Sci9 Wk5

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School: Grade Level: 9

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE

Teaching Dates & Time: Week 5 Quarter: 1st Quarter


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate ICL
understanding of how understanding of how understanding of how changes understanding of how
changes in the environment changes in the environment in the environment may affect changes in the environment
may affect species extinction may affect species extinction species extinction may affect species extinction
B. Performance The learners should be able The learners should be able The learners should be able to The learners should be able
Standards to make a multimedia to make a multimedia make a multimedia presentation to make a multimedia
presentation of a timeline of presentation of a timeline of of a timeline of extinction of presentation of a timeline of
extinction of representative extinction of representative representative microorganisms, extinction of representative
microorganisms, plants, and microorganisms, plants, and plants, and animals microorganisms, plants, and
animals animals animals
C. Learning Relate species extinction to Relate species extinction to Relate species extinction to the Relate species extinction to
Competencies/ the failure of populations of the failure of populations of failure of populations of the failure of populations of
Objectives organisms to adapt to abrupt organisms to adapt to abrupt organisms to adapt to abrupt organisms to adapt to abrupt
( Write the Lode for changes in the environment changes in the environment changes in the environment changes in the environment
II.CONTENT Introduction to species Conservation strategies to Introduction to species Threats to biodiversity
( Subject Matter) extinction mitigate species extinction extinction and adaptation Conservation strategies to
Factors contributing to The role of human activities Examples of species extinction prevent species extinction
species extinction in species extinction due to environmental changes
The role of adaptation in Case studies on successful Factors contributing to the
population survival conservation efforts failure of populations to adapt
Abrupt environmental
changes and their impact on
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 1-3 Pages 8-10 Pages 1-3 Pages 8-10
2. Learner’s Material Pages 4-7 Pages 11-15 Pages 4-7 Pages 11-15
3. Textbook pages Chapter 8, pages 60-65 Chapter 8, pages 66-70 Chapter 8, pages 60-65 Chapter 8, pages 66-70
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning
Created by: GREG M, Et al
A. Reviewing previous Recap the concepts of Recap the concepts of Recap the concepts of Recap the concepts of
Lesson or presenting biodiversity, ecosystems, and species extinction, adaptation and natural species extinction and the
new lesson natural selection as population adaptation, and selection, emphasizing how failure of populations to
discussed in previous the impact of abrupt they contribute to the survival of adapt discussed in the
lessons. environmental changes on species. previous lesson.
B. Establishing a purpose Explain the objective of the Explain the objective of the Explain that the objective of the Explain that the objective of
for the lesson lesson, which is to lesson, which is to apply the lesson is to understand how the the lesson is to apply the
understand the relationship knowledge of species failure to adapt to abrupt knowledge of species
between species extinction extinction and population environmental changes can extinction to propose
and the failure of populations adaptation to propose lead to species extinction. conservation strategies.
to adapt to abrupt conservation strategies.
environmental changes.
C. Presenting examples/ Provide examples of species Provide examples of Provide examples of species Provide real-world examples
instances of the new that have become extinct due successful conservation that have become extinct due to of ongoing conservation
lesson. to their inability to adapt to efforts that have prevented sudden changes in their efforts aimed at preventing
abrupt changes in the species extinction and environment, such as the dodo species extinction, such as
environment, such as the promoted population bird and the passenger pigeon. habitat restoration, captive
dodo bird, the passenger adaptation, such as the Discuss the specific breeding programs, and the
pigeon, and the Tasmanian conservation of the environmental changes that establishment of protected
tiger. California condor and the contributed to their extinction. areas.
recovery of the gray wolf
population in certain
D. Discussing new Explain the factors Discuss the role of human Explain the concept of habitat Introduce the concept of
concepts and practicing contributing to species activities in species loss and how it can result in the sustainable development
new skills. #1 extinction, including habitat extinction, including habitat failure of populations to adapt. and its role in balancing
loss, climate change, destruction, pollution, Discuss the impact of human needs with
pollution, invasive species, climate change, and deforestation, urbanization, and conservation efforts. Discuss
and overexploitation. Discuss overhunting. Emphasize the climate change on species how sustainable practices
how these factors disrupt the need for sustainable extinction. can help prevent species
ability of populations to practices and conservation extinction.
adapt. measures.

E. Discussing new Explain the concept of Present various Introduce the concept of Explore the concept of
concepts and practicing adaptation and its role in conservation strategies to invasive species and their role community-based
new skills #2. population survival. Discuss mitigate the failure of in disrupting ecosystems and conservation and the
how adaptations are inherited populations to adapt to causing species extinctions. importance of involving local
traits that enhance an abrupt environmental Discuss the mechanisms by communities in conservation
organism's fitness and changes, such as protected which invasive species initiatives. Discuss the
increase its chances of areas, habitat restoration, outcompete native species and benefits and challenges of
survival and reproduction. captive breeding programs, the consequences of their community participation.
and public awareness introduction.

Created by: GREG M, Et al

F. Developing Mastery Engage students in activities Engage students in group Engage students in activities Engage students in group
(Lead to Formative where they analyze case discussions or activities where they analyze case activities where they analyze
Assessment 3) studies and scenarios of where they propose studies and identify the factors specific case studies of
species facing environmental conservation strategies for that led to the failure of threatened species and
changes and identify the specific endangered species populations to adapt and propose conservation
factors contributing to their or habitats, considering the resulted in species extinction. strategies based on their
extinction or survival. factors contributing to their understanding of species
vulnerability and the extinction and the failure to
potential solutions. adapt.
G. Finding practical Discuss the practical Discuss the importance of Discuss the practical Discuss the role of
application of concepts applications of understanding individual actions, applications of understanding individuals in promoting
and skills in daily living the relationship between community involvement, and the relationship between conservation and preventing
species extinction and policy changes in promoting species extinction and the species extinction through
population adaptation in conservation and preventing failure to adapt in conservation actions such as responsible
conservation efforts, habitat species extinction. efforts, ecosystem consumption, supporting
restoration, and climate management, and climate conservation organizations,
change mitigation. change mitigation. and spreading awareness.

H. Making Generalizations Summarize the key concepts Summarize the key concepts Summarize the key concepts of Summarize the key concepts
and Abstraction about of species extinction, of conservation strategies, species extinction and the of species extinction and
the Lesson. population adaptation, and human impact on species failure of populations to adapt, conservation strategies,
the impact of abrupt extinction, and the role of emphasizing the importance of emphasizing the importance
environmental changes on successful case studies in biodiversity and the need for of collective efforts to protect
population survival. guiding conservation efforts. conservation measures. biodiversity.
I. Evaluating Learning 1. Explain the concept of 1. Explain the concept of 1. How do factors such as 1. Identify and explain the
species extinction and how it ecological niches and how competition, predation, and major direct threats to
occurs in the natural world. they relate to a species' availability of resources biodiversity, such as habitat
ability to adapt to changing influence a species' ability to loss, overexploitation,
2. Describe the role of environmental conditions. adapt and survive? pollution, and invasive
adaptation in the survival and species.
persistence of a species. 2. Describe the process of 2. Discuss the importance of
3. How does the process of speciation and how it conservation efforts in 2. Discuss how climate
natural selection influence a contributes to biodiversity preserving biodiversity and change can pose a
population's ability to adapt to and the formation of new preventing species extinction. significant threat to
changes in the environment? species. biodiversity and impact
3. Discuss the role of genetic ecosystems worldwide.
4. Provide examples of 3. Discuss the potential diversity in a population and
environmental changes that consequences of a failure to how it can affect the ability of a 3. Explain the concept of
could lead to the extinction of adapt to environmental species to adapt to sudden habitat fragmentation and its
a species. changes on a population's environmental changes. role in reducing biodiversity
5. Discuss how human genetic diversity and overall in ecosystems.

Created by: GREG M, Et al

activities, such as habitat fitness. 4. Provide examples of how
destruction and climate overharvesting and poaching
change, can lead to abrupt 4. Explain the role of genetic can lead to declines in
changes in the environment mutations in allowing species populations and loss
that impact species survival. populations to adapt to new of biodiversity.
environmental conditions.
5. Describe the impact of
5. Provide examples of pollution on ecosystems and
species that have become its effects on both terrestrial
extinct due to their failure to and aquatic biodiversity.
adapt to environmental
changes. 6. Explain the importance of
protected areas, such as
national parks and wildlife
reserves, in conserving

7. Describe the concept of

captive breeding programs
and how they can help
prevent the extinction of
endangered species.

8. Discuss the significance

of habitat restoration and
conservation efforts in
preserving biodiversity.
J. Additional Activities for Provide additional resources Provide additional resources
Application or or conduct discussions to or conduct discussions to
Remediation reinforce the knowledge of reinforce the knowledge of
species extinction, species extinction,
population adaptation, and conservation strategies, and
conservation strategies, and address any misconceptions
address any misconceptions or difficulties encountered by
or difficulties encountered by students.
A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
Created by: GREG M, Et al
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:

Teacher III
School Principal I

Created by: GREG M, Et al

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