Es Iso - 10545-15 - 2019

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ETHIOPIAN ES ISO 10545-15:2005

First edition

Ceramic tiles -
Part 15:
Determination of lead and Cadmium
given off by glazed tiles


ICS: 91.100.20
Published by Ethiopian Standards Agency
ES ISO 10545-15:2005(R:2019)


This Ethiopian Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Technical Committee for Ceramic Tiles
(TC 133) and published by the Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA).

The standard is a reaffirmation for reprint of the Ethiopian Standard ES ISO 10545-15:2005(R 2012),ceramic tiles -
part 15: determination of lead and cadmium given off by glazed tiles. t

For the purpose of this Ethiopian Standard , the adopted text shall be modified as follows.

. The phrase “International Standard” shall be read as “Ethiopian Standard”; and

. A full stop (.) shall substitute comma (,) as decimal marker.

/ (7+,23,$167$1'$5'
IN 7(51$7,21$ ES ISO 10545-15:2005(R:2019)
ISO 105&15:1995(E)

Ceramic tiles -
Part 15:
Determination of lead and Cadmium given off by glazed tiles

1 Scope 4.1 Test solution: acetic acid Solution, 4 % (V/V).

Add 40 ml of glacial acetic acid (R 1 of ISO 6353-2:
This part of ISO 10545 specifies a method for the 1983) to 960 ml of distilled water of grade 2.
determination of lead and Cadmium given off by the
glaze of ceramic tiles.
5 Apparatus and materials

2 Normative references 5.1 Atomic absorption spectrometer, or other

suitable apparatus for the analysis of lead and cad-
The following Standards contain provisions which, mium from Solution.
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this part of ISO 10545. At the time of publication, 5.2 Silicone sealant in a tube or dispenser, en-
the editions indicated were valid. All Standards are abling a ribbon of clear Silicone (neutral eure) sealant
subject to revision, and Parties to agreements based approximately 6 mm in diameter to be formed.
on this part of ISO 10545 are encouraged to investi-
gate the possibility of applying the most recent
editions of the Standards indicated below. Members 5.3 Impervious cover, made of glass or plastics.
of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards. 5.4 Detergent.

ISO 3696: 1987 Wa ter for analytical laboratory use - 5.5 White cloth, made of cotton or flax.
Specifica tion and tes t me thods.

ISO 6353-2: 1983, Reagents for Chemical analysis - 5.6 Measuring cylinder.
Part 2: Specifications - First series.

6 Test specimens
3 Principle
Exposition of the glazed surface of a ceramic tile to 6.1 Number of test specimens
an acetic acid Solution. Determination of the amount
of lead and Cadmium released into the Solution by an A minimum of three whole tiles shall be tested.
appropriate method.
6.2 Preparation of test specimens
4 Reagents
The surface of a tile to be tested shall be clean and
During the analysis, unless otherwise indicated, use free from grease or other material that may interfere
only the reagents specified in ISO 6353-2 if indicated, with the Performance of the test. To ensure cleanli-
if not, use reagents of recognized analytical grade, ness, the tile shall be thoroughly washed in tap
and grade 2 complying with ISO 3696:1987. water containing a small amount of detergent (5.4),

ISO 1054&15:1995(E) 0 ISO
ES ISO 10545-15:2005(R:2019)

and rinsed with grade 2 water, then dried either by 8 Expression of results
draining or with a soft clean cloth (5.5). After wash-
ing, care shall be taken to avoid handling the glazed The mass of lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) extracted
surface. per unit of surface p,(M), expressed in millimetres
per Square decimetre, is calculated using the
Apply a ribbon of Silicone sealant (5.2) 6 mm wide, to equation
the glazed surface around the whole perimeter. En-
Sure visually that the ribbon is complete and has V 1
contact with the glazed surface around the whole p,(M) = p(M) x looo x Ä
perimeter. Also ensure that it is high enough to allow
a sufficient volume of the test Solution (4.1) to be where
added. The minimum height of the Silicone sealant
over the glazed surface shall be 4 mm. Allow the M is the metal extracted (Pb or Cd);
sealant to dry overnight.
PM) is the concentration, in milligrams per litre, of
Measure and calculate the area A, in Square deci- metal, M, in the extract, determined accord-
metres, of the surface to be tested. ing to 7.2;

V is the volume, in millilitres, of acetic acid

added to the tile;
7 Procedure
A is the area, in Square de res, of surface
7.1 Extractisn with acetic acid tested

Place each tile on a flat horizontal surface in a room

at a temperature of (20 + 2) “C. Fill the volume 9 Test report
formed by the ribbon of Silicone sealant with a vol-
Urne, V, of the test Solution (4.1), measured at the The test report shall include the following infor-
same temperature using the measuring cylinder (5.6). mation:

Place the cover (5.3) on the tile to minimize contami- a) reference to this part of ISO 10545;
nation and evaporation. A convenient way of doing
this is illustrated in figure 1. Ensure that the tempera- b) a description of the tiles, including Sample prep-
ture of the room remains at (20 + 2) “C during the aration;
test and protect the test assembly from sunlight or
other thermal sources. c) mass concentration sf lead in the extract, p(Pb),
in milligrams per litre, and mass of lead extracted
After 24 h, remove the cover, stir the acid thoroughly per unit of surface, p,(Pb), in milligrams per
to ensure its homogeneity and remove an aliquot Square decimetre;
Portion of the Solution for analysis.
d) mass concentration of Cadmium in the extract,
p(Cd), in milligrams per litre, and mass of
7.2 Determination of lead and Cadmium Cadmium extracted per unit of surface, p,(Cd), in
Determine the amount of lead and Cadmium ex- milligrams per Square decimetre.
tracted by an appropriate method: atomic absorption
spectrometry is a possible method. Take into
account any small amounts of lead and Cadmium
present in the reagents and water used, for example
by a blank determination.

0 ISO ISO 10545=15:1995(E)

ES ISO 10545-15:2005(R:2019)

Silicone rubber Cover

\ i Testsolution Tile

Figure 1 - Convenient method of covering tiles during testing

Organization and Objectives
The Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA) is the national standards body of Ethiopia
established in 2010 based on regulation No. 193/2010.ESA is established due to the
restructuring o f Q uality a nd S tandards A uthority o f Ethiopia ( QSAE) w hich w as
established in 1998.

ESA’s objectives are:-

 Develop E thiopian standards and establish a system that enable t o

Ethiopian Standards Agency
የኢትዮጵያ የደረጃዎች ኤጀንሲ

check whether goods and services are incompliance with the

required standards,
 Facilitate the country’s technology transfer through the use of
 Develop na tional s tandards for l ocal products and se rvices so as to
make them competitive in the international market.
Ethiopian Standards
The Ethiopian Standards are developed by national technical committees which are
composed of different stakeholders consisting of educational Institutions, research
institutes, government or organizations, certification, inspection, and testing
organizations, regulatory bodies, consumer association etc. The requirements and/
or r ecommendations contained in E thiopian Standards are consensus based that
reflects the interest of the TC representatives and also of comments received from
the public and other sources. Ethiopian Standards are approved by the National
Standardization Council and are kept under continuous review after publication and
updated regularly to take account of latest scientific and technological changes.
Orders f or a ll Ethiopian Standards, International Standard and ASTM standards,
including electronic versions, should be addressed to the Documentation and
Publication Team at the Head office and Branch (Liaisons) offices. A catalogue of
Ethiopian Standards is a lso available freely and can be accessed in from our
ESA has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be
reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of ESA.
International Involvement
ESA, representing Ethiopia, is a member of the International Organization f or
Standardization ( ISO), and Codex Alimentarius Commission ( CODEX). I t a lso
maintains close working relations with the international Electro-technical
Commission (IEC) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).It is a
founding member of the African Regional Organization for standardization

More Information?
Contact us at the following address.
The Head Office of ESA is at Addis Ababa.

 011- 646 06 85, 011- 646 05 65

 011-646 08 80
 2310 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
E-mail: [email protected],
Standard Mark

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