PROGRESSION SHEETS Form 1,2,3,4, and 5
PROGRESSION SHEETS Form 1,2,3,4, and 5
PROGRESSION SHEETS Form 1,2,3,4, and 5
FINAL COMPETENCE: Develop one’s curiosity and knowledge on efficient living in the environment.
Term Level of competence No. Week span Teaching/learning units (Lessons-practical work - guided work -further study) Duration Instructions
1 Diagnostic Evaluation
Lesson 1- Definition: Geography (branches and sub branches, methods and importance) 1period
2-4 Lesson 2 - Our planet: The earth 2periods
Practical work 1: Locate a place on a map 1period
5 Partial Integration of resources
6 Evaluation/correction/remediation
Protect the environment Lesson 3-The earth A planet moving in space 2periods
Practical work 2: Calculation of time 1period
7 - 10 Further study 1: Influence of the moon on the natural environment and human activities. 1period
1st Lesson 4: The earth; A blue planet 1period
Lesson 5-Relief on the earth 1period
11 Partial integration of resources
12 Evaluation
Practical work 3: Form of representation of the earth on the map 1period
Practical work 4: The relief map of Cameroon 1period
Lesson 6-The notion of the environment 2periods
13 - 16 Practical work 5: weather observation 1period
Partial integration of resources
Adapt to climatic changes 17
18 Christmas break
Further study 2: Streams and rivers of Cameroon 1period
Practical work 6: Constructing and reading of a climograph (temperature-rainfall graph) 2periods
19 - 22 Lesson 7 - Natural regions (Bio-climatic zones) of Cameroon 3periods
Lesson 8 - Forms of degradation of the natural regions of Cameroon 2periods
Practical work 7: Degradation of the natural region of the locality of the school 2periods
23 Partial integration of resources
24 Evaluation/correction/remediation
2nd Practical work 8: Solid waste management 1period
Lesson 9 - The atmosphere 2periods
Lesson 10 - Atmospheric disturbances 2periods
25 - 28 Practical work 9: Mechanism (processes) of rain formation 1period
Lesson 11- Climate change and consequences 2periods
Further study 4: Climate change and consequences in Cameroon 1period
29 Partial integration of resources
30 Evaluation/correction/remediation
Management of 31
catastrophes Easter break
Further study 5: other agents of catastrophes (crickets, granivous birds, elephants) 1period
33 - 35 Lesson 12 - Tectonic movements 2periods
3rd Further study 6: Theories of earth movements 1period
Lesson 13- Consequences of the instability of the earth’s crust 2periods
36 - 38 Practical work 10: Manifestation of seismic and volcanic activities in Cameroon 1period
Further study7: What to do in case of an earthquake or volcanic eruption (adaptation 1period
and mitigation strategies)
39 Partial integration of resources
40 Summative evaluation
2 of 17
FINAL COMPETENCE: Develop one’s curiosity and knowledge for better utilization of geographic space and its resources.
Term Level of competence No. Week span Teaching/learning units (Lessons-practical work - guided work -further study) Duration Instructions
1 Diagnostic Evaluation 2periods
Lesson 1- Rapid growth of the world’s population (historical evolution, factors of rapid
population growth, implications of rapid growth on resources) 2periods
2-4 Practical work 1: Population densities in Cameroon 1period
Lesson 2- uneven distribution of world population (concept of population density, spatial
distribution, factors of uneven distribution) 2periods
5 Partial integration of resources
-Adapt to climate change 6 Evaluation/correction/remediation
-Adopt healthy ecological Practical work2: Population densities in Cameroon 1period
behaviours Lesson3-Man in the equatorial zone (location, brief presentation of climatic
characteristics, resources, traditional methods of exploitation, problems faced and 2periods
1st proposed solutions.
7 - 10 Further study 1: Deforestation 1period
Lesson 4:- Man in the tropical zone (location, brief presentation of climatic
characteristics, resources, traditional methods of exploitation, problems faced and 2periods
proposed solutions.
Directed (guided) work 1- Main food crops in Cameroon 1period
11 Partial integration of resources
12 Evaluation/correction/remediation
Directed (guided) work 2-Preservation of food stuff in Cameroon 1period
Practical work3: identification of biological resources (plants and animals) in Cameroon 2periods
13 - 16 Practical work4: Measures of soil conservation in Cameroon 1period
Further study 2: Firewood crises 1period
Adapt to climate change 18 Christmas break
Lesson 5 - Man in hot desert milieu (location, brief presentation of climatic
19 characteristics, resources, traditional methods of exploitation, problems faced and 2periods
proposed solutions.
20 Partial integration of resources
21 Evaluation/correction/remediation
Further study 3: Products gathered from the wild (nature) in Cameroon 1period
-Adopt healthy ecological
Lesson 6:- Man in Mediterranean (location, brief presentation of climatic characteristics,
resources, traditional methods of exploitation, problems faced and proposed solutions. 2periods
2nd Further study 4: Traditional fishing in Cameroon 1period
22 - 24 Directed (guided) work 3 - Water problems in their region 1period
Lesson 7 - Countryside in Africa (agricultural landscape, rural settlements, attractive
and repulsive aspects of rural areas (countryside) 1period
Lesson 7 - Countryside in Africa (agricultural landscape, rural settlements, attractive and
repulsive aspects of rural areas (countryside) 1period
25 Partial integration of resources
26 Evaluation/correction/remediation
Lesson 8: Towns in Africa (urban landscapes, informal activities, problems of African
Limiting migrations cities). 2periods
27 - 30 Practical work 6: Urban landscapes in Africa 1period
Further study 5: informal sector activities 1period
Practical work 7: location of regional headquarters of Cameroon and divisional
headquarters of their region 1period
Further study 6: Measures of managing urban problems in Cameroon 2periods
32 Easter break
33 Partial integration of resources
Limiting migrations 34 Evaluation/correction/remediation
3rd Lesson 9: Relationship between towns and countryside (Economic relationships, cultural
relationships, population information (newspapers). 2periods
35 - 38 Further study 7: External provision of fresh food supplies to towns 1period
Further study 8: Rural exodus in Cameroon 2periods
Practical work 8: Visit a quarter or village where the school is located 2periods
39 Partial integration of resources
40 Summative evaluation
4 of 17
2nd Lesson 37- Wave action in coastal areas: meaning, characteristics of waves 1period
Lesson 38- Main erosional features of wave action: major erosional processes and
features 2periods
Lesson 39- Main depositional features of wave action: major depositional processes and
25 - 28 features 2periods
Lesson 40- Impact of wave action on human development along coastal areas:
importance of coasts, coastal hazards coastal management strategies 1period
Lesson 41- Desert landscapes- Location on world map and reasons for their occurrence 1period
Lesson 42- Erosional features of wind action: main processes and erosional features 2periods
Lesson 43- Depositional features of wind action: main processes and features 1period
Lesson 44- Man in the hot desert environment: resources, challenges, adaptations 1period
Partial integration of resources 1period
Lesson 45- Glaciation- definition, types of glaciers, main erosional processes, products,
29 - 30 erosional features, depositional features mainly interpreted on diagrams and maps 2periods
Evaluation/correction/remediation 2periods
Lesson 46- Glaciers and man-importance, challenges, adaptations 1period
Further study 4 lakes: definition and classification, importance, harmful effects 1period
Lesson 47- The atmosphere: definition, structure, thermal characteristics in the
troposphere and the stratosphere 1period
Lesson 48- Weather and climate: definition of terms, classification of weather elements,
instruments and measurements 1period
-Adapt to various Lesson 49- Weather elements: air temperature-calculations and measurements 2periods
environments and hazards 31 - 34 Lesson 50- Weather elements: rainfall totals atmospheric humidity, wind direction, wind
speed, atmospheric pressure, amount of sunshine to be drawn and read on sketches, 2periods
graphs and climate maps
Lesson 51- Condensation: meaning and forms 1period
Lesson 52- Precipitation: definition, types, types of rainfall 2periods
Lesson 53- Planetary distribution of pressure belt and winds: meaning of pressure, major
pressure belts, meaning of winds, planetary or prevailing winds. 1period
Lesson 54- Local winds: Definition & main types 1period
Lesson 55- Factors affecting elements of weather and climate: temperature and rainfall 1period
36 Easter break
-Mitigate hazards Lesson 56- The hydrological cycle: meaning, major sources of water, diagram of
3rd hydrological cycle at drainage basin, major components. 1period
37 Lesson 57- Global warming: meaning, causes, consequences, adaptations and mitigations 1period
Partial integration of resources 1period
Lesson 58- Floods, drought and desertification: meaning, causes, consequences,
38 adaptations and mitigations 1period
Evaluation/correction/remediation 2periods
Lesson 59- Water scarcity: meanings, occurrence, consequences, water conservation
methods 1period
39 - 40 Guided or directed work-problems of portable water in our communities and solutions 1period
Further study 8: Rural exodus in Cameroon 2periods
Practical work 8: visit a quarter or village where the school is located 2period
Partial integration of resources 1period
41 Summative evaluation 2periods
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FINAL COMPETENCE: Enables learners to adapt actions that can improve on their livelihoods through resources exploitation and also preserve the health
of the environment.
Term Level of competence No. Week span Teaching/learning units (Lessons-practical work - guided work -further study) Duration Instructions
Diagnostic evaluation 2periods
Lesson 1- Concept of the soil: Definition, components & soil system 1period
Sustainable 1 Lesson 2 - Soil characteristics: Meaning and major properties 1period
management of natural Lesson 3 - Soil formation: Stages, factors & a simple soil profile 1period
resources Lesson 4 - Soil erosion: Meaning, types & causes 1period
Lesson 5 - Soil conservation: Meaning and measures 1period
Lesson 6 - The ecosystem: definition, components& characteristics 1period
2-4 Lesson 7 - Functioning of ecosystem: Energy flow & trophic levels 1period
Lesson 8 - Material cycling: meaning of nutrients & nutrient cycles,
classification of ecosystem nutrients & carbon cycle 2periods
Lesson 9 - Tropical Rainforest(selvas)Biome: Location(characteristics,
climate, vegetation , soils, animal life) and human activities 2periods
Lesson 10 - Tropical Wet and Dry(savannah) Biome: Location(characteris-
5 tics, Climate, vegetation, soils, animal life) 2periods
Partial Integration Activity 1period
Lesson 11 - Tropical Monsoon Biome: Location(characteristics, climate,
6 vegetation , soils, animal life) and human activities 2periods
Evaluation/Correction/Remediation 1period
1st Lesson 12 - Tropical Dry(hot desert) Biome: Location(characteristics,
- Sustainable climate, vegetation , soils, animal life) and human activities 2periods
management of natural Lesson 13 – Mediterranean Biome: Location(characteristics, climate,
resources 7-8 vegetation, soils, animal life) and human activities 1period
- Adaptation to various
Lesson 14 - Steppe Biome: Location(characteristics, climate, vegetation, soils,
biogeographical zones
animal life) and human activities 1period
Lesson 15 - Boreal(Taiga)Biome: Location(characteristics, climate,
vegetation, soils, animal life) and human activities 1period
Lesson 16: Situation of Cameroon: location & site and brief history 1period
Lesson 17 - Administrative set up: Region, Division and Subdivision in which
the school is located 1period
Lesson 18 - Relief: Locate main relief units and main relief characteristics 1period
Lesson 19 - Drainage: Principal watersheds, main drainage basins and main
drainage characteristics 1period
9 - 10 Practical work 1 - Relief and drainage maps of Cameroon 1period
Lesson 20 - Climate - Identification & location of main types, the main
characteristics of climatic types & factors of climate in Cameroon 1period
Lesson 21 - Vegetation: Identification & location of main types and the main
characteristics of each type 1period
8 of 17
Term Level of competence No. Week span Teaching/learning units (Lessons-practical work - guided work -further study) Duration Instructions
Lesson 22 - Soil: : Identification & location of main types and the main
11 characteristics of each type 1period
Practical work 2 - Climate, Vegetation and Soil maps of Cameroon 1period
Further study1- The biogeographic Regions of Cameroon 1period
Partial Integration Activity 1period
Practical work 3 - Basic principles of map analysis: Definition of a map &
12 map reading & interpretation and marginal information & importance 1period
Evaluation/Correction/Remediation 1period
Practical work 4 - Conventional signs & symbols: Meaning, what they
represent and significance of colours 1period
Practical work 5 - Gridlines and locational references: Meaning &
- Sustainable 13 -14 presentation of gridlines(Eastings & Northings) & locational references 1period
1st management of natural Practical work 6 - Direction on maps: Compass directions & bearings 1period
resources Practical work 7 - Scales & map measurements: Meaning, ways of
- Adaptation to various expressing scales, linear measurements & area measurements 3periods
Practical work 8 - Map copying, reduction and enlargement 2periods
Practical work 9 - Interpreting relief forms from maps: Ways of
representation of relief on maps, principles of contours & identification of 1period
landforms from contours
15-16 Practical work 10 - Classification of gradients & cross section drawing
from maps 2periods
Practical work 11 - Description of relief & sketching of relief areas from
maps 1period
Practical work 12 – Description of drainage on maps 1period
Lesson 23 - Development: Definition of development, underdevelopment
- Good governance 19 poverty & sustainable development; Principles of sustainable development 1period
- Improvement in Partial Integration Activity 1period
living standards Lesson 24 - Indication of development & underdevelopment: Traditional
2nd - Proper Regional 20 indicators & Human development indices(HDIs) 1period
planning & Evaluation/Correction/Remediation 2periods
development Lesson 25 - Classification of nations in terms of development levels: -Low
- Sustainable income countries, -Newly industrialized countries, - Advanced industrialized 2periods
development 21-22 countries
Lesson 26 - Rostow’s Model of Economic growth: -Characteristics of main
stages, - Examples of countries at each stage 1period
9 of 17
Sequence Level of competence No. Week span Teaching/learning units (Lessons-practical work - guided work -further study) Duration Instructions
Lesson 27 - Challenges of development: - Causes of poverty &
underdevelopment, - Solutions to poverty & underdevelopment 1period
21-22 Lesson 28 - Global solutions to poverty & underdevelopment: -The
millennium development goals(MDGs), - Other solutions 1period
Lesson 29 - Success story of solving underdevelopment: The econo- mic
miracle of NICs Thailand, Brazil, Malaysia, South Africa etc 1period
Lesson 30 - Economic Activities: - Meaning, - Classification of economic
activities into sectors 1period
Lesson 31 - Agriculture: - Meaning, - Importance, - Agriculture as a system
Lesson 32 - Intensive Agriculture(Arable farming): - Meaning,
-Types, - Characteristics, - Examples, -Factors, Problems & solutions 1period
23-24 Lessons 33 - Intensive Agriculture(Pastoral farming): - Meaning,
2nd -Types, - Characteristics, - Examples, -Factors, Problems & solutions 1period
Lesson 34 - Extensive Agriculture(Arable farming): - Meaning,
-Types, - Characteristics, - Examples, -Factors, Problems & solutions 1period
Lesson 35 - Extensive Agriculture(Pastoral farming): - Meaning,
-Types, - Characteristics, - Examples, -Factors, Problems & solutions 1period
Sustainable Lesson 36 - Impact of Agriculture on the economy 1period
management of Natural Lesson 37 - The Green Revolution: - Meaning, - Aspects,
Resources 25 - Significance, - Weaknesses 1period
Partial Integration Activity 1period
Lesson 38 - Impact of Agriculture on the environment: -Negative & Positive
impacts 1period
26 Lesson 39 - Spatial pattern of Agriculture: Von Thunen’s Model of
Agricultural Land use: - Aim, - Principle, Three main assumptions, - 2periods
Conclusions & some spatial outcome, - diagram, some areas applicable
Evaluation/Correction/Remediation 1period
Lesson 40 - Arable Agriculture in Cameroon: - Subsistence & Commercial 2periods
Lesson 41 - Pastoral Agriculture in Cameroon: - Intensive & Extensive
29-30 Systems 2periods
3rd Lesson 42 - Impact of Agriculture on the Economy of Cameroon 1period
Lesson 43 - Forest Resources & Management: - Meaning, Global stock &
31 Distribution -Major producers -Methods of exploitation -Factors influencing
exploitation -Importance to the economy -Current problems of the exploitation 3periods
of the resources -Conservation methods
10 of 17
Term Level of competence No. Week span Teaching/learning units (Lessons-practical work - guided work -further study) Duration Instructions
Lesson 44 – Fish Resources & Management: - Meaning - Global stock &
32 Distribution -Major producers -Methods of exploitation -Factors influencing
exploitation -Importance to the economy -Current problems of the exploitation 3periods
Sustainable of the resources - Conservation methods
management of Natural Lesson 45 - Mineral Resources & Management: - Meaning - Global stock &
Resources Distribution -Major producers -Methods of exploitation -Factors influencing
33 exploitation -Importance to the economy -Current problems of the exploitation 3periods
of the resources - Conservation methods
Partial Integration Activity 1period
Lesson 46 - Management of Forest Resources in Cameroon: - Distribution, -
Methods of exploitation, Importance to the economy, 2periods
34 -Problems, - Recent efforts to conserve the resources
Evaluation/Correction/Remediation 1perion
Further study 2 - Deforestation in Cameroon & consequences: - Causes,
manifestations, Consequences & solutions 1period
35 Lesson 47 - Management of Fish Resource in Cameroon:
3rd -Distribution -Methods of exploitation, Importance to the economy, 2periods
-Problems, - Recent efforts to conserve the resources
Lesson 48 - Management of Mineral Resource in Cameroon:
-Distribution -Methods of exploitation, Importance to the economy, 2periods
-Problems, - Recent efforts to conserve the resources
36 Guided or Directed Work 1: Non Agricultural Resources of the Region of
the school; - Inventory of the resources of vegetation, rivers, and sub soil in
their region, Restitution in class, current efforts of conservation of these 1period
resources in their locality
Practical Work 13: Description of vegetation on maps; - Identification of
types, -Description of spatial patterns, -Stating of simple reasons for the 1period
observed patterns
Lesson 49 – Energy & Power Resources: - Meaning of energy, - sources of
37-38 energy(traditional & modern resources) – Problems associated with sources 3periods
energy, - Energy conservation Methods
Lesson 50 - Energy Resources of Cameroon: - Sources & Distribution, -
Efforts to develop HEP, solar, wind, natural gas, petroleum 2periods
Final Integration Activity 1period
39 Summative Evaluation 1period
11 of 17
Term Level of competence No. Week span Teaching/learning units (Lessons-practical work - guided work -further study) Duration Instructions
Lesson 10 - Impact of Road and Railway Transport on the Economy: -
Recent developments in road & rail transport models. 1period
7 Lesson 11 - Air and Water Transport: - Types, - General factors of
development, -Advantages & disadvantages, - Impact of air and water transport 2periods
on the economy, - Recent developments in air transport models
Further studies 2 - Containerization: - Meaning, - Reasons for development,
- Advantages and disadvantages 1period
8 Lesson 12 - Transport Network, Specialized forms of transport
(motorways, cable ways) - Describe motor and cable ways, - Reasons for their
creation, - Advantages & disadvantages, - Impact on the economy 2periods
Lesson 13 - Pipelines: - Describe the nature, - Reasons for development, -
Advantages & disadvantages, - impacts on the economy 1period
Lesson 14 - Telecommunication (internet communication): -The nature and
-Better management of uses, - Advantages & disadvantages, - Socio-economic impacts 1period
transport, trade and Lesson 15 - Transport Development in Cameroon (e.g. road, rail, air,
1st tourism water. Pipeline): -Types of transport networks, -Distribution of transport 2periods
-Production of services 9 - 10 network, -Problems of transport development, - Government efforts to improve
on transport network development
Practical work 2 - Communication on maps: -Identification of types of
transport forms on the map, - Identify forms of telecommunication, 1period
-Description of distribution, - Explanation for distribution patterns
Lesson 16 - Volume of Trade: - Meaning, - Types of trade, - Major trade
routes, - Global trade patterns, - Reasons for global trade patterns 2period
Lesson 17 - Trade Blocs (Illustrate with case studies from LCDs as ECOWAS
11 or CEMAC & in the AICs as the European union) :
-Definition & types, - Examples & aims, - Reasons for creation, 3periods
-Advantages and disadvantages
Partial Integration Activity 1period
Lesson 18 - Tourism: -Meaning, - Types, - Tourist destinations,
12 -Major characteristics, -Tourist attractions (physical, social and economic 2periods
tourist potentials)
Evaluation/Correction/Remediation 1period
13 of 17
Term Level of competence No. Week span Teaching/learning units (Lessons-practical work - guided work -further study) Duration Instructions
Lesson 19 - Factors for the promotion of mass tourism 1period
Lesson 20 - Impact of Tourism(positive & negative): - On the people, - The
economy, - On the environment 2periods
Lesson 21 - Development of Tourism in Cameroon: -Identification and
location of potentials, -Description of tourism infrastructural development, -
-Better management of Difficulties encountered by tourists in Cameroon, 2periods
1st transport, trade and 13 -16 - Impact on the environment & economy, - Government efforts to promote
tourism tourism
-Production of services Lesson 22 - Economic Growth of Cameroon & Constraints: -The level of
economic development, - The reasons for the slow rate of economic growth, - 2periods
Ways to uplift economy to emergence
Lesson 23 - Meaning of Resources: - Definition, - Classification, - Methods of 2periods
natural resource conservation(water, soil & fish),
- Challenges to the conservation of natural resources
Lesson 24 - Land Reclamation: - Meaning, - Examples, - Methods, 2periods
-Advantages & disadvantages of such schemes, - Challenges
Lesson 25 - Multi Purpose River Development Project( MPRDP): 2periods
19 -Meaning, - Reasons for the project, - Objectives, - Method,
- Achievements, - Problems caused by the project & attempted solutions. NB:
Case study from an NIC to illustrate
Sustainable of resources Partial Integration Activity 1period
and waste Lesson 26 - Multi Purpose River Development Project in Cameroon 2periods
20 Evaluation/Correction/Remediation 1period
2nd Lesson 27 – Pollution: - Definition, - Types, - Causes & sources of each type, -
Consequences & solutions 2periods
21 Guided or directed work 1 - Managing pollution in our community: -
Inventory of pollution sources in their locality(enquiry), - Attempted solutions 1period
to clean pollution in the locality, - Restitution in class
Lesson 28 - Basic Concepts of Population: - Definition, State of world’s
population 1period
Further study 4 – Sources of population Data: - Census(meaning, methods,
advantages & disadvantages) - Survey(meaning, methods, advantages &
weaknesses), Vital Registration(meaning, types & sources, advantages & 1period
22 weaknesses), Migration Records(meaning, types, advantages & weaknesses)
14 of 17
Term Level of competence No. Week span Teaching/learning units (Lessons-practical work - guided work -further study) Duration Instructions
Lesson 29 - Population Distribution and Density:- Meaning of population
distribution and density, - Measures of population density, 1 period
-Appraisal of crude density.
Practical Work 3 - Population Densities in Cameroon: - Calculation of
population densities, - Interpretation of results, - Draw map of spatial 1period
distribution of the population densities in Cameroon
23 Lesson 30 - Spatial Distribution of the World’s Population: - Uneven picture
(dense, moderate & sparse area ) 1 period
Lesson 31- Factors of Spatial Distribution:- Physical, -Economic,
- human 1period
Lesson 32 - Age and Sex Composition of Population: -Definition,
-Control of population -Main age groups & their demographic & economic implications 1period
2nd growth and movement 24 Lesson 33 - Basic Types of Age-Sex Pyramids: - Meaning, types,
in space(migration) -Diagrams & examples of Countries, -Main characteristics 1period
-Control of rural exodus Lesson 34 -Population Growth: - Meaning, - Determinants,
-Rural development -Measurement of population growth 1period
-Plan towns Lesson 35 - The Demographic Transition Model(DTM): - Meaning,
25 - stages, - Weaknesses 2periods
Partial Integration Activity 1period
Lesson 36 - Rapid Population Growth in Less Industrialized Countries
(LICs): - Reasons, - Implications 1period
Further Study 5 - Control of Population Growth: - Measures of birth control,
26 - Population Control Policies in modern China( A successful case of control of 1period
population growth in the Newly Industrialized Countries)
Evaluation/Correction/Remediation 1period
Lesson 37 - Migration: - Meaning, - Types(internal external), - General causes,
- General consequences of internal migration at source and destination 2periods
29 - 30 Lesson 38 - Concepts of Optimum Population, Over Population, and Under
Population: - Meaning, - Examples of areas, Implications 2periods
15 of 17
Term Level of competence No. Week span Teaching/learning units (Lessons-practical work - guided work -further study) Duration Instructions
Lesson 39 - Population and Resource Model(Malthus & areas applicable): -
31 - 32 Main idea, - Examples of areas applicable 1period
Lesson 40 - Population: - Growth pattern & structure, - Spatial pattern of
distribution, - Reasons for distribution 2periods
Lesson 41 - Migration patterns: -Identify pull migration zones/destina tions, -
General migration patterns, - Factors of rural exodus 2periods
Practical Work 4 – Calculation of the Determinants of Population Growth:
Theoretical Basis; Recall of definitions of birth rates, death rates & natural
growth rate & population growth
Practical Exercise & Contextualization with life situations: 1period
33- 34 - Calculation of birth rate, - Calculation of death rate, - Calculation of natural
population increase, - Calculation of population growth rate
-Control of population Use concrete data on the population of Cameroon
growth and movement Lesson 42 - Settlement: - Meaning, - General evolution, - Classification into
in space(migration) types 2periods
-Control of rural exodus Lesson 43 - Location of Settlements: -Meaning, - Notion of site and situation,
3rd -Rural development - Factors, - Examples of influence of site & situation on settlement development 2periods
-Plan towns Lesson 44 - Concept of Rural Settlement: - Meaning, & types 1period
Lesson 45 - Rural Settlement Form: - Meaning & shapes 1period
35 Lesson 46 - Settlement Distribution & Patterns: - Meaning, - Types,
-Factors 1period
Lesson 47 - The Concept of Urban Settlement: - Meaning,
-classification into types 1period
36 Lesson 48 - Urbanization: - Meaning, - Factors 1period
Lesson 49 - Consequences of the Urbanization process: - Positive,
-Negative, - Solutions 2periods
Further Study 6 - Shanty Settlements(ghettoes) in the World:
- Pictures of examples in Africa, their characteristics & attempted solutions, -
Pictures of examples in other parts of the Newly Industrialized Countries 1period
(NICs), their characteristics & attempted solutions, - Ghettoes & slums in the
37 Advanced Industrialized Countries (AICs), their characteristics & attempted
Guide or Directed work 2 - Field Investigation on Consequences(problems)
of Settlement Growth: - Enquiry & identification at home, - Restitution in 1period
16 of 17
Sequence Level of competence No. Week span Teaching/learning units (Lessons-practical work - guided work -further study) Duration Instructions
Lesson 50 - Functions of Urban Settlement: - Definition,
38 -Classification 1period
Lesson 51- Urban Fields or Sphere of Influence: - Meaning,
- Functional relationships within urban fields 1period
Guide or Directed work 3 - Functional Relationships between their
39 Settlement & Neighbouring Settlements: - Enquiry & identification at home, - 1period
Restitution in class
Lesson 52 - Settlement Size-functional relationships:- the relationship and
-Control of population examples, reasons 1period
growth and movement Lesson 53 - Differences between urban and rural settlement:- demographic
in space(migration) characteristics, functions, way of life, morphology 1period
3rd -Control of rural exodus Practical Work 5 - Settlement on Maps: - Identification & description of
-Rural development types of patterns & size of settlement, - Identification & description of the site
-Plan towns & situation of the main settlements, Identify & justify the functions of 3periods
settlement using map evidence
40 - 41 Lesson 54 - Settlement in Cameroon:- distribution of rural urban settlements,
reasons for disparities in rates of urbanization in Cameroon 1period
Lesson 55 - Urban sphere of influence:- identification and description of
major urban spheres of influence, reasons why they serve as sphere of influence 1period
Further Study 7 - Site & situation of EITHER Douala OR Yaoundé -
Diagrams, Description, - How have they influences the growth of the settlement 1period
17 of 17