and image processing speed in classifying an object
and determining its location in the image. The range of approaches to solving this
problem is large enough, which allows people to choose the most suitable methods
for specific needs.
A review of recent work has shown that the problem of video detection of vehicles is
being studied by many researchers. In most of the studies, vehicle search is performed
by detecting registration plates [2–4]. This method is one of the simplest in terms of
recognition algorithms, because of the contrast of the background and the characters,
and the limited number of characters. However, that approach does not allow detecting
vehicles in situations where there are no license plates (bicycles) or when they are
located in non-standard parts (like motorcycles or cars with temporary numbers).
Moreover, the classification of vehicles requires access to the database of traffic police,
which is not always necessary and possible. Along with this, there are studies in which
a search is made for simple geometric primitives: straight lines in the area of the bumper
or suspension, and circles enclosing the wheels. The restoration of vehicle parameters
is carried out based on the relative position of the set of primitives and the history
of their displacement in the coordinate system associated with the image. The main
limitations of both approaches are instability to changing the angle and the presence
of blurry frames (for example, due to short-term wind exposure), as well as the lack
of the possibility of large-block classification for one frame. In this regard, existing
methods do not allow solving the problem of assessing the intensity of traffic flows,
taking into account their qualitative composition in conditions when vehicles change
their angle. Thus, the problem of developing methods and algorithms for solving the
video detection problem of vehicles of different classes, providing search and tracking
regardless of camera angle and location, is relevant.
There are a lot of different techniques for object tracking. Vehicle tracking is often
implemented by subtracting the dynamic component (moving objects) from the static
background of the image. Background subtraction is often combined with blob analy-
sis [5–7], Kalman filter [8, 9], Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) [10, 11]. Particle filter
dependent trackers [12, 13] are also used often to track moving vehicles. Nonetheless,
the background subtraction method has drawbacks when processing data in dense
traffic conditions. This leads to vehicle fusion due to partial occlusion in the pro-
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An improved YOLO-based road traffic monitoring system
cessed image data and the prediction of an incorrect bounding box occurs. Shadows
from vehicles also cause the wrong detection results. To solve this problem, in [14],
a GMM is combined with the maximization of expectation for constructing a back-
ground model. Only then, vehicles are detected by background subtraction. Occlusions
are processed using color histograms and morphological features. In [15], it was pro-
posed to count vehicles in nighttime videos by extracting bright regions (headlights),
followed by tracking of paired headlights. In [16], an off-line training method for
vehicle detection has achieved good results. It is using the support vector machine to
calculate the Haar wavelet function. In [17], an approach based on multilayer neural
networks is used. Here, the network performs both feature extraction and classification
and that simplicity enables real-time applications. The network is trained by a new
algorithm that creates a feature space where the patterns have a desirable statistical
distribution. In [18], gradient analysis and Adaboost classification were used to detect
the vehicle from the back. In [19], an algorithm for detecting a vehicle from the side
using a cascade of boosted classifiers presented. In [20], an algorithm for teaching
real-time tracking of vehicles in a video sequence using an advanced feature selection
method is presented. In [21], a framework for spatiotemporal vehicle tracking using
unsupervised learning-based segmentation and object tracking is presented. In [22],
an intelligent traffic system is able to automatically detect and apprehend traffic viola-
tors. As for China, a few years ago, Alibaba e-commerce company launched its traffic
management service, City Brain [23]. Using cloud computing and machine learning,
the service can reduce traffic congestion on the city’s roads. City Brain analyzes huge
amounts of data coming from hundreds of traffic lights, video cameras, and public
transport systems to optimize traffic flow. It will use big data analysis, image clas-
sification, and other technology to make predictions about current traffic situations,
and give recommendations, for example, determining the fast and free route for an
ambulance through the city using the real-time analysis of road network density.
A similar system called Vivacity was established in Milton Keynes, United King-
dom [24]. It consists of more than 400 smart traffic cameras at the major junctions
of the city. Vivacity is capable of counting and classifying road users. It has sensors
that can measure how long it takes for vehicles to travel between certain intersections.
In perspective, sharing such information with neighboring intersections to help them
understand what is coming their way could help in autonomous decision making. It
stores live photos and video footages to help with the development of future planning.
Vivacity has a machine learning sub-module that, by analyzing the data, learns typical
daily trends, and combines this with how the traffic reacts to some changes in the
road network. It constantly evolves and adapts, increasing its predictive ability and
reducing the amount of human intervention needed. It forecasts traffic flows for the
day, providing historical and live data.
Effective traffic management is not only important to urban planning but also
just about everyone. The Texas Transportation Institute conducted a research which
revealed that because of traffic congestion the average urban motorist waste about 42 h
a year stuck in traffic jams, resulting in damage of 160 billion dollars a year, including
from lost productivity, gas burned while stuck in traffic and additional tear on vehicles
[25]. This number can go even higher in other countries like London, where traffic
congestion is more serious than in other cities around the globe.
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Besides the negative impact on the economy, traffic jams cause enormous environ-
mental damage. A pulmonary function test conducted in [26] showed that 1 out of 6
traffic policemen have a lung problem and suffer from breathing problems due to bur-
geoning air pollution. Applying AI to the traffic management system could minimize
human intervention, which can protect people from further health problems.
In this paper, we present to an intelligent vehicle tracking system using an improved
You Only Look Once (YOLOv3) algorithm. The proposed system is applied for detect-
ing and classification of vehicles on video from surveillance cameras, that will carry
out a full cycle of solving the traffic analysis problem, including the preparation of test
data, marking the visibility percentage of detected vehicles and areas of interest, collec-
tion, and analysis of the results of the search, evaluation of the traffic flows intensity of
different directions, visualization of search and maintenance results, ensure resistance
to changing angles and camera position, an experimental study of the effectiveness of
the system.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 3 explains the methods employed in the
study. Section 3 describes the experimentation. Finally, Sect. 4 concludes the paper.
2 Methodology
In the proposed design we used Python programming language, OpenCV library for
image processing, Google Colab cloud service, and Anaconda development environ-
ment. Python was chosen as the programming language for development. We used
NumPy, Pandas, and OpenCV libraries. The system under development consists of
two main subsystems—internal and external. The internal subsystem is a video stream
processing algorithm for detecting objects and a tracking algorithm. Processing is per-
formed using the You Only Look Once (YOLO) neural network model. The external
system is a desktop application for the user to work with the tracking system.
At the initial stage of the system’s operation, the video stream is processed frame by
frame with a convolutional neural network in order to detect all objects on the frame.
As a model of a convolutional neural network, the YOLOv3 model [27] was used. This
model was chosen because it has the ability to recognize many objects on the frame
with an indication of their approximate location, size, and class. Also, this model has
an open-source code and license, which allow for free use and modification. YOLOv3
has a framework for conducting complete retraining of the neural network using its
own data, as well as for configuring a ready-made network (fine-tuning). The general
layered structure of the Darknet-53 network is shown in Fig. 1.
The general structure of YOLOv3 consists of another 53 layers, also based on
Darknet-53, they are responsible for predicting the coordinates of objects and their
sizes. Thus, the number of layers reaches 106. The network structure is shown in
Fig. 2.
Prediction of the coordinates and sizes of objects is carried out at three different
image scales. Thus, the network is equally capable of detecting both large and small
objects in the frame. The main advantage of the YOLOv3 architecture is that objects
are localized and classified in a single pass through the network. This allows for
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An improved YOLO-based road traffic monitoring system
convolutional 32 1×1
convolutional 64 3×3
residual 128x128
convolutional 64 1×1
convolutional 128 3 × 3
residual 64×64
connected 1000
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M. A. A. Al-qaness et al.
the percentage of true predictions for the framing window (true positives) among all
the results for this class. Precision coefficient of a class is given by
Precision (1)
where TP and FP represent true positive and false positive, respectively.
Recall indicates the percentage of framing windows found for the class, among all
those presented in the ground truth of this image. The recall coefficient of a class is
given by the following equation.
Recall (2)
where FN represents false negative.
In order to be able to assess the accuracy of the predicted bounding box of the
object, the Intersections over Union (IoU) metric is used. A typical threshold value
indicating correct detection is IoU > 50%. IoU is a metric used to evaluate the accuracy
of algorithms that detect objects. As shown in Fig. 3, IoU value is equal to the partial
intersection area of the predicted bounding box and the ground truth response box to
the area of the union of these boxes.
Accuracy assessment for the detection and classification algorithm cannot be limited
to AP, therefore, the concept of mean Average Precision (mAP) should be used in the
future. The formula of mAP is given in Eq. 3:
q1 AP(q)
mAP , (3)
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An improved YOLO-based road traffic monitoring system
Fig. 3 The general formula of the Intersections over Union (IoU) metric
that matches this template. In the simplest case, the template may be a matrix of color
intensities that are most characteristic of the object. More complex methods of the
considered group use sets of feature vectors (descriptors), a geometric representation
of an object [28] or probabilistic models of objects that contain information about
the distribution of pixel intensities as a template. Matching with a template involves
comparing the descriptions of the test and template images with some selected met-
rics. It should be noted that the search methods for a given pattern work effectively
when searching for single objects because when overlapping occurs, some features in
the description can disappear. Another common approach to solving the problem of
detecting motion areas is to calculate the optical flow [29]. The optical flow allows for
the determination of the offset of each pixel. The application of this approach requires
the fulfilment of two basic conditions: the brightness of each point of the object does
not change over time; the nearest points belonging to the same object move with
similar speed in the image plane.
Probabilistic methods use an approach based on the concept of state space. It is
believed that a moving object has a certain internal state, which is measured on each
frame. In the simplest case, the state refers to the position of the object in the image.
Typical examples of such methods are those based on the Kalman filter [30] and the
particle filter [31]. When using the Kalman filter, it is assumed that the state is a
random variable with a normal distribution, and in the case of a particle filter, the
distribution is specified by a set of possible state values with an indication of the
frequencies of their occurrence. In practice, it is implemented using the mean shift
and its continuous modification (Continuous Adaptive Mean Shift, CAM Shift) [32]
by using kernel-based tracking techniques.
At the detection stage, the neural network brings the original image to a given square
size and divides it into square blocks based on hyper parameter H. Their number is
calculated as HxH. Each block at the detection stage makes a prediction about objects
whose centers are located inside the block. The prediction includes the coordinates of
the center of the object inside the block and its dimensions. The number of predictions
that each block makes is a hyper parameter P. Thus, during processing the image, at
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An improved YOLO-based road traffic monitoring system
Websites such as Open Images [34], and COCO [35] provide large datasets of images
that can be used to train CNN. The annotation file format of Open Images is just a
text file. Microsoft’s Common Objects in Context (COCO) dataset contain more than
200,000 images. It is relatively small, but all of those images have fairly accurate object
segmentation. Also, COCO allows for five textual captions for each image, such as
“a lot of cars are causing traffic jam” and “a highway of traffic with several transit
buses riding down it.” The annotation file of COCO is in JSON format. There are other
datasets, such as Pascal VOC [36], Stanford Car Dataset [37], and others, which have
thousands of vehicle images covering various lighting and weather conditions. Still,
in most of them, the vehicles and their locations are not marked.
We use the OIDv4 toolkit to create a custom dataset. It downloads images from
Open Images Dataset [34] and uses predefined commands to create a custom dataset.
The process of training the YOLOv3 network was carried out using the built-in
functionality of the Darknet framework, which underlies the implementation of this
network model. This framework allows users to set the network structure using con-
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M. A. A. Al-qaness et al.
figuration files and specify the hyper parameters for the network and its training. Also,
with its help, users can launch a neural network to process images or videos, conduct
training of a neural network, and check the quality of training on a test sample. Neural
network training takes place over several epochs. During this process, at each stage,
weights are optimized using gradient descent and back propagation methods. When
training the network “from scratch,” the weights are initialized by randomly nonzero
values distributed according to the distribution law in a certain neighbourhood in order
to avoid error propagation.
Also, in neural networks aimed at image recognition, the “fine-tuning” approach is
quite common. With this approach, an already-trained network that performs a similar
task is taken as the basis. The structure of the core network is adopted, and its weights
are used to initialize the learning network. Next, the neural network is trained on the
selected dataset. In this case, the training speed is set lower than during normal training
to avoid over-fitting. Thus, this approach allows for performing the classification task
using a network that solves a similar problem but is finely tuned to solve a specific
problem. The advantage of this approach is that a relatively small data set is sufficient
for training. For the YOLOv3 network, when learning from scratch, the recommended
sample size is at least 2000 images for each class of the object. With fine-tuning, the
amount of data can be reduced to 300 images per class [38].
The common name for this approach is transfer 1earning. The general principle of
transfer 1earning is that the general representation of the external features of an object
extracted by a convolutional neural network is usually similar. This is especially true
for visually similar objects that can be grouped together—vehicles, feline animals,
trees, etc. Moreover, a neural network trained to recognize an object from one group
can be easily and efficiently retrained to recognize another object from the same
group. In some cases, using this approach, it is possible to achieve a more accurate
classification than when learning from scratch.
3 System design
In this section, the proposed system is tested and evaluated. We begin by data prepa-
ration followed by analysis.
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An improved YOLO-based road traffic monitoring system
number of all available objects, which is a big imbalance that can interfere with the
training of the neural network. To avoid this, all images that did not contain at least
two classes were excluded from the sample. The resulting sample was still highly
asymmetric, with a significant superiority in favor of the car class.
To ensure the quality of the final sample, we implemented a manual check of the
entire sample to eliminate errors received in the primary processing. For this, the
LabelImg software was used to process an array of images. This software allows
users to view each image from the dataset. All objects whose data is contained in the
corresponding text file are highlighted in a rectangle in the image. All rectangles are
associated with some certain class: car, truck, public transport. Using this software, it
is possible to remove an object’s label from an image if this label was mistakenly set.
It is also possible to change the classes of the object if an error occurred at the stage
of classification and the borders of the object themselves are marked correctly.
The next step in preparing the dataset was separating from the total mass of images.
Those images do not contain a single object (that is, the image has an empty road or
does not have required objects). They were included separately in the sample to check
their influence on the quality of neural network training. The resulting array of images
was divided into two sets: training and test. The approximate distribution of images
in the samples was 80% and 20% of the initial amount of images, respectively.
Further, the process of training an artificial neural network was performed. While
working with the data, a modification of the neural network model YOLOv3 was
carried out. This decision was made in order to facilitate the network structure and,
accordingly, speed up the image processing. Based on the original model, by reducing
the number of convolutional layers, and filters on them a modified model was obtained.
Thus, the network structure was facilitated both in-depth and in-width.
The next step was training the resulting model and monitoring the quality of training.
The training was conducted in Google Colab to reduce the development time. Colab
provides the NVIDIA Tesla K80 graphics card with 12 GB of memory for free. Thus,
only a stable internet connection is required for training. In case of a disconnect,
downloaded files are deleted from the session, but the weights of the trained network
can be saved on Google Drive every few epochs to resume learning if needed. Since
the network structure was changed, the training was carried out from scratch with
random initialization of weights in each network layer. The results of the modified
network using the obtained weights can be seen in Fig. 5.
The YOLOv3 convolutional neural network model pre-trained on an open COCO
sample containing 80 classes, including the classes cars, trucks, and public transport
necessary for development was taken as the core network. Subsequently, an examina-
tion of the localization and classification quality of the resulting network objects on a
test sample was made. An examination was also performed on the original network.
The verification process is automated in the Darknet framework.
System testing can be divided into three submodules. First, the system is initialized
so that it is responsible for interaction with the user, and graphic interface of the
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Fig. 5 The result of the modified neural network modified network using the obtained weights
Traffic Video
system. The second submodule processes video with an artificial neural network. At
the output, information about the list of objects on the frame is transmitted to the
tracking submodule. The third submodule processes the obtained information that
carries out the association of objects. A schematic illustration of the system is shown
in Fig. 6.
The system is launched by the user using the Python command line. Using the
OpenCV library, one frame is read and transmitted to the video processing submodule.
Processing is performed every frame, or with some fixed regularity, for example, the
processing is performed every 5 frames. The system’s performance was tested at
different frame processing frequencies, during which it was found that at a frequency
of 1 frame per second, the tracking quality remains at the same level. With a further
increase in frequency, tracking quality may be reduced.
In video processing, the video stream is processed by an artificial neural network.
The neural network model is implemented using the built-in functionality of the Dark-
net. The network structure is attached to the network separately as a configuration file.
This configuration file contains a layered network structure indicating the type of layer
and its order. For convolutional layers, the filter sizes, their number, and their additional
parameters are indicated. For fully connected layers, the number of output classes and
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An improved YOLO-based road traffic monitoring system
the number of neurons in the layer are indicated. Network weights are loaded into
the system as a binary file. The format is determined by the internal structure of the
Darknet framework, with which the network is trained.
To process the image, it is converted into a blob with a depth of 3 by the number of
input color layers (red, green, and blue). The width and height of the blob are deter-
mined by the given network parameters. If the input image does not match with these
parameters, the image is scaled to these parameters. After conversion, it is processed
by a neural network that was previously initialized. As a result of processing, an out-
put array V is obtained. It contains all the objects that were recognized by the neural
network. The output array V goes to the tracking submodule for processing.
At this stage, the processing of frame-by-frame lists of objects transferred from the
video processing submodule takes place. Tracking is performed frame by frame when
the list update method is called. During processing, the list V is updated in accordance
with the list Vi. Elements of Vi associated with elements from the main list transmit
their position data on the frame to the corresponding objects of list V . At each stage
of processing, the coordinates of unsealed objects are compared with the coordinates
of the detection zones. When the center of the object falls into one of the detection
zones, the object is declared to be detected and added to the corresponding column
counter of the zones.
To count the number of vehicles that have traveled a section of the road for a certain
period of time, a special line is used. The coordinates of this line are set by the user
depending on the position of the road in the frame. It should be perpendicular to the
road for a more accurate calculation. The number of counting lines is unlimited, and
thus, it is possible to count vehicles in several lanes simultaneously, regardless of
the direction of movement. After all of the vehicles are detected and the boundary
boxes around them are drawn, the intersection between the centroid of the box and the
counting line is checked. In the case of an intersection, the counter of this particular
line is incremented by one. All these counters are displayed on the top of the screen
for the user.
The detection algorithm works on the whole image, but in practice, off-road areas
are not necessary. To increase the accuracy and processing speed of the algorithm, it
was decided to supply not the entire frame to the neural network, but only the road
area. As shown in Fig. 7, before the detection and tracking stage, a mask is applied
to each frame. After detection is done, the masked region is merged with the original
frame, and the area of the mask is highlighted with a blue line, as shown in Fig. 8.
The graphical interface of the system displays the source video, on which labels
from the main list of objects are stacked frame by frame. Figure 9 shows the number of
cars passed on each lane and the period of time during which observation was carried
4 Results
The developed system was tested on three real traffic videos. The first video was shot
in the afternoon, and the camera is located above the middle of the road. In the second
video, the camera is located in the same way as in the first one, but that video was shot
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Fig. 7 Applying a mask to a frame before the detection and tracking stage
in the winter with the presence of slight fog. The third video was shot in the night, and
the camera is located on the side of the road. The test results are shown in Table 1.
Detection accuracy was calculated from each frame. That is, the detector may lose
the vehicle for several frames, which will reduce the detection accuracy measurement,
but if the detector finds the vehicle again before it crosses the counting line, this does
not affect the accuracy of the calculation. YOLO determines the class of the vehicle
according to visual features, and when the object is at a certain distance or a certain
angle, objects of the class car, truck and bus may look quite similar.
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An improved YOLO-based road traffic monitoring system
Most vehicle tracking methods do not work well with very truncated vehicles. The
reason for the problem is that to be able to detect the vehicle, they require the center
of the bounding box of the vehicle to be inside the image. However, in practice, the
detection of such vehicles from the image is not much necessary. In Fig. 10, there are
several truncated cars at the bottom of the image. It is clearly seen that the designed
method is very good at detecting even very truncated vehicles.
However, there are problems that appear during night video processing. In Fig. 11,
several vehicles on the upper lane are not detected, but if it were not for the headlights,
even the human eye would have difficulty recognizing those cars. The YOLO method
needs more or less visible features of the objects to detect it. If good recognition at
night is needed, it is better to apply the method described in [15]. In this case, it is not
cars that are recognized, but pairs of headlights. It is important to mention that this
method will not be functional if vehicle headlights are turned off.
The aforementioned methods can be combined using sensors such as radar or lidar
for better accuracy. Finally, since the scene is changing and the vehicle is moving
through light and dark sections of the road, it must have appeared at least a couple of
times when driving under the lantern. Therefore, the system would have already had
the information about the presence of those vehicles from the previous video frames.
The detection of objects with a big overlapping area is a problem in general, and
this detector has this problem as well. In Fig. 12, there are three vehicles in the
center: motorbike, mini-van, and passenger car, but only the mini-van in the center is
detected. The proposed system predicts several bounding boxes on every object and
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M. A. A. Al-qaness et al.
chooses the one with the highest confidence. The problem in our case is that a big
area of overlapping and similarity of these vehicles makes it look like one big object.
Thus, the proposed system mistakenly leaves only one bounding box in that area of
the merged vehicles. Bounding box coordinate response maps create ambiguity in
deciding regressive pixels. This problem can be solved if the TAS is equipped with at
least two cameras at different angles, and thus these vehicles can be easily detected on
different cameras. Associated with the previous problem is that the detector sometimes
tends to predict multiple bounding boxes for the same vehicle. In Fig. 13, a detector
predicted two bounding boxes on the same car and two bounding boxes on the same
motorbike. To deal with that problem, the non-maxima suppression threshold can be
decreased a little, but that can cause less accurate detection in situations when different
objects are located close to each other. Thus it is important to find a golden mean for
the NMS threshold.
Neural networks often produce detections with false rates due to incorrect input
ranges (false positives) [39]. Examples of such detections using the developed model
are in Fig. 14. It is seen that an object with an id of 234 is a billboard, not a vehicle. These
detections may be caused, for example, by over-fitting to outliers in the training set,
which can be reduced using dropout layers [40]. This technique was not used because
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An improved YOLO-based road traffic monitoring system
it prolongs training and training the network already took a significant amount of time
(22 h), however, it might be a possible upgrade, which would reduce the false positive
rate. Therefore, from previous results, we found that the improved YOLOv3 achieves
significant performance due to its ability in detecting objects, as the original YOLOV3
showed in different applications, such as [41, 42].
5 Conclusions
The rapid growth witnessed in urban infrastructure gave tremendous rise to the need
to improve road traffic management. Several techniques have been presented and dis-
cussed in the literature. In this paper, we present a real-time road traffic management
approach using an improved YOLOv3. By using online available datasets, we trained
our neural-network and applied the proposed solution to improve vehicle detection.
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We used a convolution neural network for the traffic analysis system. The evalua-
tion results showed that the proposed system achieved satisfactory performance. The
developed system is low in cost and modest in hardware requirements compared with
the traditional method of monitoring vehicle traffic. In addition, it does not need large-
scale construction or installation work. In future work, we plan to test the system on
cameras with wide and panoramic coverage and higher altitude to cover a significantly
larger section of the road.
Acknowledgements This research was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program
of China (Grant No. 2019YFB1405600).
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M. A. A. Al-qaness et al.
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B Mohammed A. A. Al-qaness
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Aaqif Afzaal Abbasi
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Hong Fan
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Rehab Ali Ibrahim
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Saeed H. Alsamhi
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Ammar Hawbani
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1 State Key Laboratory for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing,
Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China
2 Department of Software Engineering, Foundation University, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
3 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Zagazig 44519, Egypt
4 Software Research Institute, Athlone Institute of Technology, Athlone, Ireland
5 School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China,
Hefei 230031, Anhui, China
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