Forestry 2A
Forestry 2A
Forestry 2A
Forest Management is the practical application of scientific, technical and economic principles of forestry.
Control of composition and structure of growing stock — achieved by choice of species and suitable regeneration options
Harvesting and marketing of produce — Covers the aspects of transportation, communication, logging plan, marketing data, sale and revenue of
Administration of forest property and personnel — deals with forest organisation, management of personnel, labour management and welfare and
financial control
Sustainable Forestry: Meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs by practising
a land stewardship ethic
Integrates reforestation and the managing, growing, nurturing, and harvesting of trees for useful products with the conservation of soil, air and
water quality, biological diversity, wildlife and aquatic habitat, recreation, and aesthetics
Responsible Practices: scientifically credible and economically, environmentally and socially responsible.
Reforestation and Productive Capacity: To provide for regeneration after harvest and maintain the productive capacity of the forestland base.
Forest Health and Productivity: Protect forests from economically or environmentally undesirable wildfire, pests, diseases, and other damaging
Long-term Forest and Soil Productivity
Protection of Water Resources and riparian zones.
Protection of Special Sites and Biological Diversity
Legal Compliance with environmental laws, statutes, and regulations.
Planned number of years between the formation or regeneration of a crop and its final felling.
It is the age of the plant beyond which deterioration of quality occurs.
Felling before rotation is not advisable because of its poor sale value.
Rotation is mainly applicable to regular forest. In selection forest, size is the criteria to fix rotation instead of age (rotation is replaced by
exploitable age — all trees that reached exploitable diameter are considered for harvesting)
Rate of growth varies with site, but rotation is common for all sites
Involves sacrifice of immature trees at the time of harvest at rotation age.
Accidents like fire, disease, etc. necessitate felling earlier than rotation
Rate of growth of species — fast growing species have short rotation period — depends on silvicultural characteristics, genetic make up
Soil — Fertile soil produces better crop in shorter period
Economic considerations — Money value and wood prices
Management Objectives
Social Conditions like market price, personal needs and other factors
Types of Rotation
Rotation which coincides with natural lease of life of a species on a given site.
Lets the trees thrive till they die
Applicable to protection and amenity forest, park lands and road side avenues.
No relevance to economic forestry
Physical rotation is also interpreted as the age till which trees remain sound or produce viable seeds in high
forests or generate coppice shoots in coppice forests
Physical Rotation
Relative Importance
Longest rotation period which allows carbon sequestration for a longer period.
Important for ecological objectives and Green India Mission.
Trees are past the age of optimum economic value, so they represent a loss on economic terms.
Species are so chosen which do not have much economic importance.
Rotation through which a species is retained until satisfactory vigour of growth and reproduction on a given site.
Not lower than when trees start producing fertile seeds and not higher than when their reproductive capacity
Silvicultural Rotation
Applicable to aesthetic and recreational forestry
Rotation in which a species yield the maximum material of a desired size for economic conversion or for special
Produce maximum material of the desired dimension
Applicable to industrial forestry
Technical Rotation No reliable fixed point for fixing the rotation
Relative Importance
Rotation of highest Yields highest average annual revenue, irrespective of value of forest
income Calculated without interest and irrespective of time.
Silvicultural practice under which high-density, sustainable plantations of fast-growing tree species produce woody biomass on agricultural land or on
fertile but degraded forest land. Trees are grown either as single stems or as coppice systems, with a rotation period of less than 30 years
Irrigation and fertilization are often used, but only in an ecologically and economically sound way
Plantations are weeded and competing tree species are removed
Species, provenances and clones with high water-use efficiency or high resistance to frost, insects, fungi and bacteria are planted
Advantages Disadvantages
Ideal soil — Tropical flat terrain that drains naturally, rich in calcium
Requires good amount of sunlight and space
During first 3 years, the tree should be grown without any other plant species for sufficient
lighting (light demander)
Weeding done on weekly basis
UP, Bihar, Odisha, Harvest rotation in 20 to 80 years, depending on schedule or financial expectations of the
WB, Peninsular investors
Tectona grandis
India Harvesting period for teak plantations is 40 years on average
In later years, growth of dark heart wood accelerates, resulting in more returns
Laterite and water logged soils are unsuitable
Qualities of teak — Deciduous, hard and strong, contains an oil that acts as a preservative, durable
and takes a high polish, Used for ship building and railway sleepers, Indigenous to India
Bamboo Indigenous to
Dendrocalamus strictus India, common in Light demander
hilly parts of Drought resistant
peninsula Commonly found in hilly, drier areas
Well drained soils and stony soils on hill slopes
Used in paper industry, house construction, agricultural tools, food and fodder, cottage
Average life of a culm is 7 years.
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Bamboo trees do not add get any taller or larger in diameter water first year and do not
replace any growth lost from pruning or natural breakage
Across species, age to cut the culms varies from 2 to 7 years
Intermediate Yield Yield obtained from time to time from a forest not organised for continuous production.
Final Yield All the material that counts against the prescribed yield and which is derived from the main felling in a regular forest.
Denotes the material that a forest can yield annually or periodically in perpetuity
Regular, continuous supply of the produce to the fullest capacity of forest from a unit area is called sustained yield.
Main aspects are continuity of growth and continuity of yield
Later generation may derive from the forest at least as much of the benefits as the present generation.
Forest should be exploited in such a way that the annual felling does not exceed the annual growth
Sustained Yield In order to attain a sustained yield, complete succession of equal areas of crops of all ages from one year to age of
maturity should be present inside the forest.
Rotation year crop is felled annually/periodically and planted in the successive year
Principle of maximum sustained yield forms the basic objective of good forest management
Establish and maintain equal areas of coupes with a series of age gradations, starting from 1 year to age of maturity
Remove the coupe of mature crop annually
Plant the felled coupe every year
Designates raising the productivity of soil and of the crop by silvicultural treatments, judicious tending, enrichment
Progressive Yield of forest by changing crop composition and by replacement of original inferior forest by valuable forest species.
Aims at production of maximum quantity of the kind of produce from the soil in the shortest possible time
Facilitates budgeting and regulates taxation of the Considers timber production as a biological function rather than economical
govt. process function
Local labour is fully employed Production is carried out irrespective of price fluctuations
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Staff employed fully and engaged permanently Ignores possibility of changes in use of forest products
Contractors have assured and permanent Ignores relationship between forestry and other sections of national economy
employment Rigid policy not suitable for growing economy
Facilitates continuous supply of raw materials to In real conditions, wide fluctuations in yield is common
industry Difficulty in foreseeing the future trend of timber
Markets can be developed and gain confidence easily Prevents increase of felling during times of price rise
If rotation period has to be changed, entire coupe has to be redefined
Normal Forest
A Forest which has a normal series of age gradation or age classes, a normal increment and consequent normal growing stock.
A forest which, for a given site and given objects of management, is ideally constituted as regards growing stock, age-class distribution and
increment, and from which the annual or periodic removal of produce equal to the increment can be continued indefinitely without endangering
future yields.
It is a conception of forest management based on the concept of sustained yield
Attainment of normal forest is the main objective of all production forestry. But in reality no virgin forest is a normal forest
Normal Series of Age Gradation — Presence of trees of all ages from one year old to rotation age in the forest, in appropriate numbers
Normal Growing Stock — Volume of stands in a forest with normal age gradations or age gradation and normal increment
Normal Increment — Best or maximum increment attainable by a given species and for a given rotation
Age class distinction is difficult because each unit area has trees of all classes.
Instead of rotation age, exploitable diameter is used. Every year, all trees that attain the exploitable diameter over the
entire forest are felled. But it is difficult to harvest the whole forest each year.
A felling cycle is first fixed. Felling series is divided into a number of sections which is equal to number of years in the
Irregular Forest felling cycle.
Felling is confined to one section each year, in which trees have attained the exploitable diameter. Next year, the
adjacent section is felled.
Annually regular yield is obtained and at the end of the period, normal size gradations are established instead of normal
age classes.
Increase in girth, diameter, basal area, height, volume, quality, price or value of individual trees during a given period
Increase in growth of a tree or crop with age.
Current Annual Increment: increase in growth that takes place in a particular year.
Periodic Annual Increment: average rate of growth up to a given age
Mean Annual Increment: average annual increment up to an age divided by that age.
Increment Percent: average annual growth in volume or basal area over a specified period expressed as a percent of volume or basal area, either at
beginning or halfway through the period.
Volume increment
Thinning removes a certain number of trees in a plantation to facilitate the growth by reducing competition between the
Regular thinning of a fixed grade on the basis of yield table, does not disturb the smooth rise of the volume increment
Heavy thinning results in downward movement of the CAI and a secondary rise later in time.
Quality increment Increase in value per unit volume of the tree or crop, independent from any increase in price of forest produce.
Price increment Increment in price independent of quality increment, due to fluctuations in market
Determination of Increment in regular forests
In irregular forests, distinction of age class and gradation is difficult. In a single area, all age classes can be found
Mean Age (A) = {n1 (p-x) + n2 (q-x) +n3 (r-x)} / (n1 + n2 + n3)
Here, n1, n2 and n3 are number of trees in respective diameter classes
p, q, r are true ages of the diameter classes
x is the age corresponding to the diameter over which enumeration is taken
MAI = Ga/A (Ga = actual growing stock)
Biolley’s Method: Calculated MAI based on yield table attributes
MAI = [(V2 - V1) + N - P ] / n
V1 and V2 are initial and final volume of growing stock
Defined as the sum by number/volume of all trees growing in the forest or a specified part of it.
Normal Growing Stock is the total volume of a fully stocked forest with normal distribution of age classes for a given rotation.
Yield Tables
"Volume increment of forest / year / area” distribution across different coupes, along with area of each coupe, age and composition of each coupe
Helps to determine which coupes are to be felled for a particular yield
Designed mainly for application to even-aged silvicultural systems. They have limited application to forest stands with more complex structure
and silvicultural practice
Yield — Volume or number of stems that can be removed annually or periodically, or the area over which felling may pass annually or
Yield Capacity — Total quantity of material per annum, of a given species that an area is capable of producing under normal conditions, so long
as the factors of locality remain unchanged
Yield Determination — Calculation of amount of material which may be removed from a forest periodically. Difficult in over mature forest and
irregular forest due to irregular distribution of age classes.
Yield Regulation — determination of the yield and the prescribed means of realising it
Simplest method of yield regulation which tells how much area should be harvested
Area to be harvested = Total Area / Rotation
Applied only to even aged forests
Whole area is divided into number of annual coupes. Number of annual coupes is equal to number of rotation years
These coupes have equal area and are called equiextensive coupes
Each year, one coupe is felled and regenerated in the consequent year
Establishes age gradation in sequence and equal consistent yield will be obtained from second rotation onwards
Does not include yield obtained from cleaning and thinning operations intermittently
Reduction factor is applied to the equivalent-extensive area based on site quality and density of crops
Different coupes have different areas, but they yield the same.
In case of denser and better crop, area felled is less.
Advantages Disadvantages
Easy to apply
Only requires GS and rotation
Regulates yield easily
Useful for irregular forest
Gives conservative yield and helps in enrichment of GS
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Masson’s Ratio
Howard’s Modification
Simon’s Modification
Smythie’s Modification
Burma Modification
Austrian Method
Y = I + (Va - Vn)/r
Va is actual GS and Vn is the normal GS
If the forest is normal, then normal increment must be removed from the forest.
Applicable to both regular and irregular forests
Helps to produce the normal forest from abnormal conditions
In irregular forest, this method assumes that GS and increment are constant. But in real, it varies with time.
Yield calculation is not satisfactory
Does not consider age class distribution
Heyer’s Modification
Hundeshagan Method
Assumption that actual annual yield bears the same proportion to the actual GS as like normal yield to normal GS
Yr/Gr = Yn/Gn
Yn and Gn is obtained from the Yield table. Yn/Gn is called the utilisation factor.
No need for calculation of real present increment
It is useful where yield is calculated for periodically
It is used as check on other methods
Assumption is flawed: Increment varies depending on age class distribution, tree vigour and other factors
Does not consider age class distribution and surplus of GS in compartment
Yield table is needed for application of this method in regular forest.
Karl’s Method
Assessed the annual yield from CAI and surplus or deficit of the GS.
Equalisation period instead of rotation in yield assessment.
Y = CAI +/- (Ga-Gn)/a
a is the period over which surplus or deficit is managed, n is the time elapsed between successive measurements.
Not possible for irregular forest and species which do not possess annual rings
Breymen’s method
Actual yield bears the same proportion to the normal yield as the average age bears to the normal age of the crop.
Y/Yn = A/An
Actual Yield, Y = (A x Yn)/An
A = average age of felling series, An = normal age of felling series, Yn = Normal Yield
Little practical values
Gives same yield even if old age classes are missing or lesser in area.
Data required is difficult to collect in irregular forest
Surplus or deficit of GS is maintained throughout the rotation.
Hufunagl method
Suitable for regular and semi regular forests. Needs differentiation of crops of half rotation and above.
Y = [ V + (a x I x r/4)] / r/2
Y = [ V + (V x I x r/4)] / r/2 — Suitable for irregular forests
French Method
Divides the whole forest into 3 zones: young, medium and old classes
In a normal forest, volume of these age classes is in ratio 1:3:5 (Vo:Vm:Vy = 5:3:1)
Annual Yield Ya = [ Vo / r/3 ] + (Vo x t1) / 2
Vo is the volume of old age class, t1 is the increment per unit per annum of old age class, r = rotation
Vo + Vm is more than normal: Old age classes are more than the normal and hence excess along with the calculated normal yield is removed in
1/3 of the rotation
Vo + Vm is less than normal: Depicts that the GS inside the forest is less than the normal.
Vo:Vm is 5:3 — Very old and defective trees alone need to be removed to build up the GS to normal condition
Vo:Vm is different from 5:3 — Only dead and defective trees have to be removed from the old age class and nothing is removed from
medium age class
Vo + Vm is normal
Vo:Vm > 5:3 — Few of the young age classes can be shifted to medium age classes so as to bring the volume ratio to normal
Vo:Vm < 5:3 — Volume of old age class is less and hence few of the older trees in medium class can be shifted to old age class to bring the
volume ratio to normal
Melard’s Method
Smythie’s Modification
Chaturvedi’s Modification
Increment Method
Biolley’s Method
Swiss method
Marking officer can determine the limit according to the silvicultural requirements of the crop
Suitable for tropical forest where one or two species are saleable
Suitable for forest where selection felling is applicable
Illiterate labour can be employed
If volume table is available, it is possible to convert number of trees to volume
It is an expensive operation
Requires revision upon the end of each felling cycle
Survival coefficient calculation is a mere guess
Satisfactory NR of desired species species is difficult in mixed forests because unsaleable species are left without felling inside the forest
Lacks elasticity, more complex and liable to error
More realistic method of removal of woods. When woods of exploitable diameter are removed over a period, next below diameter class attains
exploitable diameter for next harvesting
Suitable for irregular virgin forests and selection forests
Stand Structure
Stand structure refers to any physical aspect of the forest, including live trees, standing dead trees, fallen dead trees, other associated non-arboreal
Different attributes to describe and characterize each of these structures.
Live trees may be characterized based on size (quadratic mean diameter, height, volume), density (trees per acre, basal area, stand density index),
stocking (relative density), composition (species), or crown morphology (live crown ratio, crown width).
Stand Initiation
New individuals and species continue to appear for several years following a disturbance
Stands are young and can be quite dense.
A stand initiating disturbance marks the beginning of this stage, while canopy closure marks the end
After several years (3 to 50, depending on location and species), new individuals stop appearing and already
established individuals begin to die.
Those that survive grow and begin to manifest differences in height and diameter.
Stands are very dense, and still relatively young
Canopy closure marks the onset of this stage, while density independent mortality, gap formation, and significant
development of new vegetation in the understory signals the end.
Both stand initiation and stem exclusion phases may be described as ‘early successional’ since they occur early in
Stem Exclusion
Key Processes
Forest floor herbaceous species, shrubs, and advanced regeneration all again appear and survive in the understory,
although growth may be slow
They are able to do so because large dominant trees are dying due to insects, disease, lightning, or other causes,
forming canopy gaps and freeing up site resources.
Density independent mortality, gap formation, and significant development of new vegetation in the understory
indicates the beginning of this stage
Pioneer cohort loss, substantial horizontal and vertical variability, and a high density of large diameter, often
decadent trees roughly correspond to the end.
Understory Re-
Key Processes
Much later in the life of a stand, overstory trees die in a spatially patchy pattern while some of the younger trees in
the understory begin to grow into the overstory
Old growth may be roughly distinguished from understory reinitiation by the loss of the pioneer cohort of trees.
Both old growth and understory reinitiation phases may be described as ‘late successional’ since they occur later in
Key Structures
Key Processes
Stand Dynamics
Stand Dynamics is the study of change in forest stand structure with time, including stand behaviour after disturbance
Cohort: Aggregation of trees starting as a result of a single disturbance
Age Class: Range of tree ages within a stand. Can be Even aged, Double aged or Multiple aged. Annual rings are the best way to assess age
(more reliable than trunk diameter)
Even aged class generally have an even canopy. Canopy strata develop due to differential height growth of species, shade tolerance, rooting
depth, differing asymptotic height potential.
Silvicultural choices may be thought of as determining what kind of stand development process or stage of natural succession is most desirable in
a given situation
Focus on actively encouraging stands to develop toward structures that are in short supply, recognizing that stands will become increasingly more
valuable as they accumulate attributes of the desired structure
Forests are complex systems that need to be managed to be both resilient and sustainable
Understanding of Forest Development and responses to natural disturbance
Predict productivity and future yield
Predict future structure and composition
Controlling silvicultural costs
Habitat and conservation values
Enhancing landscape scale values
Allows sufficient time for grass to regrow, making it a sustainable practice that prevents over grazing and consequent land degradation
Size of parcel can be easily manipulated to suit needs of species of animal.
Less wastage of forage
Save the best forage for lactating cattle and allow dry animals to forage on lesser quality lands
Hooves of animals can help plant seeds into the ground in the pasture
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Commercial Plantations are a type of managed forest in which the trees are planted as opposed to natural regeneration, of the same age and
generally of the same species intended to maximise the production of wood fibre.
Natural Forests are regenerated naturally, and involve a lesser amount of human interference compared to plantation
Early 1980s onwards, trend has shifted towards multi purpose species
Common Species — Pine, Acacia, Teak, Eucalyptus, Poplar. (Main fast growing and short rotation species)
Advantages Disadvantages
Plantations require high capital input which is provided best by corporate sector
Professional management, judicious use of resources
Industry specific plantations, catering to their own needs
Plantations as a part of CSR
Carbon emission offset
Employment opportunities, which decreases pressure on land
Invest in research for development of genetically improved seeds
Wood Processing
Captive plantations
Plantations raised in the lands belonging to the Company, Govt. Dept, large land-holding individuals on a revenue sharing basis or on a lease
rental basis.
Can help improve supply of raw materials for industries such as paper and pulp, thereby reducing import dependence
Better use of existing resources, that are lying idle (better economic returns)
Generally short duration rotation species are preferred (instead of long rotation species like Sal and Teak)
Exotics in Plantation
Exotic species?
Higher productivity
Meet increasing demands of timber and other produce, supplement indigenous species
Desirable traits such as frost tolerance
More amenable to forestry operations
Diversity of forest produce
Forest technological developments should be appropriate, economically viable and socially acceptable
The forest must constantly produce without depreciation
Principles of sustained yield envisage that a forest should be exploited in such a manner that the annual or periodic felling does not exceed the
annual or periodic growth
Concept of Sustainability was placed on international agenda by the Brundtland Report in 1987
1804: German Forester Hartig provided a concept of sustainability in forestry
ITTO: Sustainable management involves managing forests to achieve objectives of management with regard to production of a continuous flow
of desired forest products and services, without undue reduction of its inherent values and future productivity.
UN Commission on Sustainable Development: Management of forest to meet social, economical, ecological, cultural and spiritual needs of
present and future generations
Elements of constancy of capital as well as productivity of the biological production system
Indicates the state of dynamics in an ecosystem
Capacity of the biological system to maintain its structures and patterns of behaviour with respect to external disturbances
It indicates the ability to withstand potential disturbing forces
Constant Natural Stock
Natural resources whose decline affects the productive capacity of the system
Soil, vegetation, water, biodiversity
Sustainable Forestry is a more complex concept that Sustained Yield. Considers both ecological characters of forest and the socio-economic setting.
The main indicators of sustainable forestry are
Productive Capacity
Renewal Capacity
Species and Ecological Diversity
Survey, assessment and revision on basis of past results and present facts.
Analysis of facts with reference to forest policy and objectives
Planning for future action in conformity with the long term objectives.
Provision of control and maintenance of records and collection of new facts by research.
Constitution of working plan requires detailed information about the forest division
Objective of forest management, crop composition, condition of crop, site condition, wildlife populations, local people requirements, industry
requirements etc.
Interests of different stake holders are weighed upon
Working rules are prescribed for part of the working plan area that is usually of more or less homogenous nature
Working Circles are determined based on the information — Teak WC, Protection WC, Industrial Timber WC, MFP WC, Grazing WC
People with special expertise in these areas may be consulted before finalising these plans
Based on new findings or in the event of damages, the current working plan is revised
Work procedures are prescribed for every year, within the overall forest working plan
Because WP can be for long periods like 10-20 years, objectives and management requirements might not be uniform
The variations however, are not drastic because revision, planning and prescription of work for every year is a laborious job. Annual Plans of
Operation do not vary much in case of natural forest management.
Compartmental Description
In each working plan, detailed compartment history is maintained.
Compartment history describes the area, situation, boundaries, aspect, slope, rock, soil etc.
Stock Mapping
Map showing distribution of different vegetation or showing different forest types that have a bearing on management with information
about their composition, age, class, etc.
Scale is 1:5000 to 1:10000
Crop Composition: Describes the presence of different species in an area along with proportion of each crop in that area.
Forest Types are each given a separate colour
Information on crop density, age class distribution, site quality and regeneration status
Regeneration Survey
As forestry is a long term complex enterprise, it needs a specific written plan for its management
Prescribes the management practices according to site conditions
Gives information about past management and its result. Accordingly, it facilitates future management by providing warnings
Shows information on degraded lands. Helps direct afforestation and reforestation programs
Gives information on regeneration status, which helps determine the area requiring highest protection
Gives information about local people and their demand. Helps enhance local support towards conservation of forests
Information on soil, climate, slope, site quality etc is useful for selection of crops.
Aims at sustained yield, which is the main principle for forestry operations
Surveying can be defined as delineation of the form, extent, position etc. of a tract of land by using linear or angular measurements (employing
principles of geometry and trigonometry)
Classification of Surveying
Primary Classification
Plane Surveying: Earth’s surface is assumed as a plane
Geodetic Surveying: Earth’s surface is assumed as an arc.
Secondary Classification
Based on nature of field of survey: Land Survey, Marine Survey, Astronomical Survey
Based on methods used: Transverse Survey, Triangulation Survey
Based on objects of survey: Geological ,Soil, Mineral, Archaeological, Military
Instruments Used: Chain survey, Compass Survey, Plane Table Survey, Photographic Survey, Tachometric Survey
Deals with linear measurements. Actual ground is set on a paper by a system of straight lines, called chain lines.
Convenient for surveying small areas and open ground with simple details.
Not suitable for large, uneven or difficult terrain with numerous obstacles and restricted visibility.
Materials: Chain, Offset, Cross Staff, Plump Bob, Ranging Rods, Tape, Pegs, Field Book
Sides of various triangles are measured and no angular measurements are required. Underlying principle is to divide the area into right angled
Location and Disposition of the triangles will depend on configuration of the ground and natural obstacles.
Main lines should be as few as possible and should be inter-visible. Each triangle should have one check line. Chain line should be free from
obstacles so that chaining is possible.
Survey Station: Point where main or base or any chain line begins or terminates.
Chaining starts after framework of the survey has been prepared, and the area is divided into suitable triangles.
Chaining starts from base line which is the longest as well as most important line. After that, chaining continues in a clockwise or anti clockwise
Series of straight lines connecting a series of established points along a route of survey
May be closed or open traverse (or partly open/close)
Obstacles in Chaining
Chaining is carried out along the Survey line as in case of the chain survey but the direction of the survey line is fixed by
Instruments — Plane Table, Alidade, Trough Compass, U Fork, Plumb Bob, Sprit Level, Drawing sheets
Applicable to the areas where all boundaries are visible from a single point
From this point rays are drawn towards different points and are plotted at specific scale.
Plane table is kept at centre point and levelled using sprit level
All survey stations are marked using individual ranging rods
Thereafter using Alidade, all stations are marked on the drawing sheet
Marked points are connected to the centre point.
Area of the field is worked using geometric principles
Method Applicable where all survey points are visible from two points
Inaccessible points can also be surveyed easily
Two points (M,N) are selected from which all survey stations are visible. MN is the base line.
Plane table at M and mark the meridian and direction of visible station. Corresponding ground distance is measured and
Next point N is seen and its direction and meridian are recorded.
Plane Table at N. Same process is repeated.
Area is worked out using geometric principles (Points having an acute angle less than 30° and obtuse angle more than 120° are
Reconnaissance visit is made to the area and survey stations are marked in such a way that all consecutive points are visible.
Set the PT at one corner of the plot A and plot the starting station. Draw a magnetic meridian on the sheet. View the adjacent
station B and mark its meridian. The ground distance is measured.
PT is shifted to next station B. PT is levelled and oriented correctly by back seeing the point A.
See the next station C and proceed in a similar way till all the points are completed.
Gives detailed topographic information of the terrain like relief, slope, etc.
Laying, determination of gradients and alignment of roads
Selection of sites for forest plantation
Facilitates laying out of fire lines and irrigation lines for nurseries
Helps planning of stock mapping and enumeration operations
Facilitates computation of earthwork for cutting and filling
Inter-visibility of two points can be ascertained from a topographical map
Watershed area, capacity of a reservoir and water supply can be estimated.
Used for silvicultural treatment, soil conservation, timber extraction, road alignment etc.
Measurement of geodetic height using an optical levelling instrument and a level staff
Means by which surveyors can determine the elevation of points.
Instruments: Dumpy Level, Wye Level, Reversible Level
Simple Levelling
Level is an instrument with a telescope that can be levelled with a spirit bubble
Instrument is set up initially in one point (A) from where the reference elevation point is visible. From A the surveyor looks back to a reference
point of known elevation to determine the elevation of the instrument.
Levelling staff is then held on an unknown point and a foresight reading is taken. Elevation of the new point is to be taken from this observation.
Now this point can be used for determining elevations of other points.
Double Levelling: Surveyor takes two foresights and two back sights to reduce the amount of error.
Differential Levelling: Used to determine difference in elevation between 2 points.
Trigonometric Levelling: Observing the vertical angle and slope distance between two points and calculating the elevation using trigonometric
All objects in the map are in the same relative position as on the ground
All angles between the lines drawn on the map are equal to the angles between corresponding lines on the ground
Each map has specific scale
Information on the map is depicted in form of signs and symbols.
Types of Maps — Political, Physical, Topographic, Resource, Climatic, Road, Time Zone
Map reading refers to the process of obtaining information from a map, to get a clear and accurate picture about the ground through interpretation.
Orientation of the map must be known so that actual direction on the ground is predicted while traversing in a ground
Scale of Map — ratio of unit distance on the Map to the corresponding distance on the ground
Must know the symbols that represent different features on the map
Maps used in forestry — Reference Map, Soil Map, Administrative Map, Enumeration Map, Fire Map, Working Plan Map, Plantation Map, Stock Map,
Forest Type Map
Significance of Maps
Management Maps: Gives information such as working circles, felling series, periodic blocks, compartments, annual coupes, nursery and
plantation areas, roads
Administrative Maps: Range, block, beat boundaries, check posts
Stock Maps: Distribution of forest types, main species, non forest areas, density, site quality, regeneration status
Control Maps: Pictorial representation of progress of various operations prescribed in working plan, record of forest fires, cutting of fire lines and
fire tracks, controlled burning, soil conservation operations
Topographical Maps are used for demarcation of coupes, felling lots, alignment of forest roads
Helps determine actual distances between points on the ground in order to draw maps to appropriate scale
Determine elevations of different points, for preparation of topographical maps
Ascertain relative positions of various features such as ponds, roads, rivers etc to be shown on the map as symbols
Map vs Plan
A map is a visual representation of an area - a symbolic depiction highlighting relationships between elements of that space such as objects,
regions, and themes.
Plans are a set of two-dimensional diagrams or drawings used to describe a place or object, or to communicate building or fabrication instructions
Although most commonly used to depict geography, maps may represent any space, without regard to context or scale; e.g. Brain mapping, DNA
mapping, and extra-terrestrial mapping.
Plans are often for technical purposes such as architecture, engineering, or planning. Their purpose in these disciplines is to accurately and
unambiguously capture all the geometric features of a site, building, product or component.
Most maps are drawn to a scale, allowing the reader to infer the actual sizes and distances. A larger scale shows more detail, thus requiring a
larger map to show the same area.
Plans are drawn at specific ratio relative to the actual size of the place or object. Various scales may be used for different drawings in a set.
A plan generally works using a smaller scale while a map uses a larger scale as it generally covers larger areas
Line joining points of equal elevation in the ground. Contour Interval is the vertical distance between consecutive contour lines.
Uses of contour
Forest Engineering is the application of principles of engineering for management and development of forest lands. It aims to ensure health of
ecosystems like wood lands, watersheds and wet lands while allowing for economic activities like recreation and timber harvesting.
Dead loads: Static forces that are relatively constant for an extended time, usually the weight of materials plus immovable fixtures such as carpet, roof
and etc. Building materials are not dead loads until constructed in a permanent position.
Live loads: Unstable or moving loads (temporary loads) and based on the functionality of the structure. May involve considerations such as impact,
momentum, vibration, and etc
Building Materials
Good building stones should be strong against crushing to bear the load.
Should be durable to withstand different kinds of weather conditions
Hard enough to withstand abrasive action
Heavy, fine grained and have less porosity
Should be free from loose grains, sand and earthy smell
Lustre and Texture in appearance
Consists of pure Calcium Carbonate used as a cementing material and for white washing
Sources: Kankar, limestone like marble, dolomite, sea shells and corals
Classification of Lime
Lime Fat/Quick Lime: Obtained from sea shells, coral stones, etc. Increase 2-3 times in volume when slacking. Setting takes place
through absorption of Carbon Dioxide and by evaporation of water. It is used in plastering and painting. May crack when
Hydraulic Lime: Obtained from lime stone. Slacks slowly and volume increases slightly. Setting process takes place by
interaction with its constituents from silicates and aluminates of calcium. It is dull in colour and hence, not useful for white
washing. Used for building construction and plastering works.
Sand (50-60%), Clay (20-30%), lime, manganese, oxides of Fe, Na and K.
Sand in bricks increases the heat resistance, durability, preserves the shape and prevents shrinkage.
Clay imparts plasticity while moulding.
Fire Bricks: Specialised kind of bricks which can withstand high temperatures. Made up of hydrated silicates of alumina and
contains less quantity of lime, magnesia, potash or soda. Used in interiors of boilers, flues, chimney and furnaces.
Ideal properties
Selection of brick earth: Should have desired proportion of clay and sand. Should be free from stones, pebbles and straw.
This is mixed with sufficient amount of mortar and other constituents.
Moulded into bricks using wooden or iron or tin mould.
Moist bricks take 24-36 hours for drying
Dried bricks are baked in a kiln and burned to get strong bricks
Brick masonry is cheaper than stone masonry and can be easily constructed
Minimum thickness of wall is 10cm in bricks, 35 cm in stone
Stone masonry requires more skills
Brick masonry requires less mortar whereas stone masonry requires more mortar (which cannot be easily estimated)
Stone masonry is stronger and more durable
Brick masonry has to be plastered or painted when exposed to open atmosphere
Bricks absorb moisture, but stone walls are moisture proof
Brick masonry is more fire resistant
Ornamental and Decorative work is easier in bricks
Better bonds can be established between bricks
Brick absorbs less quantity of heat than stone
Pit Sand: Found in alluvial areas, contains more impurities, mostly used in road works.
River Sand: Pure silica. Rounded grain due to water action and suitable for plasters, mortars and concrete works.
Sea Sand: Mixed with alkaline salts and hence, attracts more moisture.
Manufacturing of cement
Limestone is crushed and mixed with clay and water in wet grinding mills
Mixed to get Slurry which is sent to feeding tank
Slurry is crushed and heated using coal in a Kiln.
After cooling this, 2-3% Gypsum is added in the ball mill
This mixture is sent to tube mill where final cement production takes place.
Types of Cement
Portland cement: 65% CaO and 20% SiO2. No expansion or shrinkage when it is mixed with water.
Rapid Hardening cement: Contains 1% CaCl2 in addition to CaO and SiO2. It accelerates the process of setting and hardening.
Low resistance to chemical action and cracking.
High alumina cement: 40% Can and 40% Al2O3. Resistant to sea water, sulphur and oil.
Quick setting cement: Consists of greater amounts of Calcium Chloride. Useful for underwater works but low resistance to
chemical action and weathering.
White cement: Free from iron
Coloured cements: 5-10% pigments
Mud mortar: Prepared from stiff clays for making bricks. Used for some inferior or cheap building networks
Lime mortar: Prepared from sand and lime which provides bedding layer for brick works.
Cement mortar: Prepared from sand and cement
Special kind of concrete whereby steel is introduced in the cement concrete as rods or bars
Does not corrode the metal
Economically feasible
Resistant to heat and earthquake to some extent.
Needs low maintenance cost.
Steel component is available everywhere and transport is easy.
Resists both tensile and compressive forces.
Plastering is the process by which rough walls or uneven surfaces are provided a hard and smooth surface using a plaster.
Provides better protection, beautification and covers defective works.
Plaster Lime Plaster: Lime and sand in 1:2 ratio. Mainly used as a first coat
Cement Plaster: Cement and sand in ratio 1:2.5, mostly used as a 2nd coat.
Mud Plaster: Mud and lime
Extension of the base of structures like walls and columns that are kept in equilibrium with the earth. It transmits the load of structure to the soil.
Wedge shaped blocks mutually supporting each other to construct a form curve, which is supported at both ends by abutments and pillars.
Manner of construction: Rough arches, Gauged arches
Shape of arch: Flat arch, Segmental arch, Semi circular arch, Equilateral arch, Elliptical arch
Materials used for construction: Brick arches, Stone arches, Wooden arches
Roofing materials: Organic, Metals (corrugated iron, tin, zinc, lead), Minerals, Concrete
Types of roof: Thatched roof, Country tiled roof, Mangalore tiled roof, Natural slate roof, Asbestos cement sheet roofing, Singles roofing
Types of Roof
Lean to Roof: Supported on one side, hence it slopes downwards in one way only.
Couple Roof
Collar beam roofs:
Couple close roof:
Sills: Projection of the wall to throw away the rainwater. May be constructed from brick, tiles, stone, concrete or wood
Lintels: Horizontal structures that span doors, windows, walls for supporting the structure above.
Scaffolding: Temporary framework of bamboo or timber poles, temporarily erected to allow workmen access as the wall rises in height.
Centering: Erection of temporary structures for serving as a support for the arch material during construction.
Door: Frame + Shutter
Glazing: Glass tiles to doors and windows
Flooring: Earth, Stone, Brick, Concrete, Wooden
Based on function
Main Motorable roads: Mostly metalled. Connects head quarters, division, range office and blocks
Branch Jeepable roads: Feeder roads connecting interior forest with head quarters like division, range, etc.
Bridle Path: Path used by human beings for ladening of animals. Narrow and steep
Inspection Path: Connects the site from which an extensive view of the forest area can be seen. Width of these roads is between 1-1.5m.
Temporary Roads: Useable only for a few seasons. Transport harvested produce from interior forest to branch keepable roads
Fair Weather Roads: Usable only during the normal weather conditions and not on monsoon time. Fords are constructed where small streams
need to be crossed.
Permanent Roads: Alignment must be done carefully
Reconnaissance of Roads
Avoid high erosion hazard sites, particularly where mass failure is a possibility
Utilize natural terrain features such as stable benches, ridgetops, and low gradient slopes to minimize the area of road disturbance
Include short road segments with steeper gradients to avoid problem areas or to utilize natural terrain features
Avoid midslope locations on long, steep, or unstable slopes
Locate roads on well-drained soils and rock formations which dip into slopes rather than areas characterized by seeps, highly plastic clays,
concave slopes
Utilize natural log landing areas (flatter, benched, well-drained land) to reduce soil disturbance associated with log landings and skid roads.
Avoid undercutting unstable, moist toe slopes when locating roads in or near a valley bottom.
Roll or vary road grades where possible to dissipate flow in road drainage ditches and culverts and to reduce surface erosion
Select drainage crossings to minimize channel disturbance during construction and to minimize approach cuts and fills.
Locate roads far enough above streams to provide an adequate buffer, or provide structure or objects to intercept sediment moving downslope
below the road.
If an unstable area such as a headwall must be crossed, consider end hauling excavated material rather than using sidecast methods.
Avoid deep fills and compact all fills to accepted engineering standards.
Design for close culvert and cross drain spacing to effectively remove water from ditches and provide for adequate energy dissipators below
culvert outlets.
Horizontal drains or interceptor drains may be necessary to drain excess groundwater.
Sealing Coat, Outer Coat, Inner Coat, Soeling, Sub Base, Sub grade
Shoulder: Region between edges of road to the side drain. 0.5 to 1m on either side is left for the shoulder. Shoulder should be left clean and free from
vegetation. No excavation is permitted in this area.
Camber: Transverse raising of the road in the centre above its edge. This facilitates drainage of rainwater. 1/20 camber means centre is raised 1/20th of
the width of the road.
Gradient of Road
Types of Gradients
Ruling Gradient: Steepest gradient fixed for a particular stretch of road. It depends upon the terrain conditions
Absolute Maximum Gradient: Steepest permissible gradient for any road. Requires higher expenditure of energy
Minimum Gradient: Minimum possible gradient. Should be 1 in 100 generally
Average Gradient: Ratio of sum of all rises and falls in that road to the total horizontal distance travelled.
Hill Roads
Slope should not exceed 1 in 20. Steep slope leads to heavy erosion
Outward slope is prepared where annual RF is < 50 cm.
Inner gut drains are generally avoided
Road Camber should be high to drain rainwater
Road Alignment
Preliminary Survey
Purposed alignment is pegged on the ground with the help of rope and Abney level
Prismatic compass survey is done for the whole length.
Original pegs are removed and numeral pegs are fixed at uniform interval
Cross slope at each peg is determined by Abney level.
Detailed notes on soil, rock, vegetation, geology, drainage etc are taken
Positions of stone revetment are determined.
Road Design
Land Requirement: Consider width of road, shoulder, slope cutting, embankments, drainage, side width and possible widening in future.
Width of Road: Depends on nature and intensity of traffic on the road, availability and cost of land, objectives of the road
Gradient Design: Should be as gentle as possible. Curves are avoided in embankments. In very steep hills, maximum gradient is applied.
Section of cutting: In hills, roads are most stable when entirely cut out of the hill side.
Earthwork for roads: Considers labour availability and cost. Earth obtained from cutting is used for embankment. In heavy clay soils,
embankments are avoided.
Drainage in hill slopes: Difficult due to uneven and steep slopes, heavy surface runoff, vulnerability to landslides, extensive cutting and filling.
Inner Gutter Drainage: Provided in the side towards the hills. Top width of 50cm and depth of 30cm. Gradual slope to enhance safe passage of
Outer Gutter Drainage: Constructed on the sides facing outwards. 20 cm wide at the top and 10 cm deep is enough for this drain. Drainage water
is led away from the road by parapet or earth protection mound.
Catch water drains: Constructed beyond 5-10 m from the edges of the road on the uphill side. It intercepts and drains away the rain water running
down from the hill slopes. Size of the drain depends upon the rainfall and drainage area. Top width of 100-120 cm, bottom width of 50-60 cm,
depth of 60 cm.
Change the path direction wherever needed. Generally circular, with no transition curves being provided where speed of traffic is high. Very
sharp curves are avoided except hair pins bends.
Curves are used to avoid obstacles
In steep topography, it eases ascent and descent
Types of Curve
Curve Setting
Radius of curve is fixed first. Depends on type of traffic, speed of traffic, expected life of road and cost of roads.
Curve setting is carried out by theodolite or other angular measuring instruments
Breast Wall
Retaining Wall
Retaining walls are constructed on the down hill side of the slope.
Essential where road embankment is excessive in length and cross section.
Necessary to provide a retaining wall in places like re-entering curves, area requiring cross drain, edge of precipitation sites where there is no
room for embankments
Forces acting on the retaining wall include weight of the wall, vertical forces, weight of the back fill, super imposed load and vertical component
of surcharged back fill pressure.
Wide at bottom to strengthen the wall against slipping. Top width is half of base width
Toe projection is provided to decrease pressure on base.
Long stones as headers are used at regular intervals
The back of the wall is left rough and the back fill is laid as dry layers
Weep holes are provided for drainage of excess moisture
Surcharged Wall
Retaining wall is said to be surcharged wall when filling at the top slope increases heavily.
As pressure on the wall increases, it is necessary to increase the thickness of the surcharged wall to increase stability.
Extra pressure is managed by increasing the height of the surcharged wall
Road Setting
Setting out of roads is the actual laying out of the road on the site or location. All information gathered from planning, surveying, field books are
transferred to the ground.
To set out a gradient, a small peg is driven at a starting point (A) and another peg (B) is at 1m away. Dumpy’s level is used to assess the elevation
of this point. In this manner, the needed assignment is assigned.
For laying out a continuous slope, 2 boning rods are held vertically on A and B and their levels are adjusted till the top of their intermediate pegs
and of the boning rods are in one line.
Cutting: Alignment is marked with a pick-axe after the pegs have been set out at a required gradient. The correct position of cutting edge at peg is
drawn for each cross section of the proposed formation on a sufficiently large scale.
Embankments: Two bamboos are erected at a distance equal to top width. Two pegs are driven at the toes of the banks as measured from the cross
section drawing. A stout string is tied across the poles at exact height of the bank, to the bank and to the pegs such that the string will show the
correct shape of the banks
Efficient drainage facility is provided and monitored continuously. Otherwise road becomes soft and liable to damage.
Surface wear and tear is caused by weather and traffic load. Interior deterioration is caused by long term stagnation of water and also by traffic
pressure. Usage of large diameter wheels helps decreases pressure. Pneumatic tyres, spring and suspension adjustments, reduction of speed on
Bridges are cross drainage works used for crossing natural obstacles like rivers, streams and valleys.
Construction materials include bricks, stone, timber, iron, steel etc.
Material used depends on availability, traffic volume, temporary or permanent nature and load of the bridge.
Temporary bridge: Level of water must be shallow in case of temporary bridge. Velocity or flow of water should be slow. Area required for water
way is small
Permanent bridge: Axis of the bridge should follow the general direction of road. The gap is bridged as narrow as possible. Bridge should be
anchored where banks are not erodible. To reduce effects of corrosion, bridge should be away from sharp bends in the river.
Area of clear opening under a bridge or culverts through which water is allowed to pass.
It must have the capacity for allowing the passage of the maximum amount of discharge expected in that stream.
Depends upon the catchment area, amount and intensity of rainfall, shape of the catchment, permeability of soil, flood discharge and afflux.
Types of Bridges
Road across the dry river which has very little or no water for most of the year.
The river bed is used as carriage way
Potholes on the bed are filled up. Banks of the river are cut down to provide gentle slope to the vehicles.
Streams are forded at right angles as far as possible.
Irish bridge is the paved dip surface of the road having a span of more 7m.
Irish Bridge Formation of the road is dropped to follow the bed of the shallow water course.
Cheaper to construct and no need for high level technical knowledge.
Structures providing dip in the road surface as it passes over the river or stream bed.
Depth of water should not be more than 30cm.
Expected traffic should not be heavy
Funds available are minimum
System of counter poised beams built from the abutments supporting road bearers in the middle.
Beams are placed one above the other so that one end of each beam is projected beyond the end of lower
Stability of the bridge depends upon the length of the part of the beam projecting out from the bank, counter
weight, centre of gravity of the counter weight, distance from abutments and size of beams and their
Cantilever Bridge
transverse strength.
Cantilever and road bearers of similar size are used for the construction because each bears the same
Cantilever arms are connected by transom to provide lateral stability.
Complex structure, high level technical knowledge is needed.
Suspension Bridge
Constructed across large openings which do not permit erection of intermediate piers due to swift water.
Consists of a roadway that is suspended by cables passing over the top of the piers.
Piers are well anchored on either bank deeply.
Types of Culverts
Pipe Culvert: Useful when span of culvert is small (0.6 to 1.2m). Cast iron or glazed stoneware pipes are
Culverts used. Concrete layer is added all around he pipe to prevent leakage.
Box Culvert: Useful for 3-4m waterways. Built by square stones set in mortar. Foundations are made for the
abutments. Flow of water is slowed down by laying rough stones.
Arched Culvert: Constructed as cross drainage when span length is greater than 1.6m but less than 6.5m.
Made up of stones, brick with cement or lime mortar.
Timber Pole Culvert: Abutments and roadways are both made up of timber.
Masonry Arched Culvert: Made up of wedge shaped concrete concrete blocks which forms an arch.
Foundation of abutments, piers, wing walls must be placed on well settled soils, and must be taken to below the scour depth.
Wide bar is provided to the foundations for uniform distribution of load.
Abutments: End support to the super structures like bridges and culverts.
Types of Piers
Pile Piers: Single row of 30cm diameter. Strengthened by ledgers and diagonal bracing.
Single Trestle Piers: Formed to frame structures. Used for temporary bridges and not suitable for streams having very strong current
Double Trestle Piers: Provides greater stability and strength. Used in heavy bridges. Requires more time and expertise
Masonry Piers: Made of brick or stone masonry.
Crip Piers: Pier is a framework of logs. Useful for dry ravines and where there is no danger of flood. Also used in temporary arrangements.
Remote Sensing is the art and science of obtaining information about an object, area or phenomena through the analysis of data acquired by a device
without being in physical contact
Classification of Sensors
Active Sensor: Has its own energy source for illuminating objects. Can be used both in day and night without interruption. e.g. Radar, Lidar
Passive Sensor: Depends on other sources of energy for illuminating the object.
Aerial Photography
Branch of science which deals with obtaining photographs from air borne platforms, e.g. aircraft, balloon, for studying the earth
Balloons are restricted by wind velocity and direction. Air Crafts are more useful for large scale coverage
For complete coverage, successive photographs are taken with some degree of overlap.
Intervalometer in a camera controls the successive photographs along a flight strip.
Based on scale: Very large scale, Large scale, Medium scale, Small scale, Vertical
Tilt: Vertical, Low Oblique, High Oblique, Horizontal or Terrestrial
Angular Coverage: Narrow angle, Normal angle, Wide angle, Super wide angle
Space Platforms
Difference between aerial photograph and normal photograph: Features are portrayed in a overhead perspective, Wavelengths outside the visible
spectrum are used, depicts the earth’s surface at unfamiliar scales and resolutions
Aerial photograph or satellite image interpretation depends on: Training and experience of the interpreter, Nature of object being interpreted,
quality of product used for interpretation
Visual Interpretation
Colour: Tone is shade variation from white to black. e.g. Saline and sandy soils are white tone.
Texture: Frequency of change and arrangement of tones in a photograph. It describes the smoothness or coarseness of image features. As the
scale increases, the texture becomes coarser. e.g. Agricultural fields have a smooth textural appearance while trees in forests have a coarse
textural appearance
Shape: General form or outline configuration of the objects. Based on the shape (rectangular, cone, square), the interpreter can identify the object
Size: Mostly relied on when other attributes don’t give desired conclusions
Pattern: Regular and characteristic arrangement of objects gives definite pattern. e.g. trees in a plantation have a different pattern compared to
trees in a forest
Shadows: Depend on time when the picture was taken and the flight direction.
Location: Geographic position of the object
Association: Occurrence of certain features in relation to others
Digital Interpretation
Topographical Mapping: Refers to mapping of surface configuration of an area. Common overlap between two successive photos helps in
topographical mapping
Visual Interpretation
Digital Interpretation
Satellite data must have 10% overlap and less than 10% forest cloud cover.
Radiometric and geometric corrections to improve the picture clarity of FCC and to correct image coordinates respectively.
Non forest areas are masked out from the FCC.
NDVI transformation is applied for this masked image. From this, forest cover is classified based on NDVI values for different density category.
All images are mosaic-ed and vegetation maps at different levels (district/state.national) are prepared. Individual forest cover map is extracted by
overlaying corresponding boundary over the map.
Ground truth verification
Post classification correction
Final Map
FSI monitors and maps forest cover on biennial basis (State of Forest Report)
Assesses forest cover using satellite based remote sensing data.
Mapping of mining zones within forest areas, areas affected by shifting cultivation, forest cover change maps, forest cover within BR, forest
cover affected by natural disaster, trees outside forests
Compare the two sets of satellite data, taken for particular area in 2 different time intervals.
Both images should be of same scale and resolution
Change assessment is carried out once in 5 or 10 years
Helpful in locating vulnerable areas where extensive deforestation occurs
Coarse resolution may lead to over estimation of forest areas
Satellite Imagery
Radiometric and Geometric Correction
Masking non forest area: vegetative cover is isolated from soil, rocks and human settlement. Separated vegetated area is subjected to advanced
vegetation index to get information on vegetation density.
AVI = [IR (255-R) x (IR-R)] ^ 1/3 ————— IR is the infra red band response and R is the red band response
Sub setting of study area
Supervised classification: Supervised classification in GIS environment. Training sets are prepared and spectral signatures for the concerned
training sets are derived. Density classes are assigned to the individual training set by using ML parametric decision rule
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Ground Truth Survey: Carried out in a specific transect, which covers all training sets
Post rectification
Forest Density Map: Different density classes are depicted either by gradations of colour or different colour patterns
Inclusion of Digital Elevation Model and aspect data will improve the accuracy of density classification
Needs frequent monitoring for restoring the fire damaged forest region
Fire burnt areas look black due to ash deposition in soil. This reduces reflection pattern drastically
Satellite imagery of monsoon and summer season is compared, for reduction in reflection pattern of the particular forest
Regions having drastic reduction in reflection pattern is demarcated.
Verified on ground on a sample basis and final forest fire map is prepared.
Habitat Evaluation
Habitat = Sum total of environmental conditions of a specific place occupied by a wildlife species or population of such species.
Habitat elements include vegetation, terrain, altitude, soil, weather and other biotic factors.
Habitat assessment should be based on sound ecological principles and reliable techniques considering all relevant criteria
Important for introduction, rehabilitation and ex situ conservation of species and their habitat.
Multi criteria analysis facilitates selection of site, land suitability analysis, resource evaluation, land allocation and making fine management
According to multi criteria analysis, habitat suitability index (0-100) describes priority of habitat according to needs to species
Initially habitat requirement of the species should be gathered or studied. Grades are assigned to different habitat factors
e.g. Tiger Habitat Analysis at Corbett National Park: Vegetation Type, forest density, slope, human disturbance, prey availability and distance to
water resource were evaluated. Information on human interference and water resource are collected manually. Indirectly suitability of prey
species is also taken into account.
High Habitat Suitability: Deciduous Forest, >60% density, situated away from road and village, close to water source and high prey
Differs in different countries. In India, land use classification is given by National Remote Sensing Agency
First Level: Major land use, National Level
Second Level: Subdivisions of major land use, State and District level
Third Level: Micro level, intensive management for smaller areas
Degraded land includes erosion by water and wind, stonied land, saline lands, alkaline lands, marshy lands and others.
Different kinds of degraded lands have different spectral characteristic in different seasons. Hence, multi seasonal satellite imageries need to be
compared. e.g. Saline lands are bright in tone during summer whereas it looks brown in the monsoon.
Satellite data on required scale and resolution — type and intensity of soil survey
Ancillary Data: topographical maps, village maps, geological maps, climatic data are procured.
Topographical map is used for preparation of base maps, ground truth collection, selection of sample strip and geo-referencing of base maps
Different interpretation units are demarcated.
Ground Truth Survey: Representative areas for all interpretation units are selected for field traversing, ground truth collection and profile studies
Detailed soil investigation is carried out in each image interpretation unit in the sample strips by examining peons, mini-it’s, excavations etc.
Horizon wise soil samples are collected from the peons of representative units and characterised through lab studies.
Soils of the study area are classified.
Soil map of the study area is prepared.
Watershed Management
Watershed is a hydro-geological unit that covers a definite portion of land surface which drains into a definite channel, stream or reservoir. In
simple terms it can be defined as a load area draining to a common outlet.
Watershed Delineation
DEM is used for flow accumulation studies, drainage basin delineation, determination of maximum length of flow, delineation of channel
network, determination of drainage characteristics, watershed boundary
Thus, most quantitative hydrological parameters are interpreted from elevation
Flow direction: Direction with maximum downward slope is selected to be the direction that denotes the flow direction. By applying this
principle to all cells in an image, the flow direction is determined
Slope for all 8 surrounding cells in DEM is computed and the steepest slope direction is selected to route the flow. As the flow proceeds
downwards, the value of catchment area is incremented by number of cells passed through.
The whole area is demarcated as catchment
Discharge per unit width is directly proportional to the catchment area.
DEM of higher resolution is needed for Tsunami hazard mapping.e.g. DEM of Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM)
Base map of the area is prepared initially.
The toposheets are used to demarcate different landforms in the coastal land — open coast, coastal estuary, bay lands, low lying uplands, uplands
Within a coastal landform, strip of land covering 2 km distance from the sea along the coastal line is considered for Tsunami hazard study
Flood prone map shows the extent of the areas liable to inundation at the time of the flood
Considering elevation, landform and other local factors, the locations of dyke failure are marked.
Assumptions for flood height are based on maximum rainfall possibility in that region
Theoretically, all lands below this height are liable to flood if it is continuously present from the failure point
The sum of these cells determine the flood prone area
Four basic maps used are: soil, physiography, length of growing period, bioclimate. These 4 layers are classified based on the criteria requirement
for AEZ
Then these 4 layers are overlaid and integrated
Field Verification for ground trotting
Final AEZ map
Monitoring: Forest Cover Change; Fire burnt areas; Pest, diseases and stress occurrence
Wildlife Management: Habitat assessment, census for big animals, tracking of wild animal
Crop Inventory: Forest type identification, species identification, species differentiation
Watershed Management: Characterisation, Prioritisation, Development and monitoring,
Soil Resource Management: Soil resource inventory, soil related constraints, land evaluation
Water availability: Monitoring surface water bodies, ground water exploration
Land degradation: Extent of wastelands, problem soils, water logging
Damage Assessment: Damage due to cyclones, floods and pest attacks
GIS is a computer based information system used for presenting and analysing the geographic features present on earth surface and the events (non-
spatial attributes). It acquires, stores, analyses and displays geographic data in a desirable manner.
Hardware: Physical component on which GIS software will run. Includes digitiser, GPS, plotter, computer hardware systems
Software: Provides the functions and tools needed to store, analyse and display geographic information. e.g. ArcGIS. Might be application
Data: Spatial data + other data sources. GIS stores 2 types of data, vector and raster.
Vector: Represents the boundaries or the course of the features as a series of points.
Raster: Represents the features graphically. In a raster display, each pixel can vary in their colour, shape or grey tone
Satellite based navigation system that provides continuous, real time, 3D positioning, navigation and timing world wide.
GPS is used to identify geographical coordinates associated with satellite imagery.
GPS is used for ground trotting of satellite images
Advantages of GPS
Segments of GPS
Space Segment
24 satellites orbiting the earth at an altitude of 36000 km. High altitude ensures that satellites are stable, precise and predictable, and that their
motion through space is not affected by drag.
Have 4 atomic clocks, which provide most accurate timing system.
6 orbital planes each with 4 satellites
Full operational capability is maintained even if upto 2 satellites are not functioning
Control Segment
User Segment
Designates various kinds of users who use this system for their benefit.
Working principles
Satellites continuously broadcast satellite position and timing data via radio signals on 2 frequencies
Satellite signal is received by GPS receiver and processed. It computes the distance of the GPS receiver from the satellite (based on time taken by
Using trigonometric principles, distances and elevations are calculated to give latitude, longitude and elevation
Sources of error
Applications of GPS
Agricultural applications: In precision or site specific farming for variable application of fertiliser or pesticides, yield maps, aerial spraying, pest
Land, sea and air navigations: geophysical and resource surveys, navigation and air collision avoidance systems, cargo monitoring, vehicle
tracking, search and rescue, public transport
Mapping and Surveying: Infrastructure mapping, management and planning for future growth, oil and gas explorations
Spacecraft operations
Military operations
Recreational uses
Forest Mensuration is the branch of forestry that deals with the determination of dimensions, form, age and increment of single trees, stands or whole
forests, either standing or after felling. Concerns with measurement of area, volume, weight of wood, bark, fruits, etc.
Scope: Sale of forest produce, wildlife management, watershed management, insects and disease incidence, recreational forestry
Characteristics of Trees: Swelling near the base, fluting, buttresses and thickness of bark causes variation.
Varying methods and conditions of felling and conversion: Includes skill and care taken during operations
Instruments and conditions in which they are used
Personal bias in measurements
Biological character of forest — includes factors like climate, soil, topography and biotic elements
Need for accuracy: Low cost projects require relatively less accuracy. e.g. Fuel wood estimation. Volume estimation and Regeneration
Assessment require much higher accuracy
Time and funds available
In logs, diameters are measured at thick end, thin end and middle of the logs, and the average value is considered diameter of the log.
For Standing Trees, diameter is measured at breast height
Breast Height: defined as the universally adopted standard height for measuring girth, diameters and basal area of standing tree. 1.37m above ground
level in India, Burma, America, South Africa. 1.3m in Europe, UK etc.
Why BH?
Measure diameter of standing trees and logs.
Consist of a graduated rule and 2 arms, one fixed at right angles to the rule, and the other slides parallel to the first arm.
The two arms are separated enough and inserted over the tree stem. When the tree touches the graduated rule, the
movable arm is shifted inwards so that the tree touches the fixed arm and movable arm.
The diameter is read off when the tree and calipers are in perpendicular position.
Calipers should be placed with well open arms and must not be forced on the tree.
Reading is taken before the caliber is removed from the tree.
If the cross-section of the stem is elliptical, two diameters are measured corresponding to major and minor axes
Calipers should be placed at right angles to the axis of the tree. Movable arm should be perpendicular to rule
Scale arm must touch the tree stem.
Advantages of Calliper
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Diameter can be read directly in cm and mm
Points of arms touching the tree are always in sight which reduces the error
Can be easily used by unskilled labour
Errors are both positive and negative, which may cancel out to an extent (advantage over tape)
More accurate results than tape
Measurements are quicker than tape in routine frost work.
Disadvantages of Calliper
Callipers is more accurate but more liable to errors. Tape gives more consistent results, but it takes more time.
Chouce depends on kind and circumstances of work.
Measuring Tape
Convenient to carry
Does not require constant adjustment
Requires only one measurement even with irregular trees.
More convenient than Callipers for logs lying on the ground
Errors in tape are always positive and systematic (advantage over Callipers)
Measures the size of a tree better than Callipers — sources of error are less.
Rough bark of tree exaggerates the diameter or girth while using the tape.
Slower to use particularly in areas with dense shrub growth
As the tape is swung around the tree, it is often not in a plane at right angles to the axis of the tree.
Difference in tension of the tape due to elasticity affects the measurement
Error in basal area counted from taped girth is slightly more than the diameter calculated by Callipers
Ratio is 1/π
Actual ratio is less than that. Varies from species to species.
Bark Thickness
Thickness of the bark varies with species to species and tree to tree.
Bark thickness varies with the age of tree and base to top of the tree.
Affects calculation of volume of standing trees.
Thickness of bark is measured by Swedish Bark Gauge. Chisel form of instrument is provided with a curved arm fitted with a graduated moving
tube. This is pushed into the bark. Afterwards, the instrument is removed and thickness of the bark is read off the scale.
Height is required for computing volume table, form factor table and yield table.
Height of trees indirectly gives idea about productive capacity of site or site quality
Tree Height is the straight line distance from tip of leading shoot to the ground level, usually measured on slopes from the uphill side of the tree.
Height of felled tree is measured from top to base in a straight line without any allowance for curvature of the stem.
Bole Height is the distance between ground level and crown point
Crown Point is the position of the first crown forming living or dead branch.
Commercial Bole Height is the height of bole that is usually fit for utilisation as timber
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Standard Timber Bole Height is the height of bole from ground level up to point where diameter over bark is 20 cm.
Stump is a stem which is left on the ground after felling. Stump Height is the height of the top of the stump above ground.
Crown Length is the vertical measurement of the crown of a tree from the tip to the point half way between the lowest green branches forming
green crown.
Crown Height is the vertical length from the ground level to the point halfway between the lowest green branch and green branches forming
crown all around.
Crown Width is the maximum spread of the crown along its widest diameter.
Methods of Measurement
Shadow Method
Applicable only on sunny days, not suitable for congested stands where shadow is difficult to obtain.
Pole of known length is fixed on the ground.
Shadow caused by the pole and tree are measured, from which the tree height is calculated.
Non Instrumental
Single Pole Method
Observer holds a pole vertically at arm’s length in such a way that portion of the pole above the hand is equal in length
to the distance of the pole from the eye.
In this position, the observer moves till the tip of the pole and the tip of the tree are in the line of sight, and the line of
sight of base of tree passes through where the pole is held by the hand.
Height of the tree is then calculated using geometry
Tangent Method - Utilises the tangents of the angles to the top and base of the tree and the distance of the observer
from the tree.
On Level Ground
On Sloping Ground
Sine Method
Brandis Hypsometer
Consists of a hollow metal tube 14 cm long and rectangular cross section.
Wheel enclosed in a circular metal case is attached to it on one side.
Object to be sighted is seen through the hollow tube from the end
Pivoted wheel attached to the wheel should be in zero position when the instrument is horizontal
Outer rim of the wheel is graduated to show degrees that can be read through an opening in the metal case by a
magnifying glass in eye piece.
Observer stands at a convenient place from where the top and base of the tree can be visible. He should press the
spring while seeing the top as well as the base of the tree. Distance from the observe to the tree is calculated and
height of the tree is calculated using tangent formula.
Brandis Table
Instrument is provided with a table called Brandis table which gives the heights of trees directly.
Observer should stand at a place from where top of the trees is visible.
When the top has been sighted for any of the angles of elevation given in the table, the instrument should be
directed towards the base.
After measuring distance between tree and observer, height is obtained from the table for the corresponding
distance and angles of elevation
Adjustment to position to suit angles given in the table is difficult.
Abney’s Level
Used for measuring height and contouring.
Consists of a hollow tube with an eyepiece at one end sighting tube at the other end.
Index arm is attached to the spirit level and the arc is graduated to read whole degrees
Vernier and a magnifying glass are fitted on the index arm.
Observer stands away from the tree at a place from where the top of the tree and the base are visible.
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While sighting the top, the screw is rotated to bring the spirit level in a horizontal position.
As the spirit level approaches the horizontal position, the spirit level is continued to be moved slowly to the
position when the bubble image is bisected by the line of horizontal wire on the mirror and in the other half, the
tree top is seen touching the horizontal wire. At this position, the index arm reads the angle of elevation to the
top of the tree.
Similarly, angle of depression to the base can be read.
Height of the tree is calculated based on these values.
Small in size and light weight. Spirit level adjustment is cumbersome.
Haga altimeter
Consists of a pointer and a rotatable scale. The top of the case has an eye piece with a pin hole.
Hexagonal bar inside which can be rotated by a turning knob
Bar has a separate scale on each of its face.
Scale and height readings can be done through a narrow longitudinal slit.
Gravity controlled pointer indicates the heights above or below the eye level when the top or base of the tree is
Observer should stand at specific distance by holding the instrument in such a way that the eye piece is towards
the observer and the sight vane is towards the tree.
After sighting the top, the trigger is depressed to lock the pointer. This gives the height of the tree above eye
level. Similarly, bottom of the tree is observed and height of the tree below eye level is obtained.
If both top and bottom of the tree are above eye level, then tree height is obtained by deducting the bottom height
from the top height value.
Measurement of basal area of crops, diameters over bark at any distance from the tree.
Rotating drum for slope correction and height measurements that has 4 scales.
Gives directly the height of the tree when a horizontal stick of fixed length is kept at the base of the tree.
Christen Hypsometer
Based on the similar triangles principle
Consists of a scale of 10 inches long.
For measuring tree height, a 10 foot pole is placed upright at the base of the tree.
The forester stands at sufficient distance from the tree, in such a way that the two inside edges of the flanges are
in line with the top and base of the tree.
In this position, graduation on the scale that is in line with the top of pole placed over the tree base indicates tree
Graduation is very crowded in the bottom portion and wider in the top portion. This creates difficulty in reading
the graduation in the lower end. The limitation arises when measuring tall trees. Very small orientation results in
considerable error in height measurement.
Sources of Error
Instrument Error: Result of limitations in the instrument. e.g. Christen Hypsometer keeps swinging due to wind.
Personal Error: Varies from persona to person depending on their knowledge, skill and experience.
Errors due to measurement: Horizontal distance calculation and angle measurements may be difficult due to bushes and
shrubs on the ground level.
Errors due to observation: In dense forest, it is difficult to see the base of a tree. In broadleaved trees, it is difficult to
see the tip of the tree exactly.
Errors due to lean of trees: If the tree is not exactly vertical, trigonometrical principles are not accurate. All
mathematical methods assume the tree bole to be vertical.
Commercial Volume is the volume of stem measured down to a thin end diameter up to which conversion is usually done which excludes
volume of stump.
Standard Stem Timber is the volume exclusive of bark of stem wood timber in round from ground level down to 20 cm diameter over bark.
Standard Stem Small Wood is the volume of stem wood in round between 20 cm diameter over bark and 5cm diameter over bark.
Volume of felled trees includes volume of stem wood and branch wood.
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May include root volume as well if it is economical.
Tree is cut into logs according to the taper.
The length of the log depends on the taper, utility of the wood and transport facility available.
Volume of Logs
Basal portion resembles a Neloid, Middle portion a Paraboloid and Top portion a Cone
Total volume is the volume of these three solids taken together
Quarter Girth formula: Basal area x length, π is taken as 4, so it may underestimate the volume, but overall it allows for loss in volume due to
bark and during squaring.
Branch Woods
Solid Volume of firewood within this stack depends on form of stacking, form of billets, length and diameter of billets.
Xylometric Method: Graduated vessel using which the volume of wood is calculated by the principle of water displacement.
Specific Gravity method
Conversion Factor: Factor by which stacked volume may be multiplied to derive a solid volume or weight. It varies with region and user groups.
Tree Form: Rate of taper of a log or stem. (Taper is the decrease in diameter of a stem from base to upwards). Rate of taper varies with species, age,
site, crop density and different parts of the same tree.
Artificial Form Factor: Basal area is measured at BH and volume refers to the whole tree both above and below
the point of measurement. Computation is easy, hence universally acceptable. Artificial form factor is not so
reliable as the diameter varies at different heights.
Absolute Form Factor: Basal area is calculated at any convenient height, and the volume of tree refers only to
the part above the point of measurement.
Normal Formal Factor: Basal Area is measured at a constant proportion of the total height of the tree. Volume
designates the whole tree above ground level. Cumbersome as it requires height measurement at first, followed
Comparison of standard by diameter at different heights.
form ratios
Form Class: Defined as one of the intervals in which the range of form quotients of trees is divided for classification
Classification of form on and use.
the basis of from ratios Form Point Ratio: Point in the crown at which wind pressure is estimated to be centred. Form Point Ratio is the
relationship of the height of the form point above ground level to the total height of the tree.
Form of trees is studied by compilation of taper tables. Shows the actual form by diameters at fixed points from
Taper Tables the base to the tip of a tree.
May be diameter taper tables or form class taper tables
Ocular Estimate: Estimate of volume of standing trees by experience and knowledge. Varies widely depending on knowledge and experience
Ocular + Measurement: Diameter and height of some trees are measured. From this volume of tree is assessed with consideration of taper. Then
the volume of remaining trees is assessed in comparison. The defects that apply to Ocular estimates hold here as well.
Direct measurement: Diameter is measured at different heights manually. Volume is determined from diameter and height. Not feasible for a
large number of trees as it is a time consuming and tiring procedure
Indirect measurement: use of instruments avoids the climbing of trees for height measurement. e.g. Relaskop, Dendrometer. Using diameter and
height, volume of standing tree is obtained.
Volume Table is defined as a table showing the average contents of trees, logs or sawn timber for one or more given dimensions, for a given
Used to estimate volume of a given crop
Prepared on the basis of actual measurement of a sufficiently large number of trees
Does not give exact volume of an individual
Variables used for volume table preparation are diameter, height and taper form
Choice of variables depends on intended applications, simplicity, speed and desired accuracy. e.g. For smaller and restricted area diameter alone
is enough.
Information provided in volume tables: Name of species and its distribution, basic data of the locality, number of trees measured for compilation
of the volume table, method of compilation and computation.
Compiled from measurements of trees growing in restricted localities, or derived from general volume table.
Local Volume
Mostly based on one independent variable
Mostly used to make estimates of volume of coupe
Gives information about round timber volume measured down to a thin end diameter, to which conversion is
Commercial Volume done.
Stump Stump volume is omitted.
Serves as a basis for the preparation of local and temporary tables for individual coupes
Sawn Outturn Table Contents of sawn timber volume are given up to a thin end diameter to which conversion is done.
Sawn Out turn Assortment Similar to assortment tables, but they give sawn out turn in number of standardised species instead of volume in
Table round
Actual volume of trees measured should be checked against the total volume read from the final curve. Difference
should not exceed 1%
Difference between total volume obtained form field data and corresponding volumes read from the curves should
not differ by more than 5%. There should be atleast 20 trees in the class for the check to be reliable
Relative Check: Checks two or more tables which are derived independently from the same data.
Average Deviation Check: Checks the average deviation of individual tree volumes from those read from the
Yield table is a tabular statement which summarises for per unit area, essential data related to development of fully stocked and regularly thinned even
aged crop at periodic intervals covering the greater part of life.
Primary Data: Volume of main crop, thinning yield, final yield and accumulated yield through thinning
Secondary Data: Crop average diameter, height, number of stems per unit area, crop basal area, form factor, CAI and MAI
Single Yield Table: Only C grade thinning is adopted to regulate the crop
Multiple Yield Table: Data is given for various grades of thinning for the crop
After construction of top height/top age curve by site qualities, sample plots are assigned according to quality classes
Crop age and mean crop basal area is grouped separately and average is computed
Average crop age and average mean basal area curve is drawn. Crop age reading from the curve is compared with actual measurement
Standard deviation and coefficient of variation are calculated and plotted against crop age
Curves are drawn for number of trees per ha, average crop diameter, stem timber and stem small wood
Applications of yield table
Grouping of sample plot data based on site qualities is
Supportive in determination of site quality and fractional site quality
difficult. Site quality varies with various factors and
Used in estimation of total yield or growing stock
Determination of increment of stand
No consistency trend in curve among different site quality
Determination of rotation
In some site quality, no sample plots are available for certain
Enhances preparation of stock map by site qualities
Acts as a guide to silvicultural thinning
Good deal of sample plot data may get rejected in some cases
Reliable, tabulated and satisfactory tree information, related to the required unit, respective units, of assessment in hierarchic order.
Enumeration refers to the counting, singly or together of individuals of one or more species in a forest and their classification by species, size,
condition etc.
Why inventory?
Main objective is to determine the volume of timber growing in the forest with a view to determine the yield.
Inventory is required to assess the value of forest produce for sale.
Inventory is carried out to prepare a management map of the area — helpful in decision making process
Kinds of enumeration
Advantages of Sampling
Types of Sampling
Random Samples are chosen in such a manner that all sampling units have equal chance of being chosen
Unrestricted/Simple random sampling: Sampling units are selected strictly randomly from the whole population.
Gives good results if the forest is uniform
Stratified Random Sampling: Population is first divided into sub populations of different strata, and sampling units
are selected from each according to their proportionate size. Forests generally have heterogenous composition and
hence, this method is suitable for natural forest conditions
Multi Stage Sampling: Sampling units are taken out in two or more stages. Sampling unit size is reduced at
successive stage of sampling. Principle of random sampling remains the same for all stages.
Multiphase sampling: Same sampling units are used for different phases of sampling to collect different information.
e.g. In a bamboo forest, the number of clumps/ha is determined in the first phase and in second phase, number of culms
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per clump is determined.
Sampling with varying probability: Chances may vary as the sampling proceeds for each sample being selected. e.g.
Point sampling
List Sampling: Sampling with varying probability. List of sampling units along with their measure of size in any order
Samples are selected according to the subjective judgement of the observer on the basis of certain rules or guidelines
Selective Sampling: Choice of sampling units depends on subjective judgement of the observer. Involves a lot of bias,
but useful for quick and rough estimate.
Non Random Systematic Sampling: Sampling units are selected according to a predetermined pattern, after a random start. Reduces
cost of sampling process.
Sequential Sampling: Number of observations is not determine din advance. Sampling units are taken successively
from a population. Each sample contains all the sampling units of the previous sample. Confidence interval at each
stage will go on decreasing. Sampling is stopped when the desired level of precision is achieved.
Sampling Units
Point Sampling
Counting from a random point, the number of trees whose breast height cross section exceeds a certain critical angle, which is multiplied by a constant
factor to give an unbiased estimate of basal area per hectare.
Series of sampling points are selected randomly or systematically distributed over the entire area.
Trees around this point are viewed at breast height through any angle gauge.
Trees forming an angle bigger than the critical angle of the instrument are counted.
Inclusion of trees in a tally for a given angle depends upon the size of trees and their distance from the observer.
Instruments used
Spiegel Relaskop
Simple Angle Gauge:
Consists of a stick (1m long) with a peep sight at one end and metal blade 2cm wide fixed at the other end at
right angles to the axis of the stick.
The width of the blade and the length of the stick determine the angle
A tree is viewed through the prism at breast height and simultaneously seeing the trunk of the tree directly over
the prism.
Horizontal Point Full tally and Half tally
Sampling Wedge Prism