India Skills ISR - Report - 2024

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An ETS Company

1 India Skills Report 2024

Confederation of Indian Industry
2 India Skills Report 2024
Table of

The Journey of the India Skills Report (11th Edition) 04

Foreword 11

From The Desk of The AICTE Chairman 14

Emerging Trends In AI Skill Demand Across 14 Oecd Countries: An OECD Report 15

Unveiling the 11th Edition of India Skill Report 19

Impact of AI on the Future of Work, Skills, and Mobility 23

National Employability Test Analysis - The Supply Story 29

Academia Speaks 63

Changing The Education Landscape - Google 69

India Hiring Intent Early Career Edition 2024 The Demand Story 71

The States That Changed The Employment Paradigm 81

The Role of AI in Reshaping the Work 92

The Role of AI in Reshaping the Skills 105

The Role of AI in Reshaping Mobility 118

The Road Ahead: Preparing for 2030 - NCVET 126

Skilling Strategies for the Future 135

Initiatives by Indian Skilling and Education Frontrunners 138

Appendix 142

Bibliography 144

3 India Skills Report 2024

As the report unfolds, it will underscore the substantial
THE JOURNEY OF growth potential of the Indian AI industry, projected to

reach USD 28.8 billion by 2025, with a notable CAGR of
45%. This surge is propelled by the widespread adop-

tion of AI across diverse sectors such as healthcare,
finance, retail agriculture, and manufacturing. The re-
port will spotlight the escalating demand for AI pro-
fessionals in India, emphasizing a 14-fold increase in

11 Edition Overview
th AI-skilled individuals within the country from January
2016 to June 2023. India stands among the top five na-
The eleventh edition of the India Skills Report (ISR) is the tions witnessing a significant rise in AI talent, alongside
culmination of an exhaustive evaluation involving 3.88 Singapore, Finland, Ireland, and Canada.
lakh candidates who undertook the Wheebox Nation-
Highlighting India’s prowess, the report will showcase
al Employability Test (WNET) across India. Addition-
the nation’s first position in AI skill penetration and tal-
ally, the report draws insights from 152 corporations
ent concentration, scoring 3.09. The country boasts an
spanning over 15 diverse industries, all of whom par-
installed talent base of 416K professionals (as of August
ticipated in the Early Career Edition of the India Hiring
2023) with a current demand of approximately 629K.
Intent Survey for 2024. Under the overarching theme of
The projected demand for AI professionals in India is
“Impact of AI on the Future of Work, Skilling & Mobility,”
anticipated to hit around 1 million by 2026. The Indian
this edition of ISR not only highlights the remarkable
government’s initiatives, such as the AI Task Force and
achievements of both the public and private sectors
NITI Aayog’s discussion paper on the ‘National Strate-
in enhancing the talent landscape at local, national,
gy for AI,’ underscore the commitment to harnessing
and international levels but also conducts a compre-
AI for the economic transformation of the nation. This
hensive analysis of the employability of India’s youth
report highlights how Indian academia, industry, and
across various demographics. Furthermore, ISR sheds
government efforts are poised to take advantage of
light on the promising changes that industry leaders
the AI trends and incorporate policies and avenues for
and academia foresee, ushering in new job prospects
sustainable development.
and opportunities for the workforce.
Moreover, the India Skills Report 2024 edition will go be-
yond showcasing skilling initiatives to secure the future
of millions of young people. We delve into the employ-
ability of India’s youth, emphasizing industry readiness
for an AI-powered future. The report will illuminate the
collaborative efforts of the public and private sectors
in embracing AI for economic progress. This edition
will categorize institutional leadership into focus are-
as of accessibility and effective outreach across gen-
Bridging the Talent Gap in India der participation in the workforce, youth employability,
regional hiring activity, rising employment opportu-
with AI nities, corporate expectations, and future-readiness,
This India Skills Report 2024 edition will delve into the spotlighting best practices for the next generation of
theme of “Impact of AI on the Future of Work, Skilling, professional development. It will celebrate the stra-
and Mobility” within the context of digital disruption in tegic deployment of digital technologies, recogniz-
education, industry, and skilling. This edition aims to ing the impacts of digital transformation embraced
recognize the profound transformation in education across industries surveyed and their rising demands
and industry, preparing our youth for the demands for highly skilled professionals in the coming year. The
for the AI revolution at hand. Shedding light on the transformative efforts of educational leaders, industry
dynamic landscape of the Indian skilling ecosystem leaders, and government institutions in adapting to
as well as the rising demand from corporates for an the evolving talent landscape in India will be highlight-
AI-powered workforce, the report acknowledges the ed, showcasing a collective commitment to delivering
visionary efforts of industry and academia leaders extraordinary platforms and opportunities to prepare
who are harnessing India’s abundant talent pool for professionals and aspirants for a competitive global
societal advancement. market.

4 India Skills Report 2024

Wheebox | An ETS Company
Wheebox Talent Assessments remains at the forefront
of Remote Proctored Assessments, a leading online
talent assessment platform globally. Our partnerships
with top businesses, renowned educational institu-
tions, and organizations spanning diverse industries
underscore our commitment to developing strategies
for talent acquisition, retention, and upskilling through
cutting-edge standardized assessments. With over 10 We highly appreciate the Sector Skill Council’s proac-
million active users worldwide, Wheebox continues to tive approach to promoting excellence in vocational
assess global talent, administering a total of 15 million education and their role in shaping the future of aspir-
examinations last year, with 13.5 million being proc- ing professionals. Their commitment to fostering skill
tored tests. Our collaborations with Fortune 500 cor- development aligns seamlessly with our mission, and
porations and businesses of all sizes enable us to ex- we are honored to have had the opportunity to collab-

ecute skill development projects and implement best orate with an organization of such caliber.

practices across various industries.

With over a decade of consistently measuring world-

The proprietary “Wheebox National Employability Test” wide talent, Wheebox remains at the forefront of un-

(WNET) remains a focal point, targeting final-year stu- derstanding rapidly changing job patterns, compe-
dents and postgraduates. Developed in ongoing col- tencies, and the overall employability landscape. The
laboration with educational institutions and organiza- ISR 2024 study, themed “Impact of AI on the Future
tions, WNET assesses competencies and skills crucial of Work, Skilling, and Mobility,” is our eleventh edition,
for employability in a rapidly changing socioeconomic aiming to bridge the gap between talent availability
environment. The “India Skills Report” by Wheebox pro- and job security to foster a digitally awakened India.
vides valuable insights into the skills and talent avail- We express our gratitude to our partners, stakehold-
able among India’s youth. Collaborating closely with
ers, and personnel who have contributed to this re-
education and academia, Wheebox deploys stand-
markable journey. The success stories highlighted in
ardized assessments for key skill areas across indus-
the following sections underscore the emergence of a
trial verticals. Partnerships with entities such as the
young, capable, and resourceful India. Thank you for
AICTE, MSDE, Confederation of Indian Industry, Associ-
your continued contributions, support, well wishes, and
ation of Indian Universities, Taggd, Google, and others
contribute to the creation of insightful reports aimed at
building future employment skills and competencies.
Educational Testing Service
Wheebox’s collaboration with state and central gov-
Wheebox’s parent company, Educational Testing Ser-
ernments in India involves in-depth analysis to project
vice (ETS), founded in 1947, is the world’s largest pri-
and enhance the nation’s talent pool. The resulting
vate nonprofit educational testing and assessment
State Skill Report provides a comprehensive under-
organization. ETS develops various standardized tests
standing of current trends and evolving industry re-
and administers international tests including the TOE-
quirements. The BARO Career Interest Report, created FL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), TOEIC (Test
in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and Employ- of English for International Communication), Graduate
ment, empowers candidates to make informed deci- Record Examination (GRE), and The Praxis test Series—
sions using the “National Career Service” at the coun- in more than 180 countries, and at over 9,000 locations
try’s “Model Career Centers.” worldwide.

5 India Skills Report 2024

The Confederation of Indian Since its inception, AICTE has taken on the mantle of
championing the growth of India’s technical educa-
Industry (CII) - India Partner tion sector. Under its auspices, engineering under-
CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led graduate schools and diploma institutes proliferated
and industry-managed organization, with around across the nation. AICTE facilitated a transformation
9,000 members from the private as well as public sec- in technical education by ensuring the availability of
tors, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect mem- high-quality programs to a wider cross-section of In-
bership of over 300,000 enterprises from 286 national dia’s youth. Its overarching goal is to nurture technical
and regional sectoral industry bodies. education, skills, and competencies by providing re-
sources, methodologies, and avenues for sustainable
For more than 125 years, CII has been engaged in shap-
growth across diverse technical industries and pro-
ing India’s development journey and works proactive-
fessions. This is achieved by democratizing technical
ly on transforming Indian Industry’s engagement in
education, making it accessible to millions of aspiring
national development. CII charts change by working
individuals across India.
closely with Government on policy issues, interfacing
with thought leaders, and enhancing efficiency, com-
petitiveness and business opportunities for industry Association of Indian Universities
through a range of specialized services and strategic
(AIU) - Research Partner
global linkages. It also provides a platform for consen-
sus-building and networking on key issues. Association of Indian Universities (AIU) stands as a re-

CII has been actively working on skill development and vered institution dedicated to the advancement and

livelihood for over three decades, playing a crucial role accessibility of higher education in India. Its origins
in bridging the gap between the talent and industry. trace back to 1925, and it officially assumed the title of
It impacts over 1 million youth annually through skill the Association of Indian Universities in 1973. AIU boasts
delivery vehicles like Multi Skill Institutes, Model Career affiliations with universities throughout India, repre-
Centres, Industry-led courses, CSR initiatives and in-
senting both central and state-run institutions. More-
ternational certifications and pathways.
over, it nurtures connections with prominent higher
education establishments on the global stage, under-
All India Council for Technical
scoring its commitment to safeguarding the interests
Education (AICTE) - Institutional of universities.
AIU operates as a vital hub for the exchange of knowl-
In 1945, the inception of the All India Council for Tech-
nical Education (AICTE) marked a pivotal moment in edge and ideas, fostering a rich tapestry of cultural in-

India’s journey towards industrial and educational itiatives and sports endeavors. It also plays a crucial
advancement. AICTE was born with a fundamental role in the validation and recognition of degrees and
mission: to guide, promote, and harmonize the na- certifications, ensuring the integrity of educational
tion’s progress in both industry and education. Initial- credentials. Collaborating closely with educational in-
ly focused on engineering and technology programs,
stitutions, AIU actively contributes to the development
AICTE steadily evolved into a formidable force in tech-
of sustainable strategies for the sector. Renowned for
nical education, overseeing a multitude of colleges
and polytechnic institutions. Its ascent paralleled the its scholarly expertise, AIU stands as a vanguard in the

burgeoning demand for technical education in India, realm of education within the nation.
a demand driven by the promise of employment and
With a broad reach, AIU has made significant inroads
opportunities for the country’s youth.
in India’s education landscape. Of the 831 universities
AICTE played an instrumental role in fostering collab-
in India, an impressive 635 are proud members of this
orations between the corporate and public sectors in
esteemed association. Furthermore, AIU’s global en-
the realm of technical education. This collaborative ef-
fort emerged from reform initiatives during the 1980s, gagement extends to include affiliations with more

as India sought to realign itself as an independent na- than 10 foreign universities, solidifying its role as a
tion with a robust emphasis on technical education bridge between Indian higher education and the world.
and development.

6 India Skills Report 2024

Taggd - Knowledge Partner and high-quality learning resources to individuals, en-
trepreneurs, and job seekers across the world. Google’s
Taggd stands as a cutting-edge digital recruitment contribution to online education cannot be overstat-
platform, playing a pivotal role in delivering ‘Ready-to- ed. Platforms like ‘Google Classroom’ and ‘YouTube for
Hire’ talent to India’s thriving industries. Its mission is in- Learning’ have played pivotal roles in facilitating re-
trinsically linked to the progress of the nation’s econo- mote learning during unprecedented times, ensuring
my and the nurturing of its talent pool. Taggd achieves that education and skill development remain accessi-
this by harnessing the synergy of human knowledge
ble and uninterrupted.
and data, thereby reshaping the landscape of talent
acquisition. Google’s innovation extends to the realms of artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), where
The impressive track record of Taggd speaks vol- it empowers students, researchers, and profession-
umes—having successfully fulfilled talent mandates als with transformative tools such as ‘TensorFlow,’ ‘AI
for over 100+ clients, it has facilitated the recruitment Platform’ and the “Bard” AI Chat that is now integrated
of half a million individuals across a diverse spectrum with various Google Workspace tools, to name a few.
of jobs spanning 14+ sectors. Undoubtedly, Taggd has These resources not only accelerate skill development
emerged as a catalyst for success for hiring managers but also drive innovation in India’s tech ecosystem
and organizations alike. and contribute to the ease of access to advanced
workspace tools. Google Cloud provides the robust
With an ambitious vision to facilitate the fulfillment of
infrastructure and tools needed for organizations to
1 million jobs by 2025, the Taggd talent platform em-
develop, deploy, and scale applications and services,
barks on a mission to establish seamless connections:
fostering cloud-based learning and innovation.
from people to people, people to companies, and
people to opportunities, each match finely tuned to
In partnership with government agencies, academ-
perfection. This visionary approach underscores Tag-
ic institutions, and industry stakeholders, Google has
gd’s commitment to reshaping the employment land-
amplified its impact on skilling and entrepreneurship.
scape. Collaborations like the one with the Ministry of Skill De-
velopment and Entrepreneurship in India underscore
In its role as the knowledge partner for the India Skills
Google’s dedication to nurturing a skilled and entre-
Report, Taggd brings to the table unparalleled access
preneurial workforce.
to cutting-edge resources and intelligence. It serves
as a beacon illuminating the vast expanse of the job As the Technology Partner for the India Skills Report
and hiring landscape across the nation. Through qual- 2024, Google is committed to illuminating the path
itative and quantitative data derived from industry forward with increased accessibility to cutting-edge
experts, Taggd enriches the insights presented in this upskilling tools. Together with its partners and stake-
report, making it an invaluable resource for all stake- holders, Google seeks to nurture a skilled, empowered,
holders in the world of talent and employment. and future-ready workforce, poised to drive India’s
triumph in the global digital economy. Through tech-
nology, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to
Google - Technology Partner
skilling, Google assumes a pivotal role in shaping and
In today’s rapidly evolving technological land- nurturing India’s talent, paving the way for a brighter
scape, Google stands at the forefront of driving and more prosperous tomorrow.
digital transformation and empowering individu
als with the skills required to succeed in the digital
age. As a technology partner, Google brings its cut-
ASAP Kerala - State Partner
ting-edge solutions and visionary approach to the ta- Additional Skill Acquisition Program (ASAP) Kerala
ble, amplifying the impact of the India Skills Report. Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) Kerala,
an initiative by the Higher Education Department of
Through initiatives like ‘Google Digital Skills for India,’
the company has empowered millions with digital pro- the Government of Kerala, focuses on equipping youth
ficiency, enabling them to navigate the digital world with the necessary industry-relevant skills required to
with confidence. Additionally, ‘Grow with Google’ has enhance their employability.
served as an educational lifeline, offering accessible

7 India Skills Report 2024

As a pioneer in skilling initiatives, ASAP Kerala is proud livelihoods. In 2009, Gujarat took a pioneering stride
to be Kerala state partner of the Wheebox ISR 2024 with the launch of the “Kaushalya Vardhan Kendra
once more. Wheebox has solidified its position as a (KVK)” program, marking a significant chapter in the
global leader in the domain of talent assessment and state’s dedication to skill enhancement. The corner-
skill development. With partnerships with several top stone of this initiative was the establishment of skill
corporations, educational institutions, and organiza- centers at every block in the state, anchored by In-
tions, including ASAP Kerala, Wheebox has played an dustrial Training Institutes (ITIs). This visionary initiative
integral role in gathering and deploying valuable intel- reached its zenith with a network of over 500 centers,
ligence on the dynamic shifts in employment patterns, positively impacting the lives of over 19 lakh bene-
competencies, and the broader employability land- ficiaries, predominantly rural women, over the past
scape in Kerala and the country. decade. Gujarat’s endeavors are complemented by
various ministries operating at the national level, rein-
forcing the state’s commitment to skill enhancement.
The Gujarat Skill Development Flagship schemes like the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal

Ecosystem - State Partner Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS)
implemented by the Ministry of Skill Development and
In the pursuit of fostering skill development and em- Entrepreneurship (MSDE), and Deen Dayal Upadhyaya
bracing the vision of Skill India under the leadership Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY) implemented
of the Honourable Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi, by the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) synergize
Gujarat stands as a sign of commitment to inclusive with Gujarat’s initiatives, collectively shaping a skilled
growth, employment opportunities, and sustainable India.

8 India Skills Report 2024

The India Skills Report 2024
is the result of a comprehensive evaluation process
involving 3.88 lakh candidates who participated
in the Wheebox National Employability Test (WNET)
across India, along with the active engagement of
152 corporations spanning over 15 diverse industries
in the Early Career Edition of the India Hiring Intent Sur-
vey 2024.

In its eleventh edition, the India Skills Report 2024 delves

deep into the “Impact of AI on the Future of Work, Skill-
ing, and Mobility.” This year’s report serves as an indis-
pensable guide, offering insights into the ever-evolving regions included in this year’s employability study.
landscape of talent demand and supply in India. The Their remarkable achievements have broadened our
data derived from the extensive WNET examination, reach to encompass diverse youth demographics and
which attracted the participation of 3.88 lakh individ- have provided essential data to guide talent and skill
uals nationwide, provides valuable insights into India’s development for the future.
talent market. Moreover, the report analyzes the hiring
patterns of 152 leading corporations, spanning vari- We deeply appreciate the Association of Indian Uni-
ous job roles and 15+ industries, to uncover exclusive versities (AIU) for their steadfast participation and in-
demand trends that are poised to shape and redefine novative endeavors in expanding India’s youth talent
the future of the industry. pool, efforts that span the entire nation as we head
into 2024. This year’s publication includes an extensive
Our esteemed knowledge partner, Taggd, has contrib- segment and exclusive insights highlighting the piv-
uted significantly by providing a comprehensive hiring otal roles of AICTE, AIU & Sector Skill Councils - FICSI,
forecast for early career professionals. We extend our LSSC, ASDC in catalyzing India’s transformation amid
heartfelt gratitude to all those who have played pivot- the “Impact of AI on the Future of Work, Skilling, and
al roles in making this collaborative effort a resound- Mobility.” With their significant involvement in previous
ing success. We express our sincere thanks to the ad- ISR editions, AICTE and AIU are featured prominently to
ministrators of participating educational institutions, underscore the significance of nationwide skill devel-
whose support and cooperation were instrumental in opment, leveraging government-led initiatives, and
accessing India’s vast pool of youth talent. charting the course for India’s talent and industry in
the coming years.
We would also like to acknowledge the Confederation
of Indian Industry (CII) for their sponsorship of WNET The ISR 2024 signifies a decade of dedication, and
and the Hiring Intent Survey. We extend our apprecia- we extend our heartfelt thanks to all the companies,
tion to all CII office bearers for their invaluable contri- academic leaders, employees, participants, and col-
butions. This year’s study has garnered participation laborators who have made this journey possible. With
from businesses and candidates across India, thanks Google as technology partner, Wheebox is honored to
to the invaluable insights and tireless efforts of all have collaborated with all involved in this critical initia-
stakeholders in shaping the India we aspire to create. tive that shapes the future of employment, education,
and skills infrastructure in India. Notably, this edition
Our gratitude extends to the All India Council for Tech-
spotlights the increasing participation of women in
nical Education (AICTE) for their unwavering com-
the labor force, emphasizing the role of government,
mitment to skill-building initiatives, particularly in the
education, technology, media, and corporations in ad-
states of Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, and other
vancing the aspirations of India’s youth.

9 India Skills Report 2024

We anticipate that the insights presented in this year’s The data showcased in the 11th edition of the India Skills
report align with your aspirations for India’s industry Report 2024 paints a comprehensive picture of India’s
and academia’s future. We are confident that your talent ecosystem, explores high-demand skills, fore-
continued support will be instrumental in our mission casts industry trends for corporate hiring intent in the
to measure the talent of the world. We deeply appre- upcoming year, and complements the ongoing efforts
ciate your invaluable time and dedication to shaping to shape India’s talent economy for the future. This re-
the future not only for India but also for countless re- port meticulously follows the theme of “Impact of AI
gions globally. Your unwavering commitment reso- on the Future of Work, Skilling, and Mobility,” providing
nates with the promise of resilience and advancement early insights into the impending transformation and
that unites diverse communities bound by the com- equipping India Inc. with the resources needed to nav-
mon aspiration for progress. igate and thrive in this wave of change.

10 India Skills Report 2024

The India Skills Report
Reverberates with themes of transformation, progress,
and innovation. The educational landscape in India is
undergoing an unprecedented constructive disrup-
tion, laying the groundwork for developing a workforce
that is skilled and future ready.

An unwavering focus on our youth, we’ve propelled

the education sector to unprecedented heights, set-
ting a benchmark that will redefine India’s role in the
global talent landscape. Our commitment to upskill-
ing and digitalization knows no bounds. The allocation
in the Union Budget 23-24 stands as a testament to Dr. Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi
our steadfast commitment to empowering the youth
IAS (Retd.) (Chairperson, NCVET)
and enhancing access to high-quality education and
skilling. Notably, school education has also seen an in-
crease in allocation, underscoring a collective pledge
to nurture the leaders of tomorrow and prepare them education flexible, affordable, and tailor-made for the
for the in-demand skills of the future. students and learners. India is rewriting the rules of the
education game, ensuring that knowledge is not con-
The Indian higher education sector, with its rich histo- fined within the four walls of a classroom but extends
ry and diverse landscape, is embracing tech-enabled beyond, into a rapidly scalable model of digital public
learning techniques with open arms. The introduction infrastructure. This collective journey is not just about
of smart boards, immersive gaming interventions, numbers; it’s about empowerment and accessibility
online courses, and engaging podcasts is not just a for learners, including Divyangs, from all walks of life
reflection of innovation but a stride to making learn- and all corners of this vast and diverse nation.
ing more accessible, engaging, and immersive. At
the heart of this transformation lies India’s burgeon- Our approach to education is about preparing talent
ing EdTech market. Projections indicate that by 2025, for the future, with access to the latest knowledge,
it will grow into a $10 billion behemoth, underscoring skills, and opportunities to take the nation’s econo-
the increasing demand for tech-savvy, skill-enhanced my forward. Combining traditional Gurukulam learn-
education in all corners of the nation and the globe. ing disciplines with increased access to AI-enabled
The changes due to the strategic digitalization of ed- learning platforms, India’s academia is set to propel a
ucational infrastructure reflect a vibrant, expanding wealth of knowledge and experience to the frontiers of
ecosystem, with India standing as the second-largest science, commerce, and the arts. The AI revolution is
market for e-learning globally. Furthermore, the num- not looming; it’s here, and we are preparing those en-
bers tell an exciting story; India is home to a myriad tering the workforce for the challenges and opportu-
of EdTech startups, and their numbers are only set to nities it brings, inspiring innovation and entrepreneur-
grow, providing access to in-demand skills in even the ship to complement economic growth.
most remote areas of the globe.
Our vision for artificial intelligence in India is under-
ith our massive strides in creating a robust digital pub- pinned by promoting open-source AI, ethical guide-
lic infrastructure, we are ensuring that quality educa- lines, tax incentives, and investing in new infrastructure
tion is not a privilege but a right accessible to all. With and youth. In the heart of India’s educational land-
more than 37 million users engaged across various scape, the digital revolution is unfolding. As of 2023, In-
platforms, India’s EdTech environments are making dia leads globally in AI skill penetration (score of 3.09),
securing 1st and 5th ranks in talent concentration and

11 India Skills Report 2024

AI publications. The government’s INDIAai program gap in education and skill development. The Rash-
aims to catalyze AI innovation by promoting skilling triya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan and Sarva Shiksha
and innovation nationwide. Notably, tech talent in In- Abhiyan initiatives lay the foundation for improved
dia is three times more likely to report AI skills, show- secondary and elementary education, promising a
casing the adaptability of our academic, corporate, brighter future for India’s youth. The National Educa-
and digital infrastructure. tion Policy 2020 and ints implementation through Na-
tional Credit Framework (NCrF) have been the beacon
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has emerged guiding our path, empowering the youth and fortifying
as a stalwart in our quest for sustainable development. India’s economic growth. The widespread adoption of
Their tireless efforts in taking industrial modernization the new policies and frameworks is poised to create a
to the next level are in sync with our shared vision of youth that will meet the industry’s evolving demands,
“India Skills and Talent Economy by 2030.” Collaborat- promoting entrepreneurship, innovation, and research
ing with stakeholders, they are reshaping the quality of and development, vital for our knowledge economy.
education and skills in India while granting immense
opportunity to the in-demand opportunity and knowl- As we flip through the pages of the India Skills Report,
edge of a rapidly evolving industrial setting. it’s evident that India is no longer a mere participant
but a trailblazer in the global education landscape.
As an academic ‘think tank,’ the Association of Indian The opportunities, reforms, and initiatives pioneered
Universities (AIU) Is an important stakeholder in the by both the academia and corporate are a testa-
implementation of the National Education Policy 2020 ment to an unwavering commitment to our youth, who
including championing holistic education, skill devel- are the architects of India’s future. This year’s report
opment, and teacher quality enhancement. centralized on the theme “Impact of AI on the future
of work, skilling and mobility” celebrates embracing
Public expenditure on education is the cornerstone
change, the talent potential, and India’s tireless pursuit
of our vision, poised to reach 6% of the GDP, a pivotal
of equipping the youth for a brighter, more prosperous
move that will bridge the quality and the numbers

12 India Skills Report 2024


The Future of Work is NOW,

And it is impacting skill requirements and work ar-
rangements worldwide. The digital revolution is not
merely reshaping job roles, it is also creating demand
for new and emerging skills across the industry. Ac-
cording to the World Economic Forum, while 83 million
jobs may become obsolete by 2027, 69 million new
roles are expected to emerge, thanks to the growth of
AI and technology.

Impacted by Industry 4.0, the nature of work, work-

force, and workplace are transforming rapidly, neces- Mr. Aditya Ghosh
sitating continuous learning and adaptability. As India Chairman, CII National Committee on Skill
strives to become a $10 trillion economy by 2030, it’s Development & Livelihood | Co-Founder, Akasa
crucial to prepare and skill the youth for Industry 4.0. Airlines | Founder, Homage & Chairperson,
The proportion of the total workforce having received
Social Enterprise Central of SEWA
vocational training, formally or non-formally, has in-
creased threefold from 2017 onwards. With the largest
population in the world and 10-12 million youth joining
the working age annually, India’s youth cohort will not This year, given the global importance of education
only drive India’s growth but also has the potential to and skilling, and aligned with the priorities of G20, B20
drive global growth. India under the secretariat of CII had set up a Task
Force on Future of Work, Skilling, and Mobility, which
Bridging the skills gap requires the sectoral identifica- deliberated on some of the issues of skilling, re-skilling,
tion of future jobs, especially in high-growth sectors upskilling etc in the context of a rapidly transforming
like Manufacturing, Logistics, Healthcare, BFSI, Hospi- global economy. The Task Force focused on three crit-
tality and Life Sciences, to equip job seekers with the ical pillars: fostering inclusive and sustainable growth
relevant skillsets. We anticipate creation of 11 million in transforming the world of work, accelerating work-
manufacturing jobs in the coming decade along with force skilling to adapt to changing industry demands,
over 8 million jobs in hospitality by 2028, and 3.5 mil- and boosting global workforce mobility. Many of our
lion green jobs by 2030, fuelling demand for a skilled recommendations found mention in the G20 New Delhi
workforce. Leaders’ Declaration.

As we enter an era of digitally driven knowledge-based The 11th edition of the India Skills Report not only pro-
economies, education and skill development are going vides a comprehensive snapshot of our current work-
to drive national competitiveness. Thus, it is imperative force but also illuminates the path forward for leaders
to prioritize skilling, upskilling, and reskilling to foster in academia, industry, and policymaking.
economic growth and employability, with special em-
The India Skills Report 2024 will serve as a valuable re-
phasis on women becoming a part of the workforce.
source, guiding us through the uncharted territories
Notably, the Female Labour Force Participation Rate
of the future workforce. By integrating WNET scores
has risen to 37% in 2022-2023 from 23.3% in 2017-18, but
and India Hiring Intent Survey data, it will provide nu-
more impetus is required.
anced insights into the talent landscape, benefiting
For almost four decades, CII has been working exten- professionals, aspirants, hiring managers, business
sively on the skilling and livelihood agenda. Through leaders, policymakers, and academia. As we navigate
our ground initiatives, CII acts as a bridge between the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, this
youth and Industry, impacting more than 1 million data will show the way forward in our quest for talent
youth annually. that aligns with the evolving industrial landscape.

13 India Skills Report 2024


Greetings and Congratulations to the Wheebox team

for successfully coming up with the eleventh edition
of the India Skills Report 2024. The theme of this year’s
report ‘Impact of AI on Future of Work, Skilling and Mo- Prof. T G Sitharam
bility’ is the burning topic of today’s era. The Wheebox
Chairman of AICTE
in partnership with CII, AICTE, AIU, Google, and many
other prominent institutions has been doing an excel-
lent job of examining the strategic overview of India’s changing. It offers a thorough understanding of the
Skills and Talent through this report. supply of skills and talent present among India’s siza-
ble youth talent.
As India marches towards a developed nation status
by 2047 as envisioned by Hon’ble PM, it is imperative to Wheebox in partnership with CII and AICTE is discov-
equip our workforce with employable skills and knowl- ering and reaching this young talent through the India
edge that meets the requirements of the globalized la- Corporate Hiring Intent Survey 2024. The insights cap-
bor market, Industry 4.0. And future skills. Skill develop- tured in this report would surely help in taking steps
ment is the critical enabler for improving employment to match the skilled demand from the industry and
outcomes and higher productivity leading to faster the supply of the talent pool. I am confident that a lot
and sustainable economic growth. The insights in this of newer jobs are being created and hence to gen-
report will offer students, corporations, academia, and erate skilled minds is the need of the time and I am
policymakers a consolidated view of the impact of sure that Wheebox is trying to reach this goal. The India
various forces like demographics, globalization, polit- Skills Report is an important benchmark in this respect.
ical environment, and Industry 4.0 on the workforce of The report will give valuable information and actiona-
tomorrow. ble insights for taking the skilling ecosystem to newer
heights and help parents, students, corporations, ac-
It is very important to raise the youth of India to the
ademia, training entities, and policymakers to take ef-
level of professionals who are highly employable and
fective steps in skilling and make India, a talent capital
prepared for the workflows of the next decade, pivot-
al to modernization via digital literacy and new-age of the world.
workplace skills. ISR 2023 provides key information on
The report also covers the key initiatives undertaken by
how talent supply and demand are changing across
AICTE for building the education skills ecosystem in the
India. The eleventh edition of the report provides in-
country. I am sure all institutions accredited by AICTE
sights into the present state and future expectations of
will use these insights to build employability and help
the supply and demand side of the talent value chain.
build India as the Talent Capital of the World.
The concept of the “Wheebox National Employabili-
Best Wishes,
ty Test” (WNET) focusing on final-year students and
Prof. T G Sitharam
postgraduates is commendable as it easily translates
All India Council for Technical Education
the competencies and skills necessary to be employ-
able in a socioeconomic environment that is rapidly

14 India Skills Report 2024

in the 14 countries analysed. Indeed, in 2022 the share
EMERGING TRENDS of AI-related online vacancies was highest in the Unit-

ed States where AI-related vacancies represented
0.84% of all vacancies. The share of AI-related vacan-

cies never exceeded 1% in any of the countries and
years under analysis.

COUNTRIES: AN Second, in most countries the share of AI-related on-

line vacancies grew markedly between 2019 and 2022.
Over this period, on average across countries, the
share of online vacancies requiring AI skills increased
by 33%. Such growth was generally stronger in coun-
tries with lower shares in 2019. Only in Austria and Swe-
den, the share of online vacancies requiring AI skills did
not grow over the period.

Third, the demand for AI-related jobs is highly concen-

trated, both in terms of industries and occupations.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly reshaping econ-
Most job postings requiring AI skills are for positions
omies and societies. It is more and more pervasive
referring to ICT and Professional Services. At the same
among products and services used every day by
time, the analysis reveals some cross-country hetero-
consumers, and may help tackle societal challenges,
geneity, possibly reflecting differences in the sectoral
such as climate change or access to medical care,
composition of labour markets. Concerning occupa-
while bringing challenges for governments and cit-
tions, on average across European countries consid-
izens alike. Despite the transformative power of AI to
ered in the analysis around 73% of online vacancies re-
improve efficiency and innovative capacity, when left
quiring AI skills aim at hiring Professionals, 9% look for
unchecked, it gives rise to concerns that underscore
Managers, and 8% for Technicians and Associate Pro-
the importance of placing the human element at the
fessionals. On average across English-speaking coun-
forefront in driving these advancements.
tries, for which a more detailed occupational classifi-
This work focuses on the human behind AI by explor- cation is available, around 44% of AI job postings relate
ing recent patterns in the demand for AI-related skills to jobs in Information Technology, 23% to Planning and
across countries and leverages comprehensive infor- Analysis, and 7% to Engineering.
mation from online job postings provided by Lightcast1
Fourth, some skills – notably those related to Ma-
for the period 2019-22. These data are available for 14
chine Learning – appear particularly pervasive among
OECD countries, and combine information available
AI-related online vacancies. Indeed, across all coun-
for selected English-speaking (Australia, Canada, New
tries, between 29% (in France) and 39% (in the Unit-
Zealand, the United States, the United Kingdom) and
ed States) of all AI job postings require skills related to
European (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the
Machine Learning. Skills related to Autonomous Driving
Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland) countries.
and Robotics appear on average less in demand, pos-
Job postings that require AI skills are identified sibly reflecting their more industry-specific nature, and
using a novel methodology based on the pres- also exhibit a high degree of cross-country variation.
ence of both generic and specific AI keywords
A final set of analyses zooms in on the United States,
mentioned in online vacancies. The demand for
the country in which the demand for AI-related jobs
positions that require AI skills is then character-
has been comparatively highest over the period con-
ised across several dimensions, focusing on its
sidered. These distinguish top AI employers, defined
evolution over time across countries and indus-
as the ten US employers posting the highest shares
tries, its heterogeneity across occupations, and
of AI-related jobs online within or across industries in
the types of AI skills demanded by different em-
2022, and identify differences in the AI skill profiles such
companies look for relative to other AI employers in the
First, results indicate that AI-related online vacancies United States.
represent a small share of all vacancies posted online

15 India Skills Report 2024

AI job postings by top ten AI employers are high with- overall top AI employers tend to more frequently de-
in Information, Professional Services, Finance and In- mand Leadership and Management, as well as Inno-
surance, and Manufacturing industries, reflecting the vation and Problem-Solving skills. This may reflect the
overall cross-sectoral distribution of AI vacancies. In- importance these companies place on their AI em-
terestingly, AI vacancies appear more concentrated ployees having a broad skill mix and is corroborated
among top AI employers in Retail Trade or Agriculture. when zooming in on the skill profiles these firms expect
Top ten AI employers across all US industries operate from their AI managers.
instead in Retail Trade, Finance and Insurance, Profes-
sional Services, and Manufacturing. This analysis is complementary to other OECD work
focusing on the diffusion of AI across firms, and its
In the realm of AI vacancies, top AI employers main- role for productivity, innovation, and labour markets.
ly look for Software Developers and Data Analysts or The findings are particularly relevant in the context of
Mathematicians, similarly to other AI employers, and “building human capacity and preparing for labour
for Network Engineers, even more than other AI em- market transformation”, one of the key OECD recom-
ployers in the United States. Although top AI employers mendations consistent with the OECD AI principles. In-
are increasingly demanding skills related to Amazon deed, exploring the human element behind advances
Web Services, Big Data or Business Intelligence, their in AI may help design interventions aimed at foster-
demand for technical skills does not differ substan- ing the diffusion of AI across the economy, especial-
tially from that of other AI employers. Differences are ly among employers and industries that have not yet
more considerable when focusing on socio-emotional fully benefited from its potential, ensuring an inclusive
and foundational skills: human-centric digital transformation in the age of AI.

Demand for AI workers for English-speaking countries,

by occupation (2019-22)
Percentage of online vacancies advertising positions requiring AI skills in different occupations

Source OECD

16 India Skills Report 2024

Figure 3.4. Top 3 industries in which online vacancies requiring AI skills
are advertised, by country (2019-22)
Percentage of online vacancies advertising positions requiring AI skills in specific industries and averaged across
2019-22, by country

Source OECD

Note: The Figure shows the percentage of AI online va- requiring AI skills are vacancies in which at least two
cancies (reported in this Figure for the top three indus- generic AI skills or at least one AI-specific skill were re-
tries), which is the total number of online vacancies re- quired (see Section 2.2 on generic and specific skills).
quiring AI skills in a given industry and country relative Annex Table A B.2. details how the harmonisation of
to all vacancies requiring AI skills across all industries industrial classifications across European countries
in a given country. Countries are sorted in descending and English-speaking countries was conducted giv-
order of the highest average share of vacancies re- en differences in the taxonomies used by Lightcast in
quiring AI skills in manufacturing. The top three indus- the compilation of data for English-speaking countries
tries are based on the highest share of vacancies re- and countries in Europe. Average refers to the average
quiring AI- skills across countries and years. Vacancies across countries with available data.

Source: Authors’ elaboration based on Lightcast™ (December 2022).

17 India Skills Report 2024

While India has the second largest English-speaking
population globally, there is a huge variation in level
of English language proficiency amongst the English
speakers in India. In the backdrop of a dynamic work
environment and varied levels of English language
proficiency, the need for a global language assess-
ments becomes imperative. A major barrier faced by MR. SACHIN JAIN
many in workforce esp. is the lack of English language Country Manager
proficiency, which not just hinders their ability to com- India & South Asia, ETS India
municate effectively but is also a significant barrier to
accomplishing work responsibilities. In any contempo-
rary workplace, employers expect much beyond tech- English as the second language for students signifi-
nical expertise & work knowledge; they are increas- cantly enhances their employability. TOEIC, which has
ingly seeking refined communication skills, ability to widespread acceptance, offers a comprehensive as-
present, critical thinking, adaptability, and of course sessment of all markers of proficiency in the English
problem-solving capabilities – these are qualities or language.
skills that seamlessly integrate into the intricate fabric
It enables organizations to identify candidates
of any dynamic workplace, and hence could be called
with the optimal English proficiency skills that
“transferable” skills.
can seamlessly blend with overall workplace re-
The significance of possessing a combination of cog- quirements. TOEIC can also be utilized to evalu-
nitive and non-cognitive skills has become more pro- ate proficiency of existing workers already work-
nounced as job responsibilities continuously shift and ing for an organization and thereby be used as a
new-age sectors come to the forefront. English as a marker for upskilling in the context of language
skill or competence is paramount, be it any workplace proficiency. Organizations and individuals can
across any geography. The Test of English for Interna- benefit from an array of test resources availa-
tional Communication (TOEIC) is the world’s largest ble under TOEIC – these include the TOEIC Bridge
assessment of workplace English proficiency. The TOE- Score User guides, Examinee Handbooks and
IC tests all the 4 competencies of reading, writing, lis- sample tests and questions.
tening, and speaking in a diverse work-related setting
that are common across cultures and contexts. For the
Overarching benefits for India’s
above reasons, TOEIC is accepted by 14000+ organi-
zations worldwide and 5+ million tests are conducted workforce’
annually. With India aiming to become the Global Skills Capital
of the World and taking steps to prepare a future ready
workforce, it is imperative to integrate globally rec-
ITOEIC as an enabler of workplace ognized evaluation such as TOEIC into workplace as-
assessments sessments. The new National Credit framework (NCrF)
under NEP 2020, also advocates for the inclusion of
English continues to be the preferred lingua franca for
credits based on skill-based assessments, among
businesses around the world. India Skills Report 2023,
other additions. Assessments such as TOEIC can help
prepared by Wheebox revealed that having
to enhance the global employability and mobility of
Indian candidates.
18 India Skills Report 2024
T H E 1 1 TH E D I T I O N O F
19 India Skills Report 2024
The Transformative Power of AI:
Exploring the Reshaping the Way We Work

Theme In the heart of India, a quiet revolution is taking place—

one that is not marked by the roar of engines or the
clatter of machines but by the gentle hum of algo-

Impact of AI on the Future of rithms and the flicker of screens. Artificial Intelligence

Work, Skilling, and Mobility (AI), a phenomenon that was once the stuff of dreams,
now threads its way through the fabric of our daily lives,
In the relentless march of progress, some moments influencing industries, reshaping jobs, and molding the
stand as significant milestones in our journey—a tes-
future of work in ways previously unimaginable. We are
tament to our adaptability, resilience, and unyielding
all aware of the disruption caused by generative AI, as
commitment to a better tomorrow. The India Skills Re-
port 2024, the eleventh edition, is one such milestone. tools like ChatGPT and MidJourney inspire marketing,
sales, design, and development teams with new ways
The theme of this year’s report, “Impact of AI on the Fu- of tackling complex tasks. As of now, with over 100 mil-
ture of Work, Skilling, and Mobility,” illuminates a trans-
lion users, India comprises 8.47% of all ChatGPT users,
formative change in the fabric of industry and edu-
second to only the United States comprising 13.07% of
cation in this present generation. Artificial Intelligence
(AI) has emerged as the catalyst propelling us into an users worldwide. But, there’s far more to AI than gener-

era where opportunities, challenges, and possibilities ative text, images or speech!
abound. The World Economic Forum estimates that by
2025, 85 million jobs will be automated, but 97 million
new jobs will be created due to the growth of AI and
other technologies. India, in 2023 is on the verge of ac- AI in Healthcare
celerating the adoption of AI across industries, educa-
tion and public services.

Spotlighting India’s exceptional achievements, this

report will underscore the nation’s leading position in Picture a world where AI-powered algorithms metic-
global AI skill penetration and talent concentration, ulously scan medical images, detecting cancer cells
boasting an impressive score of 3.09. As of August with a precision that surpasses human doctors. Im-
2023, India proudly hosts an installed talent base of agine AI-driven chatbots providing round-the-clock
416K professionals, responding to the current demand support, soothing the concerns of patients in need.
of approximately 629K. Anticipating a surge, the pro- This is the reality unfolding in India’s healthcare sector,
jected demand for AI professionals in India is expected where AI is not just a tool but a lifeline.
to reach a remarkable 1 million by 2026.

The Indian government’s proactive initiatives, such as

the AI Task Force and the insightful discussion paper
by NITI Aayog on the ‘National Strategy for AI,’ reflect a
resolute commitment to leverage AI for the economic AI in Finance
transformation of the nation. This year’s ISR 2024 re-
port will shed light on the collaborative efforts of Indi-
an academia, industry, and government, showcasing
their strategic alignment with global AI trends. It will In the world of finance, AI is more than just a set of
articulate how concerted policies and innovative av- equations; it’s the guardian of our investments. It tire-
enues are being forged for sustainable development, lessly monitors transactions, detecting fraudulent ac-
illustrating India’s readiness to capitalize on the un- tivities in real-time, and securing our financial world.
folding AI landscape. Meanwhile, AI-generated investment portfolios pro-
vide tailored strategies, allowing individuals to grow
their wealth with personalized precision.

20 India Skills Report 2024

In this report, you will find evidence of AI’s transform-
ative prowess—jobs being created, traditional roles
AI in Manufacturing being redefined, and fresh vistas of occupation taking
shape. It’s a tale of resilience and adaptability where
individuals, industries, and state governments em-
brace AI’s potential to not just navigate change but
Within the heart of our factories, AI-powered robots
to flourish within it. Driven by this year’s WNET employ-
are at work. They don’t tire, they don’t falter, and they
ability metrics and the Hiring Intent Survey results for
assemble products with a precision that borders on
2024, we weave an intricate narrative of the economy,
artistry. AI algorithms anticipate machine failures be-
talent, and industry, fueled by the unwavering deter-
fore they occur, ensuring seamless production lines
mination of our team, partners, and participants.
and minimal disruptions.
A report by LinkedIn found that AI skills are the most
in-demand hard skills in India and the future is bright
for India’s youth in this regard. As we explore this re-
port, our journey is enlivened by the narratives of suc-
AI in Retail cess that spotlight real-world AI applications in skilling
and employment in India. The Indian government is
investing heavily in AI research and skilling initiatives.
In 2023, the government allocated INR 10,000 crore
The act of shopping has transformed, with AI as its to AI research and development to further add to the
propelling force. Chatbots analyze past purchase his- digital transformation that is reshaping the economy.
tories, making product recommendations that align As the wheels of change turn, the Indian government
with individual preferences. In the background, AI or- stands resolute. Initiatives such as the Pradhan Mantri
chestrates the efficient movement of goods, optimiz- Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) and the Skill India Mis-
ing supply chains and ensuring timely deliveries. sion are equipping our workforce with the AI skills nec-
essary for the future. It is a commitment to inclusivity,
ensuring that no one is left behind in this transforma-
These are but a few snapshots of the AI-enabled
tive journey.
transformation gripping India’s workplaces. With every
algorithm, every line of code, and every pixel on a
Yet, amidst this transformation, we find a convergence
screen, AI is crafting a new narrative—one where tasks
of human and artificial intelligence. AI is not replac-
are automated, jobs are created, and the very essence
ing human potential; it’s enhancing it. The promise of
of work evolves.
skilling, now amplified by AI, heralds an era of bound-
less possibilities. AI-powered learning platforms have
become our mentors, providing personalized learning
What Does the AI-Powered Future experiences and identifying the chasms in our knowl-
edge. They recommend training courses tailored to
Hold for India’s Youth? our needs, ensuring that our skills remain in step with
Within these pages, as we journey through data the times. The National Skill Development Corporation
and insights of India Skills Report 2024, we unveil the (NSDC) employs AI for personalized learning, while
far-reaching implications of AI on our work dynam- the Indian Institute of Technology Madras pioneers an
ics, knowledge dissemination, and the very essence AI-driven job-matching platform. These stories under-
of our existence. AI is not merely a technological leap; score the tangible influence of AI, reshaping the realms
it is a paradigm shift that automates tasks previous- of education and employment.
ly entrusted to humans, reshaping the fundamental
nature of work. It sparks a wave of creativity, fosters Although the number of Indian workers migrating to
problem-solving, ignites innovation, and elevates so- other countries for work has increased by 20% in the
cial interaction as the new currency of employment. past five years, in the grand vision of India’s skilling in-
itiatives, the statistics gathered in this year’s report re-
In response to the growing demands of industry and flect a profound commitment to empowerment for all
academia, the Indian government is investing in skill- within this great nation. The government is working on
ing and reskilling programs to help workers transition developing a National Migration Policy to protect the
to new jobs in the AI-powered economy. rights of migrant workers and facilitate their mobility

21 India Skills Report 2024

as well as access to resources wherever they choose
to tread. Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PM-
KVY), Skill India, and Digital India form a trinity of the
many impactful and transformative government-led
programs, endeavoring to uplift millions through edu-
cation and opportunity. Having trained over 10 million
people in 2023, the PMKVY ushers hope and enthusi-
asm for India’s youth. We also witness the empower-
ing ascent of women in the workforce and the emer-
gence of diverse new job profiles across industries in
this year’s report. Furthermore, the success of Make in
India led by the Indian government shows promise of a
self-sufficient and sustainable mode of development
for various sectors and communities across the nation.

In the heart of our exploration lies a symphony of sta-

tistics, mirroring the contours of change and progress
in India and the globe. The path forward is not with-
out its challenges, but they are challenges we are
equipped to overcome. With unity and resolve, the
government, businesses, and educational institutions
are collaborating to ensure that every individual has
the chance to cultivate the skills essential to thrive in
an AI-powered world.

As we stand on the precipice of this transformation, we

are reminded that our choices today will shape the In-
dia of tomorrow. The possibilities are boundless, and
together, we shall seize them, shaping a future where
AI and human potential harmonize to build a more
prosperous and inclusive India.The India Skills Report
2024 is more than a mere ledger of statistics; it serves
as a compass guiding us toward a future where the
potential for perseverance and progress stretches to
infinity, like an endless horizon over the sea.

May this year’s report inspire you, guide you, and em-
power you as it has for millions of enthusiasts seek-
ing cutting-edge insights into the employment and
employability landscape of India. Along with our es-
teemed partners, institutions, and participants, we
have forged a vision to collaboratively assess and pro-
duce strategic insights that will serve industrialists, tal-
ent magnets, educators, policymakers, and the youth
as a force for adaptability and progress. Together, let
us embrace the winds of change and chart a course
for a brighter, more inclusive, and AI-powered future
for India and her youth.

22 India Skills Report 2024

Understanding the AI Revolution MR. NIRMAL SINGH
in India Chief Convenor of India Skills Report,
Founder and CEO, Wheebox | An ETS Company
India possesses the potential to emerge as a global
leader in the AI revolution with the significant advance-
key player in this unfolding AI revolution that trav-
ments made in this field, and the immense scope for
erses across civilization as a beacon of sustainable
innovation across its vibrant IT landscape. To navigate
growth. This seismic shift that AI encourages is not
this transformative journey successfully, India must
only essential but inevitable, and its implications are
address its challenges head-on and retain inclusion
both far-reaching and profound for its citizens and the
as the main agenda. Collaboration among govern-
ment bodies, businesses, and educational institutions
remains paramount, as observed in the success of
One of India’s undeniable strengths lies in its vast pop-
various initiatives to upskill India’s youth and the de-
ulation and the abundance of data generated by its
velopments in the nation’s digital public infrastructure.
diverse citizens. These factors together create a fertile
Investing in AI extends beyond technological advance- ground for the development and widespread applica-
ment and India has always been the target for foreign tion of AI technologies. With such a wealth of resources
investments in IT and business that act as a catalyst at its disposal, India is primed to harness the trans-
to the unfolding dreams of digital India. Investment in formative potential of AI across various sectors. As the
AI signifies a commitment to forging a more inclusive, curtains rise on this AI-driven era, NASSCOM’s projec-
prosperous future, where innovation thrives, opportu- tions indicate a breathtaking journey ahead. With the
nities are realized, and the avenues of a brighter to- Indian AI industry aiming for the stars, a staggering
morrow are plentiful. The AI revolution is India’s call to USD 28.8 billion by 2025 is within reach. This upward
shape its destiny as a people-first economy, take the trajectory at a CAGR of 45% is substantiated by AI’s
lead in innovation, and pioneer a future that celebrates mushrooming adoption across sectors like healthcare,
the synergy between technology and humanity. transportation, finance, retail, agriculture, and manu-
An Opportunity for Widespread
With a relative AI skill penetration three times the glob-
Digital Transformation al average, India is positioned as a leader in the rap-
Artificial intelligence (AI) stands as one of the most idly evolving field. India boasts a robust demand for AI
transformative forces reshaping industries and socie- skills, with a staggering 213,000 talent gap projected by
ties across the globe and if India stands to benefit we 2022. The country is home to 416,000 AI and data sci-
must understand the various opportunities and chal- ence professionals, with a 60% to 73% demand-supply
lenges involved in this pursuit. In the grand vision of gap in key roles such as ML engineer, data scientist,
technological evolution, India is rapidly emerging as a DevOps engineer, and data architect. As per the World

23 India Skills Report 2024

Economic Forum, a 22% shift in the job landscape by In the context of India, the rising demand for AI skills
2028 is anticipated, driven primarily by emerging AI globally necessitates strategic initiatives to address
roles.The financial landscape is set to witness a seis- the evolving skill needs due to AI. This includes skills
mic shift due to this rapidly evolving inclusion of AI anticipation and assessment for AI, as well as the need
across regions. By 2025, AI is predicted to inject up to for national strategies to address the evolving skill
$500 billion into India’s GDP, a number set to cata- needs due to AI. Additionally, emphasizing the impor-
pult to $967 billion by 2035. The AI software segment tance of fostering a conducive environment for imple-
is geared for an annual growth of 18% till 2025, fueled menting AI-powered technologies, as well as the need
by India’s expanding investments, projected to hit $881 for continued focus on skills development will position
million this year. India as a global leader in AI.

Recognizing the pivotal role that AI can play in its In India, the AI market is a thriving hub, with projec-
growth trajectory, the Indian government, academia, tions indicating a robust growth to USD 28.8 billion by
and industry have embarked on a journey of substan- 2025, expanding at an impressive CAGR of 45%. The
tial investment in nurturing AI capabilities and skills. Indian government’s support for AI initiatives, coupled
These strategic initiatives reflect a commitment to po- with a conducive ecosystem, collaborative efforts,
sitioning India at the forefront of the global AI revolu- and a steadfast focus on skills development, posi-
tion. tions the country as a potential global leader in AI. The
education sector in India contributes significantly to
Rising Demand for AI Skills the AI talent pool, with a digital talent pool of 1.6 mil-
Globally lion. Universities and colleges across the nation offer
dedicated degree programs and specialized courses
The global landscape is witnessing a seismic shift in
in AI, data science, machine learning, and robotics.
the demand for AI skills, with a remarkable 33% surge
Government initiatives, such as the National Skill De-
recorded across 14 countries spanning North America,
velopment Mission and Skill India Mission, underscore
Europe, and the Pacific. The OECD report on the sup-
the commitment to skilling the youth in AI and relat-
ply, demand, and characteristics of the AI workforce
ed areas. Industry-academia collaboration further
across OECD countries provides valuable insights into
strengthens the landscape, providing industry-specif-
the emerging trends in AI skill demand. The report
ic AI skill development programs. Despite the promis-
highlights that the AI workforce, consisting of work-
ing landscape, challenges persist, including an uneven
ers with specialized AI skills, is concentrated in a few
distribution of skills, concerns about the quality of ed-
high-skilled occupations, including mathematicians,
ucation and training, and limited access to technology
actuaries and statisticians, software and application
and infrastructure in rural areas.
developers, ICT managers, database and network
professionals, and electrotechnology engineers. The Global trends, as forecasted by esteemed institutions,
report also emphasizes that the AI workforce is dispro- paint a nuanced picture. McKinsey Global Institute
portionately highly educated and male. Furthermore, anticipates that automation could lead to the loss of
the report underscores that the demand for AI skills in 800 million jobs worldwide by 2030 while creating 950
the labor market is on the rise, and the impact of AI on million new ones. The World Economic Forum under-
the workplace is significant. The vast majority of OECD scores that 65% of jobs will require new skills by 2025
countries have issued national AI strategies, recogniz- due to automation and AI adoption. Meanwhile, the
ing the importance of skills, but not all propose con- OECD predicts a potential 15% boost in global econom-
crete actions to address the evolving skill needs due ic output by 2030 through widespread AI adoption. In
to AI. While the United States leads in AI job postings, Europe, the European Commission envisions the AI
other nations are carving niches of expertise, exem- market reaching €290 billion by 2025, generating 2
plified by France’s focus on autonomous vehicles and million new jobs. However, the World Bank sounds a
the Netherlands’ strides in robotics. The transforma- cautionary note, emphasizing the need to train 1 mil-
tion spurred by AI is not one of job scarcity but rather lion AI specialists in Europe by 2030 to meet escalating
an evolution in roles and skill sets. The narrative in this demand. PwC adds that 70% of European CEOs antici-
section explores the statistics and dynamics of the AI pate significant workforce impacts from AI in the next 5
skills landscape in India, drawing comparisons with years, necessitating collaboration between academia
the USA, Europe, and Asia, shedding light on the chal- and industry to bridge the gap.
lenges and opportunities that each region faces.

24 India Skills Report 2024

Asia is not exempt from the transformative wave, with ignited a transformative wave of groundbreaking ad-
the International Labor Organization warning that vancements extending beyond digital innovation. This
Southeast Asia confronts a risk of automation for 56% surge in knowledge has been particularly impactful
of jobs. While China aspires to be the global AI leader due to the engagement of a youth population that is
by 2030, Singapore aims to train 20,000 AI profession- not only well-informed but also deeply connected in
als by 2025. Challenges include upskilling 500 million the digital realm.
jobs at risk of automation and addressing the uneven
distribution of AI skills. In the United States, the White Embracing Continous Innovation
House projects a staggering $1.5 trillion AI market by
to Nurture Aspirations
2025, supported by over $1 billion in government in-
vestment since 2019. However, the Brookings Institution In diverse sectors like healthcare, finance, and en-

reports that 70% of US employers struggle to find work- vironmental conservation, collaborative endeavors

ers with the necessary AI skills. With 92% of US com- powered by AI have yielded practical and innovative

panies facing challenges in finding AI talent, the na- solutions, showcasing the potential of harnessing ar-

tion anticipates 5 million AI jobs by 2030. Challenges tificial intelligence for societal betterment. Importantly,

include a shortage of qualified professionals and the ethical considerations in AI development have laid the

need for ethical and responsible AI development. groundwork for responsible practices, cultivating trust
among users and stakeholders. This trust is pivotal in

Industry-specific trends globally further underscore the fostering widespread acceptance and adoption of AI

profound impact of AI. In healthcare, AI is set to create technologies, ensuring that the benefits are harnessed

1.6 million new jobs by 2030, while finance anticipates a responsibly and sustainably.

displacement of 1 million jobs alongside the creation of

1.5 million new AI-skilled positions. Manufacturing ex- Amidst these transformative advancements, profes-

pects 5 million new AI-related jobs by 2030, contrast- sionals and aspirants can proactively embrace the

ing with retail, where 850,000 jobs may be displaced major socio-political and economic changes brought

by 2025, but 4 million new AI-centric roles are poised about by AI. Collaborative projects stemming from

to emerge. In response to the escalating demand for AI AI-focused hackathons stand as a testament to the

skills, governments and educational institutions glob- tangible benefits arising from collective efforts in the AI

ally are investing in comprehensive AI education and space. To navigate this AI revolution effectively, staying

training programs. Europe’s commitment is evident in updated is paramount. Thought leaders and research

the European Commission’s strategy, while the Asian institutes, such as MIT Technology Review, Stanford

Development Bank underscores the urgency of up- AI Lab, and Forbes AI, provide a constant influx of the

skilling 500 million jobs at risk of automation in Asia. latest insights and breakthroughs. Engaging in online

In the United States, the Biden-Harris administration’s courses, and workshops, and participating in commu-

National AI Research and Development Strategic Plan nities dedicated to AI fosters knowledge-sharing and

aims to sustain US leadership in AI, complemented by learning from experienced professionals. Industry re-

substantial investments in AI education and training ports and whitepapers from reputable research firms

programs across diverse industries. offer strategic insights for understanding the broader
landscape and anticipating future developments.

The rising demand for AI skills is reshaping industries,

Equipping the youth with AI skills is a crucial invest-
economies, and the very fabric of the global workforce.
ment in the future. Government initiatives, education-
The challenge lies not only in meeting the immediate
al institutions, private sector initiatives, and non-profit
demand but also in preparing individuals and organ-
organizations play pivotal roles in making AI education
izations for the continued evolution of work in the age
accessible. Initiatives like the National AI strategy in In-
of artificial intelligence. Staying ahead and thriving in
dia, coupled with skilling programs, aim to harness the
the AI-driven future requires a proactive approach to
potential of emerging technologies among the youth.
learning, staying updated, and continuously upskilling.
The vibrant youth population in India, well-versed in
Leveraging a combination of resources and methods
technological advancements, holds a unique advan-
can equip professionals and aspirants with the nec-
tage in contributing significantly to collaborative in-
essary skills to navigate this evolving field. AI-focused
ternational efforts, bringing a diverse perspective and
education programs and initiatives have not only
innovative solutions to the forefront.
equipped a new generation of innovators but have

25 India Skills Report 2024

Advantages stemming from India’s skilled youth in- algorithms are crafting personalized healthcare plans
clude the potential to address global challenges for patients, facilitating early disease detection, and
through AI-driven solutions. In healthcare, AI profi- improving overall healthcare outcomes.
ciency can facilitate the development of cost-effec-
tive and scalable solutions, enhancing accessibility Social Development : Beyond economic prosperity,
worldwide. In finance, innovative fintech solutions can AI offers India a potent tool to tackle some of its most
promote financial inclusion and stability. Environmen- entrenched social challenges. AI-powered learning
tal conservation can benefit from the youth’s ingenuity platforms are being used by over 10 million students
in developing AI-driven tools for sustainable resource in rural India, according to a report by the Nation-
management and climate change mitigation. By nur- al Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). Education,
turing and empowering the youth with a comprehen- healthcare, and poverty alleviation are causes that
sive understanding of AI and its ethical implications, can significantly benefit from AI-driven innovations.
India’s skilled workforce is poised to play a pivotal role AI-driven diagnostic tools are revolutionizing health-
in shaping the evolving landscape of artificial intelli- care, enabling early disease detection, more efficient
gence on a global scale. Continuous advancements, treatment plans, and improved access to quality care
driven by a youth population well aware of AI intrica- for India’s vast and diverse population. Additionally,
cies, contribute not only to technological progress but technology-driven financial services are reaching the
also to the development of responsible and ethical AI financially underserved, promoting financial inclusion,
practices. A focus on lifelong learning, developing a di- and thus, taking strides towards reducing poverty with
verse skill set, active networking, and ethical responsi- access to both government-led schemes and private
bility, ensure that professionals remain at the forefront funds alleviating the challenges faced by many.
of the revolution at hand. As the landscape evolves,
the strides taken by the youth, supported by robust Job Creation : Paradoxically, while AI is automating
industry practices, educational initiatives, and ethical certain tasks, it is also generating new employment
policies, promise a future where AI not only transforms opportunities. The demand for AI skills in India is ex-
industries but also enhances the well-being of socie- pected to grow by 50% in the next five years, according
ties globally. to a report by LinkedIn. As AI research, development,
and implementation expands, new jobs are emerging
in fields like data science, machine learning, and NLP
Taking a Leap into the Future of AI engineering. The future could see up to 90 million new
for India jobs in India by 2030, according to McKinsey Global In-
The confluence of India’s demographic advantage, stitute. AI has the potential to create a more diverse
and dynamic job market, catering to a wide spec-
data abundance, and focused investments signals
trum of skills and talents, and influencing a cumulative
an exciting future where AI not only drives economic
growth in the nation’s capacity for innovation at speed
growth but also enhances the quality of life for citizens.
and scale.
The journey toward realizing this AI-powered poten-
tial is well underway, promising an era of innovation,
Challenges on the Horizon
progress, and prosperity for India’s cultural, social and
The path to an AI-powered India is not without its share
economic growth.
of challenges. It is important to understand how the In-
Economic Growth : India’s quest for economic dian government, industry, and academia are facing
growth finds an able ally in AI, as it is expected to con- the many challenges of implementing AI head-on, to
tribute 1.5 trillion USD to the Indian economy by 2035, build an inclusive, progressive, and tangible future for
according to a report by PwC. AI is poised to revolu- widespread responsible AI adoption.

tionize India’s economy, contributing trillions of dollars

1. Shaping a Skilled Workforce
in GDP and creating millions of jobs in the process. In
To meet the talent shortage, India is promoting AI ed-
manufacturing, AI-powered robots are optimizing pro-
ucation at all levels, from primary school to universi-
duction lines, reducing errors, and enhancing produc-
ty. The government also works with businesses and
tivity. In agriculture, AI-driven sensors are monitoring
universities to develop apprenticeship programs and
crop health, suggesting precise interventions, and bol- other on-the-job training opportunities as seen in the
stering agricultural yields. In healthcare, AI-powered case studies towards the end of this section. This will

26 India Skills Report 2024

bridge the skill gap deficit observed in recent years, However, in many areas, industries have identified a
as AI creates new jobs and as specialized disciplines skill gap deficit that must be addressed going forward
in various fields reinvent the trajectory of India’s eco- to maximize the impacts of the AI revolution in India.
nomic fortitude.

As we delve into the AI industry, several noteworthy 2. Ethical Concerns

companies have natively emerged as leaders in this
In the year 2020, India took a significant step forward
field. These companies are pioneering advancements
by unveiling the draft of its National Strategy for Ar-
in AI technology, each with its unique focus and con-
tificial Intelligence. This forward-looking initiative lays
the groundwork for the future regulation, development,
and widespread adoption of AI within the country.
• Anthropic, established in 2021, is dedicated to the devel-
opment of ethical AI. It employs various techniques to en- At its heart, the National Strategy for Artificial Intelli-
sure that AI systems align with human ethics and values. gence represents India’s commitment to embracing
the potential of AI while ensuring that it is harnessed
• has played a pivotal role in automating busi- responsibly and beneficially. This strategic framework
ness processes and enabling data-driven insights for sets the stage for India to not only participate actively
numerous enterprises. The company specializes in
but also to lead in the global AI landscape.
crafting enterprise AI solutions, harnessing technol-
ogies like natural language processing and machine
learning. Key Elements of the National AI
• Founded in 2016, Fluid AI offers a platform powered Strategy
by AI, facilitating workflow automation and the con- • Task Force for Ethical, Legal, and Societal
struction of business applications. Issues : A central pillar of this strategy involves the
formation of a dedicated task force. This task force is
• Infinite Analytics specializes in building AI models for entrusted with the important responsibility of address-
diverse applications, including credit profiling, health ing ethical, legal, and societal concerns associated
diagnostics, and personalized recommendations. with AI. It conducts a thorough examination of AI’s im-
Their expertise extends to sectors such as finance, pact on various aspects, including privacy, security,
healthcare, and e-commerce. fairness, and the workforce. Its mission is to ensure that
AI technologies are deployed thoughtfully, taking into
• Nanobi’s extensive domain expertise spans transpor-
account their broader implications for society.
tation, healthcare, and education. Collaborating with
global organizations, the company has developed AI • AI Regulatory Authority : The strategy also envi-
models for route optimization and learning analytics. sions the establishment of an AI regulatory authority.
This regulatory body is poised to become the guardian
• In the healthcare sector, Niramai is making signifi-
of AI standards and practices. It will set out guidelines
cant strides, aiming to democratize cancer screening.
and safeguards for AI development and implementa-
Their innovative software leverages thermal images to
tion across diverse sectors. The authority plays a crit-
detect breast tumors, making screening more acces-
ical role in cultivating an atmosphere of trust and ac-
sible and cost-effective.
countability within the AI ecosystem.
These companies exemplify India’s growing influence
• Driving Responsible AI Adoption: : With a focus
in the global AI landscape, leveraging technology to
on responsible AI adoption, the strategy aims to strike
address complex challenges and drive innovation
a balance between innovation and ethics. It encour-
across various industries. With the increased use of
ages the development and utilization of AI technolo-
these technologies in the market, more educational
gies that benefit society while safeguarding against
institutions and corporations are inclined to offer in-
potential risks and misuse.
house training facilities to help interested candidates
catch up to the demands of AI-driven employment. By By outlining these fundamental components, India’s
creating a space to be filled by qualified talent, the in- National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence paves the
dustry’s evolution is complemented by public and pri- way for a future where AI contributes significantly to
vate sector initiatives in skilling and employability en- the nation’s growth and welfare while upholding prin-
hancement that show immense promise for the future. ciples of fairness, transparency, and ethical use.

27 India Skills Report 2024

3. Infrastructure Changes our lives. The use cases presented in this report, from
e-commerce giants like Flipkart optimizing supply
The Indian government is investing heavily in digital
chains to tech behemoths like Google democratiz-
infrastructure, including high-speed internet and data
ing digital access through AI-driven translation tools,
centers. For example, the BharatNet project aims to
offer a glimpse into the monumental shifts happen-
provide broadband connectivity to all villages in India.
ing across industries. Moreover, organizations like the
Additionally, several private companies are investing
National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) and
in data centers in India to boost the bandwidth for
the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras)
AI adoption and implementation at a large scale re-
are harnessing the power of AI to provide personalized
quired for cumulative progress across the nation.
learning experiences and streamline job matching,
catalyzing economic growth and individual empower-
AI has the potential to not only transform India’s econ-
ment. The Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PM-
omy, society, and workforce in profound ways but also
KVY) is empowering the Indian youth with AI-related
create the pedestal for a future that thrives on collabo-
skills, addressing the workforce needs of tomorrow. As
ration, innovation, and increased regard for this planet.
reflected in the data gathered by the WNET and Hiring
The government has also created various innovation
Intent Survey for 2024, these initiatives are making sig-
hubs and other ecosystems to support AI research and
nificant strides in reducing unemployment and gender
development across the nation. Another important
disparity by training hundreds of thousands of individ-
offshoot to the steady advancement of AI in India is the
uals in AI-related skills, ensuring a brighter and more
attraction of global investors, who are keen on siding
with India’s knack for innovation to bridge the infra- inclusive future for India.
structural gaps that prevent widespread AI adoption.
India is in the throes of an AI revolution, and the ISR
India’s dedication to AI investments has not gone 2024 report is set to chart this profound transforma-
unnoticed, with a commendable sixth place in AI in- tion, where India’s workforce, skilling initiatives, and
vestments between 2013 and 2022, accumulating mobility take center stage in a future destined to be
a substantial USD 7.73 billion in the past decade. A altered by artificial intelligence. In the following pages
comprehensive study delves into the transformative of this year’s ISR 2024 report, we delve into findings that
potential of generative AI, poised to unleash USD 621 explore the impact of AI on the future of work, skilling,
billion in productive capacity - a noteworthy contribu- and mobility, to guide business leaders, policymak-
tion, nearly a fifth of India’s GDP in 2021. ers, and academia with insights, trends, perspectives,
and practical analogies required to capitalize on the
The AI services market is India’s arena of the future, AI revolution at hand. We will find avenues of growth,
racing to a projected US$7.8 billion by 2025, moving study the rapidly evolving talent landscape of India,
at a CAGR of 20.2%. As this transformation unfolds, the and identify the implications of AI on everyday life in
possibilities of new job creation and the transformation
India and the world.
of existing roles loom large. However, it’s imperative to
confront the challenges head-on, such as ensuring
The impact of AI extends beyond enhancing opera-
our workforce is equipped with the training and edu-
tions; it encompasses the creation of jobs, economic
cation required to match the evolving job landscape.
growth, and, most importantly, the empowerment of
The responsible use of AI and the ethical underpinning
individuals to thrive in this rapidly evolving economic
of its development must be at the forefront of every
landscape. As AI continues to revolutionize our indus-
business and policymaker’s agenda.
tries, it is imperative that we adapt, learn, and harness
its potential to usher in a future where opportunities
To delve into the implications of imminent infrastruc-
are boundless, and inclusivity is paramount. It is im-
tural changes in the Indian ecosystem for AI, let’s ex-
portant to realize that the transformation enabled by
plore some case studies that highlight this year’s
technology should empower us to discover more ar-
theme “impact of AI on the future of work, skilling, and
eas of innovation and help us base the progression of
this trend on diversity and inclusion - that nobody is
left behind as we face the future united in the spirit of
Inclusion in an AI-led World sustainable development.

The widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

is reshaping the way we work, collaborate, and lead

28 India Skills Report 2024


29 India Skills Report 2024

employable followed by Kerala 74.93% employable re-

sources in this age group.

• Gujarat has the highest availability of employable

resources in the age group of 26-29 with 78.24% in
this age group found employable. Jharkhand comes
second in employability for this age group of 26-29 at

NATIONAL 76.56%.

• Among top cities with employable talent in the age

group of 18-21, Pune came first with 80.82% of candi-
dates found highly employable, followed by Bengaluru
with 72.18% and then Trivandrum with 67.22% employ-

TEST (WNET) ability in this age group.

• For employability in the age group of 22-25 among

topi cities, Lucknow comes first at 88.89%, followed by
Mumbai at 82.45% and then Bengaluru with 74.63%
Key Takeaways from the WNET availability of employable talent in this age group.

Analysis for 2024 • For employability in the age group of 26-29, Pune
tops the list of cities with available talent at 85.71% fol-
These findings in the 11th edition are a result lowed by Lucknow with 75% and then Jaipur with 71.80%
of the evaluation of 3.88 Lakhs candidates employable talent in this age group.
who took the Wheebox National Employabili-
ty Test (WNET) across academic institutions • MBA degree holders are the top demographic for
in India. highly employable resources in terms of domain
across all states, with applicants with an MBA com-
• In India, the overall young employability has im- prising 71.16% of candidates scoring above 60% on the
proved to 51.25% over the previous year. This is to state WNET.
that more than 51.25% of test takers across all domains
scored 60% or above on the WNET proctored survey. • Percentage of B.Pharma test takers who scored
above 60% on the WNET test increased from last year
• In terms of large talent availability, youth from the to 54% found highly employable across all states.
states of Haryana, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar
Pradesh, Kerala and Telangana were deemed states • Percentage of candidates from the Information
with the largest concentration of highly employable Technology domain were found to be highly employ-
resources. able with 68.44% scoring above 60% on the WNET test
across all regions.
• Haryana has the highest employable youth concen-
tration with 76.47% of test takers in this region scoring
60% and above on the WNET

• The age range with the highest employability was

found to be between 22 and 25 years old, with 63.58%
of the test takers across top 10 cities in this age range
being found highly employable.

• Uttar Pradesh has the highest concentration of tal-

ent in this age group of 22-25 years old with 74.77% of
applicants from this region in this age group found to
be highly employable. Maharashtra comes second for
employability in the age group of 22-25 with 71.97%.

• Telangana has the highest concentration of employ-

able talent in the age group of 18-21 with 85.45% found

30 India Skills Report 2024

• Computer science graduates were second most em- • Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Madhya Pradesh are the top
ployable with 66% in this domain found highly skilled. three states with the availability of highly employable
This is a promising statistic for India’s IT industry’s de- talent in the ITI domain across India.
mands entering 2024. 64.67% of graduates in BE/BTech
test takers were found highly employable while 64.63 • 51.8% of male test takers nationwide were found to be
MCA candidates were also found highly employable, employable resources, which is a significant increase

identifying the talent availability of qualified engineer- from last year’s 47.28% male employability ratio.

ing and computer applications talent among India’s

• 50.86% of females were found to be highly employa-
ble resources nationwide, a drop from last year’s 53.8%
• Maharashtra is the state with the highest concentra- female employability ratio.
tion of employable talent in the BE/BTech domain with
• With 51.8% of male applicants determined to be high-
80.56% found highly employable, followed by Andhra
ly employable compared to 50.86% of female appli-
Pradesh with 73.23% and then Kerala with 68.36% high-
cants that are highly employable, the increased par-
ly employable BE/BTech talent.
ticipation ratio of males to females in the test shows a
• Maharashtra has the highest concentration being growing balance in the availability of highly employa-
84.62% of Polytechnic talent found highly employa- ble talent.
ble followed by Jharkhand with 64.71% and Kerala with
• The consistent rise in women’s employability over the
16.62% in this domain
past ten years is a positive sign of radical changes in
• Maharashtra has the highest concentration of highly India’s developing labor market. Increased participa-
employable candidates from the BE/BTech, Engineer- tion of women at work will give industries an edge with
ing domain with 69.03% scoring above 60% on the key roles already being occupied by women as we go
WNET. into 2024.

• Karnataka at 78.85%, Maharashtra at 71.32%, and Ut- • Haryana was reported to have the highest con-
tar Pradesh at 58.33% are the states with the highest centration of highly employable females who are

concentration of BBA graduates found employable prepared for the workforce at 49.58%, while Andhra
Pradesh state came in second with 39.96%.
• Maharashtra at 73.15%, Madhya Pradesh 61.11% and
• Maharashtra has the highest concentration of highly
Tamil Nadu 60.00% are the top states with employable
employable males who are prepared for the workforce
MBA candidates
at 55.24% followed by Uttar Pradesh with 54.77% highly
• Haryana at 90.48%, Uttar Pradesh at 80.00% and Gu- employable male talent availability.
jarat at 54.55% are the top states with highly employ- • The figures for the current year indicate that, like in
able MSc. graduates previous years, a majority of test takers—87.83%—are
looking for internship employment within organiza-

• Topping the chart for another year in a row, an in-

crease to 98.33% of candidates interested in availing
internship opportunities is in the Andhra Pradesh re-
gion, followed by Telangana with 96.72% internship

• Pune is the city with the highest concentration of

male employable talent with 75% being found em-
ployable. Bengaluru has the highest number of female
employable talent with 44.01% female test takers found
highly employable.

• Kerala is the most preferred state to work for both

male and female employable talent as per this year’s
results, with Cochin being the most preferred area to
work for female test takers.

31 India Skills Report 2024

• Although the majority of male test takers suggested One of the paramount observations of the survey is
they are willing to work in any of India’s top cities, Ban- the laudable increase in the overall employability rate,
galore came as the next most preferred city for males soaring to 51.25% as compared to the preceding year.
seeking employment. This notable uptick suggests a positive trajectory in the
skills and preparedness of the youth, signaling a prom-
• Karnataka is the state with the highest availability of ising outlook for their integration into the job market.
English skills with 73.33%, followed by Uttar Pradesh at The geographical distribution of highly employable
68.75% and Kerala at 61.66% availability of English as a resources further accentuates the diversity of regional
Second Language. talent pools contributing to India’s employability land-
scape. States such as Haryana, Maharashtra, Andhra
• Bengaluru city topped the list of cities with the high-
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, and Telangana stand
est availability of English skills and Numerical while
out as focal points with the highest concentration of
Trivandrum topped the list of cities with the high-
employable resources. Haryana, with 76.47% of test
est availability of computer skills this year. Bengaluru
takers scoring above 60% on their WNET test compris-
came second in the list of cities with the highest com-
es the top state of highly employable youth this year.
puter skills availability.
The rapid advancements underscores the significance
• Telangana has the highest availability of Numeri- of acknowledging and leveraging diverse regional
cal skills with 78.68%, followed by Andhra Pradesh with strengths in workforce development initiatives.
69.45% and then Maharashtra with 64.35% proficiency
Within the age demographic analysis, the cohort of
among the youth test takers.
22-25 years emerges as a standout category with the
• For Critical Thinking skills, candidates from Telanga- highest employability, notably led by Uttar Pradesh.
na scored highest with availability at 37.70% followed This demographic insight signifies the presence of a
by Maharashtra at 33.15% and then Andhra Pradesh at robust and potentially impactful workforce, particu-
33.26% proficiency among the youth. larly in the mid-entry level segment of the job market.
MBA degree holders surface as the most employable
• Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and Kerala are the top demographic across all states, indicative of a prevail-
three states with the highest availability of talent with ing preference for business education. Concurrently,
computer skills. the Information Technology domain, particularly ex-
emplified by computer science graduates, exhibits
• States of Kerala, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu com-
substantial employability at 68.44%, complementing
prised the most number of candidates willing to take
the demand for skills in this sector.
up jobs with a preferred salary that paid between 0-2
lakhs per annum. In terms of gender dynamics, the survey reports an
overall increase in employability for males across India
• Candidates from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Maharash- compared to last year’s findings. Importantly, the par-
tra constituted the majority opting for a preferred sal- ticipation ratio of males to females has experienced
ary that paid above 2.6 lakhs per annum a notable improvement, indicating a commenda-
ble stride towards gender inclusivity in the availabil-
Key Finding : Gmail is the most preferred email
ity of highly employable talent. The youth’s proactive
service provider among all test takers with 98.55% us-
approach towards internships emerges as a nota-
ing Gmail accounts to take this year’s WNET test.
ble theme, with a majority expressing a keen interest
in such opportunities to gain experience and venture
Analysis of Employability Trends with the workforce of India. Andhra Pradesh particu-
and Benchmarks larly stands out in this regard, boasting a staggering
98.33% interest in internships. This trend shows a for-
The revelations stemming from the WNET employa-
ward-thinking mindset among candidates, emphasiz-
bility survey within the India Skills Report 2024 paint a
ing the value placed on gaining practical experience.
nuanced picture of the trends and shifts within the na-
Kerala’s prominence as the most preferred state for
tion’s employable youth demographic. These findings
both male and female employable talent signifies re-
offer profound insights into the evolving expectations,
gional preferences in the employment landscape. Si-
as well as the demographic transformations charac-
multaneously, Bangalore retains its status as the pre-
terizing this crucial segment of the population.
ferred city for male job seekers, highlighting the urban
preferences of this demographic.
32 India Skills Report 2024
The proficiency landscape is also explored in the sur- imbalances across societal and cultural realms. This
vey, with Karnataka leading in English proficiency, and shift is poised to have a transformative impact at all
Telangana showcasing excellence in numerical skills. levels. The sustained growth in available talent spans
Bengaluru takes the lead among cities with high avail- various age groups, domains, and regions, signaling
ability in both English and numerical skills, emphasiz- a surplus of capable employees to meet existing and
ing the importance of versatile linguistic and analyt- future demands. However, the landscape also reveals
ical abilities in the contemporary job market. Critical the emergence of more strategic roles for candidates
thinking skills, a cornerstone in professional aptitude, of all ages. Domain-wise, B.Com and MBA graduates
find their champions in Telangana, Maharashtra, and stand out as highly employable, and the pharmaceu-
Andhra Pradesh. This highligths the increasing empha- tical sector experiences a significant uptick in employ-
sis on analytical abilities among the youth, aligning ability across diverse age brackets.
with the evolving demands of the job market. States
such as Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and Kerala con- The positive hiring intent expressed by employers in
sistently demonstrate high talent availability across last year’s Hiring Intent Survey persists into 2024. There
various skill categories solidifying their status as key is a notable demand for candidates with 1-5 years of
hubs for potential employers. These insights serve experience yet again this year, indicating a focus on
as valuable guideposts for academia, industry, and emerging professionals. Simultaneously, there is an
government stakeholders to adapt their strategies in overarching intention to hire freshers, suggesting a
tandem with the dynamic shifts in the job market, en- balanced approach to talent acquisition. The avail-
suring alignment with the aspirations of the emerging ability of diverse prospects and heightened global
workforce. awareness of Indian trade is predicted to give rise to
new vocations requiring contemporary skills, across
Furthermore, the survey reveals the pervasive im- businesses of varying sizes.
pact of technology across all sectors, shedding light
on the imperative for a harmonious integration of hu-
man skills and industrial advancements. These results,
A Demographic Advantage For
highlighted by the WNET test and survey findings, are India
pivotal in shaping a promising future where innova- “The demographic landscape of India reflects a
tion, creativity, and technological proficiency coalesce youthful population, with 26.31% falling in the 0-14
to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving talent years category, and a median age of 28.4 years
landscape in India. across all regions. This demographic vitality aligns
seamlessly with the robust economic vibrancy indi-
cated by an impressive employability rate of 51.25%,
Shifts in Early Career Dynamics
underscoring the substantial availability of highly
The evolving talent landscape in 2024 is anticipated to employable talent within the workforce.”
generate a plethora of job opportunities, particularly in
the form of internships, catering to both freshers and WNET found that 51.25% of the participating In-
early-career professionals. Telangana has the highest dian youngsters were highly employable, and
concentration of employable talent in the age group of 87.83% of the applicants said they wanted to get
18-21 with 85.45% found employable followed by Kerala an internship to launch their careers.
with 74.93% employable resources in this age group.
The imperative for acquiring new skills is expected to The Information Technology (IT) sector plays a pivotal
be a driving force, with digital literacy emerging as a role, contributing 8% to the national GDP and serving as
pivotal focus across diverse domains and job roles. a global IT offshore hub. MBA degree holders emerge
The growing trend of applicants actively seeking in- as a key demographic, comprising 71.16% of candi-
ternship opportunities reveals a substantial talent pool dates scoring above 60% on the WNET across various
and the adept utilization of this resource by corporate states, highlighting their significant contribution to the
entities will play a pivotal role in shaping India’s eco- pool of highly employable resources. As new startups

nomic strength in the years ahead. make their way into the IT industry, proficient business
analysts, decision-makers and C-suite maestros will
A notable trend is the consistent increase in female la- be in demand to reap the economic advantages of
bor force participation, fostering healthy competition
and gradually rectifying long-standing gender

33 India Skills Report 2024

India’s budding talent market and innovation hubs Notably, the percentage of B.Pharma test takers scor-
scattered across the nation. India’s agricultural indus- ing above 60% on the WNET test has increased, reach-
try, supplying 21% of the world’s coconuts and 19% of ing 54% this year. This surge in highly employable
bamboo, is a vital sector with over 50% of the popu- candidates across states compliments India’s ever
lation dependent on agriculture. The recently unveiled growing prowess in biotechnology on the global stage.
PLI program, backed by a $1.4 billion investment in the The existing impressive biotechnology infrastructure
food processing industry, signifies a strategic initiative is poised for further expansion, projected to grow at a
to fortify this essential sector, contributing to the eco- 14% CAGR between 2022 and 2025.
nomic resilience of the nation. In response to transpor-
tation and mobility sector changes, there is a growing Furthermore, the Aviation Sector anticipates a sub-
demand for electric cars, aligning with efforts to com- stantial 15.9% growth in international tourist travel,
bat urban and rural pollution. The electronic systems aligning with the development of a more intercon-
market, contributing 2.9% to the GDP, anticipates re- nected system of global travel and commuting. The
cruiting more skilled labor in the upcoming year, espe- travel and tourism sector, a significant employer for
cially in response to emerging technologies like hybrid approximately 90 million people across the country,
automobiles and energy-efficient power systems. This is poised to experience significant benefits, especially
parallels the rising employability in related disciplines considering the rebound from the negative impacts of
among the youth, with a notable 68.44% of candidates the two-year hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
from the Information Technology domain scoring
The improved gender balance in the availability of
above 60% on the WNET across all regions. Engineer-
highly employable talent is evident in the increased
ing and computer applications talent among India’s
participation ratio of males to females in the test.
youth is robust, with 64.67% of BE/BTech graduates and
With 51.8% of male applicants identified as highly em-
64.63% of MCA candidates identified as highly em-
ployable compared to 50.86% of female applicants,
ployable. Maharashtra leads in the concentration of
this trend indicates a positive shift in the landscape,
employable talent in the BE/BTech domain at 80.56%,
reflecting the consistent rise in women’s employabil-
followed by Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. This wealth
ity over the past decade. This transformation in the
of technical talent meets the growing demand across
labor market bodes well for industries, with key roles
industries, particularly in the Information Technology,
increasingly being occupied by women as we enter
Finance, Healthcare, Automotive and Manufacturing
2024. However, the gender parity debate will go on un-
sectors that are rapidly implementing AI and technol-
til a true transformation is invited by collective efforts
ogy solutions for better operational outcomes.
towards creating unbiased and practical solutions to
inequalities observed across the world.

MOST EMPLOYABLE AGE GROUP 2024 The demographic data for the year 2022-2023 reveals
the youthful preparedness of India’s population, with
a substantial portion of the workforce deemed high-
ly employable. The IT sector’s significant contribution
to the national GDP and its widespread impact across
diverse industries and verticals, along with growth pro-
jections in sectors like agriculture, electric cars, elec-
tronic systems, aviation, and biotechnology, paints a
promising picture for India’s economic future. Skill In-
dia’s strategic focus on technology-oriented practical
training, coupled with the establishment of an infra-
The outcomes of this year’s test show the pivotal role
structure conducive to digital literacy, agile adop-
played by the available pool of employable talent in
tion, and sustained innovation, positions the nation’s
shaping India’s economic resilience. The confluence of skill ecosystem as a fundamental driver of jobs and
demographic vigor with economic strength, particu- learning. The success of government-led skilling ini-
larly in pivotal sectors like IT, agriculture, and emerg- tiatives and private-public partnerships lays a strong
ing technologies, positions the nation on a trajectory foundation for a transformative era in the impending
of sustained growth and adaptability. This strategic age of AI. As India adapts and innovates, the symbiotic
alignment is vital for navigating the challenges and relationship between skills development and evolving
seizing opportunities presented by the ever-evolving market demands is poised to define the trajectory of
economic landscape. the nation’s workforce landscape in the years to come.

34 India Skills Report 2024

Which Domain Have the Higest notable 64.67% employability score, reflecting a strong
technical acumen that aligns seamlessly with the de-
Employability mands of rapidly evolving industries in 2024.

The India-wide skills data, indicating the Shifting our focus to business education, the MBA do-
percentage of users scoring more than main emerges with a commanding 71.16% employ-
60% in WNET Educational Domains, stands ability score, indicating a prevailing preference for a
at a commendable 51.25%. This suggests business-oriented skill set. This underscores a pos-
a substantial proportion of individuals ex- itive outlook for leadership and managerial roles in
the job market, showcasing the importance placed
hibiting proficiency in various educational
on strategic and managerial expertise. For graduates
domains, notably in MBA, Engineering, and
in the arts, the employability score for B.Arts test tak-
IT, underscoring a positive trajectory in the ers stands at 47.11%, portraying a moderate standing
overall skill readiness of the Indian workforce. and emphasizing the diverse pathways available to
arts graduates. This aligns with the broader trend of
• Delving specifically into the domain of BE/B.Tech., acknowledging and valuing skills beyond traditional
the percentage of employable resources is as follows academic domains, opening doors to varied sectors.
across various educational domains : In the commerce domains, B.Com graduates exhibit a
reasonably competitive employability score of 48.12%,
• Information Technology (IT): The IT domain leads with reflecting a balanced demand for commerce-related
an impressive 68.44%, emphasizing the robustness of skills. Similarly, the employability score for B.Sc gradu-
skills in this pivotal sector. ates at 51.27% indicates the demand for scientific and
analytical skills, aligning well with the evolving require-
• Computer Science (CS): Computer Science follows
ments of industries.
closely with a notable 66.00%, showcasing the strength
of individuals specializing in this foundational field.
The technology sector remains a stronghold, with MCA
• Electronics and Communication Engineering: This test takers commanding a high employability score of
domain records a substantial 58.91%, reflecting a pro- 64.63%. This reflects a robust demand for specialized
ficient talent pool in electronics and communication. skills in computer applications and IT, promising signif-
icant opportunities in the technology-driven job mar-
• Electrical Engineering: With 57.69%, electrical engi- ket. Vocational skills, as represented by ITI test takers,
neering contributes significantly to the employable exhibit a moderate employability score of 40%, sug-
resource base. gesting a competitive landscape for individuals with
vocational and technical expertise. Polytechnic grad-
• Mechanical Engineering: Mechanical Engineering uates face a challenging scenario, as indicated by an
stands at 54.46%, indicating a solid presence of skilled
employability score of 22.37%, emphasizing the need
professionals in this traditional yet crucial field.
for strategic interventions and upskilling initiatives.
In the pharmaceutical domain, B.Pharma graduates
• Civil Engineering: Civil Engineering, too, is notewor-
boast a strong employability score of 54%, signaling a
thy with 54.31%, adding to the diverse skill set within the
promising landscape for the pharmaceutical sector.
BE/B.Tech. category.
This aligns with the broader trend of growth and op-
These percentages shed light on the distribution of portunities in the healthcare industry.
employable talent across specific educational do-
These employability scores encapsulate the diverse
mains, providing valuable insights for both academia
strengths and preferences of India’s youth, reflecting
and industry. The strong representation of IT and com-
a dynamic job market with a high demand for both
puter science aligns with the evolving demands of the
technical and managerial skills. As we navigate the
job market, while the presence of engineering disci-
evolving landscape in 2024, the data emphasizes the
plines propels the enduring significance of core engi-
importance of a well-rounded and adaptable skill set
neering fields.The employability scores across various
to seize the myriad opportunities presented by the job
domains, as unveiled by this year’s WNET results, offer
a comprehensive snapshot of the evolving trends and
preferences within India’s youth. In the realm of tech-
nical education, B.E/B.Tech graduates stand out with a

35 India Skills Report 2024

Domain - Wise Employability Domain Specific Learning Agility
& Ocean Personality Traits
This year’s data provided highlights the top five edu-
cational streams with a higher level of learning agility
and OCEAN personality traits in India from the youth
employability analysis. These streams include B.Tech/
B.E, MBA, B.Sc, B.Com, and B.A., where candidates ex-
pressed significant acumen in respective learning and
management skills. Let’s delve into the significance of
these trends and their role in preparing students for
the challenges posed by the ongoing AI revolution.

1. Learning Agility :
• B.Tech/B.E Leading the Pack : The inclusion of
B.Tech/B.E at the forefront of both learning agility and
OCEAN personality traits underscores the importance
of technical education in fostering adaptability and a
growth mindset. With the rapid advancements in tech-
nology, professionals with engineering backgrounds
are often better equipped to grasp new concepts and
apply them to real-world scenarios.

• MBA for Strategic Thinking : The presence of MBA

in the top ranks signifies the emphasis on strategic
thinking and leadership skills. In the era of AI, where
business landscapes are evolving swiftly, individuals
with management education are better positioned to
navigate complexities, make informed decisions, and

Employability Skills of test takers drive organizational success.

who scored 60% in WNET • Diversity in Learning : The inclusion of diverse

streams like B.Sc, B.Com, and B.A suggests that learn-
ing agility is not confined to technical domains alone.
A well-rounded education that includes science, com-
merce, and arts empowers students with versatile
skills, enabling them to adapt to different professional

2. OCEAN Personality Traits:

• B.Tech/B.E and MBA for Conscientiousness :
The prominence of B.Tech/B.E and MBA in OCEAN per-
sonality traits, particularly conscientiousness, high-
lights the significance of discipline, responsibility, and
attention to detail. These traits are crucial in industries
where precision and reliability are paramount, espe-
cially in the context of AI-driven technologies.

• B.Sc, B.Com, and B.A for Openness and Ad-

aptability : The inclusion of B.Sc, B.Com, and B.A in
the OCEAN traits suggests that students from diverse
educational backgrounds tend to exhibit openness to
new experiences and adaptability. In the AI revolution,

36 India Skills Report 2024

where interdisciplinary collaboration is key, individuals Top 5 Educational Streams with
with varied perspectives and an open mindset play a
vital role in innovation.
Higher Level of Learning Agility

• Significance for Tackling the AI Revolution : The

trends in learning agility and OCEAN personality traits
are highly significant in the context of the AI revolution.
AI is transforming industries and job roles, demanding
a workforce that is not only technically proficient but
also possesses soft skills such as adaptability, creativ-
ity, and strategic thinking.

• Adapting to Technological Changes : B.Tech/B.E

graduates, with their technical expertise, are well-suit-
ed to lead in the development and implementation of
AI technologies. The inclusion of other streams signals
a recognition that AI impacts diverse sectors, requiring
professionals with a broad understanding of its impli-

• Strategic Decision-Making and Leadership :

MBA graduates play a crucial role in guiding organ-
izations through the strategic integration of AI. Their
leadership skills and ability to make informed deci-
sions contribute to the successful implementation of
AI solutions in businesses.

• Interdisciplinary Collaboration : The diverse ed-

ucational streams in the list indicate the importance of
interdisciplinary collaboration in the AI landscape. Pro-
fessionals with varied educational backgrounds bring
unique perspectives to the table, fostering innovation
and addressing complex challenges posed by AI.

The identified trends in learning agility and OCEAN per-

sonality traits underscore the need for a diverse and
adaptable workforce in the face of the AI revolution.
Quality education in these top streams equips indi-
viduals with the technical know-how, strategic think-
ing, and versatile skills necessary to not only tackle
the challenges presented by AI but also to contribute
meaningfully to the ongoing technological transfor-
mation in India.


37 India Skills Report 2024

Age wise Employability valuable insights for shaping targeted strategies and
interventions in the job market.
age of employable resources is as follows across
variThe age-wise employability data in the country Age Group : 18-21 Years
provides a nuanced perspective on the distribution
India-wide Percentage of Employable
of skilled resources, both at the national and regional
Resource: 47.76% - Top 10 States
levels. Examining the age-wise and city-wise data on
employability provides valuable insights into the dy-
namic landscape of India’s workforce. In the 18-21 age
bracket, Telangana, Kerala, and Maharashtra stand
out as top-performing states, showcasing a promis-
ing trend in the younger demographic. As we transition
to the 22-25 age group, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra,
and Delhi take the lead nationally, indicating a surge
in employable resources as youth progress in their ca-

Moving to the 26-29 age range, Gujarat, Jharkhand,

and Maharashtra emerge as frontrunners, suggesting
sustained employability trends in the slightly older co-
hort. This regional diversity underscores the need for
targeted interventions, recognizing that employability
dynamics can vary significantly across states. Shift-
ing the focus to cities, Pune consistently shines across
all age groups, emphasizing its status as a robust
employment hub. Bengaluru and Maharashtra cities
dominate the 18-25 age groups, highlighting these re-
gions as thriving ecosystems for young, employable
talent. Meanwhile, Lucknow takes a prominent position
in the 22-29 age categories, showcasing its relevance
as a city with a diverse talent pool. Age Group : 22-25 Years
It’s important to note that this analysis primarily cap- India-wide Percentage of Employable
tures urban employability trends, and understanding Resource: 63.58% - Top 10 States
the rural landscape is equally vital for a comprehen-
sive overview. As we delve into the implications of
these findings, it becomes evident that a one-size-
fits-all approach may not suffice. Tailored strategies
for each age group and region can enhance employ-
ability initiatives. Skill development programs, espe-
cially in states with lower employability rates, should
be a priority. Aligning educational and skill develop-
ment programs with the specific needs of industries in
different regions is essential for fostering a skilled and
adaptable workforce.

This year’s findings lay the groundwork for informed

decision-making in education, skill development, and
employment policies. Policymakers in government,
academia, and industry should consider regional nu-
ances and demographic factors to formulate effective
and inclusive employment policies that cater to the
diverse needs of India’s evolving workforce. This com-
prehensive breakdown illuminates the regional and
age-specific nuances in employability, providing

38 India Skills Report 2024

Age Group : 26-29 Years Age Group : 18-21 Years
India-wide Percentage of Employable Resource: Top 10 Cities
54.95% - Top 10 States

Age Group : 22-25 Years Age Group : 26-29 Years

Top 10 Cities Top 10 Cities

39 India Skills Report 2024

State with Highest Youth could explore untapped talent pools in these areas,
fostering economic growth in previously overlooked
Employability regions.
The data on WNET scores above 60% provides a nu-
anced understanding of the regional and urban dis- Fun Fact: 95.27% of test takers used a Google
tribution of high-performing candidates. In the realm Chrome browser to take the test.
of states, Maharashtra comes second in the lead with
an impressive score of 73.03%, followed closely by Secondly, the impact on the Indian job market is note-
Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Kerala. Telanga- worthy. The dispersion of high-scoring candidates
na, Karnataka, and Punjab also secure notable posi- beyond urban centers implies that businesses and
tions, showcasing a robust presence of well-perform- industries in non-metropolitan regions may witness
ing candidates across diverse regions. However, the an upsurge in access to well-prepared and proficient
standout performer is Haryana, recording an excep- professionals. This could lead to a more balanced
tional score of 76.47%, magnifying its prominence in distribution of employment opportunities across the
nurturing high-scoring individuals in the years leading country, reducing the overreliance on metropolitan
up to 2024. areas and potentially addressing issues related to
migration for employment. Moreover, the promising
Shifting the focus to cities, Pune emerges as the front- trend in non-urban India suggests that efforts in skill
runner, with an impressive 75.00% of candidates scor- development, education, and employment readiness
ing above 60%. Bengaluru and Mumbai follow, demon- programs are making inroads into diverse regions. This
strating their significance as urban centers fostering decentralization aligns with broader national goals of
a high-caliber talent pool. Delhi, Trivandrum, and Luc- inclusive growth, where opportunities are not confined
know secure notable positions, further highlighting the to specific pockets but are accessible to talent across
geographical diversity of well-performing candidates. the country.
Interestingly, the data indicates that performance
in WNET is not confined to major hiring activity in top
metropolitan areas, despite cities like Guntur, Chandi-
garh, and Chennai boasting a remaining vast majority States-Wise Employability
of candidates with scores exceeding 60%.
Top 10 States where users have scored more
The decentralization of high-scoring individuals sug- than 60% in WNET
gests a promising trend of talent dispersion be-
yond major urban hubs. Firstly, the decentralization
of high-scoring individuals signifies a more inclusive
participation in skill development and employment
readiness. Traditionally, major urban hubs have been
perceived as the primary contributors to the skilled
workforce, leading to a concentration of opportunities
in specific geographic locations. However, the WNET
data challenges this notion by showcasing that talent
and proficiency are not limited to metropolitan areas
alone. This diversification broadens the pool of skilled
individuals, creating a more geographically distributed
talent landscape as evident from the numerous states
that are in contention for highly employable talent.

For policymakers, educators, and businesses, recog-

nizing and nurturing talent in non-metropolitan areas
becomes crucial. Tailoring skill development initiatives
and educational programs to cater to the specific
needs and aspirations of individuals in these regions
can further amplify the positive impact. Additionally,
businesses looking to expand or set up operations

40 India Skills Report 2024

City-Wise Employability fields. Regions excelling in this domain are poised for
growth in these industries, contributing to a techno-
Top 10 Cities where users have scored more
logically advanced job market.
than 60% in WNET
• Critical Thinking : Telangana tops the list with
37.70%, showcasing a culture that values analytical
thinking. Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh closely
follow, indicating a trend toward developing critical
thinking skills. Critical thinking is essential in prob-
lem-solving and innovation. States fostering this skill
set are likely to witness advancements in research,
technology, and entrepreneurship, shaping a dynamic
job market.

• Computer Skills : Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and

Kerala lead in computer skills, underscoring their com-
mitment to technological advancements. Bengaluru
emerged as a technology hub, leading among cities.
Proficiency in computer skills is foundational in the
digital age. Regions excelling in this area are poised to
become technology hubs, attracting industries seek-
ing a technologically adept workforce.

• Regional Variations : Kerala consistently appears

in the top states across different skills, showcasing a
well-rounded talent pool. Uttar Pradesh and Bihar,
while excelling in numerical skills, exhibit diverse pro-
ficiency levels in other domains. Regions with diverse
skill sets are better equipped to meet the multifacet-
In-Demand Skills Across India’s ed demands of an evolving job market, ensuring resil-
ience and adaptability.Overall, the geographic spread
Youth Population
of skills in India indicates a positive trajectory toward a
The data on skills distribution across states and cities well-prepared and diverse talent pool. The emphasis
in India reveals valuable insights into the preparedness on language, numerical, critical thinking, and comput-
of the country’s workforce. Here are key takeaways er skills aligns with the demands of a globalized and
and justifications for the impact of these trends on the technology-driven job market. The trends observed
future of India’s job market and talent landscape : suggest that states and cities fostering a holistic skill
development approach are likely to lead in attracting
• English as a Second Language : Karnataka
diverse industries, contributing significantly to India’s
emerges as a leader with 73.33% proficiency, reflecting
economic and job market growth.
the state’s emphasis on language skills. Uttar Pradesh
and Maharashtra follow closely, showcasing a diverse Key Takeaway : Overall, Haryana stands out as
geographic spread of English proficiency. Proficiency a top performer in youth employability development,
in English is crucial for various industries, including IT with an impressive 76.47% of test takers scoring above
and customer service. States with high proficiency are 60% on their WNET tests
likely to attract more job opportunities in these sectors,
fostering economic growth.

• Numerical Skills : Telangana exhibits remarkable

numerical skills at 78.68%, emphasizing the state’s fo-
cus on quantitative abilities. Bengaluru and Vijayawa-
da lead in cities, indicating strong numerical capabili-
ties in major urban hubs. Proficiency in numerical skills
is vital for roles in finance, data analytics, and STEM

41 India Skills Report 2024

Domain Specific Employability Top 5 States where ITI candidates have scored

Across States more than 60% in their Domain

Top 5 States where engg graduates(BE/BTech)

have scored more than 60% in their Domain

Top 5 States where Polytechnic graduates have Top 5 States where MCA post graduates have
scored more than 60% in their Domain scored more than 60% in their Domain

42 India Skills Report 2024

Top 5 States where M.Sc. post graduates have Top 5 States where B.A. graduates have scored
scored more than 60% in their Domain more than 60% in their Domain

Top 5 States where MBA post graduates have Top 5 States where BCA graduates have scored
scored more than 60% in their Domain more than 60% in their Domain





Madhya Pradesh

Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh

43 India Skills Report 2024

Top 5 States where BCom graduates have Top 3 States where BBA graduates have scored
scored more than 60% in their Domain more than 60% in their Domain

Skill-Wise Talent Availaility in The

Top 5 States where BSc graduates have scored Nation
more than 60% in their Domain Top 10 States with Available Skills in English as
Second Language

44 India Skills Report 2024

Top 10 States with Available Skills in Numerical Top 10 States with Available Skills in Computer

Top 10 States with Available Skills in Critical Top 10 Cities with Available Skills in English as
Thinking Second Language

45 India Skills Report 2024

Top 10 Cities Available Skills in Numerical 54.77%. The data suggests a robust male employability
landscape across states, with a noteworthy presence
in regions such as Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Ta-
mil Nadu.

Conversely, when examining the top 10 states with the

highest percentage of available female employa-
ble resources, Haryana emerges at the forefront with
49.58%, indicating a considerable female employabili-
ty index in the state. While these figures showcase en-
couraging signs, it’s essential to address the variations
across states and continue fostering an environment
conducive to female participation in the workforce.
In major cities, Pune takes the lead with the highest
percentage of available male employable resources
at 75.00%, closely followed by Bengaluru at 72.16%. On
the female employability front, Bengaluru leads with
44.01%, reflecting a strong female workforce in the city.
These urban insights highlight the diverse dynamics
of gender participation at the city level, showcasing
both male and female contributions to the skilled labor
force of the future.

Increased female participation in the workforce to 36%

from last year’s 33% is a massive step in the right di-
rection, with males comprising 64% of the workforce
Gender Participation and across industries this year, compared to last year’s
Employability 67% as per this year’s Hiring Intent Survey. This posi-
Within the framework of India’s economic trajecto- tive trajectory signifies a shifting paradigm in gender
ry, gender disparities persist, reflecting a labor force dynamics, indicating an expanding role for women in
participation rate of 73.6% for males and 24% for fe- India’s workforce. However, the persistent gender gap
males. ISR’s recent survey, a beacon of fresh insights, underscores the need for comprehensive strategies
paints an optimistic picture, revealing an encourag- to enhance female inclusion and equal opportunities
ing increase in female participation in the organized in all sectors. While there is evident progress in bridg-
sector from 33% to 36% in 2023. While this progress is ing gender disparities, sustained efforts are crucial to
noteworthy, the stark reality remains that less than 1 in achieving true gender parity in the Indian eonomy. This
5 Indian women are part of formal employment, un- year’s data reflects a positive trajectory, emphasizing
derscoring the imperative need for sustained efforts to the importance of continued initiatives and policies
bridge the gender gap. that empower and encourage female participation,
contributing to a more
The data on gender participation is enriched by the
findings in this year’s WNET results, further illuminat-
ing the evolving landscape of India’s employment dy-
Gender-Wise Employability
namics. India-wide, the percentage of male employa- Trends
ble resources stands at 51.8%, slightly higher than their India-wide Percentage of Male and Female-
female counterparts at 50.86% this year. This nuanced
Employable resource
difference reflects a more balanced gender participa-
tion rate in employability rather than a red flag, with
both males and females contributing significantly to
the skilled workforce. INDIA-WIDE PERCENTAGE
In the top 10 states with the highest percentage of
available male employable resources, Maharashtra
leads with 55.24%, followed closely by Uttar Pradesh at

46 India Skills Report 2024

India-wide Percentage of Female Employable Top 10 City where Percentage of available
resource Female Employable resources


Top 10 States where Percentage of available

Male Employable resources

Top 10 States where Percentage of available

Female Employable resources

Top 10 City where Percentage of available male

Employable resources

47 India Skills Report 2024

Freshers Seeking Internships •Tamil Nadu (88.91%) : With a strong tradition of
education, Tamil Nadu’s youth exhibit a commendable
Across The States
interest in internships, underlining the state’s commit-
In a nation pulsating with youthful vigor and ambition, ment to producing industry-ready professionals.
the latest data on internship aspirations among Indian
youth reveals an exciting narrative. With a staggering • Karnataka (87.67%) : Home to India’s Silicon Val-
87.83% of users expressing a keen interest in availing ley, Karnataka’s youth are keenly aware of the im-
internships, the enthusiasm for experiential learning portance of internships in the tech-driven landscape,
and professional growth is palpable across the coun- showcasing a forward-looking mindset.
• Kerala (84.95%) : The southern state, known for its
Delving deeper into the regional landscape, the top emphasis on education, boasts a considerable per-
10 states spearheading this internship fervor paint a centage of youth eager to engage in internships, sign-
promising picture for the future of India’s corporate aling a commitment to practical learning.
hiring activity:

• Andhra Pradesh (98.33%) : The southern state What Does This Mean for
emerges as a frontrunner, with an overwhelming ma- Corporate Hiring Activity?
jority of users expressing a strong desire for internships.
The resounding interest in internships across states
This signals a proactive and career-oriented youth
bodes well for Indian corporate hiring activities in the
population, setting a high benchmark for other states.
upcoming year. The substantial pool of eager and

• Telangana (96.72%) : In close pursuit, Telangana skilled resources, spanning various disciplines and ge-

showcases a vibrant ecosystem of aspiring interns. ographies, is a beacon of hope for industries seeking

The state’s commitment to nurturing talent and pro- fresh talent. This surge in internship aspirations signi-

viding practical exposure is evident in this robust in- fies a workforce that is not only academically sound

terest. but also ready to contribute meaningfully from day

one. The youth’s inclination towards internships is in-
• Punjab (93.44%) : The northern state demonstrates dicative of a proactive approach to career develop-
a commendable appetite for internships, indicating a ment, a quality that resonates positively with recruiters
robust educational environment and an eagerness and hiring managers.
among youth to bridge the gap between academia
and industry. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of cor-
porate hiring in India, the latest insights produce a dy-
• Haryana (92.44%) : With a significant percentage namic shift in the demand for talent across industries.
of users expressing their intent for internships, Hary- The upcoming year is poised to witness a significant
ana reflects a workforce that understands the value surge in the overall demand for postgraduates, consti-
of hands-on experience and is ready to contribute tuting a notable 25% of the corporate workforce. Fore-
meaningfully to the professional arena. most among the sectors driving this demand is the IT
and services industry, where postgraduates are ex-
• Bihar (91.80%) : The eastern state surprises with
pected to comprise a substantial 43% of the workforce.
a strong inclination towards internships, reflecting a
changing narrative in a region traditionally known for While the demand for freshers with Engineering or
its academic prowess. equivalent degrees (BE/B.Tech) remains steady at
49%, an intriguing development is the notable increase
• Maharashtra (91.55%) : As an economic power-
from 15% to 18% in the demand for freshers graduating
house, Maharashtra’s youth are aligning their aspi-
with BA/BCA/BBA/B.Com/BSc, and other diverse de-
rations with industry needs, showcasing a proactive
grees. This shift suggests a broader recognition of skill
approach towards skill development and career ad-
sets beyond traditional engineering domains, reflect-
ing a nuanced understanding of the diverse talents re-
• Uttar Pradesh (89.84%) : The most populous state quired in today’s multifaceted business environment.
in India demonstrates a robust appetite for intern-
Zooming in on specific sectors, the demand for BE/B.
ships, hinting at a dynamic and eager workforce ready
Tech talent takes center stage in the automotive
to take on professional challenges.
sector, poised to constitute a commanding 89% of

48 India Skills Report 2024

engineering graduates in the workforce. Following Top 10 States Percentage of Users who want to
closely is the IT sector, anticipating a growing 51%
avail internships
composition of engineering graduates, reaffirming the
sector’s insatiable appetite for technical prowess. The
BFSI sector emerges as a focal point for fresher hiring,
projecting a substantial 40% increase in hiring activity.
01 Andhra Pradesh 98.33

This surge in demand for freshers is not confined to a

particular industry, as the average hiring activity fore- Telangana 96.72
cast for entry-level professionals across all sectors is
expected to escalate by an impressive 22%.

This dynamic shift observed with the results of the In- 03 Punjab 93.44

dia Hiring Intent Survey for 2024 is a reflection of the

evolving needs of industries as they navigate a rap-
idly changing business landscape. The heightened 04 Haryana 92.44

demand for postgraduates, especially in the IT and

services sector, indicates a growing recognition of the
need for advanced skills and specialized knowledge. 05 Bihar 91.80

The increased demand for freshers with diverse de-

grees showcases a progressive mindset among re-
cruiters, acknowledging the value of a well-rounded 06 Maharashtra 91.55

skill set in fostering innovation and adaptability. In-

dustries are increasingly realizing that a diverse talent
pool, comprising both traditional engineering grad- 07 Uttar Pradesh 89.84

uates and those with a broader educational back-

ground, contributes to a more resilient and versatile
workforce. This demand can surely be met by the ex- 08 Tamil Nadu 88.91

pectations of youth seeking internships to kick-start

their careers in the coming year.

09 Karnataka 87.67

Internship Preferences Across

10 Kerala 84.95
India-wide Percentage of Users who want to
avail internships

Unveiling Aspirations: Youth

87.83% OF USERS WHO WANT TO Salary Expectations Across India
AVAIL INTERNSHIPS The data gathered this year reveals a diverse spec-
trum of salary preferences, providing insights into the
financial expectations of the youth across different
states and skill domains. At a nationwide level, a nota-
ble 28.85% of users express a preference for a starting
salary range between 0-2 lakhs, underlining the signif-
icance of entry-level compensation in the career de-
cisions of a substantial portion of the workforce. Addi-
tionally, 17.97% of users aim for a salary between 2-2.6
lakhs, while a majority, comprising 52.48%, express
ambitions for a salary range beyond 2.6 Lacs.

49 India Skills Report 2024

Delving into the gender-specific preferences, the data
highlights intriguing patterns. A mere 6.07% of male us-
ers prefer a starting salary between 2-2.6 lakhs, while a
significant 26.35% aim for a higher range, emphasizing
an inclination towards higher compensation. Female
users, on the other hand, showcase a balanced dis-
tribution, with 11.9% and 26.11% expressing preferences
for the 2-2.6 lakhs and above 2.6 lakhs salary brack-
ets, respectively. In the states of Kerala, Maharashtra,
Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh, there is a
consistent preference for a starting salary range of 0-2
lakhs, illustrating a shared expectation for entry-level
compensation. In contrast, states like Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, and Kerala
emerge as hotspots where employees prefer a salary
in the 2-2.6 lakhs bracket, reflecting regional variations
in economic expectations. The aspirations for high-
er compensation are prominently visible in states like
Kerala, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and
Tamil Nadu, where employees express a preference
for a salary range beyond 2.6 lakhs. This inclination
towards higher earnings aligns with the evolving eco-
nomic landscape and the pursuit of financial growth
among the youth.

Fun Fact : 75.94% of test takers have a computer

at home, with 100% of candidates from Delhi owning a





50 India Skills Report 2024

Salary Preferences Across States Top 5 states where employees preferred
salary of
India wide users who preferred starting Salary
range between 0-2 Lacs



India wide users who preferred Salary range

between 2-2.6 Lacs



India wide users who preferred Salary range be-

tween 2.6 Lacs and above



51 India Skills Report 2024

Male and Female Salary India’s Youth Embrace Mobility In
Preferences Job-Seeking
India wide Percentage of male users who pre- A resounding theme emerges from the preferences of
ferred starting Salary range between 2-2.6 Lacs this year’s aspirants—mobility and adaptability. The
data showcases a significant shift in the mindset of
the youth, with the majority expressing a willingness to
explore opportunities across various cities, unfettered
by geographical constraints.


STARTING SALARY RANGE An impressive revelation unfolds as “Any” emerges as
BETWEEN 2-2.6 LACS the top preferred area of work nationwide. This signals
a departure from the traditional model of job seeking
confined to specific cities, as the modern workforce
exhibits a keenness to traverse boundaries in pursuit
of promising career avenues. As industries diversify
India wide Percentage of male users who pre- and technology becomes increasingly pervasive, Ben-
galuru stands as a testament to the adaptability and
ferred starting Salary range between 2.6 Lacs
resilience of India’s youth, ready to embrace new hori-
zons and contribute to the ever-evolving professional
Key Takeaway : Bengaluru retains the top spot
STARTING SALARY RANGE as the favorite city to work among India’s youth
Amidst this panorama of openness to diverse work lo-
cations, Bengaluru emerges as a magnetic hub that
captivates the aspirations of both male and female
test takers. The city’s allure goes beyond its geograph-
ical boundaries, transcending regional affiliations. For
India wide Percentage of female users who pre- many, Bengaluru is not merely a location; it represents
a beacon of opportunities, a city where aspirations
ferred starting Salary range between 2-2.6 Lacs
meet thriving industries. The significance of Bengalu-
ru as a preferred destination is underlined by its con-
sistent prominence among the top choices for male
and female professionals. This city, often hailed as the
Silicon Valley of India, has etched its place as a nucle-
PREFERRED STARTING SALARY us of innovation, technology, and burgeoning job op-
RANGE BETWEEN 2-2.6 LACS portunities. The robust IT sector, coupled with a vibrant
startup ecosystem, positions Bengaluru as a magnet
for those seeking dynamic, growth-oriented careers.
The testament to Bengaluru’s appeal is not confined to
India wide Percentage of female users who pre- its contemporary charm; it resonates with the narra-
ferred starting Salary range between 2.6 Lacs tive of India’s economic trajectory.
and above




52 India Skills Report 2024

Preferred Area to work its vibrant opportunities. Kerala, with its enchanting
landscapes and vibrant cultural significance, emerg-
India wide Top 10 Preferred area of work
es as the preferred state for job seekers across the
country, among both males and females. The state’s
unique blend of natural beauty and economic oppor-
tunities positions it as a beacon for those in search of
fulfilling careers. Amidst the diverse cities within Kerala,
Cochin stands out as the second most preferred desti-
nation among both females and males. Renowned for
its bustling seaport, Cochin combines historical rich-
ness with a burgeoning modern infrastructure, making
it an ideal locale for professionals seeking a harmoni-
ous blend of tradition and innovation. The allure of Ker-
ala, coupled with the dynamic possibilities in regions
like Trivandrum, Calicut and Cochin, enliven the state’s
status as a prime destination for those eager to em-
bark on a journey of professional growth and personal

Kerala Emerges As Preferred

State For Youth To Work Preferred Place to work
The ‘preferred state to work’ data reveals intriguing India wide Top 10 Preferred area of work by
insights into the preferences of male and female job male users
seekers across India. Among male candidates, the
flexibility of working in “Any” location is highly favored,
showcasing the diverse career aspirations that span
the nation. Bengaluru emerges as the top choice for
male professionals, underlining the city’s prominence
as a thriving hub for career opportunities. Cochin, with
its unique charm and economic prospects, captures
the second spot, emphasizing its popularity among
male users. In terms of preferred states for males,
Kerala takes the lead, followed by dynamic states like
Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. These
choices align with the diverse economic landscapes
and job markets present in these regions, reflecting
the strategic considerations of male professionals in
their career pursuits.

Key Takeaway : Kerala is the most preferred

state to work for both male and female test takers,
while Cochin is the most preferred city among female
test takers.

closely for the female test takers’ appeal, reinforcing its

status as a city that attracts job-seeking women with

53 India Skills Report 2024

India wide Top 10 Preferred area of work
by female users

54 India Skills Report 2024

State-Wise Breakdown Of Youth This indicates a strong emphasis on educational ex-
cellence and proficiency among the state’s test takers.
Moving beyond academic achievements, the employ-
Top 10 States where users have scored more than 60% ability skills of Maharashtra’s workforce, particular-
in WEST (along with the percentages) are explored in ly among BE/B.Tech. graduates are noteworthy. The
this section. state shows a substantial percentage of employable
resources in key educational domains such as Infor-
Haryana mation Technology (IT) at 68.44%, Computer Science
Haryana, with its strategic location and growing ed- (CS) at 66.00%, and other engineering disciplines like
ucational ecosystem, is making significant contribu- Electronics and Communication Engineering, Elec-
tions to India’s talent pool. The state exhibits strengths trical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil
in education, diverse skill sets, and a balanced age- Engineering, all contributing significantly to the state’s
wise distribution, positioning it as an appealing des- skilled workforce.
tination for industries seeking skilled professionals.
The preference for specific skills is also evident, with
In the realm of education, Haryana’s commitment is
Maharashtra featuring in the top states with availa-
evident as 76.47% of test-takers from the state scored
ble skills in English as a Second Language, Numerical
above 60% in the WNET assessment. This reflects a
skills, Critical Thinking, and Computer Skills. This diver-
focus on academic excellence and an emphasis on
sified skill set indicates a well-rounded talent pool in
building a knowledgeable and skilled workforce. Har-
the state, covering essential competencies needed in
yana’s employability skills showcase a broad spec-
various sectors. Moreover, Maharashtra is a leader in
trum of proficiency. The state ranks high in English as a
terms of preferred salary ranges, with test takers from
Second Language (38.82%), Numerical skills (44.78%),
the state expressing interest in various salary brack-
Critical Thinking (27.45%), and Computer Skills among
ets. The state ranks high in the desire for starting sal-
BE/B.Tech. graduates. This indicates the versatility and
aries ranging from 0-2 Lacs, 2-2.6 lakhs, and beyond
competency of professionals in Haryana across these
2.6 lakhs, showcasing a diverse range of expectations
vital domains. A notable characteristic of Haryana’s
among the workforce. Looking at the age-wise distri-
workforce is the balanced distribution across different
bution, Maharashtra exhibits a balanced distribution of
age groups. With 92.44% of residents owning a com-
employable resources across age groups, indicating
puter at home, the state demonstrates a high level
a sustained focus on skill development and education
of digital literacy, essential for thriving in a technolo-
for individuals in the 18-29 age range. Maharashtra
gy-driven work environment.
emerges as a key player in the Indian job market, con-
Haryana’s performance in key skills such as English as tributing significantly to the talent pool with well-ed-
a Second Language, Numerical skills, Critical Think- ucated, skilled individuals across various domains,
ing, and Computer Skills positions it as a significant making it an attractive destination for industries seek-
player in the contemporary job market. Professionals ing diverse and proficient professionals.
from Haryana are equipped with the necessary skills
to meet the demands of diverse industries., Haryana Andhra Pradesh
emerges as a promising contributor to India’s talent Andhra Pradesh stands out prominently in the ana-
landscape, driven by a strong educational foundation, lyzed data, reflecting a robust educational and em-
diverse skill sets, and a digitally literate workforce. The ployability landscape. In the realm of academic per-
state’s proficiency in critical skills makes it an attrac- formance, Andhra Pradesh showcases an impressive
tive destination for industries seeking versatile and performance in the WNET, with over 72.38% of test
well-prepared professionals. takers scoring more than 60%. This signifies a strong
commitment to education and proficiency among in-
Maharashtra dividuals in the state. The employability skills of Andhra
Pradesh’s workforce, particularly among BE/B.Tech.
The data from Maharashtra provides a comprehen-
graduates are noteworthy. The state exhibits a high
sive snapshot of the state’s academic and profession-
percentage of employable resources in key educa-
al landscape. In terms of educational achievements,
tional domains, including Information Technology (IT)
Maharashtra boasts an impressive performance in the
at 68.44%, Computer Science (CS) at 66.00%, and var-
WNET, with a high percentage of users scoring more
ious engineering disciplines like Electronics and Com-
than 60%, standing at a remarkable 73.03%.
munication Engineering, Electrical Engineering,

55 India Skills Report 2024

Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering. This in- expectations among the workforce. Analyzing the age-
dicates a well-equipped workforce in engineering and wise distribution, Uttar Pradesh reveals a well-distrib-
technology-related fields. uted representation of employable resources across
age groups, showcasing a balanced emphasis on skill
Andhra Pradesh is also a frontrunner in terms of pre-
development and education for individuals in the 18-
ferred salary ranges, with test takers expressing var-
29 age range. Uttar Pradesh also exhibits strength in
ied expectations. The state ranks high in the desire for
specific skills, featuring in the top states with available
starting salaries ranging from 0-2 Lacs, 2-2.6 Lakhs,
skills in English as a Second Language, Numerical skills,
and above 2.6 Lakhs, reflecting the diverse aspirations
Critical Thinking, and Computer Skills. This well-round-
and expectations of the workforce. Looking at the age-
ed skill profile positions the state’s workforce as ver-
wise distribution, Andhra Pradesh demonstrates a bal-
satile and well-prepared for the demands of diverse
anced representation of employable resources across
industries. Uttar Pradesh remains a significant contrib-
age groups, indicating a sustained focus on skill devel-
utor to India’s talent pool, with a strong emphasis on
opment and education for individuals in the 18-29 age
education, diverse skill sets, and a balanced age-wise
range. Moreover, Andhra Pradesh excels in terms of
distribution, making it an attractive destination for in-
specific skills, featuring in the top states with available
dustries looking to hire youth talent in 2024.
skills in English as a Second Language, Numerical skills,
Critical Thinking, and Computer Skills. This diversified
skill set positions the state’s workforce as versatile and
well-prepared for the demands of various industries. Kerala, known for its high literacy rates and emphasis
Andhra Pradesh emerges as a pivotal contributor to on education, reflects distinctive trends in the analyz-
India’s talent reservoir, showcasing a robust commit- ed data. In the WNET, Kerala showcases a robust per-
ment to education, a diverse array of skill sets, and a formance, with 68.97% of test takers scoring more than
well-distributed demographic profile. These factors 60%. This highlights a strong academic foundation and
collectively position the state as an appealing desti- a considerable number of individuals with commend-
nation for companies in search of adept professionals able knowledge across educational domains. The em-
across all major age groups. ployability landscape in Kerala is particularly notewor-
thy, especially among BE/B.Tech. graduates. The state

Uttar Pradesh demonstrates a significant percentage of employa-

ble resources in critical domains such as Information
Uttar Pradesh, with its substantial population, plays a
Technology (IT) at 68.44%, Computer Science (CS) at
pivotal role in India’s educational and employment
66.00%, and other engineering disciplines, including
landscape, as evident from the analyzed data. In the
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical
WNET, Uttar Pradesh showcases a commendable per-
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engi-
formance, with 69.92% of test takers scoring more than
neering. This suggests a strong focus on engineering
60%. This reflects a positive trend in the state’s edu-
and technology-related fields. Examining the pre-
cational outcomes, emphasizing a significant pool
ferred salary ranges, Kerala exhibits diverse expecta-
of individuals with a good grasp of various subjects.
tions among test takers. The state ranks prominently in
The employability scenario in Uttar Pradesh is notable,
the desire for starting salaries ranging from 0-2 Lacs,
especially among BE/B.Tech. graduates. The state ex-
2-2.6 Lakhs, and above 2.6 Lakhs, reflecting a varied
hibits a high percentage of employable resources in
spectrum of salary expectations within the workforce.
critical domains such as Information Technology (IT)
at 68.44%, Computer Science (CS) at 66.00%, and oth-
Analyzing the age-wise distribution, Kerala displays
er engineering disciplines, including Electronics and
a well-distributed representation of employable re-
Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
sources across age groups, indicating a balanced
Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering. This
emphasis on skill development and education for in-
demonstrates a strong foundation in engineering and
dividuals in the 18-29 age range. Kerala also stands
technology-related fields.
out in terms of skills, featuring in the top states with
available skills in English as a Second Language, Nu-
When it comes to preferred salary ranges, Uttar
merical skills, Critical Thinking, and Computer Skills.
Pradesh presents diverse expectations among test
This diverse skill profile positions the state’s workforce
takers. The state ranks prominently in the desire for
as adaptable and well-equipped for the demands of
starting salaries ranging from 0-2 Lacs, 2-2.6 Lakhs,
and above 2.6 Lakhs, indicating a spectrum of salary various industries. Kerala has grown into a significant

56 India Skills Report 2024

contributor to India’s talent pool, boasting strong aca- adept and adaptable professionals, especially in IT,
demic performance, diverse skill sets, and a balanced finance, engineering, and technical career choices.
age-wise distribution. The state’s emphasis on educa- It is no secret that Hyderabad city in Telangana has
tion and technology-related fields makes it an attrac- emerged as a prime destination for foreign invest-
tive hub for industries seeking skilled and versatile pro- ments and job opportunities in India.
fessionals in various disciplines. Kerala also emerges
as the most preferred state for candidates to work in
this year’s WNET responses.
Karnataka, a state renowned for its dynamic IT indus-
try and educational institutions, showcases distinctive
Telangana trends in the analyzed data. Academically, Karnataka
Telangana, a state at the forefront of India’s techno- stands out with a substantial percentage of test takers
logical landscape, presents a compelling narrative scoring more than 60% in the WNET – 63.33%. This re-
based on the analyzed data. Starting with academic flects a robust educational landscape and a consider-
performance, Telangana stands out prominently in able number of individuals excelling in various educa-
the WNET, with 67.79% of test takers scoring more than tional domains. In terms of employability, Karnataka’s
60%. This underscores a robust educational founda- workforce demonstrates a strong command over crit-
tion and a substantial number of individuals excelling ical skills. The state ranks prominently in the top 10 for
in various educational domains. Telangana’s employ- English as a Second Language, Numerical skills, Critical
ability scenario is particularly noteworthy, with a high Thinking, and Computer Skills among BE/B.Tech. grad-
percentage of BE/B.Tech. graduates showcasing pro- uates. This suggests a well-rounded set of competen-
ficiency in critical domains. Notably, the state boasts cies, particularly in areas crucial for today’s job mar-
68.75% employable resources in English as a Second ket. When considering salary preferences, Karnataka
Language, 78.68% in Numerical skills, 37.70% in Criti- exhibits a diverse range of expectations among test
cal Thinking, and features among the top states with takers, reflecting varied priorities and financial goals
available Computer Skills. This suggests a strong em- within the state’s workforce. This diversity is a positive
phasis on technological and quantitative competen- indicator of the dynamic and evolving nature of the
cies among the workforce. job market in Karnataka.

In terms of preferred salary ranges, Telangana exhib-

Examining the age-wise distribution, Karnataka pre-
its diverse expectations among test takers, reflecting a
sents a robust representation across age groups,
spectrum of salary preferences. This diversity in salary
particularly in the 18-21 and 22-25 age brackets. This
expectations indicates the varied priorities and finan-
indicates a consistent focus on skill development and
cial aspirations within the state’s workforce. Analyzing
education among the younger demographic, align-
the age-wise distribution, Telangana showcases a ro-
ing with the demands of the evolving job market. The
bust representation across age groups, particularly
state’s prowess in technology is further underscored
in the 18-21 and 22-25 age brackets. This distribution
by the widespread availability of computer skills. Kar-
signifies a consistent focus on skill development and
nataka features prominently in the list of top states
education among the younger demographic, aligning
with available skills in English as a Second Language,
with the demands of the evolving job market.
Numerical skills, Critical Thinking, and Computer Skills,
Telangana’s importance in the technological land- portraying a tech-savvy and adaptable workforce. In
scape is further emphasized by the widespread avail- summary, Karnataka remains a significant player in
ability of computer skills. The state features prominent- India’s talent landscape, driven by strong academic
ly in the list of top states with available skills in English performance, a focus on critical skills, and a diverse
as a Second Language, Numerical skills, Critical Think- workforce migrating from all parts of India to the Sili-
ing, and Computer Skills, indicating a well-rounded con Valley of India, Bengaluru city. The state’s empha-
and tech-savvy workforce. Telangana is a key player sis on technology and proficiency in essential skills po-
in India’s talent ecosystem, driven by strong academ- sitions it as a prime destination for industries seeking
ic performance, a focus on technological skills, and candidates to fit the agenda of 2024’s corporate hiring
a diverse workforce with varying salary expectations. activities in the state.
The state’s emphasis on technology and proficiency in
critical skills positions it as a hub for industries seeking

57 India Skills Report 2024

percentage of test-takers, 52.91%, scored above 60%.
Punjab This underscores Tamil Nadu’s emphasis on academ-
Punjab emerges as a significant contributor to In- ic excellence and the cultivation of a knowledgea-
dia’s talent reservoir, underscored by notable data ble and skilled workforce. Tamil Nadu’s employability
points that highlight the state’s commitment to edu- skills showcase versatility across various domains.
cation, diverse skill proficiencies, and balanced age- The state secures a prominent position in the top 10
wise distribution. These factors collectively position for English as a Second Language (24.55%), Numerical
Punjab as a sought-after destination for industries in skills (59.09%), Critical Thinking (25.00%), and Comput-
search of adept and well-rounded professionals. The er Skills among BE/B.Tech. graduates. This reflects the
state’s prowess in education is evident from the im- proficiency of Tamil Nadu’s professionals in these cru-
pressive performance in the WNET, where a substan- cial areas.
tial percentage of test-takers, 61.41%, scored above
60%. This reflects Punjab’s dedication to fostering aca- A notable strength lies in the balanced age distribu-
demic excellence and providing a solid grounding for tion of Tamil Nadu’s workforce, with 41.36% of availa-
its workforce. In terms of employability skills, Punjab’s ble male employable resources and 24.55% of female
workforce showcases versatility, particularly in critical employable resources. This balanced representation
domains. The state secures a noteworthy position in across age groups suggests sustained efforts in skill
the top 10 for English as a Second Language (34.43%), development and education, aligning with the dynam-
Numerical skills (41.57%), Critical Thinking (22.81%), and ic needs of the job market. Tamil Nadu’s technological
Computer Skills among BE/B.Tech. graduates. This prowess is highlighted by its impressive performance
data underscores the proficiency of Punjab’s profes- in skills related to English as a Second Language, Nu-
sionals in these vital domains. merical skills, Critical Thinking, and Computer Skills. The
state’s professionals demonstrate proficiency in these
A key strength lies in the balanced age distribution vital areas, showcasing adaptability and a keen un-
of Punjab’s workforce, with 29.98% of available male derstanding of contemporary industry requirements.
employable resources and 34.43% of female employ- In conclusion, Tamil Nadu stands out as a major player
able resources. This balanced distribution indicates a in India’s talent landscape, backed by data points that
sustained emphasis on skill development and educa- highlight its commitment to education, diverse skill
tion across age groups, aligning with the evolving de- sets, and a well-distributed workforce.
mands of the job market. Punjab’s technological acu-
men is apparent in its impressive performance in skills
related to English as a Second Language, Numerical Delhi
skills, Critical Thinking, and Computer Skills. The state’s Delhi, the national capital territory, emerges as a dy-
professionals exhibit proficiency in these crucial areas, namic force in India’s talent landscape, characterized
showcasing adaptability and a keen understanding of by a robust educational foundation, diverse skill sets,
contemporary industry requirements. Punjab stands and a workforce that spans various age groups. This
out as a notable player in India’s talent landscape, positions Delhi as a pivotal destination for industries
supported by data points that emphasize its commit- in search of adept and adaptable professionals. Del-
ment to education, diverse skill sets, and a balanced hi’s commitment to education is evident in the per-
demographic distribution. The state’s appeal lies in the formance of its test-takers, with 59.09% scoring above
versatility of its professionals, making it an attractive 60% in the WNET assessment. This underscores the
hub for industries across India looking to land talented region’s focus on academic excellence and its efforts
young professionals for the year 2024. to foster a knowledgeable and skilled workforce. In
terms of employability skills, Delhi showcases versa-
Tamil Nadu tility across various domains. The city features prom-
inently in the top 10 for English as a Second Language
Tamil Nadu emerges as a powerhouse in India’s talent
(36.36%), Numerical skills (61.71%), Critical Thinking
landscape, characterized by a strong commitment to
(31.81%), and Computer Skills among BE/B.Tech. grad-
education, a diverse range of skill sets, and a well-dis-
uates. This indicates the proficiency of Delhi’s profes-
tributed workforce across age groups. These factors
sionals in these crucial areas. One of Delhi’s notable
position Tamil Nadu as a highly desirable destination
strengths is its diverse and well-distributed workforce
for industries seeking proficient and adaptable pro-
across age groups.
fessionals. The state’s dedication to education is evi-
dent in the WNET performance, where a significant

58 India Skills Report 2024

With 100% computer ownership at home, the city’s res- 2. Category: General Knowledge :
idents demonstrate a high level of tech-savviness, re-
flecting their readiness for the demands of the modern • Maharashtra Takes the Leadra Pradesh Leads
workplace. Delhi’s strong performance in skills relat- in Future Skills : Maharashtra emerges as the front-
ed to English as a Second Language, Numerical skills, runner in general knowledge with an impressive score
Critical Thinking, and Computer Skills underscores of 72.69%. This indicates a strong academic founda-
its technological prowess. Professionals from Delhi tion and a population that is well-versed in various
showcase adaptability and a comprehensive under- domains of knowledge. The presence of educational
standing of contemporary industry requirements. In hubs like Mumbai and Pune likely contributes to this
conclusion, Delhi remains a key player in India’s tal- high ranking.
ent landscape, boasting a solid educational founda-
tion, diverse skill sets, and a tech-savvy workforce. The
• Southern States Lag in General Knowledge :
Interestingly, while southern states like Karnataka and
city’s appeal lies in its proficiency across critical skills,
Tamil Nadu excel in future skills, they show lower scores
making it an attractive region for industries seeking
in general knowledge (67.33% and 41.09%, respective-
problem-solvers and experts at numerical.
ly). This highlights a potential gap in traditional knowl-
edge domains, which might need attention for a more
States with Impressive Record of comprehensive educational approach.
Future Skills and General
• Uttar Pradesh’s Noteworthy Performance :
Knowledge Uttar Pradesh demonstrates strength in both future
The data provided reveals interesting insights into the skills (65.63%) and general knowledge (68.36%). This
future skills and general knowledge levels across dif- suggests a well-rounded education system that fo-
ferent states in India, as per this year’s Indian State cuses on both practical skills and theoretical under-
Ranking for specific skills by ISR’s WNET employability standing, positioning the state as a potential hub for
analysis. Let’s delve into the findings for both catego- versatile and knowledgeable professionals.
ries and discuss their significance.

Significance of this year’s WNET

1. Category: Future Skills :
state-wise skills findings:
• Andhra Pradesh Leads in Future Skills : With an The state-wise skill report findings shed light on crucial
impressive score of 76.15%, Andhra Pradesh emerges aspects of the education landscape in India, empha-
as the top state in terms of future skills. This suggests sizing the pivotal role of holistic development, regional
a strong emphasis on preparing the workforce for the disparities, and policy implications. The significance of
evolving demands of the future, including techno- these findings extends beyond the immediate rank-
logical advancements and industry-specific require- ings, offering valuable insights into the future pre-
ments. paredness of India’s youth and the potential societal
• Emerging Southern States : Noticeably, states
from the southern part of India, such as Karnataka • Holistic Development is Key : The ISR findings
(69.83%) and Maharashtra (68.81%), also exhibit high strongly advocate for a holistic approach to education,
a sentiment echoed by the exemplary performance of
scores in future skills. This could be attributed to a ro-
states like Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra in both
bust education system, proactive skill development
future skills and general knowledge categories. This
initiatives, and a thriving IT industry in these regions.
underscores the need for a curriculum that transcends
• Kerala’s Balanced Approach: Kerala, leading the traditional boundaries of theoretical learning, in-
in both future skills (43.89%) and general knowledge tegrating practical skills that align with the demands
of the ever-evolving job market. A balanced education
(41.98%), showcases a balanced approach towards
system that nurtures not only academic proficiency
education. This suggests a holistic curriculum that not
but also practical acumen equips individuals to navi-
only imparts knowledge but also hones skills that are
gate the complexities of the professional world.
crucial for the future job market.
• Regional Disparities : The regional variations high-
lighted in the ISR rankings illuminate the diverse

59 India Skills Report 2024

educational landscapes across states. Policymakers
General Knowdedge
can leverage this information to implement targeted
interventions in specific regions, addressing the unique
Top 5 States
challenges each area faces. By tailoring educational
initiatives to meet the specific needs of different states,
authorities can work towards reducing disparities and
ensuring that students across the nation have equal
access to quality education. This approach promotes
inclusivity and lays the foundation for a more uniform
and robust education system.

• Policy Implications : The ISR data serves as a val-

uable compass for policymakers, guiding them in for-
mulating strategies that can enhance the overall edu-
cational ecosystem. Understanding the strengths and
weaknesses of each state allows authorities to craft
targeted policies that address specific areas requir-
ing improvement. This data-driven policymaking ap-
proach contributes to the creation of a more respon-
sive and adaptive education system, better aligned
with the demands of the contemporary world. It sets
the stage for initiatives that go beyond short-term fix-
es, fostering a sustainable and continuously improving
educational infrastructure.

Top Cities on The Radar of

Future Skills Corporates in 2024
The data on cities where users have scored more than
Top 5 States
60% in the WNET test reveals a compelling narrative
about the evolving landscape of employability. While
traditional tech hubs like Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai, Hy-
derabad, and Chennai continue to play a crucial role,
the emergence of cities like Pune, and Lucknow as cen-
ters of highly employable talent is noteworthy. These
cities have demonstrated significant growth, with Pune
leading the pack at an impressive 75%, showcasing a
remarkable increase in employability. Bengaluru, a
perennial hub, continues to maintain a high score at
72.46%, reaffirming its status as a tech powerhouse.
The data also sheds light on the changing dynamics of
employability, with cities like Trivandrum, Guntur, and
Chandigarh making substantial strides. Trivandrum, in
particular, stands out with a notable 55.24% score, in-
dicating a growing pool of highly skilled individuals in
various regions of Kerala migrating to the state capi-
tal. This trend challenges the conventional notion that
employability is confined to major urban centers, sig-
nifying a broader dispersion of talent across the coun-

In the context of technology-driven transformation,

the increased employability in cities beyond the usual

60 India Skills Report 2024

suspects aligns with the evolving demands of the job generate 2 million new jobs in India by 2025, particu-
market. As industries embrace digitalization and tech- larly in areas like AI development, data science, and
nological advancements, the demand for skilled pro- machine learning. The anticipated boost to India’s GDP
fessionals is growing across diverse geographical lo- by 15% by 2035 further underscores AI’s role in enhanc-
cations and so is the talent landscape. The WNET data ing efficiency and productivity across sectors. Govern-
reinforces the notion that cities, irrespective of their ment initiatives, such as “Make in India” and “Digital In-
size or historical prominence, are becoming key con- dia,” are strategically designed to attract foreign direct
tributors to India’s talent pool and the development of investment (FDI) in AI and bolster digital infrastructure,
new age skills and awareness among the youth. laying the foundation for a robust AI-driven economy.

Academic Outlook : The Impact of Society :

AI is ushering in transformative changes in societal
AI on Society
domains, particularly in healthcare, agriculture, finan-
India stands at the forefront of leveraging AI to reshape cial inclusion, and social welfare. In healthcare, AI is
its education system, invigorate its economy, and en- facilitating the development of advanced diagnostic
hance societal well-being. As the nation navigates tools, personalized patient care, and improved access
this transformative era, a careful balance between in rural areas. Agriculture benefits from AI’s ability to
technological innovation and ethical responsibility re- optimize crop yields, predict weather patterns, and
mains essential for ensuring that AI becomes a force connect farmers to markets, fostering sustainable
for inclusive and sustainable progress. The impact of practices. Financial inclusion sees AI-powered servic-
Artificial Intelligence (AI) on India’s education system, es extending access to credit and financial products
economy, and society is increasingly profound, ush- to underserved communities. Furthermore, AI is har-
ering in a transformative era with implications across nessed for social welfare programs, identifying vulner-
various sectors. able populations and enabling targeted assistance.

However, as with any transformative technology, eth-

Education : ical concerns loom large. The potential negative im-
India’s National Education Policy 2020 marks a pivotal pacts of AI, such as job displacement, bias, and privacy
step, prioritizing the integration of AI into the curricu- violations, have become subjects of intense scrutiny.
lum across all levels. The focus extends beyond basic Acknowledging these concerns, the Indian govern-
understanding to nurturing AI literacy, computational ment is actively committed to developing responsible
thinking, and problem-solving skills among students. AI guidelines and regulations, ensuring that the bene-
Complementing this, the AI4K12 Initiative, launched fits of AI are balanced with ethical considerations.
by the Ministry of Education, ambitiously aims to in-
troduce AI education to 10 million school children by
2023. Concurrently, startups like BYJU’S and Toppr are
The Evolving Landscape of AI
driving innovation with AI-powered learning platforms, Education in Academia
personalizing education and providing adaptive learn- Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transfor-
ing experiences. The government’s substantial invest- mative force, reshaping the educational landscape
ments in AI education, including funding for AI labs, within academia. The evolving outlook of academia on
research projects, and skill development programs, the impact of AI reflects a growing awareness of the
underscore the commitment to shaping a technologi- unique challenges and opportunities presented by this
cally adept generation. rapidly advancing field. By embracing tailored teach-
ing methods, fostering collaboration with industry, and
Economy : cultivating a mindset of coexistence between AI and
India’s AI industry is on a trajectory of exponential human expertise, academia is poised to play a pivotal
growth, estimated to reach USD 28.8 billion by 2025 role in preparing future generations for the transfor-
with a remarkable CAGR of 45%. This surge is driven by mative influence of AI in diverse sectors of society. As
increasing demand for AI solutions, spanning diverse these initiatives unfold, academia stands as a crucial
sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, and finance. driver in shaping a future where AI is seamlessly in-
The expansion of the AI landscape is not only creating tegrated, contributing to the betterment of industries
a demand for technical expertise but is poised to and society at large.

61 India Skills Report 2024

Recognizing its dynamic nature, academia is under- The ability to adapt and update course content regu-
going a profound shift in its approach to AI educa- larly ensures that students are equipped with the most
tion, acknowledging the need for specialized teaching current knowledge and skills needed to navigate the
methods, curriculum agility, and strategic collabora- dynamic AI landscape upon graduation. This adapt-
tions with industry experts. ability is crucial for preparing students for the re-
al-world challenges they will encounter in AI-related
• Teaching AI Differently : professions.

The acknowledgment that AI is not a monolithic en-

tity but a diverse landscape with varied applications • AI as an Aid, Not a Replacement :
has prompted a departure from traditional teaching A prevailing sentiment within academia is the recog-

methods. Within the academic community, there is nition of AI as a complement to human capabilities

a growing recognition of three distinct categories of rather than a replacement. While AI is poised to en-

learners: hance efficiency and efficacy in various fields, there is

a strong emphasis on the fact that specialized tasks
1. AI Applicants : Individuals focusing on the practi- will continue to require human expertise. In healthcare,
cal application of AI solutions in specific domains such for example, AI may optimize routine tasks, allowing
as agriculture or healthcare. Their educational needs healthcare professionals to redirect their focus to-
demand a curriculum tailored to understanding the wards more complex aspects of patient care, empha-
practical deployment of AI technologies. sizing the synergy between AI and human ingenuity.

2. AI Technicians : This category encompasses pro-

• Realizing Impact through Deployment:
fessionals like programmers and data scientists who
are at the forefront of coding and building AI models. The true impact of AI in academia is anticipated to ma-

Their educational journey requires a deep dive into the terialize when large-scale deployments occur. AI’s po-

technical aspects of AI development. tential to enhance efficiency and effectiveness across

diverse domains, from agriculture to healthcare, will
3. AI Deployers : Often referred to as the plumbers be fully realized when integrated on a broader scale.
of AI, these individuals specialize in the mass deploy- Achieving this transition requires a concerted effort
ment of AI solutions across various industries. Their from academia, industry, and policymakers to create
educational path necessitates a strategic curriculum an environment conducive to AI adoption. Through
focused on implementation and scaling. collaborative initiatives, academia can contribute sig-
nificantly to the successful deployment of AI technolo-
• Industry-Academia Collaboration : gies, bringing about tangible societal benefits.

To bridge the gap between academia and indus-

try, fostering a symbiotic relationship is deemed im-
perative. Active engagement with industry experts is
facilitated through initiatives such as sponsored in-
ternships and collaborative research projects. These
initiatives provide students with practical exposure,
enriching their understanding of AI applications and
deployment strategies.

The synergy between academia and industry not only

prepares students for real-world challenges but also
ensures that academic research remains relevant and
impactful. This collaborative spirit serves as a catalyst
for innovation, with academia contributing theoretical
insights and industry providing practical applications.

• Curriculum Agility :
In the swiftly evolving landscape of AI technologies, cur-

riculum agility is imperative for educational institutions.

62 India Skills Report 2024


63 India Skills Report 2024

Whenever I start my first class with my final year students, “The India Skills
Report” is the first thing I make them learn. The India Skills Report is an annu-
al report that provides insights into the state of employability and skills of the
Indian workforce. It is a collaborative effort between various organizations
and institutions and typically includes data on the skills and employabil-
ity of graduates and job seekers in India. The “Wheebox” is helping these
new talents to understand their expertise and help them add wings to their
career journey. The India Skills Report plays a significant role in addressing
the skills and employability challenges in India by providing valuable infor-
mation and insights. It helps in the development of a more skilled and job-
Rajkumar Devkar
ready workforce, which, in turn, contributes to reducing unemployment and
Training & Placement Officer fostering economic growth. I am expressing gratitude to all the institutions
VIVA Institutions, Mumbai, that are contributing to ISR for their extensive research and reports that have
Maharashtra, India been valuable reference.

As we stand on the brink of a technology-driven revolution, the In-

dia Skills Report is a crucial resource for our evolving workforce land-
scape. In a world profoundly impacted by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and automation, understanding the changing dynamics of work,
skill development, and mobility is very important. The India Skills Re-
port (ISR) provides valuable insights, aligning with the government’s
skilling initiatives and educational reforms. As we strive to equip our
graduates with the skills they need to thrive in this new era, the ISR’s
comprehensive, research-based approach is valuable. It not only
aids universities and colleges but also informs policymakers, indus-
Rev. Dr G. Vazhan Arasu
tries, and higher education institutions, helping bridge the demand
and supply gap in the job market. I commend the Wheebox team
St. Aloysius’ College Autonomous
and their partners for their contribution to the future of India’s work-
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
force and look forward to the 11th edition’s release at the CII Global
Skills Summit in December 2023.

Latest developments of Science and Technology in higher educational In-

stitutes equipped with innovative research need the guidelines of National
Education policy 2020. Path-breaking research needs to be implemented
for the industries working on Natural resources exploration, exploitation, and
management for sustainable development. The use of Satellite data-based
modeling for Water resources; Biodiversity, Mineral Exploration sectors, and
early warning for Natural Hazards are required for the development of the
country in a holistic way. Wheebox is instrumental in achieving sustenance
in the Indian economy through its program. I congratulate them for the re-
lease ceremony of ISR 2024.
Professor Saumitra Mukherjee
School of Environmental Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi

64 India Skills Report 2024

The India Skill Report 2024 on the theme Impact of AI on the Future of
Work, Skilling & Mobility reveals improvement in overall employability
among youngsters. The use of AI will empower India’s youth by offer-
ing the necessary skills and training to increase their chances of getting
jobs in various sectors. This also boosts an individual’s productivity and

Heartiest congratulations to the entire team of Wheebox for launching

the 11th Edition of India Skills Report 2024. India will definitely become a
hub of Talent, Skill, and Knowledge for the upcoming generation through
the use of AI technology.
Prof. (Dr.) Shiv Shankar Shukla
Head, Department of Pharmaceutical
Quality Assurance, Columbia Institute
of Pharmacy, Raipur (C.G.)

India has made significant progress in skilling its workforce over the
past decade, with the employability of young individuals increasing
to 50.3% in 2023. The report also highlights the growing demand for
skills in AI, ML, and other cutting-edge technologies. To prepare the
workforce for the future of work, the report recommends investing
in skilling and re-skilling programs, promoting STEM education, and
creating an enabling environment for innovation and entrepreneur-
ship. The India Skills Report 2024 is a valuable resource for policy-
makers, business leaders, and educators to guide India’s skilling and
employment policies in the years to come.
Yogesh Satishchandra Baheti
Founder, Destiny Planners

AI is a transformative force in the future of work, skilling, and mobility while

it offers numerous benefits in terms of automation, efficiency, and person-
alization. It also presents challenges in terms of job displacement and ine-
quality. Preparing the workforce for this future requires a focus on adaptable
skills, lifelong learning, and responsible AI implementation to ensure that AI
benefits society as a whole. The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on these
areas is profound and multifaceted. AI technologies are transforming the
way we work, requiring individuals and organizations to adapt and evolve to
remain competitive.

Dr. C K Manjunath AI’s influence in these areas:

Professor and Head Training and 1. Re-skilling and Up-skilling
Placement 2. Personalization of Learning
Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of 3. Collaboration with AI
Technology and Management, The India Skills Report is a valuable resource for policymakers, educators,
Bantakal, Udupi and Consultant employers, and job seekers. It helps in better understanding the skills and
New Environment and Energy employability landscape in the country and plays a role in guiding the ef-
Research (NEER), Greater Noida forts to bridge the skills gap and improve employment prospects for Indian
youth. It is a collaborative effort between various organizations and stake-
holders, including government agencies, industry associations, educational
institutions, and consulting firms. The report typically covers a wide range of
topics related to skills, employment, and education in India.

65 India Skills Report 2024

I am truly impressed by the significant impact the India Skills Report has
made over the past decade. Its insightful analysis and thought-provok-
ing recommendations have been instrumental in shaping India’s skilling
landscape. The focus on the impact of AI on the future of work, skilling,
and mobility in the 11th edition is timely and crucial. As a testament to its
credibility, the collaboration with esteemed partners like AICTE, AIU, CII,
and Google speaks volumes about its influence. I wholeheartedly en-
dorse the India Skills Report for its unwavering commitment to driving
excellence in skill development and policy formulation, making it an in-
valuable resource for academia, industry, and policymakers alike.
Dr. Ati Priye
Director Planning and Development,
Advisor to Vice Chancellor,
CT University

The interplay of technology in both Skill and Entrepreneurship De-

velopment sectors is well documented. In particular, artificial intelli-
gence is going to have a tremendous impact on the education sector
and it will alter the future of work and the mobility of our graduates
across the globe. In this context, the efforts of Wheebox and its stra-
tegic partners AICTE, AIU, CII, and Google to roll out 11th edition of India
Skills Report 2024 is highly commendable.

Prof. Dr. Lidwin Dias

Principal, College of Social Work (Autonomous)
Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai

Since its establishment, the India Skills Report has thrived on an assortment
of innovative platforms. I wish to be a part of the marathon Yathra kind of
approach to reach all domain-specific and impact-based life sciences, sci-
ence, and technology-driven community development activities, starting
with traditional cart mobility to spacecraft mobility. I’m an innovator, accel-
erator, and mentor of all technology-related innovations.
Working with Wheelbox has been fantastic in the past, present, and future; it
has revealed the wisdom in the robust, democratic innovation and start-up
environment, which is incredibly diverse.
Dr Umesha K, Any organization that aims to significantly alter how people view technolo-
Professor &HoD gy, sustainability, economic viability, and adaptability should go above and
Department of Electronics and beyond to establish a 360-degree rotation that will have a lasting influence
Communication Engineering on all living things, including our present and future generations.
Jawaharlal College of Engineering
It gives me great pleasure to announce that the 11th edition of the India Skills
and Technology
Report 2024, entitled Wheebox Innovation Yathra, on the “Impact of AI on the
Lakkidi, Mangalam P.O, Palakkad
Future of Work, Skilling, and Mobility,” will be launched at the CII Global Skills
Dist, Kerala
Summit in December 2023 with tremendous success.

I hope it develops into a widely acknowledged Yathra that can be found

everywhere in the world.

66 India Skills Report 2024

The India Skills Report offers a comprehensive overview of data and
delves into specific areas where youth can focus, guided by insights
from distinguished speakers. Wheebox is instrumental in address-
ing numerous challenges and fostering skill sustainability. It serves as
a valuable platform for acquiring knowledge, bridging skills gaps, and
promoting self-development. Skill development also plays a pivotal
role in nurturing an ecosystem among the youth, leading to enhanced

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the future of work, skilling, and
Dr. A. N. P. P. Anantha Lakshmi mobility is profound and multifaceted. AI is reshaping industries by au-
Vice-President and founder of tomating routine tasks, which can lead to the displacement of certain
Techno Innovation & Incubation jobs. However, it also creates new opportunities as it demands a differ-
Center In charge for Centre for ent skill set. The workforce of the future must adapt and upskill to stay
Innovation & Entrepreneurship relevant in an AI-driven world. Skilling and reskilling become imperative
St. Joseph’s Degree & PG College, as AI continues to evolve. Mobility in work is also affected, with remote
Hyderabad work and gig economy jobs becoming more prevalent. AI plays a crucial
role in enabling remote collaboration and managing tasks. Furthermore,
it can optimize talent mobility by matching skills with job opportunities
more efficiently. However, concerns about job security and ethical AI use
need to be addressed. In summary, AI is transforming the nature of work,
making skilling and reskilling essential for career longevity, and altering
the landscape of mobility by creating opportunities and challenges that
must be carefully navigated.

Wishes and hearty congratulations to Wheebox for the new edition

of the India Skills Report 2024 This will be a wonderful platform for the
young Graduates and job seekers. Wheebox advances the nation’s
talent pool through an in-depth analysis of current trends. Wheebox
BARO career interest test helps the candidates to identify interest ar-
eas in various domains, and career options that can help them make
well-informed decisions regarding their career.

Professor and Former Head
Department of Chemical Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Calicut, Kozhikode, Kerala

67 India Skills Report 2024

The India Skills Report by Wheebox provides invaluable insights into the
evolving landscape of skills and employment in our country. It’s an es-
sential resource for policymakers, educators, and employers looking to
make informed decisions and bridge the skills gap effectively. I highly
recommend the India Skills Report to anyone interested in understand-
ing the skills and employment scenario in India. Its data-driven ap-
proach and expert analysis make it an essential tool for staying com-
petitive in the job market.

Mr. Amit Kolhe

Managing Trustee
Sanjivani Group of Institute,
Kopargaon, Maharashtra

Heartiest congratulations to Wheebox for the 11th edition of India Skills

Report 2024, a much sought after & insightful document laying the
road map to the skill requirements of tomorrow. Finding the skill gaps
and sharing them will definitely help in the effective training of the fu-
ture workforce, a much-needed strategy to foster the developmental
goals in line with the current policies. This will further help the policy-
makers in drafting output-oriented policies keeping in view the local
and global requirements. This unique initiative of Wheebox entailing
trustworthy information will definitely help all the stakeholders in tal-
ent hunt & acquisition. I pray for the huge success of this wonder-
Prof. (Dr.) Ranjit Singh
ful report and wish for a grand releasing ceremony of the same by
Vice Chancellor
Wheebox & strategic partners AICTE & AIU.
Shobhit University, Gangoh,
Saharanpur, UP

It is essential to maximize the talent potential of students to enhance their

employability. By attending the online examination for our students by
Wheebox, we saw an immediate increase in our placement record. The
AI-powered assessment system provides an error-free and effective tool to
evaluate the students.

Prof. N. Palanisamy
Annamalai Polytechnic College

68 India Skills Report 2024

These changes have had a profound impact on the

CHANGING THE very nature of learning, teaching methods, and insti-

tutional operations. In the past, students were typically

passive recipients of information. Today, students are
more actively engaged in the learning process, and
they are more likely to be using technology to learn.

LANDSCAPE - Teachers are also using technology more than ever

before, and they are finding new and innovative ways

to use technology to engage students and improve
learning outcomes.

The changes in educational technology have also

A remarkable transformation has been observed in
had a significant impact on institutional operations.
the educational technology landscape over the past
Schools and colleges are now using technology to
one and a half decades. The journey has progressed
manage student records, to communicate with par-
from rudimentary in-house data centers and bespoke
ents and guardians, and to deliver instruction. Tech-
software solutions to the widespread adoption of li-
nology is also being used to automate tasks that were
censed software applications. Smartboards became
once performed manually, which is freeing up staff
ubiquitous in classrooms, and the acceptance of Ed-
time to focus on other important tasks.
ucation SAAS models paved the way for cloud-based
applications. The evolution of educational technology is still in its

The rise of AI/ML-based learning marked a significant early stages, and it is impossible to say what the future

milestone, culminating in the current surge of Gener- holds. However, technology will continue to play an in-

ative AI utilization. This period has ushered in a revo- creasingly important role in education. As technology

lution of sorts, reshaping the very nature of learning, continues to evolve, schools and colleges will need to

teaching methods, and institutional operations.The adapt to keep up.

educational technology landscape has changed dra-

matically in the last 15 years. In the past, schools and Impact on Learning:
colleges typically had their own in-house data centers Technology’s impact on learning is profound and tan-
and used bespoke software solutions. This made it dif- gible. The era of learning solely from textbooks and
ficult and expensive to keep up with the latest technol- traditional lectures is a bygone era. The digital age has
ogies, and it also limited the ability of schools to share empowered learners with an abundance of informa-
resources. tion accessible at their fingertips.

Today, the vast majority of schools and colleges use

This autonomy in learning pace and style, coupled with
licensed software applications. This has made it much
global collaboration and access to unprecedented re-
easier and more affordable for schools to adopt new
sources, has redefined the traditional classroom para-
technologies, and it has also made it easier for schools
digm. Learners are no longer confined to the four walls
to share resources. Smartboards have become com-
of a classroom, but can engage in learning experienc-
monplace in classrooms, and the adoption of Educa-
es that are personalized, collaborative, and borderless.
tion SAAS models has paved the way for cloud-based
applications. Technology has transformed the role of the teacher
from a sole dispenser of knowledge to a facilitator of
The rise of AI/ML-based learning has been a major
learning. Teachers now curate and create engaging
milestone in the evolution of educational technology.
learning experiences that leverage the power of tech-
AI/ML-based learning systems can provide students
nology to meet the individual needs of learners.
with personalized learning experiences, and they can
also help teachers to identify and address students The impact of technology on learning is not without
who are struggling. The current surge of Generative AI its challenges. However, the benefits of a technolo-
utilization is poised to revolutionize educational tech- gy-rich learning environment are clear. Learners who
nology even further. Generative AI can be used to cre- are adept at using technology are better equipped to
ate personalized learning materials, and it can also be succeed in a world that is increasingly reliant on digital
used to automate tasks that are currently performed information and communication.
by teachers.

69 India Skills Report 2024

In short, technology has not only changed the way we • Hyper-personalized outreach and engagement
learn, but it has also changed the very nature of learn- produced by GenAI will provide innovative, low-cost
ing itself. methods for institutions to achieve enrollment goals.

Impact on Hybrid Learning : • Leveraging GenAI for course planning and digital
courseware can potentially save time for faculty and
Technology has laid the groundwork for hybrid learn-
produce better student outcomes.
ing, seamlessly blending conventional classroom in-
teractions with digital flexibility. Online learning plat- • Teaching students to master the use of GenAI can
forms, virtual reality, and augmented reality have mitigate potential negative impacts in the labor mar-
shattered geographical barriers, empowering learn- ket and open up new employment opportunities fol-
ers to acquire knowledge from diverse environments lowing graduation.
across the globe.
In essence, GenAI has the potential to streamline ad-
The integration of artificial intelligence has personal-
ministrative processes, enhance student engagement,
ized learning experiences, providing real-time feed-
and prepare learners for the demands of the 21st-cen-
back and facilitating adaptable educational methods.
tury workforce. By embracing GenAI, institutions can
This symbiotic blend of individual attention and re-
position themselves for success in an increasingly
mote learning epitomizes the hybrid model’s dynamic
competitive and rapidly changing world.

In essence, technology has not merely enabled hybrid The integration of technology into education presents
learning but has also elevated it to a paradigm that both empowerment and cautionary tales. Personal-
transcends the limitations of traditional education. By ized learning, real-time feedback, task automation, in-
bridging the gap between physical and virtual spaces, teractive experiences, and global access to resources
hybrid learning harnesses the power of technology to illustrate a transformative landscape. Simultaneously,
create a truly global and personalized learning expe- disparities, cyberbullying, distraction dynamics, com-
rience. plexity in choices, and health considerations necessi-
tate careful evaluation. The commitment to champion

Impact on Educational Institutes : the adoption of technology in education, and navigat-

ing its complexities for years to come, remains para-
Educational institutions have undergone an unprece-
dented transformation due to the pervasive influence
of technology. The shift from paper-based operations
The transformative potential of technology in educa-
to digital efficiencies is emblematic of this transforma-
tion is undeniable. However, it is crucial to acknowl-
tion. A thriving ecosystem of educational technology
edge and address the potential drawbacks to ensure
companies caters to administrative needs, encom-
that technology enhances rather than hinders the
passing solutions such as School SIS, ERP, CRM, Digital
learning experience. By carefully considering both the
Marketing, and Student Lifecycle Management.
benefits and challenges, educators and policymakers
can create a technology-rich learning environment
Each meticulously harnessed digital facet amplifies
that is both effective and equitable for all learners.
data-driven decision-making, revolutionizing opera-
tional acumen. In essence, technology has not merely
streamlined administrative processes but has also el-
evated them to a level of sophistication that enables
educational institutions to make informed and strate-
gic decisions that enhance their overall effectiveness.

Impact of GEN AI :
As Generative AI (GenAI) stands poised to transform
education, the technology offers numerous opportu-
nities to unlock value and enhance experiences across

70 India Skills Report 2024



71 India Skills Report 2024

trends for the Indian industry. Crucially, the signifi-

cance of soft skills cannot be overstated, with employ-
ers emphasizing traits like communication, teamwork,
and problem-solving in prospective candidates. Be-

INTENT EARLY yond technical prowess, the ability to collaborate and

navigate complex scenarios is highly valued in the

modern workplace.

However, the changing dynamics in talent acquisi-

tion bring forth a critical need for understanding and
adapting to emerging trends. The Hiring Intent Sur-
vey - Early Career Edition conducted among 15+ in-
dustries across India, provides valuable insights into
In the dynamic realm of global employment, India
the intricacies of these trends, offering a comprehen-
stands as a beacon of evolving talent trends, navigat-
sive understanding of the evolving demand for talent
ing through economic shifts, technological advance-
across various disciplines. As India strides confidently
ments, and the ever-changing expectations of the
into 2024, deciphering these trends becomes impera-
workforce. As the world grapples with uncertainties, the
tive for academia, organizations, and job seekers alike,
talent market in India is witnessing substantial trans-
shaping a future where opportunities abound and tal-
formations, signaling positive growth in hiring trends.
ents find their perfect match.
One striking observation is the surge in internal mo-
bility globally, indicating a strategic shift among com-
Keeping Up with Job Trends on
panies to fill their skilling needs from within, amidst the
prevailing global uncertainties. In the Indian context,
Social Media
these trends align with an expanding talent pool, un- Heading into 2024 social media platform LinkedIn is
derscoring the need for skilled professionals. However, anticipating a substantial 20% year-over-year in-
this growth is met with challenges such as a shortage crease in hiring, the pulse of India’s job market is
of skilled talent and heightened competition for top- strong, driven by heightened demand in key sectors.
tier professionals. This year’s forecast unveils the most LinkedIn’s projections shed light on a promising hori-
sought-after roles, emphasizing the critical impor- zon for job seekers and employers alike in the domains
tance of both hard and soft skills in the evolving job of technology, manufacturing, and healthcare. Cor-
landscape. Top positions include Software Engineer, roborating this outlook, the India Hiring Intent Survey
Cloud Architect, Data Scientist, Product Manager, Sales - Early Career Edition by Wheebox echoes a 17.70% in-
Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Quality Assurance crease in hiring expectations confirmed by this year’s
Engineer, Healthcare Engineer, Clinical Research Asso- survey findings. This aligns seamlessly with projections
ciate, Pharmacist, and Nurse. by job platforms like LinkedIn, painting a cohesive pic-
ture of the job market’s trajectory for the year ahead.
Specifically, job sectors geared toward business Job seekers are advised to proactively manage their
growth and customer acquisition are witnessing a no- professional profiles on platforms like LinkedIn, ensur-
table uptrend in India. Roles like sales development, ing they reflect their current skills and experiences. Ad-
business development, and demand generation are ditionally, the power of networking is underscored as
at the forefront of this surge, reflecting a strategic fo- a valuable tool for career growth. As we stand at the
cus on driving organizational expansion and outreach. intersection of technology and human capital, staying
updated and fostering connections will be key to un-
Looking ahead, the Hiring Intent Survey trends con-
locking the myriad opportunities that lie ahead.
ducted across India for 2024 paint a promising picture.
The IT and ITES sectors are expected to retain their
Key Finding: Most of the hiring activity of 67% of
status as major contributors to job growth, while other
all corporates surveyed this year will come from pro-
sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare, and retail
fessional networking or social media as the preferred
are poised for robust demand for skilled professionals.
channel of talent acquisition.
Online recruitment statistics echo this optimism, with
over 95% of companies gearing up for imminent
recruitment drives, leveraging modern recruitment

72 India Skills Report 2024

Hiring Intentions and Trends from • Management professionals are most in demand
in the IT and services industry with 27% of next year’s
Industry Leaders
workforce expected to comprise professionals with a
Key Takeaways from the Hiring Intent Survey - postgraduate in management or equivalent, which is
Early Career Edition for 2024 a massive climb in hiring from last year’s 13% forecast-
ed hiring data for postgraduates in the IT industry
The India Hiring Intent Survey - Early Career Edition
• Demand is highest across all industries for profes-
was undertaken by corporates across 15 industries
sionals with 1 - 5 years of experience with 28% of new
across India and shows a positive inclination towards
hires expected to be from this age group, followed by
hiring activity forecasted for 2024.
24% of new hires expected to have at least 6 - 10 years
• On average there is expected to be an overall av- of experience
erage of 17.70% increase in new hires across all age
• Internal referrals will play a major role in hiring for
groups from freshers to professionals with over 15
talent across all industries as 50% of corporate survey
years of experience, demonstrating a considerable
respondents indicate referral programs as a reliable
improvement over the previous year, with a 0.125% in-
channel in this year’s findings
crease in positive hiring intent as the projected talent
demand for 2024 • Professional networking emerged as the most pre-
ferred channel of talent acquisition among corporates
• Demand for freshers is highest in the BFSI sector with
with 67% showing that social media is a key channel
a 40% increase in hiring expected, and the average
for hiring
hiring activity forecast for freshers across all industries
is expected to ramp up by 22% • 33% of corporates surveyed indicate that the com-
pany website would be the most preferred channel to
• Demand among companies seeking professionals
source talent in their industry
with 1 - 5 years of experience is expected to grow by
28% with the IT sector creating the most demand in this • 17% of corporates anticipate hiring via job portals will
age group and expected to ramp up hiring activity to be a preferred mode of talent acquisition in the digital
31.7% followed by Engineering and Manufacturing wit- age
nessing a 30% increase in demand for this age group
• Maharashtra, Karnataka, Delhi and Tamil Nadu are
While demand for freshers with Engineering or equiv- rated as the top regions with most availability of tal-
alent degrees (BE/B.Tech) has remained the same as ent being targeted by corporates looking to hire in the
last year at 49%, there has been an increase from 15% coming year
to 18% in the demand for freshers graduating with BA/
BCA/BBA/B.Com/BSc.etc., and other degrees • Bangalore and Hyderabad are the top cities on the
corporate radar in India for most talent availability
• Demand for BE/B.Tech talent is highest in the auto- where hiring candidates from these states remains a
motive sector expected to comprise 89% of engineer- top choice across industries
ing graduates in the workforce in the coming year,
followed by a growing 51% composition of engineering • Increased female participation in the workforce to
graduates in the IT sector 36% from last year’s 33% is a massive step in the right
direction, with males comprising 64% of the workforce
• Overall demand for postgraduates across industries across industries compared to last year’s 67% of the
is expected to grow to 25% of the corporate workforce, workforce comprising of males
with the highest demand emerging from the IT and
• Amidst the surge in demand for new skills and talent,
services industry expected to increase in number to
67% of corporates surveyed indicate that there have
43% of postgraduates in the workforce
been layoffs this year, making room for new jobs and
• Manufacturing and Engineering is expected to com- talent being introduced in organizations across indus-
prise 48% of engineering graduates among new hires tries
next year, showing the growing demand for engineers • The biggest reason for layoffs this year has been due
with 30% of new hires expected to have 1 - 5 years of to performance-based rationalization in organizations,
experience with 58% of layoffs being linked to performance at work

73 India Skills Report 2024

• 17% of layoffs in this year’s survey have been due to In a comparative context, India’s female labor force
business factors, while 33% of corporates surveyed participation rate lags behind counterparts like Paki-
have had no layoffs throughout the year stan and aligns with Afghanistan’s pre-2021 figures. The
noteworthy surge in self-employment among women,
• 59% of corporates surveyed state work from home as
reaching 65% between June 2018 and December 2022,
the norm for the workforce, which increased from 51%
potentially stems from economic distress, highlighting
last year while there has been a drop in organizations
the necessity for comprehensive measures to address
offering a hybrid model from 37% last year to 33% this
falling household incomes. The enduring challenge of
the wage gap, where women earn 76% of what men
• While 10% of all corporates surveyed last year indicat- do, underscores the deep-rooted issues hindering
ed a virtual work mode for the workforce, this year only gender equality in the workforce. Despite strides being
5% state that virtual is the way forward for employees made, the journey toward achieving parity demands
relentless efforts. ISR’s findings not only offer a new
• 71% of the services sector and other diversified cor- perspective on the gender parity debate but also sig-
porates state that work from office is going to be the nify a collaborative approach with partners and indus-
most preferred work model, with only 10% favoring a tries to usher in positive change.
hybrid work model compared to last year’s 21%
ISR is actively working hand in hand with partners and
• Corporates in the IT industry comprise the majority of industries to bring the best talent on board, providing
respondents offering a hybrid model with 54% inclina- new opportunities to women and harnessing the vast
tion towards meeting the demands of a hybrid work- employable youth population of India. This collabo-
force, while Engineering and Manufacturing comes rative effort is instrumental in providing avenues for
next at 51% anticipating a hybrid workforce women to excel in diverse sectors, contributing to a
more equitable and inclusive workforce. The proposed
• Across corporates there is a demand that 5% of new
government initiative to reserve a third of parliamen-
hires next year have an experience of 15+ years in their
tary seats for women aligns seamlessly with this com-
industry, opening the floors to highly targeted hiring
mitment, instilling hope for a future where gender im-
activity for top talent across industries
balances are rectified systematically, creating a more
equitable and inclusive landscape for all.
Gender Participation in the
Workforce Rising Demand for Experienced
Within the framework of India’s economic trajecto-
ry, gender disparities persist, reflecting a labor force
participation rate of 73.6% for males and 24% for fe- As corporate India embarks on a journey of progress,
males. ISR’s recent survey, a beacon of fresh insights, the demand for professionals with 1-5 years of expe-
paints an optimistic picture, revealing an encourag- rience emerges as a cornerstone, poised to surge by
ing increase in female participation in the organized an impressive 28%. Leading this transformative wave
sector from 33% to 36% in 2023. While this progress is is the Information Technology (IT) sector, projecting
noteworthy, the stark reality remains that less than 1 in a robust hiring activity set to increase by 31.7%. Engi-
5 Indian women are part of formal employment, un- neering and Manufacturing follow closely, witnessing
derscoring the imperative need for sustained efforts to a substantial 30% rise in demand for this dynamic age
bridge the gender gap. group. A notable revelation from ISR’s forecast is the
dominance of Manufacturing and Engineering, con-
stituting a significant 48% of engineering graduates
Growth in Female Participation in the Workforce
among new hires in the upcoming year. This not only
Entering 2024
underscores the escalating demand for engineers but
also highlights the critical role they play in shaping the
workforce of tomorrow. Remarkably, 30% of new hires
in these domains are anticipated to bring with them
1-5 years of valuable experience, further emphasizing
the industry’s reliance on seasoned professionals.

ISR’s comprehensive analysis extends across industries,

74 India Skills Report 2024

unveiling that the demand is most pronounced for Hiring for Freshers in the Coming
professionals in the 1-5 years experience brack-
et, comprising 28% of anticipated new hires. Follow-
ing closely, 24% of new hires are expected to bring a Among India’s workforce dynamics, an overarching
wealth of experience ranging from 6 to 10 years. These average increase of 17.70% in new hires spanning from
findings illuminate the multifaceted dynamics of the freshers to seasoned professionals with over 15 years
workforce, emphasizing the need for a diverse talent of experience is anticipated. This robust surge signals
pool to navigate the challenges of a rapidly chang- a promising outlook for the employment landscape,
ing corporate landscape. However, ISR’s insights tran-
emphasizing the need for continuous skilling to meet
scend mere statistics. Within this dynamic corporate
the evolving demands of the future of work. Within this
scenario, there is a distinctive call for highly seasoned
professionals, with a noteworthy 5% of new hires next panorama, the BFSI sector emerges as a beacon, pro-
year expected to boast an experience of 15+ years in jecting a remarkable 40% increase in hiring for fresh-
their respective industries. This revelation not only un- ers. Across all industries, the hiring forecast for freshers
derscores the industry’s recognition of the value these is poised to escalate by 22%, underlining the critical
veterans bring but also signals a strategic and target- role of foundational skills in preparing the youth for
ed approach to hiring top-tier talent across diverse
their professional journeys. While demand for freshers
with an Engineering or equivalent degree (BE/B.Tech)
remains consistent at 49%, there’s a notable shift in the

Experience Mix of New Hires in landscape with an increase from 15% to 18% in demand

The Workforce of 2024 for freshers graduating with diverse degrees like BA/
BCA/BBA/B.Com/BSc, showcasing the industry’s open-
Percentage of New Hires Mix Expected for 2024
ness to varied skill sets.

In the realm of specialized talent, the automotive sec-

tor claims the apex for BE/B.Tech graduates, consti-
tute an impressive 89% of engineering graduates in
the workforce. Simultaneously, the IT sector displays
a growing trend with a 51% composition of engineer-
ing graduates, highlighting the sector’s dynamic de-
mand for skilled professionals. Postgraduates are set
to play an increasingly pivotal role, constituting 25%
of the corporate workforce across industries. The IT
and services industry takes the lead, with a substan-
tial increase to 43% of postgraduates in the workforce,
reaffirming the industry’s recognition of advanced
Average Mix of New Across Key Industries skills. ISR, at the forefront of measuring the world’s tal-
ent, stands as a catalyst in bringing the best talent
to the corporate arena. Through comprehensive as-
sessments and insights, ISR enables industries to tap
into the latest advancements in the world of educa-
tion, ensuring a symbiotic relationship between skilled
professionals and the dynamic requirements of the
ever-evolving corporate landscape. This collabora-
tive effort, bridging the aspirations of the youth with
the opportunities provided by the professional sector,
contributes significantly to the progressive narrative of
India’s workforce.

75 India Skills Report 2024

Regions Expecting Increased age groups, and social backgrounds. Embracing AI
not only creates new job roles but also accelerates the
Hiring Activity pace of sustainable development, ensuring a holistic
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Delhi, and Tamil Nadu stand and inclusive growth trajectory for the nation. This col-
tall as the top regions, beckoning corporates with lective effort, propelled by increased female participa-
a wealth of available talent set to be targeted in the tion and the dynamic talent landscape in key regions
upcoming year. These regions not only serve as hot- and cities, positions India on the cusp of a transform-
spots for employment but also signify the diverse and ative era in the workforce, where diversity and innova-
dynamic skill sets found in different corners of the tion converge for a brighter future.
country. Delving into the urban fabric, Bangalore and
Hyderabad emerge as the top cities on the corporate Corporate’s Most Reliable Talent
radar, captivating attention as hubs with the most
Acquisition Channels
abundant talent reservoirs. Hiring candidates from
these states remains a strategic and preferred choice Professional networking emerges as the preferred
across industries, showcasing the thriving opportu- channel for talent acquisition among corporates, with
nities for skilled professionals in these vibrant urban a significant 67% acknowledging social media’s pivotal
landscapes. role in the hiring landscape. The reliance on platforms
like LinkedIn underscores the transformative impact of
The ISR findings illuminate a significant rise in female social hiring in identifying and engaging with prospec-
participation in the workforce, surging from last year’s tive candidates. Moreover, 33% of corporates affirm
33% to an admirable 36%. This positive trajectory rep- that the company website remains a preferred chan-
resents a noteworthy stride in fostering gender equali- nel for sourcing talent, emphasizing the need for a ro-
ty, signaling an inclusive approach toward harnessing bust online presence to attract potential candidates.
the full potential of India’s talent pool. This increased In the digital age, 17% of corporates foresee job portals
female employability is a commendable step in the as a valuable mode of talent acquisition, showcasing
right direction, influencing gender participation across the diverse avenues organizations explore to identify
urban and rural areas. The vibrancy of opportunities and engage with potential hires.
in India’s top cities, driven by technological advance-
ments like AI, creates a ripple effect across sectors, Within the corporate realm, internal referrals are poised
to play a pivotal role in talent acquisition, with 50% of
survey respondents citing referral programs as a re-
liable channel. This emphasizes the power of existing
Top 5 States Expecting Increased Hiring Activity networks and the endorsement of current employees
in 2024 in identifying and nurturing top talent within the organ-
ization. The landscape of talent acquisition is evolving
with the infusion of artificial intelligence, streamlining
hiring processes, and transforming HR activities. As
organizations increasingly leverage technological ad-
vancements, the hiring landscape becomes more in-
clusive, efficient, and attuned to the diverse needs of
the workforce. This multifaceted approach, blending
traditional channels, social hiring, and technological
advancements, ensures that organizations can identi-
fy, nurture, and retain top talent across industries, cre-
ating a dynamic and resilient workforce for the future.

Surge in Engineering and Man-

agement Demands Across Indus-
Within the engineering domain, the demand for BE/B.
Tech talent is pronounced, with the automotive sector
leading the way by comprising 89% of engineering

76 India Skills Report 2024

graduates in the upcoming workforce. Following conditions and strategic imperatives. On a positive
closely, the IT sector exhibits a growing trend, with a note, 33% of surveyed corporations have managed to
51% composition of engineering graduates, underscor- navigate the year without resorting to layoffs, empha-
ing the industry’s reliance on technical expertise. Post- sizing the resilience and strategic acumen of these or-
graduates are becoming increasingly integral to the ganizations. This shift in workforce dynamics reinforc-
corporate workforce, with an expected growth to 25% es the importance of organizational excellence and
across industries. The IT and services industry emerg- adaptability. As companies reshape their workforce
es as a significant driver of this trend, anticipating a to meet new challenges and capitalize on emerging
substantial increase to 43% of postgraduates in their opportunities, the demand for skills aligned with the
workforce. This highlights the industry’s recognition of future of work intensifies. The interplay between lay-
the value that advanced degrees bring to navigating offs and the demand for new talent underscores the
complex challenges and fostering innovation. pivotal role

In the engineering realm, Manufacturing and Engineer-

ing are set to dominate, constituting 48% of engineer-
that identifying and retaining top talent will play in the
ing graduates among new hires. This surge in demand
technology-driven future of work.
for engineers, particularly those with 1-5 years of expe-
rience, emphasizes the critical role they play in driving
innovation and progress across sectors. Furthermore,
the IT and services industry showcases a remarkable Have there been any recent layoffs in your orga-
demand for management professionals, with 27% of
nization, and if yes, what were the factors con-
the upcoming workforce expected to comprise indi-
tributing to them?
viduals with a postgraduate in management or equiv-
alent. This significant climb from last year’s forecasted
hiring data (13%) underscores the industry’s recogni-
tion of the importance of skilled management pro-
fessionals in ensuring efficient resource management
and guiding businesses forward. In the age of artificial
intelligence and evolving technology, the demand
for qualified technical resources is more pronounced
than ever. Engineers and management professionals
play pivotal roles in shaping the future of industries,
driving innovation, and ensuring sustainable progress.
This narrative underscores the significance of these
professionals in steering businesses toward success in
a rapidly changing landscape.

Shift in Workforce Dynamics

Amid a dynamic shift in skill demands, a noteworthy
67% of surveyed corporations have undergone layoffs
this year, paving the way for a restructuring of job func- For India’s vast youth talent, staying attuned to indus-
tions and the introduction of fresh talent into organiza- try trends and leveraging technology for continuous
tions across diverse industries. The primary catalyst for upskilling will be key to capitalizing on these emerg-
these layoffs has been performance-based rationali- ing opportunities. The juxtaposition of layoffs and the
zation, accounting for a substantial 58% of workforce demand for new skills emphasizes the imperative for
reductions. This points to organizations aligning their professionals to proactively engage with ongoing ad-
talent pool with evolving skill requirements and perfor- vancements, ensuring they remain agile and compet-
mance expectations in a rapidly changing landscape. itive in the evolving job market. This narrative high-
lights the symbiotic relationship between layoffs, the
Business factors have contributed to 17% of the layoffs
demand for new job functions, increased skills, and the
observed in this year’s survey, underscoring the need
overarching theme of organizational excellence for the
for organizations to adapt to evolving market
future of work.

77 India Skills Report 2024

Back to Normal: Is Work from
Home Still the Norm?
In a paradigm shift, 59% of surveyed corporates now
consider work from home as the norm, marking an
increase from 51% the previous year. However, there’s
been a decline in organizations offering a hybrid mod-
el, dropping from 37% to 33%. This contrasts with the
previous year when 10% of all surveyed corporates fa-
vored a virtual work mode; this year, only 5% believe
virtual is the way forward for employees. Remarkably,
71% of corporates in the services sector and other di-
versified industries express a preference for the work-
from-office model. In this segment, 10% favor a hybrid
work model, down from last year’s 21%. In contrast, the
majority of IT industry respondents (54%) opt for a hy-
brid model, followed by Engineering and Manufactur-
ing at 51%. This shift in work models aligns with a nota-
ble demand for experienced professionals, with 5% of
new hires expected to have 15+ years of industry ex-
perience next year. This emphasizes a strategic hiring
focus on top talent across industries.

While embracing remote work is commendable, the

data underscores the value of on-premise workforc-
es. Going to the workplace strengthens social bonds,
fosters experience-based learning and empowers less
experienced professionals with the guidance required
to thrive in the industry. It is also a celebration of the
challenges brought by the pandemic coming to an
end, restoring normalcy to the professional sector. Al-
though remote work culture has emerged, the growing
need for on-premise workforces remains, catering to
the demands of economic growth and the profession-
al aptitude sought out by corporates. This narrative
illuminates the nuanced dynamics between evolv-
ing work models, the demand for experience-based
learning, and the significance of on-premise workforc-
es in fostering professional growth.

78 India Skills Report 2024


79 India Skills Report 2024

In 2024, the IT industry’s attention will move beyond figures. Embracing gig
and contractual workers, empowering recruiters with data management
skills, reflects a strategy aimed at fostering a dynamic and robust workforce
for the approaching year.

Jashan Joshi
Global Talent Sourcing &
Talent Intelligence Leader, ZS Associates

Our aim is to hire efficiently in 2024. We’re integrating India glob-

ally, embracing boundaryless TA processes, Apprenticeship hiring
through NATS/NAPS, and empowering SME recruiters with data driven
training. The new paradigm is ‘Recruiting as a Service.

Anshuman Mukherjee
Lead HR Manager (TA), Tietoevry

The logistics sector maintains a predominant focus on operations and

services, representing 90% of the workforce while the struggle lies in ful-
filling the need for proficient sales personnel. A surge in blue-collar hiring
is expected in 2024. Envisaging a period of flat hiring growth, the industry
is actively exploring new hiring models. Embracing an outsourcing ap-
proach will enable in-house teams to concentrate on enhancing produc-
tivity and executing a more tactical talent agenda.

Sivasankar A
General Manager HR & TA, DSV Solutions Pvt Ltd.

Job roles are changing. Newer competency mix will transform l, so

called, standard roles. Successful organisations will anticipate these
newer competencies and fulfil them. Fulfilment can happen either by
industry academia collaboration or procurement of required skills
from the marketplace.

Amit Rai
Head HR, Tata Play Fiber

80 India Skills Report 2024


The Andhra Pradesh Story

Achievements and Highlights -

The SD&T Department Report
This section highlights the various achievements of the
SD&T department along with various other initiatives Shri. Buggana Rajendranath
to upskill and expand possibilities for jobs among the Honourable Minister for Finance, skill development
youth in India. and training, commercial taxes, Planning and
legislative affairs, Govt of Andhra Pradesh
Training & Placements :
• Over 15.03 lakh beneficiaries have been trained since
Industry-Specific Training
• Academic Schemes - Trained 11.24 lakh students • Collaborations with Industries, and Sector Skill Coun-
• Unemployed Youth - Trained 3.17 lakh unemployed cils to ensure quicker job placements
• Introduced Industry 4.0 courses such as Drone Tech-
• Job Melas/ Fairs - Facilitated 1.74 lakh candidates nology, AR&VR, AI & ML, EV Technology, IoT, etc. in ITIs
with placements and Polytechnics
• Upgraded Curriculum for 32 diploma courses in line
Created in-house training capabilities with the latest industrial advancements

(infrastructure & human resources) • Dedicated “LMS Portal” with Digital Content for more
than 200 subjects for Polytechnic students
through the Cascading Skill Ecosystem
• Community-specific training programs for SC, ST,
• 192 Skill Hubs in 175 A/Cs and Women beneficiaries

• 26 Skill Colleges in 25 P/Cs • Training using the global market needs in collabora-
tion with GOI and international agencies
• 400+ in-house trainers across 21 sectors
• 78 nursing candidates undergoing German language
• National Skill Training Institute (NSTI) sanctioned in training. 11 nurses received offers to work in Germany
Visakhapatnam by DGT, GOI with Rs. 200 Crores

• Infrastructure & Lab upgradation in ITIs, Polytechnics

Detailed Specifications of
taken up with Rs. 560 crores. Rs. 100 Crores sanctioned
for Modernization Various Initiatives
• Modernization of 188 Govt. VocaSonal & Technical The Department of Skills Development
InsStuSons with the industry participation
& Training
• Regular industrial training for the faculty to upgrade GoAP has created a New Integrated Skill Ecosystem in
their skills on par with the latest technologies the state by bringing all skill and vocational education
wings under a single umbrella called the Department

81 India Skills Report 2024

of Skills Development & Training (SD&T). The Dept. is Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corpo-
providing long-term, and short-term vocational & ration (APSSDC)
technical training through various wings under its pur-
view viz, Dept. of Technical EducaSon, Directorate of
C. Cascading Skill Ecosystem - Trans-
Employment & Training, APSSDC, SEEDAP, and NAC ca-
tering to the diversified pool of beneficiaries. forming Andhra Pradesh’s Skill Devel-
opment Landscape
Major Highlights: A holistic framework to nurture the talent of AP Youth
and fulfill the skilled manpower needs of all stake-
Provided training to 14,42,134 candidates and place-
holders in the state in line with dynamic industrial ad-
ments to 3,57,334 candidates, covering 98 job roles
across 20 different sectors.

A. Department of Technical Education - Objectives :

Nurturing Technical Excellence through • Build an aspirational brand in skilling & recognition to
AP Youth at National and global levels
• Credit transferability to ensure multi-entry & exit
• Updated curriculum for 32 diploma courses in line
with the latest industrial advancements • Technology-aided hands-on learning & lifelong
learning opportunities
• Industry 4.0 courses such as AI & ML, EV Technology,
• International mobility for the youth
IoT, etc.
• Create a blueprint for future AP Skill Vision 2030
• Dedicated “LMS Portal” with Digital Content for more
than 200 subjects Components :

• Upgradation of Polytechnics with Rs. 394 crores • Skills University

- Apex Level body to oversee the functioning of the skill
• Industrial training for the faculty to upgrade their ecosystem in the state.
- 50 acres of land allocated for Skills University.
• Achieved National Board of Accreditation (NBA) for 9
• Skill Colleges
Government Polytechnics
- One skill College per Parliamentary Constituency (26
B. Directorate of Employment & Training skill colleges) offering high-end courses for graduates.
So far, 1,774 candidates trained, and 1,581 placed with
- ITIs: A Journey of Employment
an 89% placement record.

• Offering Vocational Training in 31 Engineering &

Non-Engineering trades

• Collaborations with 150+ industries

• Placed 33,601 candidates out of 41,548 trained with

80.8% placements

• Organized job fairs and facilitated 44,050 candidates

with placements

• Industry 4.0 courses such as Drone Service

Technician, AR&VR, etc.

82 India Skills Report 2024

• Skill Hubs • Collaborations with major industry partners :
- 192 Skill Hubs across 175 Assembly Constituencies - Dassault Systems, UiPath Academy, Samsung PRISM,
offering training catering to the local industrial de- Oracle Academy, C-DAC, Dune Microsoft-SAP Labs,
mand. So far, 19,768 candidates trained and 6,455 AWS Academy, Wadhwani Foundation, etc
E. Central Government Skill
• Skill Spokes
Development Initiatives
- Training centers operated by industries within their
premises offering customized training leading to cap- Implementing multiple flagship skill development

tive placements. So far, 16,517 candidates have been schemes of GOI departments.

trained, and 15,684 placed with 95% placements.

• CPradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)
• Skill International • Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM)
- Offer training using the global market requirements • National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB)
in collaboration with GOI and international agencies.
78 nursing candidates are undergoing German Lan- • National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
guage training. 11 nurses received offers to work in Ger- (NABARD)

many. • Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for

Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP)
Key Highlights:
• Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)
• Covering 98 job roles across 20 sectors

• Industry Partner for each institute for placement Key Highlights:

support Total 63,156 candidates are trained under various
• Creating in-house training capacities (infrastructure Central Govt. Sponsored schemes.
& human resources)
F. Skill Universe Application - One-Stop
• Convergence with stakeholder departments
Solution for both Aspirants & Industries
• Wide coverage of beneficiaries from school dropouts
to find the Right Opportunites &
SLLC graduates & postgraduates
• Collaborations with GOI and international agencies
for Overseas Placements A Unique, Robust, and State-of-the-art web portal with
real-time analytics on skill training and employment
D. Academic Initiatives - Raising Skill
Standards of Future Workforce at Highlights of Application :
Institution Level • Single Platform for all Skill Initiatives in the State

• CM Skill Excellence Centres in 100 Engg. Colleges • Captures Ensure Student Life Cycle

• Employability Skill Centres in 498 Degree Colleges • Facial Recognition Attendance

• Digital Certificates
Key Highlights:
• Blended mode training - Online & Offline • Convergence with Line Departments

• Industry certification courses in emerging • Industry and Aspirant mapping

technologies • Industry Onboarding for Positioning Skill Requirements
• Employability skills, sok skills, life skills, etc. • Continuous Placement Tracking
• Vast network of in-house coordinators and trainers • Integration with GOI Portals (Skill India,
for effective implementation Apprenticeship, etc)
• Under academic programs, 10,56,831 students have • Asset management system
been trained

83 India Skills Report 2024

G. Modernization of Vocational & Tech- I. National Academy of Construction
nical Institutions - A Flagship Initiative (NAC) - Empowering Skills and Building
of GoAP Excellence
A mission to modernize the state government institu- • EPioneer in Construction, Plumbing, Power sectors
tions (ITI, Polytechnic, Skill Colleges, NAC Centers) in • 31 NAC Centers with 171 master trainers and expert
collaboration with prominent industries. trainers

• Received “CIDC Partners in Progress Trophy 2023”

Objectives :
from Construction Industry Development Council
• verhaul and modernize Govt. Institutions with the (CIDC)
latest & high-end machinery
• So far, trained 28,172 candidates and placed 4,795
• Integrate industries into the skill and education
ecosystem • Tie-ups with Schneider Electric, Sany Bharath, JCB In-
dia, and Godrej and Boyce etc.
• Introduction of new & emerging technology training
• Collaborations with Construction, Water Manage-
• Create competent skilled workforce ment & Plumbing, Power, Electronics SSCs.
• Rebrand the Govt. institutions as industry cum train-
ing centers

• Inculcate the industry work culture of the candidates’

Key Components:
• Skill GAP Analysis & Course Recommendation

• Lab/Machinery/infrastructure/COE Establishment

• Knowledge partner/ Curriculum development

• Training of Trainers (ToTs)

• Training of Students

• Joint Certification/ Placement

• Currently, 188 institutions are modernized with 203
industry Setups.

H. SEEDAP - Transforming Rural Youth

Through Skill Development and
• Empower rural youth by offering employment-
oriented skill training
• Implementing DDUGKY in AP, a flagship skill initiative
of MoRD, GOI
• One of the top-performing states, in providing
placement opportunities and achieving targets
• So far, trained 67,149 rural and placed 45,080

84 India Skills Report 2024

with New Age Skills across various sectors. The pro-

TRANSFORMATION gram offers training in 92 new-age courses in key sec-

tors like Healthcare, Automotive, Green jobs, IT-ITeS,

IN SKILLS: Drones, Electronics & Hardware, Telecom, etc. as per

the industry requirement. MBKVY utilizes existing infra-

THE GUJARAT structure like ITIs, educational institutions, and industry

centers, providing state-of-the-art facilities for prac-

STORY tical training. So far, over 13,154 candidates have been

trained under MBKVY.

The Gujarat Skill Development

In the pursuit of fostering skill development and em-
bracing the vision of Skill India under the leadership
of the Honourable Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi,
Gujarat stands as a sign of commitment to inclusive
growth, employment opportunities, and sustainable
livelihoods. In 2009, Gujarat took a pioneering stride
with the launch of the “Kaushalya Vardhan Kendra
(KVK)” program, marking a significant chapter in the
state’s dedication to skill enhancement. The corner-
Mukhyamantri Skill Development
stone of this initiative was the establishment of skill
centers at every block in the state, anchored by In-
dustrial Training Institutes (ITIs). This visionary initiative In a significant move towards unifying the skill efforts
of the state, the Honourable Chief Minister of Gujarat
reached its zenith with a network of over 500 centers,
Shri. Bhupendra Patel announced the “Mukhyamantri
positively impacting the lives of over 19 lakh bene-
Skill Development Initiative” (MSDI) in FY 2022-23.
ficiaries, predominantly rural women, over the past
Many state departments involved in skill development
decade. Gujarat’s endeavors are complemented by
that were initially operating in silos are establishing
various ministries operating at the national level, rein-
coordination through MSDI. The primary objective is
forcing the state’s commitment to skill enhancement. to optimize the state’s skill infrastructure, ensuring it is
Flagship schemes like the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal effectively utilized to fulfill the ambitious goal of train-
Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) ing over 5 lakh candidates every year. MSDI has en-
implemented by the Ministry of Skill Development and abled the state to offer a wide array of skill develop-
Entrepreneurship (MSDE), and Deen Dayal Upadhyaya ment schemes designed to cater to individuals across
Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY) implemented various levels of expertise, ranging from National Skills
by the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) synergize Qualification Framework (NSQF) level 1 to level 8. In FY
with Gujarat’s initiatives, collectively shaping a skilled 2022-23, the state has skilled 5,68,246 youth through

India. its various departments.

Mukhyamantri Bhavishya Lakshi Kaushalya” the Skill University:

Kaushal Vikas Yojana (MBKVY) : The state of Gujarat has ushered in a new era of ed-
ucation and employability through “Kaushalya”-The
Given the growth trajectory and the changing nature
Skill University (KSU). Established via state legislation,
of jobs, Gujarat has recognized the importance of New KSU, under the visionary guidance of the Hon’ble Chief
age skilling to equip its youth with necessary skills to Minister, aims to redefine the educational landscape
by integrating “Education with Employability” and en-
thrive in the evolving job market. Gujarat introduced
suring “Skills to every Youth.” KSU serves as a unique
Mukhyamantri Bhavishyalakshi Kaushalya Vikas Yoja- affiliating State University, acting as a bridge between
na (MBKVY) in FY 2022-23 to create a skilled workforce skill development and higher education. KSU will be the

85 India Skills Report 2024

authority for awarding degrees and diplomas and ITIs have commenced convocation ceremonies to en-
overseeing crucial activities such as demand-driv- hance the aspirational level of vocational education in
en quality skill training, curriculum development, re- the state. Notably, the state board has made special
search, faculty development, affiliation, and recogni-
arrangements for ITI students to take English exami-
tion. The University is offering a wide array of courses,
nations, enabling them to obtain a class 12th equiv-
exceeding 100 in number through its Six schools, School
of Computing, School of Science, Manufacturing and alence. As a result, a total of 47,485 candidates have
Infrastructure, School of Services, School of Liberal registered for equivalence in the state.
Arts, School of Management & Finance, and School of
Drones. The university has established Drone Mantra,
a unique concept of drone manufacturing along with
training. KSU has registered nearly 15,000 students,
with more than 11,500 enrolled in various courses and
9,640 already certified. KSU has forged strong linkag-
es and partnerships with Industries to ensure training
programs align with the industry demands, leading to
better job prospects and economic growth.

Mukhyamantri Apprenticeship
Mukhyamantri Apprenticeship Yojana is a program for
industrial units to meet the demands of their skilled

Skilling at ITIs: craftsmen and to train the youth of the state in an in-
dustrial environment. Gujarat ranks number 1 in the
Gujarat has the advantage of having ITIs in every
country with a registration of over 32 thousand estab-
block. There are 558 ITIs in Gujarat (288 Government
lishments on the apprentice portal. The scheme pro-
ITIs, 101 Grant In Aid & 169 Self-Financed ITIs) with the
vides financial incentives to industry to bear the cost
capacity to train 2,16,844 students. The state has 30 ITIs
of over and above the benefits of National Apprentice-
dedicated for Women and 19 ITIs dedicated for Persons
ship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) and National Appren-
with Disabilities. This extensive network of ITIs enables
ticeship Training Scheme (NATS) of Government of In-
Gujarat to cater to the training needs of a substan-
dia. In FY 2022-23, the state has engaged staggering
tial student population, with a collective capacity to
1,21,710 apprentices.
accommodate more than 2 lakh students. The state
has registered 1,36,370 trainees in ITIs filling 85% of
seats which is the highest among all states. Vocation-
al training is offered in 132 Engineering and non-engi-
neering trades, comprising 79 trades in the NCVT pat-
tern and 53 trades in the GCVT pattern. The state has
also laid greater emphasis on the Public-Private Part-
nership (PPP) model, resulting in the establishment of
171 functional ITIs. Through this collaborative approach,
industries actively engage in the operation of ITIs while
providing support for infrastructure development.

86 India Skills Report 2024

Mega ITI’s : them to enhance their skills and knowledge for greater
outreach and impact.Recently, 16 Supervisor Instruc-
To provide advanced training in emerging technol-
tors attended a one-week training in Germany under
ogies, 41 Nodal ITIs are being developed in the state GATI project.
as Mega ITIs. These Mega ITIs will feature 6-8 sectoral
Centers of Excellence, providing training in emerging
technologies and advanced skills. They will offer de-
mand-based and innovative courses to address In-
dustry 4.0 disruptions. They will provide advanced
training opportunities for ITI graduates and higher ed-
ucation students in relevant sectors. The Mega ITIs will
also facilitate faculty development through Training
of Trainers (ToT) programs for other ITIs. The devel-
opment will occur in phases, with the first Mega ITIs to
be established in ITIs Kubernagar, Rajkot, Tarsali, Su-
rat, and Dahod. Eventually, at least one Mega ITI will be
established in each district. Industries will be encour-
Mini ITIs :
aged to collaborate as operating partners and devel- The state is establishing Mini ITIs in collaboration with

op Centers of Excellence (CoE) within the Mega ITIs. industries within GIDC estates to offer purposeful train-

So far, companies like Nokia, Pidilite Industries Limited, ing and boost local employment opportunities for the

Siemens, L&T, C4i4 are onboard for the development youth of the state. The primary objective of Mini ITIs

of CoEs. is to provide industry-relevant training to the youth

in trades that align with local industries within each
GIDC. The youth residing in the catchment area of a
specific GIDC will be enrolled in the Mini ITIs, where
they will receive training from industry experts based
on the industry-relevant curriculum. To encourage in-
dustry collaboration, the state government will moti-
vate industries to participate in establishing Mini ITIs.
The government will assist by facilitating the alloca-
tion of land within the GIDC estates and supporting
the construction of the necessary buildings. Industries
will play a crucial role by providing modern machin-
ery, tools, and equipment to ensure that the youth gain
hands-on experience and develop adaptability skills.

Gujarat Apex Training Institutes This collaboration between the Mini ITIs and industries

(GATI) : will help bridge the gap between training and employ-
ment, making the youth more employable in the local
The state is establishing 4 Centers of Excellence (CoEs)
industry sectors.
and 8 Institutes of Training of Trainers (iToTs) under
project Gujarat Apex Training Institutes (GATI) offering
progressive technology training courses to create a
pool of skilled, experienced, and well-trained trainers Project Sankalp :
in the state of Gujarat. These Institutes are being de-
The mission has introduced an innovative Project
veloped as per the international benchmark, systems,
Sankalp “In the industry, For the industry, By the indus-
and technical expertise. Under GATI, market driven
try” program in the state of Gujarat. The program aims
long and short-term courses in the field of modern
technology would be developed. It will also focus on to create a mutually beneficial ecosystem by encour-
training teachers from vocational institutes, enabling aging industry associations and industries to partner

87 India Skills Report 2024

with GSDM to implement demand-based skill devel- SAKSHAM” KVK 2.0 :
opment programs in both the manufacturing and ser-
The state of Gujarat became a pioneer in the skill de-
vice sectors. The innovative industry-centric program
velopment ecosystem, when it launched its flagship
envisages creating employment opportunities for the
“Kaushalya Vardhan Kendra (KVK)” program in 2009,
youth of the state by enabling demand-driven quality
skilling. Industries can provide training in the Job roles taking skill development programs to the doorstep of

aligned to the National Skills Qualifications Framework rural beneficiaries with a special focus on women. The

(NSQF) and GCVT and Company Specific Job roles. scheme has been revamped and introduced as “Sak-
It provides financial benefits to the organisations by sham”- KVK 2.0 and is aimed to provide access to skill
offsetting costs towards recruitment, training and sti- development programs to a wide range of beneficiar-
pend. The industry gets reimbursement of the training
ies. The unique feature of the program is that Short-
cost, and the assessment cost is also borne by GSDM.
term Training is being offered in NSQF level 1, 2, and 3
Besides, Industry Partners may also avail of benefits
courses. Besides, there is a provision for training under
under National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme
(NAPS) and Mukhyamantri Apprenticeship Yojana . Un- special projects that will cater to special beneficiary

der Project Sankalp, the state has trained around 3,100 groups such as Women, People with Disabilities (PwD),

candidates to date. Transgender Community, Senior Citizens, & Persons re-

covered from Mental illness. The the state has trained

around 2,100 candidates under Saksham till date.

88 India Skills Report 2024

ASAP Kerala has set up 16 Community Skill Parks across

TRANSFORMATION the state. These are 25,000 -30,000 sq ft spaces with

state-of-the-art infrastructure to offer a diverse range

IN SKILLS: of specialized skill training programs. These pro-

grams are offered in collaboration with leading in-

THE KERALA dustry players with hands-on training aligned to in-

dustry demands. Community Skill Parks has partnered

STORY with leading industries to provide 64 courses in areas

such as Petrochemical, Airport Operations, Banking &
Finance, ITeS, Power, Manufacturing, Automotive, Ani-
mation, AR/VR, Ayurveda.
ASAP Kerala Contribution to
Upskilling and Reskilling in the B. Centres of Excellence (CoE) have been estab-

State lished in the Community Skill Parks as follows :-

Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) Kerala • AR/VR CoE at the CSPs at Kalamassery, Kunnamku-
is a PSU under the Higher Education Department, Gov- lam, Kazhakootam and Pampady
ernment of Kerala, that focuses on skilling college-go- • Electric Vehicle CoE at CSP Kunnamthanam,
ing students and the general community to enhance Thavanur
their employability through industry-relevant train-
• Drone Technology Center at CSP Kasaragod
ing programs. Courses are offered in various sectors
• Akzo Nobel Paint Academy at CSP Thavanur
like Banking and Finance, Power, IT and ITeS, Health-
care, Electronics, Media, English and Foreign Languag-
The CoEs support ASAP Kerala in curating new courses
es, and Art. The courses are selected with the help of
and training programs on par with the NSQF
Business Advisory Councils headed by Industry and
regular conduct of Industry Round Tables. The cours-
es are provided in offline, online, and blended formats C. Customized Skill Training ASAP Kerala conducts
in partnership with industries and competent training skill training for various Government agencies and de-
partners. On-the-job training or internship is an inte- partments such as the Department of Local Self-Gov-
gral part of the ASAP courses. Upon completion of the ernment, Women and Child Development, Fisheries,
courses, interested students are provided with place- Industries, etc.. ASAP Kerala has also set up a new skill-
ment opportunities. ing model, in association with the Kasaragod District
Panchayat, under the ‘Dharppanam’ training program
More than 2.5 lakh persons, mainly from higher sec-
which has trained 250 women candidates in the dis-
ondary schools, have been skilled and trained by ASAP
trict who had taken a career break, to learn English,
in the last 10 years.
computer skills, and a trade to help them take a de-
gree course and earn while doing their graduation.
ASAP Kerala’s major initiatives are briefly described
D. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) ASAP Ker-
ala has curated a 1-year Diploma in Ayurveda Thera-
1. CIndustry-relevant skill training : py course in collaboration with Kottakkal Arya Vaidya
ASAP Kerala offers industry-relevant skill courses in Sala. In addition, a 3-month RPL has been conducted
partnership with industry and leading academic insti- for 511 therapists working at the various branches of
tutions like IIT Palakkad the Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala.

2. Soft skill training : 4. Community Colleges

such as creative thinking, problem-solving ability, Community Colleges provide affordable skill training
communication skills, and organization skills, to im- to the local community in a multiple entry and exit
prove employability and as part of life skills in schools mode.. Five AICTE-approved D.Voc programs are cur-
and colleges. rently conducted in Government Polytechnic colleg-
es in Attingal, Trivandrum; Nattakom, Kottayam; and
3. Community-oriented skilling : Shoranur, Palakkad. ASAP Kerala has mapped the stu-

A. Community Skill Parks (CSP) dents to the industry where on-the-job training is

89 India Skills Report 2024

provided every alternate semester. The first batch of Community Skill Park Kazhakkoottam, Thiruvanan-
students has also been provided with financial assis- thapuram, and the second, at Christ College, Irinjalak-
tance through CSR funds of the Federal Bank. kuda, Thrissur. The placement drives were designed to
cater to a diverse range of aspiring candidates, includ-
5. Upskilling and Reskilling ing final-year students of B.Tech/M.Tech, B.Com/M.
Com, MCA, BBA/MBA, and B.Sc./M.Sc., as well as gradu-
Programmes for Employees
ates seeking a new career direction. Around 600 can-
A. Engineers and technicians of The Kerala Minerals didates have attended each time out of which more
and Metals Limited (KMML) were the first to be re- than 20% have been selected.
skilled in power system protection and relays.

Designed to reskill working professionals, the program 7. Curriculum Development & NSQF
was curated for mid-level professionals of the Electri- alignment
cal Divisions of KMML in ‘Modern Trends in Power Sys- ASAP Kerala is the only agency in the State that has
tem Protection and Relays’, in collaboration with the obtained the dual recognition of NCVET as an Assess-
Public Sector Restructuring and Internal Audit Board. ing agency and Awarding body. ASAP Kerala has ini-
tiated the development of a customized assessment
B. Capacity Building Program for Enhanced Business
platform. ASAP Kerala’s Skill certificates are generated
Management for Employees of Kerala State Industries
through the Information Management System, and the
Development Corporation
same is published through Digilocker, which is acces-
The sessions were structured to offer practical solu- sible to students through a one-time signup process.
tions through a series of interactive activities, promot-
ing experiential learning to tackle operational hurdles The organization has also developed courses as per
effectively. the norms and standards prescribed by the National
Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET)
C. Employee Upskilling Inauguration Conducted by and has aligned them nationally with the National
Information Mission Kerala Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF).
This program was specifically tailored to enhance in-
terested employees’ skills as full-stack Java Develop- 8. Accreditation Agency
ASAP Kerala is acting as a nodal agency in the state
for affiliating/ accrediting various skilling agencies op-
6. Placement and Internship erating in the state. Several skill courses, those aligned
ASAP Kerala offers placement opportunities for all its with NSQF and others, are offered by agencies in gov-
students who are interested in taking up jobs imme- ernment and non-government sectors across the
diately after the training. Last year, 2000+ candidates state. To ensure the quality of skill training and impar-
were placed with leading industries across the state. tial assessment, these agencies are required to affil-
Concerning internships, ASAP Kerala is the agency ad- iate/ accredit with ASAP Kerala and ensure that their
ministering the State Internship Portal and has been courses are assessed and certified by ASAP Kerala.
deploying interns under various government depart-
ments, particularly under LSGIs. 9. Aptitude Assessment test (K-SAT)
A unique model of placement that has found success Students choose their careers. The assessment test

is the hire-and-train model. The initiative aims to skill called K-SAT, is being delivered to 50,000 students in
final and pre-final year students under the demands 8th standard and 10th standard students under SSA.
of the industry recruiting them. The aim is to carve a
deployable workforce by the time they graduate to re-
duce the wastage of the productive labor force. ASAP Achievements and Recognitions
Kerala successfully placed 104 out of 150 interested
1. ‘Best Practice in Skilling’
candidates in various MNCs who enrolled in ASAP Ker-
ala’s Enrolled Agent course. In 2017, ASAP was recognized nationally by Niti Aayog
as a ‘Best Practice in Skill Development’, in tune with
ASAP Kerala also conducts placement drives named the action statement as outlined in sub-section 4 of
“ASPIRE”. 2 such drives were held in 2023, one at ASAP United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 -

90 India Skills Report 2024

“By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth 4. ASAP Kerala was felicitated by FICCI
and adults who have relevant skills, including technical
Kerala for ‘Best Practices of Skilling and
and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs, and
entrepreneurship”. Employability’
The Kerala State Council of FICCI recognized ASAP Ker-
2. ADB Award for ‘Best Project for ala for ‘Best Practices of Skilling and Employability’ at
Effective GAP Implementation’ its maiden ‘Made in Kerala’ Awards 2022 for its contri-
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) recognized ASAP bution to the state in the skilling ecosystem and en-
Kerala as the ‘Best Project in India that effectively im- hancing the employability of Kerala’s youth.
plemented the Gender Action Plan (GAP) among ADB
5. Dual recognition for ASAP Kerala
projects’ in July 2020. ADB considered ASAP Kerala for
the coveted award from among the 85 ongoing pro- ASAP Kerala has become the first agency in Kerala to
jects in India. be accorded dual recognition — Awarding Body and
Assessment Agency — by the National Council for Vo-
3. CII-Wheebox India Skills Report 2022 cational Education and Training (NCVET)
The role of ASAP in facilitating Kerala’s ranking No. 3 in
6. ASAP Kerala was onboarded by NSDC
the country in ‘Youth Employability’, and featuring in the
list of Top 5 states for ‘Female Employable Resources’ as a Skill India International Network
was duly recognized in the 9th edition of the CII-Whee- Centre in June 2023.
box India Skills Report 2022. Kerala also ranked fourth
This will help facilitate overseas workforce demand
in the list of destinations for ‘Recruiters looking for tal-
through sourcing, counseling, training, assessment,
ent’ and among the Top 5 places for ‘Students actively
certification, recruitment, and immigration.
seeking internships’. In the list of states with the highest
employable talent across India, Kerala is among the
top three states.

91 India Skills Report 2024

by the World Economic Forum, AI could create 97 mil-

lion new jobs by 2025, while displacing 85 million jobs.
This means that AI is likely to have a net positive im-
pact on employment, but it will also lead to significant

IN RESHAPING job displacement through the emergence of new job

roles and the rising adoption of in-demand skills for

the future.

While some job roles may undergo transformation or

displacement, the future holds promise with innova-
tive employment opportunities that align with techno-
As we navigate the 21st century, the impact of AI on
logical advancements and the evolving demands of
India’s workforce is nothing short of revolutionary. It’s a
each industry. It is a pivotal time for workers to adapt
story of transition, adaptation, and boundless poten-
and acquire the necessary skills to thrive in this dy-
tial. In the pages that follow, we will explore the statis-
namic environment. The following are some of the jobs
tics that illuminate this change, share inspiring exam-
and roles that are already being impacted by the use
ples of how the job market is evolving, and shed light
of AI across major industries:
on the ingenious skilling initiatives that are propelling
India to the next level.

Entering 2024, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) 1. Manufacturing: AI Automation

emerges as a vibrant thread, intricately woven into The manufacturing landscape is undergoing a pro-
the very fabric of our society, automating tasks previ- found transformation, and at its heart is the incredi-
ously entitled to humans and eliminating drudgery in ble force of artificial intelligence (AI). As outlined in
the modern workplace. Nowhere is this transformation the 2023 report by Simplilearn, India’s manufacturing
more profound and promising than in India, a land re- sector is embracing AI to analyze sensor data, pre-
nowned for its vast talent and dynamic job market. dict breakdowns, and avert accidents. It’s a revolu-
tion that promises to elevate AI-powered automation
In this journey, the future is not a distant mirage but a
in manufacturing from a $1.1 billion industry in 2020 to
canvas waiting to be painted with innovation, creativ-
a staggering $16.7 billion by 2026 in India, marking a
ity, and the indomitable spirit of the Indian workforce.
remarkable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
Let’s dive into the realm of possibility and celebrate the
57 percent. The manufacturing sector in India plays a
transformative force of AI on India’s job market, and
substantial role in the nation’s economic landscape,
how the world’s largest youth population can strive to
contributing to 17% of India’s GDP in the year 2023. This
unlock new possibilities hand in hand with the accel-
industry is marked by notable achievements in inter-
erated AI revolution
national trade, with manufacturing exports hitting an
all-time high of US$ 447.46 billion during FY23. This
Identifying Jobs and Roles in AI signifies a remarkable 6.03% growth compared to the

Across Industries previous fiscal year (FY22), which had recorded ex-
ports of US$ 422 billion.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly emerged as a
transformative force, reshaping traditional job roles
and processes across diverse industries and ushering Manufacturing Export Growth
in the age of synchronized human-machine collabo-
ration quicker than ever today. This report underscores 2022 2023 Growth Rate
the imperative for business leaders, academia, and
USD 433 Billion USD 447.46 Billion 6.03%
policymakers to comprehend the far-reaching influ-
ence of AI on employment dynamics. While AI is set to
create new employment opportunities, it simultane- India’s manufacturing sector is on a path of transfor-
ously prompts significant job displacement. Workers mation, fueled by growing opportunities for investment
aspiring for success in this evolving landscape must and trade. The gap between demand and supply is
adapt and equip themselves with the requisite skills driving the need for expanded manufacturing capac-
demanded in the age of AI. According to a 2023 report ities. This industry has long been recognized as one of
the fastest-growing segments of the economy,

92 India Skills Report 2024

contributing to 16-17% of India’s GDP even before the But this transformation is not without its challenges.
pandemic. Labor-intensive roles in manufacturing are facing the
prospect of displacement as machines take on chal-
An observable shift toward more automated and pro-
lenging tasks. However, this isn’t a story of job loss; it’s
cess-driven manufacturing processes is underway
a narrative of job creation and innovation. The horizon
in India. This evolution has amplified the demand for
reveals a host of new roles, beckoning engineers, soft-
high-end equipment and machinery, reflecting the
ware developers, and data analysts into the fold.
sector’s commitment to technological advancement.
Challenges abound in the Indian manufacturing land- These roles aren’t mere adaptations; they’re the ar-
scape, encompassing a price-conscious market, un- chitects of a future where quality reigns supreme,
derdeveloped infrastructure, and supply chains, and a cost-efficiency is the norm, and competitive pricing is
tendency toward labor-intensive processes due to the the industry’s lifeblood, ensuring that the manufactur-
accessibility of low-cost labor. Balancing the cost-ef- ing industry remains innovative and dynamic to adapt
fectiveness of production methods with investments in to imminent changes.
technology is an ongoing endeavor for manufacturers.
The Indian government holds ambitious objectives for
the manufacturing sector, striving to elevate its con-
2. Customer Service: AI-powered
tribution to GDP significantly. The goal is to achieve an Chatbots
unprecedented 25% share of GDP by 2025, surpassing The pulsating core of many businesses, customer
the current standing of below 16%. This strategic effort service, is currently in the throes of an AI-driven rev-
coincides with a global shift where manufacturing gi- olution, spearheaded by chatbots. According to a re-
ant China is transitioning toward consumption-led port by RedSeer Consulting in 2023, the Indian chatbot
growth. market is poised for remarkable growth, with a pro-
jected CAGR of 31% from 2021 to 2026. These AI-pow-
To address the evolving landscape of manufactur-
ered chatbots are swiftly becoming the linchpin of the
ing, the industry is adapting to new technologies and
customer service industry in India, aimed at elevating
practices. Precision farming, involving the use of sen-
customer satisfaction and slashing response times.
sors, data analytics, and artificial intelligence to opti-
This transformation isn’t just about evolution; it’s an
mize production, is gaining prominence. Additionally,
engine for job creation, giving rise to new roles in en-
the adoption of biosecurity measures is enhancing
gineering, software development, data analytics, and
disease prevention, and securing the integrity of the
quality control.
manufacturing processes. In summary, India’s man-
ufacturing sector is a powerhouse within the national
economy, fostering remarkable growth in international
trade and striving for greater economic significance.
The industry’s drive to embrace innovation and meet
evolving challenges reflects its commitment to on-
going improvement and growth, with technology and
best practices driving progress in this dynamic land-

AI’s presence in manufacturing isn’t just a statistic; it’s

a catalyst for change. This paradigm shift is poised to
create new vistas of opportunity in India, particularly in
engineering, software development, and data analy-
sis as well as other strategic business-centric roles in
product marketing and innovation. Automation, driven
by AI, is the driving force behind this transformation,
reshaping the very foundations of how products are
crafted. Quality control, once reliant on human dili-
gence, now stands enhanced and consistent, deliver-
ing products of unparalleled quality that resonate with
ever-evolving consumer preferences.

93 India Skills Report 2024

The advantages they bring are as clear as day. Round-
3. Agri and Allied (Poultry):
the-clock availability ensures that customer support is
at your service any time, day or night, and the rapid
Ushering Sustainable Practices
response times translate into a happier, more satisfied In the agricultural sector, particularly in poultry farming,
clientele. However, this transformation, like all innova- AI stands as a pivotal force, orchestrating an orchestra
tions, isn’t devoid of its challenges. As chatbots take on of efficiency and cost-cutting measures. AI-powered
a more substantial share of customer inquiries, there’s sensors have taken center stage in India’s poultry in-
the inevitable prospect of some roles for customer dustry, rewriting the rules of efficiency and cost reduc-
service representatives facing displacement. tion. These sensors, like skilled diagnosticians, monitor
the health and behavior of chickens with a once un-
Yet, the future isn’t one shrouded in gloom; it’s a tapes- fathomable precision. This newfound capability em-
try of promise and possibility. In the times to come, the powers farmers to identify potential health issues at a
customer service landscape will bear the hallmark of pace previously unattainable and take swift corrective
24/7 availability, elevated customer satisfaction, and action. This remarkable stride in the poultry industry
speedy responses, all seamlessly aligned with the ev- has the potential to rewrite its future, but it’s not with-
er-advancing frontiers of technological prowess. out its challenges. The shift towards AI-driven poultry

Human and AI-Based Customer Service


The future is etched with opportunities in engineering, management may indeed usher in some level of job
software development, and data analysis, where the displacement among manual laborers. Yet, the future
maintenance and enhancement of chatbots lay the isn’t barren; it’s a realm teeming with potential where
foundation for a more vibrant and efficient customer emerging roles in the development and maintenance
service landscape. of cutting-edge AI systems paint a promising horizon,
where agriculture and technology seamlessly inter-

As of 2023, a report by the National Bank for Agricul-

ture and Rural Development (NABARD) casts a lumi-
nous projection for the poultry industry in India. With a
forecasted CAGR of 12.6% from 2021 to 2026, it’s poised
for substantial growth and transformation. The Indian
poultry industry, ranked as the fourth-largest

94 India Skills Report 2024

globally, boasts impressive production figures, with a
total of 100 billion eggs and 4.2 million metric tons of
poultry meat in the year 2021 has grown exponentially

This industry serves as a significant contributor to

employment, offering livelihoods to both direct and
indirect workers, with over 5 million people finding
employment within its vast ecosystem. As the Indian
poultry sector evolves, it’s poised to create fresh em-
ployment prospects, particularly in fields like animal
nutrition and metabolism, veterinary science, and an-
imal welfare.

However, this industry is not without its challenges,

particularly concerning the control of foodborne and
zoonotic pathogens. Tackling these pathogens stands
as a major concern for the Indian poultry industry. Fur-
thermore, public health hazards emerge from the con-
sumption of food containing high antibiotic residues,
signifying a critical issue that needs careful manage-


95 India Skills Report 2024

To adapt to changing times, the Indian poultry indus- with a CAGR of 27% between 2021 and 2026. India’s
try is anticipated to transition towards sustainable retail industry has been on an impressive growth tra-
agriculture practices. Challenges such as limited wa- jectory, reflecting the nation’s economic dynamism
ter resources and climatic shifts are expected to im- and shifting consumer preferences. With factors such
pact poultry production costs, necessitating strategic as increasing disposable income, urbanization, and
planning to align with per capita consumption trends. the burgeoning e-commerce sector, the Indian retail
The adoption of cutting-edge technologies is evident market has witnessed remarkable expansion. Projec-
in the sector’s transformation, with precision farming tions indicate that by 2026, the Indian retail market
practices being embraced. These involve the appli- is set to reach a staggering $1.75 trillion, driven by a
cation of sensors, data analytics, and artificial intelli- compelling compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
gence to optimize poultry production. 9.7% from 2021 to 2026. The e-commerce segment is
no less remarkable, with expectations of a 27% CAGR
In the pursuit of health and safety, the Indian poultry within the same period, reaching an impressive $200
industry is also implementing biosecurity measures billion by 2026. Notably, the Indian retail industry plays
to safeguard against the introduction and spread of a pivotal role in employment, second only to agricul-
disease-causing organisms within poultry flocks. This ture. Over 46 million people in India find employment
dual commitment to technological advancement and within this vibrant sector, and it is anticipated that the
health measures reflects the industry’s dedication to industry will create an additional 25 million jobs by
providing quality poultry products to the Indian market 2025. The retail landscape is not just expanding but
while ensuring long-term sustainability. evolving. There’s a significant shift towards organized
retail, with a projected CAGR of 20% from 2021 to 2026,
In this tale of transformation, the poultry industry’s fu-
and an increasing focus on omnichannel retail. Retail-
ture is not only about economic growth but about pi-
ers are harnessing the power of both online and offline
oneering a new era of sustainable and technologically
channels to reach customers effectively. Additionally,
advanced agriculture. The poultry sector is hatching
sustainability is gaining prominence in the Indian retail
a plethora of diverse roles to oversee various aspects
industry, with retailers adopting eco-friendly practices
of this industry. Poultry farm managers, poultry nutri-
to reduce their environmental impact. These compel-
tionists, poultry veterinarians, and poultry breeders are
ling statistics underscore the remarkable success of
at the forefront of ensuring healthy and thriving flocks.
India’s retail industry leading up to 2024, reflecting its
Meanwhile, poultry processing plant managers, poul-
vitality and adaptability in the face of evolving con-
try sales and marketing managers, and poultry feed
sumer trends and market dynamics.
mill managers ensure that poultry products make
their way to consumers efficiently. Poultry hatchery
managers and poultry equipment sales and service
managers work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure
a seamless poultry production cycle.

4. Retail: A Consumer-centric
The retail industry has undergone a remarkable trans-
formation through the infusion of AI, aimed at elevat-
ing customer experiences and optimizing operations.
AI-driven chatbots have emerged as the frontline sup-
port for customer inquiries, liberating human workers
to delve into more intricate tasks. While this transition
might reshape traditional roles within retail, it simul-
taneously opens the gateway to a fresh wave of em-
ployment prospects in AI system development and

As per a visionary 2023 report by RedSeer Consulting,

the Indian e-commerce market is projected to soar

96 India Skills Report 2024

CX Transformation and Business Benefits

AI’s imprint on the retail canvas in India is vivid, paint-

ing a picture of elevated customer experiences and
streamlined operations. This journey is not without
its challenges, as it may lead to job displacement for
some traditional roles. However, the horizon gleams
with promise, offering an array of opportunities in the
development and upkeep of AI systems.

In the ever-dynamic world of retail, a symphony of

emerging roles harmonizes with the changing land-
scape. E-commerce managers steer the ship of on-
line stores, while digital marketing managers and so-
cial media managers mastermind brand prominence
in the digital realm. Customer experience managers
take up the role of virtuoso conductors, ensuring that
shoppers embark on a seamless journey, while data
analysts decode the intricate rhythms of consum-
er preferences. Logistics managers and supply chain
managers choreograph the intricate ballet of bringing
products from the shelf to the doorstep.

The retail industry isn’t just evolving; it’s composing a

new tune where AI and human expertise dance in har-
mony, delivering a crescendo of enriched experiences
for consumers.

97 India Skills Report 2024

5. Healthcare: Transforming the The healthcare sector’s growth is vividly illustrated
by the expanding cohort of allopathic doctors, as the
Lives of People number of registered practitioners surged to 1.3 mil-
The healthcare sector, amidst rapid digital transfor- lion in November 2021, up from 0.83 million in 2010. This
mation, is giving birth to roles that beautifully bridge surge in medical professionals aligns with the sector’s
the realms of technology and patient care. AI, the robust trajectory and is continuing well into the year
technological powerhouse, is now at the heart of 2022-2023 where the medical profession is at the top
healthcare, poised to elevate patient outcomes and of the mind for the increasing number of youth ven-
enhance cost-efficiency. AI-powered diagnostic tools turing into this field. Furthermore, India’s healthcare
have emerged as lifesavers, facilitating the early iden- market is set for substantial expansion, with projec-
tification of health concerns and ushering in a new era tions anticipating it to reach US$367 billion by 2023
of more effective treatments. and a staggering US$638 billion by 2025. This surge is
emblematic of the sector’s status as one of the fast-
As outlined in a visionary 2023 report by the Indian
est-growing segments, buoyed by a conducive policy
Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), the healthcare industry
environment aimed at establishing the country as a
global healthcare hub.

Life-Saving AI vs Medical Assistance AI

in India is poised to grow with an impressive CAGR of The healthcare system, however, grapples with sig-
22% between 2021 and 2026. This growth demands a nificant challenges, primarily a growing burden of
workforce adept in the emerging technologies that non-communicable diseases. This shift necessitates
are set to reshape patient care and healthcare op- a transformation in the healthcare landscape, which
erations. India’s commitment to healthcare is evident is unfolding through initiatives like Ayushman Bharat,
in its evolving expenditure, which witnessed a notable encompassing the National Health Protection Scheme
increase. In FY23, the public expenditure on healthcare (Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana) and the Health
surged to 2.1% of GDP, compared to the 1.6% reported in and Wellness Centers. An essential facet of this evolv-
ing system is the prominent role of technology. Tele-
FY21, as per the Economic Survey 2022-23. This finan- health is becoming increasingly significant, with a re-
cial reinforcement is further underscored by the Indian markable 556% increase in telehealth visits between
government’s allocation of Rs. 89,155 crore (US$ 10.76 March 11 and April 22, 2020, primarily spurred by the
billion) to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare COVID-19 pandemic. This success has however result-
(MoHFW) in the Union Budget 2023-24. With augment- ed in the growing focus on emerging technologies for
ed financial backing, the Indian healthcare landscape healthcare and the widespread acceptance to adopt-
is undergoing a significant transformation. ing new and refined means of healthcare. This trend
underscores the integration of digital technology to

98 India Skills Report 2024

enhance healthcare outcomes, marking a pivotal shift breathing organism, with its talent magnetically at-
in the Indian healthcare landscape. tracting foreign investments and opportunities for in-
novation. Emerging roles in AI-driven innovation are
India’s healthcare sector is on a path of considerable steering India toward a future empowered by AI, en-
transformation, characterized by increased finan- suring that its implications are not only sustainable
cial allocations, a burgeoning cohort of healthcare but also ethically guided for the benefit of technology
professionals, and a robust market projection. These users.
developments align with the evolving landscape of
healthcare technology, amplifying the prospects for Within this dynamic transformation, artificial intelli-
healthcare professionals and innovators in India’s dy- gence (AI) researchers and machine learning engi-
namic healthcare ecosystem. In the future, healthcare neers dive into the boundless realms of AI and cog-
will be synonymous with early diagnosis, cost reduc- nitive systems. Data scientists become modern-day
tion, and uncompromised quality care. This bright ho- alchemists, transmuting data into actionable insights
rizon unveils a multitude of employment opportunities for businesses to make informed decisions on time.
focused on AI system maintenance and development. Cloud architects are the master builders of a robust
Medical data analysts and health informatics special- infrastructure designed to withstand the demands of
ists occupy the cutting edge of healthcare data, ex- a rapidly modernizing world and help scale the digital
tracting invaluable insights. Telemedicine technicians India that’s growing with each passing day. Cyberse-
and medical transcriptionists make remote patient curity analysts stand as vigilant guardians of digital
care seamless, while medical coders and medical fortresses, while full-stack developers bridge the front
billing specialists ensure that the financial gears of and back ends of digital experiences, ensuring tech-
healthcare run smoothly. Health information manag- nology is both accessible and secure for users.
ers and health IT project managers architect the digi-
DevOps engineers bring the symphony of software
tal evolution of healthcare.
development to its zenith, orchestrating efficiency
in every note. Blockchain developers explore the un-
The field of healthcare is not merely evolving; it’s or-
charted waters of decentralized ledgers, revealing a
chestrating a symphony where the integration of AI
future where the very nature of commerce aligns with
and human expertise harmonize to create a health-
the consumption patterns of tech-savvy users. UX de-
care landscape that’s not only accessible but pro-
signers emerge as the artists of user-friendly inter-
foundly efficient.
faces, crafting digital spaces where this technology
effortlessly blends into our lives. In this ever-evolving
IT landscape, India is poised to chart a steady course
6. Information Technology (IT): toward a future powered by AI, where technology is a

India’s Technological Odyssey force for good and innovation reigns supreme.

The IT industry in India, as illuminated by a prescient

2023 report from the National Association of Software 7. Logistics & Transportation:
and Services Companies (NASSCOM), is on an upward Navigating the Future with
trajectory, poised to grow with a commendable CAGR
of 7.7% between 2021 and 2026. In this digital renais-
sance, AI takes center stage, catalyzing improved ef- In today’s ever-evolving world, the realm of transpor-

ficiency and cost reduction. AI’s magic is witnessed in tation is on the cusp of a profound transformation.

the automation of routine tasks, setting human work- Self-driving cars and trucks, once relegated to the

ers free to focus on the intricacies of the rapidly evolv- realm of science fiction, are now poised to take the

ing digital landscape and the demands of its users. wheel. This isn’t a vision of some distant future; it’s a
reality unfolding before our eyes. The advantages
This shift, while potentially restructuring traditional IT of this paradigm shift are undeniable – a significant
roles, ushers in a new era with a proliferation of roles boost in safety, with the potential to drastically reduce
dedicated to the adoption, development, and mainte- accidents and elevate road safety to new heights.
nance of AI systems. The Indian IT landscape is a living,
Furthermore, it offers the gift of enhanced efficiency,
where autonomous vehicles become virtuoso route
optimizers, resulting in reduced fuel consumption and
remarkably lowered transportation costs. Furthermore,

99 India Skills Report 2024

the advent of electric vehicles has spawned a new
8. Hospitality: Elevating Guest Ex-
revolution in the heart of India’s consumers, with more
manufacturers entering the market with affordable
periences through AI
models that lead up to the EV culture that is revered in The realm of hospitality, where each guest’s experience
the heart of urban and rural India alike. is of paramount importance, is undergoing a profound
transformation, underpinned by the remarkable capa-
In parallel, the logistics industry is harnessing the pow- bilities of artificial intelligence. AI-driven chatbots now
er of AI to elevate operational efficiency and pare down stand as digital concierges, efficiently addressing cus-
costs. AI-driven predictive analytics stand as sentinels, tomer inquiries, thus freeing the human staff to direct
vigilantly optimizing supply chains, thereby curbing their attention toward the intricate and personalized
waste and fine-tuning delivery schedules. While this aspects of guest satisfaction. This transition, although
digital transformation may displace some manual la- affecting traditional roles within the hospitality sector,
bor roles, it simultaneously births opportunities in the is not a tale of job displacement but a narrative of evo-
sphere of AI system development and maintenance. lution, with new opportunities emerging in the realm of
According to a 2023 report by the Federation of In- AI system development and maintenance.
dian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI),
the logistics industry in India is primed to soar with a In this vibrant industry, a plethora of roles is dedicat-
commendable CAGR of 10.5% between 2021 and 2026. ed to ensuring that every guest enjoys an exception-
Logistics and supply chain management are in the al and memorable experience. Revenue managers
midst of a technological revolution, a transformation are the maestros of pricing and occupancy, adept-
that promises to catapult India into a future brimming ly optimizing to strike the perfect balance. Guest ex-
with innovation. perience managers craft every visit into a treasured
memory, ensuring that guest satisfaction knows no
As this shift unfolds, it will undoubtedly lead to job dis- bounds. Digital marketing managers and social media
placement for certain roles. However, it concurrently managers are the architects of a compelling digital
carves out fresh avenues of employment in the dy- presence, amplifying the allure of hospitality brands.
namic and evolving field of logistics and transporta- Event managers play the role of orchestrators, craft-
tion management. Supply chain analysts and logistics ing unforgettable gatherings and experiences. Food
analysts are at the forefront, adeptly optimizing the and beverage managers curate culinary delights that
flow of goods. Warehouse managers, transportation tantalize the taste buds, creating moments that linger
managers, and freight forwarders stand as custodians in memory. Meanwhile, the hotel operations manag-
of the efficient movement of products, ensuring that ers are the unsung heroes, ensuring that every facet of
the gears of commerce continue to turn seamlessly. the establishment runs seamlessly, like a well-choreo-
Customs brokers, the international trade navigators, graphed symphony.
play a pivotal role in facilitating global transactions,
while procurement managers guarantee a steady in- According to a 2023 report by the Indian Brand Equi-
flux of supplies. Inventory managers and operations ty Foundation (IBEF), the hospitality industry in India is
managers are the unsung heroes, working tirelessly poised for remarkable growth, with a projected CAGR
to ensure that every cog in the wheel functions har- of 16% between 2021 and 2026. This growth isn’t a sol-
moniously. The growth of AI and automation in this in- itary event but a part of a more extensive narrative
dustry will undoubtedly pave the way for exciting job of transformation, where technology harmoniously
opportunities in engineering, software development, blends with the art of hospitality. AI and automation
and data analysis. Thus, it ensures a thriving job mar- are the catalysts, breathing life into new and exciting
ket in the field of self-driving vehicle development and roles in the industry, ensuring that guest experiences
maintenance, marking the onset of a transformative are not just memorable but transcendent.
era in transportation. Are optimized routes and auton-
AI’s reach in hospitality doesn’t end with chatbots; it
omous cars the answer to the problem of traffic in In-
extends to personalized guest recommendations, en-
dia? Or does sustainable infrastructural development
ergy management for sustainable operations, and
and access to these cutting-edge resources for a ma-
even predictive maintenance to preemptively address
jority of India’s citizens play the role of digital acceler-
maintenance issues, all orchestrated to make each
ation in the future?
guest’s stay a remarkable and unforgettable experi-

100 India Skills Report 2024

9. Banking, Finance, and Insur- The increased adoption of UPI has led to the creation
of new job roles in engineering, software development,
ance (BFSI): Revolutionizing and data analysis, further fueling the growth of the fin-
Access to the Economy tech sector. The Indian fintech landscape is not only
The integration of artificial intelligence is reshaping reshaping the financial industry but is also poised to
the landscape of Banking, Financial Services, and In- play a pivotal role in advancing financial inclusion and
surance (BFSI), focusing on enhancing efficiency and driving digital adoption, ultimately leading to substan-
driving cost reduction. The introduction of AI-powered tial social impact in the future.
fraud detection tools has revolutionized how banks
In the world of finance, insurance, and banking, emerg-
proactively identify and combat potential fraudulent
ing roles are at the forefront, focusing on data and risk.
activities, thereby minimizing losses. This shift not only
Data analysts serve as architects of insights, delving
influences the traditional BFSI roles but also opens new
into extensive datasets to extract valuable informa-
horizons in AI system development and maintenance.
tion. Risk analysts stand as guardians, tirelessly work-
As per a 2023 report by the Indian Brand Equity Foun- ing to mitigate potential financial hazards. Investment
dation (IBEF), the BFSI industry in India is on a path of bankers, the modern navigators of complex finan-
substantial growth, projecting a CAGR of 8.1% from 2021 cial markets, guide clients through the ever-chang-
to 2026. This growth isn’t just a statistic but a testa- ing economic landscape. Financial analysts decode
ment to a vibrant ecosystem where technology, data, economic trends and offer strategic financial advice.
and risk management converge to unlock remarkable Wealth managers provide clients with guidance and
possibilities. The total addressable market for the Indi- strategies for financial success. Insurance underwrit-
an fintech industry is projected to reach a staggering ers assess risks, establish underwriting terms, and cal-
$1.3 trillion by 2025, with assets under management culate premium rates. Actuaries delve into statistical
poised to attain $1 trillion and revenue projections probabilities, a critical asset in the insurance and pen-
reaching $200 billion by 2030. Furthermore, the pay- sions sectors. Compliance officers ensure regulatory
ments landscape in India is hurtling toward a monu- adherence, guaranteeing that operations stay within
mental achievement, with an anticipated $100 trillion legal boundaries. Credit analysts evaluate the credit-
in transaction volume and $50 billion in revenue by worthiness of individuals and businesses, facilitating
2030, underscoring the transformative role of fintech sound lending decisions.
in reshaping the financial arena.
Yet, the transformation we witness today is only the
The cross-border payments sector in India presents a beginning of a sweeping revolution. While traditional
colossal opportunity for domestic fintech players, with roles, such as those in fraud detection and risk assess-
a projected revenue potential of $65 billion by 2030. ment, may undergo reconfiguration, this isn’t a tale
India is making its presence felt on the global fintech of decline; it’s a journey of transformation. The future
stage, securing an impressive 14% of the total global holds the promise of agile finance, where swift fraud
fintech funding and ranking second in terms of deal detection, precise risk assessment, and informed fi-
volume. The years 2021 and 2022 witnessed remarka- nancial planning are the standard. This dynamic shift
ble milestones, with over $19 billion of fintech funding is accompanied by the emergence of new roles, en-
and the emergence of 18 fintech unicorns, a testament suring that the benefits of this AI-powered trend are
to the sector’s rapid evolution. Indian fintechs have maximized by a highly strategic workforce, making
played a pivotal role, contributing to an enterprise BFSI a thriving hub of innovation and excellence.
value of approximately $100 billion, compared to the
broader financial services industry’s overall enterprise
10. Media and Entertainment:
value of $1.4 trillion in 2021.
Serving Happiness to Billions
The introduction of the Unified Payments Interface The media and entertainment industry in India is har-
(UPI) in India has been a game-changer for the fintech nessing the power of AI to elevate customer engage-
industry. UPI transactions have experienced an expo- ment and enhance cost-effectiveness. AI-driven rec-
nential surge, skyrocketing from 0.1 billion in December ommendation engines are playing a pivotal role in
2016 to an astounding 3.5 billion in August 2022. This personalizing content for consumers, leading to in-
underscores the transformative impact of UPI in pro- creased audience engagement. While this technolog-
moting digital transactions and financial inclusion. ical shift may bring about changes in certain job roles

101 India Skills Report 2024

within the industry, it simultaneously opens up new has further bolstered the industry’s potential by in-
opportunities in the field of AI system development creasing the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) limit from
and maintenance. 74% to 100% in the media and entertainment sector
and through initiatives aimed at establishing a Na-
As per a 2023 report from the Indian Brand Equity Foun- tional Centre of Excellence for AVGC (animation, visual
dation (IBEF), India’s media and entertainment sector effects, gaming, and comics).
is poised for impressive growth, with a projected Com-
pound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 13.5% from 2021 In summary, the media and entertainment industry in
to 2026. This substantial expansion is driven by a con- India is undergoing a dynamic evolution, driven by the
fluence of factors, including the evolving preferences changing preferences of consumers, increased access
of consumers, the broadening accessibility to the In- to the internet, and the integration of cutting-edge
ternet, and the advent of cutting-edge technologies. technologies. This sector is not only set to create nu-
merous job opportunities, particularly in fields like ani-
In 2022, the Indian media and entertainment sector mation, VFX, and gaming but also presents an exciting
reached record-high revenues, with virtually every landscape for IT professionals as it embraces trans-
segment experiencing robust growth, spanning both formative technologies such as OTT and digital plat-
traditional and emerging media channels. The adver- forms. Social media managers and digital marketing
tising industry in India, for instance, witnessed a re- managers play a pivotal role in shaping online pres-
markable 19% growth, crossing the INR 1 trillion mark in ence, while content creators and video editors craft
2022. Simultaneously, subscription-based services ex- compelling narratives. Sound engineers ensure top-
panded by 13%. Notably, the Indian television industry notch audio quality, and graphic designers along with
is expected to remain the largest segment, projecting animators create visually stunning content. Web de-
a CAGR of 7%, which is set to propel its valuation to INR velopers, in turn, bring digital experiences to life, and
847 billion (equivalent to US$ 12.01 billion) by the end UX designers prioritize user-friendly design, enhancing
of 2023. the overall user experience.

The digital landscape, particularly in the realm of mo-

bile gaming, is a beacon of tremendous potential, with Understanding the AI Revolution
the Indian mobile gaming market poised to achieve a
in Determining the Future of Work
value of $7 billion by 2025. The domains of music, ra-
dio, and podcasts have witnessed remarkable growth, in India
reaching revenues of $1.1 billion in 2022, with projec- In the vibrant landscape of India’s employment eco-
tions indicating further growth to $1.5 billion by 2027. system, the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The Indian digital media segment, representing the stands as a formidable force, unveiling a captivating
second-largest sub-segment in media and entertain- narrative of both innovative vistas and the profound
ment, expanded at an impressive rate of 30% in 2022, transformation of established roles. As we delve into
ultimately reaching $6.9 billion. the enigmatic world of AI’s influence, it’s crucial to rec-
ognize the imperative importance of comprehending
Additionally, the online gaming market in India record- its impact on the future of work. This section unravels
ed a remarkable 34% growth in 2022, culminating in a key statistics that underscore the sweeping changes
valuation of $1.6 billion by the beginning of 2023, and in how traditional roles are being reshaped, offering
is expected to continue its upward trajectory to reach a glimpse into the evolving landscape of the Indian
$2.8 billion by 2025. The realm of internet advertising in workforce preparing for the widespread adoption of AI.
India stands out as one of the fastest-growing global- Let’s take a look at some predictions that highlight the
ly, demonstrating a remarkable 35.3% growth rate. emergence of an AI-powered future in India.

The burgeoning popularity of over-the-top (OTT) plat-

forms is reshaping the landscape, with this sector ex- AI’s Impact on India’s Workforce:
pected to exhibit a compelling CAGR of 28.6% from
A Transformative Journey
2021 to 2026, reaching a substantial valuation of $14.3
billion by 2026. Similarly, the animation and VFX indus- India’s forward-looking approach to AI adoption is

try are poised for substantial growth, with a projected striking. It is expected to be among the top five nations

CAGR of 18.5% from 2021 to 2026, ultimately reaching a globally in terms of AI implementation. With an esti-

valuation of $2.9 billion in 2026. The Indian government mated 45% of Indian companies planning to embrace

102 India Skills Report 2024

AI by 2023, the nation is positioned at the forefront of • Ratan Tata, Chairman Emeritus of Tata Sons, said, “AI
AI integration. is going to be the next big thing. It is going to be the
next industrial revolution. It is going to be the next in-
The Indian government, recognizing the transforma-
ternet. It is going to change the way we live, work, and
tive potential of AI, has launched the National AI Strat-
relate to one another.”
egy, charting a visionary path to establish a $1 trillion
AI industry in India by 2035. This strategic move un-
• Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries,
said, “AI is going to be the defining technology of our
derscores the government’s commitment to fostering
times. It is going to be the driver of new waves of pro-
AI growth and development on a colossal scale. The
ductivity growth, and it will help India leapfrog to the
AI industry in India is on an upward trajectory, marked
forefront of the global economy.”
by exponential growth. Predictions indicate that the AI
services market in India alone will witness a remark- • Nandan Nilekani, co-founder of Infosys and former
able Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 33.1% Chairman of the Unique Identification Authority of In-
from 2021 to 2026, culminating in a substantial market dia, said, “AI is going to be a game-changer for India. It
size of USD 12.16 billion by 2026. This surge reflects the has the potential to transform every aspect of our lives,
increasing demand for AI-driven solutions across sec- from healthcare to education to agriculture.”
tors. The influence of AI on employment is a nuanced
story. By 2020, the Indian AI industry had already been
Why is AI the Focus of
expected to create 2.3 million jobs while simultane-
ously eliminating 1.8 million jobs, resulting in a net in- Industrialists Today?
crease of 500,000 jobs leading up to 2023. This trans- The ripple effect of AI extends across diverse sectors.
formation illustrates the changing nature of work, with The Indian manufacturing industry is poised to gain
AI augmenting certain roles while automating others significantly from AI adoption, with an anticipated fi-
as witnessed in the succeeding years, where more job nancial benefit of $500 billion, already by 2023. Mean-
roles are continuously being created and newer impli- while, the healthcare industry stands as one of the
cations of AI make way to workplaces across the world. largest beneficiaries, with estimated savings of $6 bil-
lion as early as 2021, a trend that shows no sign of slow-
ing owing to the accelerated adoption and innovation
What Indian Industrialists Say
in AI for healthcare. The banking and financial services
About the Impact of AI? industry is also embracing AI, with expected savings of
• Stability AI CEO Emad Mostaque said that most of $7.5 billion by the end of 2023, and the retail sector an-
India’s coders will lose their jobs as the effects of AI ticipates savings of $3.6 billion by the same year. Fur-
mean that it is now possible for software to be devel- thermore, the IT industry is set to witness substantial
oped with far fewer people. “I think that it affects dif- benefits, with projected savings of $1.5 billion by 2023,
ferent types of jobs in different ways,” Mostaque said underscoring AI’s relevance across the spectrum of In-
on a call with analysts at the Swiss investment bank dia’s economy. All the resources saved can be direct-
last week. In India, Mostaque said, “Outsourced cod- ed to strategic efforts in expanding innovation across
ers up to level three programmers will be gone in the industries, reducing costs, and positioning products
next year or two, whereas in France, you’ll never fire a and services for increased accessibility and utility to
developer.” consumers across the nation. AI also transforms com-
plex work performed only by humans, into automated
• V Kamakoti, head of India’s AI task force and faculty at
and efficient workflows, empowering increased col-
IIT- Madras, said, “Wherever there is a decision-mak-
laboration, and strategic thinking, and saving tonnes
ing process, AI certainly has a role to play, and help in
of time, energy, and resources in the process.
making better decisions. If a proper decision is made,
life quality will improve, and that will help to address
The Indian government’s commitment to AI is evident
the socio-economic challenges. So in the Indian con-
through substantial investments. The Department of
text, AI is a problem solver than a wealth generator.”
Science and Technology has allocated INR 1,000 crore
• Ratan Tata, Chairman Emeritus of Tata Sons, said, “AI ($150 million) for AI research in 2023, reinforcing India’s
is going to be the next big thing. It is going to be the dedication to AI advancement. As this transforma-
next industrial revolution. It is going to be the next in- tive wave surges forward, education and training take
ternet. It is going to change the way we live, work, and center stage. The launch of the National Programme
relate to one another.” on Artificial Intelligence in Education reflects the

103 India Skills Report 2024

government’s resolve to empower the workforce, en- top 500 Indian companies are projected to need be-
suring it is aptly prepared for the AI-driven future. This tween 25,000 to 30,000 advanced AIML practitioners.
journey of transformation finds its most profound ex- This signifies the profound impact AI has on job re-
pression in the realm of employment, with the AI in- quirements, necessitating specialized skills for a work-
dustry poised to open new horizons by making jobs of force that is aligned with the evolving landscape of the
the future more accessible to India’s vast youth. Fields future of work.
such as data analysis, programming, and AI research
and development are set to offer boundless opportu- While AI’s potential is boundless, it also presents sub-
nities for skilled IT professionals. Yet, the ascent of AI is stantial challenges. These challenges underscore the
not without its complex challenges. The potential for importance of maintaining an equilibrium between
job displacement is a looming reality, emphasizing the opportunities and the responsibilities AI carries.
the critical need for robust training and education to The need for adequate training and education is par-
adapt to this rapidly evolving employment landscape. amount to ensure that the workforce remains adapt-
In this dynamic landscape of India’s employment sec- able in the face of the ever-changing job market. This
tor, AI is not just a theoretical construct but an action- serves as a reminder to businesses and policymakers
able strategy, that if harnessed for the collective good to exercise restraint, ensuring that AI is employed eth-
could bring prosperity to people from all walks of life, in ically and responsibly as it shapes the future of work.
all corners of the nation. As the realms of business and technology converge to
redefine the future of employment, employability, and
efficiency in Indian industry, the findings in this year’s
A Catalyst for Economic Growth report underscore the pivotal role that AI plays in our
Statistics reveals that a substantial 57% of Indian ex- lives today. The commitment of Indian executives, the
ecutives are proactively steering their organizations economic benefits AI brings, the educational invest-
towards an advanced AI adoption, further accelerat- ments required, and the demand for skilled practition-
ing the demand for highly skilled professionals across ers are all part of this narrative, as we prepare for a
industries. This keen interest from the corporate lead- future powered by Artificial Intelligence. It is a path that
ership underscores the tangible potential AI holds to demands thoughtful navigation, wherein people, busi-
shape the future of work and industry. AI’s success sto- nesses, and policymakers embrace AI’s transformative
ry within Indian businesses isn’t just a matter of cor- potential with ethical responsibility, paving the way for
porate interest; it’s intertwined with the nation’s eco- a dynamic, AI-empowered future where both continu-
nomic growth. Successful AI integration within Indian ity and creativity flourish.
enterprises could consistently contribute an impres-
sive ~1.4 percentage points to the real GDP growth. This
isn’t just about adopting technology; it’s about fueling
economic growth and fostering a sustainable future
for the country. As AI cements its role in the future of
work, it necessitates a transformative approach to
skills development and creating awareness about the
possibilities for innovation with AI. To harness the full
potential of AI, the top 500 Indian companies alone will
require a staggering 1 million hours of training. This ed-
ucation spans a spectrum of skills, including upskilling
mid and senior-level management on the business
aspects of AI, digital transformation, and Agile ways
of working. These crucial hours invested in upskilling
are a testament to the strategic commitment required
to embrace AI effectively and have emerged as the
central focus of various government-led and private
partnerships aimed at skilling the youth for the future
of work. The AI industry’s transformative potential is
mirrored in the surging demand for advanced prac-
titioners of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
(AIML). To optimize the benefits that AI promises, the

104 India Skills Report 2024

Today, the IT job market in India is abuzz with oppor-

tunities, with roles like data scientists, DevOps engi-
neers, cloud architects, big data engineers, full stack
developers, IoT solutions architects, blockchain devel-

RESHAPING THE opers, and artificial intelligence (AI) engineers taking

the lead. The landscape of tech skills evolves rapidly,
and looking ahead to 2024, mastering data science,

SKILLS cloud computing, AI, DevOps, blockchain, robotic pro-

cess automation (RPA), augmented reality (AR), virtual
reality (VR), and cybersecurity emerges as crucial.
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges
as a transformative force, not only shaping industry Despite the surge in demand for AI skills globally, India
landscapes but also unlocking unprecedented oppor- has witnessed a decline of over 60% in AI job open-
tunities for skilling and employment. The Indian gov- ings in the past year, with approximately 1,100 positions
ernment’s forward-thinking initiatives, including the available. The silver lining, however, lies in the nation’s
Skill India campaign, the vision to establish AI centers commitment to upskilling initiatives, aiming to elevate
of excellence, and the commitment to upskill 625,000 the existing professional talent to meet the evolving
IT professionals through the Digital India campaign, demands of AI. While North America and Europe may
underscore a strategic move towards leveraging AI for currently lead in AI skills concentration, India’s relent-
national progress. less efforts to equip its youth and professionals with AI
expertise spark optimism. With an expected boom in
The promising synergy of market potential, robust
the Indian AI industry, projected to reach USD 28.8 bil-
government support, a skilled workforce, and sec-
lion by 2025, there’s a pivotal shift towards nurturing
tor-specific opportunities positions India at the fore-
engineering and manufacturing talent for the indus-
front of global AI leadership. In this section of the India
try’s future demands.
Skills Report (ISR), we delve into the future of skilling in
India, propelled by the exponential growth of AI. As we
explore the transformative potential of AI, our focus ex-
tends beyond urban centers, embracing rural devel-
opment through strategic skilling initiatives. The data
presented here unveils the immense promise AI holds,
projecting the addition of 4.6 million full-time jobs to
India’s economy over the next five years. This section
is not just a glimpse into the future; it’s a reflection of
India’s need to equip its workforce with the skills nec-
essary to harness the potential of AI, ensuring inclusive
growth and positioning the nation as a global leader in
this transformative technology.

Navigating the Technology

Demand: Skills Shaping the Identifying Key Skills for the AI Era
Future Due to the rapid advancement of AI, there is an in-
As we venture further into the technological landscape creasing demand for professionals with the skills to
that defines the future of work, the demand for specific develop, implement, and manage AI solutions. A mul-
tech skills becomes increasingly pronounced. Quess tifaceted approach combining theoretical learning,
Corp’s insightful report sheds light on the core com- practical application, and community engagement is
petencies steering 78% of hiring demands across in- pivotal. Continuous learning through online courses,
dustries in India, with development roles taking center hands-on projects, and active participation in AI com-
stage. Intriguing revelation surfaces – full stack skills munities ensures candidates are well-prepared for the
exhibit a consistent upward trend, particularly reso- dynamic landscape of AI and its evolving skill require-
nating within the consulting, automotive, banking, and ments.Here are some of the most in-demand skills in
telecom sectors. India for the AI era:

105 India Skills Report 2024

Foundational Skills 4. Mathematics and Statistics : A strong foundation
in mathematics and statistics is essential for under-
As we venture further into the technological landscape
standing the theoretical underpinnings of AI and ma-
that defines the future of work, the demand for specific
chine learning.Linear algebra and statistics are among
tech skills becomes increasingly pronounced. Quess
the top skills required to make a career in AI. Online
Corp’s insightful report sheds light on the core com-
platforms like Khan Academy and MIT OpenCourse-
petencies steering 78% of hiring demands across in-
Ware offer comprehensive courses in these subjects.
dustries in India, with development roles taking center
Additionally, candidates can practice mathematical
stage. Intriguing revelation surfaces – full stack skills
problem-solving on platforms like Project Euler and
exhibit a consistent upward trend, particularly reso-
leverage statistics tools in data projects.
nating within the consulting, automotive, banking, and
telecom sectors. 5. Problem-solving and Critical Thinking : The
ability to analyze complex problems, identify patterns,
1. Programming : Strong programming skills in Py-
and develop creative solutions is crucial for success
thon, R, and Java are essential for developing AI al-
in the AI field. Critical thinking and problem-solving
gorithms and applications. According to a report by
are among the most in-demand skills for AI in 2024.
Teamlease, there were 45,000 job openings in India
Engaging in AI hackathons, participating in coding
last month for artificial intelligence (AI) roles, with
challenges on platforms like LeetCode, and collabo-
data scientists and machine learning (ML) engineers
rating on AI research projects foster problem-solving
being the top careers. Individuals aspiring to excel in
abilities. Regularly tackling algorithmic problems and
AI can engage in online coding platforms, participate
discussing solutions with peers in AI communities con-
in open-source projects, and enroll in coding boot
tribute to honing critical thinking skills.
camps. Collaborating on GitHub, solving real-world
problems, and contributing to AI communities are ef-
fective ways to enhance programming expertise. Specialized Skills
As AI continues to evolve, the demand for these skills
2. Data Analysis : Expertise in data analysis tools and
will only grow. Individuals who possess these skills will
techniques, such as SQL, Hadoop, and Spark, is crucial
be well-positioned for success in the AI era and can
for handling and extracting insights from large da-
contribute significantly to the development and appli-
tasets. The top 5 skills needed to excel in the area of
cation of AI solutions that benefit society. Some spe-
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence are Python or
cialized skills that will contribute to the development of
R programming language, SQL, Hadoop, and Spark. To
AI and shape the dynamics of emerging career roles
hone data analysis skills, candidates can leverage on-
line courses on platforms like Coursera and edX. Par-
ticipating in Kaggle competitions, working on person- 1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) : Expertise in
al data projects, and seeking internships that involve NLP techniques is essential for developing AI applica-
data analysis provide practical experience and con- tions that can understand, process, and generate hu-
tribute to skill development. man language. According to industry survey findings
highlighting the growth of AI skills by Simplilearn, NLP
3. Machine Learning : Familiarity with machine
is one of the top skills required for a career in AI, with
learning concepts and algorithms, such as supervised
a 2022 growth rate of 25%. Enroll in online courses, at-
learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement
tend workshops, and engage in hands-on projects to
learning, is necessary for building AI models.Machine
build practical NLP skills. Leveraging open-source NLP
learning engineering is one of the top AI careers in In-
libraries and contributing to relevant communities can
dia, and the demand for AI professionals proficient in
enhance proficiency.
scripting languages is rising. Enrolling in specialized
machine learning courses, such as those offered by 2. Computer Vision : Skills in computer vision are re-
Stanford University on platforms like Coursera, and ex- quired for developing AI applications that can analyze
ploring resources like TensorFlow and PyTorch docu- and interpret visual data, such as images and videos.
mentation enhance machine learning skills. Applying Computer vision is one of the top skills required for a
machine learning to real-world projects helps rein- career in AI, with a 2022 growth rate of 23%. Participate
force theoretical knowledge. in computer vision courses, utilize platforms like Ten-
sorFlow and OpenCV, and engage in real-world

106 India Skills Report 2024

projects. Stay updated on the latest advancements in remain relevant in the swiftly evolving field of AI. It sig-
image recognition, object detection, and video anal- nifies an acknowledgment of the perpetual nature of
ysis. knowledge in this dynamic domain. Stay abreast of the
latest advancements through regular engagement
3. AI Ethics and Bias : Understanding the ethical im- with AI-centric publications, attend webinars, and
plications of AI and developing strategies to mitigate conferences, and seize opportunities for ongoing ed-
bias is crucial for responsible AI development and ucation to keep pace with the dynamic AI landscape.
deployment. AI ethics and bias mitigation are critical
skills for AI professionals, with a 2022 growth rate of 2. Hands-on Practice : Theoretical knowledge alone
20%. Take courses in AI ethics, participate in discus- is insufficient; the application of concepts through
sions on bias mitigation, and stay informed about eth- hands-on projects is essential for developing practical
ical guidelines. Actively engage with case studies and skills. It underscores the significance of translating ac-
collaborate with professionals in the field to deepen quired knowledge into real-world solutions. Undertake
understanding. projects challenge your understanding of AI concepts,
utilizing platforms like Kaggle for hands-on experience.
4. AI Project Management : The ability to manage Building a robust portfolio not only showcases skills but
complex AI projects, including requirements gathering, also demonstrates a commitment to practical profi-
team coordination, and risk assessment, is essential for ciency.
successful AI implementation. AI project management
is a key skill for AI professionals, with a 2022 growth rate 3. Networking : Networking is not just about connec-
of 18%. Pursue project management certifications, gain tions; it is a strategic investment in gaining insights,
hands-on experience through internships, and devel- mentorship, and exposure to diverse perspectives. It
op proficiency in AI project management tools. Foster underscores the collaborative nature of progress in AI.
strong communication and coordination skills to navi- Actively participate in online forums, engage in social
gate multifaceted AI initiatives. media discussions, and attend both local and virtu-
al meetups. Networking fosters an ecosystem where
5. Domain Expertise : In addition to technical skills, shared knowledge propels the collective growth of AI
having expertise in a specific domain, such as health- enthusiasts and professionals.
care, finance, or manufacturing, can provide a signif-
icant advantage in the AI field. Domain expertise is a 4. Online Courses and Certifications : Enrolling in
valuable skill for AI professionals, with a 2022 growth online courses and earning certifications is a struc-
rate of 15%.Immerse yourself in your chosen domain tured approach to skill acquisition. It signals a com-
by attending industry conferences, networking with mitment to formal education and validates expertise
professionals, and staying abreast of sector-specific in specific AI domains. Platforms like GreatLearning,
trends. Collaborate on AI projects within the chosen Coursera, Simplilearn, and edX offer specialized cours-
domain to apply theoretical knowledge. es tailored to various AI skills. Certifications serve as
tangible proof of competence, enhancing credibility in
a competitive job market.
Strategies for Skilling in an
AI-Driven World: Nurturing 5. Collaboration : Collaboration is more than a buz-
zword; it is a cornerstone of success in AI. Contributing
Continuous Learning and
to open-source projects and participating in hack-
Professional Growth athons exemplify the synergy arising from shared
When it comes to preparing for the impacts of AI, in- knowledge and joint problem-solving. Actively con-
dividuals, whether new entrants or seasoned profes- tribute to GitHub projects, collaborate on coding chal-
sionals are tasked with navigating a future shaped lenges, and engage in hackathons. Collaborative en-
by continuous innovation. Employing strategic meth- deavors cultivate a rich learning environment where
odologies is paramount for honing skills and fostering diverse skill sets converge for innovative solutions.
a mindset of perpetual learning. The following ap-
proaches are instrumental in preparing for the trans- In adopting these methodologies, individuals not only
formative impact of AI on the professional landscape: equip themselves with the technical skills demanded
by the AI industry but also embrace a proactive ap-
1. Continuous Learning : Embracing continuous proach to continuous learning. The implications go
learning is not merely a choice but a necessity to beyond individual career growth and contribute to the

107 India Skills Report 2024

collective advancement of AI knowledge and appli- In navigating the ever-evolving landscape of artificial
cation. By navigating the AI-driven future with these intelligence (AI), professionals are presented not only
strategies, professionals can fortify their positions as with technical challenges but a transformative shift
integral contributors to the ongoing evolution of AI in skill demands. Microsoft underscores a significant
technologies and their widespread impact. shift by identifying core competencies essential for all
professionals, transcending traditional technical roles.
The new imperative includes analytical judgment, flex-
Demand-Supply Gap: Skills in ibility, emotional intelligence, intellectual curiosity, bias
High Demand Vs. Skills in Short detection, and handling, along with AI delegation. This
Supply holistic approach reflects the need for a workforce not
only adept in technical prowess but also characterized
As AI continues to redefine professional landscapes,
by adaptability and emotional acumen. Professionals
individuals and industries are called upon to actively
are not only encouraged to acquire technical skills
embrace this evolution. The fusion of technical acu-
relevant to emerging job roles but also urged to cul-
men with adaptable, human-centric skills is key to
tivate critical thinking, adaptability, and digital literacy
navigating the intricacies of an AI-powered future.
– foundational elements shaping the AI-driven future
Emphasizing not only the significance of staying up-
of work. Quixy’s report echoes this sentiment, empha-
dated with technical skills but also the importance of
sizing the essential mix of technical skills such as cod-
fostering a mindset that welcomes change and con-
ing, data tricks, machine smarts, and neural networks,
tinual learning. As the AI journey unfolds, profession-
coupled with crucial soft skills like critical thinking and
als are urged not merely to adapt but to thrive in an
adaptability, as vital for thriving in an AI-driven envi-
era where the future of work, skilling, and mobility are
intricately intertwined with the transformative force of
artificial intelligence. LinkedIn’s foresight into transformative career paths
reinforces the idea that the future of work in the AI era

Navigating the AI-Powered is not characterized by job scarcity but rather by a re-
shaping of roles. Emerging positions like AI developers,
Future: A Paradigm Shift in ethicists, data scientists, and collaboration specialists
Professional Skills signal a paradigm shift in the professional landscape.
Continual learning, often referred to as lifelong learn- Adaptability, digital literacy, and critical thinking
ing, takes center stage in the evolution of AI, as high- emerge as crucial skills for professionals navigating
lighted in a report by Nature. In the realm of AI, where this AI-driven future. LinkedIn’s insights into the rapid
neural networks play a pivotal role, continual learning growth of AI-related skills affirm the escalating signifi-
becomes crucial. Much AI relies on neural networks, cance of AI skills in the professional landscape. Terms
which take data and pass them through a series of like question answering, classification, recommender
computational units, known as artificial neurons, which systems, computer vision, and natural language pro-
perform small mathematical functions on the data. cessing represent not just technical jargon but the
Eventually, the network develops a statistical mod- forefront of the AI revolution. The demand for AI talent
el of the data that it can then match to new inputs. in the Asia-Pacific region has outpaced overall hiring,
Lifelong learning is necessary not only for self-driving underlining the transition of AI skills from being an as-
cars but for any intelligent system that has to deal set to a necessity. The identification of key AI career
with surprises, such as chatbots, which are expected choices, such as machine learning engineer, robotic
to answer questions about a product or service. These scientist, data scientist, and researcher, further solid-
findings underscore the urgency for individuals to cul- ifies the diverse opportunities unfolding in the AI era.
tivate a diverse skill set that extends beyond technical Mastery of data analysis, research methods, and pro-
expertise. Technology companies are championing gramming languages like Python or R is highlighted as
skill development initiatives to empower professionals crucial for professionals venturing into AI-centric roles.
with the capabilities necessary to navigate and thrive As professionals immerse themselves in this era of AI,
in an AI-powered future. Adaptability and a balance technology companies, governments, academia, and
of technical and soft skills are pivotal for success in a key industries are all pivotal in fostering skill develop-
rapidly evolving professional landscape driven by ar- ment initiatives. These initiatives should aim not only
tificial intelligence. to equip individuals with the technical skills demanded
by AI but also to cultivate the soft skills imperative for
success in a technology-driven world.
108 India Skills Report 2024
A) Skills in High Demand objective of fostering AI proficiency across the work-
force. The dominance of Python in AI is not merely a
Major programming languages, data science and
result of its technical capabilities but also its role in
analytics, machine learning, natural language pro-
empowering a diverse range of professionals entering
cessing, and computer vision are some of the most
the AI domain. Python’s impact extends beyond cod-
in-demand skills related to AI adoption across various
ing; it spearheads the creation of efficient and scala-
industries in India. These skills are essential for adapt-
ble AI solutions, positioning itself at the forefront of the
ing, surviving, and thriving in an AI-driven era, and they
ongoing AI revolution. This, in turn, contributes to the
are crucial for success in the AI field. Here’s why!
transformative journey of industries and shapes the
contours of the future of work.
1. Python’s Dominance in AI Development : In the
dynamic realm of artificial intelligence (AI), Python
2. Data Science and Analytics in a Data-driven
has indisputably claimed its position as the premier
World : In a world inundated with data, the role of data
programming language, as highlighted by a compre-
scientists is soaring to unprecedented heights, with a
hensive 2023 survey conducted by LinkedIn. This ac-
projected growth of 33% from 2020 to 2030, surpassing
colade is attributed to Python’s trifecta of strengths:
the average for all occupations. McKinsey Global Insti-
user-friendly syntax, unparalleled versatility, and a
tute’s incisive 2022 study takes this revelation a step
robust ecosystem, making it the preferred choice for
further, anticipating that data science is poised to birth
developers navigating the complexities of AI.
a staggering 2.3 million new jobs in the United States
At the heart of Python’s ascendancy lies its user-friend- alone by 2025.
ly and readable syntax. This intrinsic feature simplifies
Closer to home, in India, the appetite for data analysts
the coding process, rendering it accessible to devel-
and business analysts is palpable across diverse sec-
opers of varying skill levels. In the collaborative and
tors. This surge in demand underscores the pivotal role
fast-paced environment of AI, where agility and quick
data science plays in the landscape of artificial intelli-
learning are paramount, Python’s simplicity becomes
gence (AI), acting as the keystone that transforms raw
a distinct advantage. Versatility stands as a corner-
data into actionable insights. The growing prominence
stone of Python’s popularity. The language seamlessly
of data scientists is a testament to their indispensa-
caters to a spectrum of applications, spanning web
ble role in unraveling the latent potential of AI across
development, data analysis, and machine learning. In
various industries in India. As businesses increasingly
the multifaceted landscape of AI, characterized by di-
recognize the power of harnessing data for strategic
verse functionalities, Python’s adaptability emerges as
decision-making, the demand for skilled data sci-
a decisive factor.
entists becomes not just a trend but a fundamental
Beyond its inherent traits, Python’s extensive ecosys- force shaping the future of work in the AI-driven era.
tem of libraries and frameworks further amplifies its The surge in demand for data science professionals
appeal. Powerhouses like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and signifies not merely a career choice but a response to
sci-kit-learn provide pre-built tools, empowering data the evolving needs of industries eager to leverage the
scientists and machine learning engineers to stream- transformative capabilities of AI.
line the development of sophisticated AI solutions ef-
3. Rise of Machine Learning Engineers : Machine
ficiently. Acknowledging the pivotal role of program-
learning stands as a transformative force, automat-
ming languages in the digital age, the World Economic
ing tasks from customer service to fraud detection.
Forum, in its 2022 report, underlines the imperative for
This surge is propelling an escalating demand for ma-
professionals to master these languages. With an an-
chine learning engineers, with the Brookings Institution
ticipated 50% of the workforce requiring reskilling or
forecasting an astonishing 70% growth in demand for
upskilling by 2025, mastering languages like Python
these professionals by 2026.
becomes a critical aspect of navigating the evolving
job landscape. Machine learning engineers are not merely respond-
ers to this demand; they are architects of innovation
Python’s significance transcends its status as a pre-
and efficiency in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI).
ferred language; it serves as a linchpin in crafting in-
Their expertise is instrumental in crafting and deploy-
novative AI solutions. The language’s intuitive syntax
ing AI applications, laying the foundation for intelligent
accelerates development, reducing the learning curve
systems that define the ongoing AI revolution in India.
for AI professionals and aligning with the broader
As industries increasingly recognize the potential of AI

109 India Skills Report 2024

to revolutionize processes, machine learning engi- From simplifying documentation management to de-
neers become the linchpin in translating this poten- tecting anomalies in medical imaging, computer vi-
tial into reality. Their role is not confined to meeting the sion engineers are unlocking the potential to reinvent
current demand but extends to steering the trajectory various industries and enhance the efficacy of existing
of AI-driven advancements. The surge in demand for practices. Their expertise is pivotal in unleashing the
machine learning engineers is not just a testament to transformative power of AI, offering solutions that re-
a career trend; it is a response to the imperative need define how we perceive, interpret, and interact with the
for skilled professionals capable of steering the course visual data that surrounds us. As industries increasing-
of AI innovation in India. ly integrate computer vision into their operations, these
engineers stand as catalysts for a future where AI not
4. Revolutionizing Interactions: Demand for NLP only understands but visually interprets the world, ush-
Engineers : Natural Language Processing (NLP), the ering in a new era of innovation and efficiency.
driving force behind innovations like chatbots and
virtual assistants, is experiencing an unprecedented
demand for NLP engineers. The University of Oxford’s
B) Skills in Short Supply
estimation that the NLP market will reach a staggering The demand for artificial intelligence (AI) has surged,
$43 billion by 2025 underscores the pivotal role these reshaping industries and transforming the way we in-
professionals play in the AI landscape. teract with the digital realm. As AI solutions become
integral to diverse sectors and demographics, a con-
NLP engineers are not just contributors to this demand sequential challenge has emerged – a shortage of
surge; they are pioneers at the forefront of enhancing skilled professionals capable of navigating this accel-
human-computer interactions, a foundational ele- erated development.
ment of AI progression. Their work is the driving force
behind the expansion of AI applications, promising The multifaceted applications of AI, from data science
transformative impacts on industries and daily life in and machine learning to natural language processing
India. The emergence of high-performance NLP en- and computer vision, have sparked an unprecedent-
gines like ChatGPT, Perplexity, and Bard further ampli- ed demand for adept individuals who can harness the
fies the urgency to innovate in this domain. NLP engi- power of intelligent systems. The pace of innovation
neers are tasked with leveraging such advancements and the quest for cutting-edge AI solutions have out-
to position technology that can significantly improve paced the rate at which skilled workers can be culti-
the quality of life everywhere. As industries and indi- vated. Consequently, industries find themselves in a
viduals increasingly integrate AI-driven language pro- dynamic landscape where the scarcity of AI skills be-
cessing into their operations, NLP engineers emerge comes a bottleneck in the journey towards unleashing
as architects of a future where technology seamlessly the full potential of artificial intelligence. The findings
understands and responds to human language, re- in this section highlight key areas where the shortage
shaping the way we interact with the digital world. in skills can be combated for industry, academia, and
governments to take advantage of the AI wave.
5. Visualizing the Future: Demand for
Computer Vision Engineers : Computer vision, the Bridging the Talent Gap in Programming
driving force behind advancements in self-driving cars
and facial recognition systems, is charting a course
toward heightened demand for computer vision engi- The 2023 LinkedIn Skills Report highlights a substan-

neers. Statista’s projection of the global computer vi- tial shortage of skilled workers in specific program-

sion market reaching $12.4 billion by 2027 underscores ming languages, creating a demand-supply gap

the pivotal role these engineers play in shaping the that organizations are keen to address. The top 5 pro-

future of AI. gramming languages in short supply, according to

the report, are Go, Dart, Rust, Kotlin, and TypeScript.
Computer vision engineers are not merely witnesses to The shortage of skilled workers in these programming
this surge; they are the architects steering the course languages underscores the urgency for individuals to
of AI evolution by enabling machines to interpret and upskill in these areas especially since the impacts of
understand the visual world. Their contributions ex- AI are widespread, calling for more innovation at the
tend beyond technological advancements, fostering ground level across sectors and demographics.
growth and innovation across various sectors in India.

110 India Skills Report 2024

1. Go - Empowering Cloud Computing and More Addressing the Talent Shortage in
Go, a general-purpose programming language devel-
oped by Google, is prized for its simplicity, outstand-
Data Science and Analytics
ing performance, and robust concurrency features. The 2023 Burning Glass report highlights a pressing
Its high demand is attributed to its prevalent use in challenge in the field of data science and analytics:
cutting-edge fields like cloud computing, microser- a shortage of skilled professionals. The top 5 skills in
vices architecture, and containerization. As business- short supply include Data Scientist, Machine Learning
es increasingly adopt these technologies, the need for Engineer, Data Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst,
skilled Go developers continues to rise. and Data Architect. As the demand for these skills in-
tensifies, the supply of qualified workers is struggling
2. Dart - Fueling Cross-Platform Innovation to keep pace.
Dart, another creation from Google, is tailored for
cross-platform application development. Known for 1. Data Scientist - Unraveling Insights from Data
its user-friendly nature, exceptional performance, Data scientists play a pivotal role in the data-driven
and robust object-oriented capabilities, Dart is widely era, tasked with collecting, cleaning, analyzing, and in-
used in mobile app development, web development, terpreting data to extract valuable insights. The surge
and game development. As the demand for versatile in demand for data scientists is propelled by the ex-
cross-platform solutions grows, so does the need for ponential growth in data generation across industries.
Dart-savvy professionals. As businesses strive to derive meaningful conclusions
from vast datasets, the shortage of skilled data scien-
3. Rust - Revolutionizing Systems Programming tists becomes a critical challenge.
Mozilla’s Rust has gained acclaim for its emphasis on
2. Machine Learning Engineer - Navigating the
memory safety, high performance, and efficient con-
currency features. Its demand stems from its applica- Machine Learning Wave
tions in systems programming, embedded systems, Machine learning engineers are at the forefront of the
and web development. As industries seek safer and technological wave, responsible for developing and
more efficient programming practices, Rust’s role be- deploying machine learning models. The escalating
comes increasingly critical while the availability of tal- demand for machine learning in diverse industries am-
ent is not matching the industry demands, resulting in plifies the need for skilled engineers who can navigate
a shortage of skilled Rust developers. the complexities of machine learning. The shortage in
this skill set reflects the rapid integration of machine
4. Kotlin - Powering Android and Beyond learning into various facets of modern businesses.
JetBrains’ Kotlin has carved a niche for itself with its
concise syntax, seamless interoperability with Java,
3. Data Analyst - Deciphering Trends and
and robust functional programming capabilities. Patterns
Widely used in Android app development, backend Data analysts play a crucial role in deciphering trends,
development, and server-side applications, Kotlin’s patterns, and anomalies within datasets, enabling
demand is on the rise. The shortage of Kotlin experts businesses to make informed decisions. The high de-
reflects the growing reliance on this language for mand for data analysts arises from the imperative for
building innovative and efficient software solutions. businesses to embrace data-driven decision-making.
The shortage of skilled data analysts poses a chal-
5. TypeScript - Enhancing Web Development lenge as organizations seek professionals adept at
TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, offers develop- transforming raw data into actionable insights.
ers improved code maintainability and type safety. Its
demand is propelled by its extensive use in web de- 4. Business Intelligence Analyst - Illuminating
velopment, front-end development, and cloud devel- Performance Metrics
opment. As organizations prioritize robust and secure Business intelligence analysts contribute to organiza-
web applications, TypeScript skills are increasingly tional success by creating and maintaining business
sought after, resulting in a talent deficit due to the lack intelligence dashboards and reports. In an era where
of skilled talent available that’s proficient in this tech- performance metrics are paramount, the demand for
nology. skilled business intelligence analysts is on the rise. The
shortage in this skill set signifies the growing reliance
on data visualization and analytics for strategic deci-

111 India Skills Report 2024

5. Data Architect - Designing Robust Data expanding applications of natural language process-
Architectures ing. The shortage of skilled NLP engineers reflects the
Data architects are tasked with designing and imple- dynamic landscape of language-centric technologies.
menting robust data architectures to handle the in-
3. Computer Vision Engineer - Shaping the
creasing complexity of data systems. As businesses
grapple with diverse and intricate data structures, the Visual Frontier Architectures
demand for skilled data architects surges. The short- Computer vision engineers are instrumental in devel-
age in this skill set emphasizes the critical need for oping and deploying computer vision models, shap-
professionals who can architect data systems capa- ing the visual frontier of technology. The increasing
ble of meeting evolving industry demands. use of computer vision in applications like self-driving
cars, facial recognition systems, and medical image
The shortage of skills in data science and analytics
analysis propels the demand for skilled engineers. The
poses a significant challenge for industries striving
shortage in this skill set highlights the integral role of
to leverage the power of data. Individuals equipped
computer vision in modern technological advance-
with expertise in Data Science, Machine Learning, Data
Analysis, Business Intelligence, and Data Architecture
are not only in high demand but are essential drivers 4. Recommendation Systems Engineer -
of innovation in an increasingly data-centric land-
Personalizing User Experiences
scape. Bridging this talent gap is pivotal for organiza-
Recommendation systems engineers are tasked with
tions seeking to unlock the full potential of their data
developing and deploying algorithms that personalize
user experiences. The growing reliance on recommen-
dation systems in e-commerce platforms, streaming
Addressing the Surge in Demand services, and social media platforms drives the de-
for Machine Learning Skills mand for skilled engineers. The shortage of recom-
mendation systems engineers underscores the pivotal
The 2023 Indeed Hiring Lab report sheds light on the
role of personalized content delivery in today’s digital
shortage of key machine learning skills, underlining the
industry’s swift transition towards machine learning
adoption. The top 5 skills in short supply are Machine 5. Reinforcement Learning Engineer - Architects
Learning Engineer, Natural Language Processing (NLP)
of Intelligent Systems
Engineer, Computer Vision Engineer, Recommenda-
tion Systems Engineer, and Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement learning engineers are architects of
Engineer. The escalating demand for these skills is intelligent systems, developing and deploying mod-
propelled by the widespread integration of machine els in robotics, game development, and autonomous
learning across diverse industries. systems. The increasing use of reinforcement learn-
ing across diverse applications fuels the demand for
1. Machine Learning Engineer - Pioneers of Model skilled engineers. The shortage in this skill set highlights
Development the critical need for professionals versed in developing
Machine learning engineers spearhead the develop- intelligent, adaptive systems.
ment and deployment of machine learning models.
The shortage of machine learning skills reflects the
The heightened demand for machine learning engi-
rapid evolution of industries towards intelligent, da-
neers is a direct result of the increased utilization of
ta-driven solutions. Individuals proficient in Machine
machine learning across various industries. As organ-
Learning, NLP, Computer Vision, Recommendation Sys-
izations recognize the transformative potential of ma-
tems, and Reinforcement Learning are not only in high
chine learning, the shortage of skilled engineers be-
demand but are pivotal for driving innovation in an era
comes a critical bottleneck.
defined by intelligent technologies. Closing this skills
2. NLP Engineer - Crafting Intelligent Language gap is essential for industries seeking to harness the
Solutions full potential of machine learning across diverse ap-
NLP engineers play a pivotal role in crafting intelligent
language solutions, deployed in applications such as
chatbots, virtual assistants, and machine translation.
The surge in demand for NLP engineers is rooted in the

112 India Skills Report 2024

NLP Skills: Meeting the Demand data-intensive nature of language processing appli-
cations. The shortage emphasizes the industry’s need
for Intelligent Language Solutions for skilled data scientists specialized in handling NLP
The 2023 TalentNeuron report pinpoints a shortage in datasets.
key Natural Language Processing (NLP) skills, reflecting
the soaring demand for NLP-powered applications like 5. NLP Product Manager - Steering NLP Product
chatbots, virtual assistants, and machine translation. Development
The top 5 skills in short supply are NLP Engineer, Con- NLP product managers take charge of developing and
versational AI Specialist, NLP Research Scientist, NLP managing NLP products, responding to the escalating
Data Scientist, and NLP Product Manager. This scarcity demand for NLP-powered applications. The shortage
underscores the pivotal role of NLP in shaping modern of NLP product managers highlights the need for pro-
technological landscapes. fessionals who can effectively navigate the develop-
ment and deployment of NLP products, aligning with
1. NLP Engineer - Crafting Intelligent Language market demands.
NLP engineers are at the forefront of developing and The shortage of NLP skills signifies the transformative
deploying NLP models, driving the adoption of intelli- impact of language technology across various sec-
gent language solutions. The increasing utilization of tors. Professionals skilled in NLP engineering, conver-
NLP in applications like chatbots, virtual assistants, and sational AI, research, data science, and product man-
machine translation amplifies the demand for skilled agement are not only in high demand but are essential
NLP engineers. The shortage of NLP engineers empha- for driving innovation in an era defined by intelligent
sizes the critical need for professionals adept at craft- language solutions. Closing this skills gap is impera-
ing advanced language processing systems. tive for industries seeking to harness the full potential
of NLP across diverse applications and capitalize on
2. Conversational AI Specialist - Designing the communication revolution.
Dynamic Interactions
Conversational AI specialists play a crucial role in de-
Addressing the Skill Gap in
signing and developing conversational AI systems,
influencing applications such as customer service
Computer Vision Development
chatbots, virtual assistants, and personal assistants. As industries increasingly embrace these applications,
The high demand for conversational AI specialists is there is a growing need to bridge the skills gap to har-
a direct consequence of the growing reliance on dy- ness the full potential of computer vision technologies.
namic, interactive systems. The shortage in this skill set Addressing this shortage not only meets industry de-
highlights the industry’s need for specialists who can mands but also drives innovation, ushering in trans-
innovate in conversational AI. formative advancements in the realm of AI-driven
computer vision.
3. NLP Research Scientist - Advancing the
Frontiers of Language Technology 1. Computer vision engineers are responsible for
developing and deploying computer vision models.
NLP research scientists conduct pivotal research in
The demand for computer vision engineers is high due
the field, contributing to the rapid advancement of
to the increasing use of computer vision in various ap-
NLP technology. The surge in demand for NLP research
plications, such as self-driving cars, facial recognition
scientists reflects the dynamic nature of language
systems, and medical image analysis.
technology and the constant need for innovation. The
shortage underscores the industry’s quest for individ-
2. Image processing engineers are responsible
uals capable of advancing the frontiers of language
for developing and applying image processing tech-
niques to enhance and analyze visual information. The
demand for image processing engineers is being pro-
4. NLP Data Scientist - Managing the Influx of
pelled by the need to refine and interpret visual data,
Language Data
especially in critical applications like medical imaging
NLP data scientists are responsible for collecting,
and computer vision.
cleaning, and preparing NLP data, crucial in the face
of the increasing amount of NLP data being generated. 3. Augmented Reality (AR) developers specialize
The demand for NLP data scientists is propelled by the in creating applications that overlay digital information

113 India Skills Report 2024

onto the real world. The rising demand for AR develop- The era of data-driven decision-making accentuates
ers is fueled by the growing interest in AR applications the importance of addressing the scarcity of skills in
across diverse sectors, from gaming and retail to edu- data science and analytics, prompting collaborative
cation and healthcare. recalibration of curricula by academic institutions and
industries. This dynamic collaboration aims to pro-
4. Virtual Reality (VR) developers focus on craft- duce graduates equipped with the analytical prowess
ing immersive digital environments. The surge in de- demanded by the digital age. Governments actively
mand for VR developers is attributed to the exploration drive skilling initiatives, offering incentives for compa-
of VR applications in various fields, including training nies to invest in employee training, thereby nurturing
simulations, entertainment, and industrial design. a workforce capable of unlocking the transformative
potential of AI. This collective effort not only addresses
5. Computer Graphics Specialists bring together
the immediate talent deficit but also solidifies India’s
artistic and technical skills to create visually captivat-
standing as a global hub for AI talent.
ing digital content. The demand for these specialists
is rising, primarily driven by the need for advanced
Machine learning, as the driving force behind AI’s evo-
graphics in gaming, entertainment, and virtual expe-
lution, beckons collaborative research initiatives be-
tween academia and industry, with a focus on applied
From the groundbreaking developments in self-driving research that tackles real-world challenges. The im-
cars, where computer vision enables vehicles to per- petus provided by government grants and subsidies
ceive and navigate their surroundings autonomously, acts as a catalyst, propelling companies to invest in
to the widespread adoption of facial recognition sys- research and development, shaping a future where
tems, enhancing security and user authentication, the machine learning is synonymous with global innova-
applications are diverse and impactful. Moreover, in tion. Government-sponsored forums facilitate knowl-
the realm of healthcare, computer vision plays a piv- edge exchange between academia and industry,
otal role in medical image analysis. This encompass- propelling language technology to unprecedented
es a range of applications, from diagnostic assistance heights. Mentorship programs and internships, spear-
through the interpretation of medical images like headed by industry visionaries, inspire the next gen-
X-rays and MRIs to the automation of certain medical eration of natural language processing (NLP) experts,
procedures. The versatility and transformative poten- ensuring the seamless integration of AI-powered lan-
tial of computer vision extend beyond these examples, guage solutions into daily life.
encompassing fields like agriculture, retail, and manu-
facturing. As industries recognize the efficiency, accu- In the domain of computer vision, collaboration takes
racy, and innovation that computer vision brings, the center stage, fostering a convergence of talents from
demand for professionals equipped with these skills diverse backgrounds. Government-sponsored hacka-
surges. Therefore, addressing the shortage of comput- thons and innovation challenges serve as catalysts for
er vision specialists becomes paramount to meeting creativity, propelling computer vision into applications
the evolving needs of a technology-driven society and that redefine India’s interaction with the visual world.
unleashing the full potential of AI applications. An exemplary illustration of this collaborative innova-
tion is the synergy between T-HUB and T-Works in the
Bridging the Skill Gap through state of Telangana.

Collaborative Innovation As skilling initiatives assume a central role, program-

Characterized by innovation as the driving force, col- ming languages carve a path toward practical appli-
laborative efforts have emerged as the cornerstone cations in cloud computing and microservices. Simul-
for addressing the critical shortage of skilled profes- taneously, data science academies and mentorship
sionals in India. This concerted endeavor involves a programs emerge as incubators for analytical minds,
tripartite alliance between governments, academia, preparing professionals for the dynamic challenges of
and industry players, reflecting a shared commitment interpreting vast datasets. This holistic approach not
to shaping the future of AI. Industry-led initiatives, stra- only addresses the immediate talent gap but also lays
tegically positioned at the forefront, not only entice the groundwork for a future where collaborative inno-
professionals to master essential languages but also vation thrives, propelling India into a global leadership
acknowledge their indispensable role in sculpting the role in AI.
AI development landscape.

114 India Skills Report 2024

Empowering India’s Global • Market Dynamics : India stands as the world’s
Leadership in AI second-largest AI market, following the United States,
with projections indicating a surge from $4.4 billion in
In the current landscape, reskilling programs in ma- 2021 to a staggering $18.9 billion by 2025.
chine learning are not just about theoretical knowl-
edge; they are dynamic initiatives emphasizing ex- • Startup Ecosystem : The country boasts the
periential learning. These programs are designed to third-largest number of AI startups globally, with over
bridge the gap between theoretical understanding 1,000 such ventures and a trajectory marked by rapid
and real-world applications, providing professionals growth as we enter 2024.
with hands-on experiences that are invaluable in the
rapidly evolving field of AI. What propels this trans- • Academic Excellence : Distinguished AI research
formative journey even further are the strategic incen- institutions, including the Indian Institute of Science,
tives provided by the government. These incentives the Indian Institute of Technology, and the National In-
serve as crucial catalysts, reshaping the AI landscape stitute of Technology, underscore India’s commitment
in India. to advancing the frontiers of AI3.

The government’s support takes various forms, from • Research Contribution : India emerges as the
tax breaks for companies investing in training pro- second-largest contributor of AI research papers
grams to substantial funding for research in data sci- globally, with over 10,000 papers published by Indian
ence. Notably, the introduction of R&D tax credits for researchers in 2024.
machine learning initiatives marks a paradigm shift
• Talent Pool : A burgeoning pool of AI talent charac-
in the way AI is approached and innovated in India. terizes India, with over 2 million professionals contrib-
These measures collectively redefine the landscape of uting to the field, and projections foresee this number
AI, opening doors to new possibilities for innovation at reaching 5 million by 2025.
scale and velocity.

Moreover, the government’s commitment extends to India’s AI Impact: Shaping

specific domains within AI, such as natural language Sectors and Society
processing (NLP) and computer vision. Subsidies for India has rapidly emerged as a global frontrunner in
NLP research projects and financial support for start- the field of artificial intelligence (AI), a journey defined
ups in computer vision signify a focused effort to stim- by a synergy of key factors that illuminate the nation’s
ulate collaboration and innovation in these critical ar- steadfast dedication to technological progress. The
eas. This concerted approach solidifies India’s status landscape is further enriched by the catalyzing role of
as a global leader in AI, where collaboration and inno- startups, propelling India’s corporate entities onto the
vation intertwine seamlessly. international stage. Here, IPOs from these innovative
ventures stand toe-to-toe with Silicon Valley giants,
This strategic initiative aligns with the current impera-
showcasing the efficiency and resourcefulness em-
tive of addressing the skill gap deficit observed across
bedded in India’s AI solution development.
industries. India is taking substantial steps in fostering
an era of AI-led growth, recognizing the transforma- Central to this remarkable ascent is the unwavering
tive potential of artificial intelligence and positioning commitment of the Indian government, exemplified
itself as a hub for innovation and expertise. In navigat- by groundbreaking initiatives such as the National AI
ing this landscape, India emerges not only as a partic- Strategy and the National AI Mission. These initiatives,
ipant but as a trailblazer, actively shaping the future of serving as the bedrock of India’s prowess in AI, reflect
AI on the global stage. a visionary approach that positions the nation to wield
substantial influence in the ever-evolving landscape
India’s AI Leadership in Numbers of artificial intelligence. As India continues to chart its
course at the forefront of global AI leadership, it does
In recent years, India has emerged as a formidable
so with a commitment to harnessing the transforma-
global leader in artificial intelligence (AI), showcasing
tive power of technology for the benefit of society and
remarkable progress across various fronts. The statis-
the advancement of innovation.
tics for 2023 underscore India’s pivotal role in shaping
the AI landscape:

115 India Skills Report 2024

1. Governmental Commitment: The Catalyst for practices but also addresses the pressing need to feed
Change a growing global population.

India’s formidable stride in AI is underpinned by a gov-

Financial Landscape Transformed : The financial
ernment that recognizes the transformative power of
landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, thanks
technology. The National AI Strategy and the National
to AI. The technology is adept at detecting fraud, en-
AI Mission stand as a testament to the nation’s dedi-
hancing risk assessment, and delivering automated
cation to fostering innovation and steering the course
financial advice. This not only safeguards financial
of AI development. With a clear roadmap and strate-
institutions but also empowers individuals with more
gic initiatives, the government has laid the foundation
secure and efficient financial services.
for a thriving AI ecosystem, positioning India as a glob-
al hub for cutting-edge technological advancements. Retail Revolution: AI is revolutionizing the retail sec-
tor with personalized recommendations, optimized
2. IT Industry: Powerhouse of Innovation pricing strategies, and improved customer service.
India’s flourishing Information Technology (IT) industry This not only enhances the customer experience but
plays a pivotal role in propelling the country’s AI lead- also boosts the efficiency and profitability of retail op-
ership. Positioned as a powerhouse of innovation, the erations.
IT sector provides the ideal breeding ground for the
development and adoption of AI technologies. This
India’s Leap into the Future by
synergy between IT prowess and AI ingenuity forms
the backbone of India’s technological prowess, setting Nurturing AI Talent
the stage for groundbreaking developments that tran- India’s prowess in AI is not to be a fleeting achievement
scend geographical boundaries. but a testament to the nation’s growing availability of
talent, ample resources, and sustained government
3. Economic and Societal Impact: Redefining support. With a talent pool exceeding 2 million AI pro-
Realities fessionals, and projections foreseeing this number
The profound impact of India’s AI leadership reso- reaching 5 million by 2025, India is poised to play an
nates across both its economy and society, ushering even more significant role in shaping the future of AI
in transformative changes that touch every facet of on the global stage. As the AI journey continues, In-
life. In key sectors, AI applications are not just making dia stands tall, leveraging its technological prowess
incremental improvements but catalyzing revolution- and unwavering commitment to solving real-world
ary shifts : problems. The nation’s quantum leap in AI is not just
a stride forward; it’s a defining chapter in the ongoing
• Healthcare Revolution : AI innovations are spear- narrative of technological evolution. As India continues
heading a healthcare revolution, driving the develop- to innovate and lead, it is set to leave an indelible mark
ment of new drugs, facilitating accurate disease di- on the future of this transformative technology.
agnosis, and tailoring personalized treatment plans.
This convergence of technology and healthcare is not India’s commitment to cultivating a robust talent pool
merely improving patient outcomes but redefining the in artificial intelligence (AI) is evident through a myri-
entire medical landscape. ad of government, industry, and academic initiatives.
At the forefront of governmental efforts is the National
• Educational Transformation : The integration of Skill Development Mission (NSDM), a flagship program
AI is ushering in an educational transformation, where designed to propel skill development in the country.
learning experiences are personalized, adaptive learn- Within the NSDM, the FutureSkills Prime program is a
ing solutions are offered, and administrative tasks are beacon, offering free online AI training courses that
streamlined. The traditional education paradigm is have reached millions of Indians, fostering a nation-
evolving to cater to individual needs, marking a signif- wide culture of AI expertise.
icant leap forward in the way knowledge is imparted
and acquired. The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
(MeitY) contributes significantly to AI skilling through
• Agriculture Optimization : In agriculture, AI appli- initiatives such as the AI for India program. This pro-
cations are optimizing crop yields, predicting weather gram extends AI training to a diverse audience, en-
patterns, and managing pests and diseases. This opti- compassing students, professionals, and startups. Si-
mization not only ensures sustainable agriculture multaneously, the Ministry of Human Resource

116 India Skills Report 2024

Development (MHRD) focuses on higher education
with initiatives like the National Initiative for Develop-
ing Human Capital in Core Areas (NIDHI-CORE). NI-
DHI-CORE plays a pivotal role in providing support for
AI research and teaching within Indian universities,
thereby fortifying the foundations of AI education.

NASSCOM FutureSkills program. This industry-aligned

initiative provides tailored AI training to IT profession-
als, aligning skill development with the evolving needs
of the sector. Major IT players like Infosys contribute to
AI skilling through programs such as the Infosys Foun-
dation Skills for the Digital Age, focusing on imparting
essential IT skills to underprivileged youth. TCS, another
IT giant, furthers AI skills through the TCS goIT program,
aiming to equip young professionals with AI expertise.

Academic institutions are pivotal in shaping the future

of AI talent in India. Premier engineering institutions
like IITs and NITs offer an expanding array of AI cours-
es and programs, ensuring that students receive cut-
ting-edge education in this rapidly evolving field. In-
dia’s leading business schools, the Indian Institutes of
Management (IIMs), are also active participants in the
AI education landscape, offering specialized courses
and programs. Beyond these, numerous private uni-
versities across India contribute to the proliferation of
AI knowledge, ensuring that AI education is accessible
across diverse educational institutions.

Together, these initiatives form a comprehensive

ecosystem that nurtures AI talent from grassroots to
advanced research, ensuring that India continues to
thrive as a global leader in AI innovation.

117 India Skills Report 2024

dynamics of work in an era marked by agility, adapt-

ability, and seamless connectivity. With 58% of Indi-
an jobs projected to be susceptible to automation by
2030, according to the World Economic Forum, the axe

IN RESHAPING of automation hovers particularly over manufactur-

ing and service sectors, casting shadows on industries
like IT and banking. Low-skilled workers face a high-

MOBILITY er risk, potentially leading to a widening skill gap that

demands urgent attention. So how does the modern
workforce stay agile, mobile and adaptable to the shift
Understanding the AI Revolution in technological and infrastructural demands of the
in Determining the Future of 21st century?
In the relentless march of progress, the transform-
ative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is leaving an
indelible mark on all facets of our lives. Nowhere is this
impact more profound than in the realm of mobility,
where AI is not merely a technological advancement
but a catalyst reshaping the way we move, connect,
and navigate our surroundings. AI plays a pivotal role
in molding the future of industrial operations, work-
force dynamics, and the very fabric of how we conduct

At the forefront of modern industry and public infra-

structure is AI’s role in shaping the future of transpor-
tation, logistics, global supply networks and workforce
dynamics. AI-powered solutions are bringing about
a paradigm shift, fostering smarter and safer infra-
structures. One of the most talked about aspects lies The Impact of AI on the Workforce
in the continued development of autonomous vehi- and Mobility
cles and cloud based data aggregation platforms.
With the inclusion of cutting-edge productivity tools,
As AI algorithms become increasingly sophisticated,
cloud platforms and data-driven business operations,
the prospect of self-driving cars and fully governed
it is evident that AI is not just a technological evolution;
data networks promises not only safer roads but also
it’s a force driving job displacement, upskilling imper-
a revolution in efficiency and accessibility. In the Indi-
atives, and fostering a dynamic and mobile workforce.
an context, this could mean a transformative shift in
urban transportation and industrial operations, from As AI technology continues to evolve, the mobility solu-
addressing congestion in urban areas, to streamlining tions for industrial transformation in India stands on the
global supply operations and reinventing workforce precipice of transformative change. These advance-
interactions, AI is already opening up new possibilities ments hold the key to a future where efficiency, safety,
for a diverse and growing population. AI is not only rev- and accessibility converge to redefine industries.The AI
olutionizing not only the physical act of movement but wave in India’s workforce is not just about automation;
also the intricacies of how workforces operate in the it’s about redefining the way we work. It is about navi-
21st century. gating the nuanced interplay of job displacement and
In this section, we will explore the far-reaching impli- creation, challenges and opportunities. As we stand at
cations of AI in mobility, with a keen focus on its im- the cusp of this transformation, the trajectory of AI’s in-
pact on industrial operations, workforce mobility, and clusion in workplaces beckons us to rethink, reskill, and
the evolving skill landscape. From the development of reimagine the future of work. In doing so, we pave the
autonomous vehicles to cloud-based technologies way for improved working conditions, enhanced pro-
and borderless communications, AI is not merelyt how ductivity, and a workforce that is not just adaptive but
goods and people move but is also redefining the thriving in the era of AI.

118 India Skills Report 2024

The Disruption Landscape: The trajectory of change extends into the long-term,
with the World Bank further estimating that 54% of In-
Navigating the Impact of AI on dian jobs could be automated by 2060. The workforce
Workforce Dynamics and grapples with a sense of uncertainty, as over 74% fear
Industrial Mobility losing their jobs to AI, necessitating clear communica-
tion and robust training programs. On a positive note,
In the unfolding narrative of technological progress,
60% of Indian employees anticipate that AI will signifi-
the canvas of change is marked by stark statistics,
cantly boost their productivity, revealing optimistic at-
illuminating the profound impact of Artificial Intel-
titudes toward AI integration in workplaces. As we nav-
ligence (AI) on the workforce and the mobility of
igate this disruption, fostering collaboration becomes
industrial operations. A staggering revelation from the
paramount. The synergy between government, indus-
World Economic Forum paints a picture of significant
try, and educational institutions is crucial for effective
transformation — 58% of Indian jobs are susceptible
upskilling programs. Soft skills such as critical think-
to automation by 2030. Former stalwarts of employ-
ing, problem-solving, and communication emerge as
ment, the manufacturing, and service sectors, now
bedrocks of success in the AI era. Furthermore, invest-
grapple with the specter of job displacement as AI
ing in lifelong learning and adaptability becomes key
infiltrates every facet of their operations. The pulse of
for individuals seeking to navigate the evolving land-
change reverberates through the workforce, with 14%
scape of the job market. In this era of transformative
of Indian workers already experiencing job displace-
change, adaptation becomes not just a strategy but a
ment due to automation or AI, according to Socius.
survival imperative.
The vulnerability extends to low-skilled and repeti-
tive tasks, impacting sectors like data entry, manual
labor, and assembly lines. Regional nuances emerge,
The Impact of AI on India’s
with urban areas facing higher automation rates Dynamic and Mobile Workforces
compared to their rural counterparts.However, in this
The transformative impact of AI is palpable across
disruption lies not a harbinger of doom, but a catalyst
various dimensions, shaping not only how work is con-
for evolution.
ducted but also redefining the very nature of work-
place structures. The paradigm shift towards hybrid
The Age of Upskilling and and remote work models is underscored by com-
Reskilling Efforts pelling statistics. A notable 42% of Indian employees
The response to displacement unfolds in the form of a express a preference for a hybrid work model, allo-
race to upskill and reskill. A quarter of Indian compa- cating 2-3 days per week in the office, according to
nies find themselves grappling with the challenge of PwC. Remote work adoption, especially prominent in
sourcing skilled talent for AI-related jobs, where sixty IT, finance, and professional services, has seen a sig-
percent of Indian employers are investing in AI train- nificant uptick, reflecting changing preferences and
ing programs, recognizing the imperative to upskill the adaptability of certain sectors. Post-pandemic,
and reskill their workforce, according to PwC. Initia- companies are planning a substantial increase in re-
tives such as Skill India and Digital India, spearheaded mote work, with McKinsey reporting a shift from 22%
by the government, aim to promote digital literacy pre-pandemic to a planned 2+ days of remote work
and upskilling programs. Meanwhile, private online per week. The response to job displacement comes in
learning platforms and bootcamps contribute to the the form of a proactive shift in mindset. In this climate,
ecosystem by offering AI-specific courses and certi- workers themselves are optimistic, with 51% expecting
fications. The disruptive wave of AI is sector-agnostic AI to significantly boost their productivity – a figure
but leaves distinctive imprints. In manufacturing, the higher than the global average.
World Bank estimates that 800,000 jobs could be
Maintaining company culture and fostering collabora-
lost to automation by 2030. Healthcare, while seeing
tion in virtual settings pose significant challenges, as
automation of administrative tasks, underscores the
highlighted by a Microsoft Teams survey. Cybersecu-
irreplaceable role of human doctors in patient care.
rity and data privacy become paramount considera-
Education witnesses the integration of AI tools for
tions with the increased remote access to company
personalized learning but remains anchored in the
systems. Addressing employee well-being and pre-
indispensability of the human element.
venting burnout necessitate innovative approaches in
hybrid and remote work environments. The technology

119 India Skills Report 2024

sector, exemplified by IT, leads the charge in remote and mental health initiatives is essential to support the
work adoption, with 67% of IT employees working re- evolving needs of remote workers. Additionally, gov-
motely at least half the time, according to Statista. In- ernmental policies and regulations must adapt to ad-
dustries like manufacturing and retail, while exploring dress the challenges and opportunities presented by a
hybrid models due to job nature, find remote options mobile workforce, ensuring a harmonious integration
viable for administrative and support roles. Addition- of AI-driven changes into the fabric of the Indian work-
ally, the gig economy and freelance work are experi- place.
encing a surge in popularity, offering individuals the
flexibility and mobility they seek. Enterprising solutions Efficiency, Safety, and Accessibil-
emerge through AI talent acquisition platforms, seam-
ity: Transforming India through AI
lessly connecting companies with skilled remote work-
ers from diverse locations, thereby expanding access From factory floors to remote villages, AI is redefin-

to a global talent pool. ing how we operate, ensuring efficiency gains, en-
hancing safety measures, and fostering accessibility
for all. The infusion of AI-powered technologies is a
Steps to Introduce Al-Powered
game-changer for operational efficiency. McKinsey
Skills Gap Analysis reports that predictive maintenance in factories can
prevent equipment failures, reducing downtime and
boosting operational efficiency by 20-30%. In logistics
and supply chain management, AI optimization yields
tangible results, reducing costs by 15-20% (Accentu-
re). The power of data-driven marketing and sales,
enhancing customer experiences, is exemplified by a
potential improvement in conversion rates by up to
30% (Marketo).

Safety is paramount, and AI is at the forefront of pre-

ventative measures. AI-powered safety monitoring
systems in high-risk sectors like construction and
Predictive analytics, another facet of AI, plays a pivotal mining detect hazards, averting accidents and reduc-
role in optimizing talent allocation. By matching skills, ing injury rates by 25% (IBM). Predictive analytics in
location preferences, and team needs, companies healthcare not only identifies patients at risk of com-
can strategically deploy their workforce for maximum plications but enables early intervention, improving
efficiency. Hybrid work models, beyond merely adapt- patient outcomes and reducing costs. In transporta-
ing to the new normal, have the potential to enhance tion, AI-powered traffic management systems opti-
work-life balance and employee satisfaction, ulti- mize flow, reduce congestion, and contribute to safer
mately leading to increased productivity. The AI wave roads with reduced emissions. AI is also breaking bar-
extends to Human Resources (HR), with a staggering riers and enhancing accessibility on multiple fronts.
70% of Indian companies planning to increase their AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants offer 24/7
use of AI in HR over the next few years, as reported by customer support in multiple languages, significant-
NASSCOM. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants ly improving accessibility for rural and underserved
are revolutionizing routine HR tasks, allowing human communities. Language barriers are dismantled by
HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives that AI-powered translation tools, enhancing access to ed-
elevate employee experiences. ucation, healthcare, and other services. AI-powered
assistive technologies empower individuals with dis-
Remote work is not just a trend; it is a substantial con-
abilities, increasing independence and facilitating ac-
tributor to the economy. McKinsey projects that re-
tive participation in society.
mote work will add $700 billion to the Indian economy
by 2025, underscoring the economic significance of The journey with AI is far from over; it holds immense
this transformative shift. As organizations navigate this potential for the future. India, with its diverse challeng-
transformative era, investing in robust communication es and opportunities, showcases the concrete impact
and collaboration tools becomes a cornerstone for the of AI in various domains.
success of hybrid and remote work models. Prioritizing
employee well-being through dedicated programs
• AI’s role in crop disease detection aids farmers,

120 India Skills Report 2024

improving yields and reducing pesticide use, thus en-
hancing food security for rural communities.
growing acknowledgment of the evolving preferences
• Administrative tasks in government and public ser- of the workforce. The demand for co-working spaces
vices can be automated, promising improved efficien- and shared environments is on the rise, signaling a
cy and accessibility for citizens. desire for community and collaboration alongside the
need for flexibility in work structures.
• AI-powered environmental monitoring emerges as a
crucial player in addressing climate change challeng-
2. AI-powered Upskilling and Reskilling
es and promoting sustainable development.
AI emerges not only as a disruptor but as a facilitator
• Continued research and development in ethical and of growth. Sixty-five percent of Indian companies be-
responsible AI are paramount to ensure equitable ac- lieve AI will create new job opportunities alongside dis-
cess and mitigate potential risks. placement, necessitating robust upskilling programs
(PwC). Micro-learning platforms and bite-sized learn-
• Financial inclusion platforms powered by AI are pro-
ing modules tailored to specific skill gaps are gaining
viding access to unbanked populations, contributing
popularity, offering efficient and accessible avenues
to economic development.
for upskilling. AI-powered career guidance tools, ana-
• AI-driven education platforms tailor learning expe- lyzing individual skills and market trends, play a pivotal
riences, catering to diverse styles and backgrounds, role in recommending relevant upskilling pathways for
thereby improving educational accessibility. future-proof careers.

The statistics gathered by leading industries and re- 3. Alternative Work Models and the Gig
search partners underline the widespread accept-
ance and anticipation of AI’s transformative potential.
A substantial 85% of Indian businesses believe AI will The allure of the gig economy continues to grow, with
improve their efficiency and productivity (NASSCOM). 55% of Indian freelancers reporting higher income and
Furthermore, 70% of Indian consumers express open- job satisfaction compared to traditional employment
ness to using AI-powered services in critical domains ( Platforms connecting companies
like healthcare, finance, and education (Deloitte). The with freelance talent are burgeoning, catering to di-
Indian government, recognizing AI’s pivotal role, has verse needs and skill sets. Government initiatives like
launched initiatives such as the National AI Strategy Startup India and Digital Skilling Mission further foster
and the Digital India program, signaling a commit- the gig economy, supporting independent workers in
ment to accelerating AI adoption and addressing ac- their pursuit of flexible and fulfilling career paths.
cessibility challenges.
4. Hiring Focus Beyond Job Titles
Rethinking and Reimagining A seismic shift is observed in the focus of employers,
Work: Trends & Insights moving from job titles to skills and adaptability. Lifelong
learning and continuous upskilling become essential
Shifting work preferences, a surge in flexibility, and
for individuals to navigate the changing job landscape
the rise of alternative work models paint a canvas of
in an AI-driven world. Work-life balance and employee
change where adaptability and continuous learning
well-being take center stage as companies recognize
become the keystones of success. Listed below are
the importance of a holistic approach to work, empha-
key trends redefining the way people work, collaborate
sizing the need for a symbiotic relationship between
and innovate in the growing professional landscape of
professional and personal growth.

1. Shifting Work Preferences and Flexibility 5. Blending Traditional and Contemporary

Contrary to assumptions, 44% of Indian employees Work Cultures
report increased productivity while working remotely The crystal ball reveals intriguing glimpses of the fu-
(Statista), challenging the notion of decreased effi- ture. Hybrid work models, blending the traditional and
ciency in remote work scenarios. A resounding 70% of the contemporary, are poised to become the new nor-
Indian employers plan to introduce flexible work ar- mal. AI-powered training and development will play a
rangements in the next year (NASSCOM), reflecting a crucial role in bridging skill gaps, ensuring that the

121 India Skills Report 2024

workforce is equipped for the jobs of the future. The gig and evolve AI systems reflects an organization’s ad-
economy and freelance work, far from being fleeting aptability to changing technological landscapes.
trends, are expected to continue growing, offering al- Employers benefit from having systems that can be
ternative career paths and flexibility d freelance work, updated to meet evolving business needs.Software
far from being fleeting trends, are expected to contin- developers and engineers working on AI-powered sys-
ue growing, offering alternative career paths and flex- tems gain cutting-edge technical skills. This not only
ibility to workers seeking a dynamic and autonomous keeps them professionally relevant but also positions
professional journey. In the reimagined work land- them as leaders in the rapidly evolving field of AI. Con-
scape, AI is a guiding force, steering India towards a tributing to the development of innovative technolo-
future where flexibility, upskilling, and alternative work gies often brings a sense of accomplishment and job
models are not just embraced but celebrated. By fos- satisfaction. Employees find fulfillment in knowing that
tering a culture of continuous learning, India is poised their work directly impacts the organization’s success
to equip its workforce for the exciting possibilities that and harnesses technological advancement for the
lie ahead in the ever-evolving world of work. benefit of society at large.

Key Skills Influencing AI’s Role in 3. Human-Computer Interaction Design :

Reshaping Workforces Skilled professionals in human-computer interaction

As AI revolutionizes workforce mobility, the profession- design contribute to the creation of intuitive and us-

al landscape undergoes a substantial shift, with new er-friendly interfaces. This enhances the overall user

opportunities emerging and existing roles evolving, experience, making AI-powered systems more acces-

where more people from various parts of the nation sible and appealing to end-users. Designs that con-

gain access to opportunities that match their profile. sider human behavior and interaction patterns lead

Skill Sets and aspects of continuous innovaiton crucial to increased user engagement. This, in turn, can posi-

in this evolving landscape include: tively impact metrics such as user retention and satis-
faction. Professionals in human-computer interaction
1. Data Analysis and Interpretation : design have the opportunity for creative expression in
Skilled individuals in data analysis enable organi- their work. Crafting interfaces that resonate with users
zations to make informed decisions based on the involves artistic and creative elements, providing a ful-
insights extracted from vast datasets. This aids in filling aspect to their roles. The focus on understanding
strategizing and optimizing performance across var- human behavior and designing interfaces accordingly
ious business functions. Data-driven decision-making instills a user-centric mindset. Employees in this role
enhances operational efficiency, allowing businesses find satisfaction in creating solutions that directly ca-
to identify patterns, trends, and areas of improvement. ter to the needs and preferences of end-users.
This, in turn, contributes to increased productivity and
streamlined workflows. These major skill sets, professional aptitudes and func-
tions create a symbiotic relationship where employ-
Employees specializing in data analysis develop ex- ers benefit from expertise that drives organizational
pertise in handling complex datasets and utilizing an- success, innovation, and adaptability. Simultaneous-
alytical tools. This skillset is transferable across indus- ly, employees experience personal and profession-
tries, providing a foundation for a versatile and resilient al growth through skill development, job satisfaction,
career. Being at the forefront of data-driven deci- and the opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge ad-
sion-making positions employees as valuable assets. vancements in the inclusion of AI, and enriching user
Their contributions to strategic planning and optimiza- experiences for a tech-enabled generation of today,
tion contribute significantly to professional growth and and tomorrow.
Fostering Fulfilling Career Growth
2. Software Development and Engineering:
In harnessing the positive energy of AI, India stands at
Skilled software developers and engineers drive the
the forefront of a transformative era. Responsible AI
continuous innovation and evolution of AI-powered
implementation, coupled with robust upskilling pro-
mobility systems. This ensures that organizations stay
grams and a human-centered approach, ensures that
at the forefront of technological advancements and
the workforce not only adapts but thrives in the prom-
market competition. The ability to develop, maintain,
ising landscape of the AI-powered future. As

122 India Skills Report 2024

perceptions shift and tangible benefits unfold, AI initiatives, supported by AI, connect doctors and pa-
emerges as a catalyst for improved working condi- tients in remote areas, not only addressing health-
tions, enhanced productivity, and enriched profes- care challenges but also creating new opportunities
sional lives. A substantial 80% of organizations report for healthcare professionals. Additionally, the govern-
improved decision-making after implementing AI ment’s Digital India program further signifies a com-
solutions (NASSCOM). The positive sentiment extends mitment to leveraging AI for more efficient public ser-
to workplace communication and collaboration, with vices and a productive economy.
75% of employees believing that AI can enhance these
aspects (PwC). The Indian government’s Digital India Fostering fulfilling career growth in the era of AI goes
program is a testament to the national commitment beyond technology implementation; it’s about cre-
to leverage AI for improved public services and a more ating an environment where professionals thrive. It
efficient and productive economy. involves recognizing AI as a collaborator, not a re-
placement, and embracing flexibility, well-being, and
In the dynamic landscape of Indian workplaces, the continuous learning as essential elements of a pro-
advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) marks a transform- gressive workplace. As India navigates this paradigm
ative inclusion of work-life balance, reshaping not only shift, the focus on human-centric approaches ensures
how work is done but also how professionals perceive that AI becomes a tool for empowerment, propelling
their careers. A resounding 60% of Indian employees, as individuals toward more meaningful and fulfilling ca-
per NASSCOM, express a collective optimism about AI’s reer trajectories.
transformative potential, viewing it not as a disruptor
but as a catalyst for a more fulfilling work experience. India’s Strategic Advantages for
The positive impact on productivity is substantiated by
AI for Dynamic, Mobile, and
studies, such as those by Forrester, revealing a remark-
able 15-20% increase due to AI-powered automation Future - Ready Workplace
of repetitive tasks. This isn’t merely about efficiency; it’s India’s potential for AI in shaping dynamic, mobile, and
a liberation of professionals from mundane activities, fulfilling work cultures is not simply a technological
allowing them to redirect efforts toward higher-value, leap, but a transformative shift in the way we work, live,
more engaging work. The result is not just increased and collaborate. Leveraging its unique advantages in
job satisfaction but a strategic utilization of skills that talent, infrastructure, and entrepreneurial spirit, India
contribute to individual growth. can position itself as a global leader in this evolving
landscape. Here are some factors that influence the
Flexible work arrangements, facilitated by AI collabo- rethinking of workforces and workplaces of the future.
ration tools, play a pivotal role in reducing stress and
enhancing work-life balance, as evidenced by studies 1. Talent Pool for Dynamic Innovation :
from Stanford and Upwork. This paradigm shift goes
beyond mere satisfaction; it becomes a retention • Large and Growing Workforce : India boasts over
strategy, as professionals find equilibrium in blending 500 million young and tech-savvy workers, forming the

personal and professional responsibilities. Looking to world’s largest talent pool. This demographic dividend

the future, the potential of AI is even more profound. presents an ideal canvas for implementing AI-pow-

Predictive analytics can identify and address work- ered solutions that empower and engage employees.

place safety hazards, creating safer environments and

• Embrace of Flexible Work : A significant 72% of In-
reducing accidents. Personalized learning and devel-
dian employees prefer hybrid work models, highlight-
opment platforms, infused with AI, enable continuous
ing a growing desire for dynamic work arrangements.
skill improvement, contributing to increased job satis-
AI-powered tools can facilitate seamless collabora-
faction and fostering career progression.
tion and productivity regardless of location, fostering

AI’s active contribution to positive work experiences a flexible and mobile work culture.

spans across industries. In customer service, AI-driven

• Upskilling and Reskilling : India’s focus on upskill-
chatbots streamline inquiries, allowing human repre-
ing initiatives, like Skill India and Digital India, equips its
sentatives to tackle complex issues, enhancing both
workforce with the adaptability required in an AI-driven
job satisfaction and skill utilization. The statistics rein-
world. AI-powered learning platforms can personalize
force these trends. NASSCOM reports that 80% of Indi-
learning journeys and equip individuals with the skills
an organizations experience improved decision-mak-
needed for thriving in dynamic work environments.
ing after implementing AI solutions. Telemedicine

123 India Skills Report 2024

2. Infrastructure for a Mobile Workplace: • Ethical AI Development : At the heart of this jour-
ney lies the commitment to ethical AI development. By
• Digital Connectivity : With over 600 million active placing ethical considerations at the forefront of AI im-
internet users, India possesses a robust digital infra- plementation, we lay the foundation for a trustworthy
structure that supports remote work and collaboration. and inclusive work culture. This commitment ensures
This connectivity empowers employees to work from that the benefits of AI are not only realized but are ac-
anywhere, fostering a mobile and flexible work culture. cessible to all, fostering an environment where innova-
tion aligns seamlessly with fairness and responsibility.
• Evolving Workspace Ecosystems: Growing in-
vestments in co-working spaces and shared work en- • Collaboration and Partnerships : The path to ful-
vironments cater to the needs of mobile workforces. fillment is paved through collaboration — an open ex-
These dynamic workspaces facilitate collaboration, change of ideas and expertise between government,
innovation, and community, even when physical loca- industry, academia, and workers. As these stakehold-
tion may vary. ers join forces, a collective vision for responsible AI
development takes shape. Through partnerships, we
• Government Support : Initiatives like Startup India
create an ecosystem that nurtures the responsible use
and Digital Skilling Mission promote the development
of AI, fostering a culture where progress is shared, and
of new work models and support independent work-
the benefits are distributed equitably.
ers, fostering a dynamic and entrepreneurial work en-
vironment. • Continuous Learning and Adaptation : The jour-
ney is dynamic, requiring a commitment to continu-
3. Entrepreneurial Spirit of Young India :
ous learning and adaptation. Investing in research
• Thriving Startup Ecosystem : India boasts over and development, upskilling programs, and ongoing
2,000 startups actively developing AI solutions for work innovation becomes the compass guiding us through
culture and talent management. This vibrant ecosys- the ever-evolving landscape of AI. This commitment
tem fosters innovation and drives the development of ensures that our workforce stays at the forefront of AI
dynamic and fulfilling work models. advancements, propelling India into a leadership role
in the global AI arena.
• Focus on Employee Well-being : AI-powered
tools can automate administrative tasks and stream- By capitalizing on its talent pool, digital infrastructure,
line processes, freeing up human resources to focus and entrepreneurial spirit, and focusing on ethical de-
on employee well-being initiatives. This focus on em- velopment, India can unlock the transformative po-
ployee well-being creates a more fulfilling and sus- tential of AI for creating dynamic, mobile, and fulfilling
tainable work environment. work cultures. This shift will not only empower individu-
als and businesses but also shape a future of work that
• Personalized Work Experiences : AI-powered is more sustainable, inclusive, and ultimately, more ful-
platforms can personalize learning and development filling for all. The road ahead involves a commitment to
paths, career guidance, and even work assignments responsible innovation and creative problem-solving.
based on individual strengths and preferences. This A focus on ethical AI is paramount, ensuring fairness,
personalization fosters a sense of fulfillment and pur- transparency, and accountability in the development
pose in employees’ work. and deployment of AI solutions. Collaboration be-
tween stakeholders — government, industry, academ-
Charting the Path to a Fulfilling ia, and civil society — is vital to ensuring inclusive and

Future equitable access to an AI-powered future. Continuous

investment in research and development, with ongo-
In navigating the transformative landscape of Artifi-
ing funding and support for research institutions and
cial Intelligence (AI) integration across Indian industry,
startups, is essential to push the boundaries of AI in In-
workplaces, homes, and beyond, a vision emerges — a
dia. Addressing data privacy concerns through robust
future defined by dynamism, mobility, and unparal-
data governance frameworks becomes imperative to
leled fulfillment. This journey unfolds through strategic
protect user privacy and ensure data security. By lev-
imperatives that not only harness the immense poten-
eraging India’s unique advantages and embracing
tial of AI but also prioritize ethical considerations, col-
responsible innovation, the future of AI holds immense
laboration, and continuous learning.

124 India Skills Report 2024

Uniting India’s Talent and moting sustainable farming practices. The work led by
the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT-Bom-
Accelerating Economic bay) in this regard is contributing to increased effi-
Development ciency and environmental sustainability in rural ag-
In recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence riculture. Rural infrastructure development is another
(AI) into various sectors has ushered in a transform- critical aspect where AI is making substantial contri-
ative era for rural and urban India. AI-powered plat- butions. Initiatives endorsed by the National Institution
forms are playing a pivotal role in connecting ru- for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) leverage AI to im-
ral talent with remote work opportunities, effectively prove connectivity, access to clean water, sanitation,
breaking geographical barriers and providing flexible and overall quality of life in rural communities. These
employment options. According to the National As- developments align with broader governmental ef-
sociation of Software and Service Companies (NAS- forts, such as the Digital India program, which aims to
SCOM), predictive analytics tools are optimizing tal- bridge the digital divide and ensure equitable access
ent allocation based on skills and location, ensuring to AI benefits for rural populations.
that rural individuals are considered for suitable jobs
While the impact of AI in rural India is promising, chal-
across the country. This not only broadens the em-
lenges persist. Digital literacy gaps must be addressed
ployment landscape for rural communities but also
to ensure that the benefits of AI are accessible to all.
contributes to overall economic growth. Furthermore,
Culturally relevant AI solutions are crucial to address
the advent of AI-driven financial inclusion platforms
the specific needs of diverse rural communities. More-
is making significant strides in addressing the needs
over, responsible AI development is paramount to
of unbanked populations in rural areas. These plat-
prevent bias and discrimination, and collaboration
forms provide access to essential financial services
between government, private sectors, and NGOs is
such as microloans and insurance, fostering econom-
essential to ensure inclusive adoption and maximize
ic development and entrepreneurship. The impact is
the positive impact of AI across India’s rich and diverse
substantial, as previously marginalized individuals are
landscape. As AI research and development initiatives
empowered to participate more actively in economic
focused on rural applications continue to gain mo-
activities, thereby contributing to the overall well-be-
mentum, the future holds the promise of a more in-
ing of rural communities, and the growth of India.
clusive and empowered rural and urban India - con-
In the realm of e-commerce, AI-powered platforms are necting India’s vast and diverse talent ecosystem to
facilitating direct connections between rural artisans opportunities that will shape the future of commerce,
and producers with consumers. This innovative ap- trade and social development.
proach bypasses traditional middlemen, allowing rural
This journey with AI shapes a future of work that tran-
craftsmen to reach a broader market and significantly
scends conventional boundaries — one that is sustain-
increasing their income potential. Microsoft has been
able, inclusive, and ultimately, fulfilling for all. It beck-
at the forefront of these initiatives, demonstrating the
ons us to envision a landscape where AI augments our
power of AI in reshaping the economic landscape for
capabilities, enhances our experiences, and propels us
rural entrepreneurs. AI is proving to be a valuable ally
towards a future where work is not just a means to an
for rural and urban communities by refactoring supply
end but a source of enduring satisfaction and achieve-
chain disruption and ensuring that trade opportunities
ment. In the inclusive integration of AI, India finds not
are capitalized. Advanced weather forecasting and
just technological progress but the promise of a future
early warning systems, developed by institutions such
that is both transformative and deeply fulfilling.
as the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, are
helping rural areas prepare for natural disasters. This
not only reduces risks but also safeguards lives and
livelihoods, showcasing the humanitarian impact of AI
in vulnerable regions, while safeguarding the wealth of
this nation - Agricultural yield.

The agricultural sector, a cornerstone of life in rural

and urban India, is also benefiting from AI innovations.
Smart irrigation systems, driven by AI algorithms, opti-
mize water usage and resource management, pro

125 India Skills Report 2024

2030 - NCVET
National Council of Vocational
Education and Training (NCVET):
The Impact of AI on the Future of
Work, Skilling & Mobility

1. Introduction :
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transform- Dr. Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi
ative force, restructuring the landscape of industries IAS (Retd.) (Chairperson, NCVET)
and redefining the nature of work. As we progress into
the digital age, the integration of AI technologies into
various facets of business and daily life is inevitable,
with profound implications for the future workforce 2. Introduction to the National
and the skills required to thrive in this evolving envi- Programme on AI Skilling
ronment. Framework :
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative
AI technologies, ranging from machine learning and
Against this backdrop of the evolving nature of work,
natural language processing to robotics and automa-
The National Programme on AI (NPAI) Skilling Frame-
tion, have the potential to streamline processes, boost
work, led by NCVET, Ministry of Skill Development & En-
efficiency, and drive innovation. However, this techno-
trepreneurship (MSDE), stands as a visionary initiative
logical revolution also poses challenges, particularly in
poised to equip India with essential skills in Artificial
terms of job displacement, evolving skill requirements,
Intelligence (AI), including emerging technologies like
and the need for continuous upskilling.
Generative AI. The framework’s key facets underscore
The nature of work is undergoing a paradigm shift, with the paramount importance of skill development in
routine and repetitive tasks increasingly being auto- navigating the evolving landscape of AI.
mated. While this automation can enhance produc-
tivity, it necessitates a shift in the skill sets demanded A Three-tier Skilling Approach
by the job market. There is a growing demand for in- The NPAI Framework intelligently categorizes AI skilling
dividuals who not only possess technical proficiency in into three tiers -”For All” focusing on basic digital lit-
AI-related domains but also exhibit qualities such as eracy; “For Many” catering to AI-empowered individ-
uals seeking digital fluency; and “For Few” targeting
adaptability, critical thinking, and creativity.
AI-skilled professionals with digital mastery. This ap-
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterized by the proach ensures a nuanced response to diverse skill-
integration of AI, demands a workforce that is not only ing needs, acknowledging the varied roles within the
AI ecosystem.
adept in utilizing AI tools but also capable of collabo-
rating with AI systems. This shift places a premium on In the context of the impact on the future workforce
digital literacy, cognitive flexibility and a deep under- and skilling, this stratified approach holds significant
standing of ethical considerations in AI. implications.

126 India Skills Report 2024

A. Inclusivity and Accessibility : The tiered ap- D. Addressing Diverse Roles within the AI
proach ensures inclusivity by addressing the basic Ecosystem:
digital literacy needs of the general population (“For The stratified approach recognizes the diverse roles
All”). This foundational layer aims to equip individuals emerging within the AI ecosystem. From end-users
with the skills necessary to navigate AI interfaces re- with basic literacy to specialized professionals driving
sponsibly. This inclusivity, starting from the grassroots innovation, each tier plays a vital role in the broader
level, lays the groundwork for a workforce that is more AI landscape. This forward-thinking approach ensures
attuned to the digital era. that the workforce is equipped with the right skills at
the right levels to meet the demands of an AI-centric
B. Empowering an AI-Fluent Workforce : The tier
focused on “For Many” recognizes the importance of
digital fluency for individuals empowered by AI. As AI
E. Future-Proofing the Workforce:
becomes integrated into various fields, fostering dig-
ital fluency is crucial for enhancing productivity and By acknowledging the varied roles and skill require-
understanding the practical applications of AI tools. ments, the stratified skilling approach contributes
This tier anticipates a future workforce that not only to future-proofing the workforce. As AI continues to
utilizes AI but also leverages it to augment their pro- evolve, this approach allows for adaptability and en-
fessional capabilities. sures that individuals at different stages of their ca-
reers can continually upskill/ reskill to remain relevant
C. Nurturing AI Mastery for Specialized Roles : in the ever-changing job market.
The highest tier, “For Few,” acknowledges the critical
In essence, the National Programme on AI Skilling
role of AI-skilled professionals with digital mastery.
Framework serves as a visionary response to the chal-
These individuals possess advanced technical exper-
lenges and opportunities presented by AI in the work-
tise in areas like coding, data analytics, and machine
force, as presented below :
learning. As AI becomes more integral to industries,
this tier ensures the presence of highly skilled profes-
sionals capable of developing sophisticated AI prod-
ucts and solutions across diverse domains.

Fig: A three-tier workforce model impact: meeting the demands of the emerging businesses due to
Gen AI adoption

127 India Skills Report 2024

It goes beyond traditional skilling programs, address- A. Positive Impact :
ing the nuances of AI literacy, digital fluency and mas-
1. Responsible AI Development:
tery. As we delve into the transformative impact of this
Emphasis on ethical AI development can lead to the
framework on the future of work and skilling, it is es-
creation of fair and accountable systems.
sential to recognize its context within the broader nar-
rative of AI’s influence on the workforce and the imper- 2. Inclusive Design: Ensuring inclusivity in AI
ative need for strategic skilling initiatives. development helps mitigate biases and ensures that
AI benefits a diverse range of users.
3. Ethical Considerations in AI
Training B. Concerns/Challenges :
Ethical considerations in AI are imperative to ensure 1. Bias and Fairness : Unintended biases in AI
fairness, transparency, and privacy, addressing bias- algorithms can perpetuate existing societal inequali-
es and preventing discrimination. This commitment ties, requiring continuous scrutiny and adjustment.
safeguards against security threats, promotes human
oversight in decision-making, and fosters public trust,
2. Transparency Challenges : Achieving transpar-
ency in AI decision-making processes remains a chal-
contributing to the responsible and positive impact
lenge, raising concerns about accountability and trust.
of AI on society. Emphasizing ethics in AI training un-
derscores dedication to long-term societal well-being
The future of work in the age of AI is a dynamic land-
and the ethical deployment of advanced technologies.
scape that necessitates careful navigation. Address-
ing the challenges and maximizing the positive im-
pacts requires collaborative efforts from government,
industries and educational institutions to ensure a bal-
anced and inclusive future for the workforce.

4. Holistic approach in education

and industry alignment
1. AI in Early Education : Unintended biases in AI
Recognizing the imperative to start early, the frame-
work recommends the introduction of AI concepts in
early school levels. This early exposure aims to culti-
vate a generation with innate familiarity and comfort
in utilizing AI tools, paving the way for a workforce that
seamlessly integrates AI into various domains.

2. Flexibility and Agility in Course Creation :

Acknowledging the rapid evolution of AI tools, the
framework advocates for flexibility in course creation.
The incorporation of smaller modules, such as Mi-
cro-credentials and National Occupational Standards
(NOSs), provides learners with the agility to adapt to
the swiftly changing AI landscape and choose mod-
ules aligned with their interests and needs.
Fig: Ethical AI Consideration
3. Industry Relevance and Best Practices :
A laudable emphasis on ethics permeates the frame- A noteworthy feature is the integration of industry use
work, with a mandated 10% module dedicated to Eth- cases and best practices within the course content.
ical AI in every course. This inclusion underscores the This practical approach bridges the gap between
commitment to responsible AI development, trans- theoretical knowledge and real-world applications,
parency, fairness, and privacy—a crucial aspect in en- enriching learners with insights from industry experi-
suring the ethical deployment of AI systems. ences.

128 India Skills Report 2024

4. Financial Considerations for Quality Skilling : The integration of AI as a Service is poised to have
The framework confronts the challenge of inadequate a profound impact on the future of work and skilling,

cost norms for AI skilling by proposing suitable cost ushering in transformative changes across various di-

standards. This financial foresight is pivotal for main- mensions :

taining the quality of training, sustaining AI skilling pro-

A. Accessibility and Inclusivity :
grams, and meeting the escalating demand for profi-
cient AI professionals in the workforce. 1. Impact : AI as a Service democratizes access to AI
capabilities, making advanced technologies available
to a broader audience.
5. AI as a Service for the Future of
2. Significance : This fosters inclusivity by allowing
individuals with diverse backgrounds and skill levels to
In this ever-evolving landscape of AI and skill devel- engage with AI tools, thereby reducing traditional bar-
opment, the advent of Artificial Intelligence as a Ser- riers to entry into the AI domain.
vice (AIaaS) is emerging as a disruptive force with the
potential to revolutionize the skilling ecosystem. Its B. Flexible Skill Acquisition :
far-reaching impact is poised to democratize access 1. Impact : AI as a Service provides a flexible learn-
to AI capabilities, ushering in innovative solutions and ing environment where individuals can engage with AI
tools that not only enhance learning experiences but tools and services in real-world applications.
also streamline processes across diverse industries.
2. Significance : This facilitates hands-on, experien-
tial learning, enabling learners to adapt to the rapidly
evolving AI landscape and acquire skills in a more dy-
namic and responsive manner.

C. Practical Application of Skills :

1. Impact : Integrating AI as a Service into training
programs enables the practical application of AI skills
in real-world scenarios.
2. Significance : Learners gain valuable insights into
deploying AI techniques, enhancing their ability to
implement AI solutions across various domains, and
bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and
practical proficiency.

D. Transformation of Work Processes :

1. Impact : Organizations leveraging AI as a Service
can seamlessly integrate AI capabilities into their op-

2. Significance : This transformation of work process-

es enhances efficiency, drives innovation, and enables
a collaborative environment where human workers
and AI systems complement each other, reshaping
the traditional dynamics of work.

E. Scalability and Innovation :

1. Impact : AI as a Service offers scalable AI solutions,
allowing organizations to experiment and innovate
without significant upfront investments.
1. Significance : This promotes a culture of contin-
uous innovation and experimentation, fostering the
development of new solutions and applications in AI
Fig: AI as a Service across diverse industries.

129 India Skills Report 2024

F. Addressing Skill Gaps : E. Legal :
1. Impact : AI as a Service helps bridge skill gaps by 1. AI is used in legal research, contract analysis, and
providing on-demand access to AI capabilities. document review, streamlining legal processes.

2. Significance : Organizations can utilize these ser- 2. Predictive analytics assist in assessing case out-
vices to augment the skills of their workforce, ensuring comes and legal risk, making legal services more ef-
a smoother transition to AI-driven processes and ad- ficient.
dressing the evolving skill requirements in the AI do-
main. E. Automotive :
1. Self-driving cars are a prominent application of AI
6. Impact of AI on the Future of in the automotive sector, with AI algorithms enabling
navigation, obstacle detection, and decision-making.
Work in reference to Various
Sectors 2. AI is also used in manufacturing processes to en-
The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on various hance production efficiency and quality control.
sectors and the future of work and skilling is profound
E. Green Jobs :
and multifaceted. Here’s a brief overview of how AI is
influencing different sectors : 1. AI contributes to the development of sustainable
practices in various industries, promoting green jobs.
A. People with Disabilities (PwD) :
2. Energy optimization, environmental monitoring, and
1. AI technologies have the potential to create more in-
sustainable resource management are areas where AI
clusive workplaces by providing tools and accommo-
can make a significant impact.
dations for individuals with disabilities.
E. Green Jobs :
2. Adaptive technologies, like speech recognition and
natural language processing, can enhance accessi- 1. AI contributes to the development of sustainable
bility and facilitate communication for PwD. practices in various industries, promoting green jobs.

B. Agriculture : 2. Energy optimization, environmental monitoring, and

sustainable resource management are areas where AI
1. AI-powered drones and sensors can be used for pre-
can make a significant impact.
cision agriculture, optimizing resource use, and im-
proving crop yield. Overall, the impact of AI on the future of work is trans-
formative, with opportunities for increased efficiency,
2. Automated machinery and AI algorithms can assist
innovation and job creation. Efforts towards inclusive
in monitoring crop health, predicting diseases, and
education and training programs are crucial to ensure
optimizing irrigation.
that the benefits of AI are accessible to a diverse and
C. Healthcare : evolving workforce.

1. AI is transforming healthcare through predictive an-

alytics, personalized medicine, and improved diag- 7. Focus on R&D and Future Job
nostics. Roles
2. AI applications include medical imaging analysis, Acknowledging the importance of innovation, the
framework encourages an intensified focus on Re-
drug discovery, virtual health assistants, and predic-
search and Development (R&D) in AI and related tech-
tive modeling for disease outbreaks.
nologies for mobility. The inclusion of future job roles,
D. Transportation and Supply Chain : especially those stemming from Generative AI, antici-
pates the evolving landscape and prepares individu-
1. Autonomous vehicles and AI-driven logistics are re-
als for emerging opportunities.
shaping transportation and supply chain management.

2. AI algorithms optimize route planning, reduce fuel

consumption, and enhance overall efficiency in the
movement of goods.

130 India Skills Report 2024

B. Creativity and Innovation: AI serves as a
powerful ally to human creativity, fostering a symbi-
otic relationship that leads to a positive impact on the
workforce. Individuals with a pronounced capacity for
creativity and innovation are poised to be in high de-
mand. While AI takes care of repetitive and algorithmic
tasks, human creativity is leveraged to ideate, concep-
tualize, and innovate. This synergy not only enhances
productivity but also underscores the value of creative
thinking in driving solutions and breakthroughs.

In the face of AI-driven transformations, a crucial con-

cern arises regarding the adaptability of the workforce.
Workers are required to navigate evolving technolo-
gies and dynamic work environments. This necessi-
tates a robust set of employability skills, with adapt-
ability and resilience taking center stage. Employees
who can swiftly adapt to changing circumstances,
Fig: As AI adoption grows, it will demand significant learn new tools and methodologies, and embrace in-
computing and infrastructure resources for AI mobility novation that are better positioned to thrive in an en-
vironment where AI continually reshapes job roles and

8. Cross-Sectoral Skilling NCVET strives to provide a broad-based and exhaus-

tive pool of ES/LS/SS modules/sub-modules, which
also include the 21st Century skills and address the
A notable feature of the framework is its emphasis sectoral and industry demand as well as general and
on cross-sectoral skilling synergies. Recognizing that vocational education ecosystem.
the impact of AI transcends industry boundaries, the
framework suggests the creation of business verti- The NCVET aims to develop a flexible model of ES,
cal-specific cross-sectoral courses. This strategic ap- which will encompass Soft Skills and Life Skills in a dy-
proach ensures that AI skills are not segmented but namic framework. This will also address the challenges
are integrated seamlessly across various sectors, fos- faced in the implementation of the existing NOS. The
tering a more versatile and adaptable workforce. focus is to provide solutions to the Skilling Ecosystem,
which gives them flexibility to develop NOS by assem-
bling the required modules/sub-modules as per the
9. Emphasis on Employability industry/ job role requirement.
Skills, Life Skills, and Soft Skills
Beyond technical competencies, the importance of
employability skills, life skills, and soft skills are critical
while developing and learning an AI skilling qualifica-
tion/ course/ module
A.Critical Thinking: As routine tasks become au-
tomated in the wake of AI integration, there is a notable
positive impact on critical thinking skills. The increas-
ing automation of mundane tasks places a premium
on cognitive and meta-cognitive abilities. The de-
mand for individuals capable of analytical thinking,
problem-solving, and effective decision-making rises
significantly. In navigating the complexities of AI-driv-
en systems, employees equipped with strong critical
thinking skills become invaluable contributors to stra-
tegic decision-making processes.

131 India Skills Report 2024

Fig: Employability Skills/ Life Skills/ Soft

Fig: As AI adoption grows, it will demand significant computing and infrastructure

resources for AI mobility

132 India Skills Report 2024

133 India Skills Report 2024
10. Lifelong Learning and
Continuous Upskilling/Reskilling
A notable feature of the framework is its emphasis
on cross-sectoral skilling synergies. Recognizing that
the impact of AI transcends industry boundaries, the
framework suggests the creation of business verti-
cal-specific cross-sectoral courses. This strategic ap-
proach ensures that AI skills are not segmented but
are integrated seamlessly across various sectors, fos-
tering a more versatile and adaptable workforce.

11. Conclusion
In conclusion, the National Programme on AI Skilling
Framework, emerges as a transformative roadmap for
the dynamic integration of artificial intelligence into
the fabric of India’s workforce. With a nuanced stratifi-
cation of skilling requirements, emphasis on early edu-
cation, ethical considerations, and a focus on technical
expertise, the framework not only addresses the im-
mediate needs of AI proficiency but also lays the foun-
dation for a workforce that is adaptable, innovative,
and ethically responsible. Moreover, by acknowledg-
ing the importance of employability skills, cross-sec-
toral synergies, and a commitment to lifelong learning,
the framework positions India to not merely keep pace
with AI advancements but to lead in shaping the future
of work. This comprehensive approach, encompass-
ing both positive impacts and adaptive responses to
challenges, ensures that the nation can fully harness
the potential of AI, fostering economic growth, innova-
tion, and a highly skilled workforce.

134 India Skills Report 2024

hear from industry leaders. FICSI also entered into two

separate funding agreements with reputable social
organizations to develop and conduct training and
capacity-building programs in the areas of food for-

STRATEGIES FOR tification and millet processing. With the support of In-
dustry CSR funds, FICSI initiated various projects aimed
at recruiting, training, and deploying the workforce,

THE FUTURE empowering women, and building consumer aware-


Actively aligning with the formal education sector, FIC-

SI is introducing skill-based training programs under
the Government’s New Education Policy. Several lead-
ing universities and colleges have signed MoUs, and
implementation is already underway. FICSI organized
the annual National Food Processing Aptitude Test
FICSI - Food Industry & Capacity
(NFPAT) for students in food technology and related
Skill Initiative subjects. This online assessment gauges candidates’
Food Industry & Capacity Skill Initiative (FICSI) is a not- readiness for placement, with high scorers receiving
for-profit organization playing a crucial role as the placement assistance
Sector Skill Council for Food Processing under the Skill
India initiative. The reviewed year marked a significant
return to post-pandemic normalcy, allowing the re-
sumption of skilling activities. Several noteworthy mile-
stones were achieved during this period.

FICSI attained recognition as an Awarding Body from

the National Council for Vocational Education and
Training (NCVET). This accreditation places FICSI’s
skilling programs, learning resources, training centers,
and certifications within the official framework, serv-
Leather Sector Skill Council (LSSC)
ing as a testament to quality for stakeholders. Active- Greetings from the Leather Sector Skill Council!
ly participating in various Central and State Govern- The Indian Leather, Leather Products, and Footwear In-
ment-sponsored skilling training schemes, including dustry holds a prominent place in the Indian economy.
PMKVY, NULM, DDUGKY, Skill hubs, and Samagra Shik- This sector is known for its consistency in high export
sha, FICSI demonstrated its commitment to supporting earnings and it is among the top ten foreign exchange
skill development initiatives. earners for the Country.

Furthermore, FICSI played a vital role in upskilling the The leather industry is an employment-intensive sec-
workforce in the food industry, offering tailored online tor, providing jobs to about 4.42 million people, most-
and offline food safety and hygiene training programs. ly from the weaker sections of the society. Women’s
These programs, designed in accordance with indus- employment is predominant in the leather products
try standards and trends, equip learners with the nec- sector with about 40% share. The past year has been
essary skills and knowledge to ensure the safe and an eventful year for the Leather SSC. We trained 9657
hygienic production and storage of food. Introducing youth, and assessed and certified 8045 youth under
innovative learning methods, FICSI launched the Food various government schemes.
Vaarta podcast channel. The episodes feature indus-
try experts, providing listeners with insights into best We firmly believe that our country has the human re-
practices in food processing. source potential to take it to a 5 Trillion USD economy
by 2027 as envisaged by the Hon’ble Prime Minister.
As part of the Azadi ka Mahotsav initiative, FICSI organ- Skilling the youth, Upskilling, and Reskilling the existing
ized a series of monthly knowledge-sharing webinars, workforce are three drivers that will help in achieving
offering students and practitioners an opportunity to this milestone. A skilled workforce has to be

135 India Skills Report 2024

complemented by technology and automation to im- front of an international audience.
prove productivity and to track the increasing industry
compliance to international environmental standards This skill report prepared by Wheebox provides insights
for a sustainable future. into the skill gaps and measures taken by our sector
skill council to introduce futuristic skills in the sector.
We at Leather SSC firmly believe in Mahatma Gandhi’s
principle of Change “Be the change that you wish to
see in the world.”

The Leather Sector Skill Council, in addition to curricu-

lum development, skill training, and assessments, has
been a change catalyst for the industry, working on
supporting the adoption of technology by the industry
through its initiatives to introduce Industry 4.0 practic-
es in the sector. Automotive Skills Development
Council (ASDC)
We have successfully implemented an IoT (Internet of
Things) based production count tracking system as As the CEO of the Automotive Skills Development
part of a larger production automation system. Council (ASDC), I am pleased to acknowledge the
rapid advancements in technology that are creat-
We launched the SCALE Studio Android app for people ing unprecedented opportunities. The Indian industry,
desiring to learn DIY leather craft from the comfort of contributing 7.1% to the GDP and comprising 49% of the
their homes catering to micro-entrepreneurial talent manufacturing sector, stands as a pivotal force in em-
required for the growing bespoke D2C market. ployment generation.

In an endeavor to revolutionize the way the existing For the industry to sustain and further accelerate its
workforce can be skilled and to provide new aspirants momentum, talent. and skills emerge as key success
with the opportunity to acquire skills through simulated factors. The role of ASDC becomes crucial in uplifting
and immersive learning technology, we launched Vir- the Indian automotive industry through impactful ini-
tual Reality course modules for Computerized Stitch- tiatives in skill development. Our efforts have resulted
ing Machine and Tanning Drum operations. in providing dignified and stable employment oppor-
tunities to the youth of the country, aligning with the
We signed an MoU with the Australian Trade and In- industry’s progress.
vestment Commission (Austrade) - India to collabo-
rate in TVET programs and introduce Australian train- ASDC has played a significant role in delivering train-
ing standards in the Indian leather sector. ing to the youth in the automotive sector. A joint in-
itiative of the Government of India, SIAM, ACMA, and
We signed an MoU with the Advanced Manufacturing
FADA, ASDC has been instrumental in upskilling the
Technology Development Centre, IIT-Madras for de-
workforce in the automobile industry. In our dynamic
veloping Smart Manufacturing systems, 3D Printing,
business environment and ever-evolving technology
Dies, Moulds, and composite material as a part of in-
landscape, we are committed to providing the youth
troducing Industry 4.0 practices for the Footwear and
with the right skills and opportunities.
Leather sector.

At ASDC, we lead the necessary transformation in our

We facilitated the launch of the B.Voc Footwear Manu-
systems and curriculum to keep pace with changing
facturing program by the Anna University, Chennai to
technology. We believe in fostering a collaborative
create a talent pool of graduates skilled in footwear
learning environment to help individuals cope with the
challenges faced in the automotive industry.
We were invited to the World Skills competition as ob-
In collaboration with the Ministry of Heavy Industries,
servers and to participate in the Asia Skills General As-
ASDC has proposed new qualifications under the Cap-
sembly as a precursor to feature leather trades in the
ital Goods Promotion Scheme 2, focusing on new tech-
competition category of these international compe-
nologies aligned with the Production Linked Incentive
titions dubbed as the ‘Olympics’ of Skills and provide
PLI Scheme. Our commitment to developing skilled
Indian students a platform to showcase their talent in

136 India Skills Report 2024

manpower is unwavering, ensuring that every indi-
vidual, from experienced professionals to freshers, re-
ceives the necessary upgrades in their skills.

ASDC has been proactive in conducting various ac-

tivities and events for the development of students
from a young age. In today’s competitive world, indus-
try-specific skills are crucial, and ASDC is dedicated to
spreading awareness about the importance of skills in
one's career. We have launched the National Ol-
ympiad in collaboration with CBSE, the leading school
board in the country.

Under the National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme

(NAPS), ASDC is providing on-the-job training to can-
didates, having successfully engaged over 1.5 lakh
apprentices. Our outreach extends through job fairs
across the country, covering regions like Delhi NCR,
Jharkhand, Gujarat, and more.

ASDC collaborates with industry and academia to de-

velop training programs and certification standards
for new automotive technologies, including electric
and hybrid vehicles. We emphasize on-the-job train-
ing, apprenticeships, and online learning resources
to keep workers updated with the latest automotive
trends. Our commitment to staying abreast of tech-
nological advancements is reflected in collaborations
with International entities like GIZ GmbH and Research
Triangle Institute (RTI), focusing on e-mobility training
for service technicians.

The advanced automotive skill ecosystem in India is

expected to create numerous emerging job roles and
career avenues. The surge in electric vehicles will de-
mand skilled technicians and engineers capable of
managing EV design , manufacturing maintenance
quality, and repair. ASDC is actively involved in upskill-
ing and reskilling programs to prepare the workforce
for these advanced roles. As we move towards a sus-
tainable future, ASDC remains dedicated to shaping
the skills of the workforce, ensuring they are well-pre-
pared for the challenges and opportunities presented
by the evolving automotive industry.

137 India Skills Report 2024

To make India a Semiconductor valley, AICTE launched

two new courses - a diploma in integrated circuit (IC)
manufacturing and BTech or BE (electronics) in VLSI
design and technology. AICTE introduced courses in

INDIAN SKILLING semiconductors such as VLSI design, IC Integrated Chip

Designing, Semiconductor Management, and Silicon
Chemical Extraction among others to produce skilled

AND EDUCATION professionals who can contribute to the manufactur-

ing and designing of microchips. Because AICTE aims

at making India self-reliant in creating microchips. In
a significant move towards strengthening India's
role in the upgradation of the semiconductor industry,
AICTE, under the Ministry of Education's purview,
All India Council For Technical embarked on a mission to enhance India’s semicon-
Education (AICTE) ductor capabilities. A high-level delegation of aca-
Over the years, the All India Council for Technical Ed- demic experts, led by AICTE Chairman Prof. T G Sithar-
ucation (AICTE), has been at the forefront of impart- am, visited Taiwan in September 2023 and engaged
ing quality and technical education through various with various Taiwanese universities, paving the way for
measures, schemes, and initiatives. It has been the an array of Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs)
endeavor of AICTE to make quality technical education between Indian and Taiwanese academic institutions.
inclusive and affordable to all. AICTE has taken sev- These MoUs encompass skill development, student
eral proactive measures for planned and qualitative exchange programs, and collaborative research and
growth of technical education and effectively imple- development efforts. Underpinning this initiative is the
mented the same. AICTE has changed its role from the acknowledgment that semiconductors are integral to
regulator to facilitator and has been ensuring that with virtually every facet of the electronics industry and are
changing times and discoveries/changes in techni- poised to become a trillion-dollar industry by 2030. In-
cal education, the curriculum remains relevant and dia aims to play a pivotal role in semiconductor man-
dynamic. Relevant changes have been incorporated ufacturing, necessitating the development of a skilled
in the Approval Process Handbook which is published workforce.
annually. The focus has always been on the quality of
education, simplicity of procedures, and transparency In order to provide skilled education to working pro-
in implementation. fessionals, AICTE invited applications from approved
institutes to run courses for working professionals from
National Education Policy 2020 (NEP) aims to bridge this academic session. The decision has been taken
the gap between current learning outcomes and what for the continuing education of working profession-
is required by undertaking major reforms that bring the als, and to help students who cannot afford the fee for
highest quality, equity, and integrity into the system. higher technical education but are looking for oppor-
National Education Policy(NEP) envisages multidisci- tunities to earn a degree while working. AICTE is tak-
plinary education so that boundaries are removed to ing every possible measure to interlink industry and
promote the overall development of students in differ- academia. Not just the students, but AICTE is keen on
ent disciplines. In this regard, in line with NEP, AICTE has the development of faculties and keeping them up-
taken multiple initiatives like imparting technical edu- dated with emerging technologies. Therefore in 2023
cation in Indian languages, giving flexibility to students, various steps have been taken for the development
multidisciplinarity, and focusing on innovation at large. of faculties. AICTE partnered with the Jio Institute and
In the last year, AICTE has undertaken prominent in- launched a faculty development program focused on
itiatives to expand the horizons of technical educa- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science. Jio Insti-
tion. AICTE inked strategic MoUs with Industry giants tute, known for its strong AI and Data Science program,
like Adobe, Microsoft, CISCO, and Salesforce on digital hosted the five-day residential program. The collabo-
learning, skill mapping and development of students, ration was inked to introduce a comprehensive facul-
and capacity building of educators. The partnership ty development program on AI and data science. The
signifies a significant step towards empowering stu- primary goal was to provide academic leaders and
dents, educators, and institutions with cutting-edge senior faculty members with an in-depth understand-
technologies and resources. ing of AI and Data Science concepts. One key focus of

138 India Skills Report 2024

the program was the ethical considerations related to
the utilization of AI tools for immersive learning expe-

As far as innovation is concerned, AICTE’s Innovation

Cell is committed to driving positive change and pro-
gress through cutting-edge ideas and creativity. The
cell is completely dedicated to fostering innovation
and entrepreneurship through its innovative initiatives
in collaboration with different ministries and stake-
holders. Hackathons like Smart India, KAVACH-Cyber
Security, Singapore India, etc are being conducted by
AICTE to identify innovative concepts and technology
solutions for addressing challenges of different do-
mains. The purpose of such hackathons is to stay at
the forefront of innovation, exploring new frontiers of
innovation, from AI and sustainability to cutting-edge
solutions that will shape the Future.

AICTE has endeavored 1.0 to support the institutions

to get autonomy, accreditation ranking, etc. through
Margdarshan,1 Adjunct faculty, Unnat Bharat Abhi-
yan, Research Promotion Scheme. AICTE Doctoral Fel-
lowship(ADF), Short Term Training program (STTP),
National Initiative for Technical Teachers Training
Start-up Policy, etc. Model Curricula Teacher Training
Programmes for both new Teachers and in-service
Teachers through ATAL academies, Student Induction
Programmes, Mandatory Internship for students, Rec-
ognition to the teachers, Examination Reforms, Support
for Innovation and entrepreneurship, Industry Interac-
tion Cell, National Perspective Plan are some of the in-
novative ideas implemented by AICTE. AICTE assures
all the stakeholders that it will continue to be a facilita-
tor taking care of the changing needs of all concerned
and hopes that with the concerted effort of all con-
cerned, the quality of technical education in India will
reach a new pinnacle during the coming days.

139 India Skills Report 2024

Association of
Indian Universities

Transformative Skilling Initiatives Dr. Pankaj Mittal

by AIU Secretary General at Association of Indian

The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) stands at

Universities and Chief Commissioner
the forefront of India’s efforts to bridge the skill gap Guides at Bharat Scouts & Guides
and empower its youth for the dynamic job market.
Through a multi-faceted approach, AIU’s initiatives
assessing their impact on the job market and requisite
encompass skill development programs, in-depth
skills. Active participation in developing national occu-
skill gap analysis, capacity building for educators, and
pational standards and qualifications packs ensures
strategic advocacy and networking. These endeavors
that skill development programs align with industry
collectively contribute to reshaping the nation’s talent
landscape and preparing the youth for the demands
of the future workforce. 3. Capacity Building of Faculty and Trainers :
1. Skill Development Programs : Recognizing the pivotal role of educators, AIU conducts
Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) and Training of
AIU’s Skill Development Network (AISDN) acts as a col-
Trainers (ToTs). These programs equip faculty with the
laborative platform, linking universities, colleges, and
knowledge and skills to deliver effective skill develop-
industry partners for targeted skill development pro-
ment courses. The organization also develops e-learn-
grams. Engaging with the government’s National Skill
ing modules, providing flexible and accessible training
Development Mission (NSDM) and the flagship Skill In-
opportunities for faculty and trainers.
dia Mission, AIU designs and delivers courses aligned
with industry needs. Specific instances of success in- 4. Advocacy and Networking :
clude the AISDN collaborating with Tata Motors to train
AIU fosters Industry-Academia Partnerships to facili-
5,000 youth in automotive skills, resulting in 80% of
tate collaboration and knowledge sharing, crucial for
them securing employment within six months. Anoth-
effective skill development. The organization engages
er partnership with IBM led to a skill development pro-
in policy advocacy, pushing for government policies
gram in AI and machine learning, benefiting over 1,000
supporting skill development initiatives and advocat-
students across 20 universities.
ing for close collaboration between education and
2. Skill Gap Analysis and Research : industry sectors. Participation in national and interna-
tional skill development forums enables AIU to share
AIU conducts National Skill Gap Analysis Studies to
best practices and collaborate on a global scale.
identify current and future skill demands across indus-
tries. The organization delves into research on emerg-
ing technologies, such as AI and automation,

140 India Skills Report 2024

Success Stories: AIU’s commitment to industry-relevant skill develop-
ment, coupled with a proactive stance on anticipating
• AIU Skill Development Network (AISDN) : and meeting skill gaps, establishes a foundation for
Collaboration with Tata Motors resulted in training educational programs that align with the needs of a
5,000 youth in automotive skills, with 80% securing rapidly transforming economy. The emphasis on em-
employment within six months. Partnership with IBM powering educators through comprehensive training
led to a skill development program in AI and machine programs enhances the overall quality of skill devel-
learning, benefiting over 1,000 students across 20 uni- opment, creating a positive ripple effect in educational
versities. institutions across the nation.

• National Skill Development Mission (NSDM) :

Furthermore, AIU’s strategic advocacy and networking
AIU’s participation led to the development of over 100
efforts, coupled with active participation in national
new skill development courses, skilling over 50,000
and international skill development forums, foster an
youth across various sectors.
environment of collaboration. This collaborative spirit
• Skill India Mission : AIU’s contribution resulted in the ensures the exchange of best practices, the establish-
establishment of 10 skill development centers across ment of global standards, and a holistic understand-
India, training over 20,000 youth for employment. ing of the evolving employment landscape. Leveraging
technology to provide inclusive learning opportunities,
• Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) : Over
as evidenced by the introduction of e-learning mod-
5,000 faculty members are equipped with the neces-
ules, reflects AIU’s commitment to breaking geograph-
sary skills, leading to a significant improvement in the
ical barriers and catering to a diverse demographic.
quality of skill development programs.
The creation of success stories, exemplified by im-
• Training of Trainers (ToTs) : AIU’s ToT programs pactful collaborations with industry giants like Tata
trained over 2,000 trainers in various skill areas, con- Motors and IBM, underscores the tangible and positive
tributing significantly to the skilling ecosystem. outcomes of AIU’s initiatives.

• Industry-Academia Partnerships : Collabora- As AIU continues to champion innovation and collab-

tions with Infosys and Wipro led to the development oration, it stands at the forefront of cultivating a new
of industry-specific skill development programs, en- generation of professionals equipped not only with
suring graduates are equipped with industry-relevant theoretical knowledge but also with the practical skills,
skills. adaptability, and resilience needed to thrive in India’s
• National and International Skill Development vibrant economic and social ecosystem. In the evolv-
ing narrative of India’s talent readiness, AIU’s vision for
Forums: AIU’s participation raised awareness about
future-ready professionals holds immense promise,
the importance of skill development, fostering collab-
shaping a trajectory toward a dynamic and prosper-
oration between countries and sharing best practices.
ous future.
These success stories are a testament to AIU’s im-
pactful skilling initiatives. By collaborating with indus-
try partners, government agencies, and educational
institutions, AIU continues to make a significant contri-
bution to skilling India’s youth, preparing them for the
evolving demands of the future workforce.

Shaping India’s Future Workforce

The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) emerg-
es as a pioneering force in reshaping India’s talent
landscape and fostering a dynamic, future-ready
workforce. Through a multifaceted approach, AIU’s in-
itiatives are strategically designed to bridge the gap
between academia and industry, ensuring that gradu-
ates are not only academically adept but possess the
practical skills demanded by evolving job markets.

141 India Skills Report 2024

survey that included comprehensive demographic in-
formation from the participants. To ensure robust and

APPENDIX unbiased data representation, statistical procedures

were employed to analyze assessment scores on all
demographic factors, preventing any risk of data po-
Dear Readers,
The survey covered a spectrum of parameters, includ-
As part of our commitment to providing comprehen- ing educational domains, skill-oriented employability,
sive and transparent information, we extend an invi-
state-specific employability (leading to the identifi-
tation to explore the resources available in relation to
cation of the top 10 states), city-specific employabil-
the India Skills Report (ISR). The following key points
ity (resulting in the identification of the top 10 cities),
highlight the materials at your disposal to verify the
gender-specific employability, expected salary rang-
research conducted by ISR to bring this report to you
es, interest in internship opportunities, and user data.
under these 4 main objectives :
The inclusion of psychometric evaluations and specif-
• Extended Information : Delve deeper into specific
ic questions about education allowed for a nuanced
details, supporting data sets, and intricate aspects of
understanding of the non-technical skill profile of the
the ISR’s findings throughout the report for a clear pic-
ture of this year’s findings. participants.

• Enhanced Understanding : The supplementary The Hiring Intent Survey - Early Career Edition was a
materials added throughout the report aim to enrich collaborative effort between Taggd and PeopleStrong,
your understanding of the ISR’s primary content by of- reaching out to over 150 organizations across 15 indus-
fering additional context, visuals, and data sets.
tries. Conducted online from September to Novem-
• Reader’s Discretion : Feel free to refer to these re- ber, the survey garnered 150+ completed responses,
sources at your convenience. The inclusion of these forming the basis for the subsequent analysis. This
materials in the report is designed to respect the co- comprehensive approach, blending quantitative and
herence and flow of the main report while providing an
qualitative insights, ensures a thorough understanding
avenue for those seeking more in-depth insights.
of the dynamic landscape of employability and hiring
• Comprehensive Documentation : The append- preferences in India for the year 2024.
ed materials include raw data sets, detailed techni-
cal specifications, survey instruments, reference links, Thank you for your continued interest in the India Skills
sources, reports, and other supporting documents that Report. We hope the various visual and textual sub-
contribute to the ISR’s rigorous research methodology. jects added to this year’s research enhance your ex-
perience and facilitate a more profound engagement
Survey Methodology and Data with the insights presented.
Best Regards,
The India Skills Report is an amalgamation of two dis-
India Skills Report 2024 by Wheebox
tinct yet complementary studies: the Wheebox Nation-
al Employability Test (WNET) and the India Hiring Intent
Survey - Early Career Edition 2024. The WNET focused
on evaluating the employability of young individuals,
gauging their readiness for India’s evolving job market.
On the other hand, the 2024 India Hiring Intent Survey
delved into the hiring trends and preferences of over
150 corporate entities across 15 diverse industries for
the upcoming year.

For the WNET, an extensive online skill evaluation was

conducted nationwide, engaging with more than
3,75,000 students across various educational domains.
The responses were collected through a structured

142 India Skills Report 2024

India Skills Report
2024 Team

Shweta Jha Amit Mathur Rishabh Lakhotia

VP - International Business VP - Strategy & Growth General Manager - Marketing
Wheebox Wheebox Wheebox

Kabir Krishna Kamakshi Pant

Deputy Director - Skill Development Chief Business Officer
& Livelihood, Confederation Taggd
of Indian Industry

143 India Skills Report 2024

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146 India Skills Report 2024

147 India Skills Report 2024

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