Chapter 3.Eng
Chapter 3.Eng
Chapter 3.Eng
5. Seasons of Pakistan
Summer Starts in April and ends in September.
Winter Starts in October and continues till February.
Spring Short season of two months i.e. March and April.
Monsoon Sets in August and ends in October
9. Geographical Importance
Pakistan occupies a central position in the Muslim world. Pakistan is located in the midst of the chain of the Muslim
nations spreading from Morocco in the west to Indonesia in the east. That is why Vice president of Libya Abdus
Salam Jalud called Pakistan the heart of the Muslim world during his visit to Pakistan in 1978.
10. Objectives of Tourism
Research and fact finding
Knowledge and information
Prepared by: M. Hasnain Akhtar, FG Sir Syed College
2. Ziarat
Ziarat is the most important hill resort in the province of Baluchistan. Quaid-e-Azam RA spent his last days of his life
at this famous his resort of Baluchistan. Now a day this place is also famous for Quaid-e-Azam’s residency.