2009-03-24 NAG-DAGA Becker Jessen Grigoras
2009-03-24 NAG-DAGA Becker Jessen Grigoras
2009-03-24 NAG-DAGA Becker Jessen Grigoras
Acoustics Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria, Email: [email protected] 2 KT 54 Bundeskriminalamt, Germany, Email: [email protected] 3 Ministry of Justice, Romania, Email: [email protected]
In automatic speaker verication, the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) approach based on cepstral features has been successfully applied during recent years. In the approach presented in this paper, the well known UBMGMM framework is combined with formant features which have shown a high discrimination ability among speakers in the acoustic-phonetic approach of manual speaker verication. We provide an easy to understand modeling process where the model parameters are related directly to the speakers typical vocal tract congurations. Additionally, the within-speaker variability is reected in these parameters. The complexity of the speaker models is low because of a reduced dimensionality compared to standard automatic speaker verication approaches.
focus on this optimal condition (using F1, F2, F3, BW1, BW2, BW3) and also on the common forensic condition, where no reliable F1 features can be obtained due to the proximity of F1 to the lower telephone pass band in some vowels (using F2, F3, BW2, BW3). Henceforth, those conditions will be called optimal and reduced conditions respectively. The system used is described as follows: The feature extraction step is accomplished by compiling all n feature vectors for every speaker recording X = {x1 , . . . , xn }, where every vector xi1 . xi = . . xid (1)
is a feature vector of length d1 . Based on X, speaker models are generated as follows: The d-variate Gaussian function is given by f (x; , ) = 1 (2)d det() e 2 (x)
1 T
The approach presented in this paper originates from the idea of modeling long-term distributions of formant features as rst proposed by Nolan and Grigoras [13]. Here, formant center frequencies were modeled independently using long-term formant distributions (LTF distributions) based on Gaussian kernel density estimation. Apart from such global approaches where the overall distribution of formants is modeled, several approaches dealing with specic phoneme categories [9, 12, 19, 20] exist. The advantage of global approaches is that they might be applied to insuciently described languages where not enough data about the background population exist. Formant features, as well as the corresponding bandwidths, correlate with each other [20, 18, 17]. Hence, they must not be modeled separately in a Bayesian framework where a combination of likelihood ratio scores should result from independent observations. The approach presented here models the distribution of the multivariate formant features using the well known UBMGMM framework [16]. The common cepstral features are replaced by formant center frequency features F1, F2 and F3 and the corresponding bandwidths BW1, BW2 and BW3. This system was rst described by Becker et al.[3] and revealed equal error rates ranging from 3% to 10.5%, depending on the features chosen. It was shown that the best results can be achieved using three formants and the corresponding bandwidths. However, here, we chose to
1 (x)
where is the mean and is the covariance matrix. d is a positive integer whose value is the feature vector dimensionality. A Gaussian mixture density is a weighted sum of M Gaussian distribution functions f (x; i , i )
f (x; 1 , . . . , M , 1 , . . . , M ) =
i=1 M
pi f (x; i , i ),
pi = 1,
where pi 0 are the mixture weights. Now, a GMM consisting of M Gaussians is specied by := (pi , i , i )i=1,...,M . (5)
(pi , i , i ) is a tuple consisting of the model parameters. M is the number of mixture components. Every distribution of d-variate feature vectors is thus specied by . Full covariance matrices represent formant feature correlations and account for within-speaker variability. Additionally, a universal background model (UBM) is generated from a collection of feature vectors from
many dierent speakers. For model generation, the free statistical software R [14] and the mclust package [2, 4, 5, 6] were used. The similarity of feature vectors X from one speaker and a speaker model are expressed by the product of the Gaussian mixture density (see Equation 4), the likelihood. For feature vectors X (see Equation 1) and a speaker model (see Equation 5), the likelihood that the feature vectors come from this model is measured via computation of
and has been proposed in [13]. As a practical advantage of this method, LTF analysis can be applied to languages that are not spoken by the user, because no segmentation into vowels or other phonological units is necessary. All that is required is correct identication of the formants, which is possible cross-linguistically based on a general knowledge of acoustic phonetics. Formant feature measurements for each speaker were halved to create training and test sets. The test features were additionally halved to increase the number of comparisons and simulate short test recordings. The average duration of the training signals was about 22 seconds and about 11 seconds for the test set.
P (X | ) =
f (xi | ),
where f (xi | ) is the Gaussian mixture density function for the specied model . Every comparison of a test and training recording is a comparison of the likelihood of the test feature vectors in the speaker model and the UBM. This is expressed in the likelihood ratio LR = P (X | speaker ) . P (X | UBM ) (7)
Population Size
In [3], 18 speakers formant measurements were used to create the Universal Background Model (UBM) by pooling all measurements together. The UBM parameters were then estimated based on these measurements. The number of mixtures was M = 8 for both UBM and single speaker models. This value was determined experimentally. To evaluate the inuence of the speaker number in the UBM, all 68 speakers were used in a crossvalidation experiment where, for each comparison of two recordings, the UBM was compiled from the non-involved speakers. There were 136 68 = 9248 tests. 136 of those were same-speaker tests. We varied the number of speakers U = {5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50}. The results can be seen in Table 1 and Figure 1.
Table 1: Equal error rates for dierent numbers U of UBM speakers
The likelihood for speaker accounts for similarity, while UBM accounts for typicality. A likelihood ratio greater than one supports the hypothesis that the test feature vectors come from the same speaker while a likelihood ratio smaller than one supports the hypothesis that the test feature vectors come from dierent speakers. Here, the log likelihood ratio was used.
Data Base
This study is based on a corpus of speech produced by 68 male adult speakers of German. In this speech corpus, referred to as Pool 2010 [11], read and spontaneous speech was elicited in a neutral condition, a telephone condition and a Lombard condition; only the data from the neutral condition were used. In the spontaneous speech task, which is at the focus of the present investigation, subjects described a series of pictures in a dialog [dialogue?]situation where they had to avoid certain words. The recordings, which were originally made under studio conditions, were played and transmitted through real mobile phone connections. The recordings were edited manually by selecting vowels in which formants 1 to 3 were visible with sucient clarity. LPC-based formant tracking was applied to this resulting material, and any remaining formant tracking errors were corrected manually. For signal editing and formant tracking, the software Wavesurfer [1] was used. The LPC analysis was set to detect 4 formants, of which only the rst three were used2 . The analysis window length (Hamming) was 0.049 seconds, the LPC order was 12, the preemphasis factor was 0.7, and formant values were obtained every 10 ms. The method of scanning formant data over the entire course of a recording and across all the dierent vowels is called LTF analysis (long-term formant distribution)
2 Although F4 was mostly unreliable due to the limited telephone pass band, F4 detection turned out to be useful as a safeguard to prevent errors in the automatic tracking of F3.
M 5 10 20 30 40 50
It can be seen that the discrimination ability can be optimised to about 3% EER for the optimal condition and to 5% EER for the reduced condition, when using 30 or more speakers for the UBM. For U 40, the EERs are slightly higher. The dierences are quite small and might be random. These results are in accordance with those from Ishihara and Kinoshita [10], where a signicant improvement of the EER was observed for up to 30 speakers, when using multivariate F0 features. For this reason, we henceforth use U = 30.
reduced conditions, the system revealed high discriminatory abilities for male German speakers. Using models with 8 mixture components and a collection of at least 30 speakers lead to optimal results. The data base consisting of telephone-transmitted speech with short durations represents realistic data for forensic applications. However, the eects of non-contemporaneous speech, as well as dierent speaking styles, still have to be investigated in respect to forensic applications. Calibration of scores and comparisons with other automatic approaches will have to be conducted as well. The modeling of speakers imposes a low complexity and a high interpretability: low dimensional models (4 or 6 dimensions, depending on the application) are based on formant features and their variabilities, and hence enable a direct relation of speakers vocal tract congurations to the models.
M 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
optimal 0.038 0.044 0.044 0.035 0.032 0.033 0.029 0.036 0.046 0.044 0.043
reduced 0.103 0.071 0.064 0.059 0.051 0.048 0.047 0.047 0.057 0.051 0.058
Anja Moos at Saarland University performed the formant measurements as part of her MA research and was supported by a research grant from the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA). Thanks to Anja and the IAFPA.
It can be seen that the discrimination ability reaches a minimum at about M = 8 for both the optimal and reduced condition. The parameter M could not be further improved. The proposed best framework hence uses a model with a low complexity (state-of-the-art automatic speaker verication systems usually rely on feature vectors with about 38 dimensions, and models with 2048 mixture components [15, 7, 8]).
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