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8430 Tractor

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8130, 8230,

8330, 8430,
and 8530
Operation and Test

8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530
Tractors Operation and Test
TM2280 11AUG09 (ENGLISH)

For complete service information also see:

8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Repair ................................................................... TM2270
PowerTech Plus® 9.0L Diesel Engines Level
14 Electronic Fuel System with Denso HPCR... CTM385
PowerTech Plus® 9.0L Diesel Engines Base
Engine................................................................... CTM400
Alternators and Starting Motors ........................ CTM77
GreenStar™ 2 Diagnosis and Tests Manual ..... TM1061
Original GreenStar (AMS) Diagnosis and Tests
Manual .................................................................. TM2240
Real Time Kinematics (RTK) Base Station
Diagnosis and Tests............................................ TM2820

John Deere Waterloo LITHO

WorksIN U.S.A.
This manual is written for an experienced technician. Information is organized in groups for the various
Essential tools required in performing certain service work components requiring service instruction. At the
are identified in this manual and are recommended for beginning of each group are summary listings of all
use. applicable essential tools, service equipment and tools,
Live with safety: Read the safety messages in the other materials needed to do the job, service parts kits,
introduction of this manual and the cautions presented specifications, wear tolerances, and torque values.
throughout the text of the manual. Technical Manuals are concise guides for specific
machines. They are on­the­job guides containing only the
This is the safety­alert symbol. When you see this vital information needed for diagnosis, analysis, testing,
symbol on the machine or in this manual, be alert to the and repair.
potential for personal injury.
Fundamental service information is available from other
Technical manuals are divided in two parts: repair and sources covering basic theory of operation, fundamentals
operation and tests. Repair sections tell how to repair of troubleshooting, general maintenance, and basic type
the components. Operation and tests sections help you of failures and their causes.
identify the majority of routine failures quickly.
DX,TMIFC ­19­29SEP98­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Section 210—GENERAL Group 45—CAN System Diagnosis
Group 05—Safety Group 50—Powershift Transmission
Group 15—General References Group 51—AutoPowr / IVT™ TRANSMISSION
Group 56—Drive Systems
Section 211—DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE Group 60—Steering and Brakes
CODES Group 70—Hydraulic System
Group ACU—ACU Code Diagnostics Group 90—Operator Station
Group ASU—ASU Code Diagnostics
Group ATC—ATC Code Diagnostics Section 220—ENGINES
Group BRC—BRC Code Diagnostics Group 15—Test And References
Group CAB—CAB Code Diagnostics Group 20—Theory of Operation
Group CCU—CCU Code Diagnostics
Group CLC—CLC Code Diagnostics Section 230—FUEL AND AIR
Group ECU—ECU Code Diagnostics Group 20—Fuel and Air Theory of Operation
Group HCC—HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Group HCU—HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)
Group HVI—HV I Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Section 240—ELECTRICAL
Group 05—Load Center Fuses and Relays
Group ICU—ICU Code Diagnostics
Group 10—Operational Checks
Group PTI—PTI Code Diagnostics
Group 25—Functional Schematics
Group PTP—PTP Code Diagnostics
Group 30—Connector Information
Group SCC—SCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Group 35—Harness Information
Group SCO—SCO Code Diagnostics (—039999)
Group SE01—SE01 — Power Supply, Starting and
Group SCU—SCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)
Charging Circuits
Group SFA—SFA Code Diagnostics
Group SE02—SE02 — Manual Seat
Group SSU—SSU Code Diagnostics
Group SE03—SE03 — Manual AC and ATC
Group SUP—SUP Code Diagnostics
Group SE04—SE04 — Remote Mirror Option
Group SVI—SV I Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Group SE05—SE05 — Radio, Dome Lamp and
Group SVII—SV II Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Multi­Function Switch
Group SVIII—SV III Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Group SE06—SE06 — Cab Load Center / Tractor
Group SVIV—SV IV Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Equipment Control and Lighting
Group SVV—SV V Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Group SE07—SE07 — Accessory Connectors
Group SVVI—SV VI Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Group SE08—SE08 — CAN Termination
Group SVVII—SV VII Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Group SE09—SE09 — Corner Post Display, ICU ­
Group TEC—TEC Code Diagnostics
Information Display, and SCV ­ Setup Panel
Group VLC—VLC Code Diagnostics
Group SE10—SE10 ­ CAB Control Unit / Active Seat
Group 40—Electrical Group SE11—SE11 — Power Train / Vehicle Load
Group 45—Control Units Center (VLC) and Chassis Control Unit
Group 50—Powershift Transmission (CCU)
Group 51—AutoPowr / IVT™ Transmissions Group SE13—SE13 — ACU ­ Armrest Control Unit
Group 56—Drive Systems Group SE14—SE14 — SCU/HCU/BRC/SFA — Deluxe
Group 60—Steering and Brakes Hydraulic Control Unit Function
Group 70—Hydraulics Group SE14 CAN—SE14 CAN — SCC/HCC — Deluxe
Group 90—Operator Station Hydraulic CAN Control Unit Function
Group SE15—SE15 — SCO — Secondary Hydraulic
Section 213—SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS Control Unit Functions
Group 40—Electrical Group SE16—SE16 — ECU Level 14

Continued on next page

Original Instructions. All information, illustrations and specifications in this

manual are based on the latest information available at the time of publication.
The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice.
Moline, Illinois
All rights reserved.
A John Deere ILLUSTRUCTION ® Manual
Previous Editions
Copyright © 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008

TM2280 (11AUG09) i 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors



Group SE17—SE17—JDLINK Group 10—Operational Checks

Group SE18—SE18—Greenstar Display Group 15—Tests and Adjustments
Group SE20—SE20 — Steering System Unit (SSU) Group 20—Theory Of Operation
Group 25—Schematics and Diagrams
Group 05—General References Section 290—OPERATOR STATION
Group ACU—ACU Group 05—Preliminary Checks
Group ASU—ASU Group 10—Operational Checks
Group ATC—ATC Group 15—Tests and Adjustments
Group BRC—BRC Group 20—Theory Of Operation
Group CAB—CAB Group 25—Schematics and Diagrams
Group ECU—ECU Group 05—Dealer Fabricated Tools
Group HCC—HCC (040000—) Group 10—Service Tools and Kits
Group HCU—HCU (—039999)
Group HVI—HV I (040000—)
Group SCC—SCC (040000—)
Group SCO—SCO (—039999)
Group SCU—SCU (—039999)
Group SVI—SV I ­ VII (040000—)


Group 05—Preliminary Checks
Group 10—Operational Checks
Group 15—Tests and Adjustments
Group 20—Theory of Operation
Group 25—Schematics and Diagrams

Section 251—AUTOPOWR™ / IVT™

Group 05—Preliminary Checks
Group 10—Operational Checks
Group 15—Test And Adjustments
Group 20—Theory of Operation
Group 25—Schematics and Diagrams


Group 05—Preliminary Checks
Group 10—Operational Checks
Group 15—Tests and Adjustments
Group 20—Theory of Operation
Group 25—Schematics and Diagrams


Group 05—Preliminary Checks
Group 10—Operational Checks
Group 15—Tests and Adjustments
Group 20—Theory of Operation
Group 25—Schematics and Diagrams

Section 270—HYDRAULICS
Group 05—Preliminary Checks

TM2280 (11AUG09) ii 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Section 210


Group 05—Safety ......................................210­05­1

Group 15—General References

Specifications .............................................. 210­15­1
Reference 210­15­001, General
Reference List ......................................... 210­15­2
Reference 210­15­002, Bolt and
Cap Screw Torque Values ....................... 210­15­3
Reference 210­15­003, Glossary
of Terms................................................... 210­15­5
Reference 210­15­004, JIC
Hydraulic Symbols................................... 210­15­8
Reference 210­15­005, Wiring
Diagram and Schematic
Information............................................. 210­15­10
Reference 210­15­006, Electrical
Schematic Symbols ............................... 210­15­12
Reference 210­15­007, Reading
Wiring Schematics and
Diagrams ............................................... 210­15­14
Reference 210­15­008, Visually
Inspect Electrical System ...................... 210­15­17
Reference 210­15­009, Seven
Step Electrical Procedure1 ..................... 210­15­18
Reference 210­15­010, Using a
Probe Light ............................................ 210­15­20
Reference 210­15­011, Circuit
Types ..................................................... 210­15­21
Reference 210­15­012, Circuit
Malfunctions .......................................... 210­15­23
Reference 210­15­013,
Troubleshooting Circuit
Malfunctions .......................................... 210­15­26
Reference 210­15­014,
Understanding Electrical vs.
Electronic Circuits.................................. 210­15­30
Reference 210­15­015, Intermittent
Electronic Problems............................... 210­15­32
Reference 210­15­016, Relay
Circuit Types.......................................... 210­15­35
Reference 210­15­017, Using a
Digital Multimeter................................... 210­15­48
Reference 210­15­101,
Troubleshooting Unresolved
Problems ............................................... 210­15­49

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group 05

Recognize Safety Information

This is a safety­alert symbol. When you see this symbol
on your machine or in this manual, be alert to the potential
for personal injury.
Follow recommended precautions and safe operating

T81389 —UN—07DEC88

DX,ALERT ­19­29SEP98­1/1

Handle Fluids Safely—Avoid Fires

When you work around fuel, do not smoke or work near
heaters or other fire hazards.
Store flammable fluids away from fire hazards. Do not
incinerate or puncture pressurized containers.

TS227 —UN—23AUG88
Make sure machine is clean of trash, grease, and debris.
Do not store oily rags; they can ignite and burn

DX,FLAME ­19­29SEP98­1/1

Prevent Battery Explosions

Keep sparks, lighted matches, and open flame away from
the top of battery. Battery gas can explode.
Never check battery charge by placing a metal object
across the posts. Use a volt­meter or hydrometer.

TS204 —UN—23AUG88
Do not charge a frozen battery; it may explode. Warm
battery to 16°C (60°F).

DX,SPARKS ­19­03MAR93­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­05­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Prepare for Emergencies

Be prepared if a fire starts.
Keep a first aid kit and fire extinguisher handy.
Keep emergency numbers for doctors, ambulance
service, hospital, and fire department near your telephone.

TS291 —UN—23AUG88
DX,FIRE2 ­19­03MAR93­1/1

Prevent Acid Burns

Sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte is poisonous. It is strong
enough to burn skin, eat holes in clothing, and cause
blindness if splashed into eyes.
Avoid the hazard by:
1. Filling batteries in a well­ventilated area.
2. Wearing eye protection and rubber gloves.
3. Avoiding breathing fumes when electrolyte is added.
4. Avoiding spilling or dripping electrolyte.
5. Use proper jump start procedure.
If you spill acid on yourself:
1. Flush your skin with water.
2. Apply baking soda or lime to help neutralize the acid.
3. Flush your eyes with water for 15—30 minutes. Get
medical attention immediately.
If acid is swallowed:
1. Do not induce vomiting.
2. Drink large amounts of water or milk, but do not

TS203 —UN—23AUG88
exceed 2 L (2 quarts).
3. Get medical attention immediately.

DX,POISON ­19­21APR93­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­05­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Handle Chemical Products Safely

Direct exposure to hazardous chemicals can cause
serious injury. Potentially hazardous chemicals used with
John Deere equipment include such items as lubricants,
coolants, paints, and adhesives.

TS1132 —UN—26NOV90
A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) provides specific
details on chemical products: physical and health hazards,
safety procedures, and emergency response techniques.
Check the MSDS before you start any job using a
hazardous chemical. That way you will know exactly what
the risks are and how to do the job safely. Then follow
procedures and recommended equipment.
(See your John Deere dealer for MSDS’s on chemical
products used with John Deere equipment.)
DX,MSDS,NA ­19­03MAR93­1/1

Avoid High­Pressure Fluids

Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin
causing serious injury.
Avoid the hazard by relieving pressure before
disconnecting hydraulic or other lines. Tighten all

X9811 —UN—23AUG88
connections before applying pressure.
Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard. Protect hands
and body from high­pressure fluids.
If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluid
injected into the skin must be surgically removed within
a few hours or gangrene may result. Doctors unfamiliar
with this type of injury should reference a knowledgeable
medical source. Such information is available from Deere
& Company Medical Department in Moline, Illinois, U.S.A.
DX,FLUID ­19­03MAR93­1/1

Park Machine Safely

Before working on the machine:
• Lower all equipment to the ground.
• Stop the engine and remove the key.
• Disconnect the battery ground strap.
• Hang a "DO NOT OPERATE" tag in operator station. TS230 —UN—24MAY89

DX,PARK ­19­04JUN90­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­05­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Support Machine Properly

Always lower the attachment or implement to the ground
before you work on the machine. If the work requires
that the machine or attachment be lifted, provide secure
support for them. If left in a raised position, hydraulically
supported devices can settle or leak down.

TS229 —UN—23AUG88
Do not support the machine on cinder blocks, hollow tiles,
or props that may crumble under continuous load. Do not
work under a machine that is supported solely by a jack.
Follow recommended procedures in this manual.
When implements or attachments are used with a
machine, always follow safety precautions listed in the
implement or attachment operator’s manual.
DX,LOWER ­19­24FEB00­1/1

Wear Protective Clothing

Wear close fitting clothing and safety equipment
appropriate to the job.
Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause impairment
or loss of hearing.

TS206 —UN—23AUG88
Wear a suitable hearing protective device such as
earmuffs or earplugs to protect against objectionable or
uncomfortable loud noises.
Operating equipment safely requires the full attention of
the operator. Do not wear radio or music headphones
while operating machine.
DX,WEAR ­19­10SEP90­1/1

Work in Clean Area

Before starting a job:
• Clean work area and machine.
• Make sure you have all necessary tools to do your job.
• Have the right parts on hand.

T6642EJ —UN—18OCT88
• Read all instructions thoroughly; do not attempt

DX,CLEAN ­19­04JUN90­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­05­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Service Machines Safely

Tie long hair behind your head. Do not wear a necktie,
scarf, loose clothing, or necklace when you work near
machine tools or moving parts. If these items were to get
caught, severe injury could result.

TS228 —UN—23AUG88
Remove rings and other jewelry to prevent electrical
shorts and entanglement in moving parts.

DX,LOOSE ­19­04JUN90­1/1

Work In Ventilated Area

Engine exhaust fumes can cause sickness or death. If
it is necessary to run an engine in an enclosed area,
remove the exhaust fumes from the area with an exhaust
pipe extension.

TS220 —UN—23AUG88
If you do not have an exhaust pipe extension, open the
doors and get outside air into the area.

DX,AIR ­19­17FEB99­1/1

Illuminate Work Area Safely

Illuminate your work area adequately but safely. Use
a portable safety light for working inside or under the
machine. Make sure the bulb is enclosed by a wire cage.
The hot filament of an accidentally broken bulb can ignite
spilled fuel or oil.

TS223 —UN—23AUG88

DX,LIGHT ­19­04JUN90­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­05­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Replace Safety Signs

Replace missing or damaged safety signs. See the
machine operator’s manual for correct safety sign

TS201 —UN—23AUG88
DX,SIGNS1 ­19­04JUN90­1/1

Use Proper Lifting Equipment

Lifting heavy components incorrectly can cause severe
injury or machine damage.
Follow recommended procedure for removal and
installation of components in the manual.

TS226 —UN—23AUG88
DX,LIFT ­19­04JUN90­1/1

Wait Before Opening High­Pressure

Fuel System
High­pressure fluid remaining in fuel lines can cause
serious injury. Only technicians familiar with this type of
system should perform repairs. Before disconnecting fuel
lines, sensors, or any other components between the

TS1343 —UN—18MAR92
high­pressure fuel pump and nozzles on engines with
High Pressure Common Rail (HPCR) fuel system, wait a
minimum of 15 minutes after engine is stopped.

DX,WW,HPCR2 ­19­07JAN03­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­05­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Service Accumulator Systems Safely

Escaping fluid or gas from systems with pressurized
accumulators that are used in air conditioning, hydraulic,
and air brake systems can cause serious injury. Extreme
heat can cause the accumulator to burst, and pressurized
lines can be accidentally cut. Do not weld or use a torch

TS281 —UN—23AUG88
near a pressurized accumulator or pressurized line.
Relieve pressure from the pressurized system before
removing accumulator.
Relieve pressure from the hydraulic system before
removing accumulator. Never attempt to relieve hydraulic
system or accumulator pressure by loosening a fitting.
Accumulators cannot be repaired.
DX,WW,ACCLA2 ­19­22AUG03­1/1

Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating

Avoid potentially toxic fumes and dust.
Hazardous fumes can be generated when paint is heated
by welding, soldering, or using a torch.
Remove paint before heating:

TS220 —UN—23AUG88
• Remove paint a minimum of 100 mm (4 in.) from area
to be affected by heating. If paint cannot be removed,
wear an approved respirator before heating or welding.
• If you sand or grind paint, avoid breathing the dust.
Wear an approved respirator.
• If you use solvent or paint stripper, remove stripper with
soap and water before welding. Remove solvent or
paint stripper containers and other flammable material
from area. Allow fumes to disperse at least 15 minutes Do all work in an area that is well ventilated to carry toxic
before welding or heating. fumes and dust away.

Do not use a chlorinated solvent in areas where welding Dispose of paint and solvent properly.
will take place.
DX,PAINT ­19­24JUL02­1/1

Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines

Flammable spray can be generated by heating near
pressurized fluid lines, resulting in severe burns to yourself
and bystanders. Do not heat by welding, soldering,
or using a torch near pressurized fluid lines or other
flammable materials. Pressurized lines can accidentally
TS953 —UN—15MAY90

burst when heat goes beyond the immediate flame area.

DX,TORCH ­19­10DEC04­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­05­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Keep ROPS Installed Properly

Make certain all parts are reinstalled correctly if the
roll­over protective structure (ROPS) is loosened or
removed for any reason. Tighten mounting bolts to proper

TS212 —UN—23AUG88
The protection offered by ROPS will be impaired if ROPS
is subjected to structural damage, is involved in an
overturn incident, or is in any way altered by welding,
bending, drilling, or cutting. A damaged ROPS should be
replaced, not reused.

DX,ROPS3 ­19­03MAR93­1/1

Service Tires Safely

Explosive separation of a tire and rim parts can cause
serious injury or death.
Do not attempt to mount a tire unless you have the proper
equipment and experience to perform the job.
Always maintain the correct tire pressure. Do not inflate
the tires above the recommended pressure. Never weld
or heat a wheel and tire assembly. The heat can cause
an increase in air pressure resulting in a tire explosion.
Welding can structurally weaken or deform the wheel.
When inflating tires, use a clip­on chuck and extension
hose long enough to allow you to stand to one side and
NOT in front of or over the tire assembly. Use a safety
cage if available.
Check wheels for low pressure, cuts, bubbles, damaged
rims or missing lug bolts and nuts.

TS211 —UN—23AUG88
DX,RIM ­19­24AUG90­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­05­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Avoid Harmful Asbestos Dust

Avoid breathing dust that may be generated when
handling components containing asbestos fibers. Inhaled
asbestos fibers may cause lung cancer.
Components in products that may contain asbestos

TS220 —UN—23AUG88
fibers are brake pads, brake band and lining assemblies,
clutch plates, and some gaskets. The asbestos used in
these components is usually found in a resin or sealed in
some way. Normal handling is not hazardous as long as
airborne dust containing asbestos is not generated.
Avoid creating dust. Never use compressed air for
cleaning. Avoid brushing or grinding material containing
asbestos. When servicing, wear an approved respirator.
A special vacuum cleaner is recommended to clean Keep bystanders away from the area.
asbestos. If not available, apply a mist of oil or water on
the material containing asbestos.
DX,DUST ­19­15MAR91­1/1

Practice Safe Maintenance

Understand service procedure before doing work. Keep
area clean and dry.
Never lubricate, service, or adjust machine while it is
moving. Keep hands, feet , and clothing from power­driven
parts. Disengage all power and operate controls to relieve
pressure. Lower equipment to the ground. Stop the
engine. Remove the key. Allow machine to cool.
Securely support any machine elements that must be
raised for service work.
Keep all parts in good condition and properly installed.
Fix damage immediately. Replace worn or broken parts.
Remove any buildup of grease, oil, or debris.
On self­propelled equipment, disconnect battery ground
cable (­) before making adjustments on electrical systems
or welding on machine.
On towed implements, disconnect wiring harnesses from
tractor before servicing electrical system components or
welding on machine.

TS218 —UN—23AUG88

DX,SERV ­19­17FEB99­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­05­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Use Proper Tools

Use tools appropriate to the work. Makeshift tools and
procedures can create safety hazards.
Use power tools only to loosen threaded parts and

TS779 —UN—08NOV89
For loosening and tightening hardware, use the correct
size tools. DO NOT use U.S. measurement tools on
metric fasteners. Avoid bodily injury caused by slipping
Use only service parts meeting John Deere specifications.

DX,REPAIR ­19­17FEB99­1/1

Dispose of Waste Properly

Improperly disposing of waste can threaten the
environment and ecology. Potentially harmful waste used
with John Deere equipment include such items as oil, fuel,
coolant, brake fluid, filters, and batteries.

TS1133 —UN—26NOV90
Use leakproof containers when draining fluids. Do not use
food or beverage containers that may mislead someone
into drinking from them.
Do not pour waste onto the ground, down a drain, or into
any water source.
Air conditioning refrigerants escaping into the air can
damage the Earth’s atmosphere. Government regulations
may require a certified air conditioning service center to
recover and recycle used air conditioning refrigerants.
Inquire on the proper way to recycle or dispose of waste
from your local environmental or recycling center, or from
your John Deere dealer.
DX,DRAIN ­19­03MAR93­1/1

Prevent Machine Runaway

Avoid possible injury or death from machinery runaway.
Do not start engine by shorting across starter terminals.
Machine will start in gear if normal circuitry is bypassed.
NEVER start engine while standing on ground. Start
TS177 —UN—11JAN89

engine only from operator’s seat, with transmission in

neutral or park.

DX,BYPAS1 ­19­29SEP98­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­05­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Handle Starting Fluid Safely

Starting fluid is highly flammable.
Keep all sparks and flame away when using it. Keep
starting fluid away from batteries and cables.
To prevent accidental discharge when storing the

TS1356 —UN—18MAR92
pressurized can, keep the cap on the container, and store
in a cool, protected location.
Do not incinerate or puncture a starting fluid container.

DX,FIRE3 ­19­16APR92­1/1

Service Cooling System Safely

Explosive release of fluids from pressurized cooling
system can cause serious burns.
Shut off engine. Only remove filler cap when cool enough
to touch with bare hands. Slowly loosen cap to first stop

TS281 —UN—23AUG88
to relieve pressure before removing completely.

DX,RCAP ­19­04JUN90­1/1

Stay Clear of Rotating Drivelines

Entanglement in rotating driveline can cause serious
injury or death.
Keep tractor master shield and driveline shields in place
at all times. Make sure rotating shields turn freely.

TS1644 —UN—22AUG95
Wear close fitting clothing. Stop the engine and be sure
PTO driveline is stopped before making adjustments,
connections, or cleaning out PTO driven equipment.

DX,PTO ­19­12SEP95­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­05­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Protect Against High Pressure Spray

Spray from high pressure nozzles can penetrate the skin
and cause serious injury. Keep spray from contacting
hands or body.
If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any high

TS1343 —UN—18MAR92
pressure spray injected into the skin must be surgically
removed within a few hours or gangrene may result.
Doctors unfamiliar with this type of injury should reference
a knowledgeable medical source. Such information is
available from Deere & Company Medical Department in
Moline, Illinois, U.S.A.

DX,SPRAY ­19­16APR92­1/1

Construct Dealer­Made Tools Safely

Faulty or broken tools can result in serious injury. When
constructing tools, use proper, quality materials, and good
Do not weld tools unless you have the proper equipment

LX1016749 —UN—01JUL97
and experience to perform the job.

DX,SAFE,TOOLS ­19­10OCT97­1/1

Clean Vehicle of Hazardous Pesticides

CAUTION: During application of hazardous 1. Sweep or vacuum the floor of cab.

pesticides, pesticide residue can build up
on the inside or outside of the vehicle. 2. Clean headliners and inside cowlings of cab.
Clean vehicle according to use instructions 3. Wash entire exterior of vehicle.
of hazardous pesticides.
4. Dispose of any wash water with hazardous
When exposed to hazardous pesticides, clean exterior and concentrations of active or non­active ingredients
interior of vehicle daily to keep free of the accumulation of according to published regulations or directives.
visible dirt and contamination.
DX,CABS2 ­19­24JUL01­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­05­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Live With Safety

Before returning machine to customer, make sure
machine is functioning properly, especially the safety
systems. Install all guards and shields.

TS231 —19—07OCT88
DX,LIVE ­19­25SEP92­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­05­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­05­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group 15
General References

Item Measurement Specification
Wire Gauge Current Draw
16 Gauge Wire Amperage 75 mA Max per 4.9 m (16 ft.)
14 Gauge Wire Amperage 50 mA Max per 4.9 m (16 ft.)
DP51502,000079B ­19­08NOV04­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­001, General Reference List

This is a list of additional references that may be of benefit • Using a Probe Light (See Reference 210­15­010).
to the technician during machine diagnosis. • Circuit Types (See Reference 210­15­011).
• Circuit Malfunctions (See Reference 210­15­012).
Safety • Troubleshooting Circuit Malfunctions (See Reference
• Safety Information (See Section 210, Group 05). • Understanding Electrical vs. Electronic Circuits (See
General Reference 210­15­014).
• Intermittent Electronic Problems (See Reference
• Bolt and Cap Screw Torque Values (See Reference 210­15­015).
210­15­002). • Relay Circuit Types (See Reference 210­15­016).
• Glossary of Terms (See Reference 210­15­003). • Using a Digital Multimeter (See Reference 210­15­017).
Hydraulic System Troubleshooting Tips
• JIC Hydraulic Symbols (See Reference 210­15­004). • Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems (See Reference
Electrical System
Control Unit Information
• Wiring Diagram and Schematic Information (See
Reference 210­15­005). • Recall, Record and Clear Codes (See Reference
• Electrical Schematic Symbols (See Reference 245­05­001).
210­15­006). • Access Control Unit Addresses (See Reference
• Reading Wiring Schematics and Diagrams (See 245­05­002).
Reference 210­15­007). • Service Code List (See Reference 245­05­003).
• Visually Inspect Electrical System (See Reference • Programming Control Units (See Reference
210­15­008). 245­05­005).
• Seven Step Electrical Test Procedure (See Reference • Control Unit Locations and Identification (See Reference
210­15­009). 245­05­100)
RE35951,00001F0 ­19­28JUN05­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­002, Bolt and Cap Screw Torque Values

TS1656 —19—02APR97

Continued on next page OURX949,0000244 ­19­13NOV01­1/2

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

TS1657 —19—02APR97

OURX949,0000244 ­19­13NOV01­2/2

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­003, Glossary of Terms

Accessory ACC Secondary electrical system
Automatic Powershift APS Transmission feature
ACTIVE SEAT™ Control Unit ASU Computerized system used to control the ACTIVE SEAT™.
Air Conditioning A/C System used conditioning the air in the cab
Air Quality System AQS System used to control conditioned air in the cab
Alternating Current AC Electrical current that reverses its direction at regularly recurring intervals
Armrest Control Unit ACU Armrest control used to control tractor functions
Auto­Temperature Control ATC Automatically controlled air quality system
Battery Bat A device used to furnish electrical current
Brakes BR Abbreviation
Brake Control Unit BRC Computerized system for brake control
Brake Load Sense BRL Reference—Brake load sense
Cab Control Unit CAB Computerized system for controlling cab electronic functions
Controller Area Network CAN A communication system linking on­board electronics
Central Control Unit CCU Computerized system for tractor monitoring
Circuit CCT A complete path of an electrical current
Circulation Motor Symbols for circulation motor speeds
O Medium Speed
+ Fastest Speed
Cab Load Center CLC Computerized system for controlling cab electrical functions
Clean Oil Reservoir COR Reservoir used to contain oil for the tractor hydraulic system
CLIMATRAK™ Automatically controlled air quality system
Clockwise CW Direction in which the hands of a clock rotate
Cold Cranking Amperes CCA Refers to a battery’s capability to perform during cold weather operation
Component Technical Manual CTM Technical manual developed for the servicing of major components
Counterclockwise CCW Direction opposite the rotation of the hands of a clock
Control Flow (Steering Pressure) CF Reference—Steering pressure control flow
Control Flow DR CFD Reference—Control flow diagnostic receptacle
Corner Post Display CPD Display for system control units
Diagnostic Receptacle DR A connection where hydraulic pressure can be measured
Digital Multimeter DMM An electrical multifunctional measuring device
Direct Current DC Electrical current flowing in one direction only
Displacement Control Valve DCV Controls hydraulic pump stroke
Senses and communicates to the Displacement Control Valve demand for
Electronic Displacement Control EDC hydraulic pump stroke
Electro­hydraulic EH Refers to a hydraulic valve function that is controlled electrically
Electro­hydraulic Depth Control EHDC Abbreviation
Electro­hydraulic Option Control EHO Computerized system used to control the Independent Link Suspension axle.
Electro­hydraulic Selective Control
Valve EH SCV Selective control valve operated with electrical solenoids
Electronic Components Relay ELX Refers to the relay powering most of the electronic components
Engine Control Unit ECU Computerized system used to govern engine speed
Evacuation Diagnostic Receptacle EVAC Diagnostic receptacle port used for pre­lubrication of the pump drive gears
Excess Flow (SCV/Hitch Flow) EF Reference—SCV/Hitch flow
Excess Flow Load Sense
(SCV/Hitch Flow) EFL Reference—SCV/Hitch load sense
Forward FWD Refers to direction of movement
Continued on next page RX33672,00004B9 ­19­28JUN05­1/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References


Gallons Per Minute gpm Amount of fluid over a period of one minute
GREENSTAR™ System GSS Part of John Deere Precision Farming Systems
Ground­Driven Pump GDP Pump used to operate steering and brakes during emergency conditions
Heating­Ventilating and Air
Conditioning HVAC Abbreviation
High­Intensity Discharge Light HID Abbreviation
HPCR Fuel injected engine that utilizes high pressure fuel injection and a common
High Pressure ­ Common Rail pressure rail.
Hitch Control Unit HCU Computerized system used to control hitch functions
Housing Hsg Abbreviation
Ignition IGN Control for starting and stopping the tractor
Implement Management System IMS Control for operating equipment
Independent Link Suspension ILS Front axle with an active suspension system that is electronically controlled
Inside Diameter ID Abbreviation
Instrument Control Unit ICU Computerized system controlling tractor warning functions
Independent Link Suspension™ ILS An electro­hydraulically controlled axle suspension system
International Standards
Organization ISO Standards organization
Infinitely Variable Transmission IVT A hydro­mechanical transmission with infinitely variable speeds
Joint Industry Council Organization JIC Standards organization
Lateral Hitch Position LHP Refers to hitch positioning for a row guidance hitch application
Left­Hand LH or L­H Abbreviation
Liquid Crystal Display LCD A technology used for displaying information
Manifold Air Pressure MAP Abbreviation
Mechanical Front Wheel Drive MFWD A mechanically powered front axle
Negative Neg (—) Refers to a part of an electrical circuit
Number No. Abbreviation
O­Ring Face Seal ORS A type of seal used in making hydraulic connections
Outside Diameter OD Abbreviation
Perf Mon
Performance Monitor (PrF) Abbreviation
Positive Pos (+) Refers to a part of an electrical circuit
Potentiometer POT A device used to vary electrical voltage
Powershift Transmission PST Abbreviation
IVT Transmission Control Unit PTI Computerized system used to control IVT transmission shift functions
Power Take­OFF PTO Abbreviation
Power Shift Transmission Control PTP Computerized system used to control power shift transmission shift functions
Pressure Control Valve PCV Valve used to control pressure within a system
Pressure Regulating Valve PRV A device used to regulate pressure in a system
Product Identification Number PIN Serial number relating to tractor identification
Pulse­Width­Modulation PWM Method of controlling electrical signals
Pump DR PD Reference—Pump diagnostic receptacle
Pump Load Sense PLD Reference—Pump load sense
Reverse Rev Refers to direction of movement
Revolutions Per Minute rpm Abbreviation
RH or
Right­Hand R­H Abbreviation
Rockshaft RS Abbreviation
Selective Control Option SCo Controller for Selective control valve 4 and 5
Continued on next page RX33672,00004B9 ­19­28JUN05­2/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References


Computerized system used to control selective control valve functions for
Selective Control Unit SCU selective control valves 1, 2, and 3
Selective Control Valve SCV Device used to control remote hydraulic functions
Setup Panel SUP Operator control panel used to set selective control valve function
Slow Moving Vehicle SMV Warning sign on the rear of the tractor
Society of Automotive Engineers SAE Engineering Standards Organization
Specification SPEC Abbreviation
Suspended Front Axle SFA Front axle with an active suspension system that is electronically controlled
Tracks Tractor Steering System SST Computerized system controlling tractor steering for tracks tractors
Control Unit
Wheel Tractor Steering System Computerized system controlling tractor steering for wheel tractors equipped
Control Unit SSU with AutoTrac™
Steering Load Sense STL Reference—Steering load sense
Switch SW Abbreviation
Tachometer Tach Abbreviation
TCM Electronic module that corrects for vehicle dynamics such as roll on side­slopes
Terrain Compensation Module and rough terrain
Tail Light TL Abbreviation
Tractor ECU ­ Vehicle TEC Electronic system for communicating between vehicle and implement
Tractor ECU ­ Implement TEI Electronic system for communicating between implement and vehicle
Temperature Temp Abbreviation
Transmission Trans Abbreviation
Transient Voltage Protection TVP An electrical device used to protect a circuit from voltage surge
Voltage (Volts) V Abbreviation
Voltage Detector V Det Abbreviation
Vehicle Load Center VLC Computerized system for controlling vehicle electrical functions
Warning Lamp WL Abbreviation
Without W/O Abbreviation
Wide­Open Throttle WOT Full throttle
Two Wheel Drive 2WD Vehicle where only one pair of wheels is powered

ACTIVE SEAT is a trademark of Deere & Company

CLIMATRAK is a trademark of Deere & Company
RX33672,00004B9 ­19­28JUN05­3/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­004, JIC Hydraulic Symbols


1 1 1 M 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6 6

7 7 7 7 7

8 8 8 8 8

9 9 9 9 9

10 10 10 M 10

11 11 11 11

12 12 12



RXA0073493 —UN—13FEB04




Continued on next page OURX949,0000246 ­19­29JUL04­1/2

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

A—Pumps C3—Accumulator, Gas Charged D9—Two Position, Four F1— Line, Working (Main)
A1—Fixed Displacement ­ C4—Heater Connection F2— Line, Pilot (For Control)
Unidirectional C5—Cooler D10— Three Position, Four F3— Line, Liquid Drain
A2—Fixed Displacement ­ C6—Temperature Controller Connection F4— Direction of Hydraulic Flow
Bidirectional C7—Filter, Strainer D11— Two Position, In Transition F5— Direction of Pneumatic Flow
A3—Variable Displacement ­ C8—Pressure Switch D12— Valves Capable of Infinite F6— Lines Crossing
Unidirectional C9—Pressure Indicator Positioning (Horizontal F7— Lines Crossing
A4—Variable Displacement ­ C10— Temperature Indicator Bars Indicate Infinite F8— Lines Joining
Bidirectional C11— Direction of Shaft Rotation Positional Ability) F9— Lines with Fixed Restriction
B—Motors and Cylinders (Assume Arrow on Near E—Methods of Operation F10— Line, Flexible
B1—Hydraulic Motor ­ Side of Shaft) E1— Spring F11— Station, Testing,
Fixed Displacement ­ D—Valves E2— Manual Measurement of Power
Unidirectional D1—Check E3— Push Button Take­Off
B2—Hydraulic Motor ­ Fixed D2—On­Off (Manual Shut­Off) E4— Push­Pull Lever F12— Variable Component (Run
Displacement ­ Bidirectional D3—Pressure Relief E5— Pedal or Treadle Arrow Through Symbol at
B3—Hydraulic Motor ­ D4—Pressure Reducing E6— Mechanical 45 Degrees)
Variable Displacement ­ D5—Flow Control, Adjustable E7— Detent F13— Pressure Compensation
Unidirectional Non­Compensated E8— Pressure Compensated Units (Arrow Parallel to
B4—Hydraulic Motor ­ Variable D6—Flow Control, Adjustable E9— Solenoid, Single Winding Short Side of Symbol)
Displacement ­ Bidirectional (Temperature and Pressure E10— Reversing Motor F14— Temperature Cause or
B5—Cylinder, Single Acting Non­Compensated) E11— Pilot Pressure ­ Remote Effect
B6—Cylinder, Double Acting, D7—Two Position, Two Supply F15— Reservoir ­ Vented
Single End Rod Connection E12— Pilot Pressure ­ Internal F16— Reservoir ­ Pressurized
B7—Cylinder, Double Acting, D8—Two Position, Three Supply F17— Line to Reservoir ­ Above
Double End Rod Connection F— Lines Fluid Level
B8—Adjusting Cushion Advance F18— Line to Reservoir ­ Below
Only Fluid Level
B9—Differential Piston
C—Miscellaneous Units
C1—Electric Motor
C2—Accumulator, Spring Loaded
OURX949,0000246 ­19­29JUL04­2/2

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­005, Wiring Diagram and Schematic Information

All vehicle wires are shown by a wire number which
indicates the circuit number and wire color. System Functional Schematic

Example: The System Functional Schematic will show individual

circuits, wire numbers, color and a schematic symbol
A wire with a number 226 would be found in an for each component (electrical device). Each schematic
accessories circuit (22X), and it would be a light blue symbol will have an identification letter (indicating the type
(XX6) wire. of device) and number assigned to it. For example, the
Circuit No Function Color No Wire Color
Key Switch is designated as S001. The "S" designates
a switch and the "001" designates the first switch to be
000—099 Power XX0 Black
assigned a number.
100—199 Lighting XX1 Brown
200—299 Accessories XX2 Red
300—499 Engine XX3 Orange
500—699 Transmission XX4 Yellow
700—799 Hydraulics XX5 Dk. Green
800—899 Hitch XX6 Lt. Blue
900—999 Other XX7 Purple
XX8 Gray
XX9 White
Wire numbers may be machine specific.
RE35951,00001F2 ­19­12APR03­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­006, Electrical Schematic Symbols

1 4
1 19 37 A

2 20 P 38 54

t +
3 21 39 55

4 22 40 56

5 23 41 57

6 24 t 58

7 25 - 59

8 26 G 42 60

9 27 M 43 61

86 30

28 M
10 44 62
85 87 87A

11 29 M 63
12 30 M
46 A OFF

13 31 47 DETENTS

32 P
14 48 6


15 33 49

16 34 50
RXA0073492 —UN—13FEB04

17 35 51 7

18 36 52

Continued on next page OURX949,0000248 ­19­10JUN04­1/2

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

1— Chassis Ground 17— Operated by Lever 33— Dual Filament Lamp 49— Normally Closed Limit
2— Single Point Ground 18— Operated by Pedal 34— Antenna Switch
3— Case Ground 19— Operated by Key 35— Non­Ionizing Radiation 50— Fuse
4— Circuit Connecting Dot 20— Operated by Pressure 36— Radar Speed Sensor 51— Fixed Resistor
5— Twisted Wires 21— Operated by Temperature 37— Electronic Control System 52— Variable Resistor
6— Male Terminal (Pin) 22— Thermal Effect 38— Clock 53— Heating Element
7— Female Terminal (Socket) 23— Detent 39— Horn 54— Capacitor
8— Connector Pin and Socket 24— Mechanical Position 40— Loudspeaker 55— Polarized Capacitor
(Mated) 25— Battery (Cell) 41— Lighter with Indicator Lamp 56— Speed Sensor
9— Multiple Pin Connector 26— Generator 42— Single Pole, Single Throw, 57— Solenoid
10— Multiple Socket Connector 27— Motor Normally Open Switch 58— Valve Operating Solenoid
11— Connector Assembly (Male 28— Starter Motor 43— Single Pole, Single Throw, 59— Clutch Operating Solenoid
Terminals) 29— Pump Motor Normally Closed Switch 60— Diode
12— Connector Assembly 30— Blower Motor 44— Single Pole, Single Throw, 61— Zener Diode
(Female Terminals) 31— Wiper Motor Normally Closed Switch 62— Relay
13— Operated Mechanically 32— Single Filament Lamp 45— Pushed Button Switch 63— Key Switch
14— Operated by Pushing 46— Lever Operated Switch
15— Operated by Pulling 47— Pedal Operated Normally
16— Operated by Turning Closed Switch
48— Pressure Operated Normally
Open Switch
OURX949,0000248 ­19­10JUN04­2/2

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­007, Reading Wiring Schematics and Diagrams

Reading a System Functional Schematic

002 B+ (12V)



F19 C

092 D

279 B241
8 B LF



1 A
CLOCK 276 B240
7 B

6 284 A
AM/FM 285 B243
5 281 A
POWER 283 B242
9 11 12 B


060 RXA0056161 —UN—01AUG01


050 SPG


Continued on next page RE35951,00001F3 ­19­02JUL03­1/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

A—Main Power Leads C—Component Identification E—Ground Wires G—Section Number

B—Component Schematic Code F— Circuit Name
Symbol D—Component Name

The System Functional Schematic is made up of sections Each electrical component is shown by a schematic
which contain one or more Subsystem Functional symbol (B), the component name (D), and a component
Schematic laid out side by side in a logical sequence of identification code (C). The same names and identification
related functions. Each Subsystem is a major group of letter codes are used on all machine drawings—the
components like the wiper circuit or seat control circuit (G). System Functional Schematic, System Circuit Diagram,
Sections are named to reflect that group of components and the System Harness Drawing. Components and
(F). The System Functional Schematic is formatted with connectors can easily be cross­referenced from one
power supply wires (A) shown across the top of the drawing to another. See Reference 240­25­100 for
drawing and ground wires (E) across the bottom. The Component Identification Legend.
diagram contains no harness or connector information.
Continued on next page RE35951,00001F3 ­19­02JUL03­2/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­15 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reading a Circuit Diagram


86 BATT + 002 032

87 202 092

SE1, K27




W4 C
3 092
4 092

9 032

2 277 277 A B241 A


8 279 279 B LF
13 12 11 10

1 275 275 A B240
7 276 276 B RF

6 284 284 A B243

13 285 285 B LR

A240 5 281 281 A
AM/FM 12 283 283 B RR B
RADIO 10 134

RXA0056162 —UN—01AUG01


Circuit Diagram
A—Power Source B—Connector Symbol C—Ground Symbols D—Section (SE) Number

The Circuit Diagram is a schematic representation of (C). If the circuit passes through any harness connectors
each "SE" section (D) with any relevant connector (B) (B), they are shown, with their "X" identification number, if
information added for each circuit. Each circuit in the given, as well as connector terminal number and circuit
subsection can be traced from power source (A) to ground number.
RE35951,00001F3 ­19­02JUL03­3/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­008, Visually Inspect ­ Dirty condition

Electrical System ­ Damp condition
­ Cracked case
Visually inspect the electrical system prior to starting the ­ Proper electrolyte level
tractor, after receiving customer complaint: 5. Check alternator belt tension.
6. After machine has been shut down for five minutes
1. Look for bare wires that could ground a component or
inspect for overheated parts. Parts will often smell like
short across to another component.
burned insulation. Place hand on the alternator. Heat
2. Look for missing or worn conduit. This could indicate
in these parts when the unit has not been operated for
a wire problem.
some time is a sure clue to charging circuit problems.
3. Look for loose or broken connectors and wires.
7. If visual inspection does not indicate the possible
IMPORTANT: During any diagnostic operation malfunction, but inspection does indicate that the
involving harness connectors, always machine can be run, turn the Key Switch to the RUN
consider the possibility that a terminal position. Operate the accessory circuits, indicator
may have “backed out" enough to lose lights, gauge lights, etc. How does each of these
connection. This can happen if the terminal components work? Look for sparks or smoke which
did not seat properly when installed, and it might indicate shorts.
is a condition that is generally not obvious 8. Start machine. Check all gauges for good operation
simply by looking at the connectors when and check to see if system is charging or discharging.
mated. Careful inspection may be required. 9. In general, look for anything unusual.
Many electrical failures cannot be detected even if the
4. Inspect batteries for:
machine is started. Therefore, a systematic and complete
­ Corroded terminals
inspection of the electrical system is necessary.
­ Loose terminals or battery posts
RE35951,00001F5 ­19­17JUL03­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­17 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­009, Seven Step Electrical Procedure1

- +

RXA0053193 —UN—26APR01


A—Circuit Breaker Battery Side C—Component Battery Lead E—Component Battery Lead
B—Circuit Breaker Load Side D—Component Ground Lead Disconnected

Step Sequence Resultsa

Probe—Multimeter Conditions
1­Switch Onb Check battery side of circuit breaker (A) for Bright Light—Battery voltage. Normal ­ GO TO 2.
battery voltage.c
Dim Light—Low voltage ­ Repair high resistance.
No Light—No voltage ­ Repair open circuit from battery.
2­Switch Off Check load side of circuit breaker (B) for Bright light—Battery voltage ­ normal ­ GO TO 4
battery voltage.
Dim Light—Low voltage ­ Replace circuit breaker
No light—No voltage ­ GO TO 3
3­Switch Off Check load side of circuit breaker (B) for Bright Light—Continuity to ground ­ Repair grounded circuit at or before
continuity to ground. (Clip of tester at battery switch.
voltage (+).
No Light—no continuity to ground ­ replace circuit breaker.
4­Switch On Check load side of circuit breaker (B) for Bright Light—Battery voltage ­ Normal ­ GO TO 6
battery voltage.
Dim Light—Low voltage ­ Replace circuit breaker.
No Light—No voltage ­ GO TO 5
5­Disconnect lead to Check lead at (E) for battery voltage. Bright Light—Battery voltage ­ Repair component
component at (C)d. Switch
No light—No voltage ­ Repair grounded circuit at or after switch.
Disregard probe light condition when using a multimeter.
Controlling switch or relay for component (load).
Use DFRW26—Test Lead when testing circuits with fuses. See Section 299, Dealer Fabricated Tools.
Multimeter will not apply a load to circuit at Step 5. Use probe light.

Step Sequence Resultsa

Probe—Multimeter Conditions
6­Switch On Check lead to component at (C) for battery Bright Light—Battery voltage normal ­ GO TO 7.
Dim Light—Low voltage ­ Repair high resistance in circuit between
circuit breaker and component
No Light—Repair high resistance in circuit between circuit breaker and
7­Switch On Check ground lead of component at (D) for Bright Light—High voltage ­ Open ground circuit. Repair open circuit.
Dim Light—Voltage ­ Poor continuity to ground. Repair high resistance

Continued on next page OURX949,000024B ­19­18MAY04­1/2

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­18 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Step Sequence Resultsa

Probe—Multimeter Conditions
No Light—No voltage ­ Good continuity to ground. Repair component.

With probe light or multimeter
OURX949,000024B ­19­18MAY04­2/2

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­19 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­010, Using a Probe Light

RW46060 —UN—19JUN98
IMPORTANT: This sequence CANNOT be used in The above example shows how to connect a probe light
electronic circuits. Refer to Understanding to check an electrical circuit for voltage. When checking
Electrical vs. Electronic Circuits (Reference a circuit for battery voltage, connect the probe light clip
210­15­014) for additional information. to ground as shown.
NOTE: After any repair, always return to Operational
Check, to be certain another circuit has not
been affected during the repair.
OURX949,000024C ­19­18JUN03­1/2

RW46061 —UN—19JUN98
When checking a circuit for continuity to ground, connect faulty components with the use of the electrical wiring
the probe light to a known source of battery voltage as schematics. The simple circuit above can be used as
shown. a reference for each step but you must refer to the
wiring schematics for additional components that may be
The controlling switches MUST BE ”ON” and the circuit connected in parallel.
connected to the component to locate high resistance
(0.5 to 5.0 ohms) in the load circuit or ground circuit of a You may want to start at step ”6” as your first step for
component. diagnosing any malfunctioning electrical circuit where the
component is easily accessible. If battery voltage is not
The seven­step procedure is for use on ELECTRICAL present at step ”6”, it will be necessary to go to step ”1”
circuits only. Review the description for electrical and to isolate the malfunction.
electronic circuits in this group. The procedure can
be used to locate opens, grounds, high resistance or
OURX949,000024C ­19­18JUN03­2/2

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­20 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­011, Circuit Types

To understand what we are calling electrical circuits and
The diagnosis in this section will be broken down into electronic circuits, see the following circuit definitions.
individual electrical circuits or subsystems (groups of
individual circuits such as the overall lighting circuit) and IMPORTANT: Complete electrical schematics
into electronic circuits. are located in this group.

Electrical Circuit

RW17947 —UN—05DEC89
A—Source Voltage B—Source Voltage at Load

This circuit provides source voltage (A) to the load (B) controlled device. Heater­type, wire­wound resistors
and does not pass through electronic components. An are not considered electronic components, for example,
electrical circuit is considered to end when the source blower motor speed resistor or ceramic­covered wire
voltage enters an electronic module or electronically resistors are not electronic components.
OURX949,000024D ­19­13NOV01­1/3

Electronic Circuit

RW12979 —UN—15DEC88
A—Source Voltage B—End of Electrical Circuit, C—Electronic Module D—Load
Beginning of Electronic

This circuit begins where the source voltage (A) of Usually, source voltage has been changed with electronic
an electrical circuit enters an electronic module (B) or components by decreasing the voltage and current flow to
electronic control device (C). the load (D). The voltage can also be increased.
Continued on next page OURX949,000024D ­19­13NOV01­2/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Secondary Electronic Circuit

RW71306 —UN—28FEB00
A—Source Voltage D—Source Voltage at Load G—Indicator Lamp ON, Solenoid
B—End of Electrical Circuit, E—Solenoid No. 1 No. 1 Disengaged
Beginning of Electronic F— Solenoid No. 2 H—Indicator Lamp ON, Solenoid
Circuit No. 2 Engaged
C—Electronic Module I— Temperature Sensor

Even though electronic circuits use small amounts of pass through an electronically controlled relay inside a
current to operate electronic components, a secondary module. This secondary circuit is still considered to be
circuit of source voltage (D) to electrical components can part of the electronic circuit.
OURX949,000024D ­19­13NOV01­3/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­012, Circuit Malfunctions 3. Grounded circuit

4. Shorted circuit
There are four major electrical circuit malfunctions:
Each is explained separately below.
1. High resistance circuit
2. Open circuit High Resistance Circuit

RW46051 —UN—16JUN98
A—Battery C—Switch E—Lamp (Load)
B—Fuse D—Unwanted Resistance F— Ground

A high resistance circuit is a circuit having unwanted

resistance (D) that causes a voltage drop and reduces
current flow.
OURX949,000024E ­19­13NOV01­1/5

Open Circuit

RW46052 —UN—16JUN98
A—Battery C—Switch E—Lamp (Load)
B—Fuse D—Open Circuit F— Ground

An open circuit is a circuit having a break or separation

(D) that prevents current from flowing in the circuit.
Continued on next page OURX949,000024E ­19­13NOV01­2/5

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­23 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Grounded Circuit

RW46053 —UN—16JUN98
A—Battery C—Switch E—Lamp (Load)
B—Fuse D—Grounded Circuit F— Ground

A grounded circuit is a circuit where a voltage wire is in

contact with the machine frame (D), providing continuity
with the battery ground terminal.
OURX949,000024E ­19­13NOV01­3/5

Shorted Circuit

RW46054 —UN—16JUN98
A—Battery D—Voltage­to­Voltage Short G—Lamp (Load) J— Sensor
B—Fuse F1 E—Voltage­to­Signal Short H—Ground­to Ground Short K—Control Unit
C—Switch F— Voltage­to­Ground Short I— Ground L— Fuse F2

A shorted circuit is a circuit where a wire­to­wire contact 3. Voltage wire shorted to a ground wire (F) (wires of
of two adjacent wires (D, E, F & H) provides unwanted battery voltage or regulated voltage, shorted to a
continuity between the two wires. The following are types ground wire connecting a component to the battery
of shorted circuits. negative terminal).
4. Ground wire shorted to another ground wire (H) (wires
1. Voltage wire shorted to another voltage wire (D) (wires of zero voltage).
of equal or unequal voltage).
2. Voltage wire shorted to a sensor signal wire (E) (wires NOTE: This type of short does not create an
of unequal voltage). observable malfunction.
Continued on next page OURX949,000024E ­19­13NOV01­4/5

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­24 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Locations of Circuit Malfunctions

RW46055 —UN—16JUN98
A—Battery C—Switch E—Ground
B—Fuse D—Lamp (Load)

In a ”simple” electrical circuit, the circuit malfunctions Example: A component may not operate before
occur at only three possible locations: disconnecting an electrical connection, but it operates
1. Before a controlling switch (C). after reconnecting the connector.
2. Between a controlling switch (C) and the load (D). Reason: Oxidation of the terminals created ”high
3. After the load (D). resistance” and a voltage drop that prevents the proper
Electrical components can become faulty with the same amount of current flow to the component. Disconnecting
four circuit malfunctions. Sometimes a component and reconnecting the connector, removed some oxidation
malfunction can easily be confused with a circuit and reestablished good continuity through the connector.
malfunction. Therefore, care must be exercised when
isolating the cause of the problem.
OURX949,000024E ­19­13NOV01­5/5

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­25 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­013, Troubleshooting Circuit Malfunctions

RW46056 —UN—16JUN98
A—Battery D—Unwanted Resistance G—Ground J— Circuit Connector
B—Fuse E—Open Circuit H—Component Terminal K—Component Terminal
C—Switch F— Lamp (Load) I— Circuit Connector

High Resistance or Open Circuit ­ If voltage is low, move toward the voltage source
(A) to locate point of voltage drop.
A High Resistance Circuit (D) can result in slow, dim or ­ If voltage is correct, move toward the load (F) and
no component operation (for example: loose, corroded, ground terminal (G) to locate voltage drop.
dirty or oily terminals, gauge of wire too small or broken
strands of wire). NOTE: The example shows high resistance
(D) between (K) and (J) and open circuit
An Open Circuit (E) results in no component operation (E) between (J) and (I).
because the circuit is incomplete (for example: broken
wire, terminals disconnected, open protective device or 2. Repair the circuit as required.
open switch). 3. Perform an operational check­out on the component
Do the following to isolate the location of a “high after completing the repair.
resistance” (D) or “open” (E) circuit.
1. With the controlling switch (C) closed (on) and the load
(F) connected into the circuit, check for proper voltage
at a location easily accessible between (K) and (H).
Continued on next page OURX949,000024F ­19­13NOV01­1/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­26 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

RW46057 —UN—17JUN98
A—Battery D—Component Terminal G—Component Terminal
B—Fuse E—Wire Terminal H—Lamp (Load)
C—Switch F— Grounded Circuit I— Ground

Grounded Circuit 2. Disconnect the load (H) from component terminal (G).
3. With the controlling switch (C) open (off), check for
A Grounded Circuit (F) results in no component continuity to ground between (D) and (E).
operation and the fuse or circuit breaker opens (for a. If there is continuity, there is a grounded circuit
example: a power wire contacting the machine frame, between (D) and (E). Repair the circuit.
chassis or component housing).
NOTE: In the example, the circuit is grounded
Do the following to isolate the location of a “grounded” between (D) and (E) at (F).
1. Switch (C) must be open (off). Check for continuity to b. If there is no continuity, check the component for
ground between (B) and (C). shorts and grounds.
a. If there is continuity, there is a grounded circuit 4. Perform an operational check­out on the component
between (B) and (C). Repair the circuit after completing the repair.
b. If there is no continuity, go to step 2.
Continued on next page OURX949,000024F ­19­13NOV01­2/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­27 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

RW46058 —UN—16JUN98
A—Battery F— Voltage­to­Ground Short K—Voltage­to­Sensor Voltage P—Sensor Voltage­to­Signal
B—Fuse F1 G—Lamp E1 (Load) Short Short
C—Voltage­to­Voltage Short H—Lamp E2 (Load) L— Switch S2 Q—Sensor Voltage­to­Ground
D—Switch S1 I— Voltage­to­Sensor Ground M—Fuse F2 Short
E—Voltage­to­Voltage Short Short N—Fuse F3 R—Sensor
J— Voltage­to­Sensor Signal O—Control Unit S—Sensor Signal­to­Ground
Short Short
T— Ground

Shorted Circuit 9. Sensor signal voltage wire is shorted at (S) to the

sensor ground wire.
Machines equipped with several electronic control devices Result: 1 The sensor signal voltage wire goes out of
contain wiring harnesses that can become shorted by one range.
of the following ways shown above.
Do the following to isolate a “shorted circuit”:
1. Battery wire from fuse F1 (B) is shorted at (C) to
another battery wire after switch S2 (L). 1. Review the machine electrical schematic to identify
Result: Lamp E2 (H) is on all the time. the circuits for the component that does not operate
2. Battery wire from fuse F1 (B) is shorted at (E) to and identify all components attached to the circuits.
another battery wire after switches S1 and S2 (D & L). 2. Disconnect all components attached to the circuits, to
Result: Both lamps E1 and E2 (G & H) operate on single out the affected wires.
either switch. 3. To prevent damage to connector terminals, obtain
3. Battery wire from fuse F1 (B) is shorted at (F) to a mating connector terminals from repair parts. DO NOT
ground wire. force meter probes into connector terminals.
Result: Fuse F1 (B) opens after switch S1 (D) is 4. Connect the meter leads across two of the affected
closed. circuits. The meter should show no continuity between
4. Battery wire from switch S2 (L) is shorted at (K) to a the two circuits. Repeat the check across another
regulated voltage wire. combination of two circuits until all affected circuits
Result: 1 Sensor signal voltage goes out of range. have been checked.
5. Battery wire from switch S2 (L) is shorted at (J) to the 5. For Example: A 37 pin connector contains three wires
sensor signal voltage wire. to a sensor. With one meter probe attached to each of
Result: 1 Sensor signal voltage goes out of range. the three wires, one at a time, touch the other meter
6. Battery wire from switch S2 (L) is shorted at (I) to the probe to the remaining 36 wires. If there is continuity
sensor ground wire. between any two wires, the circuit is shorted. Repair
Result: 1 Fuse F2 (M) opens after closing switch S2 the circuit.
(L) and the sensor signal voltage goes out of range. 6. Additional check for a shorted circuit: With all
7. Controller regulated voltage wire is shorted at (P) to components disconnected from the suspected circuits,
the sensor signal voltage wire. turn the Key Switch and other necessary switches on.
Result: 1 The sensor signal voltage wire goes out of Connect one meter lead to a good frame ground. With
range. the other meter probe, touch each of the suspected
8. Controller regulated voltage wire is shorted at (Q) to circuits one at a time. If there is a voltage reading,
the sensor ground wire. the circuit is shorted to another voltage wire. Repair
Result: 1 The sensor signal voltage wire goes out of the circuit.

Continued on next page OURX949,000024F ­19­13NOV01­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­28 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Wires in a Loom: If hot spots exist in shorted area of

the harness, replace the harness. If hot spots are not
Repairing Shorted Circuits noticeable, install a new wire of proper gauge between
the last two connections. Use tie bands to secure the wire
Repair a “shorted circuit” as follows:
to outside of the harness.
Wires NOT in a Loom: Wrap individual wires with
NOTE: Perform an operational check­out on the
electrical tape or replace the damaged wire and band as
component after completing the repair.
The controller may shut down or provide limited operation for its
function and a diagnostic code may be displayed or stored.
OURX949,000024F ­19­13NOV01­4/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­29 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­014, Understanding Electrical vs. Electronic Circuits

RW45159 —UN—11JUL96
A—Battery D—Circuit Resistance (5 Ohms) G—Air Filter Restriction Switch J— Test Point
B—Fuse E—Test Point H—Electronic Control Module K—Air Filter Restriction Indicator
C—Key Switch F— Headlamp I— Circuit Resistance (20 Ohms)

IMPORTANT: Knowing the difference between If the same check was made using a test light, the result
electrical and electronic circuits is very would be either no light or a very dim light.
important. The use of a probe (test) light
in some electronic circuits will over load NOTE: The test light draws enough current to place a
the circuit, creating damage to switches, load on the circuit. This gives a more realistic
transistors, resistors, capacitors and indication of the condition of the circuit.
possibly micro­processors.
Results were different for each test instrument for the
Test Light Versus Multimeter following reasons:
With probe light or multimeter. • The type of circuit being tested (ELECTRICAL)
Both multimeters and test lights may be used to check for
• The amount of current draw each test instrument
requires to operate
voltage in a circuit. Both draw current, from the circuit that • The type of circuit malfunction (high resistance)
is being tested, to operate.
Example B—Electronic Circuit
A typical multimeter (digital or analog) draws 0.05
milliamps to operate and a test light will draw 250—300 Refer to the above circuit.
milliamps during operation. This makes the current draw
of the test light 5,000 times higher than the multimeter. The air filter restriction indicator (K) will not operate with
20 ohms resistance (I) in the circuit when the air filter
Differences between the two test instruments are shown restriction switch (G) is closed (with 25 inches water
in examples "A" and "B". vacuum at the switch).
Example A—Electrical Circuit If point "J" is checked for voltage, (with air filter restriction
switch (G) closed), using a test lamp, the result would be
Refer to the above circuit. no light. The electronic module (H) could be replaced in
The headlamp (F) will not operate with 5 ohms of error.
resistance (D) in the circuit. If the headlamp is NOTE: The test light overloads the circuit because
disconnected at point "E" and is checked for voltage at the control module cannot meet the high
that point, using a multimeter, the meter would indicate current demands of the test light, thus it
battery voltage. gives a false test result.
NOTE: The meter does not draw enough current to create
a voltage drop and place a load on the circuit. This
gives a false indication of a good circuit to that point.
Continued on next page OURX949,0000250 ­19­13NOV01­1/2

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­30 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

However, if a multimeter had been used to check point • The type of circuit being tested (ELECTRONIC)
"J", it would have read correct voltage, indicating the air • The amount of current draw each test instrument
filter restriction indicator should be replaced. requires to operate
NOTE: The multimeter does not overload the circuit
• The type of circuit malfunction (high resistance)
because of its low current draw. The next step would be to check for high resistance
between the electronic module (H) and the indicator lamp
Results were different for each test instrument for the (K).
following reasons:
OURX949,0000250 ­19­13NOV01­2/2

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­31 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­015, Intermittent Electronic Problems

Volt Drop Method



+ +

RW71272 —UN—22JUN00
TO B,D,H,I,& L I

A—Component, First E—Component, Second I— Battery Ground to Frame M—Jumper Wire

B—Wire Terminal to First F— DFRW51—Electronic Circuit J— Battery
Component (A) Load Tester K—Digital Multimeter
C—Isolated Wire G—Battery Positive Terminal L— Frame Ground
D—Wire Terminal to Second H—Battery Negative Terminal
Component (E)

Checking a circuit for voltage drop is a method of 4. Connect a multimeter across battery terminals (G &
identifying high resistance in the wire. Voltage drop H). Red to positive (G) and black to negative (H).
checks on electrical circuit can be performed by using the Record baseline voltage.
electrical function as the load. 5. Move black multimeter lead to each point (I, L, B, and
D) and record voltage.
NOTE: Review Understanding Electrical vs. Electronic
Circuits, (Reference 210­15­014). NOTE: Each connection should cause a 0.1 to 0.2
voltage drop. There are five connections in
The following method is basically for checking wires the example (H, I, L, B, and D) which will
in electronic circuits but can also be used in electrical cause a total of 0.5 to 1.0 voltage difference
circuits. between H and D as compared to as compared
to the voltage across G and H.
1. Disconnect all components (A and E), from the circuit,
including diodes and resistors when possible, to 6. When the voltage drop between any two adjacent test
isolate the circuit to a single wire (C), so that the wire points is greater than 0.4 volts, there is excessive
is open at all ends. resistance in the circuit (C) between those two points.
2. Ground one end of wire (C) with a jumper wire (M) Example: G to H = 12.4 volts, G to I = 12.2 volts, G to
to the machine frame (L). L = 12.1 volts, G to B = 12.0 volts and G to D = 10.8
3. Connect DFRW51—Electronic Circuit Load Tester (F) volts would indicate high resistance between points
at wire terminal (D) and battery positive (+) terminal B and D. The minimum expected voltage between G
(G). The current draw of the test lamp is 3.8 to 4.2 and D is 11.8 volts.
amps at 12.2 to 12.6 volts.
Continued on next page OURX949,0000251 ­19­08NOV04­1/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­32 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Current Draw Method



+ G H

RW71273 —UN—08JUN00

A—Component, First E—Component, Second I— Battery Ground to Frame M—Jumper Wire

B—Wire Terminal to First F— DFRW51—Electronic Circuit J— Battery
Component (A) Load Tester K—Digital Multimeter
C—Isolated Wire G—Battery Positive Terminal L— Frame Ground
D—Wire Terminal to Second H—Battery Negative Terminal
Component (E)

This Current Draw method can be used as an alternate 3. Connect DFRW51—Electronic Circuit Load Tester (F)
method to check for excessive resistance in a circuit when at battery positive (+) terminal (G). The current draw of
the problem is intermittent and difficult to isolate. the test lamp is 3.8 to 4.2 amps at 12.2 to 12.6 volts.
4. Set multimeter (K) dial and test leads for amperage
The amount of current required for most electronic circuits test. Connect red meter lead to second lead of the test
to operate is commonly milliamps (1 ma is one thousandth lamp (F). Connect black lead to battery (­) terminal
of an amp). Sudden changes in circuit resistance can (H). Record the current (amps) after 30 seconds.
generate and send a false signal to the electronic control 5. Move black multimeter lead to terminal (D). Record
module causing intermittent operation. Digital multimeters the current (amps) and compare the current recorded
also operate on very small amounts of current. at Step 4.
When the normal voltage and resistance (ohms) checks Wire Gauge Current Draw—Specification
indicate the electronic circuit is normal, but the system 16 Gauge
fails to provide continuous, uninterrupted operation, Wire—Amperage........................................ 75 mA Max per 4.9 m (16 ft.)
loading the circuit with 3­5 amps as follows may help to 14 Gauge
isolate unwanted resistance in the circuit. Wire—Amperage........................................ 50 mA Max per 4.9 m (16 ft.)

1. Disconnect all components (A and E), from the circuit, a. If the current draw is more than specification and
including diodes and resistors when possible, to the circuit does not have diodes or resistors, there
isolate the circuit to a single wire (C), open at all ends. is excessive resistance in the circuit. Isolate the
2. Ground one end of wire (C) with a jumper wire (M) point of resistance and repair.
to the machine frame (L).

Continued on next page OURX949,0000251 ­19­08NOV04­2/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­33 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

b. If the current draw is within specification, instruct

NOTE: The resistance can be a terminal that is
another person to apply a moderate push­pull or
dirty, loose, deformed, corroded, eroded or
twisting effort along the harness and at connectors
improperly crimped. The wire may be broken
as you observe the multimeter for a change in
or contain several broken strands.
current draw.
It is difficult to determine the conductivity c. When this current draw method does not identify
of terminals when harness connectors resistance in the circuit, the harness circuit
are connected. Obtain the necessary should be considered normal and the electronic
connector terminals (pins and sockets) components should be thoroughly checked. Also
to be used as a troubleshooting tool to check for intermittent operation by performing
determine adequate frictional contact of several operational checks of the electronic system.
mating terminals on the machine.
OURX949,0000251 ­19­08NOV04­3/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­34 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­016, Relay Circuit Types

A relay is an electrical device used to allow a switch to energizes the relay and it connects a power supply to a
control multiple loads and/or large current flows without load.
damaging the switch. A small current from the switch



86 30



85 87 87A

RXA0053042 —UN—08MAY01

A—Switch C—Solenoid E—Load

B—Fuse D—Resistor F— Internal Switch

Common Relay Circuit • Terminal 85—ground circuit for switch (terminal 86)
• Terminal 30—supplied with battery power usually from • Terminal 87A—OFF position for terminal 30
a fuse (B)
• Terminal 87—ON position for terminal 30 to complete
circuit to load (E) (lights, blower motor, accessories,
• Terminal 86—supplied with battery power from a switch etc.)
(A) (Key Switch, light switch, fan switch, etc.)
Continued on next page OURX949,0000252 ­19­02JUL03­1/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­35 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References


86 30



85 87 87A

RXA0053044 —UN—08MAY01

A—Switch C—Solenoid E—Load

B—Fuse D—Resistor F— Internal Switch

When the switch (A) is closed (turned ON), battery power a magnetic field is created that pulls the relay internal
is supplied to terminal 86. The current flows through the switch (F) from terminal 87A to terminal 87. This allows
solenoid (C) inside the relay to terminal 85 and then to battery power to flow from the fuse through terminal 30 to
ground. As the current is flowing through the solenoid, terminal 87 and to the load (E).
Continued on next page OURX949,0000252 ­19­02JUL03­2/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­36 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References



86 30



85 87 87A

RXA0053042 —UN—08MAY01

A—Switch C—Solenoid E—Load

B—Fuse D—Resistor F— Internal Switch

When the switch (A) is opened (turned OFF), the battery

power stops flowing through terminal 86 to terminal 85.
• Terminal 30—supplied with battery power usually from
a fuse (B)
The solenoid (C) inside the relay loses its magnet field and
the relay internal switch (F) returns to the OFF position at
• Terminal 86—supplied with battery power from a switch
(A) (Key Switch, light switch, fan switch, etc.)
terminal 87A. The fixed resistor (D) in parallel with the
solenoid (C) helps to prevent or dampen a voltage spike
• Terminal 85—indicator light (G), ground circuit for relay
coil (terminal 86)
from happening when the circuit is broken. If a voltage
spike were to happen, control units and other electronic
• Terminal 87A—OFF position for terminal 30
components could be damaged.
• Terminal 87—ON position for terminal 30 to complete
circuit to load (E) (lights, blower motor, accessories,
Common Relay Circuit With Indicator Light etc.)
Continued on next page OURX949,0000252 ­19­02JUL03­3/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­37 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References


86 30



85 87 87A

RXA0053046 —UN—08MAY01

A—Switch C—Solenoid E—Load G—Indicator Light

B—Fuse D—Resistor F— Internal Switch

This circuit is identical to the common relay circuit, but • Terminal 30—supplied with battery power from a switch
it has an indicator light (G) added to the ground circuit (A) (Key Switch, light switch, fan switch, etc.)
(terminal 85). When the external switch (A) is closed, • Terminal 85—ground circuit for switch (terminal 86)
and current flows through relay terminals 86 and 85, the • Terminal 87A—OFF position for terminal 30
indicator light (G) will be lit to tell the operator the circuit is • Terminal 87—ON position for terminal 30 to complete
active. An indicator light may be added to any relay circuit. circuit to load (E) (lights, blower motor, accessories,
Relay Circuit With Power and Switch Terminals
• Terminal 86—supplied with battery power usually from
a fuse (B)
Continued on next page OURX949,0000252 ­19­02JUL03­4/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­38 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References



86 30



85 87 87A

RXA0053048 —UN—08MAY01

A—Switch C—Solenoid E—Load

B—Fuse D—Resistor F— Internal Switch

This relay circuit has battery power supplied to terminal 86 relay internal switch (F) is connected to terminals 30 and
continuously, flowing through the solenoid (C) to terminal 87.
85 and to ground. With the solenoid (C) energized, the
Continued on next page OURX949,0000252 ­19­02JUL03­5/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­39 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References



86 30



85 87 87A

RXA0053050 —UN—08MAY01

A—Switch C—Solenoid E—Load

B—Fuse D—Resistor F— Internal Switch

Current flows to the load (E) when the external switch (A) • Terminal 86—supplied with battery power from a switch
is closed. (A) (Key Switch, light switch, fan switch, etc.)
Common Relay Circuit With Two Loads
• Terminal 85—ground circuit for switch (terminal 86)
• Terminal 87A—ON position for terminal 30 load one (E)
• Terminal 30—supplied with battery power usually from • Terminal 87—ON position for terminal 30 load two (H)
a fuse (B)
Continued on next page OURX949,0000252 ­19­02JUL03­6/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­40 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References



86 30



85 87 87A

RXA0053051 —UN—08MAY01


A—Switch C—Solenoid E—Load H—Load 2

B—Fuse D—Resistor F— Internal Switch

This relay circuit has the external switch (A) open. Power
flows through terminal 30 to terminal 87A and to load (E).
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TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­41 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References


86 30



85 87 87A

RXA0053052 —UN—08MAY01


A—Switch C—Solenoid E—Load H—Load 2

B—Fuse D—Resistor F— Internal Switch

When the external switch (A) is closed, the relay internal • Terminal 86—supplied with battery power from a switch
switch (F) connects terminals 30 and 87 to provide power (A) (Key Switch, light switch, fan switch, etc.)
to a different load (H). • Terminal 85—circuit grounded by CCU
Turn Signal Relay Circuits
• Terminal 87A—OFF position for terminal 30
• Terminal 87—ground circuit for load (E)
• Terminal 30—supplied with battery power usually from
a fuse (B) and through a load (E) (light)
Continued on next page OURX949,0000252 ­19­02JUL03­8/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­42 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References


86 30



85 87 87A

RXA0053053 —UN—08MAY01


A—Switch C—Solenoid E—Load

B—Fuse D—Resistor F— Internal Switch

When turn signal is activated, battery power is supplied to • Terminal 85—ground circuit for switch (terminal 86)
terminal 86 through solenoid (C) to terminal 85. Terminal • Terminal 87A—power to terminal 30 of Low Beam
85 is connected to CCU which grounds the circuit Relay (I)
intermittently to flash the lights. • Terminal 87—ON position for terminal 30 to complete
circuit to high beams (E)
Multiple relay circuit: Keeping two loads from being
ON at the same time.
The headlight circuit uses two relays wired together to Low Beam Relay (I):
control the headlights. This configuration prevents both
high and low beams from being ON at the same time. This • Terminal 30—supplied with battery power from terminal
same configuration can be used in other applications. 87A of High Beam Relay (J)
• Terminal 86—supplied with battery power from HI/LO
beam switch (A)
High Beam Relay (J):
• Terminal 85—ground circuit for switch (terminal 86)
• Terminal 87A— OFF position for terminal 30
• Terminal 30—supplied with battery power from fuse (B) • Terminal 87—ON position for terminal 30 to complete
• Terminal 86—supplied with battery power from HI/LO circuit to low beams (H)
beam switch (A)
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TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­43 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References



86 30

85 87 87A

86 30

RXA0053054 —UN—08MAY01
85 87 87A



A—Switch D—Resistor H—Load 2

B—Fuse E—Load I— Low Beam Relay
C—Solenoid F— Internal Switch J— High Beam Relay

When the HI/LO beam switch (A) is in the High Beam terminal 30 of the High beam relay (J), through internal
position, battery power is supplied to terminal 86 of the relay switch (F) to terminal 87 and then to the High beam
High beam relay (J), through the solenoid (C) to terminal lights (H).
85 and then to ground. Fused power (B) is supplied to
Continued on next page OURX949,0000252 ­19­02JUL03­10/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­44 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References


86 30

85 87 87A


86 30

RXA0053055 —UN—08MAY01
85 87 87A



A—Switch D—Resistor H—Load 2

B—Fuse E—Load I— Low Beam Relay
C—Solenoid F— Internal Switch J— High Beam Relay

When the HI/LO beam switch (A) is in the LOW Beam • Terminal 86—supplied with battery power from light
position, battery power is supplied to terminal 86 of the switch (A), Field 1 or 2 position
Low beam relay (I), through the solenoid (C) to terminal • Terminal 85—ground circuit to terminal 30 of Spotlight
85 and then to ground. Fused power (B) is supplied to Ground Relay (M)
terminal 30 of the High beam relay (J), through internal • Terminal 87A— OFF position for terminal 30
relay switch (F) to terminal 87A and then to terminal 30 of • Terminal 87—ON position for terminal 30 to complete
the Low beam relay (I). Battery power flows from terminal circuit to spot light (E)
30 to terminal 87 and then to Low beam lights (E).
Multiple relay circuit: Allowing a load to be ON only
when another load is ON. Spotlight Grounding Relay (M):

The light circuit has a spot light that can only be ON when • Terminal 30—supplied with battery power from terminal
the light switch (A) is in the Field 1 or 2 position and the 85 of Spot light relay (K)
HI/LO beam switch (L) is in the HI beam position. This • Terminal 86—supplied with battery power from HI/LO
same configuration can be used in other applications. beam switch (L), High beam position
• Terminal 85—ground circuit
• Terminal 87A— OFF position for terminal 30
Spot Light Relay:
• Terminal 87— ground circuit
• Terminal 30—supplied with battery power from fuse (B)
Continued on next page OURX949,0000252 ­19­02JUL03­11/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­45 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References


86 30
HIGH 85 87 87A


86 30



RXA0053056 —UN—08MAY01

A—Switch D—Resistor K—Spotlight Relay

B—Fuse E—Load L— HI/LO Beam Switch
C—Solenoid F— Internal Switch M—Spotlight Grounding Relay

When the light switch (A) is in the Field 1 or 2 position and relay internal switch (F) to terminal 87 and then to ground.
the HI/LO beam switch (L) is in the High beam position, Battery fused (B) power flows through terminal 30 of the
battery power is supplied to terminal 86 of the spot light spot light relay (K) to terminal 87 and on to the spot light
relay (K). Current flows through the relay solenoid (C) to (E). The HI/LO beam switch (L) provides battery power
terminal 85 and on to terminal 30 of Spotlight Grounding to Spotlight Grounding relay, terminal 86 through the
relay (M). Current flows through the Spotlight Grounding solenoid (C) and on to terminal 85 and ground.
Continued on next page OURX949,0000252 ­19­02JUL03­12/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­46 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

86 30
HIGH 85 87 87A


86 30


RXA0053059 —UN—08MAY01

A—Switch D—Resistor K—Spotlight Relay

B—Fuse E—Load L— HI/LO Beam Switch
C—Solenoid F— Internal Switch M—Spotlight Grounding Relay
OURX949,0000252 ­19­02JUL03­13/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­47 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­017, Using a Digital Multimeter

It is recommended that a digital multimeter (JDG1478 or i.e.­ current measurements, diode test, continuity test,
equivalent with an analog display) be used to make the autoranging, manual ranging, and touch hold.
required electrical measurements in the diagnostics
procedures. A knowledge of the operation of the particular Digital Multimeter Tests
meter used is assumed. Current Measurements ­­For amperage readings, the
NOTE: When using multimeters, always refer to red (+) contact must also be moved to the desired terminal
operation instructions supplied by manufacturer; the on the meter.
descriptions below are specific to the JT05791. Diode Test­­The ”diode test” position can be used to
test diodes. A single tone will sound in the forward bias
The Positive test lead from the volt­ohm input of the meter direction along with a display of forward voltage drop.
should be connected to Point A and the negative test lead
from the common input of the meter should be connected Continuity Test ­­The meter also can be used to test
to Point B. continuity. If the circuit is open, there will be no tone. If
the circuit made has continuity (less than 150 ohms) a
Unless otherwise stated, all voltage measurements are continuous tone will sound.
direct current (D.C.).
Autoranging­­ The meter powers up in the autorange
In making a resistance measurement, be careful to use mode. Range is selected automatically. The digital display
the correct resistance range on the meter. Disconnect indicates the range.
appropriate connectors or turn off Key Switch, as directed
by diagnostic procedures later in this manual. Manual Ranging­­When the button in the middle of the
selector knob is pressed with the meter on, the range
Digital Display­­The digital display reads values of is selected manually. You can ”dial” through ranges by
variables measured. It is updated 2 1/2 times a second. repeatedly pressing the button. As in the autorange mode,
In normal operation the meter selects the range which will range in use will be shown in the digital display. To return
show the most accurate reading. When the value being to autorange mode, press range button for 1 second.
measured is too large for the meter to display, an ”OL” Meter will ”chirp” once and return to autorange mode.
(overload) will be shown. Position of decimal point will
change, depending upon range in use. The display also Touch Hold­­If the button in the selector is pressed and
verifies the type and size of measurement being made. held down while the meter is being turned on, and held
until the display reaches full brightness the meter is in the
Analog Display­­This is a bar graph located below the ”touch hold” mode. In touch hold, any reading which is
digital display. The analog display is updated 25 times constant for a minimum of 1/2 second and differs from the
per second. It is more responsive to help see trends previous reading by at least one bar of the analog display
developing in variable readings. The polarity indicator is will be ”captured” by the meter. A tone (beep) will sound
also part of this display. The full bar graph indicates the when the reading has been held. The operator can then
maximum reading for a scale. The arrowhead indicates remove the probes and the reading will be retained. Touch
OL. hold is always in autorange mode. Turn the selector
Selector­­The selector is the Command Dial which allows switch to ”OFF” to deactivate touch hold.
the operator to select the type of variable to be measured;
OURX949,0000253 ­19­21DEC05­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­48 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

Reference 210­15­101, Troubleshooting

Problems due to intermittent electrical failures
Unresolved Problems
NOTE: This reference is a guideline for troubleshooting NOTE: Electrical intermittent failures are usually caused
problems that still exist after standard diagnostics by harness, terminal or connector problems.
have been performed. These problems are
typically due to specific operating conditions, □ Inspect all connectors and terminals of related circuits.
intermittent failures or, in rare cases, control unit □ Inspect mechanical linkages for interference with
failures. Depending on the situation, some or harnesses or connectors.
all of the following may be important. □ Inspect harnesses for missing or improperly installed
clamps or bands. Loose harnesses that are allowed to
Problems due to specific operating conditions move too freely or harnesses that are banded too tightly
may result in worn or damaged wires.
Review all recorded codes and consult with operator □ Inspect mechanical linkages for proper operating
to determine operating and vehicle conditions when the condition.
problem occurs. Record details.
Problems due to control unit failures
□ Does code/problem occur at the same time as other
problems? NOTE: Before replacing control unit, review all tests.
□ Does code/problem occur when vehicle is warm or Control units are the least likely cause of failure!
□ Does code/problem occur during field or transport □ If all checks have been made with no problems
operation? identified, check power and ground circuits. Power
□ Does code/problem occur while performing a specific inputs must be within 1 V of battery voltage and ground
action such as shifting, turning, braking, operating circuits must be less than 1.0 ohm to the vehicle single
certain hydraulics? point ground.
□ When did code/problem first appear? Was there any □ Inspect all connectors and terminals of associated
maintenance performed recently? (If yes, inspect areas control units.
of maintenance for inadvertent damage or improper
Attempt to recreate code/problem based on conditions. If
possible, repeat operational, system, electrical, hydraulic
or mechanical checks under these conditions.
RE35951,00000B2 ­19­17MAR03­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­49 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

General References

TM2280 (11AUG09) 210­15­50 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Section 211

Page Page

Group ACU—ACU Code Diagnostics ACU 001080.03 — ACU Sensor

ACU 000158.04 — Rear PTO Switched Supply 2 Voltage High....................... 211­ACU­30
Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­ACU­1 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­30
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­ACU­1 ACU 001080.04 — ACU Sensor
ACU 000177.17 — Engine Speed Supply 2 Voltage Low........................ 211­ACU­32
Limited Due to Cold Oil ....................... 211­ACU­2 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­32
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­ACU­2 ACU 002000.09 — ECU Message
ACU 000237.02 — VIN Security Data Missing .............................................. 211­ACU­34
Conflict ................................................ 211­ACU­4 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­34
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­ACU­4 ACU 002003.09 — PTI or PTP
ACU 000237.14 — VIN Security Not Message Missing .............................. 211­ACU­36
Enabled ............................................... 211­ACU­5 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­36
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­ACU­6 ACU 002020.09 — SFA Message
ACU 000237.31 — VIN Security Missing .............................................. 211­ACU­38
Messages Missing............................... 211­ACU­7 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­38
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­ACU­7 ACU 002049.09 — CAB Message
ACU 000581.07 — Transmission Not Missing .............................................. 211­ACU­40
Responding to Command ................... 211­ACU­9 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­40
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­ACU­9 ACU 523664.02 — Speed Band 1 and
ACU 000628.02 — ACU EOL Data 2 Switches Conflict............................ 211­ACU­42
Fault .................................................. 211­ACU­12 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­42
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­12 ACU 523775.02 — Single Lever
ACU 000628.12 — ACU Control Hand Presence Switch
Programming..................................... 211­ACU­13 Circuit Fault ....................................... 211­ACU­45
ACU 000629.11 — ACU Control Unit Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­45
Fault .................................................. 211­ACU­14 ACU 523775.09 — Single Lever
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­14 Control Hand Presence Switch
ACU 000629.12 — ACU Control Unit Fault .................................................. 211­ACU­47
Fault .................................................. 211­ACU­15 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­47
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­15 ACU 523776.02 — Single Lever
ACU 000630.02 — ACU Calibration Control Transport Lock Switch
Fault/Data Invalid .............................. 211­ACU­17 Circuit Fault ....................................... 211­ACU­49
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­17 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­49
ACU 000630.13 — ACU Calibration ACU 523801.02 — Single Lever
Fault/Not Calibrated .......................... 211­ACU­18 Control Auxiliary Switch Fault ........... 211­ACU­51
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­18 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­51
ACU 000974.02 — Hand Throttle ACU 523804.02 — Single Control
Sensor Circuit Voltage Conflict.......... 211­ACU­20 Lever Lateral Detent Switch Circuit
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­20 Fault .................................................. 211­ACU­52
ACU 000974.03 — Hand Throttle Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­53
Sensor Circuit Voltage High .............. 211­ACU­22 ACU 523804.03 — Single Lever
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­22 Control Lateral Sensor Circuit
ACU 000974.04 — Hand Throttle Voltage High...................................... 211­ACU­55
Sensor Circuit Voltage Low ............... 211­ACU­24 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­55
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­24 ACU 523804.04 — Single Lever
ACU 001079.03 — ACU Sensor Control Lateral Sensor Circuit
Supply 1 Voltage High....................... 211­ACU­26 Voltage Low....................................... 211­ACU­57
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­26 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­57
ACU 001079.04 — ACU Sensor ACU 523805.02 — Single Lever
Supply 1 Voltage Low........................ 211­ACU­28 Control Fore­Aft Detent Switch
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­28 Circuit Fault ....................................... 211­ACU­59
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­59

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ACU 523805.03 — Single Lever Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­100

Control Fore­Aft Sensor Circuit ACU 523967.02 — Speed Band 2
Voltage High...................................... 211­ACU­61 Switch/Voltage Conflict.................... 211­ACU­102
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­61 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­102
ACU 523805.04 — Single Lever ACU 523968.02 — IMS Switch Circuits
Control Fore­Aft Sensor Circuit Conflict ............................................ 211­ACU­104
Voltage Low....................................... 211­ACU­63 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­104
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­64 ACU 523968.03 — IMS Switch Circuits
ACU 523923.02 — SCV I Control Voltage High.................................... 211­ACU­106
Lever Switch/Sensor Conflict ............ 211­ACU­66 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­106
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­66 ACU 523968.04 — IMS Switch Circuits
ACU 523923.03 — SCV I Control Lever Voltage Low..................................... 211­ACU­108
Sensor Circuit Voltage High .............. 211­ACU­68 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­108
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­69 ACU 524017.31 — Right Hand
ACU 523923.04 — SCV I Control Lever Reverser Power Circuit Fault ......... 211­ACU­110
Sensor Circuit Voltage Low ............... 211­ACU­71 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­110
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­71 ACU 524018.31 — RHR Neutral/Park
ACU 523953.02 — Speed Control Transition Fault................................ 211­ACU­114
Lever Sensor Circuit Conflict............. 211­ACU­73 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­114
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­74 ACU 524019.31 — RHR Transition
ACU 523953.03 — Speed Control Fault ................................................ 211­ACU­122
Lever Sensor Voltage High ............... 211­ACU­75 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­122
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­76 ACU 524020.31 — Transmission in
ACU 523953.04 — Speed Control Gear at Power Up ........................... 211­ACU­131
Lever Sensor Voltage Low ................ 211­ACU­77 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­132
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­78 ACU 524021.31 — Multiple Reverser
ACU 523954.07 — Speed Band 1 out Switches Conflict............................. 211­ACU­146
of Adjustment .................................... 211­ACU­79 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­147
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­80 ACU 524101.02 — SCV VI Control
ACU 523954.11 — Set Speed Adjuster Lever Switch/Sensor Circuit
Conflict .............................................. 211­ACU­82 Conflict ............................................ 211­ACU­161
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­82 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­162
ACU 523955.31 — Engine ACU 524101.03 — SCV VI Control
Overload............................................ 211­ACU­84 Lever Sensor Circuit Voltage
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­85 High................................................. 211­ACU­165
ACU 523958.31 — Reversing Ratio Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­165
Fault .................................................. 211­ACU­86 ACU 524101.04 — SCV VI Control
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­86 Lever Sensor Circuit Voltage
ACU 523960.17 — Operator Not Low.................................................. 211­ACU­168
Present At Low Speeds..................... 211­ACU­87 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­168
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­87 ACU 524102.02 — SCV V Control
ACU 523960.31 — Operator Lever Switch/Sensor Circuit
Not Seated During Reverser Conflict ............................................ 211­ACU­171
Command.......................................... 211­ACU­89 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­171
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­89 ACU 524102.03 — SCV V Control
ACU 523961.02 — Park Engaged Lever Sensor Circuit Voltage
While in Gear .................................... 211­ACU­91 High................................................. 211­ACU­173
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­91 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­174
ACU 523961.07 — Park Lock ACU 524102.04 — SCV V Control
Engagement Fault............................. 211­ACU­93 Lever Sensor Circuit Voltage
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­94 Low.................................................. 211­ACU­176
ACU 523962.31 — MFWD Speed Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­176
Incorrect ............................................ 211­ACU­95 ACU 524103.02 — SCV IV Control
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­96 Lever Switch/Sensor Circuit
ACU 523963.02 — Speed Band 1 Conflict ............................................ 211­ACU­178
Switch/Voltage Conflict...................... 211­ACU­97 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­179
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ACU­98 ACU 524103.03 — SCV IV Control
ACU 523966.31 — Transmission Lever Sensor Circuit Voltage
Come Home Mode .......................... 211­ACU­100 High................................................. 211­ACU­181

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Page Page

Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­181 ASU 524002.31 — Active Seat

ACU 524103.04 — SCV IV Control Pressure Control Solenoid
Lever Sensor Circuit Voltage Fault .................................................... 211­ASU­2
Low.................................................. 211­ACU­183 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­ASU­2
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­184 ASU 524003.02 — Active Seat
ACU 524104.02 — SCV III Control Firmness Control Switch Circuit
Lever Switch/Sensor Circuit Fault .................................................... 211­ASU­4
Conflict ............................................ 211­ACU­186 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­ASU­4
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­186 ASU 524004.02 — Active Seat Height
ACU 524104.03 — SCV III Control Control Switch Circuit Fault................. 211­ASU­6
Lever Sensor Circuit Voltage Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­ASU­6
High................................................. 211­ACU­188 ASU 524006.30 — Active Seat Vent
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­189 ON Too Long ....................................... 211­ASU­8
ACU 524104.04 — SCV III Control Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­ASU­8
Lever Sensor Circuit Voltage ASU 524007.30 — Active Seat
Low.................................................. 211­ACU­191 Compressor Assembly ON Too
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­191 Long .................................................. 211­ASU­10
ACU 524105.02 — SCV II Control Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ASU­10
Lever Switch/Sensor Circuit ASU 524008.13 — ASU Not
Conflict ............................................ 211­ACU­193 Calibrated...........................................211­ASU­11
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­194 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ASU­12
ACU 524105.03 — SCV II Control ASU 524010.31 — Active Seat
Lever Sensor Circuit Voltage Raise/Lower Solenoid Circuit
High................................................. 211­ACU­196 Fault .................................................. 211­ASU­13
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­196 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ASU­13
ACU 524105.04 — SCV II Control ASU 524011.03 — Active Seat
Lever Sensor Circuit Voltage Accelerometer Circuit Voltage
Low.................................................. 211­ACU­198 High................................................... 211­ASU­15
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­199 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ASU­15
ACU 524212.02 — Rear Hitch ASU 524011.04 — Active Seat
Control Lever Switch/Sensor Circuit Accelerometer Circuit Voltage
Conflict ............................................ 211­ACU­201 Low.................................................... 211­ASU­17
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­201 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ASU­17
ACU 524212.03 — Rear Hitch Control ASU 524011.08 — Active Seat
Lever Sensor Circuit Voltage Accelerometer Circuit Fault............... 211­ASU­18
High................................................. 211­ACU­204 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ASU­18
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­204 ASU 524012.03 — Active Seat Position
ACU 524212.04 — Rear Hitch Control Sensor Circuit Voltage High .............. 211­ASU­20
Lever Sensor Circuit Voltage Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ASU­20
Low.................................................. 211­ACU­207 ASU 524012.04 — Active Seat Position
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­207 Sensor Circuit Voltage Low ............... 211­ASU­22
ACU 524222.02 — Resume Switch Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ASU­22
Circuit Conflict ................................. 211­ACU­210
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­210 Group ATC—ATC Code Diagnostics
ACU 524224.02 — Rear PTO Switch ATC 000170.03 — Cab Temperature
Circuit Conflict ................................. 211­ACU­212 Sensor Circuit Voltage High ................. 211­ATC­1
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­212 Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­ATC­1
ACU 524224.14 — Rear PTO ATC 000170.04 — Cab Temperature
Disabled .......................................... 211­ACU­214 Sensor Circuit Voltage Low .................. 211­ATC­2
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­214 Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­ATC­3
ACU 524254.31 — Transmission ATC 000171.03 — Ambient
Enable Circuit Fault......................... 211­ACU­216 Temperature Sensor Circuit
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­ACU­216 Voltage High......................................... 211­ATC­4
Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­ATC­4
Group ASU—ASU Code Diagnostics ATC 000171.04 — Ambient
ASU 000629.12 — ASU Control Unit Temperature Sensor Circuit
Fault .................................................... 211­ASU­1 Voltage Low.......................................... 211­ATC­6
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­ASU­1 Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­ATC­6

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ATC 000628.12 — ATC ATC 001548.03 — Outlet Air

Programming........................................ 211­ATC­8 Temperature Sensor Circuit Voltage
ATC 000630.02 — ATC Calibration High.................................................... 211­ATC­38
Fault/Data Invalid ................................. 211­ATC­8 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­38
Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­ATC­8 ATC 001548.04 — Outlet Air
ATC 000639.14 — ATC CAN Error Temperature Sensor Circuit Voltage
Exceeded ............................................. 211­ATC­9 Low..................................................... 211­ATC­40
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­10 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­40
ATC 000871.03 — Refrigerant ATC 001549.03 — Water Valve Motor
Pressure Sensor Circuit Voltage Circuit Voltage High............................ 211­ATC­42
High.................................................... 211­ATC­11 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­42
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­11 ATC 001549.04 — Water Valve Motor
ATC 000871.04 — Refrigerant Circuit Voltage Low ............................ 211­ATC­44
Pressure Sensor Circuit Voltage Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­44
Low..................................................... 211­ATC­13 ATC 001549.07 — Water Valve Motor
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­13 Mechanical Fault ................................ 211­ATC­46
ATC 000871.13 — Refrigerant Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­46
Pressure Sensor Not ATC 001549.13 — Water Valve Motor
Calibrated........................................... 211­ATC­15 Not Calibrated .................................... 211­ATC­48
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­15 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­48
ATC 000876.10 — Excessive A/C ATC 001551.03 — Pressurizer Blower
Clutch Cycling .................................... 211­ATC­17 Motor Circuit Voltage High ................. 211­ATC­50
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­17 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­50
ATC 000876.14 — Compressor Shutoff ATC 001551.04 — Pressurizer Blower
Due to Engine Overheat..................... 211­ATC­19 Motor Circuit Voltage Low .................. 211­ATC­52
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­19 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­52
ATC 000923.03 — Circulation Blower ATC 001552.03 — Cab Temperature
Motor Circuit Voltage High ................. 211­ATC­21 Control Circuit Voltage High ............... 211­ATC­54
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­21 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­54
ATC 000923.04 — Circulation Blower ATC 001552.04 — Cab Temperature
Motor Circuit Voltage Low .................. 211­ATC­23 Control Circuit Voltage Low................ 211­ATC­55
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­23 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­56
ATC 000923.12 — Circulation Blower ATC 001553.03 — Blower Control
Motor Driver Circuit Fault ................... 211­ATC­25 Circuit Voltage High............................ 211­ATC­57
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­25 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­57
ATC 001079.03 — ATC Sensor Supply ATC 001553.04 — Blower Control
Voltage High ...................................... 211­ATC­27 Circuit Voltage Low ............................ 211­ATC­59
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­27 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­59
ATC 001079.04 — ATC Sensor Supply ATC 002000.09 — ECU Message
Voltage Low ....................................... 211­ATC­29 Missing ............................................... 211­ATC­61
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­29 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­61
ATC 001546.03 — Water Valve ATC 523848.03 — Air Flow Mode
Position Sensor Circuit Voltage Motor Circuit Voltage High ................. 211­ATC­63
High.................................................... 211­ATC­30 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­63
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­31 ATC 523848.04 — Air Flow Mode
ATC 001546.04 — Water Valve Motor Circuit Voltage Low .................. 211­ATC­66
Position Sensor Circuit Voltage Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­66
Low..................................................... 211­ATC­32 ATC 523848.05 — Air Flow Mode
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­33 Motor Circuit Current Low .................. 211­ATC­69
ATC 001547.03 — Evaporator Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­69
Temperature Sensor Circuit Voltage ATC 523848.06 — Air Flow Mode
High.................................................... 211­ATC­34 Motor Circuit Current High ................. 211­ATC­72
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­35 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­72
ATC 001547.04 — Evaporator ATC 523848.07 — Air Flow Mode
Temperature Sensor Circuit Voltage Motor Mechanical Fault...................... 211­ATC­75
Low..................................................... 211­ATC­36 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­75
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­36 ATC 523848.13 — Air Flow Mode
Motor Not Calibrated .......................... 211­ATC­77
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­77

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ATC 524202.03 — Ambient BRC 522280.13 — Secondary Brake

Temperature Sensor Circuit Pressure Not Calibrated.................... 211­BRC­27
Voltage High....................................... 211­ATC­79 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­28
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­79 BRC 523652.02 — Wire Connector
ATC524202.04 — Ambient Fault .................................................. 211­BRC­29
Temperature Sensor Circuit Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­29
Voltage Low........................................ 211­ATC­81 BRC 523837.00 — Rear Brake
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­ATC­81 Pressure High/Right Brake Pedal
conflict ............................................... 211­BRC­31
Group BRC—BRC Code Diagnostics Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­31
BRC 000158.04 — BRC Switched BRC 523837.03 — Rear Brake
Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­BRC­1 Pressure Sensor Circuit Voltage
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­BRC­1 High................................................... 211­BRC­32
BRC 000168.04 — BRC Unswitched Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­33
Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­BRC­2 BRC 523837.04 — Rear Brake
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­BRC­2 Pressure Sensor Circuit Voltage
BRC 000628.02 — BRC EOL Data Low ................................................... 211­BRC­34
Fault ................................................... 211­BRC­4 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­34
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­BRC­4 BRC 523837.13 — Rear
BRC 000629.12 — BRC Control Unit Brake Pressure Sensor Not
Fault .................................................... 211­BRC­6 Calibrated.......................................... 211­BRC­36
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­BRC­6 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­36
BRC 000630.13 — BRC Calibration BRC 523839.19 — Secondary Hand
Fault/Not Calibrated ............................ 211­BRC­8 Brake Switch Fault Message
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­BRC­8 Received ........................................... 211­BRC­37
BRC 001079.03 — BRC Sensor Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­38
Supply Voltage High............................ 211­BRC­9 BRC 523840.00 — Front Brake
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­10 Pressure High (50 km/h) ................... 211­BRC­39
BRC 001079.04 — BRC Sensor Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­39
Supply Voltage Low........................... 211­BRC­11 BRC 523840.01 — Front Brake
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­11 Pressure Low (50 km/h) .................... 211­BRC­41
BRC 002049.09 — CAB Message Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­41
Missing .............................................. 211­BRC­13 BRC 523840.03 — Front Brake
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­13 Pressure Sensor Circuit Voltage
BRC 002071.09 — CCU Message High (50 km/h) .................................. 211­BRC­43
Missing .............................................. 211­BRC­14 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­43
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­15 BRC 523840.04 — Front Brake
BRC 522279.05 — Secondary Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Voltage
Control Valve Current Low ................ 211­BRC­16 Low (50 km/h) .................................. 211­BRC­45
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­17 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­45
BRC 522279.06 — Secondary Brake BRC 523840.13 — BRC Calibration
Control Valve Current High ............... 211­BRC­18 Fault/Front Brake Pressure Sensor
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­18 (50 km/h) .......................................... 211­BRC­47
BRC 522279.13 — Secondary Brake Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­47
Control Valve Not Calibrated ............. 211­BRC­19 BRC 523841.19 — Secondary Hand
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­20 Brake Position Fault Message
BRC 522280.00 — Secondary Brake Received .......................................... 211­BRC­48
Pressure Sensor Voltage Very Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­49
High................................................... 211­BRC­21 BRC 523841.31 — Secondary Hand
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­21 Brake Position Message Missing
BRC 522280.01 — Secondary Brake .......................................................... 211­BRC­50
Sensor Voltage Very Low .................. 211­BRC­23 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­50
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­23 BRC 523844.05 — Front Brake
BRC 522280.03 — Secondary Brake Solenoid Circuit Current Low (50
Pressure Sensor Voltage High .......... 211­BRC­24 km/h) ................................................. 211­BRC­52
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­25 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­52
BRC 522280.04 — Secondary Brake BRC 523844.06 — Front Brake
Pressure Sensor Voltage Low........... 211­BRC­26 Solenoid Circuit Current High (50
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­26 km/h) ................................................ 211­BRC­54

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TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


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Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­54 CAB 002876.02 — Turn Signal Switch

BRC 523844.13 — BRC Calibration Conflict .............................................. 211­CAB­21
Fault/Front Brake Valve (50 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­21
km/h) ................................................. 211­BRC­56 CAB 523839.02 — Secondary Hand
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­56 Brake Switch Conflict ........................ 211­CAB­23
BRC 523910.02 — BRC Control Unit Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­23
Fault .................................................. 211­BRC­58 CAB 523839.13 — Secondary Hand
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­58 Brake Not Calibrated......................... 211­CAB­25
BRC 524016.04 — Brake Solenoid Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­25
Supply Voltage Low .......................... 211­BRC­59 CAB 523841.02 — Secondary Hand
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­60 Brake Position Conflict ...................... 211­CAB­26
BRC 524157.09 — Right Brake Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­26
Pedal Switch Fault Message CAB 523841.03 — Secondary Hand
Received ........................................... 211­BRC­61 Brake Sensor Voltage High ............... 211­CAB­28
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­61 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­28
BRC 524162.09 — Left Brake CAB 523841.04 — Secondary Hand
Pedal Switch Fault Message Brake Sensor Voltage Low................ 211­CAB­30
Received ........................................... 211­BRC­63 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­30
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­BRC­63 CAB 523908.02 — Rear PTO External
Switch Conflict................................... 211­CAB­32
Group CAB—CAB Code Diagnostics Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­32
CAB 000091.02 — Foot Throttle CAB 523922.31 — Secondary Hand
Sensor Circuit Voltage Conflict............ 211­CAB­1 Brake ON While Moving.................... 211­CAB­34
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­CAB­1 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­34
CAB 000091.03 — Foot Throttle CAB 524016.04 — CAB Switched
Sensor Circuit Voltage High ................ 211­CAB­2 Supply Voltage Low........................... 211­CAB­36
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­CAB­3 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­36
CAB 000091.04 — Foot Throttle CAB 524017.13 — Left­Hand Reverser
Sensor Circuit Voltage Low ................. 211­CAB­4 Lever Type Not Selected................... 211­CAB­38
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­CAB­4 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­38
CAB 000158.03 — CAB Switched CAB 524017.31 — Left­Hand Reverser
Supply Voltage High............................ 211­CAB­6 Lever Power Circuit Fault.................. 211­CAB­40
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­CAB­6 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­40
CAB 000158.04 — CAB Switched CAB 524020.31 — Left­Hand Reverser
Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­CAB­8 Lever in Gear at Power Up................ 211­CAB­42
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­CAB­8 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­42
CAB 000628.02 — CAB EOL Data CAB 524021.31 — Left­Hand Reverser
Fault ................................................. 211­CAB­10 Lever Multiple Switch Circuit
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­10 Fault .................................................. 211­CAB­44
CAB 000628.12 — CAB Programming Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­44
.......................................................... 211­CAB­12 CAB 524166.02 — Right Brake Pedal
CAB 000629.11 — CAB Control Unit Switch­Sensor Circuit Conflict........... 211­CAB­45
Fault .................................................. 211­CAB­12 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­46
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­12 CAB 524166.03 — Right Brake Pedal
CAB 000629.12 — CAB Control Unit Sensor Circuit Voltage High .............. 211­CAB­47
Fault .................................................. 211­CAB­13 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­47
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­13 CAB 524166.04 — Right Brake Pedal
CAB 001079.02 — CAB Sensor Supply Sensor Circuit Voltage Low ............... 211­CAB­49
1 Voltage Fault ................................. 211­CAB­15 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­49
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­15 CAB 524166.13 — Right Brake Pedal
CAB 001079.03 — CAB Sensor Supply Sensor Not Calibrated....................... 211­CAB­51
Voltage High ..................................... 211­CAB­16 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­51
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­17 CAB 524166.30 — Right Brake Pedal
CAB 001079.04 — CAB Sensor Supply Sensor Adjustment Fault................... 211­CAB­52
Voltage Low....................................... 211­CAB­18 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­52
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­18 CAB 524169.02 — Left Brake Pedal
CAB 001504.30 — Seat Switch Circuit Switch­Sensor Circuit Conflict........... 211­CAB­54
Fault .................................................. 211­CAB­20 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­54
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­20

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CAB 524169.03 — Left Brake Pedal CCU 001638.03 — Hydraulic Oil

Sensor Circuit Voltage High .............. 211­CAB­56 Temperature Sensor Circuit Voltage
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­56 High................................................... 211­CCU­25
CAB 524169.04 — Left Brake Pedal Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­25
Sensor Circuit Voltage Low ............... 211­CAB­58 CCU 001638.04 — Hydraulic Oil
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­58 Temperature Sensor Circuit Voltage
CAB 524169.13 — Left Brake Pedal Low.................................................... 211­CCU­27
Sensor Not Calibrated....................... 211­CAB­60 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­27
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­60 CCU 001638.16 — Hydraulic Oil
CAB 524169.30 — Left Brake Pedal Temperature High.............................. 211­CCU­29
Sensor Adjustment Fault................... 211­CAB­62 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­29
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­62 CCU 001713.00 — Hydraulic Oil Filter
CAB 524173.02 — Clutch Pedal Restricted .......................................... 211­CCU­31
Sensor Voltage Conflict..................... 211­CAB­64 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­31
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­64 CCU 001883.00 — Rear PTO
CAB 524173.03 — Clutch Pedal Over­Speed....................................... 211­CCU­33
Sensor Circuit Voltage High .............. 211­CAB­65 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­33
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­66 CCU 001883.01 — Rear PTO
CAB 524172.04 — Clutch Pedal Under­Speed..................................... 211­CCU­35
Sensor Circuit Voltage Low ............... 211­CAB­67 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­35
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CAB­67 CCU 001883.13 — Rear PTO Not
Calibrated.......................................... 211­CCU­37
Group CCU—CCU Code Diagnostics Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­37
CCU 000096.03 — Fuel Level Sensor CCU 002392.05 — Back Up Alarm
Circuit Voltage High............................. 211­CCU­1 Circuit Fault ....................................... 211­CCU­39
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­CCU­1 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­39
CCU 000096.17 — Fuel Level CCU 002602.01 — Hydraulic Oil Level
Low...................................................... 211­CCU­2 Very Low ........................................... 211­CCU­41
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­CCU­3 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­41
CCU 000237.02 — VIN Security Data CCU 002602.02 — Hydraulic Oil Level
Conflict ................................................ 211­CCU­4 Sensor Fault...................................... 211­CCU­43
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­CCU­4 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­43
CCU 000237.14 — VIN Security Not CCU 002602.18 — Hydraulic Oil Level
Enabled ............................................... 211­CCU­7 Low.................................................... 211­CCU­45
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­CCU­7 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­45
CCU 000237.31 — VIN Security CCU 522260.02 — Wheel Speed
Messages Missing............................... 211­CCU­9 Sensors Mismatch............................. 211­CCU­47
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­CCU­9 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­47
CCU 000567.05 — Front Differential CCU 522384.14 — 4R/5R PTO
Lock Solenoid Circuit Fault ............... 211­CCU­12 Inhibit................................................. 211­CCU­49
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­12 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­50
CCU 000569.05 — Rear Differential CCU 523698.09 — AMS Display
Lock Solenoid Circuit Fault ............... 211­CCU­13 Message Missing .............................. 211­CCU­51
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­13 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­51
CCU 000630.14 — Rear PTO CCU 523749.16 — PTO Clutch
Configuration Invalid ......................... 211­CCU­15 Slipping Too Long.............................. 211­CCU­53
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­15 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­53
CCU 001079.03 — CCU Sensor CCU 523851.02 — IMS Disabled Due
Supply Voltage High.......................... 211­CCU­17 to HCU .............................................. 211­CCU­55
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­17 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­55
CCU 001079.04 — CCU Sensor CCU 523916.00 — Hydraulic Oil Filter
Supply Voltage Low........................... 211­CCU­19 Restriction Sensor Bypassed Under
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­19 1500 RPM ......................................... 211­CCU­57
CCU 001086.18 — Air Brake Pressure Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­57
Low.................................................... 211­CCU­21 CCU 523916.03 — Hydraulic Oil Filter
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­21 Restriction Sensor Circuit Voltage
CCU 001638.00 — Hydraulic Oil High................................................... 211­CCU­59
Temperature Very High ..................... 211­CCU­23 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­59
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­23

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CCU 523916.04 — Hydraulic Oil Filter CLC 000629.11 — CLC Control Unit
Restriction Sensor Circuit Voltage Fault ...................................................211­CLC­10
Low.................................................... 211­CCU­61 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­10
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­61 CLC 000629.12 — CLC Control Unit
CCU 523916.15 — Hydraulic Oil Filter Fault ................................................... 211­CLC­11
Restricted .......................................... 211­CCU­63 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­12
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­63 CLC 001079.03 — CLC Sensor Supply
CCU 523916.16 — Hydraulic Oil Filter Voltage High.......................................211­CLC­13
Restriction Sensor Bypassed Over Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­13
1500 RPM ......................................... 211­CCU­65 CLC 001079.04 — CLC Sensor Supply
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­65 Voltage Low........................................211­CLC­15
CCU 524016.04 — CCU Switched Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­15
Supply Voltage Low........................... 211­CCU­67 CLC 002050.06 — CLC Circuit Current
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­67 High....................................................211­CLC­16
CCU 524223.03 — Differential Lock Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­17
Switch Circuit Voltage High ............... 211­CCU­69 CLC 002360.05 — Rear Fender Flood
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­69 Lights Circuit Current Low..................211­CLC­18
CCU 524224.02 — Rear PTO Switch Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­18
Voltage Mismatch.............................. 211­CCU­71 CLC 002360.06 — Rear Fender Flood
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­71 Lights Circuit Current High .................211­CLC­20
CCU 524224.14 — Rear PTO Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­21
Disabled ............................................ 211­CCU­73 CLC 002362.05 — Rear Roof Flood
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­73 Lights Circuit Current Low..................211­CLC­23
CCU 524235.05 — MFWD Solenoid Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­23
Circuit Fault ....................................... 211­CCU­76 CLC 002362.06 — Rear Roof Flood
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­76 Lights Circuit Current High .................211­CLC­25
CCU 524236.31 — MFWD Switch/IMS Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­26
Conflict .............................................. 211­CCU­78 CLC 002364.05 — Mid­Body Flood
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­78 Lights Circuit Current Low..................211­CLC­28
CCU 524251.31 — Operator Not Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­28
Present With Rear PTO On............... 211­CCU­79 CLC 002364.06 — Mid­Body Flood
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­80 Lights Circuit Current High .................211­CLC­30
CCU 524252.05 — Rear PTO Solenoid Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­31
Circuit Fault ....................................... 211­CCU­81 CLC 002366.05 — Side Roof Flood
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­82 Lights Circuit Current Low..................211­CLC­33
CCU 524255.31 — Rear PTO Remote Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­33
Enabled ............................................. 211­CCU­83 CLC 002366.06 — Side Roof Flood
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­CCU­83 Lights Circuit Current High .................211­CLC­35
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­36
Group CLC—CLC Code Diagnostics CLC 002368.05 — Left Turn Signal
CLC 000158.00 — CLC Switched Lights / Brake Lights Circuit Current
Supply Voltage High.............................211­CLC­1 Low.....................................................211­CLC­38
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­CLC­1 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­38
CLC 000158.01 — CLC Switched CLC 002368.06 — Left Turn Signal
Supply Voltage Low..............................211­CLC­2 Lights / Brake Lights Circuit Current
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­CLC­3 High....................................................211­CLC­40
CLC 000158.17 — CLC Switched Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­41
Supply Voltage Low With Engine CLC 002370.05 — Right Turn Signal
OFF ......................................................211­CLC­4 Lights Circuit Current Low..................211­CLC­43
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­CLC­5 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­43
CLC 000158.18 — CLC Switched CLC 002370.06 — Right Turn Signal
Supply Voltage Low With Engine Lights Circuit Current High .................211­CLC­45
Below 1500 RPM .................................211­CLC­7 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­46
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­CLC­7 CLC 002372.05 — Brake Lights Circuit
CLC 000628.02 — CLC EOL Data Current Low........................................211­CLC­48
Fault .....................................................211­CLC­8 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­48
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­CLC­9 CLC 002372.06 — Brake Lights Circuit
CLC 000628.12 — CLC Current High.......................................211­CLC­50
Programming......................................211­CLC­10 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­50

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TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


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CLC 002378.05 — Tail Lights Circuit CLC 524259.00 — CLC Temperature

Current Low........................................211­CLC­51 Above 115 Degrees Celsius ...............211­CLC­86
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­52 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­86
CLC 002378.06 — Tail Lights Circuit CLC 524259.15 — CLC Temperature
Current High.......................................211­CLC­53 Above 100 Degrees Celsius...............211­CLC­88
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­54 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­88
CLC 002394.06 — Trailer Flood Light CLC 524259.16 — CLC Temperature
Circuit Current High............................211­CLC­55 Above 85 Degrees Celsius.................211­CLC­90
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­56 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­90
CLC 002863.02 — Front Wiper Switch
Circuit Fault ........................................211­CLC­57 Group ECU—ECU Code Diagnostics
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­58 ECU 000094.03 — Low Pressure Fuel
CLC 002865 .02 — Rear Wiper Switch Signal Out of Range High ................... 211­ECU­1
Circuit Fault ........................................211­CLC­59 ECU 000094.04 — Low Pressure Fuel
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­60 Signal Out of Range Low .................... 211­ECU­1
CLC 002872.02 — Road Light Switch ECU 000094.17 — Fuel Transfer Pump
Circuit Fault ........................................211­CLC­61 Pressure Low Least Severe ................ 211­ECU­1
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­61 ECU 000097.03 — Water­in­Fuel
CLC 522310.05 — ELX Output 1 Signal Out of Range High ................... 211­ECU­1
Circuit Current Low ............................211­CLC­63 ECU 000097.04 — Water­in­Fuel
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­64 Signal Out of Range Low .................... 211­ECU­1
CLC 522310.06 — ELX Output 1 ECU 000097.16 — Water In Fuel
Circuit Current High............................211­CLC­65 Detected.............................................. 211­ECU­1
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­65 ECU 000100.01 — Engine Oil Pressure
CLC 522433.05 — Rear Wiper Motor Signal Extremely Low.......................... 211­ECU­2
Circuit Current Low ............................211­CLC­67 ECU 000100.18 — Engine Oil Pressure
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­67 Signal Moderately Low........................ 211­ECU­2
CLC 522433.06 — Rear Wiper Motor ECU 000100.31 — Engine Oil Pressure
Circuit Current High............................211­CLC­69 Invalid.................................................. 211­ECU­2
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­69 ECU 000102.02 — Intake Manifold
CLC 522434.05 — Front Wiper Pressure Signal Invalid ....................... 211­ECU­2
Motor Low Speed Circuit Current ECU 000102.03 — Intake Manifold
Low.....................................................211­CLC­70 Pressure Signal Out of Range
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­71 High..................................................... 211­ECU­2
CLC 522434.06 — Front Wiper ECU 000102.04 — Intake Manifold
Motor Low Speed Circuit Current Pressure Signal Out of Range Low
High....................................................211­CLC­72 ............................................................ 211­ECU­2
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­72 ECU 000103.00 — Turbo Speed Signal
CLC 522435.05 — Front Wiper Extremely High.................................... 211­ECU­3
Motor High Speed Circuit Current ECU 000103.05 — Turbo Speed
Low.....................................................211­CLC­74 Sensor Circuit Has High
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­74 Resistance .......................................... 211­ECU­3
CLC 522435.06 — Front Wiper ECU 000103.08 — Turbocharger
Motor High Speed Circuit Current Speed Signal Invalid ........................... 211­ECU­3
High....................................................211­CLC­76 ECU 000103.31 — Turbocharger
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­76 Speed Signal Missing.......................... 211­ECU­3
CLC 523907.02 — Rear PTO ECU 000105.00 — Intake Manifold
Preselector Switch Conflict ................211­CLC­78 Air Temperature Signal Extremely
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­78 High..................................................... 211­ECU­3
CLC 524016.06 — CAN Wake­Up ECU 000105.03 — Intake Manifold Air
Circuit Current High............................211­CLC­80 Temperature Signal Out of Range
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­80 High..................................................... 211­ECU­3
CLC 524035.02 — IVT Selector Circuit ECU 000105.04 — Intake Manifold Air
Fault ...................................................211­CLC­82 Temperature Signal Out of Range
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­82 Low...................................................... 211­ECU­4
CLC 524037.02 — Auto Mode And ECU 000105.15 — Intake Manifold
Brake Assist Mode High.....................211­CLC­84 Air Temperature Signal Slightly
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­CLC­84 High..................................................... 211­ECU­4

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ECU 000105.16 — Intake Manifold ECU 000412.03 — EGR Temperature

Air Temperature Signal Moderately Signal Out of Range High ................. 211­ECU­14
High..................................................... 211­ECU­4 ECU 000412.04 — EGR Temperature
ECU 000107.00 — Air Filter Pressure Signal Out of Range Low .................. 211­ECU­14
Differential Extremely High.................. 211­ECU­4 ECU 000412.15 — EGR Temperature
ECU 000108.02 — Barometric Signal Slightly High ........................... 211­ECU­14
Pressure Signal Invalid ....................... 211­ECU­4 ECU 000412.16 — EGR Temperature
ECU 000110.00 — Engine Coolant Signal Moderately High ..................... 211­ECU­14
Temperature Signal Extremely ECU 000611.03 — Injector Shorted to
High..................................................... 211­ECU­4 Power ................................................ 211­ECU­14
ECU 000110.03 — Engine Coolant ECU 000611.04 — Injector Shorted to
Temperature Signal Out of Range Ground .............................................. 211­ECU­14
High..................................................... 211­ECU­5 ECU 000627.01 — Electronic Injector
ECU 000110.04 — Engine Coolant Supply Voltage Problem.................... 211­ECU­15
Temperature Signal Out of Range ECU 000629.13 — ECU Error............... 211­ECU­15
Low...................................................... 211­ECU­5 ECU 000636.02 — Engine Position
ECU 000110.15 — Engine Coolant Sensor Signal Invalid ........................ 211­ECU­15
Temperature Signal Slightly ECU 000636.05 — Engine Position
High..................................................... 211­ECU­5 Sensor Circuit Has High
ECU 000110.16 — Engine Coolant Resistance ........................................ 211­ECU­15
Temperature Signal Moderately ECU 000636.06 — Engine
High..................................................... 211­ECU­5 Position Sensor Circuit Has
ECU 000110.17 — Engine Coolant Low Resistance................................. 211­ECU­15
Temperature Signal Slightly ECU 000636.08 — Engine Position
Low...................................................... 211­ECU­5 Sensor Signal Missing....................... 211­ECU­15
ECU 000157.03 — Fuel Rail Pressure ECU 000636.10 — Engine
Signal Out of Range High ................... 211­ECU­5 Position Signal Rate of Change
ECU 000157.04 — Fuel Rail Pressure Abnormal........................................... 211­ECU­16
Signal Out of Range Low .................... 211­ECU­6 ECU 000637.02 — Engine Timing
ECU 000157.10 — Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Signal Invalid ........................ 211­ECU­16
Rate of Change Abnormal................... 211­ECU­6 ECU 000637.05 — Engine Timing
ECU 000157.17 — Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Has High
Not Developed .................................... 211­ECU­6 Resistance ........................................ 211­ECU­16
ECU 000158.17 — ECU Power Down ECU 000637.06 — Engine
Error .................................................... 211­ECU­6 Timing Sensor Circuit Has Low
ECU 000174.00 — Fuel Temperature Resistance ........................................ 211­ECU­16
Signal Extremely High......................... 211­ECU­6 ECU 000637.07 — Engine Timing and
ECU 000174.03 — Fuel Temperature Position Signals Out of Sync............. 211­ECU­16
Signal Out of Range High ................... 211­ECU­6 ECU 000637.08 — Engine Timing
ECU 000174.04 — Fuel Temperature Sensor Signal Missing....................... 211­ECU­16
Signal Out of Range Low .................... 211­ECU­7 ECU 000637.10 — Crank Position
ECU 000174.16 — Fuel Temperature Input Pattern Error............................. 211­ECU­17
Signal Moderately High ....................... 211­ECU­7 ECU 000641.04 — Turbo Actuator
ECU 000189.00 — Engine Speed Error .................................................. 211­ECU­17
Derate Condition Exists....................... 211­ECU­7 ECU 000641.12 — ECU/Turbo
ECU 000190.00 — Engine Speed Actuator Communication
Extremely High.................................... 211­ECU­7 Error .................................................. 211­ECU­17
ECU 000237.02 — VIN Security Data ECU 000641.13 — Turbo Actuator
Invalid.................................................. 211­ECU­7 Learned Value Error .......................... 211­ECU­17
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­ECU­8 ECU 000641.16 — Turbo Actuator
ECU 000237.13 — VIN Option Code Temperature Moderately High........... 211­ECU­17
Security Data Conflict........................ 211­ECU­10 ECU 000647.05 — Fan Drive Output 1
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ECU­10 Shorted or Open................................ 211­ECU­17
ECU 000237.31 — VIN Security Data ECU 000647.07 — Fan Drive Output 2
Missing .............................................. 211­ECU­12 Shorted or Open................................ 211­ECU­18
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ECU­12 ECU 000651.02 — Injector #1 Part #
ECU 000412.00 — EGR Temperature Data Invalid ....................................... 211­ECU­18
Signal Extremely High....................... 211­ECU­13 ECU 000651.05 — Injector #1 Circuit
Has High Resistance......................... 211­ECU­18

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ECU 000651.06 — Injector #1 Circuit ECU 001075.12 — Low Pressure Fuel

Has Low Resistance ......................... 211­ECU­18 Pump Error Detected ........................ 211­ECU­23
ECU 000651.07 — Injector #1 Not ECU 001110.31 — Engine Protection
Responding ....................................... 211­ECU­18 Shutdown .......................................... 211­ECU­23
ECU 000651.13 — Injector #1 ECU 001136.00 — ECU Temperature
Calibration Fault ................................ 211­ECU­18 Signal Extremely High....................... 211­ECU­23
ECU 000652.02 — Injector #2 Part # ECU 001136.16 — ECU Temperature
Data Invalid ....................................... 211­ECU­19 Signal Moderately High ..................... 211­ECU­23
ECU 000652.05 — Injector #2 Circuit ECU 001172.03 — Compressor Inlet
Has High Resistance......................... 211­ECU­19 Temperature Signal Out of Range
ECU 000652.06 — Injector #2 Circuit High................................................... 211­ECU­24
Has Low Resistance ......................... 211­ECU­19 ECU 001172.04 — Compressor Inlet
ECU 000652.07 — Injector #2 Not Temperature Signal Out of Range
Responding ....................................... 211­ECU­19 Low.................................................... 211­ECU­24
ECU 000652.13 — Injector #2 ECU 001180.00 — Turbine Inlet
Calibration Fault ................................ 211­ECU­19 Temperature Signal Extremely
ECU 000653.02 — Injector #3 Part # High................................................... 211­ECU­24
Data Invalid ....................................... 211­ECU­19 ECU 001180.16 — Turbine Inlet
ECU 000653.05 — Injector #3 Circuit Temperature Signal Moderately
Has High Resistance......................... 211­ECU­20 High................................................... 211­ECU­24
ECU 000653.06 — Injector #3 Circuit ECU 001347.03 — High Pressure Fuel
Has Low Resistance ......................... 211­ECU­20 Pump Control Valve Signal Out of
ECU 000653.07 — Injector #3 Not Range High ....................................... 211­ECU­24
Responding ....................................... 211­ECU­20 ECU 001347.05 — High Pressure Fuel
ECU 000653.13 — Injector #3 Pump Solenoid #1 Circuit Has High
Calibration Fault ................................ 211­ECU­20 Resistance ........................................ 211­ECU­24
ECU 000654.02 — Injector #4 Part # ECU 001347.07 — High Pressure Fuel
Data Invalid ....................................... 211­ECU­20 Pump Not Able to Meet Required
ECU 000654.05 — Injector #4 Circuit Rail Pressure..................................... 211­ECU­25
Has High Resistance......................... 211­ECU­20 ECU 001568.02 — Torque Curve
ECU 000654.06 — Injector #4 Circuit Selection Error .................................. 211­ECU­25
Has Low Resistance ......................... 211­ECU­21 ECU 001569.31 — Engine in Derate
ECU 000654.07 — Injector #4 Not Condition ........................................... 211­ECU­25
Responding ....................................... 211­ECU­21 ECU 001639.01 — Fan Speed Signal
ECU 000654.13 — Injector #4 Extremely Low................................... 211­ECU­25
Calibration Fault ................................ 211­ECU­21 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ECU­25
ECU 000655.02 — Injector #5 Part # ECU 001639.16 — Fan Speed Signal
Data Invalid ....................................... 211­ECU­21 Moderately High ................................ 211­ECU­28
ECU 000655.05 — Injector #5 Circuit Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ECU­28
Has High Resistance......................... 211­ECU­21 ECU 001639.18 — Fan Speed Signal
ECU 000655.06 — Injector #5 Circuit Moderately Low................................. 211­ECU­31
Has Low Resistance ......................... 211­ECU­21 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ECU­31
ECU 000655.07 — Injector #5 Not ECU 002005.09 — ACU Message
Responding ....................................... 211­ECU­22 Missing .............................................. 211­ECU­35
ECU 000655.13 — Injector #5 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ECU­35
Calibration Fault ................................ 211­ECU­22 ECU 002005.14 — Communication
ECU 000656.02 — Injector #6 Part # Error ................................................. 211­ECU­36
Data Invalid ....................................... 211­ECU­22 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ECU­36
ECU 000656.05 — Injector #6 Circuit ECU 002005.19 — Communication
Has High Resistance......................... 211­ECU­22 Error ................................................. 211­ECU­38
ECU 000656.06 — Injector #6 Circuit Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ECU­38
Has Low Resistance ......................... 211­ECU­22 ECU 002030.09 — VLC Message
ECU 000656.07 — Injector #6 Not Missing .............................................. 211­ECU­39
Responding ....................................... 211­ECU­22 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ECU­40
ECU 000656.13 — Injector #6 ECU 002071.09 — CCU Message
Calibration Fault ................................ 211­ECU­23 Missing .............................................. 211­ECU­42
ECU 001075.05 — Low Pressure Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­ECU­42
Fuel Pump Circuit Has High
Resistance ........................................ 211­ECU­23

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ECU 002630.00 — Charge Air ECU 003513.04 — Sensor Supply #5

Cooler Outlet Temperature Signal Voltage Out of Range Low ................ 211­ECU­48
Extremely High.................................. 211­ECU­43
ECU 002630.03 — Charge Air Group HCC—HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Cooler Outlet Temperature Signal HCC 000158.04 — HCC Switched
Extremely High.................................. 211­ECU­43 Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­HCC­1
ECU 002630.04 — Charge Air Cooler Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCC­1
Outlet Temperature Signal Out of HCC 000168.04 — HCC Unswitched
Range Low ........................................ 211­ECU­44 Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­HCC­1
ECU 002630.15 — Charge Air Cooler Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCC­1
Outlet Temperature Signal Slightly HCC 000190.02 — Rear Hitch
High................................................... 211­ECU­44 Calibration Fault/Engine Speed
ECU 002630.16 — Charge Air Low...................................................... 211­HCC­2
Cooler Outlet Temperature Signal Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCC­2
Moderately High ................................ 211­ECU­44 HCC 000629.12 — HCC Control Unit
ECU 002659.02 — EGR Mass Flow Fault .................................................... 211­HCC­3
Rate Data Invalid............................... 211­ECU­44 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCC­3
ECU 002659.15 — EGR Mass Flow HCC 000630.13 — HCC Calibration
Rate Data Slightly High ..................... 211­ECU­44 Fault/Not Calibrated ............................ 211­HCC­4
ECU 002659.17 — EGR Mass Flow Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCC­4
Rate Data Slightly Low...................... 211­ECU­44 HCC 001079.03 — HCC Sensor
ECU 002790.16 — Calculated Turbine Supply Voltage High............................ 211­HCC­4
Outlet Temperature Moderately Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCC­4
High................................................... 211­ECU­45 HCC 001079.04 — HCC Sensor
ECU 002791.02 — EGR Valve Position Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­HCC­5
Signal Invalid..................................... 211­ECU­45 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCC­5
ECU 002791.03 — EGR Valve Position HCC 001638.02 — HCC Calibration
Signal Out of Range High ................. 211­ECU­45 Fault/Hydraulic Oil Temperature
ECU 002791.04 — EGR Valve Position Low...................................................... 211­HCC­6
Signal Out of Range Low .................. 211­ECU­45 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCC­6
ECU 002791.07 — EGR Valve Not HCC 001873.02 — Rear Hitch Position
Reaching Expected Position ............. 211­ECU­45 Sensor Circuit Voltage Fault................ 211­HCC­7
ECU 002791.13 — EGR Valve Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCC­7
Calibration Change Error .................. 211­ECU­45 HCC 001873.03 — Rear Hitch Position
ECU 002791.14 — EGR Valve Sensor Circuit Voltage High ................ 211­HCC­8
Shutdown .......................................... 211­ECU­46 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCC­8
ECU 002791.31 — EGR Valve HCC 001873.04 — Rear Hitch Position
Calibration Change Over a Long Sensor Circuit Voltage Low ................. 211­HCC­8
Time .................................................. 211­ECU­46 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCC­8
ECU 002795.07 — VGT Actuator Not HCC 001873.11 — Rear Hitch Position
Reaching Expected Position ............. 211­ECU­46 Restricted During Calibration .............. 211­HCC­9
ECU 003509.03 — Sensor Supply #1 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCC­9
Voltage Out of Range High ............... 211­ECU­46 HCC 001873.13 — HCC Calibration
ECU 003509.04 — Sensor Supply #1 Fault/Rear Hitch Position Sensor
Voltage Out of Range Low ................ 211­ECU­46 Circuit ................................................ 211­HCC­10
ECU 003510.03 — Sensor Supply #2 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­10
Voltage Out of Range High ............... 211­ECU­46 HCC 001881.03 — Rear Hitch Draft
ECU 003510.04 — Sensor Supply #2 Sensor Circuit Voltage High .............. 211­HCC­10
Voltage Out of Range Low ................ 211­ECU­47 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­10
ECU 003511.03 — Sensor Supply #3 HCC 001881.04 — Rear Hitch Draft
Voltage Out of Range High ............... 211­ECU­47 Sensor Circuit Voltage Low ............... 211­HCC­11
ECU 003511.04 — Sensor Supply #3 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­11
Voltage Out of Range Low ................ 211­ECU­47 HCC 001881.13 — HCC Calibration
ECU 003512.03 — Sensor Supply #4 Fault/Rear Hitch Draft Sensor
Voltage Out of Range High ............... 211­ECU­47 Circuit ................................................ 211­HCC­12
ECU 003512.04 — Sensor Supply #4 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­12
Voltage Out of Range Low ................ 211­ECU­47 HCC 002005.09 — ACU Message
ECU 003513.03 — Sensor Supply #5 Missing .............................................. 211­HCC­13
Voltage Out of Range High ............... 211­ECU­47 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­13

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HCC 002071.09 — CCU Message Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCU­3

Missing .............................................. 211­HCC­13 HCU 000190.02 — Rear Hitch
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­13 Calibration Fault/Engine Speed
HCC 002152.09 — HV I Message Low...................................................... 211­HCU­5
Missing .............................................. 211­HCC­14 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCU­5
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­14 HCU 000629.12 — HCU Control Unit
HCC 002602.18 — Hydraulic Oil Level Fault .................................................... 211­HCU­7
Low.................................................... 211­HCC­15 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCU­7
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­15 HCU 000630.13 — HCU Calibration
HCC 521000.02 — Rear Hitch External Fault/Not Calibrated ............................ 211­HCU­9
Switch Circuit Fault ........................... 211­HCC­16 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCU­9
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­16 HCU 001079.03 — HCU Sensor
HCC 521000.31 — Rear Hitch External Supply Voltage High.......................... 211­HCU­11
Switch Circuit Conflict ....................... 211­HCC­17 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­11
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­17 HCU 001079.04 — HCU Sensor
HCC 521001.02 — HCC Calibration Supply Voltage Low........................... 211­HCU­13
Fault/Rear Hitch Pressure Valve Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­13
Gain................................................... 211­HCC­17 HCU 001638.02 — HCU Calibration
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­17 Fault/Hydraulic Oil Temperature
HCC 523652.02 — Wire Connector Low.................................................... 211­HCU­15
Fault/Incompatible Harness Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­15
Location............................................. 211­HCC­18 HCU 001873.02 — Rear Hitch Position
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­18 Sensor Voltage Fault......................... 211­HCU­16
HCC 523788.02 — Hydraulic Option Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­16
Configuration Changed Since HCU 001873.03 — Rear Hitch Position
Power­up........................................... 211­HCC­19 Sensor Circuit Voltage High .............. 211­HCU­18
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­19 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­18
HCC 523788.14 — Hydraulic HCU 001873.04 — Rear Hitch Position
Option Configuration Change Not Sensor Circuit Voltage Low ............... 211­HCU­20
Allowed.............................................. 211­HCC­19 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­20
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­20 HCU 001873.11 — Rear Hitch Position
HCC 523910.02 — HCC Control Unit Sensor Fault...................................... 211­HCU­22
Fault .................................................. 211­HCC­20 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­22
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­20 HCU 001873.13 — HCU Calibration
HCC 523950.13 — Rear Hitch Fault/Rear Hitch Position Sensor
Calibration not Performed Circuit ................................................ 211­HCU­25
Correctly............................................ 211­HCC­21 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­25
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­21 HCU 001881.03 — Rear Hitch Draft
HCC 523952.31 — Rear Hitch Sensor Circuit Voltage High .............. 211­HCU­27
Disabled/HCC Configuration ............. 211­HCC­21 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­27
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­22 HCU 001881.04 — Rear Hitch Draft
HCC 524016.04 — HCC Switched Sensor Circuit Voltage Low ............... 211­HCU­29
Supply Voltage Low/Rear Hitch Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­29
Solenoids .......................................... 211­HCC­22 HCU 001881.13 — HCU Calibration
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­22 Fault/Rear Hitch Draft Sensor
HCC 524212.19 — Rear Hitch Circuit ................................................ 211­HCU­31
Control Lever Fault Message Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­31
Received ........................................... 211­HCC­23 HCU 002005.09 — ACU Message
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­23 Missing .............................................. 211­HCU­33
HCC 524212.31 — Rear Hitch Lever Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­33
Command Missing ............................ 211­HCC­24 HCU 002071.09 — PTI or PTP
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCC­25 Message Missing .............................. 211­HCU­34
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­34
Group HCU—HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999) HCU 002602.18 — Hydraulic Oil Level
HCU 000158.04 — HCU Switched Low.................................................... 211­HCU­36
Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­HCU­1 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­36
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­HCU­1 HCU 521000.02 — Rear Hitch External
HCU 000168.04 — HCU Unswitched Switch Circuit Fault ........................... 211­HCU­39
Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­HCU­3 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­39

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HCU 521000.31 — Rear Hitch External HCU 523952.31 — Rear Hitch

Switch Circuit Fault ........................... 211­HCU­42 Disabled/HCU Configuration ............. 211­HCU­96
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­42 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­96
HCU 521001.02 — HCU Calibration HCU 524016.04 — HCU Switched
Fault/Rear Hitch Pressure Valve Supply Voltage Low/Rear Hitch
Gain................................................... 211­HCU­45 Solenoids .......................................... 211­HCU­98
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­45 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­98
HCU 521001.05 — Rear Hitch HCU 524212.19 — Rear Hitch
Pressure Solenoid Current Control Lever Fault Message
Low.................................................... 211­HCU­47 Received ......................................... 211­HCU­100
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­47 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­HCU­100
HCU 521001.06 — Rear Hitch HCU 524212.31 — Rear Hitch Lever
Pressure Solenoid Current Command Missing .......................... 211­HCU­103
High................................................... 211­HCU­51 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­HCU­103
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­51
HCU 521001.07 — HCU Calibration Group HVI—HV I Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Fault/Rear Hitch Pressure HV I 000158.03 — HV I Switched
Valve ................................................. 211­HCU­55 Supply Voltage High..............................211­HVI­1
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­55 Code Diagnosis .........................................211­HVI­1
HCU 521001.11 — HCU Calibration HV I 000158.04 — HV I Switched
Fault/Rear Hitch Pressure Supply Voltage Low...............................211­HVI­1
Valve ................................................. 211­HCU­59 Code Diagnosis .........................................211­HVI­1
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­59 HV I 002035.09 — HCC Message
HCU 521001.13 — HCU Calibration Missing ..................................................211­HVI­2
Fault/Rear Hitch Pressure Code Diagnosis .........................................211­HVI­2
Valve ................................................. 211­HCU­63 HV I 004084.07 — HV I Not in FLOAT
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­63 Position .................................................211­HVI­3
HCU 521002.05 — Rear Hitch Return Code Diagnosis .........................................211­HVI­3
Solenoid Current Low........................ 211­HCU­67 HV I 004084.16 — HV I Overshot
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­67 Commanded Position............................211­HVI­4
HCU 521002.06 — Rear Hitch Return Code Diagnosis .........................................211­HVI­4
Solenoid Current High....................... 211­HCU­71 HV I 004084.18 — HV I Failed to
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­71 Reach Commanded Position ................211­HVI­5
HCU 521002.07 — HCU Calibration Code Diagnosis .........................................211­HVI­5
Fault/Rear Hitch Return Valve........... 211­HCU­74 HV I 004085.07 — HV I Not in
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­74 NEUTRAL Position................................211­HVI­6
HCU 521002.11 — HCU Calibration Code Diagnosis .........................................211­HVI­6
Fault/Rear Hitch Return Valve........... 211­HCU­78 HV I 004085.12 — HV I Control Unit
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­78 Fault ......................................................211­HVI­7
HCU 521002.13 — HCU Calibration Code Diagnosis .........................................211­HVI­7
Fault/Rear Hitch Return Valve........... 211­HCU­82
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­82 Group ICU—ICU Code Diagnostics
HCU 523652.02 — Wire Connector ICU 000237.02 — ICU VIN Security
Fault .................................................. 211­HCU­86 Data Conflict..........................................211­ICU­1
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­86 Code Diagnosis .........................................211­ICU­1
HCU 523788.02 — Hydraulic Option ICU 000237.14 — ICU VIN Security
Configuration Changed Since Not Enabled ..........................................211­ICU­3
Power­up........................................... 211­HCU­88 Code Diagnosis .........................................211­ICU­3
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­88 ICU 000237.31 — ICU VIN Security
HCU 523788.14 — Hydraulic Messages Missing.................................211­ICU­5
Option Configuration Change Not Code Diagnosis .........................................211­ICU­5
Allowed.............................................. 211­HCU­90 ICU 000251.12 — ICU Clock
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­90 Fault ......................................................211­ICU­6
HCU 523910.02 — HCU Control Unit Code Diagnosis .........................................211­ICU­7
Fault .................................................. 211­HCU­92 ICU 000628.12 — ICU
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­92 Programming.........................................211­ICU­8
HCU 523950.13 — Hitch Calibration ICU 000629.09 — CPT Message
Purge Counting Fault ........................ 211­HCU­93 Missing ..................................................211­ICU­8
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­HCU­93 Code Diagnosis .........................................211­ICU­8

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ICU 000629.12 — ICU Control Unit Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­47

Fault ....................................................211­ICU­10 ICU 002240.09 — TEC Message
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­10 Missing ................................................211­ICU­49
ICU 000630.02 — ICU Calibration Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­49
Fault/Data Invalid ................................211­ICU­12 ICU 002255.09 — CAN Bus Fault ...........211­ICU­51
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­12 Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­51
ICU 002000.09 — ECU Message ICU 523791.14 — ICU Engine Starting
Missing ................................................211­ICU­13 Aid Countdown....................................211­ICU­53
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­13 ICU 524013.03 — ICU Switch
ICU 002003.09 — PTI/PTP Message Fault ....................................................211­ICU­53
Missing ................................................211­ICU­15 Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­53
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­15
ICU 002005.09 — ACU Message Group PTI—PTI Code Diagnostics
Missing ................................................211­ICU­17 PTI 000127.01 — Transmission Enable
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­17 Pressure Very Low ................................ 211­PTI­1
ICU 002011.09 — BRC Message Code Diagnosis ......................................... 211­PTI­1
Missing ................................................211­ICU­19 PTI 000158.01 — PTI Switched Supply
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­19 Voltage Low........................................... 211­PTI­4
ICU 002019.09 — SSU Message Code Diagnosis ......................................... 211­PTI­4
Missing ................................................211­ICU­21 PTI 000168.01 — PTI Unswitched
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­21 Supply Voltage Low............................... 211­PTI­6
ICU 002019.12 — SST Message Code Diagnosis ......................................... 211­PTI­6
Missing ................................................211­ICU­23 PTI 000177.17 — Transmission
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­23 Oil Temperature Low/Calibration
ICU 002020.09 — SFA Message Inhibited................................................. 211­PTI­7
Missing ................................................211­ICU­25 Code Diagnosis ......................................... 211­PTI­7
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­25 PTI 000190.00 — Engine
ICU 002025.09 — ATC Message Overspeed........................................... 211­PTI­10
Missing ................................................211­ICU­27 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­10
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­27 PTI 000190.02 — Speed
ICU 002030.09 — VLC Message Mismatch............................................. 211­PTI­10
Missing ................................................211­ICU­29 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­10
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­29 PTI 000191.00 — Transmission
ICU 002034.09 — SCU Message Overspeed........................................... 211­PTI­13
Missing ................................................211­ICU­31 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­13
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­31 PTI 000191.02 — Transmission Output
ICU 002035.09 — HCU Message Speed Mismatch ................................. 211­PTI­14
Missing ................................................211­ICU­33 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­14
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­33 PTI 000619.05 — Park Brake Solenoid
ICU 002049.09 — CAB Message Circuit Fault ......................................... 211­PTI­16
Missing ................................................211­ICU­35 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­16
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­35 PTI 000628.02 — PTI EOL Data
ICU 002050.09 — CLC Message Fault .................................................... 211­PTI­18
Missing ................................................211­ICU­37 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­18
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­37 PTI 000628.12 — PTI Program­
ICU 002054.09 — ASU Message ming .................................................... 211­PTI­20
Missing ................................................211­ICU­39 PTI 000629.12 — PTI Control Unit
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­39 Fault .................................................... 211­PTI­20
ICU 002071.09 — CCU Message Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­20
Missing ................................................211­ICU­41 PTI 000630.13 — PTI Hydro
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­41 Calibration Fault .................................. 211­PTI­21
ICU 002129.09 — ICU Message Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­21
Missing ................................................211­ICU­43 PTI 000630.14 — PTI Clutch
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­43 Calibration Fault .................................. 211­PTI­23
ICU 002213.09 — SCO Message Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­23
Missing ................................................211­ICU­45 PTI 000734.05 — Low Clutch Solenoid
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­ICU­45 Circuit Fault ......................................... 211­PTI­26
ICU 002227.09 — SUP Message Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­26
Missing ................................................211­ICU­47

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PTI 000735.05 — High Clutch Solenoid PTI 523917.30 — Synchronizer

Circuit Fault ......................................... 211­PTI­28 Engagement........................................ 211­PTI­61
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­28 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­61
PTI 000736.05 — Reverse Brake PTI 523917.31 — Synchronizer Shift
Solenoid Circuit Fault .......................... 211­PTI­30 Fault .................................................... 211­PTI­63
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­30 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­63
PTI 000737.05 — Clutch 1 (C1) PTI 523918.02 — Hydro Ring Unit
Solenoid Circuit Fault .......................... 211­PTI­31 (RU) Position Incorrect........................ 211­PTI­65
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­31 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­65
PTI 000738.05 — Clutch 2 (C2) PTI 523918.03 — Hydro Ring Unit (RU)
Solenoid Circuit Fault .......................... 211­PTI­33 Position Sensor Voltage High.............. 211­PTI­66
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­33 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­67
PTI 000739.05 — Clutch 3 (C3) PTI 523918.04 — Hydro Ring Unit (RU)
Solenoid Circuit Fault .......................... 211­PTI­34 Position Sensor Voltage Low .............. 211­PTI­68
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­34 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­68
PTI 000754.18 — Clutch Enable PTI 523918.13 — Hydro Ring Unit
Pressure Low/LC Engaged ................. 211­PTI­36 (RU) Position Sensor Calibration
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­36 Fault .................................................... 211­PTI­70
PTI 000755.18 — Clutch Enable Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­70
Pressure Low/HC Engaged................. 211­PTI­38 PTI 524226.08 — Direction Sensing
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­38 Incorrect .............................................. 211­PTI­72
PTI 000756.18 — Clutch Enable Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­72
Pressure Low/RB Engaged................. 211­PTI­40 PTI 524228.05 — Park Sump Block
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­40 Solenoid Circuit Fault .......................... 211­PTI­74
PTI 001079.04 — PTI Sensor Supply Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­74
Voltage Low......................................... 211­PTI­42 PTI 524228.11 — Park Sump Block
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­42 Valve Fault .......................................... 211­PTI­76
PTI 002000.09 — ECU Message Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­76
Missing ................................................ 211­PTI­44 PTI 524230.03 — Unexpected Enable
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­44 Pressure.............................................. 211­PTI­77
PTI 002005.09 — ACU Message Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­77
Missing ................................................ 211­PTI­46 PTI 524230.05 — Clutch Enable
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­46 Solenoid Circuit Fault .......................... 211­PTI­80
PTI 523911.05 — Hydro Ring Unit (RU) Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­80
Control Solenoid Circuit Fault ............. 211­PTI­47 PTI 524232.01 — Park Brake Pressure
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­47 Low/Gear Commanded ....................... 211­PTI­81
PTI 523911.13 — Hydro Ring Unit Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­81
(RU) Calibration Fault ......................... 211­PTI­49 PTI 524232.02 — Park Brake Pressure
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­49 Incorrect .............................................. 211­PTI­83
PTI 523912.05 — Hydro Clutch Unit Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­83
(CU) Solenoid Circuit Fault ................. 211­PTI­51 PTI 524232.04 — Park Brake Pressure
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­51 Sensor Circuit Voltage Low ................. 211­PTI­85
PTI 523912.13 — Hydro Clutch Unit Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­85
(CU) Calibration Fault ......................... 211­PTI­52 PTI 524232.14 — Park Brake Pressure
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­53 Low in Come Home Mode................... 211­PTI­87
PTI 523913.05 — Loop Flush Cut Off Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­87
Solenoid Circuit Fault .......................... 211­PTI­54 PTI 524232.16 — Park Brake Pressure
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­55 High/Park Commanded....................... 211­PTI­87
PTI 523917.07 — Synchronizer Speed Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­87
Mismatch............................................. 211­PTI­56 PTI 524232.17 — Park Brake Pressure
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­56 Low/Park Not Commanded ................. 211­PTI­89
PTI 523917.11 — Synchronizer Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­89
Engagement Fault/Hydro PTI 524232.18 — Park Brake Pressure
Control................................................. 211­PTI­58 Low...................................................... 211­PTI­91
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­58 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­91
PTI 523917.17 — CU Idler Speed Low PTI 524233.00 — Hydro Ring Unit
at Start­up. .......................................... 211­PTI­60 (RU) Overspeed .................................. 211­PTI­94
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­60 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­94

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TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


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PTI 524233.02 — Ring Unit (RU) Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­131

Speed Incorrect................................... 211­PTI­95 PTI 524248.31 — Vehicle Motion With
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­95 Park Brake Engaged ......................... 211­PTI­133
PTI 524233.07 — Hydro Speed Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­133
Incorrect/PowerZero............................ 211­PTI­96 PTI 524249.31 — Operator Not Seated
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­96 With Transmission In Neutral ............ 211­PTI­135
PTI 524233.15 — Hydro Speed Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­135
Incorrect/Park Engaged ...................... 211­PTI­99 PTI 524250.31 — Park Brake
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­PTI­99 Previously Failed/ May Not
PTI 524233.16 — Hydro Speed Hold................................................... 211­PTI­137
Incorrect/Park Not Engaged.............. 211­PTI­101 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­137
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­101 PTI 524253.02 — ACU Not
PTI 524233.17 — Hydro Ring Unit Commanding Park At Power
(RU) Speed Low At Start Up ............. 211­PTI­103 Up...................................................... 211­PTI­139
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­103 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­139
PTI 524234.02 — Clutch Enable PTI 524254.03 — Transmission Enable
Pressure Incorrect............................. 211­PTI­105 Circuit Voltage High........................... 211­PTI­141
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­105 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­141
PTI 524234.04 — Clutch Enable PTI 524254.04 — Transmission Enable
Pressure Sensor Circuit Voltage Circuit Voltage Low ........................... 211­PTI­143
Low.................................................... 211­PTI­107 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­143
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­107
PTI 524237.31 — Reverser Park and Group PTP—PTP Code Diagnostics
Neutral Switches Both On ................. 211­PTI­109 PTP 000084.07 — Vehicle Motion
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­109 During Calibration ................................211­PTP­1
PTI 524238.31 — Reverser Park and Code Diagnosis ........................................211­PTP­1
Neutral Switches Off At Power PTP 000084.18 — Engine Off with
Up.......................................................211­PTI­111 Transmission in Gear ...........................211­PTP­2
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTI­111 Code Diagnosis ........................................211­PTP­3
PTI 524239.31 — No Motion/Engine PTP 000092.16 — Engine Load
Running............................................. 211­PTI­113 Excessive in 4R/5R ..............................211­PTP­3
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­113 Code Diagnosis ........................................211­PTP­3
PTI 524240.14 — No Motion/Come PTP 000123.03 — Clutch Pressure
Home Mode....................................... 211­PTI­115 Sensor /Switch Circuit Voltage
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­115 High......................................................211­PTP­4
PTI 524241.02 — Carrier or Hydro Code Diagnosis ........................................211­PTP­4
Ring Gear Speed Incorrect ............... 211­PTI­117 PTP 000123.04 — Clutch Pressure
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­117 Sensor/Switch Circuit Voltage
PTI 524241.11 — Synchronizer Low.......................................................211­PTP­5
Engagement Fault/Clutch Code Diagnosis ........................................211­PTP­6
Control............................................... 211­PTI­118 PTP 000123.18 — Clutch Pressure
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­118 Low.......................................................211­PTP­7
PTI 524242.00 — Transmission Code Diagnosis ........................................211­PTP­8
Pressures High.................................. 211­PTI­121 PTP 000127.01 — Transmission Oil
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­121 Pressure Very Low ...............................211­PTP­9
PTI 524243.31 — PTI Park/ ACU Gear Code Diagnosis ........................................211­PTP­9
Command Conflict............................. 211­PTI­123 PTP 000158.01 — PTP Switched
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­123 Supply Voltage Low............................211­PTP­10
PTI 524244.31 — PTI Park/ ACU Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­PTP­11
Neutral Command Conflict ................ 211­PTI­125 PTP 000168.03 — PTP Unswitched
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­125 Supply Voltage High...........................211­PTP­12
PTI 524245.31 — PTI Neutral/ ACU Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­12
Gear Command Conflict.................... 211­PTI­127 PTP 000168.04 — PTP Unswitched
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­127 Supply Voltage Low............................211­PTP­14
PTI 524247.02 — Carrier Speed Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­14
Incorrect ............................................ 211­PTI­129 PTP 000177.17 — Top Gear Limited
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­PTI­129 Due to Cold Oil...................................211­PTP­16
PTI 524247.17 — Carrier Speed Low Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­16
at Start up.......................................... 211­PTI­131

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PTP 000190.18 — Engine Speed Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­48

Low.....................................................211­PTP­18 PTP 524020.31 — Transmission in
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­18 Gear at Power Up ..............................211­PTP­49
PTP 000598.02 — Clutch Pressure Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­50
Switch/Sensor Circuit Conflict ............211­PTP­18 PTP 524228.05 — Park Sump Block
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­19 Solenoid Circuit Fault .........................211­PTP­51
PTP 000619.05 — Park Brake Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­51
Solenoid Circuit Fault .........................211­PTP­20 PTP 524228.11 — Park Sump Block
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­20 Valve Fault .........................................211­PTP­53
PTP 000628.02 — PTP EOL Data Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­53
Fault ...................................................211­PTP­22 PTP 524232.03 — Park Brake
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­22 Pressure Sensor Circuit Voltage
PTP 000628.12 — PTP High....................................................211­PTP­55
Programming......................................211­PTP­22 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­55
PTP 000629.12 — PTP Control Unit PTP 524232.04 — Park Brake
Fault ...................................................211­PTP­22 Pressure Sensor Circuit Voltage
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­23 Low.....................................................211­PTP­57
PTP 000630.02 — PTP Calibration Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­58
Fault/Data Invalid ...............................211­PTP­24 PTP 524232.16 — Park
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­24 Brake Pressure High/Park
PTP 000630.14 — Transmission Not Commanded.......................................211­PTP­59
Calibrated...........................................211­PTP­25 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­60
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­26 PTP 524232.17 — Park Brake
PTP 000734.05 — Low Clutch Pressure Low/Park Not
Solenoid Circuit Fault .........................211­PTP­27 Commanded.......................................211­PTP­62
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­27 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­62
PTP 000735.05 — High Clutch PTP 524239.31 — No Motion/Engine
Solenoid Circuit Fault .........................211­PTP­29 Running..............................................211­PTP­63
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­29 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­64
PTP 000736.05 — Clutch 3 (C3) Valve PTP 524248.31 — Vehicle Motion With
Circuit Fault ........................................211­PTP­31 Park Brake Engaged ..........................211­PTP­65
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­31 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­66
PTP 000737.05 — Clutch 4 (C4) Valve PTP 524250.31 — Park Brake
Circuit Fault ........................................211­PTP­33 Previously Failed/May Not
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­33 Hold....................................................211­PTP­67
PTP 000738.05 — Clutch R (CR) Valve Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­68
Circuit Fault ........................................211­PTP­35 PTP 524267.15 — C Clutch (CC) or D
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­35 Clutch (DC) Slipping Too Long...........211­PTP­69
PTP 000739.05 — D Clutch (DC) Valve Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­70
Circuit Fault ........................................211­PTP­37 PTP 524267.16 — Clutch Slipping Too
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­37 Long ...................................................211­PTP­72
PTP 000810.02 — Countershaft Speed Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­72
Sensor Fault.......................................211­PTP­39 PTP 524267.31 — A Brake (AB) or B
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­39 Clutch (BC) Slipping Too Long ...........211­PTP­74
PTP 002000.09 — ECU Message Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­74
Missing ...............................................211­PTP­41 PTP 524271.05 — C Clutch (CC) Valve
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­41 Circuit Fault ........................................211­PTP­76
PTP 002005.09 — ACU Message Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­76
Missing ...............................................211­PTP­42 PTP 524272.05 — B Clutch (BC) Valve
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­43 Circuit Fault ........................................211­PTP­77
PTP 002020.09 — SFA Message Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­77
Missing ...............................................211­PTP­44 PTP 524273.05 — A Brake (AB ) Valve
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­44 Circuit Fault ........................................211­PTP­79
PTP 523953.02 — Speed Control Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­79
Lever Sensor Circuit Conflict..............211­PTP­46 PTP 524277.00 — Engine Speed Too
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­46 High For Downshift.............................211­PTP­81
PTP 523960.31 — Operator Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­81
Not Seated During Reverser

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PTP 524279.31 — Operator Not Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­12

Seated With Transmission In SCC 002166.09 — SV VI Message
Neutral................................................211­PTP­81 Missing .............................................. 211­SCC­13
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­82 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­13
PTP 524280.31 — Vehicle Motion SCC 002167.09 — SV VII Message
While Shifting to Park.........................211­PTP­83 Missing .............................................. 211­SCC­13
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­PTP­83 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­13
SCC 002602.18 — Hydraulic Oil Level
Group SCC—SCC Code Diagnostics (040000—) Low.................................................... 211­SCC­14
SCC 000158.04 — SCC Switched Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­14
Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­SCC­1 SCC 521000.02 — Front External
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCC­1 Switch Circuit Fault ........................... 211­SCC­14
SCC 000168.03 — SCC Switched Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­15
Supply Voltage High............................ 211­SCC­1 SCC 523216.03 — SCC Unswitched
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCC­1 Supply Voltage High to SV I and SV
SCC 000168.04 — SCC Unswitched II ........................................................ 211­SCC­15
Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­SCC­2 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­15
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCC­2 SCC 523216.04 — SCC Unswitched
SCC 000629.12 — SCC Control Unit Supply Voltage Low to SV I and SV
Fault .................................................... 211­SCC­3 II ........................................................ 211­SCC­16
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCC­3 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­16
SCC 000630.13 — SCC Calibration SCC 523217.03 — SCC Unswitched
Faullt/Not Calibrated ........................... 211­SCC­4 Supply Voltage High to SV VI (Front
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCC­4 Hitch)................................................. 211­SCC­17
SCC 000639.12 — SCC CAN Message Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­17
Overflow .............................................. 211­SCC­4 SCC 523217.04 — SCC Unswitched
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCC­4 Supply Voltage Low to SV VI (Front
SCC 000639.14 — SCC CAN Error Hitch)................................................. 211­SCC­17
Limit Exceeded.................................... 211­SCC­5 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­17
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCC­5 SCC 523219.03 — SCC Unswitched
SCC 001079.03 — SCC Sensor Supply Voltage High to SV III and
Supply Voltage High............................ 211­SCC­6 SV IV ................................................. 211­SCC­18
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCC­6 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­18
SCC 001079.04 — SCC Sensor SCC 523219.04 — SCC Unswitched
Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­SCC­6 Supply Voltage Low to SV III and SV
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCC­6 IV....................................................... 211­SCC­19
SCC 002005.09 — ACU Message Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­19
Missing ................................................ 211­SCC­7 SCC 523652.02 — Wire Connector
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCC­7 Fault .................................................. 211­SCC­20
SCC 002049.09 — CAB Message Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­20
Missing ................................................ 211­SCC­8 SCC 523693.02 — Missing SV I
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCC­8 External Control Message for 10
SCC 002071.09 — CCU Message Seconds ............................................ 211­SCC­20
Missing ................................................ 211­SCC­8 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­20
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCC­9 SCC 523693.09 — Missing SV I
SCC 002161.09 — SV I Message External Control Message for 1
Missing ................................................ 211­SCC­9 Second .............................................. 211­SCC­21
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCC­9 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­21
SCC 002162.09 — SV II Message SCC 523693.19 — SV I External
Missing .............................................. 211­SCC­10 Control Fault Message
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­10 Received ........................................... 211­SCC­22
SCC 002163.09 — SV III Message Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­22
Missing .............................................. 211­SCC­11 SCC 523694.02 — Missing SV II
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­11 External Control Message for 10
SCC 002164.09 — SV IV Message Seconds ............................................ 211­SCC­23
Missing .............................................. 211­SCC­11 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­23
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­11 SCC 523694.09 — Missing SV II
SCC 002165.09 — SV V Message External Control Message for 1
Missing .............................................. 211­SCC­12 Second .............................................. 211­SCC­24

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Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­24 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­37

SCC 523694.19 — SV II External SCC 523786.04 — SVs I ­ IV Remote
Control Fault Message Position Sensor 1 Circuit Voltage
Received ........................................... 211­SCC­25 Low.................................................... 211­SCC­37
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­25 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­37
SCC 523695.02 — Missing SV V SCC 523786.07 — SVs I ­ IV Remote
External Control Message for 10 Position Sensor 1 Fault/Unexpected
Seconds ............................................ 211­SCC­26 Response .......................................... 211­SCC­38
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­26 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­38
SCC 523695.09 — Missing SV V SCC 523788.02 — Hydraulic Option
External Control Message for 1 Configuration Changed Since
Second .............................................. 211­SCC­27 Power­Up .......................................... 211­SCC­39
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­27 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­39
SCC 523695.19 — SV V SCC 523788.14 — Hydraulic Option
External Control Fault Message Configuration Changed Without
Received ........................................... 211­SCC­28 Disconnect ........................................ 211­SCC­39
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­28 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­39
SCC 523696.02 — Missing Front Hitch SCC 523788.31 — Hydraulic Option
External Control Message for 10 Configuration Invalid ......................... 211­SCC­40
Seconds ............................................ 211­SCC­29 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­40
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­29 SCC 523801.19 — Single Lever
SCC 523696.09 — Front Hitch External Control Auxiliary Switch Fault
Control Message Rate Fault ............. 211­SCC­30 Message Received............................ 211­SCC­41
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­30 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­41
SCC 523696.19 — Front Hitch SCC 523804.19 — Single Lever
External Control Fault Message Control Lateral Sensor Fault
Received ........................................... 211­SCC­31 Message Received............................ 211­SCC­42
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­31 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­42
SCC 523775.19 — Single Lever SCC 523805.19 — Single Lever
Control Hand Presence Switch Fault Control Fore­Aft Sensor Fault
Message Received............................ 211­SCC­32 Message Received............................ 211­SCC­43
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­32 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­43
SCC 523776.19 — Single Lever SCC 523910.02 — SCC Control Unit
Control Transport Lock Switch Fault Fault .................................................. 211­SCC­45
Message Received............................ 211­SCC­33 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­45
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­33 SCC 523923.19 — SCV I Control Lever
SCC 523785.01 — Lost Laser Fault Message Received................... 211­SCC­45
Track/EHEC Not Available for SV Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­46
III ....................................................... 211­SCC­33 SCC 523923.31 — SCV I Control
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­33 Lever Command Missing .................. 211­SCC­46
SCC 523785.03 — SVs I ­ IV Remote Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­46
Position Sensor 2 Circuit Voltage SCC 523942.31 — Operator Out of
High................................................... 211­SCC­34 Seat With Front Hitch ON.................. 211­SCC­47
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­34 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­47
SCC 523785.04 — SVs I ­ IV Remote SCC 523943.31 — Operator Out of
Position Sensor 2 Circuit Voltage Seat With SV V ON ........................... 211­SCC­48
Low.................................................... 211­SCC­34 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­48
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­35 SCC 523944.31 — Operator Out of
SCC 523785.07 — SVs I ­ IV Remote Seat With SV IV ON .......................... 211­SCC­49
Position Sensor 2 Fault/Unexpected Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­49
Response .......................................... 211­SCC­35 SCC 523945.31 — Operator Out of
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­35 Seat With SV III ON .......................... 211­SCC­50
SCC 523786.01 — Lost Laser Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­50
Track/EHEC Not Available for SV SCC 523946.31 — Operator Out of
I ......................................................... 211­SCC­36 Seat With SV II ON ........................... 211­SCC­51
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­36 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­51
SCC 523786.03 — SVs I ­ IV Remote SCC 523947.31 — Operator Out of
Position Sensor 1 Circuit Voltage Seat With SV I ON ............................ 211­SCC­52
High................................................... 211­SCC­37 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­52

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SCC 524015.02 — Missing SV III SCO 000628.02 — SCO Control Unit

External Control Message for 10 EOL Data Fault ................................... 211­SCO­4
Seconds ............................................ 211­SCC­53 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCO­4
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­53 SCO 000629.12 — SCO Control Unit
SCC 524015.09 — Missing SV III Fault .................................................... 211­SCO­7
External Control Message for 1 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCO­7
Second .............................................. 211­SCC­54 SCO 000630.02 — SCO Calibration
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­54 Fault/Data Invalid ................................ 211­SCO­9
SCC 524015.19 — SV III Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCO­9
External Control Fault Message SCO 000630.13 — SCO Calibration
Received ........................................... 211­SCC­54 Fault/Not Calibrated .......................... 211­SCO­11
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­54 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­11
SCC 524038.19 — SV IV SCO 000639.12 — SCO CAN
External Control Fault Message Message Overflow ............................ 211­SCO­12
Received ........................................... 211­SCC­55 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­12
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­55 SCO 000639.14 — SCO CAN Error
SCC 524101.19 — Front Control Limit Exceeded.................................. 211­SCO­14
Hitch Lever Fault Message Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­14
Received ........................................... 211­SCC­56 SCO 001638.02 — SCO Calibration
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­56 Fault/Hydraulic Oil Temperature
SCC 524101.31 — Front Control Hitch Low.................................................... 211­SCO­16
Lever Command Missing .................. 211­SCC­57 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­16
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­57 SCO 001961.13 — SCO Calibration
SCC 524102.19 — SCV V Fault/SCV V Extend Not
Control Lever Fault Message Calibrated.......................................... 211­SCO­18
Received ........................................... 211­SCC­58 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­18
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­58 SCO 001962.13 — SCO Calibration
SCC 524102.31 — SCV V Control Fault/SCV V Retract Not
Lever Command Missing .................. 211­SCC­58 Calibrated.......................................... 211­SCO­20
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­58 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­20
SCC 524103.19 — SCV IV SCO 001963.05 — SCV V Flow
Control Lever Fault Message Control Solenoid Current Low for
Received ........................................... 211­SCC­59 Float Operation ................................. 211­SCO­22
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­59 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­22
SCC 524103.31 — SCV IV Control SCO 001973.13 — SCO Calibration
Lever Command Missing .................. 211­SCC­60 Fault/SCV VI Extend Not
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­60 Calibrated.......................................... 211­SCO­24
SCC 524104.19 — SCV III Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­24
Control Lever Fault Message SCO 001974.13 — SCO Calibration
Received ........................................... 211­SCC­60 Fault/SCV VI Retract Not
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­60 Calibrated.......................................... 211­SCO­26
SCC 524104.31 — SCV III Control Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­26
Lever Command Missing .................. 211­SCC­61 SCO 001975.05 — SCV VI Flow
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­61 Control Solenoid Current Low for
SCC 524105.19 — SCV II Float Operation ................................. 211­SCO­28
Control Lever Fault Message Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­28
Received ........................................... 211­SCC­62 SCO 002000.09 — ECU Message
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­62 Missing .............................................. 211­SCO­29
SCC 524105.31 — SCV II Control Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­29
Lever Command Missing .................. 211­SCC­62 SCO 002005.09 — ACU Message
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCC­62 Missing .............................................. 211­SCO­31
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­31
Group SCO—SCO Code Diagnostics (—039999) SCO 002049.09 — CAB Message
SCO 000158.04 — SCO Switched Missing .............................................. 211­SCO­33
Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­SCO­1 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­33
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCO­1 SCO 002071.09 — CCU Message
SCO 000168.04 — SCO Unswitched Missing .............................................. 211­SCO­35
Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­SCO­3 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­35
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCO­3

Continued on next page

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


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SCO 002602.18 — Hydraulic Oil Level Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­74

Low.................................................... 211­SCO­37 SCO 523776.19 — Single Lever
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­37 Control Transport Lock Switch
SCO 521000.02 — Front Hitch External Fault .................................................. 211­SCO­75
Switch Circuit Fault ........................... 211­SCO­40 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­76
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­40 SCO 523787.03 — SCO Switched
SCO 522281.04 — Brake Cooling Supply Voltage High/Auxiliary Valve
Control Solenoid Supply Voltage Solenoid ............................................ 211­SCO­78
Low ................................................... 211­SCO­42 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­78
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­42 SCO 523787.04 — SCO Switched
SCO 522281.05 — Brake Cooling Supply Voltage Low/Auxiliary Valve
Control Solenoid Current Low .......... 211­SCO­43 Solenoid ............................................ 211­SCO­80
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­44 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­80
SCO 522281.06 — Brake Cooling SCO 523801.19 — Single Lever
Control Solenoid Current High Control Auxiliary Switch Fault ........... 211­SCO­82
.......................................................... 211­SCO­45 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­82
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­45 SCO 523910.02 — SCO Control Unit
SCO 523652.02 — Wire Connector Fault .................................................. 211­SCO­84
Fault .................................................. 211­SCO­48 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­84
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­48 SCO 523930.05 — Front Hitch Extend
SCO 523662.05 — Auxiliary Valve Solenoid Circuit Current Low ............ 211­SCO­85
Solenoid 2 Current Low..................... 211­SCO­49 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­85
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­49 SCO 523930.06 — Front Hitch Extend
SCO 523662.06 — Auxiliary Valve Solenoid Circuit Current High............ 211­SCO­87
Solenoid 2 Current High.................... 211­SCO­51 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­87
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­51 SCO 523931.05 — SCV V Extend
SCO 523663.05 — Auxiliary Valve Solenoid Circuit Current Low ............ 211­SCO­89
Solenoid 1 Current Low..................... 211­SCO­53 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­89
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­53 SCO 523931.06 — SCV V Extend
SCO 523663.06 — Auxiliary Valve Solenoid Circuit Current High............ 211­SCO­91
Solenoid 1 Current High.................... 211­SCO­55 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­91
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­55 SCO 523936.05 — Front Hitch Retract
SCO 523695.02 — Missing Solenoid Circuit Test ......................... 211­SCO­93
External Control Message for Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­93
10 Seconds ....................................... 211­SCO­58 SCO 523936.06 — Front Hitch Retract
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­58 Solenoid Circuit Current High............ 211­SCO­95
SCO 523695.09 — SCV V External Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­95
Control Lever Message Rate SCO 523937.05 — SCV V Retract
Fault .................................................. 211­SCO­61 Solenoid Circuit Current Low ............ 211­SCO­97
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­61 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­97
SCO 523695.19 — SCV V External SCO 523937.06 — SCV V Retract
Control Lever Fault Message Solenoid Circuit Current High............ 211­SCO­99
Received ........................................... 211­SCO­64 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­99
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­64 SCO 523942.31 — Operator Out Of
SCO 523696.02 — Missing Seat With SCV VI On ...................... 211­SCO­102
External Control Message for Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCO­102
10 Seconds ....................................... 211­SCO­66 SCO 523943.31 — Operator Out Of
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­66 Seat With SCV V On ....................... 211­SCO­104
SCO 523696.09 — SCV VI External Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCO­104
Control Lever Message Rate SCO 524016.03 — SCO Switched
Fault .................................................. 211­SCO­69 Supply Voltage High/SCV V and
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­69 SCV VI Solenoids............................ 211­SCO­106
SCO 523696.19 — SCV VI External Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCO­106
Control Lever Fault Message SCO 524016.04 — SCO Switched
Received ........................................... 211­SCO­72 Supply Voltage Low/SCV V and
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCO­72 SCV VI Solenoids............................ 211­SCO­108
SCO 523775.19 — Single Lever Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCO­108
Control Hand Presence Switch Fault
Message Received ........................... 211­SCO­74

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TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


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SCO 524101.19 — SCV VI SCU 001914.13 — SCU Calibration

Control Lever Fault Message Fault/SCV I Retract Not
Received ......................................... 211­SCO­110 Calibrated.......................................... 211­SCU­20
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCO­110 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­20
SCO 524101.31 — SCV VI Control SCU 001915.05 — SCV I Flow Control
Lever Command Missing ................ 211­SCO­113 Solenoid Current Low for Float
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCO­113 Operation .......................................... 211­SCU­22
SCO 524102.19 — SCV V Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­22
Control Lever Fault Message SCU 001925.13 — SCU Calibration
Received ......................................... 211­SCO­117 Fault/SCV II Extend Not
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCO­117 Calibrated.......................................... 211­SCU­24
SCO 524102.31 — SCV V Control Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­24
Lever Command Missing ................ 211­SCO­120 SCU 001926.13 — SCU Calibration
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCO­120 Fault/SCV II Retract Not
SCO 524157.19 — Right Brake Calibrated.......................................... 211­SCU­25
Pedal Switch Fault Message Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­26
Received ......................................... 211­SCO­122 SCU 001927.05 — SCV II Flow Control
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCO­123 Solenoid Current Low for Float
SCO 524162.19 — Left Brake Operation .......................................... 211­SCU­28
Pedal Switch Fault Message Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­28
Received ......................................... 211­SCO­125 SCU 001937.13 — SCU Calibration
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCO­125 Fault/SCV III Extend Not
Calibrated.......................................... 211­SCU­29
Group SCU—SCU Code Diagnostics (—039999) Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­29
SCU 000158.04 — SCU Switched SCU 001938.13 — SCU Calibration
Supply 1 Voltage Low.......................... 211­SCU­1 Fault/SCV III Retract Not
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCU­1 Calibrated.......................................... 211­SCU­31
SCU 000168.04 — SCU Unswitched Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­31
Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­SCU­2 SCU 001939.05 — SCV III Flow
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCU­2 Control Solenoid Current Low for
SCU 000629.12 — SCU Control Unit Float Operation ................................. 211­SCU­33
Fault .................................................... 211­SCU­4 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­33
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCU­4 SCU 001949.13 — SCU Calibration
SCU 000630.02 — SCU Calibration Fault/SCV IV Extend Not
Fault/Data Invalid ................................ 211­SCU­5 Calibrated.......................................... 211­SCU­35
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCU­6 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­35
SCU 000630.13 — SCU Calibration SCU 001950.13 — SCU Calibration
Fault/Not Calibrated ............................ 211­SCU­7 Fault/SCV IV Retract Not
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCU­7 Calibrated.......................................... 211­SCU­36
SCU 000639.12 — SCU CAN Message Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­37
Overflow .............................................. 211­SCU­9 SCU 001951.05 — SCV IV Flow
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SCU­9 Control Solenoid Current Low for
SCU 000639.14 — SCU CAN Error Float Operation ................................. 211­SCU­38
Limit Exceeded.................................. 211­SCU­10 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­38
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­11 SCU 002005.09 — ACU Message
SCU 001079.03 — SCU Sensor Missing .............................................. 211­SCU­40
Supply Voltage High.......................... 211­SCU­12 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­40
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­12 SCU 002049.09 — CAB Message
SCU 001079.04 — SCU Sensor Missing .............................................. 211­SCU­42
Supply Voltage Low........................... 211­SCU­14 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­42
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­14 SCU 002071.09 — CCU Message
SCU 001638.02 — SCU Calibration Missing .............................................. 211­SCU­43
Fault/Hydraulic Oil Temperature Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­43
Low.................................................... 211­SCU­17 SCU 002602.18 — Hydraulic Oil Level
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­17 Low.................................................... 211­SCU­45
SCU 001913.13 — SCU Calibration Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­45
Fault/SCV I Extend Not SCU 523652.02 — Wire Connector
Calibrated.......................................... 211­SCU­18 Fault .................................................. 211­SCU­47
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­18 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­47

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SCU 523693.02 — Missing SCV I Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­75

External Control Message for 10 SCU 523784.13 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote
Seconds ............................................ 211­SCU­49 Position Sensor 3 Calibration
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­49 Fault .................................................. 211­SCU­76
SCU 523693.09 — Missing SCV I Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­76
External Control Message for 1 SCU 523785.01 — SCU ­ Deluxe
Second .............................................. 211­SCU­51 Hydraulic Control Unit ­ Auxiliary
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­51 Valve Control..................................... 211­SCU­78
SCU 523693.19 — SCV I Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­78
External Control Fault Message SCU 523785.03 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote
Received ........................................... 211­SCU­53 Position Sensor 2 Circuit Voltage
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­53 High................................................... 211­SCU­79
SCU 523694.02 — Missing SCV II Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­79
External Control Message for 10 SCU 523785.04 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote
Seconds ............................................ 211­SCU­55 Position Sensor 2 Circuit Voltage
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­55 Low.................................................... 211­SCU­81
SCU 523694.09 — Missing SCV II Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­81
External Control Message for 1 SCU 523785.07 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote
Second .............................................. 211­SCU­57 Position Sensor 2 Fault/Unexpected
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­57 Response .......................................... 211­SCU­82
SCU 523694.19 — SCV II Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­82
External Control Fault Message SCU 523785.13 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote
Received ........................................... 211­SCU­59 Position Sensor 2 Calibration
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­59 Fault .................................................. 211­SCU­84
SCU 523775.19 — Single Lever Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­84
Control Hand Presence Switch Fault SCU 523786.01 — SCU ­ Deluxe
Message Received............................ 211­SCU­61 Hydraulic Control Unit ­ Auxiliary
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­61 Valve Control..................................... 211­SCU­85
SCU 523776.19 — Single Lever Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­85
Control Transport Lock Switch Fault SCU 523786.03 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote
Message Received............................ 211­SCU­63 Position Sensor 1 Circuit Voltage
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­63 High................................................... 211­SCU­87
SCU 523783.03 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­87
Position Sensor 4 Circuit Voltage SCU 523786.04 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote
High................................................... 211­SCU­65 Position Sensor 1 Circuit Voltage
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­65 Low.................................................... 211­SCU­88
SCU 523783.04 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­88
Position Sensor 4 Circuit Voltage SCU 523786.07 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote
Low.................................................... 211­SCU­67 Position Sensor 1 Fault/Unexpected
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­67 Response .......................................... 211­SCU­90
SCU 523783.07 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­90
Position Sensor 4 Fault/Unexpected SCU 523786.13 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote
Response .......................................... 211­SCU­69 Position Sensor 1 Calibration
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­69 Fault .................................................. 211­SCU­91
SCU 523783.13 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­91
Position Sensor 4 Calibration SCU 523787.03 — SCU Switched
Fault .................................................. 211­SCU­70 Supply Voltage High/SCVs III and
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­70 IV Solenoids ...................................... 211­SCU­93
SCU 523784.03 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­93
Position Sensor 3 Circuit Voltage SCU 523787.04 — SCU Switched
High................................................... 211­SCU­72 Supply Voltage Low/SCVs III and IV
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­72 Solenoids .......................................... 211­SCU­94
SCU 523784.04 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­94
Position Sensor 3 Circuit Voltage SCU 523788.02 — Hydraulic Option
Low.................................................... 211­SCU­73 Configuration Changed Since
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­73 Power­Up .......................................... 211­SCU­96
SCU 523784.07 — SCVs I ­ IV Remote Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­96
Position Sensor 3 Fault/Unexpected
Response .......................................... 211­SCU­75

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SCU 523788.14 — Hydraulic Option Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­131

Configuration Changed Without SCU 523940.05 — SCV II Retract
Disconnect ........................................ 211­SCU­98 Solenoid Circuit Current Low .......... 211­SCU­132
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SCU­98 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­132
SCU 523788.31 — Hydraulic Option SCU 523940.06 — SCV II Retract
Configuration Invalid ....................... 211­SCU­100 Solenoid Circuit Current High.......... 211­SCU­134
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­100 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­134
SCU 523804.19 — Single Lever SCU 523941.05 — SCV I Retract
Control Lateral Sensor Fault Solenoid Circuit Current Low .......... 211­SCU­136
Message Received.......................... 211­SCU­102 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­136
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­102 SCU 523941.06 — SCV I Retract
SCU 523805.19 — Single Lever Solenoid Circuit Current High.......... 211­SCU­137
Control Fore­Aft Sensor Fault Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­137
Message Received.......................... 211­SCU­104 SCU 523944.31 — Operator Out Of
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­105 Seat With SCV IV On ...................... 211­SCU­139
SCU 523910.02 — SCU Control Unit Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­139
Fault ................................................ 211­SCU­107 SCU 523945.31 — Operator Out Of
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­107 Seat With SCV III On ...................... 211­SCU­141
SCU 523923.19 — SCV I Control Lever Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­141
Fault Message Received................. 211­SCU­108 SCU 523946.31 — Operator Out Of
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­108 Seat With SCV II On ....................... 211­SCU­143
SCU 523923.31 — SCV I Control Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­143
Lever Command Missing ................ 211­SCU­110 SCU 523947.31 — Operator Out Of
Code Diagnosis ....................................211­SCU­111 Seat With SCV I On ........................ 211­SCU­145
SCU 523932.05 — SCV IV Extend Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­145
Solenoid Circuit Current Low .......... 211­SCU­112 SCU 524015.02 — Missing SCV III
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­112 External Control Message for 10
SCU 523932.06 — SCV IV Extend Seconds .......................................... 211­SCU­147
Solenoid Circuit Current High.......... 211­SCU­114 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­147
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­114 SCU 524015.09 — Missing SCV III
SCU 523933.05 — SCV III Extend External Control Message for 1
Solenoid Circuit Current Low .......... 211­SCU­116 Second ............................................ 211­SCU­149
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­116 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­149
SCU 523933.06 — SCV III Extend SCU 524015.19 — SCV III
Solenoid Circuit Current High.......... 211­SCU­117 External Control Fault Message
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­117 Received ......................................... 211­SCU­151
SCU 523934.05 — SCV II Extend Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­151
Solenoid Circuit Current Low .......... 211­SCU­119 SCU 524016.03 — SCU Switched
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­119 Supply Voltage High/SCVs I and II
SCU 523934.06 — SCV II Extend Solenoids ........................................ 211­SCU­154
Solenoid Circuit Current High.......... 211­SCU­121 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­154
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­121 SCU 524016.04 — SCU Switched
SCU 523935.05 — SCV I Extend Supply Voltage Low/SCV I and II
Solenoid Circuit Current Low .......... 211­SCU­122 Solenoids ........................................ 211­SCU­155
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­122 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­155
SCU 523935.06 — SCV I Extend SCU 524038.02 — Missing SCV IV
Solenoid Circuit Current High.......... 211­SCU­124 External Control Message for 10
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­124 Seconds .......................................... 211­SCU­157
SCU 523938.05 — SCV IV Retract Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­157
Solenoid Circuit Current Low .......... 211­SCU­126 SCU 524038.09 — Missing SCV IV
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­126 External Control Message for 1
SCU 523938.06 — SCV IV Retract Second ............................................ 211­SCU­159
Solenoid Circuit Current High.......... 211­SCU­127 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­159
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­127 SCU 524038.19 — SCV IV External
SCU 523939.05 — SCV III Retract Control Lever Fault Message
Solenoid Circuit Current Low .......... 211­SCU­129 Received ......................................... 211­SCU­161
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­129 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­161
SCU 523939.06 — SCV III Retract
Solenoid Circuit Current High.......... 211­SCU­131

Continued on next page

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­25 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


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SCU 524103.19 — SCV IV SFA 522287.05 — Front Axle

Control Lever Fault Message Unlocking Solenoid Circuit Current
Received ......................................... 211­SCU­163 Low..................................................... 211­SFA­23
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­163 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­23
SCU 524103.31 — SCV IV Control SFA 522287.06 — Front Axle
Lever Command Missing ................ 211­SCU­165 Unlocking Solenoid Circuit Current
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­166 High.................................................... 211­SFA­25
SCU 524104.19 — SCV III Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­25
Control Lever Fault Message SFA 522288.05 — Front Axle Locking
Received ......................................... 211­SCU­168 Solenoid Circuit Current Low ............. 211­SFA­27
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­168 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­27
SCU 524104.31 — SCV III Control SFA 522288.06 — Front Axle Locking
Lever Command Missing ................ 211­SCU­170 Solenoid Circuit Current High............. 211­SFA­29
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­171 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­29
SCU 524105.19 — SCV II SFA 522290.02 — Front Axle
Control Lever Fault Message Right Position Sensor Calibration
Received ......................................... 211­SCU­173 Fault ................................................... 211­SFA­31
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­173 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­31
SCU 524105.31 — SCV II Control SFA 522290.03 — Front Axle Right
Lever Command Missing ................ 211­SCU­175 Position Sensor Circuit Voltage
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SCU­176 High.................................................... 211­SFA­33
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­33
Group SFA—SFA Code Diagnostics SFA 522290.04 — Front Axle Right
SFA 000158.04 — SFA Switched Position Sensor Circuit Voltage
Supply Voltage Low.............................. 211­SFA­1 Low..................................................... 211­SFA­35
Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­SFA­1 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­35
SFA 000168.04 — SFA Unswitched SFA 523652.02 — Wire Connector
Supply Voltage Low.............................. 211­SFA­2 Fault ................................................... 211­SFA­37
Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­SFA­2 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­37
SFA 000629.12 — SFA Control Unit SFA 523902.07 — SFA Not
Fault ..................................................... 211­SFA­4 Responding To Raise
Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­SFA­4 Command........................................... 211­SFA­39
SFA 000630.02 — SFA Calibration Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­39
Fault/Data Invalid ................................. 211­SFA­5 SFA 523903.07 — SFA Not
Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­SFA­6 Responding To Lower
SFA 000630.13 — SFA Calibration Command........................................... 211­SFA­41
Fault/Not Calibrated ............................. 211­SFA­7 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­41
Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­SFA­7 SFA 523910.02 — SFA Control Unit
SFA 001079.03 — SFA Sensor Supply Fault ................................................... 211­SFA­43
Voltage High......................................... 211­SFA­9 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­44
Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­SFA­9 SFA 523948.05 — Front Axle Raise
SFA 001079.04 — SFA Sensor Supply Solenoid Circuit Current Low ............. 211­SFA­45
Voltage Low........................................ 211­SFA­11 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­45
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­11 SFA 523948.06 — Front Axle Raise
SFA 002003.09 — PTI or PTP Solenoid Circuit Current High............. 211­SFA­47
Message Missing ............................... 211­SFA­13 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­47
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­13 SFA 523949.05 — Front Axle
SFA 002005.09 — ACU Message Raise/Lower Control Solenoid
Missing ............................................... 211­SFA­15 Circuit Low ......................................... 211­SFA­49
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­15 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­49
SFA 002049.09 — CAB Message SFA 523949.06 — Front Axle
Missing ............................................... 211­SFA­17 Raise/Lower Control Solenoid
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­17 Circuit High......................................... 211­SFA­51
SFA 002071.09 — CCU Message Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­51
Missing ............................................... 211­SFA­19 SFA 523950.02 — Front Axle
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­19 Left Position Sensor Calibration
SFA 002602.18 — Hydraulic Oil Level Fault ................................................... 211­SFA­52
Low..................................................... 211­SFA­21 Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­53
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­21

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SFA 523950.03 — Front Axle Left Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­24

Position Sensor Circuit Voltage SSU 001807.02 — Steering Wheel
High.................................................... 211­SFA­54 Position Sensor Conflict .................... 211­SSU­25
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­54 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­25
SFA 523950.04 — Front Axle Left SSU 001807.03 — Steering Wheel
Position Sensor Circuit Voltage Position Sensor 1 Supply Voltage
Low..................................................... 211­SFA­56 High................................................... 211­SSU­27
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­56 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­27
SFA 523950.13 — SFA Calibration SSU 001807.04 — Steering Wheel
Fault/Front Axle Position Sensor Position Sensor 1 Supply Voltage
Circuit Voltage .................................... 211­SFA­58 Low.................................................... 211­SSU­29
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­58 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­29
SFA 524016.04 — SFA Switched SSU 001807.05 — Steering Wheel
Supply Voltage Low/Front Axle Position Sensor 1 Circuit Current
Direction Solenoid .............................. 211­SFA­59 Low.................................................... 211­SSU­30
Code Diagnosis ...................................... 211­SFA­60 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­30
SSU 001807.06 — Steering Wheel
Group SSU—SSU Code Diagnostics Position Sensor 1 Circuit Current
SSU 000084.09 — Wheel Speed High................................................... 211­SSU­32
Message Missing ................................ 211­SSU­1 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­32
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SSU­1 SSU 001807.10 — Steering
SSU 000168.03 — SSU Unswitched Wheel Position Sensor 1 Signal
Supply Voltage High............................ 211­SSU­2 Mismatch........................................... 211­SSU­34
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SSU­3 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­34
SSU 000168.04 — SSU Unswitched SSU 001807.14 — Steering Wheel
Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­SSU­4 Position Sensor 1 Signal Fault .......... 211­SSU­35
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SSU­4 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­36
SSU 000177.09 — Hydraulic SSU 001865.09 — ELX Message
Oil Temperature Message Missing .............................................. 211­SSU­37
Missing ................................................ 211­SSU­6 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­38
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SSU­6 SSU 522273.00 — Electro­Hydraulic
SSU 000517.09 — GPS Speed Steering Valve Control Circuit
Message Missing ................................ 211­SSU­8 Command High ................................. 211­SSU­39
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SSU­8 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­39
SSU 000524.09 — Selected Gear SSU 522273.01 — Electro­Hydraulic
Message Missing .............................. 211­SSU­10 Steering Valve Control Circuit
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­10 Command Low .................................. 211­SSU­41
SSU 000628.02 — SSU EOL Data Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­41
Fault .................................................. 211­SSU­12 SSU 522387.07 — Wheel Angle
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­12 Sensor Or Steering Valve
SSU 000628.12 — SSU Fault .................................................. 211­SSU­43
Programming..................................... 211­SSU­15 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­43
SSU 000629.12 — SSU Control Unit SSU 522394.09 — TCM Message
Fault .................................................. 211­SSU­15 Missing .............................................. 211­SSU­46
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­15 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­46
SSU 000630.13 — SSU Calibration SSU 522451.00 — Wheel Angle
Fault/Not Calibrated .......................... 211­SSU­16 Sensor­Axle (Secondary) Signal
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­17 High................................................... 211­SSU­48
SSU 001079.03 — SSU Sensor Supply Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­48
Voltage High...................................... 211­SSU­18 SSU 522451.01 — Wheel Angle
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­18 Sensor­Axle (Secondary) Signal
SSU 001079.04 — SSU Sensor Supply Low.................................................... 211­SSU­50
Voltage Low....................................... 211­SSU­20 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­50
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­20 SSU 522451.14 — Wheel Angle
SSU 001504.09 — Operator Presence Sensor­Axle (Secondary)
Message Missing .............................. 211­SSU­22 Conflict .............................................. 211­SSU­52
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­22 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­52
SSU 001504.14 — Operator Not SSU 523651.02 — SSU Control Unit
Seated While AutoTrac Active........... 211­SSU­23 Fault .................................................. 211­SSU­54

Continued on next page

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­27 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Page Page

Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­54 SSU 523822.07 — SSU Calibration

SSU 523698.09 — GreenStar Display Fault / Wheel Angle Sensor­Flow
Message Missing .............................. 211­SSU­56 Meter Range Low.............................. 211­SSU­86
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­56 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­86
SSU 523766.02 — AutoTrac Activation SSU 523822.08 — Wheel Angle
Code Invalid ...................................... 211­SSU­58 Sensor­Flow Meter Signal
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­58 Fault .................................................. 211­SSU­87
SSU 523767.09 — Resume Switch Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­87
Message Missing .............................. 211­SSU­59 SSU 523822.10 — Wheel Angle
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­59 Sensor­Flow Meter Fault / Steered
SSU 523768.02 — Axle Detection Motion Detected Without Steering
Invalid................................................ 211­SSU­61 Wheel Motion .................................... 211­SSU­89
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­61 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­89
SSU 523768.09 — Axle Message SSU 523822.12 — Wheel Angle
Missing .............................................. 211­SSU­63 Sensor­Flow Meter Excessive
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­63 Hysteresis ......................................... 211­SSU­91
SSU 523789.02 — No Wheel Angle Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­92
Sensor Detected ............................... 211­SSU­65 SSU 523822.14 — Wheel Angle
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­65 Sensor­Flow Meter Fault / Steering
SSU 523795.02 — Electro­Hydraulic Wheel Motion Detected Without
Steering Valve Work Port Steered Motion.................................. 211­SSU­94
Connections Backwards.................... 211­SSU­67 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­94
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­67 SSU 523824.03 — Steering Wheel
SSU 523795.11 — Electro­Hydraulic Position Sensor 2 Supply Voltage
Steering Valve Deadband High................................................... 211­SSU­96
Inconsistent ....................................... 211­SSU­69 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­97
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­69 SSU 523824.04 — Steering Wheel
SSU 523795.12 — Electro­Hydraulic Position Sensor 2 Supply Voltage
Steering Valve Fault .......................... 211­SSU­71 Low.................................................... 211­SSU­98
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­71 Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­98
SSU 523795.13 — SSU Calibration SSU 523824.05 — Steering Wheel
Fault / Electro­Hydraulic Steering Position Sensor 2 Circuit Current
Valve ................................................. 211­SSU­73 Low.................................................. 211­SSU­100
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­74 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SSU­100
SSU 523810.00 — Electro­Hydraulic SSU 523824.06 — Steering Wheel
Steering Valve Supply Voltage Position Sensor 2 Circuit Current
High................................................... 211­SSU­75 High................................................. 211­SSU­102
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­75 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SSU­102
SSU 523810.01 — Electro­Hydraulic SSU 523824.10 — Steering
Steering Valve Supply Voltage Wheel Position Sensor 2 Signal
Low.................................................... 211­SSU­77 Mismatch......................................... 211­SSU­103
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­77 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SSU­103
SSU 523821.02 — Vehicle SSU 523824.14 — Steering Wheel
Mismatch........................................... 211­SSU­79 Position Sensor 2 Signal Fault ........ 211­SSU­105
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­79 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SSU­105
SSU 523822.02 — SSU Calibration SSU 523826.00 — Wheel Angle
Fault / Wheel Angle Sensor­Flow Sensor­Axle (Primary) Signal
Meter Direction Incorrect................... 211­SSU­80 High................................................. 211­SSU­107
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­81 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SSU­107
SSU 523822.05 — Wheel Angle SSU 523826.01 — Wheel Angle
Sensor­Flow Meter Current Sensor­Axle (Primary) Signal
Low.................................................... 211­SSU­82 Low.................................................. 211­SSU­109
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­82 Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SSU­109
SSU 523822.06 — Wheel Angle SSU 523826.02 — SSU Calibration
Sensor­Flow Meter Current Fault / Wheel Angle Sensor­Axle
High................................................... 211­SSU­84 (Primary) Polarity Reversed ............. 211­SSU­111
Code Diagnosis ..................................... 211­SSU­84 Code Diagnosis .................................... 211­SSU­111

Continued on next page

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­28 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Page Page

SSU 523826.07 — Wheel Angle SV II 000158.04 — SV iI Switched

Sensor­Axle (Primary) Fault ­ No Supply Voltage Low.............................. 211­SVII­1
Steered Motion.................................211­SSU­113 Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­SVII­1
Code Diagnosis ....................................211­SSU­113 SV II 002034.09 — SCC Message
SSU 523826.10 — Wheel Angle Missing ................................................. 211­SVII­2
Sensor­ Axle Fault / Steered Motion Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­SVII­2
Detected Without Steering Wheel SV II 004084.07 — SV II Not in Float
Motion ..............................................211­SSU­115 Position ................................................ 211­SVII­3
Code Diagnosis ....................................211­SSU­115 Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­SVII­3
SSU 523826.14 — Wheel Angle SV II 004084.16 — SV II Overshot
Sensor­Axle (Primary) Fault / Commanded Position........................... 211­SVII­3
Steering Wheel Motion Detected Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­SVII­4
Without Steered Motion....................211­SSU­118 SV II 004084.18 — SV II Failed to
Code Diagnosis ....................................211­SSU­118 Reach Commanded Position ............... 211­SVII­4
SSU 524221.09 — TCM Yaw Rate Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­SVII­4
Message Missing ............................ 211­SSU­120 SV II 004085.07 — SV II Not in Neutral
Code Diagnosis ................................... 211­SSU­120 Position ................................................ 211­SVII­5
Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­SVII­5
Group SUP—SUP Code Diagnostics SV II 004085.12 — SV II Control Unit
SUP 000628.12 — SUP Fault ..................................................... 211­SVII­5
Programming....................................... 211­SUP­1 Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­SVII­6
SUP 000629.12 — SUP Control Unit
Fault .................................................... 211­SUP­1 Group SVIII—SV III Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SUP­1 SV III 000158.03 — SV III Switched
SUP 524013.03 — SUP Switch Supply Voltage High............................ 211­SVIII­1
Fault .................................................... 211­SUP­2 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SVIII­1
Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SUP­3 SV III 000158.04 — SV III Switched
Supply Voltage Low............................. 211­SVIII­1
Group SVI—SV I Code Diagnostics (040000—) Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SVIII­1
SV I 000158.03 — SV I Switched SV III 002034.09 — SCC Message
Supply Voltage High.............................. 211­SVI­1 Missing ................................................ 211­SVIII­2
Code Diagnosis ......................................... 211­SVI­1 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SVIII­2
SV I 000158.04 — SV I Switched SV III 004084.07 — SV III Not in Float
Supply Voltage Low............................... 211­SVI­1 Position ............................................... 211­SVIII­3
Code Diagnosis ......................................... 211­SVI­1 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SVIII­3
SV I 002034.09 — SCC Message SV III 004084.16 — SV III Overshot
Missing .................................................. 211­SVI­2 Commanded Position.......................... 211­SVIII­3
Code Diagnosis ......................................... 211­SVI­2 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SVIII­4
SV I 004084.07 — SV I Not in Float SV III 004084.18 — SV III Failed to
Position ................................................. 211­SVI­3 Reach Commanded Position .............. 211­SVIII­4
Code Diagnosis ......................................... 211­SVI­3 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SVIII­4
SV I 004084.16 — SV I Overshot SV III 004085.07 — SV III Not in
Commanded Position............................ 211­SVI­3 Neutral Position................................... 211­SVIII­5
Code Diagnosis ......................................... 211­SVI­4 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SVIII­5
SV I 004084.18 — SV I Failed to SV III 004085.12 — SV III Control Unit
Reach Commanded Position ................ 211­SVI­4 Fault .................................................... 211­SVIII­5
Code Diagnosis ......................................... 211­SVI­4 Code Diagnosis ....................................... 211­SVIII­6
SV I 004085.07 — SV I Not in
NEUTRAL Position................................ 211­SVI­5 Group SVIV—SV IV Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Code Diagnosis ......................................... 211­SVI­5 SV IV 000158.03 — SV IV Switched
SV I 004085.12 — SV I Control Unit Supply Voltage High............................211­SVIV­1
Fault ...................................................... 211­SVI­5 Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVIV­1
Code Diagnosis ......................................... 211­SVI­6 SV IV 000158.04 — SV IV Switched
Supply Voltage Low.............................211­SVIV­1
Group SVII—SV II Code Diagnostics (040000—) Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVIV­1
SV II 000158.03 — SV II Switched SV IV 002034.09 — SCC Message
Supply Voltage High............................. 211­SVII­1 Missing ................................................211­SVIV­2
Code Diagnosis ........................................ 211­SVII­1 Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVIV­2

Continued on next page

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­29 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Page Page

SV IV 004084.07 — SV IV Not in Float SV VI 004084.18 — SV VI Failed to

Position ...............................................211­SVIV­3 Reach Commanded Position ..............211­SVVI­4
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVIV­3 Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVVI­4
SV IV 004084.16 — SV IV Overshot SV VI 004085.07 — SV VI Not in
Commanded Position..........................211­SVIV­3 Neutral Position...................................211­SVVI­5
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVIV­4 Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVVI­5
SV IV 004084.18 — SV IV Failed to SV VI 004085.12 — SV VI Control Unit
Reach Commanded Position ..............211­SVIV­4 Fault ....................................................211­SVVI­5
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVIV­4 Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVVI­6
SV IV 004085.07 — SV IV Not in
Neutral Position...................................211­SVIV­5 Group SVVII—SV VII Code Diagnostics (040000—)
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVIV­5 SV VII 000158.03 — SV VII Switched
SV IV 004085.12 — SV IV Control Unit Supply Voltage High...........................211­SVVII­1
Fault ....................................................211­SVIV­5 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­SVVII­1
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVIV­6 SV VII 000158.04 — SV VII Switched
Supply Voltage Low............................211­SVVII­1
Group SVV—SV V Code Diagnostics (040000—) Code Diagnosis ......................................211­SVVII­1
SV V 000158.03 — SV V Switched SV VII 002034.09 — SCC Message
Supply Voltage High.............................211­SVV­1 Missing ...............................................211­SVVII­2
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­SVV­1 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­SVVII­2
SV V 000158.04 — SV V Switched SV VII 004084.07 — SV VII Not in
Supply Voltage Low..............................211­SVV­1 Float Position .....................................211­SVVII­3
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­SVV­1 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­SVVII­3
SV V 002034.09 — SCC Message SV VII 004084.16 — SV VII Overshot
Missing .................................................211­SVV­2 Commanded Position.........................211­SVVII­3
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­SVV­2 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­SVVII­4
SV V 004084.07 — SV V Not in Float SV VII 004084.18 — SV VII Failed to
Position ................................................211­SVV­3 Reach Commanded Position .............211­SVVII­4
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­SVV­3 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­SVVII­4
SV V 004084.16 — SV V Overshot SV VII 004085.07 — SV VII Not in
Commanded Position...........................211­SVV­3 Neutral Position..................................211­SVVII­5
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­SVV­4 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­SVVII­5
SV V 004084.18 — SV V Failed to SVV VII 004085.12 — SV VII Control
Reach Commanded Position ...............211­SVV­4 Unit Fault............................................211­SVVII­5
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­SVV­4 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­SVVII­6
SV V 004085.07 — SV V Not in Neutral
Position ................................................211­SVV­5 Group TEC—TEC Code Diagnostics
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­SVV­5 TEC 000628.12 — TEC
SV V 004085.12 — SV V Control Unit Programming........................................211­TEC­1
Fault .....................................................211­SVV­5 TEC 000629.12 — TEC Control Unit
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­SVV­6 Fault .....................................................211­TEC­1
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­TEC­1
Group SVVI—SV VI Code Diagnostics (040000—) TEC 000630.02 — TEC Calibration
SV VI 000158.03 — SV VI Switched Fault/Data Invalid .................................211­TEC­2
Supply Voltage High............................211­SVVI­1 Code Diagnosis ........................................211­TEC­3
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVVI­1 TEC 522550.14 — ISO Compliant
SV VI 000158.04 — SV VI Switched and Non­ISO Compliant Devices on
Supply Voltage Low.............................211­SVVI­1 Implement Bus .....................................211­TEC­4
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVVI­1 Code Diagnosis ........................................211­TEC­4
SV VI 002034.09 — SCC Message
Missing ................................................211­SVVI­2 Group VLC—VLC Code Diagnostics
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVVI­2 VLC 000628.02 — VLC EOL Data
SV VI 004084.07 — SV VI Not in Float Fault .....................................................211­VLC­1
Position ...............................................211­SVVI­3 Code Diagnosis ........................................211­VLC­1
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVVI­3 VLC 000628.12 — VLC
SV VI 004084.16 — SV VI Overshot Programming........................................211­VLC­2
Commanded Position..........................211­SVVI­3 VLC 000629.12 — VLC Control Unit
Code Diagnosis .......................................211­SVVI­4 Fault .....................................................211­VLC­2
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­VLC­3

Continued on next page

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­30 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


Page Page

VLC 001542.04 — VLC Wake­Up VLC 522620.05 — Horn Circuit Current

Signal Voltage Low...............................211­VLC­4 Low.....................................................211­VLC­50
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­VLC­4 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­50
VLC 001550.05 — A/C Compressor VLC 522620.06 — Horn Circuit Current
Clutch Circuit Current Low ...................211­VLC­6 High....................................................211­VLC­51
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­VLC­6 Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­52
VLC 001550.06 — A/C Compressor
Clutch Circuit Current High ..................211­VLC­9
Code Diagnosis ........................................211­VLC­9
VLC 002030.06 — VLC Circuit Current
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­12
VLC 002050.09 — CLC Message
Missing ...............................................211­VLC­14
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­14
VLC 002348.05 — High Beam Lights
Circuit Current Low ............................211­VLC­16
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­16
VLC 002348.06 — High Beam Lights
Circuit Current High............................211­VLC­18
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­19
VLC 002350.05 — Low Beam Lights
Circuit Current Low ............................211­VLC­21
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­21
VLC 002350.06 — Low Beam Lights
Circuit Current High............................211­VLC­23
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­23
VLC 002354.05 — Front Outer Flood
Lights Circuit Current Low..................211­VLC­26
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­26
VLC 002354.06 — Front Outer Flood
Lights Circuit Current High .................211­VLC­28
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­28
VLC 002356.05 — Front Inner Flood
Lights Circuit Current Low..................211­VLC­31
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­31
VLC 002356.06 — Front Inner Flood
Lights Circuit Current High .................211­VLC­33
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­33
VLC 002388.05 — Center Spot Light
Circuit Current Low ............................211­VLC­36
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­36
VLC 002388.06 — Center Spot Light
Circuit Current High............................211­VLC­37
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­38
VLC 522310.06 — ELX Output 2
Circuit Current High............................211­VLC­39
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­40
VLC 522311.05 — Rear Washer Pump
Circuit Current Low ............................211­VLC­41
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­42
VLC 522311.06 — Rear Washer Pump
Circuit Current High............................211­VLC­43
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­44
VLC 522312.05 — Front Washer Pump
Circuit Current Low ............................211­VLC­46
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­46
VLC 522312.06 — Front Washer Pump
Circuit Current High............................211­VLC­47
Code Diagnosis ......................................211­VLC­48

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­31 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors


TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­32 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group ACU
ACU Code Diagnostics

ACU 000158.04 — Rear PTO Switched Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: Voltage to power PTO switch and
rear PTO is below 9.0V longer than 1 second.
HP51992,00004B6 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear PTO system
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004B6 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform any

HP51992,00004B6 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a OK: Code does not return.
connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
GO TO 3.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, NOT OK: More than one
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure. control unit has code
000158.04 or 000158.01.
GO TO 4.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 5.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004B6 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle at idle for 5 ­ 10 minutes. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: More than one
control unit has code
000158.04 or 000158.01.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 5 .

Continued on next page HP51992,00004B6 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Check Perform Cab Load Center Supply Voltage and Ground Test Test, Reference

If problem is not identified: OK: GO TO 5.

Perform Charging System Voltage Test, Reference 240­SE01­003. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004B6 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004B6 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004B6 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ACU 000177.17 — Engine Speed Limited Due

to Cold Oil Code Caused By: Engine speed commanded above 1500
rpm and transmission oil temperature below ­5°C.
HP51992,00004B3 ­19­04APR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission oil temperature
Control Unit Response: Limits engine speed to 1500 rpm. If below ­15°C (5°F) IVT™ equipped tractors limited to
5 km/h (3.1 mph).
NOTE: This code is normal when oil is cold (below ­5°C).

The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:

JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004B3 ­19­04APR06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks Slow engine speed to less than 1500 rpm until hydraulic oil temp is above ­5°C. OK: GO TO 2.

NOTE: Hydraulic oil temperature can be viewed at CCU Address 052 in degrees NOT OK: Correct
Celsius. If oil is below ­5°C and engine speed is commanded above 1500 condition.
rpm, engine will be held to 1500 rpm until oil warms up.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004B3 ­19­04APR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004B3 ­19­04APR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Set engine speed above 1500 rpm.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004B3 ­19­04APR06­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004B3 ­19­04APR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004B3 ­19­04APR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004B3 ­19­04APR06­8/8

ACU 000237.02 — VIN Security Data Conflict

Code Caused By: Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
from other control units is not the same.
HP51992,00004B5 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Identification System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004B5 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Start vehicle and idle for five minutes.

NOTE: Control unit from another vehicle being used for diagnostics may cause this code. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004B5 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004B5 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return.

NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with OK: Code does not return.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004B5 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check Perform VIN Security Fault Diagnosis, Reference 245­05­201. OK: All values match.
GO TO 5.

Reprogram any control units that do not match the VIN. NOT OK: One or more of
the control units did not
match the VIN.
Reprogram as needed.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
See Programming Control Units, Reference 245­05­005. NOT OK: If reprogramming
has been completed but
problem still exists:
GO TO 6.
HP51992,00004B5 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

HP51992,00004B5 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004B5 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 000237.14 — VIN Security Not Enabled

Code Caused By: Vehicle Identification Number
(VIN) Security has not been enabled.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004B7 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Identification System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004B7 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004B7 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004B7 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return.

NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with OK: Code does not return.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004B7 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check Reprogram the Armrest Control Unit. See Programming Control Units, Reference
OK: Reprogramming
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Reprogramming
was unsuccessful or
problem still exists:
GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004B7 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform VIN Security Fault Diagnosis, Reference 245­05­201. OK: All values match.
GO TO 6.

Reprogram any control units that do not match the VIN. NOT OK: One or more of
the control units do not
match the VIN.
Reprogram as needed.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
See Programming Control Units, Reference 245­05­005. NOT OK: Reprogramming
was unsuccessful or
problem still exists:
GO TO 6.
HP51992,00004B7 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004B7 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 000237.31 — VIN Security Messages

Missing Code Caused By: Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
not received from other control units.
HP51992,00004B8 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Identification System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004B8 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2

Continued on next page HP51992,00004B8 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the “Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004B8 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return.

NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with OK: Code does not return.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004B8 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check Perform VIN Security Fault Diagnosis, Reference 245­05­201. OK: All values match.
GO TO 5.

Reprogram any control units that do not match the VIN. NOT OK: One or more of
the control units did not
match the VIN.
Reprogram as needed.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
See Programming Control Units, Reference 245­05­005). NOT OK: If reprogramming
has been completed but
problem still exists:
GO TO 6.
HP51992,00004B8 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Reprogram the Armrest Control Unit. See Programming Control Units, Reference
OK: Reprogramming
successful. Perform setups
and calibrations as required.
NOT OK: Reprogramming
was unsuccessful or
problem still exists:
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004B8 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
HP51992,00004B8 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 000581.07 — Transmission Not

Responding to Command Code Caused By: PTI not responding to Armrest
Control Unit requests.
HP51992,00004B9 ­19­21NOV07­1/9

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004B9 ­19­21NOV07­2/9

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks Inspect armrest harness and connector.

1. Place transmission in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Access ACU Address 017. The display should read:

ACU Address 017—Specification

Transmission Enable Circuit—Transmis­
sion Disabled........................................................................................................... 1000
4. Depress clutch and brake pedals.
5. Place transmission in FORWARD or REVERSE position.
6. Verify that the display at ACU Address 017 meets the following specification:
ACU Address 017—Specification
Transmission Enable Circuit—Transmis­
sion Enabled............................................................................................................ 1010
7. Place transmission in PARK position.
8. Verify that the display at ACU Address 017 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 017—Specification

Transmission Enable Circuit—Transmis­
sion Disabled........................................................................................................... 1000
9. Set engine to 1200 rpm. Drive vehicle at maximum transmission speed and slowly OK: GO TO 2.
decrease transmission speed to minimum. Vehicle should slowly and evenly
decrease speed.
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004B9 ­19­21NOV07­3/9

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004B9 ­19­21NOV07­4/9

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward direction.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004B9 ­19­21NOV07­5/9

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004B9 ­19­21NOV07­6/9

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Transmission Enable Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­009. OK: GO TO 7.

If no problem found, perform Power Train Control Unit (PTI) System Power and NOT OK: Problem
Ground Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­303. identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.
HP51992,00004B9 ­19­21NOV07­7/9

•6 Clutch Enable
Pressure Check
1. Place transmission in PARK.

2. Turn key ON (engine OFF) while accessing PTI Address 024.

NOTE: PTI Address 024 displays pressure in kPa. OK: GO TO 7.

3. Verify display is in specification.

PTI Address 024—Specification

Clutch Enable Pressure—Key ON
(Engine OFF), Park Position................................................................................... 0 kPa
(0 bar)
(0 psi)
NOTE: Transmission must remain in PARK position during this step. NOT OK: Clutch enable
pressure out of specification
4. Start engine while accessing PTI Address 024. with engine OFF or engine
running and clutch enable
solenoid disconnected.
Perform 240­SE11­
314 Clutch Enable Pressure
Sensor Circuit Test.
If no problem is
found, perform
240­SE11­319 Clutch
Enable Solenoid Circuit
Inspect and repair as
indicated in test(s).
NOTE: PTI Address 024 displays pressure in kPa. NOT OK: Clutch enable
pressure out of specification
5. Verify display is in specification. with engine running and
PTI Address 024—Specification clutch enable solenoid
Clutch Enable Pressure—Engine connected, but pressure
Running, Park Position......................................................................................0­20 kPa in specification with
(0­0.2 bar) clutch enable solenoid
(0­3.0 psi) disconnected. Test
indicates possible stuck
NOTE: If pressure at PTI Address 024 is out of specification with transmission clutch enable valve. Inspect
in PARK and engine running, disconnect Y524 Clutch Enable
and repair as necessary.
Solenoid from harness and repeat step.
Disregard any codes that maybe stored when performing check
with clutch enable solenoid disconnected.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004B9 ­19­21NOV07­8/9

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•7 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004B9 ­19­21NOV07­9/9

ACU 000628.02 — ACU EOL Data Fault

Code Caused By: End­of­Line memory failed at start­up.
HP51992,00004BA ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Command PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004BA ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004BA ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004BA ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle and wait 1 minute.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004BA ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check Download software for this application. OK: Software download
was successful. Perform
setups and calibrations as
See Programming Control Units, Reference 245­05­005. NOT OK: Software
download unsuccessful
or did not solve problem.
GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004BA ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
For AutoPowr/IVT perform Armrest Control Unit System Power and Ground Circuit OK: GO TO 6.
Test, Reference 240­SE13­003.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004BA ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004BA ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 000628.12 — ACU Programming

Displayed Text: Programming
Code Caused By: Control unit in process of Control Unit Response: No functions available until
updating software. programming is complete
Code Diagnosis Programming codes occur only during process of updating
or loading new software. It is not an error and there is
Alarm Level: Information no diagnosis required.
HP51992,00004BB ­19­22APR05­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

ACU 000629.11 — ACU Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: Check of RAM memory failed at start­up.
HP51992,00004EF ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004EF ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004EF ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004EF ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle and wait 1 minute.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004EF ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004EF ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004EF ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004EF ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 000629.12 — ACU Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: Armrest Control Unit software
failed to execute in allotted time.
HP51992,00004EE ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004EE ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004EE ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­15 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004EE ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004EE ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004EE ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004EE ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004EE ­19­12JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

ACU 000630.02 — ACU Calibration Fault/Data

Invalid Code Caused By: Armrest Control Unit invalid calibration
values or failure of calibration memory.
HP51992,00004ED ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Set Speeds Reset to Default
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004ED ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004ED ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004ED ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return.

3. Turn vehicle OFF, Restart vehicle.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004ED ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check Perform Armrest Control Unit (ACU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE13­003.
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004ED ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­17 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit Calibration, Reference 245­ACU­001. OK: Calibration
GO TO 2.

If calibration was not successful or problem was not identified: NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
New software may be required. Perform Programming Controllers, Reference NOT OK: Calibration
245­05­005. unsuccessful and problem
not identified.
GO TO 6.
HP51992,00004ED ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004ED ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 000630.13 — ACU Calibration Fault/Not

Calibrated Code Caused By: Armrest Control Unit has never been
calibrated or a failed calibration was saved.
HP51992,00004EC ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004EC ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004EC ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­18 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004EC ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004EC ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004EC ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit Calibration, Reference 245­ACU­001. OK: Calibration
GO TO 2.

If calibration was not successful or problem was not identified: NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
New software may be required. Perform Programming Controllers, Reference NOT OK: Calibration
245­05­005. unsuccessful and problem
not identified.
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004EC ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­19 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004EC ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 000974.02 — Hand Throttle Sensor

Circuit Voltage Conflict Code Caused By: Hand Throttle Sensor circuits
1 and 2 voltages conflict.
HP51992,00004EB ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Disables Hand Throttle
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004EB ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­20 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 012.

3. Check to ensure that the Hand Throttle is in Low Idle position.
4. Verify that the display at Address 012 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 012—Specification

Hand Throttle Position Sensor—Hand
Throttle Low Idle Position (Low Range)........................................................... 00300015
Hand Throttle Low Idle Position (High
Range) ............................................................................................................ 00900045
5. Slowly cycle the Hand Throttle up to the WOT position noting any non linear jumps NOT OK: GO TO 5.
in the value displayed at Address 012. Verify that the display at Address 012 ramps
up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 012—Specification

Hand Throttle Position Sensor—Hand
Throttle WOT Position (Low Range)................................................................ 03700185
Hand Throttle WOT Position (High
Range) ............................................................................................................ 04700235

NOTE: The first four digits of Address 12 represent 1 channel of the Hand
Throttle Position Sensor output. The last four digits of Address
012 represent a second channel of output.

For example if the first four digits are 414, this represents 4.14 volts.
Channel 1 and 2 have a 2:1 ratio, so the last four digits should
always be approximately half of the first four digits.

Moving throttle lever too quickly may cause a ”Beep” and

a jump in display reading.

NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001.

HP51992,00004EB ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004EB ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hand throttle slowly through entire range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004EB ­19­12JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004EB ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hand Throttle Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­006. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004EB ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004EB ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 000974.03 — Hand Throttle Sensor

Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Hand Throttle Sensor circuit
voltage greater than 4.7V
HP51992,00004EA ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004EA ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 012.

3. Check to ensure that the Hand Throttle is in Low Idle position.
4. Verify that the display at Address 012 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 012—Specification

Hand Throttle Position Sensor—Hand
Throttle Low Idle Position (Low Range)........................................................... 00300015
Hand Throttle Low Idle Position (High
Range) ............................................................................................................ 00900045
5. Slowly cycle the Hand Throttle up to the WOT position noting any non linear jumps NOT OK: GO TO 5.
in the value displayed at Address 012. Verify that the display at Address 012 ramps
up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 012—Specification

Hand Throttle Position Sensor—Hand
Throttle WOT Position (Low Range)................................................................ 03700185
Hand Throttle WOT Position (High
Range) ............................................................................................................ 04700235

NOTE: The first four digits of Address 12 represent 1 channel of the Hand
Throttle Position Sensor output. The last four digits of Address
012 represent a second channel of output.

For example if the first four digits are 414, this represents 4.14 volts.
Channel 1 and 2 have a 2:1 ratio, so the last four digits should
always be approximately half of the first four digits.

Moving throttle lever too quickly may cause a ”Beep” and

a jump in display reading.

NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001.

HP51992,00004EA ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004EA ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hand throttle slowly through entire range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004EA ­19­12JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­23 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004EA ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hand Throttle Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­006. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004EA ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004EA ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 000974.04 — Hand Throttle Sensor

Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Hand Throttle Sensor circuit
voltage below 0.3V
HP51992,00004E9 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004E9 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­24 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 012.

3. Check to ensure that the Hand Throttle is in Low Idle position.
4. Verify that the display at Address 012 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 012—Specification

Hand Throttle Position Sensor—Hand
Throttle Low Idle Position (Low Range)........................................................... 00300015
Hand Throttle Low Idle Position (High
Range) ............................................................................................................ 00900045
5. Slowly cycle the Hand Throttle up to the WOT position noting any non linear jumps NOT OK: GO TO 5.
in the value displayed at Address 012. Verify that the display at Address 012 ramps
up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 012—Specification

Hand Throttle Position Sensor—Hand
Throttle WOT Position (Low Range)................................................................ 03700185
Hand Throttle WOT Position (High
Range) ............................................................................................................ 04700235

NOTE: The first four digits of Address 12 represent 1 channel of the Hand
Throttle Position Sensor output. The last four digits of Address
012 represent a second channel of output.

For example if the first four digits are 414, this represents 4.14 volts.
Channel 1 and 2 have a 2:1 ratio, so the last four digits should
always be approximately half of the first four digits.

Moving throttle lever too quickly may cause a ”Beep” and

a jump in display reading.

NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001.

HP51992,00004E9 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004E9 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hand throttle slowly through entire range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004E9 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­25 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004E9 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hand Throttle Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­006. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004E9 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004E9 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 001079.03 — ACU Sensor Supply 1

Voltage High Code Caused By: Armrest Control Unit sensor supply
1 voltage above 5.2V for longer than 1 second.
HP51992,00004E7 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004E7 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­26 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 045.

3. Verify that the display at Address 045 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 045—Specification

ACU Sensor Supply 1 Voltage—ACU
Sensor Supply 1 Voltage (Low Range)..................................................................... 4.80
ACU Sensor Supply 1 Voltage (High
Range) ..................................................................................................................... 5.20
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: Perform Armrest
Control Unit Sensor Power
1 Circuit Test, Reference
HP51992,00004E7 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004E7 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 5 ­ 15 minutes and cycle right Hand Reverser, Resume switch
and Single Lever control.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004E7 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check Perform Armrest Control Unit System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004E7 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­27 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit Sensor Power 1 Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004E7 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004E7 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 001079.04 — ACU Sensor Supply 1

Voltage Low Code Caused By: Armrest Control Unit sensor supply
1 voltage below 4.8V for longer than 1 second.
HP51992,00004E6 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004E6 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­28 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 045.

3. Verify that the display at Address 045 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 045—Specification

ACU Sensor Supply 1 Voltage—ACU
Sensor Supply 1 Voltage (Low Range)..................................................................... 4.80
ACU Sensor Supply 1 Voltage (High
Range) ..................................................................................................................... 5.20
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: Perform Armrest
Control Unit Sensor Power
1 Circuit Test, Reference
HP51992,00004E6 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004E6 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 5 ­ 15 minutes and cycle right Hand Reverser, Resume switch
and Single Lever control.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004E6 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check Perform Armrest Control Unit System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004E6 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­29 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit Sensor Power 1 Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004E6 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004E6 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 001080.03 — ACU Sensor Supply 2

Voltage High Code Caused By: Armrest Control Unit sensor supply
voltage above 5.2V for longer than 1 second.
HP51992,00004E4 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004E4 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­30 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 046.

3. Verify that the display at Address 046 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 046—Specification

ACU Sensor Supply 2 Voltage—ACU
Sensor Supply 2 Voltage (Low Range)..................................................................... 4.80
ACU Sensor Supply 2 Voltage (High
Range) ..................................................................................................................... 5.20
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: Perform Armrest
Control Unit Sensor Power
2 Circuit Test, Reference
HP51992,00004E4 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004E4 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 5 ­ 15 minutes and cycle speed control lever, hitch control
lever, SCV I—SCV IV and hand throttle.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004E4 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check Perform Armrest Control Unit System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004E4 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­31 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit Sensor Power 2 Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004E4 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004E4 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 001080.04 — ACU Sensor Supply 2

Voltage Low Code Caused By: Armrest Control Unit sensor supply
2 voltage below 4.8V for longer than 1 second.
HP51992,00004E3 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004E3 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­32 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 046.

3. Verify that the display at Address 046 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 046—Specification

ACU Sensor Supply 2 Voltage—ACU
Sensor Supply 2 Voltage (Low Range)..................................................................... 4.80
ACU Sensor Supply 2 Voltage (High
Range) ..................................................................................................................... 5.20
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: Perform Armrest
Control Unit Sensor Power
2 Circuit Test, Reference
HP51992,00004E3 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004E3 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 5 ­ 15 minutes and cycle speed control lever, hitch control
lever, SCV I—SCV IV and hand throttle.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004E3 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check Perform Armrest Control Unit System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004E3 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­33 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit Sensor Power 2 Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004E3 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004E3 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 002000.09 — ECU Message Missing

Code Caused By: Armrest Control Unit not receiving
required messages from the ECU.
RE35951,0000034 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Defaults to idle and disables throttle functions. Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,0000034 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse F24 to ECU control unit.

See Fuse Load Center Diagram Listing, Reference 240­05­001.
OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,0000034 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­34 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,0000034 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate for 15 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,0000034 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,0000034 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following: OK: GO TO 6.

Armrest Control Unit System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference NOT OK: Problem
240­SE13­003. identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
Engine Control Unit System Power and Ground Test, Reference 240­SE16­003. NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,0000034 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­35 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
RE35951,0000034 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 002003.09 — PTI or PTP Message

Missing Code Caused By: Armrest Control Unit not receiving
required messages from the PTI or PTP.
RE35951,0000035 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,0000035 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

RE35951,0000035 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page RE35951,0000035 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­36 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 15 minutes

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,0000035 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Check Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,0000035 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following: OK: GO TO 6.

Armrest Control Unit System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference NOT OK: Problem
240­SE13­003. identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
Vehicle Load Center (VLC) System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference NOT OK: Problem not
240­SE11­101. identified.
GO TO 6.
Continued on next page RE35951,0000035 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­37 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2003.09, replace
PTI or PTP (VLC Control
If Armrest Control Unit
has code 2003.09, replace
Armrest Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,0000035 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ACU 002020.09 — SFA Message Missing

Code Caused By: Armrest Control Unit not receiving
required messages from the SFA.
HP51992,000050E ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Limited Vehicle Speed (30K)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,000050E ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­38 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Access SFA Address 025. The display should read:
NOTE: See Access Control Unit Addresses, Reference 245­05­002.

AUTO —Automatic Leveling Configuration
2. If OFF is displayed, press the Select Switch to change the display.
3. Turn the Command Dial to select the down­arrow icon.
4. Turn the Command Dial to select the following value:
AUTO —To Enable Automatic Leveling (SFA Present)

NOTE: If SFA Address 025 is set to ”OFF”, other control units

may not recognize the SFA..
5. Press the Select Switch to save the value at SFA Address 025. OK: GO TO 2.
HP51992,000050E ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000050E ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 15 minutes

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000050E ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000050E ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­39 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following: OK: GO TO 6.

Armrest Control Unit System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference NOT OK: Problem
240­SE13­003. identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
Suspension and Front Axle Control Unit (SFA) Power and Ground Circuit Test, NOT OK: Problem not
Reference 240­SE4­203. identified.
GO TO 6.
HP51992,000050E ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2020.09, replace
SFA (SCU Control Unit).
If Armrest Control Unit
has code 2020.09, replace
Armrest Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
HP51992,000050E ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 002049.09 — CAB Message Missing

Code Caused By: Armrest Control Unit not receiving
required messages from the CAB.
HP51992,00004E2 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004E2 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­40 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse F22 to IVT CAB Control Unit. OK: GO TO 2.

See Fuse Load Center Diagram Listing, Reference 240­05­001. NOT OK: Replace fuse.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004E2 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004E2 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 15 minutes

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004E2 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004E2 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following: OK: GO TO 6.

Armrest Control Unit System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference NOT OK: Problem
240­SE13­003. identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
CAB System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE10­128 NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004E2 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­41 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004E2 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 523664.02 — Speed Band 1 and 2 NOTE: Code is only valid for vehicles equipped with
Switches Conflict AutoPowr/IVT left­hand reverser option.

Code Caused By: Speed band 1 and 2 switches

are reading the same value.
HP51992,00004E1 ­19­20MAY09­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004E1 ­19­20MAY09­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­42 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 010.

3. Place the Speed Control Lever in Speed Band 1.
4. Verify that the display at Address 010 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 010—Specification

Set Speed Position Sensor
Assembly—Speed Band 1 Slot
Switch Active................................................................................................. XXXXXXX1
5. Place the Speed Control Lever in Speed Band 2.
6. Access ACU Address 010.
7. Verify that the display at Address 010 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 010—Specification

Set Speed Position Sensor
Assembly—Speed Band 2 Slot
Switch Active................................................................................................. XXXXXX1X
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004E1 ­19­20MAY09­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004E1 ­19­20MAY09­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­43 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.

RXA0081634 —UN—15JUN05

3. Cycle drive lever slowly through full range several times.

4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004E1 ­19­20MAY09­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004E1 ­19­20MAY09­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Set Speed Position Sensor Assembly Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE13­012.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004E1 ­19­20MAY09­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­44 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004E1 ­19­20MAY09­8/8

ACU 523775.02 — Single Lever Control Hand

Presence Switch Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Single Lever Control hand
presence switch circuit failure.
HP51992,00005A9 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Single Lever Control
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00005A9 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the Transport Lock Switch in the ”unlocked” position.

3. Access ACU Address 020.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 020 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 020—Specification

Operator Hand Presence Switch—Hand
Not Present.............................................................................................................. 0110
5. Place your hand around the Single Lever Control, inside the operator hand
presence switch lever.
6. Verify that the display at ACU Address 020 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 020—Specification

Operator Hand Presence Switch—Hand
Present..................................................................................................................... 1010
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,00005A9 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­45 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00005A9 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Move Operator Hand Presence Switch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00005A9 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Transport Lock Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­023. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00005A9 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Operator Hand Presence Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­022. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00005A9 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­46 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00005A9 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 523775.09 — Single Lever Control Hand NOTE: This code can also be caused by operator
Presence Switch Fault trying to override hand presence switch for
more than 10 minutes.
Code Caused By: Single Lever Control hand
presence switch failure.
HP51992,00005AA ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Single Lever Control
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00005AA ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the Transport Lock Switch in the ”unlocked” position.

3. Access ACU Address 020.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 020 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 020—Specification

Operator Hand Presence Switch—Hand
Not Present.............................................................................................................. 0110
5. Place your hand around the Single Lever Control, inside the operator hand
presence switch lever.
6. Verify that the display at ACU Address 020 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 020—Specification

Operator Hand Presence Switch—Hand
Present..................................................................................................................... 1010
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,00005AA ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­47 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00005AA ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Move Operator Hand Presence Switch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00005AA ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Transport Lock Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­023. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00005AA ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Operator Hand Presence Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­022. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00005AA ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­48 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00005AA ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 523776.02 — Single Lever Control

Transport Lock Switch Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Single Lever Control transport
lock switch failure.
HP51992,00005AE ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Single Lever Control
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00005AE ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the Transport Lock Switch in the ”Locked” position.

3. Access ACU Address 020.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 020 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 020—Specification

Transport Lock Switch—Lock
Commanded............................................................................................................ 1101
5. Place the Transport Lock Switch in the ”unlocked” position.
6. Verify that the display at ACU Address 020 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 020—Specification

Transport Lock Switch—Unlocked
Commanded............................................................................................................ 0110
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,00005AE ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­49 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00005AE ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle Transport Lock switch through all positions.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00005AE ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00005AE ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Transport Lock Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­023. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005AE ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005AE ­19­12JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­50 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

ACU 523801.02 — Single Lever Control

Auxiliary Switch Fault Code Caused By: Auxiliary dual push button switch failure.
HP51992,00005CD ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Single Lever Control
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00005CD ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the Transport Lock Switch in the UNLOCK position.

3. Access ACU Address 021.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 021 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 021—Specification

Auxiliary Switches—No Auxiliary Switch
Pressed................................................................................................................ 000001
5. Press the Left Auxiliary Switch.
6. Verify that the display at ACU Address 021 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 021—Specification

Auxiliary Switches—Left Switch
Pressed................................................................................................................ 000010
7. Press the Right Auxiliary Switch.
8. Verify that the display at ACU Address 021 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 021—Specification

Auxiliary Switches—Right Switch
Pressed................................................................................................................ 000100
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00005CD ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00005CD ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­51 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Press Auxiliary Switch buttons.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00005CD ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Transport Lock Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­023. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00005CD ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Auxiliary Switches Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­024. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00005CD ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005CD ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 523804.02 — Single Control Lever

Lateral Detent Switch Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Side to side lever detent switch failure.
Continued on next page HP51992,00005D1 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­52 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Single Lever Control
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00005D1 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 023.

3. Check to ensure that the Single Lever Control is in Center position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 023 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 023—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Center
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.80
Center Position (High Range) ........................................................................ 000003.20
5. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control up to the Left Detent position. Verify that the
display at ACU Address 023 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 023—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Left
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 100003.90
Full Left Position (High Range) ...................................................................... 100004.20
6. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control in to the Full Left position. Verify that the
display at ACU Address 023 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 023—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Left
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000003.90
Full Left Position (High Range) ...................................................................... 000004.20
7. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control up to the Right Detent position. Verify that
the display at ACU Address 023 ramps down to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 023—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Right
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 100001.60
Full Right Position (High Range).................................................................... 100002.00

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 023 represent the Single Lever Control
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 023 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the Single Lever Control Sensor.
8. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control in to the Full Right position. Verify that the OK: GO TO 2.
display at ACU Address 023 ramps down to meet the following specification:
ACU Address 023—Specification
Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Right
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000001.60
Full Right Position (High Range).................................................................... 000002.00
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page HP51992,00005D1 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­53 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00005D1 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle single lever control right and left through full range.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00005D1 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00005D1 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left/Right Single Lever Control Sensor Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005D1 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005D1 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­54 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

ACU 523804.03 — Single Lever Control

Lateral Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Side to side lever output
voltage above 4.8V
HP51992,00005D2 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Single Lever Control
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00005D2 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 023.

3. Check to ensure that the Single Lever Control is in Center position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 023 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 023—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Center
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.80
Center Position (High Range) ........................................................................ 000003.20
5. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control up to the Left Detent position. Verify that the
display at ACU Address 023 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 023—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Left
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 100003.90
Full Left Position (High Range) ...................................................................... 100004.20
6. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control in to the Full Left position. Verify that the
display at ACU Address 023 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 023—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Left
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000003.90
Full Left Position (High Range) ...................................................................... 000004.20
7. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control up to the Right Detent position. Verify that
the display at ACU Address 023 ramps down to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 023—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Right
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 100001.60
Full Right Position (High Range).................................................................... 100002.00

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 023 represent the Single Lever Control
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 023 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the Single Lever Control Sensor.
8. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control in to the Full Right position. Verify that the OK: GO TO 2.
display at ACU Address 023 ramps down to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 023—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Right
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000001.60
Full Right Position (High Range).................................................................... 000002.00
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page HP51992,00005D2 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­55 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00005D2 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle single lever control right and left through full range.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00005D2 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00005D2 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left/Right Single Lever Control Sensor Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005D2 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005D2 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­56 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

ACU 523804.04 — Single Lever Control

Lateral Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Side to side lever output
voltage below 0.2V.
HP51992,00005D3 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Single Lever Control
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00005D3 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 023.

3. Check to ensure that the Single Lever Control is in Center position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 023 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 023—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Center
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.80
Center Position (High Range) ........................................................................ 000003.20
5. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control up to the Left Detent position. Verify that the
display at ACU Address 023 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 023—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Left
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 100003.90
Full Left Position (High Range) ...................................................................... 100004.20
6. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control in to the Full Left position. Verify that the
display at ACU Address 023 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 023—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Left
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000003.90
Full Left Position (High Range) ...................................................................... 000004.20
7. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control up to the Right Detent position. Verify that
the display at ACU Address 023 ramps down to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 023—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Right
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 100001.60
Full Right Position (High Range).................................................................... 100002.00

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 023 represent the Single Lever Control
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 023 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the Single Lever Control Sensor.
8. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control in to the Full Right position. Verify that the OK: GO TO 2.
display at ACU Address 023 ramps down to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 023—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Right
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000001.60
Full Right Position (High Range).................................................................... 000002.00
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page HP51992,00005D3 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­57 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00005D3 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle single lever control right and left through full range.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00005D3 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00005D3 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left/Right Single Lever Control Sensor Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005D3 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005D3 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­58 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

ACU 523805.02 — Single Lever Control

Fore­Aft Detent Switch Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Fore­aft lever detent switch failure.
HP51992,00005D8 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Single Lever Control
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00005D8 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 022.

3. Check to ensure that the Single Lever Control is in Center position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 022 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Center
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.80
Center Position (High Range) ........................................................................ 000003.20
5. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control up to the Aft Detent position. Verify that the
display at ACU Address 022 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Aft
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 100003.90
Full Aft Position (High Range)........................................................................ 100004.20
6. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control into the Full Aft (Detent) position. Verify that
the display at ACU Address 022 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Aft
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000003.90
Full Aft Position (High Range)........................................................................ 000004.20
7. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control up to the Forward Detent position. Verify that
the display at ACU Address 022 ramps down to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100001.60
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 100002.00

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 022 represent the Single Lever Control
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 022 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the Single Lever Control Sensor.
8. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control in to the Full Forward (Detent) position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 022 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Right
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000001.60
Full Right Position (High Range).................................................................... 000002.00
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page HP51992,00005D8 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­59 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00005D8 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle single lever control forward and back through full range.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00005D8 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00005D8 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Fore/Aft Single Lever Control Sensor Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005D8 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005D8 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­60 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

ACU 523805.03 — Single Lever Control

Fore­Aft Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Fore­aft lever output voltage above
4.8V. ACU address 64 configuration may be incorrect.
See 245­ACU­001 Armrest Control Unit Calibration.
HP51992,00005D9 ­19­17OCT07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Single Lever Control
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00005D9 ­19­17OCT07­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­61 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 022.

3. Check to ensure that the Single Lever Control is in Center position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 022 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Center
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.80
Center Position (High Range) ........................................................................ 000003.20
5. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control up to the Aft Detent position. Verify that the
display at ACU Address 022 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Aft
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 100003.90
Full Aft Position (High Range)........................................................................ 100004.20
6. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control into the Full Aft (Detent) position. Verify that
the display at ACU Address 022 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Aft
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000003.90
Full Aft Position (High Range)........................................................................ 000004.20
7. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control up to the Forward Detent position. Verify that
the display at ACU Address 022 ramps down to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100001.60
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 100002.00

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 022 represent the Single Lever Control
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 022 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the Single Lever Control Sensor.
8. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control in to the Full Forward (Detent) position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 022 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Right
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000001.60
Full Right Position (High Range).................................................................... 000002.00
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00005D9 ­19­17OCT07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00005D9 ­19­17OCT07­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­62 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle single lever control forward and back through full range.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00005D9 ­19­17OCT07­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00005D9 ­19­17OCT07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Fore/Aft Single Lever Control Sensor Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00005D9 ­19­17OCT07­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005D9 ­19­17OCT07­8/8

ACU 523805.04 — Single Lever Control

Fore­Aft Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Fore­aft lever output voltage below 0.2V.
Continued on next page HP51992,00005DB ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­63 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Single Lever Control
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00005DB ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 022.

3. Check to ensure that the Single Lever Control is in Center position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 022 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Center
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.80
Center Position (High Range) ........................................................................ 000003.20
5. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control up to the Aft Detent position. Verify that the
display at ACU Address 022 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Aft
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 100003.90
Full Aft Position (High Range)........................................................................ 100004.20
6. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control into the Full Aft (Detent) position. Verify that
the display at ACU Address 022 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Aft
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000003.90
Full Aft Position (High Range)........................................................................ 000004.20
7. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control up to the Forward Detent position. Verify that
the display at ACU Address 022 ramps down to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100001.60
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 100002.00

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 022 represent the Single Lever Control
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 022 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the Single Lever Control Sensor.
8. Slowly cycle the Single Lever Control in to the Full Forward (Detent) position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 022 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 022—Specification

Single Lever Control Sensor—Full Right
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000001.60
Full Right Position (High Range).................................................................... 000002.00
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page HP51992,00005DB ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­64 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00005DB ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle single lever control forward and back through full range.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00005DB ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00005DB ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Fore/Aft Single Lever Control Sensor Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005DB ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005DB ­19­12JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­65 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

ACU 523923.02 — SCV I Control Lever

Switch/Sensor Conflict Code Caused By: SCV I Control Lever Switch
and Sensor voltage conflict.
HP51992,00004E0 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV I disabled by SCU control unit
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004E0 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­66 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 030.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV I Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 030 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 030—Specification

SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV I Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position. Verify
that the display at ACU Address 030 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 030—Specification

SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV I Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position. Verify
that the display at ACU Address 030 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 030—Specification

SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 000000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 000001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV I Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 030 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 030—Specification

SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV I Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 030 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 030—Specification

SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 000004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 000004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 030 represent the SCV I Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 030 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV I Control Lever Sensor.
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004E0 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004E0 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­67 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Slowly cycle SCV I control lever through entire range several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004E0 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004E0 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV I Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­013. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004E0 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004E0 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 523923.03 — SCV I Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: SCV I Control Lever Sensor
voltage above 4.8V.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004DF ­19­03DEC07­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­68 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV I disabled by SCU control unit.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004DF ­19­03DEC07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 030.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV I Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 030 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 030—Specification

SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV I Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position. Verify
that the display at ACU Address 030 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 030—Specification

SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV I Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position. Verify
that the display at ACU Address 030 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 030—Specification

SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 000000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 000001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV I Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 030 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 030—Specification

SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV I Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 030 ramps down to meet the following
ACU Address 030—Specification
SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 000004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 000004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 030 represent the SCV I Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 030 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV I Control Lever Sensor.
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004DF ­19­03DEC07­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­69 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004DF ­19­03DEC07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Slowly cycle SCV I control lever through entire range several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004DF ­19­03DEC07­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004DF ­19­03DEC07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV I Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­013. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004DF ­19­03DEC07­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­70 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004DF ­19­03DEC07­8/8

ACU 523923.04 — SCV I Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: SCV I Control Lever Sensor
voltage below 0.2V.
HP51992,00004DE ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV I disabled by SCU control unit.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004DE ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­71 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 030.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV I Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 030 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 030—Specification

SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV I Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position. Verify
that the display at ACU Address 030 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 030—Specification

SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV I Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position. Verify
that the display at ACU Address 030 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 030—Specification

SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 000000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 000001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV I Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 030 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 030—Specification

SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV I Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 030 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 030—Specification

SCV I Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 000004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 000004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 030 represent the SCV I Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 030 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV I Control Lever Sensor.
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004DE ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004DE ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­72 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Slowly cycle SCV I control lever through entire range several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004DE ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004DE ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV I Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­013. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004DE ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004DE ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 523953.02 — Speed Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Conflict Code Caused By: Speed control lever sensor
voltages 1 and 2 conflict.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004DD ­19­09AUG06­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­73 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004DD ­19­09AUG06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 006.

3. Check to ensure that the speed control lever is in full rearward position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 006 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 006—Specification

Speed Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)...................................................................... 00300015
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................. 00800040
5. Slowly cycle the speed control lever up to the full forward position noting any non NOT OK: GO TO 5.
linear jumps in the value displayed at ACU Address 006. Verify that the display at
Address 006 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 006—Specification

Speed Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)........................................................................ 04300215
Full Forward Position (High Range) ................................................................ 04700235

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 006 represent 1 channel of
the speed control lever sensor output. The last four digits of ACU
Address 006 represent a second channel of output.

Channel 1 and 2 have a 2:1 ratio, so the last four digits should always
be approximately half of the first four digits. For example if the first
four digits are 0414, this represents 4.14 volts. The last four digits
should read 0207. This would represent 2.07 volts.

NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001.

HP51992,00004DD ­19­09AUG06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004DD ­19­09AUG06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­74 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.
3. Cycle drive lever slowly through full range several times.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004DD ­19­09AUG06­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004DD ­19­09AUG06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform AutoPowr™/IVT™ Speed Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004DD ­19­09AUG06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004DD ­19­09AUG06­8/8

ACU 523953.03 — Speed Control Lever

Sensor Voltage High Code Caused By: Speed control lever sensor
voltage above 4.8V.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004DC ­19­03DEC07­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­75 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK, LHR limits to 20 km/h
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004DC ­19­03DEC07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 006.

3. Check to ensure that the speed control lever is in full rearward position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 006 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 006—Specification

Speed Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)...................................................................... 00300015
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................. 00800040
5. Slowly cycle the speed control lever up to the full forward position noting any non NOT OK: GO TO 5.
linear jumps in the value displayed at ACU Address 006. Verify that the display at
Address 006 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 006—Specification

Speed Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)........................................................................ 04300215
Full Forward Position (High Range) ................................................................ 04700235

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 006 represent 1 channel of
the speed control lever sensor output. The last four digits of ACU
Address 006 represent a second channel of output.

Channel 1 and 2 have a 2:1 ratio, so the last four digits should always
be approximately half of the first four digits. For example if the first
four digits are 0414, this represents 4.14 volts. The last four digits
should read 0207. This would represent 2.07 volts.

NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001.

HP51992,00004DC ­19­03DEC07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004DC ­19­03DEC07­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­76 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.
3. Cycle drive lever slowly through full range several times.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004DC ­19­03DEC07­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004DC ­19­03DEC07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform AutoPowr™/IVT™ Speed Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004DC ­19­03DEC07­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004DC ­19­03DEC07­8/8

ACU 523953.04 — Speed Control Lever

Sensor Voltage Low Code Caused By: Speed control lever sensor
voltage below 0.3 V.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004DB ­19­09AUG06­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­77 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK, LHR limits to 20 km/h
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004DB ­19­09AUG06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 006.

3. Check to ensure that the speed control lever is in full rearward position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 006 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 006—Specification

Speed Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)...................................................................... 00300015
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................. 00800040
5. Slowly cycle the speed control lever up to the full forward position noting any non NOT OK: GO TO 5.
linear jumps in the value displayed at ACU Address 006. Verify that the display at
Address 006 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 006—Specification

Speed Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)........................................................................ 04300215
Full Forward Position (High Range) ................................................................ 04700235

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 006 represent 1 channel of
the speed control lever sensor output. The last four digits of ACU
Address 006 represent a second channel of output.

Channel 1 and 2 have a 2:1 ratio, so the last four digits should always
be approximately half of the first four digits. For example if the first
four digits are 0414, this represents 4.14 volts. The last four digits
should read 0207. This would represent 2.07 volts.

NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001.

HP51992,00004DB ­19­09AUG06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004DB ­19­09AUG06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­78 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.
3. Cycle drive lever slowly through full range several times.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004DB ­19­09AUG06­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004DB ­19­09AUG06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform AutoPowr™/IVT™ Speed Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004DB ­19­09AUG06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004DB ­19­09AUG06­8/8

ACU 523954.07 — Speed Band 1 out of

Adjustment Code Caused By: Calibration for Speed Band 1 not valid.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004DA ­19­20MAY09­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­79 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004DA ­19­20MAY09­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the Speed Control Lever in Speed Band 1.

3. Access ACU Address 010.
4. Verify that the display at Address 010 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 010—Specification

Set Speed Position Sensor
Assembly—Speed Band 1 Slot
Switch Active................................................................................................. XXXXXXX1
5. Place the Speed Control Lever in Speed Band 2.
6. Access ACU Address 010.
7. Verify that the display at Address 010 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 010—Specification

Set Speed Position Sensor
Assembly—Speed Band 2 Slot
Switch Active................................................................................................. XXXXXX1X
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004DA ­19­20MAY09­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004DA ­19­20MAY09­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­80 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.

RXA0081634 —UN—15JUN05

3. Cycle drive lever slowly through full range several times.

4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004DA ­19­20MAY09­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004DA ­19­20MAY09­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Set Speed Position Sensor Assembly Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE13­012.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004DA ­19­20MAY09­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­81 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004DA ­19­20MAY09­8/8

ACU 523954.11 — Set Speed Adjuster NOTE: Code may also be caused by operator constantly
Conflict changing speed up and/or down one count.

Code Caused By: Set Speed Adjuster circuit

voltages conflict.
HP51992,00004D9 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Set Speeds Not Adjustable
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004D9 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­82 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 009.

3. Rotate the Set Speed Position Sensor Rotary Wheel Forward until Address 009
displays the following:
ACU Address 009—Specification
Position Sensor Assembly—Channel 1
and 2 Inactive............................................................................................................... 00

NOTE: First display value is random. It may be ”00”, ”01, ”10” or ”11”
4. Rotate the wheel forward 1 click.
5. Verify that the display at Address 009 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 009—Specification

Position Sensor Assembly—Channel 2
Active........................................................................................................................... 01
6. Rotate the wheel forward 1 click.
7. Verify that the display at Address 009 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 009—Specification

Position Sensor Assembly—Channel 1
and 2 Active................................................................................................................. 11
8. Rotate the wheel forward 1 click.
9. Verify that the display at Address 009 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 009—Specification

Position Sensor Assembly—Channel 1
Active........................................................................................................................... 10
10. Rotate the wheel forward 1 click.
11. Verify that the display at Address 009 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 009—Specification

Position Sensor Assembly—Channel 1
and 2 Inactive............................................................................................................... 00
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004D9 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004D9 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­83 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.
3. Cycle drive lever slowly through full range several times.
4. Access ACU Address 009.
5. Cycle set speed adjuster through full range and verify change in display with each
click of speed adjuster.
6. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004D9 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004D9 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Set Speed Position Sensor Assembly Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE13­012.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004D9 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004D9 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 523955.31 — Engine Overload “OFF” position is selected, keep engine at wide
open throttle and use drive lever or set speed
Code Caused By: Engine load too high in manual mode. adjuster to control ground speed.

NOTE: Operating a IVT transmission with selector

switch in “OFF” position may generate code. If
Continued on next page HP51992,00004D8 ­19­23JUN08­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­84 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Transmission Load High
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004D8 ­19­23JUN08­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Talk with operator about conditions when code became active. OK: GO TO 2.

NOTE: This code is an informational code to prevent damage to the vehicle. NOT OK: Correct
Overloading the vehicle with implements and ballast may generate this code. condition.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004D8 ­19­23JUN08­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004D8 ­19­23JUN08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Set IVT selector switch to OFF position.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004D8 ­19­23JUN08­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004D8 ­19­23JUN08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004D8 ­19­23JUN08­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­85 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This is normal code when operating in manual mode.
Intermittent Failure
OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004D8 ­19­23JUN08­8/8

ACU 523958.31 — Reversing Ratio Fault

Code Caused By: ACU invalid calibration of Reversing
Ratio or failure of Reversing Ratio calibration.
HP51992,00004D7 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004D7 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004D7 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004D7 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return.

3. Turn vehicle OFF, Restart vehicle.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004D7 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­86 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Check Perform Armrest Control Unit (ACU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE13­003.
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004D7 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit Calibration, Reference 245­ACU­001. OK: Calibration
GO TO 2.

If calibration was not successful or problem was not identified: NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
New software may be required. Perform Programming Controllers, Reference NOT OK: Calibration
245­05­005. unsuccessful and problem
not identified.
GO TO 6.
HP51992,00004D7 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004D7 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 523960.17 — Operator Not Present At

Low Speeds Code Caused By: Operator not present at low speeds.
HP51992,00004D6 ­19­22DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Operator Not In Seat
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004D6 ­19­22DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­87 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Do not sit in the operator’s seat.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

3. Access CAB Address 013.
4. Verify that the display at CAB Address 013 meets the following specification:

CAB Address 013—Specification

Operator Presence Switch—Operator
Not Present...........................................................................................................X0XXX
5. Sit down in operator’s seat.
6. Verify that the display at CAB Address 013 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 013—Specification

Operator Presence Switch—Operator
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004D6 ­19­22DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004D6 ­19­22DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Sit in operator’s seat and depress clutch.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Set engine speed to idle.
4. Engage transmission in lowest forward gear/speed.
5. Release clutch and allow vehicle to move a few feet. (Speed less than 1 km/h
for 1 second.)
6. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004D6 ­19­22DEC05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004D6 ­19­22DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­88 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Operator Presence Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE10­120. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004D6 ­19­22DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004D6 ­19­22DEC05­8/8

ACU 523960.31 — Operator Not Seated

During Reverser Command Code Caused By: Operator not present and
direction commanded.
HP51992,00004D5 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Not In Seat
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004D5 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­89 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Do not sit in the operator’s seat.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

3. Access CAB Address 013.
4. Verify that the display at CAB Address 013 meets the following specification:

CAB Address 013—Specification

Operator Presence Switch—Operator
Not Present...........................................................................................................X0XXX
5. Sit down in operator’s seat.
6. Verify that the display at CAB Address 013 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 013—Specification

Operator Presence Switch—Operator
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004D5 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004D5 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Sit in operator’s seat.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Engage transmission in forward gear/speed.
4. Allow vehicle to move a few feet.
5. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004D5 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004D5 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­90 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Operator Presence Switch Circuit Test, Reference 245­CAB­020. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004D5 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004D5 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 523961.02 — Park Engaged While in NOTE: This code should set only if PTI failed.
Code Caused By: Park on while vehicle is in gear.
HP51992,00004D4 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004D4 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­91 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Reverser in PARK position.

2. Turn Key to RUN position (engine OFF).

3. Access PTI Address 013.
4. Verify that the display at PTI Address 013 meets the following specification:

PTI Address 013—Specification

Park Brake Pressure Sensor
Voltage—Voltage...........................................................................................0.48­0.52 V
5. Start vehicle.
6. Set engine speed to low idle.
7. Access PTI Address 013.
8. Verify that the display at PTI Address 013 meets the following specification:

PTI Address 013—Specification

Park Brake Pressure Sensor
Voltage—Voltage...........................................................................................0.48­0.52 V
9. Hold Reverser in NEUTRAL position.
10. Verify that the display at PTI Address 013 meets the following specification:

PTI Address 013—Specification

Park Brake Pressure Sensor
Voltage—Voltage...........................................................................................3.20­3.60 V
11. Place Reverser in PARK position.
12. Slowly increase engine speed to 2000 rpm.
13. Hold Reverser in NEUTRAL position.
14. Verify that the display at PTI Address 013 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

PTI Address 013—Specification

Park Brake Pressure Sensor
Voltage—Voltage...........................................................................................3.50­4.10 V
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004D4 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004D4 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­92 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Move LHR or RHR from PARK to POWER ZERO several times.

3. Operate vehicle slowly in forward gear.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004D4 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004D4 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Park Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­313.

If problem not identified: OK: GO TO 6.

Perform IVT Transmission System Diagnosis, see Section 213, Group 51. NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004D4 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004D4 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ACU 523961.07 — Park Lock Engagement

Fault Code Caused By: Park not in the desired state.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004D3 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­93 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission Not In Park
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004D3 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Reverser in PARK position.

2. Turn Key to RUN position (engine OFF).

3. Access PTI Address 013.
4. Verify that the display at PTI Address 013 meets the following specification:

PTI Address 013—Specification

Park Brake Pressure Sensor
Voltage—Voltage...........................................................................................0.48­0.52 V
5. Start vehicle.
6. Set engine speed to low idle.
7. Access PTI Address 013.
8. Verify that the display at PTI Address 013 meets the following specification:

PTI Address 013—Specification

Park Brake Pressure Sensor
Voltage—Voltage...........................................................................................0.48­0.52 V
9. Hold Reverser in NEUTRAL position.
10. Verify that the display at PTI Address 013 meets the following specification:

PTI Address 013—Specification

Park Brake Pressure Sensor
Voltage—Voltage...........................................................................................3.20­3.60 V
11. Place Reverser in PARK position.
12. Slowly increase engine speed to 2000 rpm.
13. Hold Reverser in NEUTRAL position.
14. Verify that the display at PTI Address 013 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

PTI Address 013—Specification

Park Brake Pressure Sensor
Voltage—Voltage...........................................................................................3.50­4.10 V
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004D3 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004D3 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­94 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle LHR or RHR between PARK and POWR ZERO several times.
3. Operate vehicle slowly in forward gear.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004D3 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004D3 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Park Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­313.

If problem not identified: OK: GO TO 6.

Perform IVT Transmission System Diagnosis, see Section 213, Group 51. NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004D3 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004D3 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ACU 523962.31 — MFWD Speed Incorrect

Code Caused By: MFWD speed invalid.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004D2 ­19­07APR06­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­95 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: MFWD System
Control Unit Response: traction Control Disabled
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004D2 ­19­07APR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check MFWD Speed Sensor and harness.

1. Start vehicle.
2. Access PTI Address 009.
3. Place MFWD Switch in the ON position (Center).
4. Place the Hand Throttle in the low idle position.
5. Place the Speed Control Lever in the full rearward position.
6. Place the Reverser in FORWARD or REVERSE position.
7. Operate vehicle at or above 4 km/h (2.5 mph).
8. Verify that the display at PTI Address 009 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

PTI Address 009—Specification

MFWD Speed Sensor—Gear Tooth
Present........................................................................................................................... 1
Gear Tooth Not Present ................................................................................................ 0

NOTE: When the vehicle is in motion the display should quickly and
consistently toggle between ”0” and ”1”.
9. Place the Reverser in the PARK position. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
NOTE: When the vehicle is not in motion the display should stop
toggling between ”0” and ”1”.

NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001.

HP51992,00004D2 ­19­07APR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004D2 ­19­07APR06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­96 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Access PTI Address 026 and check transmission oil temperature. Warm oil until
temperature is above 10°C.
3. Operate vehicle and engage MFWD.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4

HP51992,00004D2 ­19­07APR06­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004D2 ­19­07APR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform MFWD Speed Sensor Circuit Test Test, Reference 240­SE11­309.

If problem not identified: OK: GO TO 6.

Perform MFWD System Diagnosis, see Section 213, Group 56. NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004D2 ­19­07APR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004D2 ­19­07APR06­8/8

ACU 523963.02 — Speed Band 1

Switch/Voltage Conflict Code Caused By: Speed Band 1 switch does
not match analog voltage.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004D1 ­19­19MAY09­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­97 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004D1 ­19­19MAY09­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the Speed Control Lever in Speed Band 1.

3. Access ACU Address 010.
4. Verify that the display at Address 010 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 010—Specification

Set Speed Position Sensor
Assembly—Speed Band 1 Slot
Switch Active................................................................................................. XXXXXXX1
5. Place the Speed Control Lever in Speed Band 2.
6. Access ACU Address 010.
7. Verify that the display at Address 010 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 010—Specification

Set Speed Position Sensor
Assembly—Speed Band 2 Slot
Switch Active................................................................................................. XXXXXX1X
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004D1 ­19­19MAY09­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004D1 ­19­19MAY09­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­98 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.

RXA0081634 —UN—15JUN05

3. Cycle drive lever slowly through full range several times.

4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004D1 ­19­19MAY09­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004D1 ­19­19MAY09­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Set Speed Position Sensor Assembly Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE13­012.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004D1 ­19­19MAY09­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­99 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004D1 ­19­19MAY09­8/8

ACU 523966.31 — Transmission Come Home

Mode Code Caused By: Transmission come home
mode enabled.
HP51992,00004D0 ­19­10AUG06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Transmission come home active
Control Unit Response: Defaults to Come Home Mode
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004D0 ­19­10AUG06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Verify good 10 A fuse at F18 location.

2. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

3. Access CAB Address 013.
4. Verify that the display at CAB Address 013 meets the following specification:

CAB Address 013—Specification

Come Home Fuse—Come Home Fuse
5. Remove fuse F18.
6. Verify that the display at CAB Address 013 meets the following specification: OK: No fuse present.
Install 10 A fuse in F18
CAB Address 013—Specification
Come Home Fuse—Come Home Fuse
Not Present...........................................................................................................XX0XX GO TO 2.
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004D0 ­19­10AUG06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­100 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004D0 ­19­10AUG06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 5 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004D0 ­19­10AUG06­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004D0 ­19­10AUG06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Transmission Come Home Mode Enable Fuse Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004D0 ­19­10AUG06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­101 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004D0 ­19­10AUG06­8/8

ACU 523967.02 — Speed Band 2

Switch/Voltage Conflict Code Caused By: Speed Band 2 switch does
not match analog voltage.
HP51992,00004CF ­19­20MAY09­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004CF ­19­20MAY09­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the Speed Control Lever in Speed Band 1.

3. Access ACU Address 010.
4. Verify that the display at Address 010 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 010—Specification

Set Speed Position Sensor
Assembly—Speed Band 1 Slot
Switch Active................................................................................................. XXXXXXX1
5. Place the Speed Control Lever in Speed Band 2.
6. Access ACU Address 010.
7. Verify that the display at Address 010 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 010—Specification

Set Speed Position Sensor
Assembly—Speed Band 2 Slot
Switch Active................................................................................................. XXXXXX1X
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004CF ­19­20MAY09­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­102 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004CF ­19­20MAY09­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.

RXA0081634 —UN—15JUN05

3. Cycle drive lever slowly through full range several times.

4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004CF ­19­20MAY09­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004CF ­19­20MAY09­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­103 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Set Speed Position Sensor Assembly Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE13­012.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004CF ­19­20MAY09­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004CF ­19­20MAY09­8/8

ACU 523968.02 — IMS Switch Circuits

Conflict Code Caused By: IMS switch circuits disagree.
HP51992,00004CE ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: No IMS
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004CE ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­104 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the IMS Sequence Switch in the Middle position.

3. Access ACU Address 016.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 016 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 016—Specification

IMS Sequence Switch—Middle
Commanded.............................................................................................................. 101
5. Place the IMS Sequence Switch in the 2 position.
6. Verify that the display at ACU Address 016 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 016—Specification

IMS Sequence Switch—2 Position
Commanded.............................................................................................................. 110
7. Place the IMS Sequence Switch in the 1 position.
8. Verify that the display at ACU Address 016 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 016—Specification

IMS Sequence Switch—1 Position
Commanded.............................................................................................................. 011
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004CE ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004CE ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle IMS Switch very slowly through all positions several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004CE ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004CE ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­105 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform IMS Sequence Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­008. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004CE ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004CE ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 523968.03 — IMS Switch Circuits

Voltage High Code Caused By: All three IMS switch inputs are high.
HP51992,00004CD ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: No IMS
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004CD ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­106 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the IMS Sequence Switch in the Middle position.

3. Access ACU Address 016.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 016 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 016—Specification

IMS Sequence Switch—Middle
Commanded.............................................................................................................. 101
5. Place the IMS Sequence Switch in the 2 position.
6. Verify that the display at ACU Address 016 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 016—Specification

IMS Sequence Switch—2 Position
Commanded.............................................................................................................. 110
7. Place the IMS Sequence Switch in the 1 position.
8. Verify that the display at ACU Address 016 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 016—Specification

IMS Sequence Switch—1 Position
Commanded.............................................................................................................. 011
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004CD ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004CD ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle IMS Switch very slowly through all positions several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004CD ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004CD ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­107 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform IMS Sequence Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­008. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004CD ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004CD ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 523968.04 — IMS Switch Circuits

Voltage Low Code Caused By: All three IMS switch inputs are low.
HP51992,00004CC ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: No IMS
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004CC ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­108 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the IMS Sequence Switch in the Middle position.

3. Access ACU Address 016.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 016 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 016—Specification

IMS Sequence Switch—Middle
Commanded.............................................................................................................. 101
5. Place the IMS Sequence Switch in the 2 position.
6. Verify that the display at ACU Address 016 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 016—Specification

IMS Sequence Switch—2 Position
Commanded.............................................................................................................. 110
7. Place the IMS Sequence Switch in the 1 position.
8. Verify that the display at ACU Address 016 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ACU Address 016—Specification

IMS Sequence Switch—1 Position
Commanded.............................................................................................................. 011
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004CC ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004CC ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle IMS Switch very slowly through all positions several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004CC ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004CC ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­109 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform IMS Sequence Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­008. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004CC ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004CC ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524017.31 — Right Hand Reverser

Power Circuit Fault Switch does not clearly indicate a closed or open position.
HP51992,0000C2F ­19­10AUG06­1/9

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Defaults to Neutral
Required Tools:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000C2F ­19­10AUG06­2/9

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­110 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks AutoPowr™/IVT™

1. Place RHR in PARK position.

2. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).
3. Access ACU Address 005.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079431 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—PARK
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00110001
5. Move the right hand reverser to the NEUTRAL position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000C2F ­19­10AUG06­3/9

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­111 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

6. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079428 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—NEUTRAL
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00000110
7. Move the right hand reverser to the FORWARD position.
8. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079427 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00010010

Continued on next page HP51992,0000C2F ­19­10AUG06­4/9

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­112 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

9. Move the right hand reverser to the REVERSE position. OK: GO TO 2 .

10. Verify that the display at Address 005 meets the following specification: NOT OK: Perform
ACU­Right Hand Reverser
Switch Assembly Circuit
Test. See Reference

RXA0079426 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00001001
HP51992,0000C2F ­19­10AUG06­5/9

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using ServiceAdvisor™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection to

the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company
HP51992,0000C2F ­19­10AUG06­6/9

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.
3. Cycle reverser lever through all positions several times.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000C2F ­19­10AUG06­7/9

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­113 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000C2F ­19­10AUG06­8/9

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform ACU­Right Hand Reverser Switch Assembly Circuit Test. See Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2 .
HP51992,0000C2F ­19­10AUG06­9/9

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2 .
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2 .
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2 .
HP51992,0000C2F ­19­10AUG06­10/9

ACU 524018.31 — RHR Neutral/Park

Transition Fault Code Caused By: Lever position in transition too long.
HP51992,000064B ­19­15AUG07­1/13

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK Position (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,000064B ­19­15AUG07­2/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­114 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks For PST Transmissions:

1. Place RHR in PARK position.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).
3. Access ACU Address 005.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080188 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—PARK
Commanded.................................................................................................... 01100001
5. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the NEUTRAL Position.
6. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080189 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—NEUTRAL
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00100000
7. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,000064B ­19­15AUG07­3/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­115 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

8. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080190 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
9. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD Upshift Position.
10. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080191 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
Upshift Commanded........................................................................................ 00011010
11. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD Downshift Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,000064B ­19­15AUG07­4/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­116 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

12. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080192 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
Downshift Commanded.................................................................................... 00011001
13. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Position.
14. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080193 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00110100
15. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Upshift Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,000064B ­19­15AUG07­5/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­117 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

16. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080194 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Upshift Commanded........................................................................................ 01010101
17. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Downshift Position.
18. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080195 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Downshift Commanded.................................................................................... 00010110
For AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Transmissions:
19. Place RHR in PARK position.
20. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).
21. Access ACU Address 005.

Continued on next page HP51992,000064B ­19­15AUG07­6/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­118 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

22. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079431 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—PARK
Commanded...................................................................................................... 0100000
23. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the NEUTRAL Position.
24. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079428 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—NEUTRAL
Commanded...................................................................................................... 0000100
25. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,000064B ­19­15AUG07­7/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­119 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

26. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079427 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
Commanded...................................................................................................... 0010010
27. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Position.
28. Verify that the display at Address 005 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

RXA0079426 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Commanded...................................................................................................... 0001001
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page HP51992,000064B ­19­15AUG07­8/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­120 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000064B ­19­15AUG07­9/13

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.
3. Cycle reverser lever through all positions several times.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000064B ­19­15AUG07­10/13

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,000064B ­19­15AUG07­11/13

•5 Electrical Circuit
For AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ perform AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Right Hand Reverser
Switch Assembly Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­020.
OK: GO TO 6.

For PST perform PST Right Hand Reverser Switch Assembly Circuit Test, NOT OK: Problem
Reference 240­SE13­021. identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000064B ­19­15AUG07­12/13

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­121 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000064B ­19­15AUG07­13/13

ACU 524019.31 — RHR Transition Fault

Code Caused By: Lever position in transition
longer than 5 seconds.
HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­1/15

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lever Not In PARK
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK Position (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­2/15

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­122 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks For PST Transmissions:

1. Place RHR in PARK position.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).
3. Access ACU Address 005.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080188 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—PARK
Commanded.................................................................................................... 01100001
5. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the NEUTRAL Position.
6. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080189 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—NEUTRAL
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00100000
7. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­3/15

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­123 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

8. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080190 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
9. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD Upshift Position.
10. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080191 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
Upshift Commanded........................................................................................ 00011010
11. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD Downshift Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­4/15

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­124 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

12. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080192 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
Downshift Commanded.................................................................................... 00011001
13. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Position.
14. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080193 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00110100
15. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Upshift Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­5/15

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­125 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

16. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080194 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Upshift Commanded........................................................................................ 01010101
17. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Downshift Position.
18. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080195 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Downshift Commanded.................................................................................... 00010110
For AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Transmissions:
19. Place RHR in PARK position.
20. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).
21. Access ACU Address 005.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­6/15

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­126 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

22. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079431 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—PARK
Commanded...................................................................................................... 0100000
23. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the NEUTRAL Position.
24. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079428 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—NEUTRAL
Commanded...................................................................................................... 0000100
25. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­7/15

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­127 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

26. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079427 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
Commanded...................................................................................................... 0010010
27. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Position.
28. Verify that the display at Address 005 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

RXA0079426 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Commanded...................................................................................................... 0001001
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­8/15

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­128 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­9/15

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.
3. Cycle reverser lever through all positions several times.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­10/15

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­11/15

•5 Electrical Circuit
For AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ perform AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Right Hand Reverser
Switch Assembly Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­020.
OK: PST vehicles.
GO TO 6.

For PST perform PST Right Hand Reverser Switch Assembly Circuit Test, OK: AutoPowr/IVT
Reference 240­SE13­021. vehicles.
GO TO 7.
NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­12/15

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­129 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 RHR Check 1. Verify ACU has latest software installed.

2. Place RHR in PARK position.

3. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).
4. Access ACU Address 005.
5. Move RHR to REVERSE position.
6. Verify ACU Address 005 meets specification:



RXA0080193 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00110100
7. Move RHR to REVERSE Upshift Position. OK: GO TO 7.
8. Verify ACU Address 005 meets specification: NOT OK: ACU Address
005 shows REVERSE
after returning RHR to
center of reverse slot. Test
indicates possible shift lever
F malfunction. Inspect and
repair as necessary.
Repeat step.


RXA0080194 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Upshift Commanded........................................................................................ 01010101

Continued on next page HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­13/15

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­130 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

9. Return RHR to center of REVERSE slot VERY SLOWLY. NOT OK: Check fails after
replacing shift lever. Test
indicates possible sector
and bracket malfunction.
Inspect and repair as
Repeat step.
10. Verify ACU Address 005 meets specification: NOT OK: Check fails
after replacing sector
+ and bracket. Test
indicates possible sensor
malfunction. Inspect and
repair as necessary.
F Repeat step.


RXA0080193 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00110100
HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­14/15

•7 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000592 ­19­26NOV07­15/15

ACU 524020.31 — Transmission in Gear at

Power Up Code Caused By: RHR was Not in PARK at Power up.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­1/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­131 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lever Not In PARK
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­2/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­132 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks For PST Transmissions:

1. Place RHR in PARK position.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).
3. Access ACU Address 005.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080188 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—PARK
Commanded.................................................................................................... 01100001
5. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the NEUTRAL Position.
6. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080189 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—NEUTRAL
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00100000
7. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­3/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­133 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

8. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080190 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
9. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD Upshift Position.
10. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080191 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
Upshift Commanded........................................................................................ 00011010
11. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD Downshift Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­4/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­134 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

12. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080192 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
Downshift Commanded.................................................................................... 00011001
13. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Position.
14. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080193 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00110100
15. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Upshift Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­5/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­135 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

16. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080194 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Upshift Commanded........................................................................................ 01010101
17. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Downshift Position.
18. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080195 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Downshift Commanded.................................................................................... 00010110
For AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Transmission with Right Hand Reverser:
19. Place RHR in PARK position.
20. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).
21. Access ACU Address 005.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­6/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­136 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

22. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079431 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—PARK
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00110001
23. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the NEUTRAL Position.
24. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079428 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—NEUTRAL
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00000110
25. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD (1) Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­7/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­137 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

26. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079427 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD (1)
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00010010
27. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD (2) Position.
28. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0096713 —UN—30NOV07

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD (2)
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00001010
29. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­8/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­138 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

30. Verify that the display at Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079426 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00001001
For AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Transmission with Left Hand Reverser:
31. Place LHR in PARK position (A).
32. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).
33. Access ACU Address 005.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­9/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­139 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

34. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:


RXA0077570 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser


RXA0077571 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser Speed Lever
F— Forward Speed Band 1 (F1)
G—Forward Speed Band 2 (F2)
I— Minimum Speed

ACU Address 005—Specification

Left Hand Reverser—PARK
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00110000
35. Move the Left Hand Reverser to the NEUTRAL Position (B).

Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­10/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­140 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

36. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:


RXA0077570 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser


RXA0077571 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser Speed Lever
F— Forward Speed Band 1 (F1)
G—Forward Speed Band 2 (F2)
I— Minimum Speed

ACU Address 005—Specification

Left Hand Reverser—NEUTRAL
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00010100
37. Move the Left Hand Reverser to the FORWARD position (H) and the speed lever
to the F1 position (F).

Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­11/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­141 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

38. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:


RXA0077570 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser


RXA0077571 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser Speed Lever
F— Forward Speed Band 1 (F1)
G—Forward Speed Band 2 (F2)
I— Minimum Speed

ACU Address 005—Specification

Left Hand Reverser—FORWARD (1)
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00010000
39. Move the Left Hand Reverser to the FORWARD position (H) and the speed lever
to the F2 position (G).

Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­12/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­142 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

40. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:


RXA0077570 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser


RXA0077571 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser Speed Lever
F— Forward Speed Band 1 (F1)
G—Forward Speed Band 2 (F2)
I— Minimum Speed

ACU Address 005—Specification

Left Hand Reverser—FORWARD (2)
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00001000
41. Move the Left Hand Reverser to the REVERSE position (C) and the speed lever
to the F1 position (F).

Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­13/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­143 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

42. Verify that the display at Address 005 meets the following specification:


RXA0077570 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser


RXA0077571 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser Speed Lever
F— Forward Speed Band 1 (F1)
G—Forward Speed Band 2 (F2)
I— Minimum Speed

ACU Address 005—Specification

Left Hand Reverser—REVERSE (1)
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00010000
43. Move the Left Hand Reverser to the Reverse position (C) and the speed lever
to the F2 position (G).

Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­14/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­144 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

44. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.


RXA0077570 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser


RXA0077571 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser Speed Lever
F— Forward Speed Band 1 (F1)
G—Forward Speed Band 2 (F2)
I— Minimum Speed

ACU Address 005—Specification

Left Hand Reverser—Reverse (2)
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00001000
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­15/18

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­16/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­145 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Place reverser lever in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Operate vehicle.
4. Cycle reverser lever through all positions several times.
5. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­17/18

•4 System Checks Perform the following:

Armrest Control Unit (ACU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference
Starting Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE01­002. OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­18/18

•5 Electrical Circuit
For AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ perform AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Right Hand Reverser
Switch Assembly Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­020.
OK: GO TO 6.

For PST perform PST Right Hand Reverser Switch Assembly Circuit Test, NOT OK: Problem
Reference 240­SE13­021. identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­19/18

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000593 ­19­29NOV07­20/18

ACU 524021.31 — Multiple Reverser

Switches Conflict Code Caused By: One or more reverser lever
switches have failed.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­1/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­146 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­2/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­147 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks For PST Transmissions:

1. Place RHR in PARK position.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).
3. Access ACU Address 005.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080188 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—PARK
Commanded.................................................................................................... 01100001
5. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the NEUTRAL Position.
6. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080189 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—NEUTRAL
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00100000
7. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­3/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­148 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

8. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080190 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
9. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD Upshift Position.
10. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080191 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
Upshift Commanded........................................................................................ 00011010
11. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD Downshift Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­4/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­149 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

12. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080192 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD
Downshift Commanded.................................................................................... 00011001
13. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Position.
14. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080193 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00110100
15. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Upshift Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­5/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­150 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

16. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080194 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Upshift Commanded........................................................................................ 01010101
17. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Downshift Position.
18. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:



RXA0080195 —UN—12APR05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Downshift Commanded.................................................................................... 00010110
For AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Transmission with Right Hand Reverser:
19. Place RHR in PARK position.
20. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).
21. Access ACU Address 005.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­6/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­151 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

22. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079431 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—PARK
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00110001
23. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the NEUTRAL Position.
24. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079428 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—NEUTRAL
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00000110
25. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD (1) Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­7/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­152 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

26. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079427 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD (1)
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00010010
27. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the FORWARD (2) Position.
28. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0096713 —UN—30NOV07

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—FORWARD (2)
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00001010
29. Move the Right Hand Reverser to the REVERSE Position.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­8/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­153 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

30. Verify that the display at Address 005 meets the following specification:

RXA0079426 —UN—15JUN05

ACU Address 005—Specification

Right Hand Reverser—REVERSE
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00001001
For AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Transmission with Left Hand Reverser:
31. Place LHR in PARK position (A).
32. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).
33. Access ACU Address 005.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­9/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­154 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

34. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:


RXA0077570 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser


RXA0077571 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser Speed Lever
F— Forward Speed Band 1 (F1)
G—Forward Speed Band 2 (F2)
I— Minimum Speed

ACU Address 005—Specification

Left Hand Reverser—PARK
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00110000
35. Move the Left Hand Reverser to the NEUTRAL Position (B).

Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­10/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­155 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

36. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:


RXA0077570 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser


RXA0077571 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser Speed Lever
F— Forward Speed Band 1 (F1)
G—Forward Speed Band 2 (F2)
I— Minimum Speed

ACU Address 005—Specification

Left Hand Reverser—NEUTRAL
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00010100
37. Move the Left Hand Reverser to the FORWARD position (H) and the speed lever
to the F1 position (F).

Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­11/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­156 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

38. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:


RXA0077570 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser


RXA0077571 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser Speed Lever
F— Forward Speed Band 1 (F1)
G—Forward Speed Band 2 (F2)
I— Minimum Speed

ACU Address 005—Specification

Left Hand Reverser—FORWARD (1)
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00010000
39. Move the Left Hand Reverser to the FORWARD position (H) and the speed lever
to the F2 position (G).

Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­12/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­157 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

40. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification:


RXA0077570 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser


RXA0077571 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser Speed Lever
F— Forward Speed Band 1 (F1)
G—Forward Speed Band 2 (F2)
I— Minimum Speed

ACU Address 005—Specification

Left Hand Reverser—FORWARD (2)
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00001000
41. Move the Left Hand Reverser to the REVERSE position (C) and the speed lever
to the F1 position (F).

Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­13/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­158 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

42. Verify that the display at Address 005 meets the following specification:


RXA0077570 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser


RXA0077571 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser Speed Lever
F— Forward Speed Band 1 (F1)
G—Forward Speed Band 2 (F2)
I— Minimum Speed

ACU Address 005—Specification

Left Hand Reverser—REVERSE (1)
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00010000
43. Move the Left Hand Reverser to the Reverse position (C) and the speed lever
to the F2 position (G).

Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­14/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­159 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

44. Verify that the display at ACU Address 005 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.


RXA0077570 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser


RXA0077571 —UN—10JUN05
Left­Hand Reverser Speed Lever
F— Forward Speed Band 1 (F1)
G—Forward Speed Band 2 (F2)
I— Minimum Speed

ACU Address 005—Specification

Left Hand Reverser—Reverse (2)
Commanded.................................................................................................... 00001000
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­15/18

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­16/18

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­160 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.
3. Depress clutch and brake pedals.
4. Cycle reverser lever through all positions several times.
5. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­17/18

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­18/18

•5 Electrical Circuit
For AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ perform AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Right Hand Reverser
Switch Assembly Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­020.
OK: GO TO 6.

For PST perform PST Right Hand Reverser Switch Assembly Circuit Test, NOT OK: Problem
Reference 240­SE13­021. identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­19/18

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000594 ­19­28NOV07­20/18

ACU 524101.02 — SCV VI Control Lever

Switch/Sensor Circuit Conflict Code Caused By: SCV VI Control Lever Switch
conflicts with Sensor voltage.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000579 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­161 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV VI disabled by SCU control unit
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000579 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­162 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 035.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV VI Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV VI
Detent Position (Low Range).......................................................................... 000002.35
SCV VI Detent Position (High Range) ........................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV VI Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV
VI Mid Point Forward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 100002.10
SCV VI Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.30
6. Slowly cycle the SCV VI Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV VI
Full Forward Position (Low Range)................................................................. 000000.80
SCV VI Full Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV VI Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV
VI Mid Point Rearward Position (Low
Range).......................................................................................................... 100003.400
SCV VI Mid Point Rearward Position
(High Range).................................................................................................. 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV VI Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV VI
Full Rearward Position (Low Range).............................................................. 000004.00
SCV VI Full Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of Address 035 represent the SCV VI Control
Lever Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of Address
035 represent the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV
VI Control Lever Position Sensor.

NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000579 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­163 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000579 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV VI lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000579 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000579 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV VI Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­018. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000579 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­164 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000579 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524101.03 — SCV VI Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: SCV VI Control Lever Sensor
circuit voltage above 4.5V.
HP51992,000057A ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV VI disabled by SCU control unit.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,000057A ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­165 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 035.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV VI Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV VI
Detent Position (Low Range).......................................................................... 000002.35
SCV VI Detent Position (High Range) ........................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV VI Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV
VI Mid Point Forward Position (Low
Range).......................................................................................................... 100002.180
SCV VI Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.30
6. Slowly cycle the SCV VI Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV VI
Full Forward Position (Low Range)................................................................. 000000.80
SCV VI Full Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV VI Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV
VI Mid Point Rearward Position (Low
Range).......................................................................................................... 100003.400
SCV VI Mid Point Rearward Position
(High Range).................................................................................................. 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV VI Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV VI
Full Rearward Position (Low Range).............................................................. 000004.00
SCV VI Full Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of Address 035 represent the SCV VI Control
Lever Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of Address
035 represent the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV
VI Control Lever Position Sensor.

NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001.

Continued on next page HP51992,000057A ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­166 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000057A ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV VI lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000057A ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,000057A ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV VI Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­018. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000057A ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­167 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000057A ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524101.04 — SCV VI Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: SCV VI Control Lever Sensor
circuit voltage below 0.5V.
HP51992,000057B ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV VI disabled by SCU control unit.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG14798 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,000057B ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­168 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 035.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV VI Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV VI
Detent Position (Low Range).......................................................................... 000002.35
SCV VI Detent Position (High Range) ........................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV VI Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV
VI Mid Point Forward Position (Low
Range).......................................................................................................... 100002.180
SCV VI Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.30
6. Slowly cycle the SCV VI Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV VI
Full Forward Position (Low Range)................................................................. 000000.80
SCV VI Full Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV VI Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV
VI Mid Point Rearward Position (Low
Range).......................................................................................................... 100003.400
SCV VI Mid Point Rearward Position
(High Range).................................................................................................. 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV VI Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 035 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 035—Specification

SCV VI Control Lever Sensor—SCV VI
Full Rearward Position (Low Range).............................................................. 000004.00
SCV VI Full Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of Address 035 represent the SCV VI Control
Lever Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of Address
035 represent the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV
VI Control Lever Position Sensor.

NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001.

Continued on next page HP51992,000057B ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­169 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000057B ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV VI lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000057B ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,000057B ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV VI Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­018. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000057B ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­170 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000057B ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524102.02 — SCV V Control Lever

Switch/Sensor Circuit Conflict Code Caused By: SCV V Control Lever Switch
conflicts with Sensor voltage.
HP51992,0000570 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV V disabled by SCU control unit
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000570 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­171 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 034.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV V Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 034 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV V Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 034 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV V Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position. Verify
that the display at ACU Address 034 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 100001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV V Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 034 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV V Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 034 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 100004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 034 represent the SCV V Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 034 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV V Control Lever Sensor.
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,0000570 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,0000570 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­172 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV V lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000570 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000570 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV V Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­017. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000570 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000570 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524102.03 — SCV V Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: SCV V Control Lever Sensor
circuit voltage above 4.5V.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000571 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­173 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV V disabled by SCU control unit.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000571 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 034.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV V Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 034 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV V Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 034 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV V Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position. Verify
that the display at ACU Address 034 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 100001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV V Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 034 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV V Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 034 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 100004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 034 represent the SCV V Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 034 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV V Control Lever Sensor.
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000571 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­174 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000571 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV V lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000571 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000571 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems.
3. Intermittent failures. OK: GO TO 6.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000571 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­175 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101.

Intermittent Failure
OK: GO TO 2.

If applicable, Perform Armrest Control Unit ”Beep” Mode Test, Reference NOT OK: Problem
245­ACU­002. identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000571 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524102.04 — SCV V Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: SCV V Control Lever Sensor
circuit voltage below 0.5V.
HP51992,0000572 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV V disabled by SCU control unit.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000572 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­176 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 034.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV V Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 034 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV V Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 034 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV V Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position. Verify
that the display at ACU Address 034 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 100001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV V Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 034 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV V Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 034 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 034—Specification

SCV V Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 100004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 034 represent the SCV V Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 034 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV V Control Lever Sensor.
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,0000572 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,0000572 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­177 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV V lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000572 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000572 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV V Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­017. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000572 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000572 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524103.02 — SCV IV Control Lever

Switch/Sensor Circuit Conflict Code Caused By: SCV IV Control Lever Switch
conflicts with Sensor voltage.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C7 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­178 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV IV disabled by SCU control unit
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004C7 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 033.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV IV Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV IV Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV IV Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 100001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV IV Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV IV Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 100004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 033 represent the SCV IV Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 033 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV IV Control Lever Sensor.
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C7 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­179 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004C7 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV IV lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004C7 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004C7 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV IV Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­016. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004C7 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­180 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004C7 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524103.03 — SCV IV Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: SCV IV Control Lever Sensor
circuit voltage above 4.5V.
HP51992,00004C6 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV IV disabled by SCU control unit.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C6 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­181 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 033.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV IV Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV IV Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV IV Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 100001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV IV Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV IV Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. OK: GO TO 22.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 100004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 033 represent the SCV IV Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 033 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV IV Control Lever Sensor.
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004C6 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004C6 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­182 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV IV lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004C6 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004C6 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV IV Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­016. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 22.
HP51992,00004C6 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 22.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 22.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 22.

HP51992,00004C6 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524103.04 — SCV IV Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: SCV IV Control Lever Sensor
circuit voltage below 0.5V.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C5 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­183 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV IV disabled by SCU control unit.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004C5 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 033.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV IV Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV IV Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV IV Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 100001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV IV Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV IV Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 033 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 033—Specification

SCV IV Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 100004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 033 represent the SCV IV Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 033 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV IV Control Lever Sensor.
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C5 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­184 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004C5 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV IV lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004C5 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004C5 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV IV Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­016. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004C5 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­185 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004C5 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524104.02 — SCV III Control Lever

Switch/Sensor Circuit Conflict Code Caused By: SCV III Control Lever Switch
conflicts with Sensor voltage.
HP51992,00004C4 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV III disabled by SCU control unit.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C4 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­186 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 032.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV III Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV III Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV III Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 100001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV III Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV III Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 100004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 032 represent the SCV III Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 032 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV III Control Lever Sensor.
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004C4 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004C4 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­187 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV III lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004C4 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004C4 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV III Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­015. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004C4 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004C4 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524104.03 — SCV III Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: SCV III Control Lever Sensor
circuit voltage above 4.5V.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C3 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­188 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV III disabled by SCU control unit.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004C3 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 032.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV III Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV III Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV III Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 100001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV III Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV III Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 100004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 032 represent the SCV III Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 032 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV III Control Lever Sensor.
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C3 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­189 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004C3 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV III lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004C3 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004C3 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV III Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­015. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004C3 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­190 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004C3 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524104.04 — SCV III Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: SCV III Control Lever Sensor
circuit voltage below 0.5V.
HP51992,00004C2 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV III disabled by SCU control unit.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C2 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­191 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 032.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV III Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV III Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV III Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 100001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV III Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV III Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 032 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 032—Specification

SCV III Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 100004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 032 represent the SCV III Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 032 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV III Control Lever Sensor.
NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
HP51992,00004C2 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004C2 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­192 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV III lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004C2 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004C2 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV III Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­015. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004C2 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004C2 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524105.02 — SCV II Control Lever

Switch/Sensor Circuit Conflict Code Caused By: SCV II Control Lever Switch
conflicts with Sensor voltage.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C1 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­193 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV II disabled by SCU control unit
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004C1 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 031.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV II Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 031 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV II Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 031 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV II Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position. Verify
that the display at ACU Address 031 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 000000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 000001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV II Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 031 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV II Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 031 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 000004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 000004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 031 represent the SCV II Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 031 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV II Control Lever Sensor.

NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004C1 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­194 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004C1 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV II lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004C1 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004C1 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV II Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­014. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004C1 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­195 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004C1 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524105.03 — SCV II Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: SCV II Control Lever Sensor
circuit voltage above 4.5 V.
HP51992,00004C0 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV II disabled by SCU control unit.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C0 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­196 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 031.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV II Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 031 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV II Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 031 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV II Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position. Verify
that the display at ACU Address 031 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 000000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 000001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV II Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 031 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV II Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 031 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 000004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 000004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 031 represent the SCV II Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 031 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV II Control Lever Sensor.

NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001.

HP51992,00004C0 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004C0 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­197 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV II lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004C0 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004C0 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV II Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­014. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004C0 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004C0 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524105.04 — SCV II Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: SCV II Control Lever Sensor
circuit voltage below 0.5V.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004BF ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­198 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: SCV II disabled by SCU control unit.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004BF ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 031.

3. Check to ensure that the SCV II Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 031 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Neutral
Position (Low Range)...................................................................................... 000002.35
Neutral Position (High Range) ....................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the SCV II Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 031 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 100002.10
Mid Point Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100002.20
6. Slowly cycle the SCV II Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position. Verify
that the display at ACU Address 031 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Full
Forward Position (Low Range)....................................................................... 000000.80
Full Forward Position (High Range) ............................................................... 000001.85
7. Slowly cycle the SCV II Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward position. OK: GO TO 2.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 031 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Mid Point
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 100003.40
Mid Point Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the SCV II Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 031 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 031—Specification

SCV II Control Lever Sensor—Full
Rearward Position (Low Range)..................................................................... 000004.00
Full Rearward Position (High Range) ............................................................ 000004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 031 represent the SCV II Control Lever
Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU Address 031 represent
the voltage input to the control unit from the SCV II Control Lever Sensor.

NOTE: See Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic, Reference 240­SE13­001.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004BF ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­199 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004BF ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle SCV II lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004BF ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004BF ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCV II Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­014. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004BF ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­200 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004BF ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524212.02 — Rear Hitch Control Lever

Switch/Sensor Circuit Conflict Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Control Lever Switch
conflicts with Sensor voltage.
HP51992,00004CA ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Hitch is disabled
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004CA ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­201 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 027.

3. Check to ensure that the Rear Hitch Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Detent Position (Low Range)................................................................. 000002.35
Rear Hitch Detent Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Mid Point Forward Position (Low
Range).......................................................................................................... 100002.180
Rear Hitch Mid Point Forward Position
(High Range).................................................................................................. 100002.30
6. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Full Forward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 000000.80
Rear Hitch Full Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000001.85
7. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward OK: GO TO 2.
position. Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 ramps down to meet the
following specification:

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Mid Point Rearward Position (Low
Range).......................................................................................................... 100003.400
Rear Hitch Mid Point Rearward Position
(High Range).................................................................................................. 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Full Rearward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 000004.00
Rear Hitch Full Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of Address 27 represent the Rear Hitch Control
Lever Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of Address
027 represent the voltage input to the control unit from the Rear
Hitch Control Lever Position Sensor.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004CA ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­202 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004CA ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle Rear Hitch lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004CA ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004CA ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­010. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004CA ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­203 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004CA ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524212.03 — Rear Hitch Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor
circuit voltage above 4.5V.
HP51992,00004C9 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Hitch is disabled
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C9 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­204 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 027.

3. Check to ensure that the Rear Hitch Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Detent Position (Low Range)................................................................. 000002.35
Rear Hitch Detent Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Mid Point Forward Position (Low
Range).......................................................................................................... 100002.180
Rear Hitch Mid Point Forward Position
(High Range).................................................................................................. 100002.30
6. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Full Forward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 000000.80
Rear Hitch Full Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000001.85
7. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward OK: GO TO 2.
position. Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 ramps down to meet the
following specification:

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Mid Point Rearward Position (Low
Range).......................................................................................................... 100003.400
Rear Hitch Mid Point Rearward Position
(High Range).................................................................................................. 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Full Rearward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 000004.00
Rear Hitch Full Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of Address 27 represent the Rear Hitch Control
Lever Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of Address
027 represent the voltage input to the control unit from the Rear
Hitch Control Lever Position Sensor.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C9 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­205 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004C9 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle Rear Hitch lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004C9 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004C9 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­010. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004C9 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­206 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004C9 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524212.04 — Rear Hitch Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor
circuit voltage below 0.5V.
HP51992,00004C8 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Hitch is disabled
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C8 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­207 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 027.

3. Check to ensure that the Rear Hitch Control Lever is in Neutral position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Detent Position (Low Range)................................................................. 000002.35
Rear Hitch Detent Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000003.29
5. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the mid point of Full Forward position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Mid Point Forward Position (Low
Range).......................................................................................................... 100002.180
Rear Hitch Mid Point Forward Position
(High Range).................................................................................................. 100002.30
6. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward (Detented) position.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 ramps up to meet the following

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Full Forward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 000000.80
Rear Hitch Full Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000001.85
7. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the mid point of Full Rearward OK: GO TO 2.
position. Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 ramps down to meet the
following specification:

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Mid Point Rearward Position (Low
Range).......................................................................................................... 100003.400
Rear Hitch Mid Point Rearward Position
(High Range).................................................................................................. 100003.60
8. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward (Detented) position. NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 ramps down to meet the following

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Full Rearward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 000004.00
Rear Hitch Full Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000004.75

NOTE: The first four digits of Address 27 represent the Rear Hitch Control
Lever Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of Address
027 represent the voltage input to the control unit from the Rear
Hitch Control Lever Position Sensor.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004C8 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­208 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004C8 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle Rear Hitch lever through full range several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004C8 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004C8 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­010. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004C8 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­209 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004C8 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524222.02 — Resume Switch Circuit

Conflict Code Caused By: Resume switch ON and
OFF shows same value.
HP51992,0000586 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000586 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 011.

3. Verify that the display at ACU Address 011 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 011—Specification

Resume Switch—Resume Switch OFF....................................................................... 10
4. Place the Resume Switch in the RESUME (Depressed) position.
5. Verify that the display at ACU Address 011 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 011—Specification

Resume Switch—Resume Switch ON......................................................................... 01
6. Release the Resume Switch. OK: GO TO 2.
7. Verify that the display at ACU Address 011 meets the following specification: NOT OK: Perform Resume
Switch Circuit Test,
ACU Address 011—Specification
Reference 240­SE13­019.
Resume Switch—Resume Switch OFF....................................................................... 10

Continued on next page HP51992,0000586 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­210 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000586 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle Resume Switch several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000586 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000586 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Resume Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­019. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000586 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­211 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000586 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524224.02 — Rear PTO Switch Circuit

Conflict Code Caused By: Rear PTO switch ON and
OFF shows the same value.
HP51992,00004BE ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Rear PTO is disabled
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004BE ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the Rear PTO Switch in the OFF position.

3. Access ACU Address 015.
4. Verify that the display at Address 015 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 015—Specification

Rear PTO Switch—OFF Commanded..................................................................... 0001
5. Place the Rear PTO Switch in the ON position.
6. Verify that the display at Address 015 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 015—Specification

Rear PTO Switch—ON Commanded....................................................................... 0010
7. Place the Rear PTO Switch in the OFF position. OK: GO TO 2.
8. Verify that the display at Address 015 meets the following specification: NOT OK: Perform Rear
PTO Switch Circuit Test,
ACU Address 015—Specification
Reference 240­SE13­007.
Rear PTO Switch—OFF Commanded..................................................................... 0001

Continued on next page HP51992,00004BE ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­212 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004BE ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle Rear PTO Switch several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004BE ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004BE ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear PTO Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­007. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004BE ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­213 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004BE ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524224.14 — Rear PTO Disabled

Code Caused By: Rear PTO Switch on at start­up.
HP51992,00004BD ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Rear PTO is disabled
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00004BD ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the Rear PTO Switch in the OFF position.

3. Access ACU Address 015.
4. Verify that the display at Address 015 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 015—Specification

Rear PTO Switch—OFF Commanded..................................................................... 0001
5. Place the Rear PTO Switch in the ON position.
6. Verify that the display at Address 015 meets the following specification:
ACU Address 015—Specification
Rear PTO Switch—ON Commanded....................................................................... 0010
7. Place the Rear PTO Switch in the OFF position. OK: GO TO 2.
8. Verify that the display at Address 015 meets the following specification: NOT OK: Perform Rear
PTO Switch Circuit Test,
ACU Address 015—Specification
Reference 240­SE13­007.
Rear PTO Switch—OFF Commanded..................................................................... 0001

Continued on next page HP51992,00004BD ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­214 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00004BD ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle Rear PTO Switch several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004BD ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004BD ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear PTO Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­007. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00004BD ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­215 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004BD ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ACU 524254.31 — Transmission Enable

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Transmission Enable circuit
voltage incorrect
HP51992,00004BC ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level:Information
Displayed Text:Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,00004BC ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­216 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks IVT Transmission

1. Place transmission in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Access ACU Address 017. The display should read:

ACU Address 017—Specification

Transmission Enable Circuit—Transmis­
sion Disabled.......................................................................................................... XX0X
4. Depress clutch and brake pedals.
5. Place transmission in FORWARD or REVERSE position.
6. Verify that the display at ACU Address 017 meets the following specification:
ACU Address 017—Specification
Transmission Enable Circuit—Transmis­
sion Enabled........................................................................................................... XX1X
7. Place transmission in PARK position.
8. Verify that the display at ACU Address 017 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 017—Specification

Transmission Enable Circuit—Transmis­
sion Disabled.......................................................................................................... XX0X
PST Transmission
9. Place transmission in PARK position.
10. Start vehicle.
11. Access ACU Address 017. The display should read:

ACU Address 017—Specification

Transmission Enable Circuit—Transmis­
sion Disabled.......................................................................................................... 10XX
12. Depress clutch and brake pedals.
13. Place transmission in FORWARD or REVERSE position.
14. Verify that the display at ACU Address 017 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 017—Specification

Transmission Enable Circuit—Transmis­
sion Enabled........................................................................................................... 01XX
15. Place transmission in PARK position. OK: GO TO 2.
16. Verify that the display at ACU Address 017 meets the following specification: NOT OK: GO TO 5.

ACU Address 017—Specification

Transmission Enable Circuit—Transmis­
sion Disabled.......................................................................................................... 10XX
HP51992,00004BC ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,00004BC ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­217 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ACU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward and reverse gears.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00004BC ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,00004BC ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Transmission Enable Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­009. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00004BC ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,00004BC ­19­12JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ACU­218 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group ASU
ASU Code Diagnostics

ASU 000629.12 — ASU Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: Active Seat Unit (ASU) detects that
its software failed to execute in allotted time.
RE35951,00000AB ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Service Alert
Displayed text: Electrical System
Control unit response: Seat operation or performance may be limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00000AB ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required OK: GO TO 2.

RE35951,00000AB ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00000AB ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis Complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00000AB ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page RE35951,00000AB ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

RE35951,00000AB ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Active Seat Unit
(ASU) Control Unit Test
(Reference CAB Control
Unit Test).
RE35951,00000AB ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ASU 524002.31 — Active Seat Pressure commanded OFF, or current not sensed when solenoid is
Control Solenoid Fault commanded ON, for longer than 500 milliseconds.

Code caused by: Active Seat Unit (ASU) detects that

the Seat Pressure Control Solenoid current sensed is
OURX892,0000826 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: Active Seat System
Control unit response: Seat disabled while code is active
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JT05497 —10 ft. Test Hose
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
JT07117 —Three Gauge Manifold Set
JT07118 —Dual Needle Valve Manifold
JT07119 —5 ft. Test Hose
JDG774 —Jumper Harness
RE190805 —Diagnostic Receptacle
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000826 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access ASU Address 076, Pressure Reducing Valve Current.

3. While in seat, operate the seat full raise and full lower several times.
4. Verify that the display at Address 076 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ASU Address 076—Specification

Pressure Reducing Valve Current—Am­
perage....................................................................................... 0.75 amps = Low Range
0.95 amps = High Range
NOTE: See Active Seat Unit (ASU) Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
OURX892,0000826 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000826 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. While in seat, fully raise and fully lower seat several times.

NOTE: Ensure a minimum weight of 70 kg (130 lbs) on seat.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: Do not press switch longer than 1­2 minutes at a time in order
to prevent generating a false trouble code.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

OURX892,0000826 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000826 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Active Seat Pressure Reducing Valve Solenoid Circuit Test (Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000826 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Active Seat Unit
(ASU) Control Unit Test
(Reference CAB Control
Unit Test).
OURX892,0000826 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ASU 524003.02 — Active Seat Firmness

Control Switch Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Active Seat Unit (ASU) detects that two
or more of the Seat Firmness Control Switch circuits are
in conflict or undefined, for more than one second.
OURX892,0000827 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: Operator Controls
Control unit response: Seat operation or performance may be limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
JT07328 —Terminal Test Kit
JT07328­18 —Black Female Test Terminal
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000827 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access ASU Address 030, Active Seat Firmness Control Switches.

3. While in seat, operate the seat full firm and full soft several times.
4. Verify that the display at Address 030 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ASU Address 030—Specification

Active Seat Firmness Control
Switches—Status..................................................................................... 110XXX = Firm
101XXX = Normal
011XXX = Soft

NOTE: 1 represents closed and 0 represents open. Firmness Control

Switches normally operate at...

Firmness Control Switches Status

Setting Increase Firmness On Switch Decrease
(+) Switch Firmness (­)
FIRM 1­closed, 12 volt 1­closed, 12 volt 0­open, 0 volt
OFF 1­closed, 12 volt 0­open, 0 volt 1­closed, 12 volt
SOFT 0­open, 0 volt 1­closed, 12 volt 1­closed, 12 volt

NOTE: See Active Seat Unit (ASU) Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001 ). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
OURX892,0000827 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000827 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. While in seat, operate the seat full firm and full soft several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

OURX892,0000827 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000827 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Active Seat Firmness Control Switch Circuit Test (Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000827 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Active Seat Unit
(ASU) Control Unit Test
(Reference CAB Control
Unit Test).
OURX892,0000827 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ASU 524004.02 — Active Seat Height Control

Switch Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Active Seat Unit (ASU) detects that
two or more Seat Height Control Switch circuits are in
conflict or undefined, for more than one second.
OURX892,0000828 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: Operator Controls
Control unit response: Seat operation or performance may be limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
JT07328 —Terminal Test Kit
JT07328­18 —Black Female Test Terminal
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000828 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access ASU Address 030, Active Seat Height Control Switches.

3. While in seat, operate the seat full raise and full lower several times.
4. Verify that the display at Address 030 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ASU Address 030—Specification

Active Seat Height Control
Switches—Status................................................................................... XXX110 = Raise
XXX101 = Hold
XXX011 = Lower

NOTE: 1 represents closed and 0 represents open. Height Control

Switches normally operate at...

Height Control Switches Status

Position Raise Height (+) On Switch Lower Height (­)
Switch Switch
UP 1­closed, 12 volt 1­closed, 12 volt 0­open, 0 volt
OFF 1­closed, 12 volt 0­open, 0 volt 1­closed, 12 volt
DOWN 0­open, 0 volt 1­closed, 12 volt 1­closed, 12 volt

NOTE: See Active Seat Unit (ASU) Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
OURX892,0000828 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000828 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. While in seat, operate the seat full raise and full lower several times. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
NOTE: Do not press switch longer than 1­2 minutes at a time in order GO TO 4.
to prevent generating a false trouble code.

NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable

to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
OURX892,0000828 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000828 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Active Seat Height Control Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­209). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000828 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Active Seat Unit
(ASU) Control Unit Test
(Reference CAB Control
Unit Test).
OURX892,0000828 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ASU 524006.30 — Active Seat Vent ON Too than 2 minutes, or longer than 1 minute while seat height
Long has not dropped down to lower ride zone limit.
Attention: This code is intended to detect a defective
Code Caused By: Active Seat Unit (ASU) detects that or blocked vent valve, or a jammed seat linkage.
the Seat Vent (Bleed) Valve Solenoid energized longer
OURX892,0000829 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: Active Seat System
Control unit response: Seat disabled while code displayed
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,0000829 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000829 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000829 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. While in seat, operate the seat full raise and full lower.
3. Wait 3 minutes to verify seat vent valve shuts off.
4. Check for code return.
NOTE: Do not press switch longer than 1­2 minutes at a time in order to OK: Code does not return.
prevent generating a false trouble code. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

OURX892,0000829 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000829 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all of the following:

Active Seat Vent (Bleed) Valve Solenoid Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­204). OK: GO TO 6.
Active Seat Compressor Assembly Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­210). NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000829 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Active Seat Unit
(ASU) Control Unit Test
(Reference CAB Control
Unit Test).
OURX892,0000829 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ASU 524007.30 — Active Seat Compressor than 5.5 minutes, or longer than 4.5 minutes while seat
Assembly ON Too Long height remains below lower ride zone limit.
Attention: This code is intended to detect a defective
Code Caused By: Active Seat Unit (ASU) detects that the compressor, a bad relay, or a jammed seat linkage.
Seat Compressor Assembly is ON continuously longer
OURX892,000082A ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: Active Seat System
Control unit response: Seat disabled while code displayed
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,000082A ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

OURX892,000082A ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page OURX892,000082A ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. While in seat, operate the seat full raise and full lower.
3. Wait 5 minutes to verify seat compressor shuts off.
4. Check for code return.
NOTE: Do not press switch longer than 1­2 minutes at a time in order to OK: Code does not return.
prevent generating a false trouble code. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

OURX892,000082A ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,000082A ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all of the following:

Active Seat Vent (Bleed) Valve Solenoid Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­204). OK: GO TO 6.
Active Seat Compressor Assembly Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­210). NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000082A ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Active Seat Unit
(ASU) Control Unit Test
(Reference CAB Control
Unit Test).

OURX892,000082A ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ASU 524008.13 — ASU Not Calibrated

Code Caused By: Active Seat Unit (ASU) detects that the
Seat Raise/Lower (Flow) Control Solenoid or Seat Position
Sensor are not calibrated or failed during calibration.
Continued on next page OURX892,000082B ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: Active Seat System
Control unit response: Seat operation or performance may be limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,000082B ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

OURX892,000082B ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,000082B ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: This code will always return until a valid calibration is performed.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

OURX892,000082B ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,000082B ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Active Seat Unit (ASU) Calibration (Reference 245­ASU­001).

If problem is not resolved with calibration, perform the following:

Perform Active Seat Raise / Lower Solenoid Test (Reference 240­SE10­203). OK: GO TO 6.
Perform Active Seat Position Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­207). NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,000082B ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Active Seat Unit
(ASU) Control Unit Test
(Reference CAB Control
Unit Test).
OURX892,000082B ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ASU 524010.31 — Active Seat Raise/Lower is commanded OFF, or current not sensed when solenoid
Solenoid Circuit Fault is commanded ON, for longer than 500 milliseconds.

Code Caused By: Active Seat Unit (ASU) detects that the
Seat Raise/Lower (Flow) Control Solenoid current sensed
OURX892,000082E ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: Active Seat System
Control unit response: Seat disabled while code is active
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
38H1278 —Adapter
38H1415 —6 Hydraulic Caps
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
JT07115 —Hydraulic Test Kit
RE60701 —Diagnostic Receptacle
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,000082E ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access ASU Address 075, Flow Control Valve Current.

3. While in seat, operate the seat full raise and full lower several times.
4. Verify that the display at Address 075 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ASU Address 075—Specification

Flow Control Valve Current—Amperage................................... 1.20 amps = Low Range
1.60 amps = High Range
NOTE: See Active Seat Unit (ASU) Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,000082E ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,000082E ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. While in seat, operate the seat full raise and full lower.

NOTE: Ensure a minimum weight of 70 kg (130 lbs) on seat.

NOTE: Due to movement of seat, damage to harness wires can occur if harness
is not correctly routed and secured. Observe if problem occurs only
during seat movement or when seat is fully lowered.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: Do not press switch longer than 1­2 minutes at a time in order
to prevent generating a false trouble code.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

OURX892,000082E ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,000082E ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Active Seat Flow (Raise/Lower) Control Valve Solenoid Circuit Test
(Reference 240­SE10­203).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,000082E ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Active Seat Unit
(ASU) Control Unit Test
(Reference CAB Control
Unit Test).
OURX892,000082E ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ASU 524011.03 — Active Seat Accelerometer

Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Active Seat Unit (ASU) detects that
the Seat Accelerometer circuit voltage is above 4.5
volts, for longer than 500 milliseconds.
OURX892,000082F ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: Active Seat System
Control unit response: Seat disabled while code is active
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,000082F ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access ASU Address 032, Active Seat Accelerometer Sensor Voltage.

3. While in seat, stay steady and bounce several times.
4. Verify that the display at the Address 032 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ASU Address 032—Specification

Active Seat Accelerometer Sensor
Voltage—Voltage....................................................................... 3.60 volts = Low Range
4.00 volts = High Range
NOTE: See Active Seat Unit (ASU) Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,000082F ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­15 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,000082F ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. While in seat, stay steady and bounce several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

OURX892,000082F ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,000082F ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Active Seat Accelerometer Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­206). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

OURX892,000082F ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Active Seat Unit
(ASU) Control Unit Test
(Reference CAB Control
Unit Test).

OURX892,000082F ­19­12JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

ASU 524011.04 — Active Seat Accelerometer

Circuit Voltage Low Code caused by: Active Seat Unit (ASU) detects that
the Seat Accelerometer circuit voltage is below 1.5
volts, for longer than 500 milliseconds.
OURX892,0000830 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: Active Seat System
Control unit response: Seat disabled while code is active
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,0000830 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access ASU Address 032, Active Seat Accelerometer Sensor Voltage.

3. While in seat, stay steady and bounce several times.
4. Verify that the display at the Address 032 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ASU Address 032—Specification

Active Seat Accelerometer Sensor
Voltage—Voltage....................................................................... 3.60 volts = Low Range
4.00 volts = High Range
NOTE: See Active Seat Unit (ASU) Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
OURX892,0000830 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000830 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. While in seat, stay steady and bounce several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000830 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­17 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000830 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Active Seat Accelerometer Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­206). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000830 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Active Seat Unit
(ASU) Control Unit Test
(Reference CAB Control
Unit Test).
OURX892,0000830 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ASU 524011.08 — Active Seat Accelerometer

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Active Seat Unit (ASU) detects that
the Seat Accelerometer circuit voltage is not changing
(consecutive 20 instances), while seat control state active.
OURX892,0000831 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: Active Seat System
Control unit response: Seat disabled while code is active
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000831 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­18 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access ASU Address 032, Active Seat Accelerometer Sensor Voltage.

3. While in seat, stay steady and bounce several times.
4. Verify that the display at the Address 032 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ASU Address 032—Specification

Active Seat Accelerometer Sensor
Voltage—Voltage....................................................................... 3.60 volts = Low Range
4.00 volts = High Range
NOTE: See Active Seat Unit (ASU) Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
OURX892,0000831 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000831 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. While in seat, stay steady and bounce several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

OURX892,0000831 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000831 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Active Seat Accelerometer Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­206). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000831 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­19 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Active Seat Unit
(ASU) Control Unit Test
(Reference CAB Control
Unit Test).
OURX892,0000831 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ASU 524012.03 — Active Seat Position

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Active Seat Unit (ASU) detects that
the Seat Position Sensor circuit voltage is above 5.0
volts, for longer than 500 milliseconds.
OURX892,0000832 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: Active Seat System
Control unit response: Seat disabled while code is active
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,0000832 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access ASU Address 031, Active Seat Position Sensor Voltage.

3. While in the seat, fully raise and fully lower several times.
4. Verify that the display at Address 031 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ASU Address 031—Specification

Active Seat Position Sensor
Voltage—Voltage....................................................................... 0.45 volts = Low Range
4.55 volts = High Range
NOTE: See Active Seat Unit (ASU) Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000832 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­20 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000832 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. While in the seat, fully raise and fully lower several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: Do not press switch longer than 1­2 minutes at a time in order
to prevent generating a false trouble code.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

OURX892,0000832 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000832 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Active Seat Position Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­207). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000832 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Active Seat Unit
(ASU) Control Unit Test
(Reference CAB Control
Unit Test).
OURX892,0000832 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

ASU 524012.04 — Active Seat Position

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Active Seat Unit (ASU) detects that
the Seat Position Sensor circuit voltage is below 0.5
volts, for longer than 500 milliseconds.
OURX892,0000833 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: Active Seat System
Control unit response: Seat disabled while code is active
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,0000833 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access ASU Address 031, Active Seat Position Sensor Voltage.

3. While in the seat, fully raise and fully lower several times.
4. Verify that the display at Address 031 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ASU Address 031—Specification

Active Seat Position Sensor
Voltage—Voltage....................................................................... 0.45 volts = Low Range
4.55 volts = High Range
NOTE: See Active Seat Unit (ASU) Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000833 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000833 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. While in the seat, fully raise and fully lower several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: Do not press switch longer than 1­2 minutes at a time in order
to prevent generating a false trouble code.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

OURX892,0000833 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000833 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Active Seat Position Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­207). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000833 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­23 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ASU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Active Seat Unit
(ASU) Control Unit Test
(Reference CAB Control
Unit Test).
OURX892,0000833 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ASU­24 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group ATC
ATC Code Diagnostics

ATC 000170.03 — Cab Temperature Sensor

Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Cab Temperature Sensor
circuit voltage too high.
OURX892,0000511 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,0000511 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Visually inspect the area around the cab recirculation air filter cover for blockage
and / or visual damage. Perform any maintenance.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

3. Turn Blower Control to full CW position.
4. Turn Temperature Control to full CW position.
5. Access ATC Address 008.
6. Verify that the display at Address 008 is within the following specification:

ATC Address 008—Specification

Cab Temperature Sensor—Tempera­
ture............................................................................................................ ­10.0—63.5°C
Sensor Error............................................................................................................... Err
7. Start vehicle and set engine speed to 1500 rpm.
8. Access ATC Address 008 again. OK: GO TO 2.
9. Verify that the displayed temperature at Address 008 slowly increases as cab NOT OK: Perform Cab
temperature increases. Temperature Sensor
Circuit Test, Reference
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000511 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page OURX892,0000511 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF). OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.

Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.

GO TO 4.
OURX892,0000511 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000511 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Temperature Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­006. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000511 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.

OURX892,0000511 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 000170.04 — Cab Temperature Sensor

Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Cab Temperature Sensor
circuit voltage too low.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000512 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,0000512 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Visually inspect the area around the cab recirculation air filter cover for blockage
and / or visual damage. Perform any maintenance.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

3. Turn Blower Control to full CW position.
4. Turn Temperature Control to full CW position.
5. Access ATC Address 008.
6. Verify that the display at Address 008 is within the following specification:

ATC Address 008—Specification

Cab Temperature Sensor—Tempera­
ture............................................................................................................ ­10.0—63.5°C
Sensor Error............................................................................................................... Err
7. Start vehicle and set engine speed to 1500 rpm.
8. Access ATC Address 008 again. OK: GO TO 2.
9. Verify that the displayed temperature at Address 008 slowly increases as cab NOT OK: Perform Cab
temperature increases. Temperature Sensor
Circuit Test, Reference
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000512 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000512 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine off). OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.

Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.

GO TO 4.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000512 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000512 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Temperature Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­006. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000512 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000512 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 000171.03 — Ambient Temperature

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Ambient temperature sensor
circuit voltage too high.
HP51992,0000C29 ­19­08AUG06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000C29 ­19­08AUG06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check Visually inspect the left rear corner of the cab roof for obvious damage or accumulated
debris. Perform any maintenance.

Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

Access ATC Address 014.
Verify that the display at Address 014 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.
ATC Address 014—Specification NOT OK: Perform Ambient
Ambient Temperature Sensor—Temper­ Temperature Sensor
ature.................................................................................... ­40.0—65.0°C (­40—149°F) Circuit Test, Reference
Not Available ...............................................................................................................nA 240­SE03­008.
Sensor Error............................................................................................................... Err
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000C29 ­19­08AUG06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000C29 ­19­08AUG06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Operate vehicle under normal conditions. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
HP51992,0000C29 ­19­08AUG06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000C29 ­19­08AUG06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Ambient Temperature Sensor Circuit Test, reference 240­SE03­008. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000C29 ­19­08AUG06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000C29 ­19­08AUG06­8/8

ATC 000171.04 — Ambient Temperature

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Ambient temperature sensor
circuit voltage too low.
HP51992,0000C2A ­19­08AUG06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000C2A ­19­08AUG06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Visually inspect the left rear corner of the cab roof for obvious damage or accumulated
debris. Perform any maintenance.

Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

Access ATC Address 014.
Verify that the display at Address 014 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.
ATC Address 014—Specification NOT OK: Perform Ambient
Ambient Temperature Sensor—Temper­ Temperature Sensor
ature.................................................................................... ­40.0—65.0°C (­40—149°F) Circuit Test, Reference
Not Available ...............................................................................................................nA 240­SE03­008.
Sensor Error............................................................................................................... Err
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000C2A ­19­08AUG06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000C2A ­19­08AUG06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Operate vehicle under normal conditions. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
HP51992,0000C2A ­19­08AUG06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000C2A ­19­08AUG06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Ambient Temperature Sensor Circuit Test, reference 240­SE03­008. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000C2A ­19­08AUG06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000C2A ­19­08AUG06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

ATC 000628.12 — ATC Programming Control unit response: No functions available until
Programming is complete
Code Caused By: In process of updating software
Programming codes occur only during process of updating
Code Diagnosis or loading new software. It is not an error and there is
no diagnosis required.
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”Programming”
RE35951,00000B6 ­19­20APR05­1/1

ATC 000630.02 — ATC Calibration Fault/Data

Invalid Code Caused By: Automatic Temperature Control
Unit (ATC) invalid calibration values or failure
of calibration memory
RE35951,00000B7 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00000B7 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform any

GO TO 2.

RE35951,00000B7 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code ATC
000630.02 is present.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page RE35951,00000B7 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis Complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code ATC
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 000630.02 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 4.
RE35951,00000B7 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

RE35951,00000B7 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC) Calibration, Reference
OK: Calibration
GO TO 2.

If calibration was not successful or problem was not identified: NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
New software may be required. Perform Programming Controllers, Reference NOT OK: Calibration
245­05­005. unsuccessful and problem
not identified.
GO TO 6.
RE35951,00000B7 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.

RE35951,00000B7 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 000639.14 — ATC CAN Error Exceeded

Code Caused By: Too many errors received by
Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC).
Continued on next page HP51992,00005FE ­19­21DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”Communication System”
Control unit response: CAN will be disabled to Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC)
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00005FE ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,00005FE ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code ATC
000639.12 is present.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00005FE ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Operate under normal conditions for 15 minutes.

Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis Complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code ATC
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 000639.12 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 4.

HP51992,00005FE ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00005FE ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC) System Power and Ground
Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­003.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.
HP51992,00005FE ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
HP51992,00005FE ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 000871.03 — Refrigerant Pressure

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Refrigerant Pressure Sensor
circuit voltage too high.
OURX892,0000524 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000524 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start Vehicle engine.

2. Access ATC Address 017.

3. Set Blower Control to full CW position (Purge).
4. Set Temperature Control to full CCW position (Cold).
5. Press A/C Clutch Engage Switch (Snowflake). OK: GO TO 2.
6. Verify that the display at Address 017 slowly increases as refrigerant pressure rises NOT OK: Perform
and is within the following specification: Refrigerant Pressure
ATC Address 017—Specification Sensor Circuit Test,
Refrigerant Pressure Sensor—Pres­ Reference 240­SE03­011.
sure............................................................................................................. 0—31.00 bar GO TO 2.
Not Available ...............................................................................................................nA
Sensor Error............................................................................................................... Err
OURX892,0000524 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000524 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Set engine speed to 2000 rpm.

Set Blower Control to AUTO position.
Set air flow mode motor control to AUTO mode.
Set Temperature Control to full CCW position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,0000524 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000524 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­011. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000524 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000524 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 000871.04 — Refrigerant Pressure

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Refrigerant Pressure Sensor
circuit voltage too low.
OURX892,0000525 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000525 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start Vehicle engine.

2. Access ATC Address 017.

3. Set Blower Control to full CW position (Purge).
4. Set Temperature Control to full CCW position (Cold).
5. Press A/C Clutch Engage Switch (Snowflake). OK: GO TO 2
6. Verify that the display at Address 017 slowly increases as refrigerant pressure rises NOT OK: Perform
and is within the following specification: Refrigerant Pressure
ATC Address 017—Specification Sensor Circuit Test,
Refrigerant Pressure Sensor—Pres­ Reference 240­SE03­011.
sure............................................................................................................. 0—31.00 bar GO TO 2
Not Available ...............................................................................................................nA
Sensor Error............................................................................................................... Err
OURX892,0000525 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000525 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Set engine speed to 2000 rpm.

Set Blower Control to AUTO position.
Set air flow mode motor control to AUTO mode.
Set Temperature Control to full CCW position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,0000525 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000525 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­011. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
OURX892,0000525 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
OURX892,0000525 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 000871.13 — Refrigerant Pressure

Sensor Not Calibrated Code Caused By: Refrigerant pressure sen­
sor out of range.
HP51992,0000C28 ­19­08AUG06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000C28 ­19­08AUG06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­15 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start vehicle engine.

2. Access ATC Address 017.

3. Set blower control to full CW position (purge).
4. Set temperature control to full CCW position (cold).
5. Press A/C clutch engage switch (snowflake). OK: GO TO 2
6. Verify that the display at Address 017 slowly increases as refrigerant pressure rises NOT OK: Perform
and is within the following specification: Refrigerant Pressure
ATC Address 017—Specification Sensor Circuit Test,
Refrigerant Pressure Sensor—Pres­ Reference 240­SE03­011.
sure..............................................................................................................0 ­ 3100 kPa GO TO 2
(0 ­ 31 bar; 0 ­ 450 psi)
Not Available ...............................................................................................................nA
Sensor Error............................................................................................................... Err
HP51992,0000C28 ­19­08AUG06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000C28 ­19­08AUG06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Set engine speed to 2000 rpm.

Set blower control to AUTO position.
Set air flow mode motor control to AUTO mode.
Set temperature control to full CCW position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
HP51992,0000C28 ­19­08AUG06­5/8

•4 System Checks Access ATC Address 029 and perform Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Availability
Configuration. See Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC) Calibration,
reference 245­ATC­001.
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Perform

GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000C28 ­19­08AUG06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­011.

If sensor circuits check is good: OK: GO TO 6.

Perform A/C System Pressure Test (Reference 290­15­003). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
HP51992,0000C28 ­19­08AUG06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
HP51992,0000C28 ­19­08AUG06­8/8

ATC 000876.10 — Excessive A/C Clutch

Cycling Code Caused By: A/C Compressor Clutch cycling
more than 6 times per minute
NM48376,0000A78 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page NM48376,0000A78 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­17 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Perform A/C System Preliminary Checks, Reference 290­05­001. Perform any

2. Turn Blower Control to full CW position.

3. Turn Temperature Control to full CW position.
4. Start vehicle and set engine speed to 1500 rpm.
5. Access ATC Address 020.
6. Verify that the display at Address 020 is within the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ATC Address 020—Specification

Evaporator Temperature Sensor—Tem­
perature................................................................................................... ­10.0—80.00°C
Sensor Error............................................................................................................... Err
7. Verify that the displayed temperature at Address 020 slowly increases as cab NOT OK: Perform
temperature increases. Evaporator Temperature
Sensor Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE03­005.
GO TO 2.
NM48376,0000A78 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

NM48376,0000A78 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
NOTE: Perform the following operational check with the cab door open.

1. Start vehicle.
2. Set engine speed to 2000 rpm.
3. Allow vehicle to run for approximately 5 minutes to reach normal vehicle operating
4. Set Blower Control to AUTO.
5. Set Temperature Control full CCW (cold) position.
6. Set air flow mode motor control to AUTO.
7. Push the snowflake switch in center of Temperature Control knob. The operator
should hear the clutch engage.
8. Allow tractor to run for several minutes. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
9. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
Continued on next page NM48376,0000A78 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­18 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Perform ATC System Operational Check Test, Reference 290­10­001. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
NM48376,0000A78 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Evaporator Temperature Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­005. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NM48376,0000A78 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
NM48376,0000A78 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 000876.14 — Compressor Shutoff Due

to Engine Overheat Code Caused By: A/C Compressor Clutch turned
off by Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC)
due to overheated engine.
NM48376,0000A79 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page NM48376,0000A79 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­19 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check Perform the following preliminary checks:

1. Perform A/C System Preliminary Checks, Reference 290­05­001. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Check the level, condition, and service interval of engine coolant. NOT OK: Perform any
GO TO 2.
NM48376,0000A79 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
Check for and resolve any stored ECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes that pertain to high NOT OK: Code returns.
coolant temperature or engine coolant temperature sensor faults before continuing.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

NM48376,0000A79 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Consult with operator on what conditions existed when the code was first stored.

Start vehicle.
Set engine speed to 2000 rpm.
Allow engine coolant to heat up to normal operating temperature.
Operate vehicle under same conditions which existed when the code was first stored. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
NM48376,0000A79 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Recall codes and verify that no other codes relating to engine overheating are stored. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Engine

overheating has generated
other related codes.
Resolve any such codes
before continuing this
diagnostic path.

Continued on next page NM48376,0000A79 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­20 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Test (See Engine CTM). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NM48376,0000A79 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
NM48376,0000A79 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 000923.03 — Circulation Blower Motor

Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Circuit voltage between the Circulation
Blower Motor and the Blower Motor Driver too high.
OURX892,0000519 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000519 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Place the Blower Control in the full CCW position. Blower should be off.
NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 30 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
3. Access ATC Address 005.
The display should read:
000 —0% duty cycle commanded by control unit.
4. Slowly turn Blower Control CW to full CW position. Circulation Blower Motor should OK: GO TO 2.
start at a slow speed, and increase speed as control is rotated and be at full speed
when Blower Control is at full CW position.
5. Slowly rotate Blower Control through full range of motion and verify that display NOT OK: Perform Blower
at ATC Address 005 increases smoothly through its full range according to the Motor Driver Circuit Test,
specification below: Reference 240­SE03­009.
ATC Address 005—Specification GO TO 2.
Blower Motor Driver—Blower OFF............................................................................ 000
Blower 12 o’clock position......................................................................................... 075
Blower Full CW (Purge) ............................................................................................ 100
Driver Error ................................................................................................................ Err

NOTE: The display should smoothly change from 50—100 without any large skips.
OURX892,0000519 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000519 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn Blower Control to full CCW position.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 30 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
3. Slowly turn Blower Control from CCW to full CW position. Blower motor should OK: Code does not return.
start at slow speed, and gradually increase speed as control is rotated through its Diagnosis complete.
full range to full CW position.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,0000519 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000519 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all of the following:

□ Blower Motor Driver Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­009. OK: GO TO 6.

□ Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC) Circulation Blower Motor Circuit NOT OK: Problem
Test, Reference 240­SE03­013. identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000519 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000519 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 000923.04 — Circulation Blower Motor

Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Circuit voltage between the Circulation
Blower Motor and the Blower Motor Driver too low.
OURX892,000051A ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,000051A ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­23 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Place the Blower Control in the full CCW position. Blower should be off.
NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 30 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
3. Access ATC Address 005.
The display should read:
000 —0% duty cycle commanded by control unit.
4. Slowly turn Blower Control CW to full CW position. Circulation Blower Motor should OK: GO TO 2.
start at a slow speed, and increase speed as control is rotated and be at full speed
when Blower Control is at full CW position.
5. Slowly rotate Blower Control through full range of motion and verify that display NOT OK: Perform Blower
at ATC Address 005 increases smoothly through its full range according to the Motor Driver Circuit Test,
specification below: Reference 240­SE03­009.
ATC Address 005—Specification GO TO 2.
Blower Motor Driver—Blower OFF............................................................................ 000
Blower 12 o’clock position......................................................................................... 075
Blower Full CW (Purge) ............................................................................................ 100
Driver Error ................................................................................................................ Err

NOTE: The display should smoothly change from 50—100 without any large skips.
OURX892,000051A ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,000051A ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn Blower Control to full CCW position.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 30 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
3. Slowly turn Blower Control from CCW to full CW position. Blower motor should OK: Code does not return.
start at slow speed, and gradually increase speed as control is rotated through its Diagnosis complete.
full range to full CW position.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,000051A ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,000051A ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­24 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all of the following:

□ Blower Motor Driver Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­009. OK: GO TO 6.

□ Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC) Circulation Blower Motor Circuit NOT OK: Problem
Test, Reference 240­SE03­013. identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000051A ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000051A ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 000923.12 — Circulation Blower Motor

Driver Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Circuit failure in the Circulation
Blower Motor Driver
OURX892,000053D ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,000053D ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­25 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Place the Blower Control in the full CCW position. Blower should be off.
NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 30 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
3. Access ATC Address 005.
The display should read:
000 —0% duty cycle commanded by control unit.
4. Slowly turn Blower Control CW to full CW position. Circulation Blower Motor should OK: GO TO 2.
start at a slow speed, and increase speed as control is rotated and be at full speed
when Blower Control is at full CW position.
5. Slowly rotate Blower Control through full range of motion and verify that display NOT OK: Perform Blower
at ATC Address 005 increases smoothly through its full range according to the Motor Driver Circuit Test,
specification below: Reference 240­SE03­009.
ATC Address 005—Specification GO TO 2.
Blower Motor Driver—Blower OFF............................................................................ 000
Blower 12 o’clock position......................................................................................... 075
Blower Full CW (Purge) ............................................................................................ 100
Driver Error ................................................................................................................ Err

NOTE: The display should smoothly change from 50—100 without any large skips.
OURX892,000053D ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,000053D ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn Blower Control to full CCW position.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 30 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
3. Slowly turn Blower Control from CCW to full CW position. Blower motor should OK: Code does not return.
start at slow speed, and gradually increase speed as control is rotated through its Diagnosis complete.
full range to full CW position.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,000053D ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,000053D ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­26 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the Blower Motor Driver Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­009. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000053D ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000053D ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001079.03 — ATC Sensor Supply Voltage

High Code Caused By: Automatic Temperature Control Unit
(ATC) sensor supply voltage above 5.0 volts
RE35951,00000B8 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00000B8 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00000B8 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­27 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code ATC
001079.03 is present.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00000B8 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Operate for 5 ­ 15 minutes, occasionally changing A/C and Blower Control settings.
Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis Complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code ATC
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 001079.03 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 4.
RE35951,00000B8 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

RE35951,00000B8 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC) System Power and Ground
Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­003.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00000B8 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­28 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
RE35951,00000B8 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001079.04 — ATC Sensor Supply Voltage

Low Code Caused By: Automatic Temperature Control Unit
(ATC) sensor supply voltage below 0.5 volts
RE35951,00000B9 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00000B9 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

RE35951,00000B9 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code ATC
001079.04 is present.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page RE35951,00000B9 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­29 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Operate for 5 ­ 15 minutes, occasionally changing A/C and Blower Control settings.
Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis Complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code ATC
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 001079.04 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 4.
RE35951,00000B9 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

RE35951,00000B9 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC) System Power and Ground
Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­003.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,00000B9 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.

RE35951,00000B9 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001546.03 — Water Valve Position

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: A/C Water Valve Position
Sensor circuit voltage too high.
Continued on next page OURX892,000052B ­19­21DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­30 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
R77464 —Pin Terminal
DFRW167 — Water Valve Test Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,000052B ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Set Temperature Control knob to full CCW (cold).

3. Warm engine to normal operating temperature.
4. Access ATC Address 011.
Display should read:
100 —Fully closed

NOTE: Find heater hoses at rear left of cab. They should be cool to the touch.
5. Slowly turn the Temperature Control knob CW. The display should gradually OK: GO TO 2.
decrease until the Temperature Control knob is full CW (hot). Display should read:
000 —Fully open

NOTE: Find heater hoses at rear left of cab. They should be hot to the touch.
6. Turn the Temperature Control knob CCW and the display should return to 100 NOT OK: Perform Water
with the control in the full CCW position. Valve Motor Circuit Test,
NOTE: The display may remain at 100 even if the Temperature Control knob is Reference 240­SE03­012.
rotated. Input from the temperature sensors ensures a smooth temperature GO TO 2.
change when the Temperature Control knob is rotated.

After a few minutes the heater hoses should feel cooler to the touch. If not, coolant
is flowing through the Water Valve.
OURX892,000052B ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page OURX892,000052B ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­31 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle and warm to normal operating temperature.

Set Temperature Control to full CCW (Cold) position.

Slowly rotate Temperature Control to full CW (Hot) position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,000052B ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,000052B ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Water Valve Motor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­012. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000052B ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.

OURX892,000052B ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001546.04 — Water Valve Position

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: A/C Water Valve Position
Sensor circuit voltage too low.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000537 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­32 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
R77464 —Pin Terminal
DFRW167 — Water Valve Test Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,0000537 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Set Temperature Control knob to full CCW (cold).

3. Warm engine to normal operating temperature.
4. Access ATC Address 011.
Display should read:
100 —Fully closed

NOTE: Find heater hoses at rear left of cab. They should be cool to the touch.
5. Slowly turn the Temperature Control knob CW. The display should gradually OK: GO TO 2.
decrease until the Temperature Control knob is full CW (hot). Display should read:
000 —Fully open

NOTE: Find heater hoses at rear left of cab. They should be hot to the touch.
6. Turn the Temperature Control knob CCW and the display should return to 100 NOT OK: Perform Water
with the control in the full CCW position. Valve Motor Circuit Test,
NOTE: The display may remain at 100 even if the Temperature Control knob is Reference 240­SE03­012.
rotated. Input from the temperature sensors ensures a smooth temperature GO TO 2.
change when the Temperature Control knob is rotated.

After a few minutes the heater hoses should feel cooler to the touch. If not, coolant
is flowing through the Water Valve.
OURX892,0000537 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page OURX892,0000537 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­33 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle and warm to normal operating temperature.

Set Temperature Control to full CCW (Cold) position.

Slowly rotate Temperature Control to full CW (Hot) position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,0000537 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000537 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Water Valve Motor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­012. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000537 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.

OURX892,0000537 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001547.03 — Evaporator Temperature

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Evaporator Temperature Sensor
circuit voltage too high
Continued on next page OURX892,000051B ­19­21DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­34 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,000051B ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Visually inspect the area around the cab recirculation air filter cover for blockage
and / or visual damage. Perform any maintenance.

2. Turn Blower Control to full CW position.

3. Turn Temperature Control to full CW position.
4. Start vehicle and set engine speed to 1500 rpm.
5. Access ATC Address 020.
6. Verify that the display at Address 020 is within the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ATC Address 020—Specification

Evaporator Temperature Sensor—Tem­
perature................................................................................................... ­10.0—80.00°C
Sensor Error............................................................................................................... Err
7. Verify that the displayed temperature at Address 020 slowly increases as cab NOT OK: Perform
temperature increases. Evaporator Temperature
Sensor Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE03­005.
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000051B ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,000051B ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Operate vehicle under normal conditions. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Continued on next page OURX892,000051B ­19­21DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­35 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,000051B ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Evaporator Temperature Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­005. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000051B ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000051B ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001547.04 — Evaporator Temperature

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Evaporator Temperature Sensor
circuit voltage too low.
OURX892,000051C ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,000051C ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­36 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Visually inspect the area around the cab recirculation air filter cover for blockage
and / or visual damage. Perform any maintenance.

2. Turn Blower Control to full CW position.

3. Turn Temperature Control to full CW position.
4. Start vehicle and set engine speed to 1500 rpm.
5. Access ATC Address 020.
6. Verify that the display at Address 020 is within the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

ATC Address 020—Specification

Evaporator Temperature Sensor—Tem­
perature................................................................................................... ­10.0—80.00°C
Sensor Error............................................................................................................... Err
7. Verify that the displayed temperature at Address 020 slowly increases as cab NOT OK: Perform
temperature increases. Evaporator Temperature
Sensor Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE03­005.
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000051C ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,000051C ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Operate vehicle under normal conditions. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,000051C ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,000051C ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­37 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Evaporator Temperature Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­005. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000051C ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000051C ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001548.03 — Outlet Air Temperature

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Outlet Air Temperature Sensor
circuit voltage too low.
OURX892,000052C ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Alarm Level: Information Alert. ClimaTrak Symbol and ”ClimaTrak System” will display on CommandCenter .
Continued on next page OURX892,000052C ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­38 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Determine approximate duct temperature.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

3. Access ATC Address 010.
4. Verify that outlet air temperature is approximately the same as duct temperature.
5. Start vehicle and set engine speed to 1500 rpm.
6. Access ATC Address 010.
7. Turn Temperature Control to full CW position (Hot).
8. Turn Blower Control to the 12 o’clock position. OK: GO TO 2.
9. Verify that the value at ATC Address 010 increases as duct temperature increases. NOT OK: Perform Outlet
Air Temperature Sensor
Circuit Test, Reference
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000052C ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,000052C ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle and warm to normal operating temperature.

Set Temperature Control to full CCW (Cold) position.

Slowly rotate Temperature Control to full CW (Hot) position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,000052C ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,000052C ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Outlet Air Temperature Sensor Circuit Test,Reference 240­SE03­007. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,000052C ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­39 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000052C ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001548.04 — Outlet Air Temperature

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Outlet Air Temperature Sensor
circuit voltage too low.
OURX892,0000538 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Alarm Level: Information Alert. ClimaTrak Symbol and ”ClimaTrak System” will display on CommandCenter .
OURX892,0000538 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Determine approximate duct temperature.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

3. Access ATC Address 010.
4. Verify that outlet air temperature is approximately the same as duct temperature.
5. Start vehicle and set engine speed to 1500 rpm.
6. Access ATC Address 010.
7. Turn Temperature Control to full CW position (Hot).
8. Turn Blower Control to the 12 o’clock position. OK: GO TO 2.
9. Verify that the value at ATC Address 010 increases as duct temperature increases. NOT OK: Perform Outlet
Air Temperature Sensor
Circuit Test, Reference
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000538 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­40 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000538 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle and warm to normal operating temperature.

Set Temperature Control to full CCW (Cold) position.

Slowly rotate Temperature Control to full CW (Hot) position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,0000538 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000538 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Outlet Air Temperature Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­007. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000538 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­41 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000538 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001549.03 — Water Valve Motor Circuit

Voltage High Code Caused By: Water Valve Motor circuit
voltage too high.
OURX892,000051D ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
R77464 —Pin Terminal
DFRW167 — Water Valve Test Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,000051D ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­42 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Set Temperature Control knob to full CCW (cold).

3. Warm engine to normal operating temperature.
4. Access ATC Address 011.
Display should read:
100 —Fully closed

NOTE: Find heater hoses at rear left of cab. They should be cool to the touch.
5. Slowly turn the Temperature Control knob CW. The display should gradually OK: GO TO 2.
decrease until the Temperature Control knob is full CW (hot). Display should read:
000 —Fully open

NOTE: Find heater hoses at rear left of cab. They should be hot to the touch.
6. Turn the Temperature Control knob CCW and the display should return to 100 NOT OK: Perform Water
with the control in the full CCW position. Valve Motor Circuit Test,
NOTE: The display may remain at 100 even if the Temperature Control knob is Reference 240­SE03­012.
rotated. Input from the temperature sensors ensures a smooth temperature GO TO 2.
change when the Temperature Control knob is rotated.

After a few minutes the heater hoses should feel cooler to the touch. If not, coolant
is flowing through the Water Valve.
OURX892,000051D ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,000051D ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle and warm to normal operating temperature.

Set Temperature Control to full CCW (Cold) position.

Slowly rotate Temperature Control to full CW (Hot) position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,000051D ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,000051D ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­43 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Water Valve Motor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­012. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000051D ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000051D ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001549.04 — Water Valve Motor Circuit

Voltage Low Code Caused By: Water Valve Motor circuit
voltage too low.
OURX892,000051E ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
R77464 —Pin Terminal
DFRW167 — Water Valve Test Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,000051E ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­44 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Set Temperature Control knob to full CCW (cold).

3. Warm engine to normal operating temperature.
4. Access ATC Address 011.
Display should read:
100 —Fully closed

NOTE: Find heater hoses at rear left of cab. They should be cool to the touch.
5. Slowly turn the Temperature Control knob CW. The display should gradually OK: GO TO 2.
decrease until the Temperature Control knob is full CW (hot). Display should read:
000 —Fully open

NOTE: Find heater hoses at rear left of cab. They should be hot to the touch.
6. Turn the Temperature Control knob CCW and the display should return to 100 NOT OK: Perform Water
with the control in the full CCW position. Valve Motor Circuit Test,
NOTE: The display may remain at 100 even if the Temperature Control knob is Reference 240­SE03­012.
rotated. Input from the temperature sensors ensures a smooth temperature GO TO 2.
change when the Temperature Control knob is rotated.

After a few minutes the heater hoses should feel cooler to the touch. If not, coolant
is flowing through the Water Valve.
OURX892,000051E ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,000051E ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle and warm to normal operating temperature.

Set Temperature Control to full CCW (Cold) position.

Slowly rotate Temperature Control to full CW (Hot) position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,000051E ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,000051E ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­45 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Water Valve Motor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­012. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000051E ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000051E ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001549.07 — Water Valve Motor

Mechanical Fault Code Caused By: Mechanical failure in the
Water Valve Motor
OURX892,000051F ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
R77464 —Pin Terminal
DFRW167 — Water Valve Test Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,000051F ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­46 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Set Temperature Control knob to full CCW (cold).

3. Warm engine to normal operating temperature.
4. Access ATC Address 011.
Display should read:
100 —Fully closed

NOTE: Find heater hoses at rear left of cab. They should be cool to the touch.
5. Slowly turn the Temperature Control knob CW. The display should gradually OK: GO TO 2.
decrease until the Temperature Control knob is full CW (hot). Display should read:
000 —Fully open

NOTE: Find heater hoses at rear left of cab. They should be hot to the touch.
6. Turn the Temperature Control knob CCW and the display should return to 100 NOT OK: Perform Water
with the control in the full CCW position. Valve Motor Circuit Test,
NOTE: The display may remain at 100 even if the Temperature Control knob is Reference 240­SE03­012.
rotated. Input from the temperature sensors ensures a smooth temperature GO TO 2.
change when the Temperature Control knob is rotated.

After a few minutes the heater hoses should feel cooler to the touch. If not, coolant
is flowing through the Water Valve.
OURX892,000051F ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,000051F ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Set engine speed to 2000 rpm.

3. Warm tractor engine to normal operating temperature.
4. Set Blower Control to AUTO position.
5. Set air flow mode motor control to AUTO mode.
6. Set Temperature Control to full CCW position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
7. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,000051F ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,000051F ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­47 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Water Valve Motor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­012. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000051F ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000051F ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001549.13 — Water Valve Motor Not

Calibrated Code Caused By: Water Valve not being calibrated
after being replaced
OURX892,0000520 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,0000520 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000520 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­48 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000520 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Set engine speed to 2000 rpm.

3. Warm tractor engine to normal operating temperature.
4. Set Blower Control to AUTO position.
5. Set air flow mode motor control to AUTO mode.
6. Set Temperature Control to full CCW position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
7. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,0000520 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000520 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC) Calibration, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000520 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­49 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000520 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001551.03 — Pressurizer Blower Motor

Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: A/C Pressurizer Blower Motor
circuit voltage too high.
OURX892,0000539 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW130 —Relay Circuit Test Lead
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,0000539 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Remove recirculation air filter.

2. Set controls as follows:

­ Set Temperature Control to 12 o’clock position.
­ Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine off).
­ Turn Blower Control to full CCW (OFF) position.

NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 5 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
3. Feel for air movement in front of evaporator. There should be no air movement.
4. Turn Blower Control to 9 o’clock position. Operator should feel good air movement OK: GO TO 2.
from fresh air inlet to evaporator core.
5. Turn Blower Control to full CCW (OFF) position. Air flow should stop. NOT OK: Perform
Pressurizer Blower Motor
Circuit Test, Reference
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000539 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­50 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000539 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Remove recirculation air filter.

2. Set controls as follows:

­ Temperature Control at 12 o’clock
­ Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).
­ Blower Control full CCW (OFF)
3. Feel for air movement in front of evaporator. There should be no air movement.
4. Turn Blower Control to 9 o’clock position. Operator should feel good air movement
from fresh air inlet to evaporator core.
5. Turn Blower Control full CCW (OFF). Air flow should stop. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
6. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,0000539 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000539 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Pressurizer Blower Motor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­004. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000539 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­51 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000539 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001551.04 — Pressurizer Blower Motor

Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: A/C Pressurizer Blower Motor
circuit voltage too low.
OURX892,000053A ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW130 —Relay Circuit Test Lead
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,000053A ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Remove recirculation air filter.

2. Set controls as follows:

­ Set Temperature Control to 12 o’clock position.
­ Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine off).
­ Turn Blower Control to full CCW (OFF) position.

NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 5 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
3. Feel for air movement in front of evaporator. There should be no air movement.
4. Turn Blower Control to 9 o’clock position. Operator should feel good air movement OK: GO TO 2.
from fresh air inlet to evaporator core.
5. Turn Blower Control to full CCW (OFF) position. Air flow should stop. NOT OK: Perform
Pressurizer Blower Motor
Circuit Test, Reference
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,000053A ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­52 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,000053A ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Remove recirculation air filter.

2. Set controls as follows:

­ Set Temperature Control at 12 o’clock position.
­ Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).
­ Turn Blower Control to full CCW (OFF) position.
3. Feel for air movement in front of evaporator. There should be no air movement.
4. Turn Blower Control to 9 o’clock position. Operator should feel good air movement
from fresh air inlet to evaporator core.
5. Turn Blower Control to full CCW (OFF) position. Air flow should stop. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
6. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,000053A ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,000053A ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Pressurizer Blower Motor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­004. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,000053A ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­53 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000053A ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001552.03 — Cab Temperature Control

Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Cab Temperature Control
circuit voltage too high.
OURX892,000053B ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,000053B ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

OURX892,000053B ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page OURX892,000053B ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­54 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Operate the Cab Temperature Control Knob slowly through its full range of motion. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,000053B ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,000053B ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC) Operational Check, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Replace and

calibrate Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
(ATC). See Reference
245­ATC­001 for procedure.
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000053B ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.

OURX892,000053B ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001552.04 — Cab Temperature Control

Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: A/C Cab Temperature Control
circuit voltage too low.
Continued on next page OURX892,000053C ­19­21DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­55 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,000053C ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

OURX892,000053C ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,000053C ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Operate the Cab Temperature Control Knob slowly through its full range of motion. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

OURX892,000053C ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,000053C ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC) Operational Check, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Replace and

calibrate Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
(ATC). See Reference
245­ATC­001 for procedure.
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,000053C ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­56 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000053C ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001553.03 — Blower Control Circuit

Voltage High Code Caused By: A/C Blower Control circuit
voltage too high.
OURX892,0000521 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000521 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­57 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Place the Blower Control in the full CCW position. Blower should be off.
NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 30 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
3. Access ATC Address 005.
The display should read:
000 —0% duty cycle commanded by control unit.
4. Slowly turn Blower Control CW to full CW position. Circulation Blower Motor should OK: GO TO 2.
start at a slow speed, and increase speed as control is rotated and be at full speed
when Blower Control is at full CW position.
5. Slowly rotate Blower Control through full range of motion and verify that display NOT OK: Perform
at ATC Address 005 increases smoothly through its full range according to the Automatic Temperature
specification below: Control Unit (ATC)
ATC Address 005—Specification Circulation Blower Motor
Blower Motor Driver—Blower OFF............................................................................ 000 Circuit Test, Reference
Blower 12 o’clock position......................................................................................... 075 240­SE03­013.
Blower Full CW (Purge) ............................................................................................ 100 GO TO 2.
Driver Error ................................................................................................................ Err

NOTE: The display should smoothly change from 50—100 without any large skips.
OURX892,0000521 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000521 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Place the Blower Control in the full CCW position. Blower should be off.
3. Slowly turn Blower Control CW to full CW position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,0000521 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000521 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­58 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all of the following:

□ Circulation Blower Motor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­013. OK: GO TO 6.

□ Blower Motor Driver Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­009. NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000521 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000521 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 001553.04 — Blower Control Circuit

Voltage Low Code Caused By: A/C Blower Control cir­
cuit voltage too low.
OURX892,0000522 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000522 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­59 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Place the Blower Control in the full CCW position. Blower should be off.
NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 30 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
3. Access ATC Address 005.
The display should read:
000 —0% duty cycle commanded by control unit.
4. Slowly turn Blower Control CW to full CW position. Circulation Blower Motor should OK: GO TO 2.
start at a slow speed, and increase speed as control is rotated and be at full speed
when Blower Control is at full CW position.
5. Slowly rotate Blower Control through full range of motion and verify that display NOT OK: Perform
at ATC Address 005 increases smoothly through its full range according to the Automatic Temperature
specification below: Control Unit (ATC)
ATC Address 005—Specification Circulation Blower Motor
Blower Motor Driver—Blower OFF............................................................................ 000 Circuit Test, Reference
Blower 12 o’clock position......................................................................................... 075 240­SE03­013.
Blower Full CW (Purge) ............................................................................................ 100 GO TO 2.
Driver Error ................................................................................................................ Err

NOTE: The display should smoothly change from 50—100 without any large skips.
OURX892,0000522 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000522 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Place the Blower Control in the full CCW position. Blower should be off.
3. Slowly turn Blower Control CW to full CW position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,0000522 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000522 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­60 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all of the following:

□ Circulation Blower Motor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­013. OK: GO TO 6.

□ Blower Motor Driver Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­009. NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000522 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000522 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 002000.09 — ECU Message Missing

Code Caused By: Automatic Temperature Control Unit
(ATC) not receiving required messages from the ECU.
RE35951,00001BD ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Limited function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001BD ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse F24 to ECU control unit.

See Fuse Load Center Diagram Listing, Reference 240­05­001.
OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001BD ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­61 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code ATC
2000.09 is present.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001BD ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate for 15 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code ATC
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 2000.09 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 4.
RE35951,00001BD ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN System Diagnosis, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001BD ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC) System Power and Ground
Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­003.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001BD ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­62 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2000.09, replace
If only Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
(ATC) has code 2000.09,
replace ATC control unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,00001BD ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 523848.03 — Air Flow Mode Motor

Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: A/C Air Flow Mode Motor
circuit voltage too high.
OURX892,0000532 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW167 —Water Valve Test Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000532 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­63 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check Close cab doors and windows. Start vehicle and set engine speed to 1000 rpm.

Position Blower Control at 12 o’clock position.

NOTE: Blower should be operating at 50% capacity.
Position Air Flow Mode Control to the floor position. The majority of the air flow should
be directed toward the floor.
Access ATC Address 007.
The display should read:
Turn Air Flow Mode Motor Control through the following positions to verify that the
display at Address 007 meets the following specifications:
ATC Address 007—Specification
Position—Not available or Error................................................................................. 000
Defog (Windshield) Position Selected....................................................................... 001
Air Flow From All Vents............................................................................................. 002
Floor Position Selected ............................................................................................. 003
Panel Vents Selected................................................................................................ 004
Panel Vents and Floor Selected................................................................................ 007
Press the AUTO Switch in the center of the air flow mode control knob, and verify that
the display at Address 007 meets the following specification:
ATC Address 007—Specification
Position—AUTO Switch Pressed............................................................................... 008
Air flow from the vents may vary in the AUTO mode. At system start­up, air will flow in OK: GO TO 2.
the same manner as when the system was last turned off. After a few seconds, the
ambient temperature reading will determine the air flow. If both air and cab are cold,
air flow will start in defog mode and gradually move to floor. If cooling is needed, air
will move through panel vents.
NOTE: It is typical for some air to flow from all vents even when air flow is directed NOT OK: Perform Air Flow
elsewhere. Look for a change in the majority of the air flow. Mode Motor Circuit Test,
See Theory of Operation for complete operational details. Reference 240­SE03­010.
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000532 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page OURX892,0000532 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­64 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Close cab door(s) and window.

2. Place Temperature Control to full CCW position (cool).

3. Start Engine
NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 30 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
4. Position Blower Control at 12 o’clock. Blower should be operating at 50% capacity.
5. Position air flow control to floor position. Air flow should be directed toward floor.
6. Rotate air flow control CW to DEFOG position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out defog vents (toward windshield).
7. Rotate air flow control CW to PANEL position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out of panel vents (toward operator).
8. Rotate air flow control CW to ALL position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out of all air flow paths.
9. Press ”AUTO” Switch in center of air flow control knob. Air flow should go to panel
(toward operator).
10. Change Temperature Control to full CW (heat). Air flow should change to floor. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
11. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,0000532 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000532 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Air Flow Mode Motor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­010. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000532 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­65 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000532 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 523848.04 — Air Flow Mode Motor

Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: A/C Air Flow Mode Motor
circuit voltage too low.
OURX892,000052D ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW167 —Water Valve Test Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,000052D ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­66 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check Close cab doors and windows. Start vehicle and set engine speed to 1000 rpm.

Position Blower Control at 12 o’clock position.

NOTE: Blower should be operating at 50% capacity.
Position Air Flow Mode Control to the floor position. The majority of the air flow should
be directed toward the floor.
Access ATC Address 007.
The display should read:
Turn Air Flow Mode Motor Control through the following positions to verify that the
display at Address 007 meets the following specifications:
ATC Address 007—Specification
Position—Not available or Error................................................................................. 000
Defog (Windshield) Position Selected....................................................................... 001
Air Flow From All Vents............................................................................................. 002
Floor Position Selected ............................................................................................. 003
Panel Vents Selected................................................................................................ 004
Panel Vents and Floor Selected................................................................................ 007
Press the AUTO Switch in the center of the air flow mode control knob, and verify that
the display at Address 007 meets the following specification:
ATC Address 007—Specification
Position—AUTO Switch Pressed............................................................................... 008
Air flow from the vents may vary in the AUTO mode. At system start­up, air will flow in OK: GO TO 2.
the same manner as when the system was last turned off. After a few seconds, the
ambient temperature reading will determine the air flow. If both air and cab are cold,
air flow will start in defog mode and gradually move to floor. If cooling is needed, air
will move through panel vents.
NOTE: It is typical for some air to flow from all vents even when air flow is directed NOT OK: Perform Air Flow
elsewhere. Look for a change in the majority of the air flow. Mode Motor Circuit Test,
See Theory of Operation for complete operational details. Reference 240­SE03­010.
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000052D ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page OURX892,000052D ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­67 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Close cab door(s) and window.

2. Place Temperature Control to full CCW position (cool).

3. Start Engine
NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 30 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
4. Position Blower Control at 12 o’clock. Blower should be operating at 50% capacity.
5. Position air flow control to floor position. Air flow should be directed toward floor.
6. Rotate air flow control CW to DEFOG position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out defog vents (toward windshield).
7. Rotate air flow control CW to PANEL position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out of panel vents (toward operator).
8. Rotate air flow control CW to ALL position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out of all air flow paths.
9. Press ”AUTO” Switch in center of air flow control knob. Air flow should go to panel
(toward operator).
10. Change Temperature Control to full CW (heat). Air flow should change to floor. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
11. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,000052D ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,000052D ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Air Flow Mode Motor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­010. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
Continued on next page OURX892,000052D ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­68 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000052D ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 523848.05 — Air Flow Mode Motor

Circuit Current Low Code Caused By: A/C Air Flow Mode Motor
current is too low.
OURX892,0000517 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW167 —Water Valve Test Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000517 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­69 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check Close cab doors and windows. Start vehicle and set engine speed to 1000 rpm.

Position Blower Control at 12 o’clock position.

NOTE: Blower should be operating at 50% capacity.
Position Air Flow Mode Control to the floor position. The majority of the air flow should
be directed toward the floor.
Access ATC Address 007.
The display should read:
Turn Air Flow Mode Motor Control through the following positions to verify that the
display at Address 007 meets the following specifications:
ATC Address 007—Specification
Position—Not available or Error................................................................................. 000
Defog (Windshield) Position Selected....................................................................... 001
Air Flow From All Vents............................................................................................. 002
Floor Position Selected ............................................................................................. 003
Panel Vents Selected................................................................................................ 004
Panel Vents and Floor Selected................................................................................ 007
Press the AUTO Switch in the center of the air flow mode control knob, and verify that
the display at Address 007 meets the following specification:
ATC Address 007—Specification
Position—AUTO Switch Pressed............................................................................... 008
Air flow from the vents may vary in the AUTO mode. At system start­up, air will flow in OK: GO TO 2.
the same manner as when the system was last turned off. After a few seconds, the
ambient temperature reading will determine the air flow. If both air and cab are cold,
air flow will start in defog mode and gradually move to floor. If cooling is needed, air
will move through panel vents.
NOTE: It is typical for some air to flow from all vents even when air flow is directed NOT OK: Perform Air Flow
elsewhere. Look for a change in the majority of the air flow. Mode Motor Circuit Test,
See Theory of Operation for complete operational details. Reference 240­SE03­010.
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000517 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page OURX892,0000517 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­70 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Close cab door(s) and window.

2. Place Temperature Control to full CCW position (cool).

3. Start Engine
NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 30 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
4. Position Blower Control at 12 o’clock. Blower should be operating at 50% capacity.
5. Position air flow control to floor position. Air flow should be directed toward floor.
6. Rotate air flow control CW to DEFOG position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out defog vents (toward windshield).
7. Rotate air flow control CW to PANEL position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out of panel vents (toward operator).
8. Rotate air flow control CW to ALL position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out of all air flow paths.
9. Press ”AUTO” Switch in center of air flow control knob. Air flow should go to panel
(toward operator).
10. Change Temperature Control to full CW (heat). Air flow should change to floor. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
11. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,0000517 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000517 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Air Flow Mode Motor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­010. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000517 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­71 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000517 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 523848.06 — Air Flow Mode Motor

Circuit Current High Code Caused By: A/C Air Flow Mode Motor
current is too high
OURX892,0000518 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW167 —Water Valve Test Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page OURX892,0000518 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­72 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check Close cab doors and windows. Start vehicle and set engine speed to 1000 rpm.

Position Blower Control at 12 o’clock position.

NOTE: Blower should be operating at 50% capacity.
Position Air Flow Mode Control to the floor position. The majority of the air flow should
be directed toward the floor.
Access ATC Address 007.
The display should read:
Turn Air Flow Mode Motor Control through the following positions to verify that the
display at Address 007 meets the following specifications:
ATC Address 007—Specification
Position—Not available or Error................................................................................. 000
Defog (Windshield) Position Selected....................................................................... 001
Air Flow From All Vents............................................................................................. 002
Floor Position Selected ............................................................................................. 003
Panel Vents Selected................................................................................................ 004
Panel Vents and Floor Selected................................................................................ 007
Press the AUTO Switch in the center of the air flow mode control knob, and verify that
the display at Address 007 meets the following specification:
ATC Address 007—Specification
Position—AUTO Switch Pressed............................................................................... 008
Air flow from the vents may vary in the AUTO mode. At system start­up, air will flow in OK: GO TO 2.
the same manner as when the system was last turned off. After a few seconds, the
ambient temperature reading will determine the air flow. If both air and cab are cold,
air flow will start in defog mode and gradually move to floor. If cooling is needed, air
will move through panel vents.
NOTE: It is typical for some air to flow from all vents even when air flow is directed NOT OK: Perform Air Flow
elsewhere. Look for a change in the majority of the air flow. Mode Motor Circuit Test,
See Theory of Operation for complete operational details. Reference 240­SE03­010.
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000518 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page OURX892,0000518 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­73 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Close cab door(s) and window.

2. Place Temperature Control to full CCW position (cool).

3. Start Engine
4. Position Blower Control at 12 o’clock. Blower should be operating at 50% capacity.
5. Position air flow control to floor position. Air flow should be directed toward floor.
6. Rotate air flow control CW to DEFOG position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out defog vents (toward windshield).
7. Rotate air flow control CW to PANEL position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out of panel vents (toward operator).
8. Rotate air flow control CW to ALL position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out of all air flow paths.
9. Press ”AUTO” Switch in center of air flow control knob. Air flow should go to panel
(toward operator).
10. Change Temperature Control to full CW (heat). Air flow should change to floor. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
11. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,0000518 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000518 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Air Flow Mode Motor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­010. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000518 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.

OURX892,0000518 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­74 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

ATC 523848.07 — Air Flow Mode Motor

Mechanical Fault Code Caused By: a mechanical failure in the
Air Flow Mode Motor
OURX892,000052E ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW167 —Water Valve Test Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,000052E ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Close cab doors and windows. Start vehicle and set engine speed to 1000 rpm.

Position Blower Control at 12 o’clock position.

NOTE: Blower should be operating at 50% capacity.
Position Air Flow Mode Control to the floor position. The majority of the air flow should
be directed toward the floor.
Access ATC Address 007.
The display should read:
Turn Air Flow Mode Motor Control through the following positions to verify that the
display at Address 007 meets the following specifications:
ATC Address 007—Specification
Position—Not available or Error................................................................................. 000
Defog (Windshield) Position Selected....................................................................... 001
Air Flow From All Vents............................................................................................. 002
Floor Position Selected ............................................................................................. 003
Panel Vents Selected................................................................................................ 004
Panel Vents and Floor Selected................................................................................ 007
Press the AUTO Switch in the center of the air flow mode control knob, and verify that
the display at Address 007 meets the following specification:
ATC Address 007—Specification
Position—AUTO Switch Pressed............................................................................... 008
Air flow from the vents may vary in the AUTO mode. At system start­up, air will flow in OK: GO TO 2.
the same manner as when the system was last turned off. After a few seconds, the
ambient temperature reading will determine the air flow. If both air and cab are cold,
air flow will start in defog mode and gradually move to floor. If cooling is needed, air
will move through panel vents.
NOTE: It is typical for some air to flow from all vents even when air flow is directed NOT OK: Perform Air Flow
elsewhere. Look for a change in the majority of the air flow. Mode Motor Circuit Test,
See Theory of Operation for complete operational details. Reference 240­SE03­010.
GO TO 2.
Continued on next page OURX892,000052E ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­75 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,000052E ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Close cab door(s) and window.

2. Place Temperature Control to full CCW position (cool).

3. Start Engine

NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 30 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
4. Position Blower Control at 12 o’clock. Blower should be operating at 50% capacity.
5. Position air flow control to floor position. Air flow should be directed toward floor.
6. Rotate air flow control CW to DEFOG position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out defog vents (toward windshield).
7. Rotate air flow control CW to PANEL position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out of panel vents (toward operator).
8. Rotate air flow control CW to ALL position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out of all air flow paths.
9. Press ”AUTO” Switch in center of air flow control knob. Air flow should go to panel
(toward operator).
10. Change Temperature Control to full CW (heat). Air flow should change to floor. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
11. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,000052E ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,000052E ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Air Flow Mode Motor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­010. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,000052E ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­76 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,000052E ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 523848.13 — Air Flow Mode Motor Not

Calibrated Code Caused By: an invalid calibration, or calibration
not being performed on the Air Flow Mode Motor
OURX892,0000531 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature Control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
OURX892,0000531 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

NOTE: If Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC) was replaced or serviced then NOT OK: Perform
calibration must be performed. Perform Automatic Temperature Control Automatic Temperature
Unit (ATC) Calibration (Reference 245­ATC­001) if necessary.
Control Unit (ATC)
Calibration (Reference
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000531 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­77 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If DTC ATC 000630.02 is present, diagnose that code before proceeding with current NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

OURX892,0000531 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Close cab door(s) and window.

2. Place Temperature Control to full CCW position (cool).

3. Start Engine

NOTE: Blower will run at low speed for approximately 30 seconds during control
unit initialization and then return to the OFF mode (Full CCW).
4. Position Blower Control at 12 o’clock. Blower should be operating at 50% capacity.
5. Position air flow control to floor position. Air flow should be directed toward floor.
6. Rotate air flow control CW to DEFOG position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out defog vents (toward windshield).
7. Rotate air flow control CW to PANEL position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out of panel vents (toward operator).
8. Rotate air flow control CW to ALL position. Air flow should change accordingly,
blowing out of all air flow paths.
9. Press ”AUTO” Switch in center of air flow control knob. Air flow should go to panel
(toward operator).
10. Change Temperature Control to full CW (heat). Air flow should change to floor. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
11. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
OURX892,0000531 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

OURX892,0000531 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC) Calibration, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page OURX892,0000531 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­78 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
OURX892,0000531 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

ATC 524202.03 — Ambient Temperature

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Ambient temperature sensor
circuit voltage too high.
HP51992,0000CA8 ­19­28SEP06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000CA8 ­19­28SEP06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Visually inspect the left rear corner of the cab roof for obvious damage or accumulated
debris. Perform any maintenance.

Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

Access ATC Address 014.
Verify that the display at Address 014 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2
ATC Address 014—Specification NOT OK: Perform Ambient
Ambient Temperature Sensor—Temper­ Temperature Sensor
ature.................................................................................... ­40.0—65.0°C (­40—149°F) Circuit Test, Reference
Not Available ...............................................................................................................nA 240­SE03­008.
Sensor Error............................................................................................................... Err

Continued on next page HP51992,0000CA8 ­19­28SEP06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­79 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000CA8 ­19­28SEP06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Operate vehicle under normal conditions. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
HP51992,0000CA8 ­19­28SEP06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000CA8 ­19­28SEP06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Ambient Temperature Sensor Circuit Test, reference 240­SE03­008. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as

HP51992,0000CA8 ­19­28SEP06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit

HP51992,0000CA8 ­19­28SEP06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­80 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

ATC524202.04 — Ambient Temperature

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Ambient temperature sensor
circuit voltage too low.
HP51992,0000CA9 ­19­28SEP06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: ”ClimaTrak System”
Control unit response: Temperature control limited
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000CA9 ­19­28SEP06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Visually inspect the left rear corner of the cab roof for obvious damage or accumulated
debris. Perform any maintenance.

Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

Access ATC Address 014.
Verify that the display at Address 014 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.
ATC Address 014—Specification NOT OK: Perform Ambient
Ambient Temperature Sensor—Temper­ Temperature Sensor
ature.................................................................................... ­40.0—65.0°C (­40—149°F) Circuit Test, Reference
Not Available ...............................................................................................................nA 240­SE03­008.
Sensor Error............................................................................................................... Err
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000CA9 ­19­28SEP06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000CA9 ­19­28SEP06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Operate vehicle under normal conditions. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000CA9 ­19­28SEP06­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­81 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ATC Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000CA9 ­19­28SEP06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Ambient Temperature Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­008. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000CA9 ­19­28SEP06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Automatic
Temperature Control Unit
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000CA9 ­19­28SEP06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ATC­82 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group BRC
BRC Code Diagnostics

BRC 000158.04 — BRC Switched Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: BRC switched supply
voltage less than 9.0 V.
HP51992,000011E ­19­13MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,000011E ­19­13MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Visually inspect around the batteries and alternator for any visual signs of damage
or accumulated debris.
OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Correct

GO TO 2.
HP51992,000011E ­19­13MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a OK: Code does not return.
connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
GO TO 3.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, NOT OK: More than one
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure. control unit has code
000158.04 or 000158.01.
GO TO 4.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code BRC
000158.04 is present.
GO TO 5.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000011E ­19­13MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle at idle for 5 ­ 10 minutes. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: More than one
control unit has code
000158.04 or 000158.01.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code BRC
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 000158.04 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 5.
Continued on next page HP51992,000011E ­19­13MAR06­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Perform Vehicle Load Center Supply Voltage and Ground Test, Reference

If problem is not identified: OK: GO TO 5.

Perform Charging System Voltage Test, Reference 240­SE01­003. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000011E ­19­13MAR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­303.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,000011E ­19­13MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000011E ­19­13MAR06­8/8

BRC 000168.04 — BRC Unswitched Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: Brake Control Unit (BRC) unswitched
supply voltage less than 9.0 V.
HP51992,000011F ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,000011F ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check Visually inspect around the batteries and alternator for any visual signs of damage
or accumulated debris.
OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Correct

GO TO 2.
HP51992,000011F ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a OK: Code does not return.
connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
GO TO 3.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, NOT OK: More than one
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure. control unit has code
000168.04 or 000168.01.
GO TO 4.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code BRC
000168.04 is present.
GO TO 5.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000011F ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle at idle for 5 ­ 10 minutes. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: More than one
control unit has code
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code BRC
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 000168.04 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 5.
HP51992,000011F ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Vehicle Load Center Supply Voltage and Ground Test, Reference

If problem is not identified: OK: GO TO 5.

Perform Charging System Voltage Test, Reference 240­SE01­003. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000011F ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­303.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,000011F ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000011F ­19­21DEC05­8/8

BRC 000628.02 — BRC EOL Data Fault

Code Caused By: BRC control unit detects that its End
Of Line (EOL) memory failed at start up.
HP51992,0000781 ­19­21APR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Programming
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000781 ­19­21APR06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Access BRC Address 022. Verify that the display reads:
22007 —Rear Secondary Brake Required.
22159 —Front Service Brake Required.
21759 —Front Service Brake and Rear Secondary Brake Required.
2. If correct value is not displayed:
Press the Select Switch to change the value displayed.

RXA0064762 —UN—16JAN03
CommandCenter Select Switch
3. Turn the Command Dial to select the desired digit at BRC Address 022.
4. Press the Select Switch to change the desired digit.
5. Press the Select Switch to save the value entered. OK: GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000781 ­19­21APR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000781 ­19­21APR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF), at least 10 different times.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000781 ­19­21APR06­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks End Of Line (EOL) Data Faults can sometimes be corrected by downloading new
software. Attempt to download software for this application.
OK: Software download
was successful. Perform
setups and calibrations as
See Programming Control Units (Reference 245­05­005). NOT OK: Software
download unsuccessful
or did not solve problem.
GO TO 5.
HP51992,0000781 ­19­21APR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000781 ­19­21APR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Deluxe Hydraulic
Control Unit Test.
HP51992,0000781 ­19­21APR06­8/8

BRC 000629.12 — BRC Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: Brake Control Unit (BRC) software
failed to execute in allotted time.
HP51992,0000120 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000120 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000120 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000120 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000120 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000120 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­303.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000120 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000120 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

BRC 000630.13 — BRC Calibration Fault/Not

Calibrated Code Caused By: Brake Control Unit (BRC)
calibration failed or never calibrated.
HP51992,0000121 ­19­03NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000121 ­19­03NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000121 ­19­03NOV05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,0000121 ­19­03NOV05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000121 ­19­03NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000121 ­19­03NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) Calibration, Reference 245­BRC­001. OK: Calibration
GO TO 2.

If calibration was not successful or problem was not identified: NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
New software may be required. Perform Programming Controllers, Reference NOT OK: Calibration
245­05­005. unsuccessful and problem
not identified.
GO TO 6.
HP51992,0000121 ­19­03NOV05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000121 ­19­03NOV05­8/8

BRC 001079.03 — BRC Sensor Supply

Voltage High Code Caused By: Brake Control Unit (BRC) sensor
supply voltage greater than 5.25V.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000122 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000122 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000122 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000122 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate secondary hand brake through full range 3­5 times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000122 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­303.
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000122 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) Sensor Supply Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­304.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000122 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000122 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

BRC 001079.04 — BRC Sensor Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: Brake Control Unit (BRC) sensor
supply voltage less than 4.50V.
HP51992,0000123 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000123 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000123 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000123 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate secondary hand brake through full range 3­5 times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000123 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­303.
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000123 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) Sensor Supply Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­004.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000123 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000123 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

BRC 002049.09 — CAB Message Missing

Code Caused By: Brake Control Unit (BRC) not
receiving required messages from the CAB.
HP51992,0000126 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000126 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000126 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,0000126 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 15 minutes

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000126 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

CAB System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE10­128. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000126 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­303.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000126 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000126 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

BRC 002071.09 — CCU Message Missing

Code Caused By: Brake Control Unit (BRC) not
receiving required messages from the CCU.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000782 ­19­16MAR06­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of CCU functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000782 ­19­16MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000782 ­19­16MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000782 ­19­16MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000782 ­19­16MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000782 ­19­16MAR06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­15 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­303.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.
HP51992,0000782 ­19­16MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2071.09, replace
If Brake Control Unit (BRC)
has code 2071.09, replace
BRC Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
HP51992,0000782 ­19­16MAR06­8/8

BRC 522279.05 — Secondary Brake Control

Valve Current Low Code Caused By: Secondary brake control
valve current too low.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000127 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: No Secondary Braking
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000127 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000127 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000127 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate secondary hand brake through full range 3­5 times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000127 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000127 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Secondary Brake Control Valve Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­305. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000127 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­17 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000127 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

BRC 522279.06 — Secondary Brake Control

Valve Current High Code Caused By: Secondary brake control
valve current too high.
HP51992,0000128 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: No Secondary Braking
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000128 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000128 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,0000128 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­18 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate secondary hand brake through full range 3­5 times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000128 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000128 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Secondary Brake Control Valve Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­305. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000128 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000128 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

BRC 522279.13 — Secondary Brake Control

Valve Not Calibrated Code Caused By: Secondary brake control
valve not calibrated.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000129 ­19­03NOV05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­19 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000129 ­19­03NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000129 ­19­03NOV05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000129 ­19­03NOV05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000129 ­19­03NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000129 ­19­03NOV05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­20 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) Calibration, Reference 245­BRC­001. OK: Calibration
GO TO 2.

If calibration was not successful or problem was not identified: NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
New software may be required. Perform Programming Controllers, Reference NOT OK: Calibration
245­05­005. unsuccessful and problem
not identified.
GO TO 6.
HP51992,0000129 ­19­03NOV05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000129 ­19­03NOV05­8/8

BRC 522280.00 — Secondary Brake Pressure value. Note: Code is most likely caused by leaking
Sensor Voltage Very High solenoid valve, valve stuck open or blocked return
passage. Brake Control Unit is seeing higher pressure
Code Caused By: Secondary brake sensor voltage than expected compared to voltage being read.
higher than allowed compared to calibrated current
HP51992,000012A ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,000012A ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,000012A ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000012A ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate secondary hand brake through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000012A ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) Calibration, Reference 245­BRC­001. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

HP51992,000012A ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) Sensor Supply Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­304.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000012A ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000012A ­19­21DEC05­8/8

BRC 522280.01 — Secondary Brake Sensor Code is most likely caused by valve stuck closed or low
Voltage Very Low hydraulic pressure. Brake Control Unit is seeing lower
pressure than expected compared to voltage being read.
Code Caused By: Secondary brake sensor voltage lower
than allowed compared to calibrated current value. Note:
HP51992,000012B ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,000012B ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,000012B ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,000012B ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­23 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate secondary hand brake through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000012B ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) Calibration, Reference 245­BRC­001. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,000012B ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) Sensor Supply Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­304.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,000012B ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,000012B ­19­21DEC05­8/8

BRC 522280.03 — Secondary Brake Pressure

Sensor Voltage High Code Caused By: Secondary brake pressure
sensor voltage is above 4.50V.
Continued on next page HP51992,000012C ­19­21DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­24 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,000012C ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,000012C ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000012C ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate secondary hand brake through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000012C ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,000012C ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) Sensor Supply Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­304.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000012C ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­25 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000012C ­19­21DEC05­8/8

BRC 522280.04 — Secondary Brake Pressure

Sensor Voltage Low Code Caused By: Secondary brake pressure
sensor voltage is below 0.20V.
HP51992,000012D ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,000012D ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,000012D ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,000012D ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­26 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate secondary hand brake through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000012D ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,000012D ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) Sensor Supply Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­304.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,000012D ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,000012D ­19­21DEC05­8/8

BRC 522280.13 — Secondary Brake Pressure

Not Calibrated Code Caused By: Secondary brake pressure
sensor not calibrated.
Continued on next page HP51992,000012E ­19­04FEB08­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­27 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,000012E ­19­04FEB08­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,000012E ­19­04FEB08­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000012E ­19­04FEB08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000012E ­19­04FEB08­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,000012E ­19­04FEB08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) Calibration, Reference 245­BRC­001. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000012E ­19­04FEB08­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­28 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000012E ­19­04FEB08­8/8

BRC 523652.02 — Wire Connector Fault

Code Caused By: Control unit is connected
to wrong harness.
HP51992,000012F ­19­03NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: No Secondary or Service Braking.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,000012F ­19­03NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks See Control Unit Locations and Identification, Reference 245­05­100, to verify that
Brake Control Unit connectors are connected to Deluxe Hydraulic Control Unit and
Secondary Hydraulic Control Unit connectors are connected to Secondary Hydraulic
OK: GO TO 2.

Control Unit.
NOT OK: Connect control
units to respective
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000012F ­19­03NOV05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­29 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000012F ­19­03NOV05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key to RUN position (engine off).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000012F ­19­03NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,000012F ­19­03NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

HP51992,000012F ­19­03NOV05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,000012F ­19­03NOV05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­30 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

BRC 523837.00 — Rear Brake Pressure

High/Right Brake Pedal conflict Code Caused By: Rear brake pressure high when
right rear brake pedal command is off.
HP51992,0000783 ­19­16MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Front Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000783 ­19­16MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Access BRC Address 009. OK: GO TO 2.

3. Slowly depress the right brake pedal several times, noting a linear increase and NOT OK: Perform Rear
decrease of voltage displayed at BRC Address 009 according to the following Brake Pressure Sensor
specification: Circuit Test, See Reference
BRC Address 009—Specification 240­SE14­307.
Rear Brake Pressure Sensor GO TO 2.
Voltage—Brake Fully Depressed................................................................ 2.00—4.50 V
Brake Fully Released................................................................................. 0.20—0.50 V
HP51992,0000783 ­19­16MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,0000783 ­19­16MAR06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­31 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Push brake pedals (together) to floor, hold for 5 seconds.

Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000783 ­19­16MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Rear Brake System Diagnosis OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Problem

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000783 ­19­16MAR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, See Reference 240­SE14­307. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000783 ­19­16MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000783 ­19­16MAR06­8/8

BRC 523837.03 — Rear Brake Pressure

Sensor Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Rear Brake Pressure Sensor voltage
above 4.50 V with right brake pedal released.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000785 ­19­21APR06­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­32 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Front Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000785 ­19­21APR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Access BRC Address 009. OK: GO TO 2.

3. Slowly depress the right brake pedal several times, noting a linear increase and NOT OK: Perform Rear
decrease of voltage displayed at BRC Address 009 according to the following Brake Pressure Sensor
specification: Circuit Test, See Reference
BRC Address 009—Specification 240­SE14­307.
Rear Brake Pressure Sensor GO TO 2.
Voltage—Brake Fully Depressed................................................................ 2.00—4.50 V
Brake Fully Released................................................................................. 0.20—0.50 V
HP51992,0000785 ­19­21APR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000785 ­19­21APR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle at idle for 5 ­ 10 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000785 ­19­21APR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000785 ­19­21APR06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­33 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, See Reference 240­SE14­307. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000785 ­19­21APR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000785 ­19­21APR06­8/8

BRC 523837.04 — Rear Brake Pressure

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Rear Brake Pressure Sensor
voltage below 0.20 V.
HP51992,0000786 ­19­21APR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Front Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000786 ­19­21APR06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­34 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Access BRC Address 009. OK: GO TO 2.

3. Slowly depress the right brake pedal several times, noting a linear increase and NOT OK: Perform Rear
decrease of voltage displayed at BRC Address 009 according to the following Brake Pressure Sensor
specification: Circuit Test, See Reference
BRC Address 009—Specification 240­SE14­307.
Rear Brake Pressure Sensor GO TO 2.
Voltage—Brake Fully Depressed................................................................ 2.00—4.50 V
Brake Fully Released................................................................................. 0.20—0.50 V
HP51992,0000786 ­19­21APR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000786 ­19­21APR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle at idle for 5 ­ 10 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000786 ­19­21APR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000786 ­19­21APR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, See Reference 240­SE14­307. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000786 ­19­21APR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­35 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000786 ­19­21APR06­8/8

BRC 523837.13 — Rear Brake Pressure

Sensor Not Calibrated Code Caused By: Rear Brake Pressure
Sensor not calibrated.
HP51992,0000787 ­19­21APR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Front Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
HP51992,0000787 ­19­21APR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000787 ­19­21APR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,0000787 ­19­21APR06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­36 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000787 ­19­21APR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000787 ­19­21APR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all of the following:

Rear Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, See Reference 240­SE14­307. OK: GO TO 6.
Front Brake Calibration (50 km/h) at Brake Control Unit (BRC) Calibration, Reference NOT OK: Repair as
245­BRC­001. needed.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000787 ­19­21APR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000787 ­19­21APR06­8/8

BRC 523839.19 — Secondary Hand Brake code is CAB 523839.02—Handbrake Switch Conflict.
Switch Fault Message Received CAB 523839.02 code should be diagnosed first.

Code Cause By: Secondary Brake Switch data received

from CAB Control Unit with a failure indication. Related
Continued on next page HP51992,0000788 ­19­16MAR06­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­37 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: Secondary braking disabled
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000788 ­19­16MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000788 ­19­16MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000788 ­19­16MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate for 5 ­ 15 under normal conditions, applying secondary hand brake

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000788 ­19­16MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000788 ­19­16MAR06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­38 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Secondary Hand Brake Lever Position Sensor & Switch Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE10­118.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000788 ­19­16MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit
Test and CAB Control Unit
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000788 ­19­16MAR06­8/8

BRC 523840.00 — Front Brake Pressure High

(50 km/h) Code Caused By: Front brake pressure high when
front brake command is off.
HP51992,0000789 ­19­20APR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Front Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000789 ­19­20APR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000789 ­19­20APR06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­39 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000789 ­19­20APR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Push brake pedals (together) to floor, hold for 5 seconds.

Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000789 ­19­20APR06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Front Brake Pressure Test, Reference 260­15­031. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Problem

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
identified but brake pressure
Perform Front Brake
System Diagnosis, See
Section 213, Group 60.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000789 ­19­20APR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all of the following:

Front Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE15­308. OK: GO TO 6.

Front Brake Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­309. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000789 ­19­20APR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­40 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000789 ­19­20APR06­8/8

BRC 523840.01 — Front Brake Pressure Low

(50 km/h) Code Caused By: Front brake pressure low when
front brake command is on.
HP51992,000078A ­19­20APR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Front Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
HP51992,000078A ­19­20APR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000078A ­19­20APR06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­41 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000078A ­19­20APR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Push brake pedals (together) to floor, hold for 5 seconds.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000078A ­19­20APR06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Front Brake Pressure Test, Reference 260­15­031. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Problem

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
identified but brake pressure
Perform Front Brake
System Diagnosis, See
Section 213, Group 60.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000078A ­19­20APR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all of the following:

Front Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE15­308. OK: GO TO 6.

Front Brake Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­309. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000078A ­19­20APR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­42 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000078A ­19­20APR06­8/8

BRC 523840.03 — Front Brake Pressure

Sensor Circuit Voltage High (50 km/h) Code Caused By: Front Brake Pressure Sensor
voltage above 4.50 V.
HP51992,000078B ­19­21APR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Front Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,000078B ­19­21APR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Access BRC Address 008.

3. In an area free of obstructions and pedestrians, drive tractor 5 km/h (3 mph) OK: GO TO 2.
4. Slowly depress both brake pedals several times, noting a linear increase and NOT OK: Perform Front
decrease of voltage according to the following specification: Brake Pressure Sensor
BRC Address 008—Specification Circuit Test, Reference
Front Brake Pressure Sensor 240­SE15­308.
Voltage—Brake Fully Depressed.................................................................... 4.0—4.8 V GO TO 2.
Brake Fully Released................................................................................. 0.40—0.55 V

Continued on next page HP51992,000078B ­19­21APR06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­43 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000078B ­19­21APR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle at idle for 5 ­ 10 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000078B ­19­21APR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,000078B ­19­21APR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Front Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE15­308. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000078B ­19­21APR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­44 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000078B ­19­21APR06­8/8

BRC 523840.04 — Front Brake Pressure

Sensor Circuit Voltage Low (50 km/h) Code Caused By: Front Brake Pressure Sensor
voltage below 0.20 V.
HP51992,000078C ­19­21APR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Front Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,000078C ­19­21APR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Access BRC Address 008.

3. In an area free of obstructions and pedestrians, drive tractor 5 km/h (3 mph). OK: GO TO 2.
4. Slowly depress both brake pedals several times, noting a linear increase and NOT OK: Perform Front
decrease of voltage according to the following specification: Brake Pressure Sensor
BRC Address 008—Specification Circuit Test, Reference
Front Brake Pressure Sensor 240­SE15­308.
Voltage—Brake Fully Depressed.................................................................... 4.0—4.8 V GO TO 2.
Brake Fully Released................................................................................. 0.40—0.55 V

Continued on next page HP51992,000078C ­19­21APR06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­45 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000078C ­19­21APR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle at idle for 5 ­ 10 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000078C ­19­21APR06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Front Brake Pressure Test, Reference 260­15­031. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Problem

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
identified but brake pressure
Perform Front Brake
System Diagnosis, See
Section 213, Group 60.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000078C ­19­21APR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Front Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE15­308. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000078C ­19­21APR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­46 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000078C ­19­21APR06­8/8

BRC 523840.13 — BRC Calibration

Fault/Front Brake Pressure Sensor (50 km/h) Code Caused By: Front Brake Pressure
Sensor not calibrated.
HP51992,000078D ­19­21APR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Front Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
HP51992,000078D ­19­21APR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,000078D ­19­21APR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,000078D ­19­21APR06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­47 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000078D ­19­21APR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,000078D ­19­21APR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all of the following:

Front Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE15­308. OK: GO TO 6.

Front Brake Calibration (50 km/h) at Brake Control Unit (BRC) Calibration, Reference NOT OK: Repair as
245­BRC­001. needed.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000078D ­19­21APR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,000078D ­19­21APR06­8/8

BRC 523841.19 — Secondary Hand Brake

Position Fault Message Received Code Caused By: Secondary Brake Position data
received from CAB Control Unit with a failure indication.
Continued on next page HP51992,000078E ­19­16MAR06­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­48 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: Secondary braking disabled
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,000078E ­19­16MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,000078E ­19­16MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000078E ­19­16MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate for 5 ­ 15 under normal conditions, applying secondary hand brake

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000078E ­19­16MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,000078E ­19­16MAR06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­49 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Secondary Hand Brake Lever Position Sensor & Switch Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE10­118.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,000078E ­19­16MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000078E ­19­16MAR06­8/8

BRC 523841.31 — Secondary Hand Brake

Position Message Missing Code Caused By: Secondary Brake Position received
from CAB control unit as data not available.
HP51992,000078F ­19­16MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: Secondary braking disabled
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,000078F ­19­16MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000078F ­19­16MAR06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­50 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000078F ­19­16MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate for 5 ­ 15 under normal conditions, applying secondary hand brake

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000078F ­19­16MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,000078F ­19­16MAR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Secondary Hand Brake Lever Position Sensor & Switch Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE10­118.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000078F ­19­16MAR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­51 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,000078F ­19­16MAR06­8/8

BRC 523844.05 — Front Brake Solenoid

Circuit Current Low (50 km/h) Code Caused By: Front Brake Solenoid current is too low
HP51992,0000790 ­19­16MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Front Brake System
Control Unit Response: Front braking disabled
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000790 ­19­16MAR06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­52 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Access BRC Address 017.

3. Slowly depress both brake pedals several times, noting a linear increase and
decrease of commanded current displayed at each address, according to the

BRC Address 017—Specification

Front Brake Solenoid Commanded
Current—Brake Fully Depressed.........................................................................650 mA
Brake Fully Released..........................................................................................000 mA
4. Record maximum and minimum non­zero values.
5. Access BRC Address 025.
6. Slowly depress both brake pedals several times, noting a linear increase and
decrease of current displayed at each address, according to the following:

BRC Address 025—Specification

Front Brake Solenoid Feedback
Current—Brake Fully Depressed.........................................................................800 mA
Brake Fully Released.........................................................................................< 10 mA
7. Record maximum and minimum non­zero values. OK: GO TO 2.
8. Subtract maximum value at BRC Address 025 from maximum value at BRC NOT OK: Perform Front
Address 017. Value should be less than 150 mA. Brake Solenoid Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­309.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000790 ­19­16MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000790 ­19­16MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate for 5 ­ 15 under normal conditions, applying brakes frequently.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000790 ­19­16MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000790 ­19­16MAR06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­53 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Front Brake Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­309. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000790 ­19­16MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000790 ­19­16MAR06­8/8

BRC 523844.06 — Front Brake Solenoid

Circuit Current High (50 km/h) Code Caused By: Front Brake Solenoid current too high
HP51992,0000791 ­19­16MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Front Brake System
Control Unit Response: Front braking disabled
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000791 ­19­16MAR06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­54 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Access BRC Address 017.

3. Slowly depress both brake pedals several times, noting a linear increase and
decrease of commanded current displayed at each address, according to the

BRC Address 017—Specification

Front Brake Solenoid Commanded
Current—Brake Fully Depressed.........................................................................650 mA
Brake Fully Released..........................................................................................000 mA
4. Record maximum and minimum non­zero values.
5. Access BRC Address 025.
6. Slowly depress both brake pedals several times, noting a linear increase and
decrease of current displayed at each address, according to the following:

BRC Address 025—Specification

Front Brake Solenoid Feedback
Current—Brake Fully Depressed.........................................................................800 mA
Brake Fully Released.........................................................................................< 10 mA
7. Record maximum and minimum non­zero values. OK: GO TO 2.
8. Subtract maximum value at BRC Address 025 from maximum value at BRC NOT OK: Perform Front
Address 017. Value should be less than 150 mA. Brake Solenoid Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­309.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000791 ­19­16MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000791 ­19­16MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate for 5 ­ 15 under normal conditions, applying brakes frequently.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000791 ­19­16MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000791 ­19­16MAR06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­55 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Front Brake Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­309. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000791 ­19­16MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000791 ­19­16MAR06­8/8

BRC 523844.13 — BRC Calibration

Fault/Front Brake Valve (50 km/h) Code Caused By: Front brake valve has not been
calibrated or has failed calibration.
HP51992,0000792 ­19­20APR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Front Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000792 ­19­20APR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000792 ­19­20APR06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­56 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000792 ­19­20APR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000792 ­19­20APR06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Front Brake Pressure Test, Reference 260­15­031. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Problem

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
identified but brake pressure
Perform Front Brake
System Diagnosis, See
Section 213, Group 60.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000792 ­19­20APR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all of the following:

Front Brake Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­309. OK: GO TO 6.

Brake Control Unit (BRC) Calibration, Reference 245­BRC­001. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000792 ­19­20APR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­57 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000792 ­19­20APR06­8/8

BRC 523910.02 — BRC Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: Data associated with the Brake Control
Unit (BRC) settings has been corrupted.
HP51992,0000130 ­19­03NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000130 ­19­03NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000130 ­19­03NOV05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,0000130 ­19­03NOV05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­58 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle secondary brake control lever through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: BRC 000630.13 is a related code. If BRC 523910.02 has been stored, NOT OK: Code returns.
BRC 000630.13 becomes the active code.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
HP51992,0000130 ­19­03NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000130 ­19­03NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) Calibration, Reference 245­BRC­001.

If problem not identified: OK: GO TO 6.

See Programming Control Units, Reference 245­05­005. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000130 ­19­03NOV05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000130 ­19­03NOV05­8/8

BRC 524016.04 — Brake Solenoid Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: Supply voltage to the Front Brake
Solenoid and Secondary Brake solenoid is below 9.0V.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000793 ­19­16MAR06­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­59 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000793 ­19­16MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Place key switch in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access BRC Address 011. OK: GO TO 2.

3. Verify that the display at BRC Address 011 meets the following specification: NOT OK: Perform Brake
Control Unit (BRC) System
BRC Address 011—Specification
Power and Ground
BRC System Voltage—BRC System
Circuit Test, Reference
Voltage (Low Range).............................................................................................. 12.50
BRC System Voltage (High Range) ....................................................................... 14.50
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000793 ­19­16MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000793 ­19­16MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000793 ­19­16MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000793 ­19­16MAR06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­60 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­303.
OK: GO TO 6.

HP51992,0000793 ­19­16MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000793 ­19­16MAR06­8/8

BRC 524157.09 — Right Brake Pedal Switch

Fault Message Received Code Caused By: Right brake pedal position
switch data has been received via CAN message
with a failure indication.
HP51992,0000131 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000131 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000131 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­61 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000131 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Press right brake pedal through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000131 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000131 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Pedal Sensor & Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE10­116.

If problem not resolved: OK: GO TO 6.

Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000131 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­62 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000131 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

BRC 524162.09 — Left Brake Pedal Switch

Fault Message Received Code Caused By: Left brake pedal position switch data has
been received via CAN message with a failure indication.
HP51992,0000132 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Brake System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000132 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000132 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page HP51992,0000132 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­63 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

BRC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Press left brake pedal through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000132 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000132 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Pedal Sensor & Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE10­116.

If problem not resolved: OK: GO TO 6.

Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000132 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Brake Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

HP51992,0000132 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­BRC­64 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group CAB
CAB Code Diagnostics

CAB 000091.02 — Foot Throttle Sensor

Circuit Voltage Conflict Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the
foot throttle sensor channel 2 voltage is not one­half
of the foot throttle sensor channel 1 voltage.
MB33986,0000088 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Disables Foot Throttle
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000088 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF), while accessing CAB Address 021,
Foot Throttle Position Sensor Voltage.

2. Fully depress and release the foot throttle several times.

3. Verify that the display at Address 021 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 021—Specification

Foot Throttle Position Sensor
Voltage—Voltage.............................................................. 00500025 volts = Low Range
04500225 volts = High Range

NOTE: Left four digits represent channel 1 voltage (0050 = 00.50 volts & 0450
= 4.50 volts) and the right four digits represent channel 2 voltage (0025
= 00.25 volts & 0225 = 2.25 volts). Both should be within range and
channel 2 must be at least half the voltage of channel 1.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000088 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,0000088 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Slowly depress and release foot throttle several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000088 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000088 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Foot Throttle Position Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­114). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000088 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,0000088 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CAB 000091.03 — Foot Throttle Sensor

Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the
foot throttle sensor input voltage is above 4.7 volts,
for longer than 300 milliseconds.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000089 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Maximum possible throttle operation is limited to half throttle.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000089 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF), while accessing CAB Address 021,
Foot Throttle Position Sensor Voltage.

2. Fully depress and release the foot throttle several times.

3. Verify that the display at Address 021 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.
CAB Address 021—Specification
Foot Throttle Position Sensor
Voltage—Voltage.............................................................. 00500025 volts = Low Range
04500225 volts = High Range

NOTE: Left four digits represent channel 1 voltage (0050 = 00.50 volts & 0450
= 4.50 volts) and the right four digits represent channel 2 voltage (0025
= 00.25 volts & 0225 = 2.25 volts). Both should be within range and
channel 2 must be at least half the voltage of channel 1.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000089 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000089 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Slowly depress and release foot throttle several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000089 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000089 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Foot Throttle Position Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­114). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000089 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,0000089 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CAB 000091.04 — Foot Throttle Sensor

Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the
foot throttle sensor input voltage is below 0.3 volts,
for longer than 300 milliseconds.
MB33986,000008A ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Maximum possible throttle operation is limited to half throttle.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,000008A ­19­19JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF), while accessing CAB Address 021,
Foot Throttle Position Sensor Voltage.

2. Fully depress and release the foot throttle several times.

3. Verify that the display at Address 021 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.
CAB Address 021—Specification
Foot Throttle Position Sensor
Voltage—Voltage.............................................................. 00500025 volts = Low Range
04500225 volts = High Range

NOTE: Left four digits represent channel 1 voltage (0050 = 00.50 volts & 0450
= 4.50 volts) and the right four digits represent channel 2 voltage (0025
= 00.25 volts & 0225 = 2.25 volts). Both should be within range and
channel 2 must be at least half the voltage of channel 1.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,000008A ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000008A ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Slowly depress and release foot throttle several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: GO TO 4.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
MB33986,000008A ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000008A ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Foot Throttle Position Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­114). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,000008A ­19­19JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,000008A ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CAB 000158.03 — CAB Switched Supply Cab Load Center (CLC) wake­up circuit is above
Voltage High 16.0 volts, for longer than 2 seconds.
Associated Codes: This code and other 000158.XX
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the codes may be present in other control units. Since CLC is
switched battery supply voltage (analog V+) from source, perform the necessary CLC code diagnostics first.
MB33986,000007E ­19­29NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Electrical System Voltage High
Control Unit Response: Limited Function.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000007E ­19­29NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. AccessCAB Address 048, CAB Supply Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 048 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 048—Specification

CAB Supply Voltage—Voltage................................................... 9.00 volts = Low Range
16.0 volts = High Range

NOTE: CAB supply voltage (analog V+) is switched battery voltage supplied via
the Cab Load Center (CLC) wake­up circuit, normally at 12.5­14.5 volts.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,000007E ­19­29NOV05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a OK: Code does not return.
connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
GO TO 3.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, NOT OK: More than one
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure. control unit has code
000158.00 or 000158.03.
GO TO 4.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code CAB
000158.03 is present.
GO TO 5.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000007E ­19­29NOV05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate vehicle at rated engine speed for 5 ­ 10 minutes. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: More than one
control unit has code
000158.00 or 000158.03.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code CAB
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 000158.03 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 5.
MB33986,000007E ­19­29NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Charging System Voltage Test (Reference 240­SE01­003). OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

MB33986,000007E ­19­29NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) Supply Voltage and Ground Test (Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as


Continued on next page MB33986,000007E ­19­29NOV05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,000007E ­19­29NOV05­8/8

CAB 000158.04 — CAB Switched Supply from Cab Load Center (CLC) wake­up circuit is below
Voltage Low 9.0 volts, for longer than 2 seconds.
Associated Codes: This code and other 000158.XX
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the codes may be present in other control units. Since CLC is
CAB switched battery supply voltage (analog V+) source, perform the necessary CLC code diagnostics first.
MB33986,000007F ­19­29NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Electrical System Voltage Low
Control Unit Response: Limited Function.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000007F ­19­29NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. AccessCAB Address 048, CAB Supply Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 048 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 048—Specification

CAB Supply Voltage—Voltage................................................... 9.00 volts = Low Range
16.0 volts = High Range

NOTE: CAB supply voltage (analog V+) is switched battery voltage supplied via
the Cab Load Center (CLC) wake­up circuit, normally at 12.5­14.5 volts.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,000007F ­19­29NOV05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a OK: Code does not return.
connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
GO TO 3.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, NOT OK: More than one
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure. control unit has code
000158.01 or 000158.03.
GO TO 4.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code CAB
000158.03 is present.
GO TO 5.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000007F ­19­29NOV05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate vehicle at rated engine speed for 5 ­ 10 minutes. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: More than one
control unit has code
000158.01 or 000158.03.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code CAB
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 000158.03 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 5.
MB33986,000007F ­19­29NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Charging System Voltage Test (Reference 240­SE01­003). OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,000007F ­19­29NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) Supply Voltage and Ground Test (Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,000007F ­19­29NOV05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,000007F ­19­29NOV05­8/8

CAB 000628.02 — CAB EOL Data Fault

Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that its End
Of Line (EOL) memory failed at start up.
MB33986,000008E ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Programming
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000008E ­19­19JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

MB33986,000008E ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,000008E ­19­19JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF), at least 10 different times.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000008E ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks End Of Line (EOL) Data Faults can sometimes be corrected by downloading new
software. Attempt to download software for this application.
OK: Software download
was successful. Perform
setups and calibrations as
See Programming Control Units (Reference 245­05­005). NOT OK: Software
download unsuccessful
or did not solve problem.
GO TO 5.
MB33986,000008E ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,000008E ­19­19JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Problem not identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,000008E ­19­19JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

CAB 000628.12 — CAB Programming Control Unit Response: No functions available until
programming is complete
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that it is
in the process of updating software. Programming codes occur only during process of updating
or loading new software. It is not an error and there is
Code Diagnosis no diagnosis required.
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Programming
MB33986,000008F ­19­09JUN05­1/1

CAB 000629.11 — CAB Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that its check
of the RAM memory access failed at start up.
MB33986,0000090 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000090 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

MB33986,0000090 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000090 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF), at least 10 different times.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000090 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000090 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

MB33986,0000090 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,0000090 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CAB 000629.12 — CAB Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that its
software failed to execute in allotted time.
MB33986,0000091 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000091 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000091 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000091 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000091 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000091 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

MB33986,0000091 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,0000091 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

CAB 001079.02 — CAB Sensor Supply 1 Attention: Sensor supply voltage is used to supply
Voltage Fault 5 volts to the foot throttle sensor, secondary brake
sensor, clutch pedal sensor, and Active Seat position
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that sensor & accelerometer sensor.
the CAB sensor supply 1 Voltage is below 4.8 volts
or above 5.2 volts, indicated by several sensors
being out of voltage range.
MB33986,0000092 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000092 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 046, CAB Sensor Supply Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 046 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 046—Specification

CAB Sensor Supply Voltage—Voltage....................................... 4.80 volts = Low Range
5.20 volts = High Range
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: Perform CAB
Sensor Supply Voltage
Circuit Test (Reference
240­SE10­126 ).
MB33986,0000092 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,0000092 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­15 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000092 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000092 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform CAB Sensor Supply Voltage Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­126). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000092 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,0000092 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CAB 001079.03 — CAB Sensor Supply

Voltage High Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that
the CAB Sensor Supply Voltage is above 5.2
volts, for more than 1 second.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000093 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000093 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 046, CAB Sensor Supply Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 046 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 046—Specification

CAB Sensor Supply Voltage—Voltage....................................... 4.80 volts = Low Range
5.20 volts = High Range
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000093 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000093 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000093 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000093 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­17 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform CAB Sensor Supply Voltage Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­126). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000093 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,0000093 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CAB 001079.04 — CAB Sensor Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that
the CAB Sensor Supply Voltage is below 4.8
volts, for more than 1 second.
MB33986,0000094 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000094 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 046, CAB Sensor Supply Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 046 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 046—Specification

CAB Sensor Supply Voltage—Voltage....................................... 4.80 volts = Low Range
5.20 volts = High Range
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000094 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­18 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000094 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000094 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000094 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform CAB Sensor Supply Voltage Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­126). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

MB33986,0000094 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,0000094 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­19 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

CAB 001504.30 — Seat Switch Circuit Fault occupied) continuously for the last 12.8 hours. The
seat switch must be open for at least 5 seconds for
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the the CAB control to register the switch status.
seat (operator presence) switch has been closed (seat
MB33986,0000095 ­19­22DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Alarm remains until seat switch opens for 5 seconds.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000095 ­19­22DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 013, Miscellaneous Switches.

3. Verify that the display at Address 013 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 013—Specification

Operator Presence Switch
Status—Status................................................X0XXX = Not Active (Out Of Seat, Open)
X1XXX = Active (Seated, Closed)
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Display (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000095 ­19­22DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000095 ­19­22DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Stand up (for at least five seconds) and sit down in seat several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000095 ­19­22DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­20 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000095 ­19­22DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Operator Presence Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­120). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000095 ­19­22DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,0000095 ­19­22DEC05­8/8

CAB 002876.02 — Turn Signal Switch Conflict Attention: CAB control unit will control the turn signal
lights as if in the hazard light mode, except that the
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that flash rate is that of the turn signals.
the turn signal switch inputs (left and right) are
active simultaneously.
KB11996,000004E ­19­23JUN08­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Turn Signals function as Hazards
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page KB11996,000004E ­19­23JUN08­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 014, Turn Signal Switches.

3. Cycle turn signal lever through all positions several times. OK: GO TO 2.
4. Verify that the display at Address 014 meets the following specification: NOT OK: GO TO 5.

CAB Address 014—Specification

Turn Signal Switches—Right Turn Signal
Switch Status................................................................................................. 01 = Active
00 = Not Active
Left Turn Signal Switch Status ...................................................................... 10 = Active
00 = Not Active
KB11996,000004E ­19­23JUN08­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using ServiceAdvisor™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection to

the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using ServiceAdvisor™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, Record, OK: Code does not return.
and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

ServiceAdvisor is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,000004E ­19­23JUN08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Cycle turn signal lever through all positions several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,000004E ­19­23JUN08­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,000004E ­19­23JUN08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Turn Signal Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE05­003. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,000004E ­19­23JUN08­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
KB11996,000004E ­19­23JUN08­8/8

CAB 523839.02 — Secondary Hand Brake Attention: European version only, secondary hand
Switch Conflict brake. It is not a parking brake.

Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the

secondary hand brake lever switch signal is simultaneously
open and closed, for longer than 0.5 seconds.
MB33986,0000080 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000080 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 024, Secondary Hand Brake Sensor Voltage & Switch Status.
3. Verify that the display at Address 024 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 024—Specification

Secondary Hand Brake Sensor Voltage
& Switch Status—Secondary Hand
Brake Closed Status..........................................................................X1XXXXX = Active
X0XXXXX = Not Active
Secondary Hand Brake Open Status................................................1XXXXXX = Active
0XXXXXX = Not Active
Secondary Hand Brake Sensor Voltage ................................... XX000000 = Low Range
XX000500 = High Range

NOTE: The secondary hand brake sensor normally operates at 0.4­1.1

volts fully released and 3.6­4.6 volts fully applied.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000080 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­23 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000080 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Engage/disengage secondary hand brake lever several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000080 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000080 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Secondary Hand Brake Lever Position Sensor & Switch Circuit Test
(Reference 240­SE10­118).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

MB33986,0000080 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,0000080 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­24 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

CAB 523839.13 — Secondary Hand Brake Attention: European version only, secondary hand
Not Calibrated brake. It is not a parking brake.

Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the

secondary hand brake lever switch and secondary hand
brake lever position sensors are not calibrated.
MB33986,0000081 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000081 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

MB33986,0000081 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000081 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Engage/disengage secondary hand brake lever several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000081 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000081 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­25 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform CAB Control Unit Calibration (Reference 245­CAB­001). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000081 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,0000081 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CAB 523841.02 — Secondary Hand Brake and secondary hand brake lever switch indicate
Position Conflict conflicting lever positions.
Attention: European version only, secondary hand
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that brake. It is not a parking brake.
the secondary hand brake lever position sensors
MB33986,0000082 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000082 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­26 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 024, Secondary Hand Brake Sensor Voltage & Switch Status.
3. Verify that the display at Address 024 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 024—Specification

Secondary Hand Brake Sensor Voltage
& Switch Status—Secondary Hand
Brake Sensor Voltage............................................................... XX000000 = Low Range
XX000500 = High Range
Secondary Hand Brake Closed Status .............................................X1XXXXX = Active
X0XXXXX = Not Active
Secondary Hand Brake Open Status................................................1XXXXXX = Active
0XXXXXX = Not Active

NOTE: The secondary hand brake lever position sensor normally operates at
0.4­1.1 volts fully released and 3.6­4.6 volts fully applied.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000082 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000082 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Engage/disengage secondary hand brake lever several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000082 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000082 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­27 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Secondary Hand Brake Lever Position Sensor & Switch Circuit Test
(Reference 240­SE10­118).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000082 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,0000082 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CAB 523841.03 — Secondary Hand Brake Attention: European version only, secondary hand
Sensor Voltage High brake. It is not a parking brake.

Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the

secondary hand brake lever position sensor voltage is
above 4.5 volts, for longer than 300 milliseconds.
MB33986,0000083 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000083 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­28 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 024, Secondary Hand Brake Sensor Voltage & Switch Status.
3. Verify that the display at Address 024 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 024—Specification

Secondary Hand Brake Sensor Voltage
& Switch Status—Secondary Hand
Brake Sensor Voltage............................................................... XX000000 = Low Range
XX000500 = High Range
Secondary Hand Brake Closed Status .............................................X1XXXXX = Active
X0XXXXX = Not Active
Secondary Hand Brake Open Status................................................1XXXXXX = Active
0XXXXXX = Not Active

NOTE: The secondary hand brake lever position sensor normally operates at
0.4­1.1 volts fully released and 3.6­4.6 volts fully applied.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000083 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000083 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Engage/disengage secondary hand brake lever several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000083 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000083 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­29 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Secondary Hand Brake Lever Position Sensor & Switch Circuit Test
(Reference 240­SE10­118).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000083 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,0000083 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CAB 523841.04 — Secondary Hand Brake Attention: European version only, secondary hand
Sensor Voltage Low brake. It is not a parking brake.

Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the

secondary hand brake lever position sensor voltage is
below 0.25 volts, for longer than 300 milliseconds.
MB33986,0000084 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000084 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­30 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 024, Secondary Hand Brake Sensor Voltage & Switch Status.
3. Verify that the display at Address 024 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 024—Specification

Secondary Hand Brake Sensor Voltage
& Switch Status—Secondary Hand
Brake Sensor Voltage............................................................... XX000000 = Low Range
XX000500 = High Range
Secondary Hand Brake Closed Status .............................................X1XXXXX = Active
X0XXXXX = Not Active
Secondary Hand Brake Open Status................................................1XXXXXX = Active
0XXXXXX = Not Active

NOTE: The secondary hand brake lever position sensor normally operates at
0.4­1.1 volts fully released and 3.6­4.6 volts fully applied.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000084 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000084 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Engage/disengage secondary hand brake lever several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000084 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000084 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­31 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Secondary Hand Brake Lever Position Sensor & Switch Circuit Test
(Reference 240­SE10­118).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000084 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,0000084 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CAB 523908.02 — Rear PTO External Switch

Conflict Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the
rear PTO external switch signals simultaneous
ON and OFF states.
MB33986,0000096 ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000096 ­19­20JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­32 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 012, Rear PTO Preselector Switch.

3. Verify that the display at Address 012 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 012—Specification

Rear PTO Preselector Switch—Rear
PTO Remote ON Status.............................................................................. 1X = Closed
0X = Open
Rear PTO Remote OFF Status ................................................................... X1 = Closed
X0 = Open
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000096 ­19­20JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000096 ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Engage/disengage rear PTO external switch a few times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000096 ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000096 ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear PTO External Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­105). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000096 ­19­20JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­33 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,0000096 ­19­20JUL05­8/8

CAB 523922.31 — Secondary Hand Brake Note: Ensure that the secondary hand brake lever
ON While Moving is completely down (fully released).
Attention: European version only, secondary hand
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the brake. It is not a parking brake.
secondary hand brake lever is ON (engaged) while vehicle
is moving or not in neutral, for longer than 2 seconds.
MB33986,0000097 ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Secondary Hand Brake On
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000097 ­19­20JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 024, Secondary Hand Brake Sensor Voltage & Switch Status.
3. Verify that the display at Address 024 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 024—Specification

Secondary Hand Brake Sensor Voltage
& Switch Status—Secondary Hand
Brake Sensor Voltage............................................................... XX000000 = Low Range
XX000500 = High Range
Secondary Hand Brake Closed Status .............................................X1XXXXX = Active
X0XXXXX = Not Active
Secondary Hand Brake Open Status................................................1XXXXXX = Active
0XXXXXX = Not Active

NOTE: The secondary hand brake lever position sensor normally operates at
0.4­1.1 volts fully released and 3.6­4.6 volts fully applied.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000097 ­19­20JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­34 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000097 ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Engage/disengage secondary hand brake lever several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000097 ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000097 ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Secondary Hand Brake Lever Position Sensor & Switch Circuit Test
(Reference 240­SE10­118).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

MB33986,0000097 ­19­20JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,0000097 ­19­20JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­35 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

CAB 524016.04 — CAB Switched Supply excitation), from Cab Load Center (CLC) wake­up circuit
Voltage Low is below 9.0 volts, for longer than 2 seconds.
Associated Codes: This code and other 524016.XX
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the codes may be present in other control units. Since CLC is
CAB switched battery supply voltage (digital, sensor source, perform the necessary CLC code diagnostics first.
MB33986,0000099 ­19­29NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000099 ­19­29NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CAB Address 013, Miscellaneous Switches and CAB Address 048, CAB
Supply Voltage.
3. Verify that the display at CAB Address 013 and CAB Address 048 meets the OK: GO TO 2.
following specifications:

CAB Address 013—Specification

Miscellaneous Switches—Status................................................ XXX0X = Not Detected
XXX1X = Detected

NOTE: CAB supply voltage (digital sensor excitation) is switched battery

voltage supplied via the Cab Load Center (CLC) wake­up circuit,
normally at 12.5­14.5 volts. This address just detects if voltage
is present at 12 volt level or not.

CAB Address 048—Specification

CAB Switched Supply Voltage—Voltage.................................... 9.00 volts = Low Range
16.0 volts = High Range

NOTE: CAB supply voltage (analog V+) is switched battery voltage supplied via
the Cab Load Center (CLC) wake­up circuit, normally at 12.5­14.5 volts.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000099 ­19­29NOV05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­36 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a OK: Code does not return.
connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
GO TO 3.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, NOT OK: More than one
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure. control unit has code
GO TO 4.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code CAB
524016.04 is present.
GO TO 5.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000099 ­19­29NOV05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate vehicle at rated engine speed for 5 ­ 10 minutes. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: More than one
control unit has code
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code CAB
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 524016.04 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000099 ­19­29NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Charging System Voltage Test (Reference 240­SE01­003). OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000099 ­19­29NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) Supply Voltage and Ground Test (Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000099 ­19­29NOV05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­37 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,0000099 ­19­29NOV05­8/8

CAB 524017.13 — Left­Hand Reverser Lever

Type Not Selected Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the
left­hand reverser lever type is not properly designated.
MB33986,000009A ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000009A ­19­20JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 051, Reverser Type Configuration.

3. Verify that the display at Address 051 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 051—Specification

Reverse Type Configuration—Type................................. 1 = LHR (Left Hand Reverser)
3 = RHR (Right Hand Reverser)
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,000009A ­19­20JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­38 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000009A ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000009A ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000009A ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Correct configuration type. OK: GO TO 6.


MB33986,000009A ­19­20JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,000009A ­19­20JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­39 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

CAB 524017.31 — Left­Hand Reverser Lever reverse switch input voltage is between 1.0­4.0
Power Circuit Fault volts, for longer than 0.5 seconds.

Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that

the left­hand reverser lever neutral switch and
MB33986,000009B ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK Position (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000009B ­19­20JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 006, Reverser Neutral Switch & Voltage Status and CAB
Address 007, Reverser Reverse Switch & Voltage Status.
3. Verify that the display at Address 006 and Address 007 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 006—Specification

Reverser Neutral Switch & Voltage
Status—Reverser Neutral Switch
Status............................................................................ 0XXXXXXX = Not Active (open)
1XXXXXXX = Active (closed)
Reverser Neutral Switch Voltage ...................................X0000000 = volts (Low Range)
X0000500 = volts (High Range)

NOTE: The reverser neutral switch normally operates at less than 1.0
volt = open and 4.0 volts = closed.

CAB Address 007—Specification

Reverser Reverse Switch & Voltage
Status—Reverser Reverse Switch
Status............................................................................ 0XXXXXXX = Not Active (open)
1XXXXXXX = Active (closed)
Reverser Reverse Switch Voltage .................................X0000000 = volts (Low Range)
X0000500 = volts (High Range)

NOTE: The reverser reverse switch normally operates at less than 1.0
volt = open and 4.0 volts = closed.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page MB33986,000009B ­19­20JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­40 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000009B ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Operate left hand reverser lever through all positions several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000009B ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000009B ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left Hand Reverser Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­123). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

MB33986,000009B ­19­20JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,000009B ­19­20JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­41 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

CAB 524020.31 — Left­Hand Reverser Lever

in Gear at Power Up Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the
left­hand reverser (LHR) lever is in a position other
than neutral or park during power up.
MB33986,000009E ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Power Up In Gear
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000009E ­19­20JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 005, Reverser Switches.

3. Verify that the display at Address 005 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 005—Specification

Reverser Switches—Reverser Park
Switch Status..................................................................... 0000000 = Not Active (open)
0000001 = Active (closed)
Reverser Neutral Switch Status ........................................ 0000000 = Not Active (open)
0000010 = Active (closed)
Reverser Scroll Switch Status.........................................XXXX0XX = Not Active (open)
XXXX1XX = Active (closed)
Reverser Hold Switch Status ..........................................XXX0XXX = Not Active (open)
XXX1XXX = Active (closed)
Reverser Not­Neutral Switch Status ................................. 0000000 = Not Active (open)
0010000 = Active (closed)
Reverser Reverse Switch Status ....................................X0XXXXX = Not Active (open)
X1XXXXX = Active (closed)
Reverser Forward Switch Status ....................................0XXXXXX = Not Active (open)
1XXXXXX = Active (closed)

NOTE: The status of the not­neutral (move position) switch should always
be active (1, closed) whenever either the forward position or
reverse position switch is active (1, closed).
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page MB33986,000009E ­19­20JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­42 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000009E ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Operate left hand reverser lever through all positions several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000009E ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000009E ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left Hand Reverser Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­123). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

MB33986,000009E ­19­20JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,000009E ­19­20JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­43 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

CAB 524021.31 — Left­Hand Reverser Lever

Multiple Switch Circuit Fault Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that two or more
left­hand reverser (LHR) lever position switches failed.
MB33986,000009F ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK Position (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000009F ­19­20JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 005, Reverser Switches.

3. Verify that the display at Address 005 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 005—Specification

Reverser Switches—Reverser Park
Switch Status...................................................................XXXXXX0 = Not Active (open)
XXXXXX1 = Active (closed)
Reverser Neutral Switch Status ......................................XXXXX0X = Not Active (open)
XXXXX1X = Active (closed)
Reverser Scroll Switch Status.........................................XXXX0XX = Not Active (open)
XXXX1XX = Active (closed)
Reverser Hold Switch Status ..........................................XXX0XXX = Not Active (open)
XXX1XXX = Active (closed)
Reverser Not­Neutral Switch Status ................................. 0000000 = Not Active (open)
0010000 = Active (closed)
Reverser Reverse Switch Status ...................................... 0000000 = Not Active (open)
0110000 = Active (closed)
Reverser Forward Switch Status ...................................... 0000000 = Not Active (open)
1010000 = Active (closed)

NOTE: The status of the not­neutral (move position) switch should always
be active (1, closed) whenever either the forward position or
reverse position switch is active (1, closed).
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,000009F ­19­20JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,000009F ­19­20JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­44 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Operate left hand reverser lever through all positions several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000009F ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000009F ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left Hand Reverser Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­123). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,000009F ­19­20JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,000009F ­19­20JUL05­8/8

CAB 524166.02 — Right Brake Pedal right brake pedal sensor voltage is below 1.10 volts
Switch­Sensor Circuit Conflict while the right brake pedal switch is open.
Attention: The AUTOPOWR™ / IVT™ transmission
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the uses both a brake pedal sensor and a brake pedal
right brake pedal sensor voltage is above 2.00 volts switch. The PowerShift (PST) transmission does
while the right brake pedal switch is closed or the not use a brake pedal sensor.

AUTOPOWR is a trademark of Deere & Company

IVT is a trademark of Deere & Company
Continued on next page MB33986,00000AB ­19­20JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­45 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands Park Position (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000AB ­19­20JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 023, Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage & Switch Status.
3. Verify that the display at Address 023 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 023—Specification

Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage
& Switch Status—Right Brake Pedal
Switch Status............................................................................0XXXXXXX = Not Active
1XXXXXXX = Active
Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage.................................X0000000 = volts (Low Range)
X0000500 = volts (High Range)

NOTE: The Right Brake Pedal Sensor normally operates at 0.9­1.1 volts
released and 3.75­4.25 volts depressed.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: Perform Brake
Pedal Sensor & Switch
Circuit Test (Reference
MB33986,00000AB ­19­20JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000AB ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Depress/release the right brake pedal several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000AB ­19­20JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­46 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000AB ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Pedal Sensor & Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­116). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000AB ­19­20JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,00000AB ­19­20JUL05­8/8

CAB 524166.03 — Right Brake Pedal Sensor Attention: The AUTOPOWR™ / IVT™ transmission
Circuit Voltage High uses both a brake pedal sensor and a brake pedal
switch. The PowerShift (PST) transmission does
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the not use a brake pedal sensor.
right brake pedal sensor voltage is above 4.5 volts,
for longer than 200 milliseconds.
AUTOPOWR is a trademark of Deere & Company
IVT is a trademark of Deere & Company
MB33986,00000AC ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK Position (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000AC ­19­20JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­47 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 023, Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage & Switch Status.
3. Verify that the display at Address 023 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 023—Specification

Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage
& Switch Status—Right Brake Pedal
Switch Status............................................................................0XXXXXXX = Not Active
1XXXXXXX = Active
Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage.................................X0000000 = volts (Low Range)
X0000500 = volts (High Range)

NOTE: The Right Brake Pedal Sensor normally operates at 0.9­1.1 volts
released and 3.75­4.25 volts depressed.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,00000AC ­19­20JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000AC ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Depress/release the right brake pedal several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000AC ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000AC ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Pedal Sensor & Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­116). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000AC ­19­20JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­48 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,00000AC ­19­20JUL05­8/8

CAB 524166.04 — Right Brake Pedal Sensor Attention: The AUTOPOWR™ / IVT™ transmission
Circuit Voltage Low uses both a brake pedal sensor and a brake pedal
switch. The PowerShift (PST) transmission does
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the not use a brake pedal sensor.
right brake pedal sensor voltage is below 0.25 volts,
for longer than 200 milliseconds.
AUTOPOWR is a trademark of Deere & Company
IVT is a trademark of Deere & Company
MB33986,00000AD ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK Position (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000AD ­19­20JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 023, Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage & Switch Status.
3. Verify that the display at Address 023 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 023—Specification

Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage
& Switch Status—Right Brake Pedal
Switch Status............................................................................0XXXXXXX = Not Active
1XXXXXXX = Active
Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage.................................X0000000 = volts (Low Range)
X0000500 = volts (High Range)

NOTE: The Right Brake Pedal Sensor normally operates at 0.9­1.1 volts
released and 3.75­4.25 volts depressed.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000AD ­19­20JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­49 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000AD ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Depress/release the right brake pedal several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000AD ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000AD ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Pedal Sensor & Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­116). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

MB33986,00000AD ­19­20JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,00000AD ­19­20JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­50 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

CAB 524166.13 — Right Brake Pedal Sensor

Not Calibrated Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the
right brake pedal sensor is not calibrated.
MB33986,000067A ­19­28SEP06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000067A ­19­28SEP06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 063, Right Brake Pedal Sensor Calibration Result.
3. Verify that the display at Address 063 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 063—Specification

Right Brake Pedal Sensor Calibration
Result—Pedal Released (Up)....................................... 0040XXXX—0120XXXX = Volts
Pedal Depressed (Down)............................................. XXXX0200—XXXX0420 = Volts

NOTE: The displayed value 0040XXXX represents 00.40 volts. This

applies to each value specified.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,000067A ­19­28SEP06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000067A ­19­28SEP06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Depress/release the right brake pedal several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page MB33986,000067A ­19­28SEP06­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­51 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system check required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000067A ­19­28SEP06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform CAB Control Unit Calibration, (Reference 245­CAB­001). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,000067A ­19­28SEP06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,000067A ­19­28SEP06­8/8

CAB 524166.30 — Right Brake Pedal Sensor Attention: The AUTOPOWR™ / IVT™ transmission
Adjustment Fault uses both a brake pedal sensor and a brake pedal
switch. The PowerShift (PST) transmission does
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that not use a brake pedal sensor.
the right brake pedal sensor voltage is below 0.6
volts or above 1.6 volts while left brake pedal
sensor voltage is below 1.6 volts.
AUTOPOWR is a trademark of Deere & Company
IVT is a trademark of Deere & Company
MB33986,00000AE ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Vehicle May Stop
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000AE ­19­20JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­52 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 022, Left Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage & Switch Status and
CAB Address 023, Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage & Switch Status.
3. Verify that the display at Address 022 and Address 023 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 022—Specification

Left Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage &
Switch Status—Left Brake Pedal Switch
Status........................................................................................0XXXXXXX = Not Active
1XXXXXXX = Active
Left Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage ...................................X0000000 = volts (Low Range)
X0000500 = volts (High Range)

NOTE: The Left Brake Pedal Sensor normally operates at 0.9­1.1 volts
released and 3.75­4.25 volts depressed.

CAB Address 023—Specification

Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage
& Switch Status—Right Brake Pedal
Switch Status............................................................................0XXXXXXX = Not Active
1XXXXXXX = Active
Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage.................................X0000000 = volts (Low Range)
X0000500 = volts (High Range)
NOTE: The Right Brake Pedal Sensor normally operates at 0.9­1.1 volts
released and 3.75­4.25 volts depressed.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,00000AE ­19­20JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000AE ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Depress/release the right and left brake pedals several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000AE ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000AE ­19­20JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­53 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Pedal Sensor & Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­116). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000AE ­19­20JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,00000AE ­19­20JUL05­8/8

CAB 524169.02 — Left Brake Pedal brake pedal sensor voltage is below 1.10 volts while
Switch­Sensor Circuit Conflict the left brake pedal switch is open.
Attention: The AUTOPOWR™ / IVT™ transmission
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the uses both a brake pedal sensor and a brake pedal
left brake pedal sensor voltage is above 2.00 volts switch. The PowerShift (PST) transmission does
while the left brake pedal switch is closed or the left not use a brake pedal sensor.

AUTOPOWR is a trademark of Deere & Company

IVT is a trademark of Deere & Company
MB33986,00000AF ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK Position (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000AF ­19­20JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­54 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 022, Left Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage & Switch Status.
3. Verify that the display at Address 022 and Address 054 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.
CAB Address 022—Specification
Left Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage &
Switch Status—Left Brake Pedal Sensor
Voltage......................................................................................0XXXXXXX = Not Active
1XXXXXXX = Active
X0000000 = volts (Low Range)
X0000500 = volts (High Range)

NOTE: The Left Brake Pedal Sensor normally operates at 0.9­1.1 volts
released and 3.75­4.25 volts depressed.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,00000AF ­19­20JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000AF ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Depress/release the left brake pedal several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000AF ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000AF ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Pedal Sensor & Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­116). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000AF ­19­20JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­55 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,00000AF ­19­20JUL05­8/8

CAB 524169.03 — Left Brake Pedal Sensor Attention: The AUTOPOWR™ / IVT™ transmission
Circuit Voltage High uses both a brake pedal sensor and a brake pedal
switch. The PowerShift (PST) transmission does
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the not use a brake pedal sensor.
left brake pedal sensor voltage is above 4.5 volts,
for longer than 200 milliseconds.
AUTOPOWR is a trademark of Deere & Company
IVT is a trademark of Deere & Company
MB33986,00000B0 ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK Position (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000B0 ­19­20JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­56 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 022, Left Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage & Switch Status.
3. Verify that the display at Address 022 and Address 054 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.
CAB Address 022—Specification
Left Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage &
Switch Status—Left Brake Pedal Sensor
Voltage......................................................................................0XXXXXXX = Not Active
1XXXXXXX = Active
X0000000 = volts (Low Range)
X0000500 = volts (High Range)

NOTE: The Left Brake Pedal Sensor normally operates at 0.9­1.1 volts
released and 3.75­4.25 volts depressed.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,00000B0 ­19­20JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000B0 ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Depress/release the left brake pedal several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000B0 ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000B0 ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Pedal Sensor & Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­116). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000B0 ­19­20JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­57 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,00000B0 ­19­20JUL05­8/8

CAB 524169.04 — Left Brake Pedal Sensor Attention: The AUTOPOWR™ / IVT™ transmission
Circuit Voltage Low uses both a brake pedal sensor and a brake pedal
switch. The PowerShift (PST) transmission does
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the not use a brake pedal sensor.
left brake pedal sensor voltage is below 0.25 volts,
for longer than 200 milliseconds.
AUTOPOWR is a trademark of Deere & Company
IVT is a trademark of Deere & Company
MB33986,00000B1 ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK Position (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000B1 ­19­20JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­58 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 022, Left Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage & Switch Status.
3. Verify that the display at Address 022 and Address 054 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.
CAB Address 022—Specification
Left Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage &
Switch Status—Left Brake Pedal Sensor
Voltage......................................................................................0XXXXXXX = Not Active
1XXXXXXX = Active
X0000000 = volts (Low Range)
X0000500 = volts (High Range)

NOTE: The Left Brake Pedal Sensor normally operates at 0.9­1.1 volts
released and 3.75­4.25 volts depressed.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,00000B1 ­19­20JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000B1 ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Depress/release the left brake pedal several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000B1 ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000B1 ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Pedal Sensor & Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­116). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000B1 ­19­20JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­59 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,00000B1 ­19­20JUL05­8/8

CAB 524169.13 — Left Brake Pedal Sensor

Not Calibrated Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the
left brake pedal sensor is not calibrated.
MB33986,000067B ­19­28SEP06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000067B ­19­28SEP06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 062, Left Brake Pedal Sensor Calibration Result.
3. Verify that the display at Address 062 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 062—Specification

Left Brake Pedal Sensor Calibration
Result—Pedal Released (Up)....................................... 0040XXXX—0120XXXX = Volts
Pedal Depressed (Down)............................................. XXXX0200—XXXX0420 = Volts

NOTE: The displayed value 0040XXXX represents 00.40 volts. This

applies to each value specified.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,000067B ­19­28SEP06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­60 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000067B ­19­28SEP06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Depress/release the left brake pedal several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000067B ­19­28SEP06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system check required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000067B ­19­28SEP06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform CAB Control Unit Calibration, (Reference 245­CAB­001). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

MB33986,000067B ­19­28SEP06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,000067B ­19­28SEP06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­61 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

CAB 524169.30 — Left Brake Pedal Sensor Attention: The AUTOPOWR™ / IVT™ transmission
Adjustment Fault uses both a brake pedal sensor and a brake pedal
switch. The PowerShift (PST) transmission does
Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that not use a brake pedal sensor.
the left brake pedal sensor voltage is below 0.6
volts or above 1.6 volts while right brake pedal
sensor voltage is below 1.6 volts.
AUTOPOWR is a trademark of Deere & Company
IVT is a trademark of Deere & Company
MB33986,00000B2 ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK Position (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000B2 ­19­20JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 022, Left Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage & Switch Status and
CAB Address 023, Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage & Switch Status.
3. Verify that the display at Address 022 and Address 023 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 022—Specification

Left Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage &
Switch Status—Left Brake Pedal Switch
Status........................................................................................0XXXXXXX = Not Active
1XXXXXXX = Active
Left Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage ...................................X0000000 = volts (Low Range)
X0000500 = volts (High Range)

NOTE: The Left Brake Pedal Sensor normally operates at 0.9­1.1 volts
released and 3.75­4.25 volts depressed.

CAB Address 023—Specification

Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage
& Switch Status—Right Brake Pedal
Switch Status............................................................................0XXXXXXX = Not Active
1XXXXXXX = Active
Right Brake Pedal Sensor Voltage.................................X0000000 = volts (Low Range)
X0000500 = volts (High Range)

NOTE: The Right Brake Pedal Sensor normally operates at 0.9­1.1 volts
released and 3.75­4.25 volts depressed.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000B2 ­19­20JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­62 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000B2 ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Depress/release the left and right brake pedals several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000B2 ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000B2 ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Pedal Sensor & Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­116). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

MB33986,00000B2 ­19­20JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,00000B2 ­19­20JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­63 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

CAB 524173.02 — Clutch Pedal Sensor

Voltage Conflict Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that the
clutch pedal sensor channel 2 voltage is not one­half
of the clutch pedal sensor channel 1 voltage.
MB33986,0000085 ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK Position (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000085 ­19­20JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 020, Clutch Pedal Position Sensor Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 020 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CAB Address 020—Specification

Clutch Pedal Position Sensor
Voltage—Voltage.............................................................. 00500025 volts = Low Range
04500225 volts = High Range

NOTE: Normal channel 1 operating value is 0.50­4.5 volts and normal

channel 2 operating value is 0.25­2.25 volts. Left four digits represent
channel 1 voltage (0050 = 00.50 volts & 0450 = 4.50 volts) and the
right four digits represent channel 2 voltage (0025 = 00.25 volts
& 0225 = 2.25 volts). Both should be within range and channel 2
must be at least half the voltage of channel 1.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000085 ­19­20JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,0000085 ­19­20JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­64 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Slowly depress and release clutch pedal several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000085 ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000085 ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch Pedal Position Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­127). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000085 ­19­20JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit

MB33986,0000085 ­19­20JUL05­8/8

CAB 524173.03 — Clutch Pedal Sensor

Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: CAB control unit detects that
the clutch pedal sensor voltage is above 4.8 volts,
for longer than 300 milliseconds.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000086 ­19­20JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­65 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK Position (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000086 ­19­20JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 020, Clutch Pedal Position Sensor Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 020 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.
CAB Address 020—Specification
Clutch Pedal Position Sensor
Voltage—Voltage.............................................................. 00500025 volts = Low Range
04500225 volts = High Range

NOTE: Normal channel 1 operating value is 0.50­4.5 volts and normal

channel 2 operating value is 0.25­2.25 volts. Left four digits represent
channel 1 voltage (0050 = 00.50 volts & 0450 = 4.50 volts) and the
right four digits represent channel 2 voltage (0025 = 00.25 volts
& 0225 = 2.25 volts). Both should be within range and channel 2
must be at least half the voltage of channel 1.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000086 ­19­20JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000086 ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Slowly depress and release clutch pedal several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000086 ­19­20JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­66 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000086 ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch Pedal Position Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­127). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000086 ­19­20JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,0000086 ­19­20JUL05­8/8

CAB 524172.04 — Clutch Pedal Sensor

Circuit Voltage Low CAB control unit detects that the clutch pedal sensor
voltage is below 0.2 volts, for longer than 300 milliseconds.
MB33986,0000087 ­19­20JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands PARK Position (PARK Position Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000087 ­19­20JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­67 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CAB Address 020, Clutch Pedal Position Sensor Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 020 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.
CAB Address 020—Specification
Clutch Pedal Position Sensor
Voltage—Voltage.............................................................. 00500025 volts = Low Range
04500225 volts = High Range

NOTE: Normal channel 1 operating value is 0.50­4.5 volts and normal

channel 2 operating value is 0.25­2.25 volts. Left four digits represent
channel 1 voltage (0050 = 00.50 volts & 0450 = 4.50 volts) and the
right four digits represent channel 2 voltage (0025 = 00.25 volts
& 0225 = 2.25 volts). Both should be within range and channel 2
must be at least half the voltage of channel 1.
NOTE: See CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000087 ­19­20JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000087 ­19­20JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Slowly depress and release clutch pedal several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000087 ­19­20JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000087 ­19­20JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch Pedal Position Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­127). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000087 ­19­20JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­68 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform CAB Control Unit
MB33986,0000087 ­19­20JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­69 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CAB Code Diagnostics

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CAB­70 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group CCU
CCU Code Diagnostics

CCU 000096.03 — Fuel Level Sensor Circuit

Voltage High Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects
that the fuel level sensor resistance is above 150
ohms, indicating an open circuit.
MB33986,0000065 ­19­20MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Fuel Level System
Control Unit Response: Alarm remains until the condition is resolved.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000065 ­19­20MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CCU Address 013, Fuel Level Sensor Voltage and CCU Address 014,
Fuel Lever Sensor Resistance.
3. Verify that the display at Address 013 and Address 014 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 013—Specification

Fuel Level Sensor Voltage—Voltage................................ 0.00 volts = Full (Low Range)
5.00 volts = Empty (High Range)

CCU Address 014—Specification

Fuel Level Sensor Resistance—Resis­
tance.....................................................................................0 ohms = Full (Low Range)
150 ohms = Empty (High Range)
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
erence 240­SE11­001).
MB33986,0000065 ­19­20MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,0000065 ­19­20MAR06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000065 ­19­20MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000065 ­19­20MAR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Fuel Level Sensor Voltage Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­211). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000065 ­19­20MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).

MB33986,0000065 ­19­20MAR06­8/8

CCU 000096.17 — Fuel Level Low

Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU)
detects that the fuel level percent is indicating
a low fuel level (below 1%).
Continued on next page MB33986,0000066 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Fuel Level Low
Control Unit Response: Alarm remains until the condition is resolved.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000066 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CCU Address 054, Fuel Level Percentage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 054 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 054—Specification

Fuel Level Percentage— Percentage .............................................. 0 % = (Low Range)
100 % = (High Range)

NOTE: The fuel level percentage is normally 100% (0 ohms) full

and 0% (120 ohms) empty.
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
erence 240­SE11­001).
MB33986,0000066 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000066 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000066 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000066 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Fuel Level Sensor Voltage Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­211). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000066 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000066 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CCU 000237.02 — VIN Security Data Conflict information increases, individual control units may miss
relay messages. This may set message missing or VIN
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects security DTCs and/or cause the engine to go to low idle. If
that the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) data does DTCs set or engine drops to idle, perform additional steps
not match the VIN in the other control units. after ”Programming Control Units” procedures completed.
Attention: When connecting to perform calibrations, Associated Codes: If any DTCs indicating
program control units, or take diagnostic readings, CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit
an increased amount of information is relayed on the with a 002000­002254.09) are present, diagnose
Controller Area Network (CAN) bus. As CAN bus those codes first.
MB33986,0000067 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Identification System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000067 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CCU Address 251, CCU Vehicle Identification Number, ICU Address 251,
ICU Vehicle Identification Number, ECU address 251, ECU Vehicle Identification
Number, ACU Address 251, ACU Vehicle Identification Number.
3. Verify that the display at Address 251 of all relevant control units match the OK: GO TO 2.
following specification:

CCU Address 251—Specification

CCU VIN— Vehicle Identification
Number............................................................................................. RW8X30XXXXXXX
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 4.
erence 240­SE11­001).
MB33986,0000067 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000067 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Wait for 2 minutes.

3. Check for code return.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with OK: Code does not return.
a 002000­002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000067 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Perform VIN Security Fault Diagnosis (Reference 245­05­201). OK: All values match.
GO TO 5.

Reprogram any control units that do not match the VIN. NOT OK: One or more of
the control units did not
match the VIN.
Reprogram as needed.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
See Programming Control Units (Reference 245­05­005). NOT OK: If reprogramming
has been completed but
problem still exists:
GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000067 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Reprogram the CCU Control Unit. See Programming Control Units (Reference

1. Disconnect SERVICE ADVISOR™ and turn key switch to OFF position (engine OK: Reprogramming
OFF), at least for 30 seconds. successful. Perform setups
and calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
2. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON) and let tractor run for at least 10 NOT OK: Reprogramming
minutes. The communication error and diagnostic trouble codes will clear and was unsuccessful or
tractor will function normally. problem still exists:
GO TO 6.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000067 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000067 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

CCU 000237.14 — VIN Security Not Enabled controllers may miss relay messages. This may set
message missing or VIN security DTCs and/or cause
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) the engine to go to low idle. If DTCs set or engine drops
detects that the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to idle, perform additional steps after ”Programming
security has not been enabled. Control Units” procedures completed.
Attention: When connecting to perform calibrations, Associated Codes: If any DTCs indicating
program control units, or take diagnostic readings, an CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit
increased amount of information is relayed on the CAN with a 002000­002254.09) are present, diagnose
Bus. As CAN Bus information increases, individual those codes first.
MB33986,0000068 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Identification System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000068 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CCU Address 251, CCU Vehicle Identification Number, ICU Address 251,
ICU Vehicle Identification Number, ECU address 251, ECU Vehicle Identification
Number, ACU Address 251, ACU Vehicle Identification Number.
3. Verify that the display at Address 251 of all relevant control units match the OK: GO TO 2.
following specification:

CCU Address 251—Specification

CCU VIN— Vehicle Identification
Number............................................................................................. RW8X30XXXXXXX
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 4.
erence 240­SE11­001).
MB33986,0000068 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,0000068 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Wait 2 minutes.
3. Check for code return.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with OK: Code does not return.
a 002000­002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000068 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform VIN Security Fault Diagnosis (Reference 245­05­201). OK: All values match.
GO TO 5.

Reprogram any control units that do not match the VIN. NOT OK: One or more of
the control units did not
match the VIN.
Reprogram as needed.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
See Programming Control Units (Reference 245­05­005). NOT OK: If reprogramming
has been completed but
problem still exists:
GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000068 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Reprogram the CCU Control Unit. See Programming Control Units (Reference

1. Disconnect SERVICE ADVISOR™ and turn key switch to OFF position (engine OK: Reprogramming
OFF), at least for 30 seconds. successful. Perform setups
and calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
2. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON) and let tractor run for at least 10 NOT OK: Reprogramming
minutes. The communication error and diagnostic trouble codes will clear and was unsuccessful or
tractor will function normally.
problem still exists:
GO TO 6.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,0000068 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000068 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CCU 000237.31 — VIN Security Messages Bus. As CAN Bus information increases, individual
Missing controllers may miss relay messages. This may set
message missing or VIN security DTCs and/or cause
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects the engine to go to low idle. If DTCs set or engine drops
that the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) security to idle, perform additional steps after ”Programming
message from other control units is not available on Control Units” procedures completed.
the Controller Area Network (CAN) bus. Associated Codes: If any DTCs indicating
Attention: When connecting to perform calibrations, CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit
program control units, or take diagnostic readings, an with a 002000­002254.09) are present, diagnose
increased amount of information is relayed on the CAN those codes first.
MB33986,0000069 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Info
Displayed Text: Identification System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000069 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CCU Address 251, CCU Vehicle Identification Number, ICU Address 251,
ICU Vehicle Identification Number, ECU address 251, ECU Vehicle Identification
Number, ACU Address 251, ACU Vehicle Identification Number.
3. Verify that the display at Address 251 of all relevant control units match the OK: GO TO 2.
following specification:

CCU Address 251—Specification

CCU VIN— Vehicle Identification
Number............................................................................................. RW8X30XXXXXXX
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 4.
erence 240­SE11­001).
MB33986,0000069 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000069 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Wait 2 minutes.
3. Check for code return.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with OK: Code does not return.
a 002000­002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000069 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Perform VIN Security Fault Diagnosis (Reference 245­05­201). OK: All values match.
GO TO 5.

Reprogram any control units that do not match the VIN. NOT OK: One or more of
the control units did not
match the VIN.
Reprogram as needed.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
See Programming Control Units (Reference 245­05­005). NOT OK: If reprogramming
has been completed but
problem still exists:
GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000069 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Reprogram the CCU Control Unit. See Programming Control Units (Reference

1. Disconnect SERVICE ADVISOR™ and turn key switch to OFF position (engine OK: Reprogramming
OFF), at least for 30 seconds. successful. Perform setups
and calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
2. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON) and let tractor run for at least 10 NOT OK: Reprogramming
minutes. The communication error and diagnostic trouble codes will clear and was unsuccessful or
tractor will function normally. problem still exists:
GO TO 6.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000069 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000069 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

CCU 000567.05 — Front Differential Lock driver or circuit (open, short, or over­temperature),
Solenoid Circuit Fault while the differential lock is engaged.

Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects

a malfunction in the front differential lock solenoid
MB33986,0000020 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Differential Lock System
Control Unit Response: Disables Differential Lock System
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000020 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary check required. OK: GO TO 2.

MB33986,0000020 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000020 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Engage and disengage differential lock

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000020 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000020 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Front Differential Lock Solenoid Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­219). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000020 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000020 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CCU 000569.05 — Rear Differential Lock driver or circuit (open, short, or over­temperature),
Solenoid Circuit Fault while the differential lock is engaged.

Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects

a malfunction in the rear differential lock solenoid
MB33986,000006A ­19­11NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Differential Lock System
Control Unit Response: Disables Differential Lock System
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
MB33986,000006A ­19­11NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary check required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,000006A ­19­11NOV05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000006A ­19­11NOV05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Engage and disengage differential lock

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000006A ­19­11NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000006A ­19­11NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Differential Lock Solenoid Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­212). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,000006A ­19­11NOV05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,000006A ­19­11NOV05­8/8

CCU 000630.14 — Rear PTO Configuration

Invalid Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects
that the rear PTO configuration is incorrect.
MB33986,000006B ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear PTO System
Control Unit Response: Disables PTO Functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,000006B ­19­13JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­15 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CCU Address 104, Rear PTO Setup 1, CCU Address 105, Rear PTO
Setup 2, and CCU Address 106, Rear PTO Speed Configuration.
3. Verify that the display at Address 104, Address 105, and Address 106 meets the OK: GO TO 2.
following specification:

CCU Address 104—Specification

Rear PTO Setup 1—Configuration............................................................... 0 = No PTO
57 = Region II 8130/8230/8330
185 = Region II 8430/8530
1 = North America 8130/8230/8330
129 = North America 8240/8530
CCU Address 105—Specification
Rear PTO Setup 2—Configuration............................................................... 0 = No PTO
92 = Has PTO

CCU Address 106—Specification

Rear PTO Speed Configuration—Config­
uration........................................................................................................... 0 = No PTO
1 = Single Speed PTO
2 = Dual Speed PTO
3 = Triple Speed PTO
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
erence 240­SE11­001).
MB33986,000006B ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000006B ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Engage and disengage rear PTO.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000006B ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,000006B ­19­13JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Calibration (Reference 240­SE11­201). OK: Calibration
GO TO 2.

If calibration was not successful or problem was not identified. New software may be NOT OK: Problem
required. Perform Programming Controllers (Reference 245­05­005). identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Calibration
unsuccessful and problem
not identified.
GO TO 6.
MB33986,000006B ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,000006B ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CCU 001079.03 — CCU Sensor Supply

Voltage High Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects
that the CCU Sensor Supply Voltage is above 5.2
volts, for longer than 2 seconds.
MB33986,0000021 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: CCU functions reduced and potentially no functionality.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000021 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­17 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CCU Address 051, CCU Sensor Supply Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 051 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 051—Specification

CCU Sensor Supply Voltage—Voltage...................................... 4.80 volts = Low Range
5.20 volts = High Range
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
erence 240­SE11­001).
MB33986,0000021 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000021 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000021 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000021 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Sensor Supply Voltage Circuit Test (Reference OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000021 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­18 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000021 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CCU 001079.04 — CCU Sensor Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects
that the CCU Sensor Supply Voltage is below 4.8
volts, for longer than 2 seconds.
MB33986,0000022 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: CCU functions reduced and potentially no functionality.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000022 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CCU Address 051, CCU Sensor Supply Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 051 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 051—Specification

CCU Sensor Supply Voltage—Voltage...................................... 4.80 volts = Low Range
5.20 volts = High Range
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
erence 240­SE11­001).

Continued on next page MB33986,0000022 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­19 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000022 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000022 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000022 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Sensor Supply Voltage Circuit Test (Reference OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000022 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­20 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000022 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CCU 001086.18 — Air Brake Pressure Low Attention: This code will generate every time vehicle
is started and air brake pressure is insufficient to
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects disengage the trailer brakes. It may be necessary to
that the air brake pressure switch is open, indicating wait over 1 minute for brakes to release.
insufficient pressure [decreasing pressure between 10.5
bar (152 psi) and 11.5 bar (167 psi)] to deactivate brakes.
MB33986,000006C ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Air Brake Pressure Low
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,000006C ­19­13JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 012, Air Brake Pressure Switch.

3. Verify that the display at Address 012 meets the following specifications: OK: GO TO 2.
CCU Address 012—Specification
Air Brake Pressure Switch—Status.......................................... 0 = Open (low pressure)
1 = Closed (high pressure)

NOTE: The air brake pressure switch is normally opened with decreasing
pressure between 10.5 bar (152 psi) and 11.5 bar (167 psi), then
closed with increasing pressure at 13 bar (189 psi).
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 3.
erence 240­SE11­001).
MB33986,000006C ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000006C ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Disconnect an implement from vehicle.

2. Bleed air brake system.

3. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).
4. Run vehicle at low idle for 2 minutes.
5. Check for code return.
6. Turn key switch to OFF position (engine OFF).
7. Connect implement to vehicle.
8. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).
9. Run vehicle at low idle for 2 minutes. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
10. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns
when implement
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 when implement connected.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
Check implement.
MB33986,000006C ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,000006C ­19­13JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Air Brake Pressure Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­210). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,000006C ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,000006C ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CCU 001638.00 — Hydraulic Oil Temperature fluid is too hot (above 106 °C [223 °F], but below
Very High 150 °C [302 °F]) to continue operation.
Note: Operating vehicle with low hydraulic oil
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects level can cause code.
that the hydraulic oil temperature sensor indicates
MB33986,000006D ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Stop
Displayed Text: Hydraulic Oil Temperature High
Control Unit Response: Alarm remains until the condition is resolved.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,000006D ­19­13JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­23 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 052, Hydraulic Oil Temperature.

3. Operate vehicle at rated engine speed for 15­30 minutes.
4. Verify that the display at Address 052 meets the following specifications: OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 052—Specification

Hydraulic Oil Temperature—Tempera­
ture..................................................................................... ­40 °C (­40 °F) = Low Range
125 °C (257 °F) = High Range
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
erence 240­SE11­001).
MB33986,000006D ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000006D ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start the engine.

2. Operate vehicle at rated engine speed for 15 ­ 30 minutes. Be sure to operate any
implements attached.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000006D ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000006D ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­208).

If problem is not identified perform: OK: GO TO 6.

Hydraulic System Diagnosis (in Section 213, Group 70). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,000006D ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­24 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,000006D ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CCU 001638.03 — Hydraulic Oil Temperature Attention: The alarm also occurs, if the engine speed is
Sensor Circuit Voltage High above 700 RPM and the hydraulic oil temperature is above
115 °C (239 °F), while the engine coolant temperature
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) is below 30 °C (86 °F), for longer than 7 seconds.
detects that the hydraulic oil temperature sensor
circuit is shorted to ground.
MB33986,000006E ­19­20MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Hydraulic System
Control Unit Response: Alarm remains until the conditions are resolved.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,000006E ­19­20MAR06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­25 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CCU Address 010, Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 010 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.
CCU Address 010—Specification
Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor
Voltage—Voltage....................................................................... 0.00 volts = Low Range
5.20 volts = High Range

NOTE: Approximately 0.26 volts generate a temperature display of 120 °C

(248 °F), 0.90 volts generate a temperature display of 75 °C (167 °F),
2.20 volts generate a temperature display of 40 °C (104 °F), and 4.80
volts generate a temperature display of ­25 °C (­13 °F).
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
erence 240­SE11­001).
MB33986,000006E ­19­20MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000006E ­19­20MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000006E ­19­20MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000006E ­19­20MAR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­208).

If problem is not identified perform: OK: GO TO 6.

Hydraulic System Diagnosis (in Section 213, Group 70). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,000006E ­19­20MAR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­26 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,000006E ­19­20MAR06­8/8

CCU 001638.04 — Hydraulic Oil Temperature Attention: The alarm also occurs, if the engine speed
Sensor Circuit Voltage Low is above 700 RPM and the hydraulic oil temperature is
below ­20 °C (­4 °F), while the engine coolant temperature
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects is above 50 °C (122 °F), for longer than 7 seconds.
that the hydraulic oil temperature sensor circuit is open.
MB33986,000006F ­19­20MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Hydraulic System
Control Unit Response: Alarm remains until the conditions are resolved.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,000006F ­19­20MAR06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­27 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CCU Address 010, Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 010 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.
CCU Address 010—Specification
Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor
Voltage—Voltage....................................................................... 0.00 volts = Low Range
5.20 volts = High Range

NOTE: Approximately 0.26 volts generate a temperature display of 120 °C

(248 °F), 0.90 volts generate a temperature display of 75 °C (167 °F),
2.20 volts generate a temperature display of 40 °C (104 °F), and 4.80
volts generate a temperature display of ­25 °C (­13 °F).
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
erence 240­SE11­001).
MB33986,000006F ­19­20MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000006F ­19­20MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000006F ­19­20MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000006F ­19­20MAR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­208).

If problem is not identified perform: OK: GO TO 6.

Hydraulic System Diagnosis (in Section 213, Group 70). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,000006F ­19­20MAR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­28 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,000006F ­19­20MAR06­8/8

CCU 001638.16 — Hydraulic Oil Temperature fluid is warmer than if systems were functioning
High normally (above 101 °C [214 °F], but below 105 °C
[221 °F]), for longer than 7 seconds.
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects
that the hydraulic oil temperature sensor indicates
MB33986,0000070 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Hydraulic Oil Temperature High
Control Unit Response: Alarm remains until the conditions are resolved.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000070 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 052, Hydraulic Oil Temperature.

3. Operate vehicle at rated engine speed for 15­30 minutes.
4. Verify that the display at Address 052 meets the following specifications: OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 052—Specification

Hydraulic Oil Temperature—Tempera­
ture..................................................................................... ­40 °C (­40 °F) = Low Range
125 °C (257 °F) = High Range
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
erence 240­SE11­001).

Continued on next page MB33986,0000070 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­29 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000070 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start the engine.

2. Operate vehicle at rated engine speed for 15 ­ 30 minutes. Be sure to operate any
implements attached.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000070 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Problem

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000070 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­208).

If problem is not identified perform: OK: GO TO 6.

Hydraulic System Diagnosis (in Section 213, Group 70). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000070 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­30 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000070 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CCU 001713.00 — Hydraulic Oil Filter

Restricted Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU)
detects that the transmission/hydraulic oil filter switch
configuration is set for a track vehicle.
MB33986,0000071 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Hydraulic Oil Filter Restricted
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000071 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CCU Address 126, CCU Hydraulic Filter Restriction Switch Configuration.
3. Verify that the display at Address 126 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 126—Specification

CCU Hydraulic Filter Restriction Switch
Configuration—Configuration.............................................................. 1 = Switch (Track)
2 = Sensor (Wheel)
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
erence 240­SE11­001).

Continued on next page MB33986,0000071 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­31 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000071 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000071 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000071 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Ensure CCU Hydraulic Filter Restriction Switch Configuration set to ”2 = Sensor”. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000071 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­32 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000071 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CCU 001883.00 — Rear PTO Over­Speed too fast (speed 17% above rated speed [630 RPM for
540 shaft and 1170 RPM for 1000 shaft]).
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects Note: Operating POWERSHIFT transmission through
that the rear PTO shaft sensor detects shaft turning rapid downshifts could cause code to occur.
MB33986,0000072 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear PTO Speed High
Control Unit Response: Alarm remains until the condition is resolved.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000072 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­33 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 005, Rear PTO Speed Sensor Status and CCU Address
101, Rear PTO Over­Speed Feature Status.
3. Engage rear PTO.
4. Verify that the display of Address 005 and Address 101 meet the following OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 005—Specification

Rear PTO Speed Sensor
Status—Status......................................................................................0X = Not Present
1X = Present

NOTE: When the rear PTO shaft is turning, the status will alternate
between present and not present states.

CCU Address 101—Specification

Rear PTO Over­Speed Shutdown—Sta­
tus.............................................................................................X0 = Shutdown Disabled
X1 = Shutdown Enabled

NOTE: Shutdown disabled means that the vehicle will NOT turn off the rear
PTO for an over­speed condition. Shutdown enabled means that the
vehicle will turn off the rear PTO for an over­speed condition.
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
erence 240­SE11­001).
MB33986,0000072 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000072 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Engage rear PTO.

3. Set engine to full throttle.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000072 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000072 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­34 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear PTO Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­205). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000072 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000072 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CCU 001883.01 — Rear PTO Under­Speed to 20 seconds (depending on oil temperature, lower
temperature equals higher time delay).
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Note: A low rear PTO calibration value could
detects that the rear PTO shaft sensor detects shaft cause code to occur.
turning too slow, below 100 RPM for longer than 5
MB33986,0000073 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear PTO System
Control Unit Response: Disables PTO
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000073 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­35 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check NOTE: Ensure CommandCenter has rear PTO engagement set appropriately.
Auto mode automatically detects and compensates for heavy PTO loads.
If the rear PTO is not up to speed, auto mode increases the engagement
rate. A high rate can be used for applications where rear PTO clutch
engagement needs to be unusually aggressive.
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).
2. Access CCU Address 005, Rear PTO Speed Sensor Status.
3. Engage rear PTO.
4. Verify that the display of Address 005 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 005—Specification

Rear PTO Speed Sensor
Status—Status......................................................................................0X = Not Present
1X = Present

NOTE: When the rear PTO shaft is turning, the status will alternate
between present and not present states.
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
erence 240­SE11­001).
MB33986,0000073 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000073 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Connect Rear PTO driven implement to vehicle.

2. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

3. Engage rear PTO.
4. Set engine to full throttle.
5. Check for code return.
NOTE: It may be necessary to operate rear PTO under a load to regenerate OK: Code does not return.
code if rear PTO clutch is slipping Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000073 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000073 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­36 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear PTO Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­205). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000073 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000073 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CCU 001883.13 — Rear PTO Not Calibrated

Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects
that the rear PTO has never been calibrated.
MB33986,0000074 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear PTO System
Control Unit Response: Degraded Rear PTO Performance
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000074 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required.

NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ OK: GO TO 2.
erence 240­SE11­001).

Continued on next page MB33986,0000074 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­37 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000074 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Engage rear PTO.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000074 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000074 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Calibration (Reference 240­SE11­201 ). OK: GO TO 6.

NOTE: Ensure that all rear PTO related Addresses (104, 105, 106, NOT OK: Problem
and 107) are configured correctly. identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000074 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­38 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000074 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CCU 002392.05 — Back Up Alarm Circuit or circuit (open, short, or over­temperature), while
Fault the differential lock is engaged.

Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects

a malfunction in the back up alarm current driver
MB33986,0000023 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Backup Alarm System
Control Unit Response: Disables Backup Alarm
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000023 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary check required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000023 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­39 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000023 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Shift from park to reverse a few times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000023 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000023 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Back Up Alarm Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­221). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000023 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­40 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000023 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CCU 002602.01 — Hydraulic Oil Level Very Attention: Detection is initiated when the hydraulic
Low oil temperature is above ­10 °C (14 °F) and the
engine is running for at least 10­90 seconds,
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects (depending on engine rpm), while low level is indicated.
that the hydraulic clean oil reservoir (COR) level sensor Differential case has been depleted of oil and is
indicates that the oil level is too low to continue operation. not supplying the clean oil reservoir.
MB33986,0000024 ­19­29OCT07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Stop
Displayed Text: Hydraulic Oil Level Low
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000024 ­19­29OCT07­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­41 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 017, COR Oil Level Sensor Voltage.

3. Operate all hydraulic functions (PTO, SCVs, and hitch).
4. Verify that the display at Address 017 meets the following specifications: OK: GO TO 2.
CCU Address 017—Specification
COR Oil Level Sensor Voltage—Voltage...................................... 8.0 volts = Low Range
16.0 volts = High Range

NOTE: The hydraulic clean oil reservoir (COR) level sensor normally is at
battery voltage (12.5­14.5 volts) when level full, sensor closed. At
low oil levels the sensor is opened, generating alarms.
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic (Reference 240­SE11­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000024 ­19­29OCT07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000024 ­19­29OCT07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate all hydraulic functions (PTO, SCVs, and hitch), for several minutes.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000024 ­19­29OCT07­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000024 ­19­29OCT07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Clean Oil Reservoir Level Switch Voltage Circuit Test
(Reference 240­SE11­207).

If problem is not identified perform: OK: GO TO 6.

Hydraulic System Diagnosis (in Section 213, Group 70). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000024 ­19­29OCT07­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­42 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems
• Intermittent failures OK: GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem
210­15­101). identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOTE: If vehicle is equipped with ILS, previous steps did not resolve problem, and ALL NOT OK: Problem not
following criteria are met, then ILS housing to transmission housing gasket identified.
MAY BE installed incorrectly. See repair manual for correct installation.
Perform Chassis Control
• Transmission has recently been split from ILS housing for repair. Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
• Oil is spilling out of transmission breather. Power Train AUTOPOWR™
• Vehicle continues to store code CCU 002602.01.
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
If oil is spilling out of transmission breather on vehicle equipped Control Unit Test or
with 50 km/h (31 mph) AutoPowr™/IVT (Infinitely Variable Trans­
Reference Power Train
mission)™, perform following steps:
PST (PTP) Transmission
1. Drive vehicle above 15 km/h (9.3 mph). Control Unit Test).
2. Tap brake pedal and wait 30 seconds to turn ON brake cooling.
3. Tap brake pedal again to activate brake cooling a second time.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 six more times.
5. If code returns, test indicates possible brake cooling valve malfunction.
GO TO Rear Brake System Diagnosis In Section 213, Group 60 for
further diagnosis.

AutoPowr is a trademark of Deere & Company

IVT (Infinitely Variable Transmission) is a trademark of Deere & Company
MB33986,0000024 ­19­29OCT07­8/8

CCU 002602.02 — Hydraulic Oil Level Sensor reservoir (COR) level sensor driver or circuit (open
Fault or short), for longer than 3 seconds.

Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU)

detects a malfunction in the hydraulic clean oil
MB33986,0000025 ­19­03DEC07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Hydraulic System
Control Unit Response: COR monitoring disabled.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000025 ­19­03DEC07­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­43 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 017, COR Oil Level Sensor Voltage.

3. Operate all hydraulic functions (PTO, SCVs, and hitch).
4. Verify that the display at Address 017 meets the following specifications: OK: GO TO 2.
CCU Address 017—Specification
COR Oil Level Sensor Voltage—Voltage...................................... 3.2 volts = Low Range
16.0 volts = High Range

NOTE: The hydraulic clean oil reservoir (COR) level sensor normally is at
battery voltage (12.5­14.5 volts) when level full, sensor closed. At
low oil levels the sensor is opened, generating alarms.
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic (Reference 240­SE11­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000025 ­19­03DEC07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000025 ­19­03DEC07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate all hydraulic functions (PTO, SCVs, and hitch), for several minutes.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000025 ­19­03DEC07­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000025 ­19­03DEC07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Clean Oil Reservoir Level Switch Voltage Circuit Test
(Reference 240­SE11­207).

If problem is not identified perform: OK: GO TO 6.

Hydraulic System Diagnosis (in Section 213, Group 70). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000025 ­19­03DEC07­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­44 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000025 ­19­03DEC07­8/8

CCU 002602.18 — Hydraulic Oil Level Low from secondary hydraulic circuit (SCV/Hitch) or from inlet
lines to either the piston pump and/or steering pump or
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) the charge pump has failed during vehicle operation.
detects that the hydraulic clean oil reservoir (COR) NOTE: If codes CCU 002602.18, HCU 002602.18
level sensor indicates low oil level. and SCU 002602.18 are present and the hitch
Attention: Detection is initiated when the hydraulic will not raise or lower, suspect the hitch retract
oil temperature is above ­10°C (14°F) and the engine spool may be stuck. This causes oil from the
is running for at least 2­10 seconds, (depending upon clean oil reservoir to drain to sump.
engine rpm), while low level is indicated. Oil is leaking
MB33986,0000026 ­19­16NOV07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Hydraulic Oil Level Low
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000026 ­19­16NOV07­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­45 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 017 (COR Oil Level Sensor Voltage).

3. Operate all hydraulic functions (PTO, SCVs, and hitch).
4. Verify that the display at Address 017 meets the following specifications: OK: GO TO 2.
CCU Address 017—Specification
COR Oil Level Sensor Voltage—Voltage...................................... 8.0 volts = Low Range
16.0 volts = High Range

NOTE: The hydraulic clean oil reservoir (COR) level sensor normally is at
battery voltage (12.5­14.5 volts) when level full, sensor closed. At
low oil levels the sensor is opened, generating alarms.
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic (Reference 240­SE11­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000026 ­19­16NOV07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000026 ­19­16NOV07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate all hydraulic functions (PTO, SCVs, and hitch), for several minutes.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000026 ­19­16NOV07­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000026 ­19­16NOV07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Clean Oil Reservoir Level Switch Voltage Circuit Test
(Reference 240­SE11­207).

If problem is not identified perform: OK: GO TO 6.

Hydraulic System Diagnosis (in Section 213, Group 70). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000026 ­19­16NOV07­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­46 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems
• Intermittent failures OK: GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem
210­15­101). identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOTE: If oil is spilling out of transmission breather on vehicle equipped NOT OK: Problem not
with 50 km/h (31 mph) AutoPowr™/IVT (Infinitely Variable Trans­ identified.
mission)™, perform following steps:
Perform Chassis Control
1. Drive vehicle above 15 km/h (9.3 mph). Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
2. Tap brake pedal and wait 30 seconds to turn ON brake cooling.
3. Tap brake pedal again to activate brake cooling a second time. Power Train AUTOPOWR™
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 six more times. / IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
5. If code returns, test indicates possible brake cooling valve malfunction. Control Unit Test or
GO TO Rear Brake System Diagnosis In Section 213, Group 60 for Reference Power Train
further diagnosis. PST (PTP) Transmission
If code is present on vehicle equipped with ILS and front differential lock is
engaged, perform Front Differential Lock System Diagnosis. Control Unit Test).

AutoPowr is a trademark of Deere & Company

IVT (Infinitely Variable Transmission) is a trademark of Deere & Company
MB33986,0000026 ­19­16NOV07­8/8

CCU 522260.02 — Wheel Speed Sensors sensors do not match by greater than 3 km/h (1.86
Mismatch mph), for longer than 45 seconds.

Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU)

detects that the primary and secondary wheel speed
MB33986,0000027 ­19­30NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Parking Brake System
Control Unit Response: Alarm remains until the condition is resolved.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000027 ­19­30NOV05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­47 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 006, Primary & Secondary Wheel Speed Sensor Status,
CCU Address 055, Primary Wheel Speed, and CCU Address 057, Secondary
Wheel Speed.
3. Verify that the displays of Address 006, Address 055, and Address 057 meet the OK: GO TO 2.
following specifications:

CCU Address 006—Specification

Primary & Secondary Wheel Speed
Sensor Status—Status...................................................................X1 = Primary Present
X0 = Primary Not Present
1X = Secondary Present
0X = Secondary Not Present

NOTE: When the shaft is turning, the status will alternate between
present (1) and not present (0) states.

CCU Address 055—Specification

Primary Wheel Speed—Speed............................................. 0 meters/hour = Low range
65000 meters/hour = High range

NOTE: This value with 3 digits after a decimal point would indicate km/h,
example 65000 = 65.000 km/h (40 mph).

CCU Address 057—Specification

Secondary Wheel Speed—Speed........................................ 0 meters/hour = Low range
65000 meters/hour = High range

NOTE: This value with 3 digits after a decimal point would indicate km/h,
example 65000 = 65.000 km/h (40 mph).
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic (Reference 240­SE11­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000027 ­19­30NOV05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000027 ­19­30NOV05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate vehicle at approximately 8 km/h (4,97 mph) for 15 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000027 ­19­30NOV05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­48 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000027 ­19­30NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
For AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ perform both:

Primary Transmission Speed Sensor Circuit Test, (Reference 240­SE11­307).

Secondary Transmission Speed Sensor Circuit Test, (Reference240­SE11­308).
For PowrShift perform both:
Primary Transmission Speed Sensor Circuit Test, (Reference240­SE11­406). OK: GO TO 6.
Secondary Transmission Speed Sensor Circuit Test, (Reference240­SE11­407). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

AUTOPOWR is a trademark of Deere & Company

IVT is a trademark of Deere & Company
MB33986,0000027 ­19­30NOV05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000027 ­19­30NOV05­8/8

CCU 522384.14 — 4R/5R PTO Inhibit Note: This warning alert code is ONLY operator
induced. No diagnostics required.
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects
that the vehicle is in a high speed reverse gear (4R
or 5R) while rear PTO turned on.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000028 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­49 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear PTO System
Control Unit Response: Rear PTO Disabled
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000028 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks. OK: GO TO 2.

MB33986,0000028 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Code is not stored. Code warning displayed until PTO turned off or transmission shifted OK: Code does not return.
below 4R/5R.
GO TO 3.

NOT OK: Code returns.

GO TO 4.
MB33986,0000028 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate vehicle in reverse gear 4R or 5R then engage rear PTO.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000028 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000028 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No circuit checks. OK: GO TO 6.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000028 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­50 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000028 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CCU 523698.09 — AMS Display Message

Missing Code Caused By: Central Control Unit (CCU) not receiving
required messages from the Greenstar™ Display.
HP51992,000034B ­19­14AUG07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Warning Light
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of Greenstar™ functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,000034B ­19­14AUG07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,000034B ­19­14AUG07­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­51 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,000034B ­19­14AUG07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,000034B ­19­14AUG07­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,000034B ­19­14AUG07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Sensor Supply Voltage Circuit Test, Reference OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page HP51992,000034B ­19­14AUG07­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­52 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 5236981.09,
replace Greenstar™
If Central Control Unit
(CCU) has code 523698.09,
replace CCU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
HP51992,000034B ­19­14AUG07­8/8

CCU 523749.16 — PTO Clutch Slipping Too Switch will not engage PTO until seven seconds have
Long elapsed to give PTO clutch time to cool.
Attention: Ensure CommandCenter™ has rear PTO
Code Caused By: Repeated engagement of PTO with engagement set appropriately. Auto mode automatically
heavy load by operator. Engine speed above 1700 detects and compensates for heavy PTO loads. If the
rpm., engagement of PTO causes engine rpm to fall to rear PTO is not up to speed, auto mode increases
500 rpm and overheating of PTO clutch. CCU will turn the engagement rate. A high rate can be used for
PTO OFF and set code. Code will display for seven applications where rear PTO clutch engagement
seconds if PTO switch is turned OFF. If switch is not needs to be unusually aggressive.
turned OFF, code will display until switch is cycled OFF.
CommandCenter is a trademark of Deere & Company
JP43757,0000006 ­19­08JUL08­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Hydraulic System
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (Off)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page JP43757,0000006 ­19­08JUL08­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­53 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Rear PTO implement installed. Ensure PTO engagement rate is set for implement
via CommandCenter™.

2. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

3. While in park, set engine to 2000 rpm and engage rear PTO.
4. Access CCU Address 052, Hydraulic Oil Temperature. OK: GO TO 2.
5. Verify that the display of Address 052 meets the following specification: NOT OK: GO TO 5.

CCU Address 052—Specification

Rear Hydraulic Oil Temperature—Sta­
tus.................................................................................................................­40 ­ 125 °C
(­40 ­ 257 °F)
JP43757,0000006 ­19­08JUL08­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record, and clear codes for this control unit.

If using ServiceAdvisor™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection to

the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using ServiceAdvisor™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, Record, OK: Code does not return.
and Clear Codes for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

ServiceAdvisor is a trademark of Deere & Company

JP43757,0000006 ­19­08JUL08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Rear PTO implement installed. Ensure PTO engagement rate is set for implement
via CommandCenter™.

2. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

3. While in park, set engine to 2000 rpm and engage rear PTO.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

JP43757,0000006 ­19­08JUL08­5/8

•4 System Checks Download latest PTI/PTQ/PTP software from John Deere Custom Performance (SDS), OK: GO TO 5.
and reprogram controller on tractor.

JP43757,0000006 ­19­08JUL08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­208). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page JP43757,0000006 ­19­08JUL08­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­54 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
JP43757,0000006 ­19­08JUL08­8/8

CCU 523851.02 — IMS Disabled Due to HCU Attention: Aborts IMS sequence. Alarm remains
until IMS is turned off.
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects Associated Codes: This code is most likely a result
that the Implement Management System (IMS) of a Hitch Control Unit (HCU) code. Each individual
aborted the sequence because of a lack of response HCU code must be resolved before conducting
from the Hitch Control Unit (HCU). 523851.02 code diagnostics.
MB33986,0000075 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Implement Management System
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000075 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CCU Address 100, IMS Installed Status. OK: GO TO 2.

3. Verify that the display of Address 100 meets the following specification: NOT OK: GO TO 5.

CCU Address 100—Specification

IMS Installed Status—Status....................................................................... 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled

Continued on next page MB33986,0000075 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­55 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000075 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Disconnect all implements.

2. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

3. Operate with a hitch­related IMS sequence.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000075 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000075 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks (Reference 245­05­006). OK: GO TO 6.

NOTE: Check Controller Area Network (CAN) interconnection from Hitch NOT OK: Problem
Control Unit (HCU) to Chassis Control Unit (CCU). identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000075 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­56 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000075 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CCU 523916.00 — Hydraulic Oil Filter Bar [61.64 PSI]) while the engine speed is below
Restriction Sensor Bypassed Under 1500 1500 RPM, for longer than 15 seconds.
RPM Associated Codes: This code is most likely a result
of 523916.03 or 523916.04 codes. Each individual
code 523916.03 or 523916.04 must be resolved before
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects conducting 523916.00 code diagnostics.
that the hydraulic oil filter (HOF) restriction sensor
detected that the pressure is above 425 kPa (4.25
MB33986,0000029 ­19­20MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Stop
Displayed Text: Hydraulic Oil Filter Bypassed
Control Unit Response: CCU commands low idle until the operator shuts off the engine.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000029 ­19­20MAR06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­57 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 016, Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor Voltage.
3. Verify that the display at Address 016 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 016—Specification

Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor
Voltage—Voltage......................................................................... 0.1 volts = Low Range
4.9 volts = High Range

NOTE: A hydraulic oil filter (HOF) restriction sensor voltage below 0.1 volts usually
indicates an open circuit and above 4.9 volts usually indicates a short circuit.
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic (Reference 240­SE11­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000029 ­19­20MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000029 ­19­20MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate vehicle at rated speed for 15 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000029 ­19­20MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000029 ­19­20MAR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor Circuit Test (Reference

If problem is not identified perform: OK: GO TO 6.

Hydraulic System Diagnosis (in Section 213, Group 70). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000029 ­19­20MAR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­58 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000029 ­19­20MAR06­8/8

CCU 523916.03 — Hydraulic Oil Filter Attention: Assumes filter not restricted. If last
Restriction Sensor Circuit Voltage High known as restricted, low idle is commanded until
the operator shuts off the engine.
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects
that the hydraulic oil filter restriction sensor voltage is
above 4.9 volts, for longer than 750 milliseconds.
MB33986,000002A ­19­20MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Hydraulic Oil Filter System
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000002A ­19­20MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 016, Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor Voltage.
3. Verify that the display at Address 016 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 016—Specification

Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor
Voltage—Voltage......................................................................... 0.1 volts = Low Range
4.9 volts = High Range

NOTE: A hydraulic oil filter (HOF) restriction sensor voltage below 0.1 volts usually
indicates an open circuit and above 4.9 volts usually indicates a short circuit.
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic (Reference 240­SE11­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,000002A ­19­20MAR06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­59 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000002A ­19­20MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate vehicle at rated speed for 15 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000002A ­19­20MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000002A ­19­20MAR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor Circuit Test (Reference

If problem is not identified perform: OK: GO TO 6.

Hydraulic System Diagnosis (in Section 213, Group 70). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,000002A ­19­20MAR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­60 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,000002A ­19­20MAR06­8/8

CCU 523916.04 — Hydraulic Oil Filter Attention: Assumes filter not restricted. If last
Restriction Sensor Circuit Voltage Low known as restricted, low idle is commanded until
the operator shuts off the engine.
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects
that the hydraulic oil filter restriction sensor voltage is
below 0.1 volts, for longer than 750 milliseconds.
MB33986,000002B ­19­20MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Hydraulic Oil Filter System
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000002B ­19­20MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 016, Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor Voltage.
3. Verify that the display at Address 016 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 016—Specification

Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor
Voltage—Voltage......................................................................... 0.5 volts = Low Range
4.5 volts = High Range

NOTE: A hydraulic oil filter (HOF) restriction sensor voltage below 0.1 volts usually
indicates an open circuit and above 4.9 volts usually indicates a short circuit.
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic (Reference 240­SE11­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,000002B ­19­20MAR06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­61 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000002B ­19­20MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate vehicle at rated speed for 15 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000002B ­19­20MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000002B ­19­20MAR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor Circuit Test (Reference

If problem is not identified perform: OK: GO TO 6.

Hydraulic System Diagnosis (in Section 213, Group 70). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,000002B ­19­20MAR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­62 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,000002B ­19­20MAR06­8/8

CCU 523916.15 — Hydraulic Oil Filter that the pressure is above 350 kPa (3.5 Bar [50.75 PSI]),
Restricted but below 425 kPa (4.25 Bar [61.64 PSI]) while the engine
speed is above 800 RPM, for longer than 15 seconds.
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects that
the hydraulic oil filter (HOF) restriction sensor detected
MB33986,000002C ­19­20MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Hydraulic Oil Filter Restricted
Control Unit Response: Alarm remains until the condition is resolved.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000002C ­19­20MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 016, Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor Voltage.
3. Verify that the display at Address 016 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 016—Specification

Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor
Voltage—Voltage......................................................................... 0.1 volts = Low Range
4.9 volts = High Range

NOTE: A hydraulic oil filter (HOF) restriction sensor voltage below 0.1 volts usually
indicates an open circuit and above 4.9 volts usually indicates a short circuit.
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic (Reference 240­SE11­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,000002C ­19­20MAR06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­63 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000002C ­19­20MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate vehicle at rated speed for 15 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000002C ­19­20MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000002C ­19­20MAR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor Circuit Test (Reference

If problem is not identified perform: OK: GO TO 6.

Hydraulic System Diagnosis (in Section 213, Group 70). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,000002C ­19­20MAR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­64 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,000002C ­19­20MAR06­8/8

CCU 523916.16 — Hydraulic Oil Filter Bar [61.64 PSI]) while the engine speed is above
Restriction Sensor Bypassed Over 1500 RPM 1500 RPM, for longer than 15 seconds.
Associated Codes: This code is most likely a result
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) of 523916.03 or 523916.04 codes. Each individual
detects that the hydraulic oil filter restriction sensor code 523916.03 or 523916.04 must be resolved before
detected that the pressure is above 425 kPa (4.25 conducting 523916.16 code diagnostics.
MB33986,000002D ­19­20MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Hydraulic Oil Filter Bypassed
Control Unit Response: CCU commands 1500 RPM engine speed until the operator shuts off the engine.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,000002D ­19­20MAR06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­65 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 016, Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor Voltage.
3. Verify that the display at Address 016 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 016—Specification

Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor
Voltage—Voltage......................................................................... 0.1 volts = Low Range
4.9 volts = High Range

NOTE: A hydraulic oil filter (HOF) restriction sensor voltage below 0.1 volts usually
indicates an open circuit and above 4.9 volts usually indicates a short circuit.
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic (Reference 240­SE11­001). NOT OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,000002D ­19­20MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000002D ­19­20MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate vehicle at rated speed for 15 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000002D ­19­20MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000002D ­19­20MAR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Sensor Circuit Test (Reference

If problem is not identified perform: OK: GO TO 6.

Hydraulic System Diagnosis (in Section 213, Group 70). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,000002D ­19­20MAR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­66 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,000002D ­19­20MAR06­8/8

CCU 524016.04 — CCU Switched Supply Attention: Wake­up voltage is switched battery
Voltage Low voltage (ELX), 12.5­14.5 volts.
Associated Codes: Other CCU XXXXXX.04 low
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects voltage codes for sensors (clean oil reservoir level, air
that the switched supply voltage (wake­up voltage) from brake pressure, clutch disengaged, and primary wheel
the Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit is low. speed) powered by this input are disabled.
MB33986,000002E ­19­20MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000002E ­19­20MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CCU Address 015, Sensor Supply Status.

3. Verify that the display at Address 015 meets the following specifications: OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 015—Specification

Sensor Supply Status—Status................................................. 0 = Voltage Not Detected
1 = Voltage Detected

NOTE: CCU switched sensor supply voltage is battery voltage supplied

via the Cab Load Center (CLC), normally at battery voltage
9.00­16.00 (nominal 12.5­14.5 volts). This address just detects
if voltage is present at 12 volt level or not.
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
erence 240­SE11­001).

Continued on next page MB33986,000002E ­19­20MAR06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­67 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000002E ­19­20MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000002E ­19­20MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000002E ­19­20MAR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) ELX Wake­Up Output Circuit Test
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,000002E ­19­20MAR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­68 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,000002E ­19­20MAR06­8/8

CCU 524223.03 — Differential Lock Switch Note: Ensure foot or floor mat is not resting
Circuit Voltage High on differential lock switch.
Attention: While fault active, the differential
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects lock can not be engaged.
that the differential lock switch has been closed for
more than 15 seconds after power­up.
MB33986,0000076 ­19­20MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Differential Lock System
Control Unit Response: Differential Lock Disabled.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000076 ­19­20MAR06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­69 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CAB Address 010, Rear Differential Lock Switch.

3. Verify that the display at CAB Address 010 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.
CAB Address 010—Specification
Rear Differential Lock Switch—Status............................................... 0 = Not Active (off)
1 = Active (on)

NOTE: The rear differential lock solenoid is controlled by the CCU, after the
differential lock switch sends a command signal. There is no CCU
address detecting solenoid voltage, nor switch status. Therefore, CAB
address 010 must be viewed to monitor if the differential lock switch
command to the CCU is to open or to close the switch.
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Reference NOT OK: GO TO 5.
240­SE11­001 ) for the differential lock solenoid circuit and see Cab
Control Unit (CAB) Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001 )
for the differential lock switch circuit.
MB33986,0000076 ­19­20MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000076 ­19­20MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Engage differential lock and then depress brake pedals to disengage; repeat
a few times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000076 ­19­20MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000076 ­19­20MAR06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­70 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Differential Lock Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­108). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,0000076 ­19­20MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000076 ­19­20MAR06­8/8

CCU 524224.02 — Rear PTO Switch Voltage Associated Codes: This code is most likely a
Mismatch result of an Armrest Control Unit (ACU) code.
Each individual ACU code must be resolved before
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects conducting 524224.02 code diagnostics.
that the rear PTO switch input signal differs from the
Armrest Control Unit (ACU) rear PTO switch output signal.
MB33986,000002F ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear PTO System
Control Unit Response: Rear PTO Disabled.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,000002F ­19­19JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­71 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CCU Address 007, Rear PTO Switch, and ACU Address 015, Rear PTO
3. Verify that the display at CCU Address 007 and ACU Address 015 meets the OK: GO TO 2.
following specifications:

CCU Address 007—Specification

Rear PTO Switch—Status............................................................ 0 = Open (no voltage)
1 = Closed (voltage)

ACU Address 015—Specification

Rear PTO Switch—Status........................................ 0X = ON switch, open (no voltage)
1X = ON switch, closed (voltage)
X0 = OFF switch, open (no voltage)
X1 = OFF switch, closed (voltage)
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE11­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
001) and Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic (Reference 240­SE13­001).
MB33986,000002F ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000002F ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Engage and disengage rear PTO several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000002F ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000002F ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear PTO Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE13­007). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,000002F ­19­19JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­72 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,000002F ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CCU 524224.14 — Rear PTO Disabled • One or more of the switches turned ON while
starting engine (most common).
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects • Preselector switch comes ON while PTO
that the rear PTO switch is commanded on or off turned OFF.
but input to CCU disagrees/is opposite. • External switch turned ON while PTO turned OFF.
Note: Ask operator about conditions/positions of the • Preselector switch goes OFF while PTO is in
rear PTO switch, rear PTO preselector switch, and rear remote and rear PTO switch is ON.
PTO external switch when code was generated. • Preselector switch goes OFF after PTO
Associated Codes: This code is most likely a result of ON remotely.
an Armrest Control Unit (ACU) code or a CAB Control • Rear PTO switch turned ON, then IMS turned
Unit code. Each individual ACU or CAB code must be PTO OFF, then IMS was turned OFF.
resolved before conducting 524224.14 code diagnostics. • Armrest Control Unit (ACU) not con­
figured properly.
NOTE: CCU 524224.14 will be generated when • CAB Control Unit (CAB) not configured properly.
any of the following occur: • VIN security diagnostic trouble code active.
• One or more of the switches turned ON
while engine not running.
MB33986,0000077 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: PTO Switch
Control Unit Response: Rear PTO Disabled.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000077 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­73 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 007, Rear PTO Switch, ACU Address 015, Rear PTO
Switches, and CAB Address 012, Rear PTO Preselector & External Switches.
3. Verify that the display at CCU Address 007, ACU Address 015, and CAB Address OK: GO TO 2.
012 meets the following specifications:

CCU Address 007—Specification

Rear PTO Switch—Status............................................................ 0 = Open (no voltage)
1 = Closed (voltage)

ACU Address 015—Specification

Rear PTO Switch—Status........................................ 0X = ON switch, open (no voltage)
1X = ON switch, closed (voltage)
X0 = OFF switch, open (no voltage)
X1 = OFF switch, closed (voltage)

CAB Address 012—Specification

Rear PTO Preselector & External
Switches—Rear PTO Remote ON
Status.......................................................................................................1XXX = Closed
0XXX = Open
Rear PTO Remote OFF Status ...............................................................X1XX = Closed
X0XX = Open
Rear PTO Preselector ON Status ............................................................ XX1X = Active
XX0X = Not Active
Rear PTO Preselector OFF Status .......................................................... XXX1 = Active
XXX0 = Not Active
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­ NOT OK: GO TO 4.
SE11­001), Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic (Reference 240­SE13­001),
and CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001).
MB33986,0000077 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If DTC CCU 001883.00, CCU 001883.01, CCU 001883.13 are present, NOT OK: Code returns.
diagnose that code before proceeding with current diagnosis.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,0000077 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­74 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn all rear PTO switches OFF (rear PTO switch, preselector and external

2. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

3. Verify PTO is not running.
4. Engage rear PTO switch, verify PTO is running.
5. Disengage rear PTO switch.
6. Engage rear PTO preselector switch.
7. Engage rear PTO switch.
8. Engage and then disengage PTO using the rear PTO external switch, verify PTO
9. Disengage rear PTO switch.
10. Disengage rear PTO preselector switch.
11. Check for code return.
NOTE: If DTC CCU 001883.00, CCU 001883.01, or CCU 001883.13 are present, OK: Code does not return.
diagnose that code before proceeding with current diagnosis. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000077 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform VIN Security Fault Diagnosis (Reference 245­05­201). Reprogram any
control units that do not match the VIN.

Then perform Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Calibration (Reference 245­CCU­001 ). OK: GO TO 5.
MB33986,0000077 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear PTO Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE13­007).

Then perform both of the following:

Rear PTO Preselector Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­104). OK: GO TO 6.
Rear PTO External Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­105). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
Continued on next page MB33986,0000077 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­75 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000077 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CCU 524235.05 — MFWD Solenoid Circuit

Fault Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects a
malfunction in the MFWD solenoid driver or circuit (open,
short, or over­temperature), while MFWD disengaged.
MB33986,0000078 ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: MFWD System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000078 ­19­19JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000078 ­19­19JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­76 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,0000078 ­19­19JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Cycle MFWD switch through all positions (off, auto, brake assist), several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,0000078 ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000078 ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform MFWD Solenoid Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­213). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000078 ­19­19JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­77 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,0000078 ­19­19JUL05­8/8

CCU 524236.31 — MFWD Switch/IMS Conflict Note: This code is operator induced.
Attention: Code can be cleared by turning
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects Implement Management System (IMS) back ON
that the Implement Management System (IMS) was or cycling MFWD Switch.
turned off while commanding MFWD and IMS command
differs from the MFWD switch command.
MB33986,0000079 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: MFWD System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,0000079 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

MB33986,0000079 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code No verification required. OK: Code does not return.

GO TO 3.

Continued on next page MB33986,0000079 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­78 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
No operational check required. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.

NOT OK: Code returns,

GO TO 4.
MB33986,0000079 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,0000079 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No circuit checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

MB33986,0000079 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems
• Intermittent failures
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).

MB33986,0000079 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

CCU 524251.31 — Operator Not Present With Note: This code can be operator induced.
Rear PTO On Attention: Ensure operator weighs enough to
activate the presence (seat) switch and inspect
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects the seat wiring harness condition.
that the PTO engaged while the operator is out of the seat
or the operator leaves the seat while the PTO is engaged.
Continued on next page MB33986,000007A ­19­22DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­79 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear PTO ON
Control Unit Response: Alarm remains until the condition is resolved.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000007A ­19­22DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 007, Rear PTO Switch, CAB Address 013, Miscellaneous
Input Switches (Operator Presence Switch) and ACU Address 015, Rear PTO
3. Verify that the display at the CCU Address 007, CAB Address 013 and ACU OK: GO TO 2.
Address 015 meets the following specifications:

CCU Address 007—Specification

Rear PTO Switch—Status............................................................ 0 = Open (no voltage)
1 = Closed (voltage)

CAB Address 013—Specification

Miscellaneous Switches—Status................................................................X0XXX = Not
Active (Operator Presence Switch)
X1XXX = Active (Operator Presence Switch)

ACU Address 015—Specification

Rear PTO Switch—Status........................................ 0X = ON switch, open (no voltage)
1X = ON switch, closed (voltage)
X0 = OFF switch, open (no voltage)
X1 = OFF switch, closed (voltage)
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Reference NOT OK: GO TO 5.
240­SE11­001), Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic and Diagram
(Reference 240­SE13­001), CAB Control Unit With Active Seat Schematic
and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001), and Manual Seat Schematic
and Diagram (Reference 240­SE02­001).
MB33986,000007A ­19­22DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,000007A ­19­22DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­80 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. While seated, engage/disengage the rear PTO several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000007A ­19­22DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000007A ­19­22DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Operator Presence Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­120) and Rear OK: GO TO 6.
PTO Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE13­007).

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,000007A ­19­22DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).

MB33986,000007A ­19­22DEC05­8/8

CCU 524252.05 — Rear PTO Solenoid Circuit Attention: The CCU commanded 100% current (1100
Fault milliampere) but received below 75% current (825
milliampere) or commanded 0% current (0 milliampere)
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) detects a but received above 10% current (110 milliampere).
malfunction in the rear PTO solenoid driver or circuit (open,
short, or over­temperature), while rear PTO is disengaged.
Continued on next page MB33986,000007B ­19­20MAR06­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­81 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear PTO System
Control Unit Response: Rear PTO Disabled.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
JDG774 — Jumper Harness
DFRW126 — Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000007B ­19­20MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 119, Rear PTO Valve Command Current and CCU Address
120, Rear PTO Valve Current.
3. Verify that the display at Address 119 and Address 120 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CCU Address 119—Specification

Rear PTO Valve Command
Current—Milliampere............................................... 0000 mA = PTO OFF (Low Range)
1150 mA = PTO ON (High Range)

CCU Address 120—Specification

Rear PTO Valve Current—Milliampere.................... 0000 mA = PTO OFF (Low Range)
1150 mA = PTO ON (High Range)
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Ref­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
erence 240­SE11­001).
MB33986,000007B ­19­20MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000007B ­19­20MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Engage and disengage rear PTO several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page MB33986,000007B ­19­20MAR06­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­82 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000007B ­19­20MAR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear PTO Solenoid Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE11­214). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
MB33986,000007B ­19­20MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,000007B ­19­20MAR06­8/8

CCU 524255.31 — Rear PTO Remote Enabled Note: This code serves as a safety alert, when the
external PTO switch engagement is used. The CCU is
Code Caused By: Chassis Control Unit (CCU) ready to turn on the rear PTO with the external switch.
detects that rear PTO external switch function is being Attention: Turn on the rear PTO preselector switch
requested while rear PTO switch is off. first, the rear PTO switch second, and then the rear
PTO external switch third. Diagnostics only need to be
conducted if rear PTO system not functional.
MB33986,000007C ­19­19JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Remote PTO Enabled
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,000007C ­19­19JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­83 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CCU Address 007, Rear PTO Switch, ACU Address 015, Rear PTO
Switches, and CAB Address 012, Rear PTO Preselector & External Switches.
3. Verify that the display at CCU Address 007, ACU Address 015, and CAB Address OK: GO TO 2.
012 meets the following specifications:

CCU Address 007—Specification

Rear PTO Switch—Status............................................................ 0 = Open (no voltage)
1 = Closed (voltage)

ACU Address 015—Specification

Rear PTO Switch—Status........................................ 0X = ON switch, open (no voltage)
1X = ON switch, closed (voltage)
X0 = OFF switch, open (no voltage)
X1 = OFF switch, closed (voltage)

CAB Address 012—Specification

Rear PTO Preselector & External
Switches—Rear PTO Remote ON
Status.......................................................................................................1XXX = Closed
0XXX = Open
Rear PTO Remote OFF Status ...............................................................X1XX = Closed
X0XX = Open
Rear PTO Preselector ON Status ............................................................ XX1X = Active
XX0X = Not Active
Rear PTO Preselector OFF Status .......................................................... XXX1 = Active
XXX0 = Not Active
NOTE: See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
SE11­001), Armrest Control Unit (ACU) Schematic (Reference 240­SE13­001),
and CAB Control Unit Schematic and Diagram (Reference 240­SE10­001).
MB33986,000007C ­19­19JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,000007C ­19­19JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­84 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
NOTE: Ensure no implement attached to rear PTO.

1. Ensure rear PTO preselector switch and rear PTO switch OFF.
2. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).
3. Turn rear PTO switch ON. Check if the rear PTO engages and check for codes.
4. Turn rear PTO switch OFF.
5. Turn rear PTO preselector switch ON. Check for codes.
6. With rear PTO preselector switch still ON, turn rear PTO switch ON again. Check if OK: Code does not return
the rear PTO engages and check for codes. and rear PTO operated.
Diagnosis complete.
7. Still with same configuration as step #6, cycle rear PTO external switch ON/OFF. NOT OK: Code returns
Check if the rear PTO engages/disengages and check for codes. when rear PTO switch is
GO TO 4.
8. Still with same configuration as step #6, hold rear PTO external switch ON for NOT OK: Code returns
several seconds. Check if the rear PTO engages and check for codes. when rear PTO preselector
switch is activated.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 when rear PTO external
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). switch is activated.
GO TO 4.
MB33986,000007C ­19­19JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000007C ­19­19JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all of the following:

Rear PTO Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE13­007).

Rear PTO Preselector Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­104). OK: GO TO 6.
Rear PTO External Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE10­105). NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
Continued on next page MB33986,000007C ­19­19JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­85 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CCU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Chassis Control
Unit (CCU) Test (Reference
Power Train AUTOPOWR™
/ IVT™ (PTI) Transmission
Control Unit Test or
Reference Power Train
PST (PTP) Transmission
Control Unit Test).
MB33986,000007C ­19­19JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CCU­86 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group CLC
CLC Code Diagnostics

CLC 000158.00 — CLC Switched Supply is above 15.5 volts while the engine speed is above
Voltage High 512 RPM, for longer than 2 seconds.
Associated Codes: This code and other 000158.XX
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control codes may be present in other control units. Perform
unit detects that the switched battery supply voltage CLC code diagnostics first.
MB33986,00000B3 ­19­29NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000B3 ­19­29NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CLC Address 048, CLC Switched Supply Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 048 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 048—Specification

CLC Switched Supply Voltage—Voltage................................... 12.50 volts (Low Range)
15.50 volts (High Range)

NOTE: Cab Load Center (CLC) switched supply voltage is switched battery
voltage (ELX input), normally at 12.5­14.5 volts.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000B3 ­19­29NOV05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a OK: Code does not return.
connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
GO TO 3.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, NOT OK: More than one
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure. control unit has code
000158.00 or 000158.03.
GO TO 4.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code CLC
000158.00 is present.
GO TO 5.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000B3 ­19­29NOV05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate vehicle at above 1500 RPM for 10 minutes. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: More than one
control unit has code
000158.00 or 000158.03.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code CLC
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 000158.00 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 5.
MB33986,00000B3 ­19­29NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Charging System Voltage Test (Reference 240­SE01­003). OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000B3 ­19­29NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) System Voltage and Ground Circuit Test
(Reference 240­SE06­101).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000B3 ­19­29NOV05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000B3 ­19­29NOV05­8/8

CLC 000158.01 — CLC Switched Supply is below 12.5 volts while the engine speed is above
Voltage Low 1500 RPM, for longer than 2 seconds.
Associated Codes: This code and other 000158.XX
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control codes may be present in other control units. Perform
unit detects that the switched battery supply voltage CLC code diagnostics first.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000B5 ­19­29NOV05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000B5 ­19­29NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CLC Address 048, CLC Switched Supply Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 048 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 048—Specification

CLC Switched Supply Voltage—Voltage................................... 12.50 volts (Low Range)
15.50 volts (High Range)

NOTE: Cab Load Center (CLC) switched supply voltage is switched battery
voltage (ELX input), normally at 12.5­14.5 volts.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000B5 ­19­29NOV05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a OK: Code does not return.
connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
GO TO 3.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, NOT OK: More than one
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure. control unit has code
000158.01, 000158.04,
000158.17, or 000158.18.
GO TO 4.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code CLC
000158.01 is present.
GO TO 5.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000B5 ­19­29NOV05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate vehicle above 1500 RPM for 10 minutes. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: More than one
control unit has code
000158.01 or 000158.04.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code CLC
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 000158.01 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 5.
MB33986,00000B5 ­19­29NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Charging System Voltage Test (Reference 240­SE01­003). OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000B5 ­19­29NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) System Voltage and Ground Circuit Test
(Reference 240­SE06­101).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000B5 ­19­29NOV05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000B5 ­19­29NOV05­8/8

CLC 000158.17 — CLC Switched Supply voltage is below 11.2 volts while the engine is
Voltage Low With Engine OFF OFF, for longer than 2 seconds.
Associated Codes: This code and other 000158.XX
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control codes may be present in other control units. Perform
unit detects that the switched battery supply CLC code diagnostics first.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000B6 ­19­29NOV05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000B6 ­19­29NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 048, CLC Switched Supply Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 048 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 048—Specification

CLC Switched Supply Voltage—Voltage................................... 11.20 volts (Low Range)
15.50 volts (High Range)

NOTE: Cab Load Center (CLC) switched supply voltage is switched battery
voltage (ELX input), normally at 12.5­14.5 volts.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000B6 ­19­29NOV05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a OK: Code does not return.
connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
GO TO 3.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, NOT OK: More than one
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure. control unit has code
000158.01, 000158.04,
000158.17, or 000158.18.
GO TO 4.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code CLC
000158.17 is present.
GO TO 5.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000B6 ­19­29NOV05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Wait 10 minutes. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: More than one
control unit has code
000158.01, 000158.04,
000158.17 or 000158.18.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code CLC
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 000158.17 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 5.
MB33986,00000B6 ­19­29NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Charging System Voltage Test (Reference 240­SE01­003). OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000B6 ­19­29NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) System Voltage and Ground Circuit Test
(Reference 240­SE06­101).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000B6 ­19­29NOV05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000B6 ­19­29NOV05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

CLC 000158.18 — CLC Switched Supply is below 11.2 volts while the engine speed is below
Voltage Low With Engine Below 1500 RPM 1500 RPM, for longer than 2 seconds.
Associated Codes: This code and other 000158.XX
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control codes may be present in other control units. Perform
unit detects that the switched battery supply voltage CLC code diagnostics first.
MB33986,00000B7 ­19­29NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000B7 ­19­29NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CLC Address 048, CLC Switched Supply Voltage.

3. Operate vehicle engine below 1500 RPM.
4. Verify that the display at Address 048 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 048—Specification

CLC Switched Supply Voltage—Voltage................................... 12.50 volts (Low Range)
15.50 volts (High Range)

NOTE: Cab Load Center (CLC) switched supply voltage is switched battery
voltage (ELX input), normally at 12.5­14.5 volts.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000B7 ­19­29NOV05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a OK: Code does not return.
connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
GO TO 3.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, NOT OK: More than one
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure. control unit has code
000158.01, 000158.04,
000158.17, or 000158.18.
GO TO 4.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code CLC
000158.18 is present.
GO TO 5.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000B7 ­19­29NOV05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Operate vehicle below 1500 RPM, for 10 minutes. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: More than one
control unit has code
000158.01, 000158.04,
000158.17 or 000158.18.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code CLC
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 000158.18 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 5.
MB33986,00000B7 ­19­29NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Charging System Voltage Test (Reference 240­SE01­003). OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000B7 ­19­29NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) System Voltage and Ground Circuit Test
(Reference 240­SE06­101).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000B7 ­19­29NOV05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000B7 ­19­29NOV05­8/8

CLC 000628.02 — CLC EOL Data Fault

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit
detects that its End Of Line (EOL) memory failed at start up.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000B8 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Programming
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000B8 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

MB33986,00000B8 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000B8 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF), at least 10 different times.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000B8 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks End Of Line (EOL) Data Faults can sometimes be corrected by downloading new
software. Attempt to download software for this application.
OK: Software download
was successful. Perform
setups and calibrations as
See Programming Control Units (Reference 245­05­005). NOT OK: Software
download unsuccessful
or did not solve problem.
GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000B8 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000B8 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000B8 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 000628.12 — CLC Programming

Displayed Text: Programming
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control Control Unit Response: No functions available until
unit detects that an interruption occurred during programming is complete
the process of updating software.
Programming codes occur only during process of updating
Code Diagnosis or loading new software. It is not an error and there is
no diagnosis required.
Alarm Level: Information
MB33986,00000B9 ­19­30JUN05­1/1

CLC 000629.11 — CLC Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control
unit detects that its check of the RAM memory
access failed at start up.
MB33986,00000BA ­19­11NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000BA ­19­11NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000BA ­19­11NOV05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000BA ­19­11NOV05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF), at least 10 different times.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000BA ­19­11NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000BA ­19­11NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

MB33986,00000BA ­19­11NOV05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000BA ­19­11NOV05­8/8

CLC 000629.12 — CLC Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC)
control unit detects that its software failed to
execute in the allotted time.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000BB ­19­11NOV05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Limited Functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000BB ­19­11NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

MB33986,00000BB ­19­11NOV05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000BB ­19­11NOV05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000BB ­19­11NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000BB ­19­11NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000BB ­19­11NOV05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000BB ­19­11NOV05­8/8

CLC 001079.03 — CLC Sensor Supply Attention: Sensor supply voltage is used to supply 5 volts
Voltage High to the CLC internal circuit board temperature sensor.

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control

unit detects that the CLC sensor supply voltage is
above 5.2 volts, for longer than 1 second.
MB33986,00001F6 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: Park Recoverable
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00001F6 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 046, CLC Sensor Supply Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 046 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 046—Specification

CLC Sensor Supply Voltage—Voltage........................................ 4.80 volts (Low Range)
5.20 volts (High Range)
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).

Continued on next page MB33986,00001F6 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00001F6 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00001F6 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00001F6 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) Sensor Supply Voltage Circuit Test (Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

MB33986,00001F6 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00001F6 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

CLC 001079.04 — CLC Sensor Supply Attention: Sensor supply voltage is used to supply 5 volts
Voltage Low to the CLC internal circuit board temperature sensor.

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control

unit detects that the CLC sensor supply voltage is
below 4.8 volts, for longer than 1 second.
MB33986,00001F7 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: Park Recoverable
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00001F7 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 046, CLC Sensor Supply Voltage.

3. Verify that the display at Address 046 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 046—Specification

CLC Sensor Supply Voltage—Voltage........................................ 4.80 volts (Low Range)
5.20 volts (High Range)
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00001F7 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00001F7 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page MB33986,00001F7 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­15 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00001F7 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) Sensor Supply Voltage Circuit Test (Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00001F7 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00001F7 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 002050.06 — CLC Circuit Current High software will begin to automatically shut down
individual drivers (control for load devices) in an
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control attempt to lower the total control unit load current
unit detects that the entire load current on control below its designated maximum amperage level.
units is above 130 amps while the circuit board The software will wait 8 seconds before it shuts
temperature is below 115° C (239° F) or above 100 down the first driver, while subsequent driver
amps while the circuit board temperature is above 115° shut­downs happen in intervals of 2 seconds.
C (239° F), for longer than 2 seconds.
Note: Any flood lighting, hazard lighting, or window wipers NOTE: The software will decide the order of driver
added to the existing circuits can cause this overload code. shut­downs based upon 3 different factors: First ­
Attention: Individual load current drives (various flood shut down drivers over their fuse ratings, beginning
lights, hazard lights, and window wipers) will be disabled. with the ones closest to their timeout limit. Second
Associated Codes: This code is most likely a result ­ shut down drivers according to the software’s
of multiple ”current high” codes (XXXXXX.06). Each predefined order of priority. Third ­ shut down
individual ”current high” (XXXXXX.06) code must be drivers approaching their fuse ratings.
resolved before performing 002050.06 code diagnostics.
NOTE: If the total control unit load current exceeds the
designated maximum amperage level, then the
Continued on next page MB33986,00000BC ­19­11JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: Individual Drivers Disabled.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000BC ­19­11JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CLC Address 045, CLC Total Current.

3. Turn each individual CLC load device (flood lights, hazard lights, front wiper, and
rear wiper) ON one at a time, until one causes overload.
4. Verify that the display at Address 045 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 045—Specification

CLC Total Current—Amperage..................................................0.00 amps (Low Range)
130.00 amps (High Range)
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000BC ­19­11JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000BC ­19­11JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start the engine.

2. Turn each individual CLC load device (flood lights, hazard lights, front wiper, and OK: Code does not return.
rear wiper) ON one at a time, until one causes overload (code returns). Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000BC ­19­11JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000BC ­19­11JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­17 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Complete diagnostics for each individual ”current high” (XXXXXX.06) code. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000BC ­19­11JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000BC ­19­11JUL05­8/8

CLC 002360.05 — Rear Fender Flood Lights Attention: Open circuit is indicated by current being
Circuit Current Low below 500 milliamperes (0.5 amps).

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC)

control unit detects that the left/right rear fender
flood light circuit is open.
MB33986,00000BD ­19­11JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000BD ­19­11JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­18 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 020, Left Rear Fender Flood Lights and CLC Address 021,
Right Rear Fender Flood Lights.
3. Turn the rear fender flood lights on.
NOTE: If the command status below is not 1, it must be verified that the
lights are programmed to be operational, see Programmable Lighting
Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
4. Verify that the display at Address 020 and Address 021 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 020—Specification

Left Rear Fender Flood Light—Left Rear
Fender Flood Light Command Status................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Left Rear Fender Flood Light Current ......................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the left rear fender flood light command status is OFF, the
left rear fender flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the left rear
fender flood light command status is ON, the left rear fender flood
light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 021—Specification

Right Rear Fender Flood Light—Right
Rear Fender Flood Light Command
Status.................................................................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Right Rear Fender Flood Light Current....................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the right rear fender flood light command status is OFF, the
right rear fender flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the right
rear fender flood light command status is ON, the right rear fender
flood light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000BD ­19­11JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000BD ­19­11JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­19 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the rear fender flood lights on, verify lights illuminate.

NOTE: It may have to be verified that the lights are programmed to be operational,
see Programmable Lighting Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000BD ­19­11JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000BD ­19­11JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left/Right Rear Fender Flood Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­122). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000BD ­19­11JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000BD ­19­11JUL05­8/8

CLC 002360.06 — Rear Fender Flood Lights

Circuit Current High Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit
detects that the left/right rear fender flood lights circuit
current exceeds fuse rating of 7 amps.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000BE ­19­11JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­20 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000BE ­19­11JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 020, Left Rear Fender Flood Lights and CLC Address 021,
Right Rear Fender Flood Lights.
3. Turn the rear fender flood lights on.

NOTE: If the command status below is not 1, it must be verified that the
lights are programmed to be operational, see Programmable Lighting
Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
4. Verify that the display at Address 020 and Address 021 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 020—Specification

Left Rear Fender Flood Light—Left Rear
Fender Flood Light Command Status................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Left Rear Fender Flood Light Current ......................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the left rear fender flood light command status is OFF, the
left rear fender flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the left rear
fender flood light command status is ON, the left rear fender flood
light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 021—Specification

Right Rear Fender Flood Light—Right
Rear Fender Flood Light Command
Status.................................................................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Right Rear Fender Flood Light Current....................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the right rear fender flood light command status is OFF, the
right rear fender flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the right
rear fender flood light command status is ON, the right rear fender
flood light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
Continued on next page MB33986,00000BE ­19­11JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000BE ­19­11JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the rear fender flood lights on, verify lights illuminate.

NOTE: It may have to be verified that the lights are programmed to be operational,
see Programmable Lighting Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000BE ­19­11JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000BE ­19­11JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left/Right Rear Fender Flood Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­122). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000BE ­19­11JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000BE ­19­11JUL05­8/8

CLC 002362.05 — Rear Roof Flood Lights Attention: Open circuit is indicated by current being
Circuit Current Low below 500 milliamperes (0.5 amps).

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit

detects that the left/right rear roof flood lights circuit is open.
MB33986,00000BF ­19­11JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000BF ­19­11JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­23 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 024, Left Rear Roof Flood Lights and CLC Address 025,
Right Rear Roof Flood Lights.
3. Turn the rear roof flood lights on.
NOTE: If the command status below is not 1, it must be verified that the
lights are programmed to be operational, see Programmable Lighting
Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
4. Verify that the display at Address 024 and Address 025 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 024—Specification

Left Rear Roof Flood Light—Left Rear
Roof Flood Light Command Status..................................................... 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Left Rear Roof Flood Light Current............................. X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the left rear roof flood light command status is OFF, the
left rear roof flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the left rear
roof flood light command status is ON, the left rear roof flood light
current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 025—Specification

Right Rear Roof Flood Light—Right Rear
Roof Flood Light Command Status..................................................... 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Right Rear Roof Flood Light Current .......................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the right rear roof flood light command status is OFF, the
right rear roof flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the right rear
roof flood light command status is ON, the right rear roof flood
light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000BF ­19­11JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000BF ­19­11JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­24 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the rear roof flood lights on, verify lights illuminate.

NOTE: It may have to be verified that the lights are programmed to be operational,
see Programmable Lighting Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000BF ­19­11JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000BF ­19­11JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left/Right Rear Roof Flood Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­124). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000BF ­19­11JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000BF ­19­11JUL05­8/8

CLC 002362.06 — Rear Roof Flood Lights

Circuit Current High Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit
detects that the left/right rear roof flood lights circuit
current exceeds fuse rating of 7 amps.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000C0 ­19­11JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­25 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000C0 ­19­11JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 024, Left Rear Roof Flood Lights and CLC Address 025,
Right Rear Roof Flood Lights.
3. Turn the rear roof flood lights on.

NOTE: If the command status below is not 1, it must be verified that the
lights are programmed to be operational, see Programmable Lighting
Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
4. Verify that the display at Address 024 and Address 025 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 024—Specification

Left Rear Roof Flood Light—Left Rear
Roof Flood Light Command Status..................................................... 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Left Rear Roof Flood Light Current............................. X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the left rear roof flood light command status is OFF, the
left rear roof flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the left rear
roof flood light command status is ON, the left rear roof flood light
current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 025—Specification

Right Rear Roof Flood Light—Right Rear
Roof Flood Light Command Status..................................................... 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Right Rear Roof Flood Light Current .......................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the right rear roof flood light command status is OFF, the
right rear roof flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the right rear
roof flood light command status is ON, the right rear roof flood
light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
Continued on next page MB33986,00000C0 ­19­11JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­26 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000C0 ­19­11JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the rear roof flood lights on, verify lights illuminate.

NOTE: It may have to be verified that the lights are programmed to be operational,
see Programmable Lighting Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000C0 ­19­11JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000C0 ­19­11JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left/Right Rear Roof Flood Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­124). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000C0 ­19­11JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­27 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000C0 ­19­11JUL05­8/8

CLC 002364.05 — Mid­Body Flood Lights Attention: Open circuit is indicated by current being
Circuit Current Low below 500 milliamperes (0.5 amps).

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC)

control unit detects that the left/right mid­body
flood lights circuit is open.
MB33986,00000C1 ­19­11JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000C1 ­19­11JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­28 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 026, Left Mid­Body Flood Lights and CLC Address 027,
Right Mid­Body Flood Lights.
3. Turn the mid­body flood lights on.
NOTE: If the command status below is not 1, it must be verified that the
lights are programmed to be operational, see Programmable Lighting
Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
4. Verify that the display at Address 026 and Address 027 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 026—Specification

Left Mid­Body Flood Light—Left
Mid­Body Flood Light Command Status............................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Left Mid­Body Flood Light Current .............................. X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the left mid­body flood light command status is OFF, the left
mid­body flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the left mid­body
flood light command status is ON, the left mid­body flood light
current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 027—Specification

Right Mid­Body Flood Light—Right
Mid­Body Flood Light Command Status............................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Right Mid­Body Flood Light Current............................ X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the right mid­body flood light command status is OFF, the
right mid­body flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the right
mid­body flood light command status is ON, the right mid­body flood
light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000C1 ­19­11JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000C1 ­19­11JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­29 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the mid­body flood lights on, verify lights illuminate.

NOTE: It may have to be verified that the lights are programmed to be operational,
see Programmable Lighting Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000C1 ­19­11JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000C1 ­19­11JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left/Right Mid Body Flood Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­121). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000C1 ­19­11JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000C1 ­19­11JUL05­8/8

CLC 002364.06 — Mid­Body Flood Lights

Circuit Current High Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit
detects that the left/right mid­body flood lights circuit
current exceeds fuse rating of 7 amps.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000C2 ­19­11JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­30 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000C2 ­19­11JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 026, Left Mid­Body Flood Lights and CLC Address 027,
Right Mid­Body Flood Lights.
3. Turn the mid­body flood lights on.

NOTE: If the command status below is not 1, it must be verified that the
lights are programmed to be operational, see Programmable Lighting
Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
4. Verify that the display at Address 026 and Address 027 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 026—Specification

Left Mid­Body Flood Light—Left
Mid­Body Flood Light Command Status............................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Left Mid­Body Flood Light Current .............................. X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the left mid­body flood light command status is OFF, the left
mid­body flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the left mid­body
flood light command status is ON, the left mid­body flood light
current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 027—Specification

Right Mid­Body Flood Light—Right
Mid­Body Flood Light Command Status............................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Right Mid­Body Flood Light Current............................ X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the right mid­body flood light command status is OFF, the
right mid­body flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the right
mid­body flood light command status is ON, the right mid­body flood
light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
Continued on next page MB33986,00000C2 ­19­11JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­31 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000C2 ­19­11JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the mid­body flood lights on, verify lights illuminate.

NOTE: It may have to be verified that the lights are programmed to be operational,
see Programmable Lighting Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000C2 ­19­11JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000C2 ­19­11JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left/Right Mid Body Flood Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­121). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000C2 ­19­11JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­32 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000C2 ­19­11JUL05­8/8

CLC 002366.05 — Side Roof Flood Lights Attention: Open circuit is indicated by current being
Circuit Current Low below 500 milliamperes (0.5 amps).

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit

detects that the left/right side roof flood lights circuit is open.
MB33986,00000C3 ­19­11JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000C3 ­19­11JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­33 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 022, Left Side Roof Flood Lights and CLC Address 023,
Right Side Roof Flood Lights.
3. Turn the side roof flood lights on.
NOTE: If the command status below is not 1, it must be verified that the
lights are programmed to be operational, see Programmable Lighting
Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
4. Verify that the display at Address 022 and Address 023 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 022—Specification

Left Side Roof Flood Light—Left Side
Roof Flood Light Command Status..................................................... 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Left Side Roof Flood Light Current ............................. X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the left side roof flood light command status is OFF, the
left side roof flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the left side
roof flood light command status is ON, the left side roof flood light
current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 023—Specification

Right Side Roof Flood Light
Current—Right Side Roof Flood
Light Command Status....................................................................... 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Right Side Roof Flood Light Current ........................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the right side roof flood light command status is OFF, the
right side roof flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the right side
roof flood light command status is ON, the right side roof flood
light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000C3 ­19­11JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000C3 ­19­11JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­34 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the side roof flood lights on, verify lights illuminate.

NOTE: It may have to be verified that the lights are programmed to be operational,
see Programmable Lighting Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000C3 ­19­11JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000C3 ­19­11JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left/Right Side Roof Flood Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­123). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000C3 ­19­11JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000C3 ­19­11JUL05­8/8

CLC 002366.06 — Side Roof Flood Lights

Circuit Current High Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit
detects that the left/right side roof flood lights circuit
current exceeds fuse rating of 7 amps.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000C4 ­19­11JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­35 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000C4 ­19­11JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 022, Left Side Roof Flood Lights and CLC Address 023,
Right Side Roof Flood Lights.
3. Turn the side roof flood lights on.

NOTE: If the command status below is not 1, it must be verified that the
lights are programmed to be operational, see Programmable Lighting
Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
4. Verify that the display at Address 022 and Address 023 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 022—Specification

Left Side Roof Flood Light—Left Side
Roof Flood Light Command Status..................................................... 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Left Side Roof Flood Light Current ............................. X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the left side roof flood light command status is OFF, the
left side roof flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the left side
roof flood light command status is ON, the left side roof flood light
current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 023—Specification

Right Side Roof Flood Light
Current—Right Side Roof Flood
Light Command Status....................................................................... 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Right Side Roof Flood Light Current ........................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the right side roof flood light command status is OFF, the
right side roof flood light current is 0.00 amps. When the right side
roof flood light command status is ON, the right side roof flood
light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
Continued on next page MB33986,00000C4 ­19­11JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­36 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000C4 ­19­11JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the side roof flood lights on, verify lights illuminate.

NOTE: It may have to be verified that the lights are programmed to be operational,
see Programmable Lighting Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000C4 ­19­11JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000C4 ­19­11JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left/Right Side Roof Flood Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­123). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000C4 ­19­11JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­37 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000C4 ­19­11JUL05­8/8

CLC 002368.05 — Left Turn Signal Lights / Attention: Open circuit is indicated by current being
Brake Lights Circuit Current Low below 500 milliamperes (0.5 amps). Brake lights ONLY
apply to European vehicles at serial number —009999.
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit Brake lights apply to both European and North American
detects that the left fender turn signal light, the left roof vehicles at serial number 010000—.
warning lights, or the left brake light circuit is open.
MB33986,00000C5 ­19­23AUG06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000C5 ­19­23AUG06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­38 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 030, Left Fender Turn Signal Light, CLC Address 032, Left
Roof Warning Lights, and/or CLC Address 036, Brake Lights.
3. Independently, turn the left turn signal (fender & roof) lights, the left roof warning
lights (front & rear), and the left brake light (if equipped) on.
4. Verify that the display at Address 030, Address 032, and/or Address 036 meets the OK: GO TO 2.
following specifications:

CLC Address 030—Specification

Left Fender Turn Signal Light—Left
Fender Turn Signal Light Command
Status.................................................................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Left Fender Turn Signal Light Current......................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the left fender turn signal light command status is OFF, the left
fender turn signal light current is 0.00 amps. When the left fender
turn signal light command status is ON, the left fender turn signal
light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 032—Specification

Left Roof Warning Lights—Left Roof
Warning Lights Command Status....................................................... 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Left Roof Warning Lights Current................................ X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the left roof warning lights command status is OFF, the
left roof warning lights current is 0.00 amps. When the left roof
warning lights command status is ON, the left roof warning lights
current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 036—Specification

Brake Lights—Brake Lights Command
Status.................................................................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Brake Lights Current ................................................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00012.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the brake lights command status is OFF, the brake lights current
is 0.00 amps. When the brake lights command status is ON, the
brake lights current is between 0.50 and 12.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000C5 ­19­23AUG06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000C5 ­19­23AUG06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­39 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the turn signal switch to left turn position long enough to visually check that
the left turn signal lights (fender & roof) pulsate on/off.
3. Place the hazard light switch to the ON position long enough to visually check that
the left roof warning lights (front & rear) pulsate on/off.
4. Depress/release the foot brakes long enough to visually check that the left brake
light turns on/off (if equipped).
5. Check for code return after each of the three operations. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000C5 ­19­23AUG06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000C5 ­19­23AUG06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the circuit test for the faulty light; Left Fender Turn Signal Light Circuit
Test (Reference 240­SE06­140), Left Roof Warning Light Circuit Test (Reference
240­SE06­136), or Brake Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­132).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000C5 ­19­23AUG06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000C5 ­19­23AUG06­8/8

CLC 002368.06 — Left Turn Signal Lights / Attention: Open circuit is indicated by current being
Brake Lights Circuit Current High below 500 milliamperes (0.5 amps). Brake lights ONLY
apply to European vehicles at serial number —009999.
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control Brake lights apply to both European and North American
unit detects that the left fender turn signal light or vehicles at serial number 010000—.
left roof warning lights circuit current exceeds fuse
rating of 7 amps and/or left brake light circuit current
exceeds fuse rating of 12 amps.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000C6 ­19­28SEP06­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­40 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000C6 ­19­28SEP06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 030, Left Fender Turn Signal Light, CLC Address 032, Left
Roof Warning Lights, and/or CLC Address 036, Brake Lights.
3. Independently, turn the left turn signal (fender & roof) lights, the left roof warning
lights (front & rear), and the left brake light (if equipped) on.
4. Verify that the display at Address 030, Address 032, and/or Address 036 meets the OK: GO TO 2.
following specifications:

CLC Address 030—Specification

Left Fender Turn Signal Light—Left
Fender Turn Signal Light Command
Status.................................................................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Left Fender Turn Signal Light Current......................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the left fender turn signal light command status is OFF, the left
fender turn signal light current is 0.00 amps. When the left fender
turn signal light command status is ON, the left fender turn signal
light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 032—Specification

Left Roof Warning Lights—Left Roof
Warning Lights Command Status....................................................... 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Left Roof Warning Lights Current................................ X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the left roof warning lights command status is OFF, the
left roof warning lights current is 0.00 amps. When the left roof
warning lights command status is ON, the left roof warning lights
current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 036—Specification

Brake Lights—Brake Lights Command
Status.................................................................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Brake Lights Current ................................................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00012.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the brake lights command status is OFF, the brake lights current
is 0.00 amps. When the brake lights command status is ON, the
brake lights current is between 0.50 and 12.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
Continued on next page MB33986,00000C6 ­19­28SEP06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­41 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000C6 ­19­28SEP06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the turn signal switch to left turn position long enough to visually check that
the left turn signal lights (fender & roof) pulsate on/off.
3. Place the hazard light switch to the ON position long enough to visually check that
the left roof warning lights (front & rear) pulsate on/off.
4. Depress/release the foot brakes long enough to visually check that the left brake
light turns on/off (if equipped).
5. Check for code return after each of the three operations. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000C6 ­19­28SEP06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000C6 ­19­28SEP06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the circuit test for the faulty light; Left Fender Turn Signal Light Circuit
Test (Reference 240­SE06­140), Left Roof Warning Light Circuit Test (Reference
240­SE06­136), or Brake Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­132).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000C6 ­19­28SEP06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­42 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000C6 ­19­28SEP06­8/8

CLC 002370.05 — Right Turn Signal Lights Attention: Open circuit is indicated by current being
Circuit Current Low below 500 milliamperes (0.5 amps). Brake lights
ONLY apply to European vehicles.
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit
detects that the right fender turn signal light, the right roof
warning lights, or the right brake light circuit is open.
MB33986,00000C7 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000C7 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­43 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 031, Right Fender Turn Signal Light, CLC Address 033,
Right Roof Warning Lights, and/or CLC Address 036, Brake Lights.
3. Independently, turn the left turn signal (fender & roof) lights, the left roof warning
lights (front & rear), and the left brake light (if equipped) on.
4. Verify that the display at Address 031, Address 033, and Address 036 meets the OK: GO TO 2.
following specifications:

CLC Address 031—Specification

Right Fender Turn Signal Light—Right
Fender Turn Signal Light Command
Status.................................................................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Right Fender Turn Signal Light Current ...................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the right fender turn signal light command status is OFF, the
right fender turn signal light current is 0.00 amps. When the right
fender turn signal light command status is ON, the right fender turn
signal light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 033—Specification

Right Roof Warning Lights—Right Roof
Warning Lights Command Status....................................................... 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Right Roof Warning Lights Current ............................. X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the right roof warning lights command status is OFF, the
right roof warning lights current is 0.00 amps. When the right roof
warning lights command status is ON, the right roof warning lights
current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 036—Specification

Brake Lights—Brake Lights Command
Status.................................................................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Brake Lights Current ................................................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00012.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the brake lights command status is OFF, the brake lights current
is 0.00 amps. When the brake lights command status is ON, the
brake lights current is between 0.50 and 12.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000C7 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000C7 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­44 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the turn signal switch to right turn position long enough to visually check that
the right turn signal lights (fender & roof) pulsate on/off.
3. Place the hazard light switch to the ON position long enough to visually check that
the right roof warning lights (front & rear) pulsate on/off.
4. Depress/release the foot brakes long enough to visually check that the right brake
light turns on/off (if equipped).
5. Check for code return after each of the three operations. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000C7 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000C7 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the circuit test for the faulty light; Right Fender Turn Signal Light Circuit
Test (Reference 240­SE06­141), Right Roof Warning Light Circuit Test (Reference
240­SE06­137), or Brake Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­132).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000C7 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000C7 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 002370.06 — Right Turn Signal Lights or right roof warning lights circuit current exceeds
Circuit Current High fuse rating of 7 amps and/or right brake light circuit
current exceeds fuse rating of 12 amps.
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control Attention: Brake lights ONLY apply to European vehicles.
unit detects that the right fender turn signal light
Continued on next page MB33986,00000C8 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­45 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000C8 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 031, Right Fender Turn Signal Light, CLC Address 033,
Right Roof Warning Lights, and/or CLC Address 036, Brake Lights.
3. Independently, turn the left turn signal (fender & roof) lights, the left roof warning
lights (front & rear), and the left brake light (if equipped) on.
4. Verify that the display at Address 031, Address 033, and Address 036 meets the OK: GO TO 2.
following specifications:

CLC Address 031—Specification

Right Fender Turn Signal Light—Right
Fender Turn Signal Light Command
Status.................................................................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Right Fender Turn Signal Light Current ...................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the right fender turn signal light command status is OFF, the
right fender turn signal light current is 0.00 amps. When the right
fender turn signal light command status is ON, the right fender turn
signal light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 033—Specification

Right Roof Warning Lights—Right Roof
Warning Lights Command Status....................................................... 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Right Roof Warning Lights Current ............................. X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the right roof warning lights command status is OFF, the
right roof warning lights current is 0.00 amps. When the right roof
warning lights command status is ON, the right roof warning lights
current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.

CLC Address 036—Specification

Brake Lights—Brake Lights Command
Status.................................................................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Brake Lights Current ................................................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00012.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the brake lights command status is OFF, the brake lights current
is 0.00 amps. When the brake lights command status is ON, the
brake lights current is between 0.50 and 12.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
Continued on next page MB33986,00000C8 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­46 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000C8 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Place the turn signal switch to right turn position long enough to visually check that
the right turn signal lights (fender & roof) pulsate on/off.
3. Place the hazard light switch to the ON position long enough to visually check that
the right roof warning lights (front & rear) pulsate on/off.
4. Depress/release the foot brakes long enough to visually check that the right brake
light turns on/off (if equipped).
5. Check for code return after each of the three operations. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000C8 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000C8 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the circuit test for the faulty light; Right Fender Turn Signal Light Circuit
Test (Reference 240­SE06­141), Right Roof Warning Light Circuit Test (Reference
240­SE06­137), or Brake Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­132).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000C8 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­47 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000C8 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 002372.05 — Brake Lights Circuit Attention: Open circuit is indicated by current being
Current Low below 500 milliamperes (0.5 amps). Brake lights ONLY
apply to European vehicles at serial number —009999.
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit Brake lights apply to both European and North American
detects that the left brake light circuit is open. vehicles at serial number 010000—.
MB33986,000067D ­19­28SEP06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000067D ­19­28SEP06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 036, Brake Lights.

3. Depress the left and right brake pedal independently and confirm the light is
4. Verify that the display at Address 036 meets the following specifications: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 036—Specification

Brake Lights—Brake Lights Command
Status.................................................................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Brake Lights Current ................................................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00012.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the brake lights command status is OFF, the brake lights current
is 0.00 amps. When the brake lights command status is ON, the
brake lights current is between 0.50 and 12.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).

Continued on next page MB33986,000067D ­19­28SEP06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­48 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000067D ­19­28SEP06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Depress/release the foot brakes long enough to visually check that the brake
light turns on/off (if equipped).
3. Check for code return after each of the three operations. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000067D ­19­28SEP06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000067D ­19­28SEP06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­132). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

MB33986,000067D ­19­28SEP06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,000067D ­19­28SEP06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­49 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

CLC 002372.06 — Brake Lights Circuit Attention: Open circuit is indicated by current being
Current High below 500 milliamperes (0.5 amps). Brake lights ONLY
apply to European vehicles at serial number —009999.
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control Brake lights apply to both European and North American
unit detects that the brake light circuit current vehicles at serial number 010000—.
exceeds fuse rating of 12 amps.
MB33986,000067E ­19­28SEP06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000067E ­19­28SEP06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 036, Brake Lights.

3. Depress the left and right brake pedal independently and confirm the light is
4. Verify that the display at Address 036 meets the following specifications: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 036—Specification

Brake Lights—Brake Lights Command
Status.................................................................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Brake Lights Current ................................................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00012.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the brake lights command status is OFF, the brake lights current
is 0.00 amps. When the brake lights command status is ON, the
brake lights current is between 0.50 and 12.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,000067E ­19­28SEP06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,000067E ­19­28SEP06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­50 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Depress/release the foot brakes long enough to visually check that the brake
light turns on/off (if equipped).
3. Check for code return after each of the three operations. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,000067E ­19­28SEP06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000067E ­19­28SEP06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­132). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,000067E ­19­28SEP06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,000067E ­19­28SEP06­8/8

CLC 002378.05 — Tail Lights Circuit Current Attention: Open circuit is indicated by current being
Low below 500 milliamperes (0.5 amps) for the left tail light and
below 300 milliamperes (0.3 amps) for the right tail light.
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit
detects that the tail lights circuit is open.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000CB ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­51 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000CB ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 028, Left Tail Light and CLC Address 029, Right Tail Light.
3. Turn the tail lights on (light switch at any position other than exit/egress or off).
4. Verify that the display at Address 028 and Address 029 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 028—Specification

Left Tail Light—Left Tail Light Command
Status.................................................................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Left Tail Light Current.................................................. X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00012.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the left tail light command status is OFF, the left tail light current
is 0.00 amps. When the left tail light command status is ON, the left
tail light current is between 0.50 and 12.00 amps.

CLC Address 029—Specification

Right Tail Light—Right Tail Light
Command Status................................................................................ 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Right Tail Light Current ............................................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the right tail light command status is OFF, the right tail light
current is 0.00 amps. When the right tail light command status is ON,
the right tail light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000CB ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000CB ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­52 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the tail lights on, verify lights illuminate.

NOTE: Tail lights are not programmable and do not illuminate when light
switch in the exit/egress and off positions.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000CB ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000CB ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left Tail Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­130) or Right Tail Light
Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­131).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000CB ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000CB ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 002378.06 — Tail Lights Circuit Current

High Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit
detects that the tail light circuit current exceeds fuse rating
of 7 amps for right tail light and 12 amps for left tail light.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000CC ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­53 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000CC ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 028, Left Tail Light and CLC Address 029, Right Tail Light.
3. Turn the tail lights on (light switch at any position other than exit/egress or off).
4. Verify that the display at Address 028 and Address 029 meets the following OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 028—Specification

Left Tail Light—Left Tail Light Command
Status.................................................................................................. 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Left Tail Light Current.................................................. X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00012.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the left tail light command status is OFF, the left tail light current
is 0.00 amps. When the left tail light command status is ON, the left
tail light current is between 0.50 and 12.00 amps.

CLC Address 029—Specification

Right Tail Light—Right Tail Light
Command Status................................................................................ 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Right Tail Light Current ............................................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the right tail light command status is OFF, the right tail light
current is 0.00 amps. When the right tail light command status is ON,
the right tail light current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000CC ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000CC ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­54 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the tail lights on, verify lights illuminate.

NOTE: Tail lights are not programmable and do not illuminate when light
switch in the exit/egress and off positions.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000CC ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000CC ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Left Tail Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­130) or Right Tail Light
Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­131).
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000CC ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000CC ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 002394.06 — Trailer Flood Light Circuit NOTE: If trailer flood light current draw exceeds
Current High 12 amps under normal conditions, it may be
necessary to use alternative wiring to control
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control additional lighting on the implement.
unit detects that the trailer flood light circuit current
exceeds fuse rating of 12 amps.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000D0 ­19­26JUN08­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­55 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000D0 ­19­26JUN08­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 037, Trailer Flood Lights.

3. Turn the trailer flood lights on.

NOTE: If the command status below is not 1, it must be verified that the
lights are programmed to be operational, see Programmable Lighting
Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
4. Verify that the display at Address 037 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 037—Specification

Trailer Flood Lights—Trailer Flood Light
Command Status................................................................................ 0XXXXX.XX = Off
Trailer Flood Light Current .......................................... X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00012.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the trailer flood light command status is OFF, the trailer flood light
current is 0.00 amps. When the trailer flood light command status is ON,
the trailer flood light current is between 0.50 and 12.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000D0 ­19­26JUN08­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000D0 ­19­26JUN08­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­56 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the trailer flood lights on, verify lights illuminate.

NOTE: It may have to be verified that the lights are programmed to be operational,
see Programmable Lighting Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000D0 ­19­26JUN08­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000D0 ­19­26JUN08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Trailer Flood Light Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­126). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000D0 ­19­26JUN08­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000D0 ­19­26JUN08­8/8

CLC 002863.02 — Front Wiper Switch Circuit (low, high, or intermittent) are active at the same
Fault time, for longer than 0.5 seconds.

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control

unit detects that two of the front wiper switch inputs
Continued on next page MB33986,00000D1 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­57 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Wiper System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000D1 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 013, Wiper Switches.

3. Turn the front wiper switch to the different positions (off, low, high, intermittent,
and wash).
4. Verify that the display at Address 013 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 013—Specification

Wiper Switches—Front Wiper Motor
Park Indicator Status................................................................... XXXX0XX = Not Active
XXXX1XX = Active
Front Wiper Washer Switch Status .............................................XXX01XX = Not Active
XXX11XX = Active
Front Wiper High Switch Status ..................................................XX0X1XX = Not Active
XX1X1XX = Active
Front Wiper Low Switch Status...................................................X0XX1XX = Not Active
X1XX1XX = Active
Front Wiper Intermittent Switch Status .......................................0XXX1XX = Not Active
1XXX1XX = Active

NOTE: Only the front wiper motor park indicator status will always be
active with any other activated front wiper switch mode (wash,
or high, or low, or intermittent).
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000D1 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000D1 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­58 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the front wiper switch to the different positions (off, low, high, intermittent,
and wash).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000D1 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000D1 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Front Wiper Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­180). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000D1 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000D1 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 002865 .02 — Rear Wiper Switch Circuit

Fault Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit
detects that the rear wiper­washer switch is ON while the
rear wiper switch is OFF, for longer than 0.5 seconds.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000D2 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­59 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Wiper System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000D2 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 013, Wiper Switches.

3. Turn the rear wiper switch to the different positions (off, on, and wash).
4. Verify that the display at Address 013 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 013—Specification

Wiper Switches—Rear Wiper Switch
Status.......................................................................................... XXXXX0X = Not Active
XXXXX1X = Active
Rear Wiper Washer Switch Status..............................................XXXXX10 = Not Active
XXXXX11 = Active

NOTE: The rear wiper switch status will always be active with the
rear wiper­washer switch activated.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000D2 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000D2 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the rear wiper switch to the different positions (off, on, and wash).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000D2 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­60 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000D2 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Wiper Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­183). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000D2 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000D2 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 002872.02 — Road Light Switch Circuit switch status active without one of the other switches,
Fault or headlight switch status active with two or more of
the other switches, or one or more switch statutes
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control active without the headlight switch).
unit detects an invalid light switch status (headlight
MB33986,00000D3 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Lighting System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000D3 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­61 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 015, Light Switches.

3. Turn the light switch to the different positions.
NOTE: For the North American version, the light switch positions are off, road,
field 1, field 2, exit/egress. For the European version, the light switch
positions are off, park, road, field, and exit/egress. Additionally, the
European version has a separate rocker switch with positions for field
1 and field 2, when the light switch is in field position.
4. Verify that the display at Address 015 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 015—Specification

Light Switches—Exit Light Switch
Status...........................................................................................X1XXXX0 = Not Active
X1XXXX1 = Active
Field 2 Light Switch Status..........................................................X1XXX0X = Not Active
X1XXX1X = Active
Field 1 Light Switch Status..........................................................X1XX0XX = Not Active
X1XX1XX = Active
Road Light Switch Status............................................................X1X0XXX = Not Active
X1X1XXX = Active
Park Light Switch Status ............................................................ XX0XXXX = Not Active
XX1XXXX = Active
Headlight (All) Switch Status...................................................... X0XXXXX = Not Active
X1XXXXX = Active
High Beam Headlight Switch Status ...........................................01XXXXX = Not Active
11XXXXX = Active

NOTE: Only the headlight (All) switch status will always be active with any other
activated light switch mode (road, field 1, field 2, or exit/egress).
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000D3 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000D3 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­62 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the light switch to the different positions.

NOTE: For the North American version, the light switch positions are off, road,
field 1, field 2, exit/egress. For the European version, the light switch
positions are off, park, road, field, and exit/egress. Additionally, the
European version has a separate rocker switch with positions for field
1 and field 2, when the light switch is in field position.

NOTE: It may have to be verified that the lights are programmed to be operational,
see Programmable Lighting Operational Check (Reference 240­10­001).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000D3 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000D3 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Light Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­111). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000D3 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000D3 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 522310.05 — ELX Output 1 Circuit Attention: Open circuit is indicated by current being
Current Low below the requested milliamperes for the particular
component/circuit being operated.
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit
detects that the ELX output 1 circuit is open.
Continued on next page MB33986,000067F ­19­28SEP06­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­63 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,000067F ­19­28SEP06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 044, ELX Output 1.

3. Verify that the display at Address 044 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.
CLC Address 044—Specification
ELX Output 1—ELX Output 1 Command
Status.......................................................................................0XXXXX.XX = Not Active
1XXXXX.XX = Active
ELX Output 1 Current ................................................. X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00012.00 = amps (High Range)
NOTE: When the ELX output 1 command status is OFF, the ELX output 1 current
is 0.00 amps. When the ELX output 1 command status is ON, the ELX
output 1 current is between 0.50 and 12.00 amps. ELX output 1 provides
power to other control units (ACU, ATC, CAB, Corner Post, ICU, and SUP).
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,000067F ­19­28SEP06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,000067F ­19­28SEP06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page MB33986,000067F ­19­28SEP06­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­64 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,000067F ­19­28SEP06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) ELX Output 1 Circuit Test (Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,000067F ­19­28SEP06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,000067F ­19­28SEP06­8/8

CLC 522310.06 — ELX Output 1 Circuit

Current High Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control
unit detects that the ELX output 1 circuit current
exceeds fuse rating of 12 amps.
MB33986,00000D4 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000D4 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­65 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 044, ELX Output 1.

3. Verify that the display at Address 044 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 044—Specification

ELX Output 1—ELX Output 1 Command
Status.......................................................................................0XXXXX.XX = Not Active
1XXXXX.XX = Active
ELX Output 1 Current ................................................. X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00012.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the ELX output 1 command status is OFF, the ELX output 1 current
is 0.00 amps. When the ELX output 1 command status is ON, the ELX
output 1 current is between 0.50 and 12.00 amps. ELX output 1 provides
power to other control units (ACU, ATC, CAB, Corner Post, ICU, and SUP).
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000D4 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000D4 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000D4 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000D4 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) ELX Output 1 Circuit Test (Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000D4 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­66 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000D4 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 522433.05 — Rear Wiper Motor Circuit Attention: Open circuit is indicated by current being
Current Low below 200 milliamperes (0.2 amps).

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit

detects that the rear wiper motor circuit is open.
MB33986,00000D5 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Wiper System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000D5 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 040, Rear Wiper Motor.

3. Turn the rear wiper switch to the different positions (off, on, and wash).
4. Verify that the display at Address 040 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 040—Specification

Rear Wiper Motor—Rear Wiper Motor
Command Status.....................................................................0XXXXX.XX = Not Active
1XXXXX.XX = Active
Rear Wiper Motor Current......................................................... X00000.00 = Not Active
X00007.00 = Active

NOTE: When the rear wiper motor command status is OFF, the rear wiper motor
current is 0.00 amps. When the rear wiper motor command status is ON,
the rear wiper motor current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).

Continued on next page MB33986,00000D5 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­67 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000D5 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the rear wiper switch to the different positions (off, on, and wash).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000D5 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000D5 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Wiper Motor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­184). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

MB33986,00000D5 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000D5 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­68 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

CLC 522433.06 — Rear Wiper Motor Circuit

Current High Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control
unit detects that the rear wiper motor circuit current
exceeds fuse rating of 7 amps.
MB33986,00000D6 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Wiper System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000D6 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 040, Rear Wiper Motor.

3. Turn the rear wiper switch to the different positions (off, on, and wash).
4. Verify that the display at Address 040 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 040—Specification

Rear Wiper Motor—Rear Wiper Motor
Command Status.....................................................................0XXXXX.XX = Not Active
1XXXXX.XX = Active
Rear Wiper Motor Current......................................................... X00000.00 = Not Active
X00007.00 = Active

NOTE: When the rear wiper motor command status is OFF, the rear wiper motor
current is 0.00 amps. When the rear wiper motor command status is ON,
the rear wiper motor current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000D6 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page MB33986,00000D6 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­69 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the rear wiper switch to the different positions (off, on, and wash).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000D6 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000D6 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Wiper Motor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­184). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000D6 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.

MB33986,00000D6 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 522434.05 — Front Wiper Motor Low Attention: Open circuit is indicated by current being
Speed Circuit Current Low below 200 milliamperes (0.2 amps).

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit

detects that the front wiper motor low speed circuit is open.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000D7 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­70 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Wiper System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
MB33986,00000D7 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 039, Front Wiper Motor Low Speed.

3. Turn the front wiper switch to the low speed position.
4. Verify that the display at Address 039 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 039—Specification

Front Wiper Motor Low Speed—Front
Wiper Motor Low Speed Command
Status.......................................................................................0XXXXX.XX = Not Active
1XXXXX.XX = Active
Front Wiper Motor Low Speed Current ..................................... X00000.00 = Not Active
X00007.00 = Active

NOTE: When the front wiper motor low speed command status is OFF, the
front wiper motor low speed current is 0.00 amps. When the front
wiper motor low speed command status is ON, the front wiper motor
low speed current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000D7 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000D7 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the front wiper switch to the low speed position.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000D7 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­71 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000D7 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Front Wiper Motor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­181). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000D7 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000D7 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 522434.06 — Front Wiper Motor Low

Speed Circuit Current High Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit
detects that the front wiper motor low speed circuit
current exceeds fuse rating of 7 amps.
MB33986,00000D8 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Wiper System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000D8 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­72 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 039, Front Wiper Motor Low Speed.

3. Turn the front wiper switch to the low speed position.
4. Verify that the display at Address 039 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 039—Specification

Front Wiper Motor Low Speed—Front
Wiper Motor Low Speed Command
Status.......................................................................................0XXXXX.XX = Not Active
1XXXXX.XX = Active
Front Wiper Motor Low Speed Current ..................................... X00000.00 = Not Active
X00007.00 = Active

NOTE: When the front wiper motor low speed command status is OFF, the
front wiper motor low speed current is 0.00 amps. When the front
wiper motor low speed command status is ON, the front wiper motor
low speed current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000D8 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000D8 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the front wiper switch to the low speed position.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000D8 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000D8 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­73 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Front Wiper Motor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­181). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000D8 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000D8 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 522435.05 — Front Wiper Motor High Attention: Open circuit is indicated by current being
Speed Circuit Current Low below 200 milliamperes (0.2 amps).

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit

detects that the front wiper motor high speed circuit is open.
MB33986,00000D9 ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Wiper System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000D9 ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­74 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 038, Front Wiper Motor High Speed.

3. Turn the front wiper switch to the high speed position.
4. Verify that the display at Address 038 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 038—Specification

Front Wiper Motor High Speed—Front
Wiper Motor High Speed Command
Status.......................................................................................0XXXXX.XX = Not Active
1XXXXX.XX = Active
Front Wiper Motor High Speed Current .................................... X00000.00 = Not Active
X00007.00 = Active

NOTE: When the front wiper motor high speed command status is OFF, the
front wiper motor high speed current is 0.00 amps. When the front
wiper motor high speed command status is ON, the front wiper motor
high speed current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000D9 ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000D9 ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the front wiper switch to the high speed position.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000D9 ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000D9 ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­75 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Front Wiper Motor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­181). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000D9 ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000D9 ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 522435.06 — Front Wiper Motor High

Speed Circuit Current High Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit
detects that the front wiper motor high speed circuit
current exceeds fuse rating of 7 amps.
MB33986,00000DA ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Wiper System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000DA ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­76 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 038, Front Wiper Motor High Speed.

3. Turn the front wiper switch to the high speed position.
4. Verify that the display at Address 038 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 038—Specification

Front Wiper Motor High Speed—Front
Wiper Motor High Speed Command
Status.......................................................................................0XXXXX.XX = Not Active
1XXXXX.XX = Active
Front Wiper Motor High Speed Current .................................... X00000.00 = Not Active
X00007.00 = Active

NOTE: When the front wiper motor high speed command status is OFF, the
front wiper motor high speed current is 0.00 amps. When the front
wiper motor high speed command status is ON, the front wiper motor
high speed current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000DA ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000DA ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the front wiper switch to the high speed position.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000DA ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000DA ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­77 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Front Wiper Motor Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­181). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000DA ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000DA ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 523907.02 — Rear PTO Preselector Attention: The rear PTO preselector switch only
Switch Conflict applies to European vehicles.

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit

detects invalid rear PTO preselector switch status.
MB33986,00000DB ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: PTO System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000DB ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­78 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 012, Rear PTO Preselector Switch.

3. Turn the rear PTO preselector switch to the different positions (on and off).
4. Verify that the display at Address 012 meets the following specifications: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 012—Specification

Rear PTO Preselector Switch—Rear
PTO Remote Enable Off Status...................................................... 00 = Not Active (On)
01 = Active (Off)
Rear PTO Remote Enable On Status ............................................ 00 = Not Active (Off)
10 = Active (On)

NOTE: When the rear PTO preselector witch is in the OFF position, the
OFF status is active while the ON status is not active. When the
rear PTO preselector witch is in the ON position, the ON status
is active while the OFF status is not active.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000DB ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000DB ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the rear PTO preselector switch to the different positions (on and off).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000DB ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000DB ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­79 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear PTO Preselector Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­104). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000DB ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000DB ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 524016.06 — CAN Wake­Up Circuit ELX wake­up output (for Chassis Control Unit
Current High [CCU] / Vehicle Load Center [VLC]) circuit current
exceeds fuse rating of 7 amps.
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control
unit detects that the Controller Area Network (CAN)
MB33986,00000DC ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000DC ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­80 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 043, Wake­Up Output.

3. Verify that the display at Address 043 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 043—Specification

Wake­Up Output—Wake­Up Output
Command Status......................................................................0XXXXX.XX= Not Active
1XXXXX.XX = Active
Wake­Up Output Current ............................................ X00000.00 = amps (Low Range)
X00007.00 = amps (High Range)

NOTE: When the ELX wake­up output command status is OFF, the ELX wake­up
output current is 0.00 amps. When the ELX wake­up output command status
is ON, the ELX wake­up output current is between 0.50 and 7.00 amps.
ELX wake­up output provides power to other control units (CCU/VLC).
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000DC ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000DC ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000DC ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

MB33986,00000DC ­19­12JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) ELX Wake­Up Output Circuit Test (Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000DC ­19­12JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­81 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000DC ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 524035.02 — IVT Selector Circuit Fault Mode Selection Switch indicating more than one
mode, for longer than 3 seconds.
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit
detects that the AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Transmission
AUTOPOWR is a trademark of Deere & Company
IVT is a trademark of Deere & Company
MB33986,00000DD ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Control System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000DD ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­82 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 011 , IVT™ Transmission Mode Switches.

3. Turn the IVT™ transmission mode switch to the different positions (off, 1­manual
, 2­auto, and 3­auto).
4. Verify that the display at Address 011 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 011—Specification

IVT™ Transmission Mode
Switches—Auto Mode 3 Status.............................................................000 = Not Active
001 = Active
Auto Mode 2 Status ..............................................................................000 = Not Active
010 = Active
Manual Mode Status .............................................................................000 = Not Active
100 = Active

NOTE: When any one IVT™ transmission mode switch status is active, the
other IVT™ transmission mode switch statuses are not active.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000DD ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000DD ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the IVT™ transmission mode switch to the different positions (off, 1­manual
, 2­auto, and 3­auto).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000DD ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000DD ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­83 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform IVT™ Transmission Mode Selection Switch Circuit Test (Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000DD ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000DD ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 524037.02 — Auto Mode And Brake both the brake assist mode and the auto mode are on
Assist Mode High simultaneously, for longer than 3 seconds.

Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit

detects that the MFWD mode selection switch indicates
MB33986,00000DE ­19­12JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Control System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000DE ­19­12JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­84 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access CLC Address 010, MFWD Switches.

3. Turn the MFWD mode selection switch to the different positions (off, brake assist,
and auto).
4. Verify that the display at Address 010 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 010—Specification

MFWD Switches—Brake Assist Mode
Status.......................................................................................................00 = Not Active
10 = Active
Auto Mode Status ...................................................................................00 = Not Active
01 = Active

NOTE: When the brake assist mode status is active, the auto mode
status is not active. When the auto mode status is active, the
brake assist status is not active.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000DE ­19­12JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000DE ­19­12JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Turn the MFWD mode selection switch to the different positions (off, brake assist,
and auto).
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000DE ­19­12JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000DE ­19­12JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­85 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform MFWD Mode Selection Switch Circuit Test (Reference 240­SE06­107). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000DE ­19­12JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000DE ­19­12JUL05­8/8

CLC 524259.00 — CLC Temperature Above software will begin to automatically shut down
115 Degrees Celsius individual drivers (control for load devices) in an
attempt to lower the total control unit load current
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit below its designated maximum amperage level.
detects that its own circuit board temperature is above The software will wait 8 seconds before it shuts
115 °C (239 °F), for longer than 2 seconds. down the first driver, while subsequent driver
Note: Any flood lighting, hazard lighting, or window wipers shut­downs happen in intervals of 2 seconds.
added to the existing circuits can cause this overload code.
Attention: Individual load current drives (various flood NOTE: The software will decide the order of driver
lights, hazard lights, and window wipers) will be disabled. shut­downs based upon 3 different factors: First ­
Associated Codes: This code is most likely a result shut down drivers over their fuse ratings, beginning
of multiple ”current high” codes (XXXXXX.06). Each with the ones closest to their timeout limit. Second
individual ”current high” (XXXXXX.06) code must be ­ shut down drivers according to the software’s
resolved before performing 524259.00 code diagnostics. predefined order of priority. Third ­ shut down
drivers approaching their fuse ratings.
NOTE: If the total control unit load current exceeds the
designated maximum amperage level, then the
MB33986,00000DF ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: Code remains until the temperature drops to 5° C below alarm level.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000DF ­19­13JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­86 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CLC Address 019, CLC Circuit Board Temperature.

3. Turn each individual CLC load device (flood lights, hazard lights, front wiper, and
rear wiper) ON one at a time, until one causes overload.
4. Verify that the display at Address 019 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 019—Specification

CLC Circuit Board Temperature—De­
grees...................................................................................85 °C (185 °F) = Low Range
115 °C (239 °F) = High Range

NOTE: If the total load current is over 100 amps while circuit board temperature is
above 115° C (239° F) or over 130 amps while circuit board temperature is
below 115° C (239° F), turn off each individual CLC load device (light switch
[ensure all lights programmed on], hazard switch, front wiper switch, rear
wiper switch, MFWD mode selection switch, IVT™ mode selection switch,
and rear PTO preselector switch) one at a time until the device causing the
overload is identified and to get the temperature 5° below alarm level.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000DF ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000DF ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Turn each individual CLC load device (flood lights, hazard lights, front wiper, and OK: Code does not return.
rear wiper) ON one at a time, until one causes overload (code returns). Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000DF ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000DF ­19­13JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­87 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Complete diagnostics for each individual ”current high” (XXXXXX.06) code. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000DF ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000DF ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CLC 524259.15 — CLC Temperature Above software will begin to automatically shut down
100 Degrees Celsius individual drivers (control for load devices) in an
attempt to lower the total control unit load current
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit below its designated maximum amperage level.
detects that its own circuit board temperature is above The software will wait 8 seconds before it shuts
100 °C (212 °F), for longer than 2 seconds. down the first driver, while subsequent driver
Note: Any flood lighting, hazard lighting, or window wipers shut­downs happen in intervals of 2 seconds.
added to the existing circuits can cause this overload code.
Attention: Individual load current drives (various flood NOTE: The software will decide the order of driver
lights, hazard lights, and window wipers) will be disabled. shut­downs based upon 3 different factors: First ­
Associated Codes: This code is most likely a result shut down drivers over their fuse ratings, beginning
of multiple ”current high” codes (XXXXXX.06). Each with the ones closest to their timeout limit. Second
individual ”current high” (XXXXXX.06) code must be ­ shut down drivers according to the software’s
resolved before performing 524259.15 code diagnostics. predefined order of priority. Third ­ shut down
drivers approaching their fuse ratings.
NOTE: If the total control unit load current exceeds the
designated maximum amperage level, then the
MB33986,00000E0 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: Code Remains Until The Temperature Drops 5° C Below The Alarm Level.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000E0 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­88 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CLC Address 019, CLC Circuit Board Temperature.

3. Turn each individual CLC load device (flood lights, hazard lights, front wiper, and
rear wiper) ON one at a time, until one causes overload.
4. Verify that the display at Address 019 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 019—Specification

CLC Circuit Board Temperature—De­
grees...................................................................................85 °C (185 °F) = Low Range
100 °C (212 °F) = High Range

NOTE: If the total load current is over 100 amps while circuit board temperature is
above 115° C (239° F) or over 130 amps while circuit board temperature is
below 115° C (239° F), turn off each individual CLC load device (light switch
[ensure all lights programmed on], hazard switch, front wiper switch, rear
wiper switch, MFWD mode selection switch, IVT™ mode selection switch,
and rear PTO preselector switch) one at a time until the device causing the
overload is identified and to get the temperature 5° below alarm level.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000E0 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000E0 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Turn each individual CLC load device (flood lights, hazard lights, front wiper, and OK: Code does not return.
rear wiper) ON one at a time, until one causes overload (code returns). Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000E0 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000E0 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­89 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Complete diagnostics for each individual ”current high” (XXXXXX.06) code. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000E0 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000E0 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

CLC 524259.16 — CLC Temperature Above software will begin to automatically shut down
85 Degrees Celsius individual drivers (control for load devices) in an
attempt to lower the total control unit load current
Code Caused By: Cab Load Center (CLC) control unit below its designated maximum amperage level.
detects that its own circuit board temperature is above The software will wait 8 seconds before it shuts
85 °C (185 °F), for longer than 2 seconds. down the first driver, while subsequent driver
Note: Any flood lighting, hazard lighting, or window wipers shut­downs happen in intervals of 2 seconds.
added to the existing circuits can cause this overload code.
Attention: Individual load current drives (various flood NOTE: The software will decide the order of driver
lights, hazard lights, and window wipers) will be disabled. shut­downs based upon 3 different factors: First ­
Associated Codes: This code is most likely a result shut down drivers over their fuse ratings, beginning
of multiple ”current high” codes (XXXXXX.06). Each with the ones closest to their timeout limit. Second
individual ”current high” (XXXXXX.06) code must be ­ shut down drivers according to the software’s
resolved before performing 524259.16 code diagnostics. predefined order of priority. Third ­ shut down
drivers approaching their fuse ratings.
NOTE: If the total control unit load current exceeds the
designated maximum amperage level, then the
MB33986,00000E1 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: Code Remains Until The Temperature Drops 5° C Below The Alarm Level.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page MB33986,00000E1 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­90 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Access CLC Address 019, CLC Circuit Board Temperature.

3. Turn each individual CLC load device (flood lights, hazard lights, front wiper, and
rear wiper) ON one at a time, until one causes overload.
4. Verify that the display at Address 019 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

CLC Address 019—Specification

CLC Circuit Board Temperature—De­
grees...................................................................................80 °C (176 °F) = Low Range
85 °C (185 °F) = High Range

NOTE: If the total load current is over 100 amps while circuit board temperature is
above 115° C (239° F) or over 130 amps while circuit board temperature is
below 115° C (239° F), turn off each individual CLC load device (light switch
[ensure all lights programmed on], hazard switch, front wiper switch, rear
wiper switch, MFWD mode selection switch, IVT™ mode selection switch,
and rear PTO preselector switch) one at a time until the device causing the
overload is identified and to get the temperature 5° below alarm level.
NOTE: See Cab Load Center (CLC) Control Unit Schematic and Dia­ NOT OK: GO TO 5.
gram (Reference 240­SE06­001).
MB33986,00000E1 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

MB33986,00000E1 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to START position (engine ON).

2. Turn each individual CLC load device (flood lights, hazard lights, front wiper, and OK: Code does not return.
rear wiper) ON one at a time, until one causes overload (code returns). Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

MB33986,00000E1 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page MB33986,00000E1 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­91 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

CLC Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Complete diagnostics for each individual ”current high” (XXXXXX.06) code. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
MB33986,00000E1 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, to isolate the problem (Reference NOT OK: Problem not
210­15­101). identified.
Perform Cab Load Center
(CLC) Control Unit Test.
MB33986,00000E1 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­CLC­92 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group ECU
ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000094.03 — Low Pressure Fuel Signal See ECU 000094.03 — Low Pressure Fuel Signal Out of
Out of Range High Range High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000006 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 000094.04 — Low Pressure Fuel Signal Code Diagnosis

Out of Range Low
See in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine
ECU 000094.04 — Low Pressure Fuel Signal Out of CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Range Low NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000007 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 000094.17 — Fuel Transfer Pump See ECU 000094.17 — Fuel Transfer Pump Pressure
Pressure Low Least Severe Low Least Severe in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000009 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000097.03 — Water­in­Fuel Signal Out See Water­in­Fuel Signal Out of Range High in Section
of Range High 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14
Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000000A ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 000097.04 — Water­in­Fuel Signal Out

See ECU 000097.04 — Water­in­Fuel Signal Out of
of Range Low Range Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000000B ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 000097.16 — Water In Fuel Detected

See ECU 000097.16 — Water In Fuel Detected in Section
04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14
Code Diagnosis Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000000C ­19­28SEP07­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000100.01 — Engine Oil Pressure Signal

SeeECU 000100.01 — Engine Oil Pressure Signal
Extremely Low Extremely Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000002 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000100.18 — Engine Oil Pressure Signal

SeeECU 000100.18 — Engine Oil Pressure Signal
Moderately Low Moderately Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000005 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000100.31 — Engine Oil Pressure Invalid

SeeECU 000100.31 — Engine Oil Pressure Invalid in
Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
Code Diagnosis (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000001A ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000102.02 — Intake Manifold Pressure

SeeECU 000102.02 — Intake Manifold Pressure Signal
Signal Invalid Invalid in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine
CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000001B ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000102.03 — Intake Manifold Pressure

SeeECU 000102.03 — Intake Manifold Pressure Signal
Signal Out of Range High Out of Range High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000055 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 000102.04 — Intake Manifold Pressure

SeeECU 000102.04 — Intake Manifold Pressure Signal
Signal Out of Range Low Out of Range Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel Engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000056 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000103.00 — Turbo Speed Signal

SeeECU 000103.00 — Turbo Speed Signal Extremely
Extremely High High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine
CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000001C ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000103.05 — Turbo Speed Sensor

SeeECU 000103.05 — Turbo Speed Sensor Circuit Has
Circuit Has High Resistance High Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000001E ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000103.08 — Turbocharger Speed

See ECU 000103.08 — Turbocharger Speed Signal
Signal Invalid Invalid in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine
CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000020 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000103.31 — Turbocharger Speed

See ECU 000103.31 — Turbocharger Speed Signal
Signal Missing Missing in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000021 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000105.00 — Intake Manifold Air

See ECU 000105.00 — Intake Manifold Air Temperature
Temperature Signal Extremely High Signal Extremely High in Section 04, Group 160 of
relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel
Code Diagnosis System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000022 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000105.03 — Intake Manifold Air

See ECU 000105.03 — Intake Manifold Air Temperature
Temperature Signal Out of Range High Signal Out of Range High in Section 04, Group 160 of
relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel
Code Diagnosis System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000023 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000105.04 — Intake Manifold Air

See ECU 000105.04 — Intake Manifold Air Temperature
Temperature Signal Out of Range Low Signal Out of Range Low in Section 04, Group 160 of
relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel
Code Diagnosis System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000024 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 000105.15 — Intake Manifold Air

See ECU 000105.15 — Intake Manifold Air Temperature
Temperature Signal Slightly High Signal Slightly High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000025 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000105.16 — Intake Manifold Air

See ECU 000105.16 — Intake Manifold Air Temperature
Temperature Signal Moderately High Signal Moderately High in Section 04, Group 160 of
relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel
Code Diagnosis System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000026 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000107.00 — Air Filter Pressure

Differential Extremely High • General References List (Reference 210­15­001).
• Functional Schematics Listing (Reference
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific See ECU 000107.00 — Air Filter Pressure Differential
for circuit numbers. Extremely High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Additional References:
RG33894,0000057 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000108.02 — Barometric Pressure

SeeECU 000108.02 — Barometric Pressure Signal
Signal Invalid Invalid in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine
CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000027 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000110.00 — Engine Coolant

See ECU 000110.00 — Engine Coolant Temperature
Temperature Signal Extremely High Signal Extremely High in Section 04, Group 160 of
relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel
Code Diagnosis System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000010 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000110.03 — Engine Coolant

See ECU 000110.03 — Engine Coolant Temperature
Temperature Signal Out of Range High Signal Out of Range High in Section 04, Group 160 of
relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel
Code Diagnosis System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000011 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 000110.04 — Engine Coolant

See ECU 000110.04 — Engine Coolant Temperature
Temperature Signal Out of Range Low Signal Out of Range Low in Section 04, Group 160 of
relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel
Code Diagnosis System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000012 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 000110.15 — Engine Coolant

See ECU 000110.15 — Engine Coolant Temperature
Temperature Signal Slightly High Signal Slightly High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000058 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000110.16 — Engine Coolant

See ECU 000110.16 — Engine Coolant Temperature
Temperature Signal Moderately High Signal Moderately High in Section 04, Group 160 of
relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel
Code Diagnosis System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000013 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000110.17 — Engine Coolant

See ECU 000110.17 — Engine Coolant Temperature
Temperature Signal Slightly Low Signal Slightly Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000028 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000157.03 — Fuel Rail Pressure Signal

See ECU 000157.03 — Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Out of
Out of Range High Range High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000029 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000157.04 — Fuel Rail Pressure Signal

See ECU 000157.04 —Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Out of
Out of Range Low Range Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000002A ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000157.10 — Fuel Rail Pressure Rate

See ECU 000157.10 — Fuel Rail Pressure Rate of
of Change Abnormal Change Abnormal in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000002B ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000157.17 — Fuel Rail Pressure Not

See ECU 000157.17 — Fuel Rail Pressure Not
Developed Developed in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000002C ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000158.17 — ECU Power Down Error

See ECU 000158.17 — ECU Power Down Error in
Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
Code Diagnosis (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000014 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000174.00 — Fuel Temperature Signal

See ECU 000174.00 — Fuel Temperature Signal
Extremely High Extremely High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000002D ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000174.03 — Fuel Temperature Signal

See ECU 000174.03 — Fuel Temperature Signal Out of
Out of Range High Range High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000016 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000174.04 — Fuel Temperature Signal

SeeECU 000174.04 — Fuel Temperature Signal Out of
Out of Range Low Range Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000017 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 000174.16 — Fuel Temperature Signal

See ECU 000174.16 — Fuel Temperature Signal
Moderately High Moderately High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000018 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000189.00 — Engine Speed Derate

See ECU 000189.00 — Engine Speed Derate Condition
Condition Exists Exists in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine
CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000005A ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000190.00 — Engine Speed Extremely

See ECU 000190.00 — Engine Speed Extremely High in
High Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000019 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000237.02 — VIN Security Data Invalid increased amount of information is relayed on the
CAN Bus. As CAN Bus information increases,
Code Caused By: Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) individual controllers may miss relay messages.
from other control units is not the same. This may set message missing or VIN security DTCs
and/or cause the engine to go to low idle. If DTCs set
NOTE: When connecting to perform calibrations, program or engine drops to idle, conduct additional steps after
control units, or take diagnostic readings, an ”Programming Control Units” procedures completed.
Continued on next page RG33894,000005B ­19­28SEP07­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Identification System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
Additional References:
Functional Schematics Listing (Reference 240­25­001).
General References List (Reference 210­15­001).
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JT05791—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RG33894,000005B ­19­28SEP07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

RG33894,000005B ­19­28SEP07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, Record,
and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RG33894,000005B ­19­28SEP07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Check for code return.

NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with OK: Code does not return.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page RG33894,000005B ­19­28SEP07­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Perform VIN Security Fault Diagnosis (Reference 245­05­201. OK: All values match.
GO TO 5.

Reprogram any control units that do not match the VIN. NOT OK: One or more of
the control units did not
match the VIN.
Reprogram as needed.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
See Programming Control Units (Reference 245­05­005). NOT OK: If reprogramming
has been completed but
problem still exists:
GO TO 6.
RG33894,000005B ­19­28SEP07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Reprogram the ECU. See Programming Control Units (Reference 245­05­005).

1. Disconnect Service ADVISOR™ and turn key OFF, at least for 30 seconds. OK: Reprogramming
successful. Perform setups
and calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
2. Turn key ON (engine ON) and let tractor run for at least 10 minutes. The NOT OK: Reprogramming
communication error and diagnostic trouble codes will clear and tractor will function was unsuccessful or
normally. problem still exists:
GO TO 6.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RG33894,000005B ­19­28SEP07­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems (Reference 210­15­101).

Intermittent Failure
OK: GO TO 2.

NOTE: If diagnostic results call for replacing a control unit, see Control Unit NOT OK: Problem
Locations and Identification (Reference 245­05­100). identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
Replace control unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
RG33894,000005B ­19­28SEP07­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000237.13 — VIN Option Code Security increased amount of information is relayed on the
Data Conflict CAN Bus. As CAN Bus information increases,
individual controllers may miss relay messages.
Code Caused By: Vehicle Identification option This may set message missing or VIN security DTCs
code is not valid. and/or cause the engine to go to low idle. If DTCs set
or engine drops to idle, conduct additional steps after
NOTE: When connecting to perform calibrations, program ”Programming Control Units” procedures completed.
control units, or take diagnostic readings, an
RG33894,000005C ­19­28SEP07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Identification System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
Additional References:
Functional Schematics Listing (Reference 240­25­001).
General References List (Reference 210­15­001).
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JT05791—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RG33894,000005C ­19­28SEP07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

RG33894,000005C ­19­28SEP07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, Record,
and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RG33894,000005C ­19­28SEP07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Check for code return.

NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with OK: Code does not return.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page RG33894,000005C ­19­28SEP07­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Reprogram the ECU. See Programming Control Units (Reference 245­05­005). OK: Reprogramming
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Reprogramming
was unsuccessful or
problem still exists:
GO TO 5.
RG33894,000005C ­19­28SEP07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform VIN Security Fault Diagnosis (Reference 245­05­201).

Reprogram any control units that do not match the VIN.

See Programming Control Units (Reference 245­05­005). OK: All values match.
GO TO 6.
1. Disconnect Service ADVISOR™ and turn key OFF, at least for 30 seconds. NOT OK: One or more of
the control units do not
match the VIN.
Reprogram as needed.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
2. Turn key ON (engine ON) and let tractor run for at least 10 minutes. The NOT OK: Reprogramming
communication error and diagnostic trouble codes will clear and tractor will function was unsuccessful or
normally. problem still exists:
GO TO 6.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RG33894,000005C ­19­28SEP07­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems (Reference 210­15­101).

Intermittent Failure
OK: GO TO 2.

NOTE: If diagnostic results call for replacing a control unit, see Control Unit NOT OK: Problem
Locations and Identification (Reference 245­05­100). identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
Replace control unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
RG33894,000005C ­19­28SEP07­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000237.31 — VIN Security Data Missing increased amount of information is relayed on the
CAN Bus. As CAN Bus information increases,
Code Caused By: Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) individual controllers may miss relay messages.
not received from other control units. This may set message missing or VIN security DTCs
and/or cause the engine to go to low idle. If DTCs set
NOTE: When connecting to perform calibrations, program or engine drops to idle, conduct additional steps after
control units, or take diagnostic readings, an ”Programming Control Units” procedures completed.
RG33894,000005D ­19­28SEP07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Identification System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
Additional References:
Functional Schematics Listing (Reference 240­25­001).
General References List (Reference 210­15­001).
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JT05791—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RG33894,000005D ­19­28SEP07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

RG33894,000005D ­19­28SEP07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, Record,
and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RG33894,000005D ­19­28SEP07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Check for code return.

NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with OK: Code does not return.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page RG33894,000005D ­19­28SEP07­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Perform VIN Security Fault Diagnosis (Reference 245­05­201). OK: All values match.
GO TO 5.

Reprogram any control units that do not match the VIN. NOT OK: One or more of
the control units did not
match the VIN.
Reprogram as needed.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
See Programming Control Units (Reference 245­05­005). NOT OK: If reprogramming
has been completed but
problem still exists:
GO TO 6.
RG33894,000005D ­19­28SEP07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Reprogram the ECU. See Programming Control Units (Reference 245­05­005).

1. Disconnect Service ADVISOR™ and turn key OFF, at least for 30 seconds. OK: Reprogramming
successful. Perform setups
and calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
2. Turn key ON (engine ON) and let tractor run for at least 10 minutes. The NOT OK: Reprogramming
communication error and diagnostic trouble codes will clear and tractor will function was unsuccessful or
normally. problem still exists:
GO TO 6.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RG33894,000005D ­19­28SEP07­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems (Reference 210­15­101).

Intermittent Failure
OK: GO TO 2.

NOTE: If diagnostic results call for replacing a control unit, See Control Unit NOT OK: Problem
Locations and Identification (Reference 245­05­100). identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
Replace control unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RG33894,000005D ­19­28SEP07­8/8

ECU 000412.00 — EGR Temperature Signal

See ECU 000412.00 — EGR Temperature Signal
Extremely High Extremely High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000002E ­19­28SEP07­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000412.03 — EGR Temperature Signal

See ECU 000412.03 — EGR Temperature Signal Out of
Out of Range High Range High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000002F ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 000412.04 — EGR Temperature Signal

See ECU 000412.04 — EGR Temperature Signal Out of
Out of Range Low Range Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000030 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 000412.15 — EGR Temperature Signal

See ECU 000412.15 — EGR Temperature Signal Slightly
Slightly High High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine
CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000127 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000412.16 — EGR Temperature Signal

See ECU 000412.16 — EGR Temperature Signal
Moderately High Moderately High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000031 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000611.03 — Injector Shorted to Power

See ECU 000611.03 — Injector Shorted to Power in
Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
Code Diagnosis (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000001A ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000611.04 — Injector Shorted to Ground

See ECU 000611.04 — Injector Shorted to Ground in
Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
Code Diagnosis (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000001B ­19­28SEP07­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000627.01 — Electronic Injector Supply

See ECU 000627.01 — Electronic Injector Supply Voltage
Voltage Problem Problem in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000001E ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000629.13 — ECU Error

See ECU 000629.13 — ECU Error in Section 04, Group
160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic
Code Diagnosis Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000001F ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000636.02 — Engine Position Sensor

See ECU 000636.02 — Engine Position Sensor Signal
Signal Invalid Invalid in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine
CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000020 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000636.05 — Engine Position Sensor

See ECU 000636.05 — Engine Position Sensor Circuit
Circuit Has High Resistance Has High Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000034 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000636.06 — Engine Position Sensor

See ECU 000636.06 — Engine Position Sensor Circuit
Circuit Has Low Resistance Has Low Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000035 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000636.08 — Engine Position Sensor

See ECU 000636.08 — Engine Position Sensor Signal
Signal Missing Missing in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000021 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­15 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000636.10 — Engine Position Signal

See ECU 000636.10 — Engine Position Signal Rate of
Rate of Change Abnormal Change Abnormal in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000022 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000637.02 — Engine Timing Sensor

See ECU 000637.02 — Engine Timing Sensor Signal
Signal Invalid Invalid in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine
CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000023 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000637.05 — Engine Timing Sensor

See ECU 000637.05 — Engine Timing Sensor Circuit
Circuit Has High Resistance Has High Resistancein Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000036 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000637.06 — Engine Timing Sensor

See ECU 000637.06 — Engine Timing Sensor Circuit
Circuit Has Low Resistance Has Low Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000037 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000637.07 — Engine Timing and

See ECU 000637.07 — Engine Timing and Position
Position Signals Out of Sync Signals Out of Sync in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000024 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000637.08 — Engine Timing Sensor

See ECU 000637.08 — Engine Timing Sensor Signal
Signal Missing Missing in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000025 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000637.10 — Crank Position Input

See ECU 000637.10 — Crank Position Input Pattern
Pattern Error Error in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine
CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000026 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000641.04 — Turbo Actuator Error

See ECU 000641.04 — Turbo Actuator Error in Section
04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14
Code Diagnosis Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000038 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000641.12 — ECU/Turbo Actuator

See ECU 000641.12 — ECU/Turbo Actuator
Communication Error Communication Error in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000003A ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000641.13 — Turbo Actuator Learned

See ECU 000641.13 — Turbo Actuator Learned Value
Value Error Error in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine
CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000003B ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000641.16 — Turbo Actuator hose is fully seated onto steel line on left side
Temperature Moderately High of engine and is not pinched.
Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
Code Diagnosis for circuit numbers.
NOTE: If turbo actuator was recently replaced, turbo
actuator coolant line may be pinched. Verify See ECU 000641.16 — Turbo Actuator Temperature
Moderately High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
RG33894,000003C ­19­20NOV07­1/1

ECU 000647.05 — Fan Drive Output 1 Shorted Code Diagnosis

or Open
See Variable Fan Drive Speed Control Solenoids
Code Caused By: ECU output used to adjust variable Circuit Test,Reference 240­SE16­004.
engine fan speed is shorted or open.
RG33894,000003D ­19­07JUL08­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­17 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000647.07 — Fan Drive Output 2 Shorted Code Diagnosis

or Open
See Variable Fan Drive Speed Control Solenoids
Code Caused By: ECU output used to adjust variable Circuit Test,Reference 240­SE16­004.
engine fan speed is shorted or open.
RG33894,000003E ­19­07JUL08­1/1

ECU 000651.02 — Injector #1 Part # Data

See ECU 000651.02 — Injector #1 Part # Data Invalid in
Invalid Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000003F ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000651.05 — Injector #1 Circuit Has

See ECU 000651.05 — Injector #1 Circuit Has High
High Resistance Resistancein Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000027 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000651.06 — Injector #1 Circuit Has Low

See ECU 000651.06 — Injector #1 Circuit Has Low
Resistance Resistancein Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000028 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000651.07 — Injector #1 Not Responding

See ECU 000651.07 — Injector #1 Not Responding in
Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
Code Diagnosis (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000029 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000651.13 — Injector #1 Calibration

See ECU 000651.13 — Injector #1 Calibration Fault in
Fault Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000040 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­18 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000652.02 — Injector #2 Part # Data

See ECU 000652.02 — Injector #2 Part # Data Invalid in
Invalid Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000003F ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000652.05 — Injector #2 Circuit Has

See ECU 000652.05 — Injector #2 Circuit Has High
High Resistance Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000002A ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000652.06 — Injector #2 Circuit Has Low

See ECU 000652.06 — Injector #2 Circuit Has Low
Resistance Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000002B ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000652.07 — Injector #2 Not Responding

See ECU 000652.07 — Injector #2 Not Responding in
Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
Code Diagnosis (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000002C ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000652.13 — Injector #2 Calibration

See ECU 000652.13 — Injector #2 Calibration Fault in
Fault Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000040 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000653.02 — Injector #3 Part # Data

See ECU 000653.02 — Injector #3 Part # Data Invalid in
Invalid Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000003F ­19­28SEP07­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­19 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000653.05 — Injector #3 Circuit Has

See ECU 000653.05 — Injector #3 Circuit Has High
High Resistance Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000002D ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000653.06 — Injector #3 Circuit Has Low

See ECU 000653.06 — Injector #3 Circuit Has Low
Resistance Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000002E ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000653.07 — Injector #3 Not Responding

See ECU 000653.07 — Injector #3 Not Responding in
Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
Code Diagnosis (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000002F ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000653.13 — Injector #3 Calibration

See ECU 000653.13 — Injector #3 Calibration Fault in
Fault Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000040 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000654.02 — Injector #4 Part # Data

See ECU 000654.02 — Injector #4 Part # Data Invalid in
Invalid Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000003F ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000654.05 — Injector #4 Circuit Has

See ECU 000654.05 — Injector #4 Circuit Has High
High Resistance Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000030 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­20 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000654.06 — Injector #4 Circuit Has Low

See ECU 000654.06 — Injector #4 Circuit Has Low
Resistance Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000031 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000654.07 — Injector #4 Not Responding

See ECU 000654.07 — Injector #4 Not Responding in
Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
Code Diagnosis (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000032 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000654.13 — Injector #4 Calibration

See ECU 000654.13 — Injector #4 Calibration Fault in
Fault Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000040 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000655.02 — Injector #5 Part # Data

See ECU 000655.02 — Injector #5 Part # Data Invalid in
Invalid Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000003F ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000655.05 — Injector #5 Circuit Has

See ECU 000655.05 — Injector #5 Circuit Has High
High Resistance Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000033 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000655.06 — Injector #5 Circuit Has Low

See ECU 000655.06 — Injector #5 Circuit Has Low
Resistance Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000034 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000655.07 — Injector #5 Not Responding

See ECU 000655.07 — Injector #5 Not Responding in
Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
Code Diagnosis (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000035 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000655.13 — Injector #5 Calibration

See ECU 000655.13 — Injector #5 Calibration Fault in
Fault Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000040 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000656.02 — Injector #6 Part # Data

See ECU 000656.02 — Injector #6 Part # Data Invalid in
Invalid Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000003F ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000656.05 — Injector #6 Circuit Has

See ECU 000656.05 — Injector #6 Circuit Has High
High Resistance Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000036 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000656.06 — Injector #6 Circuit Has Low

See ECU 000656.06 — Injector #6 Circuit Has Low
Resistance Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000037 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 000656.07 — Injector #6 Not Responding

See ECU 000656.07 — Injector #6 Not Responding in
Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
Code Diagnosis (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000038 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 000656.13 — Injector #6 Calibration

See ECU 000656.13 — Injector #6 Calibration Fault in
Fault Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000040 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 001075.05 — Low Pressure Fuel Pump

See ECU 001075.05 — Low Pressure Fuel Pump Circuit
Circuit Has High Resistance Has High Resistance in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000041 ­19­08APR09­1/1

ECU 001075.12 — Low Pressure Fuel Pump

See ECU 001075.12 — Low Pressure Fuel Pump Error
Error Detected Detected in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000043 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 001110.31 — Engine Protection

See ECU 001110.31 — Engine Protection Shutdown in
Shutdown Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000039 ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 001136.00 — ECU Temperature Signal

See ECU 001136.00 — ECU Temperature Signal
Extremely High Extremely High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000044 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 001136.16 — ECU Temperature Signal

See ECU 001136.16 — ECU Temperature Signal
Moderately High Moderately High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000045 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­23 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 001172.03 — Compressor Inlet

See ECU 001172.03 —Compressor Inlet Temperature
Temperature Signal Out of Range High Signal Out of Range High in Section 04, Group 160 of
relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel
Code Diagnosis System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000046 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 001172.04 — Compressor Inlet

See ECU 001172.04 —Compressor Inlet Temperature
Temperature Signal Out of Range Low Signal Out of Range Low in Section 04, Group 160 of
relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel
Code Diagnosis System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000046 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 001180.00 — Turbine Inlet Temperature

See ECU 001180.00 —Turbine Inlet Temperature Signal
Signal Extremely High Extremely High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000047 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 001180.16 — Turbine Inlet Temperature

See ECU 001180.16 —Turbine Inlet Temperature Signal
Signal Moderately High Moderately High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000047 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 001347.03 — High Pressure Fuel Pump

See ECU 001347.03 — High Pressure Fuel Pump Control
Control Valve Signal Out of Range High Valve Signal Out of Range High in Section 04, Group 160
of relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel
Code Diagnosis System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000062 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 001347.05 — High Pressure Fuel Pump

See ECU 001347.05 — High Pressure Fuel Pump
Solenoid #1 Circuit Has High Resistance Solenoid #1 Circuit Has High Resistance in Section 04,
Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14
Code Diagnosis Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000003E ­19­08SEP08­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­24 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 001347.07 — High Pressure Fuel Pump

See ECU 001347.07 — High Pressure Fuel Pump Not
Not Able to Meet Required Rail Pressure Able to Meet Required Rail Pressure in Section 04, Group
160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic
Code Diagnosis Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000003F ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 001568.02 — Torque Curve Selection

See ECU 001568.02 — Torque Curve Selection Error in
Error Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
(Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000043 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 001569.31 — Engine in Derate Condition

See ECU 001569.31 — Engine in Derate Condition in
Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM
Code Diagnosis (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000044 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 001639.01 — Fan Speed Signal

Extremely Low Code Caused By: ECU detects zero fan speed.
RG33894,000003A ­19­17MAR09­1/10

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Fan System
Control Unit Response: No Action
NOTE: Following code is tractor specific. Refer to schematics that are tractor specific for circuit numbers. See
Reference 240­SE16­001, ECU Engine Control Unit Schematic and Diagram

The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:

JT05791 —Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page RG33894,000003A ­19­17MAR09­2/10

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­25 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Check engine oil level and pressure.

2. Clean cooling package for maximum air flow.

3. Check fan belt condition.
4. Check condition of sheave return spring.
5. Check sheave alignment to determine bearing condition.
6. Check for excessive sheave wear.
7. Check for electrical connections at speed sensor and solenoid coils.
8. Check overall condition of wiring.
9. Check for oil leakage (lines or actuating cylinder).
10. Check for coolant leakage. OK: GO TO 2.
11. Check that actuating cylinder bleed screw is seated and locknut is securely NOT OK: GO TO 7.
RG33894,000003A ­19­17MAR09­3/10

•2 Operational Checks 1. Start engine and run at 1200 rpm for 3 ­ 5 minutes until coolant temperature
reaches 105°C (221°F).

2. Access ECU Address 040 and observe the actual fan speed.
3. Access ECU Address 041 and observe the desired fan speed.
4. Move throttle to 2100 engine rpm, and allow the engine to operate for a few
5. Observe the desired fan speed at ECU Address 041.
6. Select ECU Address 040 again and observe the actual fan speed.

NOTE: Allow the engine to run for 3 ­ 5 minutes to allow time for the
fan clutch to reach actual speed.
ECU Address 040—Specification
Actual Fan Speed—Max. Allowable Fan
Speed at 2100 rpm............................................................................. 8130 — 1800 rpm
8230 — 1880 rpm
8330 — 2030 rpm .............................................................................. 8430 — 2120 rpm
8530 — 2200 rpm
Actual fan speed (rpm) should be approximately the same reading as displayed in OK: GO TO 3
ECU Address 041.
NOTE: See Reference 240­SE16­001, ECU Engine Control Unit NOT OK: Note problem.
Schematic and Diagram.
Continued on next page RG33894,000003A ­19­17MAR09­4/10

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­26 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•3 Operational Checks
1. Engine running at 2100 rpm. Access ECU Address 061. See Access Control
Unit Addresses (Reference 245­05­002).

2. Enter 0020, and save that value in the address.

3. Scroll to ECU Address 041 and observe the desired fan speed, then select ECU
040 to observe the actual fan speed.
4. Allow the engine to run at this speed for a couple of minutes to allow the fan speed
time to equalize.
5. Return to ECU Address 061 and enter 0100 into the display.
6. Save this value and return to ECU Address 040 and observe the actual fan speed.
7. The fan speed should ramp up to full speed.

NOTE: There will be a noticeable change in the sound of the fan,

when it reaches its full speed.
8. Allow the engine to run for a few minutes, this will allow the fan to reach its full OK: Fan operates
speed. correctly.
Diagnosis complete.
ECU Address 040—Specification NOT OK: No change in
Actual Fan Speed—Max. Allowable Fan fan speed or fan speed
Speed at 2100 rpm............................................................................. 8130 — 1800 rpm increases but fails to reach
8230 — 1880 rpm top speed.GO TO 4.
8330 — 2030 rpm .............................................................................. 8430 — 2120 rpm
8530 — 2200 rpm
RG33894,000003A ­19­17MAR09­5/10

•4 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 5.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 6.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RG33894,000003A ­19­17MAR09­6/10

•5 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 5 ­ 15 minutes and vary engine speed.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 8
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 6.

RG33894,000003A ­19­17MAR09­7/10

•6 System Check No system check required. OK: GO TO 7.

Continued on next page RG33894,000003A ­19­17MAR09­8/10

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­27 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•7 Electrical Circuit
Perform following tests:

Variable Fan Drive Speed Control Solenoids Circuit Test,Reference 240­SE16­004. OK: Diagnosis complete.
Variable Fan Drive Speed Sensor Test, Reference 240­SE16­005. NOT OK: Repair or replace
as needed.
GO TO 8.
RG33894,000003A ­19­17MAR09­9/10

•8 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Engine Control
Unit System Power and
Ground Test, Reference
RG33894,000003A ­19­17MAR09­10/10

ECU 001639.16 — Fan Speed Signal

Moderately High Code Caused By: ECU detects higher fan
speed than desired.
RG33894,000005E ­19­17MAR09­1/10

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Fan Speed High
Control Unit Response: No Action
Additional References:
NOTE: Following code is tractor specific. Refer to schematics that are tractor specific for circuit numbers. See
Reference 240­SE16­001, ECU Engine Control Unit Schematic and Diagram

The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:

JT05791 —Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page RG33894,000005E ­19­17MAR09­2/10

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­28 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check 1. Check that air conditioning switch is OFF.

2. Clean cooling package for maximum air flow.

3. Check fan belt condition.
4. Check condition of sheave return spring.
5. Check sheave alignment to determine bearing condition.
6. Check for excessive sheave wear.
7. Check for electrical connections at speed sensor and solenoid coils.
8. Check overall condition of wiring. OK: GO TO 2.
9. Check for mechanical binding on piston and piston return spring. NOT OK: GO TO 4.
RG33894,000005E ­19­17MAR09­3/10

•2 Operational Checks 1. Start engine and run engine at slow idle.

2. Access ECU Address 040 and observe the actual fan speed. See Access Control
Unit Addresses (Reference 245­05­002).
3. Select ECU Address 041 and observe the desired fan speed.
4. Move throttle to 2100 engine rpm, and allow the engine to operate for a few
5. Observe the desired fan speed at ECU Address 041.
6. Select ECU Address 040 again and observe the actual fan speed.

NOTE: Allow the engine to run for 3 ­ 5 minutes to allow time for the
fan clutch to reach actual speed.
ECU Address 040—Specification OK: GO TO 3.
Actual Fan Speed—Max. Allowable Fan
Speed at 2100 rpm............................................................................. 8130 — 1800 rpm
8230 — 1880 rpm
8330 — 2030 rpm .............................................................................. 8430 — 2120 rpm
8530 — 2200 rpm
Fan speed should be approximately the same reading as displayed in ECU Address NOT OK: Note problem.
GO TO 3.
Continued on next page RG33894,000005E ­19­17MAR09­4/10

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­29 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•3 Operational Checks
1. Engine running at 2100 rpm. Access ECU Address 061. See Access Control
Unit Addresses (Reference 245­05­002).

2. Enter 0020, and save that value in the address.

3. Scroll to ECU Address 041 and observe the desired fan speed, then select ECU
040 to observe the actual fan speed.
4. Allow the engine to run at this speed for a couple of minutes to allow the fan speed
time to equalize.
5. Return to ECU Address 061 and enter 0100 into the display.
6. Save this value and return to ECU Address 040 and observe the actual fan speed.
7. The fan speed should ramp up to full speed.

NOTE: There will be a noticeable change in the sound of the fan,

when it reaches its full speed.
8. Allow the engine to run for a few minutes, this will allow the fan to reach its full OK: Fan operates
speed. correctly.
Return to diagnosis in
ECU Address 040—Specification NOT OK: No change in
Actual Fan Speed—Max. Allowable Fan fan speed or fan speed
Speed at 2100 rpm............................................................................. 8130 — 1800 rpm increases but fails to reach
8230 — 1880 rpm top speed.GO TO 4.
8330 — 2030 rpm .............................................................................. 8430 — 2120 rpm
8530 — 2200 rpm
RG33894,000005E ­19­17MAR09­5/10

•4 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 5.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 6.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RG33894,000005E ­19­17MAR09­6/10

•5 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 5 ­ 15 minutes and vary engine speed.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 8
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 6.

RG33894,000005E ­19­17MAR09­7/10

•6 System Check No system check required. OK: GO TO 7.

Continued on next page RG33894,000005E ­19­17MAR09­8/10

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­30 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•7 Electrical Circuit
Perform following tests:

Variable Fan Drive Speed Control Solenoids Circuit Test,Reference 240­SE16­004. OK: Diagnosis complete.
Variable Fan Drive Speed Sensor Test, Reference 240­SE16­005. NOT OK: Repair or replace
as needed.
GO TO 8.
RG33894,000005E ­19­17MAR09­9/10

•8 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Engine Control
Unit System Power and
Ground Test, Reference
RG33894,000005E ­19­17MAR09­10/10

ECU 001639.18 — Fan Speed Signal

Moderately Low Code Caused By: ECU detects lower fan
speed than desired.
RG33894,0000045 ­19­17MAR09­1/11

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Fan Speed Low
Control Unit Response: No Action
Additional References:
NOTE: Following code is tractor specific. Refer to schematics that are tractor specific for circuit numbers.

The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:

JT05791 —Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page RG33894,0000045 ­19­17MAR09­2/11

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­31 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Check engine oil level and pressure.

2. Clean cooling package for maximum air flow.

3. Check fan belt condition.
4. Check condition of sheave return spring.
5. Check sheave alignment to determine bearing condition.
6. Check for excessive sheave wear.
7. Check for electrical connections at speed sensor and solenoid coils.
8. Check overall condition of wiring.
9. Check for oil leakage (lines or actuating cylinder).
10. Check for coolant leakage. OK: GO TO 2.
11. Check that actuating cylinder bleed screw is seated and locknut is securely NOT OK: GO TO 4
RG33894,0000045 ­19­17MAR09­3/11

•2 Operational Checks 1. Start engine and run at slow idle with thermostats closed (engine cold).

2. Turn air conditioning switch to ON position.

3. Access ECU Address 040 and observe the actual engine speed.
Fan should run at 1200 rpm under these conditions. OK: GO TO 3.
NOTE: See Reference 240­SE16­001, ECU Engine Control Unit NOT OK: Note problem.
Schematic and Diagram.
GO TO 4.
RG33894,0000045 ­19­17MAR09­4/11

•3 Operational Checks
1. Start engine and run at 1200 rpm for 3 ­ 5 minutes.

2. Access ECU Address 040 and observe the actual fan speed.
3. Move throttle to 2100 engine RPM, and allow the engine to operate for a few
4. Observe the desired fan speed at ECU Address 041.
5. Access ECU Address 040 again and observe the actual fan speed.

NOTE: Allow the engine to run for 3 ­ 5 minutes to allow time for the
fan clutch to reach actual speed.
ECU Address 040—Specification OK: Fan operates
Actual Fan Speed—Max. Allowable Fan correctly.
Speed at 2100 rpm............................................................................. 8130 — 1800 rpm
Diagnosis complete.
8230 — 1880 rpm
8330 — 2030 rpm .............................................................................. 8430 — 2120 rpm
8530 — 2200 rpm
NOTE: See Reference 240­SE16­001, ECU Engine Control Unit NOT OK: No change in
Schematic and Diagram. fan speed or fan speed
increases but fails to reach
top speed. GO TO 4.
Continued on next page RG33894,0000045 ­19­17MAR09­5/11

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­32 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•4 Operational Checks
1. Engine running at 2100 rpm. Access ECU Address 061. See Access Control
Unit Addresses (Reference 245­05­002).

2. Enter 0020, and save that value in the address.

3. Scroll to ECU Address 041 and observe the desired fan speed, then select ECU
040 to observe the actual fan speed.
4. Allow the engine to run at this speed for a couple of minutes to allow the fan speed
time to equalize.
5. Return to ECU Address 061 and enter 0100 into the display.
6. Save this value and return to ECU Address 040 and observe the actual fan speed.
7. The fan speed should ramp up to full speed.

NOTE: There will be a noticeable change in the sound of the fan,

when it reaches its full speed.
8. Allow the engine to run for a few minutes, this will allow the fan to reach its full OK: Fan operates
speed. correctly.
Return to diagnosis in
ECU Address 040—Specification NOT OK: No change in
Actual Fan Speed—Max. Allowable Fan fan speed or fan speed
Speed at 2100 rpm............................................................................. 8130 — 1800 rpm increases but fails to reach
8230 — 1880 rpm top speed. GO TO 5.
8330 — 2030 rpm .............................................................................. 8430 — 2120 rpm
8530 — 2200 rpm
RG33894,0000045 ­19­17MAR09­6/11

•5 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 6.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 7.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RG33894,0000045 ­19­17MAR09­7/11

•6 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 5 ­ 15 minutes and vary engine speed.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 9
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 7.

RG33894,0000045 ­19­17MAR09­8/11

•7 System Check No system check required. OK: GO TO 8.

Continued on next page RG33894,0000045 ­19­17MAR09­9/11

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­33 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•8 Electrical Circuit
Perform following tests:

Variable Fan Drive Speed Control Solenoids Circuit Test,Reference 240­SE16­004. OK: Diagnosis complete.
Variable Fan Drive Speed Sensor Test, Reference 240­SE16­005. NOT OK: Repair or replace
as needed.
GO TO 9.
RG33894,0000045 ­19­17MAR09­10/11

•9 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Engine Control
Unit System Power and
Ground Test, Reference
RG33894,0000045 ­19­17MAR09­11/11

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­34 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 002005.09 — ACU Message Missing

Code Caused By: ECU not receiving required
messages from the ACU.
RG33894,000005F ­19­28SEP07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Limited function.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JT05791—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RG33894,000005F ­19­28SEP07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required.

See Fuse Load Center Diagram Listing (Reference 240­05­001). OK: GO TO 2.

RG33894,000005F ­19­28SEP07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: SeeRecall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RG33894,000005F ­19­28SEP07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 15 minutes

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RG33894,000005F ­19­28SEP07­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RG33894,000005F ­19­28SEP07­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­35 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit (ACU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE13­003.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RG33894,000005F ­19­28SEP07­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
RG33894,000005F ­19­28SEP07­8/8

ECU 002005.14 — Communication Error

Code Caused By: ECU not receiving required messages.
HP51992,0000CA7 ­19­28SEP07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Limited function.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JT05791 — Digital Multimeter
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000CA7 ­19­28SEP07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000CA7 ­19­28SEP07­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­36 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with OK: Code does not return.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000CA7 ­19­28SEP07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
NOTE: If using Service ADVISOR: Make a connection to the vehicle and from the
”Diagnostics” tab and select the ”Communication Test”.

1. Start vehicle.
2. Operate vehicle for 5 minutes
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
HP51992,0000CA7 ­19­28SEP07­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000CA7 ­19­28SEP07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit (ACU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE13­003.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000CA7 ­19­28SEP07­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­37 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000CA7 ­19­28SEP07­8/8

ECU 002005.19 — Communication Error

Code Caused By: ECU not receiving required
messages. Code can also set from a “unapproved”
power enhancing device.
KB11996,0000001 ­19­15JAN08­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Limited function.
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JT05791 — Digital Multimeter
JDG1478 — Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000001 ­19­15JAN08­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000001 ­19­15JAN08­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with OK: Code does not return.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,0000001 ­19­15JAN08­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­38 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
NOTE: If using Service ADVISOR: Make a connection to the vehicle and from the
”Diagnostics” tab and select the ”Communication Test”.

1. Start vehicle.
2. Operate vehicle for 5 minutes
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
KB11996,0000001 ­19­15JAN08­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000001 ­19­15JAN08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit (ACU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE13­003.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000001 ­19­15JAN08­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Armrest Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000001 ­19­15JAN08­8/8

ECU 002030.09 — VLC Message Missing

Code Caused By: ECU not receiving required
messages from the VLC.
Continued on next page RG33894,0000060 ­19­28SEP07­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­39 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of VLC functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RG33894,0000060 ­19­28SEP07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.
RG33894,0000060 ­19­28SEP07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RG33894,0000060 ­19­28SEP07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 15 minutes

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RG33894,0000060 ­19­28SEP07­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RG33894,0000060 ­19­28SEP07­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­40 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Vehicle Load Center (VLC) Supply Voltage and Ground Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.
RG33894,0000060 ­19­28SEP07­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2030.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2030.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RG33894,0000060 ­19­28SEP07­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­41 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 002071.09 — CCU Message Missing

Code Caused By: ECU not receiving required
messages from the CCU.
RG33894,0000061 ­19­28SEP07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Limited function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JT05791—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RG33894,0000061 ­19­28SEP07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.
RG33894,0000061 ­19­28SEP07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RG33894,0000061 ­19­28SEP07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 15 minutes

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RG33894,0000061 ­19­28SEP07­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RG33894,0000061 ­19­28SEP07­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­42 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Chassis Control Unit (CCU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE11­201.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RG33894,0000061 ­19­28SEP07­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems (Reference 210­15­101).

Intermittent Failure
OK: GO TO 2.

If applicable, Perform CCU Beep Mode test. NOT OK: Problem

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOTE: If diagnostic results call for replacing a control unit, See Control Unit NOT OK: Problem not
Locations and Identification (Reference 245­05­100). identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2071.09, replace
CCU Control Unit.
If Selective Control Unit
(SCU) has code 2071.09,
replace Deluxe Hydraulic
Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RG33894,0000061 ­19­28SEP07­8/8

ECU 002630.00 — Charge Air Cooler Outlet

See ECU 002630.00 — Charge Air Cooler Outlet
Temperature Signal Extremely High Temperature Signal Extremely High in Section 04, Group
160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic
Code Diagnosis Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004A ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 002630.03 — Charge Air Cooler Outlet

See ECU 002630.03 — Charge Air Cooler Outlet
Temperature Signal Extremely High Temperature Signal Extremely High in Section 04, Group
160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic
Code Diagnosis Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004A ­19­08SEP08­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­43 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 002630.04 — Charge Air Cooler Outlet

See ECU 002630.04 — Charge Air Cooler Outlet
Temperature Signal Out of Range Low Temperature Signal Out of Range Low in Section 04,
Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14
Code Diagnosis Electronic Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004A ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 002630.15 — Charge Air Cooler Outlet

See ECU 002630.15 — Charge Air Cooler Outlet
Temperature Signal Slightly High Temperature Signal Slightly High in Section 04, Group
160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic
Code Diagnosis Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004A ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 002630.16 — Charge Air Cooler Outlet

See ECU 002630.16 — Charge Air Cooler Outlet
Temperature Signal Moderately High Temperature Signal Moderately High in Section 04, Group
160 of relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic
Code Diagnosis Fuel System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004A ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 002659.02 — EGR Mass Flow Rate Data

See ECU 002659.02 — EGR Mass Flow Rate Data
Invalid Invalid in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine
CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004B ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 002659.15 — EGR Mass Flow Rate Data

See ECU 002659.15 — EGR Mass Flow Rate Data
Slightly High Slightly High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004B ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 002659.17 — EGR Mass Flow Rate Data

See ECU 002659.17 — EGR Mass Flow Rate Data
Slightly Low Slightly Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004B ­19­08SEP08­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­44 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 002790.16 — Calculated Turbine Outlet

See ECU 002790.16 — Calculated Turbine Outlet
Temperature Moderately High Temperature Moderately High in Section 04, Group 160
of relevant Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel
Code Diagnosis System).
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004C ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 002791.02 — EGR Valve Position Signal

See ECU 002791.02 — EGR Valve Position Signal
Invalid Invalid in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine
CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004D ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 002791.03 — EGR Valve Position Signal

See ECU 002791.03 — EGR Valve Position Signal Out of
Out of Range High Range High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004D ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 002791.04 — EGR Valve Position Signal

See ECU 002791.04 — EGR Valve Position Signal Out of
Out of Range Low Range Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004D ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 002791.07 — EGR Valve Not Reaching

See ECU 002791.07 — EGR Valve Not Reaching
Expected Position Expected Position in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004D ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 002791.13 — EGR Valve Calibration

See ECU 002791.13 — EGR Valve Calibration Change
Change Error Error in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel engine
CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004D ­19­08SEP08­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­45 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 002791.14 — EGR Valve Shutdown NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
Code Diagnosis
RG33894,000004D ­19­28SEP07­1/1

ECU 002791.31 — EGR Valve Calibration

See ECU 002791.31 — EGR Valve Calibration Change
Change Over a Long Time Over a Long Time in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004D ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 002795.07 — VGT Actuator Not

See ECU 002795.07 — VGT Actuator Not Reaching
Reaching Expected Position Expected Position in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant
Diesel engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004E ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 003509.03 — Sensor Supply #1 Voltage

See ECU 003509.03 — Sensor Supply #1 Voltage Out of
Out of Range High Range High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004F ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 003509.04 — Sensor Supply #1 Voltage

See ECU 003509.04 — Sensor Supply #1 Voltage Out of
Out of Range Low Range Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004F ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 003510.03 — Sensor Supply #2 Voltage

See ECU 003510.03 — Sensor Supply #2 Voltage Out of
Out of Range High Range High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000121 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­46 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 003510.04 — Sensor Supply #2 Voltage

See ECU 003510.04 — Sensor Supply #2 Voltage Out of
Out of Range Low Range Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000122 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 003511.03 — Sensor Supply #3 Voltage

See ECU 003511.03 — Sensor Supply #3 Voltage Out of
Out of Range High Range High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000123 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 003511.04 — Sensor Supply #3 Voltage

See ECU 003511.04 — Sensor Supply #3 Voltage Out of
Out of Range Low Range Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000124 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 003512.03 — Sensor Supply #4 Voltage

See ECU 003512.03 — Sensor Supply #4 Voltage Out of
Out of Range High Range High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004F ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 003512.04 — Sensor Supply #4 Voltage

See ECU 003512.04 — Sensor Supply #4 Voltage Out of
Out of Range Low Range Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,000004F ­19­08SEP08­1/1

ECU 003513.03 — Sensor Supply #5 Voltage

See ECU 003513.03 — Sensor Supply #5 Voltage Out of
Out of Range High Range High in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000125 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­47 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ECU Code Diagnostics

ECU 003513.04 — Sensor Supply #5 Voltage

See ECU 003513.04 — Sensor Supply #5 Voltage Out of
Out of Range Low Range Low in Section 04, Group 160 of relevant Diesel
engine CTM (Level 14 Electronic Fuel System).
Code Diagnosis
NOTE: Refer to schematics that are tractor specific
for circuit numbers.
RG33894,0000126 ­19­08SEP08­1/1

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ECU­48 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group HCC
HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

HCC 000158.04 — HCC Switched Supply NOTE: Associated Codes: This code and other
Voltage Low 000158.XX codes may be present in other
control units. Since Vehicle Load Center (VLC)
Code Caused By: Switched supply voltage to Hitch control unit wake­up circuit is voltage source,
Control Unit (HCC) below 9.0 V. perform VLC code diagnostics first.
HP51992,00006F1 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (OFF)
HP51992,00006F1 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 014 — Control Unit Switched Supply Voltage Check. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform

240­SE11­101 Vehicle
Load Center (VLC) Supply
Voltage and Ground Test,
then Deluxe Hydraulic CAN
Control Unit System Power
and Ground Circuit Test.
HP51992,00006F1 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

2. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF). OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns.
Perform Charging System
Circuit Test, then Deluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control Unit
System Power and Ground
Circuit Test.
4. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006F1 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 000168.04 — HCC Unswitched Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: Unswitched supply voltage to
Hitch Control Unit (HCC) below 9.0 V.
HP51992,00006F0 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (OFF)
Continued on next page HP51992,00006F0 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•1 Operational Check PerformHCC 015 — Control Unit Unswitched Supply Voltage Check. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform Deluxe

Hydraulic CAN Control Unit
System Power and Ground
Circuit Test, then Charging
System Circuit Test.
HP51992,00006F0 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

2. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF). OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform Deluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control Unit
System Power and Ground
Circuit Test, then Charging
System Circuit Test.
4. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006F0 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 000190.02 — Rear Hitch Calibration NOTE: This code may be operator/technician induced.
Fault/Engine Speed Low

Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Raise Limit was calibrated

with engine speed below 1800 rpm.
HP51992,00006EF ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Indicator/Alarm Only
HP51992,00006EF ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 020 — Rear Hitch Calibration. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform CAN

Communication Fault

Continued on next page HP51992,00006EF ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Operate hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC
020 — Rear Hitch
Calibration, then CAN
Communication Fault
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006EF ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 000629.12 — HCC Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCC) software
failed to execute in allotted time.
HP51992,00006EE ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (OFF)
HP51992,00006EE ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Operate hitch through full range. NOT OK: Perform Deluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control
Unit System Power and
Ground Circuit Test, then
Programming Control Units.

HP51992,00006EE ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Operate hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform Deluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control
Unit System Power and
Ground Circuit Test, then
Programming Control Units.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.

HP51992,00006EE ­19­11JAN08­4/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

HCC 000630.13 — HCC Calibration Fault/Not

Calibrated Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCC) has never
been calibrated or a failed calibration was saved.
HP51992,00006ED ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Indicator/Alarm Only
HP51992,00006ED ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 020 — Rear Hitch Calibration. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform CAN

Communication Fault
HP51992,00006ED ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Operate hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC
020 — Rear Hitch
Calibration, then CAN
Communication Fault
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.

HP51992,00006ED ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 001079.03 — HCC Sensor Supply

Voltage High Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCC) sensor
supply voltage above 5.25 V.
HP51992,00006EC ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
HP51992,00006EC ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 013 — Rear Hitch Sensor Supply Voltage. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

Hitch Control Unit Sensor
Power and Ground Circuit

Continued on next page HP51992,00006EC ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Operate hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC ­
Hitch Control Unit Sensor
Power and Ground Circuit
Test, then Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit System
Power and Ground Circuit
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006EC ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 001079.04 — HCC Sensor Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCC) sensor
supply voltage below 4.65 V.
HP51992,00006EB ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (OFF)
HP51992,00006EB ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 013 — Rear Hitch Sensor Supply Voltage. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

Hitch Control Unit Sensor
Power and Ground Circuit

Continued on next page HP51992,00006EB ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Operate hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC ­
Hitch Control Unit Sensor
Power and Ground Circuit
Test, then Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit System
Power and Ground Circuit
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006EB ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 001638.02 — HCC Calibration

Fault/Hydraulic Oil Temperature Low Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCC) was calibrated
with hydraulic oil temp below 50°C (122°F).
HP51992,00006EA ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Indicator/Alarm Only
HP51992,00006EA ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 019 — HCC Hydraulic Oil Temperature. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform Deluxe

Hydraulic CAN Control
Unit System Power and
Ground Circuit Test, then
Programming Control Units.
NOT OK: Perform
Hydraulics ­ Heating
Hydraulic Oil.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006EA ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Perform HCC 020 — Rear Hitch Calibration. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform Deluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control Unit
System Power and Ground
Circuit Test, HCC 020 —
Rear Hitch Calibration, then
Programming Control Units.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006EA ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 001873.02 — Rear Hitch Position Sensor

Circuit Voltage Fault Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Position Sensor may
be damaged or need calibration.
HP51992,00006E9 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
HP51992,00006E9 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 004 — Rear Hitch Position Sensor Voltage. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

Rear Hitch Position Sensor
Circuit Test.

HP51992,00006E9 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC ­
Rear Hitch Position Sensor
Circuit Test, then HCC 020
— Rear Hitch Calibration.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.

HP51992,00006E9 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

HCC 001873.03 — Rear Hitch Position Sensor

Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Rear hitch position sensor voltage out
of range high. Sensor voltage is above 4.75 volts.
HP51992,00006E8 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
HP51992,00006E8 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 004 — Rear Hitch Position Sensor Voltage and HCC 029 — Rear Hitch
Position Maximum Voltage.
OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

Rear Hitch Position Sensor
Circuit Test.
HP51992,00006E8 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC ­
Rear Hitch Position Sensor
Circuit Test.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.

HP51992,00006E8 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 001873.04 — Rear Hitch Position Sensor

Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Rear hitch position sensor voltage out
of range low. Sensor voltage is below 0.25 volts.
HP51992,00006E7 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
HP51992,00006E7 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 004 — Rear Hitch Position Sensor Voltage and HCC 028 — Rear Hitch
Position Minimum Voltage.
OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

Rear Hitch Position Sensor
Circuit Test.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006E7 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC ­
Rear Hitch Position Sensor
Circuit Test.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006E7 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 001873.11 — Rear Hitch Position

Restricted During Calibration Code Caused By: Rear hitch calibration did not
see a big enough difference between the lower and
upper limit of the rear hitch position.
EJ20264,000014F ­19­06JUL09­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
EJ20264,000014F ­19­06JUL09­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 020 — Rear Hitch Calibration. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

Rear Hitch Position Sensor
Circuit Test, make sure
rear hitch has full range of

EJ20264,000014F ­19­06JUL09­3/4

•2 Verify Code 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC
020 — Rear Hitch
Calibration and HCC ­
Rear Hitch Position Sensor
Circuit Test.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.

EJ20264,000014F ­19­06JUL09­4/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

HCC 001873.13 — HCC Calibration Fault/Rear

Hitch Position Sensor Circuit Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Position Sensor requires
calibration. A failure to calibrate or an unsuccessful
calibration may cause this code to be stored.
HP51992,00006E6 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
HP51992,00006E6 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 020 — Rear Hitch Calibration. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

Rear Hitch Position Sensor
Circuit Test.
HP51992,00006E6 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC
020 — Rear Hitch
Calibration, then HCC ­
Rear Hitch Position Sensor
Circuit Test.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.

HP51992,00006E6 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 001881.03 — Rear Hitch Draft Sensor

Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Draft Sensor voltage
out of range high. Sensor voltage is above 5.35
volts for more than 320 milli­seconds.
HP51992,00006E5 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
Continued on next page HP51992,00006E5 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 005 — Rear Hitch Draft Sensor Voltage. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

Rear Hitch Draft Sensor
Circuit Test.
HP51992,00006E5 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC ­
Rear Hitch Draft Sensor
Circuit Test.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006E5 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 001881.04 — Rear Hitch Draft Sensor

Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Draft Sensor voltage
out of range low. Sensor voltage is below 0.20 volts
for more than 320 milli­seconds.
HP51992,00006E4 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
HP51992,00006E4 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 005 — Rear Hitch Draft Sensor Voltage. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

Rear Hitch Draft Sensor
Circuit Test.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006E4 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC ­
Rear Hitch Draft Sensor
Circuit Test.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006E4 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 001881.13 — HCC Calibration Fault/Rear calibration may cause this code to be stored. No Load
Hitch Draft Sensor Circuit draft sensor voltage is out of range (1.90 ­ 2.40 volts)

Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Draft Sensor requires

calibration. A failure to calibrate or an unsuccessful
HP51992,00006E3 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
HP51992,00006E3 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 026 — Rear Hitch Draft Sensor Voltage Adjustment. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

Rear Hitch Draft Sensor
Circuit Test.

HP51992,00006E3 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC ­
Rear Hitch Draft Sensor
Circuit Test, then HCC 026
— Rear Hitch Draft Sensor
Voltage Adjustment.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.

HP51992,00006E3 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

HCC 002005.09 — ACU Message Missing

Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCC) not receiving
required messages from the ACU.
HP51992,00006E2 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
HP51992,00006E2 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check No operational checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,00006E2 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform
CAN Communication
Fault Checks, then
240­SE13­003 Armrest
Control Unit (ACU) System
Power and Ground Circuit
4. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.

HP51992,00006E2 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 002071.09 — CCU Message Missing

Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCC) not receiving
required speed messages from the CCU.
HP51992,00006E1 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
HP51992,00006E1 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check No operational checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006E1 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Drive vehicle. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform
CAN Communication
Fault Checks, then
240­SE11­201 Chassis
Control Unit (CCU) Supply
Voltage and Ground Circuit
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006E1 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 002152.09 — HV I Message Missing

Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCC) not receiving
required hitch control valve (HV I) message.
HP51992,00006E0 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
HP51992,00006E0 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check No operational checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006E0 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Cycle hitch through full range. NOT OK: Per­
form HCC/SCC ­ CAN
Communication Fault Test,
then Deluxe Hydraulic CAN
Control Unit System Power
and Ground Circuit Test.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Problem not
If more than one control unit
has code 2005.09, replace
Armrest Control Unit.
If Selective Control Unit
(SCC) has code 2005.09,
replace Deluxe Hydraulic
Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
HP51992,00006E0 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 002602.18 — Hydraulic Oil Level Low

Code Caused By: Hydraulic oil level is low.
HP51992,00006DF ­19­11JAN08­1/5

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (OFF)
HP51992,00006DF ­19­11JAN08­2/5

•1 Operational Check View hydraulic oil reservoir level gage. Oil should be between gauge marks. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Fill hydraulic oil

level to proper level.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006DF ­19­11JAN08­3/5

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­15 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Operate all hydraulic functions (PTO, SCVs, and hitch). OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform
240­SE11­207 Hydraulic
Clean Oil Reservoir Level
Sensor Voltage Circuit Test.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006DF ­19­11JAN08­4/5

see note
HP51992,00006DF ­19­11JAN08­5/5

HCC 521000.02 — Rear Hitch External Switch

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Rear Hitch External Switch failure.
HP51992,00006DE ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
HP51992,00006DE ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 007 — Rear Hitch External Switch. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

Rear Hitch Left External
Switch Circuit Test and HCC
­ Rear Hitch Right External
Switch Circuit Test.

HP51992,00006DE ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Raise and lower rear hitch using both left and right external switches. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC ­
Rear Hitch Left External
Switch Circuit Test and HCC
­ Rear Hitch Right External
Switch Circuit Test.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.

HP51992,00006DE ­19­11JAN08­4/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

HCC 521000.31 — Rear Hitch External Switch

Circuit Conflict Code Caused By: Both raise and lower switches
were activated at the same time.
HP51992,00006DD ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
HP51992,00006DD ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 007 — Rear Hitch External Switch. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

Rear Hitch Left External
Switch Circuit Test and HCC
­ Rear Hitch Right External
Switch Circuit Test.
HP51992,00006DD ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Raise and lower rear hitch using both left and right external switches. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC ­
Rear Hitch Left External
Switch Circuit Test and HCC
­ Rear Hitch Right External
Switch Circuit Test.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.

HP51992,00006DD ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 521001.02 — HCC Calibration Fault/Rear

Hitch Pressure Valve Gain Code Caused By: Unsuccessful Rear Hitch Raise
Valve maximum current calibration.
HP51992,00006DC ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (OFF)
Continued on next page HP51992,00006DC ­19­11JAN08­2/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­17 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 020 — Rear Hitch Calibration. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

HV I Power and Ground
Circuit Test.
HP51992,00006DC ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC
020 — Rear Hitch
Calibration, then HCC ­
HV I Power and Ground
Circuit Test.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006DC ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 523652.02 — Wire Connector

Fault/Incompatible Harness Location Code Caused By: Deluxe Hydraulic Control Unit is
plugged into wrong harness connectors.
HP51992,00006DB ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (OFF)
HP51992,00006DB ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check See ”Control Unit Locations and Identification” to verify that Deluxe Hydraulic Control
Unit connectors are connected to Deluxe Hydraulic Control Unit and Secondary
Hydraulic Control Unit connectors are connected to Secondary Hydraulic Control Unit.
OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Connect control

units to respective
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006DB ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­18 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Key switch in RUN position.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform Deluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control Unit
Loop Back Circuit Test.
4. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006DB ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 523788.02 — Hydraulic Option

Configuration Changed Since Power­up Code Caused By: Option pin configuration for optional
hitch features has changed since last power up.
HP51992,00006DA ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (OFF)
HP51992,00006DA ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check No operational check required. OK: GO TO 2.

HP51992,00006DA ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Key switch in RUN position.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC
020 — Rear Hitch
Calibration, then Deluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control Unit
System Power and Ground
Circuit Test.
4. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.

HP51992,00006DA ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 523788.14 — Hydraulic Option supported feature to another without going through
Configuration Change Not Allowed an all­disconnected configuration.

Code Caused By: Option pin configuration for

optional hitch features has changed from one
Continued on next page HP51992,00006D9 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­19 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (OFF)
HP51992,00006D9 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check 1. Key switch OFF.

2. Disconnect implement option connector.

3. Key switch ON.
4. Key switch OFF.
5. Reconnect implement option connector.
6. Key switch ON. OK: GO TO 2.
7. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC
020 — Rear Hitch
HP51992,00006D9 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Key switch OFF.

2. Disconnect implement option connector.

3. Key switch ON.
4. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.
5. Key switch OFF.
6. Reconnect implement option connector. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
7. Key switch ON. NOT OK: Perform HCC
020 — Rear Hitch
Calibration, then Deluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control Unit
System Power and Ground
Circuit Test.
8. Check for code return. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006D9 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 523910.02 — HCC Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: Data associated with the Hitch Control
Unit (HCC) control settings has been corrupted.
HP51992,00006D8 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (OFF)
HP51992,00006D8 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check No operational check required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006D8 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­20 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Key switch ON. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit. NOT OK: Perform
HCC 020 — Rear
Hitch Calibration, then
Programming Control Units.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006D8 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 523950.13 — Rear Hitch Calibration not

Performed Correctly Code Caused By: Rear Hitch calibration did not see
enough purge cycles. The calibration needs to see 3
full down to full up cycles of the rear hitch.
EJ20264,0000150 ­19­06JUL09­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Control Unit Response: Function Degraded
EJ20264,0000150 ­19­06JUL09­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 020 — Rear Hitch Calibration. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

Rear Hitch Position Sensor
Circuit Test and make sure
rear hitch has full range of

EJ20264,0000150 ­19­06JUL09­3/4

•2 Verify Code 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC
020 — Rear Hitch
Calibration and HCC ­
Rear Hitch Position Sensor
Circuit Test.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.

EJ20264,0000150 ­19­06JUL09­4/4

HCC 523952.31 — Rear Hitch Disabled/HCC

Configuration Code Caused By: Operator is trying to use the hitch
while it is disabled or not available.
Continued on next page HP51992,00006D7 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (OFF)
HP51992,00006D7 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 003 — Option Jumper Status. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC

020 — Rear Hitch
HP51992,00006D7 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC
003 — Option Jumper
Status, then HCC 020 —
Rear Hitch Calibration.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006D7 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 524016.04 — HCC Switched Supply

Voltage Low/Rear Hitch Solenoids Code Caused By: Supply voltage to Hitch
solenoids below 9.0 V.
HP51992,00006D6 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (OFF)
HP51992,00006D6 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HCC 016 — Hitch CAN Valve Supply Voltage. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

HV I Power and Ground
Circuit Test.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006D6 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform HCC ­
HV I Power and Ground
Circuit Test.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006D6 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 524212.19 — Rear Hitch Control Lever

Fault Message Received Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Lever Position data
received with a failure indication.
HP51992,00006D5 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (OFF)
Continued on next page HP51992,00006D5 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­23 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•1 Operational Check 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 027.

3. Check to ensure that the Rear Hitch Control Lever is in Detent position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Detent Position (Low Range)................................................................. 000002.50
Rear Hitch Detent Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000002.90
5. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward position. Verify that OK: GO TO 2.
the display at ACU Address 027 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Full Forward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 100001.35
Rear Hitch Full Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100001.75
6. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward position. Verify that NOT OK: Perform CAN
the display at ACU Address 027 ramps down to meet the following specification: Communication Fault
ACU Address 027—Specification Checks.
Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Full Rearward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 100003.90
Rear Hitch Full Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100004.30

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 27 represent the Rear Hitch
Control Lever Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU
Address 027 represent the voltage input to the control unit from
the Rear Hitch Control Lever Position Sensor.
HP51992,00006D5 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform
CAN Communication
Fault Checks, then
240­SE13­003 Armrest
Control Unit (ACU) System
Power and Ground Circuit
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006D5 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HCC 524212.31 — Rear Hitch Lever

Command Missing Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Lever Position data
not received through CAN message.
Continued on next page HP51992,00006D4 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­24 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: Function Disabled (OFF)
HP51992,00006D4 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 027.

3. Check to ensure that the Rear Hitch Control Lever is in Detent position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Detent Position (Low Range)................................................................. 000002.50
Rear Hitch Detent Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000002.90
5. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward position. Verify that OK: GO TO 2.
the display at ACU Address 027 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Full Forward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 100001.35
Rear Hitch Full Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100001.75
6. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward position. Verify that NOT OK: Perform
the display at ACU Address 027 ramps down to meet the following specification: 240­SE13­010 Rear Hitch
ACU Address 027—Specification Control Lever Sensor Circuit
Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear Test.
Hitch Full Rearward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 100003.90
Rear Hitch Full Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100004.30

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 27 represent the Rear Hitch
Control Lever Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU
Address 027 represent the voltage input to the control unit from
the Rear Hitch Control Lever Position Sensor.
Continued on next page HP51992,00006D4 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­25 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCC Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Perform
CAN Communication
Fault Checks,
240­SE13­010 Rear
Hitch Control Lever
Sensor Circuit Test, then
240­SE13­003 Armrest
Control Unit (ACU) System
Power and Ground Circuit
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference Deluxe Hydraulic
CAN Control Unit Test.
HP51992,00006D4 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCC­26 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group HCU
HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 000158.04 — HCU Switched Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: Switched supply voltage to Hitch
Control Unit (HCU) below 9.0 V.
DP51502,0000172 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: No Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000172 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Access HCU Address 018 and verify display meets following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

Battery Voltage—Specification NOT OK: GO TO 4.

Supply Voltage—Key switch in RUN
(engine off).....................................................................................................12.5­14.5 V
DP51502,0000172 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000172 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle at idle for 5 ­ 10 minutes. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: More than one
control unit has code
000158.04 or 000158.01.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code HCU
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 000158.04 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 5.
Continued on next page DP51502,0000172 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•4 System Checks Perform Vehicle Load Center Supply Voltage and Ground Test, Reference

If problem is not identified: OK: GO TO 5.

Perform Charging System Voltage Test, Reference 240­SE01­003. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000172 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­403.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000172 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000172 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 000168.04 — HCU Unswitched Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: Unswitched supply voltage to
Hitch Control Unit (HCU) below 9.0 V.
DP51502,0000173 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000173 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Visually inspect around the batteries and alternator for any visual signs of damage OK: GO TO 2.
or accumulated debris.
Perform any maintenance.
2. Access HCU Address 018 and verify display meets following specification: NOT OK: GO TO 4.

Battery Voltage—Specification
Supply Voltage—Key switch in RUN
(engine off......................................................................................................12.5­14.5 V
DP51502,0000173 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000173 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle at idle for 5 ­ 10 minutes. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
3. Check for code return. NOT OK: More than one
control unit has code
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code HCU
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 000168.04 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 5.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000173 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

DP51502,0000173 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­403.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000173 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000173 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 000190.02 — Rear Hitch Calibration

Fault/Engine Speed Low Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Raise Limit was calibrated
with engine speed below 1800 rpm.
DP51502,0000174 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000174 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

DP51502,0000174 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000174 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Set engine speed above 1800 rpm.

3. Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000174 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006.

If problem not identified: OK: GO TO 5.

Perform CAN System Diagnosis (Reference 213­45­001). NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000174 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

DP51502,0000174 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000174 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 000629.12 — HCU Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCU) software
failed to execute in allotted time.
DP51502,0000175 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000175 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

DP51502,0000175 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000175 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000175 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000175 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­403.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000175 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000175 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 000630.13 — HCU Calibration Fault/Not high/relief pressure) is about 20 mA higher than
Calibrated the deadband with an SCV stalled. The 20 mA
difference may not affect the hitch performance
Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCU) has never much if the hitch passed calibration. In some
been calibrated or a failed calibration was saved. cases, the calibration will fail because of not
seeing the pump high pressure. During hitch valve
NOTE: A calibrated hitch valve deadband without calibration (245­HCU­001), ensure one SCV is
an SCV stalled (dead headed against pump stalled to keep the pump pressure high.
DP51502,0000176 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000176 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

DP51502,0000176 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000176 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

GO TO 5.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000176 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000176 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001. OK: Calibration
Diagnosis complete.

If calibration was not successful or problem was not identified: NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
New software may be required. Perform Programming Controllers, Reference NOT OK: Calibration
245­05­005. unsuccessful and problem
not identified.
GO TO 6.
DP51502,0000176 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000176 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 001079.03 — HCU Sensor Supply

Voltage High Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCU) sensor
supply voltage above 5.25 V.
DP51502,0000177 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000177 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

DP51502,0000177 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000177 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate for 5 ­ 15 minutes while cycling hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000177 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­403.
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000177 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Sensor Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­404.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000177 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000177 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 001079.04 — HCU Sensor Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCU) sensor
supply voltage below 4.65 V.
DP51502,0000178 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000178 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

DP51502,0000178 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000178 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate for 5 ­ 15 minutes while cycling hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000178 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­403.
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000178 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Sensor Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­404.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000178 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000178 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 001638.02 — HCU Calibration

Fault/Hydraulic Oil Temperature Low Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCU) was calibrated
with hydraulic oil temp below 50°C (122°F).
DP51502,000017B ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,000017B ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

DP51502,000017B ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,000017B ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Access HCU Address 019 and verify oil temperature is above 50°C (122°F). If
necessary perform Heat Hydraulic Oil, Reference 270­15­100.
3. Key switch OFF. Restart tractor.
4. Recall, record and clear codes.
5. Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001.
6. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,000017B ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page DP51502,000017B ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­15 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

DP51502,000017B ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,000017B ­19­21DEC05­8/8

HCU 001873.02 — Rear Hitch Position Sensor

Voltage Fault Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Position Sensor may
be damaged or need calibration.
HP51992,0000010 ­19­21AUG06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page HP51992,0000010 ­19­21AUG06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Clean and inspect rear hitch position sensor for damage. Correct condition as

2. Start vehicle.
3. Fully lower the rear hitch.
4. Access HCU Address 008.
5. Verify that the display at Address 008 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 008—Specification

Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input
Voltage—Hitch Fully Lowered............................................................................3.0­4.5 V
6. Fully raise the rear hitch.
7. Verify that the display at Address 008 ramps down to meet the following

HCU Address 008—Specification

Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input
Voltage—Hitch Fully Raised..............................................................................0.5­2.5 V
8. Fully lower the rear hitch. OK: GO TO 2.
9. Verify that the display at Address 008 ramps up to meet the following specification: NOT OK: GO TO 4.

HCU Address 008—Specification

Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input
Voltage—Hitch Fully Lowered............................................................................3.0­4.5 V
HP51992,0000010 ­19­21AUG06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000010 ­19­21AUG06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000010 ­19­21AUG06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000010 ­19­21AUG06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­17 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­410. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000010 ­19­21AUG06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform hitch control unit
test, reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000010 ­19­21AUG06­8/8

HCU 001873.03 — Rear Hitch Position Sensor

Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Rear hitch position sensor
voltage out of range high.
DP51502,000017C ­19­21AUG06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page DP51502,000017C ­19­21AUG06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­18 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Clean and inspect rear hitch position sensor for damage. Correct condition as

2. Start vehicle.
3. Fully lower the rear hitch.
4. Access HCU Address 008.
5. Verify that the display at Address 008 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 008—Specification

Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input
Voltage—Hitch Fully Lowered............................................................................3.0­4.5 V
6. Fully raise the rear hitch.
7. Verify that the display at Address 008 ramps down to meet the following

HCU Address 008—Specification

Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input
Voltage—Hitch Fully Raised..............................................................................0.5­2.5 V
8. Fully lower the rear hitch. OK: GO TO 2.
9. Verify that the display at Address 008 ramps up to meet the following specification: NOT OK: Value at HCU
Address 008 does not meet
HCU Address 008—Specification
Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input
Voltage—Hitch Fully Lowered............................................................................3.0­4.5 V GO TO 4.
DP51502,000017C ­19­21AUG06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,000017C ­19­21AUG06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,000017C ­19­21AUG06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page DP51502,000017C ­19­21AUG06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­19 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­410. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
DP51502,000017C ­19­21AUG06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform hitch control unit
test, reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,000017C ­19­21AUG06­8/8

HCU 001873.04 — Rear Hitch Position Sensor

Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Rear hitch position sensor
voltage out of range low.
DP51502,000017D ­19­21AUG06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
Continued on next page DP51502,000017D ­19­21AUG06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­20 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Clean and inspect rear hitch position sensor for damage. Correct condition as

2. Start vehicle.
3. Fully lower the rear hitch.
4. Access HCU Address 008.
5. Verify that the display at Address 008 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 008—Specification

Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input
Voltage—Hitch Fully Lowered............................................................................3.0­4.5 V
6. Fully raise the rear hitch.
7. Verify that the display at Address 008 ramps down to meet the following

HCU Address 008—Specification

Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input
Voltage—Hitch Fully Raised..............................................................................0.5­2.5 V
8. Fully lower the rear hitch. OK: GO TO 2.
9. Verify that the display at Address 008 ramps up to meet the following specification: NOT OK: Value at HCU
Address 008 does not meet
HCU Address 008—Specification
Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input
Voltage—Hitch Fully Lowered............................................................................3.0­4.5 V GO TO 4.
DP51502,000017D ­19­21AUG06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,000017D ­19­21AUG06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,000017D ­19­21AUG06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page DP51502,000017D ­19­21AUG06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­410. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
DP51502,000017D ­19­21AUG06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform hitch control unit
test, reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,000017D ­19­21AUG06­8/8

HCU 001873.11 — Rear Hitch Position Sensor

Fault Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Position Sensor
voltage range less than 2.25 volts.
KB11996,0000075 ­19­10SEP08­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
Required Tools:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page KB11996,0000075 ­19­10SEP08­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Clean and inspect rear hitch position sensor for damage. Correct condition as

2. Start vehicle.
3. Fully lower the rear hitch.
4. Access HCU Address 008.
5. Verify that the display at HCU Address 008 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 008—Specification

Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input
Voltage—Hitch Fully Lowered................................................................................4.50 V
6. Fully raise the rear hitch.
7. Verify that the display at HCU Address 008 ramps down to meet the following

HCU Address 008—Specification

Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input
Voltage—Hitch Fully Raised..................................................................................0.50 V
8. Fully lower the rear hitch. OK: GO TO 2.
9. Verify that the display at HCU Address 008 ramps up to meet the following NOT OK: Value at HCU
specification: Address 008 does not meet
HCU Address 008—Specification specification.
Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input Perform ”Rear Hitch
Voltage—Hitch Fully Lowered................................................................................4.50 V Position Sensor
Circuit Test, Reference
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000075 ­19­10SEP08­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes for this control unit.

If using ServiceAdvisor™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection to

the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using ServiceAdvisor™ or if unable to make a connection: See ”Recall, Record, OK: Code does not return.
and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001” for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

ServiceAdvisor is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000075 ­19­10SEP08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000075 ­19­10SEP08­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­23 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•4 System Checks Perform ”Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001”. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Calibration failed.

GO TO 5.
KB11996,0000075 ­19­10SEP08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform ”Rear Hitch Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­410”. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000075 ­19­10SEP08­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform hitch control unit
test, reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000075 ­19­10SEP08­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­24 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 001873.13 — HCU Calibration Fault/Rear

Hitch Position Sensor Circuit Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Position Sensor requires
calibration. A failure to calibrate or an unsuccessful
calibration may cause this code to be stored.
DP51502,000017E ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
DP51502,000017E ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Clean and inspect rear hitch position sensor for damage. Correct condition as

2. Start vehicle.
3. Fully lower the rear hitch.
4. Access HCU Address 008.
5. Verify that the display at Address 008 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 008—Specification

Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input
Voltage—Hitch Fully Lowered........................................................................3.40­4.40 V
6. Fully raise the rear hitch.
7. Verify that the display at Address 008 ramps down to meet the following

HCU Address 008—Specification

Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input
Voltage—Hitch Fully Raised..........................................................................0.60­1.20 V
8. Fully lower the rear hitch. OK: GO TO 2.
9. Verify that the display at Address 008 ramps up to meet the following specification: NOT OK: Value at HCU
Address 008 does not meet
HCU Address 008—Specification
Rear Hitch Position Sensor Input
Voltage—Hitch Fully Lowered........................................................................3.40­4.40 V Perform Rear Hitch Position
Sensor Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­410.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,000017E ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page DP51502,000017E ­19­21DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­25 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,000017E ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Calibration failed.

GO TO 5.
DP51502,000017E ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­410. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
DP51502,000017E ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

DP51502,000017E ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­26 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 001881.03 — Rear Hitch Draft Sensor

Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Draft Sensor
voltage out of range high.
DP51502,000017F ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
DP51502,000017F ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Detach any implement attached to Rear Hitch.

2. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

3. Access HCU Address 005. OK: GO TO 2.
4. Verify that the display at HCU Address 005 meets the following specification: NOT OK: Value at HCU
Address 005 does not meet
HCU Address 005—Specification
Rear Hitch Draft Sensor Input
Voltage—No Load..........................................................................................2.00­2.30 V GO TO 4.

DP51502,000017F ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,000017F ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,000017F ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page DP51502,000017F ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­27 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Draft Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­408. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
DP51502,000017F ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,000017F ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­28 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 001881.04 — Rear Hitch Draft Sensor

Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Draft Sensor
voltage out of range low.
DP51502,0000180 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
DP51502,0000180 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Detach any implement attached to Rear Hitch.

2. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

3. Access HCU Address 005. OK: GO TO 2.
4. Verify that the display at HCU Address 005 meets the following specification: NOT OK: Value at HCU
Address 005 does not meet
HCU Address 005—Specification
Rear Hitch Draft Sensor Input
Voltage—No Load..........................................................................................2.00­2.30 V GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000180 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000180 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000180 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000180 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­29 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Draft Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­408. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000180 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000180 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­30 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 001881.13 — HCU Calibration Fault/Rear

Hitch Draft Sensor Circuit Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Draft Sensor requires
calibration. A failure to calibrate or an unsuccessful
calibration may cause this code to be stored.
DP51502,0000181 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
DP51502,0000181 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Detach any implement attached to Rear Hitch.

2. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

3. Access HCU Address 005. OK: GO TO 2.
4. Verify that the display at HCU Address 005 meets the following specification: NOT OK: Value at HCU
Address 005 does not meet
HCU Address 005—Specification
Rear Hitch Draft Sensor Input
Voltage—No Load..........................................................................................2.00­2.30 V GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000181 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000181 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000181 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­31 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•4 System Checks Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Calibration failed.

GO TO 5.
DP51502,0000181 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Draft Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­408. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000181 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000181 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­32 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 002005.09 — ACU Message Missing

Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCU) not receiving
required messages from the ACU.
DP51502,0000182 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000182 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

DP51502,0000182 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000182 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000182 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000182 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­33 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit (ACU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE13­003.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000182 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000182 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

HCU 002071.09 — PTI or PTP Message

Missing Code Caused By: Hitch Control Unit (HCU) not receiving
required speed messages from the PTI or PTP.
HP51992,0000546 ­19­31AUG05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of Speed functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000546 ­19­31AUG05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary check required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000546 ­19­31AUG05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­34 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the “Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000546 ­19­31AUG05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Drive vehicle in an open area free of obstructions.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000546 ­19­31AUG05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000546 ­19­31AUG05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Power Train Control Unit (PTP) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE11­403 or .Power Train Control Unit (PTI) Supply Voltage and
Ground Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­303.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000546 ­19­31AUG05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­35 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2071.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2071.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
HP51992,0000546 ­19­31AUG05­8/8

HCU 002602.18 — Hydraulic Oil Level Low will not raise or lower, suspect the hitch retract
spool may be stuck. This causes the clean
Code Caused By: Hydraulic oil level is low. oil reservoir to drain to sump.

NOTE: If codes CCU 002602.18, HCU 002602.18

and SCU 002602.18 are present and the hitch
HP51992,0000013 ­19­18AUG06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Hydraulic System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,0000013 ­19­18AUG06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks View differential case hydraulic oil level gage. Oil should be between gage marks. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Fill to correct

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000013 ­19­18AUG06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­36 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,0000013 ­19­18AUG06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle for 15 minutes

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,0000013 ­19­18AUG06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

HP51992,0000013 ­19­18AUG06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Clean Oil Reservoir Level Sensor Voltage Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE11­207.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,0000013 ­19­18AUG06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­37 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform hitch control unit
test, reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
HP51992,0000013 ­19­18AUG06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­38 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 521000.02 — Rear Hitch External Switch

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Rear Hitch External Switch failure.
DP51502,0000183 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000183 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access HCU Address 012.

3. Verify that the display at HCU Address 012 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 012—Specification

Rear Hitch Left External Switch—OFF
Commanded............................................................................................................ 0101
4. Place the Rear Hitch Left External Switch in the Raise position.
5. Verify that the display at HCU Address 012 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 012—Specification

Rear Hitch Left External Switch—RAISE
Commanded............................................................................................................ 1001
6. Return the Rear Hitch Left External Switch to the Neutral position
7. Verify that the display at HCU Address 012 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 012—Specification

Rear Hitch Left External Switch—OFF
Commanded............................................................................................................ 0101
8. Place the Rear Hitch Left External Switch in the Lower position.
9. Verify that the display at HCU Address 012 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

HCU Address 012—Specification

Rear Hitch Left External
Switch—LOWER Commanded................................................................................ 0110
10. If equipped with rear hitch right external switch, repeat steps 2—9 using right NOT OK: Value at HCU
external hitch switch. Address 012 does not meet
GO TO 4.
Continued on next page DP51502,0000183 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­39 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000183 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle left fender switch and right fender switch (if equipped) up and down.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000183 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

DP51502,0000183 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all the following:

Rear Hitch Left External Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­406. OK: GO TO 6.
If equipped, Rear Hitch Right External Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­407. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000183 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­40 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000183 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­41 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 521000.31 — Rear Hitch External Switch

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Both raise and lower switches
were activated at the same time.
DP51502,0000184 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000184 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access HCU Address 012.

3. Verify that the display at HCU Address 012 meets the following specification:
HCU Address 012—Specification
Rear Hitch Left External Switch—OFF
Commanded............................................................................................................ 0101
4. Place the Rear Hitch Left External Switch in the Raise position.
5. Verify that the display at HCU Address 012 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 012—Specification

Rear Hitch Left External Switch—RAISE
Commanded............................................................................................................ 1001
6. Return the Rear Hitch Left External Switch to the Neutral position
7. Verify that the display at HCU Address 012 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 012—Specification

Rear Hitch Left External Switch—OFF
Commanded............................................................................................................ 0101
8. Place the Rear Hitch Left External Switch in the Lower position.
9. Verify that the display at HCU Address 012 meets the following specification: OK: GO TO 2.

HCU Address 012—Specification

Rear Hitch Left External
Switch—LOWER Commanded................................................................................ 0110
10. If equipped with rear hitch right external switch, repeat steps 2—9 using right NOT OK: Value at HCU
external hitch switch. Address 012 does not meet
GO TO 4.
Continued on next page DP51502,0000184 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­42 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000184 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle right and left fender switches up and down.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000184 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

DP51502,0000184 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all the following:

Rear Hitch Left External Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­406. OK: GO TO 6.
If equipped, Rear Hitch Right External Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­407. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000184 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­43 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000184 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­44 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 521001.02 — HCU Calibration Fault/Rear

Hitch Pressure Valve Gain Code Caused By: Unsuccessful Rear Hitch Raise
Valve maximum current calibration
DP51502,0000185 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000185 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

DP51502,0000185 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000185 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000185 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Calibration failed.

GO TO 5.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000185 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­45 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 245­HCU­014. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000185 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000185 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­46 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 521001.05 — Rear Hitch Pressure

Solenoid Current Low Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Raise Valve
solenoid current low.
DP51502,0000186 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page DP51502,0000186 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­47 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Start engine.

RXA0066171 —UN—14MAR03
Height / Rate Button
2. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter twice.
3. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch rate of drop to ”5” (max
4. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save rate of drop setting.
5. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter once.
6. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch raise limit to highest
7. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save hitch raise limit setting
8. Fully lower the rear hitch.
9. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to Neutral position.
10. Access HCU Address 017.
11. Verify that the display at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Neutral Position...................................................................................0 mA
12. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward position. Verify that
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.............................................................600 to 1050 mA
13. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Neutral position. Verify that the display OK: GO TO 2.
at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded..............................................................................0 mA
14. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward position. Verify that NOT OK: Current display
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification: does not meet specification.
HCU Address 017—Specification GO TO 4.
Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.......................................................... ­600 to ­1050 mA
Continued on next page DP51502,0000186 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­48 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000186 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000186 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

DP51502,0000186 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Circuit Test (Reference 245­HCU­014). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000186 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­49 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000186 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­50 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 521001.06 — Rear Hitch Pressure

Solenoid Current High Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Raise Valve
solenoid current high.
DP51502,0000187 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page DP51502,0000187 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­51 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Start engine.

RXA0066171 —UN—14MAR03
Height / Rate Button
2. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter twice.
3. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch rate of drop to ”5” (max
4. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save rate of drop setting.
5. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter once.
6. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch raise limit to highest
7. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save hitch raise limit setting
8. Fully lower the rear hitch.
9. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to Neutral position.
10. Access HCU Address 017.
11. Verify that the display at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Neutral Position...................................................................................0 mA
12. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward position. Verify that
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.............................................................600 to 1050 mA
13. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Neutral position. Verify that the display OK: GO TO 2.
at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded..............................................................................0 mA
14. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward position. Verify that NOT OK: Current display
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification: does not meet specification.
HCU Address 017—Specification GO TO 4.
Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.......................................................... ­600 to ­1050 mA
Continued on next page DP51502,0000187 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­52 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000187 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000187 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

DP51502,0000187 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 245­HCU­014. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000187 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­53 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000187 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­54 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 521001.07 — HCU Calibration Fault/Rear

Hitch Pressure Valve Code Caused By: Possible valve problem. If
521001.11, 521002.11 and 521002.07 are also present
suspect failed hitch position sensor.
DP51502,0000188 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page DP51502,0000188 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­55 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Start engine.

RXA0066171 —UN—14MAR03
Height / Rate Button
2. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter twice.
3. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch rate of drop to ”5” (max
4. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save rate of drop setting.
5. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter once.
6. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch raise limit to highest
7. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save hitch raise limit setting
8. Fully lower the rear hitch.
9. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to Neutral position.
10. Access HCU Address 017.
11. Verify that the display at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Neutral Position...................................................................................0 mA
12. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward position. Verify that
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.............................................................600 to 1050 mA
13. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Neutral position. Verify that the display OK: GO TO 2.
at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded..............................................................................0 mA
14. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward position. Verify that NOT OK: Current display
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification: does not meet specification.
HCU Address 017—Specification GO TO 4.
Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.......................................................... ­600 to ­1050 mA
Continued on next page DP51502,0000188 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­56 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000188 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000188 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Calibration failed.

GO TO 5.
DP51502,0000188 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 245­HCU­014.

and OK: GO TO 6.
Rear Hitch Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­410. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000188 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­57 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000188 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­58 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 521001.11 — HCU Calibration Fault/Rear

Hitch Pressure Valve Code Caused By: Possible valve problem. If 521001.07 is
also present suspect failed hitch position sensor.
DP51502,0000189 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page DP51502,0000189 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­59 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Start engine.

RXA0066171 —UN—14MAR03
Height / Rate Button
2. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter twice.
3. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch rate of drop to ”5” (max
4. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save rate of drop setting.
5. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter once.
6. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch raise limit to highest
7. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save hitch raise limit setting
8. Fully lower the rear hitch.
9. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to Neutral position.
10. Access HCU Address 017.
11. Verify that the display at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Neutral Position...................................................................................0 mA
12. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward position. Verify that
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.............................................................600 to 1050 mA
13. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Neutral position. Verify that the display OK: GO TO 2.
at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded..............................................................................0 mA
14. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward position. Verify that NOT OK: Current display
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification: does not meet specification.
HCU Address 017—Specification GO TO 4.
Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.......................................................... ­600 to ­1050 mA
Continued on next page DP51502,0000189 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­60 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000189 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000189 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Calibration failed.

GO TO 5.
DP51502,0000189 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 245­HCU­014.

and OK: GO TO 6.
Rear Hitch Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­410. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000189 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­61 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000189 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­62 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 521001.13 — HCU Calibration Fault/Rear

Hitch Pressure Valve Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Raise Valve Threshold
requires calibration. A failure to calibrate or an
unsuccessful calibration may cause this code to be stored.
DP51502,000018A ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page DP51502,000018A ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­63 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Start engine.

RXA0066171 —UN—14MAR03
Height / Rate Button
2. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter twice.
3. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch rate of drop to ”5” (max
4. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save rate of drop setting.
5. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter once.
6. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch raise limit to highest
7. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save hitch raise limit setting
8. Fully lower the rear hitch.
9. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to Neutral position.
10. Access HCU Address 017.
11. Verify that the display at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Neutral Position...................................................................................0 mA
12. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward position. Verify that
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.............................................................600 to 1050 mA
13. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Neutral position. Verify that the display OK: GO TO 2.
at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded..............................................................................0 mA
14. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward position. Verify that NOT OK: Current display
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification: does not meet specification.
HCU Address 017—Specification GO TO 4.
Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.......................................................... ­600 to ­1050 mA
Continued on next page DP51502,000018A ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­64 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,000018A ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,000018A ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Calibration failed.

GO TO 5.
DP51502,000018A ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 245­HCU­014. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,000018A ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­65 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,000018A ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­66 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 521002.05 — Rear Hitch Return

Solenoid Current Low Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Lower Valve
solenoid current low.
DP51502,000018B ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
Continued on next page DP51502,000018B ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­67 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Start engine.

RXA0066171 —UN—14MAR03
Height / Rate Button
2. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter twice.
3. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch rate of drop to ”5” (max
4. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save rate of drop setting.
5. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter once.
6. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch raise limit to highest
7. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save hitch raise limit setting
8. Fully lower the rear hitch.
9. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to Neutral position.
10. Access HCU Address 017.
11. Verify that the display at Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Neutral Position...................................................................................0 mA
12. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward position. Verify that
the display at Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.............................................................600 to 1050 mA
13. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Neutral position. Verify that the display OK: GO TO 2.
at Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded..............................................................................0 mA
14. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward position. Verify that NOT OK: Current display
the display at Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification: does not meet specification.
HCU Address 017—Specification GO TO 4.
Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.......................................................... ­600 to ­1050 mA
Continued on next page DP51502,000018B ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­68 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,000018B ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,000018B ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

DP51502,000018B ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­405. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,000018B ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­69 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,000018B ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­70 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 521002.06 — Rear Hitch Return

Solenoid Current High Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Lower Valve
solenoid current high.
DP51502,000018C ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
Continued on next page DP51502,000018C ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­71 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Start engine.

RXA0066171 —UN—14MAR03
Height / Rate Button
2. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter twice.
3. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch rate of drop to ”5” (max
4. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save rate of drop setting.
5. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter once.
6. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch raise limit to highest
7. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save hitch raise limit setting
8. Fully lower the rear hitch.
9. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to Neutral position.
10. Access HCU Address 017.
11. Verify that the display at Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Neutral Position...................................................................................0 mA
12. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward position. Verify that
the display at Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.............................................................600 to 1050 mA
13. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Neutral position. Verify that the display OK: GO TO 2.
at Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded..............................................................................0 mA
14. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward position. Verify that NOT OK: Current display
the display at Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification: does not meet specification.
HCU Address 017—Specification GO TO 4.
Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.......................................................... ­600 to ­1050 mA
Continued on next page DP51502,000018C ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­72 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,000018C ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,000018C ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

DP51502,000018C ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­405. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,000018C ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­73 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,000018C ­19­21DEC05­8/8

HCU 521002.07 — HCU Calibration Fault/Rear

Hitch Return Valve Code Caused By: Possible valve problem. If
521001.07, 521001.11 and 521002.11 are also present
suspect failed hitch position sensor.
DP51502,000018D ­19­11APR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
Continued on next page DP51502,000018D ­19­11APR06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­74 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Start engine.

RXA0066171 —UN—14MAR03
Height / Rate Button
2. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter twice.
3. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch rate of drop to ”5” (max
4. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save rate of drop setting.
5. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter once.
6. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch raise limit to highest
7. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save hitch raise limit setting
8. Fully lower the rear hitch.
9. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to Neutral position.
10. Access HCU Address 017.
11. Verify that the display at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Neutral Position...................................................................................0 mA
12. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward position. Verify that
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.............................................................600 to 1050 mA
13. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Neutral position. Verify that the display OK: GO TO 2.
at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded..............................................................................0 mA
14. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward position. Verify that NOT OK: Current display
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification: does not meet specification.
HCU Address 017—Specification GO TO 4.
Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.......................................................... ­600 to ­1050 mA
Continued on next page DP51502,000018D ­19­11APR06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­75 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,000018D ­19­11APR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,000018D ­19­11APR06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Calibration failed.

GO TO 5.
DP51502,000018D ­19­11APR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­405.

and OK: GO TO 6.
Rear Hitch Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­410. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,000018D ­19­11APR06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­76 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,000018D ­19­11APR06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­77 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 521002.11 — HCU Calibration Fault/Rear

Hitch Return Valve Code Caused By: Possible valve problem. If 521002.07 is
also present suspect failed hitch position sensor.
DP51502,000018E ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
Continued on next page DP51502,000018E ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­78 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Start engine.

RXA0066171 —UN—14MAR03
Height / Rate Button
2. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter twice.
3. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch rate of drop to ”5” (max
4. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save rate of drop setting.
5. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter once.
6. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch raise limit to highest
7. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save hitch raise limit setting
8. Fully lower the rear hitch.
9. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to Neutral position.
10. Access HCU Address 017.
11. Verify that the display at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Neutral Position...................................................................................0 mA
12. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward position. Verify that
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.............................................................600 to 1050 mA
13. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Neutral position. Verify that the display OK: GO TO 2.
at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded..............................................................................0 mA
14. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward position. Verify that NOT OK: Current display
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification: does not meet specification.
HCU Address 017—Specification GO TO 4.
Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.......................................................... ­600 to ­1050 mA
Continued on next page DP51502,000018E ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­79 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,000018E ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4

DP51502,000018E ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Calibration failed.

GO TO 5.
DP51502,000018E ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­405.

and OK: GO TO 6.
Rear Hitch Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­410. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,000018E ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­80 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,000018E ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­81 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 521002.13 — HCU Calibration Fault/Rear

Hitch Return Valve Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Lower Valve Threshold
requires calibration. A failure to calibrate or an
unsuccessful calibration may cause this code to be stored.
DP51502,000018F ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
Continued on next page DP51502,000018F ­19­21DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­82 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Start engine.

RXA0066171 —UN—14MAR03
Height / Rate Button
2. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter twice.
3. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch rate of drop to ”5” (max
4. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save rate of drop setting.
5. Depress Hitch Height / Rate Button on CommandCenter once.
6. Use the Command Dial on CommandCenter to set hitch raise limit to highest
7. Depress CommandCenter Select Switch to save hitch raise limit setting
8. Fully lower the rear hitch.
9. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to Neutral position.
10. Access HCU Address 017.
11. Verify that the display at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Neutral Position...................................................................................0 mA
12. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward position. Verify that
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Raise Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.............................................................600 to 1050 mA
13. Return the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Neutral position. Verify that the display OK: GO TO 2.
at HCU Address 017 meets the following specification:

HCU Address 017—Specification

Rear Hitch Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded..............................................................................0 mA
14. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward position. Verify that NOT OK: Current display
the display at HCU Address 017 ramps up to meet the following specification: does not meet specification.
HCU Address 017—Specification GO TO 4.
Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Current
Command—Raise Commanded.......................................................... ­600 to ­1050 mA
Continued on next page DP51502,000018F ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­83 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,000018F ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,000018F ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Calibration failed.

GO TO 5.
DP51502,000018F ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Lower Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­405. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,000018F ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­84 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,000018F ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­85 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 523652.02 — Wire Connector Fault

Code Caused By: Deluxe Hydraulic Control Unit is
plugged into Secondary Hydraulic Control Unit connectors.
DP51502,0000190 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Hydraulic System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000190 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks See Control Unit Locations and Identification, Reference 245­05­100, to verify that
Deluxe Hydraulic Control Unit connectors are connected to Deluxe Hydraulic Control
Unit and Secondary Hydraulic Control Unit connectors are connected to Secondary
OK: GO TO 2.

Hydraulic Control Unit.

NOT OK: Connect control
units to respective
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000190 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000190 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key to RUN position (engine off).

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000190 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000190 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­86 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

DP51502,0000190 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000190 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­87 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 523788.02 — Hydraulic Option

Configuration Changed Since Power­up Code Caused By: Option pin configuration for optional
hitch features has changed since last power up.
DP51502,0000191 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000191 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

DP51502,0000191 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000191 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000191 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000191 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­88 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001.

If problem not identified: OK: GO TO 6.

Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Sensor Power and Ground Circuit Test, NOT OK: Repair as
Reference 240­SE14­404. needed.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000191 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000191 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­89 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 523788.14 — Hydraulic Option supported feature to another without going through
Configuration Change Not Allowed an all­disconnected configuration.

Code Caused By: Option pin configuration for

optional hitch features has changed from one
DP51502,0000192 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000192 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

DP51502,0000192 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000192 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000192 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000192 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­90 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001.

If problem not identified: OK: GO TO 6.

Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Sensor Power and Ground Circuit Test, NOT OK: Repair as
Reference 240­SE14­404. needed.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000192 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000192 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­91 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 523910.02 — HCU Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: Data associated with the Hitch Control
Unit (HCU) control settings has been corrupted.
DP51502,0000194 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000194 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

DP51502,0000194 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000194 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle Hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000194 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000194 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­92 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001.

If problem not identified: OK: GO TO 6.

See Programming Control Units, Reference 245­05­005. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000194 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000194 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

HCU 523950.13 — Hitch Calibration Purge

Counting Fault Code Caused By: Hitch Calibration Purge
Counting less than 5 counts.
KB11996,0000076 ­19­10SEP08­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
Required Tools:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
JT07328 — Terminal Test Kit
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000076 ­19­10SEP08­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000076 ­19­10SEP08­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­93 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes for this control unit.

If using ServiceAdvisor™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection to

the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using ServiceAdvisor™ or if unable to make a connection: See ”Recall, Record, OK: Code does not return.
and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001” for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

ServiceAdvisor is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000076 ­19­10SEP08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000076 ­19­10SEP08­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Calibration failed.

GO TO 5.
KB11996,0000076 ­19­10SEP08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­410. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000076 ­19­10SEP08­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­94 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000076 ­19­10SEP08­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­95 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 523952.31 — Rear Hitch Disabled/HCU

Configuration Code Caused By: Operator is trying to use the hitch
while it is disabled or not available.
DP51502,0000195 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000195 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

DP51502,0000195 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000195 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000195 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) Calibration, Reference 245­HCU­001. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000195 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­96 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

DP51502,0000195 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000195 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­97 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 524016.04 — HCU Switched Supply

Voltage Low/Rear Hitch Solenoids Code Caused By: 12 V supply to Hitch
solenoids below 9.0 V.
DP51502,0000196 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Rear Hitch System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000196 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Visually inspect around the batteries and alternator for any visual signs of damage
or accumulated debris.
OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform any

GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000196 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000196 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle at idle for 5 ­ 10 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000196 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­98 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•4 System Checks Perform Vehicle Load Center Supply Voltage and Ground Test, Reference

If problem is not identified: OK: GO TO 5.

Perform Charging System Voltage Test, Reference 240­SE01­003. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000196 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­403.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000196 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000196 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­99 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 524212.19 — Rear Hitch Control Lever

Fault Message Received Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Lever Position data
received with a failure indication.
DP51502,0000197 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Hydraulic System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000197 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 027.

3. Check to ensure that the Rear Hitch Control Lever is in Detent position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Detent Position (Low Range)................................................................. 000002.50
Rear Hitch Detent Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000002.90
5. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward position. Verify that OK: GO TO 2.
the display at ACU Address 027 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Full Forward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 100001.35
Rear Hitch Full Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100001.75
6. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward position. Verify that NOT OK: Voltage display
the display at ACU Address 027 ramps down to meet the following specification: does not meet specification.
ACU Address 027—Specification GO TO 4.
Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Full Rearward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 100003.90
Rear Hitch Full Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100004.30

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 27 represent the Rear Hitch
Control Lever Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU
Address 027 represent the voltage input to the control unit from
the Rear Hitch Control Lever Position Sensor.
Continued on next page DP51502,0000197 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­100 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000197 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle Rear Hitch Control Lever.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000197 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

DP51502,0000197 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­409. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000197 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­101 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000197 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­102 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

HCU 524212.31 — Rear Hitch Lever

Command Missing Code Caused By: Rear Hitch Lever Position data
not received through CAN message.
DP51502,0000198 ­19­21DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Hydraulic System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
DP51502,0000198 ­19­21DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks 1. Place Key in RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Access ACU Address 027.

3. Check to ensure that the Rear Hitch Control Lever is in Detent position.
4. Verify that the display at ACU Address 027 meets the following specification:

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Detent Position (Low Range)................................................................. 000002.50
Rear Hitch Detent Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 000002.90
5. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Forward position. Verify that OK: GO TO 2.
the display at ACU Address 027 ramps up to meet the following specification:

ACU Address 027—Specification

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Full Forward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 100001.35
Rear Hitch Full Forward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100001.75
6. Slowly cycle the Rear Hitch Control Lever to the Full Rearward position. Verify that NOT OK: Voltage display
the display at ACU Address 027 ramps down to meet the following specification: does not meet specification.
ACU Address 027—Specification GO TO 4.
Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor—Rear
Hitch Full Rearward Position (Low
Range)............................................................................................................ 100003.90
Rear Hitch Full Rearward Position (High
Range) ........................................................................................................... 100004.30

NOTE: The first four digits of ACU Address 27 represent the Rear Hitch
Control Lever Sensor Position Switch. The last four digits of ACU
Address 027 represent the voltage input to the control unit from
the Rear Hitch Control Lever Position Sensor.
Continued on next page DP51502,0000198 ­19­21DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­103 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

DP51502,0000198 ­19­21DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Cycle hitch through full range.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

DP51502,0000198 ­19­21DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

DP51502,0000198 ­19­21DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following:

Rear Hitch Control Lever Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE14­409.

CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006.
If problem not identified: OK: GO TO 6.
Perform CAN System Diagnosis, Reference 213­45­001. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page DP51502,0000198 ­19­21DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­104 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Hitch Control Unit
Test, Reference Deluxe
Hydraulic Control Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
DP51502,0000198 ­19­21DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­105 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HCU Code Diagnostics (—039999)

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HCU­106 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group HVI
HV I Code Diagnostics (040000—)

HV I 000158.03 — HV I Switched Supply NOTE: Associated Codes: This code and other
Voltage High 000158.XX codes may be present in other
control units. Since Vehicle Load Center (VLC)
Code Caused By: Switched supply voltage to Hitch control unit wake­up circuit is voltage source,
Control Unit (SV I) above 16.0 volts. perform VLC code diagnostics first.
HP51992,00006F9 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: None
HP51992,00006F9 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HV I 011— HV I Supply Voltage Check. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

HV I Power and Ground
Circuit Test, thenDeluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control Unit
System Power and Ground
Circuit Test.
HP51992,00006F9 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Code returns.
Perform Charging System
Circuit Test, Deluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control
Unit System Power and
Ground Circuit Test, then
HCC ­ HV I Power and
Ground Circuit Test.
HP51992,00006F9 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HV I 000158.04 — HV I Switched Supply NOTE: Associated Codes: This code and other
Voltage Low 000158.XX codes may be present in other
control units. Since Vehicle Load Center (VLC)
Code Caused By: Switched supply voltage to Hitch control unit wake­up circuit is voltage source,
Control Unit (SV I) below 9.0 V. perform VLC code diagnostics first.
HP51992,00006F8 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: None
Continued on next page HP51992,00006F8 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HVI­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HV I Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•1 Operational Check Perform HV I 011— HV I Supply Voltage Check. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

HV I Power and Ground
Circuit Test, thenDeluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control Unit
System Power and Ground
Circuit Test.
HP51992,00006F8 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

•2 Code Check 1. Turn key switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Code returns.
Perform Charging System
Circuit Test, Deluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control
Unit System Power and
Ground Circuit Test, then
HCC ­ HV I Power and
Ground Circuit Test.
HP51992,00006F8 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HV I 002035.09 — HCC Message Missing

Code Caused By: Code Caused By: Hitch Valve Control
Unit (HV I) not receiving required messages from the HCC.
HP51992,00006F7 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: None
HP51992,00006F7 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check No operational checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006F7 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HVI­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HV I Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Per­
form HCC/SCC ­ CAN
Communication Fault Test,
then Deluxe Hydraulic CAN
Control Unit System Power
and Ground Circuit Test.
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference HCC HV I ­
Power and Ground Circuit
HP51992,00006F7 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HV I 004084.07 — HV I Not in FLOAT Position

Code Caused By: Hitch Valve Control Unit (HV I)
not going into FLOAT position.
HP51992,00006F6 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: None
HP51992,00006F6 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HV I 011— HV I Supply Voltage Check. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

HV I Power and Ground
Circuit Test, thenDeluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control Unit
System Power and Ground
Circuit Test.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006F6 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HVI­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HV I Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Place Hitch in FLOAT position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Per­
form HCC/SCC ­ CAN
Communication Fault Test,
then Hydraulic Tests Group
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference HCC HV I ­
Power and Ground Circuit
HP51992,00006F6 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HV I 004084.16 — HV I Overshot Commanded

Position Code Caused By: Hitch Valve Control Unit (HV I) valve
spool is over­shooting it’s desired position.
HP51992,00006F5 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: None
HP51992,00006F5 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HV I 011— HV I Supply Voltage Check. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

HV I Power and Ground
Circuit Test, thenDeluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control Unit
System Power and Ground
Circuit Test.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006F5 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HVI­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HV I Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Per­
form HCC/SCC ­ CAN
Communication Fault Test,
then Hydraulic Tests Group
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference HCC HV I ­
Power and Ground Circuit
HP51992,00006F5 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HV I 004084.18 — HV I Failed to Reach

Commanded Position Code Caused By: Hitch Valve Control Unit (HV I) valve
spool is under­shooting it’s desired position.
HP51992,00006F4 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: None
HP51992,00006F4 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HV I 011— HV I Supply Voltage Check. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

HV I Power and Ground
Circuit Test, thenDeluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control Unit
System Power and Ground
Circuit Test.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006F4 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HVI­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HV I Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Per­
form HCC/SCC ­ CAN
Communication Fault Test,
then Hydraulic Tests Group
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference HCC HV I ­
Power and Ground Circuit
HP51992,00006F4 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HV I 004085.07 — HV I Not in NEUTRAL

Position Code Caused By: Hitch Valve Control Unit (HV I)
valve is not in NEUTRAL position.
HP51992,00006F3 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: None
HP51992,00006F3 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HV I 011— HV I Supply Voltage Check. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC ­

HV I Power and Ground
Circuit Test, thenDeluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control Unit
System Power and Ground
Circuit Test.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006F3 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HVI­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HV I Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Place hitch in NEUTRAL position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Per­
form HCC/SCC ­ CAN
Communication Fault Test,
then Hydraulic Tests Group
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference HCC HV I ­
Power and Ground Circuit
HP51992,00006F3 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

HV I 004085.12 — HV I Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: Hitch Valve Control Unit (HV I)
software failed to execute in allotted time.
HP51992,00006F2 ­19­11JAN08­1/4

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Control Unit Response: None
HP51992,00006F2 ­19­11JAN08­2/4

•1 Operational Check Perform HV I 011— HV I Supply Voltage Check. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Perform HCC

HV I ­ Power and Ground
Circuit Test, thenDeluxe
Hydraulic CAN Control Unit
System Power and Ground
Circuit Test.

Continued on next page HP51992,00006F2 ­19­11JAN08­3/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HVI­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

HV I Code Diagnostics (040000—)

•2 Code Check 1. Start vehicle.

2. Recall, Record, and Clear Codes for this control unit.

3. Cycle hitch through full range. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
4. Check for code return. NOT OK: Per­
form HCC/SCC ­ CAN
Communication Fault Test,
then Hydraulic Tests Group
5. If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. NOT OK: Operator reports
continued problems,
reference HCC HV I ­
Power and Ground Circuit
HP51992,00006F2 ­19­11JAN08­4/4

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­HVI­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group ICU
ICU Code Diagnostics

ICU 000237.02 — ICU VIN Security Data increased amount of information is relayed on the
Conflict CAN Bus. As CAN Bus information increases,
individual controllers may miss relay messages.
Code Caused By: Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) This may set message missing or VIN security DTCs
from other control units is not the same. and/or cause the engine to go to low idle. If DTCs set
or engine drops to idle, conduct additional steps after
NOTE: When connecting to perform calibrations, program ”Programming Control Units” procedures completed.
control units, or take diagnostic readings, an
RE35951,00001A7 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Identification System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001A7 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

RE35951,00001A7 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001A7 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Check for code return.

NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with OK: Code does not return.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001A7 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Perform VIN Security Fault Diagnosis, Reference 245­05­201. OK: All values match.
GO TO 5.

Reprogram any control units that do not match the VIN. NOT OK: One or more of
the control units did not
match the VIN.
Reprogram as needed.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
See Programming Controllers, Reference 245­05­005. NOT OK: If reprogramming
has been completed but
problem still exists:
GO TO 6.
RE35951,00001A7 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Reprogram the Instrument Control Unit (ICU). See Programming Controllers,
Reference 245­05­005.

1. Disconnect SERVICE ADVISOR™ and turn key OFF, at least for 30 seconds. OK: Reprogramming
successful. Perform setups
and calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
2. Turn key ON (engine ON) and let tractor run for at least 10 minutes. The NOT OK: Reprogramming
communication error and diagnostic trouble codes will clear and tractor will function was unsuccessful or
normally. problem still exists:
GO TO 6.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001A7 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001A7 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

ICU 000237.14 — ICU VIN Security Not increased amount of information is relayed on the
Enabled CAN Bus. As CAN Bus information increases,
individual controllers may miss relay messages.
Code Caused By: Vehicle Identification Number This may set message missing or VIN security
(VIN) Security has not been enabled. DTCs and/or cause the engine to go to low idle.

NOTE: When connecting to perform calibrations, program

control units, or take diagnostic readings, an
RE35951,00001A8 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Identification System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001A8 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

RE35951,00001A8 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a
connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001A8 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine OFF).

2. Wait 10 minutes.
3. Check for code return.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with OK: Code does not return.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001A8 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Reprogram the Instrument Control Unit (ICU). See Programming Controllers,
Reference 245­05­005.
OK: Reprogramming
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Reprogramming
was unsuccessful or
problem still exists:
GO TO 5.
RE35951,00001A8 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform VIN Security Fault Diagnosis, Reference 245­05­201.

Reprogram any control units that do not match the VIN.

See Programming Controllers, Reference 245­05­005.
NOTE: If DTCs set or engine drops to idle, conduct additional steps after OK: All values match.
”Programming Control Units” procedures completed.
GO TO 6.
1. Disconnect SERVICE ADVISOR™ and turn key OFF, at least for 30 seconds. NOT OK: One or more of
the control units do not
match the VIN.
Reprogram as needed.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
2. Turn key ON (engine ON) and let tractor run for at least 10 minutes. The NOT OK: Reprogramming
communication error and diagnostic trouble codes will clear and tractor will function was unsuccessful or
problem still exists:
GO TO 6.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001A8 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001A8 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

ICU 000237.31 — ICU VIN Security Messages increased amount of information is relayed on the
Missing CAN Bus. As CAN Bus information increases,
individual controllers may miss relay messages.
Code Caused By: Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) This may set message missing or VIN security DTCs
not received from other control units. and/or cause the engine to go to low idle. If DTCs set
or engine drops to idle, conduct additional steps after
NOTE: When connecting to perform calibrations, program ”Programming Control Units” procedures completed.
control units, or take diagnostic readings, an
RE35951,00001A9 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Identification System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001A9 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

RE35951,00001A9 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a
connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with NOT OK: Code returns.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001A9 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn Key Switch to RUN position (engine off).

2. Check for code return.

NOTE: If any DTCs indicating CAN messages are missing (any Control Unit with OK: Code does not return.
a 002000­ 002254.09) are present, diagnose those codes first. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001A9 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Perform VIN Security Fault Diagnosis, Reference 245­05­201. OK: All values match.
GO TO 5.

Reprogram any control units that do not match the VIN. NOT OK: One or more of
the control units did not
match the VIN.
Reprogram as needed.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
See Programming Controllers, Reference 245­05­005. NOT OK: If reprogramming
has been completed but
problem still exists:
GO TO 6.
RE35951,00001A9 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Programming Controllers, Reference 245­05­005.

1. Disconnect SERVICE ADVISOR™ and turn key OFF, at least for 30 seconds. OK: Reprogramming
successful. Perform setups
and calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.
2. Turn key ON (engine ON) and let tractor run for at least 10 minutes. The NOT OK: Reprogramming
communication error and diagnostic trouble codes will clear and tractor will function was unsuccessful or
normally. problem still exists:
GO TO 6.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001A9 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001A9 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 000251.12 — ICU Clock Fault

Code Caused By: Clock failed.
Continued on next page RE35951,00001AA ­19­13JUL05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information Alert
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: Clock Displays Dashes
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001AA ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Visually inspect harnesses at Cornerpost display and CommandCenter for missing/bent OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Repair as

Repeat step.
RE35951,00001AA ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a OK: Code does not return.
connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001AA ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001AA ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001AA ­19­13JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Instrument Control Unit (ICU) Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001AA ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001AA ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 000628.12 — ICU Programming Control Unit Response: No functions available until
programming is complete
Code Caused By: Control unit in process of
updating software. Programming codes occur only during process of updating
or loading new software. It is not an error and there is
Code Diagnosis no diagnosis required.
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Programming
RE35951,00001AB ­19­24MAY05­1/1

ICU 000629.09 — CPT Message Missing

Code Caused By: Cornerpost message not
received at expected rate.
RE35951,00001AC ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No ActionCommunication System
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page RE35951,00001AC ­19­13JUL05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks Visually inspect harness and connector at corner post display and CommandCenter for:

• Damaged harness
• Loose connectors OK: GO TO 2.
• Bent or ”backed out” terminals in connectors NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001AC ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a OK: Code does not return.
connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001AC ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001AC ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

RE35951,00001AC ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Instrument Control Unit (ICU) Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001AC ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001AC ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 000629.12 — ICU Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU)
software failed to execute in allotted time.
RE35951,00001AD ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) may not function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001AD ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Access ICU Address 232 and record software version number. OK: GO TO 2.

Using SERVICE ADVISOR™, compare recorded software version number to latest NOT OK: Install latest
version of ICU software listed. version of ICU software.
See Programming
Control Units, Reference
GO TO 2.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page RE35951,00001AD ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001AD ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001AD ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

RE35951,00001AD ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Instrument Control Unit (ICU) Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

RE35951,00001AD ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.

RE35951,00001AD ­19­13JUL05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

ICU 000630.02 — ICU Calibration Fault/Data

Invalid Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) invalid
calibration values or failure of calibration memory.
RE35951,00001AE ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: ICU may not function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001AE ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

RE35951,00001AE ­19­13JUL05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001AE ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001AE ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001AE ­19­13JUL05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Reprogram ICU. Perform Programming Controllers, Reference 245­05­005. OK: Calibration
GO TO 2.

After reprogramming ICU, perform Instrument Control Unit (ICU) Calibration, NOT OK: Problem
Reference 245­ICU­001. identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Calibration
unsuccessful and problem
not identified.
GO TO 6.
RE35951,00001AE ­19­13JUL05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001AE ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 002000.09 — ECU Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the ECU.
RE35951,00001C3 ­19­20JUN05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: ICU may not function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001C3 ­19­20JUN05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse F24 to ECU control unit. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001C3 ­19­20JUN05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001C3 ­19­20JUN05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001C3 ­19­20JUN05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001C3 ­19­20JUN05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Engine Control Unit System Power and Ground Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001C3 ­19­20JUN05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2000.09, replace
If only Instrument Control
Unit (ICU) has code
2000.09, replace ICU
Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,00001C3 ­19­20JUN05­8/8

ICU 002003.09 — PTI/PTP Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the PTI or PTP.
RE35951,00001B0 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of PTI or PTP functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001B0 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001B0 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­15 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001B0 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001B0 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001B0 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Vehicle Load Center (VLC) Supply Voltage and Ground Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001B0 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2003.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2003.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,00001B0 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 002005.09 — ACU Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the ACU.
RE35951,00001B1 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of ACU functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001B1 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001B1 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­17 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001B1 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001B1 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001B1 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Armrest Control Unit (ACU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE13­003.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001B1 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­18 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2005.09, replace
Armrest Control Unit.
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2005.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,00001B1 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 002011.09 — BRC Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the BRC.
HP51992,00001B4 ­19­03NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of BRC functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00001B4 ­19­03NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse F29 to SCO control unit. OK: GO TO 2.

OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00001B4 ­19­03NOV05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­19 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00001B4 ­19­03NOV05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00001B4 ­19­03NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00001B4 ­19­03NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Brake Control Unit (BRC) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­303.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page HP51992,00001B4 ­19­03NOV05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­20 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2011.09, replace
Brake Control Unit.
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2011.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
HP51992,00001B4 ­19­03NOV05­8/8

ICU 002019.09 — SSU Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the SSU (Wheel).
HP51992,00001B5 ­19­03NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of SSU functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00001B5 ­19­03NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse F23 to SSU (Wheel) control unit. OK: GO TO 2.

OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00001B5 ­19­03NOV05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00001B5 ­19­03NOV05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00001B5 ­19­03NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00001B5 ­19­03NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SSU System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE20­101. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page HP51992,00001B5 ­19­03NOV05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2019.09, replace
Steering Control Unit.
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2019.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
HP51992,00001B5 ­19­03NOV05­8/8

ICU 002019.12 — SST Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU)
not receiving required messages from Steering
Control Unit (SST) (Track)
HP51992,00001B6 ­19­30NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Stop
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of SSU or SST functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00001B6 ­19­30NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse F23 to SST (Track) control unit. OK: GO TO 2.

OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00001B6 ­19­30NOV05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­23 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00001B6 ­19­30NOV05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00001B6 ­19­30NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00001B6 ­19­30NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SSU ­ Steering System Control Unit Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE20­101.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page HP51992,00001B6 ­19­30NOV05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­24 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2019.12, replace
Steering Control Unit.
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2019.12,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
HP51992,00001B6 ­19­30NOV05­8/8

ICU 002020.09 — SFA Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the SFA.
RE35951,00001B3 ­19­03NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of SFA functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001B3 ­19­03NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse F30 to SFA control unit. OK: GO TO 2.

OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001B3 ­19­03NOV05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­25 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001B3 ­19­03NOV05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001B3 ­19­03NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001B3 ­19­03NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Suspension and Front Axle Control Unit (SFA) Power and Ground Circuit OK: GO TO 6.
Test, Reference 240­SE4­203.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001B3 ­19­03NOV05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­26 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2020.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2020.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,00001B3 ­19­03NOV05­8/8

ICU 002025.09 — ATC Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the ATC.
RE35951,00001B5 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of ATC functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001B5 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse F6 to ATC control unit. OK: GO TO 2.

OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001B5 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­27 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001B5 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001B5 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001B5 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC) System Power and Ground
Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE03­003.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001B5 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­28 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2025.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2025.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,00001B5 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 002030.09 — VLC Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the VLC.
HP51992,00001B7 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of VLC functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00001B7 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00001B7 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­29 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00001B7 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00001B7 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00001B7 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Vehicle Load Center (VLC) Supply Voltage and Ground Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page HP51992,00001B7 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­30 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2030.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2030.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
HP51992,00001B7 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 002034.09 — SCU Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the SCU.
RE35951,00001B6 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of SCU functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001B6 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse F30 to SCU control unit. OK: GO TO 2.

OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001B6 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­31 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001B6 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001B6 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001B6 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Selective Control Unit (SCU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­103.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001B6 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­32 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2034.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2034.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,00001B6 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 002035.09 — HCU Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the HCU.
HP51992,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of HCU functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse F30 to HCU control unit. OK: GO TO 2.

OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­33 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hitch Control Unit (HCU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE14­403.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page HP51992,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­34 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2035.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2035.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
HP51992,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 002049.09 — CAB Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the CAB.
RE35951,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of CAB functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse F22 to CAB control unit. OK: GO TO 2.

OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­35 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform CAB System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE10­128. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­36 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2049.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2049.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,00001B8 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 002050.09 — CLC Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the CLC.
HP51992,00001B9 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of CLC functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00001B9 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00001B9 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­37 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00001B9 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00001B9 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00001B9 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) Supply Voltage and Ground Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page HP51992,00001B9 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­38 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2050.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2050.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
HP51992,00001B9 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 002054.09 — ASU Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the ASU.
RE35951,00001B9 ­19­30NOV05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of ASU functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001B9 ­19­30NOV05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse 22 to ASU control unit. OK: GO TO 2.

OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001B9 ­19­30NOV05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­39 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001B9 ­19­30NOV05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001B9 ­19­30NOV05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001B9 ­19­30NOV05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Active Seat Control Unit (ASU) Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001B9 ­19­30NOV05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­40 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2054.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2054.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,00001B9 ­19­30NOV05­8/8

ICU 002071.09 — CCU Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the CCU.
RE35951,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of CCU functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­41 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Sensor Supply Voltage Circuit Test, Reference OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­42 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2071.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2071.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 002129.09 — ICU Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the ICU. ICU is
not seeing its own internal messages.
HP51992,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of ICU functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
HP51992,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page HP51992,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­43 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

HP51992,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

HP51992,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
HP51992,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Instrument Control Unit (ICU) Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page HP51992,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­44 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2129.09, replace
Instrument Control Unit
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2129.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
HP51992,00001BA ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 002213.09 — SCO Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the SCO.
RE35951,00001BC ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of SCO functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001BC ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse F29 to SCO control unit. OK: GO TO 2.

OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001BC ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­45 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001BC ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001BC ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001BC ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform SCO System Power and Ground Test, Reference 240­SE15­003. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001BC ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­46 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2213.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2213.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,00001BC ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 002227.09 — SUP Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the SUP.
RE35951,0000246 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,0000246 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,0000246 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­47 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,0000246 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,0000246 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,0000246 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Set­Up Panel Control Unit (SUP) System Power and Ground Test,
Reference 240­SE09­103.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,0000246 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­48 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2227.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2227.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,0000246 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 002240.09 — TEC Message Missing

Code Caused By: Instrument Control Unit (ICU) not
receiving required messages from the TEC.
RE35951,0000227 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: No display of TEC functions
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,0000227 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,0000227 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­49 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,0000227 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,0000227 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
RE35951,0000227 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) Supply Voltage and Ground Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Problem not
GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,0000227 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­50 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2240.09, replace
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2240.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,0000227 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 002255.09 — CAN Bus Fault

Code Caused By: No CAN messages received from
any source address within timeout period.
RE35951,00001C2 ­19­13JUL05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
RE35951,00001C2 ­19­13JUL05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001C2 ­19­13JUL05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­51 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001C2 ­19­13JUL05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001C2 ­19­13JUL05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 1.
RE35951,00001C2 ­19­13JUL05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001C2 ­19­13JUL05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­52 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions. OK: GO TO 2.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem not
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
If more than one control unit
has code 2255.09, replace
control unit.
If Instrument Control Unit
(ICU) has code 2255.09,
replace ICU Control Unit.
Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
RE35951,00001C2 ­19­13JUL05­8/8

ICU 523791.14 — ICU Engine Starting Aid

Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Engine is currently too cold
Code Caused By: Engine is too cold to start and is to start and is firing engine preheater in preparation for
currently performing preheat function. starting. Engine may be safely started at conclusion
of countdown. This is not an error, so no diagnosis is
Code Diagnosis needed.
Alarm Level: Information
RE35951,00001C0 ­19­29JUN05­1/1

ICU 524013.03 — ICU Switch Fault

Code Caused By: One or more of the InfoCenter switches
are stuck on for more than 60 seconds.
RE35951,00001C1 ­19­20JUN05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page RE35951,00001C1 ­19­20JUN05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­53 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks Verify CommandCenter is clear of all equipment and personal items and seat is facing
forward (no interference from CommandARM™).
OK: GO TO 2.

CommandARM is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001C1 ­19­20JUN05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

RE35951,00001C1 ­19­20JUN05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

RE35951,00001C1 ­19­20JUN05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

RE35951,00001C1 ­19­20JUN05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit check required. OK: GO TO 6.

Continued on next page RE35951,00001C1 ­19­20JUN05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­54 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Instrument Control
Unit Test.
GO TO 2.
RE35951,00001C1 ­19­20JUN05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­55 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

ICU Code Diagnostics

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­ICU­56 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group PTI
PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000127.01 — Transmission Enable oil temperature greater than 20°C (68°F). Code will
Pressure Very Low often indicate an oil pick­up problem.

Code Caused By: Transmission enable pressure is

<1000 kPa (10 bar) (145 psi) with engine running and
KB11996,00002DA ­19­26NOV07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission oil pressure low
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
NOTE: For on­board diagnostics, see B527 for theory on diagnostic pressure sensor. Measured
pressure will be displayed at PTI Address 025.

NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper on­board diagnosis:

JDG1753 —Service Jumper Harness Kit

JT03437—90° DR Elbow
RE217077 —Oil Pressure Sensor ­ 2700 kPa (27 bar) (390 psi)
NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper diagnosis with gauges in place of on­board diagnostics:
□ JT05497 — Hose Assembly, 3048 mm (120") Long
□ JT05474 — Gauge w/Quick Coupler 2000 kPa (20 bar) (300 psi)
□ JDG1505— Test Block, High Pressure Transmission Valve
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002DA ­19­26NOV07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks • Check hydraulic oil level in sight glass on rear differential

• Minimum desired oil temperature is 20°C (68°F). Check transmission oil temperature OK: GO TO 2.
at PTI Address 026. See ”Access Control Unit Addresses” (Reference 245­05­002).

NOTE: Temperature displayed in degrees C.

If oil temperature is too low, See Heating Hydraulic Oil, Reference 270­15­100.
Continued on next page KB11996,00002DA ­19­26NOV07­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, Record,
and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
NOTE: If 000754.18, 000755.18 or 000756.18 is generated, trou­ NOT OK: Code returns.
bleshoot these codes first.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002DA ­19­26NOV07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Put tractor in gear.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: Do not use clutch and/or brake when trying to generate code. If problem NOT OK: Code returns.
is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable to recreate
code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 (Additional GO TO 4.
Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
KB11996,00002DA ­19­26NOV07­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks necessary. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,00002DA ­19­26NOV07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch Enable Pressure Sensor Circuit, Reference 240­SE11­314. OK: GO TO 6.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002DA ­19­26NOV07­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems
• Intermittent failures OK: GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem, NOT OK: Problem
(Reference 210­15­101). identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOTE: If vehicle does not move or stops moving forward, all previous checks passed, NOT OK: Problem not
and transmission was recently repaired, rear bearing cone and bearing cup on identified.
top shaft and output shaft may have been installed incorrectly. Inspect and repair
as necessary. See repair manual for correct installation and orientation bearings. Perform Power Train
AutoPowr™ / IVT™ (PTI)
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,00002DA ­19­26NOV07­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000158.01 — PTI Switched Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: ELX voltage is < 10 V
with engine running.
KB11996,00002DB ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002DB ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check battery terminals for corrosion or damage. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002DB ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002DB ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place transmission in PARK and start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002DB ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002DB ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Power Train Control Unit (PTI) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE11­303.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002DB ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002DB ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000168.01 — PTI Unswitched Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: PTI battery supply voltage < 8 V.
KB11996,00002DC ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002DC ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check battery terminals for corrosion or damage. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002DC ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002DC ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place transmission in PARK and start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002DC ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002DC ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Power Train Control Unit (PTI) System Power and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE11­303.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002DC ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002DC ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTI 000177.17 — Transmission Oil and does not indicate a failure. Temperature is < ­10°C
Temperature Low/Calibration Inhibited (14°F). This code will be accompanied by PTI 630.13.

Code Caused By: Transmission oil temperature is too low

to calibrate the transmission. Code is for information,
KB11996,0000374 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission oil temperature
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JT05497—10 ft. Test Hose
JT03437—90° DR Elbow
JT05474—Gauge (21 bar) (300 psi)
JDG1505 — Test Block, High Pressure Transmission Valve
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page KB11996,0000374 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks There is no preliminary checks. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000374 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the “Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000374 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000374 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Heating Hydraulic Oil, Reference 270­15­100. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,0000374 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­208. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000374 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem, NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000374 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000190.00 — Engine Overspeed < 2600 rpm. This code is informational and does
not necessarily indicate a failure.
Code Caused By: Engine speed > 2700 rpm for 1
second. Fault remains active until engine speed is
KB11996,00002DD ­19­20DEC05­1/3

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Engine speed high
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002DD ­19­20DEC05­2/3

•1 Preliminary Checks There are no preliminary checks necessary. Fault code is informational only, not for
diagnosing tractor.
OK: Diagnosis complete.

KB11996,00002DD ­19­20DEC05­3/3

PTI 000190.02 — Speed Mismatch

Code Caused By: Engine speed CAN parameter does not
agree with expected engine speed, which is calculated
from the hydro ring gear speed and carrier speed inputs.
KB11996,00002DE ­19­07NOV06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002DE ­19­07NOV06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002DE ­19­07NOV06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If any ECU DTC’s are present, diagnose before proceeding with the current diagnosis. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002DE ­19­07NOV06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return.

NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable OK: Code does not return.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 Diagnosis complete.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
If any ECU DTC’s are present, diagnose before proceeding with the current diagnosis. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
KB11996,00002DE ­19­07NOV06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks necessary. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,00002DE ­19­07NOV06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following:

Carrier Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­305. OK: GO TO 6.

Hydro Ring Gear Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­306. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002DE ­19­07NOV06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002DE ­19­07NOV06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000191.00 — Transmission Overspeed

Code Caused By: Transmission output speed is
> 8500 rpm for 3 seconds. Fault remains active
until output speed is < 8300 rpm.
KB11996,00002DF ­19­20DEC05­1/3

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Transmission speed high
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002DF ­19­20DEC05­2/3

•1 Preliminary Checks There are no preliminary checks necessary. Fault code is informational only, not for
diagnosing tractor.
OK: Diagnosis complete.

KB11996,00002DF ­19­20DEC05­3/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000191.02 — Transmission Output Speed

Mismatch Code Caused By: Clutch differential speed is > 200
rpm indicating a slipping clutch.
KB11996,00002E0 ­19­09NOV06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002E0 ­19­09NOV06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks necessary. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002E0 ­19­09NOV06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If DTC’s PTI 000754.18, PTI 000755.18, PTI 000756.18 are present, diagnose those NOT OK: Code returns.
codes before proceeding with the current diagnosis.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002E0 ­19­09NOV06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Put drive lever in Park.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Operate tractor in forward at speeds of 5 km/h (3 mph), 20 km/h (12 mph), and 5
km/h (3 mph).
4. Check for code return.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If problem OK: Code does not return.
does not exist during testing, but returns during load being applied, Diagnosis complete.
then likely cause is a slipping or damaged clutch. If unable to recreate
code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 (Additional
Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
If DTC’s PTI 000754.18, PTI 000755.18, PTI 000756.18 are present, diagnose those NOT OK: Code returns.
codes before proceeding with the current diagnosis.
GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002E0 ­19­09NOV06­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Verify the element engagement pressures. Perform Transmission Element Leak Test, OK: GO TO 6.
Reference 251­15­012.

NOT OK: Slipping element

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Low element
engagement pressure
identified. Perform IVT
Transmission System
Diagnosis in Section 213,
Group 51.
KB11996,00002E0 ­19­09NOV06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following:

Primary Transmission Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­307.

Carrier Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­305. OK: GO TO 4.
Hydro Ring Gear Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­306. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002E0 ­19­09NOV06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002E0 ­19­09NOV06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­15 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000619.05 — Park Brake Solenoid Circuit

Fault Code Caused By: Park brake solenoid cir­
cuit fault detected.
KB11996,00002E1 ­19­22MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Park System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002E1 ­19­22MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Verify park brake solenoid Y575 is securely plugged in. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002E1 ­19­22MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002E1 ­19­22MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Move drive lever out of park position.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002E1 ­19­22MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002E1 ­19­22MAR06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Park Brake Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­321. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002E1 ­19­22MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002E1 ­19­22MAR06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­17 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000628.02 — PTI EOL Data Fault

Code Caused By: PTI control unit memory corrupted.
KB11996,00002E3 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002E3 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002E3 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002E3 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn Key Switch to RUN Position.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002E3 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks EOL Data Faults can sometimes be corrected by downloading new software. Attempt
to download software for this application.
OK: Software download
was successful. Perform
setups and calibrations as
See Programming Control Units, Reference 245­05­005. NOT OK: Software
download unsuccessful
or did not solve problem.
GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002E3 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­18 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks necessary. OK: GO TO 6.

KB11996,00002E3 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002E3 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­19 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000628.12 — PTI Programming Control Unit Response: No functions available until
programming is complete
Code Caused By: control unit in process of
updating software. Programming codes occur only during process of updating
or loading new software. It is not an error and there is
Code Diagnosis no diagnosis required.
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Programming
KB11996,00002E4 ­19­03MAY05­1/1

PTI 000629.12 — PTI Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: Power Train Control Unit (PTI)
software failed to execute in allotted time.
KB11996,00002F7 ­19­28AUG06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Electrical System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter.
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002F7 ­19­28AUG06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002F7 ­19­28AUG06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes, Reference 245­05­001 for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002F7 ­19­28AUG06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002F7 ­19­28AUG06­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­20 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Check No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,00002F7 ­19­28AUG06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Power Train Control Unit (PTI) Supply Voltage and Ground Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE11­303.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002F7 ­19­28AUG06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are due to:

1. Specific operating conditions.

2. Harness, connector or terminal problems. OK: GO TO 2.
3. Intermittent failures. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, Reference 210­15­101, which will NOT OK: Problem not
provide guide lines and a checklist for isolating the problem. identified.
Perform Power Train
AutoPowr™ / IVT™ (PTI)
Transmission Control Unit
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002F7 ­19­28AUG06­8/8

PTI 000630.13 — PTI Hydro Calibration Fault 523911.13, 523912.13, or 523918.13 being generated.
This code may also be caused by calibrations being
Code Caused By: PTI performing auto calibration cleared through PTI address 29 or if the tractor has
on hydro unit. Code may be caused from PTI codes a new or reprogrammed control unit.
524233.15, 524233.16, 523917.11, 524241.11,
KB11996,00002E5 ­19­20JUN08­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Transmission Calibration
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
No tools necessary.
Continued on next page KB11996,00002E5 ­19­20JUN08­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks NOTE: DTC PTI 000630.13 will be stored during calibration as an informational
code only. This code can be stored if the Service Alert symbol displays and
PARK is commanded. When PTI 000630.13 remains active for more than
two minutes while engine is running, continue with code diagnosis.

Engine may derate to low idle when code is active.

No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002E5 ­19­20JUN08­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If PTI fault codes 524233.15 or 524233.16 are present, diagnose these codes first. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002E5 ­19­20JUN08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start engine.

IMPORTANT: Engine must run for approximately two minutes while PTI is
performing auto calibration. No operator input required.

2. Check for code remaining active after engine running for two minutes.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable OK: Code does not remain
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 active. Diagnosis complete.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
If PTI fault codes 524233.15 or 524233.16 are present, diagnose these codes first. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.
KB11996,00002E5 ­19­20JUN08­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Hydro Control and Shift Performance Test (Reference 251­15­020). OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as needed

and GO TO 3

KB11996,00002E5 ­19­20JUN08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
If PTI Address 031 displays a numerical value of zero: Perform IVT Transmission
System Diagnosis in Section 213, Group 51.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002E5 ­19­20JUN08­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems
• Intermittent failures
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem OK: GO TO 2.
(Reference 210­15­101).
Perform Ring Unit Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­310. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Verify the element engagement pressures. Perform Transmission Element Leak Test, NOT OK: Problem not
Reference 251­15­012. identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002E5 ­19­20JUN08­8/8

PTI 000630.14 — PTI Clutch Calibration Fault calibrations being cleared through PTI address 29 or if
the tractor has a new or reprogrammed control unit. If
Code Caused By: PTI performing auto calibration on 000630.13 is present, diagnose that code first.
clutch enable valve. This code may also be caused by
KB11996,00002C6 ­19­11JAN08­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Transmission Calibration
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
KB11996,00002C6 ­19­11JAN08­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks NOTE: DTC PTI 000630.14 will be stored during calibration as an informational
code only. This code can be stored if the Service Alert symbol displays and
PARK is commanded. When PTI 000630.14 remains active for more than
one minute while engine is running, continue with code diagnosis.

Engine may derate to low idle when code is active.

No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002C6 ­19­11JAN08­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­23 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If 000630.13 is present, diagnose that code first. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002C6 ­19­11JAN08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start engine.

IMPORTANT: Engine must run for approximately one minute while PTI is
performing auto calibration. No operator input required.

2. Check for code remaining active after engine running for one minute. OK: Code does not remain
active. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002C6 ­19­11JAN08­5/8

•4 System Checks If using Service Advisor access following addresses and watch for non­zero values
being displayed in each address.

If using CommandCenter access following addresses and watch for non­zero values OK: Non­zero values
being displayed in each address. display in both
addresses.GO TO 6.
• Clutch Enable Calibration Display ­ PTI Address 027 NOT OK: Zero was
displayed at one or both
GO TO 5.
KB11996,00002C6 ­19­11JAN08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following:

If PTI Address 027 displays a numerical value of zero: Perform Clutch Enable OK: GO TO 6.
Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­314.
Perform Transmission Enable Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­009. NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002C6 ­19­11JAN08­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­24 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002C6 ­19­11JAN08­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­25 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000734.05 — Low Clutch Solenoid Circuit

Fault Code Caused By: Low Clutch Solenoid (LC)
circuit fault detected.
KB11996,00002E6 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002E6 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Verify secure connection of LC (Y573) solenoid. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002E6 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002E6 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward under 5 km/h (3 mph).

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002E6 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002E6 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­26 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Low Clutch Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­316. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002E6 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002E6 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­27 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000735.05 — High Clutch Solenoid

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: High Clutch Solenoid (HC)
circuit fault detected.
KB11996,00002E7 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002E7 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Verify secure connection of HC (Y572) solenoid. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002E7 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002E7 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward above 20 km/h (12 mph).

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002E7 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002E7 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­28 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform High Clutch Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­317. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002E7 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002E7 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­29 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000736.05 — Reverse Brake Solenoid

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Reverse Brake Solenoid
(RB) circuit fault detected.
KB11996,00002E8 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002E8 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Verify secure connection of RB (Y574) solenoid. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002E8 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002E8 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in reverse.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002E8 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002E8 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­30 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Reverse Brake Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­318. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002E8 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002E8 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTI 000737.05 — Clutch 1 (C1) Solenoid

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Clutch 1 (C1) Solenoid
circuit fault detected.
KB11996,00002C7 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002C7 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Verify secure connection of C1 (Y526) solenoid. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002C7 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­31 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002C7 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward under 5 km/h (3 mph).

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002C7 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,00002C7 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch 1 (C1) Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­323. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002C7 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.

KB11996,00002C7 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­32 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000738.05 — Clutch 2 (C2) Solenoid

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Clutch 2 (C2) Solenoid
circuit fault detected.
KB11996,00002C8 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002C8 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Verify secure connection of C2 (Y527) solenoid. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002C8 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002C8 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward between 8 and 38 km/h (5 and 24 mph).

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002C8 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002C8 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­33 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch 2 (C2) Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­324. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002C8 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002C8 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTI 000739.05 — Clutch 3 (C3) Solenoid

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Clutch 3 (C3) Solenoid
circuit fault detected.
KB11996,00002C9 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002C9 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Verify secure connection of C3 (Y520) solenoid. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002C9 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­34 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002C9 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward above 5 km/h (3 mph).

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002C9 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,00002C9 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch 3 (C3) Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­325. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002C9 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.

KB11996,00002C9 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­35 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000754.18 — Clutch Enable Pressure

Low/LC Engaged Code Caused By: Clutch enable pressure (system 2)
is low for longer than 3 seconds while low clutch is
engaged. Park brake pressure is not low.
KB11996,00002E9 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Transmission oil pressure low
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
JT05497—3 m (10 ft.) Test Hose
JT07117—Three Gauge Manifold Set
JT07118—Dual Needle Valve Manifold
JT03437— 90° DR Elbow
JT05474—Gauge (21 bar) (300 psi)
JT05475— 200 psi Gauge / Needle Valve assembly
DFRW61— Extension Harness
JDG1504—IVT Shift Valve Kit
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002E9 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002E9 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002E9 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
No operational checks necessary. OK: GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002E9 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­36 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Check element engagement pressures. Perform Transmission Element Leak Test,
Reference 251­15­012.
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Perform IVT

Transmission System
Diagnosis in Section 213,
Group 51.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002E9 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
NOTE: Only perform this circuit test if PTI codes 000754.18, 000755.18 and 000756.18 OK: GO TO 6.
are present. If not all three codes are generated, go to step 6.

Perform Clutch Enable Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­314. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002E9 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002E9 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­37 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000755.18 — Clutch Enable Pressure

Low/HC Engaged Code Caused By: Clutch enable pressure (system 2)
is low for longer than 3 seconds while high clutch is
engaged. Park brake pressure is not low.
KB11996,00002EA ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text:Transmission oil pressure low
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
JT05497—3 m (10 ft.) Test Hose
JT07117—Three Gauge Manifold Set
JT07118—Dual Needle Valve Manifold
JT03437— 90° DR Elbow
JT05474—Gauge (21 bar) (300 psi)
JT05475— 200 psi Gauge / Needle Valve assembly
DFRW62— Extension Harness
JDG1504—IVT Shift Valve Kit
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002EA ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002EA ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,00002EA ­19­20DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­38 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
NOTE: Do NOT use Clutch and/or Brake Pedal and Do Not apply
heavy load to tractor as this may cause excessive clutch or
brake slippage and damage to element.
OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.

1. Operate tractor in forward and reverse direction.

2. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns
along with codes PTI
000754.18 or 000756.18.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 alone.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
Perform Transmission
Element Leak Test,
Reference 251­15­012.
KB11996,00002EA ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Check element engagement pressures. Perform Transmission Element Leak Test,
Reference 251­15­012.
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Perform IVT

Transmission System
Diagnosis in Section 213,
Group 51.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002EA ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
NOTE: Only perform this circuit test if PTI codes 000754.18, 000755.18 and 000756.18 OK: GO TO 6.
are present. If not all three codes are generated, go to step 6.

Perform Clutch Enable Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­314. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002EA ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.

KB11996,00002EA ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­39 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 000756.18 — Clutch Enable Pressure

Low/RB Engaged Code Caused By: Clutch enable pressure (system 2)
is low for longer than 3 seconds while reverse brake
is engaged. Park brake pressure is not low.
KB11996,00002EB ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text:Transmission oil pressure low
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
JT05497—3 m (10 ft.) Test Hose
JT07117—Three Gauge Manifold Set
JT07118—Dual Needle Valve Manifold
JT03437— 90° DR Elbow
JT05474—Gauge (21 bar) (300 psi)
JT05475— 200 psi Gauge / Needle Valve assembly
DFRW62— Extension Harness
JDG1504—IVT Shift Valve Kit
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002EB ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002EB ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,00002EB ­19­20DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­40 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
NOTE: Do NOT use Clutch and/or Brake Pedal and Do Not apply
heavy load to tractor as this may cause excessive clutch or
brake slippage and damage to element.
OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.

1. Operate tractor in forward and reverse direction.

2. Check for code return. NOT OK: Code returns
along with codes PTI
000754.18 or 000755.18.
GO TO 4.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 alone.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
Perform Transmission
Element Leak Test,
Reference 251­15­012.
KB11996,00002EB ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Check element engagement pressures. Perform Transmission Element Leak Test,
Reference 251­15­012.
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Perform IVT

Transmission System
Diagnosis in Section 213,
Group 51.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002EB ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
NOTE: Only perform this circuit test if PTI codes 000754.18, 000755.18 and 000756.18 OK: GO TO 6.
are present. If not all three codes are generated, go to step 6.

Perform Clutch Enable Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­314. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002EB ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.

KB11996,00002EB ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­41 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 001079.04 — PTI Sensor Supply Voltage

Low Code Caused By: PTI 5V sensor supply voltage
less than 4.0 volts.
KB11996,00002EC ­19­03DEC07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002EC ­19­03DEC07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002EC ­19­03DEC07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002EC ­19­03DEC07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002EC ­19­03DEC07­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002EC ­19­03DEC07­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­42 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Power Train Control Unit (PTI) Sensor Supply Voltage Circuit Test,
Reference 240­SE11­326.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002EC ­19­03DEC07­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002EC ­19­03DEC07­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­43 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 002000.09 — ECU Message Missing NOTE: PTI is not a likely cause, check CAN wires to ECU.
Code Caused By: CAN message(s) From ECU
not being received.
KB11996,00002ED ­19­22MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Communication system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002ED ­19­22MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check fuse F24. OK: GO TO 2.

Check for other 002000.09 codes. If present, troubleshoot ECU power, ground, CAN NOT OK: Replace fuse.
wires, programming, etc.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002ED ­19­22MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002ED ­19­22MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002ED ­19­22MAR06­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­44 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Check for other 002000.04 codes. If present, troubleshoot ECU power, ground, CAN
wires, programming, etc.
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002ED ­19­22MAR06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks necessary. OK: GO TO 6.

KB11996,00002ED ­19­22MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002ED ­19­22MAR06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­45 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 002005.09 — ACU Message Missing

Code Caused By: CAN message(s) from ACU
not being received.
KB11996,00002EE ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Communication system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002EE ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check for other 002005.09 codes. If present, troubleshoot ACU. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002EE ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002EE ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002EE ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Check for other 002005.09 codes. If present, troubleshoot ACU. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002EE ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­46 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks necessary. OK: GO TO 6.

KB11996,00002EE ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002EE ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTI 523911.05 — Hydro Ring Unit (RU)

Control Solenoid Circuit Fault Code Caused By: RU circuit fault detected.
KB11996,00002CA ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002CA ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Verify Ring Unit (RU) Hydro Control Solenoid (Y522) is securely plugged in. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002CA ­19­20DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­47 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002CA ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002CA ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,00002CA ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Ring Unit (RU) Hydro Control Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002CA ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.

KB11996,00002CA ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­48 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 523911.13 — Hydro Ring Unit (RU)

Calibration Fault Code Caused By: Ring Unit hydro calibration is out
of valid operating range. This fault will automatically
cause code 630.13 to be generated.
KB11996,00002CB ­19­18JAN07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
NOTE: For on­board diagnostics see B527 for theory on Diagnostic Pressure Sensor. Measured
pressure will be displayed at PTI Address 025.

NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper on­board diagnosis:

JDG1753 —Service Jumper Harness Kit

JT03437—90° DR Elbow
RE217077 —Oil Pressure Sensor ­ 2700 kPa (27 bar) (390 psi)
NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper diagnosis with gauges in place of on­board diagnostics:
□ JT05497 — Hose Assembly, 3048 mm (120") Long
□ JT05474 — Gauge w/Quick Coupler 2,000 kPa (20 bar) (300 psi)
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002CB ­19­18JAN07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002CB ­19­18JAN07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,00002CB ­19­18JAN07­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­49 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start engine.
IMPORTANT: Engine must run for approximately two minutes while PTI is
performing auto calibration. No operator input required.

2. Check for code remaining active after engine running for two minutes. OK: Code does not remain
active. Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002CB ­19­18JAN07­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Clutch Unit and Ring Unit Hydro Control Test (Reference 251­15­011). OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Interchange ring

unit and hydro clutch unit
valves to see if problem
moves to other valve.
Problem identified. Repair
as needed.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002CB ­19­18JAN07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
NOTE: Current PTI payload doesn’t use the Ring Unit Position Sensor. To verify
vehicle has updated PTI payload check for PTI address 16. If this address
is not present the vehicle has updated payload. If PTI address 16 is present
then download current PTI payload. Updated payloads can be downloaded
by connecting to the Deere Network software delivery system (SDS).
Perform the following:
Ring Unit (RU) Hydro Control Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­320. OK: GO TO 6.
The following test is not necessary if vehicle has current PTI payload. If unable to NOT OK: Problem
download current PTI payload then perform Ring Unit Position Sensor Circuit Test, identified. Repair as
Reference 240­SE11­310.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002CB ­19­18JAN07­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.

KB11996,00002CB ­19­18JAN07­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­50 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 523912.05 — Hydro Clutch Unit (CU)

Solenoid Circuit Fault Code Caused By: CU circuit fault detected.
KB11996,00002CC ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002CC ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Verify Hydro Clutch Unit (CU) Solenoid (Y523) is securely plugged in. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002CC ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002CC ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002CC ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002CC ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­51 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydro Clutch Unit (CU) Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­312. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002CC ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002CC ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTI 523912.13 — Hydro Clutch Unit (CU)

Calibration Fault Code Caused By: Clutch Unit hydro calibration is out
of valid operating range. This fault will automatically
cause code 630.13 to be generated.
Continued on next page KB11996,00002CD ­19­09NOV06­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­52 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
NOTE: For on­board diagnostics see B527 for theory on Diagnostic Pressure Sensor. Measured
pressure will be displayed at PTI Address 025.

NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper on­board diagnosis:

JDG1753 —Service Jumper Harness Kit

JT03437—90° DR Elbow
RE217077 —Oil Pressure Sensor ­ 2700 kPa (27 bar) (390 psi)
NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper diagnosis with gauges in place of on­board diagnostics:
□ JT05497 — Hose Assembly, 3048 mm (120") Long
□ JT05474 — Gauge w/Quick Coupler 2,000 kPa (20 bar) (300 psi)
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002CD ­19­09NOV06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002CD ­19­09NOV06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002CD ­19­09NOV06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start engine.

IMPORTANT: Engine must run for approximately two minutes while PTI is
performing auto calibration. No operator input required.

2. Check for code remaining active after engine running for two minutes. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002CD ­19­09NOV06­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­53 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Perform Clutch Unit and Ring Unit Hydro Control Test (Reference 251­15­011). OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Interchange ring

unit and hydro clutch unit
valves to see if problem
moves to other valve.
Problem identified. Repair
as needed.
KB11996,00002CD ­19­09NOV06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform CU Idler Speed Sensor Circuit Test, 240­SE11­304. OK: Calibration
GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOT OK: Calibration
unsuccessful and problem
not identified.
GO TO 6.
KB11996,00002CD ­19­09NOV06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002CD ­19­09NOV06­8/8

PTI 523913.05 — Loop Flush Cut Off Solenoid

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Loop flush cutoff circuit fault detected.
Continued on next page KB11996,00002CE ­19­11JUL08­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­54 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002CE ­19­11JUL08­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Inspect terminals at Loop Flush Cutoff solenoid Y521. Verify Loop Flush Cutoff
Solenoid is securely plugged back in.

NOTE: Vehicles before (Serial Number —007650) may install (R255848) sleeve OK: GO TO 2.
to dampen vibrations. Vehicles after this serial number have a revised
step to valve manifold and don’t require sleeve installation.
KB11996,00002CE ­19­11JUL08­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002CE ­19­11JUL08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate at > 20 km/h (12 mph).

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002CE ­19­11JUL08­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002CE ­19­11JUL08­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­55 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Loop Flush Cutoff Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­311. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002CE ­19­11JUL08­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002CE ­19­11JUL08­8/8

PTI 523917.07 — Synchronizer Speed

Mismatch Code Caused By: Differential speed was detected across
clutch elements indicating a transmission malfunction.
KB11996,00002CF ­19­20NOV07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002CF ­19­20NOV07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks necessary. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002CF ­19­20NOV07­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­56 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 3.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002CF ­19­20NOV07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Vehicle OFF.

2. Start vehicle and set engine speed to idle.

3. Verify transmission is in PARK.
4. Verify transmission oil temperature is greater than 25 °C (77°F). See Heating
Hydraulic Oil (Reference 270­15­100).
5. Verify PTO is OFF.
NOTE: Transmission calibration starts when conditions listed in steps 2­5
have been met for a continuous 20 seconds and takes approximately
45­60 seconds from start to completion. Transmission calibration
is attempted only once per engine start.

6. Allow transmission to automatically calibrate.

7. Operate vehicle above 8 km/h (5 mph).
8. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002CF ­19­20NOV07­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform IVT Transmission System Diagnosis in Section 213, Group 51. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002CF ­19­20NOV07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform 240­SE11­304 CU Idler Speed Sensor Circuit Test. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002CF ­19­20NOV07­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­57 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002CF ­19­20NOV07­8/8

PTI 523917.11 — Synchronizer Engagement unit hydro displacement, indicating a possible hydro
Fault/Hydro Control control problem. This fault will automatically cause
code 000630.13 to be generated.
Code Caused By: The C1 clutch has failed to engage NOTE: Code can also be generated if engine is stalled.
due to excessive CU Idler speed or incorrect ring
KB11996,0000375 ­19­21NOV07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000375 ­19­21NOV07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks necessary. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000375 ­19­21NOV07­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­58 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If other codes are present, diagnose them first. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000375 ­19­21NOV07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Operate vehicle above 8 km/h (5 mph).

3. De­accelerate to PowerZero
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000375 ­19­21NOV07­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform IVT Transmission System Diagnosis in Section 213, Group 51. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000375 ­19­21NOV07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform 240­SE11­310 Ring Unit Position Sensor Circuit Test. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

indicated in test.
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000375 ­19­21NOV07­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­59 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000375 ­19­21NOV07­8/8

PTI 523917.17 — CU Idler Speed Low at

Start­up. Code Caused By: CU idler speed low at start­up.
KB11996,00002F8 ­19­09NOV06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Transmission system
Control Unit Response: power­up recoverable
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002F8 ­19­09NOV06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks necessary.

NOTE: If PTI 524233.17 is stored, then input shaft from engine is not running. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002F8 ­19­09NOV06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If other codes are present, diagnose those codes first. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,00002F8 ­19­09NOV06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­60 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.
NOTE: This code is only generated at engine start­up. Code cannot
be generated during tractor operation.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002F8 ­19­09NOV06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks necessary. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,00002F8 ­19­09NOV06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform CU Idler Speed Sensor Circuit Test, 240­SE11­304. OK: GO TO 6.

KB11996,00002F8 ­19­09NOV06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.

KB11996,00002F8 ­19­09NOV06­8/8

PTI 523917.30 — Synchronizer Engagement

Code Caused By: C1 clutch failed to engage.
KB11996,00002F9 ­19­09NOV06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Transmission system
Control Unit Response: power­up recoverable
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page KB11996,00002F9 ­19­09NOV06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­61 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks necessary. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002F9 ­19­09NOV06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If other codes are present, diagnose those codes first. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002F9 ­19­09NOV06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle above 8 km/h (5 mph).

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002F9 ­19­09NOV06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform IVT Transmission System Diagnosis in Section 213, Group 51. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002F9 ­19­09NOV06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks necessary. OK: GO TO 6.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002F9 ­19­09NOV06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­62 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002F9 ­19­09NOV06­8/8

PTI 523917.31 — Synchronizer Shift Fault

Code Caused By: Ring unit hydro position is unfavorable
to complete a synchronizer shift.
KB11996,0000373 ­19­09NOV06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000373 ­19­09NOV06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check to make sure ring unit position sensor connector (B528) is securely plugged in. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Correct

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000373 ­19­09NOV06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­63 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If other codes are present, diagnose those codes first. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000373 ­19­09NOV06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle above 8 km/h (5 mph).

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000373 ­19­09NOV06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform IVT Transmission System Diagnosis in Section 213, Group 51. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Problem

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000373 ­19­09NOV06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks necessary. OK: GO TO 6.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000373 ­19­09NOV06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­64 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000373 ­19­09NOV06­8/8

PTI 523918.02 — Hydro Ring Unit (RU)

Position Incorrect Code Caused By: The measured hydro position and
commanded hydro position differ.
KB11996,00002D2 ­19­18JAN07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002D2 ­19­18JAN07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check to make sure ring unit position sensor connector (B528) is securely plugged in. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002D2 ­19­18JAN07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,00002D2 ­19­18JAN07­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­65 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002D2 ­19­18JAN07­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Clutch Unit and Ring Unit Hydro Control Test (Reference 251­15­011). OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002D2 ­19­18JAN07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
NOTE: Current PTI payload doesn’t use the Ring Unit Position Sensor. To verify
vehicle has updated PTI payload check for PTI address 16. If this address
is not present the vehicle has updated payload. If PTI address 16 is present
OK: GO TO 6.

then download current PTI payload. Updated payloads can be downloaded

by connecting to the Deere Network software delivery system (SDS).
The following test is not necessary if vehicle has current PTI payload. If unable to NOT OK: Repair as
download current PTI payload then perform Ring Unit Position Sensor Circuit Test, needed.
Reference 240­SE11­310.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002D2 ­19­18JAN07­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.

KB11996,00002D2 ­19­18JAN07­8/8

PTI 523918.03 — Hydro Ring Unit (RU)

Position Sensor Voltage High Code Caused By: Ring unit position sensor is
shorted to high source.
Continued on next page KB11996,00002D3 ­19­18JAN07­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­66 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002D3 ­19­18JAN07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check to make sure ring unit position sensor connector (B528) is securely plugged in. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Correct

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002D3 ­19­18JAN07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002D3 ­19­18JAN07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN Position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002D3 ­19­18JAN07­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002D3 ­19­18JAN07­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­67 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
NOTE: Current PTI payload doesn’t use the Ring Unit Position Sensor. To verify
vehicle has updated PTI payload check for PTI address 16. If this address
is not present the vehicle has updated payload. If PTI address 16 is present
OK: GO TO 6.

then download current PTI payload. Updated payloads can be downloaded

by connecting to the Deere Network software delivery system (SDS).
The following test is not necessary if vehicle has current PTI payload. If unable to NOT OK: Repair as
download current PTI payload then perform Ring Unit Position Sensor Circuit Test, needed.
Reference 240­SE11­310.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002D3 ­19­18JAN07­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002D3 ­19­18JAN07­8/8

PTI 523918.04 — Hydro Ring Unit (RU)

Position Sensor Voltage Low Code Caused By: Ring unit position sensor is
open circuit or shorted to ground.
KB11996,00002D4 ­19­18JAN07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002D4 ­19­18JAN07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check to make sure ring unit position sensor connector (B528) is securely plugged in. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Correct

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002D4 ­19­18JAN07­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­68 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002D4 ­19­18JAN07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN Position. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002D4 ­19­18JAN07­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,00002D4 ­19­18JAN07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
NOTE: Current PTI payload doesn’t use the Ring Unit Position Sensor. To verify
vehicle has updated PTI payload check for PTI address 16. If this address
is not present the vehicle has updated payload. If PTI address 16 is present
OK: GO TO 6.

then download current PTI payload. Updated payloads can be downloaded

by connecting to the Deere Network software delivery system (SDS).
The following test is not necessary if vehicle has current PTI payload. If unable to NOT OK: Repair as
download current PTI payload then perform Ring Unit Position Sensor Circuit Test, needed.
Reference 240­SE11­310.
GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002D4 ­19­18JAN07­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.

KB11996,00002D4 ­19­18JAN07­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­69 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 523918.13 — Hydro Ring Unit (RU)

Position Sensor Calibration Fault Code Caused By: Ring unit position sensor calibration is
out of valid operating range. This fault will automatically
cause code 630.13 to be generated.
KB11996,00002D5 ­19­18JAN07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text:Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002D5 ­19­18JAN07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Correct

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002D5 ­19­18JAN07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002D5 ­19­18JAN07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start engine.

IMPORTANT: Engine must run for approximately two minutes while PTI is
performing auto calibration. No operator input required.

2. Check for code remaining active after engine running for two minutes. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002D5 ­19­18JAN07­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002D5 ­19­18JAN07­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­70 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
NOTE: Current PTI payload doesn’t use the Ring Unit Position Sensor. To verify
vehicle has updated PTI payload check for PTI address 16. If this address
is not present the vehicle has updated payload. If PTI address 16 is present
OK: GO TO 6.

then download current PTI payload. Updated payloads can be downloaded

by connecting to the Deere Network software delivery system (SDS).
The following test is not necessary if vehicle has current PTI payload. If unable to NOT OK: Repair as
download current PTI payload then perform Ring Unit Position Sensor Circuit Test, needed.
Reference 240­SE11­310.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002D5 ­19­18JAN07­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002D5 ­19­18JAN07­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­71 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524226.08 — Direction Sensing Incorrect

Code Caused By: Measured direction does not
agree with expected direction.
KB11996,00002EF ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002EF ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks necessary. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002EF ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002EF ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle above 0.75 km/h (0.47 mph).

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002EF ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002EF ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­72 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all the following:

Secondary Transmission Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­308. OK: GO TO 6.

Primary Transmission Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­307. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002EF ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002EF ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­73 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524228.05 — Park Sump Block Solenoid

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Park sump block circuit fault detected.
KB11996,00002F0 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Park system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002F0 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Verify park sump block solenoid (Y576) is securely plugged in. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002F0 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002F0 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Move drive lever out of PARK position.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002F0 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002F0 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­74 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Park Sump Block Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­322. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002F0 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002F0 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­75 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524228.11 — Park Sump Block Valve

Fault Code Caused By: Code indicates a malfunction
in the park sump block system.
KB11996,00002F1 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Park System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002F1 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002F1 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002F1 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward direction.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002F1 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­76 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Perform Park Brake Leak Test, Reference 251­15­013. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Perform IVT

Transmission System
Diagnosis in Section 213,
Group 51.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002F1 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks necessary. OK: GO TO 6.

KB11996,00002F1 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002F1 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTI 524230.03 — Unexpected Enable

Pressure Code Caused By: Malfunctioning clutch enable pressure
sensor or clutch enable solenoid.
KB11996,00002FA ­19­12SEP08­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page KB11996,00002FA ­19­12SEP08­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­77 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2 .

KB11996,00002FA ­19­12SEP08­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure. Diagnosis complete.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 3.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002FA ­19­12SEP08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle

2. Operate vehicle.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002FA ­19­12SEP08­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

KB11996,00002FA ­19­12SEP08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following:

Clutch Enable Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­314.

Clutch Enable Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­319. OK: GO TO 6.
NOTE: If clutch enable pressure sensor and clutch enable solenoid circuit tests NOT OK: Repair as
are normal and code returns, it may be possible that the clutch enable needed.
solenoid has malfunctioned internally and needs to be replaced.
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002FA ­19­12SEP08­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­78 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002FA ­19­12SEP08­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­79 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524230.05 — Clutch Enable Solenoid

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Clutch enable circuit fault detected.
KB11996,00002F2 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002F2 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Verify Clutch Enable Pressure Sensor (B526) is securely plugged in. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002F2 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002F2 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle

2. Operate vehicle.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002F2 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002F2 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­80 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch Enable Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­319. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002F2 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002F2 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTI 524232.01 — Park Brake Pressure

Low/Gear Commanded Code Caused By: Park brake pressure < 1500
kPa (15 bar) (218 psi) for longer than 1 second
while park is not engaged.
KB11996,0000376 ­19­19JUN08­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Stop
Displayed Text: Park System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
JT05497—10 ft. Test Hose
JT03437— 90° DR Elbow
JT05474—Gauge (21 bar) (300 psi)
JDG1505 — Test Block, High Pressure Transmission Valve
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page KB11996,0000376 ­19­19JUN08­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­81 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000376 ­19­19JUN08­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the “Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000376 ­19­19JUN08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward and reverse.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000376 ­19­19JUN08­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform the following:

Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 2000 kPa (20 bar) (290 psi) Test, OK: GO TO 5.
Reference 251­15­018.
Park Brake Leak Test, Reference 251­15­013. NOT OK: Perform IVT
Transmission System
Diagnosis in Section 213,
Group 51.
GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000376 ­19­19JUN08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Park brake pressure transducer may be damaged or has failed. OK: GO TO 6.

• Inspect park brake pressure transducer and replace if necessary. NOT OK: Replace park
brake pressure sensor and

Continued on next page KB11996,0000376 ­19­19JUN08­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­82 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem, NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000376 ­19­19JUN08­8/8

PTI 524232.02 — Park Brake Pressure

Incorrect Code Caused By: Park brake pressure sensor indicates
an invalid reading compared to other on­board pressure
sensors for longer than 15 seconds.
KB11996,00002F4 ­19­19JUN08­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002F4 ­19­19JUN08­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check to make sure park brake pressure sensor connector (B525) is securely plugged
OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002F4 ­19­19JUN08­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,00002F4 ­19­19JUN08­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­83 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle.
NOTE: Do NOT use Clutch and/or Brake Pedal.

3. Operate vehicle in forward and reverse.

4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002F4 ­19­19JUN08­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks necessary. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,00002F4 ­19­19JUN08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Park Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­313. OK: No circuit problem
found. Park brake
pressure transducer may be
damaged or has failed.
Inspect park brake pressure
transducer and replace if
necessary and GO TO 2.
OK: No problems found
GO TO 6.
NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002F4 ­19­19JUN08­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.

KB11996,00002F4 ­19­19JUN08­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­84 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524232.04 — Park Brake Pressure Sensor NOTE: When fault code is present, PTI control unit
Circuit Voltage Low will assume a pressure of 2100 kPa (21 bar) (305
psi) when park is released. Park brake pressure
Code Caused By: Park brake pressure sensor is can be viewed at PTI Address 023.
open circuit or short to ground.
KB11996,00002F5 ­19­19JUN08­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Park system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002F5 ­19­19JUN08­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check to make sure park brake pressure sensor connector (B525) is securely plugged
OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002F5 ­19­19JUN08­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002F5 ­19­19JUN08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn Key Switch to RUN Position.

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002F5 ­19­19JUN08­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks necessary. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002F5 ­19­19JUN08­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­85 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Park Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­313. OK: No circuit problem
found. Park brake
pressure transducer may be
damaged or has failed.
Inspect park brake pressure
transducer and replace if
necessary and GO TO 2.
OK: No problems found
GO TO 6.
NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002F5 ­19­19JUN08­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002F5 ­19­19JUN08­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­86 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524232.14 — Park Brake Pressure Low off or when towing vehicle. This code is generated
in Come Home Mode to alert operator when park brake pressure falls to
level where park brake could engage.
Code Caused By: Park brake pressure below 750 NOTE: This code can be operator induced. Check
kPa (7.5 bar) (108 psi) in come home mode w/engine correct operational procedures.
KB11996,00002F6 ­19­03DEC07­1/3

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Stop
Displayed Text: Park Oil Pressure Low
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
DFRW168—Park Solenoid Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002F6 ­19­03DEC07­2/3

•1 Preliminary Checks There are no preliminary checks necessary. Fault code is informational only, not for
diagnosing tractor.
OK: Diagnosis complete.

KB11996,00002F6 ­19­03DEC07­3/3

PTI 524232.16 — Park Brake Pressure

High/Park Commanded Code Caused By: Park brake system is maintaining a
pressure above 50 kPa (0.5 bar) (7 psi), which may
cause park brake to not be completely engaged.
KB11996,00002F7 ­19­19JUN08­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Park System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
JT05497—10 ft. Test Hose
JT03437— 90° DR Elbow
JT05474—Gauge (21 bar) (300 psi)
JDG1505 — Test Block, High Pressure Transmission Valve
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page KB11996,00002F7 ­19­19JUN08­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­87 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks Check to make sure park brake pressure sensor connector (B525) is securely plugged
OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002F7 ­19­19JUN08­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the “Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002F7 ­19­19JUN08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN position.

3. Move drive lever out of the PARK position into Neutral, and move back to the
PARK position.
If PTI code 524228.11 is present, diagnose that code first. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 5.

KB11996,00002F7 ­19­19JUN08­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Park Brake Leak Test, Reference 251­15­013. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002F7 ­19­19JUN08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all the following: OK: No circuit problem
found. Park brake
pressure transducer may be
damaged or has failed.
Inspect park brake pressure
transducer and replace if
necessary and GO TO 2.
Park Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­313. OK: No problems found
GO TO 4.
Park Brake Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­321. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002F7 ­19­19JUN08­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­88 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems
• Intermittent failures OK: GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem, NOT OK: Problem
(Reference 210­15­101). identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
NOTE: If code is not resolved after completing previous steps, access PTI Address NOT OK: Problem not
023 and PTI Address 024 with key ON and engine OFF. If values at both identified.
addresses fluctuate for 45­60 seconds and then stabilize, disconnect
A430 Electric Fuel Transfer Pump and repeat check. If addresses DO NOT Perform Power Train
fluctuate with pump disconnected but do fluctuate with pump connected, fuel AUTOPOWR™ / IVT™
transfer pump may be sending electronic interference back to controller. (PTI) Transmission Control
Inspect and repair fuel transfer pump as necessary.
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002F7 ­19­19JUN08­8/8

PTI 524232.17 — Park Brake Pressure

Low/Park Not Commanded Code Caused By: Park brake pressure does not
exceed threshold of 1500 kPa (15 bar) (218 psi)
that is needed to release park brake.
KB11996,00002F8 ­19­19JUN08­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Park System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002F8 ­19­19JUN08­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Verify Park Brake Pressure Sensor (B525) is securely plugged in. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002F8 ­19­19JUN08­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­89 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002F8 ­19­19JUN08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward or reverse direction.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 5.

KB11996,00002F8 ­19­19JUN08­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Park Brake Leak Test, Reference 251­15­013. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Perform IVT

Transmission System
Diagnosis in Section 213,
Group 51.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002F8 ­19­19JUN08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all the following: OK: No circuit problem
found. Park brake
pressure transducer may be
damaged or has failed.
Inspect park brake pressure
transducer and replace if
necessary and GO TO 2.
Park Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­313. OK: No problems found
GO TO 4.
NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002F8 ­19­19JUN08­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­90 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002F8 ­19­19JUN08­8/8

PTI 524232.18 — Park Brake Pressure Low

Code Caused By: Park pressure and enable pressure
are both low for longer than 3 seconds indicating
a hydraulic leak in system 1.
KB11996,00002F9 ­19­19JUN08­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Park oil pressure low
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JT05497—10 ft. Test Hose
JT03437—90° DR Elbow
JT05474—Gauge (21 bar) (300 psi)
JDG1505 — Test Block, High Pressure Transmission Valve
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002F9 ­19­19JUN08­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002F9 ­19­19JUN08­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­91 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the “Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002F9 ­19­19JUN08­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle.
NOTE: Do NOT use Clutch and/or Brake Pedal.

3. Operate vehicle in forward and reverse.

4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002F9 ­19­19JUN08­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform all of the following test.

Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 2000 kPa (20 bar) (290 psi) Test, OK: GO TO 5.
Reference 251­15­018.
Park Brake Leak Test, Reference 251­15­013 . NOT OK: Perform IVT
Transmission System
Diagnosis in Section 213,
Group 51.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002F9 ­19­19JUN08­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Park brake pressure transducer may be damaged or has failed. OK: GO TO 6.

• Inspect park brake pressure transducer and replace if necessary. NOT OK: Replace park
brake pressure sensor and

Continued on next page KB11996,00002F9 ­19­19JUN08­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­92 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem, NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002F9 ­19­19JUN08­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­93 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524233.00 — Hydro Ring Unit (RU) transmission to exit the overspeed condition. This can be
Overspeed caused by tractor being operated in condition with high
engine speed, such as pushing a load downhill.
Code Caused By: Hydro ring speed has exceeded the
overspeed limit. The PTI control unit will upshift the
KB11996,00002FA ­19­20DEC05­1/3

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JT05497—3 m (10 ft.) Test Hose
JT03437—90° DR Elbow
JT05474—Gauge (21 bar) (300 psi)
JDG 1505—Test Block
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002FA ­19­20DEC05­2/3

•1 Preliminary Checks There are no preliminary checks necessary. Fault code is informational only, not for
diagnosing tractor.
OK: Diagnosis complete.

KB11996,00002FA ­19­20DEC05­3/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­94 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524233.02 — Ring Unit (RU) Speed speed is being compared to engine speed, carrier
Incorrect speed, and output speed.

Code Caused By: Hydro ring gear speed does

not agree with expected speed. The ring gear
KB11996,00002FB ­19­09NOV06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002FB ­19­09NOV06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks necessary. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002FB ­19­09NOV06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002FB ­19­09NOV06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002FB ­19­09NOV06­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­95 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Perform IVT Transmission System Diagnosis in Section 213, Group 51. OK: GO TO 5.

NOTE: Incorrect or slow carrier speed could be a result of a damaged or inoperable NOT OK: Repair as
hydro control valve or hydro control pilot valve. IVT Transmission System needed.
Diagnosis will help isolate a hydro­mechanical malfunction.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002FB ­19­09NOV06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydro Ring Gear Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­306. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002FB ­19­09NOV06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002FB ­19­09NOV06­8/8

PTI 524233.07 — Hydro Speed

Incorrect/PowerZero Code Caused By: Hydro control system not at expected
speed while commanding power zero.
KB11996,00002FC ­19­09NOV06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (neutral recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page KB11996,00002FC ­19­09NOV06­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­96 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Checks Access PTI Address 026 and verify transmission oil temperature is above 20°C (68°F). OK: GO TO 2.

If necessary perform Heating Hydraulic Oil, Reference 270­15­100. NOT OK: Correct
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002FC ­19­09NOV06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,00002FC ­19­09NOV06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Set engine speed above 800 rpm.
4. Let engine run for 10 seconds.
5. Place drive lever in POWER ZERO position.
6. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 5.

KB11996,00002FC ­19­09NOV06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Clutch Unit and Ring Unit Hydro Control Test (Reference 251­15­011). OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Perform IVT

Transmission System
Diagnosis in Section 213,
Group 51.
GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002FC ­19­09NOV06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all the following:

Hydro Clutch Unit (CU) Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­312. OK: GO TO 4.
Ring Unit (RU) Hydro Control Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­320. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,00002FC ­19­09NOV06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­97 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,00002FC ­19­09NOV06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­98 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524233.15 — Hydro Speed Incorrect/Park NOTE: This code will automatically cause fault code
Engaged 630.13 to be generated. Actual speed signals may
be correct, but control system is not responding
Code Caused By: Hydro control system not at to commands because of a possible mechanical
expected speed to release park. or hydraulic control problem.
KB11996,00002FD ­19­09NOV06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
NOTE: For on­board diagnostics see B527 for theory on Diagnostic Pressure Sensor. Measured
pressure will be displayed at PTI Address 025.

NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper on­board diagnosis:

JDG1753 —Service Jumper Harness Kit

JT03437—90° DR Elbow
RE217077 —Oil Pressure Sensor ­ 2700 kPa (27 bar) (390 psi)
NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper diagnosis with gauges in place of on­board diagnostics:
□ JT05497 — Hose Assembly, 3048 mm (120") Long
□ JT05474 — Gauge w/Quick Coupler 2,000 kPa (20 bar) (300 psi)
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002FD ­19­09NOV06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks There are no preliminary checks necessary. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002FD ­19­09NOV06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If DTC PTI 524247.17, 524233.17 or 000127.01 is present, diagnose these codes first NOT OK: Code returns.
before proceeding with current diagnosis.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,00002FD ­19­09NOV06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­99 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
Minimum desired oil temperature is 20°C (68°F). Check transmission oil temperature at
PTI Address 026. See ”Access Control Unit Addresses”, Reference 245­05­002.

NOTE: Temperature displayed in degrees C.

If oil temperature is too low, see Heating Hydraulic Oil, Reference 270­15­100.
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.
2. Start vehicle.
3. Set engine speed above 800 rpm.
4. Let engine run for 10 seconds.
5. Place drive lever in POWER ZERO position.
6. Check for code return after 5 seconds.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable OK: Code does not return.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 Diagnosis complete.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
If DTC PTI 524247.17, 524233.17, or 000127.01 is present, diagnose these codes first NOT OK: Code returns.
before proceeding with current diagnosis.
GO TO 4.
KB11996,00002FD ­19­09NOV06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform IVT Transmission System Diagnosis in Section 213, Group 51. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002FD ­19­09NOV06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Ring Unit (RU) Hydro Control Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002FD ­19­09NOV06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.

KB11996,00002FD ­19­09NOV06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­100 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524233.16 — Hydro Speed Incorrect/Park NOTE: This code will automatically cause fault code
Not Engaged 630.13 to be generated. Actual speed signals may
be correct, but control system is not responding
Code Caused By: Hydro control system not at to commands because of a possible mechanical
expected speed to release park. or hydraulic control problem.
KB11996,00002FE ­19­09NOV06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
NOTE: For on­board diagnostics see B527 for theory on Diagnostic Pressure Sensor. Measured
pressure will be displayed at PTI Address 025.

NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper on­board diagnosis:

JDG1753 —Service Jumper Harness Kit

JT03437—90° DR Elbow
RE217077 —Oil Pressure Sensor ­ 2700 kPa (27 bar) (390 psi)
NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper diagnosis with gauges in place of on­board diagnostics:
□ JT05497 — Hose Assembly, 3048 mm (120") Long
□ JT05474 — Gauge w/Quick Coupler 2,000 kPa (20 bar) (300 psi)
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,00002FE ­19­09NOV06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks There are no preliminary checks necessary. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,00002FE ­19­09NOV06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If DTC PTI 524247.17, 524233.17 or 000127.01 is present, diagnose these codes first NOT OK: Code returns.
before proceeding with current diagnosis.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,00002FE ­19­09NOV06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­101 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
Minimum desired oil temperature is 20°C (68°F). Check transmission oil temperature at
PTI Address 026. See ”Access Control Unit Addresses”, Reference 245­05­002.

NOTE: Temperature displayed in degrees C.

If oil temperature is too low, see Heating Hydraulic Oil, Reference 270­15­100.
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.
2. Start vehicle.
3. Set engine speed above 800 rpm.
4. Let engine run for 10 seconds.
5. Place drive lever in POWER ZERO position.
6. Check for code return after 5 seconds.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable OK: Code does not return.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 Diagnosis complete.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
If DTC PTI 524247.17, 524233.17, or 000127.01 is present, diagnose these codes first NOT OK: Code returns.
before proceeding with current diagnosis.
GO TO 4.
KB11996,00002FE ­19­09NOV06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform IVT Transmission System Diagnosis in Section 213, Group 51. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002FE ­19­09NOV06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Ring Unit (RU) Hydro Control Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002FE ­19­09NOV06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.

KB11996,00002FE ­19­09NOV06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­102 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524233.17 — Hydro Ring Unit (RU) Speed may be correct, but control system is not responding
Low At Start Up to commands because of a possible mechanical
or hydraulic control problem
Code Caused By: Hydro Ring Gear speed incorrect
at start­up. Actual Hydro Ring Gear speed signal
KB11996,00002FF ­19­09NOV06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
NOTE: For on­board diagnostics see B527 for theory on Diagnostic Pressure Sensor. Measured
pressure will be displayed at PTI Address 025.

NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper on­board diagnosis:

JDG1753 —Service Jumper Harness Kit

JT03437—90° DR Elbow
RE217077 —Oil Pressure Sensor ­ 2700 kPa (27 bar) (390 psi)
NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper diagnosis with gauges in place of on­board diagnostics:
□ JT05497 — Hose Assembly, 3048 mm (120") Long
□ JT05474 — Gauge w/Quick Coupler 2,000 kPa (20 bar) (300 psi)
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings
KB11996,00002FF ­19­09NOV06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks • Check hydraulic oil level in sight glass on rear differential OK: GO TO 2.

• Check electrical connector on ring unit speed sensor (B522) for looseness or NOT OK: Correct
corrosion condition.
KB11996,00002FF ­19­09NOV06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If DTC PTI 000127.01 is present, diagnose this code before proceeding with the NOT OK: Code returns.
current diagnosis.
GO TO 5.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,00002FF ­19­09NOV06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­103 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle

2. Wait 30 seconds with drive lever in PARK.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat engine start­up until code returns. If NOT OK: Code returns.
unable to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step
6 (Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,00002FF ­19­09NOV06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform IVT Transmission System Diagnosis in Section 213, Group 51. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002FF ­19­09NOV06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all the following:

Hydro Ring Gear Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­306. OK: GO TO 6.
Carrier Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­305. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,00002FF ­19­09NOV06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.

KB11996,00002FF ­19­09NOV06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­104 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524234.02 — Clutch Enable Pressure

Incorrect Code Caused By: Clutch enable pressure sensor
indicates an invalid reading compared to other on­board
pressure sensors for longer than 15 seconds.
KB11996,0000300 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000300 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check to make sure clutch enable pressure sensor connector (B526) is securely
plugged in.
OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000300 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000300 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle.
NOTE: Do NOT use Clutch and/or Brake Pedal.

3. Operate vehicle in forward or reverse.

4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000300 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000300 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­105 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following:

Clutch Enable Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­314. OK: GO TO 6.

Park Brake Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­313. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000300 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000300 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­106 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524234.04 — Clutch Enable Pressure NOTE: When fault code is present, PTI control unit will
Sensor Circuit Voltage Low assume a pressure of 2000 kPa (20 bar) (290
psi) when transmission is in gear. Clutch enable
Code Caused By: Clutch enable pressure sensor pressure can be viewed at PTI Address 024.
is open circuit or short to ground.
KB11996,0000301 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000301 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check to make sure clutch enable pressure sensor connector (B526) is securely
plugged in.
OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000301 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000301 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Turn Key Switch to RUN Position.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000301 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000301 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­107 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch Enable Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­314. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000301 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000301 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­108 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524237.31 — Reverser Park and Neutral NOTE: PTI does not read switches directly. Switch
Switches Both On values are transmitted by the CLC or ACU control
unit depending on vehicle option.
Code Caused By: Invalid reverser switch value.
KB11996,0000302 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000302 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check for CLC and ACU codes. If present, troubleshoot these codes first. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000302 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000302 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Turn key switch to RUN position.

2. Move drive lever out of the PARK position into Neutral, and move back to the
PARK position.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000302 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­109 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks For right hand reverser option, proceed to next step.

For left hand reverser option: OK: GO TO 5.

Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) ELX Wake Up Output Circuit Test, Reference NOT OK: Repair as
240­SE06­108. needed.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000302 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following based on vehicle option.

For right hand reverser option perform IVT Right Hand Reverser Switch Assembly OK: GO TO 6.
Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­020.
For left hand reverser option perform IVT Left Hand Reverser Circuit Test, Reference NOT OK: Repair as
240­SE10­123. needed.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000302 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000302 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­110 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524238.31 — Reverser Park and Neutral NOTE: PTI does not read switches directly. Switch
Switches Off At Power Up values are transmitted by the CLC or ACU control
unit depending on vehicle option.
Code Caused By: Invalid reverser switch value.
KB11996,0000303 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission Lever Not in Park
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000303 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check for CLC and ACU codes. If present, troubleshoot these codes first. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000303 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000303 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK.

2. Attempt to start vehicle.

3. Check for code return.
4. Turn vehicle OFF.
5. Place vehicle in NEUTRAL.
6. Attempt to start vehicle.
7. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000303 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­111 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks For right hand reverser option, proceed to next step.

For left hand reverser option: OK: GO TO 5.

Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) ELX Wake Up Output Circuit Test, Reference NOT OK: Repair as
240­SE06­108. needed.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000303 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following based on vehicle option.

For right hand reverser option perform IVT Right Hand Reverser Switch Assembly OK: GO TO 6.
Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­020.
For left hand reverser option perform IVT Left Hand Reverser Circuit Test, Reference NOT OK: Repair as
240­SE10­123. needed.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000303 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000303 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­112 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524239.31 — No Motion/Engine Running

Code Caused By: No tractor speed detected after
speed control lever is placed in gear and commanding
a wheel speed of > 1 km/h (0.62 mph).
KB11996,0000304 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter. See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000304 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check primary transmission speed sensor (B575) connector for looseness or corrosion. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Correct

GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000304 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If DTC’s PTI 000754.18, PTI 000755.18, PTI 000756.18 are present, diagnose those NOT OK: Code returns.
codes before proceeding with the current diagnosis.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000304 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Place drive lever in forward position.

3. Operate vehicle above 2 km/h (1.2 mph).
4. Place drive lever in reverse position.
5. Operate vehicle above 2 km/h (1.2 mph).
6. Place drive lever in PARK.
7. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000304 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­113 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Perform AutoPowr/IVT Preliminary Checks, Reference 251­05­001. OK: GO TO 6.

NOTE: If oil smells, clutch is damaged. NOT OK: Perform IVT

Transmission System
Diagnosis in Section 213,
Group 51.
KB11996,0000304 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all the following: OK: GO TO 4.

Primary Transmission Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­307. NOT OK: Repair as
KB11996,0000304 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000304 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­114 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524240.14 — No Motion/Come Home

Mode Code Caused By: No tractor speed detected in come
home mode after speed control lever is placed in
gear and clutch has been cycled.
KB11996,0000305 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JT05497—10 ft. Test Hose
JT03437—90° DR Elbow
JT05474—Gauge (21 bar) (300 psi)
JDG1505 — Test Block, High Pressure Transmission Valve
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000305 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000305 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the “Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000305 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Install fuse from storage location of F17 to the F18 slot to take tractor out of come
home mode.

2. Place drive lever in PARK.

3. Start vehicle.
4. Operate vehicle in forward and reverse directions.
5. Check for code return.
NOTE: If other codes are present, diagnose those codes first. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000305 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­115 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks necessary. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,0000305 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks necessary. OK: GO TO 6.

KB11996,0000305 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem, NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000305 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­116 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524241.02 — Carrier or Hydro Ring Gear

Speed Incorrect Code Caused By: Speed signals do not match
calculated speed. Ring gear speed and carrier speed
are compared against each other.
KB11996,0000306 ­19­27MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000306 ­19­27MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks necessary. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000306 ­19­27MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If DTC’s PTI 524233.02, PTI 524247.02, PTI 000754.18, PTI 000755.18, PTI 000756.18 NOT OK: Code returns.
are present, diagnose those codes before proceeding with the current diagnosis.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000306 ­19­27MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate tractor in forward or reverse.

3. Wait 15 seconds.
4. Check for code return.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable OK: Code does not return.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 Diagnosis complete.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
If DTC’s PTI 524233.02, PTI 524247.02, PTI 000754.18, PTI 000755.18, PTI 000756.18 NOT OK: Code returns.
are present, diagnose those codes before proceeding with the current diagnosis.
GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000306 ­19­27MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks necessary. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000306 ­19­27MAR06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­117 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all the following:

Carrier Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­305. OK: GO TO 6.

Hydro Ring Gear Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­306. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000306 ­19­27MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000306 ­19­27MAR06­8/8

PTI 524241.11 — Synchronizer Engagement a possible clutch enable pressure control problem.
Fault/Clutch Control This fault will automatically cause codes 630.13
and 630.14 to be generated.
Code Caused By: The C1 clutch has failed to
engage due to excessive carrier speed, indicating
KB11996,0000307 ­19­09NOV06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
KB11996,0000307 ­19­09NOV06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks necessary. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000307 ­19­09NOV06­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­118 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall,
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. OK: Code does not return.
GO TO 3.
If DTC’s PTI 524233.02, PTI 524247.02, PTI 000754.18, PTI 000755.18, PTI 000756.18 NOT OK: Code returns.
are present, diagnose those codes before proceeding with the current diagnosis.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000307 ­19­09NOV06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Wait 15 seconds.
3. Check for code return.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable OK: Code does not return.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 Diagnosis complete.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
If DTC’s PTI 524233.02, PTI 524247.02, PTI 000754.18, PTI 000755.18, PTI 000756.18 NOT OK: Code returns.
are present, diagnose those codes before proceeding with the current diagnosis.
GO TO 4.
KB11996,0000307 ­19­09NOV06­5/8

•4 System Checks Verify the element engagement pressures. Perform Transmission Element Leak Test, OK: GO TO 5.
Reference 251­15­012.

NOT OK: Perform Clutch

Unit and Ring Unit Hydro
Control Test (Reference
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000307 ­19­09NOV06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks necessary. OK: GO TO 6.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000307 ­19­09NOV06­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­119 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000307 ­19­09NOV06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­120 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524242.00 — Transmission Pressures

High Code Caused By: Stuck pressure control valve,
lube relief valve, or cooler relief.
KB11996,0000308 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Transmission oil pressure high
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000308 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000308 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000308 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward or reverse directions.

NOTE: Do NOT use Clutch and/or Brake Pedal while trying to generate code.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000308 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Transmission Pressure Regulating Valve 2000 kPa (20 bar) (290 psi) Test,
Reference 251­15­018.
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000308 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­121 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks necessary. OK: GO TO 6.

KB11996,0000308 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000308 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­122 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524243.31 — PTI Park/ ACU Gear

Command Conflict Code Caused By: Park switch value does not
agree with ACU command.
NOTE: CLC transmits the park switch value.
KB11996,0000309 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000309 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check for CLC and ACU codes. If present, troubleshoot these codes first. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000309 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000309 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK.

2. Start vehicle
3. Place drive lever in FORWARD or REVERSE. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000309 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) ELX Wake Up Output Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000309 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­123 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following based on vehicle option.

For right hand reverser option perform IVT Right Hand Reverser Switch Assembly OK: GO TO 6.
Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­020.
For left hand reverser option perform IVT Left Hand Reverser Circuit Test, Reference NOT OK: Repair as
240­SE10­123. needed.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000309 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000309 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­124 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524244.31 — PTI Park/ ACU Neutral NOTE: CLC transmits the neutral switch value.
Command Conflict
Code Caused By: Park switch or neutral value does
not agree with ACU command.
KB11996,000030A ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000030A ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Check for CLC and ACU codes. If present, troubleshoot these codes first. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,000030A ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,000030A ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK.

2. Start vehicle
3. Place drive lever in NEUTRAL.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,000030A ­19­20DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­125 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Perform Cab Load Center (CLC) ELX Wake Up Output Circuit Test, Reference
OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,000030A ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following based on vehicle option.

For right hand reverser option perform IVT Right Hand Reverser Switch Assembly OK: GO TO 6.
Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­020.
For left hand reverser option perform IVT Left Hand Reverser Circuit Test, Reference NOT OK: Repair as
240­SE10­123. needed.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,000030A ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,000030A ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­126 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524245.31 — PTI Neutral/ ACU Gear

Command Conflict Code Caused By: Receiving an ACU gear command
when reading neutral switch in the PTI.
KB11996,000030B ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000030B ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,000030B ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,000030B ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK.

2. Start vehicle
3. Place drive lever in forward or reverse direction.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,000030B ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,000030B ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­127 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform one of the following tests according to tractor setup:AUTOPOWR™/IVT™
Left Hand Reverser Switch Assembly Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE10­123 or
AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Right Hand Reverser Switch Assembly Circuit Test,
OK: GO TO 6.

Reference 240­SE13­020.
NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,000030B ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,000030B ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­128 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524247.02 — Carrier Speed Incorrect

Code Caused By: Carrier speed does not agree with
expected speed. The carrier speed is being compared to
engine speed, ring gear speed, and output speed.
KB11996,000030C ­19­27MAR06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000030C ­19­27MAR06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks There are no preliminary checks necessary. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,000030C ­19­27MAR06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,000030C ­19­27MAR06­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward or reverse.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,000030C ­19­27MAR06­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks necessary. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,000030C ­19­27MAR06­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­129 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Carrier Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­305. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,000030C ­19­27MAR06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,000030C ­19­27MAR06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­130 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524247.17 — Carrier Speed Low at Start system is not responding to commands because of a
up possible mechanical or hydraulic control problem.
NOTE: This code is only generated at engine
Code Caused By: Carrier speed incorrect at start­up. start up. This code cannot be generated
Actual carrier speed signal may be correct, but control during tractor operation.
KB11996,000030D ­19­09NOV06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
NOTE: For on­board diagnostics see B527 for theory on Diagnostic Pressure Sensor. Measured
pressure will be displayed at PTI Address 025.

NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper on­board diagnosis:

JDG1753 —Service Jumper Harness Kit

JT03437—90° DR Elbow
RE217077 —Oil Pressure Sensor ­ 2700 kPa (27 bar) (390 psi)
NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper diagnosis with gauges in place of on­board diagnostics:
□ JT05497 — Hose Assembly, 3048 mm (120") Long
□ JT05474 — Gauge w/Quick Coupler 2,000 kPa (20 bar) (300 psi)
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings
KB11996,000030D ­19­09NOV06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks • Check hydraulic oil level in sight glass on rear differential OK: GO TO 2.

• Check electrical connectors on carrier speed sensor (B521) for looseness or corrosion NOT OK: Correct
GO TO 2.
KB11996,000030D ­19­09NOV06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 5.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,000030D ­19­09NOV06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­131 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle

2. Wait 30 seconds with drive lever in PARK.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat engine start­up until code returns. If NOT OK: Code returns.
unable to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step
6 (Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 5.

KB11996,000030D ­19­09NOV06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform IVT Transmission System Diagnosis in Section 213, Group 51. OK: GO TO 6.

NOTE: Incorrect or slow carrier speed could be a result of a damaged or inoperable NOT OK: Repair as
hydro control valve or hydro control pilot valve. IVT Transmission System needed.
Diagnosis will help isolate a hydro­mechanical malfunction.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,000030D ­19­09NOV06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks necessary. OK: GO TO 4.

KB11996,000030D ­19­09NOV06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.

KB11996,000030D ­19­09NOV06­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­132 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524248.31 — Vehicle Motion With Park

Brake Engaged Code Caused By: Wheel speed of > 3 km/h (1.86
mph) detected when park brake is engaged. This fault
will cause PTI 524250.31 to generate.
KB11996,000030E ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Park system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000030E ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,000030E ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,000030E ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Park vehicle on a incline.

3. Place drive lever in PARK.
4. Let vehicle sit for 1­2 minutes.
5. Check for code return.
OK: Code does not return.
CAUTION: Repair park brake immediately if tractor does not jerk Diagnosis complete.
to a stop (with PARK engaged), or if there is tractor movement
while parked on incline (with PARK engaged).
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,000030E ­19­20DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­133 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,000030E ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks necessary. OK: GO TO 6.

KB11996,000030E ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,000030E ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­134 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524249.31 — Operator Not Seated With

NOTE: This code may not indicate a system failure.
Transmission In Neutral
Code Caused By: Operator presence (seat
switch, active clutch or brake pedal) not detected
when tractor is in neutral.
KB11996,000030F ­19­22DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Transmission not in Park
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000030F ­19­22DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks Visually inspect the seat harness and connector. OK: GO TO 2.

Check clutch and brake for full range of pedal motion. NOT OK: Correct
GO TO 2.
KB11996,000030F ­19­22DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,000030F ­19­22DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Place drive lever in Neutral.

3. Operate vehicle below 0.50 km/h (0.31 mph).
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,000030F ­19­22DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­135 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,000030F ­19­22DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all the following:

Operator Presence Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE10­120.

Brake Pedal Sensor & Switch Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE10­116. OK: GO TO 6.
Clutch Pedal Position Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE10­127. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,000030F ­19­22DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,000030F ­19­22DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­136 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524250.31 — Park Brake Previously

Failed/ May Not Hold Code Caused By: Park brake may not hold. Tractor is
in park and PTI 524248.31 was previously active.
KB11996,0000310 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Park system
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000310 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000310 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000310 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Park vehicle on a incline.

3. Place drive lever in PARK.
4. Let vehicle sit for 1­2 minutes.
5. Check for code return.
OK: Code does not return.
CAUTION: Repair park brake immediately if tractor does not jerk Diagnosis complete.
to a stop (with PARK engaged), or if there is tractor movement
while parked on incline (with PARK engaged).
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000310 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­137 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,0000310 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks necessary. OK: GO TO 6.

KB11996,0000310 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000310 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­138 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524253.02 — ACU Not Commanding Park

At Power Up Code Caused By: ACU not sending desired park
state as engaged at startup.
KB11996,0000311 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission system
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000311 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000311 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000311 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000311 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000311 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­139 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform one of the following tests according to tractor setup:AUTOPOWR™/IVT™
Left Hand Reverser Switch Assembly Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE10­123 or
AUTOPOWR™/IVT™ Right Hand Reverser Switch Assembly Circuit Test,
OK: GO TO 6.

Reference 240­SE13­020.
NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000311 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000311 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­140 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524254.03 — Transmission Enable Circuit

Voltage High Code Caused By: Internal PTI control unit failure.
KB11996,0000312 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000312 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2 .

KB11996,0000312 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure. Diagnosis complete.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 6.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000312 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
No operational checks necessary. OK: GO TO 6.

KB11996,0000312 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 6.

KB11996,0000312 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
No electrical circuit checks necessary. OK: GO TO 6.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000312 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­141 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and Replace control unit.

Intermittent Failure
OK: Perform setups and
calibrations as required.
GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000312 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­142 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

PTI 524254.04 — Transmission Enable Circuit

NOTE: Problem is likely to be a failure on circuit
Voltage Low (663) from the ACU.
Code Caused By: The PTI control unit detects the output
of the enable circuit is low when it is commanded to be on.
KB11996,0000313 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478 —Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000313 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000313 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection: See Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000313 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Operate vehicle in forward or reverse directions.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000313 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­143 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTI Code Diagnostics

•4 System Checks Perform the following:

Armrest Control Unit (ACU) System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference OK: GO TO 5.
Power Train Control Unit (PTI) System Power and Ground Circuit Test, Reference NOT OK: Repair as
240­SE11­303 needed.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000313 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Transmission Enable Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE13­009. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000313 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
(PTI) Transmission Control
Unit Test.
KB11996,0000313 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTI­144 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

Group PTP
PTP Code Diagnostics

PTP 000084.07 — Vehicle Motion During

Calibration Code Caused By: Wheel speed detected during
transmission calibration.
KB11996,0000008 ­19­04AUG06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Transmission Calibration
Control Unit Response: Commands Neutral
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
NOTE: For on­board diagnostics, see B551 for theory on diagnostic pressure sensor. Measured
pressure will be displayed at PTP Address 039.

NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper on­board diagnosis:

JDG1753 —Service Jumper Harness Kit

JT03437—90° DR Elbow
RE217077 —Oil Pressure Sensor ­ 2700 kPa (27 bar) (390 psi)
NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper diagnosis with gauges in place of on­board diagnostics:
□ JT05497 — Hose Assembly, 3048 mm (120") Long
□ JT05474 — Gauge w/Quick Coupler 2000 kPa (20 bar) (300 psi)
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000008 ­19­04AUG06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Verify correct calibration values for parameters affecting wheel speed. OK: GO TO 2.

See Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Configuration/Setting Addresses, reference NOT OK: Correct
245­CCU­004. Verify address 111 (Tire Rolling Circumference Configuration) is correct. condition.

GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000008 ­19­04AUG06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

NOTE: If PTP codes 524248.31, or 524250.31 are present, diagnose them first.
If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection
to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, Record, OK: Code does not return.
and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,0000008 ­19­04AUG06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­1 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
Perform PTP Control Unit Calibration, reference 245­PTP­001. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.

NOTE: When this code is generated an error message will display and transmission NOT OK: Code returns.
will not be calibrated. Another PTP calibration may be attempted after
pressing the ”Next Cal Key” on the CommandCenter. GO TO 5.

KB11996,0000008 ­19­04AUG06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Powershift Transmission System Diagnosis in Sect. 213 Group 50. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000008 ­19­04AUG06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following: OK: GO TO 4.

Primary Transmission Speed Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­406. NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000008 ­19­04AUG06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit

KB11996,0000008 ­19­04AUG06­8/8

PTP 000084.18 — Engine Off with

Transmission in Gear Code Caused By: Slow­motion detected with
engine not running.
Continued on next page KB11996,0000009 ­19­20DEC05­1/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­2 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000009 ­19­20DEC05­2/3

•1 Preliminary Check NOTE: Recall, Record, and Clear Codes (reference 245­05­001).

This code is informational in nature and may indicate an operator error. Code is OK: Diagnosis complete.
generated when the transmission is in gear with the engine not running. The PTP will
default to Park. Operator must move the shift lever to NEUTRAL before attempting to
start engine and go back into gear
KB11996,0000009 ­19­20DEC05­3/3

PTP 000092.16 — Engine Load Excessive in engine rpm is less than the minimum engine speed
4R/5R value programmed in the PTP.
NOTE: This code can be operator induced. Check
Code Caused By: Stored when the transmission correct operational procedures.
is being shifted from 3R to 4R or 5R while the
KB11996,000000B ­19­05AUG05­1/3

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
KB11996,000000B ­19­05AUG05­2/3

•1 Preliminary Check NOTE: Recall, Record, and Clear Codes (reference 245­05­001).

This service code could be informational in nature and indicate nothing more than the OK: Identified source of
operator placing too great of a load on the engine while in REVERSE. Some examples excessive load. Informed
of this are the implement being too deep into the ground, too large of an implement for
owner / operator. Diagnosis
the tractor or maybe the operator needs to simply operate in a lower gear.
The other possibility is the engine not being able to operate under rated horsepower. NOT OK: Could not
A partially plugged fuel filter could restrict fuel flow enough to not allow the engine to determine source of
reach full horsepower. This requires placing engine on Dynamometer for testing.
excessive load. Consult
proper CTM for engine
testing and diagnosis.

KB11996,000000B ­19­05AUG05­3/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­3 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

PTP 000123.03 — Clutch Pressure Sensor

/Switch Circuit Voltage High Code Caused By: Code is stored when the clutch pressure
sensor voltage to the PTP control unit is > 4.9 volts.
KB11996,000000C ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000000C ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Start engine.

Place key switch in RUN position (engine OFF)

Access PTP Address 014.
See Reference 245­05­002, Access Control Unit Addresses.
The display should read between:
014 OK: GO TO 2.
5.2 NOT OK: Perform Clutch
Pressure Sensor
Circuit Test, reference
KB11996,000000C ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,000000C ­19­20DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­4 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Operate vehicle in forward gear engaging and disengaging clutch pedal.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,000000C ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks necessary. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,000000C ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, reference 240­SE11­409. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,000000C ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit

KB11996,000000C ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000123.04 — Clutch Pressure

Sensor/Switch Circuit Voltage Low Code Caused By: Clutch pressure sensor voltage
to PTP control unit < 0.1 volts.
Continued on next page KB11996,000000D ­19­20DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­5 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000000D ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Start engine.

Place key switch in RUN position (engine OFF)

Access PTP Address 014.
See Reference 245­05­002, Access Control Unit Addresses.
The display should read between:
014 OK: GO TO 2.
5.2 NOT OK: Perform Clutch
Pressure Sensor
Circuit Test, reference
KB11996,000000D ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,000000D ­19­20DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­6 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle.
3. Operate vehicle in forward gear engaging and disengaging clutch pedal.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,000000D ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks necessary. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,000000D ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, reference 240­SE11­409. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,000000D ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit

KB11996,000000D ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000123.18 — Clutch Pressure Low

Code Caused By: Operator trying to shift above 13F
or 3R with clutch partially engaged.
Continued on next page KB11996,000000E ­19­20DEC05­1/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­7 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Clutch Partially Engaged
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000000E ­19­20DEC05­2/3

•1 Preliminary Check NOTE: Recall, Record, and Clear Codes (reference 245­05­001).

This code is informational in nature and indicates an operator error. Generating this OK: Diagnosis complete.
code means that the pressure sensor is within the normal operating range.
KB11996,000000E ­19­20DEC05­3/3

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­8 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

PTP 000127.01 — Transmission Oil Pressure oil leaks in tractor and implement. If CCU 002602.01
Very Low is present, diagnose that code first.

Code Caused By: transmission oil pressure below

acceptable level. Inspect for obvious signs of hydraulic
KB11996,000000F ­19­04AUG06­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Transmission Oil Pressure Low
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
NOTE: For on­board diagnostics, see B551 for theory on diagnostic pressure sensor. Measured
pressure will be displayed at PTP Address 039.

NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper on­board diagnosis:

JDG1753 —Service Jumper Harness Kit

JT03437—90° DR Elbow
RE217077 —Oil Pressure Sensor ­ 2700 kPa (27 bar) (390 psi)
NOTE: The following tools will be required for proper diagnosis with gauges in place of on­board diagnostics:
□ JT05497 — Hose Assembly, 3048 mm (120") Long
□ JT05474 — Gauge w/Quick Coupler 2000 kPa (20 bar) (300 psi)
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000000F ­19­04AUG06­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Check transmission­hydraulic oil level in sight glass located at rear of tractor, beneath
SCV valve stack.
OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Correct

KB11996,000000F ­19­04AUG06­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, record and clear codes.

If using Service ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a connection

to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using Service ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, Record, OK: Code does not return.
and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

Service ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,000000F ­19­04AUG06­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­9 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Put vehicle in forward gear.

3. Increase engine speed above 1500 rpm.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,000000F ­19­04AUG06­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Transmission System Pressure Test, reference 250­15­003. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: See Powershift

Transmission System
Diagnosis in Sect. 213
Group 50.
KB11996,000000F ­19­04AUG06­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Diagnostic Hydraulic Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, reference
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
KB11996,000000F ­19­04AUG06­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit

KB11996,000000F ­19­04AUG06­8/8

PTP 000158.01 — PTP Switched Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: supply voltage to the PTP below
9.0 volts for longer than 2.0 seconds.
Continued on next page KB11996,0000010 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­10 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Commands Neutral
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000010 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Visually inspect around the batteries and alternator for damage or accumulated debris.
Inspect belt, tensioner, and water level in battery.
OK: Volage present,GO
TO 2.

Access ELX Relay Voltage Status, PTP Address 005. If voltage is present, value will be NOT OK: Voltage not
“1”. If voltage is not present, value will be “0”. present.
GO TO 4.
KB11996,0000010 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the “Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000010 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle at idle for 5 ­ 10 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000010 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Charging System Voltage Test, reference 240­SE01­003 OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

Volage present,GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000010 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­11 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Power Train Control Unit (PTP) Supply Voltage and Ground Circuit Test,
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
Volage present,GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000010 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: Volage present,GO
TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
Volage present,GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem, NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,0000010 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000168.03 — PTP Unswitched Supply

Voltage High Code Caused By: supply voltage to the PTP Control
Unit above 16.0 volts for longer than 2.0 seconds.
KB11996,0000011 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System Voltage High
Control Unit Response: Commands Neutral
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page KB11996,0000011 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­12 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check Visually inspect around the batteries and alternator for damage or accumulated debris.

Access PTP Address 050, System Supply Voltage.

(See Reference 245­05­002, Access Control Unit Addresses.)
The display should read between:
050 OK: Value within
specification, GO TO
16.0 NOT OK: GO TO 5.
KB11996,0000011 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the “Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code is present.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000011 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Put vehicle in forward gear.

3. Increase engine speed above 1500 rpm.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000011 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Charging System Voltage Test, reference 240­SE01­003 OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000011 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­13 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Power Train Control Unit (PTP) Supply Voltage and Ground Circuit Test,
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000011 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem, NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,0000011 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000168.04 — PTP Unswitched Supply

Voltage Low Code Caused By: supply voltage to the PTP Control
Unit below 10.5 volts for longer than 2.0 seconds.
KB11996,0000012 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Electrical System Voltage Low
Control Unit Response: Commands Neutral
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page KB11996,0000012 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­14 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check Visually inspect around the batteries and alternator for damage or accumulated debris.

Access PTP Address 050, System Supply Voltage.

(See Reference 245­05­002, Access Control Unit Addresses.)
The display should read between:
050 OK: GO TO 2.
16.0 NOT OK: Perform any
GO TO 5.
KB11996,0000012 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the “Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code is present.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000012 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Put vehicle in forward gear.

3. Increase engine speed above 1500 rpm.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000012 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Charging System Voltage Test, reference 240­SE01­003 OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000012 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­15 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Power Train Control Unit (PTP) Supply Voltage and Ground Circuit Test,
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000012 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem, NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,0000012 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000177.17 — Top Gear Limited Due to

Cold Oil Code Caused By: Operator trying to shift above
14F with cold oil.
KB11996,0000013 ­19­03DEC07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission Oil Temperature Low
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page KB11996,0000013 ­19­03DEC07­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­16 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check Verify hydraulic oil temperature is above ­5 °C (23 °F).

NOTE: Hydraulic oil temperature can be viewed at CCU Address 052 in degrees Celsius. OK: GO TO 2.
If necessary perform Heating Hydraulic Oil, Reference 270­15­100. NOT OK: Perform any
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000013 ­19­03DEC07­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000013 ­19­03DEC07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle

2. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000013 ­19­03DEC07­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,0000013 ­19­03DEC07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­208. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000013 ­19­03DEC07­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­17 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,0000013 ­19­03DEC07­8/8

PTP 000190.18 — Engine Speed Low and Transmission Lamps will light. Also, if axle speed
is between 106 rpm and 133 rpm and engine speed is
Code Caused By: Operator trying to shift with no engine below 1750 rpm, the PTP will command engine speed
speed. Stored when the axle speed is greater than 133 to 1750 but no alarm or code will be generated.
rpm while engine speed is below 2100 rpm. The PTP NOTE: This code can be operator induced. Check
will command the engine to 2100 rpm and the Warning correct operational procedures.
KB11996,0000014 ­19­22MAR06­1/3

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
KB11996,0000014 ­19­22MAR06­2/3

•1 Informational Service
NOTE: Recall, Record, and Clear Codes (reference 245­05­001).

This code is informational in nature and may not indicate a problem with the tractor. OK: Diagnosis complete.

KB11996,0000014 ­19­22MAR06­3/3

PTP 000598.02 — Clutch Pressure

Switch/Sensor Circuit Conflict Code Caused By: Both the clutch engaged
pressure sensor and clutch disengaged switch
are active at the same time.
Continued on next page KB11996,0000015 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­18 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Service Alert
Display Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000015 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000015 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000015 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward gear, engaging and disengaging clutch pedal several
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000015 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000015 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­19 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform all of the following:

Clutch Disengaged Switch Circuit Test, reference 240­SE11­411. OK: GO TO 6.

Clutch Pressure Sensor Circuit Test, reference 240­SE11­409. NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000015 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,0000015 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000619.05 — Park Brake Solenoid

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Circuit fault detected by PTP control unit.
KB11996,0000016 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Park System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page KB11996,0000016 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­20 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check Visually inspect park brake solenoid and its connector for damage, corrosion or
looseness. Check to make sure wires are securely fastened inside connector and that
there are no damaged wires or insulation.
OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000016 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code PTP
000628.02 is present.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000016 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Shift drive lever to NEUTRAL and then to PARK several times.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000016 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,0000016 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Park Brake Solenoid Circuit Test, Reference 240­SE11­413. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000016 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­21 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,0000016 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000628.02 — PTP EOL Data Fault

Code Caused By: End­of­Line memory failed at startup.
KB11996,0000017 ­19­20DEC05­1/3

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000017 ­19­20DEC05­2/3

•1 Preliminary Check There is no diagnostic action for this service code as it indicates that the PTP has failed
a self test. Replace and calibrate the PTP control unit.

Perform PTP Control Unit Calibration, reference 245­PTP­001. OK: Diagnosis complete.

KB11996,0000017 ­19­20DEC05­3/3

PTP 000628.12 — PTP Programming

Displayed text: Programming
Code Caused By: in process of updating software. Control Unit Response: No functions available until
Programming is complete
Code Diagnosis
Programming codes occur only during process of updating
Alarm level: Information or loading new software. It is not an error and there is
no diagnosis required.
KB11996,0000018 ­19­28JUN05­1/1

PTP 000629.12 — PTP Control Unit Fault

Code Caused By: PTP software failed to
execute in allotted time.
Continued on next page KB11996,0000019 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­22 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Service Alert
Displayed text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000019 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000019 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code PTP
000629.12 is present.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000019 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000019 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,0000019 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Power Train Control Unit (PTP) Supply Voltage and Ground Circuit Test,
reference 240­SE11­403.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000019 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­23 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,0000019 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000630.02 — PTP Calibration Fault/Data NOTE: In the event of this code, default calibration
Invalid values will be used. The vehicle will operate,
but shift quality may be degraded.
Code Caused By: Calibration memory failed at start­up.
This code will cause code 000630.14 to be generated.
KB11996,000001A ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (power­up recoverable)
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000001A ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Checks No preliminary checks required OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,000001A ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code is present.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,000001A ­19­20DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­24 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code PTP
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 000630.02 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 4.
KB11996,000001A ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,000001A ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform PTP Control Unit Calibration, reference 245­PTP­001.

If calibration was not successful or problem was not identified: OK: GO TO 6.

New software may be required. Perform Programming Control Units, Reference NOT OK: Repair as
245­05­005. needed.
GO TO 2.
KB11996,000001A ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit

KB11996,000001A ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000630.14 — Transmission Not

Calibrated Code Caused By: PTP currently performing
calibration, has never been calibrated, or a failed
calibration was saved.
Continued on next page KB11996,000001B ­19­20DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­25 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Service Alert
Displayed text: Transmission Calibration
Control Unit Response: power­up recoverable
The following tools may be required for proper diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000001B ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Check for correct configuration of PTP. OK: GO TO 2.

Perform PTP Control Unit Calibration, reference 245­PTP­001. NOT OK: Correct
GO TO 2.
KB11996,000001B ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code PTP
000630.14 is present.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,000001B ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
Start vehicle.

Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.

Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code PTP
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6 000630.14 is present.
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation).
GO TO 4.

KB11996,000001B ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,000001B ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­26 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform PTP Control Unit Calibration, reference 245­PTP­001. OK: Calibration
GO TO 2.

If calibration was not successful or problem was not identified: NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
New software may be required. Perform Programming Control Units, Reference NOT OK: Calibration
245­05­005. unsuccessful and problem
not identified.
GO TO 6.
KB11996,000001B ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Contact DTAC for possible
changes in configuration
KB11996,000001B ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000734.05 — Low Clutch Solenoid

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: C1 circuit fault detected
by PTP control unit.
KB11996,000001C ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Clutch Electrical
Control Unit Response: Commands Neutral
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
Continued on next page KB11996,000001C ­19­20DEC05­2/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­27 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,000001C ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,000001C ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Place transmission in NEUTRAL.

3. Operate transmission in gear 1F.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,000001C ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,000001C ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch 1 Solenoid Circuit Test, reference 240­SE11­418. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,000001C ­19­20DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­28 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,000001C ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000735.05 — High Clutch Solenoid

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: C2 circuit fault detected
by PTP control unit.
KB11996,000001D ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Clutch Electrical
Control Unit Response: Commands Neutral
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000001D ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,000001D ­19­20DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­29 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,000001D ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Place transmission in NEUTRAL.

3. Operate transmission in gear 2F.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,000001D ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,000001D ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch 2 Solenoid Circuit Test, reference 240­SE11­417. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,000001D ­19­20DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­30 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,000001D ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000736.05 — Clutch 3 (C3) Valve Circuit

Fault Code Caused By: C3 circuit fault detected
by PTP control unit.
KB11996,000001E ­19­17FEB09­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Clutch Electrical
Control Unit Response: Commands Neutral
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000001E ­19­17FEB09­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,000001E ­19­17FEB09­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­31 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,000001E ­19­17FEB09­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Place transmission in NEUTRAL.

3. Operate transmission in gear 3F.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,000001E ­19­17FEB09­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,000001E ­19­17FEB09­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch 3 (C3) Solenoid Circuit Test, reference 240­SE11­423. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,000001E ­19­17FEB09­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­32 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,000001E ­19­17FEB09­8/8

PTP 000737.05 — Clutch 4 (C4) Valve Circuit

Fault Code Caused By: C4 circuit fault detected
by PTP control unit.
KB11996,000001F ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Clutch Electrical
Control Unit Response: Commands Neutral
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000001F ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks necessary. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,000001F ­19­20DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­33 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,000001F ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Place transmission in NEUTRAL.

3. Operate transmission in gear 4F.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,000001F ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,000001F ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Clutch 4 (C4) Solenoid Circuit Test, reference 240­SE11­422. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,000001F ­19­20DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­34 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,000001F ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000738.05 — Clutch R (CR) Valve Circuit

Fault Code Caused By: CR circuit fault detected
by PTP control unit.
KB11996,0000020 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Clutch Electrical
Control Unit Response: Commands Neutral
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000020 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks necessary. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000020 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­35 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000020 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Place transmission in NEUTRAL.

3. Operate transmission in gear 1R.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000020 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform PTP Control Unit Calibration, reference 245­PTP­001. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Problem

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000020 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Reverse Clutch (CR) Solenoid Circuit Test, reference 240­SE11­416. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000020 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­36 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,0000020 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000739.05 — D Clutch (DC) Valve Circuit

Fault Code Caused By: Stored when shifting from neutral
into 13F, 14F, 15F, 16F, or 3R, 4R and the PTP
senses a valve circuit fault.
KB11996,0000021 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Clutch Electrical
Control Unit Response: Commands Neutral
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000021 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks necessary. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000021 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­37 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000021 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Place transmission in NEUTRAL position.

3. Operate transmission in 13F or 3R.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000021 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform PTP Control Unit Calibration, reference 245­PTP­001. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Problem

identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000021 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform D Clutch (DC) Solenoid Circuit Test, reference 240­SE11­420. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000021 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­38 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,0000021 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 000810.02 — Countershaft Speed

Sensor Fault Code Caused By: Countershaft speed not detected
when engine is running and the transmission
is in gear for 5 seconds.
KB11996,0000022 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Displayed Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: No Action
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
JDG774—Jumper Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000022 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Check to make sure countershaft speed sensor connector (B550) is securely plugged in.

Check the following: OK: GO TO 2.

Countershaft Speed Sensor Enable. PTP Address 004 will toggle between ”0” and ”1” NOT OK: Correct
when speed is present. See Powershift Control Unit ”Beep” Mode Test, reference condition.
245­PTP­002 if necessary.
GO TO 2.
Countershaft Speed. PTP Address 053 will show speed in rpm. NOT OK: Addresses do not
display correctly, GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000022 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­39 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000022 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward or reverse.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000022 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,0000022 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Countershaft Speed Sensor Circuit Test, reference 240­SE11­405. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Problem

identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000022 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­40 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,0000022 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 002000.09 — ECU Message Missing

Code Caused By: PTP not receiving CAN
messages from ECU.
KB11996,0000023 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Service Alert
Displayed text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000023 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Check fuses F24 and F32 to ECU. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000023 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,0000023 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­41 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return.

OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000023 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000023 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Power Train Control Unit (PTP) Supply Voltage and Ground Circuit Test,
reference 240­SE11­403.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000023 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit

KB11996,0000023 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 002005.09 — ACU Message Missing

Code Caused By: PTP not receiving CAN
messages from the ACU.
Continued on next page KB11996,0000024 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­42 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Service Alert
Displayed text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000024 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Check fuse F22. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000024 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000024 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Check for code return.

OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000024 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000024 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­43 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Power Train Control Unit (PTP) Supply Voltage and Ground Circuit Test,
reference 240­SE11­403.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000024 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,0000024 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 002020.09 — SFA Message Missing If SFA codes are present, diagnose all
SFA codes first.
Code Caused By: PTP not receiving CAN
messages from SFA.
NOTE: Top forward gear limited to 15F and top
reverse gear limited to 4R.
KB11996,0000025 ­19­13DEC07­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Service Alert
Displayed text: Communication System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000025 ­19­13DEC07­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check Check fuse F30 to SFA. OK: GO TO 2.

NOT OK: Replace fuse.

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000025 ­19­13DEC07­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­44 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000025 ­19­13DEC07­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Shift transmission to a forward gear.

3. Check for code return.
OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000025 ­19­13DEC07­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform CAN Communication Fault Checks, Reference 245­05­006. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000025 ­19­13DEC07­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Power Train Control Unit (PTP) Supply Voltage and Ground Circuit Test,
reference 240­SE11­403.
OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000025 ­19­13DEC07­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­45 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,0000025 ­19­13DEC07­8/8

PTP 523953.02 — Speed Control Lever

Sensor Circuit Conflict Code Caused By: Conflict between gear command
message, park signal, not neutral signal, and
transmission enable low signal.
KB11996,0000026 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Information
Displayed text: Operator Controls
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (park recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000026 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check If any ACU or CLC codes are present, diagnose them first.

Check connection of PTP connector A570X2 pin L3 on control unit for looseness.
See Powershift Control Unit ”Beep” Mode Test 245­PTP­002 for the following PTP
• PTP address 6 ­ Transmission Enable Signal From ACU Status OK: GO TO 2.
• PTP address 7 ­ Shift Lever Direction Status NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.
• PTP address 8 ­ Park and Not­Neutral Status NOT OK: No change
of state for beep mode
addresses, GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000026 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­46 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,0000026 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Slowly cycle speed control lever through entire range several times.
3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000026 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No system checks necessary. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,0000026 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following:

PST Right Hand Reverser Switch Assembly Circuit Test, reference 240­SE13­021. OK: GO TO 6.
Transmission Enable Circuit Test, reference 240­SE13­009. NOT OK: Repair as
GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,0000026 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­47 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,0000026 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 523960.31 — Operator Not Seated

During Reverser Command Code Caused By: operator not present during drive
lever command. Occurs when NEUTRAL to gear shift
is attempted and operator is not in seat.
KB11996,0000027 ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Display Text: Operator Not In Seat
Control Unit Response: Commands Neutral
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,0000027 ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check This code is informational and may not indicate a problem with the vehicle. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,0000027 ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

Continued on next page KB11996,0000027 ­19­20DEC05­4/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­48 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Operate vehicle in forward gear for 10 ­ 12 minutes.

3. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,0000027 ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,0000027 ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following:

Operator Presence Switch Circuit Test, reference 240­SE10­120. OK: GO TO 6.

PST Right Hand Reverser Switch Assembly Circuit Test, reference 240­SE13­021. NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,0000027 ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit

KB11996,0000027 ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 524020.31 — Transmission in Gear at NOTE: This code is informational and may not
Power Up indicate a problem with the tractor. The operator
must move the shift lever to neutral before
Code Caused By: stored when the tractor is started attempting to go into gear.
up in gear and not in neutral.
Continued on next page KB11996,000002C ­19­20DEC05­1/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­49 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

Code Diagnosis
Alarm Level: Information
Display Text: Transmission System
Control Unit Response: Commands Park (Neutral Recoverable)
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000002C ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

KB11996,000002C ­19­20DEC05­3/8

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,000002C ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Start vehicle.

2. Put vehicle in forward gear.

3. Increase engine speed above 1500 rpm.
4. Check for code return. OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,000002C ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

Continued on next page KB11996,000002C ­19­20DEC05­6/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­50 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform the following:

Transmission Enable Circuit Test, reference 240­SE13­009. OK: GO TO 6.

PST Right Hand Reverser Switch Assembly Circuit Test, reference 240­SE13­021. NOT OK: Problem
identified: Repair as
GO TO 2.
KB11996,000002C ­19­20DEC05­7/8

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,000002C ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 524228.05 — Park Sump Block Solenoid

Circuit Fault Code Caused By: Park Sump Block Solenoid
circuit current low.
KB11996,000002D ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Service Alert
Displayed text: Park System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000002D ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,000002D ­19­20DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­51 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,000002D ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle
3. Operate vehicle in forward direction
4. Check for code return.
OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,000002D ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks No System Checks required. OK: GO TO 5.

KB11996,000002D ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Park Sump Block Solenoid Circuit Test, reference 240­SE11­414. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,000002D ­19­20DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­52 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit
KB11996,000002D ­19­20DEC05­8/8

PTP 524228.11 — Park Sump Block Valve

Fault Code Caused By: Park sump block valve commanded
on but park sump block pressure low.
KB11996,000002E ­19­20DEC05­1/8

Code Diagnosis
Alarm level: Service Alert
Displayed text: Park System
Control Unit Response: Limited Function
The Following Tools May Be Required for Proper Diagnosis:
JDG1478—Digital Multimeter
JDG774—Jumper Harness
DFRW126—Modified Tap Out Harness
See Section 299, Group 10 for tool listings.
KB11996,000002E ­19­20DEC05­2/8

•1 Preliminary Check No preliminary checks required. OK: GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,000002E ­19­20DEC05­3/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­53 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•2 Verify Code Recall, Record, and Clear Codes.

If using SERVICE ADVISOR™: This procedure can be performed by making a

connection to the vehicle and using the ”Diagnostics” tab to view and clear codes.
If not using SERVICE ADVISOR™ or if unable to make a connection, see Recall, OK: Code does not return.
Record, and Clear Codes (Reference 245­05­001) for the on­board display procedure.
GO TO 3.
Recall codes again and check for return of this code. NOT OK: Code returns.
GO TO 4.

SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company

KB11996,000002E ­19­20DEC05­4/8

•3 Code Operational
1. Place drive lever in PARK position.

2. Start vehicle
3. Operate vehicle in forward direction
4. Return drive lever to PARK position
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 multiple times
6. Check for code return.
OK: Code does not return.
Diagnosis complete.
NOTE: If problem is intermittent, repeat check until code returns. If unable NOT OK: Code returns.
to recreate code but operator reports continued problems, see Step 6
(Additional Checks and Intermittent Failure Evaluation). GO TO 4.

KB11996,000002E ­19­20DEC05­5/8

•4 System Checks Perform Transmission System Pressure Test, reference 250­15­003. OK: GO TO 5.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.
KB11996,000002E ­19­20DEC05­6/8

•5 Electrical Circuit
Perform Park Sump Block Solenoid Circuit Test, reference 240­SE11­414. OK: GO TO 6.

NOT OK: Repair as

GO TO 2.

Continued on next page KB11996,000002E ­19­20DEC05­7/8

TM2280 (11AUG09) 211­PTP­54 8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, and 8530 Tractors

PTP Code Diagnostics

•6 Additional Checks and This step is a guideline for troubleshooting problems that still exist after standard
Intermittent Failure
diagnostics have been performed. These problems are typically due to:

• Specific operating conditions

• Harness, connector, or terminal problems OK: GO TO 2.
• Intermittent failures NOT OK: Problem
identified. Repair as
GO TO 2.
Perform Troubleshooting Unresolved Problems, for isolating of the problem NOT OK: Problem not
(Reference 210­15­101). identified.
Perform Power Train
Transmission Control Unit

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