Hydrostatics-Assignment 4: MPI td9
Hydrostatics-Assignment 4: MPI td9
Hydrostatics-Assignment 4: MPI td9
1) Observe the below diagram, what qualitative observation you can make about liquid A and liquid
B. They are non-reacting and immiscible.
2) A metal cylinder is taken. Its circular cross-section is 160 cm² and height is 15 cm. A 15 cm long
co-axial square cross-section hole is drilled through it. The cylinder floats in a mercury bath
(density 13.6 g/cc) so that its axis is vertical. Half the cylinder height is inside and half is outside.
What is the density of the metal? To clarify the object shape, its view when seen from top is
shown below.
3) A metal cylinder (density 8 g/cc) is taken. Its circular cross-section is 120 cm² and height is 12
cm. A 12 cm long co-axial square cross-section hole is drilled through it. The hole is completely
filled with plastic of density 2 g/cc. The cylinder floats in a liquid (density 6 g/cc) so that its axis
is vertical. Half the cylinder height is inside and half is outside. What is the side of the hole?
4) P and Q are immiscible and don’t react. Density of Q = 4 g/cc. Find density of P.
5) A solid cube of plastic (density 0.8 g/cc) is taken. Its volume is 1728 cc. Then a cavity of square
cross-section and depth 4 cm is carved out at its top. The cavity is open at top and the side walls
of the cavity are extremely thin (in physics problems, this typically means of negligible thickness
i.e., almost zero thickness). The cube having this cavity floats horizontally in a liquid so that the
bottom of cavity matches with the liquid surface. Find the density of the liquid.
(B) The same brick and same liquid are again used. But now the brick is floating upside down.
That is the topmost layer of the brick has density of 4g/cc.
Will the height inside the liquid be same as that in scenario A? Answer without doing any
If it is not same, will the height be more than that in scenario A? Try to answer without doing
any calculation.
Now do the calculations and verify your guess.
(C) The same brick and same liquid are again used. But now the brick is floating such that
its 20 cm side is vertical. What will be the height below the liquid level? Again, first try to think in
terms of equal / less / more as compared to scenario A. Then do exact calculation and verify.
(Important Note: Do think about the answers to parts (B) and (C). It is important to develop ability
to answer certain questions - “WITHOUT CALCULATIONS” – in terms of less than / more than /
equal to a certain known value in a similar but slightly different situation. Some factors in the two
scenarios are identical and some factors are different. Understand which factors are identical? Out
of the changed factors, which one will tend to increase the answer and which one will tend to
decrease the answer? This helps a lot in multiple choice type questions. Certain choices
immediately get eliminated without doing any calculations. It helps in verifying numerical answers.
7) Liquid P (density 2 g/cc) is floating on liquid Q (density 5 g/cc) in a tank. A solid cube (density 3
g/cc) and of volume 1000 cc is floating in that tank as shown below. It is partially in P and partially
in Q. Find the height inside Q.
8) A 4 kg solid object of density 2 g/cc is suspended from a spring balance. 20% of the object’s
volume is inside water (density 1 g/cc). What weight will be displayed on the spring balance?
10) Five identical solid plates of material P (density 1.2 g/cc) of cross-sectional area A cm² and
height 1 cm are taken. Four solid plates of material Q of identical size and shape are taken. The
two types of plates are stacked on each other alternately so that plate type P is at the top and
at the bottom. All plates are stuck to each other keeping their heights vertical. The object is
gently placed in water (density 1 g/cc) so that the cross-sectional area A remains horizontal and
height is vertical.
The cuboid object floats with half its height inside and half outside.
(a) This statement is true
(b) This statement is false.
(c) If the cross-section is rectangular and they are stacked with corners matching on top of each
other, then only the statement could be true.
(d) True or false cannot be determined as density of material Q is not mentioned.
Choose all the correct options from a, b, c and d above. One or more can be correct. Explain
the reason.
Answer Key: