India Skills ISR - Report - 2024
India Skills ISR - Report - 2024
India Skills ISR - Report - 2024
Foreword 11
Academia Speaks 63
India Hiring Intent Early Career Edition 2024 The Demand Story 71
Appendix 142
Bibliography 144
reach USD 28.8 billion by 2025, with a notable CAGR of
45%. This surge is propelled by the widespread adop-
tion of AI across diverse sectors such as healthcare,
finance, retail agriculture, and manufacturing. The re-
port will spotlight the escalating demand for AI pro-
fessionals in India, emphasizing a 14-fold increase in
11 Edition Overview
th AI-skilled individuals within the country from January
2016 to June 2023. India stands among the top five na-
The eleventh edition of the India Skills Report (ISR) is the tions witnessing a significant rise in AI talent, alongside
culmination of an exhaustive evaluation involving 3.88 Singapore, Finland, Ireland, and Canada.
lakh candidates who undertook the Wheebox Nation-
Highlighting India’s prowess, the report will showcase
al Employability Test (WNET) across India. Addition-
the nation’s first position in AI skill penetration and tal-
ally, the report draws insights from 152 corporations
ent concentration, scoring 3.09. The country boasts an
spanning over 15 diverse industries, all of whom par-
installed talent base of 416K professionals (as of August
ticipated in the Early Career Edition of the India Hiring
2023) with a current demand of approximately 629K.
Intent Survey for 2024. Under the overarching theme of
The projected demand for AI professionals in India is
“Impact of AI on the Future of Work, Skilling & Mobility,”
anticipated to hit around 1 million by 2026. The Indian
this edition of ISR not only highlights the remarkable
government’s initiatives, such as the AI Task Force and
achievements of both the public and private sectors
NITI Aayog’s discussion paper on the ‘National Strate-
in enhancing the talent landscape at local, national,
gy for AI,’ underscore the commitment to harnessing
and international levels but also conducts a compre-
AI for the economic transformation of the nation. This
hensive analysis of the employability of India’s youth
report highlights how Indian academia, industry, and
across various demographics. Furthermore, ISR sheds
government efforts are poised to take advantage of
light on the promising changes that industry leaders
the AI trends and incorporate policies and avenues for
and academia foresee, ushering in new job prospects
sustainable development.
and opportunities for the workforce.
Moreover, the India Skills Report 2024 edition will go be-
yond showcasing skilling initiatives to secure the future
of millions of young people. We delve into the employ-
ability of India’s youth, emphasizing industry readiness
for an AI-powered future. The report will illuminate the
collaborative efforts of the public and private sectors
in embracing AI for economic progress. This edition
will categorize institutional leadership into focus are-
as of accessibility and effective outreach across gen-
Bridging the Talent Gap in India der participation in the workforce, youth employability,
regional hiring activity, rising employment opportu-
with AI nities, corporate expectations, and future-readiness,
This India Skills Report 2024 edition will delve into the spotlighting best practices for the next generation of
theme of “Impact of AI on the Future of Work, Skilling, professional development. It will celebrate the stra-
and Mobility” within the context of digital disruption in tegic deployment of digital technologies, recogniz-
education, industry, and skilling. This edition aims to ing the impacts of digital transformation embraced
recognize the profound transformation in education across industries surveyed and their rising demands
and industry, preparing our youth for the demands for highly skilled professionals in the coming year. The
for the AI revolution at hand. Shedding light on the transformative efforts of educational leaders, industry
dynamic landscape of the Indian skilling ecosystem leaders, and government institutions in adapting to
as well as the rising demand from corporates for an the evolving talent landscape in India will be highlight-
AI-powered workforce, the report acknowledges the ed, showcasing a collective commitment to delivering
visionary efforts of industry and academia leaders extraordinary platforms and opportunities to prepare
who are harnessing India’s abundant talent pool for professionals and aspirants for a competitive global
societal advancement. market.
ecute skill development projects and implement best orate with an organization of such caliber.
The proprietary “Wheebox National Employability Test” wide talent, Wheebox remains at the forefront of un-
(WNET) remains a focal point, targeting final-year stu- derstanding rapidly changing job patterns, compe-
dents and postgraduates. Developed in ongoing col- tencies, and the overall employability landscape. The
laboration with educational institutions and organiza- ISR 2024 study, themed “Impact of AI on the Future
tions, WNET assesses competencies and skills crucial of Work, Skilling, and Mobility,” is our eleventh edition,
for employability in a rapidly changing socioeconomic aiming to bridge the gap between talent availability
environment. The “India Skills Report” by Wheebox pro- and job security to foster a digitally awakened India.
vides valuable insights into the skills and talent avail- We express our gratitude to our partners, stakehold-
able among India’s youth. Collaborating closely with
ers, and personnel who have contributed to this re-
education and academia, Wheebox deploys stand-
markable journey. The success stories highlighted in
ardized assessments for key skill areas across indus-
the following sections underscore the emergence of a
trial verticals. Partnerships with entities such as the
young, capable, and resourceful India. Thank you for
AICTE, MSDE, Confederation of Indian Industry, Associ-
your continued contributions, support, well wishes, and
ation of Indian Universities, Taggd, Google, and others
contribute to the creation of insightful reports aimed at
building future employment skills and competencies.
Educational Testing Service
Wheebox’s collaboration with state and central gov-
Wheebox’s parent company, Educational Testing Ser-
ernments in India involves in-depth analysis to project
vice (ETS), founded in 1947, is the world’s largest pri-
and enhance the nation’s talent pool. The resulting
vate nonprofit educational testing and assessment
State Skill Report provides a comprehensive under-
organization. ETS develops various standardized tests
standing of current trends and evolving industry re-
and administers international tests including the TOE-
quirements. The BARO Career Interest Report, created FL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), TOEIC (Test
in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and Employ- of English for International Communication), Graduate
ment, empowers candidates to make informed deci- Record Examination (GRE), and The Praxis test Series—
sions using the “National Career Service” at the coun- in more than 180 countries, and at over 9,000 locations
try’s “Model Career Centers.” worldwide.
CII has been actively working on skill development and vered institution dedicated to the advancement and
livelihood for over three decades, playing a crucial role accessibility of higher education in India. Its origins
in bridging the gap between the talent and industry. trace back to 1925, and it officially assumed the title of
It impacts over 1 million youth annually through skill the Association of Indian Universities in 1973. AIU boasts
delivery vehicles like Multi Skill Institutes, Model Career affiliations with universities throughout India, repre-
Centres, Industry-led courses, CSR initiatives and in-
senting both central and state-run institutions. More-
ternational certifications and pathways.
over, it nurtures connections with prominent higher
education establishments on the global stage, under-
All India Council for Technical
scoring its commitment to safeguarding the interests
Education (AICTE) - Institutional of universities.
AIU operates as a vital hub for the exchange of knowl-
In 1945, the inception of the All India Council for Tech-
nical Education (AICTE) marked a pivotal moment in edge and ideas, fostering a rich tapestry of cultural in-
India’s journey towards industrial and educational itiatives and sports endeavors. It also plays a crucial
advancement. AICTE was born with a fundamental role in the validation and recognition of degrees and
mission: to guide, promote, and harmonize the na- certifications, ensuring the integrity of educational
tion’s progress in both industry and education. Initial- credentials. Collaborating closely with educational in-
ly focused on engineering and technology programs,
stitutions, AIU actively contributes to the development
AICTE steadily evolved into a formidable force in tech-
of sustainable strategies for the sector. Renowned for
nical education, overseeing a multitude of colleges
and polytechnic institutions. Its ascent paralleled the its scholarly expertise, AIU stands as a vanguard in the
burgeoning demand for technical education in India, realm of education within the nation.
a demand driven by the promise of employment and
With a broad reach, AIU has made significant inroads
opportunities for the country’s youth.
in India’s education landscape. Of the 831 universities
AICTE played an instrumental role in fostering collab-
in India, an impressive 635 are proud members of this
orations between the corporate and public sectors in
esteemed association. Furthermore, AIU’s global en-
the realm of technical education. This collaborative ef-
fort emerged from reform initiatives during the 1980s, gagement extends to include affiliations with more
as India sought to realign itself as an independent na- than 10 foreign universities, solidifying its role as a
tion with a robust emphasis on technical education bridge between Indian higher education and the world.
and development.
Ecosystem - State Partner Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS)
implemented by the Ministry of Skill Development and
In the pursuit of fostering skill development and em- Entrepreneurship (MSDE), and Deen Dayal Upadhyaya
bracing the vision of Skill India under the leadership Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY) implemented
of the Honourable Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi, by the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) synergize
Gujarat stands as a sign of commitment to inclusive with Gujarat’s initiatives, collectively shaping a skilled
growth, employment opportunities, and sustainable India.
As we enter an era of digitally driven knowledge-based The 11th edition of the India Skills Report not only pro-
economies, education and skill development are going vides a comprehensive snapshot of our current work-
to drive national competitiveness. Thus, it is imperative force but also illuminates the path forward for leaders
to prioritize skilling, upskilling, and reskilling to foster in academia, industry, and policymaking.
economic growth and employability, with special em-
The India Skills Report 2024 will serve as a valuable re-
phasis on women becoming a part of the workforce.
source, guiding us through the uncharted territories
Notably, the Female Labour Force Participation Rate
of the future workforce. By integrating WNET scores
has risen to 37% in 2022-2023 from 23.3% in 2017-18, but
and India Hiring Intent Survey data, it will provide nu-
more impetus is required.
anced insights into the talent landscape, benefiting
For almost four decades, CII has been working exten- professionals, aspirants, hiring managers, business
sively on the skilling and livelihood agenda. Through leaders, policymakers, and academia. As we navigate
our ground initiatives, CII acts as a bridge between the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, this
youth and Industry, impacting more than 1 million data will show the way forward in our quest for talent
youth annually. that aligns with the evolving industrial landscape.
ed States where AI-related vacancies represented
0.84% of all vacancies. The share of AI-related vacan-
cies never exceeded 1% in any of the countries and
years under analysis.
line vacancies grew markedly between 2019 and 2022.
Over this period, on average across countries, the
share of online vacancies requiring AI skills increased
by 33%. Such growth was generally stronger in coun-
tries with lower shares in 2019. Only in Austria and Swe-
den, the share of online vacancies requiring AI skills did
not grow over the period.
Source OECD
Source OECD
Note: The Figure shows the percentage of AI online va- requiring AI skills are vacancies in which at least two
cancies (reported in this Figure for the top three indus- generic AI skills or at least one AI-specific skill were re-
tries), which is the total number of online vacancies re- quired (see Section 2.2 on generic and specific skills).
quiring AI skills in a given industry and country relative Annex Table A B.2. details how the harmonisation of
to all vacancies requiring AI skills across all industries industrial classifications across European countries
in a given country. Countries are sorted in descending and English-speaking countries was conducted giv-
order of the highest average share of vacancies re- en differences in the taxonomies used by Lightcast in
quiring AI skills in manufacturing. The top three indus- the compilation of data for English-speaking countries
tries are based on the highest share of vacancies re- and countries in Europe. Average refers to the average
quiring AI- skills across countries and years. Vacancies across countries with available data.
Impact of AI on the Future of rithms and the flicker of screens. Artificial Intelligence
Work, Skilling, and Mobility (AI), a phenomenon that was once the stuff of dreams,
now threads its way through the fabric of our daily lives,
In the relentless march of progress, some moments influencing industries, reshaping jobs, and molding the
stand as significant milestones in our journey—a tes-
future of work in ways previously unimaginable. We are
tament to our adaptability, resilience, and unyielding
all aware of the disruption caused by generative AI, as
commitment to a better tomorrow. The India Skills Re-
port 2024, the eleventh edition, is one such milestone. tools like ChatGPT and MidJourney inspire marketing,
sales, design, and development teams with new ways
The theme of this year’s report, “Impact of AI on the Fu- of tackling complex tasks. As of now, with over 100 mil-
ture of Work, Skilling, and Mobility,” illuminates a trans-
lion users, India comprises 8.47% of all ChatGPT users,
formative change in the fabric of industry and edu-
second to only the United States comprising 13.07% of
cation in this present generation. Artificial Intelligence
(AI) has emerged as the catalyst propelling us into an users worldwide. But, there’s far more to AI than gener-
era where opportunities, challenges, and possibilities ative text, images or speech!
abound. The World Economic Forum estimates that by
2025, 85 million jobs will be automated, but 97 million
new jobs will be created due to the growth of AI and
other technologies. India, in 2023 is on the verge of ac- AI in Healthcare
celerating the adoption of AI across industries, educa-
tion and public services.
May this year’s report inspire you, guide you, and em-
power you as it has for millions of enthusiasts seek-
ing cutting-edge insights into the employment and
employability landscape of India. Along with our es-
teemed partners, institutions, and participants, we
have forged a vision to collaboratively assess and pro-
duce strategic insights that will serve industrialists, tal-
ent magnets, educators, policymakers, and the youth
as a force for adaptability and progress. Together, let
us embrace the winds of change and chart a course
for a brighter, more inclusive, and AI-powered future
for India and her youth.
Recognizing the pivotal role that AI can play in its In India, the AI market is a thriving hub, with projec-
growth trajectory, the Indian government, academia, tions indicating a robust growth to USD 28.8 billion by
and industry have embarked on a journey of substan- 2025, expanding at an impressive CAGR of 45%. The
tial investment in nurturing AI capabilities and skills. Indian government’s support for AI initiatives, coupled
These strategic initiatives reflect a commitment to po- with a conducive ecosystem, collaborative efforts,
sitioning India at the forefront of the global AI revolu- and a steadfast focus on skills development, posi-
tion. tions the country as a potential global leader in AI. The
education sector in India contributes significantly to
Rising Demand for AI Skills the AI talent pool, with a digital talent pool of 1.6 mil-
Globally lion. Universities and colleges across the nation offer
dedicated degree programs and specialized courses
The global landscape is witnessing a seismic shift in
in AI, data science, machine learning, and robotics.
the demand for AI skills, with a remarkable 33% surge
Government initiatives, such as the National Skill De-
recorded across 14 countries spanning North America,
velopment Mission and Skill India Mission, underscore
Europe, and the Pacific. The OECD report on the sup-
the commitment to skilling the youth in AI and relat-
ply, demand, and characteristics of the AI workforce
ed areas. Industry-academia collaboration further
across OECD countries provides valuable insights into
strengthens the landscape, providing industry-specif-
the emerging trends in AI skill demand. The report
ic AI skill development programs. Despite the promis-
highlights that the AI workforce, consisting of work-
ing landscape, challenges persist, including an uneven
ers with specialized AI skills, is concentrated in a few
distribution of skills, concerns about the quality of ed-
high-skilled occupations, including mathematicians,
ucation and training, and limited access to technology
actuaries and statisticians, software and application
and infrastructure in rural areas.
developers, ICT managers, database and network
professionals, and electrotechnology engineers. The Global trends, as forecasted by esteemed institutions,
report also emphasizes that the AI workforce is dispro- paint a nuanced picture. McKinsey Global Institute
portionately highly educated and male. Furthermore, anticipates that automation could lead to the loss of
the report underscores that the demand for AI skills in 800 million jobs worldwide by 2030 while creating 950
the labor market is on the rise, and the impact of AI on million new ones. The World Economic Forum under-
the workplace is significant. The vast majority of OECD scores that 65% of jobs will require new skills by 2025
countries have issued national AI strategies, recogniz- due to automation and AI adoption. Meanwhile, the
ing the importance of skills, but not all propose con- OECD predicts a potential 15% boost in global econom-
crete actions to address the evolving skill needs due ic output by 2030 through widespread AI adoption. In
to AI. While the United States leads in AI job postings, Europe, the European Commission envisions the AI
other nations are carving niches of expertise, exem- market reaching €290 billion by 2025, generating 2
plified by France’s focus on autonomous vehicles and million new jobs. However, the World Bank sounds a
the Netherlands’ strides in robotics. The transforma- cautionary note, emphasizing the need to train 1 mil-
tion spurred by AI is not one of job scarcity but rather lion AI specialists in Europe by 2030 to meet escalating
an evolution in roles and skill sets. The narrative in this demand. PwC adds that 70% of European CEOs antici-
section explores the statistics and dynamics of the AI pate significant workforce impacts from AI in the next 5
skills landscape in India, drawing comparisons with years, necessitating collaboration between academia
the USA, Europe, and Asia, shedding light on the chal- and industry to bridge the gap.
lenges and opportunities that each region faces.
reports that 70% of US employers struggle to find work- vironmental conservation, collaborative endeavors
ers with the necessary AI skills. With 92% of US com- powered by AI have yielded practical and innovative
panies facing challenges in finding AI talent, the na- solutions, showcasing the potential of harnessing ar-
tion anticipates 5 million AI jobs by 2030. Challenges tificial intelligence for societal betterment. Importantly,
include a shortage of qualified professionals and the ethical considerations in AI development have laid the
need for ethical and responsible AI development. groundwork for responsible practices, cultivating trust
among users and stakeholders. This trust is pivotal in
Industry-specific trends globally further underscore the fostering widespread acceptance and adoption of AI
profound impact of AI. In healthcare, AI is set to create technologies, ensuring that the benefits are harnessed
1.6 million new jobs by 2030, while finance anticipates a responsibly and sustainably.
pects 5 million new AI-related jobs by 2030, contrast- sionals and aspirants can proactively embrace the
ing with retail, where 850,000 jobs may be displaced major socio-political and economic changes brought
by 2025, but 4 million new AI-centric roles are poised about by AI. Collaborative projects stemming from
to emerge. In response to the escalating demand for AI AI-focused hackathons stand as a testament to the
skills, governments and educational institutions glob- tangible benefits arising from collective efforts in the AI
ally are investing in comprehensive AI education and space. To navigate this AI revolution effectively, staying
training programs. Europe’s commitment is evident in updated is paramount. Thought leaders and research
the European Commission’s strategy, while the Asian institutes, such as MIT Technology Review, Stanford
Development Bank underscores the urgency of up- AI Lab, and Forbes AI, provide a constant influx of the
skilling 500 million jobs at risk of automation in Asia. latest insights and breakthroughs. Engaging in online
In the United States, the Biden-Harris administration’s courses, and workshops, and participating in commu-
National AI Research and Development Strategic Plan nities dedicated to AI fosters knowledge-sharing and
aims to sustain US leadership in AI, complemented by learning from experienced professionals. Industry re-
substantial investments in AI education and training ports and whitepapers from reputable research firms
programs across diverse industries. offer strategic insights for understanding the broader
landscape and anticipating future developments.
sources in this age group.
resources in the age group of 26-29 with 78.24% in
this age group found employable. Jharkhand comes
second in employability for this age group of 26-29 at
NATIONAL 76.56%.
group of 18-21, Pune came first with 80.82% of candi-
dates found highly employable, followed by Bengaluru
with 72.18% and then Trivandrum with 67.22% employ-
Analysis for 2024 • For employability in the age group of 26-29, Pune
tops the list of cities with available talent at 85.71% fol-
These findings in the 11th edition are a result lowed by Lucknow with 75% and then Jaipur with 71.80%
of the evaluation of 3.88 Lakhs candidates employable talent in this age group.
who took the Wheebox National Employabili-
ty Test (WNET) across academic institutions • MBA degree holders are the top demographic for
in India. highly employable resources in terms of domain
across all states, with applicants with an MBA com-
• In India, the overall young employability has im- prising 71.16% of candidates scoring above 60% on the
proved to 51.25% over the previous year. This is to state WNET.
that more than 51.25% of test takers across all domains
scored 60% or above on the WNET proctored survey. • Percentage of B.Pharma test takers who scored
above 60% on the WNET test increased from last year
• In terms of large talent availability, youth from the to 54% found highly employable across all states.
states of Haryana, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar
Pradesh, Kerala and Telangana were deemed states • Percentage of candidates from the Information
with the largest concentration of highly employable Technology domain were found to be highly employ-
resources. able with 68.44% scoring above 60% on the WNET test
across all regions.
• Haryana has the highest employable youth concen-
tration with 76.47% of test takers in this region scoring
60% and above on the WNET
identifying the talent availability of qualified engineer- from last year’s 47.28% male employability ratio.
• Karnataka at 78.85%, Maharashtra at 71.32%, and Ut- • Haryana was reported to have the highest con-
tar Pradesh at 58.33% are the states with the highest centration of highly employable females who are
concentration of BBA graduates found employable prepared for the workforce at 49.58%, while Andhra
Pradesh state came in second with 39.96%.
• Maharashtra at 73.15%, Madhya Pradesh 61.11% and
• Maharashtra has the highest concentration of highly
Tamil Nadu 60.00% are the top states with employable
employable males who are prepared for the workforce
MBA candidates
at 55.24% followed by Uttar Pradesh with 54.77% highly
• Haryana at 90.48%, Uttar Pradesh at 80.00% and Gu- employable male talent availability.
jarat at 54.55% are the top states with highly employ- • The figures for the current year indicate that, like in
able MSc. graduates previous years, a majority of test takers—87.83%—are
looking for internship employment within organiza-
nomic strength in the years ahead. make their way into the IT industry, proficient business
analysts, decision-makers and C-suite maestros will
A notable trend is the consistent increase in female la- be in demand to reap the economic advantages of
bor force participation, fostering healthy competition
and gradually rectifying long-standing gender
MOST EMPLOYABLE AGE GROUP 2024 The demographic data for the year 2022-2023 reveals
the youthful preparedness of India’s population, with
a substantial portion of the workforce deemed high-
ly employable. The IT sector’s significant contribution
to the national GDP and its widespread impact across
diverse industries and verticals, along with growth pro-
jections in sectors like agriculture, electric cars, elec-
tronic systems, aviation, and biotechnology, paints a
promising picture for India’s economic future. Skill In-
dia’s strategic focus on technology-oriented practical
training, coupled with the establishment of an infra-
The outcomes of this year’s test show the pivotal role
structure conducive to digital literacy, agile adop-
played by the available pool of employable talent in
tion, and sustained innovation, positions the nation’s
shaping India’s economic resilience. The confluence of skill ecosystem as a fundamental driver of jobs and
demographic vigor with economic strength, particu- learning. The success of government-led skilling ini-
larly in pivotal sectors like IT, agriculture, and emerg- tiatives and private-public partnerships lays a strong
ing technologies, positions the nation on a trajectory foundation for a transformative era in the impending
of sustained growth and adaptability. This strategic age of AI. As India adapts and innovates, the symbiotic
alignment is vital for navigating the challenges and relationship between skills development and evolving
seizing opportunities presented by the ever-evolving market demands is poised to define the trajectory of
economic landscape. the nation’s workforce landscape in the years to come.
The India-wide skills data, indicating the Shifting our focus to business education, the MBA do-
percentage of users scoring more than main emerges with a commanding 71.16% employ-
60% in WNET Educational Domains, stands ability score, indicating a prevailing preference for a
at a commendable 51.25%. This suggests business-oriented skill set. This underscores a pos-
a substantial proportion of individuals ex- itive outlook for leadership and managerial roles in
the job market, showcasing the importance placed
hibiting proficiency in various educational
on strategic and managerial expertise. For graduates
domains, notably in MBA, Engineering, and
in the arts, the employability score for B.Arts test tak-
IT, underscoring a positive trajectory in the ers stands at 47.11%, portraying a moderate standing
overall skill readiness of the Indian workforce. and emphasizing the diverse pathways available to
arts graduates. This aligns with the broader trend of
• Delving specifically into the domain of BE/B.Tech., acknowledging and valuing skills beyond traditional
the percentage of employable resources is as follows academic domains, opening doors to varied sectors.
across various educational domains : In the commerce domains, B.Com graduates exhibit a
reasonably competitive employability score of 48.12%,
• Information Technology (IT): The IT domain leads with reflecting a balanced demand for commerce-related
an impressive 68.44%, emphasizing the robustness of skills. Similarly, the employability score for B.Sc gradu-
skills in this pivotal sector. ates at 51.27% indicates the demand for scientific and
analytical skills, aligning well with the evolving require-
• Computer Science (CS): Computer Science follows
ments of industries.
closely with a notable 66.00%, showcasing the strength
of individuals specializing in this foundational field.
The technology sector remains a stronghold, with MCA
• Electronics and Communication Engineering: This test takers commanding a high employability score of
domain records a substantial 58.91%, reflecting a pro- 64.63%. This reflects a robust demand for specialized
ficient talent pool in electronics and communication. skills in computer applications and IT, promising signif-
icant opportunities in the technology-driven job mar-
• Electrical Engineering: With 57.69%, electrical engi- ket. Vocational skills, as represented by ITI test takers,
neering contributes significantly to the employable exhibit a moderate employability score of 40%, sug-
resource base. gesting a competitive landscape for individuals with
vocational and technical expertise. Polytechnic grad-
• Mechanical Engineering: Mechanical Engineering uates face a challenging scenario, as indicated by an
stands at 54.46%, indicating a solid presence of skilled
employability score of 22.37%, emphasizing the need
professionals in this traditional yet crucial field.
for strategic interventions and upskilling initiatives.
In the pharmaceutical domain, B.Pharma graduates
• Civil Engineering: Civil Engineering, too, is notewor-
boast a strong employability score of 54%, signaling a
thy with 54.31%, adding to the diverse skill set within the
promising landscape for the pharmaceutical sector.
BE/B.Tech. category.
This aligns with the broader trend of growth and op-
These percentages shed light on the distribution of portunities in the healthcare industry.
employable talent across specific educational do-
These employability scores encapsulate the diverse
mains, providing valuable insights for both academia
strengths and preferences of India’s youth, reflecting
and industry. The strong representation of IT and com-
a dynamic job market with a high demand for both
puter science aligns with the evolving demands of the
technical and managerial skills. As we navigate the
job market, while the presence of engineering disci-
evolving landscape in 2024, the data emphasizes the
plines propels the enduring significance of core engi-
importance of a well-rounded and adaptable skill set
neering fields.The employability scores across various
to seize the myriad opportunities presented by the job
domains, as unveiled by this year’s WNET results, offer
a comprehensive snapshot of the evolving trends and
preferences within India’s youth. In the realm of tech-
nical education, B.E/B.Tech graduates stand out with a
1. Learning Agility :
• B.Tech/B.E Leading the Pack : The inclusion of
B.Tech/B.E at the forefront of both learning agility and
OCEAN personality traits underscores the importance
of technical education in fostering adaptability and a
growth mindset. With the rapid advancements in tech-
nology, professionals with engineering backgrounds
are often better equipped to grasp new concepts and
apply them to real-world scenarios.
Top 5 States where Polytechnic graduates have Top 5 States where MCA post graduates have
scored more than 60% in their Domain scored more than 60% in their Domain
Top 5 States where MBA post graduates have Top 5 States where BCA graduates have scored
scored more than 60% in their Domain more than 60% in their Domain
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
Top 10 States with Available Skills in Critical Top 10 Cities with Available Skills in English as
Thinking Second Language
• Andhra Pradesh (98.33%) : The southern state What Does This Mean for
emerges as a frontrunner, with an overwhelming ma- Corporate Hiring Activity?
jority of users expressing a strong desire for internships.
The resounding interest in internships across states
This signals a proactive and career-oriented youth
bodes well for Indian corporate hiring activities in the
population, setting a high benchmark for other states.
upcoming year. The substantial pool of eager and
• Telangana (96.72%) : In close pursuit, Telangana skilled resources, spanning various disciplines and ge-
showcases a vibrant ecosystem of aspiring interns. ographies, is a beacon of hope for industries seeking
The state’s commitment to nurturing talent and pro- fresh talent. This surge in internship aspirations signi-
viding practical exposure is evident in this robust in- fies a workforce that is not only academically sound
particular industry, as the average hiring activity fore- Telangana 96.72
cast for entry-level professionals across all sectors is
expected to escalate by an impressive 22%.
This dynamic shift observed with the results of the In- 03 Punjab 93.44
09 Karnataka 87.67
methods. Within the academic community, there is nition of AI as a complement to human capabilities
a growing recognition of three distinct categories of rather than a replacement. While AI is poised to en-
Their educational journey requires a deep dive into the terialize when large-scale deployments occur. AI’s po-
• Curriculum Agility :
In the swiftly evolving landscape of AI technologies, cur-
India has made significant progress in skilling its workforce over the
past decade, with the employability of young individuals increasing
to 50.3% in 2023. The report also highlights the growing demand for
skills in AI, ML, and other cutting-edge technologies. To prepare the
workforce for the future of work, the report recommends investing
in skilling and re-skilling programs, promoting STEM education, and
creating an enabling environment for innovation and entrepreneur-
ship. The India Skills Report 2024 is a valuable resource for policy-
makers, business leaders, and educators to guide India’s skilling and
employment policies in the years to come.
Yogesh Satishchandra Baheti
Founder, Destiny Planners
Since its establishment, the India Skills Report has thrived on an assortment
of innovative platforms. I wish to be a part of the marathon Yathra kind of
approach to reach all domain-specific and impact-based life sciences, sci-
ence, and technology-driven community development activities, starting
with traditional cart mobility to spacecraft mobility. I’m an innovator, accel-
erator, and mentor of all technology-related innovations.
Working with Wheelbox has been fantastic in the past, present, and future; it
has revealed the wisdom in the robust, democratic innovation and start-up
environment, which is incredibly diverse.
Dr Umesha K, Any organization that aims to significantly alter how people view technolo-
Professor &HoD gy, sustainability, economic viability, and adaptability should go above and
Department of Electronics and beyond to establish a 360-degree rotation that will have a lasting influence
Communication Engineering on all living things, including our present and future generations.
Jawaharlal College of Engineering
It gives me great pleasure to announce that the 11th edition of the India Skills
and Technology
Report 2024, entitled Wheebox Innovation Yathra, on the “Impact of AI on the
Lakkidi, Mangalam P.O, Palakkad
Future of Work, Skilling, and Mobility,” will be launched at the CII Global Skills
Dist, Kerala
Summit in December 2023 with tremendous success.
The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the future of work, skilling, and
Dr. A. N. P. P. Anantha Lakshmi mobility is profound and multifaceted. AI is reshaping industries by au-
Vice-President and founder of tomating routine tasks, which can lead to the displacement of certain
Techno Innovation & Incubation jobs. However, it also creates new opportunities as it demands a differ-
Center In charge for Centre for ent skill set. The workforce of the future must adapt and upskill to stay
Innovation & Entrepreneurship relevant in an AI-driven world. Skilling and reskilling become imperative
St. Joseph’s Degree & PG College, as AI continues to evolve. Mobility in work is also affected, with remote
Hyderabad work and gig economy jobs becoming more prevalent. AI plays a crucial
role in enabling remote collaboration and managing tasks. Furthermore,
it can optimize talent mobility by matching skills with job opportunities
more efficiently. However, concerns about job security and ethical AI use
need to be addressed. In summary, AI is transforming the nature of work,
making skilling and reskilling essential for career longevity, and altering
the landscape of mobility by creating opportunities and challenges that
must be carefully navigated.
Professor and Former Head
Department of Chemical Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Calicut, Kozhikode, Kerala
Prof. N. Palanisamy
Annamalai Polytechnic College
passive recipients of information. Today, students are
more actively engaged in the learning process, and
they are more likely to be using technology to learn.
to use technology to engage students and improve
learning outcomes.
The rise of AI/ML-based learning marked a significant early stages, and it is impossible to say what the future
milestone, culminating in the current surge of Gener- holds. However, technology will continue to play an in-
ative AI utilization. This period has ushered in a revo- creasingly important role in education. As technology
lution of sorts, reshaping the very nature of learning, continues to evolve, schools and colleges will need to
Impact on Hybrid Learning : • Leveraging GenAI for course planning and digital
courseware can potentially save time for faculty and
Technology has laid the groundwork for hybrid learn-
produce better student outcomes.
ing, seamlessly blending conventional classroom in-
teractions with digital flexibility. Online learning plat- • Teaching students to master the use of GenAI can
forms, virtual reality, and augmented reality have mitigate potential negative impacts in the labor mar-
shattered geographical barriers, empowering learn- ket and open up new employment opportunities fol-
ers to acquire knowledge from diverse environments lowing graduation.
across the globe.
In essence, GenAI has the potential to streamline ad-
The integration of artificial intelligence has personal-
ministrative processes, enhance student engagement,
ized learning experiences, providing real-time feed-
and prepare learners for the demands of the 21st-cen-
back and facilitating adaptable educational methods.
tury workforce. By embracing GenAI, institutions can
This symbiotic blend of individual attention and re-
position themselves for success in an increasingly
mote learning epitomizes the hybrid model’s dynamic
competitive and rapidly changing world.
In essence, technology has not merely enabled hybrid The integration of technology into education presents
learning but has also elevated it to a paradigm that both empowerment and cautionary tales. Personal-
transcends the limitations of traditional education. By ized learning, real-time feedback, task automation, in-
bridging the gap between physical and virtual spaces, teractive experiences, and global access to resources
hybrid learning harnesses the power of technology to illustrate a transformative landscape. Simultaneously,
create a truly global and personalized learning expe- disparities, cyberbullying, distraction dynamics, com-
rience. plexity in choices, and health considerations necessi-
tate careful evaluation. The commitment to champion
Impact of GEN AI :
As Generative AI (GenAI) stands poised to transform
education, the technology offers numerous opportu-
nities to unlock value and enhance experiences across
cance of soft skills cannot be overstated, with employ-
ers emphasizing traits like communication, teamwork,
and problem-solving in prospective candidates. Be-
modern workplace.
tion bring forth a critical need for understanding and
adapting to emerging trends. The Hiring Intent Sur-
vey - Early Career Edition conducted among 15+ in-
dustries across India, provides valuable insights into
In the dynamic realm of global employment, India
the intricacies of these trends, offering a comprehen-
stands as a beacon of evolving talent trends, navigat-
sive understanding of the evolving demand for talent
ing through economic shifts, technological advance-
across various disciplines. As India strides confidently
ments, and the ever-changing expectations of the
into 2024, deciphering these trends becomes impera-
workforce. As the world grapples with uncertainties, the
tive for academia, organizations, and job seekers alike,
talent market in India is witnessing substantial trans-
shaping a future where opportunities abound and tal-
formations, signaling positive growth in hiring trends.
ents find their perfect match.
One striking observation is the surge in internal mo-
bility globally, indicating a strategic shift among com-
Keeping Up with Job Trends on
panies to fill their skilling needs from within, amidst the
prevailing global uncertainties. In the Indian context,
Social Media
these trends align with an expanding talent pool, un- Heading into 2024 social media platform LinkedIn is
derscoring the need for skilled professionals. However, anticipating a substantial 20% year-over-year in-
this growth is met with challenges such as a shortage crease in hiring, the pulse of India’s job market is
of skilled talent and heightened competition for top- strong, driven by heightened demand in key sectors.
tier professionals. This year’s forecast unveils the most LinkedIn’s projections shed light on a promising hori-
sought-after roles, emphasizing the critical impor- zon for job seekers and employers alike in the domains
tance of both hard and soft skills in the evolving job of technology, manufacturing, and healthcare. Cor-
landscape. Top positions include Software Engineer, roborating this outlook, the India Hiring Intent Survey
Cloud Architect, Data Scientist, Product Manager, Sales - Early Career Edition by Wheebox echoes a 17.70% in-
Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Quality Assurance crease in hiring expectations confirmed by this year’s
Engineer, Healthcare Engineer, Clinical Research Asso- survey findings. This aligns seamlessly with projections
ciate, Pharmacist, and Nurse. by job platforms like LinkedIn, painting a cohesive pic-
ture of the job market’s trajectory for the year ahead.
Specifically, job sectors geared toward business Job seekers are advised to proactively manage their
growth and customer acquisition are witnessing a no- professional profiles on platforms like LinkedIn, ensur-
table uptrend in India. Roles like sales development, ing they reflect their current skills and experiences. Ad-
business development, and demand generation are ditionally, the power of networking is underscored as
at the forefront of this surge, reflecting a strategic fo- a valuable tool for career growth. As we stand at the
cus on driving organizational expansion and outreach. intersection of technology and human capital, staying
updated and fostering connections will be key to un-
Looking ahead, the Hiring Intent Survey trends con-
locking the myriad opportunities that lie ahead.
ducted across India for 2024 paint a promising picture.
The IT and ITES sectors are expected to retain their
Key Finding: Most of the hiring activity of 67% of
status as major contributors to job growth, while other
all corporates surveyed this year will come from pro-
sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare, and retail
fessional networking or social media as the preferred
are poised for robust demand for skilled professionals.
channel of talent acquisition.
Online recruitment statistics echo this optimism, with
over 95% of companies gearing up for imminent
recruitment drives, leveraging modern recruitment
Experience Mix of New Hires in landscape with an increase from 15% to 18% in demand
The Workforce of 2024 for freshers graduating with diverse degrees like BA/
BCA/BBA/B.Com/BSc, showcasing the industry’s open-
Percentage of New Hires Mix Expected for 2024
ness to varied skill sets.
Jashan Joshi
Global Talent Sourcing &
Talent Intelligence Leader, ZS Associates
Anshuman Mukherjee
Lead HR Manager (TA), Tietoevry
Sivasankar A
General Manager HR & TA, DSV Solutions Pvt Ltd.
Amit Rai
Head HR, Tata Play Fiber
(infrastructure & human resources) • Dedicated “LMS Portal” with Digital Content for more
than 200 subjects for Polytechnic students
through the Cascading Skill Ecosystem
• Community-specific training programs for SC, ST,
• 192 Skill Hubs in 175 A/Cs and Women beneficiaries
• 26 Skill Colleges in 25 P/Cs • Training using the global market needs in collabora-
tion with GOI and international agencies
• 400+ in-house trainers across 21 sectors
• 78 nursing candidates undergoing German language
• National Skill Training Institute (NSTI) sanctioned in training. 11 nurses received offers to work in Germany
Visakhapatnam by DGT, GOI with Rs. 200 Crores
tive placements. So far, 16,517 candidates have been schemes of GOI departments.
• CM Skill Excellence Centres in 100 Engg. Colleges • Captures Ensure Student Life Cycle
• Digital Certificates
Key Highlights:
• Blended mode training - Online & Offline • Convergence with Line Departments
Key Components:
• Skill GAP Analysis & Course Recommendation
• Lab/Machinery/infrastructure/COE Establishment
• Training of Students
• Currently, 188 institutions are modernized with 203
industry Setups.
Mukhyamantri Apprenticeship
Mukhyamantri Apprenticeship Yojana is a program for
industrial units to meet the demands of their skilled
Skilling at ITIs: craftsmen and to train the youth of the state in an in-
dustrial environment. Gujarat ranks number 1 in the
Gujarat has the advantage of having ITIs in every
country with a registration of over 32 thousand estab-
block. There are 558 ITIs in Gujarat (288 Government
lishments on the apprentice portal. The scheme pro-
ITIs, 101 Grant In Aid & 169 Self-Financed ITIs) with the
vides financial incentives to industry to bear the cost
capacity to train 2,16,844 students. The state has 30 ITIs
of over and above the benefits of National Apprentice-
dedicated for Women and 19 ITIs dedicated for Persons
ship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) and National Appren-
with Disabilities. This extensive network of ITIs enables
ticeship Training Scheme (NATS) of Government of In-
Gujarat to cater to the training needs of a substan-
dia. In FY 2022-23, the state has engaged staggering
tial student population, with a collective capacity to
1,21,710 apprentices.
accommodate more than 2 lakh students. The state
has registered 1,36,370 trainees in ITIs filling 85% of
seats which is the highest among all states. Vocation-
al training is offered in 132 Engineering and non-engi-
neering trades, comprising 79 trades in the NCVT pat-
tern and 53 trades in the GCVT pattern. The state has
also laid greater emphasis on the Public-Private Part-
nership (PPP) model, resulting in the establishment of
171 functional ITIs. Through this collaborative approach,
industries actively engage in the operation of ITIs while
providing support for infrastructure development.
op Centers of Excellence (CoE) within the Mega ITIs. industries within GIDC estates to offer purposeful train-
So far, companies like Nokia, Pidilite Industries Limited, ing and boost local employment opportunities for the
Siemens, L&T, C4i4 are onboard for the development youth of the state. The primary objective of Mini ITIs
Gujarat Apex Training Institutes This collaboration between the Mini ITIs and industries
(GATI) : will help bridge the gap between training and employ-
ment, making the youth more employable in the local
The state is establishing 4 Centers of Excellence (CoEs)
industry sectors.
and 8 Institutes of Training of Trainers (iToTs) under
project Gujarat Apex Training Institutes (GATI) offering
progressive technology training courses to create a
pool of skilled, experienced, and well-trained trainers Project Sankalp :
in the state of Gujarat. These Institutes are being de-
The mission has introduced an innovative Project
veloped as per the international benchmark, systems,
Sankalp “In the industry, For the industry, By the indus-
and technical expertise. Under GATI, market driven
try” program in the state of Gujarat. The program aims
long and short-term courses in the field of modern
technology would be developed. It will also focus on to create a mutually beneficial ecosystem by encour-
training teachers from vocational institutes, enabling aging industry associations and industries to partner
aligned to the National Skills Qualifications Framework rural beneficiaries with a special focus on women. The
(NSQF) and GCVT and Company Specific Job roles. scheme has been revamped and introduced as “Sak-
It provides financial benefits to the organisations by sham”- KVK 2.0 and is aimed to provide access to skill
offsetting costs towards recruitment, training and sti- development programs to a wide range of beneficiar-
pend. The industry gets reimbursement of the training
ies. The unique feature of the program is that Short-
cost, and the assessment cost is also borne by GSDM.
term Training is being offered in NSQF level 1, 2, and 3
Besides, Industry Partners may also avail of benefits
courses. Besides, there is a provision for training under
under National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme
(NAPS) and Mukhyamantri Apprenticeship Yojana . Un- special projects that will cater to special beneficiary
der Project Sankalp, the state has trained around 3,100 groups such as Women, People with Disabilities (PwD),
Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) Kerala • AR/VR CoE at the CSPs at Kalamassery, Kunnamku-
is a PSU under the Higher Education Department, Gov- lam, Kazhakootam and Pampady
ernment of Kerala, that focuses on skilling college-go- • Electric Vehicle CoE at CSP Kunnamthanam,
ing students and the general community to enhance Thavanur
their employability through industry-relevant train-
• Drone Technology Center at CSP Kasaragod
ing programs. Courses are offered in various sectors
• Akzo Nobel Paint Academy at CSP Thavanur
like Banking and Finance, Power, IT and ITeS, Health-
care, Electronics, Media, English and Foreign Languag-
The CoEs support ASAP Kerala in curating new courses
es, and Art. The courses are selected with the help of
and training programs on par with the NSQF
Business Advisory Councils headed by Industry and
regular conduct of Industry Round Tables. The cours-
es are provided in offline, online, and blended formats C. Customized Skill Training ASAP Kerala conducts
in partnership with industries and competent training skill training for various Government agencies and de-
partners. On-the-job training or internship is an inte- partments such as the Department of Local Self-Gov-
gral part of the ASAP courses. Upon completion of the ernment, Women and Child Development, Fisheries,
courses, interested students are provided with place- Industries, etc.. ASAP Kerala has also set up a new skill-
ment opportunities. ing model, in association with the Kasaragod District
Panchayat, under the ‘Dharppanam’ training program
More than 2.5 lakh persons, mainly from higher sec-
which has trained 250 women candidates in the dis-
ondary schools, have been skilled and trained by ASAP
trict who had taken a career break, to learn English,
in the last 10 years.
computer skills, and a trade to help them take a de-
gree course and earn while doing their graduation.
ASAP Kerala’s major initiatives are briefly described
D. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) ASAP Ker-
ala has curated a 1-year Diploma in Ayurveda Thera-
1. CIndustry-relevant skill training : py course in collaboration with Kottakkal Arya Vaidya
ASAP Kerala offers industry-relevant skill courses in Sala. In addition, a 3-month RPL has been conducted
partnership with industry and leading academic insti- for 511 therapists working at the various branches of
tutions like IIT Palakkad the Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala.
A. Community Skill Parks (CSP) dents to the industry where on-the-job training is
Designed to reskill working professionals, the program 7. Curriculum Development & NSQF
was curated for mid-level professionals of the Electri- alignment
cal Divisions of KMML in ‘Modern Trends in Power Sys- ASAP Kerala is the only agency in the State that has
tem Protection and Relays’, in collaboration with the obtained the dual recognition of NCVET as an Assess-
Public Sector Restructuring and Internal Audit Board. ing agency and Awarding body. ASAP Kerala has ini-
tiated the development of a customized assessment
B. Capacity Building Program for Enhanced Business
platform. ASAP Kerala’s Skill certificates are generated
Management for Employees of Kerala State Industries
through the Information Management System, and the
Development Corporation
same is published through Digilocker, which is acces-
The sessions were structured to offer practical solu- sible to students through a one-time signup process.
tions through a series of interactive activities, promot-
ing experiential learning to tackle operational hurdles The organization has also developed courses as per
effectively. the norms and standards prescribed by the National
Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET)
C. Employee Upskilling Inauguration Conducted by and has aligned them nationally with the National
Information Mission Kerala Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF).
This program was specifically tailored to enhance in-
terested employees’ skills as full-stack Java Develop- 8. Accreditation Agency
ASAP Kerala is acting as a nodal agency in the state
for affiliating/ accrediting various skilling agencies op-
6. Placement and Internship erating in the state. Several skill courses, those aligned
ASAP Kerala offers placement opportunities for all its with NSQF and others, are offered by agencies in gov-
students who are interested in taking up jobs imme- ernment and non-government sectors across the
diately after the training. Last year, 2000+ candidates state. To ensure the quality of skill training and impar-
were placed with leading industries across the state. tial assessment, these agencies are required to affil-
Concerning internships, ASAP Kerala is the agency ad- iate/ accredit with ASAP Kerala and ensure that their
ministering the State Internship Portal and has been courses are assessed and certified by ASAP Kerala.
deploying interns under various government depart-
ments, particularly under LSGIs. 9. Aptitude Assessment test (K-SAT)
A unique model of placement that has found success Students choose their careers. The assessment test
is the hire-and-train model. The initiative aims to skill called K-SAT, is being delivered to 50,000 students in
final and pre-final year students under the demands 8th standard and 10th standard students under SSA.
of the industry recruiting them. The aim is to carve a
deployable workforce by the time they graduate to re-
duce the wastage of the productive labor force. ASAP Achievements and Recognitions
Kerala successfully placed 104 out of 150 interested
1. ‘Best Practice in Skilling’
candidates in various MNCs who enrolled in ASAP Ker-
ala’s Enrolled Agent course. In 2017, ASAP was recognized nationally by Niti Aayog
as a ‘Best Practice in Skill Development’, in tune with
ASAP Kerala also conducts placement drives named the action statement as outlined in sub-section 4 of
“ASPIRE”. 2 such drives were held in 2023, one at ASAP United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 -
lion new jobs by 2025, while displacing 85 million jobs.
This means that AI is likely to have a net positive im-
pact on employment, but it will also lead to significant
the future.
Across Industries previous fiscal year (FY22), which had recorded ex-
ports of US$ 422 billion.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly emerged as a
transformative force, reshaping traditional job roles
and processes across diverse industries and ushering Manufacturing Export Growth
in the age of synchronized human-machine collabo-
ration quicker than ever today. This report underscores 2022 2023 Growth Rate
the imperative for business leaders, academia, and
USD 433 Billion USD 447.46 Billion 6.03%
policymakers to comprehend the far-reaching influ-
ence of AI on employment dynamics. While AI is set to
create new employment opportunities, it simultane- India’s manufacturing sector is on a path of transfor-
ously prompts significant job displacement. Workers mation, fueled by growing opportunities for investment
aspiring for success in this evolving landscape must and trade. The gap between demand and supply is
adapt and equip themselves with the requisite skills driving the need for expanded manufacturing capac-
demanded in the age of AI. According to a 2023 report ities. This industry has long been recognized as one of
the fastest-growing segments of the economy,
The future is etched with opportunities in engineering, management may indeed usher in some level of job
software development, and data analysis, where the displacement among manual laborers. Yet, the future
maintenance and enhancement of chatbots lay the isn’t barren; it’s a realm teeming with potential where
foundation for a more vibrant and efficient customer emerging roles in the development and maintenance
service landscape. of cutting-edge AI systems paint a promising horizon,
where agriculture and technology seamlessly inter-
4. Retail: A Consumer-centric
The retail industry has undergone a remarkable trans-
formation through the infusion of AI, aimed at elevat-
ing customer experiences and optimizing operations.
AI-driven chatbots have emerged as the frontline sup-
port for customer inquiries, liberating human workers
to delve into more intricate tasks. While this transition
might reshape traditional roles within retail, it simul-
taneously opens the gateway to a fresh wave of em-
ployment prospects in AI system development and
in India is poised to grow with an impressive CAGR of The healthcare system, however, grapples with sig-
22% between 2021 and 2026. This growth demands a nificant challenges, primarily a growing burden of
workforce adept in the emerging technologies that non-communicable diseases. This shift necessitates
are set to reshape patient care and healthcare op- a transformation in the healthcare landscape, which
erations. India’s commitment to healthcare is evident is unfolding through initiatives like Ayushman Bharat,
in its evolving expenditure, which witnessed a notable encompassing the National Health Protection Scheme
increase. In FY23, the public expenditure on healthcare (Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana) and the Health
surged to 2.1% of GDP, compared to the 1.6% reported in and Wellness Centers. An essential facet of this evolv-
ing system is the prominent role of technology. Tele-
FY21, as per the Economic Survey 2022-23. This finan- health is becoming increasingly significant, with a re-
cial reinforcement is further underscored by the Indian markable 556% increase in telehealth visits between
government’s allocation of Rs. 89,155 crore (US$ 10.76 March 11 and April 22, 2020, primarily spurred by the
billion) to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare COVID-19 pandemic. This success has however result-
(MoHFW) in the Union Budget 2023-24. With augment- ed in the growing focus on emerging technologies for
ed financial backing, the Indian healthcare landscape healthcare and the widespread acceptance to adopt-
is undergoing a significant transformation. ing new and refined means of healthcare. This trend
underscores the integration of digital technology to
India’s Technological Odyssey force for good and innovation reigns supreme.
ficiency and cost reduction. AI’s magic is witnessed in tation is on the cusp of a profound transformation.
the automation of routine tasks, setting human work- Self-driving cars and trucks, once relegated to the
ers free to focus on the intricacies of the rapidly evolv- realm of science fiction, are now poised to take the
ing digital landscape and the demands of its users. wheel. This isn’t a vision of some distant future; it’s a
reality unfolding before our eyes. The advantages
This shift, while potentially restructuring traditional IT of this paradigm shift are undeniable – a significant
roles, ushers in a new era with a proliferation of roles boost in safety, with the potential to drastically reduce
dedicated to the adoption, development, and mainte- accidents and elevate road safety to new heights.
nance of AI systems. The Indian IT landscape is a living,
Furthermore, it offers the gift of enhanced efficiency,
where autonomous vehicles become virtuoso route
optimizers, resulting in reduced fuel consumption and
remarkably lowered transportation costs. Furthermore,
try are poised for substantial growth, with a projected striking. It is expected to be among the top five nations
CAGR of 18.5% from 2021 to 2026, ultimately reaching a globally in terms of AI implementation. With an esti-
valuation of $2.9 billion in 2026. The Indian government mated 45% of Indian companies planning to embrace
tunities, with roles like data scientists, DevOps engi-
neers, cloud architects, big data engineers, full stack
developers, IoT solutions architects, blockchain devel-
Navigating the AI-Powered is not characterized by job scarcity but rather by a re-
shaping of roles. Emerging positions like AI developers,
Future: A Paradigm Shift in ethicists, data scientists, and collaboration specialists
Professional Skills signal a paradigm shift in the professional landscape.
Continual learning, often referred to as lifelong learn- Adaptability, digital literacy, and critical thinking
ing, takes center stage in the evolution of AI, as high- emerge as crucial skills for professionals navigating
lighted in a report by Nature. In the realm of AI, where this AI-driven future. LinkedIn’s insights into the rapid
neural networks play a pivotal role, continual learning growth of AI-related skills affirm the escalating signifi-
becomes crucial. Much AI relies on neural networks, cance of AI skills in the professional landscape. Terms
which take data and pass them through a series of like question answering, classification, recommender
computational units, known as artificial neurons, which systems, computer vision, and natural language pro-
perform small mathematical functions on the data. cessing represent not just technical jargon but the
Eventually, the network develops a statistical mod- forefront of the AI revolution. The demand for AI talent
el of the data that it can then match to new inputs. in the Asia-Pacific region has outpaced overall hiring,
Lifelong learning is necessary not only for self-driving underlining the transition of AI skills from being an as-
cars but for any intelligent system that has to deal set to a necessity. The identification of key AI career
with surprises, such as chatbots, which are expected choices, such as machine learning engineer, robotic
to answer questions about a product or service. These scientist, data scientist, and researcher, further solid-
findings underscore the urgency for individuals to cul- ifies the diverse opportunities unfolding in the AI era.
tivate a diverse skill set that extends beyond technical Mastery of data analysis, research methods, and pro-
expertise. Technology companies are championing gramming languages like Python or R is highlighted as
skill development initiatives to empower professionals crucial for professionals venturing into AI-centric roles.
with the capabilities necessary to navigate and thrive As professionals immerse themselves in this era of AI,
in an AI-powered future. Adaptability and a balance technology companies, governments, academia, and
of technical and soft skills are pivotal for success in a key industries are all pivotal in fostering skill develop-
rapidly evolving professional landscape driven by ar- ment initiatives. These initiatives should aim not only
tificial intelligence. to equip individuals with the technical skills demanded
by AI but also to cultivate the soft skills imperative for
success in a technology-driven world.
108 India Skills Report 2024
A) Skills in High Demand objective of fostering AI proficiency across the work-
force. The dominance of Python in AI is not merely a
Major programming languages, data science and
result of its technical capabilities but also its role in
analytics, machine learning, natural language pro-
empowering a diverse range of professionals entering
cessing, and computer vision are some of the most
the AI domain. Python’s impact extends beyond cod-
in-demand skills related to AI adoption across various
ing; it spearheads the creation of efficient and scala-
industries in India. These skills are essential for adapt-
ble AI solutions, positioning itself at the forefront of the
ing, surviving, and thriving in an AI-driven era, and they
ongoing AI revolution. This, in turn, contributes to the
are crucial for success in the AI field. Here’s why!
transformative journey of industries and shapes the
contours of the future of work.
1. Python’s Dominance in AI Development : In the
dynamic realm of artificial intelligence (AI), Python
2. Data Science and Analytics in a Data-driven
has indisputably claimed its position as the premier
World : In a world inundated with data, the role of data
programming language, as highlighted by a compre-
scientists is soaring to unprecedented heights, with a
hensive 2023 survey conducted by LinkedIn. This ac-
projected growth of 33% from 2020 to 2030, surpassing
colade is attributed to Python’s trifecta of strengths:
the average for all occupations. McKinsey Global Insti-
user-friendly syntax, unparalleled versatility, and a
tute’s incisive 2022 study takes this revelation a step
robust ecosystem, making it the preferred choice for
further, anticipating that data science is poised to birth
developers navigating the complexities of AI.
a staggering 2.3 million new jobs in the United States
At the heart of Python’s ascendancy lies its user-friend- alone by 2025.
ly and readable syntax. This intrinsic feature simplifies
Closer to home, in India, the appetite for data analysts
the coding process, rendering it accessible to devel-
and business analysts is palpable across diverse sec-
opers of varying skill levels. In the collaborative and
tors. This surge in demand underscores the pivotal role
fast-paced environment of AI, where agility and quick
data science plays in the landscape of artificial intelli-
learning are paramount, Python’s simplicity becomes
gence (AI), acting as the keystone that transforms raw
a distinct advantage. Versatility stands as a corner-
data into actionable insights. The growing prominence
stone of Python’s popularity. The language seamlessly
of data scientists is a testament to their indispensa-
caters to a spectrum of applications, spanning web
ble role in unraveling the latent potential of AI across
development, data analysis, and machine learning. In
various industries in India. As businesses increasingly
the multifaceted landscape of AI, characterized by di-
recognize the power of harnessing data for strategic
verse functionalities, Python’s adaptability emerges as
decision-making, the demand for skilled data sci-
a decisive factor.
entists becomes not just a trend but a fundamental
Beyond its inherent traits, Python’s extensive ecosys- force shaping the future of work in the AI-driven era.
tem of libraries and frameworks further amplifies its The surge in demand for data science professionals
appeal. Powerhouses like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and signifies not merely a career choice but a response to
sci-kit-learn provide pre-built tools, empowering data the evolving needs of industries eager to leverage the
scientists and machine learning engineers to stream- transformative capabilities of AI.
line the development of sophisticated AI solutions ef-
3. Rise of Machine Learning Engineers : Machine
ficiently. Acknowledging the pivotal role of program-
learning stands as a transformative force, automat-
ming languages in the digital age, the World Economic
ing tasks from customer service to fraud detection.
Forum, in its 2022 report, underlines the imperative for
This surge is propelling an escalating demand for ma-
professionals to master these languages. With an an-
chine learning engineers, with the Brookings Institution
ticipated 50% of the workforce requiring reskilling or
forecasting an astonishing 70% growth in demand for
upskilling by 2025, mastering languages like Python
these professionals by 2026.
becomes a critical aspect of navigating the evolving
job landscape. Machine learning engineers are not merely respond-
ers to this demand; they are architects of innovation
Python’s significance transcends its status as a pre-
and efficiency in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI).
ferred language; it serves as a linchpin in crafting in-
Their expertise is instrumental in crafting and deploy-
novative AI solutions. The language’s intuitive syntax
ing AI applications, laying the foundation for intelligent
accelerates development, reducing the learning curve
systems that define the ongoing AI revolution in India.
for AI professionals and aligning with the broader
As industries increasingly recognize the potential of AI
neers. Statista’s projection of the global computer vi- tial shortage of skilled workers in specific program-
sion market reaching $12.4 billion by 2027 underscores ming languages, creating a demand-supply gap
the pivotal role these engineers play in shaping the that organizations are keen to address. The top 5 pro-
The government’s support takes various forms, from • Research Contribution : India emerges as the
tax breaks for companies investing in training pro- second-largest contributor of AI research papers
grams to substantial funding for research in data sci- globally, with over 10,000 papers published by Indian
ence. Notably, the introduction of R&D tax credits for researchers in 2024.
machine learning initiatives marks a paradigm shift
• Talent Pool : A burgeoning pool of AI talent charac-
in the way AI is approached and innovated in India. terizes India, with over 2 million professionals contrib-
These measures collectively redefine the landscape of uting to the field, and projections foresee this number
AI, opening doors to new possibilities for innovation at reaching 5 million by 2025.
scale and velocity.
ability, and seamless connectivity. With 58% of Indi-
an jobs projected to be susceptible to automation by
2030, according to the World Economic Forum, the axe
to a global talent pool. ing how we operate, ensuring efficiency gains, en-
hancing safety measures, and fostering accessibility
for all. The infusion of AI-powered technologies is a
Steps to Introduce Al-Powered
game-changer for operational efficiency. McKinsey
Skills Gap Analysis reports that predictive maintenance in factories can
prevent equipment failures, reducing downtime and
boosting operational efficiency by 20-30%. In logistics
and supply chain management, AI optimization yields
tangible results, reducing costs by 15-20% (Accentu-
re). The power of data-driven marketing and sales,
enhancing customer experiences, is exemplified by a
potential improvement in conversion rates by up to
30% (Marketo).
The statistics gathered by leading industries and re- 3. Alternative Work Models and the Gig
search partners underline the widespread accept-
ance and anticipation of AI’s transformative potential.
A substantial 85% of Indian businesses believe AI will The allure of the gig economy continues to grow, with
improve their efficiency and productivity (NASSCOM). 55% of Indian freelancers reporting higher income and
Furthermore, 70% of Indian consumers express open- job satisfaction compared to traditional employment
ness to using AI-powered services in critical domains ( Platforms connecting companies
like healthcare, finance, and education (Deloitte). The with freelance talent are burgeoning, catering to di-
Indian government, recognizing AI’s pivotal role, has verse needs and skill sets. Government initiatives like
launched initiatives such as the National AI Strategy Startup India and Digital Skilling Mission further foster
and the Digital India program, signaling a commit- the gig economy, supporting independent workers in
ment to accelerating AI adoption and addressing ac- their pursuit of flexible and fulfilling career paths.
cessibility challenges.
4. Hiring Focus Beyond Job Titles
Rethinking and Reimagining A seismic shift is observed in the focus of employers,
Work: Trends & Insights moving from job titles to skills and adaptability. Lifelong
learning and continuous upskilling become essential
Shifting work preferences, a surge in flexibility, and
for individuals to navigate the changing job landscape
the rise of alternative work models paint a canvas of
in an AI-driven world. Work-life balance and employee
change where adaptability and continuous learning
well-being take center stage as companies recognize
become the keystones of success. Listed below are
the importance of a holistic approach to work, empha-
key trends redefining the way people work, collaborate
sizing the need for a symbiotic relationship between
and innovate in the growing professional landscape of
professional and personal growth.
As AI revolutionizes workforce mobility, the profession- design contribute to the creation of intuitive and us-
al landscape undergoes a substantial shift, with new er-friendly interfaces. This enhances the overall user
opportunities emerging and existing roles evolving, experience, making AI-powered systems more acces-
where more people from various parts of the nation sible and appealing to end-users. Designs that con-
gain access to opportunities that match their profile. sider human behavior and interaction patterns lead
Skill Sets and aspects of continuous innovaiton crucial to increased user engagement. This, in turn, can posi-
in this evolving landscape include: tively impact metrics such as user retention and satis-
faction. Professionals in human-computer interaction
1. Data Analysis and Interpretation : design have the opportunity for creative expression in
Skilled individuals in data analysis enable organi- their work. Crafting interfaces that resonate with users
zations to make informed decisions based on the involves artistic and creative elements, providing a ful-
insights extracted from vast datasets. This aids in filling aspect to their roles. The focus on understanding
strategizing and optimizing performance across var- human behavior and designing interfaces accordingly
ious business functions. Data-driven decision-making instills a user-centric mindset. Employees in this role
enhances operational efficiency, allowing businesses find satisfaction in creating solutions that directly ca-
to identify patterns, trends, and areas of improvement. ter to the needs and preferences of end-users.
This, in turn, contributes to increased productivity and
streamlined workflows. These major skill sets, professional aptitudes and func-
tions create a symbiotic relationship where employ-
Employees specializing in data analysis develop ex- ers benefit from expertise that drives organizational
pertise in handling complex datasets and utilizing an- success, innovation, and adaptability. Simultaneous-
alytical tools. This skillset is transferable across indus- ly, employees experience personal and profession-
tries, providing a foundation for a versatile and resilient al growth through skill development, job satisfaction,
career. Being at the forefront of data-driven deci- and the opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge ad-
sion-making positions employees as valuable assets. vancements in the inclusion of AI, and enriching user
Their contributions to strategic planning and optimiza- experiences for a tech-enabled generation of today,
tion contribute significantly to professional growth and and tomorrow.
Fostering Fulfilling Career Growth
2. Software Development and Engineering:
In harnessing the positive energy of AI, India stands at
Skilled software developers and engineers drive the
the forefront of a transformative era. Responsible AI
continuous innovation and evolution of AI-powered
implementation, coupled with robust upskilling pro-
mobility systems. This ensures that organizations stay
grams and a human-centered approach, ensures that
at the forefront of technological advancements and
the workforce not only adapts but thrives in the prom-
market competition. The ability to develop, maintain,
ising landscape of the AI-powered future. As
personal and professional responsibilities. Looking to world’s largest talent pool. This demographic dividend
the future, the potential of AI is even more profound. presents an ideal canvas for implementing AI-pow-
Predictive analytics can identify and address work- ered solutions that empower and engage employees.
AI’s active contribution to positive work experiences a flexible and mobile work culture.
1. Introduction :
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transform- Dr. Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi
ative force, restructuring the landscape of industries IAS (Retd.) (Chairperson, NCVET)
and redefining the nature of work. As we progress into
the digital age, the integration of AI technologies into
various facets of business and daily life is inevitable,
with profound implications for the future workforce 2. Introduction to the National
and the skills required to thrive in this evolving envi- Programme on AI Skilling
ronment. Framework :
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative
AI technologies, ranging from machine learning and
Against this backdrop of the evolving nature of work,
natural language processing to robotics and automa-
The National Programme on AI (NPAI) Skilling Frame-
tion, have the potential to streamline processes, boost
work, led by NCVET, Ministry of Skill Development & En-
efficiency, and drive innovation. However, this techno-
trepreneurship (MSDE), stands as a visionary initiative
logical revolution also poses challenges, particularly in
poised to equip India with essential skills in Artificial
terms of job displacement, evolving skill requirements,
Intelligence (AI), including emerging technologies like
and the need for continuous upskilling.
Generative AI. The framework’s key facets underscore
The nature of work is undergoing a paradigm shift, with the paramount importance of skill development in
routine and repetitive tasks increasingly being auto- navigating the evolving landscape of AI.
mated. While this automation can enhance produc-
tivity, it necessitates a shift in the skill sets demanded A Three-tier Skilling Approach
by the job market. There is a growing demand for in- The NPAI Framework intelligently categorizes AI skilling
dividuals who not only possess technical proficiency in into three tiers -”For All” focusing on basic digital lit-
AI-related domains but also exhibit qualities such as eracy; “For Many” catering to AI-empowered individ-
uals seeking digital fluency; and “For Few” targeting
adaptability, critical thinking, and creativity.
AI-skilled professionals with digital mastery. This ap-
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterized by the proach ensures a nuanced response to diverse skill-
integration of AI, demands a workforce that is not only ing needs, acknowledging the varied roles within the
AI ecosystem.
adept in utilizing AI tools but also capable of collabo-
rating with AI systems. This shift places a premium on In the context of the impact on the future workforce
digital literacy, cognitive flexibility and a deep under- and skilling, this stratified approach holds significant
standing of ethical considerations in AI. implications.
Fig: A three-tier workforce model impact: meeting the demands of the emerging businesses due to
Gen AI adoption
cost norms for AI skilling by proposing suitable cost ushering in transformative changes across various di-
2. Significance : Organizations can utilize these ser- 2. Predictive analytics assist in assessing case out-
vices to augment the skills of their workforce, ensuring comes and legal risk, making legal services more ef-
a smoother transition to AI-driven processes and ad- ficient.
dressing the evolving skill requirements in the AI do-
main. E. Automotive :
1. Self-driving cars are a prominent application of AI
6. Impact of AI on the Future of in the automotive sector, with AI algorithms enabling
navigation, obstacle detection, and decision-making.
Work in reference to Various
Sectors 2. AI is also used in manufacturing processes to en-
The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on various hance production efficiency and quality control.
sectors and the future of work and skilling is profound
E. Green Jobs :
and multifaceted. Here’s a brief overview of how AI is
influencing different sectors : 1. AI contributes to the development of sustainable
practices in various industries, promoting green jobs.
A. People with Disabilities (PwD) :
2. Energy optimization, environmental monitoring, and
1. AI technologies have the potential to create more in-
sustainable resource management are areas where AI
clusive workplaces by providing tools and accommo-
can make a significant impact.
dations for individuals with disabilities.
E. Green Jobs :
2. Adaptive technologies, like speech recognition and
natural language processing, can enhance accessi- 1. AI contributes to the development of sustainable
bility and facilitate communication for PwD. practices in various industries, promoting green jobs.
11. Conclusion
In conclusion, the National Programme on AI Skilling
Framework, emerges as a transformative roadmap for
the dynamic integration of artificial intelligence into
the fabric of India’s workforce. With a nuanced stratifi-
cation of skilling requirements, emphasis on early edu-
cation, ethical considerations, and a focus on technical
expertise, the framework not only addresses the im-
mediate needs of AI proficiency but also lays the foun-
dation for a workforce that is adaptable, innovative,
and ethically responsible. Moreover, by acknowledg-
ing the importance of employability skills, cross-sec-
toral synergies, and a commitment to lifelong learning,
the framework positions India to not merely keep pace
with AI advancements but to lead in shaping the future
of work. This comprehensive approach, encompass-
ing both positive impacts and adaptive responses to
challenges, ensures that the nation can fully harness
the potential of AI, fostering economic growth, innova-
tion, and a highly skilled workforce.
separate funding agreements with reputable social
organizations to develop and conduct training and
capacity-building programs in the areas of food for-
STRATEGIES FOR tification and millet processing. With the support of In-
dustry CSR funds, FICSI initiated various projects aimed
at recruiting, training, and deploying the workforce,
Furthermore, FICSI played a vital role in upskilling the The leather industry is an employment-intensive sec-
workforce in the food industry, offering tailored online tor, providing jobs to about 4.42 million people, most-
and offline food safety and hygiene training programs. ly from the weaker sections of the society. Women’s
These programs, designed in accordance with indus- employment is predominant in the leather products
try standards and trends, equip learners with the nec- sector with about 40% share. The past year has been
essary skills and knowledge to ensure the safe and an eventful year for the Leather SSC. We trained 9657
hygienic production and storage of food. Introducing youth, and assessed and certified 8045 youth under
innovative learning methods, FICSI launched the Food various government schemes.
Vaarta podcast channel. The episodes feature indus-
try experts, providing listeners with insights into best We firmly believe that our country has the human re-
practices in food processing. source potential to take it to a 5 Trillion USD economy
by 2027 as envisaged by the Hon’ble Prime Minister.
As part of the Azadi ka Mahotsav initiative, FICSI organ- Skilling the youth, Upskilling, and Reskilling the existing
ized a series of monthly knowledge-sharing webinars, workforce are three drivers that will help in achieving
offering students and practitioners an opportunity to this milestone. A skilled workforce has to be
In an endeavor to revolutionize the way the existing For the industry to sustain and further accelerate its
workforce can be skilled and to provide new aspirants momentum, talent. and skills emerge as key success
with the opportunity to acquire skills through simulated factors. The role of ASDC becomes crucial in uplifting
and immersive learning technology, we launched Vir- the Indian automotive industry through impactful ini-
tual Reality course modules for Computerized Stitch- tiatives in skill development. Our efforts have resulted
ing Machine and Tanning Drum operations. in providing dignified and stable employment oppor-
tunities to the youth of the country, aligning with the
We signed an MoU with the Australian Trade and In- industry’s progress.
vestment Commission (Austrade) - India to collabo-
rate in TVET programs and introduce Australian train- ASDC has played a significant role in delivering train-
ing standards in the Indian leather sector. ing to the youth in the automotive sector. A joint in-
itiative of the Government of India, SIAM, ACMA, and
We signed an MoU with the Advanced Manufacturing
FADA, ASDC has been instrumental in upskilling the
Technology Development Centre, IIT-Madras for de-
workforce in the automobile industry. In our dynamic
veloping Smart Manufacturing systems, 3D Printing,
business environment and ever-evolving technology
Dies, Moulds, and composite material as a part of in-
landscape, we are committed to providing the youth
troducing Industry 4.0 practices for the Footwear and
with the right skills and opportunities.
Leather sector.
two new courses - a diploma in integrated circuit (IC)
manufacturing and BTech or BE (electronics) in VLSI
design and technology. AICTE introduced courses in
at making India self-reliant in creating microchips. In
a significant move towards strengthening India's
role in the upgradation of the semiconductor industry,
AICTE, under the Ministry of Education's purview,
All India Council For Technical embarked on a mission to enhance India’s semicon-
Education (AICTE) ductor capabilities. A high-level delegation of aca-
Over the years, the All India Council for Technical Ed- demic experts, led by AICTE Chairman Prof. T G Sithar-
ucation (AICTE), has been at the forefront of impart- am, visited Taiwan in September 2023 and engaged
ing quality and technical education through various with various Taiwanese universities, paving the way for
measures, schemes, and initiatives. It has been the an array of Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs)
endeavor of AICTE to make quality technical education between Indian and Taiwanese academic institutions.
inclusive and affordable to all. AICTE has taken sev- These MoUs encompass skill development, student
eral proactive measures for planned and qualitative exchange programs, and collaborative research and
growth of technical education and effectively imple- development efforts. Underpinning this initiative is the
mented the same. AICTE has changed its role from the acknowledgment that semiconductors are integral to
regulator to facilitator and has been ensuring that with virtually every facet of the electronics industry and are
changing times and discoveries/changes in techni- poised to become a trillion-dollar industry by 2030. In-
cal education, the curriculum remains relevant and dia aims to play a pivotal role in semiconductor man-
dynamic. Relevant changes have been incorporated ufacturing, necessitating the development of a skilled
in the Approval Process Handbook which is published workforce.
annually. The focus has always been on the quality of
education, simplicity of procedures, and transparency In order to provide skilled education to working pro-
in implementation. fessionals, AICTE invited applications from approved
institutes to run courses for working professionals from
National Education Policy 2020 (NEP) aims to bridge this academic session. The decision has been taken
the gap between current learning outcomes and what for the continuing education of working profession-
is required by undertaking major reforms that bring the als, and to help students who cannot afford the fee for
highest quality, equity, and integrity into the system. higher technical education but are looking for oppor-
National Education Policy(NEP) envisages multidisci- tunities to earn a degree while working. AICTE is tak-
plinary education so that boundaries are removed to ing every possible measure to interlink industry and
promote the overall development of students in differ- academia. Not just the students, but AICTE is keen on
ent disciplines. In this regard, in line with NEP, AICTE has the development of faculties and keeping them up-
taken multiple initiatives like imparting technical edu- dated with emerging technologies. Therefore in 2023
cation in Indian languages, giving flexibility to students, various steps have been taken for the development
multidisciplinarity, and focusing on innovation at large. of faculties. AICTE partnered with the Jio Institute and
In the last year, AICTE has undertaken prominent in- launched a faculty development program focused on
itiatives to expand the horizons of technical educa- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science. Jio Insti-
tion. AICTE inked strategic MoUs with Industry giants tute, known for its strong AI and Data Science program,
like Adobe, Microsoft, CISCO, and Salesforce on digital hosted the five-day residential program. The collabo-
learning, skill mapping and development of students, ration was inked to introduce a comprehensive facul-
and capacity building of educators. The partnership ty development program on AI and data science. The
signifies a significant step towards empowering stu- primary goal was to provide academic leaders and
dents, educators, and institutions with cutting-edge senior faculty members with an in-depth understand-
technologies and resources. ing of AI and Data Science concepts. One key focus of
• Enhanced Understanding : The supplementary The Hiring Intent Survey - Early Career Edition was a
materials added throughout the report aim to enrich collaborative effort between Taggd and PeopleStrong,
your understanding of the ISR’s primary content by of- reaching out to over 150 organizations across 15 indus-
fering additional context, visuals, and data sets.
tries. Conducted online from September to Novem-
• Reader’s Discretion : Feel free to refer to these re- ber, the survey garnered 150+ completed responses,
sources at your convenience. The inclusion of these forming the basis for the subsequent analysis. This
materials in the report is designed to respect the co- comprehensive approach, blending quantitative and
herence and flow of the main report while providing an
qualitative insights, ensures a thorough understanding
avenue for those seeking more in-depth insights.
of the dynamic landscape of employability and hiring
• Comprehensive Documentation : The append- preferences in India for the year 2024.
ed materials include raw data sets, detailed techni-
cal specifications, survey instruments, reference links, Thank you for your continued interest in the India Skills
sources, reports, and other supporting documents that Report. We hope the various visual and textual sub-
contribute to the ISR’s rigorous research methodology. jects added to this year’s research enhance your ex-
perience and facilitate a more profound engagement
Survey Methodology and Data with the insights presented.
Best Regards,
The India Skills Report is an amalgamation of two dis-
India Skills Report 2024 by Wheebox
tinct yet complementary studies: the Wheebox Nation-
al Employability Test (WNET) and the India Hiring Intent
Survey - Early Career Edition 2024. The WNET focused
on evaluating the employability of young individuals,
gauging their readiness for India’s evolving job market.
On the other hand, the 2024 India Hiring Intent Survey
delved into the hiring trends and preferences of over
150 corporate entities across 15 diverse industries for
the upcoming year.
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