Practical Research 11 TQ
Practical Research 11 TQ
Practical Research 11 TQ
Department of Education
2. Class Newton is assigned to write about the origin of their barrio’s name. Why is it important to
consult multiple sources for their research?
Ⓐ To find the most popular opinions on the topic.
Ⓑ To ensure all your information comes from the same perspective.
Ⓒ To present a singular viewpoint and gain a more complete understanding.
Ⓓ To avoid accidentally plagiarizing any single source.
3. Which characteristic implies that research involves testing theories through direct observation
or experimentation?
Ⓐ Systematic Ⓑ Empirical Ⓒ Controlled Ⓓ Analytical
4. A group of agriculture students aims to compare the efficacy of fermented fruit juice to mung
beans compared to the use of chemical inputs in the plants growth. Which characteristic
ensures a fair comparison?
Ⓐ Objective Ⓑ Analytical Ⓒ Controlled Ⓓ Original work
5. Carla and her groupmates aim to analyze the experiences and perceptions of senior high school
students towards the use of AI in generating written class outputs. Which research method is
more suitable?
Ⓐ Quantitative research Ⓒ Both methods equally
Ⓑ Qualitative research Ⓓ Cannot be determined without added information
6. A qualitative study involves conducting in-depth interviews with parents about their
experiences in assisting students during blended learning modalities during class suspensions
during natural calamities. What is the potential strength of this approach?
Ⓐ Statistical analysis of large datasets.
Ⓑ Testing a pre-defined hypothesis
Ⓒ Capturing rich and detailed personal narratives
Ⓓ Drawing generalizable conclusions to the entire population
Ⓐ The literature review selectively includes studies that support the researcher's
preconceived notions, ignoring conflicting perspectives.
Ⓑ The literature review acknowledges potential biases without providing proper attribution
to unpublished works, emphasizing the exclusivity of the review.
Ⓒ The literature review is organized in a chaotic manner, presenting information without
clarity or logical structure.
Ⓓ The literature review accurately cites sources, provides proper attribution to unpublished
works, and acknowledges potential biases, promoting transparency and integrity.