Define Apoptosis.
2) Describe the mechanism leading to apoptosis. Add a note on the morphological and
biochemical features of an apoptotic cell.
* 1
Describe the pathogenesis and pathology of AIDS.
Add a note on its laboratory diagnosis. * 1
Define Neoplasia.
Enumerate the differences between benign and malignant tumours.
Describe the mechanisms of metastasis in malignant tumours with suitable
8) examples.
Add a note on the endocrine para neoplastic syndromes.
************* 13
Define Neoplasia.
10) List the chemical carcinogens.
Describe in detail the process of chemical carcinogenesis.
** 2
What is Metastasis?
11) What are the different metastatic pathways?
Write in detail about the mechanism of metastasis and the metastatic cascade.
* 1
Infectious Diseases:
Define Anaemia? Classify Anaemia.
12) Discuss in detail the aetiopathogenesis, peripheral blood picture and bone marrow
findings in megaloblastic anaemia.
********** 10
Define Anaemia.
Classify anaemias caused by impaired red cell production.
13) Discuss the normal iron metabolism, aetiopathogenesis, blood and bone marrow ******** 8
picture in iron deficiency anaemia.
Classify Acute Leukaemia.
Describe the peripheral blood picture and bone marrow finding in acute myeloid
14) (OR)
Define Leukaemia.
******* 7
Classify Hemolytic anaemias.
20) Discuss in detail about Thalassemia syndromes. 1
Classify Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Describe its morphology. Add a note on its staging. * 1
An 18-year-old male patient came to the outpatient department with the h/o
prolonged bleeding after an injury. Family history revealed that his maternal uncle
had similar complaints. On examination he had swelling of both knee joints with
restriction of movements.
I A) What is your probable diagnosis? 1
B) What is the mode of inheritance of this disorder?
C) List the differential diagnoses.
D) Describe the laboratory investigations required for making a precise diagnosis.
A 35-yr-old lady with massive splenomegaly complains of weakness and fatigue.
Peripheral blood examination shows total WBC count of 1,64,000/cu mm. Many
immature myeloid cells with 35% myelocytes and 8% basophils seen.
II Platelet count was 6,30,000 cu/mm.
What is your diagnosis?
* 1
A 6-yr-old boy comes with a history of recurrent blending into the knee joint and
easy bruising. His maternal uncle also gives a similar history.
III What is your diagnosis?
Give reasons for your diagnosis.
* 1
What is the diagnosis and how is it classified?
IV Peripheral blood examination revealed hypo chromic and microcytic red blood cells - 1
what are the possible causes?
What possible investigations could be done? Explain how these might help.
A 75-yr-old lady was admitted with fracture femur. She was managed conservatively
by reduction of fracture and immobilisation. 10 days after admission she suddenly
VI developed acute breathlessness and chest pain and died.
What is the likely cause of death?
* 1
A 48-yr-old woman was operated for intestinal obstruction. On the 4th postoperative
day, she developed high fever, chills and difficulty in breathing. Her urinary output
was low, She was febrile and hypotensive with a rapid thready pulse. The incisional
IX wound had opened discharging abundant purulent exudate.
What is the cause for this sudden deterioration in her condition?
* 1
On examination, he was looking pale, lethargic with a slightly altered gait.
X 1
What is the probable diagnosis? Explain why.
Enumerate the causes of this condition.
Describe the peripheral smear and bone marrow picture in this condition.
List the laboratory tests useful in its diagnosis.
1) Apoptosis/ Mechanism of apoptosis / types with examples
********** 10
2) Pathologic calcification
******** 8
4) Dystrophic calcification
***** 5
5) Atrophy
** 2
7) Endogenous pigments
* 1
8) Hypertrophy
* 1
12) Hyperplasia
* 1
13) Metaplasia * 1
1) Phagocytosis
******* 7
3) Chemotaxis
*** 3
4) Primary tuberculosis
*** 3
7) Lepromatous leprosy
* 1
1) Granulation tissue
2) Factors affecting wound healing
3) Healing of a clean surgical wound
4) Healing of a fracture
5) Healing by primary intention
6) Pathogenesis of fatty change
Haemodynamic disorders, Thromboembolism and Shock:
1) Septic shock / Pathogenesis of septic shock
**** 4
3) Pulmonary embolism
**** 4
4) Embolism
*** 3
5) Air embolism
*** 3
6) Fate of thrombus
** 2
7) Fat embolism
* 1
2) Tumor markers
****** 6
6) Chemical carcinogenesis
** 2
7) Oncogene
** 2
8) Oncogenic viruses
* 1
9) VIral carcinogenesis
* 1
1) Trisomy 21
***** 5
2) Down syndrome
**** 4
3) Turner syndrome
*** 3
4) Hydrops fetalis
*** 3
5) Klinefelter syndrome
** 2
2) Kwashiorkor
* 1
3) Vitamin D deficiency
* 1
4) Rickets
* 1
6) Vitamin K deficiency
* 1
Infectious Diseases:
3) Haemophilia A
********** 10
9) Aplastic anaemia
****** 6
11) Peripheral smear and bone marrow findings in iron deficiency anaemia ***** 5
19) Hematocrit
*** 3
25) Agranulocytosis ** 2
28) ALL ** 2
31) Neutrophilia
* 1
33) Β - thalassemia
* 1
39) Pancytopenia * 1
1) Primary complex
** 2
2) Asbestosis
* 1
3) Exfoliative cytology
* 1
Blood Vessels:
Define Atherosclerosis.
1) Describe the epidemiology, risk factors, aetiopathogenesis, morphology and ** 2
complications of atherosclerosis.
Define Myocardial infarction (MI) and discuss its aetiopathogenesis.
2) Describe the morphological changes seen in the heart in MI.
Add a note on the laboratory diagnosis of MI.
***** 5
Classify COPD. What is Emphysema?
Discuss the types and morphology of emphysema.
Describe the aetiopathogenesis and pathology of different types of Emphysema. ****** 6
Add a note on conditions related to emphysema.
Classify Lung tumours.
6) Describe the aetiopathogenesis and morphology of Bronchogenic carcinoma.
Enumerate the paraneoplastic syndromes associated with bronchogenic carcinoma.
**** 4
Classify Glomerulonephritis.
10) Describe the aetiopathognesis, pathology of any one type of Glomerulonephritis. * 1
What is Acute pancreatitis?
15) List its etiological features and describe its pathogenesis.
Add a note on its laboratory diagnosis.
* 1
Endocrine System:
Musculoskeletal system:
Describe the aetiopathogenesis, morphology and spread of Osteogenic sarcoma/
21) Osteosarcoma. 5
Add a note on the radiological features of osteogenic sarcoma.
Nervous System:
Nervous System:
A 40-year-old male, who has been a heavy smoker for the past 15 years and who
has a family history of hypertension and diabetes came with complaints of chest pain
radiating to left shoulder and profuse sweating.
I (i) What is the probable diagnosis?
(ii) How would you investigate the patient? ** 2
(iii) What is the morphology of the lesion?
(iv) Mention two important complications.
A 56-year-old male, chronic alcoholic for the past 30 years presented to the
emergency department with haematemesis. On examination he had ascites, oedema
feet with yellowish discolouration of eyes and skin. Ultrasound examination revealed
II shrunken liver with irregular liver parenchyma and nodularity on the liver surface.
(i) What is the diagnosis?
* 1
(ii) Describe the aetipathogenesis and the morphological features of the lesion.
(iii) Briefly mention the investigations for the above case.
A 65-year-old male complaints dyspepsia, nausea, weight loss and loss of appetite
since 6 months. Clinical examination reveals a mass palpable in the epigastric
region. Endoscopy shows a proliferative growth in the stomach near the lesser
IV (i) What is the possible diagnosis?
(ii) Give reasons for your diagnosis.
** 2
(iii) Describe the aetiopathogenesis of the lesion.
(iv) Describe the morphology.
(v) Enumerate the usual sites of metastasis of this lesion.
A 60-year-old female presented with a hard, painless lump in the left breast with
multiple swellings in the axilla. On examination there is nipple retraction with redness
of skin. FNAC showed atypical cells.
V (i) What is the probable diagnosis?
(ii) How will you investigate this patient?
* 1
(iii) Classify this condition.
(iv) Describe the aetiopathogenesis, risk factors and morphology of this condition.
A 55-year-old male presented with weight loss, abdominal pain, anorexia, vomiting
and altered bowel habits. Colonoscopy revealed an ulceroproliferative growth in the
ascending colon.
(i) What is your diagnosis? * 1
(ii) Describe the aetiopathogenesis, morphological features and staging of this
A 55-year-old male presented with polyuria, polydypsia and polyphagia. His fasting
blood glucose was 189 mg/dL and post prandial sugar was 280 mg/dL.
VII (i) What is your diagnosis? * 1
(ii) Describe the aetiopathogenesis and complications of this disease.
A 10-year-old male presented with cola coloured urine, oliguria and hypertension.
Blood urea and serum creatinine are elevated. He gives h/o recent skin infection.
VIII (i) What is your diagnosis?
(ii) Describe the aetiopathogenesis, microscopic appearance and complications of
* 1
the above condition.
A 50-year-old male, presented with a non-healing ulcer in the foot. He gives history
of tiredness, increased thirst and frequent urination. His random blood sugar was
217 mg%.
(i) What is the problem diagnosis?
X (ii) How will you investigate this patient? 1
(iii) Classify this condition and list the complications.
(iv) Describe the renal changes occurring in this condition.
A 65-year-old male, chronic smoker for the past 30 years presented with chronic
cough, dyspnoea and haemoptysis of 3 months duration. Sputum examination
showed large, pleomorphic cells with hyper chromatic cells.
XI (i) What is your diagnosis? * 1
(ii) Explain the aetiopathogenesis of this condition.
(iii) Add a note on the different histological types.
A 35-year-old female presented with breathlessness on exertion for the past one
month. On examination, she had elevated jugular venous pressure. Auscultation of
the precordium revealed a mild diastolic murmur. She gave a past h/o of recurrent
XII joint pain and sore throat.
(i) What is your diagnosis?
* 1
(ii) Describe the aetipathogenesis and morphology of the heart in this condition.
(iii) Add a note on the complications.
A 58-year-old lady presented with foul smelling blood stained discharge per vaginum
for the past one month. Biopsy of the cervix showed clusters of atypical cells with
pleomorphic hyper chromatic nuclei. Many mitotic figures were seen.
XIII (i) What is your diagnosis? * 1
(ii) Give an account of its aetiopathogenesis, gross and microscopic types and
methods and prevention of this disease.
A 12-year-old boy presented with fever, migrating joint Pains and palpitations. He
gives a h/o recurrent sore throat. O/E a subcutaneous module was observed on the
extensor aspect of his right elbow.
XIV (i) What is your diagnosis?
(ii) Write about the aetiopathogenesis of this condition.
* 1
(iii) Desrcibe the morphology of the organs affected in the acute and chronic stages
of this condition.
A 6-year-old boy presented with complaints of decreased urine output for the past 15
days. On examination there was swelling over both eyelids and feet. There is no
history of burning micturition. He gives history of recent recovery from a throat
XV infection.
(i) What is the probable diagnosis?
* 1
(ii) Describe the aetiopathogenesis and morphology of this condition.
(iii) How would you investigate the patient?
A 55-year-old male, smoker for the past 20 years, comes with a h/o cough with
haemoptysis for 3 weeks. X-ray chest showed a hilarious mass. Bronchial wash
cytology showed clusters of large cells with pleomorphic hyper chromatic nuclei.
XVII (i) What is your diagnosis? Give reasons. * 1
(ii) What is the aetiopathogenesis and classification of this condition?
(iii) Give the gross and microscopic features of this lesion.
A 50-year-old man, a known alcoholic for several years presented with progressive
distention of the abdomen of two weeks duration. He has vomited blood in the recent
past twice. O/E, distended veins were seen over the abdomen and there was fluid in
the abdominal cavity.
XVIII (i) What is your diagnosis? Give reasons. * 1
(ii) Give the aetiological classification of the underlying condition and describe the
gross appearance.
(iii) Describe its important complications.
A 10-year-old boy presented with a h/p fever, pustular lesions in the dorsal aspect of
both hands and passing smoky brown urine with reduced urinary output for the past
one week. On examination, puffiness of face and mild hypertension were found. His
XIX serum complement level was low. Urine analysis showed proteinuria.
(i) What is the probable diagnosis?
** 2
(ii) Describe the aetiopathogenesis and pathology of the condition.
(iii) What is the prognosis of this disease?
A 56-year-old lady presented with a painless lump in the upper and outer quadrant of
the left breast. On examination a firm lump was felt in the left breast. The skin over
the lump showed puckering. Nipple was retracted. Left axillary lymph nodes were
XX enlarged. Fine needle aspiration of the lump revealed pleomorphic cells.
(i) What is your diagnosis?
* 1
A 16-year old boy presented with swelling around the knee joint. X-ray shows
‘Codman triangle’ and ‘Sunray’ appearance.
XXI (i) What is the probable diagnosis? * 1
(ii) Describe the aetiology, gross and microscopic features.
A 50-year-old woman presented with a painless lump in the left breast. FNAC was
performed and reported by the pathologist as ‘Positive for malignant cells’.
XXII (i) Classify the disease.
(ii) Describe the gross and microscopic pathology of any on type.
** 2
(iii) Mention the factors affecting the prognosis.
A 60-year-old man presented with a h/o cough, chest pain and haemoptysis of 7
months duration. Bronchial brush cytology revealed large pleomorphic cells with
hyper chromatic nuclei cytoplasmic keratin.
XXIII (i) What is your probable diagnosis? * 1
(ii) Discuss the aetipathogenesis and morphology.
(iii) Add a note on its associated paraneoplastic syndromes.
A 62-year-old man presented with h/o left lower abdominal discomfort, altered bowel
habits and loss of weight for the past 4 months. O/E he appeared pale. Test for
occult blood was positive on stool examination.
XXV (i) What is the probable diagnosis and how will you confirm it? * 1
(ii) Describe the aetiopathogenesis, pathology and staging of this disease.
A 5-year-old male child presented with a h/p fever and swelling of the face and body
for the past 10 days. Urinalysis revealed proteinuria of >4 gms per 24 hrs. Serum
cholesterol was 325 mg%.
XXVII (i) What is the probable diagnosis? * 1
(ii) Describe the pathological changes in the organs affected.
(iii) Discuss in detail the differential diagnosis of this condition.
A 50-year-old man presents with severe precordial pain radiating to the shoulder,
profuse sweating, nausea and vomiting.
XXVII (i) What is the most probable clinical diagnosis?
I (ii) Describe the gross and microscopic appearances of the organs involved. * 1
(iii) Mention the important laboratory investigations to be done.
A 49-year-old Chronic alcoholic was admitted with jaundice and ascites. The liver
was enlarged and nodular.
XXIX (i) What is the most probable diagnosis?
(ii) If a liver biopsy is done, what is it likely to show? (Draw a diagram)
* 1
(iii) Describe 2 complications os this condition.
A 9-year-old boy presented with a h/o puffiness of face and reduced urinary output.
His urine was dark coloured.O/E he had periorbital and pedal oedema. He had
impetigenous lesions on the skin. His BP was 160/100 mm hg.
XXX (i) What is the probable diagnosis? Explain why. * 1
(ii) What is the pathogenesis of this condition?
(iii) Describe the gross and microscopic features.
A 50-year-old man presented with a h/o vomited blood. He had 2 episode earlier. He
was an alcoholic and had noticed progressive distension of the abdomen. O/E he
was found to have ascites. Prominent veins were noted over the abdomen.
XXXI (i) What is the probable diagnosis? Explain why. * 1
(ii) Describe the gross and microscopic features of this condition.
(iii) Describe its complications.
Blood Vessels:
1) Aortic aneurysms
2) Aneurysms 6
3) Risk factors of Atherosclerosis (major and minor)
4) Morphology of Atherosclerosis
5) 1
Complications of Atherosclerosis
6) Giant cell arteritis
7) Dissecting aneurysms
8) 1
Coarctation of aorta
9) Syphilitic aneurysm
10) vascular changes in benign and malignant hypertension
1) Infective endocarditis / cardiac and extra cardiac complications
2) Gross and microscopic features of myocardial infarction 4
3) 3
Complications of myocardial infarction
4) Rheumatic endocarditis
5) Pathology of Rhematic heart disease 1
6) 1
Morphology of Rhematic heart disease
7) Mitral valve disease
8) Tetralogy of fallot 1
1) Bronchiectasis
2) Types of emphysema 3
3) Aetiopathogenesis of bronchial asthma
4) Pulmonary tuberculosis
5) Lobar pneumonia 2
6) Pneumoconiosis
7) Squamous cell carcinoma
8) Panacinar emphysema 1
9) Centriacinar emphysema
10) Morphology of the lung in pneumonia
11) 1
Small cell carcinoma of the lung
12) Sarcoidosis
13) Aetiopathogenesis of Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
14) 1
Role of smoking in lung cancer
15) Aetiology of carcinoma of lung
Kidney and it collecting systems:
1) 7
Polycystic kidney disease
2) Wilms’ tumour
3) Nephrotic syndrome / causes 3
4) Renal cell carcinoma
5) Renal calculi/ Urolithiasis / Kidney stones / Renal stones
6) Minimal change disease of kidney 2
7) Crescentic glomerulonephritis
8) Acute pyelonephritis
9) 1
Acute post streptococcal glomerulonephritis
10) Benign nephrosclerosis
11) Acute tubular necrosis
12) 1
Membrano proliferative glomerulonephritis
13) Hydronephrosis
Oral cavities and GIT:
1) 7
Peptic ulcer / aetiopathogenesis / Role of H.pylori
2) Crohn’s disease/ Morphology / aetiopathogenesis
3) Pleomorphic adenoma 4
4) 3
Ulcerative colitis / morphology
5) Gross and microscopic features of gastric carcinoma
6) Barrett oesophagus 2
7) 2
Role of Helicobacter pylori in the causation of chronic gastritis
8) Differences between benign and malignant gastric ulcer
9) Gross and microscopic features of gastric ulcer/ chronic peptic ulcer disease 2
10) 2
Differences between Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
11) Complications of ulcerative colitis
12) Aetiopathogenesis of colonic carcinoma 1
13) Aetiopathogenesis of gastric carcinoma
14) Risk factors of gastric carcinoma
15) Complications of peptic ulcer 1
Liver and Gall Bladder:
1) Cholelithiasis / Gall stones
2) Alcoholic liver disease 6
3) Hepatocellular carcinoma / Aetiopathogenesis
4) Alcoholic cirrhosis
5) 2
Complications of cirrhosis of the liver
6) Wilson’s disease
7) Aetiopathogenesis of cirrhosis of the liver
8) 1
Chronic active hepatitis
9) Alcoholic hepatitis
10) Histopathology of liver in acute viral hepatitis
11) 1
12) Gross and microscopic features of liver in cirrhosis
1) 6
Acute pancreatitis / aetiopathogenesis
Male Genital System and Lower urinary tract:
1) Seminoma 12
2) 2
3) 1
4) 1
Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate
Female Genital System and Breast:
1) Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
2) 4
3) Prognostic factors of Breast carcinoma
4) Classification of ovarian tumours / Germ cell tumours
5) 3
Phyllodes tumour
6) Aetiopathogenesis of CA cervix
7) Endometriosis 2
8) 2
9) Adenomyosis
10) Endometrial hyperplasia 2
11) 1
Pap smear
12) Role of HPV in the causation of CA cervix
13) Risk factors in the development of carcinoma of breast 1
14) 1
Serous cyst adenoma of the ovary
15) Staging of CA breast
Endocrine System:
1) Hashimoto thyroiditis
2) Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid
3) Grave’s disease / Diffuse toxic goitre 3
4) Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
5) Major Differences between type I/ IDDM and type II diabetes mellitus/NIDDM
6) Pheochromocytoma 2
7) Pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus
8) Goiter
9) 1
Diabetic nephropathy
10) Renal lesions in diabetes mellitus
11) Complications of DM
Musculoskeletal system:
1) Osteoclastoma / Giant cell tumour of the bone
2) Osteomyelitis / morphology of chronic osteomyelitis/ pyogenic osteomyelitis
3) 5
Osteogenic sarcoma / osteosarcoma
4) Morphology(gross, radiological and microscopic features) of osteogenic sarcoma
5) Ewing’s sarcoma 4
6) Pathology of pyogenic osteomyelitis
7) Paget’s disease of bone
8) Bone forming tumours 1
Nervous System:
1) CSF findings in meningitis / pyogenic meningitis
2) 4
3) Meningioma
4) Tuberculous meningitis / CSF findings
5) 2
Indications of lumbar puncture and CSF findings in different types of meningitis
6) Meningitis
1) 6
Malignant melanoma
2) 3
Basal cell carcinoma
3) Squamous cell carcinoma 2
4) 2
Precancerous lesions of skin
Extras :
1) Hodgkin’s lymphoma / Nodular sclerosis variant / classification 10
2) 4
Burkitt’s lymphoma (diffuse small non-cleaved )
3) 2
Reed sternburg cells
Clinical Forensic Medicine:
Define and classify ‘Medical negligence’.
i) Defences available in a case of medical negligence.
ii) Functions of the Medical council of India.
iii) Give an account of criminal negligence.
1) (OR)
Define Medical Negligence.
****** 6
Describe the constituents of civil negligence.
Describe the consequences that a medical practitioner faces, if a case of negligence
is proved against him.
What are the defences available for a medical practitioner in a case of negligence.
What are the various features of identity?
Comment on the medico-legal significance of Hair in establishing identity 1
Forensic Pathology:
Classify Violent (mechanical) asphyxial deaths.
Define Hanging. What are the different types?
Enumerate the causes of death, post mortem appearance and medico legal aspects
of hanging/death due to suicide by hanging.(can be asked along with
(OR) ********* 9
The body of a 21-year-old woman, married since 2 years, was brought with history of
Describe the type of inquest, postmortem findings and cause of death in hanging.
How do you differentiate hanging from strangulation?
Enumerate the changes that occur in human body after death.
Write about the mechanism, order of appearance and disapperance, conditions
affecting Rigor mortis and its medico-legal importance. *** 3
Differentiate rigour mortis from cadaveric spasm.
Define death.
Describe the decomposition changes in a dead body.
Add a note on the estimation of time of death.
What is meant by time since death?
7) What is its importance?
Give an account of the factors which are helpful in estimating it
**** 4
Define Death. **** 4
What are the types of death?
Describe the late changes after death.
An adult female dead body was found in a highly decomposed state with maggots
crawling all around it.
Describe the process of identification and estimation of time since death in this case.
Add a note on the precautions to be taken before and during autopsy.
Define and classify “Drowning”.
Describe the causes of death, salient postmortem findings, laboratory diagnosis and
medico legal importance of a case of drowning/wet drowning. ****** 6
Add a note on Diatoms.
Define a Contusion.
Explain how a contusion is differentiated from a postmortem hypostasis.
How is the age of a contusion estimated?
** 2
Classify injuries.
How would you estimate the age of abrasions and contusions?
13) Enumerate the differences between the entrance and exit wounds caused by a * 1
Sexual Jurisprudence:
Define and classify Abortion.
14) i) Complications and causes of death in criminal abortion * 1
ii) Indications for termination of pregnancy under the MTP Act, India
Forensic Science:
Classify poisons/ Mention the poisons which can be identified by smell.
17) Describe the sources, signs and symptoms, treatment ,postmortem appearances
and medicolegal importance in acute methyl alcohol (methanol) poisoning.
***** 5
Define ‘Drunkenness’.
Discuss the medico-legal importance of drunkenness.
Describe the procedure for examination and certification of a case of suspected
20) Add a note on pathological intoxication.
** 2
Describe the clinical effects and medico-legal significance of excessive alcohol
How would you examine a person to determine if he was drunk?
Classify poisons.
Describe the signs and symptoms, clinical features, laboratory confirmation,
21) treatment and medico-legal importance in Lead / Chronic lead poisoning ** 2
Define a Poison.
23) How are poisons classified?
Describe the factors influencing the effects of poisons in humans.
* 1
What is an Antidote?
Enumerate the different types and explain each giving suitable examples. * 1
3) Dactylography
******* 7
4) Professional misconduct / Infamous conduct
******* 7
5) Dying declaration
****** 6
6) Vicarious Responsibility / Liability / Respondent Superior
****** 6
7) Informed consent and its significance
**** 4
8) Doctrine of ‘Res ipsa loquitur’
**** 4
9) Lucid interval
**** 4
10) Superimposition
**** 4
11) Inquest / Magistrate inquest
**** 4
12) Mc. Naughten rules
**** 4
13) Privileged communication
*** 3
14) Section 84 I.P.C
*** 3
15) Contributory negligence and its value as a defence in medical litigation
16) Euthanasia
** 2
17) Tattoo marks
** 2
18) Impulse
** 2
19) State medical council
** 2
20) Restraint of the insane
** 2
21) Professional Secrecy
** 2
22) Method of recording oral evidence of a witness in a court of law 1
23) Factors affecting criminal responsibility of an individual
* 1
24) Barr body
* 1
25) Court procedures
* 1
26) Documentary evidence
* 1
27) Klinefelter’s syndrome
* 1
28) Medico - legal importance of various ages
* 1
29) Determination of time of death
* 1
30) Medico-legal importance of teeth
* 1
31) Warning notice
* 1
32) Gustaffson’s method
* 1
33) Hostile Witness
* 1
34) Dying Deposition
* 1
35) Penal Erasure
* 1
36) Malingering
* 1
37) Medico-legal importance of Hair
* 1
38) Court procedures
* 1
39) Medical Maloccurrance
* 1
40) Civil responsibilities of insane person
* 1
41) Criminal responsibilities of a mentally ill person
* 1
42) Intersex
* 1
43) Consumer protection act of 1986
* 1
44) Criminal negligence
* 1
45) Therapeutic misadventure
* 1
46) Illusion
* 1
47) Medical evidence
* 1
48) Subpoena
* 1
Forensic Pathology:
1) Grievous injury
2) Fractures of the skull 6
3) Dowry death / Section 304-B I.P.C
**** 4
Medico-legal significance of hypostasis/postmortem lividity/ Livor mortis/ postmortem
4) staining. *** 3
7) 2
Definitive/confirmatory signs of delivery
8) 2
Sudden infant death syndrome(SIDS)
9) Artificial insemination / medico-legal aspects of Artificial insemination 2
10) Complications of criminal abortion 2
11) Objectives of medical examination of a victim in an alleged case of rape
* 1
12) Rape trauma syndrome 1
13) Causes of impotence in a male
14) Surrogate mother 1
15) Superfoetation
16) Classification of Sexual offences 1
17) Precipitate labour 1
18) Infanticide 1
19) Unnatural sexual offences 1
20) Lochia 1
21) Sexual perversions 1
22) False virgin 1
23) Features of dead born child 1
Forensic Science:
1) Value of blood group examination in determination of paternity
* 1
2) Locard’s principles of exchange
* 1
1) Plumbism / Features of chronic lead poisoning
*********** 11
2) Mode of action of cyanide on the human body and treatment of cyanide poisoning
********* 9
Treatment of snake bite 8
Management/treatment of organophosphorus compound poisoning 4
5) Antidotes (definition and types) 4
6) Ideal homicidal poison 4
Clinical features and management of methyl alcohol poisoning 3
8) Drug automatism 3
9) Vitriolage 3
10) Botulism 2
11) Strychnine poisoning 2
12) Carboluria / Carbolism 2
13) Gastric Lavage 2
14) Phossy jaw 2
15) Cholinesterase reactivators 1
16) Features of chronic lead poisoning 1
17) Lathyrus sativus 1
18) Xanthoproteic reaction 1
19) Mercurialism 1
20) Mechanism of action of organophosphorus poisoning 1
21) Universal antidote 1
22) Aflatoxins 1
23) Carbon monoxide poisoning 1
24) Paracetamol overdose 1
25) Drug dependence 1
26) Food poisoning 1
27) Body packer’s syndrome 1
28) Toxalbumin 1
29) Treatment of Barbiturate poisoning 1
30) Responsibilities of a doctor in suspected case of poisoning 1
31) Signs and symptoms of Datura poisoning 1
32) Chelating agents 1
33) Scorpion sting 1
34) Abrus precatorius 1
35) Activated charcoal 1
36) Hydrargyrism / mercury poisoning 1
General Pharmacology:
Define Biotransformation.
1) Describe the types of biotransformation and their importance in the body.
Explain the various factors that modify Biotransformation.
*** 3
Classify NSAIDS.
Describe the mechanism of action, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of
Salicylates/Aspirin/Acetylsalicylic acid. *****
Add a note on selective COX 2 inhibitors.
7) 6
Classify NSAIDS.
Describe the mechanism of action, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of COX-2
Classify Opiod Analgesics.
10) Describe the pharmacological actions, uses , adverse effects and contraindications
of Morphine.
****** 6
Classify Antidepressants.
Describe the mechanism of action, pharmacological action and adverse effects of
tricyclic antidepressants. * 1
Add a note on drugs used for bipolar disorders.
Cardiovascular Drugs:
Classify Antihypertensive agents.
Describe the MOA, Therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Calcium Channel
Classify Antihypertensive agents.
Describe the MOA, Therapeutic uses and adverse effects of ACE Inhibitors/ ********
Classify Antihypertensive agents. *
Describe the MOA, Therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Clonidine.
A 50 year old obese and anxious man came for consultation with a history of
headache and breathlessness on walking briskly or on climbing stairs. His physical
15) examination showed no abnormality. Laboratory investigations showed normal blood 12
glucose, liver and kidney functions. Urine examination was also non contributory.
ECG recordings were within normal limits. The only positive finding was a raised
blood pressure of 160/106 mm on repeated examinations. A diagnosis of essential
hypertension was made:
a) What will be your initial line of management in the first 4 weeks? *
b) If there is no improvement after 4 weeks, what other drugs would you choose for
this patient?
c) Give 2 adverse effects of the drug you have chosen.
d) Name 2 other drugs belonging to different pharmacological groups that could be
used to treat the same condition.
e) Describe the mechanism of action of the two drugs chosen above.
f) Name the drug that could cause an elevated blood pressure on prolonged use.
Classify Anti-anginal drugs.
Explain the routes of administration, MOA, uses and adverse effects of Nitrates/
Calcium channel blockers. ********
Add a note on the management of Myocardial infarction.
A 60 yr old male was bought to the casualty with a complaint if severe pain over the
16) chest. On examination a clinical diagnosis of myocardial infarction was made. 9
a) What are the drugs used to manage the above condition?
b) Write briefly the mechanism of action, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of
Nitrates. *
c) Name a drug contraindicated in variant angina.
d) Name the 3 calcium channel blockers. Explain briefly the mechanism of action,
adverse effects and uses of Nifedipine.
What are the drugs used in Cardiac failure?
Write briefly on the pharmacological action, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of
What are the drugs used in Cardiac failure?
Write briefly on the pharmacological action, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of
ACE inhibitors.
Discuss the role of Beta blockers in congestive cardiac failure.
Discuss the pharmacotherapy of congestive cardiac failure.
17) Describe the rationale for the use of each agent.
* 5
A 48- yr old business executive was admitted with breathlessness and oedema. ON
examination he had raised JVP, bilateral pedal oedema and basal crepitations.
Diagnosis of congestive cardiac failure was made.
A) i) What drug will you choose to treat him?
ii) What is the mechanism of action of the drug chosen by you?
iii) Give 2 adverse effects of the drug.
B) I) What other drugs may be used to treat the same condition?
ii) Mention the MOA of ay 2 of them.
C) What is the mechanism of action of nitrates in angina?
Classify Diuretics.
Write the MOA, uses and toxicities of Furosemide and Benzothiazide. **** 4
Classify Diuretics.
Write the MOA, uses and adverse effects of Potassium sparing diuretics. * 1
Classify Diuretics.
22) Write the MOA, uses and toxicities of Thiazides. * 1
Classify the drugs used in the treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
1) Describe briefly the pharmacology of ‘ First line’ drugs. ** 2
Classify Penicillins.
3) Explain in detail the spectrum and adverse effects of Amoxycillin. * 1
7) d - tubocurarine
** 2
8) Directly acting skeletal muscle relaxants
* 1
9) Baclofen
* 1
10) Differences between d- Tubocurarine and succinylcholine
* 1
11) Dantrolene
* 1
Drugs on Central Nervous System:
1) Pre anaesthetic medication 9
2) Treatment of methyl alcohol poisoning 7
Phenytoin sodium 6
4) Ketamine 5
5) Opiod antagonist
**** 4
6) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) 3
7) Sodium valproate / Valproic acid 3
Diazepam 3
Morphine - MOA and uses 3
10) Carbamazepine 2
11) Halothane / Merits and demerits of halothane as general anaesthetic 2
12) Benzodiazepines - uses 2
13) Newer anti epileptics 2
14) Intravenous anaesthetic agents 2
15) Lithium 2
16) Drug induced Parkinsonism 2
17) Antitussives 2
18) Atypical neuroleptics / anti-psychotics 2
19) Peripheral decarboxylase inhibitors 2
20) Neuroleptoanalgesia 2
21) Treatment of status epilepticus 2
22) Haloperidol
23) Side effects of Typical antipsychotics 1
24) Non - Benzodiazepine hypnotics 1
25) Inhalation anaesthetic agents 1
26) Tricyclic antidepressants 1
27) Antidepressants 1
28) Advantages of benzodiazepines over barbiturates as sedative hypnotics 1
29) Proton pump inhibitors 1
30) Drugs used in alcohol deaddiction programme 1
31) Atypical antidepressants 1
32) Amphetamine 1
33) Tramadol 1
Cardiovascular Drugs:
1) Calcium channel blockers/ Uses of CCB 4
2) ACE inhibitors 4
3) Digoxin in cardiac failure 3
4) Losartan 3
5) Angiotensin II receptor blockers and its uses 2
6) 2
Drugs used in the treatment of hypertensive emergencies
7) Nitroglycerine / Glyceryl trinitrate 2
8) Drugs used in CCF 2
9) Cardiselective beta blockers 1
10) Uses of nitrates in angina 1
11) Drugs used in angina pectoris 1
12) Enalapril 1
13) Amiodarone 1
14) Vasodilators 1
15) Plasma expanders 1
16) Potassium channel openers 1
17) Classification of antihypertensive drugs 1
Drugs acting on Kidney:
1) Furosemide 6
2) Loop diuretics 6
3) Thiazide diuretics 3
4) Spironolactone
5) Potassium sparing diuretics 3
6) Mannitol 2
7) Vasopressin - uses 1
8) High ceiling diuretics 1
9) Drugs used to treat oedema 1
Drugs affecting Blood and Blood Formation:
1) Low molecular weight Heparins 8
2) Fibrinolytics / thrombolytics 6
3) Anti platelet drugs - uses and side effects 4
4) Warfarin - uses and side effects 4
5) HMG- CoA reductase inhibitors 4
6) Atorvastatin 3
7) Heparin vs Warfarin 3
8) Clopidogrel 2
9) Oral anticoagulants 1
10) Rosuvastatin 1
11) Alteplase 1
12) Parentral iron preparations 1
13) Aspirin - MOA as anti platelet drug 1
14) Treatment of iron deficiency anaemia 1
1) Disodium cromoglycate 3
2) Treatment of peptic ulcer 3
3) Vitamin D 2
4) Drugs used in the treatment of bronchial asthma 2
5) Uses and Adverse effects of corticosteroids 2
6) Oral contraceptive agents - MOA and adverse effects 2
7) Drugs used for acute bronchial asthma 2
8) Cotrimoxazole 1
9) Proton pump inhibitors 1
10) Uses of ⍺- tocopherol 1
11) Bronchodilators 1
12) Oral hypoglycaemic agents 1
13) Methotrexate 1
14) Ascorbic acid / vitamin C 1
15) Insulin sensitisers 1
16) Amino glycoside antibiotics 1
17) Advantages of aerosol therapy in bronchial asthma 1
18 Treatment of vivid malaria 1
19) Fat soluble vitamins - indications and uses 1
20) Vitamin B12 and folic acid 1
Respiratory System Drugs:
Enumerate the drugs used for Bronchial asthma.
1) Describe the MOA, uses and adverse effects of Salbutamol.
Write the management of Status asthmaticus.
** 2
Classify Corticosteroids/Glucocorticoids.
Describe the MOA, uses and adverse effects of Glucocorticoids/
Hydrocortisone(Cortisol) /Prednisolone. ********** 10
Add a note on hypothalamic pituitary axis (HPA) suppression.
Classify Anti-thyroid drugs.
Explain the mechanism of action, therapeutic uses, contraindications and adverse
4) effects of Propylthiouracil or any 2 groups of anti-thyroid agents. 5
Add a note on the drugs used in the treatment of thyrotoxic crisis.
Gastrointestinal Drugs:
Classify Anti-ulcer agents/ drugs used for Peptic ulcer.
Explain the MOA, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Proton pump
inhibitors / Omeprazole.
Add a note on the treatment of H.pylori infection. 9
Explain the regulation of gastric acid secretion and the site of action of drugs
influencing the same.
Add a note on the treatment of H.pylori infection.
Describe the MOA of Magnesium sulphate and Bisacodyl.
6) State the unwanted effects of Liquid paraffin.
Write briefly on Lactulose.
* 1
Antimicrobial Drugs :
Classify the drugs used in the treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
Describe briefly the pharmacology of ‘ First line’ drugs/ INH and Ethambutol/
Add a note on therapeutic regimen for treatment of TB (DOTS regimen)/ RNTCP or
the role of corticosteroids in the treatment of TB.
A 35-year-old man is admitted with a h/o cough and fever of 3 months duration.
Sputum for AFB was positive and x-ray chest showed right apical cavitation and a
diagnosis of pulmonary TB was made.
a) What would be the line of management?
b) Why are drugs used in combination to treat tuberculosis? *
c) Mention 2 adverse effects each for three anti-TB drugs.
7) d) How would you prevent some of the known adverse effects of anti-TB drugs? 13
e) What drugs are given for treating drug resistant TB?
A 20-year-old woman was admitted with fever, neck stiffness and convulsions.
Lumbar pressure showed that the cerebrospinal fluid was under increased pressure
with raised protein and lowered sugar. Microbiological examination revealed AFB
and a diagnosis of tuberculosis meningitis was made.
a) What would be your line of treatment?
b) How long should the treatment be given? *
c) Why do we use a combination of drugs in treating tuberculosis?
d) Mention 4 adverse effects of drugs used in TB meningitis.
e) what is the rationale for including pyridoxine in the treatment plan?
f) Mention 2 second line of drugs for treating tuberculosis.
Classify Anti-Malarial drugs.
Explain the MOA, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Chloroquine.
Add a note on the management of Chloroquine resistant malaria/Prophylaxis of *******
malaria/ Artimisinin derivatives.
A 30-year-old man was admitted with a history of fever and chills of 3 days duration.
He was investigated and a diagnosis of Falciparum malaria was made.
8) 8
a) How will you treat the above condition?
b) What are the newer drugs available to treat malaria and what are their adverse
effects? *
c) Give an example of a radical curative. How does it act?
d) Name the drugs useful in preventing malarial infections and outline their
mechanisms of action.
Classify Penicillins.
Explain in detail the spectrum and adverse effects of Amoxycillin/semi synthetic
Discuss the advantages of semi synthetic penicillins over natural penicillins. **
Add a note beta lactamase inhibitors.
9) Classify Penicillins. 4
Describe the MOA, spectrum of action, uses and toxicities of Benzyl Penicillin/
Natural penicillin.
Classify Chemotherapeutic agents according to their MOA.
Mention the uses and adverse effects of penicillins.
Mention the treatment of Anaphylactic shock.
Classify Anti-amoebic drugs.
10) Explain the MOA, adverse effects and uses of Nitroimidazoles/Metronidazole. ** 2
Classify Cephalosporins.
11) Explain the MOA, spectrum activities, adverse effects and clinical uses of III
generation Cephalosporins.
** 2
Classify Fluoroquinolones.
13) Explain the MOA, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Second generation
** 2
What are Beta-lactam antibiotics?
15) Discuss the spectrum, MOA, uses and adverse effects of Carbenicillin. * 1
A 14-year-old boy was admitted to the hospital with h/o continuous fever and head
ache of 10 days duration. A diagnosis of enteric fever was made after appropriate
a) (i) What drug will you choose to treat him?
(ii) Give the MOA of the chosen drug.
(iii) Give 2 adverse effects of this drug.
17) b) (i) What other drugs can be used to treat the same condition?
(ii) Describe the MOA of any 2 of the drugs.
* 1
c) The same patient also had abdominal pain and stool examination revealed book
worm infestation.
(i) Give the drug of choice for treatment.
(ii) What are the common side effects of antihelminthic therapy?
(iii) How would you treat iron deficiency anaemia in this patient?
A) A 45-year-old woman was diagnosed to have pulmonary TB. Her sputum was
found to be AFB positive and x-rays showed bilateral multiple cavities in the lung.
She was cachectic and weighed only 35 kg.
(I) What would be the first line of treatment?
(II) Mention 4 common adverse effects of the anti-tuberculous drugs.
(III) State the rationale for including pyridoxine in Anti-tuberculous regimen.
B) Name a drug used to prevent antenatal transmission of AIDS in pregnancy. How
does it act?
18) C) What is ‘Radical curative’ in malaria? Name one such drug. * 1
D) What drugs are useful in chloroquine-resistant malaria? Mention the MOA of any
one of them.
E) How does metronidazole act as an anti amoebic drug?
F) Mention the mechanism of action of Fluoroquinolones. Mention 2 of their
important side effects.
G) What are the antibiotics useful in the treatment of enteric fever?
H) What is sequential blockade? Give an example.
Miscellaneous Drugs:
3) 4
4) 3
5) H2 blockers / H2 receptor antagonists 3
6) 3
7) 1
Osmotic purgatives
8) 1
9) 1
H. Pylori eradication therapy
10) Misoprostol 1
11) Cisapride 1
Antimicrobials Drugs :
1) Rifampicin
****** 6
2) Lepra reaction
***** 5
3) Fluconazole
***** 5
4) Albendazole
***** 5
5) Ciprofloxacin
**** 4
6) Beta - lactamase inhibitors
**** 4
7) Azoles as antifungals / Antifungal antibiotics
**** 4
8) Metronidazole
**** 4
9) Benzyl penicillin - Disadvantages
**** 4
10) Topical antifungals
*** 3
11) HAART regimen / anti HIV regimen
*** 3
12) Dapsone
*** 3
13) Third generation Cephalosporins / Ceftriaxone
*** 3
14) Aminoglycosides ( Indication and adverse effects )
*** 3
15) Acyclovir
*** 3
16) Mebendazole
*** 3
17) Chloroquine
*** 3
18) Macrolide antibiotics / Newer Macrolides
*** 3
19) Anti malarial drugs and treatment of resistant forms of malaria
*** 3
20) Azithromycin
** 2
21) Isoniazid / isonicotinic acid hydrazide
** 2
22) Ketoconazole
** 2
23) MOA and therapeutic uses of Penicillins
** 2
24) Aminopenicillins / Ampicillin
** 2
25) Chemotherapy of Leprosy
** 2
26) Treatment of MRSA infection
* 1
27) Luminal amoebicides
* 1
28) Pyrazinamide
* 1
29) Artemisinin based combination therapy
* 1
30) Use of chloroquine in malaria
* 1
31) Mefloquine
* 1
32) Zidovudine
* 1
33) First line drugs in TB
* 1
34) Super infection (Supra infection)
* 1
35) Treatment of plague
* 1
36) Amphotericin - B
* 1
37) Amikacin
* 1
38) Quinine
* 1
39) Sparfloxacin
* 1
40) Clofazimine
* 1
41) Miconazole
* 1
42) Antipseuodmonal penicillins
* 1
43) Protease Inhibitors
* 1
44) Fluoroquinoones - therapeutic uses
* 1
45) Drugs used in urinary tract infections
* 1
1) Methotrexate/ Folic acid analogue used in cancer chemotherapy 11
2) Anticancer antibiotics 2
3) Adverse effects of anticancer drugs 2
4) Cisplatin 2
5) Toxicity amelioration of anticancer drugs 1
6) Vinca alkaloids 1
7) Anticancer drugs 1
8) General toxicities of cytotoxic agents 1
9) L- asparaginase 1
10) Chemoprophylaxis 1
1) Immunosuppressive drugs and its uses 5
Cyclosporine 5
3) Methotrexate 2
Immunoglobulins 1
5) Anti- D immunoglobulin
* 1
Miscellaneous Drugs:
1) Dimercaprol/ British anti - Lewisite 5
2) d - Penicillamine 5
3) Drugs for Acne vulgaris / Benzoyl peroxide 4
Desferrioxamine 2
5) Drugs used for scabies / Ectoparasiticides 2
6) Drugs used in the treatment of Glaucoma 2
7) Antioxidant vitamins 1
8) Melanizing agents 1
9) Therapeutic uses of Vitamin D 1
10) Vitamin E 1
11) Sunscreens 1
12) Mydriatics 1
13) Role of beta blockers in Glaucoma 1
14) Retinoids in dermato pharmacology
15) Fenisteride 1
1) 5
Second generation anti histamines / Non-sedating antihistamines or H1 blockers
2) Succinyl choline 1
3) Newer antihistamines 1
4) Drug treatment of chronic gout 1
5) Iron 1
6) Actions of histamine 1
General Bacteriology:
Define and Classify Sterilisation methods.
Describe the various methods of Moist heat sterilisation.
Add a note on sterilisation of the operation theatre in your hospital.
1) Define and classify sterilisation methods. ************* 13
Describe the method of sterilisation by Steam under pressure (Autoclave).
Define Sterilisation. List the methods of sterilisation. Discuss their applications in
medical practice.
Describe the Morphology/ structure/anatomy of a bacterial cell with a diagram.
2) Describe the cell wall and extracellular components of a bacterial cell in detail. ******** 8
Define and Classify Hypersensitivity reactions.
Outline the principle of various types of hypersensitivity reactions.
6) Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features and management of Anaphylaxis / Type
I hypersensitivity.
**************** 16
Define and Classify Immunity.
7) Describe in detail Acquired/Active immunity with suitable examples. 9
Classify Immunoglobulin.
8) Describe their structure, properties and functions each of the classes of
immunoglobulins. ( or IgG separately )
****** 6
Enumerate antigen - antibody reactions.
11) Describe Precipitation reactions with suitable examples. 1
Classify Mycobacteria.
Describe the pathogenesis, lab diagnosis and prophylaxis of Pulmonary
13) ****** 9 6
Describe the morphology , cultural characteristics and lab diagnosis of *
Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Enumerate the bacteria causing enteric fever/Classify Salmonellae.
Describe the Etiopathogenesis, lab diagnosis and prophylaxis of Enteric fever.
14) (OR)
Classify Enterobacteriaceae. ******** ***** 8 5
Describe the laboratory diagnosis of Typhoid fever.
Classify Vibrios.
Describe the pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and prophylaxis of Cholera.
Enumerate the bacterial pathogens causing Diarrhoea.
15) Describe the morphology cultural characteristics, lab diagnosis and prevention of
Vibrio cholera.
******* ***** 7 5
Enumerate the bacterial pathogens causing Acute gastroenteritis.
Describe the pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis and prophylaxis of Cholera.
Classify Streptococci.
Give a brief account of the toxins, enzymes and infections produced by
Streptococcus Pyogenes.
Add a note on the lab diagnosis of infections caused by the same.
16) Classify Streptococci.
Describe the pathogenicity and lab diagnosis of Streptococci pyogenes.
****** *** 6 3
Classify Streptococci.
Write in detail about Group A streptococcus giving their cultural characteristics,
pathogensis and lab diagnosis.
Classify Clostridia.
17) Enumerate the toxins of Clostridium Welchii.
Describe the pathogenesis, lab diagnosis and prophylaxis of Gas gangrene.
**** *** 4 3
Classify Spirochetes and name the diseases caused by them/ Enumerate the
18) organism causing Sexually transmitted diseases. *** *** 3 3
Describe the pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of Syphilis.
Classify Clostridia.
20) Describe the pathogenesis, lab diagnosis and prophylaxis of Tetanus. * * 1 1
1) 14
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
2) Immunoglobulin G
3) T cells / T lymphocytes
4) Passive immunity / natural passive immunity
5) 7
Acquired / Active immunity / Artificial active immunity
6) 7
Anaphylaxis/ Type 1 hypersensitivity reactions
7) Agglutination reactions
******* 7
9) 8
Allograft reaction / Graft versus host reaction
10) Type III / immune complex hypersensitivity reactions
**** 4
11) Coombs test
12) Monoclonal antibodies ***
13) Innate immunity
14) Adjuvants
15) Widal test
16) Mechanism of autoimmunity 2
17) Immunoglobulin A 2
18) Immunoglobulin M
19) Immunisation schedule
20) Immunofluorescence 2
21) Complement fixation test / complement 2
22) Immunoglobulin E 1
23) Tube agglutination test 1
24) Systemic lupus erythematosus
* 1
25) Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
26) Structure of immunoglobulin 1
27) Immunosuppressive agents
28) Live attenuated vaccine
29) Immune complex disease
30) Antibiotic which inhibits nucleic acid synthesis 1
31) Altered immune response 1
32) Heterophile antigen / agglutination 1
33) Vital graft
34) Shwartzman reaction
35) Precipitation reactions
36) Mantoux test 1
Systemic Bacteriology: PAPER I PAPER II I II
1) 8 3
Helicobacter pylori
******** ***
Toxic shock syndrome / Toxin mediated Staphylococcal infections/ Toxins and
2) enzymes of Staphylococcus ******* ******* 7 7
3) 7 1
Lab diagnosis of cholera / Cholera vaccines
******* *
4) Non suppurative complications of Streptococcus pyogenes 7 2
******* **
5) 7 2
Coagulase test
******* **
6) 7 2
Diarrheagenic E.coli / enteropathogenic E.coli
******* **
7) 6 6
****** ******
8) 6 3
Q fever / Coxiella burnetti
****** ***
9) Lab diagnosis of syphilis /Serological tests/ Standard/ Treponemal tests for syphilis
****** ***
10) Gas gangrene 5 3
***** ***
5 3
11) Prophylaxis of tetanus
***** ***
12) Lab diagnosis of enteric fever/ typhoid fever 5 1
***** *
13) Leptospirosis / Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae / Weil’s disease **** * 4
14) Lyme disease 4
15) Gonorrhoea / Neisseria gonorrhoea 3 4
*** ****
16) Lab diagnosis of Gonorrhoea 3 3
*** ***
17) Atypical mycobacteria /Non- tuberculous mycobacteria 3 2
*** **
18) BCG vaccine 3 2
*** **
19) Clostridium difficile / Pseudomembranous colitis / Antiboiotic associated colitis 3
20) Lab diagnosis of Pulmonary tuberculosis 3
21) Lab diagnosis of Leptospirosis 3
22) Significant bacteriuria 3
23) Chlamydial infections / Lab diagnosis of chlamydial infections 3
24) Bubonic plague / Yersinia pestis 2 1
** *
25) Bacillus anthracis / Anthrax 2 1
** *
26) Lab diagnosis of Diphtheria 2
27) Lymphogranuloma venereum 2 2
** **
28) Elek’s gel precipitation test 2 2
** **
29) Malignant pustule 2 1
** *
30) VDRL test 2 1
** *
31) Typhoid carriers 2
32) Bacterial meningitis / Lab diagnosis of bacterial meningitis 2 2
** **
33) Nagler’s reaction 2 1
** *
34) Listeria monocytogenes 2
35) Non specific urethritis 2 2
** **
36) Legionellosis / Legionella pneumophilia 2
37) Prophylaxis of Diphtheria
38) Bordetella pertussis
* * 1 1
39) Wool sorter’s disease 1 2
* **
40) Pathogenesis of Cholera 1 1
* *
41) Brucellosis 1 1
* *
42) DPT vaccine 1 1
* *
43) Typhus fevers 1
44) Scrub typhus / Chigger borne typhus
* 1
Classify Hepatitis Viruses.
1) Describe the morphology, pathogenesis, complications, laboratory diagnosis and
prophylaxis of Viral hepatitis B.
*************** 15
Classify Retroviruses.
Describe the morphology of HIV with a suitable diagram.
Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis , treatment and ************** 14
prevention of AIDS / HIV Infection .
Classify Enteroviruses/Picornaviruses.
3) Describe the pathogenesis, clinical findings, laboratory diagnosis and prophylaxis of
Poliomyelitis. Add a note on Polio vaccines.
************** 14
Enumerate the Opportunistic fungal infections.
7) Describe in detail Candidiasis. ***** 5
Classify fungi on the basis of their morphology / Mention the Superficial Mycotic
8) infections/Mycoses.
Describe in detail Dermatophytes.
**** 4
Applied Microbiology:
Clinical Microbiology:
Enumerate the organisms causing Urinary Tract Infections.
Describe the pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of Urinary tract infections. * 1
Classify Nematodes.
Describe the Geographical distribution, habitat, life cycle of Wuchereria bancrofti.
13) Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features and laboratory diagnosis of Lymphatic ******* ** 7 2
Enumerate pathogenic and non-pathogenic amoeba.
Describe the morphological forms, life cycle and pathogenesis of Entamoeba
16) Histolytica. *** ******** 3 8
Discuss the clinical features and lab diagnosis of Intestinal Amoebiasis.
Enumerate Cestodes.
18) Describe the life cycle of Taenia Solium.
Discuss the clinical features and laboratory diagnosis of T. Solium infection.
* 1
31) Classification of Herpes virus
* 1
32) Morphology of HIV
* 1
1) Mycetoma 17
2) Rhinosporidiosis / Rhinosporidium seberi *************** 15
3) Dermatophytes 13
4) Cryptococcosis / Crytococcus neoformans / Cryptococcal meningitis
5) 11
Candida albicans / Candidiasis
6) Aspergillosis
7) 6
Diagnostic methods for fungal infections
8) 5
9) 4
Opportunistic fungal infections
10) Histoplasma capsulatum / Histoplasmosis 4
11) Dimorphic fungi 3
12) Mycotoxins / Mycotoxicosis
13) Pneumocystis carinii (jirovecii)
14) Antifungal agents
15) Lab diagnosis of candidiasis
16) Superficial fungal infections
17) Oculomycosis 1
18) Reynolds - Braude phenomenon 1
19) Pityriasis versicolor
* 1
Applied Microbiology:
Standard precautions for infection control / Prevention of nosocomial infections /
1) Universal safety precautions **** 4
2) 2
Principles of biomedical waste management
3) Hospital acquired / Healthcare-associated infections / Nosocomial infections
** 2
4) Antibiotic sensitivity testing
5) Use of personal protective equipments in health care setting
6) Role of normal microbial flora
7) 1
Eijkman test
Clinical Microbiology:
1) 5
Urinary tract infections
2) 4
Blood culture
3) 3
Urine culture
4) Food poisoning
Parasitology: PAPER II PAPER I II I
1) Enterobius vermicularis / Enterobiasis 10 5
********** *****
2) Larva migrans / cutaneous larva migrans / visceral larva migrans
********** **** 10 4
Hydatid cyst / hydatid disease 9 4
4) ********* ****
Pathogenic Free living amoeba 8
Trichomonas vaginalis / trichomoniasis 8 5
******** *****
7 5
7) Microfilaria
******* *****
8) Cysticercosis/ Cysticercus cellulose
******* ***** 7 5
9) Giardia intestinalis / Giardiasis 7 4
******* ****
10) Schistostoma haematobium / Schistosomiasis 6 3
****** ***
11) Extra intestinal amoebiasis 5
12) Cryptosporidium parvum / Cryptosporidiosis 5 5
***** *****
13) Dracunculus medinensis/ dracunculosis 5 1
***** *
14) Lab diagnosis of kala Azar / VL 4
15) Toxoplasmosis / Toxoplasma gondii 4 1
**** *
16) Lung fluke / Paragonimus westermani / paragonimiasis 3
17) L.D bodies 3 3
*** ***
18) Black water fever / Malarial hemoglobinuria 3 1
*** *
19) Hymenolepsis nana 3 3
*** ***
20) Lab diagnosis of malaria 2 1
** *
21) Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis 2
22) Fasciola hepatica / Sheep liver fluke 2
23) Ancylostomiasis / Ancylostoma duodenale 2 2
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24) Clonorchis sinensis / Chinese liver fluke / Clonorchiasis 2
25) Tinea infections 2
26) Malaria 2
27) Trichuris trichura * 1