12 CH 3 Notes
12 CH 3 Notes
12 CH 3 Notes
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan has an area of 796,090 sq km it lies between the latitude of 24 to 36 and
between the longitudes of 61 to 75.
Pakistan lies sandwiched between strong neighbour i.e. Afghanistan, India, Iran, China and Tajikistan. In
her west, Pakistan shares 2250 km of the boundary with Afghanistan. In the south-west, a 950 km long
border line separates Pakistan from Iran. In the east of Pakistan, 1,600 km boundary separates Pakistan
from India. Pak-China boundary is 600 km in the north of Pakistan. In the north-west Pakistan shares 20
km boundary with Tajikistan.
Answer Pakistan has four seasons: a cool, dry winter from December through February; a hot, dry spring
from March through May; the summer rainy season, or southwest monsoon period, from June through
September; and the retreating monsoon period of October and November.)
● In the north are the Toba Kakar Range and Chaghi Hills.
● In the west-central part is the Siahan Range.
Enormous disparities are found among the different regions and provinces of Pakistan, some of these
are due to natural factors while others can be ascribed to bad planning and faulty management of
affairs. In the following text we shall make an attempt to understand these underlying factors. The
Punjab has 7.36 crore population, Sind 3.41 crore, the NWFP 1.77 crore and Baluchistan only 65 lac
(0.65 crore). On the other hand, Baluchistan covers about 44% of the total area of Pakistan and the
Punjab only 26%. This shows that the population of Pakistan is very unevenly divided. Out of the
total 23 cities having a population of more than two lacs, only one (i.e. Quetta) is located in
Baluchistan. Only one out of the five most populous cites of the countries i.e. Karachi is located in
the province of Sind, the remaining four are in the Punjab these are Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi
and Multan respectively
6. Write a note on the imbalance growth of economic growth between different regions of Pakistan?
According to the latest available statistics, Sindh has highest per capita income rate in the country; it is
three times higher than the NWFP, one and a half higher than Punjab and double than that of the
Baluchistan. Income in Punjab is double than that of the NWFP.
7. Bring about the central position Pakistan enjoys as a significant state of the Muslim world.
Pakistan is situated in the centre of the Muslim World. To the west of Pakistan, starting from Afghanistan
and Iran, lies a chain of Muslim countries passing through Asia and terminating at the Eastern coast of the
Atlantic Ocean i.e. the Middle East, Gulf and Africa. To the east of Pakistan, starting from Bangladesh
lies another chain of Muslim countries while to the North there are six Muslim countries which gained
independence from Russia in 1991.
● Recreation
9. under what heads, important sites of tourist attraction can be studied?
● Archaeological treasure
● Historical buildings
10. Enlist important hill resorts of the Punjab and the NWFP.
Dunga Gali- Dunga Gali is a picturesque small resort situated on the slopes of the Mukshpuri hill (2376
m). It is 30 km from Murree.
About 172 km west of Rawalpindi/Islamabad by road and about an hour by aircraft, the last major town
of Pakistan, the ancient and legendary Peshawar, city of proud Pathans. Peshawar the capital city of
Khyber Pakhtun Khawa Province is a frontier town, the meeting place of the Sub-continent and Central
Asia. The tourists are especially attracted by the chappli kabab and Kissa Khwani Bazar.
Long question
Q1. In how many temperature zones Pakistan is divided? Explain each
Pakistan is divided into four major temperature zones based on temperature zones. These zones are:
● North Western Mountain regions of Pakistan
The climate of Pakistan varies widely with topography but is generally continental in type. In the
mountain regions of the north and west, the temperature falls below freezing during the winter. In the
Indus plan area temperature range between 32 and 49 C in summer the winter average is about 13 C.
Throughout most of Pakistan rainfall is scarce. The Punjab region receives the most precipitation- more
than 508 mm (20 in) per year. The arid regions of the south-east and south-west receive less than 127 mm
(5 in) annually. The most rain falls between July and September.
In these regions, winter sustains for four months. In these areas, at times mercury falls below at 0 C.
This division includes the province of Punjab and major part of NWFP.
Summer in Upper Indus Plain : It is extremely hot in June and July, dust storms blow in this region,
tree leaves become dry and flowers away. In certain areas, June and July are oppressively hot. Although
official estimates rarely place the temperature above 46 C, newspaper sources claim that it reaches 51 C
and regularly carry reports about people who have succumbed to the heat. Heat records were broken in
Multan in June 1993 when the mercury was reported to have risen to 54 C.
Winter in Upper Indus Plain: Most areas in Upper Indus Plain experience fairly cool winters, often
accompanied by rain. Women and men for warmth wear woollen shawls because few homes are heated.
By mid-February the temperature begins to rise; springtime weather continues until mid-April when the
summer heat sets in. In August the oppressive heat is punctuated by the rainy season, referred to as
‘barsat’, which brings relief in its wake. The hardest part of the summer is then over, but cooler weather
does not come until late in October.
Coastal areas of Pakistan form the lower Indus plain. Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi is in this region. Due
to the cool breeze blowing from the sea, in an area of about 80 km of the coast is moderate throughout the
Summer in the lower Indus: The temperature is also more uniform in these areas ranging from an
average daily low of 18°C to 28°C from January to July. This year the lowest temperature was recorded at
7°C. During summer evenings the temperature varies from 18°C of 34°C. Although the summer
temperature does not get as high as those in Punjab, the high humidity causes the residents a great deal of
The Baluchistan Plateau
Baluchistan Plateau lies in the East 0f Suleiman range. The average altitude is about 2,000 ft. The
physical features of the plateau are very varied but mountains, plateaus and basins predominate the scene.
The winters in Baluchistan Plateau: The winters are extremely cold in Baluchistan plateau. Mercury
drops below at 0°C at certain points due to cold northern winds.
Summers in Baluchistan Plateau: The summers are immensely hot in this area because the dry and bare
mountains absorb heat and retain high temperature for long. The hottest point is Sibbi and Jacobbad
Economic disparities are found amongst the different regions of Pakistan. Some of these disparities are
due to natural resources while others can be ascribing to bad planning and faulty management of affairs.
The population and area of Pakistan’s four provinces have been recorded in the lines to follow:
The above chart shows how unevenly the population of Pakistan has been divided. Out of the 23 most
populous cities of Pakistan, only one Quetta is situated in Baluchistan, only one Karachi in Sindh and the
remaining populous cities are in Punjab.
According to the latest available statistics, Sindh has the highest per capita income rate in the country. It
is three times higher than that of NWFP, one and a half time higher than Punjab, and double than that of
Baluchistan. The income of Punjab is double than that of NWFP.
There is also disequilibrium concerning industrial development. Karachi and Hyderabad are the industrial
centers in Sindh. Lahore, Multan, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala and Faisalabad are the industrial centers. But
still, NWFP and Baluchistan are underdeveloped as regards industry is concerned. The government has
declared Baluchistan and NWFP as tax-free zones to develop industries in these areas.
Provision of the basic requirements of life has a direct bearing on economic development. Referred to as
infrastructure, these basic requirements include railways, roadways, telephone, telegraph, television,
electronic networks, newspapers and postal and courier services etc. These facilities are mostly provided
in Punjab Sindh. The other provinces are mainly deprived of these facilities.
Feudalism and bureaucracy are a hindrance towards regional peace these are the causes of regional
This state of affairs may prove explosive for national life. To bring about substantial change,
comprehensive social and political transformation is required; broadening of the economic base of the
society with strengthens the deprived classes and weakens the oppressors. Economic development can
only take place in an environment of peace and tranquility. We should follow the tradition of the Holy
Prophet (PBUH). The Prophet (PBUH) granted all the demands of the opponents, fair or unfair, to
achieve peace for his people.
Although the country is in the monsoon region, it is arid, except for the southern slopes for the Himalayas
and the sub-Mutinous tract, which has a rainfall from 76 to 127 cm. Baluchistan, is the driest part of the
country with an average rainfall of 21 cm. On the southern ranges of the Himalayas, 127 cm of
precipitation takes place, while under the lee of these mountains (Gilgit and Baltistan) in fall is hardly 16
cm. Rainfall also occurs from western cyclonic disturbances originating in the Mediterranean
It is appreciably in the western mountains and the immediate for lying area; here the rainfall average
ranges from 27 to 76 cm. The contribution of these western disturbances to rainfall over the plains is
about 4 cm. A large part of the precipitation in the northern mountain system is in the form of snow,
which feeds the rivers. The all-pervasive aridity over Most of Pakistan, the predominant influence on the
life and habitat of the people, coupled with the climatic rhythm, characteristic of a monsoon climate, are
conducive to the homogeneity of the land.
The south-west monsoon reaches Pakistan towards the beginning of July and establishes by the middle of
the month. The strength of the monsoon current increases from June to July; it then remains steady and
starts retreating towards the end of August, though occasionally, it continues to be active even in
September when some of the highest floods of the Indus Basin have been recorded.
In October, the maximum temperature is of the order of 34°C to 37°C all over Pakistan, while the nights
are fairly cool with the minimum temperature around 16°C. In November, both the maximum and
minimum temperatures fall by about 6°C and the weather becomes pleasant.
Q4. What is the importance of Pakistan from a geographical and strategic point of view?
Geographical Location
Pakistan is situated in the continent of Asia between 23.300 and 26.450 latitude (North) and 610 and
75.450 longitude (East). India is situated on Pakistan’s Eastern border; China is lies to the north-east
while Afghanistan is situated in the north-west. In the north, only a narrow belt of 15 miles in
Afghanistan, called “Wakhan”, separates Pakistan from Russia. To the West lies Iran and in the South is
the Arabian Sea.
The total area of the population is 796,096 sq. km and its population is about 130 million according to
1998 census. Pakistan comprises of four provinces, via, Sindh, Baluchistan, Punjab and the Khyber
Pakhtun Khawa. Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan.
The industrial progress of the Western countries depends upon the oil of the Gulf States. This oil is
carried through the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. Karachi is an important port of the Arabian Sea.
The Foreign policy of Pakistan can, therefore, affect the movement of oil.
Control over Warm Water
The seas of Russia are mostly snowcapped are not fit for navigation for the larger part of the year. To take
an active part in international trade, Russia dreams to have control over the warm water of the Indian Sea.
But Pakistan is a hurdle in its way and thus enjoys an important position in the scene of international
By its location, Pakistan occupies a central position in the Muslim countries of the world. Pakistan is
located during the extensive chain of the Muslim nations spreading from Morocco in the west to
Indonesia in the Far East. Appreciating this esteemed position, the Vice President of Libya Adus-Salam
Jalud during his visit to Pakistan in 1978, called Pakistan “the heart of the Muslim world.”
Pakistan came into being only two years after the termination of the Second World War. In the post-war
period, the USA and the USSR had emerged as superpowers. The two countries struggled of the smaller
countries of the world and enhance their respective spheres of influence. During this period, generally
referred to as “Cold War Era”, Pakistan decided to side with the American block. Pakistan also joined
SEATO and CENTO, the anti-Russia military alliances formed under the American umbrella.
Notwithstanding the merits and demerits of this policy, we must admit that Pakistan could rise to this
position of superb importance in world politics only due to her strategic location.
Due to her unconditional loyalty with the American block Pakistan could not attain a respectable position
amongst the non-aligned and the third world countries. In the later period when Pakistan adopted a policy
of the year 1979, the then president of Pakistan was designated to represent the Muslim World at Havana
Conference of non-aligned countries. In 1980 he was again given the honour of addressing the UN
General Assembly at the spokesman of the entire Muslim World.
Anti-Expansionist Stance
Despite her meager resources, Pakistan took a firm stand against the expansionist designs of the Soviet
Union and offered sustained resistance to the Russian intrusion in Afghanistan. The entire free world now
appreciates that it was Pakistan’s heroic fighting spirit that defeated the Russian designs in Afghanistan
and lead to the ultimate dismemberment of the superpower.
Pakistan is placed in a highly strategic position on the world map. It is located in the centre of the road
and rail links between the countries of the Far East and Iran, Turkey and Europe.