Ficha Tecnica Doosan 225 LC

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Operating Weight : 21,500kg (47,400lb)

Bucket capacity(PCSA) : 0.93m3 (1.22cu yd)
Engine Power : 110kw (148HP)/1,950rpm
This hydraulic excavator is equipped with the air-to-air intercooler engine, which has the greatest
power output in its class and excellent fuel economy. It assures outstanding workability, productivity,
and efficiency through the e-EPOS system, the new and improved version of EPOS System. This will
assure increase in operating capacity and decrease in fuel consumption.

Improved maneuverability and control

New technologically advanced Advanced hydraulic circuit The circuits for the boom, arm,
control valve and joystick valves seperates the oil flow for travel and bucket have been improved
have been installed to allow and boom function to allow pre- to assure smooth and confident
speedy, smooth and responsive cise and safe operation when control during combination.
control. handling loads during travel.

Air to Air Intercooler Engine

Greatest power output and high-efficiency engine in it's class.
Environmentally friendly, Green engine.
This machine is equipped with the engine meeting the
U.S. EPA Tier-II Regulations and European stage-II
Regulations requiring the reduction of harmful NOx,
PM, HC, and CO emissions.
Compatible with the European New Noise
Control Requirements

Improved swing mechanism.

(Equipped with anti-rebound
Joystick grip with 2 switches valve)
Swing anti-rebound valve is
Spare switches are installed on installed as standard equipment,
both joystick grips to control which allows the operator to stop
the additional attachment. the upper structure at the desired
position. As a result, operating
efficiency has been greatly
Daewoo’s world-class center for product reliability
performs sophisticated testing on all completed products,
to ensure they meet or exceed market standards.

Heat shield panel for turbo charger

The heat shield guard has been installed over

the turbo charger to prevent the operator from
inadvertently touching the hot surfaces while
checking the engine area.

Emergency throttle cable Rubber coated wire harness Rubber pipe clamps
In the event of engine speed clamps Improved material pipe
control dial malfunction, emer- Electric wire harnesses have clamps have been installed. This
gency throttle cable mounted in been mounted with rubber coat- has resulted in noise reduction,
the cabin can be used to manu- ed clamps to decrease vibration increased vibration absorption
ally control engine speed. damage. and durability characteristics as
well as preventing pipe cracks.

Improved stability
The center of gravity has lowered and optimized by the
strengthened undercarriage.
These have greatly improved the dynamic sta-
bility and side lifting capacity.
Wide operator cabin space meeting the ISO Standards and
expanded all-round visibility. The low-noise, low-vibration
type comfortable cabin provides the operator with safe and
ergonomic operating environment.

Good visibility
The enlarged right-hand
glass and the minimized
crosswise strut in wind-
shield have been achieved
to increase the visual
range by 15% when com-
pared to the previous

Increased foot space

Instruments, controls, and
accessories have been
ergonomically located in
the cabin and 300mm seat
slide has been achieved to
provide ample space for
operator's feet and legs.

Long wind shield wiper Large ceiling cover

blade The ceiling cover can be
Front visibility is further opened to confirm the
improved by using the bucket operation even at
lengthened wiper blade the maximum excavating
(wiper area increased 35% height. (Visual range
compared to previous increased by 25% com-
machine.) pared to previous
Cup holder
A folding style cup holder
has been installed in the
cabin allowing the opera-
tor to easily store a can or

12V Spare Power

This socket can be used
for charging a cellular
phone or powering a small
12V DC electrical device.

Fresh Air Type Air Conditioner

One touch selector switch for the air conditioner
and heater output, featuring a multi-vent circu-
lation system that allows for greater cooling /
heating performance. Improved front window
defroster system has been added to provide
enhanced clarity and visibility during any work-
ing condition.
Easy replaceable air filter.
Larger cool air intake vents.
Industry standard fresh
air/recirculation control
Low Vibration Cab Mounting System
system incorporated.
By using a total isolating seal design (full sealing) outside Modular electric
noise has been drastically reduced to the levels compara- fan condenser
ble to that in a modern car. A viscous compartment.
sealed mounting system has been
incorporated, and the frame, cabin and
seat have been designed to absorb
major and minor vibrations, resulting
in a significant decrease in vibration
felt by the operator.
Quick and easy service checks, maximizing the excavator’s life expectancy.

PC monitoring function (SMS)

By connecting a laptop PC to the controller (e-EPOS controller) of the machine, data such as
pump pressure and engine RPM can be displayed graphically. Also other various machine
status data can be stored in memory and printed out using a printer.

Water separator
The transparent glass water sep-
arator is mounted at a location
easily accessible from the
ground allowing easy mainte-
nance of the fuel system.
electrical control access box Engine oil drain valve
Pull-out style drawer for electri- The engine oil drain valve with
cal control access box allows for quick coupler provides fast and
easy service and maintenance. enviromentally sound service-

Easy radiator cleaning

The clearance between the oil
cooler and radiator has been
widened for easy insertion of the
air nozzle during cleaning.
Graphic display LCD Monitor panel
The information monitor panel displays both text and symbols
for easy recognition of machine status and various other data

Simplified operation mode selection

The 3 work modes from the previous models have been reduced to digging and
trenching modes for easy selection.
- Digging Mode :
General Excavating, Ground Leveling, Loading Dump Truck, allows for versatility.
- Trenching Mode :
trenching or excavating of side wall, operations which require heavy swing work.

Warning lights
Air nozzle

Fuel gauge

Engine cooling
water tempera-
Self-diagnosis and fault ture gauge
history memory func-
Current faults and past
faults history of the exca-
vator control system are
displayed and memorized Multyfuntion
on a real-time basis to gauge & graphic
enable correct diagnosis information area
Display selection
and quick repair.

Power mode Work mode Auto deceleration

Real-time clock with day Filter / oil operating Multiple language dis- Real-time machine data
/ date hour display play display
The real-time clock displays The hours in use for 9 fil- The user menu can be dis- Displays 28 different
date and day in easy to read ters and oils can be dis- played in multiple lan- machine status data and
format. played so that replacement guages for the operator's information such as pump
intervals can be easily rec- convenience. delivery pressure and
ognized. engine RPM.
Technical Data

Main relief valves

Engine Boom/Arm/Bucket Normal : 324bar (4,690 psi, 330kgf/cm2)
Model DAEWOO DE58TIS Power Boost : 343bar (4,980 psi, 350kgf/cm2)
Type Water-cooled, 4-cycle, Travel circuit 324bar (4,690 psi, 330kgf/cm2)
direct injection .
Aspiration Turbocharged
Air-to-Air intercooled Hydraulic cylinders
No. of cylinders 6 High-strength piston rods and tubes are used. Cylinder
Rated flywheel horse power cushion mechanism is provided for all cylinders to
DIN 6271, net 110KW (150PS) assure shock-free
Cylinders Q'ty operation
Bore Rodand extend
dia. life of cylinder.
at 1,950 rpm Boom 2 120 85 1245 mm ( 4.7" 3.3" 4.9" )
SAE J1349, net 110KW (148HP) Arm 1 135 95 1538 mm ( 5.3" 3.7" 60.6" )
at 1,950 rpm Bucket 1 120 80 1050 mm ( 4.7" 3.1" 41.3" )
Piston displacement 5,785 cc (
Maximum torque 61.5kgf.m (603Nm,
445 lbf.ft) @ 1,400 rpm
Bore and stroke 102mm 118mm
Super-structure revolving frame
(4" 4.6") A deep, full-reinforced box section. Heavy-gauge steel plates
Starting system 24Velectric motor used for ruggedness.
Batteries 2 12V 150 AH

Operator's cab
A roomy, independent, shock and noise-free operator's cab,
Hydraulic system 4 side safety glass windows give all-round visibility. Front win-
e-EPOS (Electronic Power Optimizing System) allows the opera- dow slides up and stores in the roof and side window can be
tor to maximize work efficiency over a full range of operating opened for ventilation. Fully adjustable suspension seat. Air
conditions and to minimize fuel consumption. conditioner. ISO standard cab.
Hydraulic system assures fully independent and combined Noise Levels (dynamic value)
operations. LWA External noise
Automatic 2 speed travel system for high traction force and Guaranteed Sound Power Level 104 dB (A) (2000/14/EC)
travel speed. Measured Sound Power Level 103.1 dB (A) (2000/14/EC)
Cross-sensing and fuel saving pump system. LpA Operator noise 74 dB (A) (ISO 6396)
Auto idle system.
2-Working /2-power mode selection system. Controls. 2 implement levers
Computer aided engine-pump control.
Pilot pressure control type. Right lever is boom and bucket
Main pumps 2 variable displacement
control, left lever for swing and arm control.
axial piston pumps.
Arm roll - out Forward Boom lower
Max. oil flow 2 215 l/min
Swing Bucket
(2 56.8 US gpm, right roll-in
2 47.3 lmp gpm )
Pilot pump Gear pump Swing Bucket
left roll-out
Max. oil flow 30 l/min Arm roll-in Reverse Boom raise
(7.9US gpm, 6.6 lmp gpm)
Swing motor
Relief valve 279bar 2 Travel pedals with levers
(4,050 psi, 285 kgf/cm ) Pilot pressure control type. Independent drive at each track
allows counter-rotation of the tracks. Levers are detachable.
Number of rollers and shoes (each side) ground contact area
Swing mechanism Upper rollers 2
High-torque, axial piston motor with planetary reduction gear (Standard shoe)
bathed in oil. Swing circle is singlerow, shear type ball bearing Lower rollers 9
with induction-hardened internal gear. Internal gear and pinion Track shoes 49
gear immersed in lubricant. Swing parking brake is spring-set, Overall track length 4,440mm(14'7")
hydraulic-released disc type. A two position swing lock secures
the super-structure for transportation. Brake
Swing speed 0 to 12.3 rpm(min-1)
Two oil disc brake on final drive input shafts. Parking brake is
Rear swing radius 2,750 mm(9')
spring-set, hydraulic-released disc type.

Drive Weight
Each track is driven by an independent, high-torque, Equipped with 5.7m(18'8") boom, 2.9m(9'6") arm, and
axial piston motor through planetary reduction gear. 1.27m3(1.66yd 3; PCSA heaped) bucket and 600mm(24") shoes.
Two levers or foot pedal control provide smooth travel Shoe Shoe Operating G round
or counter-rotation upon demand. type width weight pressure
21,500 kg 0.45kgf/cm2
Travel speed (High/Low) 5.5/3.1km/h 600mm (24") ( 47,400 lb ) ( 44kpa, 6.4psi)
(3.4/1.9 mph) 21,800 kg 0.39kgf/cm2
Triple 700mm (28") ( 48,100 lb ) ( 38kpa, 5.5psi)
Maximum traction force 20,800 kgf (45,860 lbf) grouser 22,100 kg 0.35kgf/cm2
800mm (32") ( 48,800 lb ) ( 34kpa, 5.0psi)
Gradeability 35 (70%) continuous
22,400 kg 0.31kgf/cm2
900mm (34") ( 49,400 lb ) ( 30kpa, 4.4psi)

Service refill capacities
Tractor type undercarriage. Heavy-duty track frame, all welded
stress-relieved structure. Top grade materials are used for Liters US gal Imp gal
toughness. Side frames are welded, securely and rigidly, to the Fuel tank 350 92.5 77
track frame. Lifetime-lubricated track rollers, idlers and sprock- Cooling system 42 11.1 9.2
ets with floating seals. Track shoes of induction-hardened Lubrication Liters US gal Imp gal
rolled alloy with triple grousers. Specially heart-treated con- Engine oil 19.0 4.8 4.0
necting pins. Hydraulic track adjusters with shock-absorbing Swing drive(each) 5.0 1.3 1.1
recoil springs. Final drive(each) 5.4 1.44 1.2
Hydraulic system 240 63.4 52.8
Hydraulic tank 140 37 30.8

Capacity Width Recommendation
PCSA, CECE, Without With Weight
heaped heaped side cutters side cutters 2.9m ( 9'6")Arm 2.4m (7'9")Arm 3.5m (11'6")Arm
0.93m 1,180mm 1,290mm 730kg
(1.22yd 3) 0.8m3 (46") (51") (1,610 lb) A A B
0.5m 688mm 778mm 500kg
(0.65yd 3) 0.45m3 (27") (31") (1,100 lb) A A A
0.81m3 1,058mm 1,168mm 690kg
(1.06yd 3) 0.7m3 (42") (46") (1,520 lb) A A A
1.05m3 1,302mm 1,412mm 790kg
(1.37yd 3) 0.9m3 (51") (56") (1,740 lb) B A C

1.17m3 1,428mm 1,538mm 830kg

(1.53yd 3) 1.0m3 (56") (61") (1,830 lb) C B C

A. Suitable for materials with density of 2,000 kg/m3 (3,370 lb / cu .yd ) or less
B. Suitable for materials with density of 1,600 kg/m3 (2,700 lb / cu .yd ) or less
C. Suitable for materials with density of 1,100 kg/m3 (1,850 lb / cu .yd ) or less
Dimensions & Working Ranges

Dimensions (5.7m(18'8") Boom, 2.9m(9'6") Arm, 600mm(24") Shoe)




A Overall width of upper structure 2,710mm (8'11")

Working ranges
B Overall width of cab 960mm (3'2")
C Overall height of cab 3,000mm (9'10")
D Tail swing radius 2,750mm (9')
E Overall height 3,030mm (9'11")
F Clearance under counterweight 1,105mm (3'8")
G Ground clearance 480mm (19")
H Tumbler distance 3,645mm (12")
I Track length 4,440mm (14'7")

J Track gauge 2,390mm (7'10")

K Track shoe width 600mm (24')
L Overall length 9,510mm (31'2")
M Overall track width with 600 mm ( 24") shoe 2,990mm (9'10")
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Digging forces(Maximum radial tooth forces) -3


2.9m (9'6")Arm 2.4m (7' 9")Arm 3.5m (11' 6")Arm

Bucket 13,100 kgf 13,100 kgf 13,100 kgf

digging 128 kN 128 kN 128 kN
force * 28,900 lbf 28,900 lbf
28,900 lbf

Arm 10,200 kgf 11,400 kgf 9,300 kgf B

digging 100 kN 111 kN 91 kN A
force *
22,500 lbf 25,100 lbf 20,500 lbf
At power boost

Boom length 5.7m (18'8")

Arm length 2.9m (9'6") 2.4m (7' 9") 3.5m (11' 6")
A. Max. digging reach 9,910mm (32'6") 9,580mm (31'5") 10,445mm (34'3")
B. Max. digging reach at ground level 9,735mm (31'11") 9,400mm (30'10") 10,230mm (33'7")
C. Max. digging depth 6,630mm (21'9") 6,125mm (20'1") 7,230mm (23'9")
D. Max. digging height 9,660mm (31'8") 9,825mm (32'3") 9,870mm (32'5")
E. Max. dumping height 6,810mm (22'4") 6,885mm (22'7") 7,020mm (23')
F. Max. vertical wall digging depth 6,045mm (19'10") 6,035mm (19'10") 6,560mm (21'6")
G. Max. digging depth (8' level) 6,445mm (21'2") 5,930mm (19'5") 7,070mm (23'2")
Standard & Optional Equipment

Standard equipment
Hydraulic system Safety
Boom and arm flow regeneration Large handrails and step
Boom and arm holding valves Punched metal anti-slip plates
Swing anti-rebound valves Seat belt
Spare ports (valve) Hydraulic safety lock lever
One-touch power boost Safety glass
Hammer for emergency escape
Cabin & Interior Right and left rearview mirrors
Viscous cab mounts
All weather sound suppressed type cab Others
Air conditioner Double element air cleaner
Adjustable suspension seat with head rest and adjustable Pre-cleaner
arm rest Water separator
Pull-up type front window and removable lower front window Dust screen for radiator
Room light Engine overheat prevention system
Intermittent windshield wiper Engine restart prevention system
Cigarette lighter and ashtray Self-diagnostic system
Cup holder Alternator (24V, 50 amps)
Hot & cool box Electric horn
Graphic display monitor Halogen working lights
Fuel control dial (frame mounted 2, boom mounted 2)
AM/FM Radio and cassette player Hydraulic track adjuster
Remote radio ON/OFF switch Track guards
12V spare power socket
Serial communication port for laptop PC interface
Joystick lever with 2 switches

Optional equipment

Safety Others
Boom and arm hose rupture protection valve Piping for hammer (one way)
Overload warning device Piping for rotation
Cabin Top/Front guard (ISO 10262, FOGS standard) Double fuel filter
Travel alarm Greased and sealed track link
Travel & swing alarm Additional work lights on the cabin
Rotating beacon ( 2 front lamps, 4 front and 2 rear lamps)
Large capacity alternator (24V, 80A)
Cabin & Interior Electric fuel supply pump
Sun roof
Joystick lever with 3 switches

Boom and arm hose rupture Sunvisor Additional work lights on the Electric fuel supply pump Rotating beacon
protection valve cabin
Metric Boom : 5.7m (18'8") Arm : 2.9m (9' 6") Bucket : PCSA0.9m3(CECE 0.8m3 ) Shoe : 800mm(32") Unit : 1,000kg
A (m) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Max. Reach
B (m) A(m)
7 3.33 3.33 @6.85
6 4.14 4.01 3.32 3.32 @7.51
5 4.44 4.44 4.28 3.97 3.38 3.15 @7.99
4 5.44 5.44 4.91 4.91 4.56 3.90 4.34 3.12 3.50 2.91 @8.32
3 10.98 10.98 7.86 7.86 6.34 6.34 5.46 4.86 4.90 3.81 4.53 3.07 3.67 2.76 @8.52
2 7.14 7.14 9.36 8.75 7.24 6.22 6.03 4.72 5.26 3.73 4.74 3.02 3.92 2.68 @8.60
1 5.66 5.66 10.44 8.45 7.98 6.03 6.52 4.60 5.58 3.65 4.80 2.97 4.26 2.66 @8.56
0 3.15 3.15 6.68 6.68 10.98 8.28 8.45 5.90 6.87 4.51 5.81 3.59 4.76 2.93 4.41 2.72 @8.40
-1 5.54 5.54 8.56 8.56 11.06 8.20 8.64 5.83 7.03 4.45 5.79 3.55 4.74 2.91 4.64 2.85 @8.12
-2 7.88 7.88 11.03 11.03 10.76 8.20 8.52 5.80 6.96 4.43 5.78 3.53 5.03 3.09 @7.69
-3 10.49 10.49 12.99 12.99 10.09 8.24 8.08 5.83 6.59 4.44 5.35 3.56 5.24 3.50 @7.09
-4 13.62 13.62 11.36 11.36 8.97 8.34 7.21 5.90 5.76 4.51 5.36 4.23 @6.28
-5 8.97 8.97 7.15 7.15 5.59 5.59 5.35 5.35 @5.15

Feet Unit : 1,000 lb

A(ft) 10' 15' 20' 25' Max. Reach
B(ft) A(ft)
25 7.46 7.46 @20.76
20 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.32 @24.46
15 10.14 10.14 9.47 7.53 7.55 6.69 @26.74
10 23.37 23.37 15.06 15.06 11.84 10.47 10.22 7.34 8.08 6.09 @27.94
5 13.94 13.94 18.62 15.44 13.62 10.03 11.09 7.12 8.97 5.87 @28.21
0 15.27 15.27 20.69 14.87 14.88 9.71 11.29 6.95 9.73 5.99 @27.57
-5 22.05 22.05 20.95 14.66 15.20 9.55 11.22 6.89 10.62 6.52 @25.95
-10 28.12 28.12 19.46 14.73 14.19 9.58 11.56 7.76 @23.16
-15 22.04 22.04 15.61 15.06 11.88 10.90 @18.64

Metric Boom : 5.7m (18'8") Arm : 3.5m (11' 6") Bucket : PCSA 0.73m3 (CECE 0.67m3 ) Shoe : 600mm(24") Unit : 1,000kg
A (m) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Max. Reach
B (m) A(m)
8 3.16 3.16 3.16 3.16 6.72
7 3.61 3.61 3.08 3.08 7.53
6 3.64 3.64 3.35 3.12 3.07 3.03 8.13
5 3.83 3.83 3.80 3.10 3.11 2.72 8.58
4 4.38 4.38 4.13 3.83 3.97 3.05 3.20 2.53 8.89
3 6.78 6.78 5.65 5.65 4.97 4.79 4.51 3.74 4.20 2.99 3.57 2.43 3.34 2.40 9.07
2 12.02 12.02 8.41 8.41 6.62 6.14 5.58 4.63 4.91 3.64 4.46 2.93 3.89 2.40 3.54 2.33 9.15
1 7.59 7.59 9.74 8.32 7.48 5.91 6.15 4.49 5.29 3.54 4.65 2.87 3.85 2.36 3.78 2.31 9.11
0 3.44 3.44 7.24 7.24 10.59 8.07 8.12 5.74 6.60 4.37 5.60 3.46 4.59 2.81 3.85 2.35 8.96
-1 5.13 5.13 8.35 8.35 10.59 7.94 8.48 5.63 6.88 4.29 5.59 3.41 4.55 2.78 4.01 2.45 8.69
-2 7.01 7.01 10.20 10.20 10.91 7.89 8.55 5.58 6.95 4.25 5.55 3.38 4.54 2.77 4.30 2.62 8.29
-3 9.18 9.18 12.70 12.70 10.49 7.90 8.31 5.57 6.77 4.24 5.55 3.38 4.78 2.92 7.75
-4 11.79 11.79 12.53 12.53 9.66 7.97 7.71 5.62 6.26 4.27 5.01 3.42 5.00 3.41 7.01
-5 14.40 14.40 10.60 10.60 8.29 8.10 6.60 5.71 5.16 4.37 5.13 4.35 6.02
-6 7.68 7.68 6.01 6.01 5.07 5.07 4.61

Feet Unit : 1,000 lb

A(ft) 10' 15' 20' 25' Max. Reach
B(ft) A(ft)
25 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 23'14"
20 8.13 7.53 6.76 6.75 26'51"
15 8.97 8.97 8.57 7.40 6.93 5.80 28'62"
10 13.24 13.24 10.77 10.31 9.46 7.17 7.35 5.30 29'75"
5 22.04 22.04 17.16 15.23 12.74 9.81 10.48 6.91 8.06 5.10 30'00"
0 16.59 16.59 19.88 14.49 14.30 9.41 10.91 6.70 8.49 5.18 29'40"
-5 20.87 20.87 20.85 14.14 15.04 9.18 10.78 6.57 9.14 5.57 27'89"
-10 28.87 27.79 20.11 14.11 14.62 9.13 10.79 6.58 10.60 6.47 25'31"
-15 25.06 25.06 17.34 14.33 12.35 9.30 11.21 8.52 21'27"
-20 11.11 11.11 14'56"
Note 1. Ratings are based on SAE J1097 : Rating over front
2. Load point is the hook on the back of the bucket. : Rating over side or 360 degree
3. Rated loads are based on hydraulic capacity.
4. Rated loads do not exceed 87% of hyd . capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. 0 : Ground
Lifting Capacities

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@?O2@@@@X@@@@@@@@@@@@@0M ?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@hg?
Boom : 5.7m (18'8")
@@@@@@@@@@@@0M ?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@hg?
@@@@@@@@@? ?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@hg?
Arm : 2.9m (9'6")
'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@? W2@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@6X
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? Bucket : PCSA 0.9m3 (CECE 0.8m3 )
Ground line @?e3@@@@@@@@@@@(Yhf@?@@@@L?
Shoe : 600mm (24")
@? ?
7@@@@@@@@@@@ ?
Centerline of rotation ?
7@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ?
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@? ?

Metric Unit : 1,000 kg

A (m) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Max. Reach

B (m) A (m)

7 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 6.85

6 4.14 3.91 3.32 3.32 7.51

5 4.44 4.44 4.28 3.87 3.38 3.07 7.99

4 5.44 5.44 4.91 4.88 4.56 3.80 4.34 3.03 3.50 2.83 8.32

3 10.98 10.98 7.86 7.86 6.34 6.30 5.46 4.74 4.90 3.71 4.53 2.98 3.67 2.68 8.52

2 7.14 7.14 9.36 8.54 7.24 6.07 6.03 4.60 5.26 3.63 4.71 2.93 3.92 2.60 8.60

1 5.66 5.66 10.44 8.24 7.98 5.88 6.52 4.48 5.58 3.55 4.66 2.88 4.19 2.58 8.56

0 3.15 3.15 6.68 6.68 10.98 8.07 8.45 5.75 6.87 4.39 5.67 3.48 4.62 2.84 4.28 2.64 8.40

-1 5.54 5.54 8.56 8.56 11.06 7.99 8.64 5.67 7.03 4.33 5.63 3.45 4.60 2.82 4.50 2.77 8.12

-2 7.88 7.88 11.03 11.03 10.76 7.99 8.52 5.65 6.96 4.31 5.61 3.43 4.88 3.00 7.69

-3 10.49 10.49 12.99 12.99 10.09 8.03 8.08 5.67 6.59 4.32 5.35 3.46 5.24 3.40 7.09

-4 13.62 13.62 11.36 11.36 8.97 8.13 7.21 5.74 5.76 4.39 5.36 4.11 6.28

-5 8.97 8.97 7.15 7.15 5.59 5.59 5.35 5.35 5.15

Feet Unit : 1,000 lb

A (ft) 10' 15' 20' 25' Max. Reach

B (ft) A(ft)

25 7.46 7.46 7.46 7.46 20'76"

20 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.32 24'46"

15 10.14 10.14 9.47 7.33 7.55 6.51 26'74"

10 23.37 23.37 15.06 15.06 11.84 10.21 10.22 7.14 8.08 5.91 27'94"

5 13.94 13.94 18.62 15.06 13.62 9.77 11.09 6.93 8.97 5.70 28'21"

0 15.27 15.27 20.69 14.48 14.88 9.44 10.97 6.76 9.44 5.81 27'57"

-5 22.05 22.05 20.95 14.28 15.20 9.29 10.89 6.69 10.30 6.33 25'95"

-10 28.12 28.12 19.46 14.35 14.19 9.32 11.56 7.55 23'16"

-15 22.04 22.04 15.61 14.68 11.88 10.62 18'64"

Note 1. Ratings are based on SAE J1097 : Rating over front

2. Load point is the hook on the back of the bucket.
: Rating over side or 360 degree
3. Rated loads are based on hydraulic capacity.
4. Rated loads do not exceed 87% of hyd . capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. 0 : Ground
Seoul Office :
9th Floor. Daewoo Heavy Industries & Machinery Ltd. Bldg.
14-34. Youido-dong.Youngdungpo-gu.
150-010. Seoul Korea
Mail : C. P. O Box 7955 Seoul, Korea.
Tel : (02)2167-3114 Fax : (02)785-2677
Website : www. dhiltd. co. kr
Euro Dae woo S. A. :
1A Rue Achille Degrace, 7080 Frameries, Belgium
Tel : (065)61.32.30 Fax : (065)67.73.38
Daewoo Maschinen Vertriebs GmbH :
Hans-Böckler strasse 29. 40764 Langenfeld-Fuhrkamp.
Tel : (02173)8509-20 Fax : (02173)980729
Euro Daewoo UK :
Daewoo House Unit 6.3 Nantgarw Park Cardiff
CF4 7 QU, U.K
Tel : (01443)842273 Fax : (01443)8 419 33
Daewoo Heavy Industries Yantai Co., Ltd.
No.28, Wuzhishan Road, Eco.& Tech. Development Zone,
Yantai, Shandong, China
Tel : 86-535-6382000 Fax : 86-535-6382004/5
Daewoo Heavy Industries America Corporation.
2905 Shawnee Industrial Way Suite 100, Suwanee,
GA 30024
Tel : 770-831-2200 Fax : 770-831-0480

Specifications are subject to change without prior notice

EC 0032 (2002.10)

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